Consensual Sex

What a Teenager does with mind control. P1. (repost)

What a Teenager does with mind control. P1. (repost)
Just a fantasy I’ve had for a while.
Wasn’t really sure how to begin the ‘obtaining’ of the powers, but that wasn’t really part of my fantasy, so I decided to write my real fantasy first and if I get good feedback make it into a bit of a series with a prequel etc.
So please rate and constructive criticism appreciated!
(Posting again because I accidently published it, was only meant to post it to my account as a final draft. Anyway this version contains grammatical fixes and slight errors with the story. Enjoy).
This secret was bursting to get out of me and I really needed to talk to someone about it. Brainstorm. Get some ideas of how to use it, how to abuse it. Man, the thoughts of what I could do were giving me so much excitement, I couldn’t sit still. Ok, I was showing off a bit by telling someone but what’s the point of having a power if you don’t share it with a mate? Besides, who wouldn’t want to be mates with someone who could get you laid with any girl or girls of your dreams?
Now I just needed to figure out whom to tell…took only a second to think about. Tom. I’ve always liked Tom, he’s a great bloke. He’s the kind of guy to keep the party going and just generally enlighten the mood and atmosphere. He never tells others anything and I always liked talking about shit to Tom, I mean about girls and stuff. I can’t really describe it but whenever Tom enters a conversation he keeps the vibe going. He was always a great bloke to have around.
I went to sleep with a plan formulating in my head for the next day of school. Well, I’d hardly call it a master plan, but a way to break it to Tom. I’ll just say, that although Tom is a bit of a party animal, smokes weed gets drunk when he can, he is still an innocent, sweet virgin who hasn’t gotten further than second base. Like I said, our group is rather innocent.
I woke at 6am to my alarm. Normally I’d be pressing snooze over and over until it was 7.30, but today I was instantly wide awake and put my ‘plan’ into motion.
I got my mobile and dialled Tom’s number. I knew he’d be asleep but if I sounded urgent enough he’d listen.
“Hello…” What’d I say; half asleep.
“Yo Tom, sorry to wake you up, but I got something fucking awesome, so awesome you’d jizz in your pants if I told you. Look, can I pick you up and we go to school early?”
“What? Dude I’m in bed. Nothing can be more awesome than sleeping another hour.” He has no idea.
“Dude, look I’m dyyyying to tell someone. Or did you just want to meet at school?”
“Jeeeez man. You sound like a little kid who just got their first erection.” This was more awesome.
He continued, “Seriously though dude, did you like win tats-lotto or some shit? You sound reallllllly happy.”
“What? Better than winning 20 million dollars?” Ohhh yes.
“No shit?”
“No shit. I’m sharing the holy grail with you mate.”
There was some silence then he said, “Pick me up at 7. Better be worth it!” then hung up.
“You have no idea.” I said aloud as I hung up and went downstairs for some breakfast.
I picked Tom up and he immediately wanted to know the score. I told him to wait until we got to school; I couldn’t really talk and drive at the same time, well I can, just not about…you know, and it doesn’t set the right mood. My plan required us to be at school anyway. To pass the time we just put some AC/DC full blast until we got to school.
Once there we unloaded our bags into our respective lockers, met in the study area, chose a small study room and closed the door. These rooms were sound proof because they were next to teachers offices and students could talk and study in them.
The school was basically empty because it was so early, only a few early-rising teachers were there, but they camped at their offices so there was no chance of being overheard.
“So Aaron, what’s the big thing that’s better than 20 million dollars?” He asked.
I looked at him funny. I didn’t know how to word this.
“Are you still a virgin Tom?”
Asking this was always a touchy topic for him. He hated to admit it; I think he was rather ashamed to be basically 18 and still a virgin.
“Yes…what you going to get me laid or something?” He sounded annoyed.
I realised that I’d struck a nerve. I instantly regretted asking it. It was hardly relevant anyway.
“Actually sorry, I didn’t really mean to ask that. I was just wondering in my head if you were a virgin still and it just came out-”
He interrupted, “Dude it’s cool, go on.”
“Right. Well, we can change that. But I’ll just tell you what I wanted to say. Man I’m finding this hard to word. Now I know you’re gonna say that you don’t believe me blah blah blah, I certainly wouldn’t believe me either. But I’m just saying that what I’m gonna tell you is gonna sound fucked up and like total BS. You’ll think I’m nuts.”
I paused to let him process all that.
“Right OK. Go on.”
I took a big breathe and then I suddenly decided that I couldn’t be fucked breaking it him slowly. Better to just get it out there.
“I can control girls. Everything. Their thoughts, feelings, desires. Anything about them.”
He blinked slowly. “What?”
“You heard me. I can basically control a girl like controlling a SIMS character, like a puppet.”
He was silent for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.
I kept looking at him seriously, unappreciative of the laughing.
He noticed my sternness and stopped. “You’re serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“So you can make a girl do anything you want?”
He smirked at that and said, “Well you’re right. I’m gonna need some proof.”
I was expecting him to say that. “Fair enough. Tom look out the window, into the hall. You see her?”
“Britt yeah?”
“Yeah. Would you like to lose your virginity to her? Would you like me to make her your girlfriend? Or would you simply like me to make her strip off right there so you’ll believe me?”
Tom stared at me wide eyed. I knew why. Brittany, aka Britt, was one of the hottest girls in our year level. She wasn’t part of our group, and I barely knew her, but smoking hot she was! She was part of the athletics team and was a championship runner. Her being there was no coincidence. I know she comes to school early to do work; I come to school early myself a bit and she’s always there. A lay with her wouldn’t be denied by any sane, straight man. Just the thought of her tanned, long, fit legs wrapped around you….Fuck! I was getting aroused. Stop thinking about her no stop! Shit, she’s looking at me. I’ve put some thoughts into her head. Calm down, calm down. I’ve just made her a bit horny. Bloody hell, I’m going to have to control myself better. If I got too horny I reckon every girl in a miles radius would be on top of me. I made a mental note to practice stopping my subconscious thoughts about people being transmitted to them.
Tom hadn’t noticed though, which was good, I’d rather explain the details of the power later. For now I just wanted to keep it simple. I was still eagerly waiting to hear Tom’s response, so I was looking at him. He just kept staring at me, still wide eyed, and then would glance at Britt. I think he was half expecting to wake up and find out it was a dream, or me to burst out laughing and say ‘had you going there Tom didn’t I?’ Hell, I don’t blame him; I still can’t believe it myself.
Eventually, he laughed a little, breaking the silence.
“Alright Mr. Mind-controller. Do it.” It was clear he wasn’t convinced, and thought I was nuts.
“Make her strip off right there.”
I thought for a second but decided for obvious reasons it would draw too much attention, not to mention that it would be dog to her. I mean, controlling a girl’s desires for you without them knowing is bad, but they don’t know it, so it’s not so bad, but ruining their life…another story.
“I could do that, but she would get in trouble and I don’t want to drag too much attention yeah? But I’ll do this.”
I sent a little command and she reached under her school shirt and started unhinging her bra, which she placed on the table, then reached up her skirt and began sliding her panties down off her outstretched feet, placing these with her bra. I made her turn around and wink at us, for the icing on the cake.
Tom was flabbergasted; his jaw literally touched the ground.
“Satisfied?” I grinned.
With a quick mental push she picked her up underwear and strolled towards us, opening the door and throwing them on Toms lap.
“I thought you might like these.” She smiled at him, standing in front of him.
“Britt, your ears are now muted, and close the door.” I ordered. She obeyed.
“So man what do ya think?
“I…don’t…I can’t…”
To skip the freak-out part, I decided to quickly preoccupy him.
“Strip off, quickly” I commanded.
She immediately ripped her clothes off standing naked in front of us.
I got up and cupped one of her luscious tits in my hand, and slithered in her ear, just audible enough for Tom to hear.
“You will have an uncontrollable need to rip Tom’s clothes off and fuck him senseless or until you physically can’t anymore. I suggest in the corner there so teachers don’t see you.”
She immediately was grabbing at Tom’s clothes, unable to get them off fast enough, at the same time kissing him with Tom completely shocked at the whole situation. His face was priceless.
“Britt, when the bell goes, you will stop whatever you’re doing, get dressed here, go back to your desk where your books are, and then forget this ever happened. You will not remember a thing since you looked at me from your desk. Nod if you understand.” She looked at me and nodded, before swiftly returning to Tom.
I started walking out as I saw her mounting him on the ground, furiously grabbing at the belt to his pants.
I walked out and went next door to a teachers’ office. I told a female teacher to lock the study room for me, without looking inside. They are unlocked from the inside since it is a school, but I just wanted it locked for the benefit of Tom and his fuck buddy.
I sat through my first two classes without really paying attention. Just hoping Tom would accept everything, and that he enjoyed himself. I’d find out soon enough at recess.
Eventually the bell rang and I put my books away and grabbed some food. I was on my way to our group’s turf before I got winded by a stray fist, dropping my food as I hunched over, before I got gripped in a tight head lock. I must say I was caught completely off guard.
“Start talking.” Tom said. After I recover I knew I could overpower him, but I decided to let him keep me in his grip to let him feel better.
“Tom, Chill. I got this…power..ability or whatever you want to call it on the weekend, I don’t know how or why.” I wheezed.
