Consensual Sex

Hawaiian Sunset

Intro: This story has very little sex in it. It is more of a romance story. So if that thought dismays you it would be best to close and go on to another story. I have written a number of stories typical for this site and wanted to write something a bit different.
Chapter 1
I glanced out the window towards the beach. The green grass sloped away from the house for a hundred feet or so, to be taken over by the sandy beach. It was a calm day and the waves gently ran up the sand before sliding back into the ocean only to be pushed back up again by the next wave. The sun was still above the horizon. It was almost time, she would be coming by soon.
I filled a glass with ice water and walked out onto the patio. It was very warm tonight and the sky was clear with just a few clouds in the distant sky. I had put two chairs out in the middle of the yard overlooking the beach earlier in the day and that was where I was heading now. The first time I had noticed her was four days ago. Each evening she would jog by on the beach and then a half an hour or so later she would walk back by stopping every few feet to watch the sunset. I had hoped she would look my way and perhaps stop and talk for a while, but so far her attention was all for the sunsets.
I sat in the chair and took a sip of the cool water. I was wearing just a pair of shorts and sandals. A light breeze was coming off the ocean; just barely noticeable on my skin. I had just got comfortable when she appeared on my left, jogging on the beach. She was Asian, Chinese I thought, though I wasn’t sure from this distance. Her dark hair was tied up in a ponytail while she ran and I watched as it bounced from side to side as she ran. When she came back I knew it would be let down to fall to her shoulders.
I watched as her steady stride was quickly taking her past me. My hand was restless on the arm of my chair; waiting for her to glance my way so I could wave to her. Her figure was slender but very fit. I was close enough to see how beautiful she was. It took just a few seconds for her to pass me and move out of sight; never looking my way.
I took another sip of water and waited. She would be back; the sun would be setting soon. As I waited I wondered where she had come from. I had lived here for almost ten years and had never seen her before. Was she a tourist? Was she visiting a friend here on the beach? Was the friend a male? Was she already taken before I even had a chance to meet her? She had been here for at least four days. Would she be leaving soon? Was it already too late?
The sun dropped lower and another beautiful Hawaiian sunset was in the making. I watched as the sun dipped low enough to turn the bottom of the few clouds in the sky a beautiful purple with shades of orange and red as it began to drop into the ocean.
I had been watching the sunset for several minutes and had not noticed she had returned. Just as the sun disappeared into the ocean I saw her out of the corner of my eye. A slight movement of her head gave me the impression she had been watching me but as I raised my hand to wave she was clearly looking at the ocean and gave no indication she saw me. I lowered my hand to my side; disappointed I didn’t get her attention.
I watched her as she stood there watching the waves wash onto the beach. Her legs looked trim in her white shorts; trim from the jogging. She had a small tight butt and from the slight angle she stood at to me I had a good look at her profile. Her breasts were small but they looked perfect for her figure and stature; she looked to be about five foot two or three.
I had screwed up my courage and was about to call out to her when she took a step and one again began jogging away from me. She had only taken a few steps when she fell to the sand clutching at her calf. She was stretching, trying to grab her foot when I realized she had a cramp. I jumped out of my chair and rushed down to help her. I knelt down on the sand and took her foot in my hands and pushed on the bottom of her feet and toes to get the foot back at the angle it belonged and stretch the calf muscle to relieve the cramp.
Once her foot was okay I began lightly working on her calf muscle trying to relieve the pain; running my hands from her heel up to her knee and then back down. I looked up to see her leaning back on her elbows, watching me; her face giving me no clue as to what she was thinking. This was the first time I had seen her close. I was right; she was beautiful. Her eyes had a humorous look in them; a sparkle that I liked. She wasn’t laughing at me or even smiling, but it seemed like she was amused by the situation.
Her skin felt so nice beneath my fingers. I didn’t want the moment to pass. She still hadn’t said anything so I finally asked, “Are you okay”? She started to open her mouth but then closed it and didn’t say anything, just cocked her head a bit to the side. Did she speak English? “My name is Paul. What’s your name”? She just looked at me and did not reply.
Deciding to be brave, I made a quick decision. I lowered her leg to the sand and moved around to her side and got down on one knee. I slipped one arm under her knees and the other around her back and stood up. She felt so light in my arms. As I stood she put her arms around my neck. She didn’t say anything but I could see a question on her face.
I turned with her in my arms and kind of pointed with my chin towards my beach house and the two chairs out on the lawn. “I’m just going to take you over there so you can sit down for a few minutes until you feel better”. She still didn’t say anything so I began walking through the sand towards the chairs.
As I walked across the grass I wondered how I could communicate with her. I wanted to know her better. But short of hiring an interpreter how could I even ask her to dinner? As I carried her she continued looking at me and not talking. I felt myself getting lost looking into her eyes. I was so taken with her I almost walked right past the chairs.
I carefully lowered her into one of the chairs. She took the ice water I offered and took a sip. I turned the other chair slightly towards her so I could see her and sat down. We both sat there as it slowly darkened, watching the waves, and sipping the ice water. When I thought she wasn’t looking I would turn to look at her. I don’t know if I had ever been this close to someone so beautiful. Was she married? There was no ring on her finger but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Was there a boyfriend back in the house she came from or back in China, or where ever she is from?
She finally turned to look at the house. The side facing the ocean was all glass. Each panel was a sliding glass section that could be opened to let the ocean breezes in. On one side of the house was an indoor swimming pool. Redundant with the ocean right there but it was nice to sometimes swim without the saltwater. It was also nice to sit in the Jacuzzi and watch the sunsets. Just thinking about that led me to think of sitting in the water with her by my side.
Then she pointed at the house but did not say anything. Why bother I thought. I wouldn’t understand what she said anyway. I looked back at the house. I pointed at the house and then at myself. I said, “It’s my house”. After I said it I realized how loud I was talking. Softer, I repeated myself; “It’s my house”.
That wasn’t it though. She pointed at the chair she was sitting in and then pointed back at the house. Oh, I finally got it. “No, there is no one else. I live alone; Just me”. How do I get this across? I kind of shook my finger at the second chair and pointed at myself, my chair and then at the house again. I thought she might have understood. She nodded her head and then looked back at the ocean.
Much sooner than I was prepared for, she stood up, gave me a little nod to me and then began easily jogging across the grass. She certainly was a fast healer. She was onto the sand before I remembered, “What is your name”? Seconds later without answering, she had moved around the rocks at the far end of the beach and was gone.
Chapter 2
The next day I drove all around my neighborhood trying for a glimpse of her; hoping I could find what house she was staying at but without success. Then I puttered around all day waiting for evening to arrive. About an hour before the time she would usually jog by, the rain started. Usually when it rains this time of year we get a quick shower for a few minutes but this time it got harder and rained steadily long into the evening. I waited by the window, hoping, but she did not appear.
The next day I drove around again with the same results. As the evening approached I was getting antsy. There were more than the usual few clouds in the sky but it did not seem like it would rain again. About thirty minutes before she usually went by I filled a pitcher with ice water, grabbed two glasses and went out and sat in one of the chairs so I would be ready.
The beach was pretty private, only the occasional property owner usually used it and most of my neighbors were older couples. I would see them walk by in the mornings and evenings, we would wave at each other and that was about it. I sat there watching the waves crashing in on the beach. The waves were higher than normal today, probably the result of the passing storm we had yesterday. I liked watching the water but my eyes kept moving to the left, to the rocks that I knew she would jog around if she were coming today.
Then finally, there she was. She was wearing the same outfit; white shorts and white t-shirt. The contrast of her skin and the white outfit was striking. As she jogged towards my part of the beach I raised my hand and waved but her head did not turn. In a minute she had passed me and had moved on out of sight. I felt crushed. But then that was silly. We don’t even know each other. All I did was just help her with a cramp. I sat down in the chair to watch the coming sunset. I still had hope.
As I watched the waves crash on the beach, every minute or so I’d look over to the right where she should be returning soon. It seemed early when I caught sight of her in the distance. She was walking on the sand right at the edge of the water. Waves would break and roll up the beach and across her feet. I could see she was laughing and kicking the water with her feet. Her laugh was so delightful. She looked and sounded just like a kid having the time of her life.
It was still several minutes away from sunset. She would probably continue walking along the beach and stop somewhere else when the sun dropped into the ocean. I stood and shielded my eyes from the sun so that I could see her better. Looking at her legs, I could still feel the touch of her skin on my fingers; the silky smoothness, the strength underneath.
She walked slowly along the beach, still kicking her feet in the surf, laughing as she walked. When she was abreast of me she stopped and looked towards the sun. There were still another twenty or thirty minutes before the sunset would begin. She would be far from here when she would finally stop walking to watch it. My heart began to sink.
She turned to look towards me and I quickly raised my hand to wave at her. She looked back at the water and then to me again for a moment before she began slowly walking towards me. When she got up to me I said, “I know you don’t understand what I’m saying but would you like to sit with me and watch the sunset”. I pointed at the chairs and then handed her a glass. She stood while I poured her drink for her and then sat down.
We sat there for the next hour, not talking, sipping the ice water and watching the sun slowly set; another beautiful day in paradise. Every few minutes I would turn my head just enough so that I could look at her face, the exotic slant of her eyes, the dark hair cascading on her shoulders, the leg I had touched just the day before. Our chairs were just inches apart; our arms almost touching, resting on the chair arms.
I had turned my attention back to the sea when I felt a light brush on my forearm. I turned to see her fingertips touching barely resting on my arm. I looked up to see her standing. When I started to stand she moved her hand to my shoulder to stop me. I sat there as she turned and began jogging away from me. I sat there for another hour after she had disappeared, thinking of her, and the touch of her fingers on my arm.
Chapter 3
By early evening the next day I felt like an eight-grader. Did she like me? Would she come by today? Would she stop? If I had someone I could pass a note to ask about her I would.
I made some lemonade and took it outside with me. When I reached the chairs I placed the lemonade on the table and took the chair she had sat in and moved it closer to mine. A few minutes later I got up, looked at the chairs and then moved hers back where it had originally been. Then, a few minutes later I reached over and pulled her chair closer again.
I was still sitting there when she appeared. When she reached the closest point to me she looked my way. I lifted my arm and waved to her. She nodded her head towards me and then continued jogging down the beach. I sipped at the lemonade and waited for her return.
It took much longer this time. The sun was already sinking and she had not yet returned. She had never taken this long before. I was beginning to think she had taken a different route and was not returning by way of the beach when there she was; walking slowly on the beach instead of jogging. Usually when she walked by all her attention was on the sunset. This time she was walking towards me and was paying no attention to the sunset behind her; her attention was on me.
While she continued walking towards me I poured her a glass of lemonade and sat it on the table in front of me close to her chair. As she came closer, our eyes were in contact but neither of us said anything. She came up, took the lemonade and sat next to me and took a sip. Our arms on the arms of our chairs; so close it made the skin on my arm tingle as I remembered her touch the night before.
In the next few minutes the sunset ended but she did not leave. We continued sitting there with just the sound of the waves running up the beach to keep us company, both of us occasionally taking a sip of our drink.
I saw him first; a surfer off to our right. He was just sitting on his board, waiting for a wave. I moved my hand over by hers to get her attention and point him out to her. She must have misunderstood what I was doing. She turned her hand over and grasped my hand; our fingers intertwining. As she turned her head to look at me I forgot about the surfer. All I could see was her smile.
I’m not sure how long we sat holding hands; my forearm lying on hers, our fingers occasionally moving around, fingertips exploring each other. Her hand felt right in mine. I liked the strength in it; how she held my hand back. She didn’t just let her fingers lie there in mine.
It had gotten fairly dark and the moon was out when I heard her sigh and turned to look at her. Her eyes were closed; her head resting against the back of the chair. While I looked at her face she brought her other hand over and laid it on top of my hand holding hers. The night had cooled just a bit and her hand was warm on mine. I wondered what her body would feel like pressed against mine; my arms wrapped around her.
Then without a word, she let go of my hand and stood up. I didn’t want the evening to end so soon. What could I do to get her to stay longer? I looked up at the house and had an idea. I made a swimming motion with my hands. “Would you like to take a dip in the pool”?
She watched my hands for a moment and then looked up to me and shook her head. She pointed towards left side of the beach where she disappeared each night. She raised a hand and put it behind my neck and pulled my head down so she could kiss me on the cheek. Before I could recover from my surprise she had turned and was moving quickly across the grass to the beach. I watched her in the moonlight until I could see her no longer.
Chapter 4
It took hours to fall asleep that night. I lay there in bed thinking of the feel of her hand in mine, her fingers, and the touch of her lips on my cheek. Was this all for naught? Would she suddenly vanish as quickly as she arrived? Where did she come from? Why was she here? All these questions and more, swirling through my mind, none answered, as I tried to fall asleep.
The next day progressed like the day before Christmas to a ten year-old. I thought the evening would never come. I was out in my chair with a pitcher of lemonade an hour before the time she usually arrived. I didn’t want to run the risk she might go by early.
But her time came and past with no sign of her. Could she have passed by before I came out? I began watching each direction, a minute at a time; my head swiveling back and forth. Maybe she decided not to run today. Maybe her boyfriend showed up.
The sun was about ten minutes from setting when she appeared on my left; walking, not jogging, across the sand towards me. I stood, waiting for her. She was wearing her usual outfit but was also carrying a small white plastic bag in her hand; the kind you usually get in clothing stores. She walked right up to within inches of me and looked up into my face. Her lips glistened in the light and I had the sudden urge to kiss her. She looked around me and pointed towards the house. I wasn’t sure what she wanted and the question must have shown on my face. She opened the bag and held it up for me to see inside. It looked like there was a swimming suit inside; a bikini.
I nodded and smiled at her and was rewarded with a beautiful smile back. I took her hand in mine and we walked up to the house. I showed her where she could change and busied myself opening the sliding doors so the ocean breeze could come in and so we could hear the waves. I looked at the Jacuzzi and the pool. Which would she want? I decided the pool and jumped in to wait for her.
When she walked out I was struck again by how beautiful she was. She saw me in the pool she walked over with a smile that just lit up her face. I felt warm all over knowing that smile was for me. Her bikini looked great on her. It was black, an unusual color but it looked nice on her, almost erotic, like black underwear. The bottoms were very tight; form fitting on her but the top was a bit too big.
I was at the deep end of the pool; the water came up to about my chin. She looked at me and then began moving to the far end of the pool; the shallower end. I motioned for her to join me but she made a swimming motion with her hands and shook her head. I was surprised; she does not know how to swim.
I moved a few feet into the shallower water to get to the pool ladder. Now the water just came up midpoint on my chest. I motioned for her to come to me. “I know you don’t understand, but come over here and I’ll help you”. She looked at me and halfheartedly shook her head again but she did not move any closer to the far end of the pool. I motioned again with my hands for her to come closer.
Finally she moved over to the ladder and I moved to the bottom of it and held my hands out to show her I would hold her when she came down. She turned around and carefully started down the ladder. When she was about halfway down I put my hands on her hips to let her know I had her. As she inched down I had time to look at her; her trim waist, her backbone, the string tie of her bikini a bit too loose across her back.
When she was about waist deep in the water she turned with one hand still grasping the ladder and kind of jumped to me; her arms grabbing me around the neck and her legs circling my waist. She wasn’t kidding. She did not know how to swim.
I smiled and tried not to laugh; I did not want her to think I was making fun of her fear. But then with her arms and legs wrapped around me it was hard not to smile. “You are safe. I’ve got you. I won’t let you go”. I tried to keep my voice calm and soothing. She might not understand but I wanted to sound reassuring. Her head had been pressed against mine but now she leaned back a bit to look at me and loosened her grip around my neck just a bit. Her smile was infectious. I couldn’t help smiling too.
I took a few small steps into the middle of the pool. When she was what I was doing she tightened her grip and the smile slipped just a bit. “It’s okay. I won’t let you go”. Over the next several minutes I worked to get her unwound from me and tried to explain what I wanted her to do by showing her the best I could with my hands. I was trying to get her to learn to float in the water. It would give her some confidence. Teaching her to swim would take a lot more but it would help to take a small step.
