Consensual Sex

Harry’s Christmases Part 3

Sorry I wrote this to be one story, but had a brain fart and broke it into three parts. and after looking at the second part I think I need to do a rewrite later. Hope you enjoy the conclusion of Harry’s Christmases
Harry’s Christmases Part 3
That first kiss, their lips met and pressed softly together, Hermione could feel her heart speeding up, the rush of heat from her lips to her toes, she almost felt faint, but not, her eyes were closed, but swirls and swirls of color danced around her, she could hear music, beautiful music and rockets. Harry had his arm around her holding her to him, she could feel him holding it was pure heavenly. ‘Oh sweet Maeve! Harry’ she opened her mouth and push her tongue to his lips, which parted as she licked his, their tongues met and fondled each other. ’God if he asked I’d give him my virginity right here’ she thought, ‘Where did that come from’ . When they ran out of air they broke. “Oh Harry” she whispered
He whispered “Hermione I, I …”
“Harr..” and they kissed again.
Several people walked by, just looking at the entangled couple. They were totally impervious to the world around them. Lavender Brown walked thru and smiled, ‘Ron’s mine now’ and danced up the stairs.
Finally they broke again and looked into each other eyes, not saying a thing, then Hermione spoke “Harry, I love you“.
“and I love you Hermio..”
And they kissed deeply again feeling each others soul. When they broke this time Harry settled back into the corner of the loveseat and Hermione moved too turning and resting her back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. After a few moments, “page six I believe, my love”
“Yes Harry” and she opened the book, they read two pages and kissed, one page and kissed, then two, then one and one and one, then sleep slowly over took them, and that‘s where Ron found them the next morning. Harry was half laying on the loveseat and Hermione was curled up on top on him as Harry held her.
What’s the Bloody Hell!!” he yelled, waking the couple.
“huh what oh hi Ron” Hermione said
“Harry yawned “hi “
“What do you mean hi, why are you holding Hermione like that” he barked
“Because I want him to Ron, go have breakfast” Hermione answered in that matter of fact voice of hers, snuggling into Harry.
“Huh… What” the look on Ron face utter bewilderment, then he turned and stormed off.
“That went well” Harry said
“He’ll get over it, I’m sure Lav will jump at the chance to get him and I hope she does, I got what I want” and kissed him.
“Hungry my love” Harry asked
“For you” and kissed him again “but lets clean-up and change then go have breakfast”
“Meet you here in ten” Harry helping her up
“Fifteen please”
“Oh ok.. as long as you need love, just don’t keep me waiting too long, someone might get me” Harry popped off.
“not a chance you’re mine.. now”
“Yes my love”
And off they went, he to the boys , she to the girls.
Victoria met Hermione as she was entering the shower “Hey Hermione that was you with Harry last night, did you both sleep in the common room, your bed was empty, is he a good kisser it sure looked that way, you two going together now, what about Ron, and Ginny, is he good…”
“You said that”
“never mind, yes he’s the best and yes we did sleep, that was all, and yes he is and yes we’re going together, he’s mine, Lav can have Ron and Gin has Dean, now if you’ll excuse me I need to clean-up and meet my Harry for breakfast”
Eight minutes later Harry was in the common room waiting. A few minutes later down the step came his angel. Her hair was still damp and sort of laid back, she had on a tight pair of jeans and very sexy blouse, vee-necked showing a bit of cleavage. Harry’s pulse rate went up, she had a hint of lipstick and eye liner.
“God Hermione you’re beautiful, I mean you always were but… wow”
“Thank you Harry” and kissed him “Lets eat”
“First lets dry that hair, don’t want you getting sick” and wave his wand drying it”
“But Harry” Her hair popped back to normal
“I love it this way, it’s you” and kissed her “and I love you”
“Oh Harry” she moaned and kissed him “you oh Harry… Lets eat”
It was Saturday morning and not ever one was up yet, but those who were, stopped and looked at the newest Hogwarts couple walk in Hand-in-Hand, their eyes for each other. They watch Hermione sit first, then Harry sit beside her. And they kissed lightly, then Harry help her fill her plate then his and they ate, sometimes feeding the other. Everyone stared. Ron was stunned, angry, confused not sure what he was, until Lavender slipped next to him and placed her hand on his thigh, and whispered in his ear “Don’t they make a cute couple Ron”
“Huh yea I guess” He whinged gripping his fork.
Lavender light squeezed his groin and he seemed instantly to forget them and turned to her and whispered “Keep that up and I may have to shag you right here”
“Lets find a empty broom closet” she whispered and nibbled his ear, Ron left a half empty plate, his second of course.
There was a Quidditch game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin after breakfast. Hermione asked Harry if he want to go watch, he looked at her for a moment, “Why not, a blanket a couple of drinks, sandwiches, the book and you, what a perfect day”
“Harry if we take the book we may not watch much of the game”
“Oh oh ok Harry” she purred.
“Oh I need to go to Gringotts next chance, I want to get you a ring, to show the world you’re mine”
“A a ri.. ring” and she jumped on him giving him a Hermione hug, followed by a deeper kiss. After a few minutes they broke and headed to the common to get their winter robes. Harry called Dobby and asked for a wicker basket with blankets, sandwiches, and a thermos with mafted mulled cider for an outing. And shortly they were off to the Quidditch pitch.
They didn’t make it to the pitch however, they stopped at the end of the tree line and placed the blankets, and Harry sat against a tree facing the pitch, Hermione sat in front of him and laid back on his chest, covered themselves waist down with one if the blankets, she then cast a warming spell, handed him a drink and pulled out their book. Page one, they almost made chapter two, between the kissing, before the game was over. Ron and Lavender walked up. Hermione had half rolled over and their lips were locked together as tongues caressed each the others, and wrapped in each others arms.
‘damn she never snogged me like that’ … “Hey Harry… huh you and Hermione want to go inside, it’s past time for dinner and it’s getting colder” Ron interrupting them.