“I found out by just wishing mum to do something for me, like make me a smoothie, to give me 50 bucks, and she actually would, which she would never do. I thought she was sucking up to me or something, but I noticed something was odd cause she started complaining to me that she was missing money and that I was leaving smoothie ingredients out on the table, like she had no memory of doing it.” He eased up on his grip so I pushed his arms off me, standing back up.
“I also noticed that whenever I thought about any girl sexually they would look at me funny and most would blush. I soon discovered I could influence girl’s feelings by like simply feeling anything about them, thinking about anything that was about them. But if I simply focused I could control them like a puppet, and I could decide whether or not they remembered anything.”
There was a pause as he processed this.
“So you basically can control woman’s minds?” He asked
“Basically, yeah.”
After a bit of a pause, I asked. “So dude, what do you think?”
He seemed to have regained some composure. “Un-fuck-ing-be-liev-a-ble. What is this shit?” He stared at me with disbelief. He seemed genuinely frightened of me and shocked at the same time. It was quite confronting seeing your best mate look at you like that.
“Dude relax I’m on your side…” I trailed off as he began laughing his head off, slapping me on the back.
“Man dude, that is so fucking awesome! Have you told anyone else?” He asked sternly.
“Nah man, you’re the first one, probably won’t tell anyone else, at least for a while.”
He smiled. “That means a lot man. You must trust me a bunch. We’re going to have so much fucking fun with this. I must admit, when you told me about this last night…I was thinking of all the things you could were going to say…this wasn’t like any of the scenarios I imagined!”
I laughed. “I don’t blame ya.”
“Man, I can’t believe it. I’m no longer a virgin, and I lost it to one of the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. It’s too much.” He smiled, looking away nostalgically.
“Keep it in your pants dude, before you knock someone over.” We both laughed, I continued, “We’ll talk about this later, but mate, you might want to call your parents and say you’re sleeping at mine tonight. It’s Friday, my parents aren’t home and my sisters are overseas. Opportunity of a life time mate and we’re going to make the most of it.” I winked knowingly before heading back to the crowd, leaving him with a massive grin on his face.
Throughout the day I proceeded to ask all the hot girls in our year level at school if they had anything on, demanding an honest response, and to all the ones that did, I told them to forget I said anything. But to the ones that were free, and were allowed to go out and stay the night at other people’s houses, I asked them to come to my house after school for a pool party, and if it was going to be a problem to their parents if they said they were staying at my house, I asked them to lie to them about where they were staying.
I compiled a list of everyone who could come and then just waited out the day with great anticipation.
Finally school ended and I dashed to my locker, packed my bag and met up with Tom. Normally we’d have a chat with the crowd but we had a bit of preparation to do. We headed to the car and I roared the engine to life and drove off.
“So, who’d you invite?” He asked.
“Girls I’d only rate 8 or higher, and they had to have nothing on and be able to lie to their parents that they were staying the night elsewhere.”
“Fuck, you did your homework. Give me some names.”
“Nah wasn’t hard man. I just asked them and if they couldn’t I told them to forget all that I said. Dude it’s going to be weird. I’ve got like 5 girls from our group going, yes, our sweet little innocent group and about 10 to 15 other girls from random other groups, like half a probably virgins half a probably sluts.”
“Should be interesting.” Tom grinned.
About half-way home he pointed to the side of the road, “Hey dude, pull over here. Gotta buy some shit.”
“Some grog yeah?”
“Yeah and some protection.” He winked knowingly.
“Shotty alcohol.”
“Meh, I’ll use self-checkout.”
“Smart. You’d be judged heavily if you bought like 10 packs in one hit.” I laughed.
“Hehe true.” He grinned.
We arrived back at the car with our respective supplies and resumed the trip home.
Once home, we got changed and waited.
Tom broke the silence, “Dude, do you reckon after tonight, you could do me a favour?”
“Anything man.”
He paused for a second, then said, “Make Kara my girlfriend, and only change her desires for sex; to be the same as mine.”
Kara was a smoking hot girl from our group, very nice girl. Although she was probably a 9.5 in terms of the body, she isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and I couldn’t imagine having any intelligible conversations with her, and Tom was smarter than me. Each to his own, I suppose.
“Sure man, easy as pie.”
He smiled at me in appreciation.
“But if you’re going out, I can’t let you join me and my endeavours as that is…well, it’s unethical.”
“Dude, everything we’re doing here is ‘unethical’.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right. I can’t really talk. Well it’s unethical but as long as their minds are kept clean, I think it’s ok. But I still don’t like the idea of cheating on girlfriends, mind power or not.”
Tom nodded, even though I was aware he didn’t agree, I was letting him know I wasn’t going to be supporting it if he was. I had such strong views because this girl, Ashley, whom I lost my virginity to, cheated on me, and it hurt, a lot, and he knew this.
The intercom sounded.
“And so it begins.” I said, smiling widely, as I went to the intercom to let them in.
Eventually all the girls were in the house; all that said would come came, about 15. Now they were just talking to each other like it was any other normal day. The fact that Tom and I were the only guys didn’t bother anyone the slightest, not even the fact that quite a few of them barely knew us at all.
However, this ‘chatting’ was not really what I had in mind.
“Want to go for a swim everyone?” I shouted above the conversations.
Based on all the ‘yes’ answers I heard, it was a dumbass question.
“Only downside is that some forgot their bathes, but they don’t really care, so they’re skinny dipping! Just so no one is singled out; I think it would be only fair that we all skinny dipped.”
Everyone was all too happy to agree with me, even heard a few ‘that’s an upside not a downside’ comments. Everyone started stripping off, throwing their clothes down and heading towards our heated, indoor pool. I waited by the pool door as I watched the 15 smoking hot chicks walk past me, naked as the day they were born. What was really funny was that none seemed to notice they were naked. They just kept talking to each other like it the most normal thing in the world, some just commenting on each other’s bodies, and some simply saying that it was a bit cold. I’d have to look into that later, but right now I was as hard as I was ever going to be.
I started taking my shorts off as Tom pulled me to the side.
“Hey dude, do you reckon you could just do the girlfriend thing now, and I take her upstairs for the night?”
“Umm I guess. Not interested in the group?” I asked.
“Nah man, I just, look, I really like Kara. I’ve liked her for ages. So I really just want to be with her, I don’t want to screw others in front of her, mind spell or not.”
I sighed, “I guess man, you could of told me and I would of brought another dude to share these girls with.”
“Yeah, sorry man, I should’ve told you not to invite Kara.”
I was pissed but I didn’t show it, “Well ok, but remember if I do this you can’t join me as long as you’re going out with Kara.”
“Yeah I know dude.”
I called for Kara just as everyone started jumping in the pool. She approached us with her nice luscious tits bouncing as she came to us.
“What’s up?” She asked.
“Everything I told you about coming to my house, all commands and parameters, you can forget. You’re now Tom’s girlfriend, you’ve always had a crush on him and now you’ve just said yes to him asking you out. You’re excited about it and will do your best to make it work out, and you will always be happy to have sex with Tom. Tonight you want to consummate your relationship. You will forget that I talked to you about this and you will think that Tom and you both asked me if you could use my house while it was empty. Nod if you understand.”
She nodded. “Thanks for letting us come here Aaron.”
She then suddenly looked at the pool with all the naked girls jumping around, and then at herself. She reached up and covered her tits and pussy.
“What…why am I naked?” She gasped.
“Oh yeah, you will not remember any other girls being here once you leave the house. You will not realise you are naked until you are upstairs with Tom, and you will think he undressed you. Nod if you understand.”
She nodded. Tom smiled and said, “Let’s go upstairs babes.”
“Sure.” She smiled back at Tom.
I whispered to Tom, “Just giving her enough parameters of programming so she doesn’t wonder anything.”
“It’s all good mate, I understand.” He responded.
“Make sure to tell me if I forget anything, like if she finds something wrong. Remember, if I stuffed anything up I can just undo anything, no permanent damage done.”
“Thanks man. I’ll keep it in mind.”
Tom took hold her firm ass as they hobbled around the pool to go upstairs to the guest room.
I looked at the pool and looked at all the female bodies throwing beach balls around and splashing on each other. Even without Tom here, all I could say was, this was going to be one hell of a night.
I sat down in the spa and asked Alara, a short sexy girl, if she wanted to join me. She got out of the pool and jumped in the spa, and went to sit on my lap, facing me. I flipped her around so she would sit on me facing away, and as she descended down I lined up my already rock-solid cock so it would enter her. Slowly she a squatted down, I closed my eyes as I took in the feeling; her depths being stretched and her warmth enveloping my mate until I was fully buried inside her, a moan escaping her lips. For a few minutes we didn’t do anything, she was still quite content sitting still and I was simply admiring the view of all the beautiful bodies playing in the pool while I savoured the feeling if Alara’s hot love hole gripping my member. I reached over to the controls on the side of the spa and turned ‘jets’ and ‘air bubbles’ on.
I decided I wanted to know what people were thinking of this party, I still didn’t fully understand the effects of my commands on people, just knew that they worked. So it was as good as an opportunity as any to ask Alara. I leaned her back and gripped her hips to hold her still.
“Hey Alara..”
