Trip to The Market (Remake, and an Update)

Okay, New thing, I’m going to be doing updates for you guys, if you like my writing. I plan on getting a new story up here soon, I’ve just had writers block.
For my next story, it’s going to be a Fan fiction of Naruto, gah, I know, You probably hate that, you might not, But I’ve been wanting to do one for awhile. But Before we get there, I’m Just gunna spice up one of my old works, you will probably recognize.
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Note: Okay, you probably recognize this story, if you haven’t, DO NOT FIND THE ORIGINAL. It truely was terribly written at first, but this is sorta a remake. More details, and less confusing. Enjoy! It’s from an old account.
Trip to the Market
“Jason!!!!!” Yelled Jason’s mother. “We are going to the Market! Get your shoes on!”
“Comin’ Momma!!” He hollered back, thumping down the steps to get his shoes on.
Jason dropped to the floor,grabbing his shoes before tousling with them, fighting to get his shoes on his feet. They, his shoes, were a size too small. He’d better remember to tell his mommy that he needed new shoes.
Once he was able to put his shoes on his feet, he tied the laces. His tongue stuck out the entire time that he did so; he was concentrating so hard.. He was so proud himself. He had just learned how to tie his shoes a little while ago, and now he could do it all by himself. His mommy would be so proud of him, too, when she found out.
Jason was one nine years old, and he was very short. . He was only four feet, and two inches tall. He was very fit for his age and size, though. He was lean, and had lost almost all of his baby fat. That’s what happens when you run around all day outside, his mother would say. People were always asking questions about it. How his face was still a baby face and his body was so fit.
He had big Topaz colored eyes with creamy rich smooth skin; a big result of being out in the sun all of the time. He loved the sun; the fresh air, the flowers, everything. He had a very girlish form; it caught the attention of many lecherous old men . It was obviously attractive to alot of people, he has a nice, plump butt that was smooth and unaffected by puberty yet, his hips were narrow, and yet wide at the same time, and his hands and feet were dainty as hell.
His voice was soft, feminine almost, while his hair was a brown, copper color that was always in a tangled, sloppy mess that framed his face. He was absolutelty considered one of the cutest boys ever among all of the house wives and stay at home mothers.
“Come on, Hun. It’s time to get going,” His Mother walked into the entry hall, her heels clicking on the hard blackwood.
His mother had matching topaz eyes, he’d inherrited them from her, but she was a natrual dishwater blonde, and so that ment his father gave him his hair color. His mom was one of the more attractive ‘Milfs’ in the town. She still had her figure; large breasts, wide, womanly hips, and long, smooth tan legs. Today, she wore a silk blouse that was low cut and a pencil skirt that hugged her ass and hips loveingly. Most already assumed this,but it was his fathers favorite suit on his momma.
“Alright, Momma,” He said. With a hurumph, he pushed himself to his feet. Smiling, he bounced over to her side, excited and ready.
Running her fingers through his hair, she smiled back. Despite what people thought, she loved her son. She opened the door and stepped out, turning the car on at the click of a button. She had one of those fansy cars, and everyone knew it.
Climbing into the back of the car, Jason buckled himself up and bounced gently, rocking the car in his excitement. Swinging his feet back and forth as he stared out the window, he hummed to the song on the radio; which had started playing the moment the car was turned on.
Fifteen minutes later, they were at the Market. Jason was still jumping on the balls of his feet, and holding up things for his mother to see and say, “Can I have this?” Only to be told no over and over. He’d Shrug each time, before putting it in the cart, despite what his mother said. She’d get it for him anyway.
Eventually, he felt a pressure in his groin and whined that he had to go pee.
“Pleeeeeeease, Momma, Pleaaaaaaase!!! I’m guhhna pee my paaaaaaaants!”
“Fine!” said his mother. She really, really wanted to it hurry up and get the shopping done as soon as possible. She had to make lunch soon. In her frustration, she called a stock boy over.
“Yes, ma’am?” Asked the boy, tilting his head as he looked at her with his sturdy, serious green eyes.
He was a handsome boy, no one could deny that. He had a strong, but narrow jawline, a straight, thin nose, and full, lush lips that alot of girls fauned over. He was tall, infact, he was almost 6 feet, and his skin was white, not a pale white, but a creamy white. His hair was black, and hung over his green eyes, complementing them.
His mother wasn’t sure about trusting this boy, but unwisely, she did anyway.
“Will you please take my son to the bathroom and take care of him while I finish shopping? I need to hurry, and If I take him it’ll take awhile. He’s more respondent to other boys when it comes to this sort of stuff.”
The Stock Boy’s eyes would flick down to the young boy; who was crossing his legs as he bit his lip; before giving a small smile, nodding to him.
A moment later, the Stock Boy added, “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll take him towards the front of the doors when we’re done and wait with him for you there.”
“Thank you, ah,” She glanced down at his name tag, “Andrew.”
“You’re welcome, Ma’am,” Andrew bowed his head, and gripped the boy’s hand, leading him to the bathroom.
“Come on, kid. We don’t wanna keep you waiting, now do we?”
“N.. no… i really gotta peeeeeeeee,” The boy whined, shaking his head as he basically skipped to follow him.
Once they were in the bathroom, Andrew turned and locked the door. It was a two person bathroom. Two stalls, two urinals, and two sinks.
