
Three J’s and an S Go Skiing – Day 6, Part 1

Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the eighth in this series and continues the adventures of The Three J’s and Sara at Mountain Lodge Resort. This story might make more sense if you have read the previous days of “Three J’s and an S Go Skiing” For the most part, the stories in this series are pretty mild. If you are looking for heavy duty stuff, try one of my other story series.

The Hunting Cabin – A Halloween Story

Halloween, in some form, exists in all cultures. Four couples spending an evening at a remote hunting cabin on a lake find out what the last full moon before the snow times meant to the peoples who inhabited the land “before the war.”

A wife becomes a cock slut

s a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 1)

A beautiful 24-year-old Asian girl goes on vacation but gets lost in a small town and quickly kidnapped by a ruthless and violent biker gang. She struggles to survive as they turn her into their personal fuck-toy, beating and raping her constantly.


This is a story in continuation of the “My first camping trip” series. it features the same main character, Cindy, but takes place a few years later.
Cindy was 14 now, a freshman in high school. 3 years had gone by since that first trip into her sexual life at this point, and physically, she had grown a bit. She was still fairly short and petite, skinny, 5’3″, had long straight blond hair. She still wore glasses, now a style resembling that of Ashliegh Banfield from the news, black rimmed and although somewhat stylish, her overall demeanor was a bit more geeky than that of most high school freshman girls. She didn’t wear flashy or very trendy clothes, wasn’t very interested in the big big fashion race that most young girls her age get obsessed with. Her style was somewhat plain, although still quite cute. Her breasts hadn’t grown much though, she barely filled an A cup, but it fit her petite stature. In school, she was quite reserved, didn’t have many friends, mostly quiet but had wonderful grades. All her teachers loved her but she didn’t really participate in any extra curricular activities.
It was the beginning of the school year, only 2 months into her first experience of high school. Unfortunately, she had been a bit depressed recently, her best friend Tracy, who had in the last few years been more of a girlfriend than best friend, and Tracy’s older cousin Blaire, had moved away at the end of the summer. It had been over two months now since she had experienced what she had gotten so used to, lesbian love with her 16 year old girlfriend. Aside from her and Blaire, Cindy had never been with any other girls. The last three years had been wonderful, but it had been very hard trying to keep it a secret from her older sister Allison who she still lived with. She didn’t think she would mind so much or judge her, but felt it extremely awkward to talk about her relationship with two older girls. Well, the only relief she felt anymore from this was that she wouldn’t have to hide or sneak around anymore.
A week ago though, she had gotten a package from Tracy and Blaire, a going away present. She was confused at first, but very glad that her sister hadn’t been home to see her get the package, because what was inside it, would not have been easy to explain. Inside the box, on the top, was a letter from Tracy.
“I’m so sorry we had to move away Cindy, you know how much i cared about you and how much I’ll miss all the fun we had. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit sometime, but I doubt it will be soon considering my families financial situation. But, until then, Blaire and I got these gifts for you. We know how much of a little perv you are, and how hard it’s going to be having to refrain from the kind of fun that your accustomed too hehe. So, enclosed in this box are some gifts we thought would help you get through it, a bunch of lesbian porn mags that Blaire and I collected, and, something I know you love (and wasn’t easy to get a hold of), a butt plug =). I know how much you love all things anal, and I hope you’ll be thinking of me whenever you use it.
Love you forever Hun,
“Oh my god….” Cindy said quietly to herself as she looked through the box. 15 very nasty porn magazines, and as promised in the letter, a medium sized, purple, butt plug. She just stood there for a moment at the edge of her bed staring at it all. She didn’t know what to think, she was excited of course at the prospect of the fun she could have with all this…. but so surprised at the gesture, and the plain boldness, of the gifts. Her excitement was cut very short though, as she hear the front door open and her sister start coming down the hall. In a panic, she knew she had to get rid of the stuff quick, or her sister may walk in and see the gross display of perverted pleasures. Quickly, she grabbed the mags and butt plug, and hid them in the closest available spot, her half-opened back pack that was sitting on the bed next to the box. Quickly after she hid the goods, she threw the box into the closet, turned around, and walked out of her room.
“Hey sis, good day at school?” her sister asked
“yeah… fine. Just got done with my homework. How was work?”
“Eh, it’s work. Thank everyday that your in school and don’t have to have a job, I’d take teachers and homework any day over having to support us everyday in that stupid office.”
“yeah…. not looking forward to that part i guess” replied Cindy finally. The rest of the evening, her and her sister shared dinner, sharing the typical small talk and chat that they had almost every night. Her sister asked again, as she did often, about what boys Cindy was interested in at school, which of course Cindy replied to as always with the same quiet shrug, and something short about how they were all stupid. Her sister laughed, Cindy didn’t know if her sister suspected her to be a lesbian, she probably did, but neither of them ever brought it up.
The next day, she walked the two blocks she did to school everyday, completely forgetting though that she had left her new gift in her back pack the night before. She got to her first class, sat down at her seat and went through the normal ordeal of school. A few minutes into the class of course, her teacher told everyone to pull out their books. Cindy grabbed her back pack that was sitting on the floor next to her, and opened it up to grab her book. A very unmistakable look of surprise came over her face as she realized that she had brought 15 lesbian porn mags and a butt plug to school. She was so shocked that she just stared at it for a few seconds before snapping out of it, digging past them, getting her book, and closing her backpack, hoping that no one would would find out what was in her back pack.
She was unlucky that day though, the girl sitting behind her HAD seen into her backpack, and although she didnt see the butt plug from her vantage point, she did see part of the cover of one of the porn magazines, the very very nasty, LESBIAN porn magazines. She of course stayed quiet but thought of what she should do with this information…. should she tell everyone? Should she confront Cindy about it? She didn’t know yet.
Her name was Kathryn. A year older than Cindy, being that Cindy was somewhat advanced and in a more advanced class, and quite a pretty girl. Not the typical, porn star hot style, but more of a very cute, somewhat tall, 15 year old sophomore in decent shape with perky B cups and a very firm ass. She’d been in soccer for the last 2 years, but wasn’t really much of a jock. Kind of an, in between girl. Friends with most, but not especially popular in any sense, except with the guys who all thought she was hot. Kathryn was a little reserved though with the boys, although she wasn’t especially smart in any right, she definitely didn’t want to be the center of any rumor mill floating around through high school.
So, as Cindy sat there in front of her, nervous as all hell, Kathryn decided she wouldn’t be the person to do to this girl what she would never want done to her. But, she did decide that she had to figure out a way to confront her about it. Kathryn had never thought about being with a girl, and still wasn’t even sure that it was where she wanted this to go, but the thought of looking at those magazines with Cindy, who she barely knew, was starting to excite her. Maybe Cindy was a full on lesbian and would try to seduce her? Maybe she was just curious and had never actually been with a girl. She didn’t know, but decided she HAD to find out.
Cindy had moved on from the incident, and decided that no one had probably seen into her backpack. What were the chances anyways? She spent the rest of the class in attention to the subject at hand, until the bell rang, and it was time for the 15 minute morning break. She usually used this time to use the bathroom, or get started on her homework out in the grassy area where most people hung out and talked. She didn’t feel the need to use the bathroom so she decided to get a quiet spot on a bench a little ways away from everyone where she could concentrate and try to get a few things done. What she didn’t notice, was that someone was following her. She sat down, and reached into her backpack, around the contraband, and grabbed out her history book to start going over the new chapter they were covering.