“Yeah Aaron.”
“Why did you come to my house?”
“Because you invited me.”
“But you hardly know me.”
“I do now.”
“No you don’t, we hardly speak to each other.”
“Well I feel like I’ve known you for years. We should talk more often.”
“Ok, have you every skinny dipped with 15 girls and 1 guy before?”
“Don’t you think it’s weird?”
“Why not?”
“Because you asked me to Aaron. Nothing is weird with you. I can do whatever I want when I’m with you, without any worries.”
Ok…I don’t remember commanding that, “Why is that?”
“I trust you.”
“Really why?”
“I don’t know, you just seem a very trustworthy person. I’ve never trusted anyone as much as I trust you.”
So, me commanding people…is it simply making them ‘trust’ me more than comprehension, more than anything, and that is why they do whatever I want?
“So if I asked you to jump off a bridge and kill yourself, would you do it?”
“Probably,” She turned back, looked at me and smiled, “But I know you’re joking.”
“Yeah you got me. Ok I have another question. When I asked you to come into the spa, did you actually want to?”
“Yeah of course.”
“Why didn’t you just come to me and talk to me yourself?”
“I don’t know. I was talking with some of the girls and you just seemed you were busy talking with Tom and Kara.”
“Oh ok. What about now?”
“Did you find any problem, or wonder even the slightest, when you sat down on my cock?”
“No, I was going to try to anyway, but then you took the lead. I’ve never felt hornier for someone in my life.”
“Thanks.” I smiled.
I glanced up as two more girls jumped into the spa. One was Lara and another was Shez. Lara was my dream girlfriend, something which I might make a reality later; she was smoking hot, really nice to everyone, and really smart. She was part of our group, very conservative, so she was probably still a virgin. Shez was best friends with Lara but they were exact opposites. She hung around with the jocks, bit of a slut, but still really hot and fairly nice.
“Bit cold in the pool is it?” I asked them, noticing their rock hard nipples.
“Nah.” Lara said. “Just wanted to join you guys and get in the spa.”
“Yeah, it’s a good temperature.” I said.
Wow, I’m talking in the spa with 2 girls that were naked…and just unbelievably hot…while my cock was buried in another. Wow.
“So Shez and Lara, are you guys having fun?”
“Yes!” They said simultaneously.
“Wow, you really are!” I smiled.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I can be myself here. and everyone else is saying it too. Do whatever I want, and be happy. I can’t explain it.” Lara said.
“Just gotta relax a bit. Do your own thing.” I said. Man I’m such a lying dog, “So you guys are ok with skinny dipping?”
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to do it with heaps of people.” Shez said.
“What’s the problem Aaron?” Lara asked, “You seem bothered by something.”
“Yeah I am. I’m just worried a little…I don’t really know why you guys are acting so normal about everything, as if you’ve all come here tons of times. I feel like I forced the skinny dipping thing and the coming here in the first place thing on you. Do you feel that way?”
“No, Aaron. I don’t feel like I’ve been forced to do anything. I wanted to come here, and I did. We all did. I wanted to go skinny dipping. Trust me. Everyone is happy to be here. You’re right when you say that it seems like we’ve been here a lot, it sure feels like we have, but I know we haven’t. I feel like I could live here without a single care in the world.” Lara said, “So long as you’re happy with it.”
“Why would you want to keep me happy?”
“So you keep inviting us here!” She giggled.
“Well ok. I just don’t want anyone to feel like they’ve been forced to come here or do anything they don’t want to do.”
“Don’t worry. We’re all actually just talking about how awesome your house is and the pool” Lara said.
“Cool.” I smiled, “I will say, the pool is pretty nice, my parents did a good job designing it.”
I was more confused with those answers, but it was worth it knowing that all this seemed to make the girls happy, and they didn’t feel like they were being forced to do anything. My commands must have made them think everything I told them was their own ideas, their own thoughts. I wonder why…I’d figure it out later…for now…
I started moving Alara around my cock. “Let’s get to it.” I said.
“Finally! Thought you’d talk all day, no offense.” She replied, as she proceeded to begin bouncing up and down.
“None taken. Well now that I’ve done my host-duties, and I know everyone’s cool, I feel better.”
I groaned at the sensations and I reached around her and grabbed her tits, helping her up and down, “and now I feel a loot better.” I said.
“I do too.” She sighed.
I began matching her ascents and descents with my hips, thrusting into her as she came down, and pulling back down as she went up. I heard some splashing and looked around as I saw some other girls getting in the spa. Lara scooted next to me and grabbed me around the waist as a sign of ownership and another girl named Neha, a small beautifully tanned half Indian chick, came to my other side. I took my hands of Alara’s tits and looped them around Neha and Lara. Alara couldn’t keep her balance without my hands, so she leaned back and grabbed my thighs and grinded her hips in a circular motion around my cock, leaning her head back in pleasure, her long hair draping onto my ticklish chest. I looked around and saw that all the girls were in the spa, they all must have gotten sick of the pool or just wanted to join in, it was pretty cramped, some girls were sitting on each other’s laps. Other than the girls preoccupied with me, Alara, Lara and Neha, all the girls were talking among each other, just about school work and stuff, nothing in particular, but it was just weird because they were seemingly oblivious to me having sex right in front of them. I guess this was the same thing when I thought that they would think it would be weird to have 15 girls skinny dip with 1 guy.
All of a sudden Alara squealed, “I’m cumming!” and then I felt her pussy walls grip and squeeze my cock, pushing me to the painful edge of just about cumming too. I looked at Alara and she was just sitting on my cock very still, she wasn’t passed out, just in a daze. I noticed my hips were squirming underneath her, taking a mind of their own trying to get a few last pumps so I could get off, but I couldn’t get enough thrust. God, it was killing me sitting on the edge. I was suffering from a major case of blue balls; I needed to get off.
“Lara, get her off and finish me off would you? I’m just about to cum but she’s in fairy land.” I said.
“Let’s do it doggy.” She whispered, “It will be hot doing doggy in front of everyone, even only for a few seconds.” Well, she wasn’t wrong.
I sat up and heaved Alara off me, sitting her down where I was sitting, before standing up in the middle of spa. Lara had wasted no time and already had her hands on the edge of the spa, between the shoulders of two chicks, with her ass sticking up proudly above the water. She was looking at me eagerly, wiggling her ass at me. I gripped her hips and lined up my cock, and in one steady push was buried in her, she gasped and so did I. This was the fourth pussy I had ever been inside, including Alara’s, and my god, was it the tightest, and the best by far!
“You’re so fucking tight Lara. My god!” I looked around to see what others thought of what I said…and a couple doing it doggy style right in front of them (not that there is anything weird about that at all). A few were looking at us, just taking the view in as if were a TV show. Some were fingering themselves from what I could see, and another few were just talking to each other as if it were normal, same as before. I thought about how hot that made it; the normality of the situation to them just made it seem so sexy, especially the ones that had their eyes on us.
And with that thought I started giving Lara the root of a lifetime. I drove my cock all the way in, before pulling out so only the head was in, then rinsing and repeating. Lara was meeting my thrusts, pushing back on me every time I went in and then easing up as I pulled out. Each thrust was met with a loud slap as my hips crashed into hers, and my balls slapping her on the ass. The consistent splashing of the water was making it seem louder than it was. Lara was gasping and moaning softly, and I was too. The feeling of her pussy was just incredible; it was so hot, wet and just so fucking tight. I’d have to check my dick for carpet burns afterwards, it felt like there was too much friction. Too bad I was already at my peak, would have been a great one if it lasted. After about a minute in I came back to the feeling of being on the edge and before I warn her I gave it one last push I squirted my load inside her, holding her hips as close to me as I could while I emptied my payload into her.
Gasping and panting I pulled her back as I bent my knees to sit down. Since the was no room I ended up sitting on another chick, who happened to Shez, with Lara sitting on my lap, my deflating cock slowly easing out of her. Shez reached her hands around me and Lara and gripped Lara’s hips, pulling them as hard as she could towards herself. This prevented my deflating cock from leaving Lara’s womb, which would make me hard again in no time.
“I always imagined losing my virginity to doggy style. I don’t know why.” Lara said. I actually forgot about that, her hymen must have already been broken somehow.
“You should have told me you were a virgin! I wouldn’t have asked you to do that, I didn’t even make you cum.” I felt a little bad.
“Don’t worry Aaron, I could’ve said no. It’s not liked you raped me or anything.” Hm, I wonder if mind altering counts as rape, “And you didn’t make me cum because you’d been screwing Alara for ages.”
“I guess.” I said.
After a few minutes, a girl named Madison said, “I’m getting out now; chlorine is starting to dissolve me.”
“Yeah, me too.” Another said.
I decided I’d get out too.
“Towels are in the cupboard there if you forgot one.” I suggested, “Don’t leave the pool room wet, dry off here or in the bathroom. Just don’t want water getting in the house. It gets pretty slippery.”
I told asked Shez to let go of Lara so she could get off me, and she did with a plop as my dick popped out of her. It was already becoming hard again. I ascended out of the love-spa, grabbing a towel and drying myself off. A few decided to stay in the spa. I thought about telling everyone to stay naked, but it was a bit cold, so I didn’t bother. After getting dressed, I went into the back room with the alcohol, grabbing a beer and started pouring shots.
