
The Blooming: A Young Girl’s Love of Pussy

“The Blooming: A Young Girl Discovers Her Love for Pussy”
As Tamara entered the woman’s restroom at the mall, she wasn’t sure what was wrong with her—why was she going here, again? However, deep inside, she knew why. Her thoughts nowadays seemed to always be about sex and to be centered on other women—generally, older women; women her mother’s age! She entered a middle stall that she had used many times before. The slits on both sides of the door were quite wide, and anyone who cared to look, could easily see inside. She dropped her white shorts to the floor and just stood there—nude from the waist down. She admired her smooth boyish frame. She was probably a little on the skinny side, but everyone—men included—seemed to like it, so she didn’t care. Her bony hips stood out on both sides, and her little pudenda was puffy and round. Although she’d turned 13 last month, her pubic mound was still only sparsely covered in fine light brown hair barely a quarter of an inch long. Tamara sat down on the toilet and comfortably spread her legs. Lunchtime wasn’t for another 15 minutes, so the local business crowd wouldn’t be here for at least 20 minutes, so she had time to day-dream, and she knew exactly what memory she wanted to indulge in…her first time.
Boca Raton, Florida
July, 2005 – Two years before
A Family vacation
Tamara’s fascination with sex—and older women—had begun a couple of years ago when she was only 11 years old and while she and her family were camping in the Everglades National Forest outside Boca Raton. Then, like now, she’d gone to use the women’s restroom. It was just around dusk and while sitting on the toilet she’d heard someone come in to the bathroom and then take the stall next to her. She’d tried to be as quiet as possible hoping that the woman wouldn’t be aware that she was there, but that didn’t happen—in fact, as she now knew, what the lady said on that hot July night would remain forever in her brain. She had sat there and listened to the woman say the most awful things: nasty, dirty things, and they were things about her own daughter, too!
It had all began with a low, almost guttural moan. Then, another and another and another until she heard the woman exhale a long sigh and begin to whisper.
“That’s it, honey, oh yes, use your little fingers. Just flick it. That’s it. Touch it nice and slow. Flick mommy’s big clit, dear. That’s it. See how rubbery and soft it is? Wouldn’t you like to kiss it? No, it does; it tastes so good! Here, open your mouth, here’s a taste of mommy’s juices.”
Then, for a few moments the moaning returned and then there was an interval of silence until the woman began talking aloud—almost wanting to be heard.
“Hmmmm, that tasted good, didn’t it? I thought you’d like it. You want more? Okay, here let me show you where the good juice comes from…I’m gonna show you my secret place…..ohh, so pink, huh? This hole is filled with the same kind of juice. You want some more? Use your tongue, yes, that’s it, stick it right in the hole. Now, how does that taste? Yeah? I thought so, just keep licking me…ohhh, honey, you’re such a good pussy licker—-just like your big sister! She’s been licking mommy’s loose slit for years, and now she does all her teachers at her school! Mmmmmm, I bet you’re gonna be just like her! Oh honey, let mommy kiss your slimy face.”
Tamara sat there frozen to her seat—not moving a muscle to avoid making any sound at all. However, her ears were alive with this new “secret” knowledge.
The woman continued, “You know, little girls make the very best pussy eaters. Yes, it’s true. Their little fingers can probe all the right places—pussy, ass, mouth, and back again. Little girls are loved most of all by mommies—in fact, all older women know how sweet little girls are because they were little girls once, too! So, when you please a mommy-woman it is special because only mommies know just how special little girls are.”
At this point Tamara was beginning to get very curious about just who this woman was; she wanted to take a look but didn’t dare make a sound and give away her presence. She felt a strange twinge in her gut, one that kind of hummed and throbbed its way down towards her pussy. It seemed the woman’s words were having their effect on her, too. However, she knew that she had to remain perfectly still so that the lady would go on—she wanted to hear more.
The moaning was louder now, and then the woman said, “Ohhhhh, darling, my little flower, that’s it, slide one more in. See, now you have all four fingers in mommy’s big, sloppy cunt—I call it a cunt because its so red and raw….and juicy, too. Aren’t you a good little girl. Hmmmm, yeah, wiggle those fingers, hmmmm, ohhh, yeahhhh, that’s great. Mommy’s cunt is so wet and sloppy. You wanna give me a taste of my own pussy? Yes, of course, hmmmmm, that does taste good! That’s right, you taste it, too. All mommy’s girl-goo, so good! Okay, Shelly, now it’s time to make mommy come, okay? You just put your tongue right here, remember the nub, here, see how pink and rubbery it is, just lick it up and down. That’s it, hmmmm, yeah, ohhh, yeah, you’re a natural dear. Just there, oh yeah, ohhhhhh yeah, honey, ooohhhh yeahhhhh.”
