Teen Female Solo

Riding Red

Once upon a time, there was a young woman, who lived with her parents on a small farm by the edge of a forest.

Teacher’s Threat

(Be prepared for a long one, this story is ~25k words!) A girl finds out she has a crush on her teacher and stops at nothing to fulfill her fantasies. Hope you enjoy!

I Miss that Dog

Hi, this is a true story of what happened to me through my own sexual curiosity when I was fourteen. Please contact me if you enjoy what happened.

Money part 1

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

The Girls Who Shared a Bed

About me, the author: My name is Lucy, I’m a 23-year-old graduate student, and this is my first story on this site. It is purely a work of fiction, and I encourage readers to tell me what you think about this story.

The seventh Rachel’s Shaved Pussy

My foray into the world of erotic bondage. If anybody wants more pain in a story of this type, sorry, but that ain’t really my kind of thing. I did enjoy the opportunity to mix it up with a wide variety of… well, you’ll see.

Me and my best friend-Chapter One

this is true, I was about 14 and it was really amazing and im still going out with him!
it was a sunday night, i was sitting in my room playing on the computer, all of a sudden this sex add came up, it had porn and girls and everything on it i was amazed how sexy it looked, i clicked on it and all this hard core porn showed up, there was gay, lesbian.
i clicked on this porn film called ‘fuck reall hard’, i began to watch it seeing this made me so horny, i slowly slipped my hand down my body feeling my boobs then my belly and in my pants, i started to rub my vagina softly, as i watched it they started to go really fast, so i copied them and felt this hole so i put my finger in it, it hert at first but then i put another finger in and soon i had 3 in, on the porn they started cumming, and i got this strange feeling, my legs turnd to jelly as my spine tinggeled i got an orgamsam.
i just sat there in glory and pain, not really knowing what has happend, i heard my dad coming up the stairs so i took my hand out of my pants and turnd of the porn, sitting breathing heavy i got my hoodie that was on my bed and put it on and put up my hood, he came in and asked me if i was ok and what i wanted for dinner, i answerd saying ” whatever your having,” whilst breathing heavily,
“ok,” said my dad a bit curios to see my face,
as he walked down stairs i turned my computer of and read a book, it wasn’t soon till he came back up with a sandwich and a load of crisps, and put them on my bed and looked at me and walked out.
for some strange reason i fell asleep, probably to tierd after that.
the next day i awoke with my friend (luke) knocking on the door asking for his game back, i walked down stairs in my dressing gown and slippers,
“shannon, hurry up!” luke shouted,
“ok,ok, im coming!” i screamed
i answerd the door and shuved him inside and practacly dragged him up stairs so he could get the game,
“you woke me up…For THAT Game?” i asked
“yes, i want to have my go now” luke answerd
“here!, i want it back tonight!” i screamed
“all right…jeez” luke said cocky like
he ran out and shouted thanks half way down the street,
my dad just got out of bed and ran to get his clothes and went to work,
“working late tonight dont answer the door to nobody!” shouted my dad as he got in the car.
i went back on the computer and looked at the porn agian, this time there was stories, which i read for more than an hour, soon i wanted to watch porn insted of read it, so i looked over and over agian for the hardest porn ever, it was 2 hours till i found the dirtest, rudest, sexy porn you could imagin, agian i started fingering myself but more confidently and horny,
it was 5pm and my dad stays at work untill 6am as he works as a security man down in the shopping center.
so i knew i was safe to go on all night if i wanted to!
i turned the volume on loud so i would get more horny,
