Thicker Then Water: chapter Two

This is a rewritten story of something I posted in Forum please Enjoy ^~^

Rothschild explained how every few decades comes a time where a vampire can turn the cattle they feed on into vampires but only the strong and evil can survive the transformation. He was in that time frame and liked the idea of turning one of his men into a vampire because due to the black plague the ranks of vampires have been dwelling. While common wounds and infections don’t harm a vampire they can simply suck the blood of humans and heal themselves even regenerate limps. This radical black plague has been quite dangerous to the vampire kind as its a disease that attacks the blood of the cattle that they survive off of. Cattle is what vampires refer to humans as they are simply a food source to vampires mindless animals of burden to be used and consumed. “Don’t fall in love with your prey. You don’t see cattle humping the pig before they roast it well don’t fall in love with cattle the urge to stop their heart from beating is much to powerful and you’ll only hurt yourself more then the cattle leaving them disfigured or entrapped in the gates of Hell.”

Rothschild explained how humans are easy to manipulate you have many tools at your disposal seeing as vampire can’t die of age they accumulated quite a large sum of gold and other valuables and trade goods. The most powerful in the world are really vampires who wage war to keep the cattle population down and to keep themselves in power. “Don’t be afraid to keep a human as your marionette or how you say puppet but never give them to much power or we will send our marionettes to kill it and you. Keep yourself alive, while we control most of the kingdoms in the world we don’t control the Church so don’t anger the Church and you’ll be just fine.” Rothschild said as the both drained the Turk last enjoying his screams of pain as they drained him then let him heal to only drain him over and over again for three days and two nights.

Jebadiah was reminiscing of how his mentor told him not many vampires can breed but if one does come to be born they are exceptionally evil and to be celebrated on their coming of age. That was tonight to be exact it was his darling Chastity birthday today and the celebration is about to start and he was waiting for the arrival of his old mentor along with the Clan. The Clan was the head of the most powerful vampire families the O’Reilly, Lafayette, Rothschild and of course now the McCullen all vampires whom had born children. “Boe what time is it?” Jebadiah asked Boe his personal house servant a tall mulatto slave boy who Jebediah raised to be a fulfilling dutiful servant to every one of his needs.

“The time is half past seven Sir.” Boe said as he passed his master a his morning tea. “Ah yes how nice it is to be up and enjoy the early breeze today. You know what today is Boe?” Boe placed a old rocking chair behind his master and let him sit. “Yes Sir, today is miss Chastity birthday and I’ve had the rest of the house slaves setting up for this day for the past week.”

“This tea is delicious Boe pour yourself some and enjoy the morning air with me son.” Jebadiah said while he placed his cane to the side of his rocking chair and waited for his guest arrival while hearing the thumping of the slaves hearts deep in the fields. “They won’t be here until half past noon Sir. Shall I fetch you some entertainment?” Boe said as he poured himself a cup of tea but didn’t drink it.

“Yes bring two big fellas so they can beat themselves bloody I want to see a good fight.” Jebadiah said as he leaned back and began to rock back and forth in his rocking chair. “Very well Sir.” Boe placed his cup down and walked over to a small slave woman who’s main duty is to courier messages to and from the mansion and whispered. “Bring the two biggest you can find for a fight the healthier the better.” Boe saw the woman run off down the dirt path and past the slave house.

Chastity was already in the slavequarters hiding tacks and ticks under the floor mats the slaves used to sleep during the night. The young slave woman stopped in her tracks and hid behind a tree and waited for chastity to skip off with a evil smile across her face skipping towards Gilbert. Chastity found her fiance sitting atop his horse with his shirt half open his muscles glistening with sweat as he overlooks the field waiting for someone to slip up. “Hey love bug what are you up to now?” Chastity asked with a unearthly innocent southern accent unlike her father’s French accent as she spun around knowing her short dress was exposing her smooth legs wrapped in white thin almost transparent stockings to the slaves below her.

Gilbert steadied his horse and bent down for a kiss which Chasity more then happy give him. “Nothin’ just making sure these things keep working hard making yo’s daddy rich.” Gilbert said with a cocky smirk and southern drawl as he got off the horse. “She’s not working.” Chastity said pointing to the small skinny slave woman who hid behind the tree who eyes were barely peeking from around the tree trunk.

“Aye! You come out from that tree and get to work or I’ll beat you bloody.” Gilbert grabbed a whip that was strapped on his saddle and got ready to start whipping when she came out from behind the tree. “I’s am working mister. I’s to get two big ones for Boe, the Sir wants to see a fight.” She said with her arms up over her face fully expecting being to still be whipped.

