To those who choose to read our stories….

Please leave the nasty comments alone….

I’ve written several stories now about my wife and I, how we’re both bisexual and have an open and free relationship, each of us able to fuck who we want, when we want.

While I have been waiting to have my stories validated for viewing I have sent them to various friends, people I know and had my wife read them too. I know many of you who read them will say how gay I am or whatever, and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I suppose I do tend to be more gay than straight, which is why I say I’m bi, but when I went to count up how many men and women I’ve fucked, or been fucked by, in the past year, I was surprised at my tally. I don’t really count my wife, as we have decent sex every couple of weeks. And I do love that she will sometimes fuck me with a strap on! But I counted, other than my wife, only six other women I’ve fucked over the last 12 months. When I went to add up the number of guys I’ve fucked or been fucked by, I was a little shocked. First I couldn’t remember every single one, and two, before I stopped counting I was up to something like 35 different guys I’ve been fucked by in the same time period, and I know there are more.

Even as I write this I can recall a few I forgot, either a bathroom blow job or fuck or a rest area that I met a guy at who fucked me at a picnic table at night. So I know there’s many more, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I do love my wife and we have a great thing going, neither of us jealous of the other. I just can’t seem to get enough cock in me to quench my appetite. I don’t know if anyone else out there has that type of experience, perhaps the same, just that they fuck more and more women, instead of men, and can’t seem to get enough.

A good things about letting some people read my stories is that a friend of mine, a guy, who knows I’m bi and love cock, told me after reading two of my stories that he now wants to fuck me! He said he got so hard reading them and knowing it was me, a friend, that he was jerking off before he finished the first one. I have told him some of my/our escapades having sex with men together and he said if she ever wanted to, he’d be a willing third in a threesome with us, but she’s never expressed interest in him, he’s a bit older and we’ve all been friends for so long she felt it could be more of a detriment than it would be fun. I’d still let him fuck me though!

I’ve had people that I’ve shared stories with too over time tell me that it’s very risky always having unprotected sex like we do, but it’s been something we’ve done for so long and we both hate using condoms. I’ve mentioned that we have been with people who are HIV positive and they’ve been up front and we don’t let that stop us from having sex, we just protect ourselves at those times. And those who know they are positive have been up front from the get go. I can imagine the day they find a cure for AIDS there will be so much unprotected fucking going on, no one will care! Who knows.

One reason I write this and put it on XNXX is that I’m writing about our lives, our sexual encounters and I’m choosing to share these things with total strangers and it’s nice to recount them for you all. I’ve done this before over the years and some people have been very mean and vicious in their comments. I’m not here to get a moral lesson from anyone or spew venom at anyone, and I expect the same from those who read the stories, here, mine or otherwise. I mean, there are all kinds of stories from sex with younger boys/girls, bestiality, the list is endless it seems and they’re here for you to read and enjoy, not bash, criticize or make fun of. I mean, you’re on a porn site to begin with, so let’s not get holier than thou with your comments and just read them, if you like them, let the author know, if you don’t then don’t read them! Seems pretty simple to me. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! It’s not let he who has the seemingly less bad sin cast the first stone! No one on here whether they be author or reader is any better than anyone else so keep the nasty comments to yourself, please.

On a lighter note, if any of the stories on here you can relate to, or have a similar experience as, write it down, let me know. If you’re local and want to hook up, let me know! There’s much more positive things to be writing about than bashing an author trying to make a story interesting for you. And let’s face it, if you’re browsing a gay story category and read an entire story only to write a scathing review/comment, you’ve got your own issues to deal with and are probably feeling guilty for enjoying it and can’t come to terms with your own sexual identity. No one who writes on here is hurting anyone. No one writing on here as far as I know has hurt anyone. If they have, they will get their own judgment, they don’t need yours or mine.

That being said, I hope those of you who enjoy what I share about my wife and I and our lifestyle will let me know and will keep on enjoying reading, whether they’re my stories or anyone else’s….