Consensual Sex

Fooling Around With Sis

Mike was very surprised his sister was willing to wrestle him in the living room while his parents were gone. His surprise continues as she slowly uses this situation to bring them both to orgasm

Returning Chapter 01

Hi all this is my first story her and I am looking for honest helpful criticism. If all you have is hateful comments please keep them to yourself. If you see I have misused a word then please tell me, that is how we learn. Don’t be surprised if I comment back to learn more about your opinion.
This chapter starts the adventure of Rhys David Cain, Yes there will be lots of sex in his life but there may not be sex in every chapter. (The first name is pronounce Reese for those who want to know.)
Enjoy or not that is up to you.
I guess you could say I was born when I was 20 years old. I know that sounds odd but in a way it is very true. The first thing I can remember is waking up in a hospital, I did not know who I was or where I was, I knew it was a hospital because there were nurses and doctors everywhere.
I was informed by the doctors that I was suffering from amnesia, in other words I couldn’t remember anything. Apparently I had been found in the water off the coast of main by a fishing boat, the fishermen told everyone I had fell out of the sky into the water. No one believed them.
The doctors did what tests they knew how to do back then but they said there was nothing they could do for me and the only thing they found on me was a necklace with a copper pendant on it. The pendant had two names engraved into it; Morgana Wynnifred Oakbloom and Rhys David Cain. They assumed I was Rhys since I did not look like a Morgana.
I seemed to be better educated than the average person and none of my education had left with my memories. That was 80 years ago.
At 100 years old I am still a fairly active person if private. My son owns a ranch in Texas and I had gone down to his place to go kill some feral hogs on his ranch, I loved to hunt and I had agreed to go readily. That is how I found myself walking through the woods on that day.
I was walking tracking a hog that I had wounded trying to follow the blood trail. I had my big hunting rifle on my arm and a pair of Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter edition pistols on my hips. My backpack had a few boxes of ammo for each and a lot of my survival gear. I also had my big survival knife tucked into a sheath in the middle of my back. The knife was one of my favorite possessions; it was a hand forged Damascus steel blade with a hollow ivory handle.
I had been tracking the hog for about an hour when the radio on my pack squawked and my son asked for my location. I told him I was about five miles north of camp along the creak. He told me I might want to head back that a bad storm was on the way in. I told him I would head back in a few I was tracking a wounded and needed to finish it off at least.
Another hour and the wind and first drops of rain started hitting me, still no hog so I turned to head back to camp. As I turned reaching for my radio I stopped moving in a little bit of shock. Standing twenty feet behind me was a beautiful woman she was about five foot eleven inches tall had midnight black hair all the way down to her waist and some how she was very familiar to me. The pointed ears peeking through her hair on the sides about an inch were very noticeable. Her skin was pale and her eyes were light green. The most striking thing was how narrow her features were. I would almost say she looked like and elf.
The woman looked at me a spoke in a very musical sounding voice “Rhys it is time to come home we need you.”
The lightning bolt struck me dead in the top of the head as I screamed out “Morgana!” and the world went black…
I felt stiff and sore, I thought heaven was supposed to be an end to all pain; maybe I went the other way. As I opened my eyes I had to blink a few times, it was just as dark with them opened as it was with them closed. I was sitting up with my legs folded in front of me Indian style. I reached back and pulled the flashlight off my backpack and thumbed it to life.
I was sitting in a stone walled room. There seemed to be several pieces of stone furniture sitting around the edge and a fire pit in front of me. There was no wood in the pit and I suddenly realized how cold it was in the room. I could see my breath reflecting in the beam of the flashlight.
I got up to see if I could find any wood in the room, but as I stood the fire pit suddenly burst into flame, no wood, just flames dancing over the pit. I could feel the heat coming off the fire almost immediately. That was when I remembered the radio.
I reached back and pulled the mike around and pressed the talk button on the side. I called out to my son to report that I was still alive and got no answer, not even static. I pulled my back pack off and set it around in front of me to pull the radio off. The power light was still on but there was no sound coming out. I turned the squelch all the way down and flipped through the channels. There was no chatter or static on any of them.
I thumbed the radio off to conserve the batteries and got up to walk around the room. As I walked along, torches flared to life along the walls of the room. I stepped in front of a mirror and dropped into a crouch as I spun drawing one of the pistols on my hip. I had seen someone in the mirror but there was no one there. I stood up and turned back to the mirror. There was a young man looking at me, he had jet black hair and a small goatee on his chin. His eyes were a deep brown that women would call dreamy. His face was ruggedly handsome but had a scar that ran from just below his eye all the way to his lip it was a thin scar just a hint of one.
I recognized him I had last seen him eighty years ago, the very first time I could remember looking in a mirror. I had shaved off the beard that day and never grew it back.
As I continued to walk around and look I came across a doorway that was completely blocked by rubble but I could feel a cold wind leaking in around it. Towards the back of the room I found another doorway, this one was dark. As I touched the door frame to look in the torches in this small room flared up. Inside there was a large black horse and a white wolf. The horse was dressed in armored barding with packs on his rump and an odd looking saddle the likes of which I had never seen. It stood at least six and a half feet high at the shoulders and was wider than a large man across its chest. The wolf was large maybe two hundred pounds and all white with sparkling blue eyes.
A heard a female voice, “It’s about time Rhys.” I turned to look for the speaker and the wolf trotted past me to walk over to the fire and sit in front of it. Then the horse walked by me and stood by the fire as well.
I shook my head and continued around the room. A third doorway was there this one also dark, I reached up and touched the doorframe and the torches inside flared to life. Inside was a dummy with a set of light armor and weapons. The weapons were a pair of short swords on the hips, a pair of long swords on the back and a bow across the chest with a quiver of arrows on the back between the swords. There was also a buckler type shield on the left arm and a cloak draped across the back. The armor looked like it was lacquered black. The bow was made out a strange black and white striped wood. The swords all had black lacquered handles.
“Will you quit screwing around and put your gear on those clothes look ridiculous.” The female voice said.
Again I turned to look for the speaker and so no one except the horse and the wolf, the wolf was staring at me. “Did you just speak to me?”
The voice was in my head not my ears. “Of course I spoke to you that is what familiars do, now get dressed and get us out of here, we have been in stasis for six thousand years and I am itching to hunt.”
I stepped backwards into the little room as the wolf spoke in my mind, as I entered there was an odd tingling sensation and I stepped forward again in reaction. As I looked back in the room the clothing I had on was now on the dummy and the armor was on me weapons and all. I looked down the guns were on my hips with the short swords laced under them.
I looked at the wolf, “Where am I, who are you and what is going on here?”
As I spoke the dark haired woman appeared but I could see through her to the wolf on the other side. “Likka He cannot remember anything from before, something went wrong with his crossover, it is for the best. If he does not know, his enemies will not know it is him. I brought him back because the Calin are on the move again. The mage kings are trying to crush all hope from the people and he is the only one that can stop them.” She then turned to face me, “My love I cannot stay long this drains me to project like this, you must travel east from here to the town of Quinn. There you will find answers, talk to the one the town’s people call Father.” With that she faded from view as if she had never been there.
“Who was that?”
“I can’t tell you Rhys, she told me not to.” The wolf said in my head.
“You’re my familiar right?”
“Yes Rhys but please do not do force me.”
“Because while you were living in the lap of luxury for six thousand years in another world she stayed behind to keep the people safe, because you had to leave she ended up… I can’t tell you. Please Rhys trust her and I, she knows more than we do.”
I walked over and knelt in front of the wolf, “Likka?”
“Tell me one thing and I will let it go.”
“If I can I will tell you anything.”
“Did I trust her before?”
“Rhys you trusted her with your life and your dearest secret.”
“Then let’s get out of here so we can travel eastward.”
The horse snorted in agreement and the wolf laughed in my head…
I had spent the better part of an hour looking at the rocks in the doorway out, from as many angles as I could, trying to figure out if I could even work one of them loose. I somehow got the feeling the wolf was laughing at me behind my back. I had finally gotten annoyed with her enough to turn and say something, as I put the hand on the doorframe to stand up the rocks just disappeared. I turned to see the wolf rolling on the floor with her tongue lolling out.
The wolf looked up at the horse, “This is going to be so much fun” as she continued her wolfish laughter. The horse just shook its head.
I put my backpack on and picked up the rifle. I slid the rifle into the spear quiver in front of the saddle on the horse and led it out into the cold morning air. I mounted the horse and pulled my survival knife out. I unscrewed the base of the knife to look at the little compass inside. “The road heads east so we will follow it.”
We made it down out of the mountains by nightfall into a little glade. As I stopped to look at the area as a possible campsite the wolf wandered out of the woods carrying two rabbits in its jaws. I busied myself looking through the packs on the horse and found a small tent and some blankets. There were even two pillows. I set the tent up and set a ring of stones to start a fire. I used my knife to shave some dry wood to make kindling and then opened the handle to pull out a match. Nine left I thought to myself need to get some more at the store when we get to town. Soon I had a cheery fire going and set about cleaning and skinning one of the rabbits. “Do you want me to clean and skin your rabbit too?”
“Just skin it please I hate getting the fur in my throat.” Likka replied.
“What is the horses name anyway?”
“Reaper do I need to tie you up or do you stick around on your own?”
The horse shook like he was trying to get water off.
“I didn’t mean to insult you, just trying to get to know you again.”
I unpacked and unsaddled the horse while the rabbit cooked over the fire. He then wandered over a bit to eat some of the grasses and flowers in the glade.
After dinner I pulled my journal, pen and flashlight out of my pack and crawled into the tent. I set the flashlight up as a lantern and began to right down the days events. I mused to myself in writing just how odd it was that I had just completely accepted this world without question. It almost felt like I had come home after a very long journey.
After I was done I began to strip off my armor and gear, I did not think I would ever get all the weapons off, besides the pistols, swords and bow, there were better than a dozen knives of all sizes hidden on and in my armor and boots. There were also a group of five odd looking blades in both of my sleeves. These were only about four inches long and sharp on both sides but had no handles. I placed them on the growing pile with the others. I stripped down to my underwear just to find out they had changed as well, these were more of a folded over cloth with a string belt.
I stepped out to answer the call of nature then climbed back into the tent. I was just about to turn out the light when Likka spoke. “You have a guest coming to you, she is safe.”
“Who?” I said as the tent flap moved aside and into the tent crawled a woman. She was beautiful, long white hair and sparkling blue eyes. As I started to speak she put her finger to my lips and shook her head. She then leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, at first I was frozen in shock but I quickly warmed to her kiss and began to return it.
She sat back and pulled the straps on the white dress she wore to allow it to slide down her body as she crawled out of it. She had a small patch of snow white hair between her legs and her skin was pale as alabaster.
She leaned forward again and placed her lips to my chest and began to kiss her way downward. Her hands reach out and untied the string of my loin cloth then she pulled it away and tossed it with the rest of my clothes. I felt her lips begin to caress my cock as all nine inches of it stood to greet her.
Her mouth closed over the head of my manhood as I reached out to guide her body over mine. As her legs straddled my head I extended my tongue outward and began to lick from her clit to her puckered rosebud. She moaned around my manhood the vibrations nearly sending me over the edge. I pushed my tongue into her rear ebtrance and she squealed around my cock and began to push down to meet my thrusting tongue. Her mouth worked downward until I felt myself slip into her throat. I moved my tongue to her flower and pushed it into her again she squealed and moaned. Then I felt her spray onto my face and I drank as if it was water and I were dieing of thirst. Twice more I set her off as she worked my passion with her mouth. As she began to shudder into her fourth orgasm I exploded into her throat, she pulled back and took my following spurts into her mouth, I felt her roll my seed in her mouth around my cock as she savored the taste.
She turned around on top of me and began to clean her own juices of my face. With a thrust of my hips I pushed myself into her. She arched her back as she accepted my entrance into her incredibly tight womanhood. She was squeezing me so tight it almost hurt as I bottomed out into her. I could see her biting her lip to try and not make any noise. I began to thrust in and out with long slow strokes as she shivered and vibrated on top of me. I reached up to tweak her nipple and she let out a deep sound it was almost a growl as she arched her back. I pulled her down and sucked the crown of her breast into my mouth and she again made that deep sound. Then I felt her womanhood clamp down on my shaft as she sprayed her nectar onto me. We rutted like animals every time she would come down I would drive her back into the frenzy. As I finally hammered my release into her womb she bit into my shoulder and raked her nails down my sides.
