Consensual Sex

Heated Argument

My boyfriend and I had a pretty vanilla sex life but when he came back from one of his many trips I decided to go all in and make him hate me or hate fuck me.

A call on Saturday morning

She was out side in the garden pulling weeds on a Saturday morning, when her cell phone rang. “Hello” she said.
“What are you doing?” he said
“Working in the garden.”
“Stop, right now and go into the house!” Her breath caught in her throat and her heart started pounding at the commanding tone of his voice.
“Yes, sir” she whispered as she stood and went into the house.
“Go into your room, take out your small dildo and pull down your pants”
“I have it sir my pants are down”
“Suck and lick your dildo, I want to hear your wet mouth on it”
“Yes, sir”. She held the phone to her mouth as she lick and suck the rubber cock making it wet with her saliva.
“Now set on the phone on loudspeaker then put it on the bed, open your pussy with one hand and stuff the wet dildo into your pussy, tell me as each inch go in.”
“Yes sir” she did as instructed laying the phone on the bed after switching it to loudspeaker. She spread her pussy lips with the thumb and finger of her left hand and presses the tip of the rubber cock to the opening of her pussy.
“The head is pressing into my pussy, sir. Now sliding in the first inch. Now sliding to the second inch sir, .starting on the 3rd…”
“On my count of three you will have the full 6 ½ inches inside you understand.. One two three!” He could hear her slam the dildo into place in her pussy trying to make his count, he know that last ½ inch would have been a hard fit when she was not fully relaxed and turned on. “Now turn it so the balls are pressing your clit and pull your pussy lips down over the end of the dildo. Then pull up your panties and pants and do them back up. When you are redressed sit on the edge of the bed and pick up the phone.”
He listened to the whisper of fabric as she redressed. The sound of the zipper going back up, her little moan as she sat on the bed, pressing the dildo hard into her cunt.
“I am here sir.”
“Good girl, now I want you to go back to the garden and get on your hands and knees as you pull weeds. I want your pants pulled high around your waist to hold that dildo in place, as you weed and crawl around the garden. Do not stand up before I call again, if you need something crawl to get it, and don’t think I won’t know if you don’t.”
“Yes, sir. How long until you call again sir?”
“That is none of your business pet. Now go into the garden then hang up and put your phone in your pocket.”
“Goodbye, sir.”
“Good pet”
She pulled her pants high around her waist letting the crotch cut into her pussy lips, then knelt in the garden. Her pussy throbbed with the feel of the dildo pressed hard into her cunt, the head on her cervix. Each movement causing the dildo to rub back and forth as she crawled along the flowerbed pulling weeds. She could feel her pussy juices starting to soak her panties as she move from bed to bed. How long had it been? She felt flushed and hot as she worked the knees of her pants damp from the dirt. Her palms sweating inside her gloves. She jumped as her phone rang and vibed in her pocket. She fumbled with the phone trying to get her glove off while staying on her hands and knees. “Hello……sir”
“Good girl” he said as he sat in his car just down the street where he had been watching her. He watched her pulling weeds and crawling thru the dirt and wait until he saw her moving her hips to rock the dildo inside her as she worked. He did not even think she realized that she was swing her hips and humping the dildo as she worked.
“Now crawl to the end of the flower bed, sit up on to your heels with your ankles crossed and then put the phone back to your ear.”
“Yes sir” she tucked the phone into the front of her blouse and crawled the length of the flowerbeds. She wondered if any of her neighbors saw her as she moved down the flowerbed, did they wonder what she was doing? She crossed her ankles and sat up and back on to her heels the end of the dildo landed directly on her heel forcing it deeper into her. Her breath was coming in short pants as she fished the phone out of her shirt and put it to her ear.
“You are such a good girl today pet! Here is what you are to do next. Get up and walk to the front porch, take off your shoes and socks being sure to bend down and untie each one and remove them one at a time by hand. Then come back on the phone.”
“Yes, sir. May I stand now sir?”
“Oh you are a good girl today! Yes pet you may stand now.”
He watched her stand and move to the front porch. He could barely see her as she bent to remove the items as instructed.
The dildo pressed deep inside her as she stood and walked slowly to the front porch, the dildo sliding a little out of her as she walked due to her flowing juices. At the porch she bent to undo her shoes her pants crotch pressing the dildo back inside her rubbing her clit and pussy lips as she shifted position. Each little move she made as she took off each item causing it to shift and rub inside her. She stood up and took the phone from her blouse again, “I am ready for your next instruction sir.”
“Are you my pet? We will see, walk up to the front door and open it but do not enter. Once the door is open put your phone on speaker and lay in on the floor inside the door. Then slowly remove your blouse and pants and stand in front of the door.”
“Sir? Please sir someone might see!”
“Of course they will, that is the point to show what a little slut you truly are now do it or the game is over!!”
“Yes sir.” She whispered. Then pressed the button to switch the phone to speaker as she walked slowly toward the door. Her hand on the doorknob she hesitated her breath coming in short worried pants.
“Open the door NOW!”
She jumped as she realized that he could see her and if he could others could. She opened the door and laid the phone on the floor. Slowly button-by-button she undid her blouse until it hung open.
“Come on pet, you can do it take it off.”
Her blouse slide off her shoulders and dropped to the porch behind her. Her thoughts raced who would see her? What would they think? Would it turn them on? Could they really see anything as she was facing the open door any way?
“Now the pants.”
She undid the button and zipper then slowly slid the pants down over her hips letting them drop to a puddle at her feet.
“Now step out of your pants and turn around and pick up the blouse and pants. Stand facing away from the door and fold each item of clothing your dropped.”
Her breath caught in her chest as she stepped out of the pants and slowly turned. She keep her eyes down, even if someone is there I can’t see them she thought as she did as she was told.
“Now walk to the edge of the porch and put them next to your shoes, then walk back to the door and stand facing the doorway.”
Her body trembled from head to toe but she did what he said, keeping her head and eye down so she could not see anyone, if they were even there.
He could see her shaking from where he sat and watched her, this was better then he thought she would be able to do. He wondered if she thought everyone was watching her but he knew that there was no one on the street, maybe they watched from their houses but that view would be obstructed at best. He watched her lower the clothes to the porch step. “STOP!” She froze in place still facing the street head down. “I know you can hear me you just proved it. Now take off your panties and bra and put them on the pile before you walk back to the doorway. Oh and don’t lose the dildo from your hot wet cunt when you do it.”
She could not believe this, that he was asking her and that she was doing it as she walked to the porch step in only her panties, bra and dildo. She froze at his voice it seemed so loud. Her whole body shook as she listened to his instructions. Oh my god she couldn’t do that she just couldn’t. Her mind race in circles as she stood there slowly she started to shake her head no.
“Come on pet, you can do this think how hot you feel just to think of being in undies outside. Think of how hot you will be walking naked on your own front porch. Come on pet be a good girl you can do it for me.” He coaxed her and praised her until her hands lift behind her back to take off the bra. “Oh pet! What a good pet you are. So compliant so giving. Now the panties, don’t lose your dildo. Now turn and walk to the door and wait.”
What was she doing? She could not be doing this on the porch her mind screamed as her hands reached to remove the bra. Her head swam as she listened to his voice telling her what to do next telling her how good she was. She turned and walked to the door the dildo trying to slide out of her wet cunt as she walked. She stopped in front of the doorway and stood shaking.
“Good girl, you are doing wonderfully now step inside the house and pick up your phone. Leave the door open and go into your bedroom and take out all your toys and put them on the bed. Lay them out neatly then kneel next to the bed. Cross your ankles and sit back on them so that the dildo is on your heel then spread your knees wide apart. Put the phone on the floor in front of you and then cross your arms behind your back holding your elbows in your palms. Keep your head and eyes down. When in position your are to say “your pet is waiting sir” do you understand?”
“Yes sir” she whispered as she stepped into the house and picked up the phone. She went into her bedroom and opened the drawer of toys. Carefully she laid out the three dildos, each progressively longer and thicker. Then the nipple clamps, clit clamp and weights that went with them. Next the paddle, the crop and the small whip. Lastly was the collars, cuffs, restraints and both a short and long leash. She wondered when he had gotten some of these items and what he was going to do with them, but did not hesitate until the drawer was empty. When all were neatly on the bed she moved to the side of the bed by the door. She placed the phone on the floor and knelt. She crossed her ankles and sat back on to her heels. Now with the dildo held in place she spread her knees as wide as she could, crossed her arms behind her back and lowered her head and eyes and then spoke the words he wanted. “Your pet is waiting sir.”
At her words he moved the car into the driveway, picked up her things from the front step and entered the house quietly closing the door behind him. He could hear her breathing even before he got to the bedroom door the short excited pants as she waited for him. He was still amazed at all she had done already today they had not gone all that far in these games yet as they had only just started to play, but he could see that this was turning point in the game and it really appeared that she was needing a lot more than he had been giving her so far. He was amazed by the power and passion he felt as he watched her follow his instructs as if he really was in charge of her every more. He was so turned on to command her to do things that he knew she wanted and yet didn’t, but that she did on his say so.
He stepped quietly into the bedroom to look over the scene that was set. His beautiful pet kneeling at the side of the bed, a bed full of toys of pleasure and pain that she had laid out for him as instructed. Her large tits displayed by the way her arms were held behind her back, her nipples hard and puckered, her pussy hair sparkling with her juices she was so wet with excitement. Oh he will have to see just how far he can push her, what will she take before she bolts or shuts down. He is surprised by his thoughts and desires, he did not even know that he wanted this or how hot it would make him. He walks up to her and reaches down to pick up the phone, hanging it up and turning it off so that no one would interrupt them. He turned off his cell also and took the phone off the hook on the bedside table. He reached out to stroke her hair, “what a good girl you are today. Everything that I have told you to do you have done.” His hand stroked her hair and down onto her breasts as he talked to her. Soothing her, quieting her as you would a frightened animal. Stroking her shoulder, breasts and nipples his hard cock just inches from her down turned face, making a tent in his pants. “How did it feel to have that rubber cock inside you as you worked in the garden?” He asked but he covered her mouth with his hand so that she could not reply. “Did it make you hot to crawl in the dirt with a cock inside your tight, wet pussy? Did you think about if any one could tell that your pussy was stuffed with cock as you worked? Did you know that you swing your hips and humped that cock as you worked, that anyone could tell that you were turned on and horny?”
She heard the sound of a car starting and pulling into the driveway, she knew that he must have been right across the street the whole time. She wondered what he thought of her for her slavish response to his every command. Her mind raced to nowhere as she knelt there waiting on him, submitting to his every whim so far. Think about all the items she had laid on the bed. As her mind raced she did not hear him enter the bedroom until his shoes showed up in her line of vision. She started to panic as he took the phone and moved around the room, how could she be this turned on by this submitting to him. She was not a slut, he will think such terrible things about her. Just as she started to move his hand touched her hair and she froze. His gentle stroking of her hair and breasts calmed her, his words of praise soothed her fear of his rejection of her actions. She wanted to answer his questions but did not know what to say or how she felt beyond hot, horny and wet but was saved from answering by his hand over her mouth so she licked and kissed his palms as he talked.
“Did you get even hotter as you took off your cloths at the door? Did your breath come in quick pants of excitement?” He kept his hand over her mouth but began inserting fingers one at a time into her mouth to be sucked and licked. “I was so proud of you when you striped the bra and panties off as instructed for that there will be a reward later, but you did hesitate more than once at my instructions for that there must first be a punishment.” She whimpered into his hand but sucked harder on the thumb in her mouth. “Now listen very carefully to me.” He removed his hand from her mouth and took her chin in his hand turning her face up to look into his. “This is very important, you must choose to continue the game or not. If you choose to play this game will last until Sunday night or you use the safety word to end it, do you understand?”
She looked into his face but did not speak.
“You may speak now, in fact you must say it out loud.”
“Yes sir I understand.”
“Do you choose to stay or go?”
“Stay sir.”
“You understand that from now on the only one that decides anything from now on is me until Sunday night?”
“Yes sir”
“What is your safety word for slow down and for stop?”
“Slow down is Mississippi and stop is Boston.”
“Very good pet. This will be a very interesting weekend. Now to start with you have no name from now on. You will respond to pet, girl, slave or slut, understand nod your head yes or no.” She head nodded yes as her breath caught in her chest. “Now pet first we must do something about your punishment, not to harsh I think as this is new to you but enough that you will remember better next time.” “I believe I like that look of your chest and nipples displayed this way but I think they need more decoration, don’t you?”
She nodded her head yes even as her thought went to the items on the bed, oh what did he mean by decorations. Her nipples puckered harder at the thought of the clamps and weights lying on the bed. She had, had clamps on her nipples before but they never seemed to be enough, not tight enough or heavy enough.
“Yes I do believe decorations will help, but I don’t want you to move so I think I will start with some restraints and see where we go.” He picked up the Velcro straps from the bed, he looped them around her arm and hand just below the wrist on each side so that she would not be able to pull her arms from behind her back. “Now let me think about the decorations that you will need…….hum is it punishment or pleasure? I think punishment for now.” He reached for her nipples and began to roll them between his finger and thumbs. “Yes punishment is the way to go,” he said as he pinched down hard on each nipple and pull outward.
She gasped and arched her back to press into his hands as he pulled away. Her pussy was so wet it was drooling on the floor between her spread legs but the pain added to the flow.
He released her nipples and watched them redden and pucker as he reached for the set of clamps on the bed. These were adjustable clamps so that you could make them very tight or just tight enough to stay on. “Yes, punishment if good for a slave don’t you think? If helps them know their place and what to do.” As he spoke he turned the screw on the clamp 4 times on each one. She was not going to like this he thought as he did it, but she would not know until they went on how tight he had made them. “Now lets see if these are punishment for my little slave.” He said as he pulled out her left nipple and opened the clamp. He let it close slowly over her nipple gently biting at first then tighter and tighter it closed, he heard her breath suck in as it tightened until she whimpered as it closed the last bit. “Oh good slave you took that very well, now the other one.” Again he pulled out her nipple and opened the clamp. This time she knew how tight it would be so he let it close faster, not quiet a snap but close. He was rewarded with a small yelp from her.
He stood back to look at the nipples closed in the vice grip of the clamps and pulled down by the chain between them. Wow that was hot to see! Would they be tight enough to hold the weights he thought as he reached out to tug on the chain. She did not move but arched her back to follow the pull.
She heard the chain of the nipple clamp being lift from the bed but did not move her head to see. Oh god would he make them tight, tight enough to fill that ache in her nipples, she hoped he would not be to soft hearted to see her in pain, pain that she needed but did know how to ask for. She felt his finger on her left nipple as he pulled it out from her chest. The clamp closing over it, she was disappointed it was not enough was her thought as it closed, but it got tighter and tighter and tighter until whimpered in pain/pleasure at the feel of it. Oh yes she thought he did it, it was painfully tight. She waited on the pleasure of the other nipple being slowing closed in the jaws of the clamp. First the pull by his finger and then the clamp only this time he did not close it by tiny degrees, she could not hold back the yelp of pain as the clamp almost snapped closed on her nipple. Oh yes, the feel the tightness. She felt him lift the chain and tug on it the clamps did not come off but felt a little like they wanted to.
“Nope not quite enough,” he said as he pulled on the chain. She began to whimper as he gave the screw 2 more turns each. “There that will hold what we need.” Her nipples looked quite beautiful squeezed by the clamp until they were turning colors. Well he would not be able to leave them on that tight for very long so he should do something more. He picked up the weights from the bed. “Let see one or two each to you think?” “Yes your right two to start with and then maybe we will see just how many your can hold.” He attached two weights to the chain just below each clamp and stepped to view his work. The weight pulled her nipples destining them toward the floor it was a very hot look really.
She was both relieved and afraid when he said the clamps would be tightened. Did she really want that? With her next thought she was released, she did not have to decide only he did, her only decision was stop or not. And she was nowhere near wanting to stop. She began to whimper in pain as he tightened the screws 2 full turns. Her breath in short pants of pain. Weights? He was going to add weight? 2 oh god how would that feel? She didn’t have long to think about it as he added the weights to each nipple and she wanted to cum that very second. He stood back to look at her and it made her feel sexy, sluty and hot, hot, hot…
Yes he could tell by the flush of her skin that this is what his little slave had needed and he had not known. “You know what slave, I think we will need picture so that you can relive this moment as much as you need.” He left the room to get his digital camera, on the shelf next to it was the camcorder. Now that is a thought …yes her head was down she would not see the camcorder if he put it on the dresser. Next time he would plan ahead have it set up already. For now that would have to do. He took both back in to the bedroom and set up the video as best he could quickly and then began taking pictures for her to look at later. He showed her a couple of the shots right then to see her reaction.