A few girls emerged, some with their clothes on, some with a towel around them and a couple had dried off but were still nude. One of the ones without clothes on was Britt, the same Britt who raped Tom.
“Aren’t you cold?” I asked her.
“A little bit, but I love being naked.” She smiled.
“Fair enough.” I laughed. Still don’t know why they love it here so much. I never issued a command saying ‘love my house and love being yourself when you’re here’.
“Anyways, who wants some shots?” I raised my voice so everyone could hear.
A few didn’t like alcohol that much, so they passed, but most were all over it.
7 shots later, I was off my face. I had them way too quickly. Probably had them over the course of 15 minutes. Was not a good idea.
I stumbled around the room until I hit a couch and slumped on it. I was perfectly content resting there until I had a weird thought go through my head. Normally I’d think twice about it, but being drunk, you don’t tend to do that much thinking.
At the top of my voice, focusing as much as I could, I shouted.
“All of you come fuck the shit out of me!”
Silence filled the room as I noticed every female looking at me.
Realization slowly sunk in to the problem with what I just said, my smile slowly going down as I started to make a break for it. I only made about two meters closer to the door before I literally got spear tackled onto the ground, and about four girls jumping on top of me, winding me, and all their womanly flesh covering my mouth, removing any hope I had to make a break for it or reverse the command. I wasn’t strong enough to command them all off me at once without talking, and I yelled the command which makes it even harder to break. Being drunk didn’t help much either. A girl with a towel around her, called Maddy, jumped on top of me, to towel going up to her hips like a skirt, our privates making contact. I tried to push her off but she was gripping me tight. I glanced behind her and noticed about five girls charging like bulls towards us, before all of them leaping into the air to land on us. I screamed and instinctively reached and grabbed her back and ass firmly and flipped us around, almost simultaneously I felt the painful hit as all the girls crash landed onto my back, which also pushed also pushed our well-aligned genitals into each other, burying my already hard dick inside her. I gasped as I felt the pleasure of her hot, moist, velvety glove gripped me tight. Her towel had fallen off to the ground behind her, acting as a somewhat comfortable mat. I couldn’t move myself with all the weight on me so I put all my weight fall on her and just laid on top of her, probably not all that comfortable for her but it felt good to be pushed to the hilt inside her and held there. She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. I don’t think it bothered her either.
The kiss was cut short as I was quickly pulled around by the strength of all the other girls, my dick slipping out to the fresh air again before almost immediately entering another girl’s warm tunnel. Three girls laid on my face, their mouthful sized tits being forced into my mouth as the culprit that had mounted me and proceeded to ‘fuck the shit out of me’. I couldn’t tell who it was cause her back was facing me while she bounced on top of my cock like there was no tomorrow. A couple more girls had managed to get underneath me and was pinning my body by wrapping their arms around my chest and their legs around my thighs and body, the shear heat of their pussys and the poking of their tits pushing against me all too apparent. I tried to reach and push the boobs away from my face so I could speak (and breath) but my hands had been pinned underneath some other girls, their ass facing me and them doing, what it felt like, furiously trying to push my fingers into their cunts; Wow, they were fucking my hands. The nipples in my face were brutally thrown into my mouth, as if I were a baby that wouldn’t shut up and they were giving me a suck toy, making the act of talking all the more difficult.
I rolled my eyes and gasped (through my nose) as the pussy gripping my cock pulsated as it continued to be furiously forced up and down my pole, faster than I had ever felt, nor thought was possible. I had a look and managed to see through the tits my face and saw the girl bouncing on my dick now had two girls were gripping her hips helping her go up and down faster, and another two had her arms and legs out stretched and were wiggling her sideways, left and right, as she went up and down. Oh my god, I wonder how many people have experienced that before.It felt fucking fantastic. Another two that were underneath my legs each had a testicle in their mouths, which felt mind-blowingly wonderful. My hands were being furiously pulled into girls cunts, as if it were a dick.
My entire body was being masturbated or fucked in some sort of way, if that makes sense. Every piece of my flesh was in contact with some feminine part. The pleasure I was feeling was just utterly overwhelming.
Since each girl wanted to obey my command of fucking me but the volumes of girls were preventing them, many were still jumping on my chest, furiously trying to get in contact with me, but many couldn’t since there wasn’t enough surface area of my body to touch them all. I had so many girls on top of me…and beneath me; it was like swimming in an ocean of naked woman. The sheer amount of sweaty bodily heat being emitted into the room was steaming the windows, not to mention the heat of all the bodies on me was adding to the already over-the-top sensations. Every now and then my dick would slip out of someone’s hole for a second before it quickly re-entered someone else’s warmness. Sometimes it would only last in someone’s hole for only a few seconds. It seemed there was massive competition going on for my pole.
So much weight was on me, I couldn’t get up nor see much of what was going on with so much flesh in my face. All I knew was that the sensations were pure bliss. I couldn’t even suck on the nipple that was stuck halfway down my throat because I couldn’t focus for than a few seconds; the pleasure was overloading my brain.
The tits in my face were suddenly being forced away towards my chest, the one in my mouth was removed and I took a huge breath as I was about to command them off me but I couldn’t as the tight, tanned ass that been pushing all the boobs away sat on me, the weight of the chick landing on my face. Noticing the tanned chick was short, I guessed it was Neha, the half Indian. She crossed her legs as tightly as she could around my head, forcing her cunt into my face. I couldn’t see anything, she was forcing it so hard into my face I couldn’t see barely anything, I could just feel and smell and taste her cunt right next to my mouth.
My concentration lapsed for a few seconds, the first signs of losing consciousness. The cunt in my face was preventing me from getting adequate oxygen; the overdose of alcohol also wasn’t helping. I knew that I’d have to terminate that command before I passed out or they could all potentially fuck me to death while I was unconscious. What a way to die. I tried to move my arm but they were still each stuck under a girls pussy, and my legs were out of the question with about five girls sitting on them and a couple of girls I was on top of had their legs wrapped around them.
I couldn’t move any part of my body.
I realized I was completely and utterly pinned by all the girls. I couldn’t speak and get them off with a girl’s legs wrapped around my face and my entire body was next to immovable. I was in a prison of pleasure and potential death awaited unless I could get up somehow. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, both sex adrenaline and the fear of imminent death adrenaline.
My orgasm was approaching but since I couldn’t speak I couldn’t really warn them. The inevitable happened and I started plastering the mystery rider’s vaginal walls with my jizz. I heard a faint scream saying, “He’s coming!” and then more girls started squealing saying they wanted some. I felt the screamer being pushed off while the hose was still pumping, and the girls squealing at, what I can assume, the final moments of my sprouting fountain. The next few minutes were a mystery to me as I lost myself in only what I could describe the best orgasm of my life.
As I came back from my high, I noticed that the girl that was on my right hand was gone now; my arm was completely free to move. Knowing it might be my only chance, I ignored the painful pleasures of the blowjob on my sensitive dick and reached to my left arm and pushed the girl off balance a ripped my left arm from beneath her and with all my strength pushed the girl off my face. I managed to prop myself up by my hands and wasted no time and screamed “Everyone go to sleep until I say wake up!”
All the girls passed out, landing on the ground, heads flopping over. The girl that was blowing my sensitive dick passed out with her mouth on my dick. I squealed in pain as her mouth relaxed and her teeth grazed my sensitive dick’s head. I slowly eased out of her and then just relaxed in the ocean of body heat. I had a think. Some commands seemed to just ‘command’ them, where others made them ‘trust’ me to the point of doing what I wanted. Like for example, my mum would forget she made a smoothie when I told her to, and I assumed this ‘fuck the shit out of me command’ was the same sort of thing, as well as when I told Kara to forget ‘everything’ I told her, she couldn’t put her finger on why she was naked. But before that when I told them to skinny dip, they did it as if they thought it was a great idea, not because I told them to. They wanted to do it. They remembered doing it. And then there’s the feelings transfer, like when I thought about Britt sexually, I transmitted my feelings to her somehow. Not only that, why did they like being around me so much? Why was skinny dipping so normal? Better yet, how did I get my abilities in the first place? So many questions, I’d have to figure out the extent of my abilities when I got the chance. Not long after concluding that, I just passed out on all the womanly bodies from mass sexual exhaustion and drunkenness. Sexy, hot, naked women make one hell of a bed.

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Italian Fantasy

I wrote this for a dear friend of mine, whom I’ve known for the better part of 10 years, but have never met face to face. I hope you enjoy it!

Acting Out Porn After School

Michael had always been curious about the younger girl who lived across the street. Surprisingly, she invites him over after school. He accepts the invitation and shows up, but Katie has also invited two of her friends. Imagine the impact reading porn might have on their activities.

Blind Date, Part 3 Our Saturday Trip

Part 3 Our Saturday trip
We had our shower together, and washed each other clean. I had a thought about something and decided if there was more of us, after today, then I’d go out and buy it. Anyway we played tickle in the shower and ended up getting more water outside than in. Jessie left and got dressed in the clothes she wore yesterday and I put on shorts and T shirt.