She rolled off of me and lay beside me on her stomach panting. Moved over on top of her and reached for the pillows. I lifted her up and placed the pillows under her hips. She looked back towards me as I took my slimy cock in hand and aimed at her tight rosebud. I began to push she pushed back as I felt the head of my staff push past her entrance and begin to slide in. She again let out that growl as I began to thrust in and out of her bowels. Very soon she was thrusting back and beginning that vibration that I knew meant she was going to orgasm. This time as she tightened around me she howled out and tensed up. Four more times she howled through an orgasm. On the fifth I moaned and began to thrust as deep as I could, I flooded her so much it began to spray out around my manhood.
As we lay there panting I asked “Who?”
She looked at me and touched my lips with her finger again then picked up her dress and slipped out of the tent.
Likka spoke in my mind, “Damn you learned some new tricks over there.”
“You were watching?”
Likka’s laughter was all that came back…
I woke up the next morning and retrieved a small mirror from my backpack to look at the bite the beautiful woman had given me last night; I figured I would have to doctor it even if I did thoroughly enjoy getting it. I wet a rag from a water bottle out of my pack and held the mirror up I washed the dried blood off of my shoulder and looked in amazement. There was no wound, just dried blood that washed away like yesterdays dirt. I stretched and looked at my side as I wiped with the rag the scratches were the same just dried blood down my side. “What the fuck?”
“You really don’t remember anything at all do you?”
“But she bit and scratched me I know she did there was the dried blood.”
“Strong emotions cause you to heal faster; Lust, Love, Rage, any strong emotion will make you heal faster, the stronger the emotion the faster you heal and the strongest is lust, especially battle lust.”
I shook my head and headed for the stream to wash off. The water was cold enough to make me worry about little Rhys shrinking away to nothing, but it got me clean.
After I put my armor back on I started to put weapons back, when I reached the odd little blade to put them back in my sleeve I found that the little pockets they went into were already full. I pulled one out to look at it and when I went to put it back again they were full. I just shook my head and dropped the rest of them into my pack.
We broke camp and I mounted Reaper to head east…
About noon I was just starting to get hungry again when Likka spoke in my mind, “We have a group of Lithan coming and they have your scent get ready to fight.”
“How many?”
I pulled my rifle and dropped off of Reaper. “What direction?”
“They are coming strait down the road ahead of you.”
I dropped to one knee and waited with my rifle up at my shoulder. I pivoted the scope out of the way and waited. I didn’t have to wait long. Around a bend in the road ahead came a group of howling creatures, they were about five feet tall, had a sickly green color to there skin and looked like something out of a child’s nightmare. They had the snout of a pig and a mouth full of teeth that belong to a shark. In there hands they carried stone axes and clubs. I pulled the trigger and my rifle roared to life. Six times I shot and six of the creatures fell dead in the road. I dropped the rifle and stood up drawing both Rugers. Alternating left to right I fired twelve more times, eighteen down. I holstered the Rugers and drew my long swords off my back, I had never fought with these but I did not have time to reload. I waded into the creature swinging, as the first one reached me I took his weapon hand off with one sword and his head with the other. The second one fell to a blade through the eye from my left sword while the third was nearly cleaved in half from a downward blow from the right. My left hand blocked a descending club as my right stabbed under it to pass clear through the creature’s throat. I turned to see Reaper crush the skull of one of the creatures with his hooves as I took the head of another. The last creature fell to Likka as she ripped out its throat.
“You’re rusty.” Was all Likka said as I stopped to clean my weapons.
I walked over to my back pack and pulled out 2 boxes of ammo and reloaded my Rugers and the rifle.
“Those are very nice magic weapons you have there did they come from the other world?”
“Yes the small ones are called pistols, they are for short range and the long one is called a rifle it is for long range.”
I un-slung my bow and as quickly as it was in my hand drew and fired an arrow to my left without looking. One of the Lithan stumbled out from behind a tree with an arrow in its eye. “It seams I am not the only one that is rusty.” I said pointedly to the wolf.
As I place the ammo boxes back in my pack I wondered to myself how I had learned to do that with a bow.
I realized that ammo was going to go pretty fast if I had to use that many bullets at a time here. I now had three hundred rounds left for the rifle and three hundred for the pistols. I pulled out the last of the rabbit and mounted back up.
As evening fell I stopped again to make camp when I made my fire ring I pulled out a match and looked in the knife handle there were nine left. I screwed the back on the knife and then removed it again there were now ten matches. “Thank you Morgana.” I thought quietly.
“She didn’t do it.” Likka thought back.
I mused about this as I got the fire going and then retrieved my bow for some hunting. As I got the bow curiosity bit me like a bug, I opened the boxes of ammo out of my pack to look at the ones I had removed from and they were full again.
“Me again?”
“You were the only one that ever mastered that trick.”
“This time you make the bed while I hunt” I thought as I stuck my tongue out at Likka.
“Don’t stick it out unless you intend to use it.” She laughed back…
I walked back into camp carrying both haunches off of a buck I took down about a mile out from camp. I threw one of them down for the wolf and she began to gnaw at it like she was starving. The other one I butchered out into thin fillets and put them on a spit over the fire. I reached into my pack and pulled out a bottle of water knowing it would be replaced as soon as I closed the pack. I also pulled out a bowl and poured about half the water out for Likka.
After dinner Likka moved off to scout the area as I moved over to the tent to find the bed made completely. I just shook my head and began to write in my journal again. As I reached to shut off my light, the woman again crawled into the tent and put her finger over my lips. This time I reached up to remove her dress as she smiled at me. She dove towards me as we kissed deeply. When we came up for air I pushed her back and down onto her back. I slid down her body kissing and nibbling at her neck and chest until I reached her breasts. I took one of her nipples into my mouth and began to suckle at it as she moaned. I moved to the other breasts and kissed and sucked at it until she began to vibrate beneath me. As she moaned out her pleasure I slid down kissing my way to her white patch. I reached down with my tongue and began to flick at her clit. With my first contact her legs locked around my head and squeezed. I reached up with one of my hands and dipped it into the wetness that was collecting on her lips and slid my finger into her tunnel. With a come hither motion of my finger I began to rub the spongy flesh inside her and she went wild and began to buck against my face. As my other hand came up and my finger pushed into her back entrance she squealed and cried out, “Rhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssss!!!!!!!”
As she came down she began to twitch with every flick of my tongue. Her hands twisted into my hair and pulled me away from her as she whimpered and tried to cover herself from my oral assault. I withdrew my hands and kissed my way up her body until she again began to lick her own juices off of my face. In one thrust I pushed all the way into her tight pussy. She cried out as she bit her own knuckle and I began to thrust in and out. She began to grunt with each thrust as I pushed into her, she again began to vibrate and shake as she climaxed. As she climbed into her fourth climax I thrust with all I had literally picking her hips up off of the bedding and pushed into her womb as I spurted. It felt like I released a gallon into her womb as she quivered and moaned beneath me.
Before she could recover completely I pulled out of her and lowered my aim. She smiled up at me as I began to push into her rear entrance. Soon she was making that deep growling sound again as she climaxed into yet another orgasm. I lost count of how many times she growled out her orgasms before I spent myself inside of her.
As I lay down next to her trying to catch my breath she started to gather her dress and slip out of the tent. I reached out and caught her hand. “You don’t have to leave Likka.”
Her head turned quickly to look at me, “When?”
“When you called my name, your voice is the same.”
“I have to patrol.”
“Reaper can warn us, sleep with me and share more than just lust with me.”
She placed her dress with my clothes and crawled back up next to me. Soon I felt her breathing deepen and then I drifted off with her in my arms…
I awoke to the sound of birds in the morning air. Likka was still asleep in my arms and it took a bit of effort to get out of the tent without waking her. I stirred the fire up and looked through the horse packs and found a coffee pot and some coffee. Nice this world was at least partially civilized. I started a pot boiling as I started getting Reaper ready for the day. I checked his hooves and saddled him. Then placed his packs and barding on. Just as I was finishing Likka slipped out of the tent smiling then dropped down on all fours as a wolf again. We ate leftover venison and I drank coffee and gave her more water…
Around noon we crested a rise to see a small town below us. The town had a stockade of wooden posts all the way around it and the trees had been taken down for farmland for a mile around it in every direction. We rode down and towards the town. “Is this Quinn?”
“I don’t know I have been in stasis for six thousand years while you goofed off.”
“You do know I wasn’t exactly goofing off over there don’t you?”
“How many creatures did you fight?”
“Well I didn’t fight any I hunted a bit.”
“How many towns did you save from mages or monsters?”
“Well none really, but…”
“Goofing off.”
As we rode up to the gate the guard standing there looked at me and said, “The wolf will have to be in a cage when in the town.”
“You tell her that, she might only rip you hand off and not your head.”
“I am sorry she stays out here or you cage her.”
I pushed past him and Likka started to follow. The guard reached to draw his sword, mine was much faster. By the time he had his sword half drawn I had dropped off Reapers back and the tip of my long sword was under his chin. “I would suggest your hand come off your sword before it comes off your wrist.”
As I spoke a horn blared in the distance back the way we had come from. I looked to see the farmers outside of the town dropping their tools and running towards the town. At the top of the hill I saw Lithan come out of the tree line, there were thousands off them.
I watched as they began to charge down the hill towards the town. I watched as the farmers ran and a young girl fell she struggled to get back up but was dragging her leg. I vaulted onto Reapers back and yanked him around to ride out towards the girl. My rifle roared in my hand. Likka howled as we both ran towards the girl. Six times my rifle roared six Lithan in the lead fell. I stuffed the rifle back in the spear quiver. I drew the pistol on my right hip. Six times it roared before I reached the girl. I reached out with my left hand and clasped her outstretched arm. Without thought I swung her behind me on Reapers back and yelled “Hold On!”
Reaper skidded to a halt as I holstered my right pistol and cross drew my left one. As Reaper turned to head back to the town my pistol roared six more time and the 6 closest Lithan fell. Reaper and Likka ran through the gate with only about thirty feet between us and the lead Lithan. The gate slammed behind us as the bar was dropped into place. “Her leg is broken; do you have a doctor here?”
“What is a dok tor.”
“Medicine man, Leach, Healer?”
“Our healer was killed during the last raid.”
Why I did what I did I don’t know, it was just an instinctual reaction. I reached back and brought the girl forward into my arms. I looked down at her leg twisted and already starting to swell. I touched my hand to the leg right above the break and tried to extend my healing into her. I watched as the leg untwisted and snapped back into place with an audible cracking sound. The girl screamed and passed out.
The girl’s mother ran up crying. I handed hear down to her mother and said, “She will be fine now. Take her home and let her rest.
I dropped down off of Reaper and grabbed my back pack off of his packs. I reloaded my pistols and ran for the stairs up onto the battle stage for the stockade. I looked down over the top at the sea of Lithan below. There was no thought just rage that ran through me as I leaped over the top of the wall drawing my long swords as I fell. As I struck the ground the world turned red in my vision. I struck out with both swords and creatures fell. Then it was just a blur of movement in my vision as I began to dance the deadliest dance known to man. Block, strike, parry, slash, guard, stab within seconds there was a ring of dead at my feet. In minutes I was cutting my way through the Lithan faster than they could get to me. I heard the guards on the wall telling someone that I had slipped into the battle lust. When half the number of Lithan lay dead in the field the other half broke and ran. I dropped to one knee as I readied my bow and then began to fire into them as they ran. I killed nearly a hundred more before they made it into the tree line.
I stood up and started walking towards the town when I reached the gate the guards on the wall had there bows drawn and pointing at me. “Open the gate and let me in.”
A murmur ran through the guards as one with a crest stepped forward. “Look up at me warrior.”
I looked him straight in the eye.
“How did you come back out of the battle lust, no one does that once the craze is upon them the fight until they are killed, friend and foe alike.”
“Reaper open the gate!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
The gates swung open with a loud crash as my horse kicked back and broke the bar holding them in half. I walked in and mounted Reaper. I looked down and asked a young girl that was standing there. “Is there an Inn around here where a man might find a hot bath and a hot meal?”