“Hey, that the only interesting reading material you have in that bag?” a voice said. Cindy was in shock…. someone saw!!! she hadn’t looked up yet, she was so embarrassed, but she recognized the voice. It was the girl who sat behind her in that last class, Kathryn. What could she say?
“umm…. why do you ask, Kathryn?” she finally muttered while slowly looking up but trying not to look her in the face.
Now Kathryn was nervous, she hadn’t planned this well was what the situation was obviously proving. She didn’t count on how obviously embarrassed and scared she was making Cindy. She didn’t want that, so she tried to think fast and come up with something to make it less so.
“I’m sorry, this is a little weird, I saw inside your backpack earlier…. the magazines and stuff. I didn’t want to freak you out, I wanted to know if I could look at them sometime, I’ve never seen inside one before” ok, that was a pretty good way to get it across she thought. Cindy should understand that without feeling too weird.
“ummm… well honestly I haven’t even looked at them myself, someone gave them to me and I had to hide them real fast, I just forgot about them. so, I uh, don’t know what to say, I guess you could borrow one but please don’t say anything to anyone.”
“Oh, thanks. Maybe um, since you’ve never looked at them we could just look at them together sometime? I’m pretty nervous about the whole thing but I couldn’t stop thinking about it in class. I won’t tell anyone I promise, I’m not one of those snobby stuck up girls, I’m just curious…”
“Well, umm, I don’t know if we should be looking at those right now, so when would you want to do this?” Cindy asked, now alot less embarrassed, and starting to feel a little turned on. Kathryn was really pretty, maybe she was into girls? Cindy started looking at Kathryn, imagining her coming over and looking at these magazines with her, and where it might lead.
“Are you busy afterschool? I walk the same way as you, I live a few streets over. Any ideas?”
“Well, my sister doesn’t get home till about 5, we could go to my house if you wanted, since its on the way and all.” This got a flutter in Cindy’s stomach going. Kathryn coming over to her house to look at porn with her? How lucky could she be. Hopefully she would like what she saw and maybe things would get steamy. But, she probably wasn’t really into girls, Cindy thought. She was probably just the kind of curious about what was in those things, and not into the whole girl-girl thing in real life. But, she would find out.
“Sounds good, meet me here after school?”
“Sure, I’ll see you then I guess.”
Kathryn walked away, back over to her group of friends, and went on with her normal day. Cindy watched her walking away, unable to take her eyes off her cute little ass. mmmm, she thought, would she like to get in there. She tried to keep herself realistic though, she didn’t want to get her hopes up. She was just so horny since Tracy had left, she had never been much into masturbating much, but recently she was having to satisfy herself at least once a day. The idea of a new girl was wonderful to her, but she couldn’t blow it. She’d have to play it off like she’d never done that kinda thing before, and try to just play off Kathryn’s reactions.
The day was horribly long. She couldn’t stop watching the clock, not even able to get distracted in her notes and school work like she usually could. The fantasies floating in her head, Kathryn naked in her room with her, Cindy pushing that new butt plug up her ass, the two of them kissing…. she was already starting to develop a crush on this girl and she barely even knew her. She wished she could be more like Kathryn, so bold to just walk up to someone and talk to them like that. She didn’t think she could ever do that. She was still so shy with new people, maybe Kathryn could teach her a thing or two?
Finally the time came, Cindy was so nervous but so excited at the same time. She walked quickly to the area, but once she saw Kathryn already standing there, her nervousness took over and she slowed down a bit, passively hesitating but not stopping nonetheless.
“Hi Kathryn” she said, trying not to smile too much.
“Teachers and parents call me Kathryn, you can call me Kat”
“Oh, sorry, Kat, wanna get going?”
“Yeah, lets go. So, who exactly gave you those magazines anyways?”
“My friend that moved away, she thought it would be funny to send them to me I guess” Cindy obviously didn’t want to tell her the truth about her being into girls quite yet.
They walked and chatted the rest of the two blocks, moving on from the subject of porno presents and onto more normal girl stuff. Kat talked alot more than Cindy, about school, friends, stupid things that friends said that day at lunch, her soccer game that was coming up that weekend. But, eventually, the false mood came to an end as they got to Cindy’s house and walked in.
“K, lets go in my room, just in case my sister comes home early we can pretend that were doing homework or studying or something”
“Sounds good to me. Maybe we should lock the door and get naked too” Kat said, obviously being sarcastic and laughing a little.
They sat down on the bed, and Cindy pulled the formidable stack of magazines out, never actually looking at them herself. She had only realized in that quick glance that they were girl-girl magazines, but had no idea what to expect. She laid them out like a dealer with cards at a casino, and let Kat pick the first one.
They sat on the edge of the bed, the magazines in between them, and their books out over to the side in case they had to quickly stash the mags and look busy.
“Hmm, this one looks interesting” she said, picking up one displaying a girl on the cover in fishnets in a compromising position. Flipping it open, she casually looked through it without much change of face, just curiosity. Cindy was a little disappointed. She was hoping to see some sort of look of being turned on coming from Kat. Not satisfying that wish yet, she turned her attention to the magazine.
“Wow, people really do this stuff? haha. Look at this girl, she’s got a banana in her butt. I’m sure that feels GREAT haha” Kat went on, while all Cindy could think was, yeah, that probably would feel good. Sure looks like it does anyways….
“At least all the girls in this magazine shave. It would be gross if they were all hairy and stuff”
“Yeah for sure. Hairy vagina, no good” replied Cindy
“hahahhaha. Yeah, or even worse, hair ASS!” Kat laughed pointing at a picture of a girls clean, hairless asshole
“What about this weird one, lets check that out” Kat said, picking up a thinner magazine, that had “Golden Wishes” on the front, and a picture of two naked lesbians in a shower on the cover.
Kat opened it, and started going through it, obviously not aware of what golden wishes meant…. pee. When she got a few pages in, a nice great big picture showing a closeup of a girls pussy pissing into another girls wide open mouth.
“Oh WOW….. People DO THIS? That’s crazy! I’ve never even heard of this stuff before” exclaimed Kat, as she sat transfixed, going through page after page of girls in different positions drinking piss or being bathed in it. She was obviously quite fascinated by it, but Cindy couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. They moved on through another magazine. Then another. Cindy was getting extremely turned on now, she didn’t know how much more she could take. She wanted to either do Kat right there or get onto so serious, serious masturbating. She noticed that Kat started to look like she might be into this, and it took all Cindy had in her bag of bravery to do what she did next…. she leaned over to Kat, and kissed her.
“mmmpph… Whoa there!” Kat said in amazing surprise, backing away a little.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought you were…. you know… umm…” Cindy was so mad at herself. She knew she shouldn’t have done that, but couldn’t help herself. She felt so embarrassed now.
“Hey, no, I’m sorry, I guess I gave you the wrong idea, I should have known, a girl with all lesbian porno was probably a lesbian, I was just, I don’t know… curious anyways…” Kat replied. Now she felt bad, she figured her for a lesbian, she should have known that this situation would seem like a come on to another girl. She didn’t want to embarrass Cindy, she was really nice and didn’t deserve that. “Hey, it’s ok. It’s ok really, my fault not yours ok?”
“I’m really embarrassed, I’m sorry… I don’t know what to say now. Maybe we shouldn’t have done this….” Cindy said lowering her head.
“No no, it’s OK. This is fun. I just wasn’t expecting you to kiss me, you caught me off guard, I’ve never um, kissed a girl before.”
“Well you seemed really interested in the magazines, so I thought….”
“Well yeah, I’m into it, I’ve never really thought of girls like that before, its just, all new to me ya know…..” They sat there quiet for a minute, both feeling quite awkward. Kat thought to herself about how unfair it really was for Cindy, a girl comes over to her one day and embarrasses her about seeing her personal stuff, and then wants to spend the afternoon with her doing something that is obviously very private to her, and must be really excited, and then makes a move that anyone could see coming, and she rejects her. She looked over at Cindy sitting there, less of a look of embarrassment now but more disappointment. Disappointment in not getting with Kat, and disappointment in herself for making the wrong move. Well, Kat thought, maybe she can get a LITTLE more….