I looked at Jessie when she told me that she needed more clothes and to stop at one of those cheap clothing store, which we did. She started choosing different clothes and went to try them on. As I was waiting outside the change room, Jessie opened the door and beckoned me in with her finger. I looked around and saw that other people were down the front of the store. So, I opened the door, went in and locked the door behind me. There was Jessie naked, except for her platform shoes. The shoes make her about as tall as me.
Anyway there she was standing there all smiles and naked. She placed her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. I grabbed her arse cheeks and pulled her into my hard cock. At that, she reached down past the waist band of my shorts, grabbing my cock and smiled. I looked into her blue eyes and then kneeled down in front of her, lowering my arse onto my heels. Jessie saw me go down, and so, splayed her legs apart.
I pulled her pussy into my mouth and found that she was already wet. I started to lick her slit up to her clit. Jessie moaned and I stopped and looked up at her and said, “Honey you can’t moan they’ll hear us and we’ll get in trouble.” she replied, “Okay.” and grabbed her skirt off the hook. She placed the skirt into her mouth and I resumed licking her slit.
As I licked I paid particular attention to her clitoris and every so often I’d bath the hood of her clit. As I sucked her I could feel little ripples run down her body and into her clit. Each time the ripple went through Jesse’s body, she’d moan into the skirt, which was still in her mouth. The moan was that loud I thought that anyone close by would hear it and come to investigate. Soon her clit had become hard from my attention, so I drew her clit between my teeth and started sucking as hard as I could.
All of a sudden Jessie started another orgasm. She pushed down hard on my mouth and her juices flowed over my face and into my mouth. The orgasm caused her knee to buckle and I was just lucky to catch her before she fell to the floor. I stood her up and she clung to me until she was able to stand by herself. The room smelt of sex from Jesse’s cum and luckily the clothes, except for her skirt, were still on hooks on the wall so none were damaged by us. I looked at Jessie and she smiled weakly at me, then she pushed me back against the wall and got down onto her knees.
Jessie pulled my shorts off and left my cock sitting in the breeze. She watched my cock while she started to jack me off. My manhood was already hard from my ministration to Jesse’s clit. It was now I felt what Jessie had felt, when I started on her. I kept on thinking that someone would hear us and come to investigate. I started moaning as Jessie rimmed my cock with her tongue, then putting my cock between her lips she ran down one side, licking the underside as she went. She came back to the head licked across the slit, leaving a trail of either cum or spit. Then she ran her mouth down the other side of my cock again letting her tongue lick the underside.
I know from my attention to her clit, the aroma of her juice, what she was doing to my cock and the fear of getting caught, excited me beyond belief. I could feel the cum boiling in my sack and rising every second. Jessie went back to the top of my cock and placed the head between her lips, as she started deep throating me. I knew I couldn’t take much more. So, I grabbed both sides of her head and started thrusting into her mouth. I was thrusting so much my balls were hitting Jessie on the chin. Then all of a sudden I rammed home into her mouth, pushing into her gullet, and shot my load. It was so incredible I pump at least two loads down Jesse’s throat, holding her mouth against my groin. As I finally came down of my high, I let go of Jessie, who had to take deep breaths before she could stand. Jessie was still kneeling on the floor, when she looked up at me and smiled. I thought I’m going to marry this girl, she was everything I ever wanted in a woman.
Finally Jessie could stand and as she did so, wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me deeply on the lips. I could taste my cum on her tongue and her breath. When we were finished Jessie got dressed into her clothes. She handed me a wet one so I could wash my face, cleaning off her juice. As we were ready, Jessie took the clothes she picked, out to the front counter. Jessie also picked a few other clothes as well, which she asked for my opinion of.
I thought that she must be going to stay the night again, so I just told her everything looks good on you, which brought a big smile to her face. We bought the clothes and started our way out through the front door. All of a sudden I noticed this man, who walked out of an office. He saw us and smiled and waved and said, “Come back any time.” It was then I noticed the sign behind his head saying ‘These Change Rooms Have Video Cameras Installed In Them. Someone is Always Watching You.’ I showed Jessie the sign and she burst out laughing, as we left.
We got back into my car and drove to Palm Beach, which was about 45 minutes. Once we arrived we we bought some food and drink to take with us. A short time later, after some directions, I found the place that hired boats out. We hire a little tinny (aluminium boat) and proceeded to cross the water to this little beach. I remember this beach quiet well. Mum and Dad took my sister and me to this beach one day. It was in a little open cove that was named ‘Resolute Beach.’
As we were making our way across the water, Jessie said, “Can I strip down.” I replied, “Go girl.” and she took everything off and placed them in the plastic bag that carried the food. So I decided to stripped as well placing my gear into the same bag.
Jessie sat at the front of the boat with her legs splayed open. I knew of no other beautiful sight than this naked girl posing, herself, for me only. I just had to say something, “Jessie you’re the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever known. You don’t have to strip to stimulate me, you excite me just by being you.” Jessie smiled and it looked like she was crying, when she replied, “Jason I can’t stop giving myself to you. I promised myself that after Tommy, my brother, I would wait till I was married. But I found you and I just want you all to myself.” At that Jessie crawled down to me and lay in my arms. I kissed her on the forehead and I said, “Well I suppose that I only have to say, be my lover, be my girlfriend, be my wife?” Jessie looked at me in surprise and said, “Yes to the first two. But, can I think on the last one?” I said, “Of course honey. Anything for you.”
It was then that I looked at Jessie and said, “Honey I’ve got to tell you something too.” She replied “What?” and she looked worried now. I said, “Honey, I had a relationship with my sister too. It happened and I can say truthfully that I love my sister very, very much because of it. I feel very close to her. So, I want you to understand the way I feel about Merry, is very deep.” At that Jessie looked at me, and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking when she said, “You sick fuck. How could you fucken have sex with your little sister. How could you take away her virginity. You fucken sick pervert.” I was attacked and I got angry, so I said, “Listen here, my sister is older than me, by 3 years. Second she’s the one who made the advance on me, playing with my cock and showing me how to fuck her. And last I love her more now, for who she is, than ever before. She’d never be replaced unless it’s with you.”
Jessie looked at me sternly, then laughed. She laughed so long that she nearly wept. Then as she recovered, said, “Oh, honey if only you could see your face. I know what you mean. Toby’s the same for me. I love him so dearly that I wasn’t thinking of any other man, until you. He was the only man who I would let touch me. He’s my hero and my protector and my lover.” She stopped for a few second and then went on to say, looking apologetic, ”I’m sorry. I was only pissing with you and seeing what you’d say. Honey I’m really glad you’re that close to your sister.” At that I calmed down when Jessie put her arms around me and started lightly kissing me over the face, then kissing me tenderly on the lips.
We arrived at the beach a short time later, and luckily we were alone. Jessie and I pulled the boat up the sand then took everything out. We found a nice tree that we could sit under comfortably, on the sand and have our lunch. After lunch, I was laying my head in Jesse’s naked lap, with eyes closed. Jessie was running her fingers through my hair. She said, out of the blue, “Does Merry have a boyfriend or is she married?” I said, “No. The last bloke was an arse hole and took her for money. She’s home now with mum and dad. Why?” Jessie was still running her hand through my hair, when she said, “Well Toby’s looking for a girlfriend and he’s very handsome.” I opened my eye and Jessie was looking down at me. I replied, “We invite them down for a weekend, say in a months time?” Jessie said, “Yeah that sounds good. I betcha they’ll get on as well as we do.” I said, “Yeah I think they would.”
Jessie then lifted my head up and placed it down on the sand. I was wondering what she was going to do, when she straddled my head with her knees and laid down, with her face close to my cock. I reached around her legs and pulled that hairless pussy into my mouth and started licking on her slit. Jessie was bobbing her head on my cock and every so often she stop at the top, to lick around the edge of it. Jessie had also pushed her knees further into the sand, which helped me with access to her cunt. I was licking the slit, and chewing on her clit. I pushed one finger in and pumped her pussy, while her juices were overflowing and I couldn’t get enough of it.
Jessie stopped and swung around so that we were face to face. Then she pushed herself up onto her knees and as she sat back down, she put her hand between us, grabbed my cock and slipped it into her velvet pussy. This girl couldn’t get enough of cock and she knew it. Now she was riding my cock, lifting her arse up an down on it. I just laid there letting her work her own magic. Soon she was jackhammering on my cock and I laid there just watching her, when she stopped again, lifted off my cock and said, “I wanna try anal again.” She again grabbed my cock and plopped down on to it. The feeling of her tight sphincter, as it engulfed my cock, was enough to make me blow my load.
Jessie was sore for a moment, but with my cock covered in her juice, she moved past that quickly. She was now ramming my cock into her arse, when I slapped one cheek. Then waited and slapped the other. I kept this up for a little while when she put her hand onto her clit and started rubbing it hard. I was doing everything to keep from blowing my load, and seeing this I couldn’t stop. I shot load after load of cum directly into her arse. She rammed down once more and froze in that spot. The sphincter muscle was now clamping around the base of my cock, while Jessie was pulling on her clit. All of a sudden I saw her eyes roll back into her head and she stayed like that for a short while.
She waited in that position for some time, when all of a sudden she fell backwards onto the sand. My cock slipped out of her invaded arse because it had wilted, while Jessie was above me. I raised myself up on my elbows and looked down at Jessie and saw that she was wasted. I got up and lay next to her, just watching her breath. It must have been a good orgasm because of her panting and the colour of her face, being red.