“The Headless Griffon sir, it is but a few blocks that way.”
I reached into the pouch on Reaper’s saddle and pulled out a gold coin and dropped it to her. “Thank you.” I rode in the direction she indicated.”
Likka looked up at me. “You starting to remember aren’t you.”
“The how did you know about the gold pouch and how did you slip so easily into the battle lust and back out?”
“I thought about something that happened when I first woke up in the other world.”
“I still had all my skills and knowledge just no memories. So I just let myself do what felt natural.”
I looked up to see a sign in front of an inn. It was of a fancy griffon but somewhere along the line the corner had broken off the sign taking the head of the griffon with it. I chuckled to myself as I slipped out of Reapers saddle and walked in through the front door. I walked up to the bar to find a middle aged man standing behind it. “I need a room for the night, a hot bath, a hot meal, a bottle of good whiskey and stabling for my horse with an extra measure of oats for him.”
He turned to look at me and when he saw my blood soaked armor his eyes got wide as silver dollars. “Yes sir and could I interest you in my wives cleaning service for you armor and clothes.”
“Armor I will care for, clothing yes.”
I reached into my pouch at my hip and pulled out five gold coins and laid them on the bar. He looked at them and then scooped them up to disappear into his apron. He then reached under the bar and pulled out a square bottle of whiskey and sat it on the counter. He then called out “Peotter get in here boy.”
A boy of about 12 years of age ran out of the kitchen area. “Yes sir.”
“Take this lords horse and put it in the stable give it a double measure of oats and brush it down real good.”
The boy looked at me wide eyed, “Peotter if you will move my stuff from my horse to my room this will be yours if everything is there when I get to the room.” I held out another gold coin.
The barman said “I will have Missa draw a bath for you M’Lord. Will you be eating in your room or will you come to the common area?”
“I will eat down here good sir and I am not a lord just a common wanderer.”
“I must ask sir is the wolf dangerous to my other guests?”
“Only if they are dangerous to her.”
“I would actually be more afraid of the man in front of you right now Kinal.” A voice said from behind me. “He single handedly killed 2100 of the Lithan just a few minutes ago. The only reason he didn’t kill more is because they ran.”
I turned to see a young man dressed in fine clothing of soft cloth. “I am sure you exaggerate Lord. I am sure if I killed that many I would be at least a little tired.”
He laughed. “Well Armsmaster what brings you to the western town of Quinn?”
“I am traveling east and had hoped to speak with father before I continue my trip.”
“I am sure he would be glad to speak with you I can ask him to drop by tomorrow around noon.”
“You do me a service Lord.”
“You have done us a much greater one. After your fight with the Lithan it will be at least a year before they come back here.”
I bowed lightly as he turned to leave…
I had gone to my room to strip out of my armor and weapons my gear was laying on the floor in my room. I pulled out my cleaning kits and started cleaning my armor, guns and weapons. As I was finishing there was a light knock on my door. “Come in.”
A young girl of about seventeen years old opened the door. She had a shock of red hair that hung down past her waist and was thick and curly it looked more like a mane than hair. She was thin with small breasts about the size of a couple of tangerines. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green. “Sir your bath is ready.”
I followed her to the bathing room to find a steaming tub of water I place my clothing and pistols on the table next to the tub and then stepped into the tub. Now that felt good. I dunked my head under the water and as I came up I felt the girl step up behind me and begin to wash my hair. As she used a scoop to rinse my hair she stepped around in front of me. She was completely naked. She washed my back and chest then had me stand up so she could wash my legs and when she began to wash my private area I turned red in the face. Likka began to chuckle in my mind. “What’s so funny?”
“You act like you have never had a bath before.”
“Well I have never had a bath from an underage girl.”
“Underage for what?”
“Underage for sex.”
“Rhys she is a bar girl, if she wasn’t she would probably already be married and have kids by now. Most girls are married at age thirteen.”
As I stepped out of the bath Missa began to dry me off and Likka jumped in the tub. I
chuckled “Missa will you help me bathe Likka?”
“Will she bite me sir?”
“Not while you are bathing her.”
Likka stuck her tongue out at me.
“Don’t stick it out unless you intend to use it.” I thought to her.
After Likka was clean and dried I got dressed in a clean set of clothes. I reached into my pouch and pulled out 2 gold coins and handed them to Missa “Thank you Missa.”
She took them with wide eyes as she got dressed.
“Missa who do I give my clothing to so they can be cleaned?”
“I will take them sir.”
“Thank you.”
I headed down to the common room to eat with a wet happy Likka following me. As I sat at a table I could hear whispers of conversation going on around me, everyone was talking about my personal war that afternoon. I just shook my head.
The barman Kinal came out of the kitchen with a platter with a roast, a tankard of ale, a loaf of bread and a slab of cheese on it and brought it to my table. As he sat it down I held out a gold coin “Would you bring out about twenty pounds of raw meat for my friend here.”
As the coin disappeared into his apron he said, “Certainly sir.”
After I had eaten my fill I sat back to just listen to the crowd. It was the voice saying “He doesn’t look so tough to me.” That pulled my awareness in his direction. A young street tough was trying to pump his self up after a few to many drinks.
As he stood up I spoke just loud enough for him and his friends to hear, “Sit down boy before you get hurt.”
He turned red in the face and started walking towards me. He stepped over and stabbed a knife into the table right next to my hand. “What do you think about that mighty warrior?”
“Thank you for the knife I need a cheep piece of shit to clean crap off my boots with.”
He snapped his hand out to grab up the knife. Then fell to his knees as I twisted his fingers back and outward. As he reached with his other hand for the knife my right hand shot out and slammed his head into the table. As he fell back with a bloody nose and busted lip I said “Go home to your mother boy your not ready for the big leagues.”
He screamed as he got up off of the floor. As he lunged at me I came up from the table and spun him and slammed him down on the table with his own knife at his throat. “Do you really want to die boy?” I screamed in his face. “Is this the day you have decided to be judged in front of your gods?”
He started crying as he wet himself. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Go home boy and don’t pick fights, you will end up dead when you pick the wrong target. Grow up to be a farmer or tanner, not a bully who thinks he can fight.” I let him up and pushed him towards the door. As he fled the crowd started laughing. “What are you all laughing at? Have any of you ever known real fear? Have any of you stood in the face of death and held your own bladder? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I didn’t see any of you out there on the wall willing to defend your own families from the Lithan.”
Likka stood “Rhys! Enough! They are not warriors. They are barely even able to make a living scratching the earth for vegetables. They are afraid and that fear makes them act in ways they shouldn’t.”
I looked down at Likka and spoke out loud. “I know Likka they are afraid, that is why they should be ashamed of themselves for laughing at another’s fear.”
I walked out of the common room and up the stairs to my room. I pulled the bottle of whiskey out and took a pull from it. Likka spoke from behind me. “The battle lust always has left you unable to find peace. Relax my love put the bottle back in your pack and just relax for a bit, you will have relief soon.”
I lay down on the bed and put the plug back in the jug. “Likka why is it like this?”
“Guilt my love, you always feel guilty for the lives you take, that is what makes you who you are, rest now you will need strength later tonight.”
As my eyes grew heavy “Are you coming to bed my love?”
“No Rhys you will have other company this night, you have already paid for it…”
It was about midnight when my door opened waking me instantly. I slid my hand down to the butt of my pistol at my hip when I made out the shape of Missa as she approached the bed. She stopped at the edge of the bed “Are you awake sir?”
“You need to take off your clothes.”
“Why are you here?”
“You paid for me sir.”
“I gave you a tip for helping me with the bath and bathing my friend.”
“Sir you gave me more money than I have ever seen.”
In my head I thought quickly “Likka how much would she normally make for a tryst?”
“A couple of lead coins at most.”
“And how many lead to a gold coin?”
“There are one hundred lead coins to a copper, one hundred copper to a Silver and ten silver to a gold piece, so about one hundred thousand lead coins.”
“So she would have to sleep with a hundred thousand men to make the two gold I paid her?”
“That sounds about right.”
Talking back to the girl “I am not going to be able to convince you to not climb in this bed, am I?”
“No sir.”
I stood up and began to take off my weapons and hang them on the bed post. Missa lifted her dress over her head. “I took a bath for you sir, a man as rich as you deserves a clean girl.”
As I dropped my loin cloth off she reached out and ran her finger along my manhood causing it to start to rise. “I am a little afraid sir, I have never seen a weapon that large on a man before.”
“I will be as gentle as I can.”
She stretched back onto the bed and spread her legs. I leaned down and kissed her gently on the mouth as she began to kiss back she reached out to stroke my manhood. It responded rather quickly and she gasped as it grew in her hand. As I released her from our kiss she sat up and began to lick my staff. I stood there as she took my manhood into her mouth and began to suck on it. My knees nearly buckled as she slid her mouth almost all the way off then forced her head forward until her nose nestled into my pubic hair.
“She’s talented.” Likka commented in my head.
Missa continued to massage my rod with her face until I could not take it any more and I told her “I am about to cum Missa.”
When I said this she buried her nose in my pubic hair and her tongue slid out to lick my balls, I exploded down her throat and she swallowed. The contractions of her throat made me orgasm even harder as I pumped spurt after spurt down her throat. As my orgasm started to subside she slid her finger into her mouth next to my staff and got it wet with her saliva. As I was about to slide out of her throat she slid the wet finger between the globes of my ass and slid it into me. With a couple of twitches of her finger I exploded into her mouth a second time. Even Likka looked up and commented “Very talented.”
As she lay back onto the bed with a satisfied little smirk on her face I dropped to my knees and just buried my face between her legs and into her sweet young flower. She cried out “Oh gods sir no one has ever done that to me.” I lifted her legs up and pushed my tongue into her rear entrance and she squealed and moaned. I continued to lick her tight little rosebud and sweet flower until she was just about to explode then I nipped her clit with my teeth. As soon as I did this she slammed her legs closed on my face and screamed. My face was covered in her cum as she squirted all over me. When I licked her clit again she pushed my head out from between her legs and covered herself as she lay on the bed and twitched.
I kissed my way up her body and when I looked into her face. She wrapped her legs around my waist and used her hand to guide me into her. I pushed slowly into her as she laid her head back and rolled her eyes into the top of her head. As I bottomed out inside her she moaned out “So full, oh Gods sir you make me fill so full.”
I pulled out slowly until only the head of my staff was still inside her then began to thrust back. With each thrust she would let out a low moan and each retraction brought out a light whimper. I continued to thrust into her listening to the music of her sounds as she built upwards into her orgasm. I felt her start to tense up and then she began to shake. With each thrust her legs around my waist would vibrate and shake. Her legs suddenly clamped down on my waist as she screamed out her orgasm. When she relaxed a bit and I could move again I continued to thrust into her, six times I drove her to those heights. On the seventh I thrust as deeply into her as I could and moaned out my own orgasm. As my seed spurted into her she arched her back up off of the mattress and tensed as she screamed through another orgasm. As suddenly as she had arched her back she collapsed onto the bed. She had fainted from the pleasure.
As I extracted myself from the tangle of her arms and legs there came a light knock at the door. A woman’s voice asked “Is everything alright in there sir?”
I chuckled to myself as I got off the bed and walked to the door still naked. I opened the door to see a woman of maybe thirty-five years old with dishwater blond hair and very large breasts. She was fairly attractive but not a knockout. “Sir she is my daughter and I just heard such noises.”
“She is fine, come in and see for yourself.” I stepped out of her way as she nearly ran to the bed to check her daughter. As she picked up her daughters hand Missa’s eyes began to flutter open.
Missa smiled at her mother, “Oh Momma he is like a god. I have never felt anything so wonderful in my life. He made me feel special and like I deserved pleasure as much as he did.”
“More.” I said quietly from behind them as I walked towards the bed.
Her mother looked at her with doubt in her eyes, “Those screams were from pleasure?”
“I’m sorry momma I couldn’t hold them back he made me feel things I have never felt. Momma I think I had an orgasm it felt like I went to heaven.”
“Several Missa.” I chuckled as she looked at me and blushed.
Her mother turned to me and looked into my eyes. “Sir I don’t know what you did to my daughter but thank you, I have never seen her smile like that. I will leave you now to your beddin’ and sleep.”
After she left the room I climbed into the bed behind Missa. I kissed her gently on the neck and felt her relax into my embrace. “Sir what is your name?”
I felt her tense up almost instantly, “Sir you momma must have been a brave woman to name you after the legendary Warmage.”
“Relax Missa nothing will hurt you tonight, I won’t allow it.”
As she relaxed and drifted off to sleep I looked pointedly at Likka. “I am not named after the Warmage am I?”
She sighed and sat up. “No your not, and for now you need to keep that to yourself, you will be making enough noise soon to wake the dead mage lords from their graves. Now rest Rhys you will meet father tomorrow and maybe you can get some questions answered.”