I was finally able to get my hands under her thighs and back so that I could get her to stretch out flat on the water. As she tried once more my eyes kept drifting to the top of her suit. The top was too big and I could occasionally see her breasts. It was so disconcerting. She was laughing and enjoying herself. I didn’t want her to catch me looking and think I was some kind of letch. But her breasts looked so nice. While they were small I felt the desire to hold them in my hands, caressing her. I could feel myself stir just thinking about it. I had to concentrate on helping her to make it go away.
She finally got the knack of it and was floating on the water. She closed her eyes and let her head recline back in the water; her long hair fanning out away from her. I gradually eased my hands away from supporting her and let her float there. She must have floated there in the water by herself for a minute or so before she finally realized I was not supporting her. She let out a little shriek of delight and promptly folded at the waist and sank beneath the water. I immediately grabbed her and lifted her up. I was afraid all our progress would be ruined but when I pulled her up she was laughing. I had lifted her high to get her out of the water; her waist was up even with my chest. When I looked up at her I realized the dunk or my sudden lift of her had caused her bikini top to move up exposing both of her breasts. She looked down at me but made no move to adjust her top.
I started to lower her so that her breasts would not be in my face. I had barely begun when she let out an ‘ooh’ and pointed over my shoulder behind me. I turned with her still in my arms to look. The sunset was in progress and it was a beautiful one tonight. I maneuvered her around so that her back was to me and I had my arms around her waist, holding her tight to me so she would not sink in the water and took several steps towards the shallow end so she could stand on her own. I let go of her that she could stand but she did not move away and in fact leaned back against me. With that encouragement I put my arms back around her waist. We stood there watching the colors change as the sun slowly dropped.
When the sunset was finally over neither of us moved. Her hands were clasped over mine. I did not want the moment to end. I was willing to stand there with her in my arms as long as she was willing to let me. I could feel her fingers moving idly over mine; her fingers tracing the length of my fingers from the top of my palms to my fingertips.
I finally felt her stir and I pulled my arms from her waist as she turned around to face me. Her bikini top was now back in place. She moved up close to face me; her body almost touching mine; a bare inch separated us. We stood there for a moment with her looking up into my face. When her lips slightly parted I could not help myself and I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. They were cool against mine. Before I could move back to see how she would react she put her arms around my neck and kissed me back. Her lips were soft and warm now. We continued for several minutes. A long kiss followed by staring into each other’s eyes, and then hungrily kissing again.
At some point, I wasn’t sure when, I had moved my arms up from her waist and had lifted her up off her feet, pulling her tight to me. As we continued kissing I felt her tongue brush against my upper lip. I opened my mouth and we began gently touching our tongues against each other’s.
Finally she removed her arms from my neck and turned her head to look outside. It was completely dark now. I don’t know how long we had been standing there in the pool holding each other and kissing. She looked back to me and then pointed at herself and then towards the beach, saying “Go”. I hated for the evening to end, but at least the one word of English she knew wasn’t “No”.
Carrying her once again, I walked over to the pool ladder and then watched as she climbed out. I stayed where I was and watched her as she gathered the few clothes she came with and put them on over her bikini. Then she very slowly waved goodbye to me and was gone. I quickly got out of the pool but I could not see her walking away in the dark. I still stood there; thinking of her. Thinking of the feel of her body pressed against mine, the shape of her breasts, and the touch of her lips on mine. She had large nipples that I ached to touch to see how she would react; would her back arch in pleasure I wondered. Once again it was hours before I finally fell asleep.
Chapter 5
The next day seemed to go on forever. I did some paperwork and checked the clock. I tidied up the house and checked the clock. I tried reading a book but kept losing my place as I glanced at the clock and my mind wandered. I swam laps for a while in an effort to lessen the tension and gradually the hours slipped by.
When the evening finally approached I was outside with my pitcher of lemonade two hours early; I just could not wait in the house any longer. Besides, she might come by early for another swimming lesson.
I sat there sipping lemonade trying to calm my growing nervousness as she did not appear. I had to continually remind myself that I was early; that she had never come by until much later. The ice in the pitcher eventually melted and I had to go back in the house and make another pitcher while keeping an eye out the window for her.
About an hour before the sunset she appeared, early for her, walking calmly around the rocks and across the beach. She wasn’t dressed as she usually was, in shorts and a t-shirt. She had on a simple peach colored sundress, which hung straight and loose on her; held up by spaghetti straps on her shoulders and wearing sandals on her feet. Her hair was tied up on her head leaving her shoulders and neck bare. She was not carrying a bag this time so it looked like there would not be a second swimming lesson.
She walked up to where I was sitting and sat down next to me like she had been doing it all our lives. I poured a glass of lemonade and handed it to her. She took the glass with one hand and then reached for my hand with her other. We sat there quietly waiting for the sunset, sipping our drinks, holding hands, our fingers sometimes exploring each others with never a word being spoken. Occasionally I would look over at her and watch her until she turned to see me and smiled.
And once again I wondered how we would move from here without being able to talk to each other. But it was something I did not want to face yet so I pushed it to the back of my mind.
The sunset finally came and then passed much too quickly. It grew darker as we sat there holding hands. I think neither of us wanted the evening to end but she was the first to move. She let go of my hand and stood up. I quickly stood and faced her. When she did not move away I leaned down and gently kissed her lips once and then straightened back up. She stood there without moving for the longest time, just looking up into my eyes. Then without a word she took my hand in hers and began walking towards the house.
We walked through the patio and through the open section of the wall to the pool. I thought she must have her bikini on under the dress. She is going to stay for a while and I can try to teach her to swim some more. But then she surprised my by walking right past the pool and into the living room. She stopped for a moment and looked around the room before walking towards a hallway with me still in tow. Now I was confused; she must need to use the bathroom and I began to point it out but she walked right past it and went through the open door at the end of the hall into my bedroom. A lamp beside the bed was on, illuminating the room. I was suddenly glad I had cleaned the house.
I thought I knew what was going to happen but I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I liked her, really liked her, maybe more, but we had not even had a conversation yet. I wanted this but I also wanted more than this. Would this help or hurt?
In the moment these thoughts went through my head she had turned, pulled a long pin from her hair letting it fall to her shoulders, and moved into my arms. We stood there kissing; softly at first, exploring each other’s lips and face, then slowly growing fiercer, hungrier. She was on her tiptoes, her arms wrapped round my neck. I pulled her tightly against me, my hands moving from the small of her back up to her shoulders and back down again; feeling her ribs under my fingers, her shoulder blades. I leaned down and kissed her shoulders and worked my way up her neck. I kissed her ear and felt her shiver in my arms.
When we finally stopped for air she pulled her hands from around my neck and took a step back from me. We stood there looking into each other’s eyes for several seconds. Then she reached over with one hand and pulled the spaghetti strap off her shoulder and let it drop down her arm. She continued watching my face while she reached over and pulled the other strap and let it drop. She gave her body a little shake and the sundress dropped to her feet. The only thing she was wearing was a pair of peach colored panties.
I looked down at her; she was perfect. Her pert breasts sticking out towards me, her large nipples fully erect, the flair of her hips, her flat stomach, the panties disappearing in the space between her legs.
I started to reach out to her, to touch her, but she put out a hand to stop me. Oh, right. I reached up to unbutton my shirt but she quickly pulled my hand away and pushed it down by my side. While I watched, she stepped closer and slowly unbuttoned my shirt and then pulled it off my arms and tossed in aside on the floor beside her dress. When she reached for my shorts to pull them down I grew nervous. I knew I was already hard and wondered what she would think when she saw it. But she did not react when I was suddenly freed from my shorts; hard and sticking out, touching her stomach as she stood close to me. She tossed my shorts aside and then took my hand.
We walked over and moved into the middle of the bed and lay on our sides facing each other. At first we just looked into each other’s eyes. I put a hand on her hip and slowly moved it up her side and then gently touched the bottom of one of her breasts. It felt soft and smooth and firm all at the same time. I let my hand run over the top of it and then continued moving up to caress her neck before pulling her head to me so I could kiss her.
We had kissed for just a moment when I felt her hand tug at mine, pulling it back down to her breast. I caressed it softly but then felt her hand push down on mine. She wanted me to use a firmer touch. I squeezed her breast firmly and felt her lean into me and sigh. As I moved to the other breast I felt one of her hands move between us to take me in her grip. Her fingers moved slowly up and down my shaft, squeezing and stroking me; grabbing me tight at the base and pulling my erection against her.
I pulled my lips from hers and moved my head down to kiss to bottom of her breasts, between them, to the sides, but not the nipples. I kept repeating this until finally she took my head in both of her hands and tugged on me until my mouth was against one of her nipples. I open my lips and let the nipple slide into my mouth and began running my tongue around and over it. And then I moved over to the other nipple to do the same.
As her breathing became heavier I slowly began kissing my way down her stomach. I slid down off the bottom of the bed and then came back up between her legs kissing the inside of her thighs, first one side and then the other, slowly getting higher. When I got to the crease at the top of her thigh I felt her thighs tighten against my shoulders. I looked up at her. She had a look of excitement, surprise, even concern on her face as she looked down at me.
I watched her face as I kissed the bottom of her mound and then slowly moved lower until I could gently tug with my lips on one of hers. I watched as the look of surprise and concern became softer and her eyes partially closed. I ran my tongue over the right side and then the left; feeling the texture of her, tasting her. As I slid my tongue between her lips I felt her hips lift up off the bed. I moved an inch higher and let my tongue move along each side of her clitoris without actually touching it. Over and over I repeated that until finally I let my tongue glance against her clitoris, circling it and then move away. I moved back and let my tongue work around it again and then just a little tease of a touch. As I started to move away again she groaned and took my head in her hands and pulled me back. I began slowly, using the broad sweep of my tongue over her clitoris followed by little flicks across it. Her thighs began squeezing against my shoulders then opening wider; her knees up in the air. I moved my arms under her legs and up to her chest; first cupping her breasts in my hands and then running my fingers over her nipples.
It was barely a minute later when I heard her let out a little cry. I kept my tongue on her clitoris and looked up into her face. She was looking down at me with a surprised look on her face, her mouth open. Then suddenly her hips began bucking up against me as her orgasm began. Her thighs squeezed tightly against my shoulders. I could feel her lips move beneath mine as the spasms began deep inside of her.
When she was finished she spread her legs wider once again and reached down to my head and tugged on me to get me to come up to her. I was more than ready. As I moved up on my hands and knees until I could kiss her I felt her arms move down to my waist pulling me against her. I could feel my erection pushing into her stomach. I pulled away from our kiss as I felt her hand move between us to grab me. I looked down between our bodies as she pushed me down between her legs.
As she pulled her hand away I lowered myself onto her. I carefully thrust my hips forward. She was so wet I slipped right inside her. Not knowing if this was her first time or not I stopped just with the head inside of her. I held there just for a moment and then felt her hands on my butt pulling at me, trying to get me deeper in her. It was all the encouragement I needed. I thrust forward. She was so wet I slid into her until our bodies were flush in one stroke. It felt so good in her I couldn’t control myself; I pulled back a bit and thrust hard into her again. With each push into her I could feel her excitement build, her breathing become more ragged. I slipped my hands beneath her hips to pull her tighter to me; thrusting harder and faster into her. I could feel her push up against me as I thrust into her; pulling back until I would almost fall out of her and then push back as deep as I could get in her.
I wanted to slow down, make it last longer but I couldn’t; I was to close. The excitement of our two bodies rubbing against each other was just too much. With one last push into her I felt the tingle begin in me; spreading down to my toes and up to the top of my head. Then a moment later I was cumming in her, filling her; each spurt from me given with a push against her, trying to be as deep in her as I could.
We lay there for a moment, me still on top of her; beads of sweat dripping from our bodies onto the bed, our breathing slowly trying to return to normal. I shifted some of my weight onto my knees and arms. I slipped an arm under her back and then rolled off of her onto my side, pulling her with me. She lay there in my arms, her head on my shoulder, neither of us speaking, both of us still breathing a bit hard.
After several minutes I heard her breathing gradually get slower and steadier. I lay there as she fell asleep on my shoulder, our arms wrapped around each other. At first her body would twitch against me every minute or so as she fell deeper into sleep. I lay there holding her to me, amazed at the evening, but so happy she was lying here in my arms.
I don’t know when I fell asleep. I was trying to stay awake. I wanted to keep holding her; feel her against me. But at some point the strenuous activity took its toll and I drifted off.
It was still in the middle of the night when I woke to find her lying on top of me; her head on my chest. I thought she was asleep but she felt my movement and looked up at me. When she saw I was awake she kissed my chest, then my neck and finally my lips. They were soft kisses, not the frantic, urgent kisses of earlier in the night. I didn’t realize I was already hard until she pushed back against me and I slid into her again.
I lay there while she slowly raised and lowered her hips against me; letting me come almost completely out of her and then pushing herself back against me to get me deep into her again. We did that for several minutes before she put her hands on my chest and rose up into a sitting position on me. She sat there, impaled on me, the two of us not moving, just looking at each other. And then I felt her squeeze me. It felt so good it made me move up against her. She smiled and squeezed me again, and then again.
I reached up and moved my hands across her breasts, cupping them, rubbing her nipples. She stopped squeezing me and began slowly rocking her hips on me, back and forth, never taking her eyes off my face. On one sweep with my hands I rubbed across her stomach and she moaned and pushed down hard against me. I found a spot she likes.
I began alternating, rubbing her breasts and then her stomach. She began rocking harder on me. In just minutes her face tightened, a look of almost pain crossed her face and then she jerked her hips on me, I felt her nails sink into my chest. Her vagina went into spasm around me. It felt so tight, like she had me in her fist. I watched her as she closed her eyes tight and moan, only to open them for a moment, look at me, and then close them again. After about thirty seconds she collapsed on my chest gasping for air.
When she had recovered sufficiently she began moving back against me. I had been on the edge watching her and it took me just a few minutes before I came again. When I had finished we lay there, her head on my chest, my arms wrapped around her.
I don’t know who fell asleep first this time. I only know that when I woke there was light coming in through the window and I was alone in bed. I turned on my side and saw her across the room. She had her panties on and was pulling the sundress down over her head. With a little shake of her hips she had it on and in place. Her hair was a bit disheveled and she began to comb it with her fingers. She was beautiful even in the morning.
She slipped her sandals on her feet and then walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I reached out to take her hand in mine. What could I say to her that she would understand? How could I tell her I thought I was in love with her? Did she love me or was this just a lark? She reached out with her other hand and brushed my hair back out of my eyes. We sat there for a moment just looking at each other; her other hand against my cheek.
I knew she wouldn’t understand but I needed to tell her anyway. I looked up into her eyes and said, “I love you”.
She looked at me for several seconds and then a big smile appeared on her face. She said, “I love you too. I have to go now but I’ll be back at sunset”.
My mouth fell open. I was speechless. She spoke perfect English. Not even a trace of an accent. Before I could say anything else she got up and was out the door. I flung the sheet aside, got up and quickly put on a pair of shorts. By the time I got to the patio she was halfway across the grass. I watched her walking quickly away just for a moment before I was able to get out a weak sounding “What, how”?
At the edge of the grass she stopped and turned to look back at me. She waved and called back to me, “My name is Sara”. She smiled, turned, and hurried away. I could hear her laugh, the same as the one when she was kicking her feet in the surf, as she walked across the sand.
Once she was out of sight I returned to the house to take a shower and get ready for tonight’s sunset.
As Sara walked across the sand she thought of the things she still needed to accomplish in the next couple of hours. A final cleanup of the house was in order. It was really nice of her friends to loan her their rental house for the week. She still needed to get a couple of presents for her children but she could do that on the way to the airport. And she still needed to get packed.
She followed the path as it turned to the left away from the beach and went up a slight rise to the house where she was staying. She paused and looked back. From here she could just see over the rise and watched as Paul walked back into his house. She wished her husband were more like Don; a bit leaner, a bit taller, a few years younger and better in bed. What a coincidence, their having the same first name. She smiled and went on into the house and closed the door behind her.