At this point, the lady’s voice trailed off and Tamara could detect the sloppy sloshing sounds coming from the other side of the partition. Tamara’s own pussy slit was throbbing and was getting decidedly wet, and though she felt like touching it, she knew she couldn’t, for now. The lady’s moans turned to grunts and then a loud and long groan that sounded almost animal-like. Tamara leaned slightly forward and could see the lady’s long thin legs stretched out in front of her And then it happened, the floor around the toilet was being splashed with some kind of wetness. It looked like the lady was peeing on the floor. Big dollops of water, or something, had landed on the concrete near the lady’s feet. Tamara had quietly leaned down even further to get a better look; it was amazing, some of the stuff was even running off the side partition and dropping onto the concrete floor between them. Then the lady continued her little talk.
“Oh honey, you’re such a mess! Look at you. You have mommy’s girl juices all over your pretty face. That’s right, give mommy a kiss. Mmmmm, mommy tastes so good, doesn’t she? Now, we’d better get outta here before daddy wonders where we are!”
That was the last thing the lady said, but Tamara could hear her pulling toilet paper from the roll and then watched as her hand, holding the wadded up roll, wiped up the mess on the floor at her feet. Tamara, realizing she might be seen, lifted her own feet up and held them that way until she could no longer see the lady’s hand under the partition. She heard the lady unlatch the door, go to the sink and tun on the faucet to wash her hands. She then walked over to the end of the counter, right in front of Tamara’s stall to get a hand towel to dry her hands. When the lady turned to go out, Tamara thought she saw the lady’s eyes dart toward the thin opening between the doors, but she didn’t stop and she didn’t say anything, so maybe she hadn’t seen her sitting there. Tamara also saw the lady’s short and brown hair tied in a red scrunchy—she’d easy to pick out, she thought.
Tamara didn’t know what to do. She thought she should leave, but she didn’t really want to go back to the camp ground right now—not with her brothers and sisters there to pester her. Besides, she had this buzzing between her legs she needed to satiate.
Tamara leaned back on the water closet and spread her legs a little. When she looked between them, she could see a little drop of dew clinging to her outer lips. She was wet, very wet. She lightly touched the sticky substance. It clung to the pad on her index finger. She brought it closer to her face to look at it. It was clear and kind of shiny, and definitely, slick. She spread it between her forefinger and thumb, and then she smelled it. It wasn’t awful like she was thinking it would be. Then, knowing what the woman had said, she stuck out her tongue and just placed the tip of her finger there. She swirled the substance in her mouth. It tasted kind of strange. It was both sweet and a little bitter. Also it was kind of tangy—a good kind of tangy—citrusy. Tamara spread her legs a little wider. She was only 13, so she was still very thin with only a wisp of hair on her pussy. As she spread her legs, she saw her pussy open a little. Her lips were quite large for a little girl and hung down a quarter of inch or so—each was slightly pink with a ridge of brown on the edge. Feeling very naughty now, she slipped her sandaled foot out of her shorts and brought her heel up to the toilet seat—now her cunt was gaping wide. Little Tamara was getting very horny and that sticky finger that had just moments before put her girl-juice on her tongue was now tentatively probing her slit. She closed her eyes and let her sandy-brown bangs close over her brow. She thought of the woman…and her girl, Shelly. Ohhh my, she was a naughty mommy, Tamara thought, and now, Tamara wanted to be naughty girl, too.
Feeling especially wicked, Tamara brought her other foot up onto the toilet seat, letting her knees fall outward. Her legs were now spread about as widely as they could go. She smiled as she stuck her middle finger in her pussy and when she did, a zoom when right through her. She quietly gasped. When she’d played with herself before, it had never felt this good. She slowly pumped her middle finger in and out and felt her stomach tighten into a knot. Oh, yeah, so this is what it’s about, she thought. She let her head fall back feeling it roll from side to side; her eyes were closed and with her other hand she reached up to her bikini top and undid the clasp between the cups. She shucked it from her shoulders and heard it hit the floor near the toilet. She now felt totally free, totally fucking free! Her pussy was on fire, and she liked the feeling—this nasty girl, slutty naughtiness. She’d be doing this again, she thought. Then, she began to mumble….
“Oh, gawd. I wanna lick you momma, I wanna lick your mommy slit. Pleeze let me, please? I’ll be good. I’ll lick you real good—I want your juice.” Then Tamara slipped her hand under her butt and felt her pussy from the underside. She liked this even better—she could fuck herself with her thumb, and it rubbed the front of her naked pussy on the inside—vibrations were going off like firecrackers in her gut.
“Ohhhh, ughhhhhh,” was about all she could mutter for a few minutes as she continued to thumb her newly discovered G-spot. Both hands were now working on her fresh pussy meat—thick, wet, distended lips throbbing like a live wire between her legs. There was also a very heady aroma in the bathroom now—aroused young cunt pervaded the whole place. Tamara was so lost in her own lustful reverie, she didn’t hear someone walk into the restroom.