“Oh hi Ron, is it.. hadn’t noticed, shall we my love” Hermione said sweetly
‘my love??’ Ron looked at her ‘she called him ‘my love’
“Sure yes if you wish love” and Harry slipped out from behind her and helped her up receiving a kiss. They turned and hand-in-hand walked towards the school
“Huh what about” and Ron pointed to the blankets and basket, the only thing they picked up was the book.
Lavender said “Ron they’re newly in love, leave them alone, here carry this” and handed him the basket after wave packing everything inside. They followed the happy couple, well that is after Lavender kissed her Ron and whispered she was getting randy again.
“it’s such a lovely day isn’t it” Ron was heard to say.
Later they sat in the common in front of the fire, Hermione had changed her clothes again, this time into a baggy blouse and a soft comfortable skirt. She had placed their book carefully in her trunk.
She had ask Harry if he wanted to read some more and surprisingly he said “No, tonight I want just to hold you in my arms, no distractions, just you and me in front of the fire” she smiled, her heart leaped.
When she came down, there was her Harry sitting on the loveseat, with two mugs of cider, with cinnamon sticks laying on a small plate beside, waiting for her. She sat on his lap and kissed him “mmmmm. Harry cider and cinnamon have you been reading my books”
“Huh no just seemed right… as this” and kissed her.
‘Oh god yesss Harry’ her inner voice sang.
They kissed and stirred the cider with the cinnamon sticks and sipped, she snuggled up against him as he held her and kissed and sipped and watched the fire, there wasn’t twenty words spoke.
A short while later Hermione pulled Harry’s hand under her blouse and Harry lightly rubbed her bare mid-section and they kissed. Hermione could feel Harry’s excitement under her. Shortly she moved his hand to her bra-less breast, wordlessly telling him, she was his and it was ok. She moaned as the first male even touch her. He kissed her again and he carefully, softly fondled her. Her knickers were soaking. He broke their kiss, she looked deep into his eyes and purred “Oh Harry, my love” as he lightly pinched her harden nibble, she moaned and nibbled her lower lip. After another lingering kiss, she laid back enjoying Harry’s hand.
Someone walked in, Harry didn’t jerk away his hand, just held it still cupping her, the blouse hid all, as Neville sat and talked to the couple for a time. To Hermione it was heavenly, her love was holding her intimately as they talked to their friend. He finally left them alone again and they kissed. She thought to herself ‘Oh Harry if we were somewhere private’ she kissed him again ‘God my knickers are dripping wet’ .
They once again fell asleep there as the noise died and the fire crackled.
Next morning Victoria gently shook Hermione “Again? Do we need to move your bed down here”
Harry said quietly ”Could you” the girls giggled.
Then Ron came in “Damn Harry do you ever plan to sleep in your bed again“,
Hermione blushed
“I’m hungry, anyone seen Lav”
“I’ll see if she’s up “ said Victoria.
“No I’ll go.. I need to freshen up and you should too, my love” as Hermione stood up, after Harry undetected by the others had slipped his hand from under her blouse, much to both dismay. Harry rose and walked her to the stairs, she kissed him and up she went.
“Bloody hell Harry you got it bad don’t you”
“Got what” Harry said looking up as Hermione disappeared “Oh… yea” and went to loo and shower.
Harry was waiting when Lavender and Hermione came down. Hermione gave him a quick kiss.
“Oh Lavender, Ron said he’ll be at breakfast and ask you to join him”
“Ask, sure he did, but thanks Harry” and started to get a quick peck, but stopped, then she looked at Hermione, Hermione smiled that smile ‘mine’, but nodded so Lav quickly pecked his cheek.
“Breakfast my love” Hermione asked
“Are you on the menu, if so most assuredly.” Harry said hugging her, before releasing her.
“Harry” she cooed. And took his hand as she kissed him again ”Maybe” and off they went to Sunday morning meal. .
The ones who didn’t see them the day before, watched in wonderment as the two lovingly Gryffindors fed each other, between quick kisses, not all were that quick.
“Hey Harry, Hermione we’re going to Hogsmeade, you two coming” Ron asked. Lavender was holding his hand.
“Yes Harry lets”
“Ok we’re coming, Hermione needs her winter robe, I’ll grab my scarf.. we’ll be right down”
Hermione changing robes, picked up her scarf and without thinking slipped their book into her robe pocket. She met Harry at the foot of the girls stairs. And arm in arm out they went, meeting Ron and Lavender. Neville, Luna, Victoria, and the Patil twins along with Susan Bones were in the entrance also and they all walked into Hogsmeade.
They had a wonderful time, stopped at Honeyduke’s first for treats and sweets, after which they split-up, Ron to Zonko’s with Lavender and Neville. Victoria, Susan and the twins off to some dress shop. Harry asked Luna if she would like to go with them to the Book shop. You could tell she wasn‘t sure, but Hermione grabbed her arm “You’re coming with us, it‘ll be fun”, Harry took her other arm and off they went. They enjoyed going thru the books. Luna was so happy, being with friends, ‘friends,’ and even found a book, the title of ‘The Sly and Hidden Magical Creatures Handbook’. She squealed in happiness as she clutched the book to her chest.
They paid for their books and retreated to Madam Puddifoots for tea and cakes. Luna was engrossed reading her upside down book. ’how does she read that way’ Hermione said to herself, shaking her head slightly, before she and Harry began reading their book. Two and a half whole chapters, before Lavender drug Ron and Neville in. Ron was going on about something.
Hermione moved to Harry’s lap to give a chair to Neville, Ron sat in the last and Lavender sat on his, she shifted once.
Hermione laid back against Harry as she felt him under her again getting excited. ‘Oh sweet Maeve!’
They had a lovely tea, even with Ron’s prattle, before bundling up to head back to Hogwarts.