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I Never Saw It Coming Pt 2

Sorry for the wait. I know its been a while but I’ve been on a vacation and I don’t write on vacation so I wasn’t making any progress on the second part of this for about 2 weeks. But here it is hope you enjoy. And, as always, don’t write nasty comments only constructive critisism please!

Fanden Hus (Fuck House)

his story is based on a theme requested by one of our friends. My wife doesn’t like this one, preferring another rape fantasy instead. My friend absolutely loved and she wants more of this story. I would appreciate comments and reactions.

Boys and girls together

Agroup of boys tried to come up with a way for boys and girls to get to know ech other better int heeir school, but very controlled

My New Houseplant 1

Coming home, I shut the door a bit harder than I’d meant to. It was a temptation to just drop everything in the hallway and sprint down to the basement, but I resisted. Taking a few slow, deep breaths, I made myself calm down, telling myself I had the whole evening alone and there was plenty of time. Placing my coat on its proper hook by the door and leaving my snowy boots on the mat, I made my way upstairs. Once my bedroom door was shut, however, I couldn’t resist stripping immediately. I examined my nude body in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. I didn’t look bad for my 30 years. My skin was still soft and radiant, my body still slender, breasts plump and looking just as they did my freshman year of college. I might’ve had to dye over a few grays, but otherwise I still appeared young and blonde as ever. I’d taken to looking at my own body a lot since my husband left- it was a confidence-boost to remind myself what he was missing out on. But the full-length mirror wasn’t the only new addition to the house since he’d left.
At this point I couldn’t wait anymore. I wrapped myself in my short, silk bathrobe and hurried down the stairs and towards the basement door. My fingers trembled as I opened it. As I began descending the steps, the source of my excitement came into view. It looked like an ordinary potted plant. Standing four feet high, it’s stalks were a bit thicker than usual, but to the untrained eye it was otherwise unexceptional…unless you watched closely enough to realize it was moving slightly. I’d been left quite a bit of money when my parents died, but this beauty had still cost a pretty penny, and I’d had to raise it from a seedling. I’d done so diligently, carefully following every instruction because I knew, when it was ready, the care and even the money would all be worth it. My excitement over the months grew as the plant did while I waited for it to mature. Too long I’d been cooped up in this big house alone and sexually frustrated, and conventional toys just didn’t cut it anymore. Today, finally, the plant was ready.
I reached forward and stroked one of the stalks without hesitation. Instantly it lost its appearance of stiffness and curved, tentacle-like into my touch. The plant was almost an animal, you see. According to the manual, it has instincts, even thoughts. And, most importantly, it can connect with the thoughts of its owner. The plant and I had spent many months building our connection, and I could feel it carried great affection for me, as I did for it. Lovingly I stroked its tentacles and they began secreting a thin fluid which I knew served as both lubricant and a strong aphrodisiac. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the tentacles surface. Tentatively I ran my tongue along the shaft and felt it shudder with pleasure. It tasted exotic and slightly sweeter than I had expected. I brought my mouth to the tip of the tentacle and wrapped my lips around it. The plant liked it. I had to show that I was willing to be good to it first before I asked it to pleasure me. I ran my tongue along its surface and began pulling more into my mouth before letting it slide back out, pausing a moment around the slightly thicker head to suck before taking it back inside. In my mind I sensed the plant’s pleasure. But the aphrodisiac was absorbing quickly into my system and I felt myself growing wetter. The plant knew I was craving its touch. It was eager to oblige.
I slid the tentacle from my mouth, giving the tip a final flick with my tongue, before sliding out of my robe and tossing it aside. I had already positioned a table nearby which would place me at the perfect height to give the plant access to my body. I climbed on and lay with my knees bent and legs spread, inviting the plant in. Slowly I felt one of the tentacles brush my thigh, and from the touch it sensed what I wanted it to do. It moved down along the incline of my thigh and laid itself very lightly against the outer lips of pussy. I bit my lip in anticipation and urged it further. The tentacle shifted side to side and borrowed between the inner lips and began stroking up and down, sliding the length of its slick shaft against my slit. It applied pressure and small shockwaves of pleasure ran through me as the tentacle, slippery with a mixture of its sweet secretion and my own juices, slid along my swollen clit. I moaned slightly and bucked my hips, wanting more. The plant obliged.
Suddenly the length of the tentacle was removed and I felt its head press against my opening. I bucked my hips again, encouraging it further, and it pushed the tip of the shaft inside of me, just far enough to touch my g-spot. I groaned with pleasure as the tentacle began pushing forward, moving slowly, teasingly deeper within my body. I wanted it to never stop, to keep pushing until the whole length of the tentacle was deep inside me. Unfortunately it only go so many inches before it was forced to stop, and I whimpered. Then the tentacle pulled out to where just the tip was left and began pushing again, a little bit faster. Soon it was moving in deep, even strokes. At my unspoken request a second tentacle began rubbing along my clit and the combined pleasure of the pressure on my clit and the thick tentacle moving in and out of my pussy was sheer heaven. The only thing that could make this better…
Before I could control the thought the plant had already made its move to oblige. When I felt the tip of a third tentacle pressing against my ass my eyes flew open in shock. All tentacles stopped, sensing my fear, and my lower regions screamed at the sudden halt. No! Don’t stop! I sensed the plant was confused. It had clearly seen the desire in my mind; why then did I react with fear? I tried to convey as best as I could that the image was merely an old fantasy of mine, but something I had never actually tried, nor had intended on trying. It didn’t understand. Why did I say no when I clearly wanted it? It would not hurt me. And in the face of such innocent and inescapable logic, I gave in, because I knew it was right. The plant would not hurt me. But I needed to go slow.
The shaft in my pussy was removed, though another continued circling my clit. I felt the head press once again against my ass, with a little more insistence this time. I was nervous, but tried to relax my muscles as best I could. The pressure increased and, quite suddenly, the head pushed itself inside. It was a completely new sensation, but not unwelcome. The plant had the ability to make its tentacles thicken or thin as necessary, and the one inside me now did not have the girth of that which had been in my already-experienced pussy. The tentacle began wiggling, circling in order to get me prepared for what was to come. Slowly I relaxed, and as I did it began pushing its length deeper inside me. The sensation sent chills through my body, and again I found myself wishing that it would never stop, that it would keep moving deeper and deeper inside of me. Slowly it came to a halt and the retreated, pulling back until I felt its head tug a bit at my opening from the inside, and a small moan escaped my lips. The plant struck up a building rhythm of moving in and out of my ass, and I found that the sensation paired well with the pleasure I was receiving from the tentacle playing with my clit. Gradually the shaft thickened and my body stretched until it was able to thrust in and out of me with ease and no small amount of pleasure.
But this hadn’t been my fantasy, and the plant knew what I wanted. The second tentacle returned, its head pushing inside of my pussy, then the shaft. Before I was aware of it, both my pussy and my ass were full of tentacle, both moving quickly in rhythm as another pressed ever harder against my clit. I moaned louder as the shafts thrust deep inside me, moving faster and thrusting harder all the while. More tentacles began grabbing my legs and sliding me closer, wrapping around my waist, until I was supported completely by the plant, and it was in complete control. A fourth tentacle slid into my willing mouth. I was moaning uncontrollably as the plant thrust harder into all my holes, fucking my brains out. My whole world became the intense pleasure of the three long shafts moving in and out of my body, bringing me closer and closer. Suddenly all the tentacles expanded to their fullest thickness inside of me, stretching my insides as they drilled into me, sending me over the edge. I came harder than I have ever come in my life- the orgasm ripped through my entire body, and my screams were muffled by the thick shaft filling my mouth, which was now flooding me with a warm, sticky-sweet substance.
Slowly the tentacles removed themselves from my body, though one continued to slowly and lovingly stroke my clit, prompting a shudder each time as my orgasm subsided in a haze of pleasure. The plant, also satisfied, lowered me gently to the ground where I lay panting, trying to catch my breath and regain some sense of reality, though the only thing that was clear to me was that the plant had been the best purchase of my life, and excitement for the many eventful days to come.

