Consensual Sex

My Daugther, Taylor

David had never looked at his daughter in a sexual way until she moved back home while going through a divorce. A few events happen to cause him to look start viewing her as a woman and not just as his little girl.

Jennifer and Allison – Part 2

If you’d like to start from the beginning, please check out the previous story, entitled “Jennifer and Allison – part 1.” My stories are an attempt to bring an exciting read to people who aren’t into incest and pedophilia. Honestly, who gets off on that gross stuff, anyway? As always, your constructive criticism or compliments are welcomed.

Returning Chapter 03

Thank you all for your kind words. and encouragement. I have been a bit busy today as it is bill pay day. 🙁
I hope this chapter is as well received as the rest. I will give a bit of warning there is a new race introduced in this chapter and some might call it a furry adventure, My proofreader does. Bah! If you think they are furries please feel free to comment and let me know, for good or bad. But then again some might think that Likka’s relationship with Rhys is bestiality.
In this chapter some real background starts coming out, to develop a world you have to have a past. to have a past someone needs to know about it.
I am particularly proud of the fight scene in this chapter it more adequately describes just how fast and agile Rhys is. Let me know what you think.
Likka was the first to wake up; she crawled out of the tent about an hour before sun up. “Is Beth going to be a problem?” she asked me in my mind.
“If she is she is a problem I have to deal with. She came through because of me so I have to get her home.”
“Rhys her coming through was an accident. It isn’t your fault.”
“It was my fault, I left and because of that I had to come back. Because I had to comeback it left some kind of scar behind. That scar pulled her through after me.”
“Rhys don’t”
“Likka I will do what I have to but I will also get her back home.”
Likka left me alone about it after that point. A short time later the others started rising to face the day. Taina came over and kissed me passionately “Thank you Rhys I needed last night.”
“You do not need to thank me, I fully enjoyed last night as well and that is thanks enough.”
As we were breaking camp I saw one of the Pindragons sitting on a branch at the edge of camp. Something nagged at the edge of my mind I almost seemed to remember something. I walked over and got a piece of leftover meat from my packs and walked over to Beth with the meat cupped in my hand. “Beth go over there to that Pindragon slowly make little cooing noises and offer it this.”
Beth took the meat from my hand and started cooing and clucking to the Pindragon. The Pindragon was suspicious at first and danced away from her on the branch. But soon the smell of the cooked meat was driving it crazy. It slowly and cautiously moved toward her. When it was about two feet from her hand it looked up into her eyes then it pounced from the branch and into her hand to start gobbling the meat down.
“Look in its eyes and coo to it, make it feel as if you like it.”
Beth looked in its eyes and continued to coo. She suddenly acted like she was mesmerized by the swirling sapphire eyes of the Pindragon on her hand. Then Beth looked at us, “Her name is Beeko.”
“Welcome to my world” I said as I mounted Reaper.
As Beth turned to walk towards her horse Beeko flew around her head twice then settled on her shoulder. His tail wrapped up over her ear and he snuggled down against her neck and started cooing contentedly.
We rode for several more days each night stopping to camp. Some nights Likka would join me in my tent other nights Taina would join me. They told me I got too worked up when they both joined me and they wanted to survive the nights. Laina and Beth both giggled when they said that to me.
Two nights before we were to arrive at Feck Laina came to me as we made camp. “Can you be gentle with someone that is inexperienced?”
“Laina, I can be as gentle as a lamb but you will still feel pain. The pain will be temporary and soon will be replaced by pleasure.”
“How much pain?”
“It is different for every woman. Some feel a lot of pain some very little. What you offer is also a precious gift you can only give once. I would be honored for you to give me this gift, I do want you to be sure I am the one you want to give it to though.”
“I don’t know what to do?”
“Do what is right for you and no one else. Do what your heart tells you to do.”
She wandered away from me and went over to talk to her mother quietly for a bit. I gathered my bow and went to hunt for some dinner. An hour later I returned with a one hundred pound haunch from a large lizard like cow that Likka called a Drog. She told me they are quite tasty and the meat brings a high price in the inner kingdoms.
I came into the camp to see all of the tents set up and the fire already going. I set about filleting the haunch out into thin slices of meat and placing it on spits over the fire. Taina had dug up some tubers and gathered some fruit and berries from the surrounding area to end up making the meal the best we had had in days.
“Yes Taina?”
“She wants to come to you tonight but she is afraid, she has become convinced that our screams in the night are from pain as well as from pleasure. I don’t know what to tell her to convince her otherwise.”
“How do you feel about this?”
“Rhys you are the greatest man I have ever met, I know your power and I know your strength, but I also know your love and passion. I know you will be gentle with her and a mother could not want more than that for her daughter’s first time. I am not scared for her but I want her to be sure she is ready.”
“Ask her to come to me to talk for a bit.”
Taina walked away to find her daughter. As I waited Beth came to me. “Would you really take that little girl to your bed?”
“That is an interesting question. If she were back were you come from she would be a little girl barely of age. Here however she is a woman five years past here marrying age. In this place she would normally have three or four children of her own by now.”
“But she is so young.”
“Yes she is by your standards, here though people seldom live to see fifty summers most never see forty. These people live short lives and have to grow up quickly. She is a woman and has more than proven herself as such to me on this trip. If she chooses me how could I dishonor her by refusing?”
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Make it seam so natural that a little girl might want you to have sex with her and you make it into a loving expression?”
“I don’t know maybe it is because I care, sometimes too much.”
It was the flash of anger from Likka that had me moving with my swords in hand before I even knew I had reacted. When I reached the north side of the camp I saw four men in red leather armor astride four roan horses. Two of the men had bows drawn and pointed at Likka.
“Likka Back.” I shouted as I came to a stop in front of the men. As Likka stepped back the two men lowered their bows.
The man in the lead of the other three looked down towards me with obvious disdain in his eyes. “Are you the man from the west that is calling him self Rhys?”
“I am Rhys.”
“For crimes against the empire you are hereby sentenced to death.” Both bowmen raised there bows towards me as I tossed my swords high into the air. As they drew their arrows back my arms flicked downward and two flechettes dropped into each hand. As they released the arrows my hands flicked forward launching the flechettes as the weapons crossed paths in the air I sidestepped the paths of the two arrows. My hands grasped both arrows as they passed and two men screamed as they were blinded by the sharp barbs in their eyes. The lead man and the second began to draw their swords as I spun and launched myself into the air. As the lead mans sword cleared his scabbard I landed feet first into his chest knocking him off of his horse. As I rode his falling body to the ground I ducked under the swinging sword of the other man. Rising up I slammed the arrows upward through his breast plate and into his heart. I leaped into a twisting flip and landed over the lead man. As he tried to bring his sword up mine fell back into my hands from being tossed and I instantly crossed them both across his throat as our hearts beat for the second time since it started.
I heard the ring of steel as Taina and Laina brought down the two blind men and a gasp from behind me from Beth. “Take this back to your masters you imperial dog. Rhys is back and I am coming for them. This time there will be no war I will hunt them down like the cowardly rats they are. Let them all know I am sending them a death notice and the challenge is on the table to face me if they dare.”
“Rhys no!” Likka screamed in his head.
“I hid my face in shame for six thousand years Likka I am not hiding any more. Let them come if they dare, I will tear their world apart and bury them in the rubble.”
“But you have not gathered your forces, you can’t face them alone.”
“Wrong that is how I am going to face them this time, there will be no hostages they can force my hand with. I will wash this world clean of their stink as I strip the flesh from their very bones. For six thousand years they have been killing children just because their parents named them the same as me. This stops now.”
I turned to the terrified imperial guardsman lying below my swords, “Know this dog, if one more child dies for bearing my name I will hunt you and every man that has ever worn that armor and I will flay them alive.” As I spit these words into his face I could see my reflection in his helmet, my eyes were burning in fire as smoke curled up along my forehead and cold fog was rolling down from them.
With a snap of my minds eye his armor and weapons crumbled to dust beneath me. I stood over him and pulled my swords away. “Get on your mount and ride, ride like the wind before I change my mind and deliver the message myself.”
The man moved as if he had seen Hell’s host coming to claim him. Before the space of an eye blink he was on his feet and leaping for his horse.
“Likka take care of the girls I will go on alone from here.”
Taina slapped me across the face. “You will not, I waited six thousand years hiding like a mouse in the shadows to get my revenge and damn you Rhys you are not going to take it away from me.”
I stood up ready to fly into a rage at her words until I saw here face. She had tears in her eyes and was ready to face me with steel in her spine. I lowered my head and turned to walk to my horse.
