Weird Kid

This is my first REAL attempt at a story. I’m going to take my time with this one; if you don’t like the lack of sex in it then I’m sorry. If all goes well I’ll post some more of it. Be Gentle.
Weird Kid
I was never really accepted by my peers. I was always the outcast. just because I did things out of norm. While played football, I watched MMA. While they complained I would work hard. If they smoked and drank I would silently curse them for those stupid things to themselves.
My name is Jack O’Conner, and I’m one weird kid. When I was younger talked a lot. It seemed that when I was asleep I would store up all my thoughts for the next morning. And when my mother would say “good morning sweetie” I would unleash all of my stored up thoughts in on movement of my lips. It must have been extremely annoying to have to listen to random bits about my scattered and frantic dreams.
When I turned 12 I was already attending Elementary school. I wasn’t exactly the most popular. In fact I wasn’t as social as I had been a few years before. I had no friends, and liked to keep to myself. It may have seemed like it was all on my own doing, but it wasn’t. I wanted to be social with people, but it was really hard for me; partly because I was very shy and that I couldn’t relate to anything others did. I was always fascinated with computer games, and reading books, such a quality was and still is very hard to find in people. So with that I was classified as a “Nerd.” And slowly after that I was weeded out of activity groups, and all my “friends” slowly faded away; people in general stopped communicating with me.
But now I’m 16, and it seems that what had happened for four years is going to continue. I walk the halls of my high school a social outcast, ignored and forgotten. To try and fit in I gave my hand at football, it seemed as though I had broken my cardinal rule; Never get involved with others. I created that rule, because it seemed that I would make quite a fool of myself if I attempted to do things with others. And as you may have guessed it was a complete failure, and it was slightly crushing.
There is one thing that I appreciate about myself. I won’t brag, because I know there are others that are better looking. But, I’m 6’4″ and I tip the scales at 235 lbs.

I do think that the one “good” thing that came out of the unwarranted hate; was that I had plenty of extra time to work on my physique. Most everybody would spend that time with friends, or at some sort of sporting event; not me. I would come home from school every day, complete my daily assignments and then head to my in-home garage. I would do rigorous workouts either at my house or at the school weight room. It would consist of Running, Free weights and punching bag striking. The only downside was that it seemed to worry my mom; she thought I was depressed or angry. I am neither, I’m actually quite grateful for their hate towards me. It allowed me to build up defensive barriers that are so desperately needed in today’s society.
But, I’ll get along with what I have to say. My story begins at the middle of my sophomore year in high school. I was 16 as I said, and it was just one of those average days. It was a Wednesday morning, and it was a cold one. “Shit” I thought to myself. Everyone was wearing at least a jacket, and it was April! But it didn’t bother me, seeing as I had a car and my license.
“Jack! Jack! Hurry up! Your gonna be late!” my mother wildly yelled from the kitchen. I didn’t utter a response. I just threw on my favorite red shirt, and faded jeans. I realized the time and quickened my pace down the hall towards the front room. “Ma…….” I stopped mid sentence, I wanted to speak but I was in complete shock; almost to the point of fainting. Taylor Behnke, the prettiest girl in my sophomore class was sitting on my couch! “Uh…uh…Hey” I stupidly sputtered at her. “Hey Jack” she sweetly voiced. She said it so lightly, that it made me almost faint again.
“Oh good, you met your new carpool buddy!” I was dumb struck. “Her mother asked if you could take her with you to school.” I simply nodded my acceptance, I felt it was little too eager; but oh well. I would try and hide my fright of her; she was such a beautiful girl and I’m a shy dweeb. It was slightly nerve racking. “Well, Taylor we have to get going.” I followed her to the door, “Good bye Sweetie!” my mother yelled at me. I blushed deeply as Taylor lightly giggled.
As we drove to school I kept glancing over at Taylor; god was she beautiful. She could move cities with her looks; 5’5″, Brown hair and the deepest blue eyes. She woke me out of the trance with a “What’s wrong?” I suddenly realized that I had been caught staring at her, “Erm, nothing…sorry.” I muttered. I was quiet all the way to school after that. I quickly noticed the routine. I would take her to and from school with me and then drop her off at her house after school. Except Fridays, she would usually wait for me; partly because she did homework in the library and that I lifted at the school on Fridays. And it was one of those Fridays that changed it all for me. It was rainy and cold again, so not many people stayed after school for anything. So I had the weight room all to myself, so I decided to get on with my lift.
It was somewhere around 30 minutes into my workout when I heard a loud “Stop!” I would of normally let this go, but given the conditions I couldn’t. I exited the room, and saw light coming from one of the many darkened classrooms. I slowly opened the door and noticed 2 of the school’s Football players surrounding a girl, I heard her voice again and it was Taylor! They we’re failing at attempts to grope her and get her shirt off. “Stop, please!” she pleaded with them, and they just nodded their heads no and laughed at her. I clenched my fists as I felt my rage boil over, and without thinking I sprinted full speed into the first one and knocked him over. As he was rolling out of the way, I stood up and brought my foot straight up and into the second guy’s abdomen. I followed the kick up by slamming my fist into his jaw, shattering it. He crumpled into a heap on the ground; Bloodied and beaten. The first guy must have gotten up at this point because he tackled me to the ground. I quickly sprawled and got up to my feet. I brought my knee crashing into his face, followed by a few fists to his disgusting mouth. And just like his friend, fell into a bloody heap on the ground.
I was sweating and my arms were pulsing with shocked veins; and they were covered with blood. Taylor just looked at me in complete shock and awe, “go wait for me by the principal’s office.” I gruffly said. She quickly sprinted out of the room, I looked back at the two men laying on the ground. “If I ever see you talking to her again, I’ll do more then beat the piss out of you.” I stated coldly.
I drove Taylor home in dead silence, when I dropped her off at her house she looked me in the eyes and said “Thank you.” She followed it up with a kiss on my lips. It was unlike any feeling I had ever felt before. I blushed slightly and said “No problem” she smiled and left me in my car. For the first time, I felt weird. I didn’t exactly understand what it meant, but I wish I could have another one.

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Anonymous readerReport

2015-01-03 04:54:35
Dude you should continue this as a series it would be really good

Anonymous readerReport

2010-04-28 13:20:40
good intro, great details, now were used to the character cant wait for the story to get going!

Anonymous readerReport

2010-04-26 10:13:31
Make sure you keep it in present tense but I’m looking forward to part 2

Anonymous readerReport

2010-04-26 09:19:20
Good intro, now it’s time to get the story going! 😉 Looking forward to part two!

Anonymous readerReport

2010-04-25 22:36:55
a couple typos and misconceptions but a good developing story. keep it up