Consensual Sex

My Sisters’ Gift 1

Note from the author: So this is my first story and if I get enough up votes I’ll write/publish more. All comments are appreciated, if you vote it down please tell me how I can improve in a comment.
Disclaimer: This story includes some themes that may not be your cup of tea. If you have problems with incest or any of the other themes that are listed above then this is not the story for you. To that person I would remind you that this is fiction. To everybody else, enjoy the story.
My Sisters’ Gift
Chapter 1
“Finally it’s Friday, I swear this has been the longest school week I’ve ever had…” As I walked out the front doors of my school I thought about how awesome it’s gonna be to finally have my day off. Between my busy high school schedule and my job at a local McDonalds, I haven’t had a full day off for more than two weeks and this Saturday was my first chance to sleep in for a while. I hopped in my Honda in the parking lot and got in the terrible Friday after school line. At least it was a sunny fall day and I didn’t mind listening to some new CD’s I had. It’s a fifteen minute drive home and then freedom. I pull into my driveway and notice that my twin sisters Sadie and Sarah aren’t home from the local community college yet. They are a year older than me and with their half Brazilian skin tone they were always the hottest girls in school.
Finally getting in to my room I took off my shoes and jacket and flopped on my bed for a much needed jack off session. All those hot girls at school in their skirts and yoga pants are distracting and I haven’t gotten any for almost six months now since I broke up with my last girlfriend. I’ve been on a few dates with girls but I’m still not really ready for a serious relationship and I haven’t found the right girl. Anyways I cleaned myself up and decided to take a shower before I had to go to work. I quickly got dressed, including the authentic McDonalds shirt and head visor.
“Damn, I’m gonna have to tell Vicky that I can’t work so early after school anymore, there just isn’t enough driving time.”
The night manager Vicky is pretty chill and she works with a lot of high school kids. I threw on a sweatshirt, grabbed my cup and headed downstairs.
I walked into the kitchen and re-read the note that my mom had left in the morning.
“Kids, I’m flying out to the corporate offices in California and I’ll be back in two weeks. The kitchen is stocked and everything should be okay while I’m gone. Take care of yourselves and be nice to each other.”
Signed, with love – Kim.
Mom put herself through college, even though she had my sisters when she was a senior in high school. She put in the time and got a full ride scholarship and now she is an executive at a big bank. At 36 she is trim and beautiful with her fair Brazilian skin tone. Mom goes to the gym at least every other day and she works hard to maintain her fit form. She is a 36 D and more than one of my friends have told me they think she is hot. I started to notice her when I hit puberty and both her and my sisters had been objects of more than one fantasy.
I sighed, “Dad was a fool to walk out on her, but as soon as he heard that she was pregnant again, he broke it off.”
I started to walk towards the door and I looked at the clock, “Damn three fifty already it’s a ten minute drive down there.” I heard a car horn go off and I assumed it was my sisters coming home from their classes. I opened the front door and was greeted with two warm smiles.
“Hey Mitch, we just went and got some lunch. Are you off to work?” my sister Sarah said.
“Yeah I work until ten tonight.”
“Okay, well were gonna go to a party that Jason is throwing tonight and we’ll probably be gone by the time you get home.”
Both girls took it upon themselves to kiss my check as they walked past me in the doorway.
“Alright, I guess I’ll see you then.”
I got in to the car and quickly drove to the McDonalds where I work. I pulled into the parking lot and I speed walked into the building knowing I was running a couple minutes late. The first thing I noticed was Donnie, my cute coworker who was working the front till. It looked like business was going pretty slow as only one customer was at the counter. I quickly put on my apron and clocked in at 4:02; I looked for Vicky to let her know I had arrived. Vicky, the night manager, is twenty seven. Not only is she beautiful, tall with long wavy blonde hair and all the right curves; she’s the hardest working person on this side of the Mississippi. I found her in the back, standing on a step stool putting some boxes away. I took a moment to admire the way her ass jiggles as she reached up high before clearing my throat to announce my presence.
“Hey Vic, do you need some help putting that box away?”
Without turning around she replied “No, I got it Mitch. Too bad you weren’t here a few minutes ago; I just put most of the stock away.”
“Sorry about that, by the way I wanted to let you know that it’s really hard to make these four o’clock shifts after school because I have to drive home in the opposite direction.”
She turned and replied, “Actually we just got a new guy named Miguel who is gonna be working afternoons, would starting at five be enough time for you?”
Thankful for her understanding, I answered “Four thirty is fine and I’m still available till ten on weeknights.”
“Alright, your going to be on the grill tonight so you’d better go get started.”
We were fairly busy on Friday night but work went by slow and besides talking to my coworkers there wasn’t much to do.
At ten, Vicky walked up to me with her hair in a sexy loose bun and let me know that I was done for the night. As soon as she put somebody else on the grill I went to the back and got my stuff.
I walked past the front till on my way out, when I passed Donnie she smiled at me dazzlingly.
“Hey Mitch, are you off?”
“Yeah, the weekend is here and I’m finally free.”
“Too bad I’m not, I have to stay tonight and close. I got called in this afternoon and I was looking forward to going to that party Jason is throwing.”
I laughed as I walked out to my car and put in one of my new CDs. I stopped and got gas on the way home and I rolled in to the house around ten thirty. My sisters’ car was still gone so I figured I’d call them and see if they were coming home for the night.
I dialed Sarah’s number and after a couple of rings she picked up:
“Hey Mitch, what’s up?”