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Dirty Little Love Secret

Dirty Little Love Secret.
Chapter 1: First Hint
Let me start off by telling you a little about myself. My name is Alexis; I am a seven-teen year old female. I am in the 12th grade. I go to Bromway High. I have three other siblings. Nicole, who is the youngest at six. Justin, who just turned fifteen and Monica who is nine-teen I have golden brown shoulder length hair, and dark blue eyes. I am also 5’6 with long tanned legs. I have a nice toned six pack, my bust size is ruffly around 34 mid C. I am quite athletic, I enjoy working out on a regular basis. I am curently single, not really looking for anyone at the moment either. You could say that I am very outgoing, love to spend time out doors rather than stay in a stuffy ol’ house. My favorit pass time would have to be going to the beach, mostly at night though. I just find it a lot more peaceful; than go in the middle of the day where you have all the kids screaming.
Most of the guys at my school would tell you that I am very bitchy and stuck up. The only reason for that is because I do not let them into my pants. But, what are you to do right? They are just being tipocal boys. If you were to ask the girls around school about me they would say; I am a very sweet and sencitive girl. Who loves her friends and would do anything for them. Which is very true. I would do just about anything for my friends. They are the world to me, and I would be lost without them.
Getting to my story now though. It was a nice warm June day, and I was stuck in English class. Our teacher was going on about good grammar and all that stuff. (See, English is a class I hate with a strong passion and could go without it.) I was sitting with my friend Britney. She isn’t one of my bestest friends, but we get along really good. She is about my hight, long blonde hair that goes to her mid back. Curves any girl would be jealous of and a rack that was breath taking. She was a very nice 34 full C. Now, I am not one that thinks big boobs look good on girls, but on Britney it just worked. She was wearing a pink mini skirt that showed a little more of her booty that was alowed. A matching pink V cut top that hung from her breasts amazingly.
I found it very hard to stay awake in this class, so Britney and I would doodle back and forth to each other. I drew a stick figure guy humping this stick figure dog. Britney laughed and said “Eww” when she saw it, but she really didn’t care. She then drew a picture with two stick figure girls making out. When she passed it to me I was taken back a bit, then looked over at Britney, she licked her lips then laughed and said she was just kidding.
The bell rang to go home, I grabbed my stuff from the desk and went to my locker. After about three minutes Britney showed up at my locker. “Hey Alex!” Britney said, I replyed back “Hey Brit. What’s up?”. I closed my locker and locked it. “Oh nothing, but I was just wondering if I could come over to your house tonight. My parents will be out all night and I really don’t want to stay in that big house all alone.” Britney was now giving me this cute little puppy dog face. “Well, my parents are having this stupid meeting with our neighbors tonight. But I guess I could go over to your house to keep you company” I answered back. My parents really weren’t going to have a meeting tonight, I just didn’t want Britney to meet my family. They are, how would you say “Disfunktional”. Britneys eyes lit up when I told her I could go to her house. “Sure! That sounds great. I’ll pick up some movies for us to watch.” We finally got out to the school parking lot, I started to look for my car when I said “Ok. I’ll be over around 8:00pm just after I put my little brother and sister to bed.” I found my car and started to walk toward it. “Alright, see you tonight!” Britney called out to me as I waved Goodbye to her. I got into my car and drove home.
Chapter 2: Naughty Little Brother
I got into the door, took my shoes off and ran up to my room. I took off my shoes, put my bag down near my closet door then started to get undressed. I thought I would take a quick nap then have a shower before I went over to Britneys house. I crawled into my bed; only wearing my red bra and matching thong. I was awoken to my little sister jumping up and down on my bed. “Hey Nicole. What are you doing here hun?” I asked my sister. “Mommy told me to come wake you up” My cute little sister replyed. “Alright. You’re going to have to get off of me so I can get up though hun.” Nicole did as I said then sat on the chair at my computer desk. I got up from bed and I picked up my little sister then walked down stairs into the kitchen. I didn’t need to put on any clothes, all the women in the house normaly walk around naked or in our panties unless we had compuny over. “Hey Sweetie” My mom said then kissed my cheek. “Have a good sleep?” she then asked. “Yeah, I guess. It was O.K.” I answered back as I sat Nicole down on the counter top. “Mom, I’m going over to Britneys house tonight O.K?” I said going to grab an apple. “And who might this Britney be?” My mother asked. I had never told my mom about Britney as to, Britney and I don’t normaly hang out all that much out of school. “She’s one of my friends, and if you must know I am going over there because she asked me to. Her parents are going out for the night and she doesn’t want to stay home alone.” I told my mother. She nodded.
I ran up the stairs to go take a shower. I turned on the water and let steam fill the room as I took off my bra and thong. I stepped into the shower as the water run down my body. Running down my back, over my booty and down my legs. I grabbed a bar of soap and lathered my body up. Running my hands all over my body. As my hands went over my breasts i felt my nipples harden, so I gave them a little pinch which sent little tingles down my body. I payed special atention to my pussy as I washed. Rubbing just a littler harder than needed, and for longer than normal. I rinsed off my body and started to wash my hair. Then i rinsed my hair and stepped from the shower. I squeezed most of the water from my hair then grabbed a towel. I tried most of my body off when I heard the bathroom door creek open. I looked up fast than heard little foot steps hiding into my brothers room. I just laughed and wrapped the towel around myself.
Walking to my room I go passed Justins, I notice him peeking through his door. So I drop my towel off, prending that it was an acident. I bent over and pick it up. A small “uh” came from my brothers room, i just giggled to myself then walked to my room. I looked through my closet for some clothes. I found a pair of low ride hip hugger jeans, and a brown halter top. I put them on my bed then grabbed my favortic black thong. I got dressed then went back into the bathroom to do my hair. It was around 7pm so I called Britney and asked if it was alright with her that I came early. She didn’t care so I went to put Nicole to bed and said Goodnight to my family. I grabbed my car keys and pures then drove off to Britneys.
Chapter 3: Second Hint
I pulled up at Britneys house around 7:20pm, got out of my car and went up to the front door. I knocked and someone yelled for me to come in. I opened the door, turned to close it then turned back as I saw Britney running down the front stairs of her mantion. She hadn’t changed out of her clothes, but I could tell she took off her bra. I didn’t really think anything of it. “Hey Alex, babe!” Britney said as she walked up and hugged me. I could feel her breasts against mine, and in a strange way I found it very plesant. “Hey Brit.” I said back. She then took my hand and lead me up to the living room. “So, how long are your parents going to be out for?” I asked as I sat down on her couch. “Ah, well they wont be back until 7am in the morning. I was hoping you’d sleep over for the night. I asked my parents if you could, they don’t care.” Britney walked out to the kitchen after, I followed her and said “Sure. I don’t mind. My parents wont care. They let me do almost anything I want” I smiled at her. “So, what movies did you rent?” I asked, walking back into the living room and getting myself comfy on the couch. Britney walked out of the kitchen with two glasses of soda. “I got Stigmatta, Sister Act II, and House of Wax.” She sat down. “Cool” I answered back. I had already seen Stigmatta and Sister Act, so I offered we watched House of Wax first. Britney had no problem with that and she popped it in. She then came back and sat right next to me. I could feel her skirt lightly touching the side of my ankle.
Through out the whole movie I couldn’t help but glance over at Britney, she was just so beautiful. I had never in my life thought about a girl in such a way. It was new to me; what I was feeling for her. We had watched two of the movies and were in the middle of the third one. Britney seemed to be getting pretty tired. She leaned over and put her head on my shoulder. It sent so many feelings through my body. I could feel myself getting a little damp aswell. She went to brush hair out of her face and her hands ending up resting on my thigh. I was taken back at first but didn’t say anything to her about it. I then moved to get myself comfortable. I was leaning on the arm of the couch, almost laying down. Britney had moved more on me, with her head just a bit lower down my arm and her upper body resting on my crossed legs.
The movie ended, I looked at Britney and saw that she was asleep. I didn’t want to get up and wake her; so I just grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and trapped it over the both of us. I found myself watching her as she slept. She looked so beautiful. I ran my hand over her cheek to move hair from it as she opened her eyes and grabbed my hand with hers. She looked me right in the eyes, and I in hers. The moment was so right, so perfect I had to go for it. I leand my head down and kissed her. To my amazment she was kissing me back. It felt so right, so pure and true. We broke the kiss as are eyes opened and locked together once more.
“Have you ever kissed a girl before? Alex”, Britney had asked. “No, you?” I answer back, when in facted I had. But it was nothing. It was in the fourth grade, a few friends and I were playing spin-the-bottle and I had to kiss Madison Van. Ryan. She was a year older than me. It wasn’t all that specail, but I just didn’t want to tell Britney. No one knew and I wanted to keep it that way. “No, never. Although, I have thought about kissing umm, you for quite some time now.” Britney answered and wow was I ever shocked. I mean, she wanted to kiss me! Of all poeple she wanted to kiss me. I just smiled at her and she smiled back. “You remember in English class when we were doodling back and forth?” Britney asked me, I was wondering why she had asked, but I still answered “Yeah, what about it?” I said. “Well..” Britney started to say.. “Well what Brit? Come on, whatever it is you can tell me.” I said to her. “Well, the picture I drew of two girls kissing was really you and I” She said and started to blush. I found her so cute when she started to blush. I leaned up and kissed her rosy red cheek. She smiled at me. Then gave me a big hug.
Britney then moved ontop of me, making me lay all the way down on the couch. Pushing her body against mine. One of her legs slipped between mine and I could feel the heat from between her legs on my thigh. She began to kiss me passionately, I kissed her back just as passionately. Wrapping my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Britney and I were making out on her couch. Her lips tasted so sweet, just like cotton candy. Her touch was so soft like clouds. She ran her hands slowly up my top and started to rub my stomach, which made my abs tence up.
Chapter 4: Dream Come True
She broke the kiss and said “Are you sure this is what you want to do babe?”, I was hesitant to answer. I so badly wanted to give her me. Let her have her way with me, use me in any way she wanted to. Give her something no other boy or girl for that matter, had. But… I couldn’t. “I’m not all that sure” I responded back. She brought her hands out from under my shirt and sat up off of me. “Well, I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to Babe. I am willing to take it slow for you.” Britney said. I must admire her for it. She was definetly not like all the guys I’ve been out with. She was respectful, understanding, caring and showed at least some intelagence. “Britney, I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to because it’s with you. I just want to wait for the special one. I am not saying you’re not special; but I just want to give my virginity away to the one I am in love with.” I had to say. I was telling the truth; for the most part anyways. I did want to wait to give my viginity away to the one I love, but… little did Britney know, I was falling for her. She seemed to understand. “That’s alright babe.” She said, right before she layed back on me and snuggled to me.
This was all new to me. The fact that I was falling for a girl, when I had never had any feelings toward females just caught me off gaurd. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. “Alexis, I need to confess something to you” Britney said after a few minutes of silence. “Yes hun? What is it?” I asked. “Well you see, I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long and I am very happy that it has finally come true. For a long, long time I have liked you more than just a friend. Then tonight, I am pretty sure that I have fallen in love with you.” Britney confessed. She just bared her heart to me, and all I could do was let my mouth hang open. “I..I….I….” is all I could say. Then I finally managed to say “To tell you the truth Britney, I have never felt anything remotly sexual or loving toward any female in my life”… “Oh I see. It’s ok don’t worry.” Britney interupted me. “No! Let me finish please. I haven’t felt anything to any female.. until tonight that is. Being here with you is just so out of this world amazing. I too, believe I have fallen in love with you.” I was finally able to tell Britney the truth I was holding in. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. We both knew this would be a night we would never forget; and a night that would change our lives forever.
We bagan to kiss once again, as I pulled off my top. Britney seemed to like that I moved it forward this time. She started to kiss and nibble on my neck. Oh lord did it ever feel great. “Mmm Brit that feels nice” I lightly moand out. She than started to bite and suck the nape of my neck. Making me arch my back in pleasure. My hands ran up and down on her back, as I slowly slipped off her top. Watching as her plumb breasts fell out, my eyes widend. I then pulled her up more and wrapped my lips over one of her nipples. It drove her crazy, she ran her hands through my hair telling me not to stop. “Ohhh! Alexis baby! Mmm don’t stop!” I had no intent to stop, and she knew it.
I rolled her onto her back as I stood up over her, with a leg on each side of her. I hooked my fingers in the sides of my hip huggers and slowly began to pull them down. Her eyes never left my crotch as I slide my jeans down to my knees; letting them drop to my feet. I then kicked them off then turned so that my back was facing her. I hooked my thumb into the sides of my black thong. I began to pull them down, but as I did I bent over slowly; showing Britney my bare ass. When I was bent over fully and my thong was down at my kness, Britney leand up and smacked my ass. “Ohh! Fisty little thing I see” I said as I evily giggled. I turned and straddled her hips. My now, naked body showing for Britney to marvel at.
I bent over and started kissing the nape of her neck, slowly down to her chest. I kissed around her breasts, then around her nipples; soon wrapping my lips around her left nipple and twirling my tongue around. “Ohh Baby! Yes! That feels amazing!” Britney moand out. My hands ran down her stomach, and slowly slid down her skirt. To my amazment she wasn’t wearing any panties. I looked in her eyes and grind. “Hehe, oops. I must have forgotten to put any on” She said slyly. I grind right back at her, as I slowly kissed down from her breasts. Planting soft kisses down her stomach and around her navel. I got in between her legs, got her to open her legs as I leaned forward and lightly blew warm air on her slit. “Ohhh Baby!” She kept moaning out, over and over. I started to slide the tip of my tongue up and down her slit, going in further each time.
Chapter 5: Reaching The Goal
Her moans got louder and louder as I pushed my tongue past her slit and into her pussy. Moving in and out of her, while flicking the tip of my tongue inside. “Ohhh God Alexis!!! Mmm yes! Don’t Stop!! Ahhh!” Britney arched her back and pushed against my face. I dove my tongue deep inside of her. I ran my hands slowly up her stomach to tease her nipples. Pinching them in between my thumb and index finger. I took my tongue out of her and licked all around her pussy, but not touching her clit. Her body tenced up and I knew she was about to cum. I made her wait just a little longer, than when she couldn’t hold it any longer I pushed my tongue hard onto her clit. Sending her into a huge orgasim. “OH MY GOD!!! YES ALEXIS!!!! AHHHH!!!!”
Her jucies flowed into my mouth, and I swallowed it, saving some in my mouth. I went up ontop of her and kissed her, letting her cum go into her mouth. “Mmm, I taste pretty damn good. Now I know why you wanted to stay down there for so long” Britney said to me as she winked at me. Laying down on her I rest my head on her chest, listening to her breathing and the sound of her heart beat. It’s like music to my soul, just listening. She wrapped her arms around me tightly than whispered “Alex, I love you. Will you please be my girlfriend?” into my ear. I lifted up my head and smiled at her. “I love you too Brit, and yes, I will be your girlfriend” I said with a big smile on my face. Britney leand up and gave me a very gentle yet loving kiss, and I kissed her just as lovingly back.