That night they did their schoolwork to the enjoyable nagging of Hermione and Ron grumbling and Lavender assisting Hermione to make Ron to his, then Lavender kissed Ron good night and each when up. Harry and Hermione were the last two in the common, after kissing several times goodnight, Harry watch her as she climbed the stairs, she turned and looked at Harry, then ran down and jumped into his arms and kissed him. They ended up spending the night on the couch, partially under a conjured blanket, Hermione laying on top of him, her head nuzzled into his shoulder as he held her.
They woke next morning when Lavender, still in her nightshirt, and showing Harry some of what Ron enjoys regularly now, shook them as she whispered to Hermione “ why don’t you just move in to his room at least it would be a bed”
Hermione glowed red blushing. She kissed Harry and ran upstairs to shower.
“and you mister go clean-up, Hermione deserves a clean and presentable boyfriend” before she headed up too.
Minutes later a loo’d, showered, freshly dressed Harry waited
Ron walked by shaking his head as he headed for breakfast.
The week pasted Harry and Hermione were together as much as possible, she watched as he practiced and they did their school work together, of course Ron was always asking questions as usual.
The one that surprised Hermione was when Ron ask, “Harry when did you start fancying Hermione?”
“First of September 1991, just too stupid to know”
“Oh.. huh” the confused Ron trying to count it out.
“Oh Harry” and she gave him a kiss..
Friday evening arrived, after supper Harry and Hermione sat cuddling in the Astrometry Tower looking at the stars, in between kisses, Hermione had cast warming spells and they held each other. As they kissed Harry hand began to roam, he found she was without a bra again and both enjoyed his manipulations. Hermione’s hand slip onto his groin and found a sizeable lump in Harry’s trousers, they both moaned into the others mouth. When they heard someone on the stairs, they moved their hands away from the enjoyable area’s of each and kissed softly.
Then “Ooo enjoying ourselves are we” Draco sneered.
Harry already had his hand holding his wand, Hermione whispered “Don‘t“.
Pasty “Oh leave them alone, Drac and kiss me”
“We’ll just leaving” Hermione said and took Harry by the hand pulling him away.
“That’s right Potter run away, listen to your ….” Pasty kissed him, before he said something to rile Potter, she had other plans for Draco, and watching him and Potter fight wasn‘t one.
On the stairs Harry was fuming till Hermione said softly “leave it Harry, he’s not worth the trouble”
And kissed him.
They looked for another place to be alone together, but there wasn’t any. In fact ’The Broom Closet” appeared to have several couple waiting outside it, pressed into the coves around it, as they passed by. So they returned to the common and found their loveseat empty and cuddled, however Neville, Colin, Seamus, and Cormac playing snaps and didn’t allow any privacy. They enjoyed being together close, hugging and kissing anyway. They finally went to own dorms, even though it was early morning the boys were still at it, to shower and bed.
Saturday morning no classes, a happy Harry waited in the common for Hermione as usual, Ron was waiting for Lavender.
“You know this is your fault”
“What… What’s my fault”
“Having to wait breakfast”
“Huh.. what”
“Oh Lav been griping, Harry always waits for Hermione, Harry does this for Hermione, Harry does that for Hermione, Harry sit her first, Harry does this, geezze Harry all the girls are ragging their boyfriends, Damn Harry.. Hermione got you whipped or somethin”
“No.. she doesn’t.. I do what I do because I want to, for the girl I love, I enjoy seeing her happy and when she’s happy I’m happy”
“You shagging her?”
“Excuse me” Harry gave his friend a dirty look.
“Are you shagging her, you must, can‘t get a piece of parchment between you two most time and as much as your up her backside you must be.”
Harry grit his teeth, before he hurt Ron, a moment later
“Ron weather I am or not is surely none of your business and I would appreciate if you wouldn’t ask again.” in that tone, Ron knew to drop it.
Hermione and Lavender were just out of sight up stairs hearing every word.
“just don’t be so I don’t know so..”
“Attentive, helpful, loving, trying to make her happy, please her, what?”
“I don’t know, just stop it will you, everyone griping”
“Let them gripe, I love Hermione and I’m so lucky she loves me, and I don’t feel I’m doing anything wrong, and you know me, if I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t”
“yea I know… just don’t”
And Hermione stepped into view “Hi boys waiting long”
Lavender right behind. As she walks down past Hermione, Hermione heard “and none for the jerk today”
Lav stopped at the bottom and waited until Ron stepped to her and kissed her “morning Ronald”
Ron twitched he knew she was pissed about something, but what. But he was hungry and had waited long enough.
“morning Lets eat I’m starved” he led Lavender off.
“Hi Harry “ Hermione softly spoke
“Hi Mione” and they kissed.
“What was Ron on about”
“Oh you know Ron, he’s just being Ron, hungry my love”
“For you my love”
“Huh, oh”
“Lets eat you need your strength” and they headed for the great hall.
Quidditch today was between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Harry didn’t want to go to the pitch, too noisy, didn‘t feel like hearing all that noise today.. too crowded. Tomorrow they could go to Hogsmeade, so.
“Fancy a walk, maybe along the lake” Hermione ask
“Anywhere with you my love”
The couple drifted down by the lake, it was a little coolish, and the wind was just lightly stirring. Harry held her to him. As they walked along the shoreline they stumbled upon a clearing among the bush line and the old stone blocks, that look like an old wall at one time, actually it was a small niche like spot, three side thick bush the open side facing the lake, a large tree protruding from the back edge. They laid the large blanket, Harry sat on, his back against the tree, Hermione sat between his legs, facing away from him and leaned back, Harry wrapped his arms around her, she cast a warming spell and pulled an edge of the blanket over them. Harry’s hand laid on her mid section once again, under her robe, but on the outside of her blouse. Hermione sighed and opened their book.