Kat put out her hand, placing it on Cindy’s shoulder “Hey, come here…” she said. And as Cindy lifted and turned her head slightly to look at Kat, Kat kissed her back. Now it was Cindy who was in shock, but she wasn’t going to back away like Kat did. She leaned in hard to kiss her, closing her eyes and slightly moaned into kats mouth, which was followed by her tounge.
That surprised Kat a little bit, but she didn’t stop her. She didn’t know yet if she was totally into the girl thing, but she was having fun. She hadn’t kissed anyone since she was in 7th grade, some stupid boy during lunch. It hardly Meant anything, she really wasn’t too impressed with it. Cindy’s kiss was actually much better, like she had done this a few times before, like she wasn’t just trying to make out to impress her friends, like she really wanted it.
They kept kissing for a few minutes, and ended up laying on their sides, on top of the open lesbian magazines, getting more and more into it together. It was surprising to Kat, that she was enjoying it this much, maybe she was bi? Maybe she was a lesbian and had just never thought about it before? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she was enjoying this. Alot. Should this go further though?
Her question was soon answered… Cindy’s little hand moved up to her chest and started rubbing her right tit. The feeling of a girls hand touching her there made up her mind. Today was her day to try out a girl. She was gonna let this go wherever it went she decided. Cindy obviously knew what she was doing, and she should be so lucky to find someone who wasn’t going to clumsily fondle her, get off, and leave her wondering what happened.
Cindy was so hot now she couldn’t take it. She knew that Kat had probably only intended for it to be a kiss, to make up for pulling away and making her feel weird earlier… but she had her now and was going to push it. She noticed the positive reaction coming from Kat as she kneaded her breast with her hand, And picked her next move. She moved her hand down lower, to Kat’s hip, a small part of naked flesh where her shirt had ridden up slightly. She rubbed her skin for a few seconds, and slowly moved her hand under the hem of her shirt, and then slowly up the front. She was making her way for the goods, she wanted to feel those perky B’s in her hand, in her face, in her mouth. And now that it had gone this far, she wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Kat didn’t mind Cindy’s little hand moving up to her tits. She didn’t mind at all. Feeling emboldened, feeling hot, and feeling feelings she had never felt before, she went with it. She went with it, and did something that surprised little Cindy quite a bit, she gave her a little help. She took her hands off their resting spots on Cindy, and moving onto her back, she moved them up to her top, unbuttoning it to give Cindy the access she so obviously wanted. Cindy’s hand no visible groping her tit, and her blouse now wide open and revealing her bra covered chest, Kat let her a little more access, and unbuttoned the front of her bra, leaving it loosely draped over her tits.
Cindy wasn’t going to waste this opportunity. She pulled the right side of the bra covering that beautiful 15 year old breast away, and softly felt it with her hand for a moment, still kissing Kat with not just passion, but pure lust. She Slowly and gently rubbed over her nipple, which was clearly at full attention to her touch. Squeezing a little more and more, she couldn’t stand it anymore, she wanted that tit in her mouth. these were the biggest tits she’d ever touched, Tracy’s had never gotten very big, and although these were still only B’s, they still excited the hell out of Cindy. She broke off her kiss, and opened her eyes, staring into Kat’s also now open, and very dreamy blue eyes. She looked at her for only a second though, and scooched her little butt down the bed a little to line up her face with Kat’s chest. Without hesitation though, that nipple was Cindy’s meal. She sucked both the nipple and a good amount of Kat’s tit into her mouth, and while keeping suction, started flicking her tongue across her nipple. The softness of the skin on Kat was heaven. Cindy couldn’t get enough of the soft feel and warmth of Kat’s chest against her face. This was something she would hopefully, get used to.
Kat was really beginning to enjoy this. The situation wasn’t what she had planned on…. or was it? She loved looking at the girls in the magazines, just seeing the magazine in her back pack that day might have awoke something inside of her. She wasn’t too concerned with where it came from right now though, she just knew she liked it, and wanted more. She put her hand on the back of Cindy’s head, and moaned to her cute little lips sucking away on her tit.
Minutes of this breast sucking went by, Cindy had no conquered both boobs and Kat felt it was time to return the favor, and get all the way out of the shirt and bra that were draping on her loosely.
“Take off your clothes” she simply said to Cindy, who needed no encouragement. The thing that surprised Kat though, was that Cindy didn’t stop at taking off her shirt (revealing her braless, perky little tits and small pink nipples), but continued to dropping her shorts and panties in one quick motion. Kat watched while taking her own top off, and not to be the only one with the clothes on, she started at her buttons on her pants, and a little nervously, started pulling them down with her panties as well. Both girls took a few seconds, sitting up on that bed, staring at each others bodies. Kat had never even been naked with another girl before, and had certainly never thought her first time would be like this. Cindy could tell that Kat was feeling obviously a little shy about the being naked thing, so she wasted no time at all in getting back on top of her, pinning her against the bed. She resumed first, with the kissing. The level had heightened a bit now. Now it wasn’t just her mouth attacking Kat, she used her whole body. She had her skinny little left leg in between Kat’s, and was starting to grind her hip into hers. Her pussy hardly floating over Kat’s, the slime from in between each others legs legs beginning to mix as their shaved mounds began to grind against each other, and their nipples occasionally rubbed one another, sending small jolts of pleasure to each other through their tits.
The fun ensued for several minutes, but Cindy needed more. She knew that her new little partner wasn’t inexperienced though, and would take some coaxing to get her to eat her pussy. But, that didn’t mean that she couldn’t teach her. Cindy broke their kiss once again, and started kissing down her body. She wanted to get between those legs and taste that beautiful slit, but she needed to get her into the idea big time first. She needed to send this girl to cloud 9 if she was going to get Kat to suck her little twat dry, let alone get her to do what she really wanted and suck her ass ring to heaven and back. But, she’ll get her, she knew it.
She’d finally moved her lips to meet Kat’s lower lips, and she looked up at kat who was nervously, but willingly looking down at her to meet her gaze. Cindy held her eye contact, opened her mouth, and stuck her tongue out, to lightly lick up and down her still unparted, but steaming hot and wet, pussy. She slowly teased around the edges, liking the insides of her thighs, up around her mound, and even down at the taint by her asshole, to which Kat bucked her hips a small amount to in shock from the feeling. She took her right hand, and started rubbing the front of her pussy while licking up at her clit, and tried to use Kat’s juices to wetten her fingers, and get them ready to really explore this virgin little pussy.
Kat was laying there in a nervous, but amazingly turned on state. She knew it would probably go here but hadn’t really grasped the fact that this cute little freshman would have her tongue and fingers up her pussy. She’d never even masturbated before, and now she was having lesbian sex in this 14 year old’s room. As crazy as this all was though, she couldn’t help what she was feeling, and she loved it. Her nervousness subsided the more that pretty little girl worked on her, and soon she had here legs spread as wide as she could, just as Cindy started trying to push a finger up her virgin little twat.
“Oh my god Cindy, that feels so good. Where the hell did you learn to do this….” Kat asked, obviously a rhetorical question, she didn’t expect an answer just yet. Cindy’s tiny little finger continued its journey inwards and onwards. Her virgin pussy was tight, very tight. Tighter than her own even, being that Cindy masturbated so damn much. Kat’s pussy flexed around her finger, now soaking wet, as she moved it in and out slowly to really get Kat’s engine revved. Her tightness never did let up, just started squeezing tighter and tighter. Cindy had a plan, she needed to get her to the edge of orgasm, maybe a few times before she let her have it. She needed her hotter, and willing to do anything, because she wanted her to do it all right now.
