Consensual Sex

Upside Down

I woke up that fateful morning in a daze. I was the perfect son, and I hated it. My parents expected me to be perfect. I was a straight A student, never stepped a toe out of line, and even though I was only 17, I already had a scholarship for a full ride to Princeton. I went to a private school and wore my uniform with false pride. My sister Emma was a different story.
Emma was totally rebellious. She wore nothing but black and her everything else was black. Her bed sheets, her clothes, her walls. She went to a dingy public school and got straight Cs. She was the black sheep in our family. I envied her for all of it.
I hated being the perfect one. It’s just not my style, but there has to be some kind of balance in the family, and I got dumped with the responsibility because my older sister beat me to the punch on the evil one. My older brother Liam was the median. He was neither good nor bad. He was 23, my sister 21. He didn’t fight with either one of us and he hung out with both of us occasionally and never took sides when Emma and I had our squabbles.
I tapped my alarm the same way I always do, took my shower, bitching at my sister for hogging it like I always do. I got dressed like I always do, in the same uniform that I always do. I had been turned into a robot. Hell, the only thing that was pleasant in my life was my girlfriend, Amanda. I went downstairs for the same breakfast for a healthy lifestyle of a perfect son.
“Morning, kiddo! How’d you sleep?” my father asked me as I stepped into the kitchen. “Fine.” Same as always. Just then, my sister walked in. “Well, isn’t that just lovely. The Glory child is up bright and early, just like daddy and mommy likes him,” she said. I held my tongue for the sake of the balance, grabbed my books, told my mother her cooking was wonderful, and left for school.
I hadn’t even reached my desk yet when I was grabbed, and turned around, and then pushed against the wall by a pair of dainty hands. I only had a split second to see that it was Amanda before her lips captured mine. I gripped her ass in my hands as I pulled her body to mine and kissed her back. “Mmm, I love it when you do that,” we said together, then we both busted out laughing. We’d been together for over a year and I was in love with her.
“So baby, are we still going to that party tonight?” I ask. “Yes we are! I can’t wait, honey,” she said. I lifted her half into my arms and kissed her passionately. We sat down together as class started. The rest of the day went by the same way it always does. I hated my life. Thankfully, the party started at 6, so I didn’t have to wait as long before my boring life was exciting for once. Amanda was meeting me there, so we just walked straight to the party. “Hey, baby!” she met me at the door and we walked in holding hands.
The party was fun as all get-out. I danced with Amanda until before we knew it, 9 o’ clock had rolled around. “Oh, jeez!” Amanda said, looking at her watch, “let’s take a break, sweetheart, I’m gonna go get a drink, and I’ll meet you back here, alright?” she said. “Alright, love, I’ll be sitting over there, okay?” I smiled. “See you soon, babe.” I went to find a seat as she walked off toward the porch where the coolers with the drinks were.
I sat down and waited for her to come back. 5 minutes passed by… then 10… A half-hour passed by and I started to go looking for her. Maybe she ran into some friends and lost track of time. I had looked all over until there were only the upstairs rooms to look in. I looked in every room until the last one at the end of the hall remained. I knocked on the door, like all the rest. No answer, so I walked in, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.
My brown-haired, green-eyed girlfriend was riding my best and only friend, Daniel, reverse cowgirl on the bed. Amanda’s eyes grew double in size and something inside me snapped as she spotted me. “Oh, my God! Lee! I-” “Stuff it! What the fuck! I think you can guess what I’m not bothering to say. Good-bye, Amanda, and fuck you, Daniel.” And with that, I left the party and took a walk home. The pain of it overwhelmed me as I reached the backyard, seeing as my room was the basement, and I had the door right there. I collapsed, no longer caring…
It was after midnight when I finally decided to get up. I had done a lot of thinking and had decided that I longer give a fuck. I walked into my room but went to the kitchen. I walked through the living room to find my sister watching TV. “Mom and dad left, Golden boy. Left me in charge cause Liam is still at JobCore,” she said. “Whatever,” I replied. I went right to the fridge and made the most anti-diet sandwich I could think of. Leftover burgers, bacon, cheese, ranch dressing, and all put in a pan to be deep-fried.
My sister walked in just as I took a bite into Heaven. “What the fuck is that and why does it smell so good?” she said. “Deep-fried bacon cheeseburger with ranch dressing,” I said nonchalantly. “You know mom and dad would have a fit if they knew you were eating something so bad for your arteries,” she said. “Don’t give a fuck anymore,” I said. “Don’t you talk to me like that, you little shit! I’m still older than you,” she said, getting pissed off. “Fuck off, bitch. I’m tired of your shit,” I said as I walked right past her and down to my room.
I took out a knife from my collection and started carving up the wall. On one wall, I carved the words “FUCK EVERYTHING” into the drywall. I then threw the knife into the floor next to my bed and picked up the weights in the corner of my room and lodged one of the lighter weights into the door. My sister came bursting through the now half-splintered door. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?” she shrieked. “Shut the fuck up and get out of my room!” I said, throwing the knife in her direction, lodging it in the wall next to her head and resumed the process of flipping my bed over.
Her eyes got huge and she timidly backed out of my room as I slammed my fist into the mirror on the wall. As the door closed I let out a scream of anger. I dropped to my knees, completely out of things to take out my anger on. I yanked my blankets out from under my mattress and went to sleep.
The next morning my alarm went off at 6am, but I simply threw it at the wall, letting that yank it from the plug. About a half hour later, my sister tentatively poked her head into my room. “Time for school…” she muttered. “I’ll go when I damn well please,” I said. She saw the pieces of my alarm clock on the floor and backed out of my room. I went back to sleep and relived the nightmare of seeing that ex whore cheating on me with my ex friend, my only friend until now.
I woke up at around eleven and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed off to school, not even bothering with my teeth or hair. When I arrived at the school I was stopped briefly by security. “Not wearing your uniform is against regulation, Mr. Dramen.” He said. I simply said “Fuck regulation” as I brushed past him to my 3rd period class. It was the second class of the day with which I shared with both Amanda and Daniel. They both stiffened as I walked in. “Lee, you are late,” the teacher said. “Fuck off” was my only reply as I found my seat. Sadly, the only open seat was the next row over from Daniel. He was a skinny blonde guy with brown eyes. He could have any girl in school, so why did he have to take Amanda from me?
“Pssst, hey, bro, listen I-” Daniel started, but I cut him off with a pissed off glare he knew not to fuck with. Amanda was sitting behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, but I brushed her hand away. “Don’t touch me or talk to me. Ever again. Not a fucking word,” I growled, and they both turned back to the teacher.
Lunch time was next and so I went. I hadn’t eaten anything yet. I sat there after I had finished eating and it only pissed me off that Amanda and Daniel thought they would come over and reason with me. “C’mon man, I tried to say I’m sorry,” he tried. “Sorry doesn’t fix jack shit, Daniel. Now you can either walk away clean or bloody,” I said calmly, despite the rage inside. “You won’t do it, man. I know you and you don’t have it in you, Mr. Perfect.” He said that a little too smugly. “Oh, I won’t?” I said, and then paused as he smiled. That was it for me. I stepped on his foot so he couldn’t step back and decked him across the jaw.
He fell to the ground and everyone stared. I jumped on top of him and began wailing on him. It took 3 security guards to drag me off that bastard. Needless to say, I was ejected from campus. No more Golden bitch lifestyle for me. I could have cared less that I’d gotten expelled and that Daniel’s nose would most likely be crooked unless daddy or mommy fixed it for him. Usually I got home after my sister but these were special circumstances. She was just getting home as I walked up the drive.