All Tamara cared about now was taking this whole scene to the ultimate limit. She whispered, “Ohhh yeah, mommy, spray my face, spray me mommy with your juice. Shit, mommy, fuckin’ pee on me! Yeah, I’m a dirty little slut mommy. I wanna eat your sloppy fuckin’ cunt, mommy!”
Tamara’s brain was so fogged up with lust that it took what seemed like minutes to register the reply from the woman standing before her stall door, staring through the crack between the doors at the little girl’s naked loveliness. All she had said was, “mommy’s here.”
Tamara slowly realized that she was no longer alone. Her head slowly came up, eyes now open and peeking from under sandy brown bangs but with heavy lidded eyes. She couldn’t shake her lust, not easily, not even after being discovered naked in a public toilet with her thumb jammed in her girlish twat. But, she did see something she recognized: the red scrunchy! It was the same woman—she’d come back!
Tamara had instinctively closed her legs when she knew someone was outside her door, but when she saw the scrunchy, her knees got loose again, and her thighs opened, flopping outward in a lacivious display of beautiful girl-cunt. Tamara watched a pair of denim shorts hit the floor outside her door. She then watched the woman pick them up and toss them over the locked stall door. They hit the floor with a thud right in front of the toilet. Tamara put her feet on the floor and took a look. Besides the shorts, there was also a delicate thong made of thin transparent material—the kind that barely seems to be “there” when you’re wearing them—each was there right between her legs.
“Pick up the panties, little girl.” Tamara heard the woman say.
Tamara, almost unthinkingly, obeyed. She reached down and lifted the wispy fragment of cloth from the denim. She held them between her thumb and forefinger and looked at the woman’s body displayed in the crack of the door. She could see through the crack that the woman had on a yellow tank top that she had one hand under—obviously feeling a breast or nipple, while the other hand’s fingers were busily swimming in the wetness between her legs. Tamara held onto the panties. She could feel that the triangle at the front of these dainty panties was still very damp.
Then the woman spoke again. “Taste them,” she said.
Tamara closed her eyes. She suddenly felt very dizzy as if she were about to fall off a great cliff. Her loins, which had seemingly been on fire before, were now a blazing fury. However, she smiled. Her lips seemed heavy and began to hang open, and she felt her tongue thickly snake between her lips. She looked up at the woman, who had now moved so that Tamara could easily see that she had at least two fingers intently dipping into her own sloppy folds. The flat of Tamara’s tongue took a long luscious swipe of the wet triangle. She was surprising herself—it almost seemed like a stranger was doing this, but she couldn’t stop herself, and, she didn’t want to. She sucked on the material, moaning all the while until she whispered so lightly the woman barely heard her, “finally, mommy pussy.”
The woman just groaned, and then added, “Ohhhyeeessss, my little bitch! Jezuzfuckin’christ—-you are a nasty girl.”
Tamara then saw the woman remove her tank top and toss it over the stall door as well. Tamara laughed and shook her head in disbelief, saying, “Shit, mommy-dear, you’re fuckin’ naked in public.”
“Yyyyyeah???? I don’t fuckin’ care.”
“Someone might come in and see you staring at me…a naked little girl sitting on a toilet.”
“Uh huh, a naked little slut with a wet pussy and panties in her mouth, that girl?”
Tamara just smiled, and said, “You taste sooooo good.” Tamara then put her face into the panties and inhaled deeply. She added, “and, you have a very nasty cunt smell, too!”
“You’re gonna smell this, too” the woman said as she turned around, bent over, and spread her ass cheeks. Tamara could see the lady’s woman-crack and the delicate puckered star at the center of her dark line. “You’ll like this even more,” the woman said, holding her ass cheeks apart.
“Fuuuccckk!” was all Tamara could say. She loved the look of the woman’s tight ass cheeks and long tanned legs. Tamara took the wet panties and smeared the goo of the woman’s wetness all over her face. She knew her face smelled like pussy and now she wanted to smell like ass. She stood up, hesitated for one brief second, and then slipped the latch over watching the door slowly and inwardly open.
The woman stood up, slowly turned around, and took in the full sight of this long and lithe little girl with sandy blond hair tied in a pony tail and who had a devilish glint in her eyes. The little tramp was chewing on her panties—they hung languidly between her lips, and with one hand she was rubbing up and down her puffy slit and the other was pulling on the little cone of her girl-tit.
The woman was 40, but you’d never guess it. She was toned and taught everywhere—-‘cept her cunt; that was loose from lots of use, but she didn’t care. It was no longer snogging cock—it was for strap-ons, dildos, and the four-fingered club devotees that she had come to love.
Tamara only came up to the woman’s neck, so she was at eye level with the woman’s tits which were still full and perky. The woman’s tits had rings through the nipples that glinted in the late afternoon light. Tamara’s mouth watered at the sight of them.