We just layed on the couch for a while, than Britney said we should go up to her room to sleep. I of course said yes. So we got up, Britney took my hand in hers and lead me up to her room. She closed the door behind us. She told me to get into bed and that she would be right there. Five minutes later Britney came back with her hair in a pony tail, wearing a tank and boxer shorts. She handed me a tank and a pair of boxis aswell. I slipped them on then went back into her bed. She came in aswell, laying right next to me, wrapping her arms around me. Making me feel very safe and loved. We snuggled and cuddle for about an hour when Britney finally dozed off. I stayed awake to just watch her sleep, then I too fell to sleep.
Chapter 6: Shocking Awakening
I woke to see Britneys parents standing right next to the bed, glaring down at us. I shook Britney to wake her “Ah, Brit, you might want to get up right now” I said. She yawnd then kissed me. She was shocked that I didn’t kiss back, then all of a sudden “Britney Heather Hunter! What on earth is going on?” her mother yelled. Britney moved her head over and saw her mother. She jumped out of bed then proceded to say “Ah.. let me explain! You see..” Britney was inturepted by her father “Brit, who is that girl and why the fuck is she in your bed with you!” Her father said in a sturn voice. “She’s NOT just a girl! She’s my girlfriend and I love her with all my heart!” As soon as Britney said it, she put her hands over her mouth. Her mother grownd and her father slapped her across the face. I jumped out of bed and started to hold her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!?!” I yelled at her father. “How dare you speak to me that way missy!” Her father said back. “How dare I?? How dare you slap your daughter! You’re just damn fucking lucky I don’t kick your ass right now” I said right to Britneys fathers face. Her mom had already walked out of the room. Britneys father and I were eye to eye. He backed down and went down stairs. I went to Britney and hugged her tight. “Babe, I’m so sorry about that. My parents just aren’t into same sex stuff.” Britney said as tears started to run down her cheeks. “Awww Baby, no it’s ok. Please don’t cry” I said as I whipped the tears away. She smiled at me then said “I love you so much Alexis” as she hugged me tight. I pulled her close, hugging her tight. “I love you too Britney, so very much.” I whispered in her ear.
“I probably should be going home now Babe” I said as I headed for the door. “No wait! Please don’t go.” Britney said as she grabbed my arm. I looked her in the eyes and said “But Baby, you’re parents made it pretty clear they do not aprove me being here.” Britney didn’t seem to care if her parents aproved or not. “Babe! I don’t care! I love you and if they can’t accept it then that’s their problem.” I couldn’t help but smile when I heard her say that. “Awww Baby, why don’t you come with me then? We’ll go over to my house then to school.” I said, at the same time opening the door. “Alright Babe. Sounds good to me.” Britney got dressed then we went out to my car. I drove home.
Chapter 7: Shocked Brother
We got to my house about 15 minutes later. I went to open the door as Britney grabbed her bag from the back. I went into the house, I called out but I got no answer. My mother must have gone to work, taking my brother and sister to school. I went up to my room to grab a new outfit. There was about an hour and a half til we had to leave for school so I thought I might aswell take a shower. I heard Britney come in and shut the door so I yelled down to her “Hey Baby, I’m going to take a quick shower before we leave alright? Make yourself at home.” I went into the bathroom; not closing the door. Stripped down of my clothes then turned on the shower. I let the room fill up with steam then got into the shower. The water felt so good against my skin. Running down my body, it just felt so right.
The curtan was ripped open, and there was Britney standing naked “Hey Babe, just thought I would join you.” She said as she winked at me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in, her body pressed up against mine. “Hmm, I see you would like an oncore from last night” I said winking at her. She pushed me up against the shower wall, pinning my hands up above my head. Pressing her body against me, making it very difficult for me to move. She began to suck the nape of my neck, when I heard the front door swing open. “Baby, hold on I think I heard the front door open. You stay here, I’ll go check it out. But you have to stay quiet alright.” I said to Britney, turning off the shower, she nodded her head.
I got out of the shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped myself up. I opened the bathroom door and walked down the stairs. I didn’t see anyone, and the door was closed. So I went to look in the kitchen and there was my brother. He wasn’t alone, there was this little brunet sitting on the counter, my brother and her making out. I knocked on the table and he swung his head over my way. “Ahh, what are you doing here?!?! I thought you were over at a friends house!” Justin yelled at me. “Whoa, calm it down little bro. I was over at a friends, but we came over here to take a shower. But, I am not the one who needs to explain myself. Just what are you doing? and who the hell is that?” I said in a stern voice, walking closer to Justin. “She’s no one she’s just..” I stopped him before he could finish. “Don’t lie to me Justin! You know I will beat the shit out of you! So stop the bullshit now and Tell Me!!” I said to him, making him back up a bit. “Her name is Anne, she is in grade ten at Bromway High. Her brother and I are friends.” He finally said. I then said “Ok, well that tells me who she is, but it doesn’t tell me just what you guys were doing. She is what, 16 turning 17? And you are only 15 Justin!”
Anne got down off the counter and started to talk “I’m very sorry, ah.. ah…” She paused “My name is Alexis” I had to tell her “Oh ok, well I am very sorry Alexis, we were not intended to come here and make out. It just sort of happened. We were just coming over here because we were going to walk to school together. My brother Tom is sick and wanted me to walk with Justin. That’s all. If I got him into any trouble than I am very sorry.” I must admit, I was very shocked that she was so nice and poliet.
After a few more minutes of talking, I rememberd that I left Britney up in the bathroom. I ran up to the bathroom and told her is was just my brother, that she could come out. But to make sure to have a towel on. I walked back down to the kitchen where my brother and Anne were, still. Britney came shortly after, and the look my brother gave her was funny as hell. He was looking her up and down, fersly. “Justin, don’t stare it’s not nice!” I said, lightly slapping him over the head. “Ah, sorry. But why is she in a towel? Did y’all have a shower together or something?” He said, looking at me with a very odd face. I looked over at Britney, giving her a look like ‘Can I tell him?’ She knew just what the look was and nodded her head. “Justin, the truth is, that me and Britney are going out. We’re girlfriends, and yes we were in a middle of a shower when I heard you guys come in.” His jaw dropped to the floor after I told him. He was so baffaled.
To my amazment, Anne came out and said “Wow, you know I’ve always woundered what it would be like to be with a girl. Though I have never tried it. Is it fun?” She asked and I let Britney answer this one. “Hell yes it’s fun, but it’s a lot more than just that. I mean, with Alexis it’s different because I am in love with her. It’s just like loving a male, but just in a different form. Plus, girls are so much hotter” She said in a little giggle. I looked at her and smiled, went over to her and gave her a kiss. Justins jaw once more hit the floor. “Hey, would it be alright if I kissed you Alexis? That is if it’s alright with ah.. your girlfriend” Anne said, I started to blush right away. “It’s fine with me, and by the way, my name is Britney.” She said. Anne walked up to me, put her hands on my hips then leand in to kiss me. I lightly kissed her back, then we broke the kiss at the same time. “Wow, you’re an amazing kisser. Much better than Justin” All us girls laughed at Annes comment. “Hey Hey! Be nice now! I am a damn good kisser.” Justin said, in a very cocky voice. We all just looked at him and laughed. “Well, if you kiddies don’t mind we need to go get dressed then head to school. Would you like a ride?” I said, putting an arm around Britneys waist. “Sure! Thanks.” Anne answered. Britney and I ran up to my room.
Chapter 8: Coming Out To Younger Brother
Getting into my room, I closed and locked the door behind us. “Just look in my closet for something to wear, we’re like the same size so I am sure you’ll find something.” I told Britney as I sat down at my vanity and started to do my makeup and hair. “Hey, what do you think about this?” Britney said, I turned my head and saw that she had removed her towel and was stock naked before my eyes. Looking at her devilishly I told her “Wow, now that is the best outfit ever! You look amazingly hot baby!” winking at her at the same time. She giggled, then I called her a big tease. But she knows that I love it.
It’s quiet funny if you think about it; I’m one of the schools biggest tease, you would think that I would want someone a little more mellow than I am. But I find it so sexy, and is one of my biggest turn ons. Just the thought that someone is going out of their way to make me happy, even if it is in a sexual way is just the best feeling ever. It’s probably one of the reasons why I fell for Britney, but I can a sure you it’s not the only reason. I mean, once you get to really know her, she is the greatest person. She’s sweet, caring, daring, breath taking to boot. Her personality just shines out, and she ways her heart on her sleve. Which I find very daring, but also beautiful. She really does try to make me feel happy. Now that I think about it, even before we got together she was so nice to me. More so to me, than anyone else. If I think back on it, she has always been that way with me. I guess she has licked me for a while. But I’m getting side tracked let me cary on with my story.
She went into my walk-in closet to look for something to wear. I had just finished my hair and make-up when I turned and saw what she had picked out. It was so hot! She was wearing one of my favorit shirts. It’s black with white glitter writing that reads ‘I’ll try to be Nicer if you try to be Smarter’. She had picked out one of my low ride hip huggers, that were dark blue. It looked famulas on her. “You look so hot Baby, nice pick” I said to her, walking up to her giving her a light kiss. “Thanks” She replyed back. I went into my closet to pick out something to wear aswell. Britney going to my vanity to finish up. I picked out my favorit shirt of all the ones I have. A pink t-shirt that clings to my body perfectly with darker pink writing that reads ‘Geeks are Hot’ the ‘O’ in hot was a pair of lips. I had bought it a few days ago, when I saw it i just had to buy it. But it’s odd, i never thought geeks were hot. When I saw it, it reminded me of something Britney said. So, I guess in a way I always liked her but never really knew. See, when Britney was younger she was a big geek, until her 12th year. She went through a major change. She was cute as a geek, if I remember right. We were all ready to go, so Britney and I walked down to the living room to wait for my brother to be ready. He came down after about fifteen minutes with Anne following close behind.
Chapter 9: First Day Back, A New Person
We all got into my car and I drove to school. Britney was in the passanger seat, Anne and my brother in the back. We got out, Justin and Anne went running off; no doubt to make out or some shit. Britney and myself walked toward school, she grabbed my hand and held it tight. I stopped and looked at her, “What’s the matter Baby?” she asked me. I really didn’t know what to say “Umm, it’s nothing.” that’s all i could think of, how retarted. “Baby, are you scared what people will think or say?” Britney said in a censer voice. “In a way yes, I just, I don’t know.” I replied back and then Britney gave me a hug. “You not need to worry baby, whatever they say, they can. I love you and you love me; that’s all that matters. So come on, we’re going to be late.” With that said, I took hold of her hand just as tight as she was holding mine, and we walked into the school.
Everyone was looking at us, giving us the dirtiest of looks. Our little love secret was now open for the whole word to see, and boy; were they ever looking. One of the asshole jocks, who just happened to be my ex; walked up to us and was acting very cocky “Oh, so you put out to this slut but not me? Alexis”. My eyes narrowed and I balled up my fist. “Jason, I didn’t put out with you because you wouldn’t know how to please a girl if you’re life depended on it. Britney is no slut, but she sure as hell knows how to take care of my needs!” I said pluntly and walked off with Brit. Everyone went ”ohhhhh” and laughed at Jason.
I went through most of the day without being badgered. For once I couldn’t wait til last block English. It was the only class I had with Britney, and even after spending all lucnh hour with her; I missed her so much. I got to English early and took my seat. People walked in and took their seats aswell, the looks they gave were just heart-wrenching. Then, my angel, my everything walked through the door and all their looks didn’t seem to matter. She walked over to me and i got up to give her a hug. I kissed her cheek and everyones mouth just dropped “What, haven’t you ever seen someone give their girlfriend a hug and kiss? Jeez, grow up will you.” Britney giggled at that and just smiled at me. We took our seats and class started.
The teacher was talking about the new novel study we would be doing, Britney was listening attentively. I put my hand under the desk and took hand in mine. She turned her head and smiled at me; I smiled back at her. Out of no where, a paper air plane landed on our desk. I grabbed it and opened it up. What I found writen on it would have stunned anyone “You fucking dyke! You should burn in hell for what you are!! You’re nothing more than a dirty little hoe! You worthless Dyke! DIE DIE DIE!!”. I looked around the room and saw none-other than Justin snikering. I got up out of my seat “Alexis, what are you doing? Please take your seat at once!” I ignored the teacher and walked up to Justin. “You think that shit is funny? You really are a fucking asshole! I’m glad I dumped your ass! If you can’t accept that I am with Britney and love her then you can go to fucking hell! You homophobic prick!” I yelled to Justin. I slapped him across the face, walked back over to Britney. Took her hand and grabbed my stuff. I pulled Britney with me and walked out of the class room.
Chapter 10: Still Going Strong
Well it has been six months since Britney and I started to go out. I am very happy to say that we are still together and couldn’t be more happy. Most of the people in town have learned to accept Britney and myself being together; though there are some who still don’t. I’m glad to say that we both graduated and Britney was top of the class. I was so proud of her that day. Her parents sadly weren’t there to see her, they still do not accept her choice in being with me. It does get her down, but in the end she knows she is doing the right thing and following her heart. My parents on the other hand, have accepted Britney into the family and couldn’t be more happier for us both.
“Alexis Babe, I just want to tell you that I’m so happy to be with you. These past six months have been the best time of my life!” Britney said to me as I took a sip of wine the waiter just poured for me. Britney had taken me to one of my favorit resterants. “Aww, it’s been the best for me aswell baby.” I answered back. Britney reached out and took a hold of my hand, looking right into my eyes she started to say “I want to spend the rest of my life with me. I know we may be young but I don’t want to waste any time! I love you so much.. and I was just wondering if…” a group of men came up to our table and started to seranade us. “You would give me the honour in being my wife?” she finished. I couldn’t believe it, she was really asking me to marry her! “Of course I will baby!!” She slipped the most beautiful ring abon my ring finger. It sparkled in the dim light, and shimmered in my eyes. “I love you so very much Baby! I can’t wait to build a life with you!” I said as I got up and hugged Britney tight in my arms. Everyone began to clap for us and I felt my cheeks turing red.
We were wed six months later. Yes, that is a lot of time between, but we wanted to get wed on the day we first made love and started to go out. The wedding went down with out a hitch! We got married out doors, with a beautiful landscape behind the halter. Everyone had a great time and to both of our amazement Britneys parents showed up. She had sent them an invatation, they never R.S.V.P’d us back so we thought they wouldn’t show. But low and be hold they did! They finally accepted me into their family! Britney was thrilled they did!
Well, a year later and we’re still together! That just shows how much we love eachother. We moved from our little town and baught a place of our own. Both our familys are planning on coming down for the weekend. We’re having a small party just so we can all get even closer. Our little secret was told to all, and it survived the storm! Goodbye for now!

