Consensual Sex

Kate and Jo

My name is Katherine, Katie to my friends. I’m a PA to a senior director of a large corporation, and have been for many years now. I began as a humble secretary after finishing secretarial college when I was twenty.
There was a fateful day in my life when everything seemed to change. It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was shopping for a new pair of shoes for a party. I stepped backwards away from a rack in a shoe store, and I quite literally bumped into another shopper, doing exactly the same. We both turned around to apologise, the way you do, and I noticed that the other shopper was an attractive girl in her mid to late teens. You often can’t tell how old a teenage girl is; due to the effect make-up has on her facial features. I was buying alcohol and getting into eighteen rated films by the time I was fifteen.
Unusually for me I got talking to the girl in the store, and we talked about fashions, make-ups, and other ‘girlie’ things. The store was crowded so it took us a while to get served, and I suggested that the two of us get some lunch, simply because I was feeling hungry; I wasn’t trying to pick the girl up; girls weren’t my thing. I was no cheap slapper, unlike some of my friends from secretarial college who would shag anything in a pair of trousers, but I liked to think that I was a red-blooded man eater.
During the conversation, we introduced ourselves to the other. Her name was Joanna, and she worked in the fast-food bar that was just along the corridor, but she wasn’t particularly happy with the job. She was a little over sixteen and a half, and quite talkative. Although I don’t usually give away my phone numbers to strangers, there was something about Joanna that made me trust her, so we traded phone numbers and arranged to meet up the following weekend, for lunch, after Joanna finished her shift. We duly met up, and we got on like a house on fire, despite the age difference between us.
One evening, a couple of weeks later, my phone rang, at home, as I was getting all dolled up to go out, and it was Joanna. She’d had a bust-up at work with a colleague, and had been suspended. She was upset and wanted someone to talk to. I was scheduled to go out with a few friends from secretarial college in less than an hour, so I invited Joanna to join us for a drink. I didn’t know why she’d picked me to talk to; perhaps because I was many years older than she was, and I seemed worldly wise by comparison, which I suppose I was. However, if anyone had said that to me, I’d probably have taken it quite badly. It would have made me sound as if I was getting old, and at twenty-five, nearly twenty-six, I didn’t class myself as getting old.
I directed my taxi driver to Joanna’s place and picked her up, then I took her to the bar where I always met up with the girls, and during the evening, she seemed to cheer up. A work colleague had tried to hit on her, and she had hit him, with a dustpan. A week’s suspension had followed for him for his behaviour, and a two week suspension for her, for what amounted basically to common assault, although she was lucky and he hadn’t wanted to press charges the way he could have. Then again, he probably wouldn’t have been inclined to stand up in front of a magistrate and say, “That little sixteen-year old girl hit me because I tried to get her into my bed and wouldn’t take ‘Piss off, you arrogant shit,’ for an answer!” That was exactly the response that Joanna had given him, word for word, causing a ripple of laughter. She may have had the body of a young lady, and the face of an angel, but Joanna didn’t have the vocabulary to go with either of those; her vocabulary was far closer to vulgar ladette, than to any sort of lady.
Joanna went back to my place with me after the bar, and we sat, drank what little white wine I had left in my fridge, and talked, into the small hours of the morning. When we walked out to the taxi that Joanna had ordered, I felt as if I’d known her since she was just a little girl. I wasn’t sure why, at the time, but I gave Joanna a twenty pound note to pay for the taxi. She hadn’t asked me for it, but I could spare it on my salary, far easier than I figured she could on hers, which wasn’t very good really. Twenty-six to thirty hours a week on minimum wage, (at the lower rate due to her age,) wasn’t exactly great, was it? Her eyes lit up at the casual way I just gave away a twenty like that.
After that, we met up a couple of nights a week; sometimes going out for a drink with my friends, going to the cinema, or just sitting in front of my TV with a small bottle of wine and a big pizza. Sometimes we’d go out with what few friends Joanna had, but I didn’t seem to be well received by them; perhaps because of my age, or perhaps because I was monopolising Joanna’s time; we weren’t sure, so we agreed not to do that, and to be honest, Joanna didn’t really seem to miss her friends anyway. Before too long, she wasn’t going home in a taxi on a night; she was staying in my guest bedroom, and I was driving her home in the morning; always after I made her breakfast.
For the first time in my life, I was starting to develop feelings for another woman; just a slip of a girl really, and at first, I was scared of what it might mean for me. Had I always been a bit bi-sexual, just not realising, or refusing to admit it? Had it taken me that long to find a woman I could love, hoping that she just might love me in return? I’d had very little luck with boyfriends in the previous couple of years, so what did I really have to lose in trying to date a woman? There was little I was willing to do at first, not even try to kiss the shy, yet gorgeous little thing. I was twenty-five and Joanna was still only sixteen, clearly too young for me to try anything on with, and that was only if she returned the feelings I was developing for her, and to fair, I doubted that. She hadn’t given me any indication of having any feelings for me.
One Monday night, quite late, I was sitting in front of the TV, watching whatever crap was on it, bored half out of my skull, and suddenly there was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting any visitors, so I walked to the door and peered through the peep-hole, rather than open it. Standing on the other side of the front door was Joanna, without so much as a coat, in the pelting rain.
I opened the door, and she stepped through, looked considerably distraught. I got her into the living room, and, as she was soaked to the skin and shivering, I gave her the glass of cognac I’d only just poured for myself. Joanna knocked that back, coughing as the alcohol hit the back of her throat. Not really being sure of what to do after that, I offered her one of my bathrobes, and suggested that she go into the shower while I got her some clean, dry, clothes out of my wardrobe, which I left on the floor outside the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Joanna appeared downstairs in my clothes, and I made her a cup of tea. She apologised for being a nuisance, and for arriving at such a late hour. Then she explained why. The previous weekend had been a birthday party for a friend of Joanna’s from work, which had been a pretty good party. Joanna had headed home in a taxi afterwards, having enjoyed herself. The idiot at work who had hit on her a few months earlier was telling everyone how she’d left with him, and boasting that he’d gotten her into bed and popped her cherry. That very morning at work, she’d heard what he’d been saying, and there had been an almighty bust-up, because he was clearly lying. She was quite sober when she left the party and got into her taxi to go home, and she knew that she’d gone home alone, and with her cherry intact.
That was sexual harassment, and Joanna complained about it to her boss, who didn’t really seem to be concerned about it. Truth be told, Joanna knew that she didn’t get the job due to her qualifications; she hadn’t many of them after all. She got the job because she was eye-candy for the public; she was there simply to draw attention. Joanna knew that she was there to persuade teenage boys and young men to eat at the place she worked, to stare at her, and for no other reason.
If her boss wasn’t going to take her complaint seriously, then, quite understandably, she didn’t want to keep the job, so she stormed off home, and was intending to quit. Her adopted parents were insisting that she couldn’t just quit, because she clearly couldn’t afford that. She was too young to claim any benefits, so she’d have no wages and therefore she’d have no money, and they couldn’t afford to support her. Lying bastards that they were; they had plenty of money and could easily give her financial support for the following few weeks or months; I would have in their place. My parents had for me in a similar situation. They’d even suggested that I chuck the job if I wasn’t happy in it. I wasn’t happy in it, but I was too proud to quit; too proud to let that bitch beat me. So I stuck at the job, and she quit!
She started to cry on my shoulder, so I simply held her and let her cry. When she’d finished crying, and I’d dried her tears, I succumbed to the temptation to kiss her, right on those full, shapely, red lips. There was a little gasp of surprise from Joanna and she recoiled slightly from me. Panicked, I released her from my grasp, leaned back, and I can clearly remember sitting there, thinking, “Oh shit! My reputation is going to go right down the…” That was as far as I got before Joanna leaned forward again and planted her lips onto mine.
I relaxed into the kiss, although it was instantly clear to me that Joanna didn’t have any real idea of how to kiss, and I was genuinely surprised that a beautiful girl like Joanna clearly hadn’t been kissed before. By the time I got to her age, I was on the pill and had been sleeping with my first serious boyfriend for the best part of six months.
Joanna, on the other hand, was unmistakeably innocent. Clearly, as she was still only sixteen, we couldn’t take it much further, without me breaking the law, so when I found myself reaching for her tits, I pulled my hands back, not expecting that she would have realised what I was doing. However Joanna had noticed and she grabbed my wrists, placing both hands where I had intended to put them. Her tits were quite warm, through the thin cotton blouse she was wearing, firm and full, and they felt nice in my hands; especially as she wasn’t wearing a bra, and I could feel her nipples pressing into the palms of my hands. As one of my ex-boyfriends had said about my own tits, “A nice firm handful to play with.” That was the first time I’d fondled another girl’s tits, but it took me one step closer to understanding men. I realised why blokes enjoy fondling girls’ tits; it feels nice to have a large pair, like Joanna’s in my hands. It’s also nice to know that the owner of them is quite happy letting you feel them. It is a sign that she thinks enough of you, and trusts you enough to permit it.
Her hands found my tits and began to gently knead them, just the way men had done before, and the way I quite enjoyed. We broke the embrace, and neither of us really wanted to look into the other’s eyes for a while. “I can’t believe I just did that,” said Joanna, with a shy smile, “but I quite enjoyed it.”
“I’m having much the same thoughts,” I confessed. “I can’t believe that I just did it either, but I also enjoyed it. Does that make us lesbians?”
“I’ve wondered that for a while, Katie. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way…but…I know that I’m attracted to you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, so I’m not really sure what it means. I’ve never had a boyfriend before, so perhaps I am a lesbian. You’ve had boyfriends, so clearly you can’t be strictly a lesbian. Perhaps you’re a closet bi-sexual, just coming out, for the first time.”
“I’ve being trying to deny it to myself, but I feel the same way about you.”
Joanna looked much happier at the confession and said, “That makes me feel a whole lot better, Katie. Can I stay the night, please, because I don’t want to face my parents at the moment?”
“You can stay as long as you like,” I assured her. “I won’t worry about my home while you’re here, and I’ll give you the spare set of keys, and the alarm code. You won’t steal anything will you?” I asked with a smile on my face, to show that I wasn’t serious.
She just smiled right back at me and said, “If you thought that I might be a thief, you wouldn’t have made the offer. You know that you can trust me, and you know that I won’t do anything to upset you; don’t you? Besides which, you know where I live! You know where to send the police to have me arrested if anything goes missing. What time will you be home from work tomorrow? I’ll have tea ready for you.”
“About half past five, but you needn’t make a meal for me.”
“I want to, to repay you for your kindness.”
The following evening, after tea, and after we’d washed up, we were standing in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil in the kettle, and I said to Joanna, “If you don’t want to go back to work, then don’t. My spare room is yours for as long as you want it.”
“I can’t afford to rent your spare room if I’m not working.”
“I’m not offering to rent it to you. I know you won’t be able to pay, so I’m offering to give it to you for as long as you need it, while you’re looking for a new job.”
“No Katie, I couldn’t. I couldn’t sponge off you like that.”
“Sponge?” I laughed. “You’ve told me that you’re attracted to me, and I’ve told you that I feel the same about you. You’ve grabbed my tits and stuck your tongue into my mouth, and I’ve done the same to you. Obviously we can’t take it any further than that, without me risking arrest and imprisonment for unlawful sex with a minor; assuming that was what you wanted. I feel like a stupid schoolgirl again for the first time in years.” Not really being sure of what to do, I stepped close to Joanna, stared into her lovely green eyes, and wrapped my arms around her. “Girlfriends?” I asked.
“Yes!” was the emphatic reply, as she put her arms around my waist, and got a firm grip on my arse. “If I’m still your girlfriend when I reach eighteen, I will want you to fuck me. In fact, if you want to fuck me before then, I won’t have you arrested. I’ll share your bed tonight if you’ll let me; I’m willing enough to let you have my cherry.”
I felt tears in my eyes at that moment; she was offering to sleep with me if I wanted, despite her age. “In that case, I’ll become the provider for myself and my partner. I have no debts,” I told her. “I inherited the house from an uncle, so I own it outright. I traded his car in for something more manageable, and still had some spare cash left. I have a good salary from my employer, and I will willingly support my first girlfriend, quite happily. I had already realised that I’m at my happiest when you are around me, so if you want to stay permanently, then I want you to stay, but no fucking until you’re eighteen; my conscience wouldn’t let me sleep with you until then.”
She looked into my eyes, whispered, “Thank you Katie; you won’t regret it. I promise you that you won’t,” and just burst into tears again. As she did that, I held her to me, aware of the firm grip she still had on my arse, and I wondered how the fuck I was going to explain to the girls, how, at just turned twenty-six, I had ended up with a sixteen year old girlfriend, who was moving in with me!
“I know that I won’t regret it, honey,” I all but whispered into her ear as she cried onto the front of my blouse.
Later that day, I drove her to her parents’ house and we told them a partial truth. We told them that I was going to put her up until she could find a new job. They didn’t like it, and tried to convince her to go back to work, and stay with them. That attempt ended when I put them in their places. “Just because you are too tight to maintain your adopted daughter, don’t tar everyone with the same brush. She’s a good friend to me, and I, at least, will look after her. Do you know why she wants to quit that dead end job? Some twat is claiming to have gotten her drunk and screwed her after a party and a bunch of twats are taking the piss, and you don’t appear to care in the slightest, about the slur on Joanna’s reputation, only being worried about your bloody bank balance!
You want to make her go back to that job, and you call yourselves parents? If I had parents like you. I’d disown the inconsiderate bastards! I’ll take your daughter in to my home and I’ll and support her if you won’t. She can have my spare room until she’s working again, and can afford to rent herself a flat nearby. I have the money, and I’m willing to spend it on a friend in need. I’ll buy her everything she needs because I can. I’ll pay for her to learn to drive, and I’ll get her a car to drive to interviews, if she hasn’t found work by then. She’ll need a good suit to wear, and I’ll supply her with that too. Why am I going to do this? Because her own bloody parents won’t! Despite her youth, she’s a good friend to me and she’s good company.”
