
Roberto’s Feast

35-year-old Roberto de Torrez sat on his ergonomic office chair, staring at the computer screen while beating his meat. He was in his small basement apartment, under the house of his parents Hank and Jane de Torrez. This was a small apartment that contained his chair, his bed, his refridgerator and his computer. The refridgerator contained hohos and Chef Boyardee ravioli, which were all Roberto ate. He was a loser because he lived with his parents and only ate Chef Boyardee and hohos, and he wasn’t even willing to try high-quality gourmet food.
The video he was watching was of an older gentleman raping a 5-year-old girl in the ass and pussy. Then he took a shit in her mouth. That shit made Roberto hard! When the video was finished, Roberto clicked a link that advertised a similar video. Little did he know it was a decoy link designed to lure in pedophiles.
“Hmm, that’s odd,” said Roberto. “There’s no video!” But it was getting late, and he kust decided to go to bed.
Upstairs, Hank and Jane de Torrez were snuggling on a couch, watching a soap opera on TV. There was a knock at the door.
“I wonder who could be knocking at the door at this time of night?” said Hank.
“I’m not sure, why don’t you go and see?” responded Jane
“Nah,” replied Hank. “I’d rather watch this soap in peace!” but whomever was behind the door didn’t take that as an answer. A crowbar was wrenched through the side and the door was ripped from its hinges.
The obese, crowbar-wielding woman standing behind the door frame stared angrily at Hank and Jane. She was extremely fat, with short gray hair. She was wearing a business suit. This woman’s name was Gay.
“Is this the house of Roberto de Torrez?” she demanded.
“n-no, he’s downstairs” said Hank, rather nervously.
“Well, ok. Thank you for your help,” said Gay. She went down the stairs to the basement, and screamed, waking Roberto up.
“Who the fuck are you?” asked Roberto angrily.
“Is this Roberto de Torrez?” demanded Gay.
“Uh, no,” said Roberto. “He lives in the house next door.”
“Alright sir, thank you for your help” said Gay. Roberto went back to sleep and Gay went to the next house. She crowbarred the door open, to find a very attractive young woman of about 18 years old. She was about 5’8, with long blonde hair and a nice set of tits. Gay despised women with nice tits because they were objects of sexual attraction for men, and this was a horrible thing. Men were evil and manipulate dthe minds of innocent women and all they cared about was sex.
“Eww,” said the woman. “You’re fat and ugly, and I think there should only be hot chicks like me because that’s what the guys like!”
This made Gay furious. She bashed the woman in the head with her crowbar. She fell to the ground, too dazed to scream in pain. She was out cold. Gay continued to bash until her skull was fractured and bits of brain were seeping from the cracks. She stepped on the body and mashed it up until is was a bloddy mess. Then she fucked the woman in the ass with a crowbar. She pulled the now-beshitted crowbar and licked it clean of blood and shit. She then took the mass and buried it under ground in the yard.
“Another job well-done by Gay!” she said Triumphantly, getting in her car and driving away.
After a while, the mangled body began to rot. Roberto, being underground and adjacent to the body, smelled it. He decided to see what was making the smell, so he went to the neighbor’s yard and dug up the body. He dragged it home.
“WHat the fuck is that?” asked Hank and Jane together.
“It’s a haloween decoration” said Roberto.
“That’s one realistic Halloween decoration” said Jane. “We won’t be having and trick-or-treaters this year, they’ll all be scared!”
“Good,” said Hank. “More candy for me.”
Roberto dragged the body downstairs and fucked it on the spot. It fell apart into a mangled glob of skin mashed internal organs, shattered bones, blood, rotting flesh, shit, piss and Roberto’s semen, and was infested with maggots and other vermin. Roberto picked up the mass and put it in his refridgerator. Soon it froze into a chunk. Now, whenever he was hungry, he tooka piece and ate it instead of ravioli or a hoho. Mmm… it tasted liek a chunky popsicle only better.
Hank and Jane soon grew suspicious of the goings-on in the basement, and came down to investigate. They saw Roberto eating the stuff, and wanted soem too. They ate soem and started having a three-some.
Miles away, in an office, Gay’s sex-o-meter rang.
“Oh god, someone’s having sex!” said Gay. Shegrabbed her corwbar and her trusty old canine companion, Fido and ran out the door. Soon they arrived at the de Torrez residence. Gay was enthralled by what she saw.
Hank, Jane, Roberto and Gay all had a romantic candle-lit dinner and finished the rest of the chunk. THey even put some in Fido’s food dish. After that they all had a major orgy. Gay’s life was changed from that day on and was no longer a fucking bitch. The end.