I reached up to my horse and pulled my backpack down. Again that nagging sensation had come to me. “Rhys quiet your eyes you are scaring Beth and Laina to death.” Likka said in my mind. I looked at my reflection in the buckle on my pack and tried to calm myself. As calm returned to me the fires died and the cold fog dissipated. I turned my pack upside down and poured the contents out. On the top of the stack fell a simple leather bound jewelry case. I opened it to find the copper pendant still on its gold chain from so many years ago. I pulled the chain out and put it around my neck as soon as the pendant touched my skin it all flooded back. Every one of my memories were mine again. My eyes rolled back in my head and I fell face first into the dirt.
I awoke in the dark. I was in my tent and there was a warm body curled against me. I did not think before I turned in my half doze and pulled her up against me and began to kiss her neck as she was spooned into me.
“Rhys?” Laina’s said as I kissed her neck.
“You scared me last night more than once.”
“You should never need to fear me.”
“I know that now, mom spoke to Beth and I about what had happen to you. She said you had gone into what you call Mage Rage. It is when your magic boils to the surface demanding release. But it was when my mother slapped you that scared me the most. I thought for sure you would rip her apart but you just stood and accepted here actions and words. Then when you fainted I thought you were dead and all of it was lost. I cried like a child until mom told me you were alive and breathing. Likka told us you were asleep that you had fainted from something that happened when you put that necklace on. She didn’t know what happen.”
“I will tell that when I only have to tell it once.”
“Yes Laina.”
“I am yours if you will have me.”
“Come to me again when we reach Feck. Your first time should be in a comfortable bed not on the hard ground.”
“You promise me at least one night there?”
“I promise you it will be a night we both remember Laina, in a way you will be my first as well.”
She rolled in the darkness and looked at me. “What do you mean your first?”
“No one has ever given me the gift you offer; I have never bedded a virgin.” I could feel her smile in the darkness. I gently rolled her back and pulled her up against me. As she lay there I began to caress and kiss her bare skin until she drifted off to sleep. I sorted through my memories as if each one was new to me as I lay there in the dark waiting for dawn to break.
I had odd feeling at this point usually when my magic was used I would be left in raging need that only iron will could control. But I had used my magic a few times since I arrived and not once had that need come upon me. Did that need derive from my memories in me? I had used the magic before the memories returned before I even remembered the effect. Did the need come from the fact that I remembered it?
A couple of hours before first light Taina slipped into the tent to check on her daughter and me. She smiled when she saw my eyes open. “Good morning Rhys.” She whispered in the darkness.
“Lie down and get some sleep I am awake nothing will get through me again.”
She no sooner had gotten undressed and curled up behind me when Beth and Likka crawled into the tent. Beth whispered “You need a bigger tent.” And giggle softly as she curled up to go to sleep.
I lay there among the pile of beautiful women with an enticing body part in my face no matter where I looked and tried to concentrate on how to do what I had planned.
I slipped out of the tent at first light and stirred the fire back to life as I started coffee and breakfast. It was only a few minutes after the coffee finished when Beth came out followed within seconds by the others. Likka sat down next to me in human form. “Time for you to do some talking Rhys, you scared the hell out of a few of us last night and it is time to know if it was worth it.”
“Life Ward Taina, I need some answers first.”
Taina looked up at me in shock. “I will leave Rhys, our failure is too much.”
“I have not dismissed you I said I need answers.”
“Yes My Lord.”
“What happen after I left.”
“We managed to buy the time for Morgana to escape before the Mage Kings took us prisoners. They made us immortal so they could torture us forever. They raped each of us at their whim. We endured this for almost five hundred years we were broken and all were begging for death. Then one night in the darkness the wall of our prison was pulled out as if it was but tissue and Morgana came striding in like fire and passion she pulled us out of our prison and took us to her keep where she cried and apologized telling us she had been told we were dead. Morgana blamed herself for everything we had been through. We stayed with her and protected her as she helped us to return to ourselves. Then one night about five hundred years ago she sent us all to the town of south port to help the people there with the Lithan that kept raiding. Too late we found out she had sent us away to protect us. She went to the Arch Mage’s tower to try and fight him. He had prepared a spell for her and he turned her into a statue. There she remains even today. Is that what you wanted to hear, how we failed you so miserably?”
“Taina, I want you to listen to me. I charged you with keeping Morgana alive until I returned. Is this not true?”
“Yes M’Lord”
“Is she dead?”
“She is a statue of living stone, she cannot move or even talk.”
“Is she dead?”
“No. M’Lord she is not dead.”
“Then you have succeeded beyond even my wildest expectations.”
“So now it is my turn to talk. When I left I knew that they would send people after me if they could find me and I knew being who I was I could not hide myself. I had to become someone else. I bound all of my memories into my wedding amulet. I effectively made myself forget who I was. I left certain clues for myself though. The first I would always keep the amulet with me everywhere I went. Second I left the knowledge of how to bind the Pindragon to a mage as a familiar. Third I left the memory that only a being that can perform magic can cross through the gate. I buried these memories so that only a trigger would make me realize they were there. This left a chain of thoughts in my head the first one being that when Beth came through I knew something was special about her. Then I got her to bond to the Pindragon. Then when that was done I wondered why those memories where there. Then the necklace, I always kept with me it was a link to my old life a life that had no meaning for me but for eighty years I carried it. Why carry a remembrance for a life you can’t remember. Last night it all clicked together, I put the amulet on here in this world and its magic was triggered. I remember everything now.”
“Rhys it is too soon.” Morgana’s voice came from behind me. “If they know about you they will move against you.”
I turned to face her with tears in my eyes. “Find all the others and have them meet me in Wine Glenn in thirty days. Then we are coming for you my wife.”
“I am lost Rhys remember me and move on, the spell on me is tailored to me it cannot be broken.”
“I will see that for myself my love, please do as I ask the others have their right to this vengeance as do you.”
She faded form my sight as I fell to my knees and wept. When I had recovered I turned to Beth. “Beth I need you to do something for me.”
“What do you need Rhys?”
“I need you to concentrate on the fire as hard as you can. Reach out and feel it with your thoughts when you can feel the fire like it is part of you I want you to speak one word to it.”
“What word.”
She looked at the fire and she stared for a long time after a few minutes she said “Cool.” And the fire dampened to just embers. I stirred some kindling into the embers to bring the fire back.
This time the fire died until it was just some warm ashes. Again I brought it back to life.
Within seconds the fire was just a pile of old cool ashes.
“Good we will start your learning as we travel. You are not like the mages here that we will face, you are like me you are a mage of the mind. Your magic does not need words or gestures you just need to trigger it, you could have done the same thing by thinking the word.”
“How do you know the word didn’t cause the magic?”
“Because cool is not a word in the language of magic.”
“We ride to Feck now and we gather up the one known as The Shadow. We will ride through the day and into the night we should be there by morning. One more thing. Taina?”
“Yes M’Lord?”
“In all the time you have known me have I ever treated you as a servant?”
“No M’Lord.”
“Then if you call me M’Lord one more time I am going to turn you over my knee and paddle your ass till it is on fire.”
“Is that a promise M’Lord?”
I chuckled as we mounted up. “Likka can you range ahead and scout we need warning of trouble before it arrives.”
“Yes M’Lord” she giggled as she dropped down into wolf form.
“I travel with perverts” I mumbled as we started to ride.
“Yes M’Lord.” Beth giggled out from her mount next to me.
“Not you too Beth.”
“You better plan on a couple of days in Feck Rhys. Laina may get you the first night but you are mine the second.”
“Do I need my belt?”
“Not this time but maybe in the near future…”
We rode into the cleared lands around the walled city of Feck just as the sun came up the following morning. We approached the gate at a slow walk. The gates stood open to allow the farmers out into the fields and we rode through unimpeded. I dropped down off my horse in front of an older woman that was selling sweet meats off of a cart. “How much for the skewers good lady and the name of a good inn with bath and stables?”
“A lead coin for two M’Lord and the inn name would be free to a customer.”
“I am no lord good lady; I will take twelve of the skewers and the name then.”
“The name of the inn is The Golden Dragon good sir it is but a few blocks south and east of hear on High Lords Lane.” She said as she wrapped the skewers in paper and handed them to me.
I pulled a gold coin from my bottomless purse and palmed it to her so no one else could see it. “Thank you good lady.”
I handed the girls all their skewers and we rode to the inn. I stepped down off of Reaper and tossed the reigns to the stable boy that was waiting. I palmed a Gold coin to him and told him to take care of the horses and bring our stuff to our rooms.
As I walked up to the barman I told him, “I need five rooms for the next five days with baths, food and extra oats for the horses.”
“That would be one copper coin and seventy-five lead coins M’Lord.”
I pulled a stack of ten gold coins out of my purse and dropped them on the floor. Laina scrambled to pick them up and hand them back. I handed two of them to the barman. “Take good care of us good sir. We have had a rough travel coming in and need rest.”
When we were safely in our rooms Likka became a woman and asked “What was that all about, you went out of your way to hide what you paid the vendor and the stable boy, but made a grand show of spilling a small fortune on the floor in the bar?”