After a few pages, she reached down and pulled her blouse up slightly allowing Harry’s hand to now rub her bare skin. A few more pages and she said softly “Harry my love I’m not wearing a bra” as she turned and kissed him. Minutes later she turned to read and Harry’s hand found a hard nipple, she cooed, he fondled one then the other, they read another half page, before she turned and pulled Harry off the side of the tree and laid on top of him. They kissed as Harry pulled the blanket edge back over them. “Oh Harry” they kissed, she could feel his excitement again. “Harry… make love… to me.. I want… you inside” between kisses.
“Yes my love, but first I want to taste you” as he rolled them over and disappeared into the blanket.
She raised her hips to allow her panty to be removed. She felt his hot breathe on her skin, she moaned joyously. She bit her lip to keep from screaming in pleasure as Harry’s tongue gave her, her first male induced orgasm. She knew he would be the father of her children someday.
Harry had never tasted anything like it, sweet, oh so sweet with a hint of tangiest, he could drink her nectar all day and still want. He wanted more now and kept at her, as her second orgasm shot thru her she grabbed him and pulled him up and kissed him, tasting herself. As she reached down and undid his trousers, Harry pulled them down and Hermione soft hand found him. They moaned, he gritted his teeth to keep from spewing, she felt him trembling and dove under the blanket and took him into her mouth.
“Oh God Hermione” he moaned, shortly oh too shortly he filled her mouth with the first load ever, other
by his hand. She took it all, swallowing greedily. ‘sweet Maeve he seems huge’ never seeing a real one before she wasn‘t sure.
She slid up to his lips and kissed him as she held him in her hand, he never soften a bit. “Harry, my love do you want on top or shall I”
“What do you think how huh I don’t know”
“Harry you’re a virgin too, my love”
“yes… too.. you’re a virgin.. I‘I thought”
“Yes my love, I’m a virgin, I’ve been saving myself for the rigt.. forYou… and no one has even done what you’ve done to me or about to” and she straddled him guiding him to her.
“Oh God Hermione”
“Harry oooh”
She was stretched oh so loving stretched, the pain pasted, but was worth every moment of, as she lower herself onto Harry, the man she loved. They kissed as she yelped into his mouth and became a woman, his woman and he her man, when filled and their pelvic areas was as close to one as you can get, she stopped. Feeling him inside her for the first time, She could feel his heart beat, she heard his moan and see the sparkle in his eyes.
“I love you Harry”
“And I love you Hermione my love… and ..and someday I want you to be my wife”
“Yes Harry, yes I’m yours now and always”
And they made love, sweet wondrous marvelous love, Hermione grinding her body on him and he slowly rising his hips back and forth, pushing her thru orgasm after orgasm. She tighten on him each time she came, ‘ ‘Oh sweet Maeve’ as she built for the best yet as she held back, then she ground into him hard and found his lips and he thrusted up into her, she spasmed on him as she climaxed and screamed into his mouth, she felt him grow inside her and twitch as his seed filled her womb, that hot sperm pulsing into her, she orgasmed again. The world was full of sparkling colors and stars, she heard music her favorite from her childhood and she knew what true love was. They both blacked out for a moment or two or ten, not sure.
She heard “I love you Hermione Granger, you are my heart and soul forever” and was kissed before she could answer.
When they broke their lips, but Harry was still inside her. She replied “and I love you Harry Potter with my heart and soul forever my love, I’m yours even after death”
“And I yours for eternity, so mote it be” and a bright golden aura enveloped them.
In the Halls of Records deep in the Ministry, the book of recorded marriages, betrothals, bonds and intent bonds on the daily ledger read the following;
Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger obligatory conjugal. 10 January 1996 11:47a.
“Harry what was that, you saw it didn’t you”
“Yes I did it sort of surround us you and me, us”
“Harry do you think maybe our magic…huh.. Well”
“I don’t know… but if it did, all I have to say is I love magic and you Mrs. Potter”
“Mrs. Potter, you really think I’m Mrs. Potter.. Hermione Potter sounds nice doesn’t it”
“Sounds wonderful to me… oh “ Harry looks a little sad.
“What wrong Harry”
“What if just something else and we’re just wishful thinking”
“Harry I don’t know, but if it just wishful thinking, we’ll just have to make it a reality as soon as we can, my love”
“Yes my love Mrs. Hermione Jean Potter”
“Oh Harry, my love, my husband.. Harry make love to me again”
“of course my love just as often as I can”
Hermione still sitting in Harry’s lap ask Father Christmas. “Chris I want to ask you something about the book, did you charm it or something, I mean I’m won’t be upset if you did I was just wondering”
“Well there is a charm on the book, but before you say anything, it’s not a love charm or any other charm to make someone attracted to another, I don’t work that way”
“Oh then what”
“It’s a heart reveling spell, I call it ‘The You to Yourself charm‘”
“ you to yourself I don‘t understand.”
“All the charm does is open your heart so you know who you truly wish, to read the book with, when you open it. That’s all, it just shows who, nothing more. And if anything progresses from that, it’s of your own choosing, your own heart, hearts. In fact once the book helps you find your friend and the two of you begin to read the spell is over, till the next new owner opens it for the first time. I would never push two people together. The book just gives a nudge to the direction of your heart.”
“Oh I see, a good charm, a very good charm”
“And I don’t give the book often, only when I see the need” as he smiled.
A moment later.
“Chris, then why Hermione, not that I’m complaining, in fact I thank you for doing so, but why her” Harry asked.
“Well Harry, years ago when you ask me to stop giving you anything again, I did as you asked, but I’ve been watching you for years, looking for a way to correct my mistake”
“Chris it wasn’t your fault, you were just being you, spreading joy. You didn‘t know my uncle”
“I know, but I watched and realized why you asked, you taught me a valuable lesson, sometimes it best to watch better and to leave somethings alone ”
Hermione stared at the two puzzled.
“Hermione.. you don’t know what happen, I can tell by that look. Harry never told you… I should have known” Chris smiled.
“Told me what?”