suddenly i herd a bang on the front door to slow my bedroom door opened, it was luke,
he just stud there, mouth opened and gazing at me,
i jumped up and turned my computer of, i was so embarrest, i had a red face and i was half naked,
luke had a big smile it was as if he liked it.
i said sorry so many times and he just giggeld, i out my pants on and took him down stairs, he asked if he could have a drink and i said no but he kept asking so i made him some coco (to tell you the truth i did have a secrat crush on him) i sat near him and he just smiled, i turned the TV on and started watching this cartoon,
“sooo, why did you do that?” he asked
“hhherrrrrmmmmm…i don’t know(?)” i answerd
“don’t worry, my mum caught me!” he said
“what happend?” i asked
“i got grounded then she gave me ‘THE’ Talk” he answerd ‘Dramaticly’
“god, thank god it was only you!” i said
“why didn’t you want the talk?” he asked
“NO!” i answerd
“you not going that easily then!” he said
“why what you going to do then,” i asked
he looked at me and i looked at him, suddenly i grabbed a pillow and hit him with it and so did he,
the pillow fight went on for ages, and then we got bored so i asked him if he wanted to go on the trampoline
i have in my back garden, he agread and we ran, knowing it would be dark i put on the big light that is used to detect people if they go near our house, we jumped on the trampoline pushing eachother over every time we got up, we started breathing heavily and sat down still jumping on our bums slowly.
“hey,” wisperd luke
“what?” i asked
“wana play truth or dare?” he asked
“yea of…” he stopped me
“dirty typ?” he asked flirty
“erm…sure!” i said
“truth or dare?” he asked
“truth” i anserd
“have you ever had sex?” he asked
“no…no i havn’t,” i answerd
“truth or dare?”i asked
“dare!” he answerd
“i dare you to hump that tree…pants down!” i requested
“yuk!…but i’ll do it” he answerd
He pulled his pants down with a large thick penis, and started humping this tree, and got a bit of an erection.
he came back on the trampoline and asked,
“truth or dare?” he asked
“truth!” i said
“oh..say dare please!” he begged
“fine…DARE!” i said
“dare you to pull your pants down and run round naked!” he asked
“no way!” i said
“i had to hump a tree!” he said
i got of the trampoline and pulled my pants down showing my vagina and ran round, he started getting an erection full on!
he jumped of and ran to me and kissed me, i kissed him back and we went up stairs.
“shannon, i love you!” he said
“i have a huge crush on you!” i screamed as we giggeld and went in my room,
he sat on my bed and pulled his top of, i ran into my dads room looking for a condom, i found one saying ‘apple flaver’.
i ran back in and he was fully naked with a bulging erection, i passed him the condom and he put it one, i started getting naked for him and jumped on him, he suddenly asked,
“have you really never had sex?”
“no, but i want you to pop my cherry!” i said
he looked suprised and tried to put his dick in me, as soon as he did i felt a massive pain through my body,
he asked me if i was alright but i just said carry on,
we started slow and gaind speed, it turned from pain to pleasure,
“faster…faster luke!” i demanded
“ok, you want this harder!” he asked
“yes, yes…harder faster” i screamed
his penis was raging hard, he screamed,
“im cumming, im cumming!” over and over agian
“let it out” i screamed
“oh, a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a…..OH FUCK ME” he screamed as he was having an orgasam
i laid on him, trying to get my breath back…
i got of him and i started bleeding on my sheets, we looked at each other and laughed,
“how am i going to explain this to my dad?” i asked
“i told you…you were going to get ‘THE’ Talk” he said
i looked at him and kissed him agian,
i looked at my alarm clock and it said 4:56 am,
“luke, my dad will be home soon, just leave it your 14 he will understand!” said luke
we laid down naked under my covers and went to sleep, knowing i’ll have ALOT to explain!
To Be Continued….