“I just got home from work, are you and Sadie gonna stay at Jason’s house tonight?”
“Nah, the party is starting to get lame and we’ll probably be home in the next couple hours.”
Considering my mom wasn’t around, I had to be the one to watch out for the girls.
“Alright, is one of you sober enough to drive home?”
Sarah replied, “Yeah I only had two drinks when we got here, Sadie played some beer pong and had a few shots so I’ll definitely be driving.”
“Okay then, I’ll see you when you get here.”
I took the opportunity to get my homework done before the girls got home, that way I’d have the whole weekend free. When they pulled in at midnight I was sitting in my room playing some games online. I heard them come inside and climb the stairs, apparently disappearing into their separate rooms. Sarah stuck her head in my doorway to say “good night,” but there was no trace of Sadie. I played a couple more games and by twelve thirty I decided it was time to hit the sack.
Groggily, I woke up to a soft voice coming from across the room, it was obviously one of my sisters but I couldn’t tell which one it was in the dark.
“Miiiitch, arre you aawhake?”
I realized that she was slurring her words and reasoned that it must be Sadie who had woken me up.
“Yeah Sadie, I’m up. Come on in and turn the light on.”
A few seconds later the light came on and I was momentarily blinded by the sudden brightness. I felt her sit down on the left side of my bed and when I could see again I noticed that her make-up was still on and was streaked down her face. She was stunning in her night shirt and short shorts and I couldn’t help but notice her beauty.
“Mitch, why doo all guys hate me?” She pouted.
I groaned, and in response to my sister’s obviously drunken misery I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.
“Sadie, of course all guys don’t hate you. This guy loves you more than anything else in the world and you should never forget that.”
She sniffed and I could feel her physically tense body loosen up a bit. I could smell the drink on her breath when she said:
“Earlier I found out that Jason was just using me for the last six months and I never want to see him again. He told me that I am ugly and called me a slut.”
I was completely oblivious to why any guy would want to break up with my sister and I told her that.
“Sadie, you are beautiful and he must have his head up his ass not to agree. Forget about Jason, you are wayyyy too good for him anyways.”
“Do you really mean that?” She sniffed. She had calmed down some and as she looked up in to my eyes, she was stunning.
“Of course I do, most of my friends would give a limb to date you or Sarah, and I don’t know why you go out with some of those assholes. Lie down and get some sleep and it will all be better by morning.”
I hugged her tighter to my chest and laid her down on my bed. After a couple of minutes, Sadie had fallen asleep in my arms and I just held her and tried to comfort her. I was glad that we were face to face as she didn’t actually feel the hard-on I’d gotten as soon as I felt her soft touch. Sarah must have noticed the light when she walked in to the doorway and I put one finger over my mouth to let her know to be quiet. Sarah noticed Sadie and nodded, then she reached into my room and with a smile she turned my light off and closed the door. I pulled my blanket over both of us and drifted off to sleep with my sister in my arms.
I woke up the next morning with Sadie still in my bed; I carefully rolled over and noticed that it was already eleven in the morning. I stretched and headed out to the bathroom where I took a quick shower and handled all of my business. When I got out of the shower I could smell breakfast and I assumed that Sarah had been cooking for the three of us. I walked into my room to discover Sadie gone; I assumed she had gone to get dressed for the day. I put on some shorts and a plain T-shirt and headed downstairs. Sadie called out from above me that she was going to take a shower of her own just as I walked into the kitchen. I said good morning to Sarah who was finishing up putting the bacon on our three plates.
“Morning Mitch, I made you some breakfast. By the way, thanks for being so nice to Sadie last night. That prick Jason really let her down hard and I’m sure she has a nasty hangover.”
As I sat down at the table I said “No problem sis, honestly I don’t know why she was with Jason in the first place.”
Sarah replied, “I don’t know either, I told her that I didn’t like him from the start.” Then she placed mine and Sadie’s plate of delicious food on the table and honored me with one of her typical kisses on the cheek.
“With mom gone, it’s just gonna be us three again for the next couple weeks.” She said as she sat down in front of her own plate.
I nodded, my mouth full of her delicious creations. “I’m glad that you can cook so well Sarah, don’t know where I’d be without cha.”
She smiled, “Probably back in the dark ages.”
Just then Sadie came down the stairs. All she had on was one of my oversized T-shirts and a pair of panties underneath.
“Damn girl, I know your hung over but put some pants on.” Sarah said.
Sadie replied, “You know I don’t have anything that you haven’t seen before Sarah,”
I decided that was a good time to chime in myself, “Now now girls, play nice.”
Sarah lightly punched my shoulder and I feigned injury.
Sadie sat down and took a long drink of the coffee that Sarah had made for us. “Thanks for breakfast sis, it’s delicious as ever.”
Sarah replied, “You two are too generous, this took me twenty minutes.”
We finished our meal in silence and I made my excuses and went back upstairs. After about ten minutes, I heard a brief knock on my door.
“Come in.”
Sadie came in to my room and closed the door behind her. “Hey Mitch, thanks for being so sweet and cuddling with me last night. I guess I had a few too many drinks and kind of lost it.”
“No problem Sadie, I was just doing what any respectable brother would have done.” I lamely replied.
She sighed, “I wish I could find a guy who’s as nice as you are Mitch. In fact, I want to give you something for being such an awesome brother.”
I had no idea what she might be giving me, especially considering all that she had on was that same shirt and her panties, neither of which had pockets.
“You have to put on a blindfold before I can give it to you, adds to the effect.”