As Joanna’s adoptive father tried to interrupt me, I sort of ‘stomped’ on him. “I’m not finished yet, you tight fisted bastard! No doubt you’re wondering what I’m going to get out of the arrangement? Jo’s offered to keep house for me; wash, iron, cook and clean. She’s going to be the most expensive house-keeper I can imagine, but I don’t care! She’ll be good company for me, and I’m looking forward to that. I’m single at the moment, after my last boyfriend dumped me for some dirty little trollop with king-sized knockers and knickers like a yo-yo. I wouldn’t get into his bed so he waved bye-bye to me, in favour of some cheap slag he picked up in a bar. She gave him the pox too, and it served him right. In fact, he reminds me of you!”
We just walked out of the living room and packed all of what Joanna owned, although it took three trips in the car to carry it all. The last thing I did was to give Joanna’s parents my address and landline telephone number, before we left, in case they could be bothered to either ‘phone or visit.
Neither of us had any real idea of what we were going to do in our new life as lovers. Obviously we couldn’t sleep together, because that was illegal, but we could be happy together anyway. The following morning I went to work after bunging a load of washing in the machine. When I got home, it was dried, ironed and folded, ready to be put away, and I was quite surprised. I hadn’t expected Joanna to have done all of that, and said so.
She just smiled at me and said, “It wasn’t as if I had a great else to do, Katie. I can’t pay you board money, or pay a share of the domestic bills; you won’t even let me fuck, so I thought that I may as well earn my keep the only way I can; by doing housework. Let me do these things, please; I’ll feel better if you do.”
“I’m not going to try to stop you, honey, if that’s how you feel, because I’ve always hated ironing.”
“Good. I’ll be a good wife to you, Katie, I promise I will.”
“A good wife? You’re only sixteen, Jo, with a lot ahead of you yet. Just because we are attracted to each other, doesn’t mean we’ll be able to make it work out, but I will try my best, and I’m sure you will too. I’ll try my hardest to be a good husband to you. Not that I have the slightest idea how to be, but I will try.”
We were visited by Joanna’s parents after a few days. There’d been no contact from her, and they accepted that she wasn’t going to move back in, so they came to see her. I suggested that she give them a tour of the house, to see what they would say. They seemed surprised that Joanna and I were sleeping in separate beds. It was clear that they thought I was sleeping with her already, despite her age, and didn’t make much of an effort to hide that fact. We both knew that if things continued the way they were, then it was only a matter of time until that started to happen.
It was Joanna who put them in their places that time, and she lied through her teeth! She told them I’d taken her in because I was a good friend despite the short time we’d known each other. I didn’t want to see her upset, and she’d volunteered to be my housekeeper, as I had said a few days earlier, to pay her way, seeing as she had no money. She told them we weren’t lovers, which we really weren’t, back then. She pointed to pictures of my ex boyfriends on the shelves, to convince them that girls weren’t my thing, and they believed her. More fool them then; especially if they couldn’t recognise the fact that the girl they’d raised from the age of fourteen months, was lying to their faces with a smile on her lips.
Less than ten seconds after they got out of the front door, we were kissing in the hall, and for the first time Joanna put her hands up my top and popped my tits out of my half cups, and began to caress them. She was turning me on, and I wanted to stop her doing that, because she was too young for me to have sex with. Normally when a man did that to me, we used to head for my bed, or his, depending on where we were, and we did it rather quickly. I tried to stop her, but she didn’t want to stop, and said, “Then I’ll keep my knickers on, and cross my legs, so no-one can accuse you of that. Let me play with your boobs for a while, baby, they feel so soft, and nice, under my fingers.” What could I say to that?
So we stayed where we were, like a couple of school kids, kissing and fondling each others’ tits, getting more and more turned on. I almost laughed when I felt Joanna clearly cross her legs as she stood in front of me. We both knew that we were going to have to stop soon, or who knew where it would end. I ended up breaking the embrace, trying not to hurt Joanna’s feelings, and stepped away from her. She took it quite well, knowing what had to be done, and we returned to the living room, and put some popcorn into the microwave, before putting on a movie. All we did after that was exchange the odd kiss, after agreeing not to grope each other’s tits for the rest of the night, and watch the film.
As we tidied up and went to bed, Joanna said to me, “Goodnight Katie, I love you.” There; one of us had actually said it, and it was out in the open. “I love you too, Joanna,” I replied. “Can we trust ourselves to share a bed do you think?”
“No, I don’t. We’ll do something silly, and you know we will.”
“You’re probably right, honey, good night.” We kissed and went to our respective beds, and I think it was the hardest parting I’d done in quite a while.
Despite living with me, and doing all my domestic chores, Joanna wasn’t keen on asking me for anything, no matter how little it cost. There was a particular Saturday afternoon we’d gone shopping, and I could see her eying up a particularly nice dress. I offered to buy her the dress, but she wouldn’t let me; objecting to my spending a considerable sum of money on a dress for her, so I let it go. I bought her the dress the following Monday on my lunch break, and presented it to her that evening after we’d had our tea. At first she didn’t want to accept it, but seeing as I wasn’t planning on taking it back, she accepted it eventually, and looked very nice in it too. It took me quite a while to convince Joanna that if she saw something she wanted, then all she had to do was say so, and it was very unlikely that I’d refuse to buy it for her.
For her seventeenth birthday, I paid the fee to get Joanna her provisional driving license, and booked her first twenty lessons with the instructor I learned from. I also added her onto my own insurance, and let her drive my car when we went out together. At first she was too worried about damaging my car to drive it, but as her confidence increased, she permitted herself to drive us around. Along with those, I also gave her a credit card on my own account, even though it took her months to actually put anything on it.
About four months after Joanna moved in with me, we were out shopping in the centre where Joanna used to work, and I suggested we go into her old workplace and stir up some trouble. My suggestion was, “If the dickhead who claimed that he fucked you is in there, we’ll demonstrate to all there, how much of liar he is.”
“How are we gonna do that,” Joanna asked me.
“Easy honey; you stick your tongue down my throat, and both hands up my t-shirt to grab my tits when one of them is looking at us. Demonstrate your lesbianism, and there’ll be lots of piss-taking going on by the time we leave. It’ll ruin his reputation entirely.”
It took her most of the meal to find the nerve, but, blushing slightly, she did! She leaned across the bench seat to kiss me, and for the first time in quite a while, I got myself vigorously groped in a public place. It made me feel so dirty, and it was great fun. We got banned from the fast food bar for life, but who the fuck even cared? We could see no reason why we would want to go in there again anyway.
When we got home, I gave the girl I loved something of a reward for her courage. I stripped myself naked from the waist up, the way she’d been pestering me to do me to for a while, and I let her touch, feel and suck my tits, until they were sticky with her saliva, my sensitive nipples were sticking up, and her own blouse and bra were on the floor, and she was all but begging me to suck on her nipples the same way. She was blushing a little because she’d never bared her tits like that for anyone. Going in the school showers after PE didn’t really count, because the girls didn’t really pay a great deal of attention to each others’ tits. Joanna didn’t worry about her tits back then, or so she’d said.
Given the size they were, she had nothing to be ashamed of, and nothing that the other girls would have taken the piss about, the way they did with girls with smaller tits. Yet she’d never bared them to a lover, who was going to touch, feel and suck them, which was what I was intending to do. If I’d had even a little less willpower, I’d have had her knickers off, and she wouldn’t have even wanted to stop me; feeling as wanton as I did. It was the first time since childhood that I had sucked on a pair of tits as well, and there was something indescribably sexy about doing so. I’d sucked my mother’s as a baby, seeing as that was what they were intended for. My mother insisted on breast-feeding both my brother and myself, because that was what nature intended.
After we’d both got dressed again I said to her, “If you blush like that before I’ve even got your bra off honey, what are you going to be like when you drop your knickers for me on your birthday, as you’ve said you want to do?”
“I’ll probably blush even more, at showing you my fanny, but I will drop them for you, and I will let you make love to me, because it is what I want to do.”
We got to the turned on stage all too often, but with sufficient willpower Joanna reached her eighteenth birthday with her cherry intact, but we both wanted that to change soon after. There was one night, a few weeks before her birthday, after a night out on the town, we got home and she put a hand up my skirt, and, for the first time, quite unmistakably reached for my fanny through the gusset of my knickers. “You know, Katie, I think I’m going to quite enjoy slipping my tongue into this little honeypot. Will you let me lick your fanny tonight, baby?”
“You’re too young for that.”
“No Katie, I’m too young to let you stick a strap-on cock into my fanny, if you owned one. I’m not too young to lick yours, or let you lick mine. Please baby; you know I want to lick you out!”
Her logic was good, and she was right on that score. I’d let my first real boyfriend see and suck my tits at thirteen, and then he started to poke and lick my fanny when I was fourteen. At the same age I’d first started sucking his cock and swallowing his spunk, so did it really make much difference if I licked Joanna’s fanny when she was still sweet, virginal seventeen?
As long as it didn’t go further than that, then, no of course it didn’t. “Let’s go into the living room, honey, and then you can pull my knickers down and lick my fanny to your heart’s content,” I told her.
“Will you teach me what I’m supposed to do, to pleasure you?”
“I’ve never licked a fanny myself, so I’m not really sure.”
“You’ve had yours licked before though, haven’t you? I’m sure you’ll be able to tell me what to do, won’t you. I’ll do what you say.”
“Perhaps it might be best if I licked yours first, to show you what to do.”
I didn’t get the chance to use my tongue; I was quickly but gently pressed up against the living room wall, and Joanna quite roughly yanked my knickers down around my ankles for me to step out of. She seemed quite surprised that I had shaved off all my pubes, so my fanny was bald. I’m not really sure how I looked; holding my skirt up out of the way, while directing my seventeen year old girlfriend in the art of fanny licking.
When Joanna had given me a climax, and it was time for me to return the favour, she stood up and walked across the living room to the couch and lay back on it. Then visibly blushing with a mix of embarrassment and shyness, she hitched her skirt up and pulled her knickers down for me, exposing a triumphant red bush and a tight virginal fanny.
She invited me to use my fingers on her fanny, to loosen it up for the dildo we were going to buy later on. Her fanny was wet and warm, and oh so tight around my fingers. Joanna’s sense of humour was great, but sometimes she picked the wrong subject. That day, after I’d stuck two fingers into her fanny, she jokingly asked me how long it had been since a partner had begged me to get my knickers off, just to lick me out; rather than actually have sex with me, which she did want to do, and would do when it was legal. I didn’t like the concept that I’d made her beg for anything. I actually apologised if I’d given her that impression. That wasn’t what I wanted her to think. “With the exception of sex before your birthday, I’ll give you anything you can reasonably want. That, I promise you, with all of my heart,” was what I told her that night.
She asked me for one promise; a nice simple one. “Poke my fanny every night, lover? I’ll lick yours if you do. I want to be ready to be taken on my birthday. I want to be ready for you to enter me that very night, and not get hurt too much.”
“I’ll do my very best not to hurt you, honey. I’ll be very gentle with you when the time comes; I promise you I will.”
From then on we did the same virtually every night, yet we didn’t sleep in the same bed. In fact we didn’t do anything in either bedroom together, although we both admitted to poking ourselves during some nights, and imagining that it was the other one doing the poking. We deliberately refused to buy a strap-on dildo until the day of Joanna’s birthday, so there could be no temptation after a night out; or after a night in for that matter. If we had nothing to use to have sex, then we clearly couldn’t have sex.
Five weeks down the line, after a night out on the town, to celebrate Joanna’s birthday, we arrived home with only one thought on our minds; sex! I was going to claim Joanna’s virginity. We stumbled into my bedroom, literally tearing at each other’s clothes, until we were both entirely naked, and we reached for the double-ended dildo we’d bought especially for the purpose that very afternoon. Joanna had already decided that I was going to be on top; I was going to be the dominant partner, being the one who had a job. The facts that I was nine years older, four inches taller and twenty pounds heavier also had something to do with it. As I looked down at Joanna lying on what had just become our bed, she looked so small and vulnerable. It was a big bed in an equally big bedroom, and it dwarfed her five foot, three inch; size eight, frame.
I’d never had sex with a woman before and it was a little strange, really burying my face in a hairy fanny and going at it for all I was worth with my tongue. It was also a lot of fun as I listened to Joanna whimpering. She smelled divine, and tasted the same way. I quite quickly realised that I liked the smell of what my first serious boyfriend called, “a dirty little girl.” I suppose he was right about me, too. At the age of fourteen, I was lying on his bed, bra and knickers in my handbag, skirt up around my waist and my blouse open, all of my girlie parts on display, ready to be touched, probed, licked or sucked, and they certainly were.
I had been a dirty little girl, hadn’t I? Originally, I’d dropped my knickers for him as a Christmas present, and quite enjoyed having my fanny poked, so I continued to let him poke it on a regular basis. I’d been getting my tits out for him for a few months by then already. What would his parents have thought if they’d caught us at it; their sixteen year old son with two fingers in his fourteen year old girlfriend’s fanny on his bed? Let alone what they’d have thought if they’d seen him with his cock in her mouth, never mind actually spunking into her mouth for her to swallow. He wanted to put his cock in my fanny as well, but I wasn’t having that; at fourteen I figured I was too young to screw.
A few months later I made the mistake of letting him find out that my GP had prescribed me the oral contraceptive pill as a remedy for my headaches, so he figured that it would be safe to have sex me without risk of my becoming pregnant, and began to pester me for sex. I refused, and threatened to dump him if he didn’t stop pestering me.
I made another mistake by promising him my unprotected fanny on the night of my sixteenth birthday, if we were still together, and on the condition that he gave me a good night out to celebrate. I got plenty of presents and a good night out, and was then taken to his brother’s flat, and shagged over the arm of the settee, because we weren’t allowed to use the bedroom. Not exactly what a teenage virgin should have expected for her first time, but it sufficed for both of us. Inconsiderate twat that he was, he boasted to everyone about what I had agreed to let him do, although if I had known what he was telling people, I may well have reneged on my part of the bargain. I had expected a little discretion, after all! As it was, he got me home a bare five minutes before my midnight deadline, and as everyone found out within a few days, when I got there, I had no knickers on under my short skirt and my fanny was full to overflowing with his spunk. He claimed to be surprised that my parents hadn’t heard the filthy squelching noises from my well-spunked fanny as I walked into the house! He’d had his cock in my mouth as usual, but he wouldn’t spunk there. He said he was saving it all to put in my fanny, and as the boasts said, he spunked in there no less than four times, and apparently I looked so dirty as the spunk trickled out after he’d squirted it into my fanny.