Andrew turned, looking at the boy and grabbed his hips, proping him up on one of the marble sinks. He unbuttoned his pants, and tugged down the zipper, pushing his pants down around his anckles before setting the boy back down on the floor infront of the shorter urinal.
Shyly, Jason looked back up and over his shoulder to look at Andrew, nibbling his little lower lip before studdering, “C.. Can you help me, M..mister Andrew?”
Arching one brow, he squatted down, and, sliping his long fingers around the boys soft penis gently, held it up and slightly over the rim of the urinal.
After a few hesitant moments, Jason went to the bathroom, biting the tip of his finger shyly as he watched the hand gripping his special private place. Noone ever touched him there besides his mommy when she gave him a bath.
Once he was done, Jason started to bend over to pull up his pants when he felt the tip of something wet slip into his butthole. It was Andrew’s finger.
He pushed inside the boy’s hole gently with his finger, making Jason moan and whimper, “It hurts… W.. What are you doing?”
Andrew pulled his finger out, and hoiseted the boy up, setting him on the counter.
“Relax,” Andrew said gently, pushing the boy onto his back and tugged the rest of his pants off. He spread the little boys legs and spread them, not very surprised when he noticed that the little child’s penis was hard. He had rubbed the hilds prostate a little after all. It hadn’t really hurt.
This kid’s ass is looser than I expected… I think someone may have gotten to this treat first, He thought to himself.
Gently, Andrew squirted some lube onto his finger that he just pulled out of his pocket.
He rubbed the lube against Jason’s tight little hole, circling it until he felt the muscles relax and the he slide his entire finger inside of him.
He wiggled his finger, turning his finger gently in circles, before he slipped another finger inside and started pumping his fingers in and out, spreading his fingers apart before pushing them back in, and repeating the proccess.
Jason couldn’t help it. Andrew kept on rubbing his prostate, making him moan loudly.
“You’re ready,” Andrews sighed, satisfied now that he could sink his length into his warmth. Pulling his cock out of his jeans, he slid his pants around his hips gently.
He took a deep breath, rubbing the lube all over his cock, making it slick enough to slide into the child easily.
Putting the head at the boy’s entrance, he glanced up at Jason.
“Hey, Kid… What’s your name?” Andrew asked.
“J.. Jason… M.. Mister Andrew. H.. hey… please m.. make me feel good again. I.. It feels weird, but I like it.”
With a small, light laugh, Andrew pushed in slightly.
“I.. It hurts!” Jason suddenly cried.
“Stop, Stop, Please, Pull it out!” He yelled. Andrew has quite big, despite his administrations of stretching the boy.
“Relax, It’ll feel good soon,” Andrew said, distracted as he watched his thick, 8 inch meat slip into that tight, creamy, delicious ass of Jason’s.
Jason’s eyes pricked with tears, and he bite his lip, writhing in pain and pleasure. He didn’t like it much anymore.
He breathed deeply, trying to relax as Mister Andrew said. After awhile, It stopped hurting, and Jason started moaning as he pumped in and out of him gently.
Andrew stared down at the little boy, groaning as he took in the tight little body wrapped around his aching cock.
He thrust gently at first, not wanting to hurt the boy more than neccessary, but he started sliding in and out easily, with no resistance. He picked up his pace, pounding the kid.
“Fuck, Kid!” He yelled, his hands slapping onto his hips as he drove into him.
Jason had never felt anything so good in his life. He moaned loudly and wildly, his back arching uncontrolably as he tried scooting closer to Andrew’s Body.
“Ah… M.. Mister! Stop! I’m gunna pee! I’m gunna PEE!!!” He screamed, His eyes opening up wide as he stared up at him.
At this, Andrew slammed into him faster and harder as He panted, groaning as He pushed flush against his ass, cumming inside of him.
Andrew new that Jason had cum; there were little strings of clear liquid on his stomach.
Andrew pulled out, wiping the boy and himself off. He placed his dick away back in his jeans, where it should be, and fixed the boys clothing, smirking down at him.
It was a bit of surprise though when Jason hugged his legs tightly, rubbing his cheek on his pants.
“Mister Andrew, You should ask Momma if you could be my Babysitter, You’re alot of fun. Momma has been lookin’ for Someone to take care of me while she’s at work and out of town. Everyone else is a big meany, I don’t like them. When they do stuff me I don’t like it at all”
Andrew looked down at Jason, hoisting him up again and resting him on his hip.
“Alright, I will, But you cant tell your mommy what we just did. It’s our little secret, whattya say, kid?”
Jason stuck out his free hand to handshake. Giggling as he looked up Andrew, He gripped his hand and shook, and out they went the bathroom door to wait for His mommy.
His mother didn’t even think of it when Jason asked her if that boy could be his babysitter; it was clear he liked the older boy. She said yes right away, and retrieved the boy’s phone number, ready to call him on her next out of town meeting.

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anonymous readerReport

2013-06-10 01:06:26
This author has a learning disability!!! I agree he’s writing his own “positive” reviews, that is really pitiful. Hang it up already.

anonymous readerReport

2013-06-06 19:39:59
Author, quit giving yourself personal kudos with the obvious lack of skill. You can’t even spell your own comments correctly! Just go away.

anonymous readerReport

2013-06-05 00:40:39
Very hot, write more!

anonymous readerReport

2013-06-05 00:15:14
That was great! I loved the plot but your grammar culd use some tuning up and the age of the kid seems a bit old for his personality but i hope you take this into consideration and i hope that theres more stories from you!

anonymous readerReport

2013-06-04 17:14:40
This is shite mate, this story sucks dog bollocks!!!!!