Gilbert raised his hand but was stopped by Chastity light grasp. “Get the men I want to see a fight too.” She ordered Gilbert and he slowly put his hand down and turned around whistling twice signaling for the men to rise up. All the men with in ear shot stood up all in relatively good shape but some were weak on their last leg who won’t make it past this month. Gilbert scanned the field for two big ones when he heard the woman speak. “They’s to be healthy the Sir needs a good fight.” Her mousey voice squeaked out while she stared at the ground intentionally avoiding Chastity never blinking stare.

Gilbert pointed to two big fresh ones just introduced two weeks ago. “You and you follow her.” The men that were picked stood at six feet tall each were thick with muscles and looked relatively healthy they both followed the slave woman and chastity towards the mansion. Once they reached there the slave girl tried to leave but was held in place by Chastity as the men went to Boe who waved them over with a nod.

Boe was wearing his clean neat black suit and neat short hair with whitegloves looking very handsome but the face of Boe was scared from a old mistake he done during his childhood. Boe took the men to the back to be washed by other slaves who had prepared two wooden tubs for them. The male slaves who wore nothing but dingy brown pants were strippednaked, and walked into the tubs where three women started to clean the men. First the women ran soap over the males chest then cool water dumped over them. Then the male slaves would feel two pairs of hands washing their legs very thoroughly cleaning the length of the legs with soapy hands clean their genitals taking care to make sure they get real clean and presentable for the Sir of the house.

The male slaves threw their heads backs enjoying the small hands over the length of their penis, but of one of the slaves males kept looking at a girl in the eye and was soon reprimanded by Boe. Who stepped in front of the man casting his shadow covering the man and he quickly looked away from the young slave girl. Boe looked over both of them then snapped his fingers and turning around. Another slave girl grabbed a bucket of cold water and dumped it over the men shocking them back into reality. Boe pointed up and saw that miss Chastity and some slave girl were staring at the men coming out of the wooden tub and dumped with more cold water washing the soapy water off their rock hard body and leaving their dark ebony skin glistening.

Chastity tilted the slave girls head up making sure she looked at the slaves penises and stared as the other female slaves dried them with a old towels. “You want that don’t you?” Chastity hissed under her breath to the skinny woman’s ear who tried to shake her head no but couldn’t under Chasity tight grip. “Miss chastity?” Boe asked and she let the girls head go and the small slave girl took off around the house. “Was that necessary?”

Chastity giggled as she kept looking at the men. Boe turned around and looked at them too. “If you rise I’ll cut it off.” They both looked at Boe who looked at the penises and made a cutting motion with his hand. Quickly they both put their hands over it and changed into a new pair of red pants.

Boe motioned them to follow him back to the front where Jebadiah was patiently waiting for them. “Speak english? Understand it?” Boe asked them both who shaked their head yes. “Good, you stand over there and you over here.” The men walked over to their places standing two feet apart in front of the porch not very far from Jebediah. “Ready Sir?” Boe asked and waited for Jebadiah to nod yes.

Jebadiah looked over the men both seemed equally strong and tall this fight will be good he thought to himself. “I’m ready Daddy.” Chastity chirped happily sitting on her daddy’s lap. Jebadiah nodded his head and Boe told them both in a strong voice. “Fight until one of you die.” Both of them instantly wrapped arms and tried to push the other to the ground.

Both men were indeed equally matched in strength but not in stamina once one got the advantage he pushed the other off him and started to swing his fist onto the others face. “Yay! I was getting bored watching them dance with each other.” Chastity said as she bounced on her dad’s lap watching the slave beat the other to death with his fist. Soon the tide turned as the slave who is being beaten spreads his legs under his opponent legs knocking him off balance and got a hold of his neck wrapping his forearm around it squeezing it under his strong bicep.

With a quick motion he snapped the neck of the other and began to breathe heavily as the dead limp body of the slave fell on top of his. “Oh I didn’t see that coming daddy did you?” Chastity asked her father and grabbed at his arm digging her fingers into his skin. “No sweetie I didn’t, Boe clean him up and let him rest in the back.” Jebadiah told Boe who picked up the dead body off the winner with ease and congratulated the winner and escorted the victor to the back to be washed again.

“You shouldn’t be seeing such activities my dear it’s not lady like go to your room to get ready for your party tonight.” Vanessa McCullen said as she came out of the mansion just in time to see the winner being escorted to the back. “Fine specimen he’ll do.” Chastity got up and giggled knowing full well tonight was her night where she will be presented to Daddy’s friends and be inducted to the family traditions. “Yes mother, excuse me Daddy.” Chastity got off her father rubbing her rump on his lap and kissing his cheek before heading into the house making sure her mother can see her bust as she turned and bent over to kiss her Daddy goodbye.