“Baiting a trap for The Shadow, she was in the bar.”
“Where I didn’t see her and how do you know it was a woman?”
“Because I know who she is now, she will be along later tonight to earn a little money.”
Laina looked at me. “You promised me tonight.”
“She will be here to steal like a thief in the night Laina. You will be here to help guard me from the danger of sleep…”
After bath and a huge meal of roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, bread and wine, the girls and I sat in the common room talking quietly. All of them were tired from the long ride and started to drift to their rooms fairly early. I stood up and started up the stairs to my room and when I entered there was a single candle burning on the nightstand. I walked over and lay all of my weapons and armor on the table opposite of the bed except for one pistol that I took with me and tucked into the bed under the mattress. Laina looked at me from the bed. “That is just in case I am wrong about who our visitor will be tonight.” I told her with a smile as I finished undressing and climbed into the bed beside her. “Are you sure about this Laina?”
Her answer was to pull me down to her for a kiss. As our kisses grew in intensity I let my hands wander about her small shape. I caressed her sides and her face; I ran my fingers along her spine, never touching anywhere that was intimate. I let her build her passion higher and higher with gentle loving caresses. “Laina I can make it so you feel no pain tonight from our love making.”
“The pain is part of growing up and becoming a woman isn’t it.”
“Then I will take the pain along with the pleasure.”
I smiled down at her, thinking how much she had matured in just the time we had been together. As I was admiring her she rolled me over onto my back and began to kiss down my neck and chest. I ran my fingers through her hair and moaned soft moans of pleasure. When she reached my hardened staff she began to kiss around it and then lick up the length of it. I was just about to ask her if she was sure about what she was doing when she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of my manhood. All my doubts about her readiness vanished in that moment.
Laina began to move her head up and down as she worked my rod into her mouth. Once she was bottoming out against her throat she began to work her tongue back and forth along it as well. Soon I was beginning to over heat as my balls began to boil. She looked up at me and smiled around my rod then very slowly began to force her head downward. I watched as she pushed me into her throat, one inch, two inches, three inches.
I was looking at her with wide eyes as she buried her nose in my pubic hair. She had managed to push all nine inches of me into her mouth and throat. I moaned as I twitched and jerked and then exploded down her throat. As my orgasm exploded down her throat I felt her swallow and squeeze my cock with her throat until it was almost painful.
“Oh my god how did you learn that.”
She giggled and looked at me, “my friends are all bargirls and we would use bananas to play with and I was the only one that could squeeze them till they burst.”
“Viva la bananas” I said as I pushed her onto her back and began to kiss down her body. As I kissed her neck she began to giggle. As I kissed her upper chest she began a light purring sound. When I kissed the top of her breasts they turned to light moans. When I took one of her nipples into my mouth and suckled upon it she moaned out loud. When I had her twitching and moaning I kissed further down. I kissed the area where her leg joined her hip at the front and she slid her hands into my hair and began to moan louder. I licked down the strip of skin between her leg and her flower and up the other side and she moaned out, “Oh Gods what are you doing to me?”
I held her legs up and continued to caress her with my tongue until she was dripping on the bed. Then and only then I pushed my tongue between the cheeks of her cute tight little bottom and licked upward until my tongue flicked her clit. That was all it took and her fingers knotted in my hair as her legs closed on my head like a bear trap. She screamed out my name and then begged me to tell her what I was doing to her. As she climaxed I swept my tongue down and forced it into her opening, with each wiggle of my tongue she jumped and moaned, as she began to come down she released my head and began to relax. She relaxed right up to the moment I buried my tongue in her sweet rosebud and felt her legs slam shut on my head again. The harder she squeezed my head the further I pushed my tongue into her rear entrance. After a few seconds I felt her start to relax, so I slid up and nipped her clit with my teeth. Her legs slammed shut so hard and fast I thought she would pop my eardrums, she rode this climax out as she dug her nails into the sheets and ripped large holes in them. In self defense she managed to push her hands between my face and her sweet pussy blocking my access to her woman fruit and nectar.
“Please Rhys, I can’t take any more, I don’t know how you did that but please.”
I smiled at her as I began to kiss up her body. I slid my hand up to her sex and began to push my fingers into her.
“No Rhys, make me a woman the right way. Take me like a man does a woman.”
I moved up and kissed her as she felt my hard manhood probe at the entrance to her sweet tight little pussy. As I worked the head into her I heard an audible popping sound. She looked at me in surprise with a smile on her face as I started to enter her. As I pushed inward her legs wrapped around me and tightened forcing me all the way in, in one complete thrust. She cried out in pleasure and pain. I held still allowing her time to adjust as a tear rolled down each side of her face. After a minute of holding still she nodded to me and I began a slow thrust in and out. I built in speed and power as she began to moan and quiver below me. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her young body as she convulsed and shook in my arms. My muscles locked up and I emptied my seed into her young womb.
“Oh Gods Rhys I can feel it, it is so hot, it feels like it is boiling inside me.”
I collapsed on top of her as she panted and squirmed below me. As we panted out our heat she pulled me to her for a kiss. “There is one more place Rhys are you up to it?”
“Are you sure?”
“More sure and ready than anything in my life.”
I moved down as I pushed the head of my staff towards the entrance to her last virginity.
“All at once Rhys, take it like it is yours to do with as you please.”
I pushed slowly until I felt the head of my cock push past her sphincter. I held still until she nodded and then I thrust into her in one solid thrust. She cried out in pain and tears rolled down her face. I held still until she nodded with a small smile on her face and then began to withdraw slowly. She whimpered as I pulled out until only the head was left inside then I began a slow thrust back into her depths. As she grew accustomed to the invasion of her bowels I picked up speed and power. She began to moan and writhe below me. Suddenly she cried out and shook underneath me as her body was wracked by another orgasm. I continued to thrust through several orgasms for her as she rapidly became over heated. I felt my body tighten up and I thrust into her one last time as I began to shake and shudder. Her eyes flew wide open as she felt my seed boil into her bowels and she quaked and screamed out as her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell limp to the bed.
I withdrew from her tight ass and let her fall slowly to the bed completely. As her eyes fluttered open to focus on me I smiled and snuggled up with her next to me and let her drift into a restful sleep…
I lay there feigning sleep later in the night when I heard the slight grating sound of wood on stone as the window opened. It took all of my self control not to smile and open my eyes.
The thief slipped into the room to look at my pile of gear against the far wall. My move was a swift as it was calculated. I sprung from the bed in one fluid move and landed between the thief and the window. The thief spun into a crouch and dropped low and tried to strike me in the place that all men dread. I spun and slapped my hand downward to block the strike. The fight was on as we spun and kicked, blocked and guarded against each other.
A few seconds into the fight Laina retrieved her weapons as Taina. Likka and Beth burst into the room, “Keep out of it” I commanded to Likka and she stepped between us and the others.
I and the thief weaved and dodged, struck and defended. The fight was a mortal combat, and the thief was playing for keeps.
Five minutes into the fight the thief surprised me as she caught one of my blocks and stepped in and kissed me with a force and passion that I so well remembered. “Oh Gods Rhys it is so good to dance with you again.”
“My dancing tigress I have missed your love.” I laughed out as at the mention of the name both Likka and Taina started laughing.
As the thief stepped back she pulled her hood back to reveal a beautiful white feline face with a light dusting of tiger stripped fur around the edges. I stepped back in and swept her into my arms as she laughed and giggled. “Is it time Rhys? Do I finally get my vengeance for our failure?”
“You have not failed my dancing tigress she lives and we go to rescue her as soon as we all are gathered.”
“But she has been turned to stone.”
“Mieko have you ever known me to give up as long as there is hope?”
“Once Rhys and that once has cost us dearly.”
Her words stung, but I had to see the truth in them. “This time we fight till the end for good or bad.”
“We were all ready to die for you.”
“That is why I walked away; you did not need to die for me I am insignificant. If you die it must be for you and the cause not for me. This time I will break the mage kings and free the people from their rule. No more children will die because they have my name. Will you fight with me Life Ward Mieko?”
“We will dance like no one has ever danced before Rhys.”
Laina stepped forward and looked at us. “What is a life Ward?”
As I held Mieko in my arms I spoke. “A long time ago we were in a war to stop the Mages; they had killed all of the rightful rulers of the kingdoms and their families and taken over. There were twnety people that fought side by side with my wife and I against them. These people through thick and thin stood by our side. On the eve of the battle that found our failing they came to me and wanted to pledge a vow of life to me. I refused. I told them I was not worthy of the fealty they wanted to show me. I instead told them to make a vow of protection for my wife that they would become her body guards even from me if the need should arise. They became Morgana’s Life Ward. They are sworn to protect her until they die.”
“And we failed Taina whispered behind Laina.”
I reached out and cupped her face. “You did not fail and I will prove it to you when we get to the Arch Mage’s Tower. Keep heart and know I will not walk away this time. I will never walk away again.”