Pictures he was going to take pictures? She thought of how she might look and whimpered in desire as he left for the camera. Her legs were starting to ache from sitting on them, but she did not move. She heard the click of the camera as he moved around her. OH god she looked hot in the couple of shots he showed her.
“Now it is time for the punishment.” Come on I will help you to stand. He took her elbows in his hands and lifted her to her feet. This set the weights and chain swinging and small whimpers and moans to escape her. “Now I want you to walk forward to the sofa table there in the middle of the room. You didn’t think about why that table might be in such an odd place I bet?” “Stand in front of the table.” “Now lean forward over the table I will support you so you don’t have to worry about falling.” “Be sure you are over the table far enough that your tits are hanging on the other side slave.”
Stand she was not sure she could get up with her arms tied but then he lifted her by her elbows. Oh god the weights and chain tugging biting as they moved. She walked up to the table that she had not noticed before it was about top of her leg high. Bend over it how she would fall with her arms tied that way, but then his arm was around her shoulders as she leaned out over the table. Oh yeah she did not want to lay on the clamps or her nipples so she stretched a little forward so that her breast hung over the side of the table.
“Now these will help you with the punishment,” he said as he added cuffs to her ankles. “Now spread your legs until your are laying on the table.”
He attached a soft rope to the cuff and put it around the table leg pulling it tighter until her toes only touched then the other leg. He watched her struggle to hold on to the dildo as it slipped. He picked up the collar from the bed with more rope and put his hand on her back as she tipped backward. “Now stay in place pet.”
She spread her legs until she was laying and felt the dildo start to slip from her dripping pussy. How could some that had been so tight going in now just slide out like it was a pencil. She felt her leg being pulled toward the table leg until her toes just touched the floor then the other leg. Now she really was losing the dildo and tipping backward off the table. He hand was on her back holding her in place as he put a collar around her neck.
He fastened the collar and run the rope thru the two rings and down to the table legs. Pulling it tight enough to hold her but not choke her. He caught the dildo just as it slipped from her pussy. “Now that will not do that is one more thing to punish.” But lets not waste this slicked up dildo now. I think it is time that more than a finger is in that ass of yours.” He said and he pressed the head to her asshole.
“Sir, please no.”
A hard smack of his hand to her ass cheek was his response. “What, you are a slave and have no say in this.” I guess we will have to have some punishment and then the ass be filled. If you are good I might even add some lube for your asshole.” With that he slapped her ass again. “In fact I think you should be thanking me for this spanking you so badly need. I want a “thank you sir” after each one.”
She jumped at the smack to her ass, which made her tits move. Oh, the pull of the weights and clamps. Oh he was changing into a master, his tone, his demands everything and it just made her hotter. What a slut she really was but he was loving it she could tell. Another slap to her ass, the clamps pulling, the feel of her ass on fire… his demand for a thank you sir, everything pushing her toward the edge of coming. “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Thank you, Sir.” It got harder and harder to say “Thank you, Sir.” And she started cumming her ass on fire her nipples in pain her arms ached everything was too much to hold off her cum. She cried out as she came, body-shaking, legs stiff. And then dropped back over the table.
Well that was interesting she came from a spanking or was it the nipple clamps or both. Well this is still only the beginning so there would be more time to see. “Did my slave cum? Did she so like the pain that she lost control? And I don’t recall telling you, you could cum?” His hand rubbed lightly over her red-hot ass. His other hand stroking his hard cock. “Well since you came it is only right that I do also. Now I think I might just check out that virgin ass for my hard cock instead of the smaller dildo.” He striped his clothes off as he walked around her.
“Suck my cock, get it nice and wet” he said as he stuffed it into her mouth. “Yes I think I will just take that ass as part of your punishment. Think how it will feel to have my big, hot, hard cock driving into your tight little ass.” She whimpered around his cock. “But I don’t want to ruin it for later so you’re in luck and I will add the lube.” He reached over her back as she sucked and stuck a lubed finger in her ass. “Yeah that is it suck that cock, the better you suck the more lube I will add” as another finger of lube went into her ass. “Oh that is good slave, you are really doing well” he reached down and picked up the weights in his hands holding them to release the pressure temporarily.
Oh god her ass he was going to fuck her ass he was not small she should have let him put in the dildo. His cock was in her face and she began to lick and suck it hard, hoping she could make him cum before he could fuck her. He finger was in her ass over and over as he added more lube. Then the weight lifted from her nipples, he was holding them relieving the pressure and weight.
“Stop” he pulled is cock from her mouth as the pre cum leaked from the tip. “You thought that would work that you could make me cum when I had your ass to look forward to.” “Silly slave, I can have that mouth any time, now it will be your ass” He dropped the weights that he held in his hands and she cried out in pain. “Remember who is the master” is all he said as he walked around the table to her ass.
Oh god he had wanted this for so long but she was hesitate about it ….Now he got to have what he wanted. He applied a hard smack to each cheek to distract her as he lubed his cock and began pressing into her ass. “Relax slut, fighting will only make it worse and I will have this. You are just a fuck toy, a hole for me to fill as I want.” As he talked to her he pressed harder into her ass, until the head of his cock slipped into her ass.
“Yeah that is my fuck toy, take the cock, take more of it, let it in. slave” she moaned and whimpered and grunted as he pumped in and out of her ass each time going deeper until he was in up to his ball. And then he held. Oh it was tight and hot in there. He reached under her to her pussy to find it dripping on to the floor. He rubbed her clit and stroked her pussy lips until she relaxed again.
Her nipples hurt, her ass stung and her mind raced. The hard slap to her ass checks startled her and then she felt his cock pressing at her ass. Oh god it will not fit he is to big. He kept talking to her in his master voice coaxing, her to let him in, telling her that he will fuck her so she should make it better by letting him in. His cock pressing harder not letting up and then suddenly the head was in her ass. She sucked in air and held her breath for a second, ok that was not so bad in fact it let kind of good, a full tight feeling, she relaxed a little more. His strokes were short at first letting her get used to the feeling, more and more of his cock sliding into her ass with each stroke. She found herself wanting more whimpering and moaning in need, grunting as she tried to take more of him with each stroke. Her pussy on fire with need her juices dripping from her spread open pussy. Finally she felt his hips touch her hot, red ass. He was in all the way and he stopped moving, just holding inside her pressing her into the table, she was so full, so tight. She felt his fingers on her pussy and clit, stroking petting her wet dripping pussy until she relaxed under him.
Then he began to stroke in and out of her ass slowly at first, fingering her clit and pussy, then finger fucking her as he fucked her ass. He could not believe how it felt. He pumped harder and faster as he came closer to cumming. He put his hands on her hips to hold her as he pounded into her ass. Thinking about the weights on her nipple and how it must hurt as they swing to his pounding. Harder and harder until he could not hold back. He came in her ass, flooding it with hot cum. As he did he heard her cry out and felt her spasm as she came. Her ass squeeze down on his cock locking him in place.
She felt him start to move, slowly at first stroking in and out of her ass, his fingers still on her pussy. The he was finger fucking her in time to his strokes into her ass, she feel her cum building inside her. He moved his hands to her hips holding her in place and he pounded into her ass hard and faster, clamps and weights pulling and bouncing as he fucked her. She was going to cum, the pain the pleasure the hot feel of this cock in her ass. She felt him stiffen and then flood her ass with his cum. That pushed her over the edge her 2nd cum ripping thru her, her ass clamping down on the hot cock inside it holding him as she shook and came.
He lay over her back as he recovered. “Now slave that was a great job. You did well pet you made me happy so for that I will end the punishment with only 10 minutes of the full set of weights on your nipples and your dildo in your ass to hold in my cum.
He heard her whimper as he pulled from her ass and he smiled he know that whimper it was “the don’t go” one she always had after they made love. He pickup the dildo and slide it easily into her asshole. “Now for you weights.” He picked up the remaining 6 weights and walked to her head. “Count as I add them”
“One, sir two, sir, three sir” her breath gasping, her voice a whisper. “ four, sir,,,,, five, sir, six, sir” as she started to cry from the pain.
He set the timer to 10 minutes and set it on the floor she could watch the time go by. He took pictures of her stuffed red ass and of her nipples weighted and distained. Her tear streaked face. He really could not believe she had not used a safe word. He went to the bathroom to clean his cock and then to get a snack and a drink. Knowing that the video camera was still on her.
She heard him walk away as she watched the timer, tears of joy/pain dripping from her face and cum dripping from her pussy and ass. She felt so good, hot, sexy, wanted she loved that he had finally taken control, used her as she needed to be use. She relaxed into her bindings letting her mind flout away on the sea of feeling racking her body.
He stood in the doorway watching her as the timer ticked away the last few seconds of her punishment. Her nipples distained, the clamps had slide down on her nipples so that they seemed to be holding on to the very ends of them. Her body making little movements as if she was having one long slow cum, the movement moving the weights in a slow swing her ass red and beautiful from the spanking he had given her. He waited on the timer she seemed total unawhere of him. She jumped at the buzz of the timer he wondered where she had been while she waited, she had made no more then a few soft whimpers and moans during the time. He walked up to her and stroked her hair as he turned off the timer. “What a beautiful pet you are. So good to stay silent in your punishment. Now I will release your feet and then neck, stay still and I will help you to stand and then remove the clamps.” He untied each of her ankles and moved her feet closer together so that she could relax her legs and would know it was ok to move them. Then he untied the neck rope from each leg of the table letting it hang from the rings on her collar. “Now pet I want you to bring your legs together and push up as I lift your shoulders, don’t pull backwards of the weights will catch on the table edge.” He put his hands under her shoulders and began to lift up slowly until the weights had cleared the edge of the table, then pushing back to help bring her to her feet.
He gently wiped the tears from her face as she leaned into his hand. “Ok pet, now this will hurt.” He stroked he hands down her breasts to her distained nipples and took a clamp in each hand. “Ok, take a breath and hold it.” As she drew in a breath he released both clamps at once. At her gasp and small scream he drop the clamps to the side and took both breasts in his hands quickly sucking on each nipple to help the blood return to it and rolling them in his fingers until she stopped the silent screams. He took her in his arms drawing her until her breasts pressed to his naked chest.
She had drifted away from herself floating on the feeling racking her body, not thinking, just being. She jumped at the sound of the buzzer throwing her back into her pain and lust filled body. She felt his hand on her head. He was telling her something but her mind was not fully with her yet and it did really matter he would let her know was to do. She felt him untie each ankle and pull on the cuffs to bring her legs together. She felt the rope on the collar release and then his hands under her shoulders pressing straight up. She brought her feet together and pushed up to match his lift, then he was pushing back on her shoulders as she tried to clear her mind, until she was standing. The weights pulling her nipples out long, painful not pleasurable any more. His hand wipe the tears from her face and she leaned her head into the comfort. This time she could understand what he said and she drew in a breath and bite off the scream as pain lanced thru her nipples. He hands were on her breasts massaging, rolling the nipples, sucking them into his hot mouth until the pain subsided. She leaned into his shoulder as he put his arms around her and held her to his naked chest.
“Are you OK pet?”
“Yes, sir.” Her voice still shaky as she spoke, her mind still floating in the sexual high.
“It is time to clean up pet.” He said as he reached out for the larger dildo lying on the bed. “Now let’s go into the bathroom and clean you up so that we can continue.” He took her hand and lead her towards the bathroom, the cuffs on her ankles, collar on her neck with the ropes still hanging from it and the dildo in her nicely marked ass.
She let him lead her into the bathroom, the dildo in her ass gently rubbing as she walked. She catch site of herself in the mirror, sweaty and flushed, her nipples red, sore and standing out, her neck collared, arm bound behind her back, her ass red with his hand prints, the dildo sticking out of her ass, cum running down her legs from her ass and pussy, she had the look of a sex toy that had been well used.
He saw her looking at herself in the mirror, the site she must be to herself, so loving marked and used as the toy she so wanted to be but could not ask for. He removed the binding from her arms and gently rubbed her arms and hands. “Lean forward and put your hands on the edge of the sink, pet.” She was moving before he even finish saying it. He looked at her in the mirror her breast hanging between her arms as she held her back straight and looked at herself in the mirror. He took the rope hanging from her collar in this hand, “now bend your head and shoulder down toward your chest.” As she rolled her back to shorten the distance between her head and chest he began to wind the rope around the base of her breast, pulling it tight then looping back to the collar and fastening it in place, then the other side. “Now stand up and look at yourself pet.”
Her arms ached from being bound behind her, it felt wonderful as he massaged each arm after releasing the bindings. She leaned over the counter at his first word. The site of her large breasts hanging from her chest was hot to see. At his request she rounded her back and brought her head down. She watched as he wound the rope tightly around the base of her breast and then fastened the rope to her collar, first one then the other. She stood arms at her side as told she looked at herself in the mirror. Her large breast bound into tight hard balls on her chest. By standing up her collar lifted the breasts high up and made her the picture of a slave. Marked, bound, and stuffed, she felt him run his hands over her tight breasts and caressing the sore nipples. Then he bent down and removed the cuffs from her ankles.
He watched her reaction in the mirror as she stood and found that the collar pulled her breasts high on her chest. He saw the slight arch she put into her back so that they were as high as possible and as tight as possible. He caressed her breasts and nipples as he watched the color of the breast change from the blood flow restriction. Then he bent to remove the cuffs, no since getting them wet if it was not needed. He turned on the shower to mildly warm and helped her step into the shower. “Now reach behind you and pull out the dildo, wash it well and then hand it to me, but let the water flow over your breasts and nipples as you do this.”
She had stepped into the shower at the slights touch from his hand. She stood with her side to the shower stream. At his instruction she reached for the dildo in her ass, but stopped and turned toward the shower spray positioning herself so that the water hit her bound breasts before she reached again for the dildo and began to pull it from her ass. She felt the cum and lube leaking from her ass as she brought the dildo in front of her so that she could wash it. She soaped it well and then rinsed before handing it to him, she saw him place it on the counter next to a larger dildo that she remembered laying on the bed.
“Now turn around and wash your ass and pussy. Use your fingers inside your ass help wash away the cum and shit. Now that sloppy wet pussy, make it all nice and clean for your master to use again.” She followed his instructions to the letter, he watched her finger sliding in and out of her ass and she pulled out the cum and shit that was mixed there. Then move on to her pussy, spreading the lips to wash away her cum. Scooping the water into her pussy to rinse it.
“Now stand still until I tell you to move.” He said as he turned off the hot water she gasped as the cold water poured over her. “Now turn around and let it run on your front.” She did as she was told as she started to shiver from the cold water. “Good slave, now step out of the shower and stand on the mat.” He saw the goose bumps covering her body as she moved but the cold water had taken some of the heat from her nipples and ass as he had planned. As she stood on the mat dripping and shivering he removed the binding from each of her breasts and then the wet rope from the collar rings. He handed her a towel to dry off with.
“You are a beautiful, obedient pet.” He whispered as he watched her dry herself. “Such a responsive slut to every pain and humiliation I have given you today.” “Now hang up the towel and go to the mirror again.” He watched her move into place. “Freshen up your hair and make up.” While she did this he watched her and stroked her body. “Good pet, now spread your legs a little for me, and I will fill your needy pussy with this dildo before you dress again.” He picked up the larger dildo from the counter and showed it to her as she silently moved her legs apart. “Now see even after washing you are wet and slippery down here. This dildo will have no problems sliding into your sloppy pussy.” He spread her pussy lips and with one slow stroke buried the fat dildo deep inside her. Her only response a slow sucking in of her breath as it filled her. He buckled a belt with a strap hanging from the front around her waist, he pulled the strap up between her legs and attached it to the back of the belt. He pulled the strap tight until it pressed into her pussy lips and the dido hold it is place.
“Now pet we are going out for a little while so come and let me pick out your clothes.” She followed him back into the bedroom walking with the fat dildo rubbing and moving inside her. He pulled clothes from the dresser and closet as she stood at the end of the bed. He handed her the shelf bra, low cut cami, sheer over blouse and short denim skirt. “Put on the bra first so that we can make any adjustments.” She bend scooped her breasts into the bra before standing to fasten it. “Oh nice. But I think the straps should be a little shorter to really push your breasts up.” He said as he stood behind her and shortened them until your breasts where lifted and the strap cut into her shoulders her nipples just above the edge of the cups. “Now the cami.” She dropped it over her head smoothing it into place over her breasts. “Now that is too high” and he adjusted the cami straps until it front of it barely covered her nipples. “There now the skirt and blouse.” She dressed tucking the cami and blouse into the top of the skirt which pulled the cami even lower on her breasts.
“Now step into these shoes and I will get dressed and we are off.” She simply whimpered as she put on the 5inch heels and buckled the strap around her ankle. She was wondering what he was up to now. She was dressed (barely) like at hooker and he said they were going out. The fat dildo in her made her hot and wet and felt so tight and full. She watched him dress in casual clothes and then followed him out of the room. To their next adventure that he had planned for this day.