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Over The Moon

No one can understand why an older man marries a young Asian but his Son and best friend are about to find out

A Haunting Curiosity

A Haunting Curiosity
I walked up to the rusty iron bar fences. I never thought I would make it here, especially after hearing so much about this place. I looked through the bars and could see why so many thought it to be the place of nightmares, but I thought surely it couldn’t be as bad as what they said. Surely it couldn’t be haunted, I mean it’s the sort of thing you hear about in books or television shows, not the stuff of reality.
But the stories that were told of what happened in this place were so consistently true, it was hard to ignore the possibility that they could be. But by this point my natural curiosity had finally got the better of me. I walked through the half-open gates, creaking as it opened and the metal dragged across the concrete floor, and I approached the dilapidated old mansion.
It had stood here for centuries, in the middle of the forest about 5 miles north of my home town. For as long as I’d lived here, all my life, I had heard about this place, and warned by many to stay away, but I was older now and fully capable of taking care of myself in any normal situation. I was 19 now, standing at a proud 6’2, strong and muscular at 11 stone (approx. 155lbs), and I had short brown hair and green eyes.
It was made of stone all the way around the outside, with all the windows broken and boarded up. I made my way slowly up to the decrepit mansion, occasionally checking my back in case I was being followed. I was clearly nervous despite my skepticism, because it was quite a frightful looking place. I made my way up to the large double doors, pushing it open as it seemed to be quite stiff, and made my way inside.
The door slowly creaked it’s way back closed, as I had assumed it would as it was on a slope. I promptly tried to analyse my surroundings before continuing, but at this stage I wasn’t planning on going back, I was just too curious. I could see the dark, rotting walls and dark wooden floorboards that were consistent throughout the house. The place was dimly lit with the evening light alone, with most of the windows boarded up, light only peering through the gaps in the structure, so it was hard to see anything at all.
I began to make my way through the house, which to my surprise looked somewhat smaller on the inside, going from room to room. With each room I passed I saw a common theme of furniture and chandeliers covered up by white sheets. I had soon covered the entire ground floor after circling back round to the hall, and made my way up the creaking stairs, thinking surely there must be something more interesting going on up here.
The sun was beginning to set and it gradually became darker, so I decided to try the light switch at the top of the stairs. It took a few seconds, but the lights flickered, and to my surprise turned on, though only dimly lighting the place as much as the evening light had earlier. But still I had a lingering thought as to why the lights were still working. Was someone still to this day maintaining the place?
I examined the remaining rooms upstairs to little avail, the same as downstairs with all the furniture covered in dusty white sheets. So with not even so much as a bad vibe, or an unexplained noise I made my way back downstairs with disappointment. I decided to wait there for a little longer, as to let the night sky come over, as I thought all good stories happen at night don’t they? So I sat on a dusty sheet-covered couch and waited.
An hour must have passed by my reckoning, it was visibly night time and the scariest thing thus far far was the not even chilling breeze that passed through the cracks in the house. At that point I decided to cut my losses and call it a night, I knew that it couldn’t be as bad as people said it was. Clearly they just had an overactive imagination, or outright lied about it hearing stories from others. I made my way back down the hall and got to the front doors. I reached for the handle and suddenly, I felt a blow to the head, and I was out cold.
I awoke to some discomfort, with the back of my head still aching from the blow, wondering what could have happened. As I gathered my thoughts, and my vision and feeling returning to me, I opened my eyes to a dark, orange-like room, which became clearer as I looked and saw either side of me were fire-lit torches placed in hooks attached to the walls. At that point I concentrated in what sort of position I had awoken to, and was shocked.
I found myself lying on a flat, stone pillar of sorts, about the height off the ground as a bed would be. It became worse as I resumed getting feeling back to my arms and legs, only to find I was tied to the four corners of the pillar by my aching wrists and ankles, by thick metal chain handcuffs, at the same time finding myself to be completely naked too. I struggled and tried pulling free, but was clearly not going anywhere. I could barely even lift my head, and could only now hoarsely scream cries of help.
After a few screams someone answered, the voice of an old man, out of the darkness from the back of the room, and I struggled to lift my head slightly to see who had responded. He came from out into the view from the dim light, clearly quite aged but not seeming to show it in his motions. After a brief silence, he greeted me, “Hello there visitor,” he said in a croaky deep voice, “I’m sure you have many questions, but let me first introduce myself.”
“Introduce yourself?!” I replied in a harsh tone, “Just get me out of here old man.”
“Now, now.” He continued, “That’s no way to treat your host.” Host? I thought to myself, before realising he may be the reason I got that blow to the head, and why I now find myself here.
He went on to say, “Now, as I was saying, My name is Jameson, and I’m the caretaker of this mansion.”
“Caretaker? Well by the looks of the place you clearly haven’t done a very good job of ‘taking care’ of it.” I replied with attitude, trying to hide my now very apparent fear.
He ignored my remarks and continued, “I have been the caretaker here for the past 150 years.” Now I was shocked. 150 years? I thought, impossible. Though at this stage I wasn’t in position to question.
“Let me continue by telling you a story. The year was 1878, the family that had been living here had just moved away, and left me in charge. One night I was outside in the enjoying the warm night, looking to the sky, and I saw a shooting star, or what I thought was one. But it was getting bigger, and then closer, and before I could react it came down with a crash and landed in the mansion’s garden.”
I found it hard to believe the old guys story, but still I listened, as he for the moment seemed like the only one who could possibly help me here.
He continued, “I went over to inspect the crash, not knowing what I would find. Inside was a pod-like object, that when I got close to it opened, and before I knew it something had jumped at me, and covered my face. Before I could struggle, I heard it talk to me, telepathically, telling me it needed my help. It said it was from another planet, which at the time I didn’t know could be possible, but it was convincing.”
“It told me how it needed human energy in order to survive. It said it’s species had been dying out, so he fled his home to try and find somewhere he could live on. It told me it would make me immortal, if I helped him to live on. I was almost at the end of my road, so I gladly agreed to help it. So to this day I have been enticing people to come here of their own accord, so that my partner could use there energy to live on.”
I was suddenly very afraid. If this was true, would it be draining the life out of me? I began to struggle violently and screamed to attempt to break free, ever increasing the strain on my tied down limbs. But the old man pinned me down and carried on speaking.
“Don’t worry, you will live on, and after it is over you will forget this ever happened. We only need to borrow you for a while. My partner comes from a peaceful species, and even he knows wrong from right, and he respects and is quite fond of our species, and does not wish to harm us, in fact quite the opposite is true.”
I was quite intrigued at the proposal, wondering quite what he meant by this. “What are you going to do to me?” I enquired somewhat worryingly.
“We only require your time, the rest we will take care of. My partner needs certain supplements from the human body to maintain its survival, and has the means to retrieve them. However, their species are hermaphrodites, so he will need to make some… Modifications before we are quite done. But we will need your acceptance before we continue, as in his culture it is only polite. We can assure you though should you accept, you will be unharmed bar the modifications, and you will be allowed to leave. If you refuse however, I’m afraid we will need to convince you.”
Not liking the way he said convince, and not too keen on finding out either, I begrudgingly accepted the proposal, still in some disbelief as to what was happening, and became increasingly worried about quite what he meant by modifications.
“Excellent”, he said, “I’m glad you saw the sensible way. Then without further ado may I introduce you to my partner.” He pointed to the dark area from whence he had came, and out into the light came something I could not quite believe.
Out crawled this creature unlike anything I had seen before. It was a dark green colour, that seemed to be covered in a slimy ooze and was only as tall as the pillar I was laying on, and must have been just 4 feet or so in length. It made it’s way over to me, moving along on it’s array of tentacles of varying shapes and sizes, climbed up on top of the pillar and positioned itself over me, dripping residue from it’s body onto mine.
All of a sudden I could see the legitimacy of the old man’s story, which is when I started to get a little worried, and started to panic and scream again. This caused the creature to grab hold of my face and like the old man had said in his story, it spoke to me telepathically.
“Relax,” it began speaking, in a soothing human voice, “I do not wish to harm you. I realise this is a lot to take in, but I come from a peaceful species, and would not wish harm on any others. I apologise if I scared you in any way, I meant it not, I only do what I must to survive, and I try to do it in such a way that has proved satisfying and pleasurable to your kind. If you relax I assure you you will actually quite enjoy it.”
It was a very soothing tone it spoke to me with, almost hypnotic, but whatever it was instantly made me feel at ease and trusting, and with that I then stopped my panic and struggling, and submitted to what it wished to do to me. It hovered over me for a while, waiting for me relax my muscles, when it lifted two of it’s long, thicker looking tentacles and held one at the entrance to my ass, and one at my mouth.
“There are three types of fluid I will need to extract from you, which I will do in a gentle manner. The first of which is from your mouth, and as such I will need to ask for your entry. I will then follow with the second, in which I will extract from your reproductive fluid, which you have others of your kind do not, and as such when with a female human I need to grow the organ myself. The third these others have but you do not, a nurturing fluid you use for your spawn, and I will need you to allow me to grow these on your body too.”
I normally wouldn’t even allow anything vaguely phallic shaped near either of these, but I was under the effects of it’s intoxicating telepathic reassurance, and relaxed the muscles at my orifices, opened my mouth and spread my legs as much as the restraints would let me, ready for the creature to enter at both ends. I then prepared my chest for it as it had somewhat cryptically requested, as it moved two more of it’s tentacles up either side of my torso, ones that almost looked like large suction cups, and hovered over my chest. I was ready for the creature to start it’s process.
It went at these in the order it had said it would, where the first to gain entry was the one at my open, willing mouth. It began to pump deep into my mouth, almost at my throat, when I closed my mouths around it. I could taste the slimy ooze from the tentacle, a sort of salty, warm taste, one which I quite enjoyed and was causing me to salivate quite a lot, which was obviously what the creature had intended because as soon as I created, it was absorbed by the invading creature.
I actually quite enjoyed the sensation of having the tasty, thick tentacle in my mouth, and as I salivated more and more around it, it began to pump in and out of my mouth as to ease absorption of my oral fluids. I didn’t imagine myself enjoying it so much, but maybe it just took the little persuasion that it gave me. Once it steadied into a rhythm we were both satisfied with, it was time for the next stage of it’s process.
