Consensual Sex

Harry’s Christmases Part 2

Harry’s Christmases Part 2
December 24, 1998 Harry Potter sat in his chair watching the fire, when the fire moved to the side and Father Christmas stepped out. “Hello Harry”
“Mr. Cringle how nice to see you again, you been well I hope”
“Yes Harry and it’s nice to see you”
“Egg-nog sir”
“OH Yes thank you. I was on my way home and saw your chimney smoke and thought I’d drop in, that is if you don’t mind or I can just leave and it‘s Chris”
“No .no stay sir er Chris it’s fine. I wish to apologies to you sir, I was a small child who didn’t realize you were just being you and tried to make my life a little happier”
“No Harry I didn’t understand until I watched your family closer, I quite understand why you said what you did”
As he sat “Harry are you happy”
“yes Chris I don’t believe I could be happier, Voldemorts gone I married the woman of my dreams and to become a father in half a year.”
“What of the other girl, do you think you would have been happier with her”
“No I believe I married correctly, Chris and I believe she’s happy with me too, did you want to ask her something”
“no I wondered did she ever tell you of the gift I left her”
“Huh No.. I don‘t know, not sure.. what gift, I can ask her now, she would love to meet you Chris”
“Well alright”
He walked to the door.
“Sweetheart can you come here for a minute, there’s someone I want you to meet”
Father Christmas stood up and turned to her “Hello Mrs. Potter, I’m Father Christmas, Harry and I wished to ask you a question”
“Father, Father Christmas” she looked at Harry who nodded with that smile.
Harry escorted her to her chair and she sat “What do, do want to know”
“Several years ago I gave you a book and I was wondering if I hadn’t would you have married the other boy and since you didn’t, are you happy that you married Harry”
“Book oh the boo… you send that I thought my mum or dad gave it to me”
“Yes that one and I gave to you”
“I don’t know I certainly hoped I would have married Harry even with out the book, but it did help tremendously. I can’t image being without him and yes I’m truly Happy.” as she moved over to Harry chair and sat in his lap.
“as I had hoped”
“One moment Chris.. Dobby”
“Yes mister Harry Potter sir, you called Dobby”
“Yes there eight reindeer on the roof can you see they get some carrots and a bit of barley and a touch of water if they wish. Oh and Dobby afterwards would you like to join us for some egg-nog”
“Raideer, yes sir, join you, you and misses and Father” and he begins to cry.
“Yes Dobby old friend join us and Winky too, if you don’t mind Chris”
“Thank you Harry and I know they thank you too, and Yes Dobby would you and Winky join us”
“Yes sirs” and he was gone
“Chris what this about a book”
“Oh my love, you remember the book ‘The Lovers Quest‘, I showed you in sixth year, the one we read together sitting in front of the fire”
“Oh The one with the inscription ‘Read with a Friend’”
“Yes that book a very lovely story”
“You know Chris it took us months to finish that book”
“Oh it wasn’t that big”
“No but not even half way thru the first chapters, the snogging caused us to keep losing our place and we would start over, in fact we read the first chapter or I should say part of, at least a hundred times or more”
“Thank you Father Chri..
“It’s Chris Mrs. Pot…
“And it’s Hermione, Chris”
She remembers the book all to well, Christmas morning at home her sixth year, as her family unwrapped their gifts. Her father handed it to her. she was sure it was a book, as was some of the others, but the handwriting she didn’t recognize. ‘Merry Christmas Hermione from Father Christmas’ , she gently removed the wrapping and look at the title ‘The Lover’s Quest‘, and opened it and inside the inscription read ‘Read with a Friend’. She immediately thought of Harry, her best friend. She set it aside to open her other gifts, later in her room, she looked at the lovely book, opened it again and looked at the inscription and again thought of Harry. After a few minutes she thought why Harry, why not Ron she asked herself, after all Ron has been more friendly than normal as of late and they have been snogging for some weeks before the Christmas break. Why Harry.. Was it the title, she knew Ron won’t care to read any book unless it was about Quidditch or some other sport or a girlie Magazine. He hardly read his school books and only after she nags him to. Or was it something else, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was when she gets back to school she would find Harry, her best friend and ask him to read it with her.
Harry had remained at school as he has done before, being the only home he had to go back to, is the Dursleys and if at all possible, No.
He could have gone with Ron, to the Burrow again, Ron asked if he wanted to, but Ginny would be there, so he stayed at school. There were a few others who remained, so he had someone to talk to and play in the snow. The teachers for the most part left them alone. Harry did notice that one couple took advantage of the lacked rules and were snogging all on the place, he had even walked by an empty classroom and heard them, opening the door just a bit looked in and they were shagging on top of the teacher’s desk. He backed out quietly and laughed to himself ‘way to go Derick, shag her good’ he thought of Hermione for a moment, shaking his head ‘what’.
Later he thought why did I think of Hermione, before I would think of Cho and then Ginny, the latter two he had dated, Cho’s which turned out badly and Ginny did like to snog, but that’s over they broke-up Thanksgiving. Why Hermione, she’s my best friend.
Hermione heard pecking on the window, she opened it and Hedwig flew in, she took the parchment and parcel and ruffled Hedwig’s feathers as she handed Harry’s owl, an owl treat and got a dish of water. Hedwig hoots as to say ‘thank you’ “Your Welcome Hedwig, how’s Harry.” the snow white owl hoots happily as telling her ‘he’s fine‘. She reads Harry’s letter’
Dear Hermione
Happy Christmas!! Just some things I picked up at Hogsmeade and thought you might enjoy. Hope you’re enjoying being home with your parents and I am sure you received a new bunch of books. And other stuff too of course. It snowed here again last night, covering all in a new blanket of white, in fact the snowman out front, the bottom section is half buried. There about twelve of us spending the hols here and it nice to have someone to talk to and play chess and snaps with. Oh some do rather enjoy it, you remember Derick from Ravenclaw, he has been snogging Lewinda all over the place. In fact I heard a noise in Muggles Studies classroom yesterday, and then a moan as I was walking by. I peeked my head in and they were shagging on Professor Burbage’s desk, I left before they heard me. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves despite being stuck here, for me it’s fine no Dursleys, no problems, quiet, peaceful really and enough classmates to keep from being lonely, even if I‘m the only Gryffindor here, oh Mrs. Finnigan, Seamus‘s mother picked him two days after you left. I enjoyed your gifts and look forward to reading, in front of the fire tonight. Hope all is well and can’t wait to see you again.
She opened the parcel and sure enough books, two old looking leather covered books she didn’t remembering ever seeing before. ‘The Runes of Grivosuton’ and ‘History of the Goblin Wars‘. And in between them a novelette ‘The Burning Heart‘. ‘Oh Harry, only you’. Harry had discovered her hidden secret, she enjoys reading Romance novels.
Ever one returned from the Hols in good sprits it seemed, Harry met Ron and Hermione at the main door and hugs all around and a nod to Ginny. Ron was wearing his new brown sweater with a big red ‘R’, mum strikes again. Lavender Brown hugged Ron, trying to rekindle their off beat romance. Hermione just looked funny and turned to Harry asking him how his stay was. They walked to the Gryffindor Tower common room, talking about their gifts, yes Harry received Hermione’s and Ron’s and they his. Hermione said she loved the in-between. Ron just stared for a minute and turned and walked off. Hermione just looked at his fleeing back, like someone had stepped on her foot.
Then Hermione as she wiped the start of a tear, showed Harry her new book and the inscription ‘Read with a Friend’, she quickly said “ Harry when I saw the inscription my thoughts was of you, not sure why, but each time I open it I think of you, silly isn‘t it”
“No, not at all, I am your friend, Mione your best friend and I’ll be more than happy to read with you, anytime, just say when, now if you would like” he had really missed her.
“Yes, I think now would be a good time, thank you Harry” and kisses him on the cheek. He blushes.
They sat on the loveseat in front of the fire and began slowly reading. Harry’s arm being penned against Hermione was going to sleep and Harry asked if she wouldn’t mind he would like to put it on the top of the seat, she moved a enough for him to pull his arm out and placed it on top of the loveseat above her shoulders, but not touching. They sat reading. Ron came in later and looked at them and walked off, they never saw him. Later Hermione said her shoulders were getting cold and Harry moved his arm down and wrapped her, his hand touching her arm, she sighed.
Harry absently minded rubbing her arm, sent little goose bumps thru her. ‘Lovely little goose bumps’ she thought.
After a few more pages, Harry asked if she was “thirsty, hungry“, she nodded, “lets go to the kitchen for a snack, one minute“.
He ran upstairs and grabbed his invisibility cloak and back to the waiting Hermione, under the cloak, Harry could smell the scent of her hair, apples, no something close but not “mmmm” she smells good.
Then she said “Harry” she heard the ‘mmmm’ and smiled.
“Oh sorry”
And out the portal to the kitchen they went, where Dobby had a late-night snack waiting.
They sat across from each other and ate, staring into each others eyes. After they finished Dobby ask if they needed anything else.
Harry replied “huh oh Thanks Dobby huh No Thanks”
And back to Gryffindor common they went. It was quite late and Harry said “err.. I had a wonderful time, huh see you in the morning, huh nite Mione”
“Yes Harry me too, till morning then” and kissed his cheek again. He walked her to the girl’s dorm stairs and watched her she ascended the steps, she paused at the top and turned to see Harry face go beacon red. “Nite” and disappeared. She smiled to herself, “humm“.
That night she dreamed of the novelette Harry had given her, in her dream she was the heroine and Harry was the dashing captain. She woke just as Harry was going to kiss her. “sweet Maeve, Harry” she murmured, her knickers were damp.
Next morning Harry waited for his best friend to go Breakfast.
Hermione stepped out of her room and on the landing about to walk down, when she heard.
Ron had just came down “Hey mate lets eat”
“Be right with you Ron, waiting for Mione”
“She knows where the Hall come on”
“No, you go we catch-up”
“Ok Harry”
And off he went
Hermione paused for a moment and smiled and walked down.
“Hi Harry, what you doing and where’s Ron. She noticed Harry smile dropped at the mention of Ron’s name. ‘o did I mess up’ she chided herself.
Harry started to turn to walk away” oh he’s gone to eat, I ..”
“Harry, look at me”
Harry turned she could see the slight pain in his face. She grabbed Harry and said “sorry, you were waiting on me, wasn’t you”
“Huh I “ and turned.
“Harry James Potter look at me please”
He turned, she said “sorry I shouldn’t have, forgive me” and kissed his cheek “Harry will you read some more with me tonight” ‘please Harry please’
“yes of course, more than happy to” although his voice was slightly off.
‘Yea I messed up’ she thought ‘I’ll try not to mention Ron again for awhile’
They walked to the Great Hall and entered together, no big deal, they do it all the time. Ron motion for Harry to sit next to him, there was only room for one,
Hermione said “Lets sit here Harry do you mind, not as crowded” there was room for both to sit beside each other.
“Of course not Mione, here’s fine” and he sat with his best friend.
After breakfast, they had potions, Ron joined them and they walked to the dungeon together.
“What you sit down there for”
“More room”
“Oh, ok Hermione can you help me with my Transfiguration essay tonight.”
“Yes of…” she saw Harry twitch ‘I goofed again’ “huh Ron.. uh… Harry and I had planned to…”
“you go on help him, I got something else I need to do” Harry snapped and walked into Potions grabbed his cauldron and sat next to Neville, and pulled out his notes.
After Potions Harry disappeared, Hermione was almost late for Ancient Runes looking for Harry.
He didn’t show-up for supper, she waited til meal over.
Later in the common room Hermione was helping Ron and watching the portal, watching for Harry. Ron tried to kiss her several times, she would turn away or push him back “Stop it, Ron.. Write”
After about twenty minutes Lavender walked in and looked upsettingly at Ron, she had been crying and rushed upstairs.
Hermione stared at fleeing Lavender for a moment, shrugged then looked the portal doorway.
Finally half hour or so Ron asked “What did I do, if this about Lavender, I didn’t do anything she kissed me”
Hermione turned to him “What”
“I said she kissed me”
“Who kissed you”
“Lavender, before I knew she wrapped herself around me and kissed me”
“Oh who cares” she said as the portal door opened, in walked Harry covered in mud and sweat.
“What do you mean who cares, I do” Ron said. And grabbed her hand.
Harry heard “cares, I do“. and saw Ron holding her hand, He walked straight passed them to shower.
“UH Ron…” jerking her hand out of his and ran upstairs, carrying her book, crying.
“Mental, she mental” as he picked up his parchment and headed upstairs to his bed.
Of course Ron didn’t tell Hermione it was not just a kiss. ‘Hey it was just a knobber no big deal it’s not like we’re shagging again’
Lavender had met Ron outside the Great Hall after supper was over. He was walking to the common, Hermione had ran off ahead looking as she was going to cry, she had only pecked at her food. ‘what’s with her’
“something wrong Hermione” he had asked once.
“oh ok” and continued to stuff his face.
That was their supper conversation.
In the corridor Lavender grabbed Ron and pulled him into a searing kiss and pushed the non-fighting Ron into a near-by broom closet and soon had her tongue painting the insides of his mouth and her hand down her trousers, gripping him tightly He moaned and grabbed a breast, a familiar bra-less breast. Next he knew his trousers and boxers were around his ankles and Lav was stroking him, she broke their kiss and looked into his eyes, she could see the lust there, ‘good enough for now’ she thought and lower herself to her knees and took him into her mouth and began bobbing her head, sucking gently at first then harder as she played with his sac.
“oooh Merlin” Ron muttered and soon released a wave of hot spunk into her sucking mouth. She choked slightly on the first, but held him in and swallowed it along with the following spurts. Ron going soft slipped from her mouth and before she could rise up.
He pulled his trousers back up and said “Thanks… I need to go study” and left a slightly stunned Lavender on her knees, as he stepped out into the corridor and headed for the common.
After Harry showered and dressed for bed, he walked to his bed, he turn to sit and saw Ron laying on his bed. “Ron why are you here..”
“Where else would I be”
“I saw you and Her…”
“She’s gone nutter if you ask me, she was helping do my paper, I was telling her Lavender jumped me I figured that’s why she was mad at me, she just sat there holding that stupid book, you walk thru, she said Ron you know the angry way of hers and rushed upstairs. She gone mental that one“.
Harry jumped into his trousers and headed down stairs, looking around the common, just Ritchie was sitting there on the couch. “Huh Ritchie you seen Hermione”
“No not since, no not since class I just got in though”
“Oh ok” Harry walked across the room and sat on the loveseat, front the fire and stared at the flames. Several people walked thru, Harry didn’t notice.
Hermione finally regain her composure and dried her tears, when Parvati Patil walked in “Hey Hermione what’s wrong with Harry”
“What… Harry… something wrong” she started sitting up worried.
“Yea he’s sitting in front of the fire staring at the flames, I said hi and sat next to him, he didn’t even notice, something wrong with him if he didn’t notice me”
“I, I don’t know, maybe I should check, thanks Pav”
She picked up her book, wiped her eyes and quickly headed downstairs.
There he was watching the flames, she smiled.
Neville was talking to him, well trying to talk to him.
“Hi Neville, can I talk to Harry”
“You can try”
Hermione sat next to Harry and picked up his arm and slid in under and next to him and opened the book, “Harry where were we” holding it in front of them.
Harry looked down and pulled her close with his arm. “Not sure maybe we should start at the beginning”
“Yes Harry, the beginning” and open to page one, somewhere around page six “I’m sorry Harry” as she turned to him. He turned to her “My fault Mio..” and they kissed.