“Hermione my love, you know about my uncle and how he was. Well years ago….” and he told her of the first seven Christmases of Harry Potter and the seventh when he ask Chris never to give him a present again.
She kissed her husband ‘Uh that horrid monster”
“It’s over and done with, Mione. It’s in the past”
“As I was saying Harry, I watched over you for years, looking for a way to redeem myself, not only for you, but me as well”.
Harry started to say something, Father Christmas continued.
“I could see plainly the love you had for Hermione, but wasn’t sure how to express it properly, neither one of you actually. You both were limited in matters of the heart. Harry not knowing any and Hermione knowing only her family and books and what she read… Her secret desire to be swept off her feet by the dashing captain or knight or such.”
Hermione blushed
“As I watch Hermione, I noticed how she sparkled when she first saw you after being apart for a while. And how you looked when someone else took her attention. I saw the slight hurt in her, when you kissed or paid attention to one of the other girls.
The trouble was you both were too wrapped up in your best friendship to see each other. And I thought of the book and how it would put the two of you together in a way part from the others, even if only for a short time and maybe you would find each other, as each hoped… And I’d have to say it was one of my better ideas and obliviously worked as I hoped it would.”
“Yes it did, thank you Chris, do you want the book back?”
“Oh no I have others, you keep it and pass it on. especially if you see someone in need or save it for your daughter or son girlfriend” casting a glance at Hermione mid-section.
Hermione smiled.
Dobby followed by Winky pop in quietly, with egg-nog for five.
“Hello Dobby, Winky Happy Christmas”
“Happy Christmas Father Christmas” they said in unison
“Happy Christmas old friends” Harry and Hermione said
“Happy Christmas Ma…” and Harry gave them that look
Happy Christmas Harry, misses Potter” and the five sat, sipped egg-nog and watched the fire and chatted of things past and possible things to come.
After the egg-nog was gone and the hour drew late, well wee in the morning.
“Well I need to be heading home, the misses will worry, later Harry, nice to have met you Hermione, Dobby and you Winky, Happy Christmas” and he vanished.
“Good night Dobby, Winky Happy Christmas”
Happy Christmas” and they disappeared.
Hermione turned to her husband “Harry James Potter as long as I’ve known you, you still surprise me, you know Father Christmas, you’ve known him for years, do you know how many kids would love to meet him, and you’re on first name bases with him..”
“We’re on first name, after all Mione, you’ve met him too and..”
Oh you”
“yes my love”
Yes my love
“Oh kiss me”
“Ye…” and they kissed.
Next morning Harry and Hermione found three new presents under the tree; a box of 25 little green and 25 little black plastic solders, a red fire brigade truck, and box with four matchbox cars.
Happy Christmas Harry,

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Couldn’t help myself

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a different dream

time I can’t stop thinking about it I’ve never had this urge before. I want to tie him up I want to tease him until he begs me to let him cum. I want to have total control of him.

Our First Meeting part 2

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Toms frustration 3

It was the overhead kick scored by Joe Cole that made the score England 12, Germany 0 in the World Cup Final when Tom got bored of the game he was playing. He knew he should play it on a more difficult setting or get a completely new one but he was addicted to the Play Station’s Pro Evolution Soccer. He threw the controller down next to him and bent over to flick the switch on the back of the console to turn it off. He hadn’t seen his girlfriend for over a week now after her father had grounded her for getting home so late one evening with no explanation. It was still the school holidays so Tom hadn’t even got to see Sophie at school either. He’d lost count of the amount of times he’d wanked since he last saw her. If it had been any other girl that he was seeing, anyone other than Sophie he would have fucked other girls until he got to see her again. Sophie was different. It had taken Tom a month to “crack” her and the last time he had seen her was the night he had at last taken her virginity. He wanted more and didn’t dare risk losing Sophie just for a quick shag with some tart who thought more of herself than she should. He’d had too many girls like that.
Tom picked up his laptop and navigated to one of his favourite porn sites with the intention of beating himself off again. Like any other 15 year old boy, he was obsessed with sex and sometimes wanked off up to 5 times a day if he couldn’t fuck a girl. He’d just started to download a movie clip of two dirty looking whores taking a huge facial from some over-weight dude when there was a knock on his bedroom door. “Yeah?” he responded as if to give permission to the visitor to enter as he minimized all the windows he had open in front of him. “Can I come in?” It was his sister, Nikki who had come to stay for a week as it was the school holiday. She lived with her father a small distance away and had done so since the divorce of her parents.
Nikki entered the room after being told to do so and stood in the doorway. She was wearing white denim three quarter length trousers that hugged her shapely legs and ass tightly. Her blue t-shirt was equally as tight with a plunging neck line revealing a very tidy cleavage and the straps of her black bra at the shoulders. “You going out this evening?” she enquired in the hope she could tag along with him. Tom didn’t like Nikki coming along when he went out with his friends because they all wanted to fuck her and made no secrets about it. Nikki did nothing to deter the attention from them, in fact she loved it. Attention from the older boys was so much better than from the boys of her age. Even though there was only about a one year age gap, the boys her age seemed a whole lot more immature. “Nah, not tonight” Tom lied. “Chris and all the others are going down to the arcade and I aint got no money” he continued trying to make it sound convincing. “Aww, I’m bored” Nikki moaned “and that fucking Cheryl is downstairs with mum.” Tom didn’t know exactly why Nikki didn’t like Cheryl but thought it might be to do with the fact that she did seem to monopolise their mothers free time. “Cant me and you do something?” she pleaded with pouted lips, the look she always used when she wanted to get her own way. “Told you”, Tom retorted “I’m broke.” Nikki pouted harder and walked over to the bed where Tom was sat and flopped down next to him letting out an over exaggerated sigh of boredom and flicked the television on.