He’d wanted to me up the arse as well, but with a cock as big as his, I told him that that there was no way in hell he was doing that. I’d been worried enough about its effects on my virginal fanny, and that was designed to have a cock shoved inside it! It didn’t hurt though, and I was thankful for the time and effort he’d lavished on my fanny for the previous eighteen months or so, making sure that I was ready to shag. As I said to him, nature didn’t give me an arsehole to have a cock shoved up it; that was what Mother Nature designed fannies to do! I’d enjoyed my first ever shagging, so as long as I got more pleasure, he could give me a lot more of them.
Within eight months of that night, I was single again. I went to his little flat to surprise him. I surprised both of them! It was an unpleasant surprise for me too; finding my boyfriend shagging a woman old enough to be his mother, on the living room floor! To make matters worse, he wasn’t wearing a condom, so I had little idea of what he might have given me. I dumped him on the spot, despite his protests of it being the first time, and his pleading and his begging for a second chance. The odds of it being the first time were remote, and I’d have had to have been a fool to believe him. Being a smart girls, I get myself checked out at the local pox-doctor, and and the tender age of sixteen, that was bloody humiliating!
I liked the unique odour of a wet fanny in front of my nose, and the taste of it on my tongue. She tasted so sweet too! I understood why a fanny was often called a honeypot, because of the sweet taste of fanny-juice. I hadn’t been laid in more than a year and despite having Joanna’s tongue in my fanny every night for the previous few weeks, I was missing the sex. However, seeing as I was living with my girlfriend, I couldn’t cheat on her and go out to get laid. I wouldn’t anyway, because I’ve been cheated on before, and I know how much it hurts. Besides which, I’ve never done a one-night stand, just for the sex. Being licked out was all well and good, but nothing beats a long, hard cock, shoved as far as it will go. Well, I wasn’t going to miss it anymore, even if the cock was made of latex rubber.
That night, just before we first made love, I promised to be very gentle with the young woman I was about to have sex with. I understood, the way no boy or man ever could, the feelings of anxiety a virgin girl often had. She was wondering about the sensation of having our new rubber cock inserted in her tight, virginal fanny. She saw that it was eight inches in length, and it looked positively huge. She was wondering where it was going to fit within her lower abdomen. Just as I had been many years ago, Joanna was anxious yet excited. She had reached the age where her partner could legally have sex with her, and that was what she wanted. To be fair though, she wasn’t the only anxious one in that bedroom. I was worried that I might unintentionally hurt her, as I pushed the rubber cock inside her.
After I served Joanna breakfast in bed, I asked her what she wanted for afters. I got what I could only describe as a dirty laugh, and the answer, “I want to suck your boobs and lick your lovely bald fanny of course. Come over here and stick it in my face before you make love to me again.” I was still tired after the last night, but I performed like a good ‘husband’, and gave her another orgasm.
I knew than, if I didn’t already, that I truly loved that eighteen year old girl. “How are we going to tell your parents,” I asked, later that day.
“We don’t. I already have.”
“What did they say?” I wanted to know.
“They told me that you and I were both little better than perverts, and they disowned me on the spot. That’s why they haven’t been round recently.”
I didn’t know what to say to that, so I said nothing. “I don’t need them anyway, as long as I have you, oh love of my life,” was what Joanna said to me with a lovely smile on her face.
We discussed how we were going to tell my friends about what we had become. We decided that a demonstration was the order of the day, so the next night out, in our usual club; Joanna planted her mouth onto mine in full view of the entire group, and grabbed a good, double handful of my arse cheeks. There were no shocked gasps, the way I had been expecting. In fact, the only words were, “Right, that’s twenty quid you owe me, Maggie.” Clearly we’d been sussed a while ago, but, much to my surprise, no-one seemed to care that I’d morphed into a muff-diver.
There was only one question relating to our relationship, and Joanna answered it for me. The question was, “How long have you been shagging this little honey then Katie; six months; a year; or even longer?”
The answer was, “She’s been, as you put it, ‘shagging me’, morning and night, since my eighteenth birthday, and that was a mere four days ago.”
Joanna changed her surname by deed poll shortly after her adopted parents disowned her. She didn’t want to keep their name, to remind her of how stupid and hurtful they had been. It took her a while to choose a new name, and I was surprised when she asked my permission to take my surname. We were partners, so we may as well have the same names, even if we couldn’t marry. That brought tears to my eyes, as I realised what it meant. She had promised that she would be a good wife to me, and, like any good wife, she wanted to take my family name. Needless to say, I quite happily gave her my blessing to take my name if she wanted it.
For her eighteenth birthday, I bought Joanna a convertible Nissan Micra, the glass roofed version, as she’d only just recently passed her test. She liked Micras, seeing as that was what her driving instructor had, and what I owned, and let her drive, so it was what she’d become accustomed to driving. The car wasn’t brand new; an ex-demonstrator, about six months old, but it was still a nice looking car in a metallic dark green, complete with warranty and free servicing. It came out of my inheritance, and when Joanna took the keys from the salesman, the look on her face was worth every penny that car cost me. It was the best birthday present anyone had ever given her, and, as I had come to expect, Joanna cried. When I told her that I wanted to buy her a car, she was expecting something from a corner end used car place; a few hundred quid, maybe a grand at the most. She sure as hell wasn’t expecting what she got! Unfortunately, when she took the keys to the car, she had no insurance. I couldn’t insure it in her name without giving the surprise away. I had to drive it home for her, and then we got her insured to drive it, and I had forgotten just how expensive car insurance could be for the young, inexperienced drivers without any no-claims discount.
Being adopted, Joanna has no idea about her real family. Had she been taken from them by social services because they couldn’t look after her? Had they given her away voluntarily? Or was she an orphan, with no family? Prior to that day, she told me that I was the only family she needed, and had suggested that in a few years she would like us to adopt a child or two, to create a proper family. She insisted on adopting, rather than fostering, because she wanted us to keep the children for life, rather than just have different children for short times, before they went off to other homes. She wanted to be able to build a proper bond between the two of us and any children we adopted. I quite liked the idea of raising a couple of children the way I would have if I had married and let my husband make me pregnant.
We classed the name change as our wedding day, and went off on honeymoon to Quebec, in Canada. While we were there, we underwent the Canadian wedding ceremony, even though it isn’t legally binding in this country. I made the hotel reservation at the hotel where I had been a couple of times for a girls’ holiday, and as usual, I had to spell my family name.
My paternal grandfather was foreign you see. He’d arrived in Britain in 1942, a badly wounded P.O.W. from North Africa. His home was Hamburg, but when the war was over, he had nothing to go home to, seeing as his entire family had been killed by the Royal Air Force. When the war was over, he initiated a search for the nurse who saved his life, intending to thank her properly. A year or so later, they were married, and that is why my family name is Von Falkenhausen. My paternal grandfather had two sons, and taught them both their heritage.
My father taught me my heritage and his language. My brother wasn’t really interested, thinking it was all old hat. That was why when our uncle died, single and childless, I got everything; the house, the car and all the money, and my dip-shit brother got diddly-squat, and it served him right too! My German is extremely good, I just have an accent. If it wasn’t for that, I could pass for a native. I’m teaching Joanna, too, so that she can participate in the family debates. My father spent a short while in the army, and on his return from a tour of duty in Germany, of all places, he brought a pregnant, disabled wife home with him. That pregnancy was me, and was the death-knell of my father’s army career.
The meeting between my parents was extremely unusual. My mother stepped onto a road without looking, and my father ran her over in an army-issue Land Rover. Even now, my mother jokes that my father could only get a wife by breaking her legs and knocking her out first. She was paralysed in the accident, and only had good use of one arm, so clearly she couldn’t raise a child too well from her wheelchair. Father got a special reasons discharge from the army, although he was quite happy there, to look after his wife and infant daughter. My parents never denied that both myself and my brother were accidents. Mother wasn’t really able to look after children, so they had decided not to have any. However, when mother fell pregnant, they were left with little choice.
We haven’t seen hide nor hair of Joanna’s adoptive parents since she told them that we were lovers, and by now it doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest. It did at the start, but she decided that if they didn’t want anything to do with her, she didn’t want anything to do with them either. She is not any kind of pervert; she is a beautiful, caring young woman, and I love her.
My own parents are quite understanding about the situation, and make Joanna feel quite welcome whenever we visit them, and they’re always friendly towards her when they visit us.
It was going to be awkward when I explained things to them, so we went around to see them when we knew my brother would be absent from the family home. When we told them what was happening, my mother propelled her wheelchair over to Joanna, wrapped her up in her embrace and simply said, “Welcome to the family.”
Joanna cried at that and my mother looked at me for an explanation. “When she told her adopted parents that we were an item, they told her that she was no better than a pervert, and wanted nothing to do with her.”
“The monsters!” my mother announced. “You’ll always be welcome here young lady, if Katie’s out of the area on business.” That did happen on occasion, unfortunately, due to the job. When my boss went away on business, I often had to go with him, which was the downside of being a highly paid PA. There were times I’d rather not have gone, but I didn’t really have much choice. I’ve been to many foreign lands; America, Japan, Germany, France, and even Russia.
I was lucky in a way, and my partners never distrusted me while I was away with my boss. I wasn’t going to get up to any infidelity, for two reasons. My boss, at that time, was in his late fifties, (way too old for my tastes), and had a rather attractive boyfriend of his own, many years younger than he was. As I said to Joanna, “I don’t do boys any more, and he’s never done girls, so that reduces the chances of adultery to just about zero,” although she never doubted my commitment to her. Joanna always trusted me to be faithful to her, and I always have been.
I guess that my parents are just broader minded people, content to accept whoever I love and whoever makes me happy. They’ve even started to jokingly refer to Joanna as my wife. I was a little surprised to hear them invite me to a family meal and instruct me to “bring the wife with you.”
Joanna was over the moon with that, because it meant that she’d been accepted by my family, in a way that her own either wouldn’t, or couldn’t, accept her. My parents can’t understand Joanna’s parents’ inability to accept her for what she is, because there’s no point in trying to change her. If being in a relationship with another woman is what makes her happy, then let her be happy.
My brother, who had been making ‘lemon’ jokes, for a few weeks beforehand, was staring daggers at me all night, because he was jealous of the young beauty that was quite willing to share my bed, when the time was right. Then again, considering some of the dogs he’s pulled in his time, it wasn’t exactly any surprise. Some of them were so ugly, the only reason he could possibly want anything to do with them, was that they were dirty slags after casual sex. That was often what I told him he was as well; ‘a dirty little blonde slapper,’ and he is too. He’s always been the sort to chase anything in a skirt, and probably always will. The old joke ‘A fanny and a pulse; and the pulse is entirely optional,’ certainly applies to him, because he will screw literally anything in a skirt, between the ages of sixteen and sixty.
I hope for his sake that he stays away from Scotland! Even the blokes up there wear skirts more than I do. Whenever I’m in a relationship, I always wear trousers to work, to hide my legs. Joanna has always said that I have the most gorgeous legs she’s ever seen, and she asked me why I hide them from blokes’ eyes. I’ve never really figured out why I do that, but it’s become a way for guys at work to tell that I’m not available, and it’s also an old habit.
My brother often used the family name as a tool in trying to pull; seeing as it is an old aristocratic name, indicative of breeding, money and influence. Most of the time, it didn’t work. I used other methods. A pretty face, long blonde hair, a nice, shapely arse in a short skirt, and a pair of thirty eight inch tits in a short, tight top, and no bra, were far more effective at grabbing the attentions of the opposite sex, although I never fooled around on the first date. Blokes had to work to get me into bed, but sooner or later, I went, and I had my fun with them. None of them ever complained that I was a poor lay, and neither did my only girlfriend.
I was never unattractive, but I’m not up to Joanna’s standards of beauty; not that it bothers her. In fact, she doesn’t like the attention she gets because of her looks, and her petite, hourglass figure, but she’s just going to have to accept the fact that she is going to get the attention, whether she likes it or not; what with her forty inch tits in their DD cups, twenty-four inch waist and thirty-eight inch hips; and the fact that she is simply downright, drop-dead, gorgeous. Blokes are going to be attracted to her looks and that is all there is to it, as are a few women as well. Such is the downside to being truly beautiful.
When Joanna turned twenty-one, I took her shopping for a present suitable for her birthday. I also took her to the local office of social services and we registered ourselves as volunteering to adopt a child. As we’d only been together for three years, they were reluctant, but Joanna gave them a little more to go on. “We’ve actually been together a year and a half longer than that, but we had to sleep in separate beds due to my age. Isn’t four and a half years enough to develop a loving relationship, to raise an abandoned, neglected, or abused child in? I was adopted myself, so I know how it feels to be raised by people who aren’t your own family. When I told them that I was a lesbian, they disowned me, and I intend to do better than that!”
After almost nineteen months, our names came to the top of the adoption list, and we adopted a little baby girl, Daniela, only a few weeks old. She’d been abandoned by her mother in a hospital car park on a summer’s night, with a note explaining things. Seeing as her mother wasn’t traced, she went into the adoption program, and came to us. Now we are parents, and it still feels a little funny to me. We vowed to ourselves that we would be good parents.
Danni grew up with us and started to address Joanna as “mummy,” and that was wonderful to hear. Yet again, little Miss. Sensitive Soul broke down into tears when that happened. Obviously, Danni will have to be told the truth at some point, and that’ll be rather hard for us to do, I think, but we’ll have to do it. It’ll only be fair to her after all to tell her the truth; that mummy isn’t mummy.
Joanna is a first class mother; no doubt about that. She took to the role like a duck to water. Whenever Danni woke up in the middle of the night in need of changing, or wanting feeding, Joanna was there; no complaints, or curses. She wouldn’t let me do anything at times like that; “Get some sleep baby, you’re the worker. I’m the mother of the two of us, and this is my responsibility,” was the sort of thing she’d say to me if I volunteered to help, or take over from her, so I stopped volunteering.
One day I remember in particular. Joanna was in the shower and Danni started to cry. I did all that I could think of but I couldn’t get her to settle. She didn’t need changing, and she didn’t want feeding, so I was unable to figure out what to do. After a few minutes, Joanna walked into the room and said, “It’s ok baby-kins, mummy’s here now.” By the time she picked Danni out of my arms, and rested her in the crook of her right arm, the screaming baby was silent!