As I spoke Mieko was slipping out of her cloak. She was as I remembered a lithe tight body with golden hued cat eyes set into a feline face. Her front was covered in a short almost velveteen white hair, while her back sides and tail were tiger striped orange and black. Her hands and feet had sharp retractable claws. Her race is called the Phelony and they as a race are into an unarmed combat style called Kieso.
I sat down on the edge of the bed realizing I was still quite naked and Mieko casually swayed over to me and sat in my lap and started nuzzling my ear. “Gods how I have missed you Rhys.”
“We will be here a few more days I have some things to check into before we leave. Mieko you are welcome to stay here with us until we all leave.” Without thinking about it I began to scratch Mieko’s back right above where her tail joins her backside. She stiffened and started purring as she arched her back into my hand.
“Rhys if you don’t quit that you are going to have to kick the prudish ones out of the room. You know what that does to me.” She mumbled into my ear.
I pulled my hand back. “I am sorry Mieko, it is a bad habit, tonight I promised Laina my attention and I am hers until she finishes with me.”
“Who is Laina, maybe I could bribe her with a little TLC.”
“Where are my manners? Mieko you know Taina and Likka of course, this Is Laina Daughter of Taina and last but not least this is Beth my apprentice.”
“Oh! So you have an apprentice now Mr. high and mighty Warmage.” As Mieko spoke Taina spun and opened the door at a slight creaking sound from outside. A hooded figure fell into the room. As the figure tried to scramble to its feet Likka pounced on its back and sat on it.
Mieko started laughing. “Tia, I told you to wait for me in the alley.” A Phelony face looked up at us from her robes and meowed pitifully. “They won’t hurt you, these are old friends.” Likka got down off of the poor frightened girl and she climbed to her feet. Beneath her hood she had a beautiful feline face with Siamese markings.
Mieko got up and walked to her. “This is Taina, Laina, Beth, Likka, and…”
“I am Warmage Rhys David Cain.” I stood and bowed formally. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance.
“This is my love and friend Tia; she is a bit excitable but a good companion.”
Tia looked at Mieko, “I have disappointed you again miss, but I was so afraid you had been caught.”
“But I was caught Tia, caught by a man that has had me in chains before and even visited his vile body onto mine in the most lusty and lascivious ways.” Mieko said while holding a perfectly straight face. “If you hadn’t burst in here and stopped him he might by now have had me tied to that bed and rendering tortures upon my body using that evil tongue of his.”
“Really miss?”
“Really.” She said and then couldn’t hold her face straight any longer. “And now that you’re here maybe we can talk him into the tongue torture on both of us.” She giggled out hysterically.
“Miss you are having fun at me again.”
“Yes my lovely little thing I am poking fun at you. Do you trust me?”
“Always miss.”
“Take off your clothes.”
“Miss there are others about and one of them is a man.”
“I am naked, so is Rhys, he has seen it all before.”
“But miss I have not been naked in front of a man since I was a kittling.”
“You said you trust me.”
“Yes miss but…”
“The only butt I want to see is yours.”
I was beginning to wonder what Mieko was up to when Tia finally gave in and dropped her robe to display a dazzling body covered in those same Siamese markings with one white star in between her perky young breasts.
“Now come over here and sit in Rhys’ Lap.”
Tia’s bright blue eyes got as big around as dinner plates. “But miss he is a man, I couldn’t do that. What would me mum say?”
Mieko began to pout. “You said you trusted me.”
I had to break in at this point “Mieko you know how I feel about making someone do something.”
“I will not force her into anything Rhys please trust me a little further.”
“It’s alright Tia I won’t hurt you.”
She came over passively and I patted my lap as she sat there Mieko asking us what our journey had been like and without thinking I absently reached up and scratched Tia the same way I had Mieko. The effect was as amazing as it was startling. Tia arched her back into my hand let out a yowling sound like a cat in heat and then proceeded to have a very wet orgasm in my lap that soaked me and the bed clothes all the way to the mattress below me.
I yanked my hand back cursing myself for being a fool when Tia just leaned into me and started purring. Mieko got up and walked over to me and kissed me long a deep. “Thank you for being you my love.”
“You and I need to talk. What was that all about?”
She motioned for me to join her outside so I gently sat Tia on the bed and kissed her on the forehead. When we reached the hallway a little ways away from the room she turned to me and spoke quietly. “I am sorry Rhys but when I saw you I saw my chance to help her. She has been through hell. When she was younger her father raped her and told her it was her fault for being naked in front of him. Then he sold her to a man as a slave and that man would beat her constantly for the slightest infraction of the rules. He knew enough not to leave scars because they would decrease her value. And he never used her sexually; maybe if he had she might have been different. She ended up with several owners each bad as or worse than the first. She has never known any kind of pleasure from a man. I found her in the slave pens and bought her to free her but she would not leave, she begged me to let her stay and be my maid. Later we became lovers and she is my delight. But I would give anything to give her a normal sex drive with men as well. You with one absent scratch that you do so well have just manage to reverse ten years of hell for that girl. She has now felt pleasure at the hand of a man.”
“I doubt seriously I have undone all of the bad, but if you had told me before you set that up…”
“You would not have let it happen. Rhys I know you well enough to know you have changed, you have always been a passionate man but your convictions are even more solid. Now enough of this sour topic.” Mieko stepped forward and wrapped her delicate fingers around my limp staff. “What have you been feeding my favorite snake?”
“Blonds, Brunettes, Redheads.”
“Maybe it needs a little tiger to feed it properly then.”
At that point we heard a giggle behind me and both looked to see one of the bargirls standing in the shadows with her hand over her mouth. The realization that we were both naked in the hallway with Mieko’s hand wrapped around my manhood suddenly hit me to make me turn a deep shade of red. Mieko waved to the girl and smiled. “You can feed the snake later right now he has other food to devour.”
The girl turned bright red and scampered off down the hallway towards the servants stairs.
“No where were we Rhys.”
“I was about to tell you that tonight was promised to Laina and I am hers alone and tomorrow night is promised to Beth. It is both of their first time with me.”
“See that is what I mean by you have changed, you never would have considered turning me down for anyone but Morgana. So I will have to wait two nights to feed the snake.”
We walked back into the room to see Tia curled up fast asleep on the bed. Laina came up to me and kissed me “Rhys they need you if for nothing else to sleep next to you. I will go back to Mom and my room for the night.”
“Please stay here there is room for us all to sleep on that bed and I didn’t get much of a chance to hold you in your sleep.” I lay down in the middle of the bed and in her sleep Tia snuggled up next to me and started a contented little purr deep in her throat. Mieko climbed in behind her and snuggled in. Then Laina climbed in on the other side of me and snuggled in. Likka walked over to the bed and stood up as a woman and climbed in behind Laina.
I could feel Mieko’s surprise by the way she tensed up. “Even after all these years you manage to keep a secret from me.” She chuckled and laid her head back down
Beth and Taina finally just shrugged and climbed into the very crowded bed…
I awoke in the cold morning light just as the sun peaked over the horizon. I had woke up to the most pleasurable sensation of four hands wrapped around my staff as the girls all tried to stir up trouble and were doing a fine job at it.
Tia looked me in the eyes and in a tiny voice that sounded almost pitiful. “Sir could you make me feel like you did last night, it is morning now and Laina said we could share you before she gives you up.”
“On one condition little Tia.”
“What would that be Sir.”
“That you stop calling me sir and call me Rhys.”
“I am a servant sir it would be unseemly for me to call you by your name.”
“You are not my servant and even though she lets you act as a servant Mieko does not think of you as one either. I can see her love for you in her eyes.”
“I will try Rhys.”
“I can’t ask more than that. Now would you like me to do the same thing as last night or would you like me to do something a little different but just as pleasant?”
“Nothing could feel as good as what you did last night.”
All the girls started giggling, “Wanna bet?” Laina asked with a devilish grin on her face.
I leaned into Tia and began to kiss her gently on the neck and upper chest, her eyes opened a little wider in a fear response. From behind her Mieko said “Relax baby he won’t hurt you. He is the most gentle and caring man I have ever met.”
I continued to kiss and lick her neck, shoulders and upper chest until I felt her relax and start to purr deep in her chest. I slipped downward a touch and began to kiss the tops of her breasts. Again she tensed slightly but not as much as before. As I continued waiting for her to relax I pushed my magic out and disabled her pain nerves. She needed to only feel pleasure this first time. She needed to feel a man could love her and not hurt her.
When she relaxed I took one of her nipples into my mouth and sucked on it gently. She actually managed to tense and arch her back into me to get more attention to her breasts at the same time. When she relaxed enough to close her eyes I slid one of my hands up and began to stroke the area right behind her ears. This helped her to relax even more as I used my other hand to play with her free breast.