I got up, walked over and picked up a drink for her. I went back over and laid back down. Finally she gathered enough breath to say, “Oh Jason that was wonderful. I love your cock.” I smiled at her and just opened the can and handed it over. She accepted and sucked some of the cola into her mouth. I waited for a short time when she looked at me and smiled. “I’m glad that I went on that blind date. I nearly went home because I hate people trying to match you up.” I told her the same thing.
When were rested enough Jessie and I got and walked down to the water. We started playing tickle and chasing the other down the beach or into the water. Jessie was really enjoying herself. She was smiling and laughing so much, that I hated to leave. But, it was getting late and we had to return the boat and go home. We washed ourselves once more and after that, got into the boat, and started motoring across the water. Jessie cuddled into me, as I rested my arm around her shoulder. I would every so often pinch her tit or nipple and she would pinch me back. Finally we were close enough that we had to get dressed, so we put on our clothes and went back to cuddling.
Part 4, That night

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A rookie’s folly(formerly called the huntress)

So, this is a story I wrote last year, a young huntress decides to try and prove herself and it goes awry, though she may liek the new results better. anyways this story contains bestiality, size difference etc. so normal warnings you must be of age to read this on and on such and such, anyways enjoy(also pardon and grammar issues, I have a nerve issue which causes me to transpose my words a lot, I do my best to catch the mistakes and ammend them but some can slip through)

Demonology; part 3

The warm light filtering through the tall windows warmed Amanda’s naked form. Stretching like a cat in sunlight, Amanda cracked one eye open then the other. Her husband’s still sleeping form was next to her in bed, his horns having gown exponentially in the last couple of weeks. At first it was something concerning for Amanda, but he assured her that it was perfectly natural and part of his final stages of development.
The Taipan demons, of which her husband, Balthazar was one, were the record keepers of the nine realms. They studied other species and wrote books on them. As a species advances, like humans, they take a more interested role, usually keeping to the shadows to avoid “cultural contamination” they called it. In instances like Amanda, cultural contamination can result in an advantageous situation. The Taipan females were growing to be infertile and the race was in danger of extinction. Balthazar’s marriage to Amanda was a test to see if a human woman could carry a Taipan child to term. The news was frightening to Amanda but she had no other course, she was already pregnant.
Once a week she was required to report to Balthazar’s brother Mikel for progress on the pregnancy. The incubation period for a Taipan child was about three months, so it was unclear just how long a mixed child would take and they wanted to be prepared.
Amanda got up, dressed and trudged down the hallway to Mikel’s lab. Entering without knocking she found him reading a book.
“Humans are fascinating creatures.” Mikel commented without looking up.
“How so?”
“In general.” Mikel looked up as Amanda sat in a nearby chair. “How are you feeling today?”
“Exhausted, hungry, tired, a little run down, did I mention sleepy?”
Sitting at his work bench with a stack of books around him, Mikel listened carefully committing everything to his memory. She never saw him write anything, just listen. What was eerie was that he was able to recall the smallest of detail with such precision, you’d think he was reading it.
“How much sleep did you actually get?”
“About nine hours. Which is about two more than I normally need.”
Mikel began searching his work bench for something. Amanda was still unclear of his purpose but Mikel was somewhere between doctor and mad scientist. She wouldn’t be surprised if he handed her a bottle of pills or a rat tail to carry.
Finding a small dram of a yellow liquid he handed it to her.
“Two drops on your tongue when you are ready to sleep. It should be fine for you to take. Now, about your world…”
Amanda sat back and answered question upon question about her world and what the people were like. More importantly what child birth was life for a human. In new territory herself, Amanda had to admit she knew next to nothing about it. The last two visits, Mikel had focused these appointments on her and her background and genetic information. He took some samples from her but never told her why. The change of topic from her to her old world made her sad. She missed her little house, missed her brother and missed her job as a writer. Her new world with Balthazar was fascinating, learning about his culture and their world history. She was still unsure about being a wife and mother and eventually a Queen. But, for some strange reason, she trusted Balthazar not to steer her wrong.
At the conclusion of her appointment with Mikel, she stood, taking her dram of liquid and started heading out of the room.
“One last thing…” Mikel stopped her, “I may need your help with a project. It’s one that I am sure Balthazar would not want you to be involved with but I require your expertise. Can I count on your help?”
“I need to know what I am getting into before I can make that kind of guarantee.” Amanda stopped and turned to face him.
“I need to harvest more of your kind to repopulate our species.”
Amanda stood quietly.
Mikel nodded. Amanda grew angry.
“You don’t harvest people, we don’t grow on trees.”
“Fine, acquire. I need your help.”
“With what? Kidnapping women for you to knock up?”
“I need you to guide me to a large population of females for selection.”
“You’re a pig.”
“This is from the King himself.” Mikel responded evenly.
It was hard to rile Mikel, but it was apparently easy for Amanda to lose her cool.
“I’m sure Balthazar would be very interested in knowing about this.”
“He already knows and he approves but requests that we ask permission first.”
Amanda stood staring at her brother-in-law, mouth open.
“We leave in two hours. Make your preparations.” Mikel turned away from the redhead and went back to his books.
Turning from his room, Amanda was shocked that Balthazar would agree to this sort of mass kidnapping. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Wondering the halls without looking where she was going, she decided that she was going to go but only to prevent them from taking these women. Maybe she would stay in her world, terminate the pregnancy and forget that she was ever in a demon dimension.
A sudden pain caused her to double over. Her stomach contorted, as if something was moving inside of her. Amanda moved her shirt up to look at her stomach, still flat but with something clearly wrong. Staggering back to her room she hoped that Balthazar was awake to help her and to answer a few questions.
At her room, she was disappointed to find them empty, but the pain had subsided for now. In a foul mood, Amanda stripped her clothes off and headed to the bathroom to bathe. Underneath the faux waterfall, Amanda tried to rinse the morning off of her. Upset and confused about what she was doing and what she wanted, she began to lather her body. Rubbing her breasts with the soap, she found her nipples to be incredibly sensitive. At first surprised, she began to explore this new development. The areolas had darkened and spread while the nipples were now erect and slightly longer. The water on them created a very pleasurable experience, it wasn’t until she rubbed them that it caused a heighten state of arousal instantly.
As her left hand explored the possibilities of nipple tweaking, her right hand instinctively went south. It didn’t take long for Amanda to work up a sweat rubbing her clit. Closing her eyes Amanda stuck her first three fingers inside her and began to work out her frustrations on herself. She only served to work herself up but was having her usual problem alleviating it. Feeling a hand on her back bend her over, she looked back and saw Balthazar taking up position behind her. He entered her easily and began to rock gently. Amanda was thankful that he had arrived when he had but she was still mad at him. Pushing back against him with force, she took her anger out on his cock. Slowly she could feel his knot beginning to swell. For now it stimulated the opening of her pussy before it became lodged inside her.
When it was clear it was not pulling free from her, Balthazar pushed harder and deeper, feeling her muscles contract around him sent ripples of pleasure throughout his body. At the height of his pleasure his body convulsed and he roared like a beast filling her with his seed once more.
Now that she was pregnant and his body have sensed it, it took a few moments for the swelling in his knot to subside enough where he could dislodge from her.
Amanda stood and turned to face her husband, a goofy look on his face. Slapping him hard, she turned and grabbed a towel and exited the waterfall.
“Blast a peirol, what has gotten into you girl?” He exclaimed watching her towel off.
“Harvest women? You really want me to help your brother harvest female humans?”
The venom caused Balthazar to stare at her for a long moment before he could register what she had said.
“Recruit. I don’t want to force anyone.”
“But you would have me go?”
“I’m going too, I figured you would want to ensure the women was coming on their own.”
Amanda stormed into their bedroom and began to dress. She wasn’t happy with this idea but she was less angry knowing that he would be with her. Balthazar came stumbling out of the bathroom toweling himself off but having caught the towel on one of his horns.
“Amanda, having been taking prisoner by those people, I would not want to suffer anyone the same fate or worse. It is important to me that you know that.”
Amanda turned and began to laugh, seeing the towel. Balthazar’s brow furrowed.
“It’s not funny.” He said.
She laughed harder. Walking up to her he bowed his head allowing her to remove the fabric for him.
“I’m not used to them yet.” He ran his hand over the smooth black horn that was now about five inches long.
“I like them.” Amanda smiled.
Balthazar sighed and smiled too.
“I don’t like to fight.”
“Then consider it over.”
She kissed his check and started to get dress. Looking over her shoulder she saw he was lost in thought.
“What is it?” She asked.
“Nothing, just a bad feeling.” Turning, he walked to his clothing and began to dress as well.
A short time later Balthazar and Amanda were standing with Mikel and three other demons in a room Amanda could only assume was a ritual room of some sort. It was a round room with a stone floor and the center removed for the fire pit. Incense burned causing Amanda to become slightly dizzy.
“Do we know this is going to work?” Amanda whispered to Balthazar.
“Isn’t this a little risky and hasty?”
“We are a desperate people.”
Amanda was nervous. Balthazar had said there was no way that they could go back. How could this happen?