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The Internet Cherry

I remember getting my first AOL Massager when I was 11 years old. I know computers were out way before then but I lived a sheltered life and it was the first time my mom even considered getting us a computer. It wasn’t long before I fell hard for the internet and everything it offered.
It all started when I got bored and found a game site where you could play board games and talk to people right there online. The chatting soon directed me to chat rooms and anyone who would talk to an 11 year old female. The normal boring life conversations soon turned into cyber sex. As I didn’t know anything about sex it all started out as questions. Some guys would get angry with me and soon leave. However, others stayed around and took the time to explain the human body to me and what all the sex parts were called. The guys that took the time to teach me soon wanted to call me and talk to me on the phone and I let them. They told me how to rub my clit and when to put a finger inside myself. I started out with a small finger and the more I played and touched the more fingers I could fit. One guy told me to use the handle of my hair brush during one of our phone chats. It felt so good inside of me!
By the time I was 12 years old I had gotten a web cam and was even taking pictures and videotaping myself. I was still a virgin and wanted more than anything to have sex with almost anyone! I was meeting guys from all over the United States that wanted to have cyber sex or phone sex with me. They wanted me to send pictures and/or video tapes. However, I couldn’t find anyone local who would come see me in person.
One evening I was up late talking to a guy named Scott. I had met him a year ago and he always had a new idea of something to try or something he wanted me to do. This evening he wanted me to go into the kitchen and find a straw. I found an old red bendable straw with ripples, the kind you use to get in kids drinks in those plastic cups. Scott guided me in playing with my clit and just holding the straw against my opening but not to let it go inside yet. I opened my pussy lips to show him my clit and how wet I was. I rubbed and pinched my nipples when he asked me to. I sat there in front of my web cam showing him what I was doing as he told me what to do. I rubbed my clit between two fingers and to side to side. I then took one finger and started rubbing little circles until I got very close to cumming. As I got close he then told me to start sliding the straw in and out. I started to use the straw to fuck myself and it felt so great with the ripples in it. As I started to cum I started to pump the straw harder and faster until I felt a sharp pain and froze. I looked down and must have just stood there staring because then next thing I knew Scott was yelling at me to tell him what was wrong. I couldn’t even speak as I raised my hands to show the webcam the blood dripping down my fingers and straw onto the floor.
I must have had the look of fear on my face because Scott then told me in a firm voice that it was alright and I would be ok. His voice became a lot kinder and gently. He told me to go clean up and he’ll wait for me. I did as I was told and quickly cleaned myself up and then came back to take care of the pile of blood still sitting on my floor. I later found out that I had popped my own cherry with the straw. He told me not to worry and that I’ll be alright.
I didn’t really get to talk to Scott again because soon after I met a new guy named Mark. He was everything I thought I wanted. Very nice, cute, and only lived an hour away from me! He had a webcam too so I got to watch the other person for a change. I found out everything I could about him. He was 22 years old and I fell head-over-heels! I would come home from school just to sit on the internet for hours just waiting for him to get online to talk to me. I was like a love sick puppy that couldn’t help but obsess over this guy I thought I knew everything about.
Over time I continued to talk to him as much as I could. Wait for him for hours to get online. No matter how much I begged him though he wouldn’t come and see me…. He told me he would a few times but then would never show. I use to sit up the whole night just waiting for him till I finally feel asleep with my window open. Years went by and I had finally turned 13! I started to give up on Mark and soon started talking to anyone who would talk to me online. I remember having up to 20 or 25 online boyfriends at one time. However, none of them ever found out about the other ones. I had to start keeping a journal just to keep them all straight so none of them could find out. I would sit and talk to 10 to 12 at a time on average. I would have to come up with excuses why my webcam wouldn’t work since I could only let one guy see it at a time. I’ll have cam sex with one and then the other back to back to please them all. Sometimes I’ll cam with one guy and have cyber sex online with the other 10 at the same time.
Till one day I did get caught. Not only did I just get caught but I got caught by the love of my life!!! For some reason the webcam didn’t turn off when I got off with Mark. I turned it on for another guy not knowing that Mark could still see me. When he asked me about it I told him I did the show for him but he didn’t believe me! I guess I wouldn’t believe myself either.
I spent days begging him to take me back and please forgive me. He finally said he would but I was his and only his. I was never to talk to another guy or even date another guy again. I quickly agreed just happy to have Mark back talking to me.
If you would like to hear more please let me know. Thanks 🙂