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a quickie in the hotel

if you wish to comment, please pm me.
many thanks
David pulled up alongside st James’s park in the small micra with his friend’s john and Colin. David was waiting for Lisa. Lisa and David had arranged to meet each other at the football ground of the local football team.
Lisa and David had met when David worked in a call center, she had rang up as she wanted to use her mobile phone abroad and David was helping her with her query, which resulted in Lisa sending him a postcard as a thank you. After several months of texting, chatting and flirting, they agreed to meet and she travelled up from London.
David already knew what she looked like from the photograph she had sent, and he wasn’t disappointed. As Lisa approached the car, David got out and greeted her.
“I have a room at the Menzies hotel. Would you mind if we went there first just so I can drop my stuff off and get changed”
“No not at all” David replied.
John then joined Colin in the backseat offering the front seat for Lisa. Lisa then got into the passenger seat and they headed off towards the hotel.
When they arrived David offered to give Lisa a hand to her room with the luggage. They both got out of the car and approached the front desk. Lisa checked in with the receptionist and was given the key with the room number. They both left the reception desk and headed to the room.
The room was quite small, it had a double bed with light patterned linen, a television, a small closet and an en-suite bathroom with a shower. Lisa turned round to David and asked for a hand unpacking, and to place her clothes and outfits on the bed as she left for the bathroom.
A few moments later and she materialized wearing nothing more than a black bra with a red lace trim and a small black g-string, which was barely enough to cover her delicately trimmed pubic hair. She looked over to David who had his back to her, and had only one thing on her mind. COCK. She was craving his and had to have it. She could feel the moistness in her pussy and acted on the urge.
She walked over to David and turned him round. As David turned his jaw nearly hit the ground. She moved her unpacked clothes off the bad and looked at David and said “trousers and boxers off and lie on the bed.”
David did this with in an instant; his cock was already semi erect as Lisa climbed onto the bed like a wild animal stalking its prey. David shimmied up the bed and positioned the pillows for his back so he could sit up and watch. Lisa then moved in between his legs and with a soft grip she held the bottom of his now erect cock and moved her head forward then took the tip of his throbbing cock in her warm moist mouth. David watched in pleasure as she moved her head up and down, taking his cock deeper each time.
Lisa moved her head away and started to tease the end of David’s cock with her tongue. David threw his head back in pleasure. Lisa then broke the silence “you’re not going to have sex now, so you might as well cum.” David relaxed his whole body and let Lisa get on with the job in hand. Lisa dropped her head down again and started to rub her hands up and down his hard pulsating shaft. David let out an almighty moan, and with that he shot his hot cum deep down her throat. She didn’t stop straight away, she carried on sucking. The pleasure was too intense for David and he had to beg her to stop. She pulled back and sat up, she wiped her mouth and said I need to get changed now and headed back to the bathroom.
David rested back down on the bed again, feeling rather selfish but thought fuck it. She was happy to give it and said there would be no sex.
Lisa stepped out of the bathroom wearing a light fitted silver, backless top, a denim mini skirt with dark pantyhose underneath topped off with a pair of strappy high heels. She looked at David and said “aren’t you going to get dressed?” David had lost track of time and had not even put his trousers back on which he did frantically. Lisa then said “well what do you think, will this be alright for tonight?” And in David’s broadest Geordie accent said “whey aii pet, that’s champion that like.” Lisa could barely understand what he had just said but smiled back taking it as a compliment.
During the car ride to the town where David lived. “David, Lisa, john and Colin were all discussing the plan for that night, Colin was going to get changed at johns and they and they are set to meet up at the local social club. For a few drinks and maybe go to the city from there.
All night the dancing continued for David and Lisa. Lisa would make sure her crotch was rubbing against David upper thighs, whilst David pulled her closer by her hips. Their eyes were both looking down in concentration. There hot foreheads were sweating with passion as they slowly and softly came together, then came the kiss. The intense heat of the kiss rifled through their bodies. Their legs were interlocked with each others, their body movements appeared to stop with time. The passion and lust was clear for all
too see.
The look in both their eyes suggested taxi. They left the bar hand in hand, in the taxi ride back to the hotel they sat quiet as they both mutually didn’t want anything to happen in front of the taxi driver.
As they entered the room David wrapped his arms around her waist, whilst she wrapped her arms around his neck and there lust exploded as he slipped a hand up her mini skirt and started stroking her pussy. She took her arms away and undid her top, as her top came loose. David realized for the first time she wasn’t wearing a bra. Before he was able to grope her chest she took his shirt off over his head. Then undid his jeans and belt. Once off David then undid her mini skirt and pulled it down her legs followed by her pantyhose. He stood back up and they started to kiss immediately. David co-erced Lisa onto the bed and laid her on her back, then started to go down on her.
He buried his head into her crotch and gently started to lick and nibble gently on her pussy then started to softly suck on her clit. He placed his arms underneath her bent knees and she grabbed his hands, interlocking her fingers with his. Her hips rocked with passion, she squeezed hold of his hands as her orgasm intensified. With the aid of a hot wet flickering tongue, she was brought up to the point of an intense orgasm. she let out a breathless beg of “please don’t stop, I’m Cumming” as David carried on the same motion Lisa bit her bottom lip and let out a muffled scream of pleasure as she released her orgasm. David could taste her tantalizing juices and lapped it up with endless pleasure.
Her body shivered with each continuous lick, she managed to grab enough oxygen to say “stop, stop!” David moved his head up and sat back on his knees.
Lisa motioned a signal with her index finger in front of her head and told David to come up here. David slowly crawled up her body positioning himself in a missionary stance over her satisfied body. Lisa wrapped her arms around the back of David’s neck and pulled him closer. She gently kissed him and enjoyed the taste of her juices on his lips.
Once again their eyes locked, it felt like time had stopped still. There was no need for words as David slid his throbbing member into her hot wet chavice. Her face showed delight as he pushed every inch of his throbbing cock deeper and deeper. He rocked his hips slowly while locking his arms out to support his upper body. The slow gentle thrust soon turned into hard pounding. He felt his cockpush up against her pubic bone and then started to get faster. His sweat started to drip from him as the pounding continued. The feeling of his thrusts and the pounding of his balls brought Lisa to new heights of pleasure. She sinked her teeth into her fleshy bottom lip.
David knew she was close and could feel the muscled in her pussy clamping around his cock. She now longed to feel his hot cum shoot inside of her and held off her orgasm. David started to pant harder his face change and in the next thrust he unleashed his cum into her velvet pussy. As soon as the hot cum entered her it was the catalyst for her second orgasm. Her pussy clamped around his cock and she came for a second time. David withdrew his wet sopping cock and kissed her on the cheek and made his way to the bathroom.