“Lee?” Emma asked as I unlocked the door and walked in. “What are you doing home?” she asked. “Expelled,” I said, handing her a note from the Dean as I headed to my room. “What did the Golden boy do?” she shrieked. I was in her face so fast she flinched. “Call me the motherfucking golden boy one more time and I won’t miss next time I throw a knife,” I growled. Her eyes widened again and I turned and walked away, going back to my room.
The only thing I hadn’t trashed was my entertainment system. I turned on the stereo and cranked up Alone by Bullet for my Valentine. I sat on my bed, having dragged the mattress out, motionless for the next 2 hours until I heard the doorbell ring even over my music. My dad had had an accident and could only hear out of one ear, so the damn thing was loud. I lowered the music to hear my sister welcome someone in. “Yeah sure, but be careful, he’s kind of volatile right now. I have no idea what’s wrong, but he nearly took my head off. Maybe you can get through to him…” I heard her say. I heard a knock on my door a couple minutes later.
“Enter at your own risk,” I said. The door creaked open but from my bed I couldn’t see who yet. They must have seen the knife in the wall, because I heard a female squeak. Steps echoed down the stairs and there she was: my whore of an ex-girlfriend. I looked at her and my blood boiled instantly. “Get the fuck out.” That was all I had to say to her. “But baby, I-” but I cut her off. “DON’T YOU FUCKING ‘BUT BABY’ ME! YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME WITH MY OWN BEST FRIEND AND YOU EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU, DON’T YOU? FUCK YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM! IF YOU FEEL SO BAD THEN GO FUCK DANIEL AGAIN LIKE THE WHORE YOU ARE! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” I roared at her as she backed against the wall.
For a moment she just stood there, paralyzed in shock at the fact that mild-mannered Lee Dramen had become so violent. After another minute I hear heavy footfalls coming down the stairs. I looked just in time to see my sister yank Amanda and drag her up the stairs by her hair. There was a loud “slap!” that sounded more like a “crack!” and a girly scream. Then I heard my sister yell. “Don’t you ever even LOOK at my brother ever again! Don’t even walk by our house on the street!” and then there was the slam of the front door and I heard my sister coming down the stairs.
“Lee…?” she called, looking at me staring emotionless at the ceiling. “Lee, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, I would have never let her in had I known…” I looked at her. “Why do you care? You hate me, remember?” I said, my voice surprisingly level. She looked sad at that. “I do not hate you…I dislike you. There’s a big difference. You live the perfect life and mom and dad think I’m shit. I’m your older sister, but I live in your shadow, Lee.” I cracked up laughing then. “I hate my life. I’m always at my sisters throat, my girlfriend cheated on me with my only friend, I’m a nerd in school, and I hate living like a robot, doing the same damn thing the same damn way, every damn day. In my eyes, you have it made. I wish I could be more like you,” I said.
My sister just stared at me. “You really want to be more like me?” she asked. “More than anything,” I said. “Well, then the first thing you have to do is stop caring.”
“Check.” I said blankly.
“Okay, well, you need to take what you want. What do you want?”
I thought about that for a moment. My sister was wearing a tight Metallica shirt and a red plaid skirt. Now that I looked at her in a positive light, she was sexy as all hell. In the moment I realized my erection was from my sister, I had a single thought process: I’m already headed down the dark road, why not take it all the way? So I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up and over her head. Surprisingly, she let me. I pulled up her bra as well and she took it off as I grabbed her breasts, my fingers sinking into her full DD cups. “Little brother, you realize this is incest, right?” She smiled. “Stopped caring, remember?” I winked at her as I slid my knee between her legs and she closed her eyes and sighed. “Nobody’s played with my tits in ages…” she cooed. I pushed her back onto the mattress and started pulling her skirt off, pulling her thong with them. I pulled off my shirt and she started removing my pants. “I don’t know why I want this so much, it feels so wrong, but… Oh, God, you’re making me so horny… I… Mmmmm…” she moaned, not finishing her sentence as she sucked my cock into her mouth.
She licked the underside of my shaft and I discovered another piercing of hers: a ball on her tongue. She must hide it well… It felt amazing and I started humping in and out of her mouth while she moaned, causing vibrations all over my member. She licked and sucked at the same time and I was starting to feel my balls tighten. I pulled out of her mouth and licked and kissed my way down to her waist, stopping to stare between her now-spread legs and looked down at me anxiously.
“Just what do you plan to d-do with your sister’s pussy, Lee?” she asked, and I could tell she was genuinely nervous. “Are you…a virgin…Emma?” I asked. “Y-yeah…” she replied sheepishly. “But I hear you moaning from the living room every time you have a boyfriend over,” I said. “I…I only let them in my ass…” she confessed as my eyes widen. I smiled and licked her pussy, causing her to jump and gasp. “Sensitive down here, aren’t you. I’m guessing no guy’s ever played with you before?” I asked and she shook her head. I licked her again and she moaned as I continued. “Oooh, little brother… I never knew it could feel so good… Where did you learn this?” she moaned. “Oh, nowhere…” I replied. I just watch a lot of porn.
I attacked her clit with my tongue, sliding my finger into her and she began to squirm. She started humping her hips against my mouth and I only sucked and licked harder. Suddenly she began to buck her hips wildly and her moans turned into squeaking. Even more suddenly, she began to cum, squirting her juices all over my face. She blushed as she looked down at me breathlessly. “That…was amazing…Lee…” she breathed. “It was fun for me too. Ready for round 2?” I asked, crawling up her body and placing my cock at her entrance. She simply nodded and whimpered in anticipation. “Be…be gentle…” she said nervously. “I will.” With that, I slowly pushed into my sister. It was easy because she was nearly dripping.
She was tight, and she whimpered in pleasure as I pushed into her. “Mmm… Just do it… fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid… I want this so bad…” she said, but while she was talking, I pushed it in before she noticed and kissed her once I was all in. She pulled away a little. “Are you going to…or what?” she asked, looking confused. “Do what?” I ask playfully. She looked down and her eyes widened. “Oh…” then she smiled and kissed me hard, moving her hips against me, silently telling me to move. I take the hint and begin thrusting, gently at first. Her whimpering was turning me on as I went just a little harder with each thrust.
“Bite me, little brother, please…” she moaned, digging her nails into my back and kissing my neck. I did as she asked and bit down on her shoulder and she shuddered, a louder moan escaping from her lips and I thrust deeper. “Oh, Lee! I…I’m gonna cum! You’ll make your sister cum!” she moaned, and I could feel I was getting close, too. She was really tight. “Sis…Emma… I’m gonna cum, too…” I said, straining to keep it in until she told me where she wanted it. “In…inside… I want it inside!” she shrieked, and I came, her voice telling me such a thing pushing me over the edge. I could feel her cum, too, her body convulsing and her hips bucking against mine in the throes of her orgasm. Breathing heavily, I stared into her eyes, then kissed her lovingly. She smiled. “Now, little brother, tomorrow is Saturday, and do you know what that means?” I shook my head. “Well, I got paid today, and I am taking you out shopping tomorrow,” she beamed. I smiled and we fell asleep just like that.
I woke up the next morning from the most relaxing sleep I’d had in a long ass time. My sister was in my arms and providing her breasts as pillows. “Did you sleep well?” she said, almost giggling. “Best sleep I’ve ever had. Thank You, Emma,” I kissed her chest and then her lips. “You’re welcome, Lee. Hell, I enjoyed every minute of it,” she smiled, “Now let’s get up and ready for our shopping spree. Consider this your early birthday gift from your big sis.”
My shower radio was playing “Bet U Wish U Had Me Back” by Halestorm as I bathed and got ready to go out with Emma. I didn’t know where she was taking me, but I knew it would most likely take me in the direction I want to go in. Emma decided to join me in the shower and we helped each other wash. Her body is decadent when wet… I got dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt on. I pulled a pair of Converse on and I was ready.