When little Danni started school, Joanna went back to college and retook the exams she didn’t seem particularly bothered about at school, and didn’t do particularly well at. With motivation and encouragement, her results at the end of the year were substantially better than they were at school, and in between the start and finish of the college year, Joanna broke a couple of hearts because she was spoken for.
Her A-levels followed, she did well on those too. She wants to go to university soon, and get more qualifications, and meet more people. She didn’t have many friends when I met her, but now she’s doing far better at being outgoing, even if most of her friends from college are noticeably younger than she is. She is the group’s matriarch due to her age, and even she finds that to be funny.

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Innocent Craving

I wrote this for my own entertainment and it’s my first story here. This story contains gay sex and very incest content, if you didn’t read the tags. If you read this story, thank you! I really appreciate it if you like my story. I’m a little inexperience in writing so feedbacks are welcome.

I let her Mom Fondle Me

I let her Mom Fondle Me
….I’m Ann. My best friend Cindy’s mom Tami, liked to put her hands around me from behind me. Just a show of affection I thought…. the first time. I noticed her hands trembled slightly as she left them there for a long time. I loved the feeling and it started making me horny. I’m only bi with her daughter Cindy and Tami was firing up my bi desires but good. I leaned my head back an whispered: (“…I love your warm hands around me.”) I put my hands on hers and started moving them around. I heard her breathing in my ear. She gasp and a little moan. I was turning her on, and I liked doing it. I whispered:
(“…you can feel my body anywhere you want and anytime you want, Tami.”) I guided her hands over my tits for a while and then down over my pussy. I took my hands away and reached back and felt her waist and hips. We both had on shorts. I let my hand drift down to her pussy. I felt it all warm and damp. I let my finger crease her slit. She jumped and moaned. We now put our hands inside our shorts. I felt her full hot bush. She felt my pussy and pushed her finger inside me. Our fingers went inside us and we began to masturbate us. I loved the feeling of her wet pussy as she thrusted it on my fingers.
…..She had a gentle touch and I spread my legs to let her feel more of me. I wanted dual orgasms so bad I matched her speed masturbating us. I loved the feeling of her full wet bush on my hand. Now we were both breathing hard and turned on big time. Her shaky voice whispered: (“…thank you Ann, (gasp) I love doing this….. more than you know. Cindy is…. the only other one who knows about…. my love of fondling. I’ll masturbate you anytime you want. Your fingers in me are so hot, may I continue?”) I said: (“ Oh god yes!
…I love to be fondled. Why don’t you reach under my top and fondle my bare tits, I’d like that.”) She gently went under my blouse and bra and began to feel my now very warm tits. Her fingers felt my nipples real gently. She got me real worked up and I began to buck back my hips on her. We began to moan together as we moved together. She began to rub my G spot and I couldn’t hold off my orgasm anymore. Her fingers went fast as I moaned out in euphoria. I moved my fingers in her pussy fast as she too fucked my fingers and she had a big orgasm with me. We panted out of breath and just enjoyed our orgasms.
…..That was our first time for her to fondle me. She made me hot, my pussy wet, and made me orgasm….. I loved it.
….I’m Tami, and I’m finally telling my story. My daughter Cindy is helping me fill in with what her friends think about all this. Writing this down is making me very horny, and I like that.
….I have always hid my urge to fondle teen boys and girls. Except for my daughter Cindy, nobody knew. When Cindy’s new boyfriend came along is when my urges came out and I was going to get what I wanted. To watch, fondle and then masturbate me and them. My mom loved doing it and so do I. Cindy was providing the teens for me. First, let’s let Barry tell his beginning……..
…..I’m Barry, and I met Tami’s daughter Cindy in high school. She was an ordinary appearing girl, nice bod and tits. She was full of energy and life. Once we had hooked up, she started in with a lot of questions, feeling me out about sex. A little unusual but of course I wanted a girl who liked sex. My replies must have excited her, and she took me to her house after school.
…..In her room, the kissing began and we slowing began undressing each other. Her mom Tami was home, but she said her mom didn’t care what she did in her room. She even left her bedroom door ‘open‘. Now we were naked and she dropped to her knees and began to play with my cock. She was hyper and sucked me good and then into her bed…..but…. she would stop, take a picture with her camera, no faces, and continue. Picture after picture as she sucked me and then we went 69. The more pictures, the hotter she got. We turned and she was now on her back with her legs wide open. She took a picture of my cock and her pussy together as I started to put my cock in her.
…..She was very hyper now, and started fucking me like no other girl I had ever been with. She moaned loud and was a hot and wild little animal under me. She sure didn’t hold back on her moaning and I wondered what her mom thought about her sounds. She started to climax good as I was about to cum. She really had me excited too and I shot a big cum in her as she yelled and squirmed. She continued to fuck and squirm.
….. When I finally rolled off her, here was the camera again. She took pictures of her pussy full of my cum and my wet cock. No more pictures after that as we lay there catching our breath.
….I figured she wanted to put the pictures in her computer to relive our wonderful time later. I figured right…but….there was a lot more to it than that….
…..She talked about her best girlfriend Ann and how cool she was. Slowly she talked about times when she had sex and Ann was in the room also.
…. I figured…hmmm…maybe a 3some in the works here. I was all for that and let her know it.
….. This delighted her and she explained carefully that her and Ann were the only ones that they were bi with each other. I reacted like that was cool.
…..I felt like I was being manipulated but in a sexy and exciting way. Something was going on and I was learning it piece by piece. I kept remembering also, she never closed her bedroom door when we fucked and she moaned so loud. Her mom had to hear her. Her mom and girlfriend Ann were definitely included in all this somehow. I looked forward to finding out the full story.
…..I had to go home, but we planned another fuck session for tomorrow after school. I left, but I noticed her mom standing in the kitchen door way. She was very sexy looking, and smiled at me big as she gave a little wave goodbye.
Cindy thought….
….he’s just right, now we can really have some fun with sex. I can’t wait to tell Ann and plan a secret play time.
…..I love to see Ann get all excited. She’s very sexy when she’s turned on real good, and that in turn… turns me on. I plan to turn her on real good with Barry as my fuck buddy.
“MOM“…I called out, “Come and see.” I heard her running up the stairs. I sat at my computer to show her the pictures I just downloaded from my camera. She pulled up a chair and sat by me. “Wait”.. she said. She pulled up her dress, pulled down her panties, opened her legs some and put her finger on her clit. “Ok, go” she said. I loved the way she giggled quietly as I started the slide show.
…..I loved doing this and watching her get turned on watching the real live action. Freshly taken pictures, from just an hour ago. As the pictures click by from the automatic slide show, I watched her get hot. First one finger in her pussy, then two, then three moved in and out as I could see her wetness on them. She moaned: “Is he gonna come back?”…I said ’yes’, tomorrow. I watched her moan herself into a hip jumping orgasm. This was not the first time I’d watched her do this. She always got hyper when she arranged for me to watch her masturbate. That started a long time ago.
…..I was young when my mom showed me the ‘girl’ parts between our legs. She had me sit between her legs and she showed me on herself our clits, lips and hole where sex all took place. She said: “Watch.” She had me watch as she first rubbed her pussy until it got a little wet. With one hand she started rubbing her clit with two fingers. I watched it move up and down as she rubbed it. She had her head on pillows so she could watch it too. She started breathing hard and with her other hand started running a finger inside her pussy.
….. It made a clicking sound as her finger went inside deeper. She added another finger and another. She started moaning softly as she breathed harder. Watching all this was making me itch in my own pussy and I rubbed mine too. She moaned out: “Yes, you can do it too.” I scooted my pussy up to hers with my legs wide apart. I felt my clit and rubbed it. Now the itch felt so good I continued. I too put a finger inside me and moved it in and out.
…..This was our first time for masturbating together. I started breathing faster as the feeling got so good. It built up and up as I watched her moan and lift her hips up and down. I started doing the same and little moans started coming out of my mouth too. I was not a virgin but now I could control the feelings in my pussy. I could feel a good spot up inside my pussy and rubbed it over and over. Now we both moaned as a super good feeling peaked and our pussy’s got real wet. She gave out a big moan and I did too as it peaked. I had rubbed my clit before but not to orgasm.
…..The two boys I’d had sex with never got me this excited to the point of orgasm. We both orgasmed and moaned as we rubbed ourselves. We never told anybody we did this whenever we got horny. Mom and I both had boyfriends, but this was our ‘secret sex’ we called it.
….Slowly we wanted more things to turn us on. I had a girlfriend named Ann, who like to masturbate with me. We snuck in a hot rub whenever we could. One night on a sleepover, I told Ann a little about my mom and our little secret. She got excited and said how hot it would be to do a three-way masturbation. I brought it up to mom and she got excited too.
…..Next sleepover we all got in mom’s bed and had a three-way orgasm watching each other. It was the best masturbating orgasm we had ever had. Squirming, moaning, watching the other do the same was a mega turn on for us all.
….We all pooled our fantasy of wanting to watch one of us have sex with a guy while the others masturbated while watching ‘in person live’ as one of us had sex the guy. So far we had not found the right guy to do this with. Berry was now our target guy.
…..Cindy had put a grin in my face that wouldn’t leave. I walked in the door and my mom and older sister were there.
…. Girls somehow know when you’ve gotten some pussy. They looked at my grin, looked at each other and asked: “Where have you been Barry?…. A new girlfriend?….Oh my Berry, you look funny.” they said and giggled.….If…they only knew.
…..I grinned all the next day in school, waiting for last class, and go over to Cindy’s house. I saw Ann in the hall grinning at me so sexy like. She lived close to a buddy of mine. He didn’t care for her and said she was weird. He said she had been caught peeking in peoples windows at night several times. She had a slight slutty look but every guy in school liked her beautiful big tits. She was sexy looking to me and now she walked over to me and stood in front of me….real close.
….. I am tall and she is short. I looked down at those beautiful tits as she looked up. She held out her hand and said: “I’m Ann, Cindy’s best friend…well…more that best friend.” Her sexy eyes never stopped looking me over. “We’ll talk later, see ya.” she said. She had handed me a small note when we shook hands. She swung her sexy ass as she walked away, looking back and smiling at me.
….Now the thought of a threesome with her was sounding real good. I read her note…..
“See OO ya”, it said with eyes drawn in the two O’s.
…..Cindy came up to me while I was in my locker and put my hand on her tits secretly. Girls don’t have to worry about getting boners in the middle of the school day…..I did, as she rubbed it and smiled at me. She giggled as I held a notebook in front of me, walking with her.
….After school I was about to knock on Cindy’s door when it opened. Her mom Tami stood there looking very sexy as usual. “Come right in Berry” she said and as soon as I got in she hugged me tight, pushing her big tits into me. My dick was already half hard and it went to full hard in seconds. She whispered: (“I like you Berry, I want us ‘all’ to be good friends. Cindy really likes you and (gasp).” She stopped talking like she had lost her breath. Her hand started going up and down my back and she ran her fingers thru my hair. Damn, she was making me horny as hell. I found my hands returning the feeling as I felt her hot body. She whispered: (“…let’s step in the den.”)
…..In we went and it was one big feel fest with us. She was not shy and felt my boner up and down. She then held my hips and drove her pussy in tight to my boner. I let my hands come around and feel those big tits. Her breath was right in my ear as she was really excited. She said: (“…we’re going to all have a lot of fun Berry, can you handle that?”) I said: (“Oh hell yes.”) She gasp real big and took my hand and put it down her shorts to feel her hot bush and wet pussy.
…..Mom and daughter too?….the thought was awesome. We finally broke from our feel fest.
“She’s upstairs”….she whispered.
Tami thought…..
…..I like this Berry that Cindy picked out. Supplying me with young guys to watch fuck my daughter is really hot. I love to hear Cindy moan as she orgasms good with him. Those pictures were awesome. I got off so good looking at them.
…. Now a hands-on feel up!….he’s just right. I can’t wait to get my fingers in my pussy while I think about him and the feel of his boner, so warm and big.
…..I went up stairs a little dizzy as Cindy was smiling and said: “Do you like my Mom?” ….she felt my boner and said: “Oooooo I see you do!” We lay on her bed and I began my second feel fest now with Cindy. No pictures this time as Cindy talked with me quietly between gulps of air. “you didn’t mind me taking pictures, so now I have a ‘special request’. Let’s let mom take the pictures. She likes to watch anyway, it gives her a buzz and she likes to do it.”
….I’ll have to say this was strange but I saw visions of a threesome with mom and I wasn’t about to say no. I said: “Let’s go for it.” Cindy said: “…would you like her naked?… she will if I ask her….ok, silly question.” She jumped up and went downstairs. Soon she was back all smiles. She reached out and had me stand up. “..let’s give mom a hot show to remember.” she said.
…..Next I see a quiet mom with her camera in the doorway…..naked. Damn she had a hot body to look at.
…..I was shaking so much I could hardly take my pictures. I had fondled a few nephews and Cindy’s boyfriends but Berry was the hottest I’d ever been around. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him. I had never fondled a teen guy naked before. Cindy’s dad was a quickie that I didn’t even know his name. I tried to get a boyfriend in school but I was a geek then and no luck. Not even nerds would date me. Now I had nice looks and big tits and I was on my way to get what I wanted….to fondle my way to a glorious climax. I wonder what Berry would do if I touched them while he had sex with Cindy. I knew Cindy would like it. Now I’m so excited and so close to doing it, I may just do it and see.
…..Oh…My…God….their going to do a strip for me. Pictures, I must take pictures of all this to enjoy forever. My pussy is so wet watching this. Cindy is so lucky to feel his body, all hot and excited. Damn look at that boner. Feel it for me Cindy and more. She undressed him so hot and he is kissing her as he takes off her panties and bra. Seeing two teens naked…I think I may pass out. I feel an orgasm coming in my pussy.
…. Berry sneaks looks at me and smiles….I’ve never been this hot in my whole life. My nipples are burning their so hot. Put him in your bed Cindy, so I can get closer. I have to touch them now, I hope he doesn’t freak out, but I don’t think he will. There they go, laying down 69 and going at it. Now I’m moving in real close. Cindy’s got his boner all wet and licking it. I’ll just sit easy on the edge of the bed to get a close up of this. He’s got his face buried in her pussy making her jump as her licks her clit.