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A Nocturnal Discovery

Mich lusts after his cousin Mandy and her sister Valerie, but can’t seem to get either. That is until he thinks he’s being spied upon and during his investigation, trips over something. Where does this nocturnal discovery lead to ? Read on….

my island guy

this is my first online story so let me know what you think and if you want more….and it is very long

Amariel’s Adventures: Chapter 5, Daze in the Forest

Vivid and horrible dreams haunt my sleep.
I hear the sounds of desperate feet running through the dark forest. Terrified and ragged breathing puffing in and out. Heart thundering, running and running from some horrible monster half-glimpsed from the corner of my eyes. Teeth and claws and blood-stained fur. Running and running, but the thing is catching up.
But then the perspective shifts, and I realize that it’s me that’s the monster. I can feel amazing power and strength in my body, and I crash through the forest after a terrified man, running for his life. I try to tell him that I mean him no harm, but all that comes out is a horrific roar. I reach out to him, to tell him he doesn’t need to run, but my hand just shreds through him. He falls to the floor, screaming and bleeding, and I lean down to console him, but my teeth bite at his throat of their own accord. I feel hot blood running through my teeth, down my throat, and I cry out in-
I cry out in terror and sit up, looking around. I am, in fact, in a forest. But it’s neither dark nor full of monsters. There are only two people here- myself and Lynette.
That same woman now gently strokes my hair, and her touch calms me. Sitting beside me, she gently pulls my head down, and leans it on her shoulder. As she pets my hair and coos to me, I feel my heart rate slowly drop, and the fear ebbs from me.
It’s been almost a month now since I was carried to this clearing by a monster I called, and Lynette has been taking care of me ever since. I look up her, and gaze at her. She has soft black hair that seems to flow down her back forever, and which shines so nicely in the light. He has a thin face with narrow features, but her eyes- a deep hazel- are full of caring for everything she sees around her. The sun lights those eyes up, making them almost glow, and I can’t help but smile.
“Did you dream about him again?” She inquires in her gentle voice.
“For the third night in a row,” I reply, sighing with malcontent despite the gorgeous dawn splaying across the land.
She looks away, across the clearing and past the small waterfall, and seems to be lost in thought. After a moment, she asks “When you called him, you said he took your anger?”
We’ve been over this many times, with her always curious as to how I had done it. I’m sure the repeated questions would have irritated me had they been asked by anyone else, but I know she has only the best of intentions in her heart. “I opened the door and my anger, my frustration and my nightmares were pulled through.”
Again she stares, thinking. “So, if all he was ever given is rage and fear… I guess that would explain why he killed without remorse.”
These were the kind of thoughts she had. Always trying to understand someone’s motive; always giving them the benefit of the doubt. She also called the monster a ‘him’ instead of an ‘it’. But she must surely have a point to make.
After a moment, she makes the point she was moving towards. “So, since we’ve learned that you didn’t actually lose those emotions for good,” she began, reminding me of the times I had lost my temper while trying to help her with seemingly simple tasks, “you could call him again. And give him something else.” I had summoned him once since that first time, to show her.
This was a new thing to think of. “What do you mean? What else would I give to it?”
“Well, maybe you could give it other emotions, other thoughts. You could bring him through and give him understanding, wisdom, and love. See what he looks like, then.”
Her constant optimism was enough to make me giggle. Looking to her eyes, I know she’s serious. Her hazel eyes are full of warmth, and she truly wants to help me make the best of this. “But I don’t have those things,” I tell her as I gently shake my head. “I never mastered the softer emotions.”
She looked puzzled, maybe even worried. “But everyone has love, and from there the other things can grow.”
I gently remove my head from her shoulder and stand, stretching. “To have love, you’d have to experience it. Mother, father, sibling, romantic partner, I’ve had none of these. Who could ever love me?”
She just gave me the most peculiar look, and then we got to work. There’s plenty to do, in the forest.
* * *
There were a lot of berries to harvest near her clearing. And many plants could be gathered and eaten, or used for spices or medicine. And the beast helped me to hunt, though I tried not to call upon it too often. I was still quite scared of its ferocity. Yet, the creature was very content to serve. And thus, the days slid by lazily.
Yet today we need not do any work, for our food stocks are quite full. Lying on the lush grass, I feel content. The blades are as soft as feathers, and the field is comfier than any bed I’ve ever lain upon. I loll my head over and see Lynette washing one of her dresses in the bond. Lazily I rise and walk over to join her. Outside, the forest is starting towards a chill autumn, yet it feels warm in our vale.
I sit down on a rock across the small pond from her, and dip my bare feet into the water. It’s crisp and cold, and the chill feels nice on this warm day. I soak my feet in the cool water for another moment, and then decide that I’m warm enough for a swim.
I pull my old dress- sewn in so many places with hemp or thin vines that it almost looks like a plant- over my head. I give it a soak and a quick washing and lay it down in the sun. I quickly undo my bra, a homemade gift from Lynette, and lay that down beside the soaking dress. I take a moment to stretch my back, arching my chest up towards the midday sun. As I wiggle off of the rock into the pond, I notice that she’s watching me from the other side with that certain smile of hers, usually reserved for golden sunrises and perfect rainbows in the waterfall.
The water is cool, but not too cold and is quite refreshing. The water only just comes over my chest and I half-walk-half-swim to the fall. I let the water wash over my hair as I lean back. I take a moment to wash my hair thoroughly, before coming out of the fall. Interestingly enough, Lynette’s still watching me.
I dive just below the surface, looking out around the clear water. Suddenly there’s a pair of naked legs landing in the water, and my eyes slowly follow them up. I surface as my eyes keep on drifting over her tall, slender body until gradually they settle on her face. She stares at me rather intently like she has something important to say.
She wades forward- somehow making the motion look graceful- until she’s within arm’s reach. “Amariel, I…” she starts, and then stops. After a moment, she starts again. “A while ago, you said that you weren’t loved. Well, you are.”
I don’t know what to say, so for once I don’t say anything. She gently places a hand on my elbow, and just looks at me as if she has something else to add. She seems ready to speak, then doesn’t.
Then, with a swift motion, she leans forward and kisses me on the lips. For a moment my breath catches, and our lips are together, but then it’s over. She leans back and looks in my face, judging my reaction. My heart beats fast in my chest, as I watch her worries cross her face- anxiety that I don’t feel the same way. I wrap my right hand around the small of her back and pull her to me. We kiss again and my senses soar as the soft press of her lips against mine sends tingles through my body. I feel high and disoriented, so I wrap my other arm around her as if for balance.
Our bodies press together, her warmth against mine, and my hands roam her back as I feel her tongue gently probe against my lips. I meet it with my own, and she moans slightly as our tongues touch. I slide my hands along her back, following them to the lines of her shoulders, and back down to the curve of her body.
She presses fiercely against me, and I stagger backwards until we press against the rocks, with the waterfall pouring over us.
The water cascades down her back, rushing across my hands, as our passion grows hotter. One of her hands slides up my ribs, gently caressing the bottom of my breast. I pull back from our kiss and we part loudly. I gently take her hand and guide it to my nipple, staring her in the eyes. Already my nipples are hard- both from the cold water and the intensity of the moment.
Her thumb gently strokes my pink flesh, circling it slowly. Then I pull her back against me and press my lips against hers, thrusting my tongue to meet hers. Our passion burns as we explore one another’s mouth, and she brings both hands up to my chest, gently massaging my breasts. It’s already been five or more months since I’ve been touched by anyone- which is long for me- and I’ve never felt romance before. My body seem to melt in her arms, and she reaches one hand down to cup my ass, holding it while she presses me against the wall.
I slowly lick her lips and feel her tongue gently collide with my own, mixing our breaths and passions together. The hand on my ass slides down to my thigh, lifting my leg up.
I naturally wrap it around her legs, and I feel our sexes pressed against one another. Heat seems to radiate through the water, and her hand on my breast starts slowly venturing lower. She traces my ribs and my stomach, and lightly caresses my waist. Then I feel it slide lower, tracing along that coarse hair towards where I’m aching for her to go.
A single one of her slender fingers gently traces along my outer lips, and I shudder in anticipation. She slides it back along to my clitoris, then back towards my rear.
At last, with one smooth motion, she sinks her finger into me. I break off from our kiss and tilt my head back; moaning loudly as she slowly sinks her digit into me. I feel that digit moving slowly into me, spreading waves of heat through my entire body. Then she slowly retracts, and I clench tightly onto her body with my hands and leg, holding onto her for support.
She slips back into my tender flesh, making me moan and she curls her finger inside of me. She seems to know my body better than I do, and she reaches every sweet spot inside of me. She presses tightly against me, her hard nipples tracing just along my upper chest, and burrows her finger back into me. All I can do is cling to her while she stimulates my body, slowly pumping in and out of me. My breathing gets faster as I feel intense pleasure building up in my center, and I thrust my hips back against her, meeting her finger with my body.
Her free hand releases my leg and holds onto the back of my neck, keeping me to her as she pleasures me with her finger.
I spread my legs widely, giving no resistance. She plunges into me again and again, making me groan and clench her body even more firmly. Her pace is moderate but relentless, and each pass into me makes me feel like I’m swelling with sensation.
That great ball of delirious joy inflates inside of me, and I feel my muscles start to tense up as the pressure builds and builds. At last, I feel that I couldn’t possibly take any more, and she pushes deeply into me again, stroking that inner wall. I fly over the edge of bliss and my muscles clench as the ball of energy bursts. Faster and faster she strokes my inside as my muscles spasm and waves of pleasure surge through my body. I scream out her name as I orgasm around her digit, grinding my pelvis against her hand for all I’m worth, cumming and cumming.
At last the sensations slow down and fade, and she slowly removes her finger from me. Cold water replaces her warm body part, but I don’t think anything could cool me down, now.
I look into her deep, brown eyes, and without a word we wade towards the edge of the pond, holding hands.
She gets out first, and lies down in the grass, her body glistening in the warm sun. I lower myself over her until I’m laying half on the grass and half on her, and kiss her deeply. As our tongues swirl, her hands roam my body, and I start my own explorations.
I trace over her breasts, much smaller than mine; barely enough to fill my hands. Then I caress her stomach and side, still exchanging breath and tongue thrusts with her.
Instinctively, I grind my pelvis against her, rubbing my wet lips against her thigh. Deftly, she pulls me over slightly, bringing me over top of her and between her legs. Again I thrust, slowly rubbing my pelvis against hers. I thrust my tongue deeper into her mouth, and she parries- pressing and coiling hers against mine. Her breathing is getting faster, and I know she wants her own relief.
I break our kiss again, and slide myself lower, kissing along her jaw and down her neck. I gingerly nibble on her collar as I work my way down.
She moans loudly when I pause to suck on a nipple, gently swirling my tongue around it. As I lightly nibble on her left nipple, I caress her right breast with my hand, and she moans again and bucks her hips under me.
I release her breasts reluctantly, and make my way lower, kissing and licking along her stomach. I pause again to trace her little belly button with my tongue, and she wiggles under me. I know she’s impatient despite enjoying this, and I lower even further.
My chin rubs along her short pubic hair- when the hell does she shave this? – and I plant a couple more kisses as I move lower and lower. My lips hover just over her lower set of lips, and my light breath on them seems to drive her wild.
Suddenly, she sits up swiftly and clambers on top of me, her pelvis near the back of my head.
With expert skills I wiggle under her, rolling over to face her.
My face is now lined perfectly up with her pink petals, and I gently reach my hand around her waist, holding onto her lower back. I pull her down slightly while raising my head up, and breathe deeply the scent of her hot sex. My mind is flooded with the smell of her- like flowers and honey and everything in spring.
I waste no time and press my mouth against her lips. I lick the distance from her clitoris to her tunnel and back again, making her groan again. I flick my tongue across the entrance a couple of times, and she presses herself against my face. Without wasting more time, I plunge my tongue into those silken folds. “Oh, gods, Amariel,” she cries out. “You feel so good!”
With this for encouragement, I press my tongue as deeply into her as I can. Her juices flow and the taste of honey floods my mouth as I lick and suckle at her womanhood.
At the same time, I feel the sweet, wet heat of her tongue against my nubile flower. She gently spreads the petals with her fingers and explores me with her tongue, making me feel light-headed and delirious.
The gentle application of her tongue makes me feel hot. Moaning, I continue eating her out. My moaning helps her along, and she starts bucking her hips, grinding her lips against my face as I quickly work my tongue in and out of her sweet hole. I clench her ass cheeks with both hands as I work on lapping up all of her succulent juices. As my tongue passes over her stiff clitoris, she twitches against me, and moans loudly into me as she continues eating me out. The vibrations in combination with the feeling of her slick tongue passing through and against my vulva make me tingle with pleasure.
Her pace is relentless, and the tingling pulsations from my groin get stronger with each pass of her dextrous tongue, and I feel myself losing control. Valiantly, I try my hardest to pleasure her with my tongue, trying to make sure we both finish.
It gets harder and harder to keep a steady pace with my tongue, so I reach my right hand around her thigh, and sink the finger into her hot, slick hole. My finger slides into her without any resistance, and I curl and uncurl my finger rapidly, like I was beckoning someone. Still pumping with my finger, I gingerly place my lips on her outer fold, and suck slightly, pulling a small amount of skin into my mouth.
Her mouth breaks away from my own vagina as she lets out a loud moan. “Oh, oh Amariel. Oh!”
Her voice gets higher still, and I know she’s going to finish soon. I plunge into her even faster with my finger, feeling her hot juices coat my finger. With quick flits I rub my tongue across her clit, and she starts thrusting her face at me even harder, like she was riding me.
She buries her own face between my legs again, and her amazing tongue work continues. The sensations she’s giving me get stronger and stronger, and I throw my head back and yell out. With panted breaths, I keep pushing my finger in and out of her, pushing her towards the edge.
Her tongue passes over my clitoris, and I arch my legs as energy rushes from where her mouth is, blasting along my body, making my muscles spasm and my voice cry out again and again. My finger never stops moving during this, and I feel her suddenly clench tightly, squeezing my finger, as she has her own orgasm. She moans again, her mouth still on me, and licks me all the faster. The waves of bliss just keep rushing through me, and I spasm and writhe under her. Stars dance across my vision and I feel so dizzy as the chemicals burst through me.
Her own climax rages on, and she pushes herself back at me, impaling herself on my digit.
At last our respective orgasms die down, and she collapses weakly on top of me. My muscles all relax and I slide my finger out of her, revelling in the feeling of her tight chasm.
My finger is slick with her juices, and I can see visual evidence on my finger of her having finished. I stick the finger in my mouth, and my eyes slit closed as I suck the cream off of it. The flavour is both sweet and bitter, and floods my mouth. The taste makes me feel horny all over again, but I’m too tired for more right now.
She lifts herself up, her delightful tush hovering mere inches from my face. Then she turns herself around, and lies down again, her chest on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her, and she rests her arm on my chest and we hold each other, resting in the warm sun. After a while, she falls asleep in my arms, and I bask in the afterglow of great sex, thinking. Loved. I’m loved. She says she loves me. It’s a comforting, if slightly puzzling thought.
I listen to her contented breathing, and after a while I sleep, too. This time, I have no dreams.
* * *
There was still work to be done, for we were often collecting herbs, sewing new garments or washing our clothes, and this kept us occupied throughout autumn and winter. But we still found time to have sex as often as possible, trying as many new things as we could think of. It was in the springtime, after a particularly energetic session that I found myself resting between her legs.