As we walked out to my sister’s car, I stopped at the passenger door. “Wait a sec…” I hadn’t even realized until then, that I was still wearing the magnetic half-heart pendant necklace, to which the other half belonged to Amanda. I pulled it off and chucked it off into the distance. “What was that?” my sister asked as we got into the car. “Just a necklace that used to mean something,” I said. “Ah, okay. Was it that one you were wearing last night?” she asked. “Most likely. It’s the only necklace I wore until now.” I said. “Oh…” she said thoughtfully as she pulled out of the driveway.
When we got to the mall, my sister led me to this place called Dark Threads. It was a place that reminded me of Hot Topic, only bigger, and more clothing-oriented. “Hmmmm, you’re probably a size 30, aren’t you?” Emma said thoughtfully, eyeing my waist. “Yeah, actually. You got that right on the dot,” I said. “I’m good at eyeballing it. Now, let’s find you a new look. You look like you’re about a medium in shirts. Why don’t you go find some? I’ll pick you out some pants,” she replied. I nodded and walked over to the men’s shirt section. My 6 favorite bands are Godsmack, Bullet For My Valentine, Parkway Drive, Black Label Society, Metallica, and Halestorm.
I picked out the 7 coolest shirts I could find. BLS’s Shot To Hell (gotta love the nuns shooting pool), Parkway Drive’s Killing With a Smile, Metallica’s Load, Bullet For My Valentine’s Tear’s Don’t Fall, Godsmack’s 1998 self-titled album art, Halestorm’s The Strange Case of…, and a shirt from Def Leppard’s Euphoria. I picked out my shirts and walked back over to my sister. She had picked out 4 pairs of ripped jeans and 3 pairs of Tripps. “Those what you want?” she asked. I nodded. “Lemme see,” she said, examining the shirts I had picked out. “Hmmm… well, if you wear the ripped jeans with any of these shirts and-” she pulled me over to a rack of denim and picked out 4 stone-washed vests with hoods on them, “-wearing one of these over top,” she said. I smiled and took them into the fitting rooms. I tried them all on, every pair of pants and I loved both of the styles.
As I was in the middle of changing to try on the 3rd outfit, I heard the door open, and I turned to see my sister walk in. she held her finger to her lips and took off her shirt and her bra, then slid her panties down from under her skirt. She bent over, bracing her hands against the wall, and I got the hint as she looked back at me. I slid my fingers along her slit and she was soaking wet.
I already had my pants down so I pulled my briefs down and pushed into my sister. She moaned low in her throat and I began thrusting slowly, but hard. “Oh, jeez, you’re so deep…” she whispered. I reached forward, took her nipples into my hands and pinched her nipples. “OH!” she shouted and I kept started going harder and faster. I pounded into my sister while she struggled to keep quiet. “Harder…” she whispered, still struggling, “Cum…inside…hurry…” So I kept going harder and deeper until she came hard and I had to cover her mouth to keep her quiet as I came, too. She pulled up her panties to seal the cum inside and left the changing room sith a smile, but otherwise like nothing happened.
The final outfit left was a pair of dark blue ripped jeans and a light blue denim vest. I walked out to show Emma and 2 other girls standing there. One was a fiery redhead with green eyes, tall and slim, but with a full figure. Her breasts had to me large C’s and her legs looked decadent in the frilly gothic dress she was wearing. The other was a brunette with blue eyes and she was wearing a Disturbed shirt and a pair of Tripps with blue trim. She was slim-figured as well, but I personally prefer redheads… “Uhm…Hi?” I said almost nervously, not expecting to have gained any more spectators. “I am not!” the redhead said in a bubbly tone, “and I don’t ever plan to be.” She quickly stepped forward and shook my hand. “My name’s Alice. So you’re the brother Emma’s been texting me all day about. It’s a pleasure to meet you, hun. I didn’t know you had such good taste in style,” she said as Emma walked up to stand beside me and the other girl in tow. “Well, I had he-ooof!” I started to say, but Emma jabbed her elbow into my ribs. “Anyway,” Emma said, turning my attention to the other girl for a moment, “this lovely creature is Emilia.” Emilia smiled and took my hand. “Nice to meet you, Lee,” she said.
I changed back into my old clothes so Emma could pay for them, “Awww, I liked that outfit on you…” Alice whined, and I smiled. “Don’t worry, hun, I’ll be wearing it as soon as they’re paid for, just for you,” I said.
After my new threads are paid for, I changed into the dark blue ripped jeans, the Def Leppard shirt and the light blue vest. Alice hissed as I stepped out of the changing room. “So what now, Lee?” Emma said, walking over to me. I thought for a moment about that… “I wouldn’t mind getting a few piercings…” I said. “Then piercings, you shall have, little brother,” Emma said, pulling me out and to a store called Body Mod, with Alice and Emilia close behind. I thought I felt eyes watching my butt, but I couldn’t be sure.
We walked into the shop and I thought about what I wanted. “Hey, girls, can you stick with Lee while I go get something real quick?” Emma said, turning to Emilia and Alice. “Sure hun, we’ll keep a close eye on him,” Alice says. I looked around the shop at the pictures of different art they had pasted all over the walls, displaying their best works. There was a guy behind the counter who was covered in tattoos and had vertical bars in front of his eyes. “No offense, dude, but lemme guess, they said you could be anything, so you became a fence?” I asked. He laughed good-naturedly and replied, “Nah, more like a jail for the voices in there.” He pointed to his brain and it was my turn to laugh. Then I turned to whisper so Alice and Emilia couldn’t hear. “I got a question, seriously though. Do you have any…females…to do the piercings? Not that I have anything against ya man, but there’s a place I want done that…yeah it’d be a little awkward having a guy down there.”
“Wha-ooooohhh!!! I get ya man. Yeah, we have Jenny. She has no issues going down there. HEY JENNY!” he said, and a green-eyed blonde came walking out from the back room. “What?” she said. “We have a request for your…specialty,” he said. She looked at me and her eyebrows lifted and I handed the guy a ten, as it specified from the price chart. “My sister’s gonna wanna pay for the rest, but I don’t want her to know about this one,” I said. He nodded and took the ten. “Alright, sugar, follow me,” Jenny said, leading me into the back room.
As we entered the room, she turned to face me and I started to feel a little shy. She must have noticed. “Ah, never done anything like this before?” she asked. “No, I haven’t. Kinda nervous,” I said. “Well, you don’t need to be. How about I do this?” she removed her shirt and her bra before I could say anything, “better?” she smiled. “Yeah, actually, I feel much better.” And I was. I felt much less nervous, as my mind was now focused on the medium pair of C cups in front of me. “No touching though,” she said, “now I need you to drop ‘em, hun.” I dropped my pants and my briefs and her eyes widened. “I’ve pierced a lot of these, but I’ve never seen one so big,” she said, “So what are you putting through it, hun?”
“I want a bar through the head,” I said, and she smiled. “Personally, I dated a guy who changed his out a lot and the bar was always my favorite one…” she said wistfully. She then seemed to snap back to business and started to gather her things. “Now, question: are you sexually masochistic?” she asked.
“I think so. I like it when I’m bitten.”
“I see… Well then, I think it would be best…if I…”
Then she put her mouth on my cock and started sucking. She bobbed her head up and down on my shaft and I was hard within minutes. Before I had gotten too close, she pulled off of me. “I don’t want to give you blue balls or anything, and…I don’t normally do this, but you’re…exceptional. I promise I’ll finish what I started.”