She stopped licking, and decided it was time to use her new toy on herself, she had a feeling that the sight of her putting the plug in her own ass would be quite a shock, and turn on for this little pervert in training. The whole idea of her, shy little Cindy in the glasses, the quiet girl in the class, turning this older sophomore girl into the slut that she wanted her to be, her new little girl toy, was driving her passion completely in this.
She got up on her knees, leaving Kat a tad confused, but curious there with her legs spread wide. Cindy reached over into her bag, and pulled out her toy. Kat’s eyes lit up, she didn’t know it was a butt plug yet, but she knew it was some kind of sex toy and that was gonna get nastier. Cindy put it in her mouth, to get it wet and lubricated, and then did something that really got Kat confused. She stood, up, turned away from Kat, and bent over. With her free, left hand, she spread open her ass, revealing to Kat’s eyes for the first time, a real life female asshole. NASTY is all that was going through Kat’s head, it was something to see it in a magazine, but something else to see it in real life, only feet away. She couldnt take her eyes off of the sight in front of her though, as she watched Cindy do something she didn’t think she’d ever see, even in these circumstances, she watched Cindy stuff that little toy right up her own ass.
Cindy didn’t take too much time displaying her new little butt toy though, as much as she loved the dirty feeling of displaying it to her, the shy girl who’s outlet this was, she wanted to get back to the job at hand. She still didn’t want to let her new girl pal orgasm yet though, she could tell that her little plan to get her ready for anything was working, and she wanted to keep it going in that direction. So, it was time to show Kat what else was on the menu this evening. She got back between Kat’s legs, and gave her another couple good licks, resulting in the little 15 year old dropping her head back to the bed, in pleasure she hadn’t yet ever known. But the licking of her cute little bald pussy only lasted a few seconds before her young new friend grabbed both of her legs, and pushed them up as far as they would go, putting them almost completely over Kat’s head. She was a little confused at where this was going, she could feel how close her face was to her pussy from her breath, but she didn’t continue by licking her pussy. Cindy’s cute little tongue reached out very slowly, and ever so gently, it made its way around Kat’s pale pink little butthole. “What was wrong with this girl?” is all that Kat could think, she’d never imagined that people ever even did this kinda thing, how the hell did this shy, freshman girl who’s tongue was circling her asshole, ever get into such dirty things? As she wondered this though, she became more and more aware that the pressure from Cindy’s tongue was getting greater and more direct on her little sphincter. And what was even more interesting to Kat though, is that there was a very clear reason why she did this (aside from her just being a big butt-perv), it felt GOOD. Not the kinda good like her tongue on her pussy did, that feeling that something was building inside of her, a different kind of good, a sexy, dirty, bad kind of good. It made her feel excited and turned on, like she was REALLY doing something she wasn’t supposed to be right now, and in her position, that’s exactly what she was signing up for.
Cindy was so excited to get this reaction out of Kat, a little bit of her worried for a second that as soon as her tongue touched asshole, that her new friend would object and try to get out of bed, but, that wasn’t going to stop her from trying her favorite meal! Every time that Cindy got to lick ass, she just felt so so dirty, it was as if all the world didn’t matter anymore, her shy self that she was in public was the complete opposite of the person she became when she got to participate in dirty sex with another girl. She kept on digging with her tongue, but Kat’s virgin little butt was too tight to get her tongue into… for now. She hoped she would get to work on that later, maybe Kathryn would want to borrow her new little toy sometime? Well, to keep the ball rolling and not let her get too far back away from her orgasm, she started to lick up and around her inner thighs again, over her clit and down her lips, back to her asshole, and again and again. She wanted to stimulate her in all areas so that it all just became a blur (she loved it when Tracy used to do that to her). Her tongue only at first, soon became a swirl of lips, licks, kisses and sucks to all the different parts of her undercarriage. Kat was obviously enjoying this, her breathing had risen significantly, although she hadn’t started yet into the dirty talk that Cindy was hoping for, but, that as with the ass play would probably come a little later. It was time to give this girl her first, and in Cindy’s mine, much overdue, orgasm. Cindy turned up the level of attack on Kat’s pussy, which was now near gushing with fluid. She hadn’t really seen a girl get this wet before, but, everyone’s different she guessed, she must just be a wet one, and a tasty one at that! She was getting almost as much enjoyment from this being a delicious drink as she was from the depraved act she was doing with a medium sized piece of plastic lodged up her ass. Attention brought back to that toy in her ass, she came up with an idea. A very, very dirty one, that knew would take Kat by surprise. Cindy quickly reached behind her, and pulled the plug back out of her ass, without Kat noticing of course from her obvious state of distraction. With her other hand though, which let Kat’s legs both fall back onto the bed, she started fingering her pussy again, reaching in, and curling her finger back against the front wall of her canal to really ge her stimulated. Her tongue kept up its attack, but now focusing on her clit. She started to increase the pace of her fingering and licking, which provided a very quick and unmistakable reaction from the 15 year old. Cindy knew she was on the brink of her orgasm, just now going into the beginning of it, convulsing and exhaling rapidly and sharply, so Cindy put the next part of her depraved idea into play. With her free hand, the one with the tainted butt plug in it, she lunged up and forward. Her mouth came off her friends clit, her finger going in just that much deeper, and the butt plug, straight into Kat’s open mouth. Kat’s eyes sprung open immediately, at first in curious surprise and shock, then in real shock when she realized what was in her mouth… the toy that was just up Cindy’s butthole!!! She would have tried to spit it out immediately, but now in the middle of her first raging orgasm, and with Cindy’s hand holding the plug in her mouth, her orgasm brinked, her cries being muffled by the slick and juice covered butt toy.
She didn’t even know what to think anymore. Kat’s brain was racing so fast, she had no idea where she even stood anymore on any of this. Was it just fun that was getting out of control? Did she want it to stop because of what Cindy had just done to her? Or did what Cindy just did, make her that much more hot and her feeling that much better? She had no idea and didn’t care. She didn’t want this to stop. This crazy little 14 year old was showing her a world she had never thought existed, that she never would have in her wildest dreams predicted herself to be enjoying herself in.
As her orgasm subsided, her breathing not yet returning to normal but not quite the sharp gasps as only a few seconds ago, she just lay there, with that plug in her mouth, staring at the ceiling. The finger in her pussy was slowly withdrawn, and Cindy, beautiful blond, nerdy looking Cindy in those little black rimmed glasses, moved on top of Kat to meet her face to face. Cindy took the plug out of her mouth, with a big, adorable smile on her face, and just looked at Kat, in her pretty blue eyes. Kat returned the gaze, and looking at that cute little face, obviously so excited about what had just taken place, not even having an orgasm yet herself, Kat couldn’t help but to smile back at her. She knew now what her position was on this. She loved it. She knew that she made the right decision this morning keeping this secret, instead of telling her friends like she first thought about doing. She knew she made the right decision to approach the shy young freshman reading by herself. And now she knew that part of her, this entire time, had wanted what was happening right now. That feeling of mutual appreciation, of mutual understanding in something, with someone so pretty, and of something that very, very few people would ever understand. There was nothing else she could do but lean up to meet her lips to Cindy’s. Of course, Cindy was waiting for it, hoping that was the reaction she would get after taking that toy from her mouth. Cindy’s little heart was in heaven. She did it, made this girl hers, and she knew it. Kat knew it too. She didn’t want a boyfriend, she wanted this freshman girl.