“May I?” the woman said, indicating her desire to enter the small stall.
“Be my guest,” Tamara replied; however, she didn’t step back.
The woman stepped forward, and as she did so, Tamara felt the woman’s tits graze the flesh of her lips. Tamara shivered, feeling a kind of swooning in her abdomen—she wanted nothing more than to suckle the long rubbery nipples of the woman’s breasts.
As the woman reached for the door to close it, Tamara said in a husky whisper, “leave it open.”
The woman cast an eye at Tamara who had now re-seated herself on the toilet and once again bent her knees and put her heels on the toilet seat—she lewdly spread her thighs and began rubbing the pink crevice of her pussy with the woman’s panties.
Tamara was zoning out. She was drinking in the feelings of this amazing spectacle, but as a participant. She looked up at the woman and whispered, “juice.”
“Ohhhh,baby wants juice, does she?” The woman’s hand reached down and dipped two fingers in her cunt. She pumped them in two, three, four times—good and hard—and then pulled them out. They were now wet and sticky, and as the woman held them up and spread the fingers, you could see a thick sheen on them—and stringers of goo hanging between the fingers.
“Good enough?” The woman said, as she watched the transfixed face of the little slut on the toilet nod in approval.
“Wanna suck?”
“Yessssss.” Tamara hissed.
The woman stepped forward and smeared the nasty slime all over the girl’s lips and cheeks before pushing them into the girl’s pink mouth. Tamara gagged a little, but didn’t stop sucking.
Then, without warning, the woman pulled her fingers out of Tamara’s mouth creating a loud pop that echoed in the empty bathroom.
The woman leaned over and kissed little Tamara, who was so dazed that she just opened her mouth and received the woman’s invasive tongue. However, she came alive with the kiss. She began to hunger. She kissed the woman back, wildly and with abandon.
The woman looked at her and asked, “more?”
Tamara laughed, drunk on the whole thing, she just closed her eyes and said, “yessssssss, ohh god yes!”
The woman stepped over Tamara’s legs and stood on both sides of the toilet seat. She was now straddling Tamara’s abdomen, and her bald pussy was a mere inches from Tamara’s face. Tamara’s eye’s fluttered as she felt the rumbling of an orgasm roiling through her gut—-soon, very soon, the juice.
Tamara let go of her own girl-cunt to reach up and pull the woman’s pussy down onto her mouth, whispering, “more, more, more.” She wanted nothing more than to smear her face with the wet folds of the woman’s thickly protruding lips. Tamara loved the woman’s taste. She stuck her tongue between the woman’s spread petals—-slurping up as much of the woman’s pungent nectar as her tongue could find. Tamara also noticed that the woman’s clit was so large it was a like a fat, little penis and it bumped up against Tamara’s button nose as she continued to plunge her tongue into the woman’s hole. Tamara felt the woman’s hand on the back of her head as she pulled her face even deeper into her pussy while saying, “that’s it, keep licking me you fucking teen-slut.” The woman’s tone had taken on a noticeable change. It had gotten angrier and bossier, but Tamara didn’t really care; she didn’t mind being told what to do by bossy-mommies who had beautiful pussies she could tongue! Just as suddenly as she had felt her faced pushed up into the woman’s gaping cunt, she felt it being pulled back. The woman yanked down on her ponytail pulling her face up. “Open your mouth, slut.”
Tamara obeyed.
“Wider,” the woman commanded.
Tamara opened her mouth wider as she watched the woman drool a long string of spittle into her mouth. Some of it landed on her lips and the side of her mouth, so the woman scooped it up and smeared it into her mouth.
“Just one more kind of juice, my lovely. Now, swallow”
Tamara gulped it down, but she really wanted to swirl it around and taste it. She definitely hoped there’d be more to come.
“Now, open up” the woman said, a bit more kindly this time.
Tamara could feel the woman’s probing fingers on the inside of her mouth, running two fingers over her teeth and gums, feeling her tongue, pushing hard on the inside of both cheeks. Tamara watched the woman’s face; she could see her smile as she invaded the pink insides of Tamara’s mouth with her two fingers.
“So fresh and pretty,” the woman seemed to mumble, and then added with a certain glee, “and so ready to violated.”
Tamara felt the woman’s fingers leave her mouth, and then watched the woman place her right foot up on the toilet roll dispenser attached to the partition wall. She was opening up her wet gash with one hand while thrumming her clit with the other.
“You want mommy’s juice, huh?”
Tamara nodded and laid back, spreading her own legs even wider.
“You want to get sprayed little bitch? You wanna good wettin’ by your slutty mom? The woman’s fingers were dancing even faster in her folds.
“Hmmmmmmm, yessssss, mommmmy,” Tamara whined, being the good little teen-slut she now knew she wanted to be.
“Ohhh yes, ohhh, fuckin’ yes!” The woman’s eyes rolled back in her head as she felt her cunt begin to ripple in contraction after contraction—-“ohhhhgawwd, shit, yes, dammmmmmitfuck…” the woman’s fingers were a blur before Tamara’s eyes.