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This story is a little different. I wanted it for it to take place in a different year, not the current one. I’m trying to make it better! Please leave your feedback! Much appreciated.

War on Geminar part 3

Sorry it took so long to get this part of the story out. My laptop crashed and had to get it repaired. I hope this was worth the wait. I tried to get this out as soon as I could so I might have missed a few mistakes so I’ll apologize in advance.
I awoke with my head spinning and ringing in my ears. I had a feeling of someone watching me and then it came rushing back to me like a tidal wave. I was being attacked by the red headed girl in the silky body suit when I was talking to the queen.
I realized I was left on the ground and that something was covering me. I knew laying on the ground was not the best place to defend myself I grabbed what felt like a blanket and threw it in the direction of where I knew the person watching my was standing.
The blanket went flying and I rolled and slide into a fighting stance before I even opened my eyes. Standing there facing my opponent with my hips turned slightly my brain began to process the environment around me.
The first thing I realized that it as daylight. The sun was barely over the horizon so it couldn’t have been any later than 7 o’clock in the morning. The next thing I quickly realized was I was about two feet off the ground in a cage. The room the cage was in had an opening behind me large enough for the cage to fit through to the outside. The cage itself was eight foot diameter and ten foot. It resembled a giant bird cage in a hurried glance.
There standing before me was my opponent from last night. She was a little short maybe 5’4 to 5’5 compared to my 6’4 height. I could tell she had an athletic body that is hard and lean. Her red hair could be seen even as she was pulling the blanket away from her face. I noticed her skin tone had a slight brown tint like maybe she was Hispanic or Italian.
“Look who’s awake and still in a feisty mood after last night.” She said to me as she finished pulling the blanket from her face.
When we were staring eye to eye suddenly her face went flush as her eyes widen with shock. This took me by surprise because I couldn’t be that much of a threat to her while I was trapped inside the cage. Then I noticed her eyes traveling down my body, and focusing on my crotch. This really caught my attention as the rest of my senses caught back up with me.
I was standing in a defensive stance in front of this beautiful woman of around 18 or so buck naked. I was looking at her emerald green eyes as she stared at my flaccid cock. This was almost too surreal as my hand went to try and cover myself. Where’s my clothes I was wearing last night were was my first thought and secondly hasn’t she ever seen a naked man even at her age.
“Well, if you are done with your examinations could I ask for the blanket back? I can be too much of a threat standing here naked in front of you. Plus, as you can see I don’t have any weapons on my body.” I told her.
This seems to have reddened her cheeks even more as she threw the blanket back at me. I caught the blanket and wrapped it around my body in a make shift toga. I noticed during all this her eyes never stopped looking me over. This had me wondering if I wasn’t the first man she had ever seen naked.
“How many days have you worn those strange clothes? They were filthy and needed to be cleaned.” She stated to me. “You have to be presentable before you see the queen. Before that I have a few questions to ask you. First off, I am supposed to say if you cooperate we will treat you well.” She continued to tell me.
After a long pause she said “Please don’t think your nasty friends are going to come and rescue you now. It’s not going to happen. You’re nothing more than an expendable pawn that was easily used and discarded.”
I was actually hoping they would be coming back to get me or the very least Doll would come for me. I was stuck in this strange world and she was a part of the people that knew how to get me back home. But, I knew she was right about using me like that. I bowed my head and tighten my lips thinking hard on my options when I noticed the cut on my arm was bandaged.
“Oh, and one more thing you need to know and it’s important you pay close attention because this is very important. You shouldn’t tell anyone you entered Queen Lasharra’s bedroom, because if you do we will execute you immediately. Just so you know she is keeping you alive for some reason but for a man to enter her quarters other than her husband is by our law to be put to death, and you would do well to remember that you owe your life to her.” She told me in a dire tone.
She pointed a remote at me and the cage began to move out the doorway to the outside where it was hung over the edge. I could see I was still on the Swan and we were moving over a forest. She then turned around and walked back into the Swan leaving me there alone.
I didn’t know who to believe at this point and all the information I had was extremely limited. I could hear the truth behind the red head’s words. I indeed owed my life to the queen in many ways. I had come to her floating castle to help kill her. Then to learn that there laws mandated since I was on her bedroom balcony and not her husband I could be put to death for that as well. That was two strikes against me but yet they kept me alive and even bandage my arm and were cleaning my clothes. This had been some acts of kindness not even Doll and her people have shown me.
The masked man and Doll seemed only interested in the fact I could pilot that robot and hone my skills as a fighter for their plans to assassinate the queen. I realized it then but I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter since all my options were very limited to that or spending the rest of my life in that dungeon or worse yet they just kill me.
I sat there for the rest of the day thinking about all my limited options I was being handed again. I was getting tired of being used like an object or a tool for other people’s ambitions without any regards towards me. I felt like I was being used as yet another pawn on these two players chess board.
“Oh! I can see him!” Wahanly exclaimed.
“See who Wahanly? What are you looking at?” asked Vanessa. Vanessa and Angela stepped closer to Wahanly as she was looking over the railing of the mechanoid bay railings.
Wahanly was looking through a range finder as she took the holographic viewer from the device and put it on display for the maids to see what she was talking about.
“It’s him! The boy Lady Chiaia captured last night.” Wahanly said.
“He doesn’t look like a boy to me.” Angela giggled.
“Me either Angela, though I wouldn’t mind finding out just how much of a man he really is.” Vanessa said to Angela.
“Spying on our lady’s detainee is unacceptable.” The lead maid Mahya told the three girls. She was secretly thinking about her own examination into his manhood only a few hours ago.
“Lady Mahya!” Vanessa said with a start.
“Ah yes that is the man.” Mahya said out loud as she looked at the holographic viewer, but it was more for her own memory as she looked at him.
“Does something about him upset you?” Vanessa asked Mahya.
“No.” Mahya said as she was brought back to the present. “Wahanly has a lot of repairs to complete and a report needs to be delivered to her highness when it is complete.” She told the three girls.
“Yes Lady Mahya, I get right on it now.” Wahanly answered her.
“Yes we have a lot of work to finish up as well.” Angela said to Mahya.
“Queen Lasharra, why didn’t you report what happen last night to the nation?” Mahya asked the queen. “It is rather obvious who these vicious attackers were.” She continued.
“Because they are the most dangerous nation.” Queen Lasharra answered her.
“Lord Babalun? But, he’s a good man.” Chiaia asked the queen.
“That’s true he’s good, but ambitious above all else.” She told Chiaia which took her by surprise.
“That man has nothing at all to gain from assassinating us last night. Nor, we understand why he chose last night to try such ugly methods.” Lasharra continue to tell Chiaia.
“You believe there are other powers involved in this then your highness?” Mahya asked the queen.
“We are still attempting to find that out. Plus, letting others bet up on us is so not our style.” Lasharra said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Find out how? We can barely protect the Swan as it is?” Chiaia asked Lasharra.
“That’s not true. We have two mechas at our disposal.” Lasharra answered.
“So does that mean your highness has decided to hire Wahanly?” Chiaia asked Lasharra.
“She can quit the Barrier Workshop now. She would be very useful to us in repairing the Swan and your Scared Mechanoid after last night.” Lasharra said to Chiaia with a smirk on her face.
The thought of the fight last night made Chiaia sigh and she said “Yeah I suppose she would be very valuable at this point.”
“Her saving us was too good to be true, right?” Lasharra said.
“Right, and there are some not so great rumors about her.” Chiaia said as she caught the queen’s meaning. If they would hire Wahanly all her inventions and skills as a Scared Mechanoid pilot would be at their disposal.
“Your highness, it may not sit well with you but the pilgrimage route guards should be notified about last night.” Mahya warned the queen.
“But that might make the enemy pull back. If we cannot get something good on them soon even the Holy Lands would not be safe for us.” Lasharra informed Mahya.
A bell rang at the door just as they we finishing up there discussion and Mahya walked to answer the door. Wahanly was standing there waiting to be allowed entrance into the queen’s chambers.
“Good morning Empress.” Wahanly greeted Lasharra.
“Good Morning Wahanly, we are glad you came. We were just talking about you.” Lasharra answered her. “You were marvelous last night.”
“Na, it was nothing. I would do anything for you.” Wahanly said as she bowed before the queen with her fist over her heart.
“Well, we were very grateful for your help. We have never seen those weapons you use before last night.” Lasharra said.
“Yeah, I wanted to show you them first because I couldn’t test them anywhere else besides the Holy Lands. Last night was just a happy accident could use them on a live subject.” Wahanly said with a smile.
“You mean you used those weapons without ever testing them yet?” Chiaia exclaimed.
“Tis fine, we found the weapons to be most impressive.” Lasharra cut her off. “Those other containers you brought on board contain similar weapons by chance?”
“They most certainly do your highness.” Wahanly said with a happy glee and the two giggled.
“How very exciting, but do you happen to know who our attackers might have been?” Lasharra asked Wahanly.
“No, I’m sorry I don’t.” Wahanly answered her.
“Oh Chiaia, did the man you find by the forest last night have any information that was of use?” Lasharra asked. She wanted to shift any question of the man they were holding away from the fact he was pilot of the white Scared mechanoid.
“No your majesty, he hasn’t said a thing.” Chiaia answered.
“Rumor has it he was just a farm hand.” Wahanly said. “But, what if he was the pilot of that white mecha? Oh yeah like that could happen. Who ever heard of a male Scared Mechamaster Assassin before?” Wahanly said laughingly.
Both Lasharra and Chiaia were taking back at how fast Wahanly put that train of thought together but were glad she dismissed it so easily. Joining in Wahanly’s laugh Lasharra answered her back “I know, seriously.”
“That reminds me Wahanly, did you find out anything about that white mechanoid?” The queen asked Wahanly.
“She just used a basic model that is supplied by the church. There were no modifications done to that model what so ever. Which means it was strictly the pilot’s own power that made it so tough last night.” Wahanly explained to them.
“So all that power just belonged to the pilot?” Lasharra said amazed.
“Yeah, I hope she doesn’t come back.” Wahanly told them. “She was way too strong.”
“How long will the repairs take Wahanly?” Chiaia asked.
“Well, your mechanoid will have to be sent back to the church for repairs. The damage is too extensive and many of the main components will have to be replaced. Mine on the other hand should only take a few hours to repair because I didn’t fight that white mechanoid head on.” Wahanly reported.
“ So we are back down to one Scared Mechanoid to defend the Swan, and with the white and black mechanoids still out there not to mention the others were are at a sever handicap.” Chiaia said out loud.
“No worries, I kind of had a feeling about this might happen and I am all over it.” Wahanly said with a smile.
“Queen Lasharra!” Angela called to her from the window.
“She’s here!” Lasharra said running to the window.
A Purple mechanoid with gold trim and a bushy pink hair arrived at the Swan and was flying into its mechanoid bay. It moved into a crouching position and the pilot began to exit the mechanoid as Lasharra and Chiaia enter the mechanoid holding bay.
“Wait, is that my sister?” Chiaia asked.
“Now we have two mechanoids again. At least until yours can be fixed.” Lasharra answered.
As the mechanoid pilot exited the bubble her mechanoid suit (if you could call it that) was a full body net stocking that was held in places by leather straps about 3 inches wide that went across her very ample breast and a leather thong that did little to cover her pussy and rode up through her tight ass cheeks. She was a very tall woman of 5’11” with bright pink hair. If you were could imagine a dominatrix pink haired Barbie you would be pretty close. Her breast were easily 44DD if not a little bigger.
“Oh Lasharra, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you!” The pilot yelled as she ran up to Lasharra hugging her to her chest almost smothering the queen in between her breast.
“Mexiah! That is her majesty Queen Lasharra now!” Chiaia exclaimed.
“I know and I missed your coronation too. I’m so sorry but I couldn’t get away to attend it, but I’m here now!” Mexiah said cheerfully as she let go of the queen.
“Ok Mexiah, what are you doing here?” Chiaia asked.
Grabbing Chiaia’s cheeks and pulling on them she said “After flying all night to get here is this how you greet your loving sister?”
“Stop! That seriously hurt!” cried Chiaia knocking away Mexiah’s hands from her face.
“Teachers from the Holy Land are strictly prohibited from aiding countries in any way.” Chiaia challenged her sister.
“That rule doesn’t matter when a teacher is protecting her students, and you know that is true.” Mexiah countered.