…Oh…, oh yes!…(gasp)…I just had an orgasm watching this, thinking about touching them. It took my breath away!….enough pictures, I’m going for it…..
…..At first I tried not to notice Tami, and play with Cindy…but having her watching us was such a turn on, it just added to my pleasure of eating Cindy’s pussy. My balls were going crazy with action as this was all new to me. Cindy’s pussy was so wet and hot…..wait….I feel something different on my boner. Three hands on it?….yes…I feel three…….that feels hot.
…..The third hand is larger and trembling. It had a gentle touch and is touching all over my boner and balls. I didn’t have to look as I knew Tami was joining in. The sound of the two girls moaning was going to make me cum as we lay sideways. I stuffed two fingers in Cindy’s pussy and started finger fucking her fast. I licked her clit fast as her wet pussy clamped down on my fingers. With that I felt my first flood of cum shoot out and in her mouth. She gave out a long moan and mom too as her fingers felt the cum flowing out of Cindy’s lips. I was in cum heaven as my dick kept shooting.
…..They both moaned together as Tami’s fingers were in her own pussy going fast. I heard Tami gasp real loud as she must have climaxed. Her other hand was feeling my balls over and over. Those girls drained me of every drop of cum I had. Only jolts of pleasure were left. Tami’s fingers kept playing with the overflow of cum as Cindy never took her mouth off my dick. Cindy’s wet pussy kept squeezing my fingers as all our moaning began to fade.
….. Tami’s hands kept feeling all over me, my legs, back, tummy and next she started kissing my body all over. Cindy’s hands joined in too. Stroking me for every last of cum I had. I last remember the room spinning as I slowly blacked out or something.
….I woke up to Cindy asleep and Tami asleep on the floor. I slowly got up and found my clothes. I thought how I was going to explain why I was so late when I got home.
…..Mom just smiled but never said a word as I ate a cold dinner.
…..I love laying here in my bed and going over and over what happened this afternoon. My fingers are slowly feeling my clit as I bask in the memories. My fingers tingle remembering touching Berry and Cindy too. Berry has arranged to spend the night with us this Friday, Cindy tells me her friend Ann wants to come and watch. I love to see Ann masturbate as she watches. I’ve fondled her before and she is hot. I’m not bi, but I’ve watched Cindy and Ann go 69 a few times….I wonder…. Things are changing and I’m finding I first want to have oral sex with Berry…..then I wonder what it’s like to lick a pussy… love it, so why can’t……mmmm….maybe just once…
…. I arrived at Cindy’s door. The door opened just a crack. I couldn’t see who was looking out at me. An arm came out and pulled me in the house. It was Ann in a nightgown. She grabbed my hands and put them on her big tits and smiled. She whispered: (“…mind if I watch?”) She led me upstairs to Tami’s big bed. Tami and Cindy were waiting and they all started undressing me. Tami started in fondling me as Ann and Cindy started fondling each other. Tami led me to the bed as they all got naked. They must have had a meeting about who did what and when…..
…..I’m getting what I want. I want to fondle Berry all I want and then have oral sex with him. Cindy and Ann can do their ’bi’ thing as Berry and I watch.
….I’m getting what I want. I want to go 69 with Cindy while we watch Tami and Berry have oral sex laying right beside us.
…..I’m getting what I want. I’ll eat Ann’s pussy while mom and Berry have oral sex right beside us. Then I get Berry and we can fuck while watching mom and Ann have mom’s first oral sex with Ann. Then all us girls will attack Berry with fondling, sucking, licking, kissing and have him fuck mom and Ann for the first time while the others all watch.
…..Well that‘s my story…we all got what we wanted that wonderful night.
…..At 4 in the morning poor Berry finally got the final thing he wanted…..

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Unexpected Situation 2

Oh man…mmm, that feels good…
I open my eyes to try to figure out why the hell it feels like my dick is buried in someone’s tight, soaking pussy…
Oh yeah. Because it is. We were still on the choir van, and Tori was still impaled on my now semi-erect cock. She was sleeping peacefully at the moment, and I felt no reason to wake her. As I roused myself to a mostly awake state, I tried to take stock of the situation more coherently.
Oh God. I had raped her. In the moment, it was basically a crime of passion. My dick had overruled any rational thought process I might’ve had in it’s attempt to bury itself in some pussy, and it had succeeded.
But I wasn’t a monster. Now that the deed was done and I was thinking rationally, the guilt began to settle heavily on my mind.
As I lay there cursing myself for my actions, I noticed a cold chill run up her spine. Like I said, I’m basically a good person, so I wrapped my arm around her without really thinking about it. Tori, reacting unconsciously in her sleep, snuggled tight against my body, her arm wrapping itself over mine and holding it against her chest. She gave this cute little sigh of contentment after she had done so, and the ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. Damn, she was cute.
I felt my dick begin to harden inside her, almost of it’s own accord. She snuggled closer at that point, fully impaling herself on me, and my dick began to take over my thought process again. I mean, here was this gorgeous 130lbp blonde bombshell of a valley girl with perky C-cups who was virtually grinding on my dick. My body reacted instantly without asking permission from my conscious mind.
My cock, only semi erect up until this point, hardened to it’s fullest instantly and twitched inside her. This definitely registered somewhere in her conscious mind, and her eyes began to flutter open. I tried to will myself to hold still as she awoke. She quickly realized what had woken her and turned her head to look back at me. Her eyes opened a little wider.
“Shit, I thought it was just a dream,” she whispered. That explained why she was so wet. She turned to face forward again and began to sob quietly. My guilt trip was complete. I hated myself in that moment. Even so, I still couldn’t bring myself to pull out of her.
“Look, I’m really sorry… ” I started lamely. I stopped myself. What the fuck was I supposed to say to fix the situation. I sighed softly, giving up on my apology. Instead, I just drew her tight against my chest and snaked my other arm underneath her body so that I could hold her with both arms.
Tori was still facing away from me, but she did allow me to pull her closer and I noticed her arms had made room for mine to wrap around her before they returned to holding my arms against her chest.
“The fucked up part is that I’m not even really mad at you. I LIKED it…” she whispered between her soft sobs.
Hearing that last admission coaxed another unwanted reaction from my aroused body. My rock hard dick jumped inside her, flexing with pleasure as I heard that Tori had enjoyed what I had done to her. I heard a soft little hiss and looked down at Tori.
Her eyes were closed as she bit her lower lip to stop making any more noise. I quickly glanced around the van to verify that everyone was still asleep. They were, except for our choir director. But he was too involved in keeping the van on the road to notice much else.
My attention returned to Tori. She had regained her composure and was looking up at me while I had craned my neck over the top of the seat. She had stopped sobbing, and there were only the now drying tears to mark the fact that she had been crying at all. Unlike most girls her age, Tori never did get all blubbery with the red rims around her eyes. Right now, her face looked quizzical, actually. She whispered her question out loud.
“Did someone hear me?.. ”
I shook my head in the negative.
“Well, my arm has been asleep for the past five minutes or so. I need to move. Keep watch?”
I didn’t really answer. Instead, I made a point of looking back over the seat. I heard the quiet rustling begin as she made herself comfortable.
I couldn’t really help being a little disappointed as I felt my cock leave it’s newfound home. Tori gave a sexy little moan as my dick was dislodged from her lips. I felt that my fun had come to an end, and couldn’t blame her for pulling me out of her. I felt her roll over and was glad that we were going to get to talk face to face. Then, there was some more movement. I figured she was trying to massage some feeling back into her arm or something. I knew how much I hated the feeling of my limbs falling asleep.
But then I felt her warm thigh on top of mine, and I was asleep enough that I couldn’t imagine what the fuck she was doing. Most of me was concerned with making sure her movements went undetected, and I didn’t look down until I felt her hand on the underside of my dick.
Tori was mostly covered by the blanket we had been sharing, but the leg she had thrown over my hips was now partially exposed. Her body was facing my own, and she was currently peering between our bodies as her hand worked underneath the blanket. I let her hand guide me, still not really understanding what was going on. I hadn’t made any more threats or even given her any orders. Whatever she was doing right now was not being forced at all.
Meanwhile, her hand had effectively lined me up once again. I could feel the warmth from her tunnel on the head of my dick. Realizing I was still stretched over the seat, I quietly laid back down, my face now inches from her own. I wrapped my arms around her and was just watching her face as I felt her lining me up. My dick was between her lips before her mind caught up with her body and realized that SHE was the one getting ready to fuck me.
“Oh my God… I was just ab-” she whispered that much of her realization aloud before my dick made another one of it’s executive decisions and began to reinsert itself back into her sex.
Unprepared for the invasion, Tori’s whisper broke off in favor of another sexy little hiss before she bit her bottom lip to silence it. Her face snapped up and her eyes bored into my own. I paused as I felt my head pass through the firm grip of her opening. Her eyes pleaded with me as she chewed on her bottom lip to stop the moans that were in her throat. I couldn’t tell if she was pleading that I pull out, or pleading that I keep going. I don’t think she could either.
My dick made the decision for us, and her mouth opened into a small ‘O’ and her eyes began to glaze over as my dick resumed his invasion of Tori. After four inches of me had disappeared into her, Tori leaned in to rest her forehead against my shoulder. I paused again.
“God, you’re so tight, ” I breathed in her ear. She leaned just far enough away from my shoulder to look into my face.
“Not surprising, since you were my first…” she whispered, not quite able to meet my eyes. I couldn’t remember feeling a hymen, and told her as much. I wasn’t accusing her of lying, I was just curious. She must have guessed as much from my facial expression, because she didn’t take any offense as she gave me my answer.
“Bike accident when I was little. My mom had to reassure me that I had not torn my tummy open, ” she told me in a whisper. I couldn’t help smiling and shaking my head a little. She looked at me with her ‘what?’ expression again.
I managed to keep a straight face as I whispered “Torn Tummy? That sounds like a serious condition, doctor.” She pushed against my chest playfully as she caught my sarcasm
“Shuddup, I was TEN!” She whispered back, smiling in spite of herself.
My dick decided to continue at that moment, and I began to push into her again. The smile was immediately replaced with her cute lip-biting, and her eyes held mine as I continued to push into her. As the sixth inch passed into her, her control cracked. Her arms had been draped around my neck, with her hands reaching to grasp the top of my shoulders. As the sixth inch vanished inside her, those hands became claws and moved to grip my back. The leg that had been gently draped over my hips now locked into place, holding me against her. In this position, she began to roll on to her back. I knew she couldn’t pull me over if she tried, but I moved onto her as she rolled. Let her think she pulled me on top of her, it probably seemed sexier in her mind.
I was propped up on my elbows so that she wouldn’t have to support my full weight. She was tight enough that, even as we rolled, my dick had not gone any deeper. She locked her legs around my hips and draped both arms around my neck as she looked into my eyes again. She looked so sexy.
The blanket had fallen so that it covered just enough of our lower bodies to hide the fact that we were connected to one another in the physical sense. She was still wearing her cute little pink tank top, and I still had my t-shirt on. So it would’ve been hard to tell that we were actually fucking, to the casual observer. Unless they looked at Tori’s face, that is.
Her blue eyes were glazed over and unfocused, eyebrows drawn together in a fierce concentration on what she was feeling inside her. She was biting her lip again, and her cute little nostrils dilated in time to her shallow but rapid breathing. Even though she was taking such shallow breaths, her chest was heaving and her hips writhed underneath me. I leaned down for one of the sexiest, most sensual series of kisses I had ever experienced.
Four or five minutes later, Tori made a little moan of impatience and broke off our make-up session. “C.J. I NEED you to keep going,” she whispered, grinding her hips against me to illustrate what she meant. I decided to be a little evil.
Instead of ramming my last two and a half inches into her like she wanted, I froze and looked into her eyes. The expression of her frustration mixed with her sheer desperation caused a taunting smile to appear on my face. Putting all my weight on my left elbow, I took my right hand and traced the shape of her clavicle bone. In her current state, her body was extra sensitive, and the feeling of my finger caused a pleasurable shiver to run through that sexy frame of hers. Afterwords, she, too, froze and focused on the feeling of my index finger trailing down the center of her chest.
Unfortunately, given the current surroundings, I couldn’t risk taking off her shirt. However, Tori had decided in the favor of comfort when she had dressed for the bus ride, and had one again neglected her bra. So I could feel the heat from her skin, separated from my finger by the paper thin layer of cotton that her tank top provided. As I reached her breasts, her eyes opened a little wider, and the rate of her breathing increased noticeably as I got closer and closer to the nipple of her right breasts. As I finally reached my target, I flicked my finger against it gently, while flexing my dick inside of her.
She threw her back and a small, cat-like mew escaped her lips. She recovered quickly, and tried to grab my hips so that she could force me the rest of the way into her. But I resisted and she gave up after a few moments, whimpering with her sexual frustration. She looked at me with a look of acute NEED.
I began tracing circles around her areola with my finger, brushing against her nipple sporadically. I lowered my head slowly over her other breast and began mirroring the movements of my finger with my tongue on her opposite breast.
She began to squirm almost uncontrollably, and I decided to let her finally have her release. I suddenly pinched down lightly on both nipples, one between my fingers and the other between my teeth. At the same time, I buried the rest of my dick into her now soaking pussy with one firm thrust.
Her reaction was intense and immediate. She pulled my face up to hers, but then turned to bury her teeth into my shoulder. Her hands turned into talons as they gripped into the muscles of my back, scratching furrows into my skin even through my shirt. Her ankles locked behind my waist as she pressed the length of her body into mine, as if trying to mold us into a single being. I had no idea how intense her orgasm was until she started spasming around my shaft.
Her pussy felt alive as gripped and massaged my manhood. All the self control I had exhibited earlier vanished instantly. I began to thrust into Tori violently. She moaned softly against my shoulder as she continued her orgasmic episode, unconsciously meeting my every thrust with matching thrusts of her own. Her body accented her thrusts occasionally with periods of grinding her hips against mine. All the while, her pussy continued to spasm around my manhood in the longest orgasm I have ever witnessed. After 8 or 9 minutes of this, I couldn’t hold on any longer. I said the only words that could have reached Tori in that moment.