She proceeded to grab a shirt of mine and tie it around my head, effectively blindfolding me. She worked my shirt and reluctantly my shorts off so that I was naked. Sadie had me lay down on my stomach and she started massaging my shoulders.
“Just trust me” she said.
After a good ten minutes of massaging my shoulders, Sadie proceeded to move down my body. She massaged my sides and worked her way down over my back.
“Ooooh your back feels so strong, all those days at the gym are paying off bro.”
She then massaged my legs and my feet, leaving both feeling very relaxed.
“Alright bro, roll over and I’ll massage your front now.”
Knowing that my dick was rock hard and at its full seven and a half inch length, I rolled over and heard a gasp from my sister. I felt her hands on my chest and then was pleasantly surprised to feel her soft lips on mine. I took my time kissing her and I lightly rubbed my tongue across her lips. She got the message and her tongue started massaging and playing with mine. We made out for an unknown amount of time before she eventually broke off the kiss. She then started massaging my chest and shoulders again. Slowly she moved down my body yet again, massaging my arms and my hands for a few minutes. I felt her slowly kiss down my neck and chest with those soft full lips. When her small hands grabbed hold of my hard-on I almost lost it right then.
“Wow bro, this thing is huge. It must be eight inches.”
I smiled and arched my back a little as she started to move her hand up and down my rod.
“You know, I don’t think I’m gonna date anymore ass hole guys. Instead, I’ve got the only guy I need right here.”
With that, I felt her wet tongue lick from the base of my cock to the tip; I shuddered and leaked a little precum, which she dutifully licked up.
“Ooo, and you taste delicious too.”
I felt like I was in a fantasy as Sadie wrapped her lips around my head and swirled her tongue rapidly.
“Ohhh Sadie that feels so good, don’t stop sucking. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
I groaned as she took four more inches of my cock deep into her mouth. Her tongue felt amazing and it was by far the best blowjob I’ve ever had. She brought her right hand up and started playing with my balls as she tried to swallow more and more of my cock into her throat.
With only an inch to go she pulled her head back so that only my helmet was still in her mouth. Running her tongue along the sensitive underside of my head, Sadie tried her hardest to coax the cum out of my cock.
“God damn Sadie, Jason must be crazy to have passed this up.”
I put both my hands on the back of her head and pushed my cock back into my beautiful sister’s tight throat. Her long dark hair tickled my groin as she tried yet again to take all of my cock into her throat.
I groaned when I felt her nose press against my stomach and I knew that she had taken my entire length into her throat. I was rapidly approaching release as Sadie extended her tongue out and started to lick my balls while deep-throating my cock.
After what seemed like an eternity, Sadie pulled her head away to take a breath. I held her nose to my stomach for an extra five seconds and enjoyed the feel of her tongue and her silky hair. I let go and she released my cock with a deep breath.
“Your cock is amazing Mitch, I need your cum sooooo bad.”
Sadie started jacking me off while she was licking at my balls and I knew I didn’t have much longer.
“Uhh Sadie if you keep that up I’m gonna cum.”
She moaned, deep-throated my cock, and continued to work magic with her tongue. When Sadie stuck one of her little fingers in my ass I lost control, suddenly spewing my load into her throat.
Spurt after spurt of my cum shot directly into my sister’s stomach and she moaned while she swallowed it all. Sadie buried her little finger inside me and started licking my balls at the same time as she deep throated my cock: prolonging my orgasm. As Sadie’s throat milked my balls for the last of their contents, I heard the door of my room swing open.
“And just what the hell is going on in here?” Sarah yelled. With my eyes blindfolded I couldn’t see the expression on her face but I assumed she was displeased.
Sadie released my cock from her hot mouth and I heard her say “I was just thanking Mitch for being such an amazing brother.”
Sarah laughed, “Oh yeah, from the looks of it, it’s him who should be thanking you.”
I groaned as I felt Sadie start jacking my sensitive cock again. It was rapidly shrinking in her hand and I heard her squeal:
“Oh no you don’t.”
A moment later I felt the most amazing sensation, her hot tongue is inside my asshole!
“Oh God Sadie, that is amazing.”
She continued rubbing my cock and eating my ass and It was hard as steel in no time. If I had thought my day was anywhere near over, I was terribly wrong. Sadie was eating out my ass like it was her first meal in weeks and then all of a sudden I felt another warm breath on the head of my dick.
I moaned as Sarah took my helmet in her mouth and started swirling her tongue around. In the mean time, Sadie had moved her tongue on to my balls and started trying to take one or both of them into her mouth at a time. I couldn’t resist so I took off my blindfold and put my hands on the back of Sarah’s head.
I guided my cock deep into Sarah’s tight mouth, pulling her by her silky black hair. Sadie’s tongue moved off of my balls and she said seductively
“Oh yeah Sarah, I took his whole cock down my throat earlier.”
Sarah sexily looked up into my eyes for confirmation and I nodded. Sarah smiled around my cock and as I started pushing it into her throat, Sadie decided to start eating out my ass again.
I groaned again, “Both of you have the most amazing tongues in the world. You are the best sisters ever.” I guess my compliment helped build her confidence because Sadie buried her tongue in my ass when I said that.
I reactively buried my cock in Sarah’s throat and I felt her gag around the head, only adding to my pleasure. This being the second time, I was prepared for much longer.
Both girls aggressively continued licking, sucking, and fondling until half an hour later I ended up blowing an even more massive load all over both of their faces.
“I wish I would have known about this thing earlier, you have a gift bro.” Sarah said as she stroked my shrinking cock. The two of them proceeded to clean all the cum off of my cock and each other, then decided that a shower was in order.