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Caught by her neighbour boy

Caught by her neighbour boy
Kaya opened the door and stepped inside. Thank God there was something like airconditioning, it was way better here than outside. She walked through the room into the hallway and started walking up the stairs. Once she came to her room, she quickly took off her shirt and bra. After all, that’s what she was here for.
The moment her bra fell on the floor, Kaya noticed her sock drawer was open. She walked over there and as she wanted to close it, she saw the top of her favorite toy sticking out a little. She remembed what happened this morning, when she was busy with herself when she got called and had to get up as soon as possible, not being able to finish what she started. She realized that was probably the reason why she was feeling so turned on all the time.
How long would it take her to get off if she started now, she wondered? Would the people outside start wondering where she was, or wouldn’t they even notice? She decided not to think about it too much. Suddenly she had to go to the bathroom. She ran down the stairs again, stepped inside the little room, locked the door and pulled down her pants. After she was done, she pulled up her pants again. At that point she realized she was still really turned on. Why couldn’t she just have finished this morning, then she wouldnt have had this problem. She ran up the stairs for the second time and got her bikini out of her closet. That was the purpose of her being in her own room, getting ready for the big water fight.
She dropped the bikini on her bed and started to take off her pants. When she stepped out of it, she also took off her shorts, making her completely naked. Kaya couldn’t resist to take another look at her half open sock drawer. The tip of her toy was still sticking out and it looked like it begged her to grab it. She thought for a few seconds, softly whispered “aww, what the hell” to herself and grabbed her black friend out of the drawer. Quickly, she jumped on her bed.
Wasting no time, Kaya took her toy in her mouth, while her free hand went down her body. When she touched her private parts for the first time, she realized she was being really aroused. Gently she slided the tip of her middle finger in her wet kitty. Deeper and deeper it went, until her whole finger was inside her. She took it out and immediately added another finger. They both went in very smooth, the sign for Kaya to take them out and use her toy. She grabbed the dildo with her right hand and stuffed it in as fast as she could. She moaned softly, knowing she left all doors open so she shouldn’t make too much noise.
As she stroked her boobs with one hand, the other one made the black toy go in and out of her pussy. Faster and deeper she went, and she felt this was not gonna take long. That was the advantage of having been masturbating earlier today, she was really close to coming now. She could feel her body starting to shake a little as the toy kept slamming in and out of her. Her breath got heavier and she had to do her very best not to start making a lot of noise. She stopped caressing her tits and started sucking on her hand, fantasizing about pleasuring that cute boy from her class. She couldn’t hold back anymore and was about to come.
Seconds later, Kaya banged the toy in for one last time. Her whole body shivered and she felt the big orgasm running through her body. She pressed her lips on to each other tightly, making herself unable to make any sound. After the orgasm was gone, she took out the toy and layed it down next to her. She lied on her bed for about a minute. Suddenly, she heard something. Or someone, actually. Someone was running up the stairs. “Kaya”, he screamed.
Dammit, Kaya thought. It was her neighbour boy, wanting to know where she was. He knew the way, since Kaya always watched him at her place when his and her parents were out playing squash together. Her mind went blank, as she jumped up from the bed, grabbed the toy and run towards her sock drawer. She threw it in and the moment she turned around to get to her clothes, the boy opened the door. “Jake”, Kaya said. Jake, who had just turned 15, was stunned. It was the first time he ever saw a girl naked, and it was his 3 years older neighbour girl standing in front of him without any clothes. Kaya was so flabbergasted about the boy staring at her, she forgot to hide her private parts from his eyes. For seconds they stood there, until Kaya’s mind rebooted and she quickly put on her bikini. Without saying anything, she walked past the boy and run down the stairs, waiting for the kid to follow her.
She didn’t really know what do to next, whether she should talk to him about what happened or she should just leave it. She decided to pick the second option, waited for Jake to be next to her and walked outside. She realized she was probably lucky she hid the toy in time, so Jake would know for sure she had been masturbating.
This text is based on a true story… Names in the story might be as they are or might be changed due to privacy issues… You won’t know 😉