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the boy that sells beach towels

a crossdresser bisexual Italian encounter a young boy at the beach. After the first encounter, the crossdresser want to again meet with the young stranger. The story is divided into two parts

She had to learn

I meet Jessica after i was released from jail. I was up late one night on a sex line. So how it all went down I listened as she talked she was so young and seemed so horny. I stayed on the phone with her almost all night. She not only acted drunk but high also. she laughed and sang the songs on the radio all night i could tell she tought she was the best there was out there. She talked and talked about her life. She told me she was a whore in her neighborhood and hinted at me. Well i knew the area really well because thats where i did my acts before jail. I was wondering who she was and why i didn’t know such a young hoe in the hood. She was 17 me 34. I talked her into letting me come to her house late that night. She came out to the truck like any nieghborhood hoe she was drunk and stoned just a teenage i thought she was going trough a hoe stage nothing out of the oldrrdiany for that neighborhood. I Knew right away i could do what i wanted with her. I asked her if she wanted to go with my cousin and me to his house. she said kool after a minute. her mother yelled out the front door saying everything she could to keep her there,i guess she had done many things that worried her mother but that was not my concern.we rode back to the house she probaly thought fun another 40 and party. I however tought of her naked littlle ass riding my dick after all i hadn’t seen any pussy except from a nurse in the jail in well over a year. well as time passed we talked and visited more often. She started it all off with a video camera she bought she wanted to be fucked and beated. Everything we did she wanted on camera. The first night i laid the camera on the nite stand of my basement room and bent her over the bed and finger fucked her pussy and ass at the same time. then i sled my dick into her pussy slowly before i fucked the shit out of her. afterwards while flipping through the camera to see my work i saw videos of her being fucked by different black dudes while she lay naked next to me she told me that was her boyfriend she wanted to break up with cause he was pimpn her out. so i knew all about that type of shit so i left it all that she was humiliated and i went to the restroom. So she stayed the night and her cellphone keep ringing her mother had called the whole family and now they were on her ass i stayed in the basement at my sisters since i was released so we walked out side to smoke so she could talk to her brother and sister in law. she walked away while on the phone but i could hear her clear as day. “It’s not like that he has so much money coming,im just gonna get it and say fuck him”. yea she was laughing at me.good one but the only problem was i heard her.Her brother was truely worried about her but she thought she had control. I pretended i had heard nothing we went back to the room.after that night i keep her close she pretty much moved in only going home once every couple of weeks. I said i would not worry if she was just a whore and not the love of my life like she pretended to be. We stayed in my basement all the time me fucking her and at night with her head under the sheets sucking my dick til we went to sleep. I made her sleep with it in her mouth under the sheet and she liked it. She had told me since day one that she liked men to control her and even leave bruises across her ass and face. I didn’t do that because i was fresh out of jail and didn’t want to go back. So she told me her and her boyfriend/pimp were over she broke up with him. Since i liked her tight pussy and young wet mouth we started being exclusive. she went back to her mother’s house while i was at work one day. My mom took me to pick her up that afternoon and we went through a drive through to get some food she said she was not hungery she had her own money, if she was. I was not stupid a hoe on the streets does not just have money. I waited till we were down the street and i slapped her across the face in the back of my mother’s van before she knew what was coming. She got upset and so did my mother neither said a word i told her not to speak or move until we got to the house. The ride there that nite was very quit. as we got out of the van she waited around as if for someone to go in first i looked at her and told her to take her ass to the basement. I watched her turned to go down the staires. I helped my mother and talked to her for the next 20 or so minutes then i went to the downstaires took my watch off and laid it on the nightstand she sat at the side of the bed just waiting on me to come down there. i backhanded her in the side of the head knocking her to her back. She cried and begged saying she was sorry what did she do. I Hit her again then told her why i had done it.”You fucked some dude for money” i bet her asking who. she finally said she was raped by a dude her ex boyfriend used to make her fuck and that she really didn’t have any money she just didn’t want me to pay for everything .So i let her get up and wipe her face. I called every number she gave me and i thretened their life.She did not opened her mouth more then two words the rest of the night she sucked and laid there walking litely on bad ground. As time went