I nodded my head and she made it quick, but blissfully painful. It actually felt good. Before I knew it, she was done. “I’d suggest that you keep your pants off for now so you don’t irritate it. Now what else would you like pierced?” she said. “I want the left ear, right eyebrow, left side of my bottom lip, my tongue, and my left ear cartilage,” I said. “Interesting choices…” She got to work without another word, but plenty of smiling. She put in a two-pronged half-hoop in my eyebrow, a hoop in my lip, and a bar through my cartilage, and a silver skull in my tongue. Those hurt like a bitch and anyone who says they don’t is LYING TO YOU!!! I requested a rather special earring for my left ear lobe. She put a stud in my ear that has a tiny chain with a gothic-style cross like the one below hanging from said chain:
“I like the way you’ve turned out,” Jenny said, stepping back to look at me once we’d finished, “now, I believe I have a promise to keep, sugar.” Then she got down on her knees and began to rub my shaft between her breasts. I stared down at her, breathing heavier and loving every minute of it. She began alternating her breasts back and forth and hard. I felt that familiar tightening when she dropped her breasts and took me into her mouth, sucking hard. I started involuntarily thrusting myself into her mouth and I felt her smile around me. I looked her in the eyes and she nodded her head, looking back up at me. I came, painting the back of her throat white and she pulled back, but sucking hard to get every drop off of me.
She licked her lips and smiled, standing up. “Delicious…abnormally delicious… Come back in a few weeks so I can check up on it, will you? I like to know how the sensitive piercings turn out. The lip, too. They get infected easily…” she said. Then she took out a pen, takes my hand in hers and writes down her cell phone number on my palm. “Call me some time. Even if it’s just as friends, and I’m not above having some random fun. For you, any time,” she said. I kissed her lips. “I will,” I said and winked at her.
We walked out of the back room and I displayed Jenny’s work…all but one, of course. “Niiice,” I heard my sister say, holding a brown paper bag in her hand and already paying the guy at the desk. “Sexy,” Alice said, winking at me. I grinned, proud of my new body jewelry and hugged my sister from behind. She reached back in an attempt to hug me back and I kissed her shoulder. “Thanks, Emma,” I said. She smiled and blushed. “It’s the last I can do for making you think I hated you these past years. I really didn’t mean to make you think that…” she said, her voice wavering. I put my hand on her thigh and smiled. “It’s okay…” I said. “No, it’s not! I gave you hell about everything for so many years… I feel so bad about it… OH! I almost forgot!” She pulled out a box from her bag. “To replace your old necklace…” she said, pulling out a gothic pentagram pendant necklace from the box and put it around my neck. I was so touched. “Thank you, Emma…” was all I could say as I hugged her as tight as I could.
We were driving along a back road that went through a forest. “Stop and pull over, Emma,” I said. She was crying and I couldn’t stand the sight. Emma pulled over and I lifted up the center console so I could sit closer to her. “Look. I was a prick too. I didn’t like fighting with you either, and I took that out on you. We’re both at fault here,” I said, quickly pulling her into my lap.
I kissed her neck, hoping to calm her down as she buried her head in my chest. I rubbed her back and held her close. “Emma… I love you. Not just because of the sex. Not just because you bought me this new wardrobe. I love you because I’ve always loved you. You’re my sister and I…I always wanted to have a better relationship with you.” At that, she crushed her lips to mine and I gripped her ass in my hands on impulse. Then I got a crazy idea. I opened the door and climbed out, bringing my now horny sister with me. “Wh-wh-what are you doing?” she said nervously as a car passed by and I led her over to the side where her car was between us and the road. I said nothing as I pulled down her panties and I smiled as I saw my cum from earlier drip out of her. “I…I’m a naughty girl, Lee. I…I want you s-so bad it should be criminal…” she stuttered cutely.
I pulled down my pants and pushed into her. She cried out and braced herself against the car. I pushed in hard and deep, reaching into her shirt and grabbing her breasts. My fingers sunk into her breasts and she cried out even louder. I pulled her shirt all the way off and her bra as well. “Lee! D-don’t let me cum! Not yet!” she cried out for the world to hear. I slowed down to a tedious pace, pulling all the way out and then pushing very slowly all the way in. I then ground our pelvises together and pull back out. “Ooooohhh, I love it when you torture me…” she whispered, and I went slower and slower. She began to whimper and squeak, her body squeezing down tight on me harder as I thrust.
“Oh… God… Lee… Harder… I can’t take it any longer…” she whimpered. I began hammering myself into her, jolting her body and the car shook a little. I slapped her ass and took her nipples between my fingers and pinched. “Jesus!” she screamed, “Please, Lee! Make me cum!” I lifted her leg up sideways and propped her leg up onto the car trunk and plunged myself deeper, but I slowed down. “Wh-why? Don’t slow down, go harder, please!” I slowed down more as she thrust her hips backward at me. “C’mon, please? You’re making me desperate!”
I slowed down for a whole five minutes, rhythmically pumping into her. My sweet sister began to cry. “P-please, Lee… I need to cum… Please…” she whimpered, and that was what I wanted to hear. Suddenly I began to pump her and pound her harder than I have ever pounded her. I pinched her nipples and went deeper than ever, and my sister’s body squeezed me harder than ever and I felt her body spasm in my arms, her hips bucking hard against mine as she came. This feeling of my sister in my arms like this sent me over the edge and I came, harder than I ever had, my sister cried out in ecstasy as I pulled her hair back and kissed her exposed neck.
We left our clothes on the ground and climbed into the back seat, holding her in my arms, breathing heavily, completely satisfied and totally spent. “I love you so much, Lee…” she cooed. “I love you too, Emma…”We must have laid there for at least an hour, recuperating.
“Do you understand now? I don’t care about the past anymore… at least not about the past concerning you. We have a good relationship now and that’s what I wanted concerning you. A relationship where we aren’t fighting or anything like it…” I said. “I understand now… Nobody who had not forgiven me could take care of me so well…” she breathed. Then she sat up and we got dressed to go home. She left her panties off, however, so I put my hand between her legs and rubbed her the whole way home and she came as she pulled into the drive. “Oh, God damn…” she breathed as she got out of the car. We went inside and took a shower together and then sat on the couch to watch TV for the rest of the night.
About a week passed by and my sister and I kept going on with our new life. One day, we got a call from Alice. Emma put it on speaker. “Hey, you guys wanna hang? Emilia and I are playing pool at the Lucky Eight and we know how Lee loves pool,” she said. “Okay, we’ll be right over,” she said, seeing the excited look on my face. As she hung up the phone she smiled at me and gave me a weird look. “So my plan is working, huh?” she said, then seeing my confused look, she explained. “I’m actually trying to set you up with Alice. She likes a guy with style, and that’s why I jabbed you in the ribs when you tried to give it away that I helped you,” she said as we both got dressed. I grabbed my custom titanium pool cue from Cutec and we were off.
When we arrived at the pool hall I was greeted with Alice flying into my arms. “Hey there, cutie! I’m glad you could make it! I missed you,” she said. Then she took me by the arm and dragged me over to the pool table they were sitting at. There was a guy standing at the table, holding a Cutec pool cue as well. “Lee, can you help us? This guy wants to take over the table and won’t leave us alone,” Emilia said. I smiled. Pool is my specialty. “Alright, let’s make a deal,” I said, looking to the guy, “We play for the table. Loser walks away,” I said. He nods and sets up the rack, then waits for me to make the shot. “Uhh, you should go first man. I want it to be fair, and if I break, you’ll never get a shot at all,” I said.