Once she was purring lightly and looking at me through hooded eyes I began to kiss downward, she purred and mewed softly until she realized were I was headed, then she looked into my eyes “Rhys men don’t do that. I have never seen a man put his face there.” I smiled and stuck my tongue out to tease the sides of her sweet velvet covered flower. At first she tried to tense but her body betrayed her. As she tensed it force her back to bend downward into the mattress. This of course made her pussy thrust upward into my waiting mouth. I tongued her tight womanhood until she started to tremble and mew, then I shifted my attention upward and licked her clit. The instant my tongue made contact she went off like a liquid cannon and her moan was loud enough to draw the attention of Taina and Beth from the other room. She drenched me; my face and hair were soaked with her liquid honey. My ears were full of the sweet fluid she gifted me with. The bed beneath her was soaked. I could not believe one little slip of a phelony could produce that much fluid. I bent down to kiss her clit again to show her I had enjoyed it and on contact she exploded again into my face this time her moan was almost a scream. It took me a few seconds to recover but I had to know so I began to lick and clean her thighs and moved to her pussy. This time I pushed my tongue inside her tunnel and she clamped her legs over my head and moaned as she pumped fluid into my mouth, I had to swallow in self defense.
“I’m sorry sir I have never had a man touch me that way and I got so excited that you would do it.”
“There is nothing to be sorry about Tia that was the most incredible thing I have ever seen.”
“Rhys. I know you said you would only give me pleasure but after what you have done for me would you put your manhood into me. I know I will get no pleasure from it the woman never does, but I want to make you feel as good as you have made me.”
I took everything I had to keep from crying as I worked my kisses back up her body and positioned myself between her legs. I bent in and locked my lips to hers and as she passionately returned my kiss I pushed into her. The Huff of air she exhaled into my mouth and the look of utter surprise on her face were just beautiful beyond imagination as she felt nothing but pure pleasure at my entrance. As I sank my cock into the hilt the excess juices from her earlier display squirted out around us. As I released her mouth her mews and moans sounded like a symphony to my ears. Within a minute I had her painting and begging me to go faster and harder. Then she started to vibrate and shake beneath me and I felt her legs wrap around my waist.
With a loud mewing moan she washed my balls clean with yet another spray of that sweet nectar. She was looking at me with shock in her eyes as I continued to thrust into her. “How?” As she tried to ask her body was again wracked by spasms as she clenched up and delivered another smaller blast of her precious body fluids. Each time she thought they were done I would send her back up to the top of those clouds only to tumble falling back to earth. Eventually her squirts became a mere trickle as with a last series of thrusts I pumped my seed deep into her womb.
Taina came over to the bed and handed Tia two
bottles of water from my pack. “Drink these you need the fluids.” Laina and Beth both were standing there with shocked expressions on their faces.
I smiled up at them. “Oh I see how it is, get my victim water and leave me to die of thirst.”
Taina stuck her tongue out at me and there was a chorus of “Don’t stick it out unless you intend to use it” from several of us. Everyone dissolved into giggles.
“I got up and started heading for the door, I think we need some breakfast and I need an outhouse visit.”
Beth called out from behind me “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
I looked back at her “What?”
I looked down and sheepishly headed over to my clothing. The girls all laughed as they started to get up and get dressed.

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How about a pic? – Chapter One

How about a pic – Chapter One
One day, not too long ago, I was sitting around the house very bored. My wife and kids had gone to their sister’s lake house. I opted out to do “yard work” and basically do whatever the hell I wanted to.
I was procrastinating as it was pretty hot outside when I received a text. I went to check it and got side-tracked with something silly on television. After finally getting the gumption to head outside, I figured check my phone before heading out to crank up the lawn mower.
To my surprise, I had received a text message from my sister in law that stated, “How about a pic?”
I sent her a reply. “Sorry sweetie, you must have sent this to the wrong person,” and headed outside.
After an hour or so, I had finished mowing and headed back in for some refreshment and checked my phone for messages, calls from my wife, etc. I saw that I had a voicemail. It was from Gina, my wife, letting me know that they had decided to stay the rest of the weekend and that I was on my own for dinner unless I wanted to come on over to the lake which was about 2.5 hours away.
The lake did sound good and I was tempted to brush off the work I had been neglecting around the house. I thought better of it and figured now was as good a time as any to get this stuff done and maybe get some thank you sex from my wife. Sex was few and far between with her the past few years. We’re still very much in love, but the spark in our relationship had certainly diminished. I guess the hope was what got me to work in the yard in the first place.
I decided to return her call. We chatted for a few minutes and I assured her that the time at home would be well worth it for the yard and for me. I updated her on the progress and she seemed somewhat engaged with the conversation. She laughed at my jokes about the next door neighbor’s yard and added that her sister and brother-in-law were wonderful hosts and that all the cousins were getting along famously. I was relieved that everyone was having a good time and the mood there seemed very relaxed and fun. I did feel a bit weird for not obliging the invitation, but I was enjoying some alone time and being outside always seemed to reinvigorate me back to earlier, simpler times. However, I knew the progress I had made could be rewarded and for that I was grateful as well.
“Okay honey, tell Sarah and Mikayla hello and give them big hugs and kisses form their dad. I’ll see ya when you get home.”
With that we hung up as I took a long swig of the water cup I had filled when I came inside. I hit “end” on the phone to end my conversation when I noticed I had missed a text message as well. I pulled up the text and it was again from my sister-in-law, Hannah. I click on the message that said.
“How ‘bout you send me a pic anyway?”
I replied, a bit perplexed with her text.
“What kind of pic do you want? I’m alone this weekend, so you never know what you’re going to get! :)”
I liked to tease my sister in law. She was about 10 years younger than my wife and certainly enjoyed being the “baby” of the family and took every opportunity to play her part. She seemed to have no real direction in life.
Her parents had bought a house for her close to town. It was an older home that they had completely re-done. It was in an “up and coming neighborhood,” where loads of hipsters had landed and provided for an eclectic mix of people from all walks of life. This is where my sister-in-law seemed to be thriving for now and I certainly saw her attitudes mature as well. Coming from a strict up-bringing, I think that she was still in her rebellious phase. I think she partied some, but still was able to maintain her “good girl” standing with the family which kept the checks rolling in from her parents.
Almost as soon as I hit send from my phone I received an immediate reply with a multi-media message from her. It was a picture of Hannah with a skimpy two-piece on with the caption, “do you think this is too small?”
I had to rub my eyes when I first saw the pic. I also double-checked to make sure it was from Hannah, thinking maybe she had accidentally sent it to me instead of one of her boy friends.
It was indeed Hannah, in a swim suit…a two piece that didn’t leave a ton to the imagination. My mind raced and I could feel my balls stir. I was 12 years her senior and I had practically watched this girl grow up, but it still caused a familiar stirring in my loins. I was a little bit shocked, more turned on and definitely wondering how far this would go.
Let me describe Hannah for you. She stands about 5’8” tall with blond hair down to her shoulders. She is not skinny, but she’s certainly not fat. She’s definitely buxom, with the right amount of meat on her bones. She has very nice curves with at least D cup boobs, could be a little smaller or bigger, but the swimsuit definitely made them look large as the fabric from the top only covered some of them.
The bikini bottom seemed to accentuate her curvy hips. They were the perfect shape with the nicest and cheeks I’d seen in a while. They had the perfect amount of tightness and bounciness, which I hope makes sense. I had admired it from afar all too long, so it was nice to get a better view, even though the pic was small. I wondered what everything looked like underneath and I imagined a smoothly shaved pussy and asshole, ripe for a cock like man to use and abuse.
Although the picture this was a side view, definitely taken with her cell phone in a mirror in her bathroom, I got a full view of her glorious figure. She definitely had curves in the right places.
I couldn’t believe that I was seeing my sister-in-law in this state of dress…or rather almost undress. Sure, I had seen her in a swimsuit throughout the years. She always looked good but she always wore a modest one piece suit around the family. So, seeing her this way was certainly a welcome sight. Sure, I had dreamed about her from time to time, but nothing ever came of it, nor did I ever expect it to…until now. I saw just a tiny glimmer of hope and figured that she was just being a tease. I shook my head a few times and sent a reply.
“Hannah, this is your brother-in-law Mike. Did you mean to send this to me?”
I was pleased with my reply, thinking that for some reason, this was some sort of weird test conjured up by my wife and Hannah.
“Bling-Bling,” my phone chirped at me just as I was about to put it down with one word.
Nothing else. I waited a few minutes and my phone chimed again.
“Of course I know it’s you! What are you doing?”
I replied, “Yard work, want to help?”
“Ick…that sucks, can I come use your pool?”
“Sure, but you may have to wear something different than what’s in the pic,” I answered, again proud of myself for passing yet another test.
“Ok, I’ve got something better! You’ll like it for sure. See you in a few.”