I had readied my anus for the invasion, as a tentacle as thick and long as the one that now filled my mouth was lingering around it, waiting for it’s moment, and I knew this one would be quite a bit more painful. As soon as I started to wonder why this was necessary, as this did not meet the creatures specified requirements from me, as if to read my mind the creature spoke to me again telepathically, “This may not seem necessary, but I assure you it is in order to get the full potential of your second fluid, so I will provide satisfactory stimulation from this side.”
Reassured, I was able to ready myself again, and the creature appeared to be too. It started first prodding at my rim and I could feel just how thick it was. I thought there was no way it could get in there without doing some damage, but it seemed that the ooze the tentacle was covered in, the very same one I was tasting in my mouth at this very moment, also acted as a very effective lubricant. It then slowly slipped it’s way in, only the tip for the moment, clearly conscious of my threshold for pain.
The muscles in my ass were able to relax more, as the fact it was well lubricated had somewhat reassured me that I would not be hurt too much. With this knowledge the creature was able to slip inside of me more, up to reaching what became apparent was my prostate. At the first sign of this feeling, I soon became very aware that I was becoming increasingly turned on by the invasions at either end of my body, as my penis started to grow and rise.
When the creature became aware of it’s success at arousing me, it was given the green light to continue doing so, as it began pumping in and out of my anus rhythmically, just as it had been at my salivating mouth for some time now, and soon synchronised thrusts with it, rubbing against and now past my prostate. My cock stiffened further to it’s now fully erect state at 5 inches, not too impressive by any means but it got the job done when I needed it too.
The creature however thought otherwise, and telepathically expressed to me it’s dissatisfaction at it’s size, and asked my permission to change it for it to fully collect all it needed to, a proposition which came at no disapproval, as I all to gladly accepted. It then drew out another tentacle from it’s body, one which it had intended to anyway as soon as I was erect, but now had a dual purpose in mind.
It was shaped somewhere between the previous two types I had seen from it, long and thick, but with room for entry in it’s shaft of sorts like the cupping ones, as where it was to be placed became clear. It positioned itself at the tip of my cock, adjusting to sufficiently accommodate me, and gradually pulled itself over my tip and pushed tightly around all the way to the base of my pubic bone, as if to be a perfect fit.
I then felt a strange sensation from inside the creatures newly revealed shaft-like tentacle, which could be felt all the way at the tip of my cock. It felt almost tongue-like as it seemed to lap away at my tip, but it then pushed against it, opening the end of my urethra. This allowed the new tongue-like tentacle itself to actually enter through the tip of it, and slowly pushed it’s way further into the tube. It was a strange feeling, but one I quickly warmed to as it was gentle and strangely somewhat arousing.
It found it’s way to what seemed to be the entire length of my shaft before it stopped, and began pumping something fairly warm and fluid-like, a feeling which soon ran through my pubic area and into my testicles, to give it a tingly feeling which was steadily increased my level of arousal. It was a level of arousal I had never experienced before, and it caused my penis to start throbbing at the increase of pressure, pushing against the walls of the tentacles shaft.
My cock began to expand, further and deeper inside the tentacle. It was doing as it had said it would, increasing it’s size until the creature thought would be at a suitable one for it to get all it would need. It stopped after what seemed like some time, as I glanced up briefly around the tentacle that continued to invade my mouth, and saw that it had nearly doubled in size, 9 inches easily.
It was a sight that I very much enjoyed, almost as much as the feeling of being able to fill it will my essence, so that it remained as stiff as it had ever felt, if not more so. This feeling was combined with the then continued tingly feeling in my balls, all the more making for the continual uprising of my arousal levels. The tentacles at my mouth and ass continued to pump away at me with ease, again making for an incredibly satisfying experience.
I was now thoroughly enjoying the experience, just as the creature had assured me I would, even so much as to begin thrusting myself first back onto the thick tentacle that was exploring my anus, and back forwards further into the tight shaft of the one firmly wrapped around the outside of my cock, as it to continued searching it’s way through the full length of my urethra. It then was time for the final stage of the creatures extraction process, while these ones worked away at my erogenous zones.
The creatures began lowering the two large cup-shaped strands of it’s body, that had been waiting patiently for it’s turn, and placed them on my fairly muscular pecks on my chest, comfortably enveloping them. I could then see as I lifted my head slightly once more for a better view, two more tongue-like tentacles came from the middle of the cup, just like it had at my cock, and lowered to my chest.
These two newly revealed tentacles seemed to concentrate on my now hardening nipples, lapping away at them again as if acting like a tongue. It then pressed down and surrounding my nipples and just like it had shown in my urethra, began pumping the same sort of warm fluid into my chest, as I got the same warm tingling feeling all across and through my chest area.
I then thought back to what the creature had said to me about this stage, and became aroused at the prospect of having these on me now. My chest began pumping outwards, harder and harder as it began to expand from the nipple region pushing outwards. I now had two clearly forming bumps where my chest muscles were, ever expanding.
Bigger and bigger they grew, to a size greater than I thought they would go to. I now had two clearly formed breasts, as natural as any woman’s, up to a B cup and then C, finally stopping at a size of around about a large 34c. I lifted my head once more to see the creatures handy-work, becoming more and more aroused at the thought and sight of having my very own pair of tits now.
I could see the huge bumps with soft skin through the see-through-skinned tentacle that enveloped them, and could clearly see at the top of each two puffy, fully erect nipples, with the two tongue-like tentacles fitted inside each of them, still seeming to pump my chest full of the fluid that gave me the tingly sensation.
This all happening while the other tentacles continued to work all at once rhythmically at my mouth, anus, erect cock and urethra, the thought of which sent me to new heights of pleasure, that I once thought impossible to reach, and somehow the arousal had yet to make me orgasm, like it would have before.
Perhaps the fluid the creature was pumping through my urethra into my tingling testicles was preventing me from doing so, until I was at the point of ultimate pleasure where it could fully collect the essences from all orifices of my body. That thought came from the creature itself, still communicating with me telepathically, sending me the message as if I had thought it myself.
Suddenly I had hit my peak of arousal, thrusting wildly in every place where the creature had sought to invade me, and I was on the verge of a clearly explosive orgasm. The creature upon noticing this, began preparing all it’s tentacles to absorb each of my essences as they would arrive for him.
I had already provided the saliva, and next up would be my reproductive fluid, as I reached new heights of arousal, I could feel the semen rushing through my balls, and into my urethra past the invading tongue, and I shot it out of my writhing cock in explosive bursts, thrusting upwards as each one came through, the walls of my cock expanding and pressing against the tentacle that was around my cock.
The orgasm lasted for several minutes, as with each burst of hot cum that came pouring through my genitals, each as arousing as the rest. With the sheer amount of it must have been due to whatever the creature was pumping into me, clearly giving him more than enough of what it needed in that regard.
As I finally finished, my cock beginning to soften inside the tentacles shaft, the tongue withdrawn to get the last of my essence out of it, I now felt completely and utterly satisfied. But I was not quite finished as the creature soon began to let me know, as it started pumping at my breasts harder and harder, up and down, the two alternating between being pushed down closer to my chest, and pulled up and squeezed as far away from it as they would allow.
I soon felt a rush of similarly warm liquid as that in my balls, but this time rushing through my chest and newly formed boobs, and began being squeezed and pumped out the milk from through my nipples, filling up the air tight seal the two cupped tentacles had around my breasts. As it began to fill, as if to start drinking it the tongues that were exploring the inner tubes of my nipples began swimming through it, absorbing it as it went while I continued to spurt the milk out of my breasts.
The pumping of my breasts continued until they felt empty, and eventually the creature had felt it had gathered enough of it to last, as it sucked up a drank the rest of the milk from the cup. I then appeared to be finished with, as the creature had collected all the supplements from my worn out body that it had needed to, and as I began to rest and relax for the first time in a long while, it began to remove itself from the orifices of my body, each coming out with a satisfying pop sound.
The creature then pulled away from my body, and appeared to gesture to me me gratefully, before making it’s way back to the corner of the room shrouded by darkness. Immediately after it had disappeared from sight, the four restraints that had held me in place for so long and actually began to hurt, all released at once, and suddenly it appeared I was free.
After having seemingly waited for so long for this moment of being released, I was left feeling so completely satisfied all round, I was almost reluctant to leave. I did however get up, my body shaking and weak from the pleasure, I made it to my feet, and made my way to the newly revealed exit once behind my head.
I went through the opening, which led into a familiar room, realising that I had came through the fireplace of a room I had at one time explored. It was clearly daytime, and by the looks of it had been for some time, putting into perspective how long I had been down there with the creature for. I found standing near the front door was Jameson, there with my clothes.
“I hope you had a pleasant stay with us, that it met your standards of satisfaction.” It clearly had, that and beyond, as I nodded to him.
As I took my clothes back from him and began to put them back on, I asked him curiously, “So now that it’s done, the process… do I get to keep the modifications you made or what?” As I asked this, realising my clothes had actually been resized to accommodate my now larger package and newly formed, large breasts, I could have gathered the answer from there.
“Of course,” he replied, me getting somewhat excited about the new permanent additions to my body, he continued to say, “But your experience with us does not have to finish there. You are welcome to come back and ‘donate’ if you would like on a weekly basis. Of course it is optional at this point as I did promise you your freedom, but you can still come back of your own accord, and we are ye to see anyone refuse the offer of another go around.”
At this point I began to get really excited again at the prospect of having this experience more, so much so I nearly became erect again from just the thought. I gladly accepted the offer, and agreed with the old man to come back on a weekly basis to, as he put it, ‘donate’ to my new found friend, the alien creature.
I left the mansion through the front gates and made my way back home, with the only thoughts running through my head about what had just happened, and what was yet to come, and I was left with so many questions. I couldn’t help but wonder…
Would next time be just as good, if not maybe better? Would I be able to do it next time without the restraints, and be able to freely move if I was there of my own accord? Who knows, maybe I would be able to meet the other visitors that Jameson had mentioned, and maybe I would be able to play with them too?
All these thoughts and more left me with one, over-riding conclusion. I couldn’t wait for my next adventure there.