I wasn’t lying. He took the first shot, calling me a “cocky little shit” under his breath and he broke. He shot the 9, with a perfect set up for the 10, but screwed up the set up for the 13. I stepped up to the table, screwing my cue together and putting chalk on the tip. I pulled my Scorpion cue glove on my left hand and smiled. “This might as well be over,” I muttered, just to myself. I hit every ball into the pocket in this order as everyone’s jaws dropped a little bit lower: 2, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, and finally the 8. I stepped away from the table and looked at him. “It’s not cocky. It’s skill. I almost never miss,” I said as the girls walk up next to me and take my arms, making me look like a pimp. “Now, do you think it’s worth it to go for 2 out of 3?”
He shook his head and put out his hand. “Good game, kid,” he said. I shook his hand and he walked away. I turned back to the girls and Alice was looking at me hungrily for a second, and then quickly hid the look behind a normal smile. “That was epic, bro. I never knew you could play so well!” Emma said, hugging me and handing me a glass of what I thought was coke until Alice whispered in my ear, “There’s some Jack in it, but don’t tell anyone.” I took a sip and walked over to the table to do some quick maintenance to my cue, seeing as I hadn’t used it in so long.
For the next 3 hours we laughed and played pool. I had to defend the table a couple times but I enjoyed myself. I felt a gaze on my butt from Alice’s direction every time I bent over for a shot. Of course, I was going easy on them, because if I didn’t it wouldn’t be fun for anyone.
I’d had about 4 drinks, feeling a little tipsy, when the door opened and my sister gasped. “Girls, get ready to try and hold him back…” I heard my sister say. I looked to see who’d come through the door and my blood instantly boiled and I felt it rushing through my veins so fast I was almost vibrating. I saw red as I started to lunge, for he had seen me and started walking toward us. I felt the girls grab me and hold me back. I also felt the strong grip of a guy and I looked to see another of Emma’s friends (David) who was a bouncer.
“Whoa Rambo, I have a proposition for you. We’ll settle this in a fair way,” Daniel said as Amanda stood behind him. I settled down a bit and looked at the girls and David and nodded and they let go. “What kind of deal?” I asked. “Simple. We pit it all on a game of pool. If I win, we walk away from this peacefully and never even acknowledge each other again… If you win, you get to take out all your anger on me first, and then we walk away. Agreeable?” he said. “Yeah. Let’s shake on it,” I held out my hand and he shook it.
I racked the balls as Daniel picked out a house cue. I picked up my own cue and stood waiting for him to break. He lined up his shot and got the 1 ball in. then he put in the 3, the 5 but missed the 6. I stepped up to the table and hit in the 9, 11, 14, 15, then missed the 10, now feeling the effects of the Jack and Coke. I stepped back as Daniel lined up his next shot. “Hold on, Danny,” Amanda said, walking over to him, her face had a slight red mark on the left cheek and she kissed Daniel on the lips, no doubt trying to distract me and motivate him.
He lined up his shot again and hit in the 7, 4 and the 6, but missed the 2. I stepped up to the table and Alice and Emilia walk up to me and kiss me on the cheeks. As the retreated to the stools they sat on, I lined up my shot, and hit in the10, and 12, but missed the 13. Daniel then hit in the 2, but missed the 8. I stepped up, the liquor wearing off a tiny bit, and shot in the 13 and then finally the 8. It was over and I had won.
“Alright, Lee. It’s your win, so have at it,” he said. “I want you to fight back. It’s no fun if you just sit there like last time,” I said. He sighed, but said “alright.” He took a swing at me and I leaned back to avoid it, then swiveled around to kick out his knees from under him and swung my heel at his chest, knocking him onto his back. “Get up, I’ve seen you do better than that,” I told him. He stood up and swung his foot at my head, jumping into the air at me. His foot collided with my head and I fell, but quickly rolled to my feet and then caught his shin in my hand before he landed. I pulled is leg from under him, forcing him into a split. He cried out and I jumped on top of him and let out all the rage I’d had built up inside.
By the time I was done with him his nose was bloody and definitely broken. My knuckles were bruised as I got up and walked away. Slowly, Daniel got up as well. Suddenly, Alice walked up to me wearing a ruby red lipstick that wasn’t there before, and kissed my neck in such a way that my knees almost turned to jelly. I saw Amanda’s jaw drop and her eyes tear up before I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation.
When Alice was finished she pulled away and kissed my lips, but most of the lipstick felt like it was gone. In a mirror on the wall I saw that there was now a lip mark on my neck. I grabbed Alice’s ass as I kissed her back and Amanda ran out in tears, Daniel close behind her. “Men’s restroom. Now,” she whispered, and I lifted her into my arms and carried her into the single-occupant restroom, her legs wrapping tightly around me.
She dropped to her knees, undoing my pants before her knees even hit the floor. “I’ve wanted this ever since I saw Emma walking out of the changing room in the mall looking so satisfied…” she said. I groaned as she wrapped her lips around my cock and played with the head of my cock with her tongue. I could feel the piercing on her tongue… she suddenly took the whole of my cock into her mouth and I could feel myself go down her throat. She made a swallowing action and I could tell I was getting close. She then backed off and slid her panties down from under her dress and pulled the lacing from the front of her dress corset and it opened to reveal her beautiful breasts with small, sexy, pink nipples and I attacked her nipples with my tongue, flicking them with the skull as she moaned and squirmed.
I slid my hand between her legs and felt her juices dripping down her legs. “Please…” she pleaded, and I bent down and put my mouth to her hot wetness. With effort, given the angle, I lifted her up like that, pushing my tongue into her as her head brushed the ceiling. “Oh, shit!” she cried as I pushed my tongue deeper, the skull on my tongue rubbing herd on her G-spot as I unbuttoned my shirt and it hit the floor.
Her legs wrapped tightly around my head as I moved my tongue furiously, pressing my face to her as I moaned into her, causing vibrations through her body. “Ooooohhhhh! I’m going to cum!” she cried, tangling her fingers in my hair. I began rubbing the skull in my tongue against her insides furiously and she cried out as her body began to tremble.
I let her down, but she sat on the toilet and spread her legs wide. “Take me baby, I’m all yours,” she whispered and I pushed into her. She watched as I entered her tight body and her cheeks turned red. “Sorry I’m not a virgin like your sister, but I’ve only done this once…” she said and I smiled as I pushed in balls-deep. “Mmmm… Be gentle at first, please…” she moaned, breathing heavily and I began to move slowly, leaning forward to capture her lips with mine. She kissed me like her life depended on it, her tongue dancing with mine and I picked up the pace with my thrusts.
“Oh…damn…b-big…” she choked out as I picked up the pace even more and her breasts started to jiggle. She dug her nails into my back and I bit into her neck softly. At that, she cried out and came, her body shaking as her hips bucked against mine. I went harder and faster, reaching deeper, holding her hips in my hands. I pulled on the skin between my teeth and sucked on her neck.
Then I had an idea. I picked her up and put her so she was bending over in front of me and bracing her hands against the wall and her hips above the toilet and I pushed into her hard. “OH! Jeez, right on my sensitive-OH!” she cried, as I pushed myself faster and harder into her body, aiming for her g-spot. I pushed into her harder and harder with every thrust, her body jolting with every movement and she put her head down, trying to hold back her orgasm. I was getting close and I told her so. “Do it. Do it honey, I’m on the pill…” she whimpered, and I could hear the strain in her voice as she was trying to hold back. I pulled her so her back was against my chest and whispered into her ear, “You’re trying not to cum, aren’t you?” She nodded weakly and moaned, “Mhm…” and I smiled. “Then let’s cum together. I’m cumming now…”
I turned her around to face me and she wrapped her legs around my waist. When we came together, both our bodies shook from it. The scream that issued from her mouth told me it was as earth-shattering for her as it was for me. I held her in my arms as she wrapped her arms around my neck as we came. “Ohhh, damn…” she whispered, her voice a little shaky. She sighed, still breathing heavily, “You… are… one…Hell…of a… lover…”
End of Part 1.