I wasn’t sure what ‘something better’ meant but figured that it would be more like she normally wore around our pool with the family here. I secretly hoped for her to wear the skimpy suit from the pic. However, I wasn’t sure I could stand having a scantily-clad, young woman lounging around my pool while I worked in the yard…although I really didn’t mind. Hey, a guy can dream can’t he.
I figured Hannah would come over, go for a swim, lay out in what was left of the afternoon sun and then go hang with her friends. That was pretty typical behavior for her in the summer time. I certainly didn’t mind and definitely didn’t mind when she brought her friends over as well. From time to time Hannah would bring friends with her and having late 20’s and early 30 year old single women almost naked around my pool was always a good thing and provided plenty of “spank bait” for later.
I was proud of myself for passing my perceived “test” and went back out to the yard to finish the trimming and the yard.
I fired up the trimmer and headed into the back yard to hit around the trees and make sure everything was ship shape. Our yard, in places, had become pretty overgrown and I chided myself for not giving it the TLC it needed to be the showplace we’d always dreamed of. Our 7 foot privacy fence enclosed an expansive backyard with the pool, huge, hardwood-trees, flower beds a small creek that ran through the back corner complete with a gazebo and fire pit for entertaining friends and family on cool evenings.
I was very proud of the backyard, it had been my design from the beginning and I had let it get out of control. As I continued working on the overgrowth, I hadn’t noticed that Hannah had let herself in and was lying by the pool. I quickly glanced back as I saw her easing into a chaise lounge to sun. Of course she had perfectly aligned herself with the sun between the trees. It was getting to be about 3pm and I knew the sun would duck down below the tree line in an hour or so and steal the sun from baking her skin.
I hadn’t really noticed what she was wearing, but as I finally had finished trimming, I realized that I was hot and thirsty so I headed back to the house. I was looking down at the ground, feeling dog tired as I yelled out to Hannah, “Hey Hannah, I’ll join you in a few minutes. I’ll bring some beers too,” I said and kept my eyes towards the ground and continued the trek back to the shed near the garage.
“Hey there…she said in a flirty voice. Ohhh good. Bring some of that good tequila and we can do body shots too,” as she chuckled a bit.
I didn’t answer. I passed the pool and trudged back up towards the house with the trimmer and my sweat covered self to get things back to where they belonged while promising myself that I’d ever let the backyard go like I had ever again. Although I didn’t take a long look, I noticed, from the corner of my eye, that my sister-in-law was showing a lot of skin. I think my mind was playing tricks on me and I quickly hurried to put away the yard tools.
Man, was it hot. Summers in the south are known for their heat, but also for their humidity. You could almost cut the air with a knife. I was happy to be done for the day’s chores and desperately needed some relief from the heat. I went inside quickly threw on my swim trunks and headed for the kitchen to grab a big jug of cold water from the fridge. I opened the jug and drank a few swigs as my eyes gazed through the breakfast room window over the pool.
In the middle of one of the gulps, my eyes saw her. I gasped and tried to swallow but gagged instead. Water shot through my nose as I closed my eyes. A mix of, “Oh shit, I’m choking,” and “I can’t believe it,” raced through my mind as I turned to the sink to spit out the rest of the water in my mouth as the other bit dripped from my nose. I coughed a few times and wiped my face and gathered my composure. I took another look as I shook my head a few times to make sure my eyes could actually see what they saw just a few seconds before.
There…on the chaise lounge was Hannah…completely topless. Not on her back like a lot of women do in the sun, but her wonderful D cup boobs, wonderfully oiled, glistening in the afternoon sun and for me to gaze upon in desire…as well as almost choke to death. Hannah had her sunglasses on so I’m not sure if she was looking at me, but her head was certainly turned in my direction. I assumed she was looking straight at me. Her chest was much better than I had ever dreamed. She had perfectly round, puffy nipples with a thin pale strip of light skin that circled the outer areola creating a thing almost white line between where her nipple ended and her skin began. Her chest heaved in the sunlight as I detected small beads of sweat drifting slowly between the two wonderful globes protruding from her chest.
Admittedly, my cock jumped inside the constraints of my swim trunks as I continued to gather myself from nearly choking a few seconds ago. The flirtation between us had certainly been amped up…and I wasn’t going to refuse. In the back of my mind, however, I did warn myself, that this could still be a test. I admired her for about 5 more seconds as I turned back to the kitchen grabbed a cooler bag and stuffed a few beers, the bottle of Patron, she had requested and some ice. I grabbed the jug and headed out to see what, if anything, was next. I surveyed the fridge and grabbed a carton of strawberries and gathered some sliced limes in a baggie and headed out the door.
“Sure is a nice view,” I said laughing quickly walking down to the pool.
“Ya think,” she asked and giggled as her tits jiggled from the laughter. I strode towards her side of the pool like it was no big deal
“I hope you don’t mind me tanning Euro-style today,” she added.
I walked to the chair beside her and placed the cooler bag between her chair and mine, pulled a beer out, opened it and handed it to her.
“Thanks. I could use one of these,” she said
“You’re welcome,” I answered. My eyes gazed at my sister-in-law’s beautiful body. The sun warming her lovely, oiled skin. Beads of sweat dripped down her body making her skin sparkle and the sun beath down on her torso. My cock began to stir again in my shorts. Hannah reached for the beer and touched my hand gently and glanced up. My eyes wandered over her body once more.
“Beautiful,” I said and with that, I dove into the water. It was refreshing! Not only did it wash away the dirt, sweat and grime from my outdoor chores but I emerged from the water feeling almost like a new man. Its’ coolness seemed to restore my aching muscles. I ran my hand through my hair to wipe away the excess water and swam back where Hannah was sitting, almost a little too proudly.
“Hannah, would you hand me a beer,”
“No problem,” she quickly got up from her chaise, bent over the cooler, her boobs hung down perfectly. She turned her ass towards me and seemed to stick them out to taunt me. She grabbed the beer from the cooler and while bent over, I saw her glance and smile at me. I whistled at her and tried to keep a cool demeanor, but I think my jaw opened a bit and I’m sure there was a dumbfounded look on my face when she turned towards me. Her boobs swayed back into place and jiggled ever so slightly as she approached the edge of the pool and reached out to hand the beer to me.
My hand lightly brushed hers as she bent down allowing me a better look at the wonderful globes that protruded from her chest. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her in the water, beer and all.
She screamed as her body hit the water making a splash. Hannah tits undulated and swayed as if in slow motion as her body crashed into the water. I knew I was in for it when she recovered from the shock. I started laughing as she emerged from the water quickly. The water splashed over her body and created small rivers that ran between and around her boobs. She flicked her hair back in one swift movement and lunged towards me.
“I’m gonna get you,” she stated coming towards me forgetting, or maybe not, that she was naked from the waist up.
“I dare you,” moving towards the center of the pool, feigning to try to get away from her.
Hannah caught me and literally and placed her hands in the top of my shoulders and jumped up. I had a wonderful view of her tits as they bounced together and mingled with the water. I could see her nipples had constricted from the coolness of the water as she lunged towards me. I was now facing their magnificence and relished the opportunity to be this close to Hannah’s wonderful body. Hannah then pushed herself up as my face was swallowed between. The insides of her tits literally slapped against my ears and I succumbed to her advances, and allowed myself to be dunked into the cool water. Hannah tried to escape but I reached up and pulled her under with me. Her skin felt smooth as I wrapped my arms around her sides. With my head still buried between them, my hands moved to her sides and forcefully pulled them against me. I found my footing and shot up through the water and back to the air above. Keeping the embrace, I pulled her body closer to mine as we re-emerged and both took a huge gasp of oxygen.
We emerged from the water. I was laughing, and I stand at nearly 6’4” tall and I seemed to tower over Hannah’s 5’8” frame. Our bodies were still pressed together and the wonderful sensation of her mounds against my chest was amazing. Just as quickly as I could realize the sensation, she pushed me away. I laughed and released her from my grip and swam to the side to take a swig of my beer.
As I chugged the beer I felt my cock had arrived at the party. It strained against my trunks and I was hoping that playtime wasn’t over.
“You mess with the bull, you get the horns,” I said between chugs of beer, as well as a few laughs.
“The horns huh,” she giggled and approached me.
“C’mon now, I don’t want to hurt you Hannah,” I began to laugh and held my hands up and made a squeezing motion with my fingers as if to squeeze her boobies. I felt a little bit like a middle school kid, but with a way better view.
“I might just like that,” she said and lunged forward. I pushed my hands forward to catch her and finally grasped the sweet globes and felt them beneath my fingers. They had the perfect amount of sponginess to them and could feel the nipple glide along the palm of my hand. Then I realized I had been tricked…of course. Hannah grasped me by the cock. She took it in her hand and then down to my balls and gently squeezed. Not enough to hurt, but enough for me to raise my hands in surrender.
“Ahhh, shit,” I exclaimed.