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begging for it

Begging For It
Part 1
Jenny would always wonder if it was luck or if they had wanted her for some reason. She was attractive, 27 years old with dark red hair, milky skin and full, heavy breasts that made men stare – but she didn’t think she was exceptional. Maybe the only thing about her that was exceptional was that she had walked past the dark blue van idling on the side of the road on her way into town. That was when, half aware of hearing the door open, she was suddenly struggling to breathe through the heavy cloth against her face. She clawed at it and kicked out at nothing as arms around her waist half lifted, half dragged her backwards. She felt the raised floor of the van scrape the back of her legs as she was pulled inside. It was only once she heard the door slam shut she even remembered to scream. Then someone hit her across the side of the face, the blow softened somewhat by the cloth covering it, but hard enough to knock her to the floor. She felt the engine start.
“Shut up, bitch.” A man’s voice hissed above her. “You shut the fuck up and stay that way if you know what’s good for you.” She heard someone laugh softly, excitedly, in the corner. Two of them. And the driver. Jenny was terrified.
“Please don’t hurt me -” She whimpered into the thick fabric, and felt a hand close round her throat.
“I told you to shut the fuck up. Do as you’re told. Do exactly what I fucking tell you.” The hand loosened it’s grip. “Don’t hurt you? You’re gonna get fucked, cunt. That’s all you’re good for. We’re gonna have some fun, and yeah, it won’t be as much fun for you.” Laughter again “But you keep the fuck quiet and do as you’re told and you’ll get home safe.” She sobbed as she felt a hand slide up her inner thigh and come to rest against her crotch. “That’s the deal, bitch. It’s the best offer you’re gonna get. So if you want to take it, you need to reach down and peel off these little panties of yours so I can get a good look at what I’ll be pounding later.”
Hands shaking and tears running down her face, Jenny fumbled for the edges of her clinging satin pants and slid them down her legs, revealing a pert, rounded ass and a neat little pussy outlined with a faint tracery of red hair. The pants were snatched out of her hands.
“Lift your skirt” A new voice ordered sharply “And spread your legs.”
Hating herself, Jenny did as she was told, hitching the black pencil skirt up around her waist and spreading her pale thighs as far apart as she could stretch them, too scared to disobey. The cold gritty surface of the van floor scraped her ass.
“Flexible!” The voice sounded amused. “That should be fun. Now the top.”
Jenny fumbled with a buttons on her white blouse just as the vibrations of the van’s engine stopped.
“No time” said the first voice, impatiently. He took handfuls of the shirt and yanked violently. Buttons sprayed around the van’s interior with a rattle. The top was roughly forced down her arms, leaving her with her legs spread and her bra exposed, her large breasts straining against the thin black nylon, her erect nipples visible through the cloth. Someone flicked her right nipple with a fingernail.
“She’s enjoying it!” The second voice laughed.
“Who cares if a whore fucking enjoys it?” The first voice said contemptuously. “We’ll see how long that lasts. Get her inside.”
The bag was pulled swiftly from over her head, leaving her blinking in the sudden light. It was a warehouse – there were a lot of them, huge and cavernous on the edge of town. She realised if she screamed it probably wouldn’t even reach the walls. She was sitting in her bra and pencil skirt on a wooden chair, surrounded by various industrial detritus and a thin mattress on the floor. There were three men. Their faces were covered. One – the eldest, she thought, a white man with greying hair at his temples – approached her and she saw he had a knife in his hand. She almost screamed, but managed to suppress it. He reached out and sliced through each of her bra straps with a snap, then between the two cups. Her breasts tumbled heavily out, hanging there soft and inviting. He rested the cold metal of the knife against a nipple, making her shiver.
“Now the skirt” he said, and she recognised him as the first one who spoke to her “What do you think, bitch? Shall we take another good look at that tight little pussy of yours?” She didn’t answer. Another man – a slender, well muscled black guy – laughed again. The knife came to rest under her chin. “Good girl.” The man said softly. “But once we’ve got you stripped, we’re going to turn the camera on.” He gestured to a glassy glint up in a corner “And every time I ask you a question, bitch, you’re going to say yes. I’m gonna ask if you want me to fuck you and you’re gonna say yes. If you don’t want us to hurt you, you’re gonna beg us to fuck you. You see my friend?” He pointed towards the third man, the driver, a man built like a truck. “You’re gonna beg to suck his cock and once you’ve swallowed his cum down you’re gonna beg for more like the desperate fucktoy you are.” He put the knife in his belt and pulled her skirt sharply down over her hips and on to the floor. “Shall we get started?”
“Yes.” Jenny whispered, frightened.
“Get on the mattress, bitch. Hands and knees.”