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Joey Fucks Teach

Joey, 18, Senior, 5′ 11″, 140 lbs., 4.5″ uncut cock- Thin and curvy with feminine features, a soft face, and a round but firm ass. Crossdresses on the down low and has the hots for the shop teacher, Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Brennan, 46, Shop Teacher, 6′ 3, 225 lbs., 8.5″ cut cock – Wide and bulky with a neatly trimmed beard and hair everywhere. Gay on the down low and has the hots for Joey, a student in his 12th Grade shop class.

Daddies Girls Part 3

Daddies Girls
Part 3
Karen and Sara led me to the main bedroom. I’ve never been inside this room before, but when I did, it made me think twice. On one arm of a chair, in the room, was some of Sara’s clothing. There were also a tube of lubricant and a belt of some kind. Now both girls led me to the bed where Karen took hold of me again and placed her lips onto mine. She passionately kissed me, with Sara holding onto both of us.
Karen held my head in her hands, and whispered, “Michael, I’ve always wanted you. I want you to be mine and now I’m realising my dream. I’ve loved you, always.” I could see her caramel eyes, glisten with tears. I placed my hands around her waist and said, “I love you too my darling sister.” Sara held onto us, so I placed my arm around her and looked into her eyes. He eyes were beginning to glisten too. I said, “Sara my love, I love you too. I want you both to have my children.” With that both girls started to cry. I hugged both women and we all shared kisses.
As I finished kissing each of these lovely women, Karen started to push me back and then down onto the bed. She got up and straddled my chest. Then lowering her mouth, she began to kiss my lips, pushing her tongue into my mouth. When she stopped and lifted her head from mine, she looked at me and that look told me that she was willing to be mine. As she look at me, Karen started to unbutton my shirt, laying my chest bare to her and Sara. Karen got off me, and laid down beside me. She started to kiss and bite my neck, which she then trailed down to my chest. As Karen began licking and sucking on my right nipple, Sara followed suit and started on my other nipple.
I felt the excitement and arousal that came from touching such a sensitive area. I had never felt anything like this before and my cock responded to such a touch. Sara stopped biting my nipples and started unzipping my shorts, then tugged them away from my body. Wearing no underwear, my cock rigid and hard, sprung up on it’s own and stood up away from my body. I watched as Sara placed her mouth around the head of my cock and started sucking and licking it like candy.
My cock, under the diligence of her mouth grew harder. I was in heaven when Sara stopped and released me, pushing me towards Karen. She had stopped tantalizing my nipple and immediately deep throated my cock. Now Sara was sucking and chewing my other nipple. I’d never been with two women before and now I was living every man’s dream. I could feel my seed rising and I was ready to deliver a blast from my cock into Karen’s waiting mouth, when she stopped. I looked up to see that Karen had removed her panties, but still wearing a skirt and blouse and was now straddling my hips. Then, ready to impale herself on my cock, she lowered her bald cunt down and enveloped my manhood.
Karen was warm and wet and her cunt felt like a velvet glove, which lowered and raised itself. It took Karen several attempts but she finally took me all into herself. I was ready and wanted to start thrusting upwards, when She said,”Wait.” Then I looked above me and saw Sara was naked and straddling my head, facing Karen. She lowered herself and as her inflamed bald pussy touched my lips, I started to suck, nibble and lick every bit of her cunt. Her juices were running down onto and into my mouth. I found out that I loved every bit of my daughter.
Karen now started pumping up and down on my cock faster. Sara was starting to rub her cunt into my mouth. I loved the feeling of these bald pussies running over me and couldn’t get enough of it. Each time Sara’s clit would pass over my mouth I tried to flick it with my tongue. Then, all of a sudden Sara pushed down and stiffened in her position, squirting her juices into my mouth. Karen was still pumping herself up and down on my cock, when Sara’s weight was lifted off my face.
I needed to take charge of Karen. So, rolling her over onto her back, I now lay between her legs. I began to pump into her cunt, when Karen said, “Harder, big brother.” Then I just started ramming myself into her as hard as I could. Karen wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me in. Then in one convulsion, gripping me so hard, Karen’s cunt started milking my cock and I shot several loads into her womb.
Breathless, I laid between Karen’s leg for several minutes until I got my breath back. Then I rolled away and laid upon my back too. Soon Sara and Karen both cuddled into my arms. Sara kissed me and said, “That was great daddy.” Karen also responded, “Yes daddy. You can me fuck hard anytime.” I thought to myself, ‘I’ve never cum so many times in one day.’ and knew that I should get in better shape.