“Besides, we are borrowing the Scared Mechalord from the Holy Land’s Church so she is fine. Isn’t that right Ulyte?” Lasharra asked him.
“You are exactly right empress.” Ulyte answered her.
“Now then Wahanly, you can focus on the repairs. Chiaia you can fill in Mexiah on everything that is going on.” Lasharra ordered.
“Yes your majesty.” They said in unison.
Lasharra though all they needed to do now was wait on the enemy to spring the trap she set and see what they have caught.
The sun and set before anyone came out to check up on me. The night air had a slight chill to it but I just wrapped the make shift toga tighter around my body to help keep in my body heat. The man that brought me food seemed like a kind person when a dropped off the basket of bread and strange looking fruits.
“Help yourself, you’re hungry aren’t you? Rumor has it that you refuse to speak but I hope that’s not the case. I would love to know your name. I’m Ulyte by the way.” The man told me.
“It would be a pleasure to meet you Ulyte, but under better circumstances. I’m Kenneth, Kenneth Lighthawk.”
“Kenneth Lighthawk. That’s a rather unusual name you have there. My I call you Kenneth?” Ulyte asked.
“I’d like that very much Mr. Ulyte. It’s not that I won’t talk it’s just there is a lot I have been thing about before I can talk.” I responded to him.
“You’re not by chance.” He paused in mid-sentenced. “No, of course you’re not. Well, enjoy Kenneth.” He said as he turned and walked back into the Swan.
I watched him walk back through the door of the Swan and when it closed I examined the food he brought. The bread smelled like it was made earlier today and the exterior hadn’t staled. I didn’t see the point in them trying to poison me at this point of the game. The fruit smelled like apples. I looked and didn’t see any puncture markers on the fruit so I started to apply the methods of foraging I was taught since I was a small boy by my grandparents.
I took the skin of the fruit meat and touched it to my skin and waited to see if there was a reaction. I then did the same to the lips of my mouth, and then I put it on my tongue. I knew most poisonous plants would react to simple contact with my body with simple touches. I also knew that if I would have any kind of allergic reactions only a small amount would be affected and I should be relatively safe.
I was always proud of the fact that my family was deeply rooted in the old ways. We learned to live peacefully off the land and only take what was needed to ensure it would always be there for everyone that came behind us. My grandfather taught me how to hunt and fish. My grandmother taught me how to forage and even some herbal remedies I could make off the land. I know growing up a lot of kids thought I was weird but I never paid it much attention. It was times like these that made me appreciate all they taught me even more than normal.
I began eating the fruit slowly like I was taught and went back to me thinking of the situation I was certainly in. Again, I weighed my options and processed the new small bits of data I observed from Mr. Ulyte. He seemed to know more than he was telling but I could tell he was a genuinely kind person.
As Ulyte closed the door to the holding area the group of spectators was almost comical he thought to himself. Kenneth certainly had a presence about him that interested him and he noted that interest was shared by the entire group. He felt there was just something different about this Kenneth he couldn’t put his finger on.
“Well done Mr. Ulyte, you got him to reveal his name.” Lasharra commended Ulyte.
“Oh no fair, I wanted to do that.” Mexiah pouted.
“Kenneth, call me crazy but he doesn’t seem like he would be a part of an assassination attempt.” Wahanly pondered.
“Either way I still feel bad leaving him out there in the cold.” Angela said.
“Still, I think he is really cute when he shivers.” Vanessa said with a mischievous smile.
“It is not easy to witness but we follow these procedures in case he is an ally to those people that attacked the queen.” Mahya stated.
“You are all making us sound like we are an evil monster.” Lasharra muddled. Then she heard Kenneth sneeze outside which made up her mind to go outside and talk to him.
Opening the door the queen steeped outside she stood before me with her entire entourage standing behind her. She approached the cage and said “We will not let even a prisoner believe we are a monster or damage our precious merchandise.”
“Merchandise?” Wahanly asked her.
“We mean witness.” She retracted. “It would be a great loss if he would die.”
I just sat there listening to this young girl and her entourages talk about me. I was actually thinking how funny she seems to be referring to herself in the first person plural all the time. I almost wondered if she didn’t have some kind of multiple personality or something. Then again I’ve never had any dealings with royalty so maybe that is just normal for them.
Regardless I did catch her meaning and it confirmed my suspicions about being yet another pawn in a cat and mouse game between these people. I knew the time was coming that I would have to choose a side. The masked man or the queen. One had the promise of going back home and the other I felt a sense of true camaraderie. Even though I was a prisoner she has never threaten me and there was a sense of safety with these people.
“You just can’t tell Chiaia about this though she seems like she has a somewhat hostile looks about her. Don’t let her get to you though, she just has and odd personality about her.” Lasharra was telling me.
I noticed Chiaia standing behind her as she reached for the remote and pressed the button. The floor to the cage sudden opened up dropping all the food out of the cage into a net below the cage. I had already jumped on the support beams and grabbed the top of the cage because I didn’t want to be dropped over board.
“What? Oh no, Chiaia?” Lasharra asked as she turned around to face her. “I ah, we didn’t see you there.” Lasharra tried to explain.
Walking past the queen Chiaia approached the cage and said “You’ll have to excuse this viciously hostile look on my face. I can’t help it I just have that kind of personalities.” As she crossed her arms and stared at me through the bars.
“We only said somewhat hostile Chiaia.” Lasharra said remorseful.
Sneezing again Chiaia reached down into the nets getting a few fruit and a piece of bread she tossed it to me through the bars of the cage. Then turned in a huff and stormed off back into the Swan. The others quickly followed her lead.
I finished eating my dinner and sat back to look out into the evening sky. None of the stars seem familiar to me. I could pick out any constellations I grew up with. I wondered just how far away from home I really was.
I drifted off to sleep a little while later thinking of home and everything I was missing out on. I was even remembering the girl that used to babysit me when I was really young who I thought of as my big sister. She had a ton of other sister and no brother so I kind of was adopted into the family as their baby brother. We use to cuddle up on the couch at night when my mom was out of town and watch TV until we fell asleep.
It was in that dream world I could feel here snuggling right up against me now. I could feel her breathe on my neck and the softness of her skin. I could even feel the warmth of her body as she snuggled closer to me. Then the dream started to change into a wet dream. I was dreaming she was nibbling my ear as her hand was running up and down my chest. Then one of her hands started lightly scratching my back as her other hand drifted lower and wrapped around my semi-hard cock. She started stroking it lightly at first but as it hardens her grip became stronger and faster.
A moan escaped my dream world and I spoke to my big sister “Oh god big sis keep stroking my cock. Your hand feels so good.”
“You have a big sister? Well, she’s not here but I’ll be more than happy to take her place Kenneth.” Mexiah told me.
I was startled out my sleep by the sound of her voice and then I realized there was a gorgeous woman wrapped up with me in the blanket as she continued to stroke my hardening cock. The hand that was lightly scratching my back stopped and she helps me in place. I stammered “who are you?”
In a seductive voice she said “I am Mexiah, Chiaia’s big sister but for tonight I’ll be your big sister if you let me.”
It was then I noticed she was naked under the blanket as well when her hard nipples pressed into my chest as she lean into me and started kissing me. After the past month or some or just jacking off to find myself here in this strange world with a beautiful naked older woman I was not going to pass up on a gift like this.
Looking into her emerald green eyes as they sparkled in the moonlight was the most amazing thing I could remember seeing. As she leaned further into me, our lips met with short kisses that grew more passionate by the kiss. The feeling of those big soft breast and hard nipple pressing into my chest was making me harder than I thought possible.
My cock was seriously aching to be inside her as she continued to run her hand up and down my shaft. I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her into me harder wanting to feel every square inch of her skin making contact with mine. Our tongues were dueling in each other’s mouths as the heat from our bodies was building.
I knew I didn’t have the will power to for foreplay so I just reached down with both hands and picked her up by her ass and slide her into my lap. This trapped her and holding my cock between our bodies. I lay back on the floor of the cage bringing her soft kissing lips with me. Mexiah adjusted her sitting position and picked her ass up off my lap and lined up my raging 9 inch cock to the entrance of her pussy. At this point, the pre-cum leaking from my head was seeping around her hand and she started rubbing the head of my cock up and down her labia. She even was rubbing the head of my cock across her harden clit.
“By the goddess you are huge. We’ll have to take this slow Kenneth I have never had such a monster inside of me like you have but after this.” Mexiah stop saying as the head of my cock pushed into her tight pussy.
The muscle of her pussy clamped down on the head of my cock causing a moan to escape both of our lips at the same time. Feeling the inferno wet folds of her pussy milking the head of my cock was almost too much for me but I just had to get the rest of my cock buried deep inside of her before I would allow myself to cum.
She leaned forward placing both hands above my head she could better position her pussy on my cock put her huge breast into my face. I had never felt or seen any real life breast this big before.
I took each breast into my hands placing her nipples between my thumb and index fingers. I then gave them both a firm squeeze. This caused a shudder through out Mexiah body and she slide down my shaft another couple of inches.
This gave me a great idea, I took one hand and guided her breast and nipple to my mouth and I started licking and sucking around the nipple. I worked around and around until I had her nipple inside my mouth and I clamped down firmly on the nipple with my teeth while giving the other nipple a rolling pinch.
Mexiah bite down on her bottom lip and screamed as another shudder raced across her body and she slid down a couple more inches. Now I was about half way inside of her and I started giving small thrust using my hips while I was underneath her. I could feel her juices running down my cock.
Groaning Mexiah said “Of my Goddess I don’t have to inside me fully yet? I feel as full as it is I don’t think I can take much more of you inside me.”
When I started flicking my tongue across the head of the nipple trapped between my teeth Mexiah legs gave out as she had the most intense orgasm I had ever seen. Her arms fell and wrapped up my head crushing my face into her giant breast smothering me. Her legs crumpled on both sides of my body and she let out a huge scream as her body weight forced my cock to slam another couple inches deep inside her pussy.
This had me almost completely inside of her. The rippling vibrations of her pussy was milking the cum from my aching balls. We hadn’t even really started fucking yet and just being this deep inside of her was driving me over the edge. I reach back down and with each hand grabbed a handful of her soft round ass cheeks and started fucking her from underneath her in earnest.
I was driving my hips up into her as I used my strength the force her body to slide up and down my shaft. My cock and groining were drenched with her fluids and cum escaping from her orgasming pussy. I gritted my teeth because I was fighting the urge to fill her up with my cum. I wanted this feeling to last as long as I possibly could.
All this time Mexiah was moaning loader and louder. She was unable to control her body any more as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her. Every single part of her pussy was stretched to its limits and she felt beyond. She thought she could feel Kenneth’s cock head trying to press into her throat. Her heart was racing and the sweat was pouring out of her body. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take but the fact he was still driving in and out of her felt too good to put into words.
“By the Goddess Kenneth cum inside me!” She screamed at me.
That was all I could take I slammed my hips up driving my cock the last few inches inside of her and drove her ass down onto my cock I felt the last oh my cock to ram inside of Mexiah. Her cervix was forced open with this final push as I exploded inside of her. The only way I could compare the sensation would be like feeling a blast from a fire hose shooting out the head of me cock. It wasn’t in spurts it was one was continuous flow of cum pouring out of me straight into Mexiah cervix.
Mexiah felt the last bit of his cock open up her cervix and the rush of molten hot cum spraying directly into her was like nothing she had ever felt in her life. The pain of her cervix opening up like it did was like losing her virginity all over again, but the feeling of his hot cum and the fullness of his cock as it swelled even bigger as he came inside her drove her into the most intense orgasm she had ever felt before. She let out an earth shattering scream that echoed off the walls and across the valley.
She passed out on top of me shuddering and shaking for the last few remaining spurt of cum shooting into her. My arms wrapped up her body and held her in place as my violet orgasmic shakes subsided. I could feel my cock pulsing deep inside her trying to give her the last drop I had left to give.