As if waiting for her to think it, a light floated in the air on the far side of the room that dripped light to the ground. A rip opened up before them and a blinding light greeted them from the other side.
“Go.” Mikel instructed.
One by one the demons walked through the rip, disappearing from site. Amanda looked at Balthazar and reached for his hand. Taking it, he led her through the tear and into the unknown.
There was light everywhere. It blinded them, it stuffed into their ears making them deaf, it choked the air from them. Soon Amanda realized she had let go of Balthazar and she was alone. Frantically trying to move through the soupy resistance of the interdimensional light, Amanda was afraid that she would be stuck, lost between worlds and without her beast. Grasping around as if she was in the dark, she kept bumping into something that was grabbing for her. Allowing her arms to be taken she followed through and prayed that it was a friend on the other side.
The light continued to hurt her eyes, but it was receding , color and shapes were visible.
“Well, lookee here Marlon.” She heard a man’s voice say.
Turning towards the source of the sound she tried blinking the light away. Seeing the shape of a man before her, she looked around. The shapes were starting to come into focus, there were many people around. Turning every which way, Amanda realized she was surrounded. As her vision cleared she recognized faces and wished that she had remained blind.
“Lucinda, we have a visitor. Let’s make her feel welcomed.” The smiling man stated.
Amanda screamed and the group reached for her.
“I won’t leave her to them.” Balthazar hissed.
“You won’t. These are the people she saved you from?” Mikel asked.
Balthazar nodded.
“Good, we have our cattle.” Mikel turned and looked at the three other demons. “Don’t kill, we need them as healthy as possible.”
They nodded in agreement.
“Any objections to this?” Mikel asked impassively.
“Just let me kill the head male.” Balthazar growled as he watched the smiling man grab Amanda by her hair.
“He is yours.”
“We need a plan.” Balthazar said. “Follow me.”
Reluctantly he retreated to Amanda’s house to plan their attack.
The smiling man was standing in the midst of a circle of his people. His right hand holding Amanda by her hair, he looked at his people crouched in the dirt around him.
‘Peons.’ He thought as he spoke. ‘Not one of them worth what little power they hold.’
He paused. Looking at their faces it was clear he had said something they didn’t understand. Again. Disgusted he threw the woman in the dirt at his feet.
“She stole from us. Her body is forfeit.”
Turning, the smiling man walked to the picnic bench to try once again to decipher the book that he had been pouring over for months. The circle swarmed the redheaded woman.
‘Good. Maybe her friend will come to rescue her, then we’ll be ready.’
Amanda screamed as a dozen pairs of hands began ripping at her clothes, pulling at her hair and pulling her into a thousand different directions. A fight broke out over her and the two men were pulled away from the group to duke it out elsewhere. A couple of women took the opportunity to hold fast to a wrist or ankle, preventing her from getting away. An overweight man with thinning hair lowered himself between her legs and smiled. He could have been a doctor or an accountant but he was here, about to become a rapist. He looked at her breasts and ran his hand across her chest apprehensively. His smile grew to a broader grin and he began to lick and bite at her nipples. He jammed his fat fingers up her pussy, roughly moving them around in an effort to get her wet. It only disgusted Amanda.
Her left hand was suddenly free. Looking over she saw that an impatient man mounted the woman holding that hand from behind. In her ecstasy the woman let her go. Taking the opportunity, Amanda punched the man with her left fist. Not her strongest hand and never having punched anyone before, she was impressed with herself that she managed to knock the guy back. The rest of the group was shocked enough that she could free herself through kicking and scratching.
The smiling man looked up and gritted his teeth. Slamming the cover closed he walked over to Amanda and grabbed her before she could gain her balance. Dragging her by her wrist, he headed straight for the house.
Inside the house was dark and there was a pungent smell of incense with herbs. There was a haze in the air that made Amanda’s eyes water. Heading up the stairs, he continued to drag her behind him, stopping at the door at the far end of the hallway. Turning the handle the threw the door open.
Amanda was shocked at how strong the smiling man really was. She tried to hit his arm, pry his hand off her and tried punching him with her other hand, but he continued to hold her in a vice like grip.
The door opened revealing a darkened bedroom. Amanda struggled to free herself, found her voice and began to scream for help. Sighing a heavy sigh, the smiling man clamped his other hand over her mouth, kicking the door behind them closed.
Inside the room, he flung Amanda on the bed and locked the door, pocketing a key. Turning he crossed his arms and watched as she tried to find a way out of the room. Pulling back the curtains she found the windows had been boarded up. Aside from the bathroom, the only other door was on the far end of the room. Pulling those doors open she found a closet full of strange things. Backing away slowly she recognized it as a BDSM closet. Whips, crops, paddles, spikes, knifes, blindfolds, gags and a host of restraints were hung up and displayed proudly.
“Oh God.” She whispered.
Looking over her shoulder at the man she was so totally unsure of what to do that she sat down on the floor.
“Please don’t hurt me.” She whispered.
“Now, where would be the fun in that?” He asked walking towards the closet.
Amanda ran for the door but found that it locked from the inside by a key and remembered that he had pocketed it a moment ago. Turning to face the man she looked around the room for anyway that she could defend herself. She was totally vulnerable.
The man moved and brought her attention back to him. He reached over and lit some incense. Then rested against the wall casually as if he was waiting for something. Amanda stood confused for a moment. Blinking heavily she could not remember how long she had been standing there. No, she wasn’t standing. She was leaning. Against something. On something. What was going on? Shaking her head she couldn’t quite clear her head. It wasn’t until the crop hit against her bare ass that clarity came. She was shackled against a heavy wooden wall that was up at an angle. Her ass burned where the leather met her skin, causing her to scream at each swing.
“I considered using a gag, but I wanted to hear how you’ll scream later.” He leaned in close to her, pulling her hair back and hissing into her ear. “You’ve caused me a lot of trouble, little girl, I should have something to show for it.”
He reached over and hit a lever. The table fell forward and landed level. Turning a crank the shackles began to withdraw into the table and pulled her limbs tight. It was a medieval rack. Amanda gritted her teeth as the tightness of her muscles began to burn from the strain. The smiling man stopped cranking and locked the crank in place. He disappeared from her vision for a moment before returning with a wicked looking machine.
“I’m going to take care of some work, in the meantime I’m going to get you ready.”
He wheeled the machine behind her and between her legs. Unable to turn around, Amanda had no idea what was happening. The sudden whir of gears turning made her heart jump. The feel of something pressing against the lips of her pussy made her whole body jump. With a click, the machine pushed forward and began fucking Amanda’s body. Unable to move, Amanda struggled to get away in vain. The smiling man walked around, needle in hand, smiling at her.
“Soon my dear.”
He injected the liquid into her arm causing Amanda to fall asleep.
‘It smells like dog here.’ Amanda thought as she began coming to.
Opening one eye then the other she was staring at a dog looking at her from behind a chain link fence. She tried to stand up but found that she was contorted into an awkward position and held there with wood and rope. Bent over a wide wooden board which supported her stomach she found a second board prevented her from sitting up. On her hands and knees tied to the four posts holding up the boards, she could not move. The crowd of people stood outside the fence and watched eagerly. Amanda looked around to try and make sense of what was happening.
The smiling man stood on the outside of the fence, very calmly watching her. Turning to a woman nearby he said very clearly;
“Lucinda, release the hounds.”
The man nodded and walked out of Amanda’s line of vision. Her heart raced. She did not want to be ripped apart by hungry angry dogs. But the cold nose between her legs made her realized she was not dog food, rather she was to be a dog toy.
“Are you joking?!” She struggled against her confines as the dogs began to lick her inner legs and arms.
A roar startled everyone and caused the dogs to run from Amanda’s tempting body. Looking around, Amanda watched as people began running in all directions. Struggling, she could not wiggle her way out. Silently she wondered if the smiling man had been in the navy.
Balthazar and Mikel appeared in her sight line and was advancing towards her. Conferring for a moment, Mikel turned to go a different direction as her husband approached the fence. Looking at her with murder in his eyes, he stood silently. Cries and screams in the distance kept the exchange from being totally silent.
“What happened? Were you violated?” He asked, trying to keep his anger in check.
“Only by machinery.” She explained, trying to wiggle out of the knots again. “They were going to watch a pack of dogs have their way with me.”
Balthazar entered the pen and approached her slowly.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I will be once I get out of this contraption.” She said, wiggling again.
Balthazar nodded but then stopped.
“Do that again.” He asked her.
Amanda began trying to wiggle out of the ropes. Balthazar’s eyes glazed over.
“Oh no.” She warned.
Before she could explain the true danger they were in, Balthazar had already began licking her from behind.
“Stop, we got…to get….out of her….” She panted.
“We’re fine.” He said between licks.
“No…he’ll…ugh….kill… for you….power. Uh…” She moaned.
“No, he won’t.”
Balthazar gently flicked at his wife’s clit with his claw, catching it and causing it to bounce around and grow stiffer. Amanda’s eyes flew wide as the sensation grew more intense. In the position she was in, it served her ass up in such a tantalizing way, Balthazar could not help himself and smacked her ass hard. The stinging sensation of his hand on the welts from the riding crop sent pain shooting throughout her body and took her breath away. Another smack and Amanda began wiggling her ass. Another open palm smack. Balthazar was growing excited. Moving into position, he scratched up his wife’s leg as he impaled her with his cock. Both moaned at the sensation of penetration.