on more came out she told me she had two pimpes and she had never broke up ith anybody before she didn’t want to hurt them because she got with me because one of them told her to. she also told me all the videos we made of me fucking her everynight her boyfriend was getting. At the time i was selling crack. So on a ride i told her to call him and met him to get the tapes back.and it happened that nite.she was supose to tell him it was over after itold her she was nothing but a peice of white ass for him and his friends. true anough she had been gangbang candy at every cheap motel in the hood. She continued to lie for the next two weeks thinking i beleived it all. one night the neighbor saw a car drop her off while i was at work. when i got home she did not have a lie planned bacause she did not thik it would come up she thought she had her bases covered. I asking her who dropped her off she denied what i was talking about unitl she thought she was going to get her ass beat. She told me it was her ex pimp she still tried to lie. I fucked the shit out of her then told her next time she would be beat down like the hoe she was acting like.No surpise that three months later she got to high and i guess she felt upset or something. she woke me up at three in the morning crying saying she was in love with two dudes.she said one dude was not really her pimp that she wanted to be pimped. I took off my watch and she knew what was coming i beat her to the ground and blood went all down her hoodie and on the bed sheets i sat on top of her and hit her in her stomach and face with my fist at least 40 times then let her get up while i stayed in her face and slapped her to the gound every time she got up i beat her down.i grabbed a fist full of long brown hair and beat her til her lips and eyes swallo up i drug her to the bed while she screamed and begged i didn’t care. I beat her for nearly 30 then beat her on the bed til she turned over on her stomach to hide her face itwas no use i am 265 and she 100. i continued to slap her on both sides of her face then i pulled out my dick and shoved it all the way into her tiny ass i felt it ripe and keep going she cried with her masacra running and handing and body moving quickly and helplessly. I fucked her until she felt mynut bust inside of her. she was always so worried about getting pregnant but this did not matter she had to be tought . I fucked her pussy next with blood all over her swallon face and her asshole burning from the dick she deserved. i nuttn all in her to humilate her and show her. The pain was not over i scream as she cried hen i was finished i went to the bathroom in the same room. she knew she was not to leave the bed she however tried it she ran out the room and up the staires and out the front door i dont know where she thought she was going with no shoes and hardly any clothes. she frooze at the front step afraid to run for fear. she was drug by her hair down the stairs and received her second ass whooping afterwards she stood in front of the box fan tring to brethe she said she was breathing blood. she shook for hours like she was has a seizer and i could not even scare her into calming down. As she laid ther i called her boyfriend next to her and told him i had just bet her ass and that she said she loved us both.He wanted nothing else to do with her cause i was supose to just be a trick. when she woke i feed her soup through a straw cause she could not open her jaws she couldn’t even talk only momble words i could not understand. she was not allowed around any of her family for about two weekds. If anyone saw her face i was going back to jail quickly. she rode with me as i sold the crack and every person that got into the back seat i tlod to look at her face and then i told them she acted up they all said damn girl what did you do. She never spoke unless i made her. then she would say what she did and everyone would get quite she was humiliated with her face black and lips busted. She wanted to be a hoe so thats what she got i had been dealing in that same neighborhood for years and years i know all the crack houses that had the nasteast hoes and men and i left her at a local crack house with a friend for 6 hours neddless to say 5 to 6 dicks on a easy day. The guys who fucked my hoe as punisment know i would provide rock. So when i told them to do as they wished they did. Stories later said that she was fucked with ahairspray bottle on a dirty matrress in the back yard and locked in the room at one time with two crack heads. People say they heard her cries and even tried to stop it ,but they heard the hites on the wall. When i arrived to pick her up she was in that room i beat the dooor down and what i saw i was sad. i told her to get in the car she barely got up then barely walked to the car. she was covered in dry cum and her makeup was all over her face she was scared to death she had belt marks across her thighs and bruises coming on her ass and back from fists and hands. I just looked at her with hard eyes and watched her go to the car. That night i stoopped at the store and brought her night-time tylanol she slept naked on the floor beside my bed. It was hard to watch but at the same time easy enough. The lively girl i had known i never saw again. She never much spoke after that except in fear. she was so beatiful ,now ony filled with dick and bruises across her body. She was a child playing pretend. She tought she was in control. Now my slave