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Tale of the Elves – Chapter One – Life is Precious

Hi there ^^ erm, well this is the first chapter of Tale of the Elves, hope you enjoy. Check my bio for information about this series. This only has one mention of nudity in it, and it is more of a build up to the actual storyline than anything. I don’t write wank stories, this is a story with an erotic element. But don’t worry, there will be something rewarding next chapter, and in the ones to come. Thanks! (Btw, the themes up there are the main ones that will appear throughout the series / trilogy)
Constructive Crit. Welcome.
Beneath the vast canopy of green summer leaves, the horse trotted between trees, it’s flanks mottled green with rays of sun dappled through the branches above.
Atop the large, dark grey beast sat a man, head held high, a look of contentment and peacefulness upon his face. He was dressed in a simple linen shirt and a brown pair of breeches rolled up to the tops of a pair of black riding boots. His cloak was slung over the back of the saddle.
Sheathed in it’s scabbard, a sword of two thumbs width was strapped to the steeds side. It’s hilt glittered faintly in the afternoon sun, the ruby set in the pommel glaring brightly. The reins hung slack in the man’s hands as he directed his steed along a hard-beaten path between the trees.
The saddlebags attached to the horses sides seemed to be umcumbersome. It seemed as though the man was travelling extremely lightly, and he might have been a common peasant were it not for his sword. His face, too, bore tell-tale signs of an extraordinary life. Though his face was handsome, his eyes a light brown and deep, a thick, knotted scar lay upon the skin beneath his chin, and the skin on his face held marks much the same.
Suddenly, the peace of the woodland was disrupted by a single, piercing scream. It sounded near, and the man started in the saddle. There was also the unmistakable sound of a blade being unsheathed somewhere into the trees on his left. Jumping from his horse and unsheathing his sword from it’s side, he launched himself into the undergrowth off the path.
He ran towards where the noise had been, and soon emerged on the edge of a small clearing. Snapping his head side to side, he caught sight of the disturbance on the other edge of the clearing, beneath the shadows of the trees. He could make out five, maybe six figures, wrestling with another on the ground.
It was a woman, of that he was sure. He got to the group surprisingly quickly, the sight becoming more clear the closer he got, his feet padded and noiseless on the thick grass and leaves. Four of the figures were holding the woman down, while one stood over her. The man noticed that the woman was soaking wet, and clotheless.
He felt as if he had intruded on something indecent. The woman’s face and her earlier scream, however, told the man that she was not in this position out of choice. Her eyes briefly met his between the legs of the man standing over her seconds before he was behind him. He hooked his arm around the man’s throat, pulling it backwards under his chin and snapping his neck instantly.
Looking down at the body, the man realised with disgust what they were doing. The man who he had just killed had his manhood on full show, his breeches unlaced and around his upper thighs. With no time to revel in deeper disgust, the man was suddenly aware of one of the bandits holding the woman down holding an evil-looking knife.
The man grinned, rolling his sword in his palm. This is what he was, who he was. He was Arealam, mercenary and former knight of the empire. Striking down the bandit next to him by burying the sword deep in his chest, Arealam moved just in time to see the one with the knife place it at the naked woman’s throat
“One more move.” He snarled, pressing it against her skin so beads of blood appeared there, “And I’ll slit her throat from one ear to the other. Drop the sword.” Arealam did not obey immediately, and the bandit pressed the knife harder, making the woman hiss in pain. It was then that Arealam became acutely aware of the woman’s eyes changing, becoming paler somehow.
Kneeling, he laid his sword on the floor, not taking his eyes from hers. “Good.” Hissed the bandit. The others did not release their hold on the woman, still holding her firmly to the floor. The two dead men were not of concern to them. “Now-” The bandit had no more time to say anything else, however, as a flash of blue light suddenly flared by his chest, and he was suddenly flung backwards into the rows of trees, landing in a heap on the floor.
Not questioning his advantage, Arealam surged forward, picking up his sword and screaming a savage war cry. One more bandit fell before his sword, before the woman was able to move. One arm released, she reached up, inhumanly quick, to the face of the bandit on her other side.
Her hand gripped his throat, knuckles turning white, and Arealam blanched as she snapped his neck with her bare hand. The one remaining bandit, sickened and horrified at the deaths of the others, had already started running towards the edge of the clearing. Arealam made to run after him, but the woman softly laid her hand on his chest. “No. Let me.” She breathed, her voice as sweet as birdsong.
She raised her palm pointing towards the fleeing figure, and her lips moved in the ghost of words. Looking back towards the man, Arealam gasped as he suddenly dropped to the ground, clearly dead. For a few seconds after he dropped, the two figures stood silently where they were.
For the first time, Arealam looked at the woman properly. He found it disconcerting that she was already looking at him. Shock hit him as he saw the tips of her ears, pointed and poking through her light brown hair. An elf!
She was exceedingly beautiful, as all elves were fabled to be. Falling to one knee and planting his sword in the ground, Arealam bowed his head. “I am honoured to be in your presence, O elf.” He said, his voice shaking slightly. Elves were told to be whimsical and strange beings.
“Rise, human.” Came the soft voice of the elf. “I should be honoured to be in your presence, for you have just saved me from a most unpleasant experience.” Her voice contained authority, and Arealam rose unsteadily to his feet. His position was not made easier by the fact that she was totally naked before him, and beautiful.
His eyes roamed without him telling them to. Biting his lip, he forced himself to meet the elf’s eye, away from her perfectly formed body. He was surprised to see her smiling. “I apologize for the state of my undress,” she said softly, turning away from him, “but those brigands caught me unawares while I was bathing in yonder stream,” she motioned forwards, through the trees.
“I was unable to stop them. Normally, of course, they would be no match for an elf, as you saw, but I am afraid I was complacent. The handle of his knife was quick to blacken my thoughts.” She turned slightly and pointed to a gash he had not noticed before, on her forehead. “I only awoke before you arrived, and my magic was slow to come after being unconcious.”
“Bastard!” Came a sudden, sharp growl from the shadows beneath the trees. Seconds later, something came hurtling through the air over the elf’s shoulder. The knife seemed to slow, centimetres before Arealam’s chest, before planting itself in his heart. The noise from the surrounding trees seemed dulled as he looked down, blood now pouring from the wound.
The ground behind him rose up to meet him, and he was suddenly staring up at the piercingly blue sky. A wordless moan escaped his lips as the pain of the wound hit him. His hands clasped around the handle of the knife, and his vision swam as the blurred image of the elf appeared into it. She was saying words he could not hear.
He screamed as she wrenched the knife free. That he could hear. Was she trying to kill him? He wriggled weakly in her grasp as she laid a palm over his chest, blood now streaming from between his lips into his short beard. It frothed as he moaned and spat.
It felt as if there were worms in his chest. Worms, crawling under his skin, inside the muscle. They itched, they burned. His hands rose limply, clawing uselessly at the back of the elf’s smooth hand. “Be still, Human!” Was the first thing he heard as his hearing suddenly came rushing back.
He gagged and spluttered as the blood pooled around his head suddenly swam over his face and streamed back into his mouth. He felt it running down his throat, he could feel the warmness of it suddenly sweeping through his cold body. He felt the cool touch of the elf’s palm on his chest.
Gasping once the blood was gone from his mouth, he gagged and rolled onto his side. Looking down, he stared at the place where the knife had been. Skin covered the spot, seamlessly smooth. His shirt was torn, but that was a small price.
He gasped. “How…?” But the question answered itself. She was an elf, a being of magic. “Thank you.” He could not express the depths of his gratitude. He raised himself onto his elbows, noticing the elf at the edge of the clearing once more, staring into the trees. “Where did he go?”
“He ran.” Muttered the elf. “I would go after him, but he is no major problem. We are on the border of the elven capital. It is surrounded by wards that will not let him get too close if harbours no ill thoughts for the elven kind. Though if he does, he might be able to get further in than he wishes…”
She turned to look at him again, staring at him with beautiful, unblinking eyes. As ever, she seemed surpremely unfaltered about being naked this close to a man. Looking at her form, Arealam felt a rising pressure in the groin of his breeches. The elves were fabled among the races as being the most beautiful and well-proportioned, and it was true.
“I left my clothes on the stream bank. I will go and fetch them. You, saddle your horse and meet me on the path directly north of here in five minutes.” With that, she disappeared through the trees. He did not ask how she knew of his horse.
Five minutes later, he sat astride his horse in the afore mentioned place, sword strapped once more to the saddle. He shivered as he caught sight of the elf making her way through the trees. She moved with grace, yet he knew she could kill him in an instant, perhaps without even putting a worthwhile amount of energy into it. She was now clothed in a simple, fitted white dress that ended breezily just above her knees. She walked barefoot.
Arealam’s insides squirmed at the sight of her. She was dressed so simply, yet she shined with a beautiful radiance that would have had any weaker man crawling at her feet. Her lightly tanned skin was smooth beyond comparison, and her figure rivaled that of the goddess of beauty.
“You will accompany me to our city.” She said as she reached the horse. “My mother would want to properly reward you for preventing such…occurences.” She looked up at him with deep green eyes. “You saved me from something I dare not think about.” She said softly.
“I need no reward.” He spoke with honesty and respect. “You saved my own life.” He pointed to the tear in his shirt. The elf smiled. “Still, my mother would still see it as a poor compliment of our thanks. Be honoured: no human has entered one of our cities for over four hundred years.”
Arealam knew of the war that had raged between the two races four hundred years ago. A truce was called after a hundred years of fighting, but the elves had sunk into their forests, and were rarely seen or spoken to after that. Their secrets of magic and nature were no longer shared, but tales of their beauty and knowledge carried on living.
Before he could speak again, the elf had taken a running leap at the horse. Strangely, it did not move as she did so. It seemed oddly calm in her presense. Her hand entwined with the harness as she gracefully leaped into the saddle in front of Arealam, not shaking the saddle at all.
“That was impressive.” Laughed Arealam. The elf smiled in return, pushing a braid of hair behind her pointed ear. Arealam noticed that the thin dress had pulled up her thighs as she sat with her legs pointed forwards. He shuddered. “Hold my waist,” came the command, “we will be travelling faster than you have before, I think.”
His hands burned as he placed them on her slim waist, and they were off. She was right; she was obviously controlling the horse to run faster than normally would have been possible. Wind lapped at his hair and stung his face as they rode, and forgetting himself, he wrapped his arms fully around the elf’s waist. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he thought he heard her chuckle.
They swerved off the path into the undergrowth. Normally, the branches would have swiped and clawed at them, but they didn’t touch them. They seemed to bend out of their way as they approached, creating a sort of corridor through the forest, only to close up behind them. Arealam stared in wonder at the magic.
The scent of her skin wafted into his face as they rode. It was intoxicating, a mix of wood bark, pine needles and other naturely things. Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply. The smell was slightly overpowering, and he started to feel dazed, as if had consumed a small tankard of ale.
They rode for at least an hour. Arealam guessed it would have taken him fives times as long to travel the same distance, and never to this place; there had been too much undergrowth. They were stood in a beautiful glade, where a small pool of water fed by a trickle of water glimmered on the left. The bare grass on the right looked untouched; pristine green blades of grass that stirred faintly in the breeze.
“We must dismount here.” Came the elf’s cool voice from infront of him. After the sound of the wind rushing past his ears for the past hour, her voice startled him. “My people will have already been watching us for some time, but it would be best to show respect when entering the kingdom.”
Before he could ask where said kingdom was, Arealam’s gaze rested on the far edge of the glade. The trees there seemed to shine with a liquid glow, and the space between them, while almost perfectly transparent, seemed oddly mottled or hazy, as if surrounded by a film of water.
The elf had already dismounted lightly from the horse, hitting the ground without so much as a thump. Arealam got off with much less finesse; he was a talented rider and knew how to dismount, but he couldn’t help making the scuffles and thumps that were nescessary as he dismounted.
“It still amazes me how like children humans are.” The elf smiled, her eyes twinkling. “Always knocking into things, and with their dull senses.” Arealam was stung. “Aye, but if you are so sharp of sense, why is it that a bunch of half-wit brigands were able to approach you whilst you bathed?” he sniped back.
“I did not mean to offend.” Came the quick reply in her strange accent, and he believed her words. “I am aware of the faults of my own race as well as others, I was merely making a statement. I will not let loose my words so easily from now, forgive me.” Arealam nodded his head. “But in answer to your question, I was taken by surprise. I had sunk into such a state of relaxation that my senses were almost the same as a human’s. It took me a while to gather my thoughts long enough to summon magic, which you saw.”
Her tone told Arealam he shouldn’t broach on the subject. He said nothing more as he took the reins of his horse and followed the elf across the glade. She stopped just before the trees, and before the hazy barrier that surrounded them.
“I will warn you,” said the elf, turning and looking into his eyesm”the magic that surrounds our capital is strong; none but an elf can pass without effect. I will help you get through, but it will still be unpleasant. The barrier is a mix of emotions, thoughts and memories of our race, thousands of years strong, held together with the strength of hundreds of spellweavers. You may see things you can make no sense of, things that make you feel emotions you did not know you had. Whatever you do, do not try and force the feeling away. You would die, and perhaps kill me through you.”
“It is meant to kill trespassers, none of which could ever mean us anything but harm, for if they did not mean us harm, the magic would have turned them away from this place by now. You only managed to get here because you are with me.”
Arealam nodded, a sense of trepidation rising in his gut. He looked sideways at his horse. “Won’t-”
“No.” She cut in. “Horse’s minds, though beautiful, aren’t as intricate as a human’s or an elf’s. She will not be affected.” Arealam took her at her word, and let her pull the reins from his grasp. He laid his palm in her offered one, feeling her small, cool hand wrap around his own as if he were a child.
She stepped through the barrier, disturbing it slightly. A few seconds later, it had changed back, giving it it’s transparent look again. She turned and looked at him through the haze. “Come.” She said, and he was surprised to hear her voice unchanged. “Step through.” Taking a deep breath, he abided.
It was if he had passed through a sheet of lukewarm water. The feeling was pleasant, and he was suddenly filled with a feeling of contentment and happiness that was not his own. A smile lingered upon his face. Moments later, though, this changed to one of such anger he thought he would die of the pressure forcing itself from within his skull.
Visions flooded into his mind. He could not make sense of them. One, an elfen child, climbing the roots of a massive golden tree. This quickly changed to another, of tongues of flame burning a city hidden within the trees to ashes, smoke pouring into the sky, changing again to one of a brute of a man burying a dagger in a weak-looking elf’s chest…
He collapsed onto the leaf-strewn floor, body shuddering. His emotions changed rapidly, from hot, white anger to serene calm, to a mix of both and back to anger. A choked gurgle escaped from his mouth before a last gasp escaped him, and he lay still. The elf, shocked by the vigour of the effect the boundary had on him, knelt down beside him, laying her palm on his cheek.
She lifted her head up, looking into the canopy of leaves. “Genrde.” She called into the trees. “Genrde altovisá!” Her voice echoed strangely in the seemingly empty forest.