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Getting my sister pregnant!

“See you tomorrow dude” Ryan said and I waved at him and got out of the car. Football practice was very hard because the coach decided to punish us for losing the game. I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag when I reached my room.
“Oh fuck” I groaned collapsing on the bed. All I wanted to do right now is close my eyes and go to sleep. After couple of minutes, I used all my will power to get up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom.
“Mmm” I moaned as the cool stream of water hit my face washing all the sweat from my body. I quickly washed my hair and then the rest of my body. I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair. I put my boxers on and was about to sleep on when I saw Mandy laying on her stomach. I grinned and went to her room.
“Hi Mandy!” I said cheerfully to my twin-sister. She frowned when she saw me and closed her book.
“Robbie, I have a math test to study for so could you please leave me alone?” She said. I smiled at her and stroked her beautiful blonde hair. She immediately smacked my hand and pushed me away.
“Mandy? Why are you so mean?” I grinned at her.
“Oh you know exactly why I am mean to you bastard!” She glared at me.
Mandy was my twin-sister who was older than me by two minutes. She has gorgeous blonde hair which came up to her mid shoulders and had amazing hazel eyes. She had C cup breasts which weren’t too big and weren’t too small, the perfect size on her flat stomach and slender waist. Her ass was big! She wasn’t fat by any means as a matter of fact she does cheer-leading and softball but all her fat seems to be in her ass, which was round and firm.
“Alright Mandy…guess I have to show those videos to mom after all!” I said making my way to my room. I grabbed my phone from my bed and started dialing random numbers.
“Stop!” She said running from her room to mine and grabbing the phone from my hands.
Couple of weeks ago, I caught Mandy giving a blowjob to a guy at the basketball game and recorded everything. My parents were very strict about her dating and if they ever found out that she was giving a blowjob to a guy at a basketball game like a whore, they would kill her. Fortunately that rule didn’t apply to me and I had a beautiful girlfriend, but I was the type of kid who always wanted what he can’t have. I showed her the video and threatened her that I will send this everyone including our parents if she didn’t do everything I asked her to do.
“You know exactly what I want baby” I said and pulled her up on the bed. I got on top of her and pressed my lips into her delicate lips. She smelled amazing and I couldn’t wait to pound her pussy.
“Robbie…this is incest! We are not supposed to do this please? I will do anything even your homework and all your chores…” She said but I cut her off by kissing her. She responded after a while and I pushed my tongue past her lips exploring her sweet mouth. I started rubbing my growing dick into her pussy and she was humping me back while moaning into my mouth. As much as this slut hated me, she was a sexually active. I broke the kiss and rolled off her.
“Suck my dick! As a matter of fact…beg for it!” I grinned and sat at the edge on the bed. She got on her knees on the floor and looked at me.
“And it better be very very believable,” I told her. “If anyone is listening to us, I want them to believe you are really begging. Right now!”
“Oh, oh, oh, Robbie, I – I – I……oh, Robbie, I….can I……Master, please let me suck your cock,” Mandy finally managed to get out.
“What was that?” I asked, watching her through the camera. I was recording everything through my phone.
“Robbie, please, let me suck your big huge lovely cock,” Mandy said.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “I’m not sure I’m in the mood,”
“Oh, Robbie, please. Please let me suck your huge cock it looks so nice and hard.” Mandy said, this time with some feeling in her voice.
“Do you really want to?” I asked asked.
“Oh, Robbie, yes, I really want to. I want to suck your cock it looks incredible I can’t wait to have it in my mouth. I want to taste your….” Mandy said before catching herself and stopping.
“Yes? You want to taste what?” I asked.
“Robbie, I want to taste your cum, I want to feel it explode into my mouth down my throat, I want to taste your salty, sticky fluid,” Mandy said in a small voice.
“You like cum, Slut?” I asked.
“Yes, Robbie I love cum,” Mandy replied, blushing.
“Then suck my dick until I cum in your mouth,” I told my sexy sister.
“Yes, Master,” Mandy said, sinking to her knees in front of me. She slowly pulled my boxers down and revealed my semi-hard dick which was about 7in long and thick. She expertly stroked my dick quickly bringing it to its magnificent 9in long. She had a disgusted look on her face as she started jacking me off. She leaned forward and tasted the silt of my dick with the tip of her tongue which sent me amazing sensations throughout my body. She then started swirling her tongue around the head of my cock licking up and down on my shaft and gently sucked on my balls. All I could do was close my eyes and let her do her magic on my cock.
“Oh Mandy! Yes baby suck my cock! Oh yes!” I moaned and stroked her hair and then held it behind her head so I could see her sexy face. She then locked her lips around the head and then easily took 6in of my cock, it was a beautiful view as her head bobbed up and down on my cock. She continued doing this and often stopped to swirl her tongue around the head and into the silt before going back down.
“Suck it! Take it all the way in” I moaned. She finally took me into her mouth until the head hit the entrance of her mouth. I was surprised she could take my whole cock into her mouth and groaned when she finally took it all the way in. Her nose was pressing into my pubic hair and I held her tightly. She instinctively gulped and I groaned, feeling her throat flex around my cock. Then she drew back until just the tip of her tongue was resting in the silt of my cock before sliding back down again, once more taking me into her throat.
I could feel the churning in my balls and knew I was close to cumming. It won’t be long before I would shoot my cum deep into her mouth but I wanted to take a picture of this. I grabbed my phone and switched to the camera mode.
“Keep sucking and open your mouth when I tell you” She kept on sucking and I got ready to blow my load “Open!”
She opened her mouth and my cock was resting on her tongue, the sight was so sexy that I exploded and took a picture with my phone. I didn’t even look at the picture and grabbed the back of her head and rammed my dick into her mouth. She gagged and this only made me hold on to her head tighter. She finally swallowed all of my cum and I let go of her head.
“Fuck you!” She spat and wiped her mouth. I grinned and laughed when I saw the picture which had amazing quality. I showed her the picture and she looked at me with hatred.
“Don’t ever swear at me” I said and slapped her face with my limp dick. She was close to tears now and I stopped “Poor baby…come here brother is going to make you feel good.”
I pulled her up on the bed and pressed my lips onto hers and tasted my own cum, unlike other guys, I don’t mind the taste of my own cum. She had a white tanktop and a skirt which came up to her mid-thighs. I lifted the tanktop off so she had her bra on to cover her breasts, I unclasped the bra and slowly moved it so I saw her pink nipples. Her nipples were already hard from my touch and she moved her head to the side.
“Come on stop acting like you don’t like it!” I said suddenly angry and moved her face so she could see my face. She made feel like a pathetic kid who was having sex for the first time.
“That’s cause I don’t like it!” She snapped back.
“Oh Yea? Oh Yea? Then how come your pussy is soaking wet right now?” I asked her.
“It is not!” She argued and I grinned back, which made her uncomfortable. I pulled her skirt down and then gently rubbed her pussy through her panties before pulling them down. Her bald pussy was glistening with her juices and I shoved two finger up her pussy which made her moan.
“Then what is this?” I brought my finger towards her and licked them tasting her sweet juices.
“Alright Mandy…how about a bet? If I can make you beg me to let you orgasm… then you agree that you like what I am doing to you and you should be more willing every time I ask you for sex…if I don’t then…I will never touch you…sounds fair?” I asked her and she hesitated. When she saw the smile on my face she nodded her head.
“Fine…and you have to give all those pictures and videos…ok?” I agreed to her and began my magic.
“You are going to love what I am going to make you do and then I am going to pound that sweet pussy of yours with my cock!”
Before she could say anything I started to taste her, licking up her juices and sliding my tongue into her pussy in an effort to coax more out. She stayed silent, but her body moved invitingly, following the rhythm of my tongue’s thrusts. And the further I slid my tongue into her pussy, the more her legs trembled.
“Mandy, I think you’re enjoying being eaten out by your immature baby brother,” I said. “Or maybe your pussy just recognizes a real man even if you don’t?”
“Fuck you,” she spat.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I smirked, going back to licking her pussy.
“Ohhhh Goddd…..” she cried, obviously overwhelmed with pleasure. “You fucking asshole! You don’t know how much I hate you! I am going to fucking kill you!”
I ignored her idle threats and continued to tongue fuck her pussy. Then I trailed my tongue up to her clit and rolled my tongue over it again and again relentlessly. When she started to whimper I flicked it with the tip of his tongue for a while then sucked it into my mouth. She started to groan and buck her hips against my face. I slipped a finger into her steaming pussy and felt it clench desperately around it.
“Mmm, you’re close aren’t you? Tell me you want to cum,” I prompted.
“Nooooooo,” she whimpered, her eyes full of tears.
“But you do want to cum, don’t you?” I continued, sliding in another finger. Her juices were gushing out of her hole as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. “After all, you love sex and I know you love to cum”
I was enjoying this so much, I was starting to think I might have to start touching myself. But I wanted to hold back. I’d get my pleasure inside her, and it would be so much sweeter after she broke down and said what I wanted to hear.
“Ooh! No! I don’t feel anything! Oh fuck!” she panted, trying to fight the feelings building inside her pussy.
I curled my fingers, pushing them into her g-spot. Her whole body arched and she let out a desperate groan.
“Yeah, that feels good, huh?” I said, continuing to stroke that spot. “Every time I touch this spot you lose your mind. And when I’m fucking you from behind, sometimes I just rub the head of my cock on this spot and you go wild.”
She cried out something unintelligible.
I went back to licking her, but laid off of her spot some, I didn’t want to push her over the edge. She started trying really hard to push her clit into my face, but I just moved my hands to her hips and held her down while my tongue traced circles around her clit. And when her body tensed up I knew she was about to cum so I backed off, trailing my tongue down to her entrance and lapping at it.
“Please? Please make me cum?” she gasped. “Please?”
I ignored her. She knew what she had to say if she wanted to get off.
I ran my fingers over her clit again and again then sucked her puffy little pussy lips into my mouth. I loved her pussy so much, it was the prettiest I’d ever seen, and it got so wet and gripped me so tight. My cock belonged in it. Why couldn’t she see that?
I dipped my tongue back inside her, sliding it against her walls and enjoying how she twitched uncontrollably. By now she had to be feeling like she would die if she didn’t cum.
“Robbie…Robbie? You win the fucking bet!,” she said, sounding defeated..
I positioned my cock against her soaking wet pussy and grinned at her. She looked at me confused.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
“Well, you wanted to cum, and you earned it, so really it’s best if I just fuck you,” I said, enjoying the outraged look on her face.
“But I don’t wanna fuck you!” she cried, fighting the restraints to no avail.
“The giant wet spot on the bed says you do,” I said
I loved the way her eyes went to his cock as soon as I started rubbing her pussy lips with my cock. It was really hard now and leaking precum. I stroked it a little and she watched with hungry eyes.
“I know you. I don’t know why you try to deny that you want this,” I said, moving between her legs and placing the head of my cock at her entrance.
She was breathing hard and looking down between her legs at my cock poised to fuck her. I pushed it all the way in with one thrust and she screamed and came. She was writhing beneath me, bucking her hips against mine as I started to pump her deep and hard, keeping her cumming.
“Oh God! Oh God!” she cried, as her pussy quivered around my cock. It felt amazing, like my cock was melting in her hot wet velvety walls.
“Say my name,” I demanded, grabbing her face and making her look at me. “Say it!”
“Robbie! God, don’t fucking stop, Robbie!” she cried. All sense of right and wrong and all manner of pride had been eradicated from her mind. There was only the pleasure, and she wanted it to continue.
I kissed her hard and kept fucking her until her orgasm had waned and my own was swiftly approaching. But I could tell she was still loving every second of the deep stroking her pussy was getting. I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked on it, grazing it with my teeth. Every time I did so her pussy would tighten around my cock. She wrapped her legs around my waist and humped back against me.
“Who’s fucking your pussy right now?” I asked her.
“You are, Robbie. Oh God, you are fucking my pussy so good!”
“Tell me what I wanna hear,” I panted in her ear.
“You fuck me so good! I love your cock so much! I love how you fuck me! love you! I love you!” she cried, and this time I almost could believe her.
I reached down between her legs and rubbed her clit. I was getting really close and wanted to bring her off with me. She looked incredible, writhing in her bonds beneath him, covered in a light sheen of sweet, her sexy mouth open and her tits bouncing with the force of mys thrusts. I could no longer hold back.
“I’m cumming!” I cried, and my orgasm exploded through her.
Stream after stream of cum spurted from my cock and deep into her pussy, each one sending toe-curling pleasure coursing through my body. She started to cum for the second time, letting out a loud cry and starting to shake as the sensation ran through her. She tossed her head back and squeezed her eyes shut as I kept pumping her. Finally she relaxed, going completely limp as the last few drops of cum were expelled from him deep into her pussy.
I rolled off of her and sighed, content.
“How was your day Robbie?” Tara asked as we all sat down for dinner. Tara was my mom about 33. She was hot. Mandy got all her beauty and looks from her and my friends often called her a MILF. She was a MILF, with C breasts slightly bigger than Mandy’s and flat stomach from working at gym. Her ass was the greatest piece of her body and I loved the way it bounces when she walks around the house with shorts.
“Robbie?” Tara asked again.
“Fine mom. The football practice was very hard though…mainly because the coach was pissed that we lost the game…the sad part is we lost the game because he didn’t put me in and he still doesn’t put me in…” I answered her. She smiled at me.