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Val came to me for help with something personal today:

Seems her drunken boyfriend likes it rough and was waiting for her at the door yesterday when I dropped her off. When she got inside, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her off to
their bedroom. There, he tossed her onto the bed and began stripping her down. When he had her naked, he pinned her to the sheets and began eating at her pussy, roughly, his broken teeth scraping her tender
labia and chewing till she cried out in pain. He’d never done that before, she told me later, and she tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t relent.
When he’d chewed her beautiful crotch to a bloody mess, he rolled her over on her tummy and began eating her ass, driving his tongue into her hole as he chewed her pucker like it was a steak done just the way he liked it.
“David, stop! You’re hurting me,” she told me she’d cried out, but he kept at it. He had her tiny, 108 pound frame pinned down with his 220 plus pounds of fat, drunken weight and she couldn’t move to save
herself from this attack. She was at his total mercy; he was in complete control. His hardened cock was rubbing the skin on her back and growing slicker with his pre-cum. Suddenly she felt a load spurt
onto her back, but he kept chewing on her butt cheeks and running his mouth and tongue up and down the crack of her ass like a man possessed,slobbering and mumbling about his “dirty little whore” finally coming home from her “old” friend’s house!
She says that she’d hoped his orgasm would make him pause so she could crawl away but it was like he never felt it. His fat legs had her arms pinned down and his hands and arms were pressing her legs into the sheets. The pain was unbearable for her, rolling up and down her body like waves on an ocean, but still he kept on. She could feel warm, slimy moisture dripping down her crack and puddling under her pussy. But he wasn’t done with her yet. Suddenly, he reversed his body and dropped back down on her, yanking her legs apart and piercing her anal opening with his huge cock. He pounded her as she nearly passed out from the pain of this newest violation, then he grunted like the pig that he is and poured a second load into her burning asshole.Somewhere in there, he’d grabbed her throat and started choking her like he sometimes does to heighten her orgasm. She’d passed out and not long after, he must have, too. When she awoke, he had collapsed on top of her and lay there, limp, snoring loudly. She crawled out from under his massive bulk and made it to the bathroom and surveyed the carnage to her body. Blood ran in a tiny stream down the insides of her legs. Her vulva and anus felt like they’d been through a grinder and were raw and scraped.Later she would see that it was her own blood mixed with his inebriated drool that stained the sheets of their bed where they’d laid thoughout the ordeal. Enduring the pain, she dabbed at herself with tissue in an attempt to clean herself. The stench of his sweat and cum hung in the air around
her. She finally gave up trying to clean herself and ran a warm bath and soaked in it. After she’d dried herself, she donned a cotton night shirt and covered herself with a blanket, took a pain pill from the
medicine cabinet and collapsed on the couch.
That was last night, and I awoke this morning to the phone. It was her, and she whispered that I had to come and get her as soon as I could. I did just that, and she told me the whole story on the way
back to my place, assuring me that everything would be alright and that he’d never done anything like that to her before. But, I had to wonder…….
When I got her to my place, she stripped her clothes off and made me look at her all over. She was a mess, and I spread a towel on my bed so she could lay down. You could see his hand prints on the skin of
her neck. There were red welts where he’d pressed his fingernails too deeply into the skin.
“Why don’t we take you to the hospital?” I asked her as I surveyed her body.
“Cause they’ll ask questions and I don’t want to get him in trouble,” she told me.
“I’d like to get him “in trouble,” I thought. “I’d like to put two behind his ear. He could have killed you,” I said.
I got salve and some gauze and went to work on her wounds. The lips of her pussy looked like they’d been scraped with a potato peeler. She jerked in pain. I tried to comfort her as I spread the Neosporin on
the raw skin of her labia. Once I had it slathered with the soothing unguent, I had her roll over on her belly and told her to spread her cheeks open with her hands. Her little bumhole looked like he’d worked
over with one of those old-fashioned can openers. It was torn both above and below her spincter from the sheer size of his cock-shaft and all the violent thrusting he’d done as he sodomized her. I felt my
blood beginning to boil, but I kept my mouth shut. You can’t say anything about her man, you see. And here, in this back country region, a woman is expected to take that kind of abuse from her man and not complain about it.
“Babygirl, you’ll be shitting blood for a month,” I told her.
“No, I’ll be Ok. He was just whiskey-drunk. He gets real mean on brown liquor,” She whispered weakly.
“So this has happened before?” I asked. But she didn’t reply. I was starting to wish this was deer season and David was really a ten-point buck.
I worked on her, as gently as I could, and there were moments I’d hear her whimper in pain, but she bravely insisted that I finish with my ministrations. I did so, as I comforted her as best I could. It took a
great amount of self-restraint not to drive back to their house and take a hammer to his fat face.
I made her rest and soon she was asleep. Now, I’m at a loss; should I take her back home? Or keep her here where she is safe?