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Ann’s Forbidden Love

This is my first story that I’ve written and i will try not to make many spelling mistakes, but there will probably be many.
Hi my name is Ann and I’m 15 years old, have long light brown hair , and I have 34B cup. I look a lot like my mom who’s name is Julie, she looks just like me, but with bigger boobs. My mom is 37 years old. My dad left when me and my brother were little kids, my brother’s name is John. John is a year older than me and is for the most part nice to me, but thats because he mostly ignores me. Lately he has been a little nicer…and its a little weird. He is tall, has almost black hair, and looks extremely athletic.
Now that i have introduced everyone, I will get to the actual story. Well it all started one day when i was in the shower, I thought everyone was away for the day, I mean my mom was at work and my brother was at his friends house. When i got into the shower i didnt lock the door. I was just washing like normal and i was really horny and i wanted to borrow my moms vibrator.
I got out of the shower and walked down the stairs, as i was walking down the hall my brother was walking up his way to the room.
” Oh fuck!,” I screamed as I darted for my moms room and locked the door.
” Holy shit, Ann, what the fuck are you doing running naked through the house?”
He was knocking on mom’s door and asking me all these questions and all I could think was oh my god my brother saw me naked. That is so wrong in so many ways.
” Hey, John can you grab me a towel.”
” Not unless you tell me why you were naked in the first place, if you dont you’ll just have to come out naked.”
” C’mon Please,” I begged him.
” Nope. So spill.”
” Fine i was taking a shower and nobody was supposed to be home.”
” Then why were you out of the shower?”
” I already told you why i was naked now get me my towel please.”
” I dont think so, I want to get to the bottom of this,” I could picture the evil grin on his face and knew he wasn’t going to give up until i told him everything.”
” Promise you wont tell mom?”
” I promise,” he said on a sigh.
” Fine i was really horny and i wanted to use one of mom’s vibrators.”
” Holy shit Ann i didnt know you liked stuff like that. I was almost positive you didnt even masturbate.”
” No i do, but not that often, I have to be in the mood to, Can you please just get me the Goddamn towel?”
He went upstairs and brought down a towel, I told him to close his eyes and hand me it through the door,
” I’ve already seen you naked what does it matter anymore?”
” Just close your eyes you pervert,” i snapped at him,
I couldnt hold back a smile thought at the thought that he liked what he saw, I mean even though i bicker with him a lot, I’m not blind, John is really attractive and i have defianately noticed. He handed me a towel, even though he tried to peek he couldnt see anything.
Ever since then he has looked at me differently and i often find him staring. It is a little weird but flattering at the same time.
About 2 weeks later I was really horny again, but didnt want to chance John catching me again. Although he is really attractive, it still felt wrong, I mean he was my brother. So i decided to go masturbate in my room. I walk in my room strip off my clothes and lay on my bed. I start running my hands over my tits, playing with the nipples, tracing my hand all the way down my stomach to my shaven pussy. I have one hand on my boobs and the other playing, teasing my clit, when I realize I’m fantasizing it was John’s hands not mine. I think well it is just a fantasy right? So I continue playing with my self and slip my finger in my wet pussy, after a few strokes I add a second finger and begin really playing with my nipples, while pumping my fingers in and out of my hot cunt. My whole body shakes from my intense orgasm.
Now after the events that happened, you must know that I do hang out with my brother sometimes, we play video games sometimes at night. The next night I cant sleep so I walk down the hall to see if John wants to play video games, I open his door without knocking and freeze. He is laying on his bed naked furiously pumping his dick. His eyes are closed and he is unaware I even opened the door, I can hear him moan quietly, and without even thinking about it my fingers found there way to my snatch, rubbing my clit frantically. He moans rather loudly and the next thing I see is his cum flying up and landing on his chest, then slows down and just starts slowly leaking out. At the moment he started cumming I could feel my orgasm shake my body and I had to lean on the doorway to keep myself from falling over, and as I put my weight on the door it made a loud noise, causing him to look up seeing my hand still down my pants.
“What the fuck are you doing in my room?”asked John with an edge to his voice.
“Uhmm, I came to see if you wanted to play video games”, Ann said looking down. I had a very good idea what the answer would be, but to my surprise he said let me get some shorts on. “You better not tell mom what you saw me doing or I’ll tell her about you the other week.” said Johm coldly.
“Dont worry I wont” Ann said immediately. I walked in my brother’s room and sat down on the bed, never taking my eyes off of him. He stopped and asked if we could just watch a movie, I agreed and he popped in Transformers, we have both seen this movie so many times we can mouth the words to it.
About half way through the movie I looked over at John (Like i had been doing all night) and saw a bulge and his shorts. I took in a deep breath and he looked over at me and saw where my gaze was. There was no way out of this, I was too curious and turned on, plus he already caught me looking at his cock, again!
“Uhmm, John, could I see it, I haven’t seen one before and I only got a glimpse because ur hand was on it?” Ann said nervously. I could see the look of shock on his face, but I realized I lusted after my brother and I might as well do soemthing about it! He just stared at me for a while before fully acknowleding my request. He stood up and took off his shorts and layed back on the bed. I just stared at his dick, it was huge to me. It must’ve been 7 or 8 inches. I was still a virgin and that was extremely big to me! Without permission I reach out and grab it, curiousity and lust taking over completely. His dick twitches and his eyes close, I start doing what I saw him doing, Stroking his cock slowly at first and pumping it faster as I had seen him do. Then I had remembered something my friend told me about, I put my head close to the top of his dick and stuck my tongue out to taste him, as I did this he froze. ” Is that ok? Did I do something wrong?” asked Ann with worry in her voice.
“God no, Ann that feels so good, where did you learn to do that?” John asked amazed. I started to suck on his dick head and swirl my tongue around it. Taking more of his cock into my mouth and sucking while bobbing my head up and down on his shaft. After a few minutes he started moaning a lot, “Ann Im…..Gunna….Cum!” moaned John as he came in my mouth, loads of sperm shooting down my mouth, It was kinda salty but I like the taste. I can’t wait to do that again.
“One of the girls at school was talking about it the other week,” Ann casually said.
“Ann you have no clue how long I’ve wanted that. Ever since you were 12 I have been having fantasies about you, and seeing you naked the other week, that just made them more real, and now….this. All of them are starting to come true, but you know what I’ve really wanted to do, lay back on the bed and spread your legs.”
I laid back on his bed and spread my legs just as he had asked. i lifted my hips off the bed so he could pull down my shorts and thong in one motion. He dipped his head between my legs and i gasped. He started licking my inner thighs and then he swirled his tongue around my clit, causing me to buck my hips at his face.
“So you like it when I do naughty things to you do you?”Jonh grinned into her pussy.
“God yes, do that again!” pleaded Ann. He went back to eating me out and it was oh so good, he was tongue fucking me and I was sooooo wet. he then came up slightly to suck hard on my clit again causing me to buck and my orgasm shook my body and he drank my pussy juices.
” Wow, John that was awesome.” said Ann breathlessly.
“I could do that all day and all night, Ann you are so beautiful” John told his sister.
“John i want you to take my virginity now, Ann said sounding a little nervous.
” You sure you cant go back once its done?” John was saying sweetly.
“I know i want you John.” Ann said in a loving voice John got between my legs and positioned his hard cock between my legs. “Now just relax, this will hurt” I relaxed my body and he pushed the head in i gasped at the new sensation. He leaned down and kissed me hard, not like a brother should be kissing his sister, but how lovers do. He then pushed his entire shaft into me, breaking my hymen break in the process. i screamed quite loudly at the pain and he stopped any further progress to let me adjust. “Ok you can continue” He backed out a little and pushed all the way in again. He kept backing out until only the head was in and pushed his dick all the way back in me. making me moan with pleasure. ” Faster John please i am so close”. He obeyed my order almost immediately and began pounding my pussy so hard!! I was already so close and this set me over the edge and my pussy contracted around his cock. gripping him tight. He kept on going and a few strokes later he came in me and I could feel the warm sperm shooting up inside me and it gave me another orgasm from the new feeling!
After we lay there in each others arms telling each other how much we love them, and knew this wasnt the last time we would have sex.
Let me know if you want a sequel <3

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Swinging with my horny wife

This is a long story so if you don’t want to spend a lot of time reading don’t read it. Please rate and comment! The more dirty the comments the better!