After about 20 minutes of watching some travel program Tom noticed Nikki’s breathing had become somewhat heavy. He looked at her to see she was asleep, still propped up against the wall. He studied her face. Before now he could never see why boys seemed to fancy her so much. He had always considered her plain looking and she had more of their father’s features than their mother’s. But now as Tom looked at her he saw a different girl. She had started to develop into a young woman, something that Tom wouldn’t have noticed if they both lived with the same parent. As he didn’t get to see her every day the change was noticeable. Her soft lips bore the residue of pale pink lipstick that had long since been applied. Her long eye lashes were glued together with the black mascara she was wearing and her dark hair decorated her forehead and cheeks with long loose, curls. Tom never understood why sometimes she would make her hair curly and other times she spent an age using straighteners to flatten it out! His study went down to her bosom which heaved with her breathing. She would never be allowed to wear such a revealing top if their father were there so she always seemed to take advantage when he wasn’t. Tom looked down her cleavage and for the first time noticed how her tits had grown to a very good size, especially for the size of her small frame. He admired the little black bow on the front of her bra that was being revealed. A familiar feeling started to stir within him after he studied the flesh of her breasts closely. He gazed down at her crotch and the way in which she was sitting combined with the tightness of her trousers had shaped a nice camel toe. Her pussy lips looked big and puffy through the denim material. A tiny gold anklet decorated her left foot and Tom admired her sexy little feet, the second toe on her right foot sported a toe ring. Feet had become an object of desire for Tom in recent weeks and now his cock was on its way to full hardness.
Tom turned his attention to the laptop to try to get the thoughts of his sister from his mind, a bit difficult with her right next to him. He picked up the video clip from the task bar and started to play it, turning the volume down as he did. The two dirty looking whores were working a good sized cock on the guy with the pot belly, each trying to get the big helmet into their mouth before the other. Tom’s own cock was pulsing in his shorts and he wanted to release it as it strained against the stretchy material. Of course he couldn’t with Nikki so close to him that they were almost touching so he began to stroke his long shaft through his clothes. The two women started going harder and rougher on the guys cock, kissing and swapping saliva as they did so. The cum shot wasn’t too far away, Tom thought as he watched the expression on the man’s face. Why had Nikki chosen now to come into his room and fall asleep? All he wanted to do was get his cock out and stroke it to orgasm to coincide with the guy shooting his load all over the women. He liked to pretend it was him spraying his own goo all over them but today he could do nothing like that. Instead he watched and tried to shift his cock to a more comfortable position as the seam in his boxers was cutting right into him. The man in the video took his cock out of one of the hungry mouths slurping on him and started to jack off furiously. Both women were looking up at him, mouths open waiting for the first spurts of hot cum, each wanting to be the first to taste it. When the guy did start to cum, the first spurt went way over the head of one woman and then the second landed on her face. The second woman pushed her way towards the spitting cock and took a rope of cum that stretched from her eye right down to her chin. Still the guy was spurting, less violently and the last few drops landed on a ridiculously over inflated pair of tits, resulting in the second woman bending down to lick it off. The woman with the big tits then took the cock into her mouth and sucked all the remaining fluid from within and off the shaft. Pulling the now soft dick from her mouth she turned her attention to the cum stained face of the other woman and they started to kiss and lick the cum from each other, a lingering French kiss bringing the video clip to a finish.
Tom was right on the edge of messing his shorts when he realised he could no longer hear his sister’s breathing. He felt himself redden when he turned to Nikki and saw her looking at him with her beautiful green eyes. He removed his hand from his crotch and raised his eyebrows at her. “How long have you been awake?” he asked hoping that she had just that second regained consciousness. “Long enough” Nikki started, “long enough to see what you’ve just been watching. Do you watch porn a lot?” Tom didn’t know what to do or say for the best. He knew it was normal for boys of his age but didn’t know how his sister would deal with it. “Only when I’m not with Sophie” he said with the intention of building a story to try to reduce his embarrassment, to try to make her think that what she had seen was no big deal. It was then that he noticed her nipples had become hard and erect. She had inherited something from her mother. Nikki’s nipples were pushing hard against her bra and t-shirt and looked like marbles which changed Tom’s way of thinking. She must have been turned on by the porn video. “Do you ever watch porn then?” Tom ventured. If she did then he would know she was interested in sex and wicked images began to fill his thoughts.
“I watch it sometimes when Dad goes fishing.” She was quite comfortable talking about it Tom thought. “I know where he keeps his old videos and I watch them when I’m alone. I watched one with my friend, Lydia once and when it finished she went to the bathroom. I guessed she had gone to masturbate because that’s what those films make me do and I noticed you wanted to masturbate too just then, didn’t you?”
Shit, what is wrong with me? Tom wondered. First he had shagged his mum and now he was sat here talking sex with his sister and he knew he wanted to fuck her too. What did he have to lose? If he tried something with her and Nikki told mum there wasn’t much mum could do but what if dad found out? He didn’t get on too well with his dad, but even so, he didn’t want him to find out his son was a dirty little pervert. The feeling in his loins won over his thoughts and so he started to lay the foundations for him to fuck his horny little sister. “Yes, I wanted to masturbate, to jerk off. That’s what those films are designed to do, make you horny. Did that one we just saw make you horny?”
“Fuck, yes.” Nikki turned her head away from Tom and continued, “I like to see a big cock like that guy had. A big cock always gets me going just looking at it”
“Have you ever had a big cock in you?” Tom dared, knowing that his own cock was much more impressive than that they had just been watching.
“No, nothing anywhere near as big as that” She stopped herself, realising the situation she were in. She was here with her older brother talking about cocks and she was about to tell him that she had taken a few different cocks but Tom had always been so protective over her. She was worried he would want to find out which boys had fucked her and dish out his own sort of punishment on them. She decided to carry on but name no names. “The boys my age aren’t fully developed yet. They get hard but don’t grow very big”
Tom wasn’t at all comfortable thinking of his little sister having sex yet that was exactly what he wanted to do with her. “So would you like to have a big dick in you?”