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my fetishes

all of us have fetishes. you just have to find the right person to help you release them. my fetishes were released a little while after i met my boyfriend. it all started about a year ago…
it was late at night and he was drunk. i was also very horny. we starting having our usual sex when i wanted to get a little rough. i figured he wouldn’t remember anything in the morning. so i said, “baby, get rough with me.”
“well how rough you want me to get? you want me to fuck you really hard?” he asked as he began fucking me really hard. “do you want me choke you?” he asked and i nodded my head, getting more and more excited by the minute. and he put his hand on my troat and began choking me. then i told him i wanted it more rough than that. of course he was amazed cause i was never like this during sex. he was always trying to get me to play with myself and i never would. so i told him that i wanted it more rough. “well what do you want me to do? you want me to slap you?” i nodded my head vigorously and he slapped me across the face. “harder” i told him and he did it harder. i could feel myself climaxing. i kept tellin him harder and harder and kept doing what i had asked until i came and came. i reached down and started playing with my self. he loved it. i did too. i told him i wanted him to fuck me from behind and he flipped me over and rammed it in. then i realized one of my biggest fetishes. spanking. it turns me on more than anything in the world. i told him to slap my ass. when he did i came instantly. i told him to keep doing it and hard.
from that point on our sex life has been very interesting. spanking me actually turns him on too. last night we were laying in bed naked and he smaked my ass and kept doing it and doing it. it turned me on so much and i got so wet just laying there. he got a hard on as well. i love it when we are having sex and he tells me that i am his whore and i have to do anything that he says. it makes me feel dirty and for some reason that turns me on.
another thing that turns me on. is when he fuckes me when i am sleeping. well, he thinks that i am sleeping. i will roll over while he is playing video games and act like i am asleep. so when he is ready for bed i hear him turn everything off. (this happened last night too) he got back into bed and pulled the covers off of me, i could feel him looking at my naked and vulnerable body. then i felt his hand caress my ass sliding down my thigh then up the inside of my thigh until i feel it hit my wet pussy. he rubs it making it even more wet. then i feel him slide in one finger and kiss my neck. he slides his finger in and out slowly as to not wake me up. he rolls me over on to my back and i let my head flop against the pillow. he spreads my legs wide and climbs in between them as he lowers his head to my delicate folds and begins flicking them with his tounge and fingering me at the same time. i am so turned on my this that i want to moan and push myself up into his mouth and tell him how good it feels but i can’t. cause the realization that he thinks i am sleeping turns me on as well. when he has had his fill of my taste he moves up and postions his cock and the opening to my sweetness and gently slides it in. he starts out slow trying to keep me asleep as he fucks me. then he rolls me over on to my stomach with my legs spread wide and gently lifts my hips to his cock as he slides it in again. then he starts to get carried away and fucks me harder and harder until he is satisfied and cums making sweet noises of pleasure. when he is done he gives my ass a light smack and rolls over and goes to sleep.
sometimes i do it do him when he is sleepin to. only he really is asleep until i climb on top. see what i do is position him on his back then i lay next to him on my back and i take his hand. i put his hand in between my legs moving his fingers until i am really wet and after i have teased myself long enough then i slide his fingers in me. i finger fuck myself with his hand. i get so turned on by what i am doing that after i cum, i use his hand to give myself the shocker. for those of you who don’t know what that is…its the index and middle finger in the pussy, the ring finger bent and the pinky in the ass. i love this. i start out slow then i start jamming them in really hard and really fast. then i get up on my knees with the shocker still in and put his elbow on the bed and ride his hand like it was a dick. omg i am getting so horny just sitting here writing this. as a matter of fact. i am going to go downstairs and strip off my cloths and make him fuck me and spank me and slap the shit out of me and call me his dirty little whore right now. and then when he falls asleep, im going to fuck him again. cause if i give him head while he’s sleeping he gets a hard on and i can fuck him with out waking him up.
oh and just to let you all know, my next thing that i am going to get him to do, is to buy aj dildo and double stuff me.