My Husband’s Client

My husband had to go out of town at the last minute and asked me to take some papers to one of his clients for signing. I really don’t get involved in my husband’s business but have met many of his clients and occasionally run some errands for him. Patrick, his client, lived in a very exclusive neighborhood in a wonderful house on a large estate. He was obviously successful but I don’t know what he did or what the papers were that I was delivering to him.
It was a hot day so I dressed lightly in a white sundress with the idea of going shopping at the mall after I delivered the papers. Patrick met me at the door wearing a robe. He was a big burly man in his sixties, a bit of a pot belly but ruggedly handsome. He said he had been in the pool and asked me in. I hadn’t thought that I would be staying but he said he needed to read the documents and sign them right away so I could take them back to my husband’s office. We went back to the pool where he had a glass of chardonnay and offered me one as well. He read the docs as I sat back and sipped the wine. I got antsy so started walking around his yard while he read. In the sunlight, the dress became fairly transparent and I noticed Patrick take notice and start watching me walking around.
He spoke for the first time in a quite a while and apologized for being such a poor host. He walked over to me and poured me some more wine. It was becoming very hot and I drank the wine a little quicker than I should and began to feel it. He noticed that I was starting to perspire and suggested that I take advantage of the pool while he finished the reading the papers. He said he had some swim suits that would probably fit me or I could swim like he did; au natural. I realized he was probably naked under his robe. Since I felt that this was going to take longer than expected and my afternoon was blown, I took him up on his offer. He led me into the house, got 3 swim suits, all bikinis and offered them to me. The string bikini fit me best so I put it on and went out to the pool. He whistled when I walked past him and poured me some more wine but I left it on the table and went to the pool and jumped in. The water did the trick and cooled me off. I swam a bit then got out of the pool and walked back to the table where he was still reading the papers and my wine glass was waiting. The wet suit clung to my erect nipples and it made me feel so naughty.
He was sitting rather casually as he read with his legs crossed which made his robe gape open and that is when I confirmed that he didn’t have anything on underneath. For being an old fart, he looked pretty impressive although I couldn’t get a really good look at it. I sat beside him and downed my wine and asked him if he didn’t have something a little stronger. He quickly got up and made me a margarita; that was more like it. When he brought it back to the table he reached over my shoulder to put it in front of me and pushed his body against my back. He suggested that I should probably put some lotion on and offered to put it on my back. Before I could answer he moved his chair behind me, got some lotion and started rubbing it on my shoulders. It felt good and I bent forward to let him go down lower on my back as I sipped my margarita. He suggested we move over to a lounger and I could lie on my stomach. I finished the margarita and weaved a bit over to the lounger and lay down. I untied the back strap of my top and he proceeded to rub lotion over the rest of my back. He was very thorough, rubbing my sides so that he was able to feel my breasts that were bulging out a bit. He then went to my lower back and pushed up against the bikini bottom with one finger slipping under the waist band slightly. He then moved to my legs and I opened them up a little so he could get the insides of the legs as well. He started on my calves and moved up to my thighs all the way to my butt and crotch, slightly brushing my pussy through the suit’s material.
He stopped and got up. I closed my eyes and wondered what would happen next when I heard a splash in the pool. I looked over to the pool and saw him swimming with his robe lying on the deck at the deep end. I watched him swim around a bit and then watched as he walked up the steps and got out. He was completely naked. As I said, he was a big burly guy, probably 6’ 2’ or so, 250 pounds, hair over much of his body and his penis, though not overly thick, probably hung down six inches or so. He picked up a towel and started drying off, walking over to where I was lying. He commented on how good the water felt and asked if I needed another drink. I smiled and said sure, or perhaps slurred “sure”. He threw his towel on a neighboring lounger and walked naked into the house to get me another drink. I watched his behind which wasn’t tiny and tight like I always liked but still got me excited. I got up out of the lounger and took my top completely off and walked over to the table. He came out with my new drink and again handed it over my shoulder and pushed his body against my back. This time I looked back at him as he did it and smiled. He put my drink on the table then brought his hand over to my breast and began to massage it. He lowered his head down and put his lips on mine. I opened my mouth and let him slide his tongue into my mouth. He became more aggressive, squeezing my tit more forcefully and pushing his mouth harder against mine as he held the back of my head with his other hand. His tongue tried to reach my throat and I almost gagged. It hurt a bit but it was what I wanted. I wanted to be treated rough.
He stood back up and started rubbing his cock in front of my face. I couldn’t help but stare at his manhood, which was well over 8 inches now, circumcised with a nice big head. He grabbed my head and guided it over to this gorgeous piece of meat, pushed it into my mouth. I let it slide through my lips and he pushed it all the way into my mouth until it was banging against the back of my throat. I started to gag and he pulled it out then pushed it back in until I gagged again. Back and forth he kept fucking my face with his prick, holding my head with his massive hands. He then lifted me out of my chair and quickly pulled my bottoms off. He grabbed my hand and led me into the house and over to a sofa in the living room. He sat down and told me to get between his legs. I kneeled in front of him and his cock stood straight up into the air, made it easy to my mouth on the head and start sucking. My mouth concentrated on his smooth head as my hands were jacking off the base. He began to tense up and I moved my mouth to his balls. I took one ball into my mouth and began to jerk his cock, increasing the pressure of my grip and speeding up the motion. He let out his breath as his cock started to convulse and he began to spew his cum over my hand. I slipped my hand over the tip of his penis and rubbed his cum all over it. He jerked back and pushed it away and laughed…it was too sensitive. I looked up at him and smiled then took my mouth and started at his balls and licked up the shaft until I reached the tip and put the whole thing in my mouth and sucked up all of the cum that was still on it.
I got up and sat next to him and asked him if he was going to sign the papers I brought. He laughed and said he had already signed them. I screamed at him and hit him on the chest with my fist and walked into the kitchen to get another drink. I came back into the living room. We were both still naked and I asked if he minded me hanging around the rest of the day. He got up, walked over to me and smiled, you can stay as long as you want as he patted me on the ass, but you can’t put any clothes on. I didn’t go home until the next morning.