Jenny, cold and naked, staggered over to the mattress on the ground and fell to her knees. As she bent forward to put her hands on the ground, her tits swung like a pendulum beneath her. From the corner of her eye she could see the second man turning on the video camera. The first moved around behind her. She suddenly received a stinging slap on the ass. “You ready, bitch?”
“Yes.” Jenny said, blinking back tears.
“You want me to fuck you?”
“You want all of us to fuck you?”
“Yes.” Jenny whimpered, feeling her pussy tighten with anxiety.
She felt the head of his cock brushing her slit as he bent over her and whispered “Beg”.
“I – I want you to fuck me. I – I want your cock. I’m just…” She felt sick “Just a fucktoy. I want…”
She broke off with a yelp as he shoved the wide head of his cock into her dry pussy. The friction was painful as he began to fuck her, pushing himself relentlessly deeper into her tightly clenched cunt. His cock wasn’t that big – maybe seven inches – but it was thick and she felt the soft inside of her pussy stretch and bruise as he ground the last inch of himself cruelly into her with deliberate sadistic glee. He could feel her gripping him like a vice as he fucked her with short sharp strokes. Her cunt felt like dry silk. He reached around beneath her and drove his fingers as hard as he could into her sensitive breasts. He came inside her as she cried out in pain. He pulled out without ceremony and nodded to the second man. “You’re up.”
He was up, Jenny noticed in panic, a good ten inches up. As he took his place behind her, she managed to say “Please…” and then screamed as he rammed nine inches into her in one swift movement. He slapped her on the ass, then pulled out and rammed it home again, the end of his cock hitting the top of her cunt like a battering ram. The fact that he could slide in easily now just made it faster and harder. After the forth stroke he kept up the pressure, until some muscle in her gave and let the last inch of him. Then she moaned in pain as he fucked her fast and hard. When she felt his cum pumping into her, it was such a relief she cried out in pleasure.
“You really do like cum, don’t you, fucktoy?” The third man said mockingly as the second pulled out. He was stood in front of her and to her horror his erect cock must have been at least 12 inches. Suddenly she understood what she was supposed to do.
“I want to suck your cock.” She said, desperately. She got up onto her knees in front of him. “Please let me suck it.” She begged, tears running down her face “I want to drink your cum. Please.” She was so desperate not to be raped with something so big she didn’t wait for a reply, just lunged forward, sliding her lips and tongue over the huge thing as far as she could, licking and sucking like it was candy, just wanting to make him happy so it would stop. She could hear laughter as he grabbed her by the hair and started to fuck her mouth, so she had to fight not to choke. But she was managing it until, with a snap, a leather whip landed sharply across her ass, leaving a long red mark on the white skin and causing her to accidentally bite down in shock. It wasn’t hard, but the cock was pulled from her lips with a yell and the man viciously backhanded her across the face, sending her sprawling onto the mattress. She heard the man’s friends laughing hysterically and his protests of “It’s not funny!”.
“Turn the camera off” the first man said “I think she needs a time out.” Looking up, she saw him removing the long belt from his jeans and thought she was about to be beaten. The man nodded to his large friend “Get her legs up.” The man, looking furious, seized her ankles and roughly forced her legs up and back until her knees were pressed into her chest. The man wrapped the belt around the back of her knees and around her body, pinning her arms to her sides in the process. He pulled it tight as it would go, until she couldn’t move an inch from that position, her legs trussed uncomfortably up against her. “Get the chair.”
She wailed in horrified anticipation when she saw it. It was a sturdy metal chair, but screwed into the seat was an upright metal dildo, 12 inches long and with an exaggerated bulbous head on it almost 3 inches wide, the work of a sadistic craftsman. The largest of the men lifted her easily – she wasn’t able to struggle or fight – and held her so that the bulb was pressed firmly against her labia. Unable to stretch around it, they were pushed painfully up into her pussy as he started to lower her down onto the thing. As it reached its widest point, she screamed as she felt herself tear and begged him to stop.
“Shut the fuck up.” The first man snapped. “There’s an eighteen incher on the workbench and if you don’t shut your cunt mouth I’ll use that instead. And I’ll have it in your ass. Not a sound.”
Terrified, Jenny bit her tongue and tried not to groan as she was eased down over six inches of the enormous dildo, stretching and tearing agonisingly. Then the man let go.
Unable to support herself at all, she slid down four inches immediately, screaming uncontrollably as she was impaled with her full weight onto the monster metal cock, bucking in pain as it forced her cervix upwards, stretching her more than she imagined possible. Then with a jolt and a stab of pain the last two inches slammed into her, leaving her helpless, unable to move with the thing inside her. The third man leaned over her shoulder.
“Now you think about what you did.” He said, mockingly. And all three walked away, leaving her alone in the warehouse.