Tamara opened her mouth and waited for the juice, and she didn’t have to wait long.
“Ugghhhhhhyesssshitfuckuggh” and then there was a fountain of juice erupting from between the woman’s splayed cunt lips. Spurt after spurt of girl cum splattered Tamara’s face and eyes, her budding breasts, her navel and across both of her thighs. She was literally drenched in the hot syrup of this strange woman’s pussy—a pussy she knew she never wanted to leave.
As the woman caught her breath, she looked down at the little tawny haired waif of a girl sitting spread-eagled on the toilet seat between her own legs. The brown-eyed nymph was contentedly scooping up her squirt with her fingers and sucking it off—one finger at a time!
The woman sighed and thought, “this one’s special.”
Tamara looked up at her new mommy and said, “more?”
The woman smiled and felt her pussy tingle once more. She felt like a good mommy now. She’d given her little one just what she’d wanted, and now she really didn’t want to deny her little girl anything, at all. So, taking Tamara’s head in her hands, she said, “come to the fountain, my baby, come to the source.”
Tamara felt her nose sluice through the wet folds of the woman’s aroused cunt. Tamara’s face became the woman’s trowel, her nose rutting in the sticky folds of the older woman’s cunt, but she didn’t mind one bit—it was so wet and warm and it smelled like…like, well, pussy—a new smell for sure, but one she definitely liked. She could leave her face there forever, she thought to herself while dreamily slurping up the last vestiges of the woman’s sauce.
“That’s it, be a good girl, clean mommy up.” Tamara felt the woman caressing her hair and face as she continued lapping up every trace of goo that clung to the folds or hid in the crevices of the woman’s puss.
As Tamara began to finish, she felt the woman take hold her face, cradling it in her hands while looking down at her. “Now, little Tamara, that’s right, I know you’re name. I have a little assignment for you. At midnight tonight, I want you to get out of your tent—the one you share with your brother and sister—and go to campsite #33; it’s right around the bend on the main road from yours campsite. It’s not my tent, and I’m not going to tell you whose it is, but you’re to wear two things…two things only: your red baseball cap—with your very cute pony tail out the back of course and your hiking boots with the white socks showing just at the top—nothing else—okay? I think you’ll be so pretty this way, don’t you?”
Tamara shook her head up and down, still a little groggy after all that had happened, but it finally dawned on her what the woman was saying, so she asked quietly and shyly, “So, Miss, you want me to walk through the campground at midnight, naked?”
The woman smiled, “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”
Tamara’s eyes wandered down the woman’s torso, over the woman’s well-exercised flat stomach—sizing up the shiny bauble attached to her belly-button ring, then ever-so-slowly downward her eyes went until they rested on the still drippy petals between the woman’s legs. Tamara licked her lips, and said with almost a slur, “Notta problem.”
“Good, my little one. Now, we should get out of here before someone sees us.”
They each wiggled into their shorts and put on their tops, and for the first time there was a slight awkwardness in the air. As Tamara adjusted her cap, the woman peeked out of the stall.
“The coast is clear.”
The woman then shooed Tamara out the door as they both straightened their clothes one more time in front of the stall. They would leave separately so as not to be seen together by suspicious eyes. However, as the woman made her own way toward the door, she quickly peeked into the stall opposite where she and Tamara had had their tryst and was surprised to see a woman inside. This woman, a teenager herself, probably not more than 18 to 19, was sitting on the toilet—bare-assed naked, and she had her infant daughter with her—both were naked—and her daughter was suckling one of the young girl’s breasts. The woman cradled the infant in her well-toned arms. The older woman, who now stood in the doorway to the restroom, turned to Tamara and made a motion to indicate that someone was in the stall beside them. Tamara wasn’t sure what to do. She wanted to get out of there for sure; this was crazy! However, she couldn’t resist peering between the slats between the doors as she stood there. She couldn’t make out the woman’s face, but she could certainly see one side her body—the full upturned breasts, slender arms, and nice hips. Since Tamara couldn’t see the woman’s face, she knew the woman wouldn’t be able to see hers either; however, the young woman must certainly have known she was standing there—not moving and thus, quite obviously peeking in at her. So, Tamara was pleased when she saw that the young woman spread her legs a little bit—enough to let anyone who cared to see that her cunt had just been through a work-out. It was obscenely wet, red, and swollen and bald. When Tamara took the chance to try and see the woman’s face, she caught the girl’s brown eyes looking back at her and heard her whisper, “thank you.” They both shared a smile, and as Tamara turned to walk out of the bathroom; she knew without a doubt that things had definitely changed–she’d changed, and the change was good.
As always comments are appreciated!