With great force, Balthazar plunged into his mate over and over again. The frenzy with which he attacked her pussy excited Amanda. Their quickies tended to be extremely pleasurable and usually resulted in something stationary breaking. This time, the only thing broken was a sweat that covered both their bodies. Grunting and growling, Balthazar suddenly pulled out and came all over her back.
Panting, Amanda sat for a moment before she asked to be released. Balthazar cut the ropes with his claws and helped her to her feet, holding her steady.
“Thanks.” Looking around she realized that the world had grown quiet. “What happened?”
“We’ve got what we came for.”
“But that man…”
“Is no longer a threat to you. He’s gone. Let’s go back to your house to get cleaned up. We have a few hours before we have to get back.”
Amanda wanted answers but also wanted a shower. Making their way to the house, it felt like it had been years since she had been home. Standing in her living room she realized that it didn’t feel like home to her. She had only spent a short time in this house. Climbing the stairs, she made her way to her bathroom and started a shower.
“You okay?” Balthazar asked walking in behind her.
“Yeah. I’m just tired.”
Balthazar nodded and disappeared from the room. The clomping of his hooves on the stairs indicated his direction. Amanda stepped into the shower and attempted to wash away the night from her body and memory.
As she came out of the bathroom drying her hair with her towel, she found Balthazar sitting on the edge of the made bed looking at a frame picture of her brother and his two kids.
“That’s my brother, Sam and his son Tom and his daughter Beth.” Amanda smiled.
“Where are they?”
Amanda began slipping on a pair of jean shorts.
“They are up in Charleston. Mandy, Sam’s wife died a couple of years ago. Complications from a surgery. It was a freak thing. Now it is just them. He does the best that he can.”
As she slipped her shirt over her head, Amanda realized she could still help her brother. Grabbing a piece of paper she began scrawling a note that left her house to her brother should something happen to her. Standing up satisfied, she took a last look around.
“I’m ready to go home.” She said softly.
Standing, Balthazar handed her the picture.
“Bring it with you.” He suggested.
Amanda looked at the photo and smiled, setting the picture down on the nearby table.
“I better not.”
Without a further word, Amanda left her house.
“So this is the flock you have culled from the masses?” The king asked.
Amanda, Mikel and Balthazar stood looking at the room with the five women chained to the floor.
“We can harvest…. acquire more later, father.” Mikel replied.
“That is to be seen.” Looking over at Amanda the king smiled. “How are you doing my dear?”
“So far so good.” Amanda smiled back.
There was something unsettling about the king that Amanda could not put her finger on. She had not told Balthazar about her uncomfortableness around his father.
“Splendid.” The king looked at Balthazar. “I hope for a granddaughter.” He replied softly.
Balthazar nodded as the king walked away. Looking at her husband she took his hand in hers.
“And if it is a boy?” She whispered.
“Then we hope that these females can produce.”
Amanda looked at the room with a cold eye. Had she not been attacked by them she may have felt some ounce of pity. Circumstances being what they were, she felt that they deserved a worse fate then the repopulation saviors they would be.
Mikel motioned behind him and five reptilian females entered the room, each taking up a woman and leading them from the room through a back door to bathe and prepare them.
Amanda doubled over, the blinding pain came on fast this time. A tightness in her stomach that stretched her skin and made her feel full, bloated even. Standing slowly, Amanda realized that her stomach was slightly bigger. Looking at Balthazar, shock was written across her face.
“I forgot to mention, we are known for kicking in the womb, and with the hooves…” Balthazar smiled almost apologetically.
A second kick knocked the wind from Amanda. Mikel sprang into action.
“Tongue, stick out your tongue.”
Amanda obeyed and he placed a couple of drops from a small vial onto her tongue. The liquid was sweet tasting, almost like honeysuckle when things dimmed in her view.
“You’re going to sleep for a bit now, Amanda.” She heard his voice far off in the distance.
Wherever she was, she was floating. No longer needing to walking, she glided down the hallways of the castle. Her white gossamer dress flowing around her, her long red hair spilling like a cape behind her. She turned and faced a door to her left. Hand in front of the doorknob, it opened on its own. Inside was a group of humans having an orgy. They were dirty and tired looking but continuing with the sex anyway. Occasionally someone would hit, bit or punch another person otherwise the whole group moved and undulated like it was one organism.
Amanda floated out of the room and down the hall. In the next room on the right, she opened the door and found a bevy of females both human and reptilian frolicking around a small pond. A golden light shining over their beautiful naked skin. Floating towards the group, she dipped a toe in the water and felt the warmth. Willing herself lower, the dress dissolved in the water. The water felt slightly thicker than normal water and tasted sweet, like honeysuckle. A reptilian woman waded over and began suckling one of Amanda’s breasts. The sensation was amazing. She felt connected to this being, experiencing what pleasure the reptilian woman felt in addition to her own pleasure. Another reptilian woman and a human both came over. The reptilian woman took the other breast and linked into the pleasure chain that started with Amanda. The human woman lifted Amanda’s ass gently out of the liquid and began to suckle her clit. The electricity from the sensation acted like a battery for the other women in the pond. One by one they waded to the group and began to fondle, finger, suckle and caress each other. Soon a web of female bodies moved and undulated in shared and overwhelming ecstasy. There was no release but a slow and constant pleasure that was amazing and pure.
Slowly Amanda opened her eyes and realized that she was alone in the pond. She knew that she had absorbed these women but they chose that fate. Looking to her right was a lone demon female. She held her arms open to Amanda. Rushing to her Amanda wrapped her arms around the woman as well. There was a sense of urgency in her embrace. Pulling away, the demon woman began kissing Amanda deeply, creating a stirring between her legs. Reaching down, the demon woman spread Amanda’s lips apart, slipping a finger inside her. Using her thumb to rub Amanda’s clit, the demon woman worked her hand while she continued to kiss her with abandon.
Their coupling grew increasingly more intense. Leading Amanda to a nearby bed, the demon woman produced a double headed dildo from thin air. Sliding Amanda’s legs open gently, she inserted the dong and began to work it back and forth slowly. Amanda leaned back enjoying the sensation. Looking up, she wanted more, wanted to share the bliss. Pulling the demon woman on to the bed, she positioned the other head at her dark red and swollen lips and pulled her close. Amanda watched the face of the demon woman as she was filled. Their pussy lips touched with the dildo between them. Rocking back and forth, rubbing their clits against each other created a world of pleasures that they circuited between each other, driving the other to a more extreme state of arousal and pleasure.
The demon woman began to rub her breasts and pant and she rocked and undulated against Amanda. Her voice began to rise in levels as she grew closer to her climax. Watching the woman alone was enough to get Amanda close to climaxing, but the physical experience was almost too much for her to handle. Arching her back and thrusting her hips forward Amanda launched into her own orgasm. A second later the demon woman came, shuddering and shrieking.
Looking up, Amanda was alone on the bed and dressed in her white dress again. Rising above the bed she floated out of the room and into the hall once more.
The hallway seemed darker, like a storm was on the horizon. Floating into the next room, Amanda found herself in the dark. Falling to the ground she felt the cold stone beneath her and the presence of another in the room. A flash of lightning through one of the windows revealed she was in a minimally decorated room, with one fainting couch and a table in the room. Walking over to the couch, she sat down. The next flash of lightning revealed the smiling man in front of her, smiling.
Amanda screamed but felt powerless to move away, her body paralyzed with fear. The smiling man pushed her back on the couch and unbuttoned his shirt carefully.
“You’ve caused me a lot of trouble, little girl, I should have something to show for it.”
He began removing his pants when Amanda felt motion in her limbs once more. Trying to bolt from the room, the smiling man grabbed her easily, ripping her dress in the process. Throwing her back on to the couch, he felt under her dress and found what he was looking for. Not bothering to remove the pants, he thrusted forward and entered Amanda in a single motion. Running a hand into her hair, he held her tightly in his grip, slowly making love to her.
Amanda felt sickened and repulsed while her body reciprocated this feeling. The smiling man kissed up her neck to her face and before she realized it, she was returning his kisses. Wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his body she pulled him deeper into her. Raising his head, the smiling man began laughing and faded away.
Amanda sat up and locked around, instantly her body began to rise from the ground and she floated out of the room and back into the hallway. Looking the direction she was heading she noticed hundreds of doors in the hallway and she knew she had to go into each one of them.
“What is going on with her?” Balthazar asked watching his wife’s body thrash about on the bed.
“The child is in the growth state of development and her body is not able to keep up. She’s been experiencing the pain for a short time but chose to keep it concealed. It was only going to get worse for her. So now, we keep her sedated until the child is ready to be birthed. Otherwise the pain will come to such a point that she will beg us to kill her.”
“Why is she tossing and turning, is it the pain?” Balthazar asked frantic that he was unable to help her.
“No, she is dreaming. Must be scary monsters.”
Mikel turned and exited the room as Balthazar watched his wife, terrified that he would be losing her soon.
…to be continued.

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A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 6)

John reflects on first, an evening with Mark and Samantha, then himself. Bianca is unaware of some under-the-table work her daughter is doing at the office.