Her back in the soft grass, she panted- chest heaving- trying to catch her breath. My tongue and fingers feel slightly cramped, and I’m lying down in the grass, resting my head on the soft skin of her pelvis. Contentedly gazing at her toned legs, I gently twirl my finger in her pubic hair.
“Amariel,” she starts, rather suddenly, “I think you should call on your creature again.”
I perk my head up, and regard her curiously. “Why? We don’t need to hunt anything today.”
That determined look sprouts on her face again. “Well, each time you call him now, you don’t really put anything into him. Just call him the way he is. That sort of helps my theory that he’s made out of whatever emotion you’ve given him before. So you should still be able to shape him.”
The idea made sense. If I opened that door again and put some of my intellect through, he could be smarter. Or kinder, or anything I want.
I sit up in the grass, and decide to do it straight away. Closing my eyes, I try to block out all of the distractions of the world. As soon as I think about that door, I instantly see it in my mind’s eye. That huge, ominous gate stills fills me with foreboding. I’m sure Lynette can tell, because as soon as I start feeling worried, I feel her slip her hand into mine.
An image of me appears before those doors, and the colours swirl around me. My aura, Lynette told me.
I mentally press on that door, and feel it slowly start to budge under my efforts. As the crack in the door widens slightly, I feel a gentle forcing lightly pulling at me, grasping at me as if trying to take something of mine. This is my opportunity to put an emotion in, or shape him in my mind.
Suddenly, my mind feels blank. What do I give to a monster? Intelligence, compassion, fear, excitement, anxiety? I suddenly feel at a loss, and I must have gone slack, because Lynette gives my hand a compassionate squeeze. I feel the warmth of love bloom in my chest briefly, alight at her touch. As soon I feel that emotion come blossom, I see a thick streak of rose appear in my aura. As soon as it appears, it separates like a coloured mist, drifting into that opening in the door!
Love? He can’t take my love! I suddenly feel worried, and Lynette- not knowing what’s happening in my mind- holds my hand more tightly, pressing against me.
Suddenly I can see a secondary aura appear beside mine. This one is full of that pink colour, the pale yellow of compassion, the faint green-blue of wisdom and streaks of bright yellow- excitement. I feel those same emotions flood me, only to be pulled through as well. I see the beast clearly beyond the doorway, and I see that mist of different colours surrounding him as it pours from me.
I feel worried at what he might be taking from me, but I try to focus. I mentally try to alter the fur on him, since the horrid mated texture feels icky. Flashes of purple-red flash across my vision as Lynette feels lust- likely caused by my sweating and rapid breathing.
This, too, seems to sift through the doorway, and it looks like other changes are taking place on the creature, but I can’t see him clearly though the mists anymore.
My eyes snap open, and I feel confused. What did I do to it? I’m lying on my back with my head on Lynette’s lap, looking up into her face. She gives me her gentle smile, and I relax. Whatever happens, we can make it together. I sit up, and see my beast standing in the field before me.
Now, there seems to be more emotion in its eyes- most of all confusion. It looks around in puzzlement, and suddenly sits down in the grass. The motion is more like falling than sitting down, but it just keeps peering around at the world. I’m about to ask it if it’s okay, but it seems odd to ask that without starting with its name. Beast? Creature? Animal? Monster? What is it called?
“Do you have a name?” I ask of it, and it just looks at me.
There’s a moment of silence as it seems to think. It explores its new mental capacities for a moment or two before answering. “No,” it rumbles its voice sounding not unlike a deep human voice. “I am called whatever it is you call me.”
“That was eloquently put,” Lynette chimes in. She looks at me and flushes a bit, then adds, “Compared to what he sounded like before.”
I ponder it, wondering what to call this creature that answers my will. I get to my feet and walk over to it, finding it to be almost as tall as me despite sitting down. I reach a hand out and lay it consolingly on its shoulder, trying to comfort it in its confusion. Then, looking at the creature, it occurs to me that it is not really an ‘it’. It lives and breathes, and speaks in a male voice. It seems most fair to think of it as a ‘he’, not as some unfamiliar thing.
As my hand gently touches his shoulder, I’m quite surprised to find the fur so soft. Smooth and almost silky, it feels great beneath my fingers- like the pelt of a rabbit. I pet him, stroking his shoulder, and a word slips out of my mouth without me realizing it: “Koko.”
He looks up at me, puzzled, and I flush in embarrassment. Oddly enough, I suddenly remembered the plush bear that used to comfort me when I was very little. I had named him Koko, which was a long elven word, shortened the way a child typically does. The name suddenly seems fitting, and a grin splits my lips. I nod and try the word on my tongue. “Koko. Yes, Koko. That will be your name.”
His head cocks to the side like a dog, and he mulls the name. “Koko,” he says, saying each syllable separately. “Yes, I am Koko.”
He grins, looking like a happy puppy, and I suddenly throw my arms around him, holding onto him like a giant teddy bear. He’s soft and warm in my arms. After a moment, his mighty arms wrap around me, and he returns the embrace.
He breathes deeply through his nose, taking in my scent. Then he goes rigidly still.
I suddenly realize that I’m very much naked, and my crotch and thighs are quite soaked with a combination of Lynette’s saliva, her sweet fluids, and my body’s own lubricant. I slowly release the hug and glance down curiously. He’s indeed a male!
I step back from him and take in my mental handiwork. Lynette steps up beside me and Koko, not knowing what else to do, stands up too.
Lynette’s the first to speak. “Well, he’s certainly… impressive.”
I nod, gazing at the lovely piece of meat hanging down from Koko’s crotch, half-erect. Cocking my head, I scrutinize the base of it, where it meets his pelvis. “It must have a sheathe it slides out of.”
Lynette just nods, saying nothing. Both of our eyes are fixed on his penis. It’s a lot like a human penis, pink and tender. But the veins aren’t prominent, and the ridge of the head is hardly visible.
He grunts, though I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean. “I feel…” he begins, “something odd.”
A faint blush appears on Lynette’s face, and I decide to answer this question for him. “Well, you see, what you’re feeling is lust. Or desire.”
He gives a small shake of his head. “I know lust, I know desire. These primal things I feel, but I feel other things, too. Like a hot section here.” He waves a clawed hand over the middle of his chest, designating his heart area. “It is a lot like desire, but it is based in the knowing of you. It is softer, too.” Again, he shakes his head.
“Well,” I start, more than a little confused, “what do you know about me?”
He just peers at me, hips lips twitching up in a half-smile I recognize from my own face. “I know that you are Amariel. You have a hot passion that burns in you. You believe in being kind, but you’ll fight fiercely for anything you love. I know of your fears and desires, and I recall them as if they were memories. A part of me. And I know you, Lynette,” he continues, looking at her. “You are kind and full of love. You support other people with no hesitation, and would give your life for someone. And you… love her. This I feel, too.”
This is all a little worrisome, and very exciting. He’s as smart as either of us, and he feels the softer emotions. He knows kindness, yet it strong enough to protect people around him. Passion and compassion, all in one.
He reminds me of Lynette, but also of someone else. But I can’t seem to place my finger on whom it is.
I take a step forward, and close the distance between us. He just looks at me and smiles a smile so similar to Lynette’s; except for the shape of his wolf-like muzzle. It’s a smile that seems to say that he loves the person he’s looking at, yet expects nothing in return- the same way Lynette feels about the most beautiful things in nature, and about me.
He places a hand, so gently on my elbow, and stares into my eyes. I turn back to look Lynette, and she gives a small nod, her permission.
I turn back to this creature, this man who could love me, and stare back into his eyes- kind but fierce.
His hand is warm on my left arm, and I timidly reach out my other hand. I’ve never been timid towards a man, and it feels odd to me. Gently I take his shaft, holding it in a light grip. His eyes flutter and close, feeling pleasures of the flesh for perhaps the first time.
I fondle his penis, sliding my hands along its length. It’s so warm in my hands, and my own eyes close as I enjoy the feeling. His blood rushes to fill it, and I feel it twitch slightly in my hand, inflating.
I lean my head against his chest with my eyes still closed, feeling the soft fur over the hard muscles. It’s been most of a year since I’ve been with a man, and I can feel my body moistening, aching for his presence. Still I stroke him, and listen to his breathing as he gets hard in my hand. As I massage that firm meat, I can’t help but be delighted how a penis can be so hard and yet so soft at the same time. My palm suddenly feels slightly wet, and I smile, enjoying that his precum is flowing because of me.
“You’ve completed me,” he whispers to me. I can’t help but laugh slightly- it’s such a cliché thing for someone to say. But he continues on: “Before, I was a shell. I had only anger, and not enough even of that to be a full form. You’ve given me feelings, intelligence. You’ve given me form, and life.”
As much as I’d like to question what he was before I called him, I’m far too much in the moment.
I step back from him, releasing my grip on him. I slowly open my eyes, and lie down on the grass. I crook my finger at him, beckoning him to me. He drops to his knees before me, and crawls over my body. From here, I get a good idea of how much bigger he is than me. He’s massive, I think. Look at those shoulders. Just his torso must weigh as much as me.
Despite his size, he’s dextrous, I know. And gentle.And speaking of size… my eyes work their way down his body to his shaft, standing stiff and erect, pressed against my stomach. Again, I slowly stroke his shaft, pumping its length with my right fist.Why, he’s longer than your average Orc. Fortunately, I’ve got some experience in working with long body parts. All of which is true. I do seem to have a nearly supernatural ability to take long cocks, and even to return back to my normal tightness not long after. And he’s not as big as that Minotaur.
I stroke him one more time and then use his penis to push him slightly backwards. He pulls his hips back, and I try to line his head up with me. Still gripping the shaft, I rub his head against my lips, spreading his precum on me, making sure I’m lubed up enough. But I can tell, just from feeling him against my vulva, that I’m already very wet.
I rub his head between those folds for a moment more and then line it up with his destination. As soon as he feels that his way is before him, he gently presses forward, pushing his head against my hole.
The tip of it slips just inside of me, and I feel the soft flesh start spreading as his head slides into me. With a slow, continuous motion, the front of his penis slides into my yielding body. Fortunately, his head is only about as wide as the middle of his shaft, so from here it’s just a matter of length.
My slick tunnel parts before him, but before long he meets slight friction. He slides those three inches back out, and slowly works them back in. Deeper into me his penis passes, pressing and rubbing along unfathomable depths. It feels like he must surely sink into me forever, but as more inches slide inexorably into my body, I at last feel his soft fur press into my mound. I’m all the way down his shaft, and I feel his head just touching my innermost wall. He’s exactly the right length, I think to myself. I wonder if my subconscious chose for him to be exactly that long. Damn, my mind is great!
He stays still, staying inside of me, and we both savour the moment. I run my hand along his furry chest, luxuriating in the feel of his soft coat. Only days ago he was rough, but today he’s perfect.
I look up into his eyes and see much of Lynette’s compassion there, tempered with my own passion and lust. I wiggle my hips a little, and I’m rewarded with the feeling of his hard shaft shifting around inside of me. After a moment more of us savouring, he slides back out. Still, he moves slow as he presses back into me, making our bodies collide with a grunt.
His thick flesh moves through and into me, sliding into my depths. As he thrusts in again, I push back, meeting his push with my own. His pelvis hits mine more forcefully, allowing him to enter just slightly deeper. As he brushes against that inner wall again, I feel my eyes shut and a soft moan escape my lips, both without my consent. He seems to take this as a sign, and his next motion is quicker, and he enters me more firmly. His pace continues on, slightly faster than before, but his body seems to quake with repressed need. He wants so badly to move faster than this.
As he rears halfway out before plunging in again, I spread my legs even wider, opening myself to him. My body parts before his intrusion again and again, and my breathing is getting more rapid.
“Faster,” I whisper to him. I open my eyes and look into his and say again, “faster!”
His compliance is immediate, and he starts driving into me again and again, pumping like a man possessed. But right now, a man isn’t what I want. I want an ANIMAL.
“Harder,” I moan as I writhe under him. The steady sensations seethe out of my lips and pour through my body, making my head light and my heart pound. “Oh, harder. Hard and fast.”
His pace increases to nearly a blur as he pounds away. My breasts shake and bounce against the force, and I hold them down with one hand, as my other blindly gropes along his stomach and chest, feeling and squeezing. He thrusts so hard and fast that I can feel myself start to slide across the grass. I wrap my legs around the back of his in a quick movement, and pull myself back to meet his thrusts.
His strength is unbelievable as he drives himself into me head first. Juices drip down the inside of my thighs, and thee feelings pulsate wildly inside of me. The firm tingling becomes a vibration inside of me, and pleasure seems to dart up to my core and through my body.
My hands wrap around his shoulders and I press myself against him, throwing myself against him in time with his motions. “Ah, ah, ah,” I moan without meaning to.
Feelings seem to pore into my center the way water pools in valleys, as my body devours his shaft in deep swallows. The area of intensity in my stomach seems to swell as it pulls pleasure into it, and I can feel myself plummeting towards something great. I throw my head back and I cry out. “Oh, yes. Faster, now. I want it, oh.”
He thrusts hard and fast, plunging in again and again, and starts making an odd sound at the back of his throat- halfway between a whine and a growl.
His body starts moving irregularly, and slapping inside of me again and again. The tip of his head batters against my cervix one second, and dances along my opening. That ball of pleasure in me swells again, surely so big as to make my stomach inflate.
Then suddenly, as he drives his steel-hard shaft into me, I fly over the edge. That sphere inside of me explodes outwards, and pleasure rushes to my every extremity, making me scream out as my head spins. I clench hard and pull at his fur and cum like I’ve never cum before. As my climax rushes onwards, I hear his growling raise to almost a roar, and his serpent inside of me flexes strongly. His thrusts are so hard that I shake with each one, as I keep cumming. He thrusts into me and I feel him pulsating and throbbing in me. As drives the point of his lance into my soft body again, his seed rushes forth from him into my pulsating pussy.
Thick heat spreads into my body, and I moan loudly before crying, “Oh, by the gods, yes! In me, oh, yes.”
He drives himself home again and shouts as he pumps a triumphant gout of cum into my shaking body, filling me up. My muscles are clenched so tightly around him that I can’t move, and I hold tightly onto him as he erupts again, his hot fluids filling me. I feel like I must be swelling like a balloon as he continues with lightning-fast short thrusts, ejaculating still.
My body milks him and drinks his cum as he keeps pulsating and pushing it into me. Again he pulses and fires a wave into me, and I feel it pressing against the tight seal I make around him. He cums almost as much as a minotaur! Or maybe he’s just been waiting a long, long time.
He pumps a couple of more times, and more of his seed floods into me, until at last he is still. He settles atop me, still inside of me. His breathing is ragged like mine, and we hold each other and try to catch our breath.
He’s still rock-hard inside of me, and my belly feels swollen with semen. At last I feel it start to dribble out of me around his shaft, dripping down my ass and pooling on the ground. The cum in me is still warm, almost hot. I’ve never had so much cum go into me at once, nor had it so hot. It feels good in me, and I lay back, my head in the long grass.
I see a familiar pair of feet appear beside me, and Lynette lies down beside me. The creature rolls off of me, his shaft at last coming free. Liquids suddenly pour out of me like wine from a bottle, and he lies on my other side.
Lynette lays her naked form on my right side, and I wrap my arm around her neck and she cuddles in. The furry beast sprawls an arm across my stomach and lies against my left side. I think I’m home, I catch myself thinking, as we bask in the warm light.
Body against body we lay there as the sun slowly crosses the sky. At last I stretch and look over at my clothes, the same stuff I’ve had since I got here. “I think I need some new clothes.”
Lynette lazily opens her lids. “There’s a town not far from here, but we would probably need money to buy anything.”
“Well, we could always just… take some things from them…”
A sly grin crosses her face. “Why, Amariel, that’s positively naughty.” Her grin grows slightly suggestive, and I feel my body heat slightly. We’ll go tomorrow. Or the next day.