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the kiss that saved me (verson 2)

this is the second time i have posted this story the first time it was mislabled and improperley introduced i would like now to state that this is in fact a true story the names have been changed to protect the identitys of those involved also i would like to add that it is incomplete and certin parts of the moor hanus moments wher not needed to be shared thank you for your understanding

The night I`ll never forget

Pain, memories, tears, and fear, are only some of the things rape leaves you with.
I was 17 years old, I remember enjoying life so much that day. My boyfriend of four years, Chris, had got back from a training camp for the airforce. He hade`nt been home in 2 months. I hated sleeping alone. Finally he came home and I wouldnt have to anymore. I spent the entire day in his arms. We made love and fell asleep. I felt safe knowing that when I woke up he`d still be holding me. When I woke up there he was with his arms wrapped tightly around me starring at me like there was nothing else that mattered. And for me, there was nothing but him. He wanted to run out to the store down the street but i offered to go since it was his first day home. I got dressed and left.
By then it was dark outside so when I went into the store all I could see was the lights from inside. I went in the store, grabbed a few things he asked me to, payed, then went out to the car. I got in and began to pull out. Once I reached the end of the parking lot, I heard movement in the backseat, within seconds a man dressed in black had a knife held against my throat. I wanted to cry but could`nt. I was frozen. He wrapped his hand around my mouth and whispered ” Do what I say, Or your not going home.” I could tell he was big by the way his hand felt around my mouth. He steared me in the opposite direction of Chris. After about a mile he made me pull over, he climbed in the drivers seat and made me get in the back. I dont remember where we went or which ways he took. I was to scared to pay attention.
Fifteen-minutes of fear passed and the car stopped. I looked around and saw nothing but woods and darkness. He got out of the car and came around to the back. Knife in hand he threw me out of the car onto the ground covered in rocks. The knife cut my arm as he threw me to the ground. Starring up at the sky, I still wasent fully aware of how much danger i was in. In a split second his big hand struck my face and flipped me onto my stomach. I felt rocks pressing into my ribs. I could taste blood in my mouth from the first hit. I tried to pull myself up but he kicked my stomach knocking me down and flipping me over on my back. His hand struck my face once again leaving everything black. When I came to, he had both our clothes off. I tired to pull away but he pinned my hands over my head. Knowing that I didnt stand a chance of getting away, I still struggled to get out.
He leaned in and stuck his tounge down my throat nearly gagging me. He ran his hands down my shivvering body and put his fingers into me. This set me off and i tired pulling away again. I finally realized I couldnt get away and gave in. I tired not to move as he dug his hard dick in and out of me. I could feel the rocks under my back cutting through my skin everytime he thrusted. I could here him grunting and moving faster and faster. I could feel the bruises across my body all ready. And I still tasted blood in my mouth.
After a few more thrusts and a few more hits i felt him cum. The wetness dripped down my leg onto the cold ground. The wind blew and sent chills across my body. Finally, he let go of my hands and slide down my body running his tounge all over me. He stopped and licked the inside of my thighs. Since my hands were lose, I swung at him hitting him in the back of the head. He pulled himself up eye level to me grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me up and held me against a tree that was behind me. The bark dug into my back and pressed against the already bruised spots.
His hands were wrapped tightly around my throat leaving me unable to move. He again ran his hands all over my body. I could feel myself losing air. It was hard for me to breathe. I tired pulling him off but i couldnt budge him. For a second everything went black again untill I felt myself hit the hard ground. He had let go.
Leaning up against the tree, When I looked up at him he hit me across the face harder than all the other times. As I held my bleeding and brusied face his foot slammed into my ribs. He then knelt down and said ” You wont find out who I am.” And I knew he was right, I wouldnt ever see that man again. I listened untill I couldnt hear his foot steps through the woods anymore. I tried to get up but fell back down. I couldnt, I was hurt to badly. I stood up half way and gathered my clothes putting them on as fast as I could. I wanted to get back home to Chris.
After I got my clothes on, I got in the car. The keys were still in the ignition and the doors were stil open. I drove aimlessly around untill I figured out where I was. By the time I found my way home it was mid-night. I pulled into the parking space and tried as hard as I could to climb the flights of stairs. After the first few I collapsed and took a break. I knew this would be hard. I heard a door upstairs near our apartment slam and heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I was afraid to see who would turn the corner but still praying it was Chris. The shadow appeared around the corner and then finally Chris did. He threw the phone and ran down to me. I immediatly started crying and he wrapped his arms around me and carried me into the house.
I think I finally passed out from the pain because when I woke up I was in a hospital bed. Two of my eight brothers were there, my best friend Andrew and another best friend Stephanie along with Chris holding my hand. I was still in alot of pain. Turns out I had a broken wrist and rib, added on to a concusion and tons of bruises and cuts. Not to mention the scars that would be there inside and out for the rest of my life.
I hope you all understand the night I`ll never forget.

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