They kissed for quite a long time. Not hot and steamy porno kissing, but the kissing that happens when two people, although not in love, realize how much they truly like each other, and care for each other, and how that other person feels. This attitude is what brought the new found lesbian to make her own move. She didn’t know if she could do to Cindy what she had done for her, but she would try, and if her technique was anything to be questioned, her passion for it was not. She reluctantly but meaningfully broke their kiss, both of their eyes now open, and stared into her green eyes just for a moment long enough to pass a message with them of what was going to happen. There was no mistake to be made from that look. Cindy gracefully rolled over onto her back, bringing Kat up on top of her. Kat went back to kissing Cindy, but not on her lips. Her mouth slowly, just as Cindy had done, made it’s way down this petite little frame, kissing various soft spots like her neck, clavicle, a nipple, the underside of her breast, her stomach… her hips. She was now in Unknown territory. Nothing in her life’s experience, save for the few moments leading up to now, had prepared her for what she was going to do. All she had as a basis was the session that had just transpired on her. But, a good map had been laid by Cindy, She had shown Kat what feels good. Her tongue tentatively reached out, and touched for the first time, another girls pussy. Very softly, and somewhat nervously, she slowly started licking all over and around her vagina. A few moments of this passed as Cindy lay there experiencing this and taking it in with a huge smile on her face. The tongue worked it’s way around, and finally, it spread open the folds of her sex and started working the inner areas of her young pussy. Cindy’s breathing got heavier just as Kat’s had been only moments earlier. More vocal than Kat, she decided to give her guidance through this while she enjoyed it.
“Mmm, keep licking honey, that feels so good”
Kat didn’t take the guidance as anything but reinforcement for what she was doing, and was actually thankful for it. The silence broken by nothing but breathing before was only making her more nervous, and the dirty talking was helping tremendously.
“Don’t be scared Kat, you’re doing great, keep going, mmm, suck on my clit” Cindy continued.
Kat took her advice, and knowing what a clit was only from basic sexual education in school, and her own inspection upon herself through the years, began sucking and slurping and licking on Cindy’s clit and surrounding area. Her methods may have been crude and unpracticed, but it was working. Cindy hadn’t had another girl for months now, and her orgasm would come fast. She desperately needed this and couldn’t think of anyone else at this moment that she would rather experience it with. This girl needed her, it was clear that although older and more socially apt, Kat was a novice with massive potential in the bedroom.
Her clitoral assault continued for minutes and both girls found their rhythm. Kat was learning fast what to do, and was loving everything about it. The taste, the smell, the sight, the dirty talk coming from Cindy, and the shear act of this forbidden act. Her head was swimming and she wanted to keep up with Cindy, she may have been new but had a new found excitement for this situation that she had initiated, and wanted to amaze Cindy as much as she was being amazed. Much less graceful and smooth as Cindy had done, Kat stopped her attack on her pussy, and rolled Cindy onto her stomach. Cindy was so surprised but knew exactly what was happening, and was so excited despite Kathryn being a little clumsy. Clumsy maybe, but her intentions were obvious and almost hotter that they weren’t so well practiced. With both hands, she spread open the skinny girls butt cheeks and dove straight in, no holds barred. Her tongue went straight for the money, as deeply and violently as she could manage, if for no other reason than because she didn’t know if she could go through with it if she dragged it out. That taste was familiar of course, as she had just had something from that same hole stuffed in her mouth a few minutes ago. The taste at the source she found, was opposite of what she expected, and even more tasty than the plastic covered in its juices. This encouraged her efforts two fold, and Cindy couldn’t have been happier. She was really convinced now, if not before, that this new friend of hers would be a VERY good person to keep around. She wished that this ass-eating would just keep going forever. For a girl like Cindy with an ass fetish, this was like getting a back massage after a very hard day. It was not only relaxing, it was invigorating at the same time. It turned her on more than anything else to have a pretty girl stick her tongue up into her butthole and stab it in and out.
The eating continued for minutes, but to Cindy, no amount of time would have been too much. She knew that Kathryn would probably have a very sore tongue now, and had proven herself committed to the situation, and now, it was time to cum.
“Stick two fingers in my pussy babe” she said softly “and kiss me again”
She said this while rolling over to meet Kat again, face to face, and resume the making out while her pussy got what it needed. Kat’s fingers found their target quickly, and worked as hard as they could to get her friend off. It did not take long, Cindy was so primed from the activities thus far, that within 20 seconds of fingering and kissing, she exploded. Her orgasms were not like Kat’s. Kat was new to this and didn’t know yet how to go with it. Cindy did. Cindy’s hips bucked against Kathryn’s hand, pushing her fingers all the way to the back of her hole, her nails almost scratching the back wall of it. The kiss now, not soft and sweet like before, was a vicious festival of mouth, lip and tongue as the two completely lost themselves, Cindy practically screaming into Kathryn’s mouth.
After everything calmed down, they just lay there for nearly 30 minutes together. They’d pushed the porn off the edge of the bed so they could be more comfortable holding and stroking each other, relaxing together without saying a word.
It was still early. In fact, only roughly an hour and a half had gone by so far since they got home, leaving still another hour before Cindy’s sister was expected to be home at the earliest. So, this in mind, Cindy got up off the bed, taking Kat by the hand, and led her to the bathroom. Cindy wasn’t about to get into another sexual escapade again with only so much time left, but wanted to keep the experience going somewhat. Arriving at the bathroom, she turned on the shower, hot. Kat felt completely comfortable nude with this girl now, and couldn’t stop looking at her. All she could think of was what a great idea this all was, and how much better it kept getting.
They stepped into the shower together, and went through the motions of rinsing off while still rubbing against each other with their small, underage bodies. Cindy did have one more little surprise for her though. A little crazy she though, but it would be funny and it would feel her friend out for one more little thing she enjoyed. Cindy grabbed Kat’s hand and pushed it against her pussy, in almost a cupping shape. Kat looked at her a little confused, but let her lead her hand with complete confidence that she would be up for anything that she had her in for. Cindy just grinned, almost giggling, and started pissing. Pissing into Kathryn’s hand. Kathryn didn’t know at first what was happening, as they were in a shower with warm water running over them, but only after a few seconds, she did realize it, and connected it back to the magazines they’d read. She didn’t pull her hand back, just kept it there, containing the piss that was flowing into it, while alot of it spilled out and onto the ground. Cindy, her hand still on Kat’s, let up her stream, and lead her hand back up, cupping it upwards as to not spill it, and brought it to her own lips. While staring straight into her friends eyes, with a cute little smirk on her face, she drank down the entire amount of the piss in Kat’s hand, and let her hand drop back down slowly. Kat’s look back was part amused, part turned on, and part about laugh. They were of course, only 14 and 15 year old girls, drinking pee, no matter how hot either of them thought it was sometimes, was still kinda funny. They both giggled a little bit, and Cindy pushed her face to Kat’s and gave her a short kiss. The taste of the pee was only slightly still on her lips, but recognizable, and not at all obtrusive to Kat. She didn’t think that anything Cindy could do now, would offend, or surprise her.
They finished their shower without a word passed still. They went back to Cindy’s room, cleaned up the porn while still naked, stacking it up on the bed, and put their clothes back on.
“Hey….” said Cindy.
“Yeah?” was all that Kat replied while looking over to Cindy.
“I hate to say it, but you should probably go soon, my sister is going to be home in a little bit.”
“Yeah, I know. My mom is probably wondering where I am. You mind if I tell her that I was getting some help with that class with you?”
“No I don’t mind, thats fine. But I want you to take these with you” Cindy said as she handed Kat a few of the magazines, including the one with the lesbians drinking piss. Kat just looked back at her with a knowing smile, and put them in her bag.
“K, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow in class then?” asked Kat.
“Yeah, I miss you already” she replied smiling.
After a few seconds of last minute goodbye-kissing, Kat was on her way home, and Cindy left alone in her room again, but with a big smile on her face and a very relaxed mind. She found someone, and she was happy. All that went through her mind now… was how was this going to go from here on out? What was it going to be like going to school with a lesbian lover?
to be continued