Little voice’s could be heard downstairs, then the TV came on. Karen got up, mentioned about lunch and went to the toilet, while I waited on the bed. Sara leaned over me and smiled. “Well daddy I better help Karen and feed the little ones. Get dressed and come down for when your ready. Ok.” Then Sara got up too. Got dressed and left the bedroom. I sat up and saw Karen coming out of her ensuite. I looked at Her and we both smiled.
Karen came over and said. “I’ll fix lunch for you daddy.” then she kissed me on the lips. I started wondering if I’d have any energy left for tonight, but put that out of my mind. I got dressed and went down stairs. Once downstairs Sara and Karen were busying themselves with preparing lunch. I sat down and little Meredith came over and sat on my lap hugging me all the time she sat there. I thought by the way that she kept this up, that she didn’t want me to leave. I kept my arm around her and kissed her head, to let her know that I did love her too.
The next strange thing was that Connie started calling Sara ‘Mummy’ too. When I asked Connie about this she told me that Sara was her new mummy. I let my thoughts go over this and saw that Connie was starting to accept Sara readily, without any questions. So I didn’t question it any further.
Anyway we all sat there having lunch together. I made a sandwich for Meredith, which she was overjoyed with. Everyone was calling me daddy, it was something different and felt good. After we finished lunch, Connie and Meredith went about playing again. I sat there, in thought, with what was I going do about a large family? Where were we going to go? I thought about living on an Island, but was discouraged about that. Then I thought about a farm. I spoke with Karen and Sara and they both were excited. We decided to look on the internet for something that we could afford.
After much trouble I found several farms, one looked exactly what we needed. It had five bedrooms, three with en suites and two that could be used as work rooms. The largest bedroom had an en suites with a spa bath/shower. The property was up in the northern rivers area of NSW. Far enough away from big towns but close enough that we wouldn’t be far away from modern conveniences. I told Karen and Sara, they were both overjoyed about the find, so they asked if we could take a trip to see it. I agreed and made arrangements with the real estate.
After that was done I rested and watched a little TV. Meredith and Connie came inside and sat on my lap, chatting every so often about different things. I chatted with the little ones when. Sara came out later and shooed both girls in for a bath. Meredith and Connie both said, in unison, “Yes. Mummy.” and I smiled at that.
As I was sitting there on the lounge Karen came in and sat on my lap. She whispered into my ear, “Would daddy like a something special tonight?” I looked up at her and she bent her mouth to mine and kissed me passionately. I smiled and said,”Daddy always likes anything special.” Karen smiled and winked at me. It was now I thought that I should rest up as I was in for a long night.
After dinner was done and the little ones were off in bed, both Sara and Karen curled up on each side of me. I looked at each woman and wondered what was so special. We watched TV for a little while when Sara got up walked down the hall and returned a few minutes later. She looked at Karen and nodded, got up and went over to Sara. They both giggled and started to walk the other way t the main bedroom. I looked at them and again wondered what was next. A short time later I heard, “Daddy, are you coming to bed?” With that I got up said, “Yes.” and walked in the direction of the main bedroom.
As I walked through the door. I stopped and looked. Both women were wearing a baby doll type, see through tops, but no panties. They laid next to each other, on the bed, and were looking at me when I came through the door. Both women got up off the bed walked over to me and undressed me leaving me naked. Then moving a chair beside the bed, they pushed me down, so I could watch whatever was going to take place on the bed.
Karen and Sara returned to the bed and again laid down next to each other. I already had an idea what was going to happen. But, I hate ruining surprises. So, I sat back and watched my surprise. Karen and Sara started by kissing each other. Their tongues intertwined with each other. They ran their free hand down the other back, stopping only to squeeze the others arse cheek, or slip a finger in past the sphincter. I started liking what I watched. Then Karen lowered her head to Sara’s tit and started sucking and biting the nipple through the material.
I watched with interest and arousal, as Karen teased Sara, by changing from one breast to another. Before long Sara’s top had been removed and was totally naked. Karen was sucking one nipple and rolling the other between her finger and thumb. Karen then stop sucking on the nipple and started to leave little bite mark on Sara’s tit. Then she lowered her mouth just under the tit and left and another little bite mark. Each time that Karen would bite, Sara would make a low moan. Karen made her way down until she reached Sara’s cunt.
I saw Karen turn her body around. This allowed Sara to access reach Karen’s open flower. As Karen her head to Sara’s cunt, Sara raised her head to Karen’s. Each began to suck and lick each others pussy lips and clitoris. My cock was hard at this sight I was witnessing, so I started to pump my cock.