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Tropical Family BBQ part1

I’m still new at this, so don’t judge too harshly, but as always feedback is appreciated.
I LOVE MILFs, especially the fit, toned ones. Please enjoy my MILF centric story… If you don’t like incest, then I kind of feel sorry for you. It gets me soooo hot… enjoy

Birthday Desire (edited)

Hey all just an edit of my recent story, changed to have paragraph format for easier reading and a couple of minor adjustments here and there

Mr S’s Surviving Life part 1

Mr S’s Surviving Life part 1
this take a bit to get into so if your just after sex you might have to skip some
Intro Graham
“Its probably best to start from the top my names Graham and I’m a survivor what did I survive well the war the last great war that is to be fare I was only 5 at the time of the war but now at 19 I’m what is known as a survivor.
There are others out there but not many for the war really was the war to end all wars for the 3 years it rained death and the world suffered. My father is the reason I count my self in amongst the survivors for he lead us to the hide it was an old ghost town, mining or something accrued in the mountains long ago but after that the town was almost deserted that was until we arrived father lead the 20 people into the mountains at the very start of the war and it was here that we survived.
So ill tell you how we survived life…”
Part 1 PJ and Dave
When PJ got to work he never imagined it would be like this every one was in a panic the news reports showed mass pandemonium world wide as missile struck china whose missiles no one knew but the world was tearing its self apart. PJ would have liked to have continued watching the news but he had work to do.
PJ was in the locker room getting dressed he pulled on his boots and fastened his gun holster before he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He hadn’t had time to shave this morning and so this gaunt face had a rugged look to it. PJ wasn’t a really a good looking man he was slim though well muscled from his strenuous gym time. He filled out the blue police uniform well but he was by no means a huge man in fact he was only 175cm tall and about 75kg.
PJ was startled by a hand on his shoulder but not surprised to see who it was Dave his best mate stood before him. Dave was large over 186cm tall and weighing in at 92kg he was a mountain a star of the rugby field but a great companion.
“Bloody Hel mate shits hit the fan hey?” said Dave
“Sure has any word on what we are to do yet?” asked PJ pulling on his cap
“Key point security every ones assigned a place we need to get to the parliament house the whole cities in a state of panic”
“Right we better get a move on then” the two then rushed from the locker room.
The crowd at Parliament house was building when the two arrived thousands waiting to see what Australia’s reaction would be. PJ and Dave made their way to the commanding officer who looked worried they were given their posts on the far side away from the crowd near back entrances.
As they arrived so did the missiles the first hit three blokes away the concussion knocking both police officers to the ground. And so it was from then on the sky rained fire the target was obviously parliament because the missiles landed around the area of the house flames leapt high as the air became thick with smoke.
“PJ you alright” called Dave trying to find his friend in the smoke.
“Mate I’m fine just a little winded” PJ rose to his feet as he heard the scream not the scream of a person it was the scream of death raining from the above and it was heading towards them or rather towards parliament.
“RUN” yelled Dave as the two ran away from the house only making it a few meters before they were picked up and thrown into the air.
PJ opened his eyes he was covered in ash but he didn’t feel any thing broken he sat up to look around it was dark like the dead of night. It was getting hard to breath from the smoke and the dust but he managed to crawl towards Dave who lay face down. Once he turned him over he noticed the big man had a cut to the face and one to the arm but nothing to serious.
Dave opened his eyes half way trying to gain vision through the blood on his face
“By Odin’s beard we are alive” Dave said shocked
“Guess it’s not our time mate we have to get out of here its getting hard to breath do you think you can walk?” asked PJ
Dave scrambled to his feet “where to?”
“I’ve got to check on Beth and Graham” replied PJ as he helped Dave up
“Ok we will swing past the station mate see what’s going on and report”
The two made their way through the chaos using shirts to cover their mouths. Building were on fire and rubble blocked many ways they tried but eventually they made it out onto the road leading the right way cars were already packing the streets trying to escape in desperation. But as the two discovered being on foot was far faster than any car as the traffic jammed with collisions and confusion.
The police station was filling with people attempting to get help and only a few officers were left trying to maintain control but failed as another missile landed only streets away sending every one into panic.
“This is no use Dave I have to get to Beth” yelled PJ over the screams of panic.
“Alright we will take a 4×4 theirs still one out the back”
The two hurried out to the car park were only a 4×4 and a sedan were left. The remaining police at the station had the same idea and were using the sedan as a get away. So Dave and PJ took the 4×4 and tried to make their way through the streets.
People were running every where often people through them selves at the side of the 4×4 screaming for help. But PJ needed to help his family first.
It took them a long time to reach PJ’s house and when they did reach it PJ broke down. The house was obliterated a car had been thrown through the front and the roof had caved in.
PJ ran into the wreckage barely able to see from the dust.
Dave stood in silence as he watched PJ’s world crumble there was nothing he could say or do to help. Sadness filled Dave they had been friends for years and they weer always there for each other but this was a demon PJ would fight alone.
5 minutes passed before PJ emerged and in his arms he held a small child who was crying Dave couldn’t believe his eyes. Graham had survived but there was no sign of Beth.
PJ had tears in his eyes as he approached “she sheltered him now I must look after him”
Dave nodded it was time to survive the city was lost and 5 year old Graham was the only thing that kept PJ from falling apart. “Any ideas to where we should head?”
“South across the boarder into the mountains”
“How far south?”
“Into Victoria we will find my brother he will know a place to hide”
“Alright lets head out” Dave agreed he knew PJ’s older brother he was good man who lived in a small town on the coast but what made him most useful was his experience for he was ex army and also a scout leader if their was place to lay low he would find it.
The 4×4 weaved its way through the broken streets heading south till they hit the main road a lot of car were making it along the main road slowing it down so Dave made the call to take a dirt road and by pass the highway. For the trip Graham slept in the back curled up tightly would he recover thought PJ as he stared out at the country side.
The 4×4 finial came back onto a sealed road that was deserted probably too far out for most people and it wasn’t long till they came across a general store on the side of the country road.
“This looks like a good as place as any” Dave said to PJ as they pulled up.
“We will be careful now who knows what people will be like now”
the store was small it served as a petrol station a post office and a grocery store for the farms around the area there was two utes parked in the car park as they pulled up. Dave glanced around but couldn’t see anything going on that worried him there was no one at the counter or in the store.
Both drew their pistols as they stepped up to the door. PJ opened the door and they stepped in before he turned to Dave and said “if they have fled too we will stock up on supplies and head out agreed?” Dave nodded to show his agreement.
The two checked the store before figuring that it was deserted Dave started by grabbing a bag and shove can foods into it. Mean while PJ checked out the back door.
The back door was open so PJ stepped through it and out into the yard it was then he noticed something a white shirt lying on the ground. Looking around PJ realised where the people might be there was a large steel farm shed at the rear of the shop perhaps the occupants were inside. PJ walked closer until he heard voices so he started to sneak up to the window he didn’t want to alarm them so he decided to see who was in their first.
* * *
Sara had been listening to her I-pod while she swept the floor of her grand mothers shop. Her grand mother was getting old and a lot of work around the place fell to her and at 17 she wasn’t really thinking about running a country store. Her grandmother had taken her in long ago and so she really did owe her this, though that didn’t stop her from dreaming of better things. At 17 Sara was about 165cm tall and weighed about 50kg she was very skinny and had short blond hair she wore up in a pony tail.
Her day dream was broken by the door of the shop opening and two men walking in one was over weight wearing stained blue overalls while the other was skinny like a rake and had a scruffy beard but the thing that startled her was they both carried shot guns.