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The real author of this story is Arthur Saxon. More information about him on his profile page: http://stories.xnxx.com/profile530899/

Patricia part 5

On Saturday night I dropped in to Russ’s place to find the gang playing poker at the table in his room and Bazz and Pat rooting on Russ’s bed, Bazz still had his jeans on and Pat still had a dress on but I could see a pair of knickers on the floor.
Neither of them looked up as I entered and Bazz soon finished and pulled out then returned to the table leaving Pat laying spread eagled on the Bed.
Pat pulled her dress down and rolled on to her side calling Bazz a “mongrel using bastard” before they started abusing each other.
Bazz sat back at the table with his back to her and started playing poker while they argued back and forth.
No one else seemed to take any notice as it was apparently a common thing.
Pete was sitting over in the corner and after a while I noticed that he had somehow sneakily moved to the bed, then up behind Pat and was now almost spooning her.
I watched out the corner of my eye as Pete lifted her skirt up from behind and unzipped himself so sneakily that no one noticed.
Pat was still arguing with Bazz as Pete moved closer then Pat suddenly stopped talking and looked behind her in surprise, Pete had obviously just pushed his cock up inside her.
Pat looked back towards the table but no one had noticed anything so she turned back towards the table and kept on abusing Bazz.
Pete very slowly started to fuck her as Pat stared angrily at the back of Bazz’s head then a minute or so later Pete grunted and pulled away zipping himself up, Pat just kept on talking as if nothing had happened but I noticed that Shane had spotted what was happening and as Pete got off the bed he scooted up behind Pat and quietly unzipped.
He was soon thrusting into her and kept it up for several minutes until Pat started having trouble talking, Shane grunted as he filled her cum soaked pussy with another load while Pat groaned through her orgasm.
Bazz turned to look when Pat stopped abusing him and after seeing that Shane was obviously fucking her, turned back to the game as if nothing was going on.
Pat was really pissed off that Bazz didn’t seem to care and rolled on to her back pulling her skirt up as soon as Shane pulled out, she nodded at Russ who got up from the table and was soon chocablock up her.
I walked over and stood next to Pat, She unzipped me and sucked my cock into her mouth as Russ kept pounding hard into her pussy.
As soon as Russ finished Pete took his place and Bazz now turned to watch what was happening, Pete wasn’t going to last long so Shane lined up again and stripped off looking at Bazz to see if he was going to object.
Pete finished and was replaced by Shane then Bazz walked over and removed Pats top and bra before stripping off himself, I came in her mouth then Bazz straddled her chest and pushed his semi erect cock between her tits and grabbed her head to pull her up so she would suck him off.
Pat was coming again and again as she relished all the attention until we had all had our fill of her wonderful body and the room absolutely reeked of sex.
After a bit of a sleep in on Sunday morning I headed down to the river to have a swim and found everyone else already there.
Pat was lying on her side in her bikini and I noticed Pete had snuck up behind her and spooned her as he pushed his dick up against her bum, within seconds he came in his togs with a silent groan.
“Friggen hell Pete !” exclaimed Pat in exasperation, “you must be the quickest cummer in history … I bet no one could beat your time” , “I got absolutely nothing out of that either except stained Bikinis”
“I dunno” said Russ laughing, “I reckon I could get hard and cum in less than a couple of minutes”
“go on then, lets see what you got?” said Bazz as he walked over and stripped Pats Bikini bottoms off.
Pat frowned at Bazz then grinned and laid back, wet her fingers in her mouth and started rubbing her clit.
Russ walked over and dropped his shorts while Shane walked up with his watch and started a countdown.
Russ was looking upwards and as the countdown ended he looked down, grabbed his dick and started pumping while watching Pat masturbate.
“Wait” said Bazz … by this time Pat was getting into it and looked pretty crestfallen when he stopped it and Russ quickly lost his horn.
“How about we all stand around in a circle and beat off, first one to get close enough pumps it into Pats pussy and gets straight back off before the next guy comes on him!” laughed Bazz
We all laughed, even Pat who immediately went back to rubbing her clit in anticipation.
“well if someone’s inside Pat when I’m ready I will cum in their arse instead!” grinned Russ getting a huge laugh from Pat as she said “well if Pete is in me and Russ is in Pete and someone else is ready …. Could be a trainwreck !! “
“Done deal” said Bazz grinning mischievously
A few of us were looking a bit worried as we surrounded Pat and dropped out togs or shorts, Pat was laying there laughing up at us as we waited until all of us were soft they she yelled GO !!
We all as one looked down at Pats fingers in her pussy and started pumping our cocks for all we were worth.
Pete dropped straight down onto Pat and shoved his still semi soft cock straight in and came within seconds then quickly jumped up with a huge grin on his face.
I noticed that Bazz had slowed his hand to a languid pace.
Jeff was next and came for a long time and only just pulled out when Russ started to bend down over him … almost had him.
Russ pushed into Pat and started pounding away, it must have been what Bazz was waiting for as he picked up the pace and hit his peak then jumped on Russ pushing his cock into his arse crack just as Russ grunted and poured his cum deep up inside Pat.
Bazz had him pinned and as his cock spurted we could see him searching for Russ’s bumhole.
He found it obviously as Russ yelped … Bazz grinned broadly and quipped “well this was YOUR idea mate!!”
It was all a big turn on for Pat and she reached back behind Bazz and pulled him and Russ deeper as she let go a big series of grunts as she thrust hard on Russ’s cock and came violently.