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War on Geminar part 4

What I didn’t know was that I had a small audience watching our performance. From just inside the door leading to the Swan Chiaia stared in awe at the lewd act Kenneth and her sister but she could turn her eyes away from it.
Part of her was jealous of her sister because she wanted to feel that cock entering her virginity. She started feeling this way since seeing him naked earlier today, and now seeing how big it was when it hardened had her body reacting in strange and wonderful ways.
Chiaia found her hands fondling over her firm breast and running down her body rubbing her clit through her clothes. Her heart quickened with the couples pace as if it was her that monster cock was pounding into her. The world seems to fall away and only the couple having sex seemed to matter. Any other thoughts she had were lost to her.
Wahanly was taking a break from repairing the Swan and her mechanoid when she heard strange sounds coming from outside. As she investigated she looked into her ranger finder and saw Kenneth and Mexiah having sex in the cage he was in. The blanket forgotten on the floor as Mexiah sat on top of Kenneth and his cock was ramming in and out of her. This was the first time Wahanly had seen anything like this. Her body was reaching in such a way she could control herself. She felt her pussy began to dampen and her whole body became flushed. Her breathing was shallower and the only thing she wondered was how Mexiah could take some much of his hard cock inside of her.
Queen Lasharra had been watching the whole scene up fold in front of her from the beginning. She had been secretly watching Kenneth since he was his capture. When she first saw him she had never seen such a tall, strong, and handsome man. She was intrigued about everything about him. She knew that there wasn’t anyone like him and that made him all the more desirable to her. Now, seeing him fucking Mexiah like he was she too wanted to feel that. She secretly vowed that no matter what Kenneth would be hers.
Standing in the shadows of the queen’s chambers Mahya watch the monitor as well remembering that hard cock inside her mouth feeling it swell and cum. She knew then this young man would be an exciting lover should love to take to her bedroom. The things she would love to teach him made her pulse quicken as she saw Mexiah body shake violently through one orgasm after another. She also knew that she would have to watch the queen closely from now on. She could tell Kenneth was starting to have an effect on the young queen.
As I laid there trying to catch my breath, I felt my cock was still being milked by Mexiah’s tight little pussy as it was trapped deep inside of her. I pulled up on her body trying to free my cock from her vagina. I wiggled my hips until I hear the wet plopping sounds of my cock being freed from its confines.
“Are you alright Mexiah?” I asked her. When she didn’t respond I gave her a gentle shake. “Miss Mexiah, are you alright?”
“Hmm? Oh Goddess, what have you done to me, my sweet little brother? My pussy is still quivering but it fills so empty now that you’re not in me.” Mexiah asked me as she looked into my eyes with a mischievous smile.
“Just what the hell is going on out here Mexiah?” Chiaia screamed as she ran up to the cage.
This startled me as I saw the rage in Chiaia eyes while she was coming towards us. Mexiah start laughing and said “Oh you should know what is going on Chiaia. You have been watching long enough at the doorway to get a good HARD look.” Mexiah emphasis hard by sitting up on my lap and reaching behind him to grab my still swollen cock in her hand and rubbed it between her ass cheeks as she looked at Chiaia.
“But, if you want your big sister to show you again maybe you should get undressed and join me for a little one on one lesson.” Mexiah teased Chiaia.
Chiaia face went totally red and the shock in her eyes at what she said froze Chiaia in place. Mexiah stood up and started walking towards her sister. It was when she bent down to step out of the cage when I noticed a rather thick glob of my cum dip from her pussy and started running down her thigh.
“Damn it Chiaia look what you’ve done. Kenneth’s cum is escaping and dripping down my leg. I hope you are happy now?” Mexiah said to her sister and she spread her legs and showed Chiaia the cum trail.
That was so sexy to see but it got even better when she reached between her legs and used two of her finger to scoop up the glob of cum and then she sucked the cum off her fingers. Then she reach down for a second scoop of cum and this time offered it to Chiaia as she stood there staring wide eyed at her sister. “What’s wrong Chiaia would you like a taste of his yummy cum as well?” Mexiah said as she stuck her hand out to Chiaia.
“Ew, gross Mexiah I don’t want that anywhere near me. Besides what were you going out here in the first place?” Chiaia said as she backed away from Mexiah’s hand.
“He looked cold out here, and very lonely.” Mexiah answered her.
“But why are you naked out here in the first place?” Chiaia fired a question back.
“Oh? You don’t know sharing your body heat is the best way to warm somebody up.” Mexiah said with a wink.
“I can’t believe I have to guard my own sister from the prisoner.” Chiaia said as she grabbed Mexiah’s arm and started dragging her back inside the Swan.
Once they were back in the Swan Lady Mahya met them in the corridor and stopped them from going any further. She looked at Mexiah and then at Chiaia then back to Mexiah before saying “Miss Mexiah, if you would please come with me. I will find you clothes to wear and get you cleaned up. I can’t have you running around naked and making a mess in these corridors after we worked so hard cleaning up this place.” With that she took Mexiah’s hand and led her down to a spare room and shut the door locking it.
“Miss Mexiah, I’m not sure how instructors do things in the Holy land’s academy but here we try to maintain things with the upmost care.” Mahya scolded Mexiah as she sat her on the edge of the chair in the room. “Besides, wasting all that beautiful cum by dripping it on the floors. I thought you of all people should know better than that.”
Mahya knelt in front of Mexiah and spread her legs over the arms of the chair she was sitting in and began licking the sides of her thighs lapping up the cum that had dripped out of her pussy. Mexiah sat back and start to enjoy having the head maid lick the cum from her pussy.
“You know Mahya, if you wanted him cum so badly you should have joined me out there this evening. When I left Kenneth he was still rock hard and I know we could have gotten even more cum out of him and shared it with each other.” Mexiah told Mahya as the slurping sounds increased.
“Oh, I didn’t want to be too greedy my Lady. I’ve already indulged in his cock once today with a belly full of his cum.” Mahya retorted. Beside Chiaia wasn’t your only audience member that enjoyed your little show and I still have a reputation to up hold around here.
Mahya made her point clear by sucking in Mexiah’s erect clit into her mouth and flicking it with her tongue as she push two finger into her slopping wet pussy. This took her back to the days when she used to service the former queen after she was fucked by Lasharra’s father. She mused to herself that’s probably why Lasharra was an only child. With that thought in her mind she began to hum a tune into Mexiah’s clit.
Mahya used two of her fingers to fuck Mexiah’s loosen pussy curling them slightly to rub the mushy part of her g-spot. This got Mexiah off faster than she ever thought was possible. Mahya was definitely no stranger in the ways of pleasing a woman. Mahya continued her manipulation of Mexiah until her orgasm hit and then she pulled her fingers from Mexiah’s pussy and drove her face and tongue into her pussy.
Mahya sucked the cum mixed from Mexiah pussy like she was starving. Mexiah felt Mahya’s tongue working around her pussy sucking every last bit of nectar that she could offer Mahya. In the span of less than an hour she had two of the most mind blowing orgasms she has ever felt.
I woke up to someone opening the cage door to see Doll standing there with a smug look on her face. She said “you really messed things up now haven’t you Kenneth?’
“Doll! I thought I’d never get to see you again.” I exclaimed.
“Are you ready to go back Kenneth?” She asked me.
“Well, I seem to have a bit of a problem Doll. I don’t have any clothes on. All I have is this blanket.” I told her.
“Oh I don’t mind that. It’s not that I haven’t had the pleasure of see you naked before now have I? But, if you insist I saw your clothes on a shelf just inside the room.” Doll giggled.
I guess this was her way her getting me back from catching me masturbating last night. I folded the blanket on the floor of the cage and stepped out and got dressed. She led me to a hover bike hidden behind some bushes and we took off from the Swan unnoticed.
We made our way back to the masked man’s ship that was lying in wait for our return. We landed in the mechanoid holding bay and got off the bike. We were immediately surrounded by his troops all of them pointing their guns at me.
Lasharra watched as Kenneth and another rider took off in the hoover bike her guards discovered earlier. Everything was going according to her plan. She knew no one would just give up on such a powerful mechanoid pilot that easily. She sent word to have Chiaia, Mexiah, and Wahanly awoken and brought to her chambers so she could discuss the plans she and been working on. If all went accordingly she would have her proof and then take proper actions against the people that had sent Kenneth and the other mechanoid pilots out to kill her. If she was even luckier, she would retake Kenneth alive and figure out a way to keep him by her side.
Vanessa woke Chiaia and Wahanly up in their rooms but she couldn’t find Mexiah anywhere. She reported this back to the queen just as the girls arrived in the queen’s chambers. Mexiah’s disappearance put a dampener in Lasharra’s plans. The lack of the extra mecha and pilot put them back at a disadvantage.
“Wahanly, we need you to start preparing that surprise we talked about earlier. Chiaia, I need you to follow in Wahanly’s mechanoid and locate their position. With your sister gone we can’t stage an attack but maybe we can turn the tables on them when they decide to attack us.” Lasharra ordered the girls.
Then she turned to the ship’s communications pad and ordered the ship to go into defensive lock down and prepare for an attack. She walked back to her chair and waited for the next move to be played by her enemies.
Lasharra wasn’t the only one watching the hover bike escape back to the waiting warship. A hidden Scared Mechanoid watched it pass by before making a call to a nearby Dark Elf patrol ship on the pilgrimage route. She warned them of a uninvited guest in their airspace with hostile intent.
“Why have you failed to finish Lasharra off? You are from another world and yet this is all you got?” the masked man asked me. “Search him!” he shouted to the guards.
The guards grabbed me by my arms and began checking my clothes and patting down my body I guess looking for some like of bug or weapons. I really didn’t know what they were expecting to find until one of the guards turned my shirt collar over and said” he’s wearing an Aho magik transmission circle!”
This took everyone including me by surprise. Seeing that I had no idea what the hell that was but guessing from the transmission part it must have been some kind of tracking device. The guard removed the clear disk from my shirt and crushed it.
“I figured as much.” The masked man said.
“Well, that was surprisingly fast, but it was long enough to gain some valuable insight.” Lasharra said as she put the listening device back on the desk.
“You’re up Chiaia. Follow the plan as I directed.” She ordered.
“How did Queen Lasharra win you over? Did she tell you that you could have anything you wanted?” The man in the masked asked me.
“No, she didn’t. I never said a word to them about anything.” I explained to him.
“Are you playing dumb then?” He asked.
“I’m telling you I didn’t say anything to them about you or me. I just recently got my clothes back before returning here with Doll.’ I told him.
“Either way it doesn’t matter. I had planned for you to die here from the very beginning.” He said smugly.
That realization hit me hard and fast. I guess I knew from the start I shouldn’t have trusted anyone that wouldn’t let me see his face. It was just as Chiaia said I was just a pawn in their coupe-de-ta. If they succeeded I would have be executed as a murderer of Lasharra and if I failed I couldn’t tell them anything to trace it back to them. The dream of going back home was a long shot but it was the only chance I had open to me.
As the rage was building up inside of me I said to him “We had a deal though. I help you out and you would send me back to my world.”
“Do you really believe we have the means to send you back? Think about it.” He retorted.
Clinching my fist I ever so slightly shifted my weight to the ball of my feet and said “So you lied to me.”
He started drawing his sword and I attacked sending a hard thrust kick into his solar plexus. That sent him flying backwards to the ground gasping for air. The guards behind me start rushing me. I caught the first guard in the throat with an open palm strike that dropped him instantly.
Then next guard came at me swinging his sword in a downward arch which I sidestepped and as the sword hit the ground I spun towards him counter clock wise driving my elbow down in the back of his neck. I was about to bend down and grab his sword when I saw the other three guards rushing at me with their swords ready for a thrusting stab. I took on the middle guard first feinting a sidestep again and as he tried to anticipate the move I adjusted my weight to the inside foot going low into a hard leg sweep that caught him in the knee cap breaking it instantly.
The other two guards turn but it was too late, I ready had the middle guard’s sword in my hands and slashed the left side guard’s throat and using the momentum of the swing blocked the sword of the right side guard’s sword and kicked him in the balls. I then drove my sword into his chest.
I needed to get off this ship but the guards behind me protecting the masked man block my way to the hover bike. I took off out of the hanger towards the front of the ship. I thought maybe I could find something on the top deck I could use to rappel off this ship like some rope or anything.
“Kill him already!” yelled the masked man to his guard as they took off after me. /this brought a laughter out of Doll.
“What are you laughing at?” He yelled at Doll.
“You want me to kill Kenneth? Surely you jest.” She said at the end of her laughing.
“How dare you mock me!” he said and turned to enter the mechanoid.
Out on the top deck I couldn’t find anything to use as I continued to move towards the bow of the ship. When I reached it the hanger doors opened and out stepped the blue mechanoid the mask man piloted. I was trapped with no other way out that I could see.
“You dare humiliate me after everything I have done for you. You owe me your life after everything I have done for you.” He said.
Just then, my vision began to blur up again like the previous night. I could feel the cold sweats breaking out all over my body and a chili running down my spine. I knew this was bad and getting worse by the second.
Seeing me stagger on the bow the masked man laughed “Now this is very interesting, you seem to have gotten sick haven’t you? Well, I have just the cure for you. Your slow excruciating death!”
Looking over the edge, the only option I could see was to jump and hope I could catch a lucky break and use the trees 40 feet below us to help slow my fall and keep myself from dying. Thinking back on it now I don’t know if it was the fever talking or desperation but it I knew it was the only choice I had left. I got over the railing and took the plunge over the side.
I don’t know if you have ever fallen off something at a great height but the time I spent in free fallen seemed to take forever but then all the sudden these huge hands gently cradle around me and slow my decent before lifting my back closer to its mechanoid frame. It was at that point the world went black.
The green mechanoid with brown trim and with long silver hair belonged to Aura Shurifon. The daughter of King Shurifon, ruler of the Shurifon Empire. She was also the Pilgrimage Route Guards commander. After receiving the mysterious call earlier she deployed her mecha to investigate the claim of a unwelcome guest. That was when she saw a man jump from the bow of the ship and without thinking saved him from the fall.
When Aura secured the man that was in her mechanoid’s hand she took off in the opposite direction to put some distance between her and the mysterious ship.
“What’s Aura doing here?” the masked man pondered, and began firing at her. No matter what, could not let Aura talk to Kenneth about everything that has happened.
Aura scolded herself about getting involved specially without backup because while she had this man in her mechanoid’s hand she couldn’t defend herself against his attacks. Her only other option was to try and escape to a safer location where she could put him down and fight back.
Just then Chiaia met Aura in midflight as she saw the blast from the laser cannon and went to assist her. She didn’t know how but she knew that she had gotten involved in all this. Just as the blue mechanoid was about to use a finishing blow to Aura’s mechanoid the strangers mechanoid fired a shoot across the blue mechanoid’s front making him back off with just enough time for Chiaia to come in and assist Aura.
“Chiaia Flan.” Aura recognized the mecha that crossed her flight path.
“Well if it isn’t Aura Shurifon. What bring you out on such a lovely night like tonight?” Chiaia asked not wanting to involve Aura as much as possible. Then she saw Kenneth in her mechanoid’s hand and said “You go on ahead. The swan is just around the bend up ahead. I’ll cover your escape.” With that, she turned her mecha to engage the blue mechanoid that was attacker her.
“Gladly and thank you.” Auras told Chiaia, and resume her flight as instructed.
With both mechanoids preoccupied the blue mechanoid hid in the trees as he told this might be more obstacles than I can handle.
When Chiaia couldn’t locate the attacking mechanoid she followed Aura back to the Swan. When they landed on the Swan Aura took Kenneth under his arm and began walking to the front of the castle. She wasn’t going to leave her without getting some answers, and she knew this man she was supporting was the key to it all.
As Aura approached the doors Angela asked her if she could take the man for her so she could wait outside for Queen Lasharra to come out and greet her. Aura refused Angela’s request and continue to make her way to the doors.
Chiaia finished exiting her mecha stood at the front of the doors and waited on Aura to reach her. Stepping in front of Aura, Chiaia bowed and said “Since we are on a pilgrimage we have special right and I cannot allow you to enter Princess Shurifon. You have my up most apologies.”
“As the commander of the Pilgrimage Route Guard I need and will get some answers. I cannot and will not let this go.” Aura told Chiaia.
“I will certainly explain the situation but first I ask that you surrender that man to me.” Chiaia asked Aura matter-of-factly.
“This man is my exclusive witness in my attack. Furthermore, I think he is the key for all that is happening so until I get some answers I will not be surrendering him to anyone. Plus, I would prefer to hear this explanations from Queen Lasharra herself.” Aura said coldly.
As Aura approached Chiaia, Chiaia went to stop her but was halted by the queen when she said “Tis fine, she has our full permission to board.”
“Queen Lasharra Earth, please pardon my demeanor during this crisis.” Aura addressed Lasharra.
“Of course, it would be highly impropriate to discuss these matters out in the open. Would you care for some tea inside while we talk?” Lasharra asked. “Chiaia”
Chiaia went to take Kenneth from Aura but was blocked by her saying “As the one who just save this man’s life, I will keep him until I understand the situation better.”
“I heard Kenneth back.” Mexiah said as she exited the front doors towards everyone.
“Mexiah, where have you been?” Chiaia asked.
“Miss Mexiah what are you doing here?” Aura asked her.
Ignoring the questions she hurried over to Kenneth to examine him. “Oh no.” she said.
“I’m sorry it’s likely Aho sickness. I had to carry him with my mechanoid when I saved him.” Aura told Mexiah.
“No, it’s worse than that. Look at that rash on his neck and the high fever. It’s Rashinatory the altitude sickness.” Mexiah explained.
“Rashia what? Asked Chiaia.
“He has to be from somewhere with a really high altitude to come down with that sickness. Rashinatory come from the Ena oceans.” Wahanly explained.
“So, you had it too Wahanly?” Asked Chiaia.
“Oh no way, I’m fine. I had the vaccination for it before I left the Barrier Workshop.” Wahanly told Chiaia. “If this man has it he could die.”
“We got to do something fast he’s burning up!” Mexiah told them.
“Move him inside to one of the rooms and call Mr. Ulyte. He would know what to do for Kenneth.” Lasharra ordered.
After getting him into the bed Ulyte examined Kenneth and turned to Lasharra and said “At this stage he has about 6 hours before he will fall into a coma and all likely hood suffer from heart failure and die.”
“I know! I heard if the shot doesn’t work there is a natural remedy you extract from the Triama herb.” Wahanly told Ulyte.
“Well, Triama is rarely used as any kind of remedy so we don’t carry any on board.” Ulyte explained to Wahanly.
“I’ll go get some.” Aura said as she walked out of the room.
“I’ll go help you Aura.” Mexiah said. “We’ll leave the Swan in your capable hands Chiaia.”
The two experienced mechanoid pilots left the ship to start their search of the Triama plant. It was found in marsh, wetland by rivers and lakes plus being that the plant was not really in season was going to make finding it all the more difficult.

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Lustful Awakenings

This came from one drunk afternoon so yeah, read it and lemme know what you think. It could lead to more stories if you guys want me to.