It was Nikki’s turn to feel uncomfortable. The biggest dick she had contact with was at best 6 inches long but she didn’t get to have that one inside her. The lad had cum all over her hand as she took hold of his cock to guide it to her pussy and that was that. “I think I might have a big dick one day” she blushed and still couldn’t allow herself to look Tom in the face. “I mean, as I get older the boys I fuck will be older and more developed, won’t they?”
“Some boys develop more quickly than others. Some are blessed with bigger cocks than others. It’s not unfeasible for a 14 year old boy to have a bigger cock than a completely developed man.” Tom was edging towards showing her his own dick. Even though he was 15 now he didn’t think it had grown since he was 13 so it must have been as huge as it was now.
“Well I haven’t met one” Nikki pouted again and this time she did look Tom in the eye. Tom placed his laptop down on the bed beside him and was about to start on about cock sizes again when he noticed Nikki’s gaze had fixed on the bulge in his shorts. Her eyes widened at what she saw and Tom could have sworn he saw her nipples grow even bigger behind her tight t-shirt. “Wow” She exclaimed, “I think I can see why you know some guys have bigger dicks than others now”
Tom thought he should get straight to the point. There was no set dinner time in their house but he knew it wouldn’t be too long before their mother called them down to eat. “I know I’m your brother but I can show you my cock if you like, you don’t have to touch it or anything.” But I fucking hope you do he thought to himself. “Would you like to see it, Nicks?”
She did want to but wasn’t sure of how to tell him without him thinking she was weird, wanting to see her own brothers manhood. But then, he had offered so he must be okay with the idea. And she wouldn’t have to touch it, just look. Nothing wrong with just looking, she had seen her dad’s cock when he was in the shower once. “Um okay, I guess I would like to see it but that’s all. Just to see how big boys can be” She didn’t want him to know that she was horny and wanted to see his cock for a sexual purpose, rather that she was just “curious”
Tom didn’t wait to give her a chance to change her mind so he stood up from the bed and whipped his shorts and boxers down to his knees. His cock sprang out into the fresh air and was met by a gasp from Nikki. The usual gasp he experienced whenever a woman saw his cock in the flesh for the first time, even his mother had done it. “What do you think?” He asked her as he turned and pointed the monster towards her without getting too close.
“I’ve never seen anything like it” Nikki cooed, “even in the videos I watch. Fucking hell Tom, how did it get so big?”
“That porno made me get hard” he replied and dared to venture a bit further. “That and your nipples poking out like that have given me this erection.” He waited anxiously for her response and prayed it would be positive.
Nikki stared down at her tits. She knew her nipples got hard when she was aroused but hadn’t even thought about Tom noticing. What should she say, she wondered. But Tom seemed so comfortable talking about sex with her and he was stood there now with his huge erect cock pulsing in front of her. She relaxed a little “My nipples get hard when I get turned on, just like your cock goes hard when you are turned on. That video clip had the same effect on me too you know.” She flashed a glance down to her crotch hoping there was no visible wet patch because she knew she got wet down there when she was turned on too. Tom noticed her look even though she looked for less than a second. She wasn’t displaying a wet patch but she could feel her pussy was very moist and Tom knew it would be if she was so turned on.
“And down there,” Tom nodded his head towards her camel toe, “you get wet down there when you’re turned on?”
“Yes, I can feel it now. Your cock is making me wetter” Again she got embarrassed but both of them knew what was going to happen here this afternoon. “Would you like to see it?”
Tom was extremely pleased that his sister was thinking the same way as he was. “I’d love to see it,” he whispered huskily and he sat down again next to her. She shifted her ass closer to the edge of the bed and let her feet hit the floor. Tom watched the material of her t-shirt straining against her erect nipples when she got to her feet. Nikki unclasped her belt and began to unbutton the fly on her trousers. Tom’s huge cock bobbed slightly with the anticipation of what he was about to see. Nikki was no longer displaying signs of shyness as she peeled the denim away from her perfectly formed smooth ass and legs to reveal a black thong made of not very much material at all. The small triangle of lace glistened with her juices and Tom could see that behind it there was no sign of pubic hair. His sister shaved! This was confirmed when she pulled the thong down and let it fall to the crotch of her trousers which were around her knees, like Tom’s shorts. Tom noticed another thing Nikki had inherited from mum, her huge clit. It stood out proud from her pink, wet puffy lips. It looked like the tip of one of Tom’s fingers and he just wanted to suck on it and stick his fingers inside his beautiful sister. “Can I touch it?”
“Only if I can touch your huge cock.” Neither waited for permission from the other. They both stepped out of their underwear and Tom pulled his t-shirt over his head. Clumsily they crashed into each other in their eagerness to touch the objects of their immediate desire. Tom’s hand was the first to make contact with his sister’s slippery slit. One of his fingers just slipped straight into her without him exerting any pressure while he pushed his thumb against her swollen clit and started to rub. Nikki took hold of Tom’s engorged cock, moaning with the pleasure he was giving her. She felt the wetness on the top of his helmet as the pre cum started to ooze from his slit. Still moaning with delight she bent down to lick the salty liquid from her brother’s rod, pushing her ass away from Tom’s touch. Gently she eased her mouth over the head of Tom’s throbbing member and closed her lips around it. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back while grabbing the back of Nikki’s head with both hands. Slowly she began to bob up and down on his long shaft, all the time more of it disappeared into her hungry mouth. The mixture of the sloppy sounds and the groans coming from his sister were driving Tom wild. He wanted to blow his load down her throat but decided with what little time they might have, he would rather ram his cock inside her beautiful, bald dripping cunt. Reluctantly he pulled his cock from her willing mouth and put his hands into her armpits to pull her to her feet.
“Oh, didn’t you like that?” Nikki pouted looking disappointed.