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Double Lovers Pt. I

“Would you ever take me back?” cried Renee into her ex-boy friend’s shoulder.
“I don’t know if I could Renee. You lied to me a lot, and it really hurt me,” Travis responded. He had broken up with her two weeks before for calling him numerous times saying she was pregnant, after stating she was a virgin. He eventually yelled at her and told her they were done. She came to his door when he was in the middle of talking to his friend Nikki about getting together one night. Travis took her in only because of the pouring rain out side, now he had a gorgeous thirteen year-old burnette crying in his shoulder, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest. He was planning on having a cam-to-cam session with Nikki, so she was seeing all of this, and kept typing that Renee was turning her on, and that she could kind of see her ass. Luckily for Renee she didn’t see this. They were on the couch and the cam was pointing to where his dick would have been, but the top half of Renee’s ass was now.
Travis was beginning to get a boner as he saw the things that Nikki would messasge him, how she’d like to be there with them both mostly. The fact that Renee’s small yet perfect AAcup breasts were pushed against his chest, she began to feel his rock hard member pressing on her stomach. Her tears lifted slightly as she brought her leg around and sat on his lap facing him, feeling his dick push into her stomach everytime she breathed out. “What if I gave you my virginity?” she asked looking into his eyes.
“Renee…I don’t think I could go back to you, even if you did. Maybe if you gave me some time, but I still don’t know.”
“Well, what if we had sex anyways?” she asked putting her arms around his neck her shiny brown eyes looking into his blue eyes deeply. She put her finger to his lips when he opened his mouth. “Travis, your the first boy I’ve ever done anything more than kiss with, I promise.”
He wasn’t sure that she was telling the truth but he put his arms around her as she began sobbing again. He saw that Nikki was asking him if was going to have sex with her. “Renee…”
She sat back and looked at him, “Please,” there was a begging and innocent look in her eyes as she began lightly rocking her hips back and forth. A single tear was rolling down her face.
Travis had never been able to say no to a crying girl, and especially one as cute as Renee. He reached up with a hand and gently whiped the tear away and kissed her lips lightly. “Renee, I don’t think we could, I’m a virgin to, you know that…and we don’t have any condoms and I know you’re not on the pill…”
“Please, Travis,” she begged once more as she rocked her hips against his hard dick. She gently pushed her chest against his, and brought her lips close to his, staring deep in his eyes. Her eyes were shiny, from crying, and he knew he couldn’t say no. He gently moved his hands down to her ass and gently began kneeding them, she quickly rested her head on his shoulder. “Ohhh, Travis. Please take me, Travis!”
Travis saw that Nikki had typed that she had began masturbating and couldn’t wait for it to start. Travis laughed a little, he usually didn’t like girls who acted like they were constantly horney, but something about Nikki was different. He quickly drew his attention back to Renee and slipped his hands around between them and began lifting up her shirt over her breasts and off her head. She reached behind herself and took her bra off exposing her little thirteen-year-old breasts that only Travis had ever felt, more-less seen. He quickly placed his mouth over a nipple and began to suck gently. Renee loved him sucking on her, although he’d only done it once before, and he loved to do it.
As he switched breasts Renee started rocking her hips again, and began lifting his shirt off, then unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. She crawled down him taking his pants and boxers down as his raging hard on sprang out. She placed her mouth on it and began sucking it slowly into her mouth. Travis almost thrust up hard, into the back of her throat, but didn’t knowing that, if she wasn’t lying, this would be the first blow job she’d ever given.
As she began to get more comfortable with the seventeen-year-old’s dick in her mouth, occasionally having it poke the back of her throat she took off her pants and thongs and began rubbing herself. Travis started running his fingers through her hair and moaning slightly, coming close to orgasim. Renee was beginning to get very wet, and even slid her pinky inside her tight, virgin pussy.
After only a few more moments of sucking, Travis couldn’t take it and slowly pulled her up and sat her so his dick was against her stomach. He could feel Renee shaking, as if in fear, and asked her, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yeah,” she replied biting her lower lip. Indeed she was scared of losing her virginity, but something he didn’t know was that she did love him, and had always been afraid to admit it. She trembled more as she felt herself lifted, and his dick head pushing against her virgin pussy hole. She closed her eyes as she slowly felt it push the walls of her pussy apart.
Only after pushing in a tiny bit into her extremely tight, hot, wet, virgin pussy he felt his dick head hit her hymen. She must’ve felt it to, because she put her head on his shoulder, almost crying already. He kissed her neck softly, and pushed through it. She let out a small squeel and began crying a little as he continued to push all the way in. He was ready to explode and fighting hard not to by the time his entire length was inside her.
Renee’s fear left her once her hymen was broken, but she continued to cry. It hurt her so bad to feel his big dick inside her young pussy. He began gently grazing his fingers over her back, he knew she liked it when she was sad, and kept kissing her head. He looked at the computer screen to see that Nikki stated that she already came once, and was jealous of how gentle Travis was being with Renee.
She sniffled one last time and shifted so she was sitting up, wrapped her arms around Travis’ neck, getting lost in his deep blue eyes. A single tear rolled down his face slowly, seeing her face covered in tears, her eyes red from crying. She rocked her hips to show him she was ready and kissed his tear. He kissed her lips deeply and placed his hand on her ass, kneeding it again.
He pulled out halfway and slowly pushed back in, her still tight pussy squeezing his dick, he instantly felt the sperm rush up his dick. He knew that he wouldn’t be lasting much longer but wanted to make it as far as he could for her.
Renee lifted her hips up and sat back down slowly and smiled at Travis. He smiled back at her and they both started a slow rythem as Renee rested her head on Travis’ shoulder, moaning loudly. “Stick a finger in her ass!” Nikki typed with a grin smiley face. Travis ran his middle finger over her pussy, getting some juices on it as they very slowly humped eachother. Slowly he pushed the finger into her ass hole. He heard her gasp and lift her head up quickly, afraid he hurt her again he began to slowly pull out. But she moaned louder and he began to slowly finger-fuck her ass hole.
She was moaning loudly, nearly screaming at the feeling of his big dick moving in and out of her pussy slowly, and the finger now pumping in and out of her tight ass hole. She lifted her head and gasped for air as she felt a most powerful orgasim coming on. She screamed loudly and pushed her forehead against his as she rocked her hips back and forth quickly. Her whole body trembled violently, now from pleasure, as she came hard. She screamed again when she felt his dick start throbbing.
At the first glimpse of her squeezing pussy he shoved in all the way and came harder than he had ever or, as he thought, ever could. She screamed at the massive pleasure in being filled with his sperm.
Unfortunately after a minute or two their combined intense orgasim subsided and she collapsed on him. He sat up and held her, his dick slowly going limp, but remaining inside her pussy. She kissed his cheek and he kissed her neck as they both closed their eyes, to rest for a bit.