“Well if you would stop skipping so many practices…he might put you in” She said smiling.
“Are you kidding me? I led the team to state tournament twice and we got in first place twice!” She grinned at me and shook her head.
“All right Mr.All Star! How was your day Mandy?” She asked Mandy who was playing with her food.
“Fine” She grumbled not looking up. Mom gave me the “what’s wrong with her” look. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled to myself.
“You know sometimes…it surprises me that you two are twins…” Tara said and laughed “and you dad is late once again. He is late a lot these days….”
“You know what surprises me? What surprises me is that you give so much freedom to him and not me! How come he gets to have a girlfriend and I can’t have a boyfriend!” She snapped and glared at me.
“Mandy” My mom sighed “We talked about this…just wait one more year…then you are off to college and you can have a boyfriend…We don’t want you to get pregnant…we trust you but not the other boys…”
“Yeah whatever” She got up and put her bowls into the sink. She stormed up the stairs and we heard the door slam. My mom sighed and shook her head, my dad came home that exact moment and my mom took out her anger at him.
“Where were you?!?”
“I was at my office I had t-
“I am sure! I wonder what you were doing at your office”
“Tara…come on…what’s wrong? I was taking to my boss about my vacation with Mandy…”
“What vacation?” I blurted out.
“I am taking Mandy out for April Vacation tomorrow…we will be back next Friday…” My dad said.
“I can’t go! I have a football game!” I said
“We know…that is why I am staying home with you…your dad and Mandy take a vacation and…maybe next vacation we take a vacation…”
“Alright…I am tired…goodnight!” I said and put my plates in the sink and went upstairs to my room and collapsed.
“Robbie!” Gina squealed as she jumped to my arms. Gina was my girlfriend who I was going out with for couple of months. She was about 5’7 with brown hair and brown eyes. She had rather large breasts and a busty ass which gives you an instant boner. She had her cute cheerleading uniform which showed her curves perfectly.
“Hi cutie!” I greeted her and pressed my lips into hers. She opened her lips to let my tongue slip into her warm and moist mouth. She tasted like strawberries and her perfume was exotic. I inhaled her sweet perfume and place my hands on her hips.
“Get a room you two!” Jo pushed us. Gina giggled flushing red and she gently pushed her best-friend back. Jo was Gina’s best friend and they would do every thing together. She was really skinny with almost a flat chest. I ignored her intrusion and pushed Gina against the locker, crushing her large breasts. I looked deeply into her eyes and pressed my forehead against her.
“You are really beautiful” I told her
“You always say that to me” She blushed
“Well, that is because you always are” I smiled and hugged her. She hugged me back and we walked to our next class with my arm around her.
“What are you doing this half-day?” She asked me. I wanted to spend time with Mandy, and when I mean spend time, I mean fuck her pussy. This would probably make Gina mad so I asked her what she was doing.
“Well I really want to spend time with you but I promised my mom that I will there when my cousin comes to visit us…so sorry baby” She said giving me her puppy dog eyes, hoping I would forgive her. I pretended to be mad but inside I was laughing, I wanted to fuck Mandy nice and hard before she goes on the vacation. “Sorry Sorry?”
“It’s alright…” I told her and kissed her good-bye, when we reached her class.
The rest of the day was really good mainly because we played a prank on our teacher. We hid all her markers and drew inappropriate pictures on the board. My friend Ryan brought a dead frog and put them between her books and some in her bag. I wasn’t involved in all of this but it was very funny to watch our teacher scream with fear when she saw the frog. She wanted to send us all to the office but the bell ran and we all ran outside. I grabbed my bag from my locked and kissed before running out the school. I waited in my car for Mandy and I couldn’t stop laughing.
“Hi Mandy!” I said as Mandy opened the door and got in. She didn’t say anything and put her seatbelt on. I didn’t push her and started driving home.
“What did you guys do to Ms.Hills? She was crying at the office” She asked me and I started laughing and told her the story. Lot of students from out school hated her and Mandy hated her the most. She smiled when I finished the story and then laughed.
“So I heard you are going to spend time with dad…I want to give you a good-bye present…” I told her as I parked the car. She stopped smiling and stormed up the stairs. I threw my bag on the couch and followed after her. Before she could close the door, I stopped her and pushed her in. “Are you as eager as I am?”
“Robbie…why do like doing this? This is gross, it is disgusting! Please stop!” I ignored her and pushed her on the bed.
“Cause I love your pussy. It is so tight, hot, and wet…my dick feels right at home…Don’t you like it?” I whispered in her ear. I started squeezing her breasts through her shirt and she lightly moaned. I helped her take off her shirt and then I took off mine. I leaned forward and moaned as our lips locked in a warm embrace. Her hands were to the side gripping the sheets and I placed them on my back. She didn’t do anything but as we kissed longer, she started running her hands through my hair.
“You are a whore aren’t you? You hate the fact that I am doing this but your pussy loves it…” I whispered in her ear and I started sucking on her earlobe. Her soft hair was on my face and I like the smell of it, she smelled somewhat fruity. Her lips were so soft, it seemed like they just melted as we kissed. My erection was struggling against my pants and she reached down and pulled my jeans down.
“Mmmm” I moaned as she rubbed my dick through my boxers. She then pushed me away and I expected her to go down and suck my dick.
“I am sorry Robbie but I can’t do this! Please?” She tried to beg but I ignored her as usual and pulled her skirt down to reveal her pink panties which were soaking wet. I took them off and showed them to her and she gave me a disgusted look.
“You want this…I know you want this…you loved it when I fuck you nice and hard don’t you?” I asked her rubbing my dick against her pussy lips. She bit her lower lip and shook her head. I slid my cock up and down on her lips, she was pressing down on me so her clit would rub against the head. I grinned at her and gently started massaging her perfect breasts. She moaned as I pulled her hard nipples with my thumb and forefinger.
“Oh gawd!” She moaned as I pushed the head of my dick into her steamy pussy. I pulled back and rubbed against her lips once again before pushing my head back into her pussy. She was withering beneath me and tried to force my dick into her but I stopped her. I leaned down and took her nipple into my mouth and flicked it and tenderly bit.
“Want me to fuck you?” I asked her and she nodded her head. I slipped my hands underneath her body and held her tightly against my body and slammed my dick into her pussy. She groaned and arched her back as my big dick spread her pussy. I didn’t wait for her and kept on fucking her as hard as I could. Her nipples were running on my chest and her nails were digging into my back.
“I am cumming! Oh my god I am going to cum!” She moaned and I increased my speed, my balls were slapping against her ass and sweat trickling down her beautiful face.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She screamed as her warm liquid flowed around my cock. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me into her.
“Fuck me! Fuck me!” She moaned and threw her head back. I groaned in response and kissed her hard, she responded by ramming her tongue down my throat. I moaned in response.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!” I looked over to see my dad standing in the doorway. He was beyond angry and his arms were crossed across his chest, I didn’t know how long he stood there but for the first time I saw him that angry. My dick was quickly shrinking and I got off Mandy and pulled my panties up. Mandy looked just as scared as me if not even more.
“Dad…what are you doing here?” I stammered and immediately regretted what I said.
“Excuse me? This is my fucking house! The question is what the hell are you doing in your sisters room fucking her living shit out of her? She is your goddamn sister!” He nearly screamed. “That is it! You are not staying here for one bit…You going to a boarding school in Australia with your Aunt and Mandy so are you but you are staying with us.”
“Listen dad…let me explain to you” I said and hushed him outside the room. He had a serious erection looking at Mandy and I got an idea.
“Oh no! You are not explaining anything to me-
“Dad? How many time do you fuck mom in a week? Once?” I asked him and the question threw him by surprise. He was really mad now and that was just what I wanted. “I remember when I was a kid…I used to hear lot of noises from your room…I didn’t know back then what you guys were doing but now I do…you were having sex…and lots of sex.”
“What the fuck are you trying to say?”
“Simple…you are not having anymore sex…How old are you 38?” I asked him and he nodded his head slowly “You are not old and you should still be having lots of sex…and mom is in amazing shape…why don’t you fuck her?”
“That is none of your busin-
“Because her pussy is loose after giving birth to two children…now imagine fucking a young, fresh, tight pussy…like Mandy…just ramming you dick into her pussy…anytime you want…she gives you a blowjob….” I told him and glanced at his pants, which were hard. He shifted around uncomfortably.
“But she is my daughter…we are not suppose to be doing these kind of things…its incest!” He said but I could tell the idea was working it’s way down his brain.
“Who will know? I fuck her and nobody found out until you barged in…when mom is not home…and when you are going to take her to vacation..she is all yours…what do you say? Why don’t you fuck her just once and see if you like it” I asked him and he nodded his head.
“Nobody can know…NOBODY!” He said and his eyes were full of lust. We both went back to the room and Mandy was still on the bed naked. She was confused when she saw both of us.
“Hi Mandy…guess what? Dad wants to join us!” I told her and the look on her face was priceless. She seemed defeated but dad didn’t see her face. His eyes were focused on her young body. He got on the bed and roughly grabbed her breasts and pulled on her nipples. He quickly pulled his pants down and then his boxers. His dick was just as big and thick as mine.
“AHHHHH!” Mandy screamed as he slammed his dick into her pussy. I sat on the bed and stroked my dick back into life. My dad wasn’t fat but he was definitely out of shape and there was fat on his stomach. He grabbed Mandy’s breasts roughly as he ripped her pussy open, I let him have his fun because I knew he wasn’t going to last.
“Holy Fuck! So fucking tight! I am going to cum!” He groaned as he slammed into her pussy and collapsed on her. He slowly got up and slapped me on the back.
“Heheh…Yeah…you are right…thanks Mandy and Robbie…Mandy get ready we got to leave soon…” He said as he put his pants back on.
“Dad? We got to get her on a pill…I came in her yesterday…don’t worry she won’t be pregnant but if we keep doing this she will.” I said and got on the bed next to Mandy “And can you give us 15 min?”
“Sure…Yeah don’t worry I can’t get her pregnant but I will make sure she is on a pill” He said and closed the door. Just before he did, he winked at me. Mandy was on her side and she was really close to crying. I really wanted to fuck her but knew that would push her over the edge.
“Get ready Mandy and don’t tell mom about this…dad will get in deep trouble and our family would be split apart…you are holding us together…think out it as that way” I closed the door and left.
“Hey Robbie, how are you?” My mom opened the door and greeted me. She had her gym uniform on, which was a white shirt with Planet Fitness written in black and black shorts which comes to her mid thighs.
“I am fine mom…how are you doing? You seem tired” My mom was hot! I never actually looked at my mom but then again I never actually looked at my sister like that either. I would never even dare to make a move against my mom but after this afternoon, I felt like I could do anything.
“Yeah…I am a little bit tired…” She said taking a long drink from her Poland Spring water bottle.
“Do you want me to give you a massage? It will help relax your muscles…” I offered.
“That would be great Robbie…let me take a shower, I am all sweaty” She went upstairs to her room and after a while I followed her upstairs and got ready. I got some baby oil and laid a sheet on the bed. My mom came back after 10 min with a loose shirt and skirt.
“Thank you so much Robbie!” She said and laid on her stomach and took off her shirt. Her breasts were pressed into the bed and I could see the outline. They weren’t saggy at all and were nice and firm. Just watching her half-naked was turning me on drastically.
“Alright mom…just relax” I outlined her shoulder blade with my fingers and she sighed. I gently started massaging her shoulders and gradually increased pressure. I placed one hand on top of the other and circled my palms around the shoulder blade. I did the same for the other side and slid my palms across the area as if I was erasing a pencil mark. I then straddled her ass and placed both of my hands at her lower back with my fingers pointing upwards and slid forward with some of my weight in one long stroke.
“Mmm” She moaned. I placed each of my hand on her lower ribs and slid forward. I moved back when I hit her firm breasts and repeated this motion, she didn’t object to this. I smiled and slid completely forward rubbing her nipple until I reached her armpits. Her nipples hardened from my touch and my dick was about to explode.
I pulled her skirt down to her ankles and looked at her firm ass. I used some more baby oil and rubbed her ass in circular motions. I squeezed her ass and gently parted her asscheeks. I desperately wanted to turn her over and fuck her pussy but I controlled myself. I quickly massaged her ass and then her long and slender legs.
“All done mom” I slapped her ass playfully and she squealed. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she seemed surprised but didn’t say anything. After all, I was the one who usually complains when she kisses my cheek.
“Thank you so much Robbie” She said and went back to sleep.
I went to my room and jacked off till I shot my cum all over my stomach. The next day, I did the same thing but decided to take it a step ahead. I asked her to turn around and lightly pressured her when she hesitated. I finally grabbed her firm breasts in my hands and spread her puffy lips. I kissed her on the lips a little longer than I was suppose to. The day after that, I felt every single part of her body and made her hot and horny. I felt the room for some time and went to my room and pretended to sleep. After a while, I went back to her room. The room was dark but by the moonlight I was able to see her laying naked on top of her bed, her eyes closed, and her middle finger buried in her closely trimmed pussy, frigging herself softly.
I crept next to her left side,unnoticed, my mother deep into her self-stimulation. She was softly fingering her clit, moaning, her hips gyrating, her breasts jiggling. I grew hard as a rock at this mouth-watering sight.