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Under The Weirwood Tree

In an alternate Westeros, where the Northern kingdoms have allied with the Wildling forces beyond the wall in the united hope of defeating the oncoming tide of the White Walkers, before King Robert journeys across the greater part of the wild lands to appoint Ned Stark as his new Hand, we find Ned’s sons, Rob and Jon, caught up in the whims and wiles of an entrancing wildling girl who wishes to see a Weirwood Tree.

Puppy Girl

In this story i dont go into much detail about any of the people you the reader get to decide what they look like and so on

Can’t Rape the Willing 3

I awoke up with Rex lying next to me reading some kind of magazine, and rubbing his semi hard cock through his pants, as I tried to look to thee other side of me, I realize that my ankle was chained to the bedpost, I had some kind of device that was sticking out of my pussy and ass, and I had clamps on my nipple and my clit. Some how they had the clamps connecting to each other, I wasn’t sure how but all I knew is then I moved all the chains would moved with me so I had to be careful.
“I see that our little whore is a wake, are you hungry or thirsty?”
“Yes Master I am”
“Well why don’t you get me a blow job, and we will go get you something to eat and drink besides my juices?” Rex said taking out his cock and grabbing my neck.
I rolled over making sure that nothing was pulling or anything coming out of me. I put my head down on him and I started to lick his cock slowly. He reached under me and took of my nipple clamps, and starting tugging on the chain, that led down to my clit. Each time he pulled the chain my body would quiver. I rolled over in between his legs, grab a hold of his cock and started deep throating him. I was moving my head up and down as fast as I could, and at the same time I was stroking him and letting my saliva run down his balls. I felt his hands grab my hair and started pumping my face. This time he didn’t make my nose bleed. I felt his cock starting to pulse, I knew what was coming next, and I had to get my self ready for a full load. I tried to relax and open my throat as much as possible, but still there was going to be a lot of cum. I heard him starting to moan, he starting to push my head down his cock down as fast as he could and I felt his hot cum squirting in my mouth, and down my throat. This time I wasn’t bad, it was sweet, and not as thick as the first time. Maybe I got the two guys mixed up? I did have a blind fold on, and I was trying to get away from them.
“Make sure he is clean, we don’t want to waste any of your protein shake.” He said with a light laugh to his voice. I made sure that I licked his cock from top to bottom and round his head, to make sure I didn’t miss a drop. I sat up on my knees and watch him starting to dry him self off with an old shirt. Then he sat the rest of the way up and started to unhook my chains.
“Later we are going to pierce your nipples and clit.” I looked up in the air with a big old sigh, when he said that. I didn’t dare to say anything at this point, I was still chained to the bed and I had the devices stuck in me.
“Now it’s your turn to cum for your Master.” He reached over to the end table and grabbed some kind of remote. He started to laugh, and then he motion for me to lay back and spread my legs. He unchained my ankle, and switched me around so I was spread eagle in front of him. He turned on the devices with his remote, starting out slow then going fast. It was nothing I ever felt before, it was an electrical vibration, and it felt great. I grabbed my nipples and started tugging hard on them, then rubbing my body then my clit. That was a bad mistake he took out a pig whip out and slapped me with it. He started to whip my inner thigh, and followed by he slapped my clit hard.
“Don’t touch you clit or cunt again, with out permission, understand me?”
“Yes Master, I understand”
“Now I want you to have a hard orgasm before we go eat, lay back and let me do all the work.”
As I lay back, he started to crawl on top of me slowly; he never took his eyes off of me when he started to kiss my thighs, to my moist pussy. He started to flick his tong over my clit. Its almost he knew every particular spot of my body, that would drive me up the wall. My breathing was getting heavier and more out of control and he knew. He took my clit in between two fingers and started licking me harder and faster. I was tugging and pulling on my nipples harder and harder.
He whispers “Cum for me baby, cum hard for me.” He stops the device in my pussy and took it out, and drove his fingers up me. All I could do at this point is let him be in control of my body, I had to close my eyes and relax as he was going to make me have a hard orgasm.
He tuned the metal toy up my ass on high, as he was eating out. I felt him put his arms under me and grab my hips, so I didn’t fuck his mouth or get too out of control, he was in command and he wanted me to know it. I was started to cum, and he knew, so he stuck his fingers deeper in my pussy and started to play with my g-spot, that did it. All I could do is grab the bedpost, he drove his mouth harder in my pussy, I arch my back and cum.
“OMG” I screamed and moan “Please fuck me Master, please” I begged him while he was still eating me out after I came. Then I started pleading for him to stop, he was driving me wild up the wall. I couldn’t catch by breath, it felt like my heart beating out of my chest. “Fuck me please Master, please Fuck me.” I said between breaths. He stopped for me second, kissed my clit, and he watched me jump, he laughed, and crawled over my body and up to my ear and started whisper.
“Later! Now let’s get dress so we can go out and eat! We laid out some clothing out for you.”
“Yes Master”
He took out the sex toy out of my ass and laid it on the bed, then he handed me an old shirt to clean up with. He pointed to a chair over in a dark corner that had my clothing on it. I walked over and there was a pair of high heel dress boots, pair of black leather pants, black lace thong, socks, and a backless halter top.
“Before you put your clothing on, I want you to do your hair; there is a brush and other hair stuff over there on the vanity.”
“Yes Master, is there any way you want my hair?”
He led me over to the vanity, sat me down and grabbed the brush. He tilted my head back and started brushing my long red hair. My long, wavy, dark red hair reached my ass crack. I knew he was in love with my hair, because he was playing with it when he was brushing it. The only problem I had with my hair being down was is was so thick and I was shedding like a cat. I hated it. At one point I wanted to chop it off and donate it to some salon. But my “previous” Master found out what I wanted to and beat my ass raw, I was told that if I ever thought about cutting my hair again with out his permission he (hire someone) would kill me.
“I guess we can tie it back in a low pony tie, I didn’t realize your beautiful hair was so thick and long.”
“Yes it is Master, and Thank you for understanding.”
Rex put my hair in a pony tail, so how he made look like there was no rubber band it in. After he was done doing my hair he brushed he wiped me down with a cool washcloth, and let me put on my clothing. Rex sat back in a chair and watch me put on my clothing. So I made sure that I put on everything slowly. I started with my thong; I snapped my g-string to make sure that he was looking and that it was in the right place. That got his attention. Then I starting to put my pants on, one… leg…at… a … time, slowly pulling them up over my cute, tight butt, I made sure that I wouldn’t lose his attention. I zipped and buckled my pants.
“Hold on before you put anything else on, I have something for you.”
“Yes Master?” He went in his closet and took out a lash, collar, and a nice belt. I had a worried look on my face. I was wondering what I did. Was he going to hit me with that metal studded belt or what? The small cat collar, was black, fine leather, and had small metal studs sticking out.
“Here I forgot to give you this belt to put on, and you are going to wear this collar and leash when we are out.”
“Yes Master”
He turned me around, my back facing him; I felt his cock pulsing through his pants when my butt was pressing against him. I felt a small hard yank, when he was putting on my collar, to make sure that it wasn’t too tight or loose. Then he wrapped his arms around me and started to put my belt on me. He turned me around and he started to kiss my nipples slowly and up on my neck; I reach his crotch and started to grab his cock through his jeans.
“May I please have a protean shake Master?” I said pouting
“Yes, get on your knees and finish was you started you bad girl. You should be punished.”
I got on my knees, I started to unzipped his pants, rubbing his cock through his underwear, looking him in his eyes. I took his cock out through the fold of is underwear and started sucking it fast. He grabbed my hair and started pulling and pushing, making sure that I got all his cock in my mouth. It seemed as soon as I started sucking his cock he came hard. He pulled my up by my collar, and gave me a deep, long, kiss with his cum still in my mouth. He started rubbing my breast with one hand and placing his knee between my legs. I started humping his knee; furthermore he turned me around again, and reaches down my pants and started playing with me. I felt so relaxed, I came quick and hard.
“That’s what I wanted to see, now get dress.” As I bent over to grab my top, he spanked me on my ass. “Oh, nice, tight ass, the boys will like you tonight!” He said with a sexy playful voice. I stood up and I started to tie the strings of my top; he grabbed the bottom ones and helps me with them. He snapped on my leash and started leading me down the hall way where we meant up with Snake.
“I need a Blow Job before we go if that’s all right?”
“Yeah that’s fine I have to get ready any ways. Here’s her leash”
“Get on your knees and start sucking.” Snake said while pointing to the ground
I wasn’t too happy but I knew if I didn’t do what he would ask me I would get in big trouble. I reached up and unzipped his pants. “Ouch that hurts, be careful” Oops he wasn’t wearing any underwear and I grabbed some hair and skin. I made sure that next time I unzip his pants I put my hand down there first to protect him. I pulled out his cock and started sucking it. It taste like he just took a piss, but that didn’t bother me as much as he grabbing my head and pushing his cock deep down my throat with out me relaxing and making me gag on it. I bit. He smacked, I bit a little harder, and he went limp.
“Don’t do that next time and you wouldn’t have that problem.” I said with laughter in my voice.
“Fucking whore.” He yelled, and he smacked me across the face
“No I don’t think you would be fucking me for a while, you’re a little small at this point.” I started laughing out loud
He throws his hand back to hit me across my face and missed. I tired to run away from him, but he grabbed my leash and yanked me back on my ass. I tried to reach up to unhook my self. But before I could Rex was standing right in front of me, stirring down at me with a pissed off look. He grabbed me by the throat and picks me up.
“Now you’re not being very nice, now I have to whip your ass before we go out and you’re going to be sore.”
“Please Master you Miss understood what was going on.”
“Look in that corner. See that black speck? That’s a camera, I saw and heard everything.”
“Oh shit.” I looked down at the floor and started to whimper.
“Now I haven’t hit nor did anything to you yet. Stop that fucking crying”
“Yes Master”
Rex grabbed a chair and sat down in it. He grabbed me by my loop of my pants, to make me back up to him. He started to unbuckle my belt and pants. I grabbed his hand to make him stop. But some how he over powered me, he let my pants and thong drop to the floor. He bent me over his knees and started to beat me hard with his belt. I felt the welts growing with every strike. He stops for a second and reached behind him again. “Spread your cheeks” I did what I was told, I spread my cheeks, as soon as I did, he stuck a big butt plug in my ass. I dare not the scream or whimper. I started crying harder. “For being disobedient this will be up your ass for the rest of the night. If you take it out, I won’t beat you with my belt, I will beat you with a wipe, to top it all off, I have a remote that controls everything. The butt plug will get larger, smaller, or vibrates.”
“Clean you’re fucking tears up and come over here and sucking my cock.” Snake snapped his fingers and pointed down the floor and holding his hard cock in one hand.
“Yes Master”
I got up started pulling up my pants, when Rex reach over and told me “no, leave them down.” I walked over to Snake got on my knees and started sucking his cock hard. He grabbed my hair again and forced his cock in my mouth farther. I stopped him by pushing him back with some force. Rex got up, walked over to me and told me to put my hands behind my back and keep them there. Rex took out a pair of hand cuffs and put them on me. Snake was in full control of me now. He was fucking my face hard, then I felt him load my mouth with his cum. I was starting to have problems swallowing it down because there was so much and so thick, but I did it; I leaned back over and cleaned his cock up with my mouth.
“Good little whore.”
“Yes Master.” I said with some tears streaming down my face.
“Sit on that plug for me please”
“Yes Master” I sat down and another bigger bump went up my tight hole. Then I felt Rex inflating the plug to make sure that it wouldn’t come out. I got up and Rex fixed my hair, wiped my face and helped me with my pants.
“I am hungry, let’s get going?”
“Yeah sounds like a good idea.”
I was having problems walking after that last beating and that toy up my ass. Snake open the house door for me I could smell the fresh rained; before I got out the door he grabbed my leash, and put a blind fold over my eyes again. They helped me down the stairs and in to their truck. They sat me in the middle on them and buckled me up. I could hear the doors close and Rex starting the truck. They started a few miles down the road when Rex said “Fuck it, take that dam blind fold off, its not like she knows where are anyways.”
I could see that we where in the middle of no where. We where driving down a dirt road in the middle of the woods. I was trying to figure out where we were. But I couldn’t. I didn’t recognize anything. We finely hit the highway after 10mines or so. Everything was glissading with rain drops and the sun was setting. All I had on mind at this point was getting this dam butt plug out of my ass, get the hell way from them and where the hell we were going.
We finely hit the point of destination, it was another big out on a lake that there was some sort of party going on. We parked in the road, Rex stopped the truck and we all got out. He patted me on thee ass to make sure that the plug was still in there. “If you are good, I will take it out. So act happy and smile or else.” He grabbed a hold of my leash and we all walked in side. Snake went his own way as we where stopped by some guy, which started talking to Rex.
“Is this her?”