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Adoring Elizabeth III: Two O’Clock

Elizabeth and I talked on the phone every night for the next four days. I wondered from time to time what her parents thought of us talking, especially with her mom believing that Elizabeth was after my affections, but every time I asked Elizabeth if they suspected anything, she simply laughed and said that they just thought it was nice that she was “coming out of her shell.”
We hadn’t seen each other face-to-face since she had gone down on me at the school near church. I couldn’t come over too often lest her parents become even more suspicious, and Elizabeth wasn’t actually allowed to date yet because she wasn’t sixteen years old, so there was no hope of picking her up and going somewhere with her.
The conversations over the phone were always fun and enjoyable, and we had to watch what we said because there was always a chance her parents were listening in from another phone. She thought I was funny, and I found her fascinatingly creative. If it wouldn’t have drawn too much attention, I would have been able to talk to her for hours every day.
On Thursday night Elizabeth called me and I answered it. She was being very quiet, virtually whispering and talking very fast.
“Hey, can you meet me tonight?” she asked me.
“Um, sure,” I said. “Why, what’s going on?”
“I just want to see you, so I’m going to sneak out and we can hang out all night.”
My eyes went wide at the simplicity of the plan. Smiling, I said, “When and where?”
She thought for a moment and said, “One o’clock next to the shed at the Randalls’.”
I knew the place. The Randalls were an older family that lived about a block away from Elizabeth. “I’ll be there,” I told her. “Wear something cute.” She hung up the phone then and I put it away. Walking up to my room, I smiled to myself. I didn’t know if she heard me, but it didn’t really matter. Today I had been plannong on jacking off, the tension was just becoming too much. Now, I hoped that she would take care of it for me. The anticipation of placing my hands on her precious breasts, even fingering her wonderful pussy again had me so excited. It was only seven o’clock, and the time snailed by.
I got to the Randalls’ early, and by “early” I mean at midnight. I didn’t have anything else to do, and if I didn’t occupy my mind somehow I was going to jerk myself, and I really wanted to save it.
As I pulled up, I noticed a figure sitting cross-legged behind the shed, reading a book under the light produced by the streetlight. I felt my heart soften at the sight. She was so adorable, and I thought it was so cute that she was such a ridiculously bad hider. She seemed to notice my car pulling up, though, and stood up, tentatively making sure it was me.
She had her backpack on, with a little dark blue hoodie, a baby-pink shirt that hugged her form, and a dark green, pleated skirt that left her knees exposed. She was also wearing knee-high socks and walking shoes. It wouldn’t have taken much, but this caused my penis to start to come to attention, so I opened the door and walked out to open her door. She got in, and I quickly yet casually pulled away. Once we were out of the neighborhood, it felt like we both finally started breathing, and she giggled delightedly.
“This is so much fun!” she exclaimed.
I nodded and smiled at her. “I’ve been waiting days for you. I feel like my penis is about to explode.”
She laughed at that and I continued driving. We went to the church, where we knew nobody would be in the middle of the night. In fact, once I had found out that we would be meeting at the church building, I visited earlier and secretly unlocked one of the windows. There was no alarm system there, at least in this room. I knew this because I had once sneaked in to use the computer there.
She was very happy that I had made such arrangements, and grabbed her backpack as I opened the door for her. I went through the window first, then took her backpack and helped her into the room. Once she was in, I kissed her straight on the mouth in the dark. She kissed me back, and soon my hands were fumbling with the bottom of her shirt, sliding up and finding her bra-clad breasts. Like a veteran, she didn’t even pause the kiss as I started playing with her amazing breasts. They were so soft, so springy and perky, and her nipples were diamond hard. I squeezed both breasts rather hard, and felt her breathe in suddenly.
“Does that hurt?” I asked.
She paused, swallowed, and said, “No, it’s fine. I just would prefer not to have my bra on if you’re going to play with them so roughly.”
“Lift up your arms, then, Cutie,” I said.
I heard her lift her arms up and then grabbed her hoodie and pulled it easily off. Then, I grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. Finally, I felt her bra to try and figure out if it was a front-close or a back-close. It was a back-close. I didn’t have any difficulty figuring out the clasp and soon lifted her open bra from her torso. I hugged her close. She was so warm, and her skin was so smooth. I brought my hands to the front and mauled her breasts in my hands, jiggling them and pinching her nipples. I even broke the kiss and lowered my lips down to one of them, sticking the nipple in my mouth, and sucking on it while I squeezed it as though trying to suck the whole thing into my mouth. It wasn’t far off, as she wasn’t incredibly big-breasted. She merely played with my hair as I feasted on her mammaries, moving from one nipple to the other, then back again. She let out a sigh of pleasure and I decided it was time to move this production on another step. Plus, I was feeling like my cock was going to explode.
I took off my pants and boxers and then lifted off my shirt. I felt her hands come to my chest and she kissed me on the chin, then adjusted to kiss my lips. She moaned with pleasure and warmth as I continued to fondle her breasts with my hands, jiggling them, pinching the nipples, handling them as she had ever only allowed me to do.
I finally lowered my hands to her skirt and lifted it up so I could slide my hands underneath. I slid her panties off and then started fingering her pussy with my right hand as I returned the other to her right breast with my left hand. I felt her hand lower down to take my hard rod and she started rubbing it.
Breaking our kiss, I said, “Let me lie down and you get on top of me, okay?”
“Okay,” she said, softly, and I took her hand as I lied down and she lied right on top of me, her pussy inches away from my ready cock. I fondled her breasts as she grabbed my penis and positioned it at the entrance of her vagina. Like an experienced lover, she slid herself on it, and raised herself up and down on it to force it to penetrate her inch by inch until it was all the way in. As I continued to squeeze her tits, she did the rest of the work, raising and lowering herself at such a pace that I knew I wouldn’t last very long.
“I’m going to cum inside you soon,” I managed to say. “If you want to go first, you better hurry.” To help her, I focused my attention on her nipples, tweaking them and rubbing them. That got moans from her.
I held back as long as I could, which was just enough as I felt her vaginal walls squeeze, snap, and pull on my ready cock. I unloaded, humping over and over again until it was all inside her. She lowered herself to lie directly on top of me. I could feel her heart beating through her chest. I put my arms around her to hold her close, her head resting on my chest.
“I love you,” I heard her say, softly. She sounded very tired.
“I love you to,” I said. I stroked her hair, lingering slightly on the back of her neck.
After several minutes, I felt her fall asleep on top of me. Idly, I noticed my penis, though softer, was still inside her. The thought of this made me hard again, so I started humping. She didn’t wake, so I kept going, hump after hump, getting harder as I went. Reaching down, I lightly fingered her hiney, and felt another ejaculation coming on. While she yet slept, I came into her again. I was glad I got to again, because I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to see her again.
I pulled myself out when I was finished and woke her up. “We should get you home,” I told her. She nodded and we helped each other dress. When we got a block away from her house, I kissed her. “Goodnight,” I said to her. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said, then went to her house.
As I drove home, I realized her backpack was still in my car, where her feet would have been.

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His First time with a Black Girl

Johnson was over at Chris’s house Chilin drinking some beer. He had invited her over just to have fun, but she didn’t know the fun he was really talking about. He wanted to fuck her brains out of her head. Johnson was a very sexy black girl that drove him crazy at work by flirting with him. He decided after seeing a couple photos of her on her profile that he would take a chance.
Johnson never told anybody but she liked Chris as well. She tried to show him by flirting with him at work but he never made a move until he asked her over that night and she was going make her move. She had on just a very tight pink shirt that was 3 sizes too small. Her tits were begging to get out and Chris noticed this when she walked in. He could clearly see her nipples through her shirt. She also had on a mini jean skirt. It was very sexy and she caught him staring at her all night. The way Johnson was sitting Chris had a clear view inside her skirt and he could see she had no underwear on. When he looked all he saw was her cleaned shaved pussy! He could not take his eyes off her and he was so distracted that he didn’t notice the big bugle in his pants until it was too late.
Johnson was sitting across from Chris so that she could seduce him by showing him her pussy. She had just shaved it before coming over. When she saw Chris looking at her pussy, she felt it getting wet! Having him there staring at her pussy was turning her on! She asked him if there was anything he saw that he like? Before he could answer Johnson Opened her legs up and pulled her skirt up even with her hips exposing her soaking wet pussy to him. He had already gotten up and moved in front of her.
Chris kneeled down in front of Johnson which put her nice black pussy right in front of him. She told him that no matter what he was not to cum inside her that she wasn’t on the pill! He said he would not cum inside her. He took his hand and slowly started rubbing the outside of her already soaked pussy. “ohhhhh yes that feels good chris keep going baby I want you ohh” Chris then push two fingers deep inside her pussy parting the entrance with ease. He slowly started moving in and out of her pussy bringing Johnson closer to a massive orgasm. “ ohhhhhh mmmmmm my god that feels so good Chris, ohhh fuck “ Johnson breathing became rough and she was squirming around from the pleasure, she was going to cum very soon and it was going to be like nothing else she ever felt. In and out his fingers went binging Johnson to the biggest orgasm ever! “ oooohhhhh awwww yeah yeah right there Chris keep going baby right there oh yeah you’re going to make me cum Chris ohhhh yeah awwwwww god Im cumming baby ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit”!! Johnson could not hold back any more she involuntarily thrusted her hips in the air and stream after stream of hot clear cum erupted from her pussy. Johnson had never squirted before, she was all over the floor trying to get herself down from the biggest orgasm she ever had. She was still shaking from it when Chris lowered his tongue down on her soaked pussy to lick the cum off of her pussy and to give her another wild orgasm! He started licking and then went to sucking and before she knew it Johnson was squirting again and it was 10 times more intense this time! Stream after stream after stream of hot clear cum squirted out of her pussy and in his face! Johnson had never felt so much pleasure. She was use to sex and being fucked but no one had ever made her squirt!
Johnson regained her composure and pushed Chris back on the floor, were she proceeded to rub his rock hard cock thru his jeans while trying to get to his monster cock. When she finally got to his cock she was stunned at how big it was. She spit on it and slowly started stroking it! Johnson started slow using more spit to lubricate it and as it became easier the faster she stroked it bring an intense pleasure to Chris, oooohhhhh god Johnson that’s it baby stroke that cock make me cum ohhhhhh yeah! Johnson could tell he was about to explode, she started begging for it “you like that baby cum for me Chris give me your cum give it to me” Johnson hand was stoking it wildly up and down and Chris could not hold back anymore! Ohhhhhhhhh yeah im cummming Johnson oh ye- and with that hot white sperm shot out of his cock stream after stream erupt, the first three giant cumshots landed all over Johnson hand and wrist while the rest land on the floor, the thing was that Johnson did not even give him a break to recover she went straight to sucking his cock, it took a little work to get his whole cock in her mouth but she didn’t stop until his balls were slaping her chin. She didn’t waste no time she wanted his cum in her mouth and she was determined to get it by the way she was sucking his cock! She was going so fast that it was becoming a slobbery mess. Chris was going crazy it felt so good having his cock in Johnson mouth, fucking it! “ohhhhhhh god Johnson suck my cock baby ohh yeah fuck baby ohhhhh yes Johnson your gonna make me cum again baby oh shit right there right there Johnson ohhh im cumin Johnson!” , and for the second time in 10 minutes Chris’s cock was shooting his hot white sperm and he kept cum stream after stream of hot cum shot in her throat. Johnson loved the taste of his cum she swallowed ever drop
Chris laid Johnson oh her back and got on top of her he gave her a kiss and then he pushed his still rock hard cock thru her pussy lips. Johnson was so wet that Chris’s cock slid right in she moaned as he started fucking her hot pink pussy! She loved having his cock fucking her! Ohhhhhhhh Chris fuck my black pussy you know you like it fuck me oh yeah faster Chris faster oh right there baby right there omg your gonna make me cum baby oh go Chris! Chris took his cock out of her pussy and her hips thrusted and the cum started going everywhere she was screaming for him to put his cock back in her and as soon as he did she came again! Chris was very turned on by this and when she came on his cock the second time it was too much! Ohhhh Johnson your pussy feels so good baby ohhh yeah oh shit your pussy ohh god imma cum oh shit and with that before he could pull out his cock erupted once again shot after shot deep inside her pussy! They both laid there for a minute, Johnson had told him not to cum inside her before they started and he had just done that! Johnson looked at her pussy and the cum that was flowing out now she was prolly gonna have another child she got up trying to get the cum out of her pussy! She had gotten some of it out when managed to get his rock hard cock back inside her cum filled pussy and started fucking her again! He was really fucking her fast and furious, and Johnson who put up a little r?stance at first was now yelling and having another orgasm on his cock and the same thing happen again! Chris could not take Johnson pussy cumming on his cock that he came again, inside her filling her pussy up with more of his cum! Shot after shot of hot cum poured out of his cock, it was by far the biggest cumshot of the night stream after stream and Johnson could feel his cum inside her and running down her leg. They could not move and they both pasted out with Chris still inside Johnson pussy and his cum still drizzling out of her pussy.