“Tori…. I’m gonna cum…. Oh God…. Seriously, Tori, you gotta let me go!” I whispered into her ear frantically. She was just now starting to come down from her first orgasm.
“What?.. Oh shit, OK… Fuck, can you hold it? There’s no way I can let go right now, CJ… Oh God, you already came in me earlier, and I’m not on the pill. Please tell me you can hold it?” she whispered softly. I could see the panic in her eyes and told myself that there was no way I was gonna come inside her and ruin this beautif-
Then I felt it again, my dick head had found her opening once again. I was pushing into her cervix, poised to flood her baby chamber with cum for the second time that night.
“OH SHIT” I whispered.
She had felt me enter her a little differently, and s knew exactly where I was inside of her. She looked up at me with eyes showing horror and lust in equal amounts.
“CJ, please say you are not cummi-!”
Then my dick made it’s last executive decision for the night. I grabbed both of Tori’s arms and pinned them to the seat above her head. Her eyes grew wider as she saw my demeanor change and guessed what was about to happen.
“CJ… NO-SHITTTT!” She hissed as I force my way into her with the hardest thrust of the night. Not only did the tip of my dick pierce her cervix opening, but it felt like my entire dick head had punched through. Her mouth drops into a silent scream before she’s able to meet my eyes again. She feels me freeze on top of her.
“Tori, I’m sorry. ” Her eyes open wide as she feels my dick twitch inside her.
Then she feels the first jet of cum, hot against the walls of her uterus. She briefly grimaces at the feeling before a different expression takes its place.
She struggles to articulate the feeling to me.
“CJ.. Me… Me too!”
She throws her hands around my neck, and her thighs around my waist. She locks herself onto me, my dick beginning to spurt it’s second jet of cum inside her chamber. Then she begins spasming around me again, intensifying my orgasm and milking my manhood.
“I’m sorry… I can’t help it.” she whispers.
“obviously, my self control isn’t much better, ” I whisper sarcastically, glancing down to where my dick is still blatantly pumping her full. We both maintain a grip on reality while our orgasm run their course. Even though I already came inside her earlier, spurt number six was just as strong as the first with no signs of showing down. Her pussy was still spasming, and her face made it apparent that she was just barely in control of herself.
By spurt number 10, had both given up hope that she might not be pregnant. I just hoped there was a drugstore near the hotel. Tori had closed her eyes, but she let out a whimper as my dick twitched inside her yet again.
” What?”
She opened her eyes to look up at me with a guilty expression.
“Nothing… It just feels really good, still, that’s all… ” she whispered, not meeting my eyes. I raise her chin up with my right hand to kiss her, even as I was still ejaculating inside her. She returns the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling herself closer.
” CJ… I think I love you…”
Part 3?

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Awakening pt. 2

Mum carried on screaming and I carried on cumming in my sister’s face.
She fell to her knees, and screamed again. Unfortunately my sister was trying to clean out her mouth with her tongue and as it flicked over my still enlarged cock-head I felt yet more sperm spill out and splashing onto her face.
Looking at her now I couldn’t help but think my sister looked like a slut. My cum covered hair face, streaks of it running off her chin and in her hair. Her young virgin cunt leaking her fragrant juices over my body.
Mum had stopped screaming now and was sobbing in the doorway, I managed to push Emma off me but as I swivelled and sat up, Holly landed in my lap, my cock nuzzling into her slick twat.
Luckily, Holly had the sense to stand before a misjudged move made my cock slam into her nine year old snatch.
There we were. Holly and Emma stood side by side, bodies dripping with sweat and juices, hands by their sides. I stayed sat on the couch, my head in my hands, my slowly shrinking cock still glistening from my sister’s saliva.
My mum was shaking, still on her knees but she had stopped sobbing enough to speak.
“Girls, go to my room please.”
The two naked children were slow to react.
“Now!” my mum yelled, this time angrier.
The girls leapt across the living room floor and slammed the bedroom door shut behind them.
Slowly she turned towards me, her normally peaceful green eyes glaring with rage.
“What, did you do?” she asked, a layer of anger and hate floating just below her barely controlled voice.
I stuttered, too stunned to reply.
Suddenly she was stood next to me. Her hand grabbed my hair and tugged me upwards. Dragging me across the floor she threw me into our bedroom and slammed the door behind her.
“DID YOU PENETRATE HER!!” my mum yelled, her fury flooding into her voice.
“WHAT DID YOU DO!?” she yelled again, as if one sentence wasn’t long enough to release her pent up fury.
“We . . . Um . . .I . .What?” I stammered, confused.
“DID YOU PENETRATE HER, FUCK HER, SHAG HER!!” She yelled, closing the gap between our faces to a few scarce inches.
“Eeew! No! No way!” I managed to say in between her tirade.
“Oh God . . .” she moaned, her voice lowered.
“Ryan, there’s a few things you need to know.” I groaned inwardly, expecting the dreaded ‘Sex Talk’.
“Ryan . . . What do you know of gods?” she asked, stunning me utterly.
“What . . . like Zeus, and Thor and stuff?” I asked, to be honest was expecting some kind of violent spanking our at least being grounded for life, or something. Not a mythology quiz.
“Yeah, like that,” she said it as if she didn’t want to talk about it.
She moved beside me and sat next to me. I realised I was still naked and quickly covered my bits with my hands.
“Well, son. You see, the truth is,” the mumblings were killing me, I just wished she’d say whatever and go, for god sake I was still naked!
“They’re real.”
I choked.
I stopped choking, cleared my throat, then choked again.
“Wh . . . What?” I managed between chokes.
“Well, the Gods are real,” she said the word Gods in a way that suggested it was important enough to be capitalized.
“Everything you know. Zeus, Athena, Poseidon. They’re all real.”
I choked again, and again.
“Ryan, I’m a god too,”
This time I really choked. I felt my throat tighten, it felt like it was being repeatedly being run over.
“Ryan, I’m Aphrodite.”
She said the words so softly they were barely audible, I just about managed to make them out as I felt a warm glow radiate from her.
Suddenly I wasn’t sat next to my mum, but in her place was a swan. It honked at me then I felt the warm glow again, golden light rippled outwards and suddenly there was a dove on my shoulder.
The warm glow and golden light faded, leaving my mum sat quietly on the end of the bed
“I’m a god Ryan.” She said with a sigh, “Which means you are part god too.”
Again with the choking, I really needed I drink now.
“So you’re saying I’m a demi-god?” I asked, remembering one of my history lessons.
“Yes! Exactly.” She smiled at me and suddenly my earlier dread seeped out of me.
I found some old boxers on the floor and pulled them up and sat next to my mum again.
“So . . . If I’m part god . . . do I get powers?” I asked, feeling a little foolish.
My mum, Aphrodite, let out a sigh.
“Yes, that’s why I was so angry earlier,” she paused for a breath then continued.
“You see Ryan, when an offspring of any god is born, it can only unlock its powers by completing some kind of ritual or worship to their parent.” Another breath,
“Ryan, if you’d have penetrated your sister you would have never unlocked your powers, to unlock them you need to lose your virginity to a priestess of Cyprus, my birthplace.”
I sat there, amazed at how close I had cum, to never having the powers of a god.
“So, do we have to go to Cyprus?” I asked.
“Yes, hold my hand,” she said.
I grabbed a hold of her outstretched arms and I blinked.
Suddenly we weren’t in my room any more, or even in the same country, I honestly doubted we were in the same year.
“Down there,” my mum said, pointing to a small temple-like building nestled into a hill below me.
“Go on,” she urged, “I’ll wait here,”
I head off towards the temple, watching as a small cart rumbled past the worn road below.
I reached the temple and found the doors unlocked, I stepped inside and my jaw hit the floor. All around me were around twenty girls, the oldest being, maybe seventeen. And all of them were completely naked, sitting on beds in their open chamber. Some of them had fingers slowly circling their shaved twats.
Some of them had others in the room with them. I saw one girl who couldn’t have been much older than Emma, being ruthlessly pounded in the arse by a rough, middle aged man.
She was lying on her front on the bed of the chamber, she looked up towards me and I saw tears running down her cheeks, something stopped me from crying out in disgust and made me carry on watching.
He grunted as he came and the girl screamed as a stranger’s cum flooded into her arse-crack.
He stepped out of the chamber, and a servant, also naked, scurried across to meet him. Falling to her knees she licked all of the sticky residue of his rapidly deflating cock and finished by rubbing it dry with a towel and handing him a robe.
He passed me on his way out of the temple and grinned.
Another servant, different the one who had cleaned the man hurried towards me.
“I’m sorry young man,” she started and I thought I was going to be kicked out, “You will have to remove your undergarments to enter our temple.”
I moaned quietly and as I removed my boxers my cock began to awaken, the head crawling from its hood.
I blushed as the servant, who was probably as I old I was looked down,
“Ah yes,” she said knowingly, “You are eager to get started, no?” I nodded silently and followed the girl through to a separate room.
“These are virgins, ready to complete their worship to our goddess, you may choose any you wish.”
With that the girl left and I gazed at her smooth rounded bum as it left the room, my eyes switched to her small, erect tits as she turned to close the door behind her.
Looking around I saw five girls all sat in chambers like the room before, but unlike the others, none of them were over fourteen and they all sat quietly, waiting.
Remembering what the servant had said, I walked over to the first chamber, and a saw a small eight year-old girl lying spread-eagled on the bed, her shaven pussy glistening in the candle light.
I continued past to the second chamber.
I here was a fourteen year old girl, sat watching me with what could only be described as lust in her eyes.
I stepped past the tiled border and gazed at her lovingly, her golden hair was tied in a ponytail behind her. Her boobs were small, probably about a handful, and hung off her chest, the erect pink tits begging to be kissed.
Her pussy was obscured by her knees, but from what I could see, it too was shaven and its lips were leaking her juices onto the sheets around her.
“Do you want to help me finish my worship?” she asked quietly,
Despite being two years older than me, her small frame could easily have been that of a twelve year old, and her voice sounded like that of a young child’s.
“Err . . yes, I suppose so,” I answered, my eyes firmly attached to her pointed to her erect tits.
She patted a space beside her, I sat down and she whispered in my ear,
“Do you want to lead, or follow?” she asked, I didn’t know what she meant, and having only the vaguest idea how to have sex, I told her I’d follow, but to go slow.
She nodded, smiling sweetly then crawled to the bottom of the bed, her rounded butt-cheeks glowing as they waved at me.
I lifted my legs onto the bed and she leaned forward.
My God. If I thought Emma’s blowjob was good I was stunned by the feelings flooding through me now.
Her tongue wrapped around my cock, the tip squeezing into the eye as it ran over my head. She looked at my all the time, even as she slid down my shaft and her tongue squeezed out between cheek and shaft, and managed to trace around my balls.
Every movement sent shudders of pleasure up my body, and as her lips parted I nearly begged her not to stop.
At least I would have if she hadn’t rolled me over and found myself on top of her, staring at those round, fleshy orbs, and those tits that were begging to be kissed.
At this point in time I was very happy to oblige.
I leant forward and nibbled her right tit, my mouth opening wide to swallow as much of her breast as possible. My tongue flickered over her tits and I heard a muffled groan of pleasure emit from the girl.
I moved to the other tit and started to rub and twist the one I’d just left.
I don’t know what made me do that. I just felt it should be done. As soon as she’d started licking my cock I had felt the warm glow that I had felt when my mother had changed into the animals in my room.
Back the task at hand I left her breasts and moved up her neck. I kissed her chin and finally planted my lips on hers.
Without hesitation our lips parted and our tongues chased each other round our mouths.
Even while we engaged in a game of tonsil tennis, she rolled as back over and I found myself looking up towards her.
I felt my cock nudge her opening which was just above my waist.
She broke the kiss and looked into my eyes
“You ready?” she asked, I nodded.
She manoeuvred her wet cunt over my saluting cock and suddenly, without warning, she fell onto my cock, she screamed as her cherry popped and some blood leaked out with her juices.
As I gazed at her blood/juice as she continued to bounce on my cock.
I watched in amazement as the blood slowly turned gold. Golden veins suddenly writhed across my body as she climaxed, letting out another scream.
The veins of gold turned a blinding white as I came, my seed squirted out as she rose, its creamy whiteness flowing through the snaking lines across my body.
Suddenly the lines turned white hot and I screamed, screamed until I ran out of breath, then carried on screaming until there was not air left. Then I blacked out.
comments welcome, = )

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The Stockbroker

Success…. how do you measure it…. wealth, happiness, longlife? Most usually considered the first to be enough…. have lots of money and you can buy all the others. In many cases this is true… but stress is the killer…. quite literally in my case…. Im accepted as one of the best stockbrokers in the field…. I make descions every day that could make or cost millions…. trash peoples life savings.. cause suicide… do you have any idea what that kind of responsibilty can do to you… If you cant deal with it… then you can expect a whole family of ulcers by the time your thirty… and a heart attack shortly after… thats if you dont go completly hat stand and drive your self into a freeway bridge.
So, you look for ways to relieve the stress, I had tried shooting, skydiving, all manner of zen relaxtion techniques… they all worked to some degree but the niggle was still there… I knew I had most bases covered… im not stupid like some of the get rich brigade… when i started I lived simply long after i could afford not to… my money was invested in sophisticated software that monitored all kinds of indicators and paged me if changes required my attention. A network of informants fed me constant streams of data… political moods in china, crop results in russia, rebel acticity in the Sudan… it all effects somebodys stock somewhere… Knowledge is power..
So… i make millions… my personal portfolio was equal to the GNP of some small countries.. I was a silent partner in all the major mega corporations… I have more money than i could possibly spend…. Im still making those descions…. but stress isnt an issue….. Why? well thats an interesting story…….