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Emma’s Big Night

“Stop. I don’t want to.” I told him. “Yeah I know. That’s kind of the point?” He kissed me again and pulled me hard into his lap so I couldn’t move. His free hand pushed up my skirt.


Lara lay in her bed staring at the deep red velvet canopy that hung above the dark oak four poster bed she was attempting to sleep in. Outside the wind and rain whipped the window panes and shook them in their frames. The whole house seemed to move and creak as it was battered by the storm. She pulled the duvet up around her and rolled onto her side desperate to sleep. She never slept well away from home and it was made even harder in this old guest house with its hard bed and cold draughty rooms. High up on the Yorkshire Moors, it must have been hundreds of years old she guessed, with its low, beamed ceilings and dark rooms not helped by the small leaded windows, that were now shaking so violently she was worried they would fall from their centuries old frames.
Lara was unimpressed by all the history around her, she would have much preferred a modern hotel in a bustling city somewhere but this is where her best friend had chosen to get married and where tomorrow she would be performing her duties as maid of honour. She must try and get some sleep, she thought to herself. She didn’t want to be immortalised on the wedding photos with bags under her eyes!
It was at precisely that moment that the window flew wide open, its old hinges creaking loudly with the effort and the heavy red velvet drapes billowed into the room as if they were weightless. The blast of cold air hit Lara making her shiver and her skin goose bump. She felt her nipples brush against the cotton of her night dress as they hardened in the cold wind. She began to sit up in bed, preparing to brave the wind and rain that was pouring in to go and shut the window. As she did she saw, through the darkness, a small shadow come rushing in from the storm and flit silently across the room towards her. But as it slowed to a halt beside her bed, the shadow rapidly grew until in the darkness beside her bed she could see the outline of a man. Lara froze, her blood running ice cold as she let out a piercing scream, but it was carried away and lost on the winds of the storm that now swirled and filled the room. The figure leant slowly forward and softly placed his lips to Lara’s throat, and with that she lost consciousness.
Slowly Lara began to come around. The first sensation she gradually became aware of was the gratifying warmth of the air on her stone cold skin, it wasn’t just her skin that felt chilled, she felt bitter throughout her flesh, deep into her bones.
Under her back felt cold and unrelenting. At her slightest movement she felt the coarse surface grate at her flesh. The realisation that her shoulders and hips ached caused her to attempt to bring her arms and legs in close to her, but as she drew them in she felt a sudden tightening around her wrists and ankles as her limbs came to an abrupt stop and she felt a sudden panic rise within her as she realised she was restrained. Immediately she was fully awake, her eyes wide open, searching the darkness desperately, trying to work out where she was. She struggled frenziedly against her bonds but the more she thrashed around the more the ropes tightened around her ankles and wrists. Her eyes stung as tears formed and scalded her as they ran down her cheeks. She tried in vain to twist her head round to look behind her as she became aware of a low, flickering light becoming gradually closer and brighter from the rear of the room. Soon the source of the light hung directly above her tear stained face and she could see now it was the flickering glow of a candle within a lantern. It was held by an ethereal figure that loomed over her. His skin was pale almost to the point of being translucent; his eyes were dark, deep set and lifeless with no hint of emotion; his jet black hair fell in soft waves to his shoulders. His naked torso was pallid but toned and he wore black leather trousers secured with a heavy studded leather belt.
The figure reached down towards Lara’s face with one of his cadaverous hands and she felt him scrape one of his long claw like nails up her frozen cheek, collecting her tears on his talon. As he raised his hand away from her she could see that the tears he had taken from her cheek were formed of pure red blood. The figure raised his finger to his lips and slowly licked the tears of blood from the nail. As he did so he closed his eyes and let out a small groan of almost sexual pleasure. Lara, watching him, frozen, wide eyed with terror, began to cry silently again. The tears rolled down her cheeks and this time a few tears began to trickle into her mouth, as they did they warmed Lara’s frigid mouth, the taste of the blood was exquisite to her and the warmth began to spread from her mouth and down her throat enflaming her whole icebound being.
The creature, if that’s what he was; Lara had decided whatever he was, he was not human, went by the name of Incubus. He moved around to the foot of the table to where Lara’s feet were tied to each corner with a slim white rope, her knees were bent so that her heels touched her buttocks and her thighs and lower legs were bound to each other so she was unable to move from the position that forced her buttocks up to the edge of the table, leaving her sex exposed and vulnerable. Her arms were stretched wide above her head to the corners of the top of the table, causing the firm mounds of her breasts to be thrust upwards, her frozen nipples erect.