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A ticket to a real fantasy – Part 2

– “I think I know what you need”… Danny told me that in half whisper. I could hear his voice trembling and all I could do is take a deep breath.
He stood up, knelt in front of me and pulled my hips up his legs. I was still lying on the bed and my arms lied freely above my head as I looked at him and saw him smile.
My back in a perfect bow – he could adjust my body easily to his moves.
Danny grabbed my waist and went all the way inside. His face changed and he closed his eyes.
He didn’t move, just stayed like that and I wanted him to do it again.
“How does it feel baby?” I asked.
– “Ahhh…”…. Oh God!! I wanted him so much!!
I tensed my muscles and pressed the ones near the entrance of my cunny hard and started tensing the ones deep inside rhythmically.
– “Mina!!!”… Danny screamed my name and he wanted to say something more, but he just stopped and looked at me. He bent over me, took my hands and pulled me up so I was close to him again in a tight hug and it was even easier for me to tense the muscles more.
His face was so amazing!!! I loved the way he looked at me.
I wanted to make him enjoy every second we spent together. As he closed his hands around my waist I pushed against him so I could feel him very deep again. I kept tensing my muscles and looked deep into his eyes as I made my pelvis circle very slowly.
Danny kissed my chest tenderly and then started sucking on my right breast. I pulled his chin up a bit and started kissing him while I kept circling faster.
It felt like in heaven.
I couldn’t get enough of his lips and his body. I was in a kind of trance; it felt like we were one body and one heart.
So close together! It was so intimate and exciting!
I stopped moving.
He looked at me, put his hand on my breast and pressed it. “Please, please don’t stop!”
” I won’t stop Danny…”
Slowly, I moved a bit up so he was just a little inside me. I tensed my muscles hard again and pressed my pelvis hard against his again.
– “I can’t hold it!”
“Try just one more second, baby” … I winked and he smiled.
I started moving faster up and down and let him get harder in every time. He got very hard and in that moment I kissed him and felt a warm liquid pouring deep inside me. My body started shivering and I bit his tongue a little. I wanted more, so much more of him!!!
He grabbed my waist and pressed me against him even more and I almost lost my grip as I started coming, but Danny was holding me so tight.
I wanted to scream, to laugh and cry in the same time.
Such a nice feeling in my tummy!
“Oh Danny, it feels so good!” I whispered it to his lips.
(He smiled and I couldn’t stop looking at his eyes and his face. He was just perfect!
He was one of the rare guys that could just go on after an orgasm and that was exactly what I hoped for.)
– “Then you will probably like this!” I saw a hint of that smile again… and in the next second he just turned me around and took me from behind. I loved the way he stretched my cunny on the way in and I had a hard time controlling myself from cumming.
My whole body was on fire. The more he moved the more I wanted him.
” You’re right, I love it!!”
That made him get wilder.
– “I love your pussy, so warm and still so wet from all the com” he laughed and pulled me very hard toward him so I ended up on my knees and with my head on the bed.
Ohhh… he knew how to get me.
I put one hand on my lower back and took his hand that was resting there.
That made it easier for me to move with him. It made him easier to pull me like in a rodeo.
I pulled his hand hard every time he got in and it made him go deeper and deeper. He was holding my waist tight and pulling me. Then he leaned over me, grabbed my breast with one hand and pressed it.
– “Man, you are so soft…..” laughter… I knew that he’s going to say something like… “and you have no clue how sexy your butt looks every time I thrust…”
He slapped my butt and squeezed it as he got in again.
“Oh my God, who’s naughty now??!!” I said and he started laughing again… – “You’re right, I am…” and he thrust his pelvis hard on every word he said. I grabbed his butt and squeezed it too.
I was too excited and I started coming. My body begun to wind and I pushed my body even more against him.
He stopped moving and suddenly went down and started sucking on my pussy. I screamed! His tongue went in and licked all of the com he could get.

It just made me come more! And he didn’t plan to stop licking on me. It was so unreal. I was lying on my tummy and was squeezing the sheet beneath my body. It got soaked by sweat in just a couple of minutes. All I could do was try to breathe and com more. As soon as I stopped I started coming again. Danny’s mouth felt so good. It’s the first time I ever realized that I was multiorgasmic.
It felt like we were doing this forever. And I didn’t want it to end.
“Danny I can’t believe how this feels!!!!”
– “Awww baby… ” he got up and looked at me. “I IS unreal! and… you’re so sweet…. down there I mean” he laughed again.
God, he was sexy!
“Am I? … Let me check something then…”
I pushed him to the bed and knelt between his legs. – “Oh my God, Mina! You sure want this??!”
He looked surprised.
“Of course I want it, or should I miss something that delicious…?”
He took a deep breath and I started licking over his tummy, all the way down to his balls.
I kept stroking tenderly there with my fingers as I slowly let my tongue glide over his dick all the way to the tip. A drop of precum appeared on his tip before I got there.
I closed my lips around the tip and started licking on the lower part of it – at the skinfold. Danny sighed. He grabbed my hand and was holding it harder every time I moved my tongue.
It was hard to do slowly, I wanted him so much.
The way he was breathing showed me how much he enjoyed it.
I relaxed and let him get deeper into my mouth. Then I started moving.
He was very excited. I wanted it so much!
It felt so good to taste him… I started sucking on his dick hard and heard him whisper, almost breathless: “Oh God!!!”
He started coming into my mouth and I couldn’t stop sucking on it. He tasted way too good and I wanted more.
He started stroking over my hair. I looked at him and smiled. “Ready?”
– “You’re not gonna…. “I started sucking on his dick again before he could even finish what he wanted to say.
– “Oh my God, Mina!! What are you doing??!!!”
“Bringing you to heaven baby…”
He smiled and pressed my hand more.
He came too soon first time and I wanted him to enjoy this one. We were both young, and not that experienced, so it was kind of trying out our fantasies. I had no clue what I was doing, so I just tried to follow his reactions and do something that makes him feel that way.
I could feel him get harder again, then I pressed the sensitive spot at his perineum as I felt it twitch.
He closed his eyes as I started moving faster again and pressing harder. I saw that he loved it.
Danny’s body was trembling for a second and all his muscles got so tense as he started coming again in my mouth.
It was even more then the last time and I loved his taste.
I licked the last drop of his com as he lifted his head to have a look at me. He had such a grin on his face!
Danny pulled me up and hugged me very close.
“Don’t know about me, but you are as sweet as honey” I said.
– “Baby I’m so happy!” he whispered…
I kissed his eyes and he pulled me even closer and kissed my lips passionately.
I was lying on him and I also let my head fall to his chest and rest there.
It felt so good …everywhere… on my skin, on my lips, in my body and in my heart. Danny was everywhere and I didn’t want him on any other place then there.
It was afternoon already and we decided to order something from the kitchen, since we were both pretty exhausted.
It would take twenty minutes until it’s there. Just enough time for a shower.
We couldn’t let go from each other. I pulled him to the bathroom and into the shower. It was so tempting to watch him move across the room. His body was so exciting and I loved every move he made.
As we entered the shower and closed the small door we were so close together. There wasn’t much place for us to move.
“Hello there” I said
– “Hello…” …he smiled.
I stroked over his chest, then to the flank, to his waist and his butt. “You feel so good under my fingers”.
He just grabbed my breasts and pressed me against the wall. I let the warm water run over us and the shower was suddenly full of steam. Then I pulled Danny closer and kissed him very slowly. I stroked over his lips with my tongue and then lifted my leg and placed it around his waist while my foot was resting on the wall behind him.
He put his arms on my waist and was holding me in place. I took a shower gel from the small shelf and poured some over my neck and breasts. It had the exciting scent of peaches, mango and a hint of tangerine in it.
I put my hands on Danny’s and moved them to my back so he came closer. He liked the scent on my skin and he bit my ear a little.
I wanted him so much. It was so hard to hold the urges. I came very close to him and wiped my breasts over his chest and tummy till there were lots of bubbles all over our bodies. He got very excited, and he just grabbed my hips and leaned me against the wall when I felt him thrusting hard against me. He was so deep inside!
God! It felt so good!!!
Over and over again… every time was like the first time, the only difference was that my appetite for him grew bigger.
I was all slippery… inside and on the outside. Danny smiled and pushed harder. All I could do was close my eyes and let him get as deep in as he could. I was holding myself on his arms and I could feel every tension he had in his muscles.
I imagined what happened inside me if all his muscles got so hard.
I put both my legs around his hips and pressed hard. Danny started thrusting very fast and in the next second I squirted all over him. He went down a little and bit my left nipple. He looked up to me and I saw that smile and that look in his eyes. Then he bit a little more and I closed my eyes tightly. It hurt but made me all excited again and it needed just few more moves till I started coming again.
I dig my nails into Danny’s biceps and he screamed and then came with me.
I just loved to watch his face when he was loosing all the control and letting his body go.
We heard the doorbell. And someone entered the room.
Must be our order. We were standing very still until we heard the door again.
All I could feel was Danny, inside me and getting hard again.
“Baby, I can’t get enough… any ideas what I should do?” I smiled and looked deep into his eyes…
– “How about trying over and over”
He grabbed me, turned me around and started fucking me from behind. He pressed me against the wall and I lifted my leg up to my chest and was holding it there.
It opened my pussy more to him and he was sliding in and out so hard that I stopped breathing. Then I felt another squirt that was about to burst out and he pressed my nipples very hard again. I screamed his name out!
I just wasn’t sure where we got that energy from. We finally got to rest.
Danny took me and carried me back into the room. I felt so weak and he was smiling as he saw my face.
– “Looks like someone had some fun!” he was laughing again.
And I just couldn’t resist him! He is such a tease!!
“I won’t complain but you look a bit tired too.” I poked him a bit.
– “Of course I am, I mean, we didn’t stop for like 12 hours… ”
Laughter. I hugged him close.
– “Let’s go to bed and see what’s there… I’m starving”
He put his bath robe on took a place on the large bed and I pulled the small carriage closer. Then I seat in front of him and put my legs over his so we had enough place between us to put all the food on the bed.
I took all the plates from the carriage and ordered them between our legs. Danny took a pillow and leaned on it.
He closed his eyes and smiled.
I took a piece of a forest fruits pie, dipped it into the cream and slowly touched his lips with it. He opened his mouth and tasted it. I think he liked it since he smiled again.
In that moment he was just my little angel that needed some rest. And I wanted to make it comfortable for him. And tasty too…
I took different fruit pieces and kept feeding him. Then I slowly moved the plates, took a piece of a peach and bit it. I came closer to him and kissed him. He bit the peach and then kissed me passionately.
Suddenly he grabbed me by my knees and pulled them, so I fell on the bed and was lying there a bit surprised. Danny started laughing and looked at me.
He took a couple pieces of pie and fed me just like I fed him before.
Then he took a half of an apricot, looked into my eyes, looked at the fruit and shoved it into my pussy.
I almost came as he did that. But then I felt his fingers pushing the apricot deeper and moving in and out. He still didn’t have enough…
– “I know” and as he said that, he moved down and started licking around my clit. Then he just sucked on it and that made the pressure in my pussy so hard to stand.
I came so hard and Danny moved down and started licking inside my pussy. Then I felt him sucking very hard on it till he got the apricot out. He took it out and looked at me.
– “Wanna try?” He bit it and then came closer so I could take a bite too.
It was a bit salty and sourly in the same time and then I felt the sweetness of the apricot.
– “You taste so … ahhh… amazing!”
He came up and kissed me. Then he ate the rest of the apricot.
I pulled him and kissed him again. Danny looked at me and smiled.
– “You know… I’m still hungry…”
I saw his hand moving toward the plates again and I just closed my eyes.