“Oh Yeah and she is clean and primed” Rex said
“Good should I get everyone around?”
“Not yet, let me talk to a few people and drink a few beers.” Rex
“OK let me know when you are ready.”
“No problem.” Rex said smiling
Rex and I walked around talking to different people, and Rex let some people fondle me a few times. I was starting to get pissed off. I didn’t know these people who where grabbing me, and I wanted them to stop and I didn’t care if I got in trouble. The next person that grabbed me, I took a hold of his hand and yanked it away from me, and in addition I elbowed him in the gut. Oops I should have looked behind me; it was Rex and one of his best friends. Rex looked at me while holding his gut and dragged by me by the leash to a room upstairs. He throws me on the floor and starting to beat me.
“I am sorry Master I was sick and tired of people groping me”
“I don’t give a dam what you want. You’re lucky it was me that you hit and not another person, now strip.”
“Do it now!”
“Or what dam it.”
“You don’t want to find out.”
I grabbed a hold of my leash, and started running to the door and opened it, I ran down the stairs, “GRAB HER” Rex yelled. Someone was trying to grab but I slipped throw is hands and ran out the door a fast as I could. I heard Rex running down the stairs and out the door. “GET YOUR FUCKING ASS BACK HERE NOW, YOU FUCKING WHORE, OR ELSE.” I was still running with out looking behind me. I wasn’t paying attention to anything around me, but what was in front of me. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing me and knocking me to the ground. I looked back and I was Rex. “Fuck you, you fucking bastard let me go.” He reached in his back pocket and grabbed some hand cuffs out, and slapped them on me. “GET EVERYONE READY, I AM BRINGING HER IN BOB.” Rex picked me up and throws me over his shoulders again. I was kicking and screaming as loud and hard as I could. For some reason it didn’t bother him at all. He walked in the door and down to the basement, where someone put a blind fold over my eyes.
I suddenly felt Rex throwing me down on something soft, flipped me over, he untied my shirt, and then he started to undo my pants, till I started kicking him. I felt him hit me hard across my ass and making the butt plug go bigger.
“Please no” He acted like he didn’t hear my plea.
“Please no Master, I will behave myself, I will do anything to get my self out of trouble and pain.” He looked at me, waited for a minute, and started again with the butt plug.
“Master No” was starting to cry by now in pain and agony, he still looked like he was pissed at me, he throw the remote down, grabbed me by my throat, bend me over and starting to fucking me hard. I heard him moan as he came quick and hard.
“This was the last straw; no you’re going to get punished.” I felt his hot juices running down my leg.
“Master please.” I felt the butt plug going smaller now. Before it went down to normal size, I felt his hand grabbing the shaft of the plug and yanked it out hard and fast.
“NO, Please NO” I was in tears; I tried to curled up in a tight ball.
“Help me out Man” Rex said while someone was sitting on my back and grabbing my hair hard. “Open your mouth.” I did what I was told, but that was a mistake, I felt him stick the dirty plug in my mouth. “I this will shut her up for now.” I was trying to scream in my throat, and then I felt someone putting a strap at the end of the plug and around my head, tying it taunt making sure that it wouldn’t come out of my mouth. Then I felt the plug going bigger and bigger.
“Well we don’t have to worry about her biting any one.”
“Yeah that’s true, maybe she will learn to behave, and obey?” some man said with a deep voice.
“Hello Puppet, I see that you got your self in trouble again” Master Mark said, when I heard my “real” Master’s voice I know that I would be in trouble. “What did she do this time boys?” as he was grabbing my hair.
“Do you really want to know?” Rex said lifting up his shirt showing his bruise, that I just gave him. Both of my Masters were now angry with me now. I know I am going to get one hell of a beating, and they didn’t care if they hurt me or not. More the pain more the pleasure for them. I had to do something to get my self out of trouble, but I couldn’t say or do anything, I was now bound and gagged, all I could do is make some kind of noise out of my throat.
“Well I guess its time to give an attitude adjustment again, I thought the first one was enough, and I guess not, she has to learn the hard way.” Master Mark said rubbing his cock
“Yes sir what do you have in mind?” Rex
“Letting the boys have their way with her after I give her a nice beating.”
Master Mark grabbed my hair and started dragging me by it. We went to an adjoining room where everything was going to take place. I felt my Master attach my bound hands and hook them to something. Then I heard a clicking sound, my feet were now off the ground. I felt my Master starting to pull down my pants and underwear. His hands where felling me up and down. I could feel him put a few fingers up my honey pot, and then taking them out and smelling them.
“Well I can smell that you just got fucked not to long ago, I have to have a talk to those boys. I will be back.” I heard open and close the door. I heard him starting to yell at the Rex and Snake because I wasn’t “fresh,” and they didn’t use protection when where fucking me, and for not cleaning me up after they where done with me. He was also pissed off for the fact that I had bruises and cuts on my face. Dam I am glad that they are getting yelled at, at this time and not me. I want to see them get in trouble; maybe I wouldn’t get punished as bad. But I also knew that I was going to get some kind of punishment, because I did bodily harm to someone else, with out cause. But I did have cause; I was being fondled by strangers, but that wasn’t good enough cause for my Master. I was starting to worry are crying. Because I knew that I was going to get a good beating. What do I do know? Take it or fight back?
“For what you two do to her, I am not going to pay you guys.”
“That’s fine we are going keep her and use her for our own personal use then.” Rex said calmly
“No you won’t, I am going to take her home with me and clean her up.”
“You know what agreement was, we keep her till you pay us off, or we…” Rex was starting to get a little pissed and started raising his voice.
“Fine I will pay you two off, but I won’t ask you to do any thing for me again. Here’s the money I owe you.” Master hands Rex the money with disappointment and disbelief
“Thank you. So what are you going to do now?”
“Clean her up again, punish her, fuck her, and have her used by everyone else here, before I take her home with me again.”
“You know where everything is; let me know if you need anything. Nice doing business with you.” Rex started to talk away, then he turned around, by the way boss, I have tape of everything that we did to her and what she did to us. Rex tossed the thumb drive to Master Mark with all the info on it. Master Mark look at it, look up at Rex and said thank you.
I heard the door open up and close again. The room seemed to be cooler then before. I was now in a cold sweat, I knew that I was going to get punished, but how and how. My heart started to pound out of my chest, my breathing more rapid. I was scared stiff. I felt his hand on my nipple, touching softly. What was going on am I going to get punished? I could feel his eyes looking up and down my body. I could smell his sweet cologne and body sweat, I could feel him breathing and leaning closer to me.
“You’re a very dirty and naughty puppet, what am I going to do with you?” he whispered softly in my ear, with his fingers on my nipple.
“I think that we need to get you all cleaned up inside and out?” I could his lips getting closer to mine, he slowly and softly starting to kiss me. His other hand reaches up and starts touching my other nipple softly, then I felt him starting to tug hard on them. I let in a big breath, and then I felt him starting to nipple and tugging on my bottom lip.
“What do you think my Puppet?” he whispers again, all I could do is nod slowly and moaned.
He started to unchain me and throws me over his shoulders. I heard a door open, he sat me down on the cold floor, and I heard him starting some water, and reaching over and closing the door. I felt him rub my face softly, I was pushing back on his hand, letting him know that was feeling good and I missed him.
“Miss me didn’t you?” I nodded
“Want me to take your gag out”
I nodded again, he reach over, and pulled off my blind fold off, and unhooking my gag. I tried to open my mouth so he could take it out, but he put his hand over my mouth letting me know that he wasn’t ready to take it out yet. I titled head at him wondering why he didn’t want that out, then he started to speak.
“I know what happened, I know what you did, and I saw and heard it all on my laptop. I am very disappointed with you young one, and you will get one hell of a beating, now I am going to take that gag out of your mouth and I don’t want you to say a word understand, then I am going to put in the bathtub and have your sit there for a while. I am also thinking about putting enema up you, for part of your punishment.”
I nodded my head, opened my mouth little by little. When Master Mark took out the plug from my mouth, my jaw started hurting from that butt plug being in my mouth for so long. I had that nasty taste in mouth from the dirty plug, and I was thirstier then hell. I had really bad cotton mouth. Master Mark looked at me. “I am glad I brought you your toothbrush, and other stuff, they really roughed you bad this time.”
I cleared my throat and tried to answer him, but I couldn’t, my mouth was too dry and my throat was raw from screaming at Rex for some long, so all I could do is nod.
“Need something to drink?”
I nodded yes, and had a tear rolling down my cheek. Master Mark handed me his bottle of Coke, and wiped my face with his warm gentle hand. I knew that he still cared about me, but I was still wondering why he hired those guys to raped and beat me. I took a swallow of the Coke, it burned all the way down. Yip it was good old fresh Coke, it burned all the way down my parched throat, but I didn’t care, I had something wet in my mouth.
Master Mark picked me up from the floor, and untied my hands, and helped take off the rest of my clothing, and then he helped me in the tub. Was water was soothing and warm. I sat down and tried to relax a little, I took the washcloth and ran over my body trying to clean up the grass and dirt that was on me. I looked beside me and I saw that my Master hanging up the enema bag, I swallowed hard and look back down in the tub, I had to get another enema today, dam. I said to myself.
“Get on your knees and put your ass up in the air.”
“Yes Master”
“Did I tell you to speak my puppet?” he looked pissed “Well did I?”
“No Master”
“Then get that dam ass up in thee air, you’re going to get cleaned again.”
I did what he said, I got on all fours and I put up my ass up in the air, trying to keep my head above the water. I felt a little playful slap on my ass and then he pushed me in the water, he put is under my pussy and was trying to push my ass up a little further. I felt him put his finger up my ass and started fucking me with it, he took it out, and I looked back and pouted. He gave me that playful but serious look. I look back down as I was still pouted.
“You’re a dirty little girl and you need to be cleaned out.” Then I felt him guiding the nozzle up my ass. I flinched a little, after he put the nozzle up me, I felt the luke warm water rushing in me, and then I felt him rubbing my pussy. I started to moan with pleasure; he put a finger up me. “I see this dirty little puppet is wet, I wonder way?” putting his finger a little deeper in me, I felt him starting to fuck me harder and harder with his finger. I felt my clit starting to tingle; all I wanted right now was his cock in me.
“Please fuck me Master.” Then I felt him put two fingers in my pussy, one up my ass, and one on my clit. He started fucking me harder and harder with his hand. “Master I want your cock in…” I felt my orgasm come on hard and strong, suddenly I felt him taking out the nozzle and putting in a small butt plug.
“Sit and be quite” reached in the bathtub and grab my washcloth, he put some soap on it and started washing me. He started with my back, to my shoulders, around to my chest; he lifted my breast and washed under them, then cycled my nipples. All I could is lean back and relax, my Master was washing my body like he used to. He then started washing and rubbing my belly, then down to my pelvic bone, he never reached my pussy, and then he washed my legs and feet.
“Bad girl, you are so dirty, what am I going to do with my puppet?” He started back up my legs and between my thighs; he slowly ran his hand up to my pussy. “Spread them” he pushed my legs open, and started washing my pussy and ass. “Dirty girl, I have to clean that filthy pussy and ass.” He shook his head and started washing my pussy a little harder.
At this point I was starting to have cramps in my stomach, I needed to let go of everything that was in me, but my Master had other plans. He pulled on my hair and started dumping bath water over my hair, and my body. He put shampoo in my hair and rinsed it out. “Get up” he told me with a firm voice “spread them” he reached behind him and grab a douche bottle, he stuck it up me and started sneezing, I took a deep breath, and the dam thing was cold. I looked at him and he was starting to laugh, “Cold?” I gave him that look… you knew it was cold… and he laughed a little harder. He reached up and grabs the shower head and rinsed me off with warm water. He took my hand and helps me out of the tub and dried me off.
I was starting to hold my stomach to let him know that I was in pain. “Oops” he said with a laugh to his voice “Bend over” Suddenly I felt him stick his hard cock in me.
“Oh god” I cried out loud, his cock felt so good in me.
“Now I know I didn’t tell you to speak.” He said sarcastically, so he starting to pump me harder and fast. I heard the water sloshing in my stomach
“I know that you will be clean after I am done.” He reached down and pulled out my plug and stuck his cock in as quickly as he could.
“Oh god Master.” I cried out.
“Dam your ass is tight tonight, what are we going to do with you, what should we do for your punishment?”
He started to pump me fast and harder over and over again. I felt his cock starting to pulse I knew that he was ready to explode in me, I braced my self against the tub as he was pumping, he took his cock out half way and jammed it back in, then he pushed his cock as far and hard as he could when came. Before he took out his cock, he reached down and smacked me hard on thee ass. Then he took out his cock and sat me down on the pot, and walked out of the bathroom to let me do my business. He left the room and left the door ajar.
“Mater I haven’t ate all day, can we get some food soon?” I thought the water was never going to end coming out of me. I was in pain. It almost felt like i was a water balloon and I had a leak.
“Yes I was thinking about us going to my cabin in the woods, it’s going to be a long drive, and I haven’t ate anything all either.”