“Ohhh, the horns huh. Feels more like a horn,” She laughed “a nice one too,” she added and squeezed them a little tighter.
“Shit Hannah, that fucking hurts…”
She let go rather slowly enough for her palm to engulf my swollen member in her hand and slide it off very gently and gave it a light pat.
“Awwww, poor baby, can I rub it?” she asked with a gleam in her eye and innocent look on her face. She slowly opened her mouth and licked her lips as she reached for it again.
I didn’t stop her and just nodded with acceptance and she leaned in closer. I reached my arm around her. Her palm rested against my belly button and slowly undid the tie at the top of my trunks. With one swift movement her hand slipped inside my pants and gently brushed the head of my cock and gently snaked its way around the girth and to the base.
My mouth must have been wide open in disbelief.
“Poor, poor brother-in-law. What have we here?”
She began rubbing it gently up and down and continued to look towards her in disbelief of her display. It wasn’t that I minded…it was just that she just went for it…all of it.
I gently pushed my hands towards her breasts and took one from beneath to feel its weight. I smoothed the goose bumps down gently and rubbed up to meet the nipples with each of my hands.
I then pulled her close. She looked up and we finally had our first of what I hoped would be many kisses. Her lips were glistening with water and looked very inviting. Hannah’s were great, very plump and luscious.
I had imagined kissing her lips quite a few times and I was finally now able to say, they are as good as I had dreamed of. Our lips met and she opened her mouth. I slowly offered my tongue, she obliged by swirling hers around mine and I pulled her closer to me. It was as if electricity surrounded us…partly from the desire between us and the other from the taboo that she and I are brother and sister-in-law.
She worked her hand gently up and down the shaft of my cock as my hands continued exploring her naked back. Her lovely breasts smashed against my chest while my hands roamed her back, making their way to her ample ass cheeks. They felt good to my hands. The fabric of her suit clung tightly to her skin. I gently snuck my hand down the middle of her crack and inside the flimsy fabric of her suit.
Her body jolted as my finger made one swirl around he puckered asshole and I began to move us towards the pool steps to get more comfortable. Her legs wrapped around my waist, we never stopped the kissing and feeling each other’s bodies. She straddled me and gently relaxed her leg muscles and placed her on the steps of the pool.
She looked up at me with a very naughty expression on her face. She moved her index finger up to her lips and said,
“I feel like a naughty girl…”
“I like naughty,” I replied and reached for her suit bottoms.
She lifted her ass enough for me to pull them over her hips and displayed the most amazing and sweetest pussy I’d ever seen. What enveloped my view was perfectly shaved, not a hair or even stubble to be seen with wonderful labia slightly protruding from her gorgeous slit. At the top, this beautiful glistening skin that encased her clit was begging to be sucked and I was happy to oblige.
I kissed Hannah intently as I threw her bikini bottoms to the pool deck. They landed with a thwack as I moved in…she stopped me for a second and began yanking at the sides of my trunks as well. Obliging her desire, I quickly began pulling them down. Not taking my eyes off of Hannah, she stared at the bulge expectantly as the trunks slid across my crotch and brought my cock into her full view.
Now, I’m not hung like a bear, but the girth of my cock is pretty nice, a little over 2” in diameter and not quite 6” long.
My cock sprung from my suit and bounced against the water and then stood parallel to it. Hannah’s eyes widened, although I don’t think she did this intentionally, she licked her lips as if preparing for a delicious meal…which she would get eventually, but I had to get my lips and tongue onto and into her waiting pussy.
“I’ve wanted to see this for a long time. Only a glimpse or two over the years, but those peeks only left me wanting more,” Hannah exclaimed as I dropped to my knees on the bottom step.
“I know the feeling,” looking up at her and staring into her eyes then her boobs then down to her slit, taking one of her legs onto my shoulder and began to kiss my way down to the treasure I was seeking.
Hannah moved her fingers between her legs and gently opened the lips exposing its lovely pink center.
Her ass on the top stair in the pool as the water gently lapped against her opening. She rubbed a circle around it with two of her fingers and offered them to me. I gently suckled them, relishing the sweet aroma.
With one swoop I moved my face forward and attacked her sweet outer lips. My tongue pried them apart and Hannah’s fingers move down to assist as they opened them completely offering them to my assault.
I licked the entire length of her slit, grazing the sweet, pearl-like nub all the way to her canal. My tongue navigating its circumference once and then lunging deep inside. Hannah gasped as I snaked my tongue in her once, swirling around the entrance two more times and then back inside. She continued opening the lips and begging for more.
“Ohhh,” she jolted forward slamming my tongue inside her. “Yes….ewwwwww…ohhhh,” she offered as I snuck my hand up to her opening and sneakily inserted a finger. My tongue licked its way up to her gleaming pearl peeking out from its hood-like enclosure. Hannah pulled the skin back allowing it to come into full view. I took a mouthful of pool water and gently allowed it to wash over her lips and then quickly took the exposed nub into my mouth. I suckled at it gently and swirled my tongue around it a few times as the first shockwaves of an impending orgasm languidly moved through Hannah’s body.
My finger worked in and out of her slippery slit, burying itself deep inside my sister-in-law’s womb and quickly finding her spongy g-spot, my index finger gently raked along the small ripples of skin, all the while I continued sucking her sweet and slippery slit up to her pearl.
“Oh my gawwwwd,” Hannah screamed, almost a little too loudly into the late afternoon air. I quickly added another finger inside her. It slipped in with ease as my hand began pumping in and out of her quickening the pace. Her moans of pleasure continued. I looked up to watch her face. Hannah’s eyes were slammed shut as she bit her lip. Her cheeks were quickly getting flushed as her body inadvertently jerked forward every few seconds. She then bit her bottom lip as she tried to catch her breath and my tongue continued lapping up the sweet nectar that oozed from between her lips.
Sucking her sweet nub and my two-fingered assault was almost too much for Hannah. She placed one of her hands on the back of my head and the other behind her on the step of the pool to steady herself. I felt her body jolt forward slamming my nose between her folds.
“Oh shit….yes,” she yelled at me with more authority. “I’m gonna cum brother! I’m gonna cum all over your face,” she added with more volume.
Finally, I felt the build-up of electricity as she was shoving my face against her body. One last swirl of my tongue and then a long intentional suck of her nub as my fingers worked in and out of her and she let out a tremendous moan,”
“Ohhhhhhh……yeeeeeesssssssssss,” she screamed, wrapping one leg around my head with her hand between. I almost couldn’t breathe but it was nice feeling the heaving of her body so close to mine spasm-ing over and over again.
I lapped up the sweet nectar that had exploded across my face. It was so sweet and yummy, like honey from a fresh hive, I enjoyed its lovely aroma and taste as my two fingers slipped from inside her and she finally released me from her grip.
I looked down at Hannah. Her eyes were closed, her face was flushed her chest pumping up and down as she tried to catch her breath. She mumbled a few times, “Oh my god….oh my god,” trying to catch her breath.
“I’ve never cum so hard in my life,” she added finally opening her eyes to look at me. She reached up and grabbed me and pulled me close and began kissing me hard while reaching down to rub her hand over my cock. She licked and lapped at my face, tasting her own juices. She was animalistic at this point.
She then turned me over and out me in the same place she was sitting a few moments before and quickly slid in front of me and quickly inhaled my cock. In one swallow she took the whole thing inside her.
My eyes rolled back in my head feeling her tongue swirling all around me as the head of my cock plunged into her throat.
Hannah grabbed my hand and placed it on the back of her head and showed me that she wanted me to force her down on all of my cock. I obliged and gently pushed her down as far as she could go. Her hand quickly moved to my balls as she fondled them, I let go of her head allowing her a quick breath before returning her more forcefully down to take my cock into her juicy mouth.
She looked up at me. I took my hand and began pulling her hair up and down. I allowed her another breath and she said, “I want you to fuck my mouth. Please fuck it hard!”
I couldn’t believe the dirty talk and words coming out of her mouth, but I loved it. There was so much desire on her face. I had never really been with a woman that wanted it rough, so it kind of frightened me a bit to think that I could oblige her request so quickly and easily. I believe a primal desire had kicked in and I was determined to take advantage of the opportunity as I wasn’t sure that this would ever happen again.
Hannah was gagging on my cock, but seemed to enjoy this more than I ever would have thought. The sensation of my cock invading her throat was amazing. My sister-in-law was basically allowing me to use her as my fuck toy…and I was enjoying it. All too quickly though I felt the tingling sensation as the cum in my balls started to well up inside me.
“I’m close,” I exclaimed to Hannah as she looked up desperate to speak. I released my grip on her head as she gasped for air and said, “Cum in my throat or on my face. I like it either way!” She then resumed sucking my cock. I stopped her for a second and stood up. I placed her on the step just below me so she was almost eye-level with my cock.