I was excited as both women were eating the other out. I decided that I should join in on the fun. I walked around the bed and got up, kneeling onto the bed. I straddled Sara’s head and saw Sara’s lips covering Karen’s vagina. I placed my cock head between Karen’s pussy lips, and started to pump my cock in and out of her cunt.
Again I found Karen to be wet and warm and my cock slid in effortlessly. I felt Sara’s tongue lick my balls as I was pushing myself further into Karen’s cunt. Then Sara would pull one of my balls into her mouth, which she sucked on. Then she released that one and commenced sucking on the opposite ball, pulling it into her mouth. I was still pumping myself into Karen and I could feel the walls tightening of her pussy. I kept pumping and I could feel Sara sucking and licking. Then Karen’s cunt just contracted and she stiffened, I heard a deep moan escape her lips. I waited a short time then pulled out from Karen’s pussy. I looked down and pushed my cock into Sara’s mouth, allowing her to suck the juices of it.
After she finished I laid down next to her and said, “Honey get up on daddies pole.” With that Sara got up and straddled my hips. Placing my cock at the entrance of her pussy, Sara began to push herself down. Sara’s cunt was also wet and tight, something I loved at every moment of fucking her. Sara started to piston up and down on my cock. I drew her in close and started kissing her. I could taste my sister’s juices on her lips and tongue. As we finished our kiss I could see that Karen had attached a harness around her waist and legs, which had a large cock attached to the front. Karen had walked behind Sara. I could only think what was going to happen next, when Sara threw her head back and moaned. Then Karen wrapped one arm around Sara’s waist and the other hand took hold of her shoulder.
I could feel a large phallus object invade Sara’s arse, through the thin membrane of skin, between her cunt and rectum. Soon Karen began to slowly thrust into Sara arse. I started to follow by thrusting into her too. Soon Karen and I were thrusting in unison. The feeling of Sara’s cunt was tighter, due to Karen fucking her arse. As we became accustomed to Sara, we started to thrust harder and harder, together. Soon Sara was moaning uncontrollably. My own arousal was building and I could feel my the seed in my cock rising. So I started thrusting harder into Sara, pulling her hips down to meet mine. Then Sara stiffened and her orgasm started pulling and milking on my cock, which then shot load after load of my seed into her waiting womb.
Sara fell on top of me, as Karen extracted the fake cock from her arse. I lay underneath Sara, wasted from all the attention that I had received today. Karen took off the harness and laid down beside me. I placed my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close me. I kissed Karen passionately, and then Sara joined in.
After our kiss Sara pulled herself off my cock and laid down next to me. Karen reached over me and got between her Sara’s legs. I got down close enough and started to watch Karen suck on Sara pussy. I watched as I saw my cum run out of Sara’s pussy in large globs of white goo. Karen was licking what expelled from Sara’s cunt straight into her mouth. It reminded me of a cat licking milk. Then Karen placed her mouth straight over Sara’s pussy and it appeared that she continued to lick. As I watched it didn’t take long before Sara was panting and moaning again. Then all of a sudden Sara brought her legs together and clamped Karen head between them. I watched as Sara was having another orgasm and the face she pulled as consequence of the orgasm. I could’ve laughed but didn’t and so, as they both finished off, I laid down and waited for them come to lie with me. As both women laid down beside me, I realised that my world would never and could never be same.
We slept like that until the following morning, when I had to get up for work. I was woken by a hand tapping me on the face. I woken up to see Connie sitting above me. Luckily Sara, Karen and I had gotten underneath the sheet during the night. I looked up and Connie was saying, “Daddy Meredith and me are hungry, can you make us some breakfast. Please.” I looked around and Meredith was standing off to one side of the bed sucking her thumb. I said, to Connie, “Honey, let daddy get up and put his clothes on. Ok. So, go downstairs and I’ll be with you in a minute ok.” Connie just said, ‘Ok daddy.” and with that both left the room. I looked at my girls laying next to me and smiled. I got up dressed and went and fed the children. I made coffee and took it up to my two girls who were still in bed.
I woke both and left the coffee for them. I told them that I had to go to home, pick up some clothes and go to work. I also told them that I’d see them tonight. After that both women got up, kissed me and I left, kissing the children as I left. Later at work I made the arrangements to visit the farm.
After work I went to Karen’s and was greeted at the door by Connie and Meredith who were happy to see me again. Especially Meredith who hugged me tightly and said, “Daddy your home.” that made me very happy I picked up both girls and walked inside only to be greeted by my big girls, who then kissed me hard on the lips.
Part 4 later that night.