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Vampire Lust

It was cold out and I was just sitting there waiting for the bus for school. I was a freshman, only 15. I had stayed back a year. I wish I lived closer to the school so I didn’t have to go on that bus and see those assholes. I say those assholes because I don’t know their names. It’s just a gang of guys that bother me on the bus. Pulling my hair, asking me things like, “do I suck dick?” and such.
I hated the bus. As I shivered there at the bus stop I thought about skipping today and going to the bowling alley like last week. I looked down the road up and down and then back at my mom’s house.
“Fuck it!” I exclaimed. I walked away from the bus stop and went down the road towards town. Maybe I could just hang out at the bowling alley for the day. I knew that some of the other kids who skipped usually hung out there.
I entered the bowling alley. My light brown hair was covered with a pink beanie. The snow was frosting on the top of my head. I pulled my hat off and dusted the snow off. I walked to an empty booth near the food. I scanned the bowling alley. Mostly old bowlers. I kept looking watching one guy throw a strike.
Then, something caught my eye. A guy was sitting all alone near the arcade. He was so hot. He had long dark hair on his shoulders. It was styled and layered. I had this feeling that he was gay. Well if he is I can still look I thought. I turned around in my booth like a little kid and watched him. He was so sexy. His jaw was strong and he had full lips and a straight little nose but his eyes were the most amazing part. They were like blue pools of water and long dark lashes.
I felt my cheeks turn red as he brought a class of beer to his lips and another part of me was turned on too. I was just staring wondering what he could look like naked when his eyes shifted and he looked back at me. Our eyes locked. I shivered; his stare was intense. I swallowed my saliva. Something was wrong with this how old is he like 20? 25? I have to get out of here I thought. I grabbed my hat and pulled it on and ran out the door. When I got outside I breathed heavily. My hands on my pink stocking clad knees. The hairs on my neck stood up. I looked back and there he was; all hot and scary. Watching me. A smile tugged on his full lips.
“Who you running from?” I stood up straight and turned to watch him walk up to me. I bit my lip. He was tall and towered over me.
“No one I just…um…it was stuffy in there,” I mustered thinking quickly.
“You wouldn’t be afraid of me now would you?” He leaned in closer. His body nearly touching mine. I felt his body heat and then one of his arms grabbed both of my wrists in one of his large hands. I was helpless. I tried to scream but his other hand was over my mouth in a flash. I screamed and cried out into his hand; struggling for freedom. He pulled me towards a parked car and pushed me into the passenger seat. I kicked at him and scratched at the door trying to get it open but it was locked. He slammed his door closed and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me back.
“Listen girly, don’t fight it I felt your heat and I watched you shudder you want it badly, don’t you? I know you do.” His eyes were so hypnotic. I whimpered. the roots of my hair on fire. He looked away from me scanning for anyone that might have seen. He shoved me upright in the seat and I trembled shrinking away from him. He started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I screamed and tried the door again. Crack! A hard blow to my head and I was out cold.
I woke up slowly. My head hurt. There was so much pain throbbing through my head. I had the feeling I was being watched. I opened my eyes wide and there was my kidnapper. his eyes not moving watching me. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I was in a dark room. I tried to move but I couldn’t. My arms! They were handcuffed!
“You sick freak!” I screamed. He laughed softly under his breath. He reached for me. One of his hands ran over my naked breast. Oh my god, I’m naked! He undressed me! I trembled as my body flushed. I could not believe it. I didn’t want this. His hand massaged and flicked my nipple. I gasped, his eyes danced over me.
“Please please god…don’t rape me please,” I begged. He smiled wider; white teeth glinting. My eyes widened I choked out,
“Oh my god!” Two long fangs like a dog or a cat slid from under his top lip.
“Now you know what I am, little one,” he said softly leaning over me. He slid his leg over me and he was hovering over me. Those eyes watching, scaring the hell out of me.
“I could have taken you when you were out, you know. But you have choice in this,” he said softly. He grabbed the back of my head and yanked my hair. I gasped my back arching. His mouth found mine. I could not believe myself as I moaned into his mouth. His fingernails dug into the back of my neck. His tongue fucked my mouth harshly. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned again. He is going to rape me my brain screamed. But my body wanted him! My pussy was burning with desire. My mouth ached for more of his harsh kisses. He growled deep in his throat and drew his mouth away from mine. I moaned softly. My eyes were heavy. I knew I must be a red as a beat.
“You have the choice. Become one with me. Spread your thighs, invite me in, and let me have your flower or I shall take your blood and you shall die and your body given to my dogs. They are very hungry.” He was watching for my reaction and smiled when my eyes widened.
“I…I…this is insane! My mother and Father will find me!” I squirmed against him.
“That wasn’t a choice.” He growled he yanked my head to the side; exposing my neck to his fangs.
“Now make your choice, girl.” He licked along my neck sending shivers down my spine. I could not think with his mouth pressing kisses onto my neck. His groin was grinding against my thigh. I whimpered softly. I did not want to die. No one wants to die. If he raped me I could still escape somehow but if I died here my mother and father would never know what became of me.
“No…I don’t want to die..,” I said softly.
“What was that?” He replied, an evil glint in his eyes. I swallowed.
“You can fuck me,” I said bluntly his eyes glittered. That’s what he wanted to hear.
“Good girl.” He got off the bed and walked away until I could no longer see him.
It felt like forever laying there, shivering .it was cold. Only a few candles were lit in the room. Everything was black and red. I sighed heavily I was going to be raped on these sheets in this strange house by this oh so sexy but crazy man. I whimpered. Tears began spilling from my eyes. A vampire, no a fucking crazy man who thought he was a vampire and had mean little girl eating dogs. I began bawling. Tears upon tears rolled down my cheeks. Then I felt his presence again. He was completely naked, a bottle of wine and a glass in his hands. I could not help myself and I looked to his crotch. Through my tears I saw how big he was I began to panic again. more tears my chest began to pound. He sat down near me and set the wine and glass down on the floor. I shut my eyes tight. His hand caressed my cheek and I felt his hot breath on my face. His lips running over my brow.
“Shh…,” I opened my eyes. He watched me and his eyes softened. he reached for my cuffed hands. When I was released I did the first thing I could think of, I tried to hit him. He caught my fists and pulled me into his lap. I screamed and squirmed; calling him every foul mouthed thing I could think of. He gripped my throat, making me stop. He reached for the wine and poured it into the glass. I watched and became paralyzed with fear again.
“Drink this.” He gave me the glass. I looked down into the blood colored drink. He is getting me drunk. He doesn’t want me to fight him when he rapes me. I swallowed down the whole glass and coughed. He smile. I felt the buzz. He held me close giving me another glass full. I leaned into his strong chest. I moaned softly; done with the second glass. His fingers ran down my back.
“When I saw you I knew I had to have you,” He breathed into my hair.
“Such a pretty girl. Such pretty green eyes and luscious lips,” He tilted my head back.
“And a virgin.” I nodded my head. He smiled, laying me back on the bed. He spread my legs with his strong hands. I whimpered. This was it, my first time. I gasped as he took in my pussy. he was admiring me. I bit my lip. My cheeks hot again then his head lowered I whimpered leaning up on my arms.
“Wha…ahhhhh,” His tongue was in my pussy. his mouth locked onto me. I cried out and he grabbed my thighs, bringing my pussy closer to his mouth. He was teasing my clit with his tongue. I screamed in pleasure as he stabbed his tongue into my virgin hole.
“Ohhh. It feels so good.” I said in a daze. He pushed two fingers into me and I winced in pain. He kept finger fucking me like that his tongue teasing my clit. I was on the verge of cumming, this was so much better than my tiny fingers.
“Ahhh I’m gonna…ahh.” He growled, stopping what he was doing. He spread my legs wider. He took one of my hands and made me spread my dripping pussy for him.
“I want you to know my name,” he said softly leaning over me. He ran the head of his massive dick over my clit.
“Why would you let me know your name..?” He smiled, kissing me. I moaned as he pressed the head of his dick against my pussy hole.
“I want to hear you moan it,” He whispered in my ear. I shuddered at the thought.
“Alexander,” He whispered and then he pushed against me. I bit my lip hard as the massive head pushed open my pussy hole. he stretched me. I grabbed the sheets, no longer able to hold open my pussy. He thrust hard into me taking my cherry for his own. He pinned me to the bed, his cock buried deep inside me. I whimpered softly. My pussy was throbbing around his girth. He kissed my neck, my eyelids, and my mouth. Then he began to move. I cried out each time he thrust into my tight hole. He growled; his fingernails digging into my wrists as his hips slapped against my thighs.
It was beginning to feel so good. My hips followed his, searching for his cock. I was huffing and puffing. Little noises I didn’t know I could make came from my lips. He groaned turning me over on my side and pushing my leg up so my legs were at a 90 degree angle. He began fucking me harder. I cried out. He was fucking me like an animal; hips moving fast, cock pounding away on my unused pussy. I faced the bed sheets, muffling my screams.
“No. I want to hear you scream for me, slut.” he growled my face from the sheets. He fucked me harder. The slap of our skin sounded around the room.
“Ahhhhh I can’t take this…ahhh,” I cried his hand squeezed my little breast.
“Say my name! Say it!” he commanded rubbing my clit as he fucked me.
“Ahhh mmm Alexander!” I cried gasping as I’m began to cum.
“Louder whore!” I screamed cumming my pussy clenched so hard around his cock I thought I might just die. I shook all over I could feel his cum pouring down my thighs.
” Alexander…Alexander..,” I muttered softly, tired and wasted. He moaned staying inside me pumping ever drop into me.
“Mmm…My mate you were so good.” He rolled off me and then moved me into a spooning position. One hand wrapped around my waist and the other moved to my breast. I felt so weak. He moved his mouth to my neck. I heard him whisper,
“This may hurt. And you will pass out. But when you awaken you will be a creature of the night, just like me. “ I couldn’t protest, even if I wanted to. I felt the sharp pain as his fangs sank into my neck. I felt him drink from me for a few moments before pulling away. I felt my eyelids becoming heavier and he whispered to me,
“Sleep tight, my love.” And the darkness overtook me.

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Boy Did My Daughter Surprise Me Chapter 16