She resumed sucking intently on my engorged member. And then my toes began to curl. I stopped Hannah’s head from bobbing up and down on my penis and exclaimed, “I want to cum on your face sweetie.” She released her grip on my cock. I grabbed it and furiously started pumping as Hannah titled her head back and stuck her tongue out like a bird waiting for her mother to return to the nest.
I slapped my cock twice on her tongue when I finally relented and allowed my sperm to be released towards the beautiful creature in front of me.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh,” escaped my mouth as pearly-white rope of cum spurted forth from the head landing partially in her mouth but creating a wide swath across her nose and forehead. Hannah simply laughed and continued sticking her tongue out as more cum spewed forth from my head. I aimed it into her mouth and a thick glob shot straight to the back of her throat. She gagged but laughed as she then allowed it to dribble from her mouth.
The feeling of her tongue along the bottom of my shaft was, in a word, AMAZING. Shot after shot of sticky, white cum shot from my cock. Some landed in her mouth yet other spurts smeared across her lovely face. I could feel the wave of pleasure subsiding as my quads began to burn from straining so hard. That was one of the hardest orgasms I had in a while.
I tried to gain my composure a bit and looked down at Hannah who had just swallowed the load that managed to land her mouth. The rest she scraped into her hand and quickly licked off.
“Ummmm, so good…and good for you too,” she said finishing cleaning her face.
I stood there in awe of my beautiful sister-in-law. I shimmied down the stairs of the pool and dove in hoping that the water would help my muscles, not only from the yard but from the incredible orgasm I had just had.
Hannah simply smiled and giggled as she hurried up the stairs, grabbed the bottle of tequila and a shot glass and poured herself a shot and then one for me and handed it to me from the pool deck.
“Don’t pull me in again,” she said.
“I know, don’t want to waste that tequila,” I said as I took the shot glass from her and took my shot.
“Whew,” she yelled. Her young body bouncing as she raised her hand over her head and then softly added, “Bro, I have to say, you’re one good pussy licker. I’m still all tingly,” she added as she turned to return the bottle to the cooler bag making sure she displayed all her assets to me as she did.
Three steps and jump, she was back in the pool.
The cool water felt good against my body. Hannah swam up from behind and wrapped her legs around my waist. The feeling of my nubile sister-in-law’s body wrapped around me was intoxicating. Her skin rubbing against mine was heavenly. Her feet came together and gently embraced my cock. She formed her arches around the base and expertly coaxed it back to life. My hands reached around and gently cupped her ass cheeks and roamed up and down. My fingers lightly grazed against her inner thighs and gently grazed her protruding folds. I could feel the warmth building and emitted as the index fingers of my hands swept across her tiny asshole. Hannah’s boobs crushed themselves against my back. Her feet began working up and down my shaft gently. I felt her nipples slide across and up and down my back. My cock continued to fill with blood until it was rock hard.
My hands finished their ministrations as I turned around to face her. Hannah’s deep blue eyes like saucers caught mine. We kissed passionately and I moved my cock to her entrance. The head slipped in just a bit. I thrust my tongue forward in unison to swirl around hers as she adjusted her legs allowing the head to fully disappear inside. I could feel the grip of her warm pussy walls pulling the shaft inside her. It slowly glided inside her. Our tongues continued to dance in her mouth as my cock slowly eased further and further inside her womb.
I soon bottomed out inside her. My balls slammed against her with a thud. Hannah’s eyes opened as did mine. They were wide as saucers. I moved my hands to her haunches and slowly began rocking them back and forth so that she was gliding up and down the thick shaft of my cock. The head of my cock was enveloped by the sugary walls of her pussy. She was tight, but not too tight. No doubt the thickness of its girth caught her by surprise.
I released our kiss and Hannah took the back of my head and pulled it so we were nose to nose and eye to eye. My hands pushed her hips back and forth slamming almost to the hilt and then pulling her back. Our eyes locked together as I continued to plunge myself inside her. Hannah’s mouth was wide open and let out moans every third or fourth thrust which encouraged me to continue.
“Uh….your cock is soooo thick. Don’t stop. Uhhhhh, don’t stop,” she whispered.
My hands roamed her ass until my index finger finally found her sweet ass hole. I teased it slightly swirling around the opening. My cock still plunging in and then out. Three my thrusts and my finger finally wiggled its way in a tiny bit.
“Oh yessssss! Put your finger in my ass,” Hannah encouraged. My index finger slowly slipped inside. I briefly stopped the motion up and down to bury my cock as deeply as I could which allowed me more time to slide my finger all the way in her ass.
Hannah then placed her forehead on my shoulder and her legs wrapped tightly around me as if her body couldn’t get enough of me inside.
“Put another one in,” she begged as he breath quickened. I quickly darted another inside her and Hannah’s movements became much more hurried and rushed. She actually bit my shoulder and I sped the pace of ramming my cock inside her. My fingers worked inside her rectum simultaneously which sent her over the edge.
“Yessss,” Hannah yelled. “Ohhhhhhhh…..soooooo good! You’re a naughty brother-in-law and I love it! I love your cock inside my pussy!”
With that statement she became wild. The sloshed between our bodies sending splashes of water between her tits as they swayed and bounced. I began slamming my hips into her a my index and middle fingers tried moving up and down as I felt the pulse of my heart beating through the tp of my cock. It longed to spew its pearly-white seed inside my sister-in-law’s cunt…but I needed her to cum again.
I continued pounding her. Hannah’s head gyrated as I could feel her leg muscles contracting bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.
“Uhh, uhhh, uhhhh,” she cried as she looked at me and said, “I’m gonna cum, please cum inside my pussy. It needs your pearly white cum. Fuck that pussy hard and spew your cum inside my hole.”
With that I literally started pumping my fingers and slamming myself as hard and as fast as I could between us. Waves of water splashed over us and I continued pumping harder and harder. Hannah’s moans became faster and faster. I longed to spew inside her and held on while she was just reaching the apex or her fantastic orgasm!
“Yeessss….cum inside me now,” she screamed.
With that encouragement, I let go. I couldn’t believe the torrent of cum that I released. Her pussy contracted my cock milking its’ substance as she let out a final moan and then a silent “yesssss,” she whispered in my ears.
“I’ve wanted your cock and cum inside me since I was little. Thank you for fucking me so good.”
I held her tightly as I continued emptying myself inside her. Hannah’s orgasm finally subsided and we looked at each other again. I was in disbelief as she lunged towards me and kissed me shoving her tongue in my mouth. I could barely hold us up and I finally let go allowing us to submerge into the water below us. I found my footing again and pulled us up for oxygen and Hannah finally let me go.
“I can barely walk,” she said as she slid off of me. I quickly turned around picked her up and placed her on the edge of the pool.
I kissed both of her legs as they dangled in the water.
“You stay right here. I’ll get us a drink and a snack and maybe we can figure out what other trouble we can get into. You’ve made this old man very happy,” I added and quickly hopped from the pool over to the chairs, grabbed a couple more beers, the strawberries and took a seat next to Hannah at the pool’s edge.
I offered her a strawberry and cracked open another beer for each of us. I rubbed her back and Hannah rested against my shoulder as she took a bite and said, “I’ve got a few more surprises left for you tonight,”
“Like what,” I asked her taking a bite out of another strawberry,
“Well, ya know my friend Laura,” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Well, she’s gonna be here in like 5 minutes. She knows that I’ve wanted you for the last 10 years and she wants you too. I figured you’d like having two girls and she and I…well…we like boys and girls if you know what I mean,”
I must have had the most stupid look on my face because as Hannah looked up to see my approval a puzzled look came across her face.
“You want me to call her and tell her to bail,” she asked.
“No, no…I mean, I guess that’s fine. I mean who am I to complain. I’m just having a little trouble with all of this,” I told her.
“Well, it’s like this. I know my sister isn’t a wild one and I know that she doesn’t put out. I mean, it doesn’t take a psychologist to figure that out. So, I just decided to help you out. Of couse this will be our secret.
I’ve wanted you for a long time and in the past hour you’ve surpassed my dreams by 10 of how good I thought you might be in bed. So, why not share the love. I love Laura, she loves me and we’d want to do this together. We talked about it and planned it when I heard that my suster was going to the lake with the kids and leaving you home. Soooooo….are you in,”
“Definitely,” I said. “How could I argue with that logic,” I added with a giggle.
With that we heard a car pull up to the garage. Hannah got up quickly, very much still naked, and made her way over to greet her friend Laura.
More to come…hopefully.

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Enjoying His Daughters . . . Episode Three

Everyone was eagerly waiting for Mindy to come home from gymnastics. They had written a very naughty story for her to act out, but she surprised them all by bringing along her friend, who they more than willing to add parts for.

My sweet sweet cookie.

please make sure that you are comfortable with all of the tags before continuing to read this story which is a word of fantasy and fiction about a young girls love for her older brother