“All right gran heres the deal we are taking as much stuff as we wont the countries under attack and there is no more law” said the bearded one holding the weapon up to the old lady.
Sara panicked and ran for the back door she heard the bearded man swear and then run after her he was surprisingly quick and had hold of her as she got into the back yard.
“What have we got here then?” said the smirking the robber looking her up and down.
“Let’s have a look eah?” with one hand he gapped her shirt and tore it off flinging it to the ground.
The fat robber came panting out of the shop even the small run took its toll on him Sara’s grandmother came after screaming at him like a banshee.
“Shut her up” ordered the skinny one as he dragged Sara to the steel shed
In side the shed was huge but full of junk like old car parts and creates of food. Sara was flung onto a tarp crying as the skinny man looked around until he found a case of beer. It wasn’t long till the fat one entered too.
“Dumb old bitch wouldn’t shut up I’ve locked her in the chicken coupe” he said proud of him self
The skinny robber took a swig of his warm beer before returning his attention to Sara who sat there in nothing but a bra and denim skirt. He reached out with a knife and cut her bra off, exposing her tiny a cup boobs.
“Let’s have a proper look now” he grinned at her as she whimpered.
The fat robber grabbed hold of one boob as the skinny one helped him self to the other she tried to struggle but was easily overpowered, next the skinny bearded one started to suck hard on her small puffy nipple while the fat one laughed at her misfortune. Sara wanted to escape but found it impossible and no amount of crying could help her.
The bread was really etching her pale skin but what hurt the most was his teeth nibbling on the nipple while the skinny one was busy with he boobs the fat one had his chubby digits pulling up her skirt. All she could hear was his laughing as he started to probe her private area. Finally he pulled away her underpants and pushed a finger into her pussy lips.
“NO DON’T” she screamed as he forced his index finger right up her vagina.
“Shut up slut” said the bearded one picking her up and carrying her over to a cars bonnet he forced her to lay on it and her legs and head hang over each side the fat one re adopted his position holding her down with a hand on her belly while the other hand pushed a finger into her again.
The bearded one how ever had he pants down and removed a long thin penis from his boxer shorts “now be a good girl and don’t bite” he then grabbed her head and forced his penis into her mouth “that’s it girl suck my cock” he started pumping hard into her face trying to get the whole thing down her throat it chocked her and she gagged for air at every opportunity.
Mean while the fat one had started fingering her relentlessly, he was even trying to get a second fat finger into her but gave up and decided to push it into her arse hole. If she could scream she would but she could barely breathe. She kicked her legs wildly but was rewarded with a hard smack.
With two fat fingers defiling both her holes Sara was saw and was relieved when she heard them talking about changing. But the break was only for a second as the two switched places and a short fat dick was pushed into her mouth. But the surprise of feeling a tongue start to lap at the clit was a shock. Tears ran down her face as she felt the beard rubbing on her thighs.
Just when she thought the humiliation could get no worse the fat rapist unleased a squirt of foul tasting cum into her mouth she gagged as it choked her. This didn’t stop the skinny bearded one who started to push two fingers into her pussy.
Sara coughed and spluttered when the penis was removed from her mouth cum leaking out as she cried.
* * *
PJ stared through the window to see a young girl face down on the bonnet of a car while a skinny man with a beard fucked her from behind another fatter man stood by jacking off and cheering his friend on. The look on the girls face was utter agony as the man rapped her.
PJ crept around to the shed door and moved quietly inside.
“My turn now” said the fat one with his overalls around his ankles and his fat cock in his hands.
“Wait I aint done yet” said the skinny one pulling his thin penis from the blonde girl’s pussy before lining it up to her arse hole. He grunted and pushed the head of his cock into her. The young girl screamed out in pain.
“STOP” screamed PJ raising his pistol to the two unaware rapists.
The skinny one threw the young blonde aside and reached for a shotgun leaning against the car. PJ squeezed the trigger and the round hit the skinny bearded man in the chest sending him spinning to the ground. The fat one didn’t stop or reach for his weapon instead he started to run but fell flat on his face his overalls still around his ankles tripping him over.
Dave burst into the shed a few seconds after hearing the shot and looked around. PJ already had the young girl in blanket and was trying to settle her down.
As it turned out the old lady had died of a heart attack the fat man was made to dig her grave and they laid her to rest. The fat man was tied to his dead partner’s body and sent off walking down the road. Dave collected the two shotguns and supplies and stored them in the boot of the 4×4 while PJ helped the young girl into the back to sit next to the still sleeping Graham.
“Mate what is the world coming too?” asked Dave
“I don’t know but we better head off, ill drive for a while” after all he was wide awake he had just killed a man even in all his years in the force he had never killed a man he need time to reflect.
Dave once again nodded in silent agreement and got in the passenger side. He wondered how much more PJ could take in one day.
* * *
From the top of the hill the two companions could see the large town clearly and they could also see what seemed like fog covering the streets.
“Think it might be Gas” said Dave concerned
“I think your right Dave all those people on the highway are driving straight into it”
“Well we will have to find way around” suggested Dave
“True but what if every town and city is the same?” said PJ sounding worried
“Wait PJ someone’s coming up the road” stated Dave pointing down the dirt road they had driven up to reach the top of the hill.
Sure enough a black 4weel drive bumbled up the road and stopped next to the police 4×4. PJ and Dave started walking back towards the car when the driver’s door opened and a women with curly black hair stepped out.
“Hello officers” she said sounding jumpy.
“Hello madam” replied Dave.
Dave must have looked quite a fright covered in grey dust and with a huge cut to his forehead and a bloody bandage on his arm. While PJ too was covered from head to toe in grey dust. The look on her face said she was doubtful they were really police officers now. She took a step back towards her car.
“Wait we aren’t here to hurt you we are trying to find a road south past the town a back road maybe please we need to get my son to safety…” PJ had whole big spill figured out to get the women to help them but when she head son she looked surprised.
“Your son?” she asked surprised.
“Yes in the back of the car” he pointed at the police 4×4.
The women walked up to the side of the 4×4 and wiped the window to get the dust of the rear window for a better look. Inside she saw the two occupants sound asleep the 5 year old boy was curled up on the seat while a young girl rapped in a blanket slept in the seated position.
“Oh the poor dears they need a little looking out for where are you guys from?” asked the women.
“The capital” replied Dave
The women had a sad look on her face “then you have seen more horror than I can imagine. Look I’m heading home to check on the children before going back to the hospital I’d take you there but its full I could barely get time to rash home and make sure the boys are right. So ill clean you up at my home and see what I can do with any injuries you have…”
“I don’t mean to interrupt” started Dave “but your hospital isn’t down in that town is it” he said pointing down at the large town
“Yes why?”
“You might want to have a look I think you got out just in time”
The women walked over to the top of the hill and stared puzzled “what’s that fog?”
“By the looks of it Gas” said PJ gravely.
The women looked sad all of the sudden tears started coming down her cheeks but she just turned and walked back to her 4 wheel drive.
“Come on ill take you back to my house it’s just up the road follow me” she said bravely getting back into her car, though once the door was closed he burst into tears.
PJ followed the women to her house it was a small farm that looked a little run down and probably not really farmed in some time. The driveway was fairly bumpy and that woke the two passengers up who stared out wide eyed to see where they were. Two children waited by the door twins by the looks of them both had their mothers black hair the girl wore it long in a plait while the boy wore it short and curly. The mother got out of her car and ran to hug her children.
PJ Dave Sara and Graham got out of the police 4×4 and walked up to the family at the front door the women turned around with her arms on the children’s shoulders.
“Now time for introductions I guess since we don’t even know each others names I’m Belinda this is Suzie and Josh they are 14 years old” the two children looked nervous but smiled non the less.