Incubus placed a long fingernail at Lara’s throat and languidly trailed it down her body, between her breasts, over the gentle mound of her stomach to her groin where he let it glide softly between the lips of her pussy. Lara found she wasn’t afraid; deep within her chest she felt some kind of connection to her captor and she craved his calm, composed touch. Incubus cupped her breasts now with his skeleton like hands, his flesh as icy as hers. As he massaged them firmly Lara arched her back as much as her bonds would allow, pushing herself upwards into his touch. Still cupping her breasts he took her hardened nipples between his thumb and forefinger and slowly rolled them, squeezing them hard as he did so. Lara gasped with pain but lightning bolts of pleasure were shooting from her tingling breasts across her chest. Between her legs, wetness began to glisten on her neatly trimmed pubic hair. Incubus stepped back and dropped to his knees at the foot of the table. Continuing to move deliberately yet delicately he parted the lips of her pussy with his fingers and tasted her wetness with his tongue, which felt to Lara as smooth and cold as marble. She groaned with pleasure, the vulnerability of being powerless to move fuelling her arousal; this stranger that she felt such a mysterious affinity with igniting a passion in her she had never experienced before. Having tasted her, Incubus placed a lingering, delicate kiss upon Lara’s aroused clitoris; her head tipped back with the overwhelming pleasure mounting between her legs, her pulsing clit sending waves of tingling pleasure down her thighs and up into her stomach and she moaned softly. Gracefully he ran his tongue downwards, past her desperately aroused pussy towards her ass. Lara felt herself tense, never having been touched there before, but still there was no fear; she instinctively trusted him and allowed herself to relax and enjoy the unfamiliar gratification he was providing her. As he reached her tight hole and she gasped with surprise as he probed her with his tongue, but soon she was mewing with bliss, letting out a tiny moan of disappointment as Incubus stepped back from her.
Lara heard the sounds of Incubus undressing and in moments he was once again stood close to her at the foot of the table. Lara could see he was completely hairless and his cock was fully erect and he held it in his hand. Moving even closer to her he placed the head of his swollen cock against her tight ass and slowly but firmly pushed against her. To Lara he felt far too big, as if she would never be able to accept him inside her and she whimpered slightly at the raw pain of him stretching her and again the scalding tears began to roll down her cheeks; but Incubus was unrelenting and as he thrust more firmly against her the head of his cock was deep inside her ass. Lara let out a cry of pain but at the same time delighted in the pleasure of feeling so full of her captor. She felt filled and stretched in a way she never had before, deep inside her, up in to the very pit of her stomach, and the tears that fell now were from a mixture of not only pain but complete euphoria. The endorphins that were flooding her body made her light headed and after the initial shock had subsided she yearned to feel Incubus even deeper inside her. Incubus did not disappoint his captive; with each thrust he rammed his cock further and further into Lara’s ass, making her groan hard as he pumped her until his balls were slapping against her as they fucked. Lara’s back stung as she was rubbed roughly against the crude wooden table and her wrists and ankles burned as she was slammed against her bonds by the force of the pounding she was receiving but she didn’t care, she had never felt pleasure like it and mixed with the searing pain it was simultaneously inflicting upon her, her body felt more alive than she ever had before. It was as if every nerve ending in her body was being stimulated and she was physically and mentally overwhelmed. Lara knew it wouldn’t be long before she was cumming hard and the feeling of complete restraint as she writhed against her bonds just spurred her on even more.
Incubus reached a hand to her pussy and with the lightest of touches placed a single finger on the tip of her craving clit. She couldn’t help but cry out with the intensity of the arousal as he did so and as he tenderly brushed his finger against her in tiny circles she was tipped into the most breathtaking orgasm she had ever experienced. Incubus placed his free hand over her mouth, suppressing the screams that involuntarily came from his prisoner and this served to intensify her pleasure. He continued to fuck her ass, brutally now, as she climaxed. Lara felt completely at his mercy both externally as she was secured by his bonds but also inside herself as her body submitted completely, accepting his cock filling her deep within herself. As she reached the height of her orgasm Lara shook violently as the pleasure surged around every part of her being and she completely relinquished control. As she came Lara’s already tight ass clenched around Incubus’ cock and with that he exploded deep inside her filling her with his scorching seed.
Lara was filled with an intense heat and she knew from the way his cum seemed to thaw her frozen core that something about her had changed, she somehow didn’t feel quite human; all her body heat had left her and yet she had never felt more alive………