She moaned: “Ooooohhhh,Robbie” and that was all I could take. I reached out and began to gently squeeze her yielding yet firm tits, rubbing my forefingers on her already hardened nipples. She opened her eyes and they grew wide with shock seeing me there and what I was doing to her. She knocked my hands from her breasts and crossed her arms across her chest, blurting.
“What do you think you’re DOING, Robbie?! I’m your MOTHER, for Christ’s Sake!!”
“Come on mom…I know you want this…I need you and you need me too” I reached my left hand down and rubbed her clit with my forefinger up and down several times. Her hips bucked reflexively, and she covered her pussy with one hand and her breasts in another. She probably forgot that I already seen her naked.
“This is INCEST!” However, she then looked down for the first time at my erect penis, and when she looked back up I could see she was excited as she gazed at me with wide eyes.
I smiled and put my right knee on her pillow, my hard cock quivering inches from her face. I said soothingly: “C’mon mom, look what I have for you here. I know you want to touch it”
“No…if anyone found out they will think I seduced my young son”
“It’s OK, mom, I’m not a little boy anymore. I’m a MAN with a hard cock for you. I’ve had sex before, I know what I’m doing. You’ll like it, I promise. Besides, I know you’re horny as hell right now”. I rubbed her stomach, which quivered at my touch.
She looked back up at my eyes, then down to my cock, then again to my eyes. She repeated this several times, barely breathing. Then she licked her lips and tentatively reached out her hand for my cock, only to pull it back again. Her inner battle raged within her. After several more starts and stops, she finally wrapped her left hand gingerly around my shaft, softly fingering my mushroom head with her thumb and forefinger. Then she gently began to stroke me, staring with lust at my cock and panting with desire. Her grip grew firmer, and she began to increase the tempo of her hand-job. Finally she whispered “FUCK IT!” and lifted her head up to wrap her lips around my cockhead. She sucked and licked it softly at first, then evidently lost all inhibitions and began to ravish my cock with her mouth. I began to softly squeeze her right breast and rub her hard nipple as my mother moaned with lust, her tit quivering at my touch.
After a couple of minutes, my mother pulled her mouth off my cock and ordered: “Get up here, Robbie, and lie down!” I complied and she knelt over me, getting down to serious business sucking my cock as only a woman of her experience could. She fondled my engorged balls with one hand while she stroked my shaft with the other, her mouth alternating between licking my glans and bobbing the mushroom head with tight lips. Then she began to suck my cock deeper into her mouth than any girl ever had before. She interrupted her feast briefly to pant “My GOD, what a MAN you’ve grown into! Your cock is every bit as big as your DAD’S, maybe BIGGER!” She sucked some more, stopping again to ask: “Do you like Mommy sucking your DICK, son? Does it feel GOOD?” I grunted my approval, cupping and squeezing a breast as she knelt over me. She lowered her head again to continue her excellent blow job.
The sight of my own sexy mother sucking my cock was so erotic I knew I couldn’t hold out long. Soon my tension built and I began to feel my orgasm approaching. I began bucking my hips upward to meet her descending mouth and yelled “I’M CUMMING! I’M CUMMMINNNGGG!!!” My mother groaned and didn’t take her mouth of me for a second. She continued to suck and gave my testicles a gentle squeeze as my groin clenched, my balls tightened, and the sperm raced up my shaft to plaster my mother’s tonsils in burst after burst. She grunted and swallowed it down, not spilling a drop. She continued to softly lick and suck my cock until it began to grow soft, then laid back on her pillow with her hands behind her head, smiling salaciously.
I crawled on top of her and whispered: “Thanks, Mom” and began to kiss and suck her neck, which made her moan.Then I slid down a little and pushed her big tits together, squeezing them as I circled her large areolas with the tip of my tongue and sucked her hard, excited nipples. Her breasts were not quite as firm as my sister’s, but they were a little larger, making up for it. My mother groaned: “THAT”S IT, ROBBIE, SUCK MY TITS! SUCK THEM LIKE WHEN YOU WERE A BABY!!!” I continued to feast on my mother’s magnificent tits for several minutes more while she writhed beneath me, cradling my head with her hands.
I lifted my head and said: “Here’s something I DIDN’T do when I was a baby” and slid down further. She spread her legs compliantly and I parted her vagina lips with my fingers to make her engorged clitoris stand out more prominently. I began to gently lick it up and down and circle it with my tongue, slowly at first, then faster and faster. I alternated between licking her clit, sucking it, and plunging my tongue deep into her pussy. Her hips gyrated and bucked under me, and she began to moan loudly in ecstasy. She gasped: “Oh my GOD! A big cock and you know how to eat pussy, TOO! OHHHHHH…you’re driving me WILD!!!”
As her passion grew, I grasped my mother’s firm round ass and began to squeeze it as I flicked my tongue up and down on her clit as fast as I could. Her moans intensified to screams as she bucked wildly in my grip. Finally she threw her head back, raised her hips, and began to scream “I’M CUMMINNNNGGG!!! OH GOD, I’M CUMMING SO HARRDDDD!!!!” and her entire body began to shudder. She gripped my head in the throes of orgasm, her pussy pulsating and grasping at my tongue. I continued to lick her until her shuddering subsided and she lowered her hips to the bed, breathing hard and groaning with pleasure.
I crawled up between my mother’s legs and rubbed my once again hard cock on her clit, then placed it at the entrance to her still quivering cunt, rubbing it up and down just inside her wet pussy lips. I asked her: “Do you want me to stick it in, Mom, do you want me to FUCK you?”
She groaned lustfully: “Yesssss, baby, put it innnnn…. FUCK your Mommy!!” I grinned and pushed my cock into my mother’s deliciously slick pussy until I was balls deep in her, her groaning intensifying. She was not as tight as my sister, but her cunt still gripped me snugly. The liquid warmth of her love canal felt exquisite on my throbbing cock. She moaned with desire: “OH my GOD, that’s what I’ve been MISSING…FUCK ME, SON! FUCK ME!”
I pulled back and pushed into her again, sawing my cock in and out of my mother’s sweet pussy, faster and faster. She wrapped her arms around my back and locked her ankles behind my ass, pulling me into her. My mother was a lively fuck, lifting her hips up to meet each downward thrust I made, clenching her pussy on my cock as I pulled back for the next lunge. Her beautiful breasts bounced up and down with the rhythm of our fucking.
My mother moaned in ecstasy: “Oh my LORD, Robbie….you fill me UP!!! What a big juicy cock you haaaaave!!! You’re making your Mommy feel so gooooooodddd!!!” I bent down and french kissed her passionately, our tongues pushing and circling each other as I continued to slam my cock into her grasping cunt, my balls slapping her ass with each lunge I made. I alternated between kissing her and sucking her tits as my cock plunged the depths of her pulsating pussy.
We continued fucking with a burning passion, our moans intensifying into screams of pleasure. Finally my mother began to gasp: “OHHHH!!! I’M ALMOST THEEEERE!!! FUCK ME FASTER, ROBBIE!!! MAKE YOUR MOMMY CUM AGAAAIIINNNN!!!!” She had a death grip on my shoulders and her hips began to buck like a wild bronco as she reached the verge of climax.
The excitement of fucking my own mother to orgasm finally pushed me over the edge, and I felt the cum building up in my balls, preparing to ejaculate. I yelled: “I’M GOING TO CUMMM!!!! CAN I CUM INSIDE YOU, MOMMMMM?!?!”
She screamed: “YES!! CUM INSIDE ME, SON!!!!!! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR HOT CUM IN MY PUSSY!!!!” That was all it took, and I clenched up as my balls released their load, the sperm racing to my cockhead to shoot deep into my mother’s womb in a series of spurts, flooding it. Her cunt fluttered and grasped my cock rhythmically in the midst of my mother’s own orgasm, milking my cock for every last drop of my cum. We both screamed incoherently in ecstatic climax, our bodies shuddering. Waves of extreme pleasure washed over both of us at the pinnacle of our incestuous coupling.
Finally our orgasms subsided, and I collapsed in exhaustion on my mother, my cock still buried in her cunt. She cradled me and kissed the side of my head and neck as we regained our breath. Eventually I grew soft inside her, and I rolled off her, my cum dribbling from her pussy onto the sheet below. I laid on my side next to her. We both smiled and I kissed her softly as I stroked her stomach and softly rubbed her breasts.
“That was great, Mom, you’re an AWESOME fuck” I murmured in her ear.
“Yes, it was, son. That’s just what I needed” she murmured back. But then she frowned slightly, continuing: “it felt good, but it was SO wrong. We’re Mother and Son, we can’t be lovers. This is incest. We both lost our minds there for a while, but it was a mistake, and we can’t do it again…even though your dad can’t fuck as good as you did now…he is my husband and I love him very much”
“Mom…I understand…but let’s keep this a secret…our secret…he doesn’t need to know” I had no plans of ruining their marriage.
She looked at me doubtfully, so I reached down and softly began to rub her pussy lips. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, moaning softly, and slowly gyrated her hips. Then she opened her eyes and smiled wickedly at me, purring: “Well, OK, but just for tonight. Let’s get it all out of our system so we can go back to normal tomorrow” She reached down and began to stroke my cock softly back to life, gazing intently into my eyes with that wicked smile so reminiscent of my sister’s.
We fucked all night long in every position I knew. We did it doggy-style while I grabbed her ass and rammed her deep. She got on top and rode me while I reached up and mauled and sucked her tits, alternately grabbing and squeezing her exquisite ass as it plunged down, impaling her pussy on my cock. She rode me reverse cowgirl style and laid back so I could rub her clit with one hand and rub a nipple with the other while I lunged my cock up into her cunt. I tit-fucked her as she lay on her back, squeezing her large breasts around my cock to give it a tight, fleshy channel to fuck, and sucking the head of my cock into her mouth each time it emerged. We lay on our sides with me behind her, lifting one of her legs while I sawed my cock back and forth into her cunt, reaching around and grasping a breast with my free hand. We screwed missionary style again, this time with her legs up on my shoulders so her pussy felt even tighter and my cock rubbed her clit as I plowed it into her repeatedly. I laid her on her back with her ass on the side of the bed and lifted her legs in a V, myself standing on the floor and pounding my throbbing cock into her cunt brutally. She had her arms crossed beneath her breasts, and they bounced enticingly with each ram of my cock into my mother’s vagina. I reached down and gripped her tits as I blew my load deep into my mother, her legs wrapped behind my back. I even got her to agree to anal sex, which was delicious, her sphincter gripping my cock like a vise as I blew a load deep into her ass, which squirmed with this unusual pleasure. We fucked until dawn, enjoying countless orgasms, until we were both too exhausted to go on.
Dad and Mandy came back the next night and while Dad had a huge smile on his face, Mandy was extremely sad. She just went to her bed and laid down. I knew I should talk to her and slowly went to her room and closed the door. She was crying and I put my arm around her.
“What’s wrong baby?” I asked her
“What’s wrong! What’s wrong!?! I am fucking pregnant because of you!” She cried pushing me away. “I hate you so much! Leave me alone…god I feel like killing myself!”
“Shhh It’s okay…Everything is going to be fine” I soothed her. She cried against my chest while pounding her hand on my stomach. I let her punch me, I deserved to be punished. I pushed her over the edge, called her names, broke her and blackmailed her.
“You know…maybe if you did all those things to me out of love…it would be so much better…but no you need everything, have to trick everyone…” She sobbed. Ever since I was a kid, I always got things my way. I tricked her, my mom, my dad, and my friends to get what I wanted. I could have got all those thing without tricking them. I felt like shit now.
“I am so sorry Mandy! I am so sorry please forgive me! I treated you like shit…I do love you” I told her and hugged her tightly. I rarely cry and today I cried. “I love you so much!”
She didn’t say anything and I rubbed her back. I kissed her forehead and wiped the tears out of her face and looked deeply into her eyes. I held her tightly as we fell asleep.
The next morning, I was the first one to wake up. When I looked at Mandy and her angel-like face, I fell in love with her. She was so beautiful, both on the inside and outside that I felt really bad for what I did. I kissed her forehead and she woke up.
“I love you” I whispered to her. She just smiled but didn’t say anything. It was alright, she will grow to love me. “We need to tell our parents that you are pregnant…”
“Who are you going to blame?” She asked. I ignored her question and helped her up. I took her hand and led her downstairs, where both my parents were eating breakfast.
“Hi Robbie and Hi Mandy” Mom greeted us and Dad smiled at us.
“Mom…Dad…I have to tell you guys something…Mandy is pregnant” I let that sink and my mom immediately started yelling at her and saying how irresponsible she was. “Mom! It was me who got her pregnant…yes it was me…I know what I did was terrible…and I deserved to be punished but don’t blame Mandy for any of this…it isn’t her fault.”
Nobody said anything; Dad couldn’t say anything because he fucked Mandy. Mom couldn’t say anything because she fucked me. Mandy was looking at me strangely as if I was a different person. We all sat down in the living room and nobody said anything.
“Robbie and Mandy…you guys can’t stay here anymore…you have to go to Australia and live with your aunt…” Dad said. Mom thought about it for a while and nodded her head “That’s right…no one can find out about this and it is best if you guys start a new life”
The whole week we got all our credits, report card, and recommendation and packed out stuff to go to Australia. I kissed my girlfriend for the last time and let her cry on my shoulder and said good-bye to my friends. The plane ride was long but the whole time; I put my arm around Mandy and hugged her tightly. I promised her that I would take care of her and the baby no matter what.
“I love you Mandy” I kissed her
“I love you too Robbie” She said. We got all our baggage and went through the security check. After we went through the security, we went outside and called our aunt, who we met for the first time.
“Hi I am Janice…your aunt” Janice said. She was 5’8 with the perfect curves; I have ever laid my eyes upon. Her breasts were huge and her flat stomach made them look bigger. Her face was the face of a goddess and her lips were begging to be kissed.
“Hi I am Robbie and this is my sister Mandy” I spoke up. She hugged me tightly pressing her breasts against mine and her lips grazed my cheeks. She then briefly hugged Mandy and I watched her breasts. She caught my eye and gave me a look which sent chills down my back.
There was no way I am going to cheat on Mandy but dealing with Janice was going to be hard!
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