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Safety first

this is the first time I have written a story some of the a were different ages so had to make a few changes to the ages which messed it up a little bit also constructive criticism and helpful advice would be appreciated for me to become a better writer if u do t like it don’t comment no Bs about bad it is just stay quiet imma be blunt but other then that I hope u enjoy

Mrs. Goodwin

I posted this story on another site a number of years ago under a different nom-de-porn.

Her Father’s Girlfriend

Erica sat on the couch next to Sarah, her father’s young girlfriend, as the two women watched TV. Erica’s father had gone out to do a few errands and had left the two at the house. “What’d you do for your eighteenth?” Sarah asked, taking her eyes off the set and looking to see her boyfriend’s daughter splitting her dark black ends.
“Huh?!” Erica questioned as her head turned to Sarah, a few strands stuck underneath her nose as a faux moustache. Sarah’s brown eyes lit with mirth at the sight and repeated the question. “Oh, nothing. Just sat around and threw a baby shower for Jennifer,” Erica sighed, giving her attention once more to her tresses.
“What?!” called out Sarah with bewilderment. “That’s silly. If I was turning 18 in Vegas, I would not be going to a baby shower of all things,” she scoffed, her eyes rolling with disgust at Erica’s wasted youth. Erica did nothing but shrug at the twenty-five-year-old’s statement. “No boyfriend, still?”
The young woman turned her gaze back to Sarah and opened her mouth, but still did not speak. Sarah asked her again, “You don’t have a boyfriend, yet, do you?”
Erica dropped her pale hands into her lap as her hazel eyes looked down. “I’m never going to have a boyfriend—”
“Oh sure you are kid!” Sarah interjected with vigor, her plump hand resting on Erica’s slumped shoulder. “It just takes a little ti—”
“No, Sarah,” cut-in Erica with exasperation. “I mean that I will never have a boyfriend because I’m not into guys.” Erica paused before adding, “I’m a lesbian.”
Sarah froze at the young girl’s words, her hand still placed upon Erica’s shoulder. As the two sat in silence, Erica looked at the pink curve of Sarah’s natural pout and softness of her skin. Erica’s fingers twitched at the thought of reaching out and caressing the smooth flesh of Sarah’s neck. As she thought this, her father’s girlfriend thought of the past year: the time the two had shared a bed during a camping trip, how she thought Erica might be as a kisser, all of Erica’s “close” friends spending the night in Erica’s bed. The thought of Erica sharing a bed with another girl—being intimate with another female—made Sarah’s sleeve tighten and tingle as a surge of cream dripped into her panties.
“A-a lesbian?” Sarah stuttered, her lids blinking as she strained to keep her hand from traveling down the front of her boyfriend’s daughter. Erica nodded at Sarah’s question and squirmed, quite aware that Sarah was not taking the news lightly; she did not know that Sarah’s cunt was oozing heat at the thought of her eating another young girl’s snatch.
There was another pregnant pause as Sarah studied Erica, her heart beating fast as her fantasies battled to be freed into reality. Erica sighed, “Look, I know this is weird and sudden and everything, but—”
Erica’s apology was cut off as the older woman leaned in and brushed her lips against the younger. Their lips meshed together as Sarah’s pink tongue slithered into Erica’s mouth, her other hand sliding up the 18-year-old’s thigh. Sarah’s hand teased the apex of Erica’s legs, as her other hand slid from the teen’s shoulder to her large breasts. Nimble fingers played through the thin material of Erica’s shirt as her nipples awoke to an erect state, the nubs scraping against the confines of her cotton bra.
A moan bubbled from Erica’s mouth into Sarah’s as the teen felt her own pussy juice with excitement, Sarah’s hand rested at the top of her thigh. Sarah pulled at Erica’s hard nipple and Erica gasped with pleasurable pain. “Do it again, please,” she whispered to her father’s girlfriend. “Please,” she whimpered once more when Sarah hesitated to please the young woman’s beg.
The tips of Sarah’s fingers grabbed and pulled at Erica’s sensitive nubs, both hands now making futile attempts to hold a full breast. “Fuck,” Erica whispered as both of her tits were teased and tweaked.
Sarah slid her hands down to pull the hem of Erica’s shirt up, revealing the smooth, pale skin of her convex stomach, the young female’s tits barely contained in the bra. “What size are they?” whispered Sarah as she unfastened the front hook of the bra.
“D’s,” gulped Erica as her breasts were freed, her nipples becoming harder as the cold air surrounded them. Sarah leaned down to the red tips and extended her tongue tenderly, eager to taste erect nub. The teen gasped and moaned as her hand went to hold Sarah close to her chest, her fingers tangling into Sarah’s luscious mane. The twenty-four-year-old rested her knee at Erica’s crotch and pressed into the damp material of her jeans. “Oh my God,” choked Erica with a cry of euphoria, pushing her vulva against Sarah’s knee. “Pull my hair, Sarah. Please, please, pull my hair,” Erica panted as Sarah continued to grind her knee into the teen’s tight cunt.
Obliging the request, Sarah’s free hand grabbed a handful of Erica’s hair and pulled. As Sarah was busy feasting on Erica’s taut nipple, her other hand cupped the creamy globe of Erica’s other tit, her nails teasing Erica’s dark-red nipple. A finger flicked at Erica’s bud and circled the raised areola, scratching the skin with want.
With a gentle nip of her teeth, Sarah let Erica’s nipple fall from her mouth before going to nurse Erica’s other breast. Erica’s hips bucked beneath Sarah, arching her back to get her mound fully stimulated by Sarah’s knee, the pleasure making her clit ache with want. Sarah tugged again at the teen’s hair and Erica yelped with the need to come. The high-pitched scream fueled Sarah on, making her suck with persistent vigor until the tip of Erica’s nipple scraped against the roof of her mouth.
Erica was tipped over the edge as she quaked beneath her father’s lover, her pussy creaming into her panties as Sarah ground her knee harder into the girl’s clit. The teen flushed as she fell from her climax, Sarah’s full lips brushing against Erica’s once more; the fingers of her plump hand unzipping Erica’s jeans. In another moment, both of their jeans were unzipped and falling to the floor.
Sarah’s gaze fixated on the wet spot of Erica’s panties, in the back of her mind comparing her own to the young girl’s, and bent to her knees. The aroma of Erica’s pussy filled Sarah’s nostrils and overrode her senses. “Oh God,” moaned Sarah with lust-crazed passion. Not being able to stop herself, Sarah licked the teen’s vulva through the loose panties, her tongue getting a good taste of Erica’s cream. An inner animal drove Sarah to latch onto Erica’s snatch and suck the mound with fervor, her tongue lashing out as the teen wriggled with uncontrollable pleasure.
The teen pushed her sex into the older woman’s face, feeling as if she wanted to keep driving her hips up even though she could push no more. A flutter of fingers appeared next to the mouth and Erica’s breath caught as Sarah’s tongue touched her bare pussy lips. Sarah lapped at Erica’s oozing hole as her fingers circled the young woman’s clit fervently, eager to taste more of Erica’s sweet cum.
“I’m gonna come,” cried Erica as tears welled at the corners of her eyes, her body unable to take so much sudden stimulation. With renewed vigor, Sarah attacked Erica’s young pussy with a speedy tongue. In a matter of seconds, Erica clenched her eyes and pushed Sarah’s head into her pouring pussy, tears dripping from her clenched eyes. Sarah continued her licking and sucking as the teen rode out her orgasm, one of her own hands slipping into her cum-soaked underwear. Her fingers pinched and flicked her blood-engorged clit.
With a gasp, Sarah was drenching her fingers with her own cum, moaning into Erica’s glistening muff as the teen laid on the couch partially unconscious.
“What the hell is going on here?!” a masculine voice interrupted Erica’s orgasmic ambiance. Sarah pulled away from the teen’s mound and gaped at her boyfriend.
“R-richie,” she gasped, pulling her hand from her slickened slit. “I can explain!”
Erica’s middle-aged father stared in shock as he saw his disheveled daughter getting eaten out by his girlfriend, his face blank of emotion. His faux leather jacket covered his work shirt, his jeans dirty from a hard day’s work in the shop.
A silence fell over the three as Rich just stared at the women, wondering how long that he had been cheated on. He was shocked stiff, and he could feel his cock had gone as stiff as the rest of his body. Sarah spotted the bulge in her boyfriend’s pants and smirked, her tongue slipping out to lap away the rest of Erica’s cum from her lips. Without saying a word, Sarah stood up and walked over to him, peeling her clothes off and throwing them to the side of the room.
Sarah pushed his jacket from his shoulders, leaning into him till her cunt-scented breath fanned over his face. “Taste your daughter,” she whispered before her lips crashed against his.
He moaned into her mouth as he tasted Erica’s nectar, his tongue writhing into Sarah’s mouth to get more of his daughter’s taste. Sarah placed his hand on her breast, his fingers almost immediately going to tweak her nipples.
The soft smacking of their lips made Erica stare at the couple, her hand absentmindedly slipping between her thighs to her exposed cunny; Erica stared as her father squeezed and pinches Sarah’s breasts while Sarah unbuckled his belt. Sarah pulled her mouth away from Rich’s and went down to her knees, pulling down his pants with animalistic want. Erica could see her father’s cock was hard and was stretching the thin material of his boxers.
Rich’s cock sprang up and bobbed in front of Sarah’s face when Sarah had pulled his boxers down. Sarah licked her lips and stared up at her lover. “You remember the taste of your daughter?” she asked with lust laying over her words. “Well, it’s going to be on your cock, daddy.”
In her next breath, Sarah sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth. Erica let a finger slip into her dripping pussy, a moan escaping her mouth as her hole grew to swallow the digits. Rich looked up to see his daughter working her depths as her other hand massaged the swell of her creamy orbs.
Erica’s gaze met her father’s, but she couldn’t stop herself from working her cunt. Cum began to slick her thighs as she saw Sarah lick her father’s cock from the base to the tip.
“Did you know, that your daughter is a lesbian?” Sarah whispered as her tongue waved over his fleshy pole, her hand cupping his heated balls with care. Her gentle touch brought out a moan from Richard’s throat and he should his head, unable to find his voice. “You know how wet that makes me,” she continued as her fingers gently teased hi, her pink lips gliding along his rising veins.
He gulped and nodded as his eyes kept staring at Erica, wanting her to suck her own tit. “Suck it baby,” he groaned. Much to his delight, Erica lifted her extended nipple to her mouth and licked the bright pink tip, Sarah swallowing his length once more into her throat. Rich’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt his cum stir in his balls, the load beginning to make its way up his spit-covered shaft.
Seeing her father in such pleasure made Erica sink another digit into her sloppy pussy, her hips bucking in time with her moans, some of her juices dripping down to her puckered asshole. “Oh,” Erica moaned around her nipple loud enough for her horny father to hear.
“Make me come,” he rasped, not sure if he was talking to his daughter or his young girlfriend. Sarah slurped his cock deeper into her throat until the thickness of his shaft stretched the confines of her throat. With her neck bulging, her eyes looked up at her boyfriend from beneath her lashes. Rich moaned as he saw the look of complete submission that Sarah had towards him, seeming to beg him for cum as she sucked his cock.
Her warm mouth was wrapped around almost his entire length as her tongue danced under his dick, and she could tell that his load was about to fill her mouth. The thought of his hot seed quenching her thirst made her moan and she felt the first familiar rope of his climax coat the back of her throat. “Oh shit I’m coming!” he yelled as another rope of cum shot from the tip of his cock.
Erica was pounding her fingers in and out of her pussy when her father announced his orgasm, his yell triggering her own gushing peak of pleasure. “Oh God!” she bawled as her body quaked with cosmic pleasure.
Erica gasped for breath as her pussy locked her fingers in her gushing tunnel. Rich stared at his daughter, his girlfriend sucking the last drops of semen from his still-hard cock. Sarah’s lips ran up and down her father’s length with a string of cum connecting the tip of her fingers and the corners of her mouth to the slit of Rich’s cock.
Erica’s knuckles were coated with her cream, some of her nectar smeared across her wrist, her face flushed white and spotted with sweat. With glazed eyes, she watched as Sarah pleased her father’s cock. The rich color of his hard cock was striking against the whiteness of his cum and the pink hue of Sarah’s lips. Seeing his hard flesh against Sarah’s sensuous lips made Erica aware that her tongue tingled to taste his hot seed.
Sarah was still on her knees, her heels supporting her round ass as her mouth went down to suck one of Rich’s balls into her mouth. Rich looked down at the slut that knelt at his feet and wrapped her hair into his hand, gently guiding her to where he wanted her mouth. Sarah’s wet, hairy cunt had dripped so much that moisture had slowly begun to roll down her thighs; small pools of juice could be seen shining on the floor as Sarah moaned onto her boyfriend’s balls, her tongue slithering over his sensitive sac. Rich pulled a few loose tresses from face and stared at her face as passionate lust washed over her face.
“Lay down, honey,” he commanded of her gently. Sarah moaned in protest, her mouth still surrounding his testicles. Reluctantly, she let his balls pop out of her mouth and laid down on her back, the cool tile chilling her flesh as her open pussy heated up. The glistening juices were more than visible to Rich as he saw her dripping cunt spill into a pool where her flesh met the ground.
Rich moaned and fell to his knees, pulling his shirt open and leaning forward to let his tongue tease her piqued nipples. As his tongue swiped over her tits, Sarah shivered and moaned, the familiar touch of his hand massaging the petals of her pussy. He pinched and spread her pussy lips as his teeth grazed the sensitive buds on her breasts.
“Oh, baby, fuck my pussy now! Bury your cock in my cunt you bastard! Oh, please, just quit teasing me!” Sarah begged as Rich dipped a digit into her depths. Chills quaked her body, her mind unable to fight the strength of quakes. Her hips bucked up, forcing his fingers to rub the length of her slit as her nails bit into his sides.
Feeling the heat coming from her mound, Rich felt his cock twitch and lurch towards the apex of her legs. Tearing his mouth away from her nipples, Rich took hold of his dick and guided it into her horny hole. Sarah’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her walls grabbed onto his length and began to massage him like a million tiny fingers. His cock sunk into her tunnel until his balls met the bulging curve of her ass, her cunt so tight around his hard-as-steel tool that he knew that she was near climax. Moving his hips as slow as he could, Rich began to pull out of her warm cunt until only the tip of his head was cushioned within her pussy before shoving his full length into her once more.
Sarah shrieked with pleasure as her hips bucked rapidly, her tits bouncing up to her face as he began to pump into her like a piston. Rich braced himself with a hand above both of her shoulders, faintly aware of her legs wrapping around his waist to pull him deeper into her core.
“Yeah, get it that pussy baby! Ohhh, yessss. Just like that Richie—fucking pound me!” Sarah called out as she felt her first orgasm rack through her body like an earthquake. As she coated his cock with her cream, her body shook forcefully, her arms blindly attempting to find something to grab onto. Her legs stayed hooked around Rich’s waist, making sure that he couldn’t escape from the vice-like grip of her pussy, forcing him to grind his pelvis into hers, continuing to pleasure her as his pubis rubbed against her proud clit.
Sarah’s orgasm intensified as her clit felt the hard brush of his flesh, her eyes tightly shut as her body shook harder, another fresh wave of her honey spilling out of her slit and splashing both of their thighs.
Erica stood from the couch, her hands pulling and twisting her nipples as she approached the two. Her pussy was now dripping like a sieve and she needed to feel Sarah’s tongue lashing against her lips once more, a tingle rushing up her spine as she thought of the vibrations she knew she would feel every time she heard Sarah moan. Full of excitement, Erica gingerly knelt down, getting a knee near each of her father’s hands and lowering her pussy to the mouth that had pleased her not long ago.
Without being told, Sarah extended her tongue and licked the dried cum from Erica’s lips, the tip of her muscle wedging between the petals to taste the teen’s drenched hole. The strong scent of arousal flooded Sarah’s nose and made the woman moan into the girl’s already quivering pussy. “Oohhh,” Erica sighed as she felt her pussy split around Sarah’s tongue, her fathers short strokes making the tongue vibrate inside her pulsing cunny.
As Erica felt Sarah’s tongue in her pulsating sleeve, Rich’s thick, hard cock pulsated in Sarah’s cunt, each quick stroke making him go harder. His cock pulsated harder, grew longer, when he saw his girlfriend licking his daughter’s pussy, moaning at the beautiful sight set before him. His rhythm continued at a steady rate as he lifted himself from being hunched over Sarah to an upright position, his fingers resting on her plump hips.
Now refreshed with such an erotic sight, Rich began to hammer into Sarah’s milking pussy, pulling her onto his cock with each thrust so hard that he could feel the head of his cock kiss the entrance of her cervix. Sarah’s muffled moans were blaring from Erica’s mound, sending shivers from Erica’s pussy straight up her back; each shiver made Erica’s nipples progressively harder until the tips were hard and proud, standing out like erasers on her fleshy globes.
“Oh yes,” groaned Rich as his cock flew in and out of Sarah’s gaping hole. “You like that baby? You like it when daddy does that to her?” He asked, barely above a whisper as he worked his words around his pants, feeling a sweat break out on his back, chest, and shoulders. Erica could not find the state of mind to give a positive response to her father, but he could tell that she loved it when he saw the whites of her eyes, her head thrown back as she ground her cunt down onto Sarah’s face.
The slap of Rich’s and Sarah’s flesh battled against the sound of Erica’s moans and Sarah’s lapping tongue, the cum that had dripped onto the floor when Sarah had laid down making a squishing sound as Sarah slid back and forth over the tile. Sweat and the scent of sex filled the air as Rich pulled his hands away from Sarah’s hips and attached them to his daughter’s boobs. He cupped the swell of her breasts and squeezed them, his fingers flicking over her nipples at an amazing rate. Instinctively, Erica leaned into her father’s hands and let her palms land on Sarah’s mounds, encased the hard, pink buds under her damp palms. The shock and excitement of having her hard nipples tended to made Sarah thrust her tongue deep inside Erica’s cunt, feeling the bumps of her tongue meet the smooth walls of the teens pussy.
Erica’s eyes bulged with an onslaught of her most intense orgasm of that night, her body shaking so hard that she began to lose her sense of self. The fresh flood of juice covering her tongue and chin triggered Sarah’s new orgasm and she gripped Rich’s waist tighter with her legs, her arms wrapping themselves around Erica’s creamy flesh. Rich’s body slammed down onto Sarah’s as he felt his cock explode inside Sarah’s milking cunny, her walls massaging and spasming around him, awaiting his hot load of cum.
Ropes and ropes of his seed landed in Sarah’s womb as the three of them melted together in orgasmic bliss.
After a minute, Erica pulled her pussy away from Sarah’s face and saw her glazed over look and her cum on the older woman’s face and smiled at the picture before her. She looked up at her father and told him to get off of his girlfriend; Rich grudgingly obliged his daughter’s request and pulled his shrinking cock from the warmth and softness of Sarah’s hairy cunt. Some of Rich’s cum began to drip out of Sarah’s tired pussy, much to Erica’s delight, and Erica leaned over and licked the full length of Sarah’s slit, tasting her father’s salty seed.
Sarah quivered and idly licked Erica’s pussy as the teen ate her out, sucking Rich’s semen from her core as he watched the women eat each others cunts.

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Joy, and Bear Part I Ms Betty Teaches and Takes the Guys

This is the story of three teens who have a caring mom who feels it is her obligation to break these older teenagers into her world of carnal lust and pleasure. She wants to make lovers out of them not just teach them to fuck or give them the talk and let them figure it out. She guides all three on this loving journey creating a poly circle.