Its a friday night… The markets have just closed in LA… and the weekend has finally hit the world, As I walk back to the parking lot the day creeps back into my head…. the anger begins to rise anew as i think about Jones… the fucking moron had made a serious of catastophic recomendations to some of our customers, in order to make him self a few million… It had taken me 6 hours of frantic phonecalls to 4 continents, called in countless personal favours and and cost me a year of my life in additional stress to clean it all up… he had played it cool… claiming he was acting in good faith… right up until my tracker software gave away his profits from the deals… then he tried to bluff…. I got asked what I wanted for a bonus… I wanted his head on a stick and I meant it, I settled for his immediate dismissal…
I have it under control again by the time i reach my car.. the Aston Martin Vantage was an old style piece of British engineering… rugid, throaty and spartan… yet it accelerated like a Nascar and handled like dream.. I Loved it… it was one of the few visible signs of wealth that I flouted.. I never liked flashy people.. no style…
As I sit down the phone rings… there is no caller ID, which makes me curious as very few people have this number… about 6 that I can recall… So I answer… ‘Fred Reed?’
‘Yes.. may I ask who is calling and more to the point how you got this number?’
The voice is soft… a slight southern twang… mixed with northern accents… odd mix… She breaths into the phone rather than talks… ok.. im REALLY curious now.
‘Im a businees woman Mr Reed… And like yourself, believe that knowledge is power, I paid for it Mr Reed… a great deal of money in fact, Your people are very loyal… Something else that I also appreciate.’
‘Ok… You have my attention… but not for long Miss?’
‘Please just call me Red’
‘Well Kelly…. I have had a horrendous week… if i dont get home and swallow a small lake of antacids I fear for my stomach… so what do you want?’
‘Hmmm stress Mr Reed… Thats the point here really.. you have it, I can help you to make it go away…. Jones really was a moron you know.. and had everything coming to him… I am surprised you handled it as well as you did considering his past incompetence.’
What the fuck? How the hell did she know that… My eyes narrow as I reply
‘Red… now im not curious im concerned… you have access to information that is confidetial and I dont like it…. what is the point of this conversation?’
‘Please calm yourself… as I said.. Knowledge is power… and I always thoroughly research all potential clients, I need to know them.. intimatly.. to enable me to employ a wide range of skills that do one thing and one thing only…. drop your stress levels to nothing and allow you to enjoy a long fruitful life… one that you have made a great deal of effort to procure.’
‘Go on… whats this then a sales pitch for a new yoga group?’
A throaty chuckle ‘Hardly Mr Reed…. its Oh so much more than that… if you agree to my terms.. I will guarntee no stress… ever… I willl monitor your vital signs via a small bracelet and know when you are in need of my services.. and with all the data I have on you, will perform whatever service is necessary to ensure that you return to work the following day ready to go again…. and always on a friday…. you always get Friday…. I work for one client at a time Mr Reed… A secret employee that meets every desire… knows your every thought and fantasy and delivers them when you need them.. each especially tailored to you and your mood’
‘And how much is this going to cost me?’
‘2% of the interest from your personal portfolio… every month… no other charges… ever’
‘Lady you must be out of your fucking mind….. Thats close to a million dollars a month.’
‘Actually… its closer to a million and a half at your current holdings value… but then if your performance drops.. so does my share… and if you die … it stops all together… its a very small price to pay…. but I can understand your hesitation… you are probably thinking im just an expensive whore… at the basest sense I am… and make no apologies for it… but I choose whom I work for…. and this is a once only offer…. but I wouldnt expect you to invest these sorts of sums without proof… so here is what I propose…. I will deposit one million dollars in an escrow account, the details are being datalinked to your PDA, you will do the same….. If after this weekend you opt not to take up a contract with myself… then my million becomes yours… does that sound fair?… If you decide that you require my services full time than I will take your million as a Deposit against injury to myself…. returned at the termination of our contract.’
‘You are obviously very sure of yourself’
I downloaded the data to my PDA… it was all as she said…. the contract was simple yet ironclad… Escrow ones usually were… I mulled it over… this weekend huh….. damn i could do with the relief… and I had nothing to loose……
‘Ok Red… good offer and I accept…. so what now?’
The voice had changed now…. from professional to a promise of things to come….
‘Sign Mr Reed… biometric signature is acceptable…. then return the contract….. then simply go home…… everything is in place….. all is prepared….. go home.’
The phone line clicks off…… and I start the car….. home…. go home… I can do that… and a little smile of anticipation fights its way onto my face
Its about a 20 min drive to the coast and the gated estate I live on, exclusive quiet.. even inside the secure perimeter its 500 m’s to my nearest neighbor. Which is why I like it… I never invite anyone here.. it’s my little fortress of solitude… if I have to entertain I do it at a restaurant or a function room. Despite the fact that i have more money than god I know people would be very surprised if they could see my home… its bloody spartan to be honest…. 5 bedrooms, four of them empty… mine only has a bed and a tv… a large living room with a single sofa and a huge tv plus my games consoles… a dining room.. with a simple table and two chairs (i put my feet on the spare).. a simple kitchen…. and a fridge full of beer and bacon imported from the UK… even after all this time here I still cant abide the rubbish that Americans settle for. Oh and the study… stacked to the roof with monitors and computers all tracking various news groups and stocks… tools of the trade.
Its a good job The Aston almost drives itself… im not concentrating really… my mind is full of images of what this intriguing woman is going to look like… and I cant summon an image… not enough information… that alone is distracting… well soon find out.. I pull up to the gate and Charlie.. one of the swing shift security team…. steps out…. he runs the pda scanner over my cars IFF then steps forward…’You know the drill Mr Reed’… I lean out the window and open my left eye fully… and he places the retinal scanner to my face… it bleeps once… (I love tight security.. keeps unwanted guests away)… ‘All clear sir… and the last of the contractors left 30 mins ago… all accounted for’… now that goes right over my head… till im driving away.. What the… what bloody contractors….
Im suspicious as I approach my house… The lights are on and the perimeter defense is on standby… OK.. she said go home…. I was expecting another call when I got there.. not a visitor.. There is a new Porsche 911 ragtop on the drive.. to the right of my usual spot…. So.. I get out and tuck the 9mm into my pants, just in case, and approach the front door…. The lighting seems different, softer and I can hear the faint strains of classical music playing.. The door senses my approach and opens automatically…. and step into…. well not my house… its all changed…. Its as if an interior designer with access to my brain has gone nuts and decorated it the way I would have if I could have mustered the time or energy… A lot of warm browns and scarlet.. soft furnishings and light fittings…. all my personal effects, medals.. certificates.. all framed and on display.. wow….
I step in.. the dining room table catches my eye… it is huge.. a good 12 seater.. looks to be ewe… a deep orange and simple grain… tasteful.. I like it…. a simple brass candle holder… 4 candles glowing.. enough illumination to reveal 2 place settings one is empty.. a bowl of soup sits steaming…. the other contains a shadow…
‘Good evening Mr Reed… I hope that everything is to your satisfaction?’
‘I don’t know how you pulled this off… quite frankly I don’t care.. its perfect.. and smoothly done.. but you know that don’t you?
‘Time, money.. spend enough you can get anything done… believe me Sir You already represent a considerable investment on my part… friends… family.. lovers… all interviewed carefully… all paid to be discrete.. I have to know you.. to better serve your…. needs.’
She stands and moves into the light….. she halts a few paces from me… one foot slightly forward… presenting herself for inspection… she is wearing black sandals.. 4″ heels… a deep blue skirt, split to the knee, a matching corset… simple elegant.. her neck is encased in a white gold torque…. I take in her shape… its full and curved… (thank god.. cant stand women who are all bone)… her hair is red as expected.. I play my eyes over her taking in small details… french polish nails… burgundy toe polish…. a single simple ring… celtic i think… a similar design on the ear rings.. full lips… dark eyes.. the sort of simple make up that requires real skill and a lot of time to make it look right…. then I end at her eyes… green… bright green…. they sparkle with the candles… and she has a smile in them that matches the slight smirk on her lips…. impish.. playful..
‘Very nice Red… very nice.’
‘Good… dinner is served’ she indicates the soup and I sit down… now I could go on and on about that meal, suffice to say it was also perfect.. simple and well cooked… im a man of simple tastes I guess…. I drink wine but cant tell the cheap crap from the good, you understand. After dinner we talked, about everything.. politics.. history… work.. well my work… 3 hours of conversation.. some quiet some animated as we disagreed… and in all that time I learned next to nothing about her…
So.. its close to midnight.. we have had a few beers… split a bottle of wine…. when she leans in..’ ‘You know… I warmed up that hot tub of yours….. seems a huge waste………’
I grinned at her.. ‘Well you seemed to have changed everything else…. you lead the way.. I may get lost.’
I follow her outside to the pool area…. the bulbs in the hot tub have been changed to red… how appropriate….. as she turns to face me she pulls the cord on the front laced corset and runs a finger slowly down the hooks… all the time she is looking straight at me… the laces give way and the corset falls to the ground…. she takes a pace towards me and the skirt falls too… she is naked beneath it…. her breasts are full and her nipples hard…. her pussy is shaved clean. She steps in and begins to slowly unbutton my shirt…. she breathes slowly in to my neck.. inhaling my cologne…. She wears something subtle.. It simply smells fresh.. crisp.
‘Do you know what the secret of a really good blow job is?’…..
‘Just getting one is a good start.’… she chuckles in my ear….
‘OOO no.. its more than that…. its about… rhythm.’ she kicks off one shoe..
‘Suction’… she kicks off the other as I support her..
‘And Friction.’….. she drops to her knees in front of me…. my pants are undone…. and she pulls them down…. then my underwear…. and she looks in me in the eye as she slowly grabs my hard cock….
‘Oh yes…. and always.’…. she licks the tip
‘Always’…. she runs her tongue up and down the shaft briefly.
With that she sucks my cock into her mouth and and takes the whole length… she applies slow suction whilst keeping the tip of her tongue pressed against the underside…. then she begins to work her head back and forth… all the time… suction… friction…. a steady rhythm.. slowly increasing in pace…. I have to spread my legs as I can feel the tension in my balls…. she cups my sack and gently squeezes…. I want to grab her head and shove my cock in deep.. but this is her show and I settle for her shoulders…. she is sucking a finger as she sucks me… then I feel her hand on my ass…. she slowly plays with the entrance to my asshole… then gently pushes in the wet finger…. That’s new!…. it also sends me over the edge… as I begin to buckle she drives her head forward taking every inch into her mouth… each spasm sends a spurt of cum straight into her throat.. I can feel her swallow each time….. she keeps going till the shudders stop…. then stands and kisses me… I can taste myself on her tongue.. I don’t care
‘Fucking hell’
She simply smiles and and steps away… stepping into the pool… I follow and she stops me at the edge, I was about to get in when i realize I still had my pants and shoes on… idiot. She bends forward and removes them quickly and I step down in front of her… she slips into my arms and we begin to kiss…. slowly… teasing… tongues touch and dance.. hers into my mouth.. mine into hers…. I fall back onto the seat and she comes down onto me… her legs astride mine she begins to grind against me….. Im already as hard as a rock again..
‘My my Mr Reed… you are a healthy boy.’
She steps up onto the seat and grabs my shoulders… then sinks back down onto my lap… she doesn’t need her hands as she expertly guides herself onto my cock… I feel it enter her and slowly push in… her pussy is boiling.. or seems so.. I can feel her heat …. as she begins to work up and down she slowly grinds in a figure of eight…. gripping me with her muscles as I enter and relaxing as she pulls her self up….. All the time she is breathing in my ear…. soft moans build to small cries as she approaches orgasm… im just along for the ride…. with a final scream she bits my neck and rams herself down onto me… she shudders….’yeeeessssssss’.. then kisses me…
‘No stress Mr Reed.. all your fantasies… and you will never have to ask.. I will anticipate them all.. and deliver…. tonight.. tonight is simple we will cover the basic common ones that all men have..’
With that she raises herself and reaches behind her to grab my still hard cock.. she leans in and whispers in my ear.
‘Starting with you fucking my ass.’
She places my cock at her ass and slowly pushes herself down…. then a small cry escapes her as it pops through the muscle… then my cock begins to sink into her… its tight… she grunts as she bottoms out… then begins to fuck me in earnest, no slow build up … straight into a hard fuck…. she leans back and I take her weight… then she looks at me and snarls
‘Now fuck me… fuck my ass hard… fuck it like you have always wanted too…. Im a slut who likes it… do it.. go on… FUCK ME!’
A growl escapes me as i ram my self up into her ass… ‘YES… just like that’…. I grab her and buck her up and down on my cock.. she is grunting each time I slam in… then she reaches down and pinches her nipples hard… pulling them tight… I push my hand into my lap and place my thumb against her clit.. she bangs into it each time iI ram home….. I can feel another orgasm approaching… as can she… ‘Yes finish it… finish inside my ass… cum in my ass… come on you bastard FUCK ME HARDER!.’…. that’s too much and I ram home in quick jabs…. I feel her ass clench my cock as I shoot my load into her… she screams and falls across me as her second orgasm hits home…. we both lie there.. exhausted…
‘Wow… just wow…. ‘
‘Oh… this is just the warm up Mr Reed…. but you need to rest a little… so why don’t we retire to the Bedroom?’
We climb from the tub and briskly dry off with the towels that were by the tub (no surprise by now)… then she takes my hand and leads me upstairs… we enter the master bedroom… and another surprise…. more decorating… the room is burgundy and cream.. all coordinated with drapes etc… a new bed… and a huge bed…. I think it covered 2 zip codes… brass head and foot… cream bedding… pillows and in the middle of the bed…. was a blonde… she was naked apart from leather manacles on ankle and wrist and a collar round her neck…. she stretches ,posing artfully. Her shoulder length hair frames an impish smile.. ‘Welcome Mr Reed’
‘To the other most common fantasy for men………’
Red takes my hand and leads me to my new sofa…. ‘Sit.. enjoy’
She kisses me briefly and moves to the bed. She sits on the corner and draws one knee upto her chest..’This is Dee.. we have been friends for a long time… close friends.’ Dee moves up behind her and cuddles in close… she begins to kiss Red’s neck and ear…. gently nibbling. Her right hand moves up and round and caresses Red’s breast, twisting and tweaking the nipple gently…. her left moves down between Red’s legs and strokes her pussy… running her finger up the slit… it slips in easily and she begins to finger her with slow strokes….
Red reaches up and pulls Dee’s head down to her mouth… they kiss… with a languid passion… slowly.. with a familiarity that is obvious… both of thier hands are in constant motion exploring, touching, teasing and stroking…. Red’s hips are begining to move against Dee’s hand…. becoming more urgent as her excitemnet mounts…. the kisses become stronger and more demanding….