“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in your arse” I whispered to Shane then loudly started moaning in mock passion, Bazz looked back with a worried look and quickly rolled off Russ with a load plop, Russ was next to roll off saying “I don’t believe you actually shoved that thing in my arse Bazz!!” he was not happy but the rest of us were pissing ourselves laughing.
Shane bent down and shoved his hard cock into Pats sloppy cunt as she was still on the tail end of her orgasm, as he got close she started heading for another one but he was soon dumping his load and quickly pulled out for me to take his place.
I looked around at the circle of soft cocks and enjoyed a minute or so of fucking before cumming as Pat hit her next orgasm..
It would have been between 10 and 15 minutes from start to finish with 5 loads of cum and 3 orgasms for Pat so she lay there with a look of supreme satisfaction on her face.
Russ was still pissed off and frowned even more as Pat said “anyone else? Anyone for seconds?”
Bazz looked at the scene before him and lapsed into deep thought.
We all jumped in for a swim then lazed on the grass for a while, Pat kept making suggestions and teasing us and finally got our interest by suggesting that we could see how many cocks she could do at once for a bit of fun.
We decided it would be more comfortable at Gary’s so headed up there to see if he was home.
Gary was working on one of his cars but decided to join in and headed for the shower while we piled into his room.
Pat was so excited she was like a kid in a candy shop and grabbed some vitamin E cream from Gary’s sister Deb’s room and picked me to start.
She pulled my shorts off and with the help of the cream soon had me hard, she stripped naked then with me sitting on the edge of the bed she faced away from me and lined up my cock with her bumhole then very slowly started to work it in, “don’t move” she said as the pain hit, she waited for several seconds then just dropped straight down as far as she could with a load yelp of pain and pleaded “don’t move, don’t move, shit this hurts!”
Russ reached around her pinching her nipples and she slowly started to relax and about 30 seconds later started to slide up and down slowly bringing me back to proper hardness again then Bazz laid us both back and shoved his cock up her cunt hard causing her arse to squeeze by cock so hard the skin moved on my cock not slid inside her like it had been doing.
Russ moved over Pats head and dropped his cock into her mouth for her to suck on then Jeff and Pete grabbed a hand each and wrapped them around their cocks.
We were all trying to move but it was not very easy then Gary walked back in and started stroking himself saying, “where do I fit in?”
Pat turned her head and said “see if you can fit in with Bazz but take it easy OK”
I was quite shocked at that … there was no way you could fit two cocks in her pussy with me in her arse … it was too tight now.
Gary wormed his way into position and tried to slip his cock underneath Bazz’s but it was a bit too short so Bazz pulled out and told Gary to take his place then when he was inserted he moved up behind Gary and started trying to slip his knob in underneath Garys.
Slowly but surely he wormed it in stopping when Pat asked to let her adjust to the size of the two cocks, lucky Gary’s was fairly small.
Eventually we were all inserted and starting to fuck in and out with Bazz doing most of the moving, Pat started to enjoy it going by her moans and asked Russ to fuck her mouth as she wanked off the other two.
I looked over at the mirrored wardrobe door and laughed out loud saying “that just doesn’t look right”
Bazz had a hold of Gary’s hips and it looked like he was fucking him instead of Pat.
Everyone turned to look and laughed breaking the tension.
Pete was first to blow his load and moved away, the friction was too much for me and I filled her gut with my cum soon after and squirmed my way out from underneath knocking Bazz out at the same time causing him to emit a loud Nooooo.
Gary took the opportunity to speed up with long deep strokes and blasted his load high up in Pats pussy then moved out of the way.
Poor old Jeff just went soft so he also moved away.
Bazz’s cock was still bouncing up and down, he must have been very close to cumming and was soon pushing back into Pats sloppy cunt.
Russ was pretty close by now so moved his wet slippery cock out of Pats mouth and in between her Tits asking her to rim him.
Pat lifted her head and started tonguing his arse as he fucked her Tits, Bazz was wildly trying to get off inside Pats loose pussy and was panting hard.
I then noticed Russ had grabbed his cock and was pulling hard while grinding his arse down onto Pats tongue … I could see what Russ was up to and it was not going to end well … he was going to try and shoot off into Bazz’s mouth by the look of it.
Russ was getting closer and had his cock aimed at Bazz’s mouth then a big spurt shot out on Bazz’s cheek, in his mouth and over his chin.
Russ grinned madly as Bazz jerked back in surprise then he surprised all of us by lunging forward to take Russ’s cock in his mouth as it continued to shoot out his sperm.
Russ tried to move back but Bazz held him tight and pumped hard, fast and deep into Pats cunt as he finally tipped over the edge into his orgasm.
As Bazz came Russ was able to wriggle back out of his grasp started calling him all the names under the sun getting angrier and angrier.
It all erupted into a huge fight with Russ threatening to tell the whole town Bazz was gay and had raped him.
Bazz ended up angry and embarrassed and moved interstate a few days later with Pat leaving home and going with him the next week.
… pity.

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I can’t just say ‘SIster you’re fucking me’

Written in 1st person, with probably 1 million and 1 grammer and spelling mistakes. Just a tester! This is a story i started to write to a good friend of mine when his internet refused to load some porn. He advised me to post it, see what you people thought. His bedroom door broke last week and as he gets his (few time daily) wank under the covers he worrys if his sister will notice, maybe she has, maybe she hasn’t. It’s got him thinking about his sister and she’s sneaked into his imagination when he’s wanking. But if he wants to fuck his sister, then why shouldn’t he. So i have a plan…..

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