After chastity went into the house she instantly found a slave and pulled her hair towing the slave girl with her to her room. “Really Jebadiah she is your daughter.” Vanessa said with a dry tone to her voice. “She is just testing her boundaries is all, children will be children.” Jebadiah said with a smile on his face rocking back and forth. “Someone is coming he looked down the road as a horse trotted slowly down the dirt road.” Clearing his throat twice a slave quickly came out the house.

“Sir?” Asked a male house slave with a bit of a southern drawl. “Fetch me Boe.” Jebadiah grabbed his cane and rose up as the slave went to find Boe. He was in the back shack where he was busy pulling on a chain that was hooked up to the slave who won the fight legs the victorious slave was knocked out his arms hanging below his head and gagged with a rag.

There is ten slaves hanging most cut and scared while others are slowly dripping blood into pails filling up slowly with blood from skillful cuts to slowly bleed them out but deep enough to kill or allowing them to fester. Once Boe had the slave hanging up high enough he grabbed a knife from behind his back ready to cut the slave wrist when he heard someone coming up to the small shack. Boe got the chain locked in place and hurriedly closed and locked door in time to meet the slave who came to fetch him. They didn’t say a word to one another they both knew the house slave shouldn’t be here and if he is then it means Jebadiah needs Boe so they both walked back to the front of the mansion silently.

“My name’s Flinch Sanders sir. I’m here to collect your annual donation to the church.” The stranger said as he held his horses reigns and introduced himself to the owner of the plantation. “Usually the bishop himself comes for the donation Mr. Sanders.” Vanessa said in her dry tone as Boe marched forward to the man stepping up behind Jebadiah and Vanessa McCullen.

“Well the bishop is stricken with pneumonia and he couldn’t make it I’d be happy to show you letter of introduction from the bishop himself.” Flinch said as he reached into his saddle when he felt Boe hand tightly on his wrist. “Please do be careful with what you pull out Sir.” Boe said looking at the man directly in the eye. “Now Boe he is a man of the cloth.” Jebadiah said in a non convincing tone that he truly trusted the man.

“It’s just a letter.” Flinch said as he grabbed Boe hand off his then pulled out the letter with the Bishops seal on it. “My apologies Mr. Sanders.” Boe said with a bow and stepped back onto the porch. “No harm done, here you go Mr.McCullen.” Flinch said as he tried to hand the letter over.

Jebadiah went to take the letter but noticed the man wore a silver rings on his index and ring fingers and signaled for Boe to take the letter by nodding his head. Boe quickly took the letter and handed it to his master. Jebadiah looked over the letter and opened it and began to read the contents of the letter.

“Dear Mr. McCullen I apologize for my absence but I give my word that Mr.Sanders is of upstanding character and I trust him with my life. I send Mr.Sanders to get the donation for the church and to guard it, I thank you for the understanding.

Bishop Flanders.”

“Is everything in order?” Flinch asked looking around as another slave came to drag away the dead corpse of the slave that lost the fight. “Yes, everything is in order. Don’t mind the mess every once and while we get a unruly slave to proud to work and we have remove them from the rest.” Jebadiah said while seeing the body dragged away to the back of the house. “You know what they say one bad apple ruins the bunch.” Vanessa added as she turned fetch the donation.

“Right, bad apples.” Flinch said nervously waiting for the donation. It didn’t take long for Vanessa to come back with a small decorative box with etchings of flowers and small young angels around the box in her hands. “This box contains our donation I’ll trust that you’ll not delay in your return of this box as it’s a family heirloom.” Vanessa said handing the box over to Flinch taking extra care of the box.

“Yes you have my word Mrs. McCullen I’ll be back as fast a lightning strike in a thunderstorm.” Flinch said as he tucked the box under his arm and went to shake Jebadiahs hand. Jebediah knew he couldn’t avoid touching their rings now if he does it’s a show of disrespect so they both shaked hands. Soon after Flinch hopped on his horse and began to ride back down the dirt road heading out of the vast plantation and to the church in town. As Jebadiah saw the man ride away he turned to Boe. “Is everything set?”

“I’ll have them drained for tonight’s festivities Sir.” Boe replied and went back to deal with dead slave. Boe knew of what atrocities his master and especially his masters wife are capable of and has a inkling of what they truly might be, devils. The only thing Boe was sure of is if he doesn’t play hispart he will be up hanging like the rest of the slaves who have been chosen to be killed.