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The Wayit is now Ch9

They near home when his phone rings. Connected to the hands free bluetooth it rings through the cars speakers. Not accustom to ignoring unfamiliar numbers, he answers with the touch of a button on the steering wheel. “Hello, this is Philip”

Our liberating holiday – Part 4

If you have not read Parts 1, 2 & 3 please do so as this follows on and will make better sense if you read those first. Please read them in part order otherwise there will be no flow. These are purely my fantasies, stories I dream up and hope you enjoy as I share them. As always criticisms good and bad always appreciated but remember I am no professional writer and I have no one to proof read except myself. Adverts not welcome nor appreciated in the comments box. Part 4

Robin and Mary Part 2

Part 1 of this story tells about Don Parker’s married neighbor, Robin, wanting her mother to start having sex again, after a bad divorce. With a little help of some wine and sweet talk, Don wound up pounding Robin’s pussy over and over.

Horny Reunnion (Part 5)

(Here’s the last part written so far, will post the rest when I get to it.)
My arms wrapped around her, I held her body close to mine as both our orgasms subsided. I could feel her heart beat slowing down against my chest and her breath against my neck gradually take a normal pace. She nuzzled against the crook of my neck and kissed my shoulder. One arm still holding her body, I combed my fingers threw her long hair and kissed the top of her head. She then moved her head up, kissing my neck and I kissed her forehead. Both our motion continued right until our lips finally met. The kiss was deep, and passionate yet so peaceful. Our lips never set apart as I felt my shaft softening up, gradually sliding out of her as it did. Our kiss was only interrupted as the head of my cock finally popped out, making her gasp from how sensitive she still was.
She breathed in, trying to regain her composure and I just looked down at her smiling. She responded with a beaming smile, filed to the brim with satisfaction. We stayed like this for a little while, enjoying one another’s warmth as the sweat dried off our bodies. I could feel the mix of both our juices being slowly pushed out of her slit as it dripped on my leg. We’d definitely need a shower after this. Being her usual nervous self again, her face reddened as she moved her leg over mine, feeling all the fluids that covered it. She weakly tried to get up off of me and went for her desk to get tissues, her legs wobbling on the way and a cute squeal escaping her lips as she felt it start dripping down her leg. She came back to the bed with the tissue box, still struggling to keep her balance, her still sensitive pussy making her shiver with almost each step.
Kneeling over me she began wiping the juices off my leg, then my softening cock, giving it gentle strokes which were a bit more stimulating then necessary, making me shiver. I simply laid there as she then proceeded to cleaning herself, first whipping off her leg and then her pussy, her muscles trying to push out what she could as she did and the touch making her moan softly. Watching her finish I sat up on her bed and kissed her gently which made her smile again. She then got up, shamelessly walking around her room naked looking for her pajama pants and tank top which she then put on. She leaned over a few times in the process, giving me a very good look of her amazing rear, which could have only been on purpose. She knew full well I could have stared at it for hours.
” I’m gonna take a shower. ”
” Wait up on me then. ”
I noticed her smiling as I responded, the redness of excitement growing back in her cheeks. Without even looking in her eyes I could easily tell the words “shower sex” were flashing in neon lights inside her brain. Had she planned to lure me in? I calmly got up and went for the pile of my clothes we’d thrown in a corner last night and then put on my underwear and jeans, since I hadn’t really thought of bringing clean spares. She then led me to the bathroom, her ass waving side to side with each step, a clear factor that she was very eager of what we both knew would follow. I could easily believe she hadn’t been with a man in a long time, wanting it this badly wasn’t like her at all. We hadn’t seen each other in so long, there was a lot of pent up lust to catch up with.
Closing the door behind me, I then walked to her as she leaned over to turn on the shower. She took the time to check if it was the right temperature and I took it as my cue. I took off my clothes before stepping right behind her. My fingers slid over her hips and inside her pajama pants, I then pulled them down, brushing my fingers firmly against her flesh as I did. The sight of her naked ass from so close got me hard again right away and as she lifted her feet to let me take them off, I noticed a fresh stream of her juices begin to cover her slit again. I then moved my fingers back up her body, making a shiver rise up her spine as she stood straight once more. Moving up I began taking off her tank top, my fingers moving to her chest and then firmly against her breast, each finger flicking over her stiffening nipples in the process. She moaned softly, grinding her ass against my hard cock as she lifted her arms to let me take off the final piece of clothing.
She turned around to look at me, pure lust in her eyes, her lips pouted in a moan and her breathing gradually quickening. I leaned down and kissed her, her tongue eagerly moved in, twirling around mine before she pulled her head back, sucking on my lower lips as she did. I looked down at her and bit my lip, lust certainly filling my own gaze. Responding with an excited smile, she grabbed my wrist and quickly led me into the shower. Not letting me time to do anything, she grabbed washing lotion and a scrubber right away, preparing to wash my body.
Seems she was in quite the teasing mood. Her free hand gently brushed over my chest with barely the tip of her fingers, apparently trying to resist the urge to take hold of my cock. Her other hand first began by scrubbing my arms and up my shoulders, seemingly taking her time on each of my shoulders then she started scrubbing my chest in slow circular motions. Simply standing there and letting her have her fun, I could see her eyes jolting over my body stopping each time onto my shoulders and cock, which was just long enough to poke her belly button once in a while. She moved lower and lower, until she began scrubbing my cock, taking her time to clean it thoroughly, moving up and down with each motion and then between my legs, gently scrubbing my balls, which I’m sure she noticed made me gasp.
The redness of her face deepening, she moved closer toward me, her breasts pressing against my chest and her hand pushing down my cock between her legs to get closer. Although as she was a bit short and had to stand on the tip of her toes, so she pressed her breasts even more against me, her free hand holding onto my shoulder to help her keep her balance. She really took her time scrubbing my back. Her pussy now grinding my cock with each motion, she had to stop washing me each time a moan escaped her lips. The soap made it too easy to slide between her legs and I could feel her hips moving on their own, trying to take in as much sensation as possible.
Finishing up my lower back, she reluctantly got off my hard cock, gasping loudly as the head rubbed against her stiff clit. She took hold of the shower head and began rinsing off my upper body, her free hand brushing over my chest as she did, then over my shoulder as she rinsed my back. My upper body now clean to her liking, she grabbed my cock so it wouldn’t poke against her and began kissing my neck. She then moved down to my shoulders, staying there a little while and I could feel her thin fingers gently stroking my cock. She moved down over my chest, kissing a spot here and there as she slowly knelled down before me.