Dee backs away pulling Red down onto the bed…. when she is flat on her back they kiss again… the kiss moves from the mouth to the neck…. slowly down…. the chest… both nipples are briefly sucked and licked… the stomach….. inner thigh…. Dee’s eyes flare briefly then half close as Red burrows into her pussy… licking and sucking with abandon….. Dee drops her head between Reds legs and it seems like they are in competition as to who can make the other cum first. Low moans change to small cries….. Red breaks first… she thrusts her hips up onto Dee’s tongue as her clit is nibbled and licked…. Her orgasm shatters her concentration and she stops briefly…… Dee spins round and sits directly on Red’s face…. ‘Finish me’…
I cant really see what is going on…. so I stand and move round…. Red has her arms locked round Dee’s thighs and is pulling her down onto her mouth… she appears to be rolling her tongue round Dee’s clit….. Dee is breathing harder… Small grunts and moans…. she throws back her head and an animal snarl breaks free as she cums…. then she collapses forward.
Red moves out from under her and grabs her wrists… then pulls them together and quickly shackles them to the head board…’Your a long way from finished yet’. She pulls some sort of harness from under a pillow. Its a strap on…. about 8″… and pretty life like… Im begining to feel inadequate… but hey… who cares…… Dee is looking at me .. a half smile on her lips as she braces herself…. Red slips up behind… ‘Where you want it…. pussy or ass?’.
Red positions the head of the rubber cock and rubs it up and down Dee’s slit….. teasing… she enters.. then withdraws… never letting more than an inch penetrate…. this goes on for an eternity…. well it seems like it to me… and to Dee who is becoming increasingly frustarted…. pushing backwards, straining… never quite enough… then as Dee rams back to reach the withdrawing cock… Red reverses and slams forward………….. burying it to the hilt… Dee screams as Red begins to pound in and out…. She is held by Red… who seems intent on pushing it in as far as she can… and as fast as she can… Red grabs Dee’s hair and pulls her head back and bites her neck… I can just make out her whisper.. ‘You ready?’
‘You want it in the ass?’
Then I notice that Red had been working her fingers in and out of Dee’s ass… lubing it…. I could see 2 fingers slipping in and out easily…. Red Quickly shifts position… the head of the cock slides into Dee’s ass… then slowly slips in about half way…. Red pulls back… then pushes about three quarters in….. pulls back.. then slams it in to the base….. Dee has her eyes closed and her head on her hnads as Red begins to stroke back and forth,,, slowly and with the whole length….. ‘Faster?’
‘Yes… oh god…… yes’
The pace quickens…. I can see sweat running down both thier backs…. I watch as the muscles in Reds ass flex…. the whitening of Dee’s knuckles … Rapid breathing …. The pace quickens again…. Dee is moaning each time the shaft is buried in her… Red seems to be close too…… As Dee’s second orgasm hits her… her legs twitch and she cant seem to decide between collapsing or rearing up…. Red grabs her hips and drives it fully home one last time and grinds her hips… then cums again herself……… The pair…. stop… spent….. Im sat there… mouth open like a complete half wit and a raging hard on…. Red chuckles…. nudges Dee
‘I think we broke him’…
Dee Laughs… ‘Na i can see life from here.’
‘So you can…. now we cant let that go to waste…. come here Mr Reed…. your turn.’
I climb up unto the bed, between the two of them, and lie on my back… they both snuggle in close and begin to gently trail thier fingers over my chest.. then down my stomach… my thighs… then back up… all the while they are nibbling my ears and neck… then they kiss gently round to my mouth and there is this strange three way kiss…. tradin partners constantly or all together… I dont know what to touch first… so settle for just holding them in close.
Red pulls away briefly, then comes back clutching 3 straws…. ‘OK… we all pull one of these.. there are numbers on each… thats the order we go in… who gets complete attention…’
I draw first… second…. then Dee…. third…. ‘oh my’… says Red… ‘Little ol me gets to go first’
With that she crawls over me and deposits herself in the middle. She throws back one arm and in a awful southern accent declares.. ‘Take me… you use me as you will…
Dee jumps off the bed and starts rummaging for something… I begin by kissing her deeply.. I can feel her legs being drawn apart… I look down and see Dee attaching cuffs to Reds ankles… then she attaches a leg spreader…. she passes me the wrist cuffs and Red presents her hands… pouting in mock dismay…. a flash of inspiration takes me…. and I pull her wrists down and lock them to her ankles… she is held tight.. open… I grab a dildo from the pile and move between her legs… its a ‘rabbit’ style vibrator… As I tease her with the tip Dee moves up and begins to rub a bullet on Reds nipples as she licks and kisses them back to hardness… As I slip the Vibe in I drop down and taste her myself… I run the tip of my tongue round her lips… the vibe slips in.. out… she is thrusting up to meet my tongue but I pull away each time…. I can hera her moaning as she is stimulated… then a gasp… Dee has attached nipple clamps to Reds breasts… I begin to lick her in earnest…. swirling my tongue on her clit whilst pumping the vibe in and out… I slip a finger up her ass and pump that as well…… then I bury the rabbit deep .. the ears locked onto her clit…. she begins to gasp and thrust upwarsd… as her ass leaves the bed i slip my head under and run my tongue from her slit to her ass…. teasing it with my tongue then pushing it in.. rimming her…. That sends her over… she orgasms again… ‘OH GOD’…
‘Dee put on that strap on’… she grins and obeys..
I detach the spreader bar, then move back to the top of the bed…. I pull Red on top of me, her back to my chest… Then position my cock at her ass…. and drop her onto it… she screams as I push my whole cock straight in… but can do nothing as I hold her in place…. thrusting with only the last part of my cock… Dee crawls onto Red…. ‘Double… your favourite’… Red nods weakly as Dee gets into position…. then begins to ease in.. I can feel the head of the strap on cock move past my own…. through the thin wall I can feel that it vibrates too…. Then we both begin to thrust… slowly… alternating…. then faster… bottoming out at the same time… changing every minute… Red hangs between us a constant stream of gasps, moans, cries and swearing. ‘God… im gonna cum again……’… I can feel Reds muscles contract…. then her head jerks forward as her orgasm rolls over her….. ‘Keep going’ I command…. Im close myself…. We contuniue to thrust into her…. fast and hard… ‘I have to stop… I cant take anymore’,,, That doesnt deter us as we thrust harder, if anything. Red is screaming each time we ram home…. her legs are twitching and her hands flex spasmodically….. ‘SHIT….. NOT AGAIN’…. Red convulses into another orgasm… I thrust up… lifting both of them off the bed…. I cum in her ass… it feels like im exploding…… Dee gives three final quick thrusts and cums herself…. she shudders then collapses to the side… onto the bed … ‘Holy Shit!’… is all I can manage..
I lift Red off me and release her… she pounces on me…. sitting on my chest…. she pokes a finger at me….’YOU’ ….. ‘Are going to pay for that!.’…
‘Oh really…?’
‘Yes… because … now its your turn.’
Red slid down my body and led against my right side…. she slowly kiises me and trails her fingers up down my chest… Dee slides up my othe side and pulls my face to hers… she kisses me deeply… forcefully… her tongue pushes into my mouth.. probing.
They both bring one knee up onto my thighs… and draw my arms above my head.. I am stretched out fully a beautiful woman on either side… hand and tongues exlplore my chest and neck…. SNICK… What the?… They ahve attached a pair of handcuffs and im now firmly secured to the headboard….. ‘ermm whats going on?’…. ‘Relax baby.. we wont bite.. well not much.’
They both slide down my body… keeping them selves pressed against me. I feel light kisses and licks trail towards my crotch…. I cant see what they are doing.. the angle is all wrong and thier hair blocks the view…. its maddening…. then a mouth engulfs my cock… … the warmth is incredible… her tongue slides over my tip… anothe licks up and down the shaft… they trade roles… they keep alternating….. then a hand cups and plays with my balls… a finger slips into my ass…. They slip apart slightly and I get to see exactly who is doing what.
They both look up and lock thier eyes on mine… i watch as two tongues lick up and down my cock…. then Red sucks it briefly…. then Dee… then they kiss…. ‘ughhhhh’.. is about all I can manage… they start to quicken the pace…. Red is actaully fingering my ass now… Dee is szueezing my nuts whilst sucking me… Red wanks me under Dee’s lips….. I can feel it building again and start to raise my hips and thrust upwards…. They quicken the pace again…. ‘Oh shit!…. im gonna cum.’…. Dee stops… my cock just in her mouth…. but Red continues to wank me into her mouth….. I shoot another load… I didnt think I would manage again……. As I collapse Red pulls Dee to her and they kiss…. I know that my cum is now rolling around in both thier mouths…. Holy Crap… I cant believe im still hard!.
Red pulls Dee across my lap… facing towards my feet… I can feel oil being pored on my cock…. Then Red reaches under her and holds my cock upright…. Dee scoots forward and the drops slowly onto my cock…. spearing her self on my cock…. she grinds briefly then raises up and moves forward slightly… then lowers again… this time i feel it push into ther ass…. Red sets the pace by holding her self against Dee… hugging and kissing… she moves her up and down….. She reaches behind her and grabs a double ended dildo… its about 18″ long….. she then pushs half of it inot her self then returns to Dee’s embrace…. she feeds the other end into Dee’s dripping pussy and then they begin to grind… slowly at first but the pace seems to quicken…. Red freezes about 3 ” away from Dee who continues to hump the cocks impaling her…. as she slams forward the double neded dildo fills her pussy and her clit hammers into Red’s…. as she pulls back my cock spears her ass and she buries it in herself totally….. They are bothe leaning back …. thier hips pounding backwards and forwards…. I catch a glimps that Red has buried a dildo in her own ass…. they fuck themselves harder and harder…. and all I can do is watch…. they are both grunting…. screaming….. a animal howl escapes them both as they cum….. they slump over eachother…. holding eachother upright as the spasms fade….
‘Wow’….. ‘What next?’
Red chuckles and looks at me over Dee’s shoulder… ‘It’s Dees turn… and I know just the thing.’
Red whispers something to Dee… I cant hear what… but she then moves to the centre of the bed and kneels up, knees spread. Red moves up behind her and slips a blindfold over her eyes… her hands trail lightly down Dee’s arms and she graps her wrists, pulling them up… there are two light clicks as Red fastens the wrist mancles to D-rings on the collar…. Dee laces her fingers behind her neck… to ease the strain… and waits.
Red motions to me to get off the bed and I join her by the Stereo…. she turns on a CD of dance music…. dont ask me what.. it was all bass and looped samples…. She whispers to me…. ‘We are gonna tease…. torment…. get her close and stop… then start again….and no talking.’
With that she returns to the bed, kneels to the left of Dee and runs a single finger across her stomach…. barely touching the skin….. Dee gasps at the unexpected touch. I move to the other side… taking my lead from Red I place my hand briefly on her leg… then touch her shoulder…. Red is planting small kisses on her shoulders. We circle her like a pair of sharks… a touch here.. a kiss there… all fleeting… gentle.
‘Oh please…’ she moans…. the gentle torture continues…. Dee’s body pushes towards each touch… hoping for more…. her whole body has become an enormous erogemous zone… I lie down in front of her… my mouth a few inches from her pussy…. I breath a little more deeply, so that she can feel the heat of my breath across her lips, thigh…. The touch of my tongue to her skin… so close…. Dee tries to push down… to guide my tongue to her but Red grabs her hips… holding her… a silent command to remain still…
‘God…. this isnt fair…’
I cant help but smile and return to gently biting and kissing her upper thigh… I can see the muscles in her leg twitch each time I touch flesh…. inching slowly inwards…… eventually I close on the lips… they are puffy.. wet…. her clit is almost poking out between them. I run my tongue up… stopping just short…. then back down…. I lick her slowly and delight in the trembling I feel….. push my tongue in…. and run it up to her clit…. barely resting the tip on it…
Dee is breathing in short gasps…. Red is continuing her touches…. shoulder, breast, back, neck… sucks a finger…. kisses an ear… I still havent moved….. then I burrow in …. sucking her clit into my mouth…. I circle her clit with the tip of my tongue… keeping a steady pace… I match it to the motion of her hips… as she jerks faster I lick faster….. I listen to the small moams as they become ragged gasps….. I can taste a slight differnce and she throws her head back as an orgasm approaches…. Ad she screams…….. as I pull away and sit up….
‘NONONONONO you bastard….. ‘
I kiss Red briefly and she smiles that wicked smile….. then takes my place between Dee’s legs… Three… no four times we do this….. each time it becomes harder to stop in time… the gaps shorter….. Dee is sweating and jerking at every touch.. no matter where or how light…. I catch Reds eye and she nods. and mouths ‘NOW’
Red begins a fresh assault on Dee… her tongue working clit… lips .. ass… I take Dee in my arms and kiss her neck with fervour…. biting and sucking… I grab her hair and twist her face to mine…. Pushing my tongue into her mouth… she responds in kind… its an angry frenzied kiss….I reach round and take hold of both nipples, twist them harshly….I lean back pulling her up slightly so that Red has better access…… the kiss breaks and Dee flops back against me then rears off the bed screaming as the orgasm is finally allowed to finish….. her hips jerk and I have to hold her tight as spasm after spasm racks her body….. after I dont know how long we all seemed to calm down….. It has almost felt like I had cum too…… I unclip the manacles and Dee stretches…. pulling off the blindfold she stares at the two of us… ‘Thats just MEAN!’….
‘I cant help but grin….’ I would like to say im sorry… but im not… would you like me to?.. I will’
‘Mr Bastard to you.’
Then the fact that I was exhausted seemed to just flood in…. I yawned and lay down … opening my arms to these delightful women… I pulled them in close…. as I felt the darkness creep over me….I said…
‘Red…. your hired’

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Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor – Sex Pollen – Part 2

Well because part one of this story got better reviews than I had ever imagined it would, I guess it is safe to assume that there are many other people out there, that imagine what The Doctor and Amy get up to behind the scenes, well they are alone in that big old Tardis. So here’s my take on what happens. I don’t know how many parts to this I’ll write, but I have plenty more fantasy’s in my head.