“Well I’m PJ and this Dave and of cause my soon Graham” the 5 year old boy shyly hid behind his father “and this is… well we don’t know she hasn’t said a word since we saved her” PJ referred to the only one of them not covered in dust the skinny blonde rapped in her blanket.
Belinda smiled and opened the front door to welcome every one inside “ill get you to have showers and then ill look at your injuries”.
* * *
After the visitors were clean and Belinda had food cooking for them she sat down to tend to Dave’s injuries. “So I’m guessing you’re a nurse” asked Dave
“Yes after the divorce I decided to go out on my own and so nursing called to me” she said as she wrapped a new clean bandage around his arm.
The twins told them that the TV had gone dead and the radio died just a few minutes before they arrived. PJ guessed it wouldn’t be long before power went out too. Graham had gone back to sleep the emotional pain he must be experiencing PJ could barely comprehend. Sara had still said nothing though Belinda cleaned her up and clothed her properly.
“I think that maybe you should come with us in the morning” PJ offered Belinda.
“That way you will be safe” added Dave.
“I guess your right so shall we drink to our new friends” asked Belinda offering a bottle of wine to PJ and Dave.
“I’ll drink to that” said Dave just as the lights went out
“Well that’s the power gone I’m going to call it a night” said PJ standing up “plus I need to check on Graham”.
The twins were moved into the same room because Sara was given one of theirs to be alone, while PJ and Graham were given the spare room graham slept in the bed while PJ slept on a mattress on the floor. Belinda lit some candles and her and Dave cracked open the bottle of wine.
Graham was still fast asleep when PJ went to bed he was worried about him but didn’t know what to say. Maybe he would talk to him tomorrow. PJ stripped down to his briefs and slid into the bed he just closed his eyes when he felt a hand touch him then he felt the young petit body of Sara the girl he had saved slide in to the bed he wrapped his arms around her and they went to sleep.
Dave and Belinda polished of the bottle of wine to idle chit chat until Dave gave a yawn and started heading to the lounge room to sleep on the couch. “Good night it was good to drink with someone on this terrible day” said Dave taking a candle
“Wait Dave I don’t want to sleep alone tonight” blurted out Belinda.
Dave put down the candle and walked over to Belinda grabbing hold of her and placing a kiss on her lips. She could feel his tongue entering her mouth as she became swept away by the passion.
Dave lifted Belinda up onto the table and started kissing her neck
“ohhh yes I need this” cooed Belinda
Dave lifted up her shirt revealing her C cup breasts. He unhooked the clasp to access the nipples while running his hands along the sides of her body.
Belinda slid her pants off leaving only her G string on which Dave promptly worked his way down her body licking and kissing till he reached the G string hooking a figure into it Dave pulled it aside and reached out with his tongue diving into her pussy. Belinda moaned as he ran his tongue between her pussy flaps before homing in on the clit.
Dave started sucking and licking her bud. Belinda was in paradise
“Yes Dave that’s it ohhh uuughhhh”
Dave started to slide a finger into her hole Belinda shuddered as she felt the intrusion.
“Finger fuck me yessss”
Dave worked a second into her very wet pussy before starting to pump them in and out.
“Faster harder……” Belinda moaned.
Dave really started pounding her pussy as he licked her clit quickly getting faster as he went.
“More fingers… more fingers come on stretch that tight hole” ordered Belinda biting her bottom lip.
Belinda could feel the next finger entering her stretching her even more.
“More, more I’m going to cum”
Dave slide the fourth finger in it was tight but he kept pounding her as deep and as fast as he could.
“Yes ooohhhhhhh” Belinda’s whole body shook as a flood of liquid flowed from her cunt. As soon as her orgasm subsided she sat up right and reach for the bulge in Dave’s pants.
Unzipping the fly of Dave’s pants released a penis that even made Belinda sigh in anticipation; it was average length but was so wide she could barely get a hand around it.
Belinda smiled up at him as she started to jack him off quickly making it grow to its full size before attempting to fit it into her mouth. Groping his balls with one hand and trying to force her face down on the thick cock.
Dave placed his hands on her head and forced her head down til his cock was in the back of her throat she gagged but went down again before popping it out of her mouth, spitting on the head she gave it a few more jerks before sucking it again.
“Oh Bella that’s it suck it” Dave moaned forcing her head almost to the base of his cock.
Belinda looked up with wide eyes as she sucked up and down on Dave’s tool.
“That’s it babe fucken suck it…. Ohhh I’m getting close”.
Belinda started to gag again as she forced her head all the way down onto the penis then as she pulled off it erupted like a volcano.
“Take it all” moaned Dave as his balls tightened and he let loss the spurts of cum into Belinda’s mouth.
Belinda swallowed the salty seaman in one gulp and smiled.
“Let’s go to my room” she suggested leading Dave to the master bedroom.
Josh opened the door to the bedroom he was sharing with his sister and silently crept down the hall to his mother’s room. He peaked inside as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he listened to the quiet words not being whispered but rather being moaned he could just make out his mother on all four with Dave standing behind her pushing fingers into he pussy.
“Dave more, you know how I like it…. stretch me that’s it ugggghhhh”
Dave had four fingers in her while his other hand rubbed her clit his mothers back arched in please as the fingers went in faster and faster. Then Dave stop rubbing her clit and moved his hand up to her arse hole with his thumb he started making circles then probing motions.
Josh had his penis in his hand and started jacking off as he watched his mother get a thumb forced up her bum hole.
“Oh you dirty boy” his mother said as she felt the anal intrusion.
After a few more pumps of his hands Dave lined up his thick cock and pushed it into Belinda. Josh’s mother bite the pillow as she felt Dave filling her up completely, as he thrust into her he kept the thumb firmly in her arse.
“Take this” he hissed as he pulled almost all the way out then drove it home hard.
Josh saw his mother look back and smile at Dave as he continued to pull almost out then ram it hard back in. Dave rammed it into her harder and harder his balls slapped on her clit as he pushed home.
“Faster damn you Faster” Belinda moaned looking over her shoulder.
Dave was building up speed and Belinda’s arms buckled so that he was completely on her chest with her arse up in the air leaving Dave to drive her to another orgasm. Josh was now jerking his penis like a mad man he had seen his mother with other men but never like this. Normally when her boyfriends stayed over they would lay on top of her and fuck her for five minutes before shotting there seed. This was different he mother was truly being fucked harder than Josh had ever seen and was loving it.
Josh froze though when he heard someone behind him. He spun around to face his twin sister forgetting he was still holding his penis.
“What are you doing?” whispered Suzie. But before he answered Suzie pushed past him and looked into the room. Her eyes opened wide in shock.
Belinda was cuming hard she buried her head in a pillow to muffle her screams of passion. However Dave didn’t let up he just kept the jack hammer that was his cock going in and out driving Bella’s head deeper into the pillow. Suzie stood there wide eyed not even realising that she had stuck her own hand down her pants.
Dave gave a shudder as he felt his own orgasm building so he pulled out and let a flood of cum splash over Belinda’s arse checks and back. “Oh Bella you are so fucken hot” he commented as she rolled exhausted onto her side.
Both Josh and Suzie hurried back to the room the shared. “That was intense” said Suzie when they were back inside the bedroom.
Mean while Dave flopped down on the bed out of breath and fell into a deep sleep.

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Desires of Hogwarts – Part 4

Longer, Harder, Sexier? I dunno really. I’ve got AN idea for the plot, not sure if it will fly or not. Oh and Yadda, yadda, Harry Potter isn’t mine, bla bla not making any money from this. (By the way, Jack is an OC and is the practical DADA teacher instead of Umbridge)