Chapter 16
Knowing she listened to what the man said I decided to answer her quickly.
“I am sure your daddy got hard fast, that beautiful pussy of your would make any man hard! So, your wanting your daddy to fuck you. I don’t know what to tell you, I have though a lot about fucking my little girl and I think I would have a very hard time turning her down if she made the next move. You need to know how much trouble he could get into if you let him fuck you and someone found out about it. From a daddy’s side I think it would make most men happy to know his little girl lost her virginity to someone who would always love her and take care of her, besides what man could turn down a sexy young ass as nice as yours. I hope you have fun buying that lingerie, I cant wait to see you in and out of it.”
Finished with the emails I decided I should take care of some of the chores around the house I had neglected from all the time I had spent trying to satisfy my hunger for the two sexy young ladies that have occupied my house the past couple of days. As I sat waiting on laundry I felt my phone start to vibrate, I had a message from an unknown number.
I opened the message “I thought you would like to see this” was all it said on the first screen of three, I scrolled to the next screen to see a picture of Amber sucking some guys dick. My own instantly started growing at the sight and continued to swell as I scrolled to the next one, there was my little girl with a nice size load of cum shot across her face.
By now my dick throbbing at its full length as I started to reply to the message but before I could finish typing it another one from the same number
“sexy huh I helped her but she wanted the cum”.
I could have cum right then! I continued my reply message
“I almost cum! Who was the lucky guy?” I replied
“He did! Haha Some guy we talked in to coming in the dressing room with us, we are hunting for another one now she said she wanted an older man this time. This is making me horny I cant wait for you to fuck my ass tonight” she answered.
Just thinking about my little girl sucking dick had driven me crazy in the past but seeing her face covered in some guys cum had me wanting her more than ever, why shouldn’t I be able to enjoy the benefits of having a very horny young lady living in my house after all I will always take care of her. My hand had found it way to my throbbing dick just thinking about it when I realized it looked like I was going to get to please a cock hungry girl’s desire to have her ass filled with cock, what was my daughter going to think when she sees my fucking her best friend in her ass. My thoughts quickly turned to imagining her catching us and joining us and filling her own anal desires with my dick, would I be able to cum on her face like the other guy or would she want me to fill her tight ass with my juices. By now I was deep into a full n jack off session taking slow full strokes at my throbbing dick, my thoughts were interrupted by another message on my phone. Excitedly I opened it hoping for more pictures from the two, hell yeah it was her again!
“Look what you have to look forward to” I scrolled down to see Amber on her knees with another dick shoved in her mouth, then another of her eyes closed as it looked like she was doing all she could do to take all of his cock in her throat. The last picture was off her opening her mouth showing the nice load of cum resting on her tongue.
That was more than I could stand as I felt my own load working it way up my length, I continued to pump my load onto my chest as I looked at the picture as another message came in from her.
“Don’t jack off too much looking at these I want to get mine. Going shopping now”
I laid my phone down and carefully made my way to the bathroom trying not to drip cum everywhere as I stepped into the shower. With laundry done I sat at the computer to waste time until they called for me to pick them up browsing the forum, my girl was still getting a lot of attention from both men and women. I added a post from my own account telling her I would love to see more of her in sexy lingerie, then logged in under my fake account to tell her how sexy she was and would love to see more pictures of her thick ass. I was checking out her albums when I received another message, it was from Amber telling me they would meet me at nine oclock. I had about thirty minutes before I had to be there so I continued my browsing until I had to leave, slipped on some clothes and made my way.
I couldn’t wait to see my baby’s face knowing it was recently covered by a stranger’s cum, still hard when I pulled into the mall I positioned my pride through my shorts leg so it would be visible when the interior light came on if they wanted to see it. They were sitting on a bench each holding a small bag when I pulled up, wasting no time they giggled as they bounced to the truck giving me a nice view of their asses in my headlights. Emily opened the door and was climbing in as she saw my dick hanging from the leg of my shorts, to my surprise she stepped back and told Amber to get in. I started at her denim covered crotch as pulled herself up onto the seat, not seeing my exposed manhood which I could feel throbbing as throbbing as the smell of young sexiness consumed the cab. The girls fumbled around in the dark finding their seatbelts “Daddy can you turn the light back on for me?” asked Amber. As I turned the light back on Amber finally saw what I hand intended for her. “Looks like daddy has had a good time while we were gone.” said Amber as she stared between my legs. “Be careful digging for your belt that thing might bight you!” giggled Emily. “I will bight it back!” said Amber smiling as she felt for her belt. I pulled away as she found and fastened her belt trying to catch a peek of the bags contents as we traveled under the lights. Not sure if it was because I was trying so hard but I know I could still smell the cum on Amber’s breath as we had our normal conversation but I knew I could hear soft moan coming from the other side of the truck when we were quiet, continuing our conversation hearing the moans periodically and whispers between the two I knew they were up to something but I didn’t question them just let them enjoy what ever it was.
I was watching the girls slide off the seat when I found out what was causing Emily’s moans during our ride, when her feet hit the ground I turned to see what I heard bounce on the concrete and saw her picking up a small bullet vibrator. I quickly turned my head and slid out the door pretending not see anything as Amber turned to me to see if they had been caught, I don’t know what she did with it then but I was imagining her pushing it back up into her wet pussy. With the door held open I couldn’t help but notice the large wet spot in her shorts as I held the door for them, both taking time to glance over at my dick which was still hanging down my shorts leg in an almost hard state. The girls giggled as they made their way to Amber’s room while I stopped by the kitchen to retrieve myself a cold beer from the refrigerator, standing at the counter enjoying my beer I saw Amber cross the hallway into her bathroom followed by Emily who came into the kitchen and stood across the counter from me. “You ready for the show to start? Your at home now don’t you need to lose those clothes?” Emily whispered as she walked around the counter. With one quick motion she fell to her knees taking my shorts down with her and wrapped her mouth around my hardening cock, after only a few strokes she wrapped her hand around it and looked up at me. “I think Amber wants you to fuck her. I am going to have to be quick if I plan on beating her to it.” she whispered as she stood up grabbing my shorts and walked away leaving me with a now hard dick as I watched her throw my shorts through the door leading into the living room. Amber came out of the bathroom behind Emily as she returned to her room, Amber already back to her clothes free lifestyle showing me her thick ass as she walked into her room.
Already halfway naked I pulled my shirt off and carried it to my room with me picking up my shorts on the way, now completely naked I wondered if I should just let the nights events happen at their pace or should I do all I can to provoke them. I decided to check the forum and mail to see if I could provoke it a little, with a simple click of her thread I was surprised to see she had posted the pictures of her sucking the dicks at the mall but had included a few more. The new ones showed more of her in action, one in particular of her face covered in cum really turned me and a lot of others on judging by the responses. The last post Amber had made stated that her and her friend were alone waiting on her boyfriend to come over and they had a surprise for him, they would post up a tease later.
I logged on to the email to find she had sent two messages since my last reply. The first said “I think im gonna do it! Im gonna buy something sexy to surprise him with tonight. If he lets me I think my friend is gonna try too.” Oh shit, my baby plans on trying to fuck me tonight! I knows she is ready and old enough so why not, I’m going to let her!
I opened the next email from only a few minutes earlier “Look what I did at the mall. I was so horny thinking about daddy I sucked two strangers in a dressing room.” She had included all the pictures from the two guys.
“Oh you dirty girl, you were horny wasn’t you but that’s ok, I bet your daddy will take care of that later. He is a lucky man, maybe once he wears it out you could let me have some. Have fun!” I had just sent send when I heard someone coming my way, Emily came in with a devilish grin on her face “You ready to fuck this ass?” she asked. I answered with a simple nod of my head as she stopped in front of me a bent over “First you gotta get it ready.” she moaned as she grabbed her cheeks. I wasted no time sinking my tongue deep in her ass as she spread her cheeks wide for me, I couldn’t help but notice her ass had a different taste than earlier that day. “Hurry up I told Amber I would be right back.” I was trying to figure out what te taste was when she stood up and walked away. I sat licking my lips when I heard my mailbox chime, I turned the monitor on the find another message from her.
“You think im a dirty girl look what my friend done with one of them.” She had attached two pictures so I opened the first to see a picture of a guy bent over while Emily licked his ass, the next one Emily was bent over taking the man deep in her ass. Well I knew what I was tasting now.
Since I knew she had promised some pictures of my surprise I opened her thread back up, she had gotten a lot of comments on her pictures and she knew how to play them. With no pictures yet I decided to give her some more encouragement so I logged in my account and found her thread, still no new pictures so I posted my comment telling her how I wish I was one of those guys and could blow my load on her face and started looking through her previous pictures and rubbing mu stiff dick. Wanting another beer I grabbed one and noticed Amber’s door was open so I walked to her room where I found only Emily sitting on the edge of the bed fastening a pair of white stockings to white lace garters on a white lace skirt, her leg on the bed gave me a nice view of her slick pussy. “Holy shit Emily, you look awesome! Where is Amber? I asked still taking in the magnificent view. “She went to your room to show you her outfit, I guess she is still in there. You need to go see her she is hot as hell.” she answered. I instantly remembered I left the computer on when I left and there was a picture of her on the screen. “Oh shit.” I sighed as I turned to go to my room. I heard Emily ask whats wrong and I could only tell her she would find out.
I walked through my door to see Amber sitting in my chair wearing red stockings and bra, I couldn’t see the rest but I knew it had to be sexy. I stood and stared as Amber scrolled through the pictures stopping on the link to her video and clicked on it. The video started and she turned from the screen and looked at me, my heart pounding in fear knowing I had been caught. Staring into my eyes she spun the chair around revealing a pair of red lace panties surrounded by a a red lace garter set, she laid her arms on the chair “So daddy you like watching Emily and me!” she said with a smile and looked down at my throbbing dick.