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The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: Mary and Diane in the Bathroom

The Devil’s Pact
by mypenname3000
Copyright 2013
The Devil’s Pact Side Story: Mary and Diane in the Bathroom
Note: This takes place in Chapter 6 while Mark and Mary are eating dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse.
There were still hours to kill before I made my Pact with the Devil, tonight. And I was nervous as hell.
Mark suggested Samurai’s Japanese Steakhouse out on Mountain Highway in Spanaway as a pleasant way to take my mind off my worries. The closer to midnight the worst my nerves became. I didn’t think I could eat, but it sounded better than doing nothing. On the outside, the restaurant resemble nothing more than a warehouse. Between the corrugated metal walls and a tin roof made me stare at Mark as if he was crazy. This couldn’t be a nice restaurant. Or even a clean one.
“C’mon, Mare,” Mark said.
Mare was his pet name for me. It was somehow a diminutive of Mary. As if Mary could get any shorter. I mean Mare even has just as many letters. But, I liked it when he called me Mare. And filly, the name he called me when we’re getting frisky. It made me feel like I was wild horse, running free and only a mighty stallion could tame me. I was still struggling to find a nickname for Mark. In bed, I called him my big stallion. But you couldn’t call someone that in public. So I just called him Mark.
Inside the restaurant you wouldn’t know its part of a shitty warehouse. Rice paper walls and dark wood made it seem like a traditional Japanese house. The art on the walls were reproduction Japanese woodcarvings and watercolor painting. Simple, austere pieces of birds, flowers, waterfalls, or Mt. Fuji with a Haiku written in Japanese characters down the side. The waitresses were dressed in simple kimonos, black, with red flowers and cinched with red, wide sashes tied in elaborate bows at the small of the back.
The waitress led us to a circular table with a black, flat grill in the center. Another couple was already sitting there; a boorish man, short and round, his black hair greased back and dressed in an ill fitting, gray suit and red silk shirt without a tie. His date was a very attractive woman, porcelain face surrounded by black ringlets of hair. Her lips were pouty and begging to be kissed, covered in a dark red lipstick. She wore a sleek red dress, fitting tightly to her curves and falling to her ankles. There was a slit up the right side and her gorgeous right leg was clad in black, thigh-high fishnet and held up by a lacy garter belt. With her legs crossed, her right leg was proudly displayed through the slit. She turned as I set down next to her, eyes lighting up with interest. The dress was low cut, with a dipping oval cutout that exposed the snowy curves of her breasts. A ruby encrusted, silver pendant nestled in her cleavage.
“Hi, I’m Diane,” she said, warmly.
“I’m Mary and this is my boyfriend, Mark,” I introduced, smiling warmly at Diane.
“I’m Keith,” the boorish man said. He started to say something, when his phone started to ring. Without even excusing himself, he answered the phone, turning away from Diane and talking quietly.
“That’s the second time he’s done that,” Diane complained to me.
“Have you been dating long?” I asked.
She shook her head. “First date, and let me tell you it’ll be the last one. I think I’m done with online dating for a while.”
I giggled. “Well, I’ll keep you company, anyway,” I said, adjusting my posture to emphasize my chest in the white, corset dress I was wearing. I saw her eyes flicker down at my cleavage for a moment and a ghost of smile play on her red lips.
Keith hung up the phone and immediately started badgering Mark about sports, mainly the Seattle Seahawks. Mark clearly wasn’t a sports guy, unlike my ex-boyfriend, Mike, and he muddled along as best he could. Keith didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he just didn’t care, and started going in on a tirade about how this year the Seahawks were going to the Super Ball and that the refs better screw them over like last time. Not once did Keith acknowledge his date at all. What an asshole.
A waitress took our orders and a few minutes latter a Japanese chef arrived with a tray full of cooking supplies. He oiled the grill and started impressively dicing the meat and vegetables, tossing food into the air. He was quite talented, making funny jokes. It was clearly a well rehearsed and pretty impressive performance. He somehow sliced an onion and stacked it into a cone with some amazingly fast knifework, and then steam started to pour out the top, like a little onion volcano. I clapped my hands, delightedly, and then set one causally on Diane’s thigh.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Diane smile at me, grabbing a piece of grilled meat with her chopsticks and popping it into her mouth. Mark saw my hand on her thigh and winked at me, squeezing my own thigh supportively. Diane shifted in her seat causing my hand to slip down between her thighs; she smiled even more broadly.
Feeling real bold, I turned towards Diane, allowing my short skirt to ride up and spread my legs, flashing my naked pussy at her. Diane held up a piece of meat on her chopsticks and said, “You just have to try this.” As she brought it to my lips, her other hand slipped down and rubbed deliciously at my vulva for a moment and I moaned appreciatively. Her finger’s came away damp and she licked them, savoring my flavor.
“I gotta use the restroom,” Diane said, causally. Her date was on his phone for the third time and didn’t seem to even hear her.
“I’ll join you,” I answered, just as causally.
I kissed Mark as I rose and he whispered, “Have fun.” Mark was a great guy, very understanding. I’m glad I decided to stay with him.
In the bathroom, Diane wasted no time, pushing me up against the counter and plunging her tongue into my mouth. I sat up on the counter and wrapped my legs around her hips, my skirt riding up. I shoved my hand down her blouse and played with her firm, naked breast and hard nipple. I felt her nipple and marveled at how fat it was as I rolled it between my fingers. Diane loosened the laces on my corset and my breast popped out and she bent down, kissing my freckled orbs and then sucking one of my tiny, dusky nipples into her mouth. Her lips were firm and gentle she felts so good nursing my tit.
There was a gasp and we froze, my nipple in Diane’s lips, my hand down her blouse, as one of the waitress walked in. Her olive skinned flushed and she looked down at the floor and quickly walked into the stall. Their was the rustle of fabric and then she started peeing. I was disturbed by how erotic the sound was and was glad Diane started sucking at my nipple again, distracting me.
“Are you always this eager to fuck strange women in a bathroom?” I asked as she stroked my thigh.
“When I go clubbing, I love fucking strange women in the bathroom,” she moaned and then sucked my other nipple into her mouth.
“What about your date?” I asked, confused.
“I’m bi,” she answered. “Girls are fun, but I prefer men for long-term relationships.” She slid down and spread my thighs and licked up my wet slit. “What about you? You left your date quick enough.”
I thought for a moment and realized that I was bisexual as well, all Mark’s doing. “Mark knows what we’re doing,” I answered. “He likes watching me with other women. Sometimes we share them or watch each other. It’s so hot!”
There was a soft moan from the stall. I smiled, realizing the waitress was masturbating.
“Wow, wish I had a guy that special,” Diane said, then stuck her tongue deep into my pussy
“Lick my clit, you fucking slut!” I moaned, wanting the waitress to know what was going on. “Eat my pussy, you nasty whore.” Diane seemed to like the dirty names, because her tongue was really digging into my pussy. I shuddered on her face when she suddenly nipped my clit. “Oh, you’re making me cum! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I gripped her curly, black hair and flooded her mouth with my juices.
Diane stood up, face smeared with my juices. I kissed her, enjoying my musk on her lips, spicy and sweet. “God, you’re a squirter,” Diane said, breathlessly.
“Fuck, you know your way around a pussy!” I panted and she smiled, proudly.
I pushed Diane back against a tiled wall and slid down, pushing her skirt to the side to find her a lacy, black thong. I pulled it off and her pussy was covered by curly, black hair, neatly trimmed, her pussy wet and pink at the center. She smelled tangy and sweet and I ran my tongue through the forest of black hair and across her juicy labia. She tasted heavenly.
“Ohh, you’re tongue is nice, cuntrag!” Diane moaned. “Eat my sloppy pussy until I cum all over your slutty face!”
There was another muffled groan from the waitress in the stall as I dug my tongue deep into the warm wetness of her pussy. My hands gripped her firm ass, pulling her had against my mouth, stuffing my tongue as deep as I could inside her. She writhed, fucking herself on my tongue, smearing juices all over my face.
“God, you’re a good muff diver!” Diane moaned. “Fuck that nasty tongue up my twat, you fucking cuntrag!”
She grabbed my hair and ground her pussy on my face, using me as a fucktoy. It was so nasty, and my own snatch getting itchy again. I slipped a finger down and started fingering my own pussy, digging in deeply and searching for my G-Spot. Diane was moaned wordlessly, shuddering on my face and her pussy contracting on my tongue. I found my G-Spot and joined Diane in a mind-numbing, shuddering orgasm.
“That was amazing!” she purred, letting go of my hair. I stumbled back, falling spread leg on the floor.
“Yeah!” I stood up, brushing dirt from my ass and stumbled to the sink, my legs weak from my intense orgasm.
I turned on a faucet and started to rinse the pussy juices off my nose and cheeks, leaving some on my lips for Mark to taste. Diane joined me, she looked just as messy as I did. The toilet flushed and the waitress slowly walked out, flushed and breathless. There was a shy smile on her face and she washed her sticky fingers off in the third sink.
“We should get back,” I said. “Before your date misses you.”
Diane rolled her eyes. “He’s probably still on the phone. Christ, what a dick!”
The waitress snorted in laughter and we eyed her. She looked shyly away and finished washing her hands and walked out of the bathroom.
“We should do this again,” I suggested, watching the waitress’s shapely ass through the kimono before she disappeared through the door
“Yeah, I’ll take you to this hot club, the Clam Diver and we’ll have a lot of fun in the bathroom,” she said. “No boyfriends, though, it’s a girls only kinda place.”
“Sure, sounds fun.” We swapped phone numbers, kissed one last time.
Keith was still on the phone and hardly noticed that Diane returned. Mark stood up and I kissed him, letting him taste Diane’s delicious cunt. “Thank you,” I whispered as he held out my chair, like a gentleman.
Mark smiled. “You seemed more relaxed.”
I speared a slice of steak and realized as I chewed that Mark was right. I felt more relaxed. I was having so much fun with Diane that I completely forgot about the fact I was about to sell my soul to the Devil. Diane was very a special woman and I wondered what are next liaison would be like. I smiled and speared some diced vegetables and popped them into my mouth.

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