Staring at my cock, I could feel her breath against the head, making it quiver with excitement. Giving my cock a wet kiss, she gently peeled off the foreskin and began kissing it deeper and deeper until she began taking it between her lips. At first it was just a little bit, her tongue flicking and twisting inside the hole at the tip, then she pushed a bit more inside her mouth, her tongue now teasingly flicking over my most sensitive spot, right at the base of my cock head. Finally she began taking the whole head inside her mouth, apparently unable to take in more as I was fairly big down there, her hand stroking the base of my shaft firmly, the other brushing over my leg and ass to tease me.
Her lips moved up and down my cock head, sucking on it each time she pulled her head back. Each time she pushed it in, her tongue seemed to move even more eagerly. What was a first just teasing flicks, was gradually turning into an erratic dance of licks over my whole head, often insisting on my weak spot. Her head bobbed faster and faster, the pleasure making me gasp loudly, numbing my brain until I couldn’t take anymore. Taking her head between my hands, I gently moved her off my cock, not wanting to cum so fast. Reluctantly she grabbed the scrubber again and finished cleaning my legs, her eyes never leaving my cock. I’d almost forgotten about her cum fetish. She slowly stood up as she finished with my legs, her own legs trembling from how sensitive her pussy was by now.
” Your turn now. ”
I looked down into her eyes, a horny smirk on my lips and grabbed her arm, making her turn around so her back was facing me. Placing the shower head back in it’s place, the stream of water fell directly onto her breasts, making her body quiver as quiet moans escaped her lips. Not wanting to rush things, I started with her back. I was careful to take my time, up and down her back, then around her shoulders and down her arms, letting the anticipation build even more inside her as the water teased her hard nipples for me. Avoiding her more sensitive areas, I skipped right down to her legs. First her feet, then slowly up her calves, rubbing the soap in more as I massaged her legs with my free hand.
Knowing my face was so close to her ass seemed to only make her even more excited. She began waving her hips right in front of me right as I reached her upper legs, certainly in a hurry for me to touch her down there. Although I was beyond excited from both the sight and coming so close to shooting my load inside her mouth only a moment ago, I still chose to follow my teasing ways. As she leaned over almost instinctively, I gave her ass a gentle kiss, right next to her pussy, making her moan a bit more loudly. Scrubbing her ass cheeks and hips, her horny dance became a bit more wilder, but again I avoided any sensitive areas. Instead, I began slowly scrubbing her stomach, making gradually enlarging circles, moving close and closer to her breasts.
Moving her even closer to me and away from the stream of water, my cock now pressed with all it’s hardness against her back, the erratic waving of her hips making the head rub against her. I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her firmly against me so she couldn’t tease me too much and make me loose focus. I moved the soap filled scrubber firmly over each breast, making the fibers rub against her nipples. With each stroke she moaned, the pleasure from just playing with her breasts making her body tremble and her legs threaten to give in. I played with her breasts for a while, enjoying the music of her moans, but I could tell both our desire had built plenty enough. Her breasts nice and clean, I slowly went down over her stomach, where I knew she eagerly awaited my hands, among other things.
With my free hand I grabbed her leg, understanding my intent she leaned more of her weight on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck before helping me lift her leg up. She gasped loudly as I moved between her legs, rubbing the scrubber firmly against her quivering pussy. I rubbed deeper and deeper, letting the fiber drive her wild as I gradually lifted her leg higher until I could also rub her asshole. She was much more flexible then I thought. Her thighs cleaned up, I threw away the scrubber. Her hips were out of control, certainly from wanting to cum so badly by now, but I wasn’t quite done with her just yet.
” We have to clean inside too. ”
My fingers slowly slid inside her slit, making her moan my name. With careful movements I pushed them in and tried my hardest to spread my fingers inside her, helping out the cum that was still inside from earlier and last night. Drops of thick white goo began flowing over my fingers along with her juices, even with water washing it away it was a real river down there. I moved my fingers in and out a few times, using the pulse of her muscles to push out what was left until her lifted leg slid from my hand. She could barely stand on two legs by now even with my help. Seems now was the time.
” Want me to put it in? ”
” Yes! ”
She answered weakly between her wild breaths. I moved her against the wall, her breasts now pressing firmly against it’s cold tiles, her pussy inviting me in with each waving of her hips. Not wanting to make her wait any longer, I grabbed the bottle of soap and poured some on my cock and rubbed it over. I wanted her insides to be nice and clean for today, this certainly wouldn’t be the last round. My cock now lubed up with soap, I wrapped my arm around her waist again and guided my cock to her soaking wet pussy with my free hand. Slowly I pushed it in, her insides obviously still not used to my size, until I was all 8 inches deep, admittedly still amazed her tight pussy could take it all after so long.
I would have wanted to take my time, but her hips were moving wildly of their own, pushing my cock in and out deeply as stream of moans escaped her lips, more then loud enough to be heard over the sound of the shower. I began following her motion, doing my very best to control myself and keep giving her fluid thrusts. I had had plenty of time to calm down from her blow job a moment ago, but I wanted badly to make her cum, I couldn’t let myself sink into pleasure just yet. Being careful to increase my speed inside her gradually, I leaned over her. Resting one hand on the wall, right next to her face to help me keep my balance, letting her hear clearly my every gasp and breath.
The sounds of my own ecstasy seemed to quickly push her over the edge, as her moans turned even louder in between yelps of pure pleasure. Her hips moved wildly over my cock, completely out of control as she reached closer to orgasm. Moaning right into her ear, I began pounding my cock deep inside her. Her whole body tensed up and she covered her mouth with one hand, needing the other to keep her balance. Intense pleasure jolted threw her entire body as she finally reached her orgasm, standing onto the tip of her toes and letting out a muffled scream into her hand.
Her legs finally gave in and she fell to the floor of the shower, the stream of water slowly washing off the soap and juices off my still hard cock. Leaning over a bit I caressed her cheek, smiling down at her as her powerful orgasm subsided, her breathing gradually slowing down. Taking my hand, she nuzzled against it a bit and gave me a weak smile, full of pleasure and satisfaction. Although she couldn’t stand, she moved herself a bit closer to me, still smiling. She bit her lower lip and stared at my hard cock.
Taking it in her mouth, I could tell she’d longed to savor it again as she eagerly began bobbing her head over it. She stroked my shaft firmly as she focused on my weak spot, her tongue eagerly flicking and circling over it, before using the bobbing motion to give it strong licks. She wanted me cum in her mouth soon. Barely a minute passed and I was already at my limit. I felt my balls tighten up and my cock getting even harder inside her mouth. As I shot thick cum inside her mouth, she kept in as much as she could, still teasing my weak spot with her tongue as she sucked on it, swallowing every drop.

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