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A Young Girl’s Adventures with Rape – Part One

A little while back, one of my slaves told me that she’d always been into rape fantasies as a teenager. For some reason, the idea of a big man forcing her down and having his way with her always got her riled up. She told me this story of how her obsession developed – a story I now share with you. Eventually we will tell of how it grew more intense… and then went out of control…

The Awakening of Chris

This is fantasy – the events in this set of stories are fictional and merely for enjoyment…and possible arousal. I hope you enjoy.

The Awakening of Chris – Part 6

Ok….things kinda ramp up from here. This may not be for eveyone…please read the themes to avoid offense. But either way….my cock is in my hand and I’m ready to go!

voodoo slave part 2

thanks for the positive comments guys ill keep writing so long as i get some good feed back and some positive criticism

This Story Is About Cindy 1:7

Another plot heavy chapter, but a little excitement near the end 😉 Hopefully if you’re still following this series, you enjoy the plot as well as the potential fap-material, so enjoy! If you’re new to the story, you’ve missed some good stuff, so go read it from the beginning!

Neighbors wife Part 2

Well, I had just fucked my neighbors wife who was passed out drunk and ran back home.
The next day I was working in my yard and Gail, the neighbors wife said they were having a party and Ted (her husband) told her to come invite me. I go to their parties every now and then but they just like to get too fucked up. I just couldn’t wait for Ted to go back to work so I could check Gail out again.
That night, I decided to go to their party. They had a few of their friends over and was grilling on the back deck and playing drinking games. I did a few shots with them but didn’t want to get too drunk. Gail was dressed in some very short shorts and a low cut shirt with that pretty clevage showing. I almost got a hard on just thinking about her pretty them tits were the night before.
At about 2:00 that morning, everybody else had left. Ted was so drunk he fell off of the deck 3 times and had to be helped up. Gail was pretty drunk to but could still hold a conversation and actually walk. I decided to go home even though they didn’t want me too. At 3:30, my phone rang and it was Gail. Gail said she needed help because Ted passed out on the deck and she needed to get him inside. I walked over and we grabbed him and put him to bed.
Gail and I then walked outside and chilled on the patio. Gail was pretty drunk and kept getting closer to me as she would talk. After a while she was sitting next to me and kept touching me while she was talking to me. She kept bending over and her beautiful tits would almost fall out. I was wearing some PJ pants with no underwear on and a T-Shirt. Between Gail rubbing my leg and and leaning over where I would get a look at them tits, I started getting a hard on.
After a while, Gail looked down and said damn, you got a hard on. I didn’t know what to do. I decided what the fuck and just said, Gail you are one fine as women and have the prettest tits I have ever seen. I didn’t know what she was going to do or say so I just sat back. Gail looked at me and asked when did I see her tits. I told her that when she bent over, I saw them. The next thing she did surprised me. She lifed up her shirt and stood up and said what do you really think. Man, she has these huge nipples that were rock hard, probably from the cool air.
I told her they were beautiful and that Ted was so lucky to be able to have them. She then stood up and said she would be right back. After about 5 minutes she came back. She then bent down and grabbed my hand and told me to follow her. She brought me to my house. Once we got inside, she pulled her clothes off and said now you are lucky to have me. I almost came in my pants. I just wish she wouldn’t have been so drunk when she did this. Of course I wasn’t going to turn it down.
Gail grabbed my PJ’s and pulled them off and grabbed my dick and started sucking it. She kept deep throating me and every time she would come up, she would run her tongue around the head several times and then back down. It felt so good, I came in about a minute. I thought I would blow the back of her head off. She swallowed all of my cum. She then looked at me and said “it’s you turn big boy”. I couldn’t help myself, I dove between her legs and stated eating her beautiful pussy. She started moaning and moving around so much I had to grab her legs to hold her in place. I then started kissing my way back up her stomach to her tits and sucked them like there was no tomorrow. I dick was aching it was so hard. I put it in her tight pussy and started pounding it.
I was pounding her so hard, her head kept hitting the head board on the bed. I started going slower and pushed my cock all the way in her and just let it sit there. This girl had great pussy muscle, it felt as though her pussy was sucking my dick. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I started fucking her hard again until I blew a load deap in her pussy. She must have came 10 times. I have never seen a women shoot juice out of her pussy until today. When I pulled out, her pussy was going into spasms and shooting juice out. This was so fucking cool. After she finally calmed down, she looked at me and said “WOW”, I have never had so many orgasims in my life. She then put her clothes on and said she had to go before Ted woke up. Said if he woke up and she wasn’t home, it won’t be good for her. She then went back home and I went to sleep a very happy man.
I didn’t think Gail would remember what happened because she was so drunk. The next evening, I think they finally came back to life. I saw Gail and Ted leaving together. About 2 hours later, Gail drove back up. I was peaking at her though my curtain. She walked straight to my door and knocked on it. I answered the door like I didn’t know it was her. I told her to come in, not acting like anything happened last night.
Once the door closed, she turned around and looked at me and started taking her clothes off. I was stund, she said you fucked the hell out of me while I was drunk, now I want you while I’m sober. I knew this would be the start of a great relationship. Gail said she had just dropped Ted off to go offshore and he will be gone a month. She pushed my back in my recliner and started giving me a lap dance while buck ass naked. Man, my dick was so hard I thought it was going to break in half inside my blue jeans. She reached down and un buttoned my pants and said I know it needs relief. She got on her knees and pulled my dick out and started sucking it. Her mouth felt so good. She kept sucking my dick until I blew a load down her throat. She once again swallowed every drop.

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