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Club Fatale, Pt. 2

Club Fatale, Pt. 2
Chapter Three – Rise and Shine
I woke with an extreme discomfort in my groin. Something was encasing my cock. I rolled over and my cock slid from Karina’s mouth. Her head flopped around, limply, and her eyes were open and lifeless, staring at me.
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” came Jana’s chipper voice.
She came to my side of the bed and kissed me on the lips.
“What the fuck happened?” I asked Jana.
“To my sister, Karina? I’m afraid that you snuffed her in the night without knowing after you fell asleep with your cock in her throat. You silly man!”
Snap. I awoke with start.
I was in bed and a pair of red lips was wrapped around the base of my cock. The shaft was buried in Karina’s throat. She was sucking on me and struggling for breath, but was, most definitely, alive.
Too bad, I thought.
I shook my head to clear the dream. My cock was a hard as a rock and I was on the verge of ecstasy. I held Karina to me as I cried out and came, hard. I could feel her swallowing around me for several seconds, downing my seed and then she shuttered and went still.
I pulled out of her unconscious throat. Checked her pulse. She was alive.
The water in the bathroom was running. I got up and investigated. Jana was in there and I joined her. She offered to wash me and I took her up on the offer. Halfway through, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I grabbed Jana, pressed her face to the tiles and fucked her brains out in the steaming shower.
As I was getting dressed, there was a knock at the door.
“Yes,” I called out.
The door opened and I turned to see a knockout.
The woman who entered was lean, with a rangy frame and slender, athletic legs. Six foot tall if she was an inch — she could almost look me directly in the eyes. Long, blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and Dresden-blue eyes stared into mine with a delicious feeling of intimacy. She wore a white blouse, a tan skirt and a red hat.
The hat was an absurd thing for this day and age, hopelessly outdated, with a wide brim, but she wore it with such panache and style that I felt as if I were the one out of time.
She was, all in all, a glorious sight.
Immediately, images of the things I could do to her started popping into my head.
“Good morning, Mr. Anderson,” the lady said, in a voice rich with emotion. “I trust you slept well, last night?”
“Um, ah, yes,” I stammered.
She held out her hand: “Emmanuelle.”
I took it and held it, delicately. Smiling at her, I couldn’t help but say: “Please tell me that you are another of my gifts, Emmanuelle.”
She smiled and I thought I saw a flattered look.
“I’m afraid not, Mr. Anderson,” she said, fingering something about her neck.
It was then that I realized she was wearing a white collar. She was the property of the Commodore. My thoughts drifted back to Mr. Lloyd saying something about a white-collar being a treat. He hadn’t been joking.
“But I do thank you for the complement,” she said. “It’s been a long time since anyone has said something so nice.”
I blinked and smiled. My ego felt stroked.
“The Commodore wishes to see you this morning,” Emmanuelle said, “and to welcome you to the Island.”
“Let me get my suit jacket,” I said.
“It’s rather warm outside,” she warned. “We are in the tropics.”
“I just can’t meet a man without looking presentable. I’m sorry, but it’s an old business habit.”
“I quite understand.”
She smiled again, and this one touched her eyes in way that I couldn’t describe. If she was free, I’d have asked her out in a second. I could tell that Emmanuelle was a lady of beauty, quality and passion. I had seen women with all these qualities untapped, but with Emmanuelle, they were tapped. She exuded them in the way movie starlets and courtesans did during their best performances.
“I also came to give you these,” she said. She held out a pair of violet-colored collars. Each one bore a silver tag with a number on it: 47. “These are yours for the two Femmes that you have. When you need more, come and see me.”
I took them and replaced the black collars that Jana and Karina currently wore.
“I had been thinking that I would choose another color, Emmanuelle,” I said.
“I do apologize,” she said, “but the Commodore assigns the colors that he wants to his patrons.”
“Does the Commodore assign colors based upon a system?”
She blushed. “I’m afraid that I’m not allowed to say much about that, sir. If you’ll come with me, then?”
A few minutes later, we were zooming across the island campus in a golf cart.
“It’s much easier to get around out this way than in a car,” Emmanuelle said.
“How far is it to the Commodore’s office?”
“Oh, his mansion is on the tall cliff,” she said, and pointed. “It should take us about five minutes.”
We proceeded up the hill and turned onto a small path. In seconds, we were swallowed by the trees. In less than a minute, the air went from tolerable to hot and muggy.
“Tell me about yourself, Emmanuelle,” I said.
“There isn’t much to tell,” she said. “I came here long ago to live with the Commodore. He took me and I have been with him ever since.”
“How old are you?”
“Forty. I came here at fifteen. I was just a slip of a girl, then. The Commodore took a fancy to me and made me one of his wives.”
“You’re married to him?”
“Oh, yes. I gave him three daughters. I dearly love them. But they always have problems with their father. They simply don’t understand his proclivities…”
I thought about what that could mean.
“And what about you, Mr. Anderson, do you have any children?”
“One daughter: Jacqueline,” I said, smiling. “I love her more than anything. I would do anything for her.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry…” Emmanuelle said softly.
“Sorry about what?”
“Ah, I… um, I’m just sorry that you can’t see her right now. It’s hard to be away from the ones that you love.”
“Do you get away much?”
“No,” she said. “I haven’t been off of this island in twenty-five years.”
“Wow,” I said. I didn’t know what else to say.
“I suppose that you don’t understand my life or why someone like the Commodore would want me.”
“Not at all,” I assured her. “Given the chance, I dare say that I would marry you in a heartbeat. I have a penthouse in Manhattan where we could stay. You could rise late every morning and walk to Tiffany’s. I have an account there and they would set you up with anything you desired.”
It was a pleasant fantasy. I smiled at it.
Suddenly, the cart stopped.
Emmanuelle looked at me with her big, violet eyes. They seemed larger than they had, trained upon me now. “Do you really mean that?”
“Of course I do. Did I break some sort of rule by flirting with you, Emmanuelle? I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Emmanuelle pulled off, down a side path and parked.
“That must be the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me, Mr. Anderson.”
“Evan,” I said. “Call me Evan.”
“Evan,” she repeated in a whisper.
There were tears in Emmanuelle’s eyes and I couldn’t help myself. I brushed them away with my finger. When I touched her face, something happened. The next thing I knew, we were kissing and then tonguing in full-throated passion.
It seemed like hours passed, but it was only seconds and I pulled away.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said.
“No, it’s not you!” I said, quickly. “I was told that white-collars were off limits and I don’t want to get you into trouble.”
“I would risk it for you,” she whispered. “Lean back.”
I did and Emmanuelle attacked my pants. My belt came undone and my hard-on sprang out, firmer than ever before.
“My god,” Emmanuelle whispered, “it’s a masterpiece of cock.”
My ego soared to new heights at her praise. At the same time, just hearing her say the word ‘cock’ made me jump and ooze.
She giggled at my discomfort and said: “Let me help you.”
Emmanuelle’s hand went to my cock. Her thumb and forefinger encircled the base and she closed them, tightened them; started jacking up and down. Waves of pleasure ran up my groin and pre-come oozed from of the head of my cock in copious amounts. In seconds, Emmanuelle’s hand was coated and glistening.
I looked at her and she was a sight. Her tits shook beneath her white blouse as she jacked me with vigor. Her attention was locked on my cock, her face concealed by her hat. All I wanted to do was rip that hat off, tear open her blouse and take her by the face and breasts until I came all over her.
“Oh, god!” I hissed. “I don’t know how much more I can take!”
“Then I must do this rightly,” she said. Tearing the hat from her blonde head, she bent over and took me in-between her red lips. In one stroke she was upon me and I could feel the back of her throat. She slurped once and shutters ran through my body. I struggled to restrain myself. I didn’t want this to ever end. I felt her pull back and then she thrust down again, fucking her face onto my cock.
It was just too much and I came.
I expected her to pull away, but in defiance of all logic, she thrust herself further down, took me all the way in her throat and sucked hard. I had never felt such a sensation: exposed to the vacuum, my come was just gone, swallowed into her stomach in moments of glorious ejaculation.
When my vision finally cleared, I realized that I was holding Emmanuelle’s head to my groin, tightly. There was no way that she could breathe. I released her, but she stayed down on me for several more seconds, sucking the remaining come from my deflating cock. Her blonde hair called to me and I rubbed it, lovingly.
My fingers drifted down to touch the white collar about her slender neck. Nothing was more erotic than fucking a married woman.
Finally, she pulled off, slurping the remaining saliva off of my cock and swallowing it.
I looked at my pants — there wasn’t even a wet stain.
“We have wasted time,” she said. She checked her watch. “Eleven minutes. The Commodore will grow suspicious after fifteen. We have enough time to get there by then, if you can compose yourself, Mr. Anderson.”
“Composing…” I said.
I couldn’t believe that she was so self-assured after what happened. I felt disheveled; embarrassed and guilty.
She saw it and laid a slender hand on my shoulder. That simple touch did more than I could have imagined. I immediately steadied myself.
“Let’s go, Emmanuelle,” I said in a firm voice. “Oh, and it’s Evan. Call me Mr. Anderson again and I will be displeased.”
She smiled and started the cart.
We made it there is thirteen minutes.

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The Taking of Elizabeth: Chapter 1

Hello, there. This is just a fictional story and a fantasy of mine. It is in no way true, nor have I or anyone I know been through this. The first chapter if slow to start off, but there is sensitive subject matter like abduction and rape in this chapter. I do hope you enjoy it!


Content Warning: This story gets very dark and deals with disturbing themes. Those easily disturbed or dealing with trauma presently might not enjoy this particular story. I tried something new with this and I’d love to hear any feedback you have.

Monster World 1

The world has taken a turn for the worst as the monster labs have all been destroyed. Now nightmarish creatures roam the world in search of human prey.