“It was great, Nicks. I don’t wan to cum yet. I want to taste you.” The last part of the sentence was said so quietly that Nikki almost didn’t hear it. Tom put his hands down to the bottom of her t-shirt and began to lift it over her head. She helped him remove it completely and let him unclasp her bra and remove it from her fantastic breasts. Her nipples stood out a good half inch from her firm titties, maybe a little more! Tom placed his mouth over one, flicking at it with his tongue. He rolled the other nipple with the fingers of his left hand and his right hand darted down to her wet inviting pussy. He inserted two fingers this time, then three. Quite accommodating, he thought, for someone who has only ever taken small cocks. He could smell her juices and hear them making a “click click” noise as his digits went in and out of her, faster and faster. Nikki’s breathing became more laboured and her moans were getting deeper and louder. She grabbed Tom’s cock and began stroking the shaft in time with Tom’s fingers working in and out of her pussy. Again Tom felt himself edging towards orgasm as Nikki’s grip tightened on his member, jerking him off as furiously as he were fingering her. He pulled away and dropped to his knees so his face was right in front of her hairless snatch, his fingers still slipping and sliding in and out of her. He probed at her clit with his tongue and it was like an electric shock had gone through Nikki’s body. She froze solid as the feeling went through her after having her brother lick her clit for the very first time. More juices were forced from within her and Tom thought that she got even wetter than his mother did as he watched it dribble down her inner thighs. He licked it away from one leg and then the other before going back to her huge clit and began to lick faster and faster. Nikki’s groans were continuous and Tom knew he had to insert his member into her now for her to get maximum pleasure. He stood up again, his fingers still working her and gently pushed her backwards towards the bed again. Tom led down and gestured to her to get atop of him. She swung her left leg over his legs and guided her pussy to his erect cock, him holding the base of it pointing it up towards her awaiting hole. Nikki’s firm tits came into contact with his chest when she started to gingerly lower herself on to his dick. Her tight vagina started to take him in, slowly. She was flushed with excitement and Tom noticed tiny beads of sweat appear on her forehead, beneath her curls. She pushed her ass downwards taking in more of her brother’s cock, stretching the walls of her cunt to do so. It wasn’t long before Tom was in up to his nuts and they began to pick up a gentle rhythm not wanting to buck too hard and cause the bed springs or floorboards to creak. Tom’s bedroom was above the garage and they knew their mother would not be in there but they were taking no chances. Nikki pulled her ass away from Tom’s cock and then pushed down again causing them both to moan with pleasure. A gentle sloshing of juices ensued and a quiet slap as his balls smacked up against her ass with each upward thrust. Tom pulled Nikki down towards him so she lay on his chest. He grabbed the cheeks of her ass and pressed hard as he slammed his cock in and out of her. She tried to keep up the rhythm with her own bucking so had to push herself up off of his chest to do so. Tom watched her tits swinging freely as they fucked each other and felt himself start to bubble within. He noticed his sister’s facial expression becoming more intense as she too felt the infancy of an orgasm. They had reached the point where they were both lost in what they were doing and started to buck and thrust harder and harder, oblivious to the noise they had began to make. Tom felt his sister’s vagina start to contract and release so he went in harder and faster. Nikki bucked violently against him and began to pummel at his chest with her fists while panting, “Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh fucking God!”
“Let it go, Nicks” he growled, feeling his own orgasm coming to the fore. Nikki had to put a fist in her mouth as her climax eventually came out of her, her legs tightened around Tom’s while she rocked herself faster and faster feeling the intense pleasure between her legs and all over her body. Her juices spurted from her all over Tom’s balls and he exploded inside her. She could feel his cock pulsing which intensified her own pleasure and then she could feel his hot warm liquid racing into her, wave after wave. They continued to buck against each other, both of them still cumming, for what seemed like forever to Nikki until she felt her brother’s body relax and she lay back down on his chest. They lay where they were for a couple of minutes, enjoying what had just happened. Nikki could feel her brothers love juice spilling out of her as his now flaccid cock failed to plug her hole. She climbed off of him and a long drizzle of sperm dangled from her bald cunt and eventually dropped on to the bed between Tom’s legs. More of his cum seeped out of her as she froze solid when she heard their mother’s voice calling from the bottom of the stairs,
“Dinner’s ready. I’ll start serving now you two have finished what you were doing!”
“Fuck!” Nikki cried and looked at Tom, his soft cock curled up between his legs still looking like a monster. “Mum heard us; she knows what we’ve just done. How on Earth are we going to face her?”
Tom rolled from the bed and said nothing as he pulled his clothes back on. He smiled to himself as he thought; facing mum is going to be a lot easier than you think, Nicks!

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Cableguy Adventures

I have one of the best jobs in the world in my opinion. I go from house to house, all over the city, fixing and installing people’s cable. I get to meet so many different people and tons of hot chicks. Many of these beautiful ladies all have one thing in common, and that is they want some strange. For a lot of these girls their fantasy is to fuck the cable guy and that is where I come in to play. I am just simply fulfilling their fantasy. What could be wrong with that? All I have to do is identify the girls who I think want me to bend them over and then I strike.
Take for instance this story. I received a call to repair the cable at a house in a nice neighborhood. I pulled up in my van, got out, and knocked on the door like I always do. The door opened and there to greet me was a beautiful older lady. She let me inside and extended her hand and said, “Hi, my name is Mandy.” I reached out and grabbed her hand and shook it very delicately as I introduced myself. She started walking around the house showing me all the problems that she was having. I was checking her body out the whole time she was talking to me.
She was tall and slender, probably around the age of 46, and her hair was fixed nicely to go along with the makeup on her face. She had on a long sleeved, white, cotton shirt that was tight enough to show the outline of her bra. Her tits looked nice and perky, not too big. Next, she had on a pair of black jeans that looked like she had to jump to get into them. They were pretty tight showing off her nice ass and slender form. Her feet were covered in a pair of black leather, high heel boots that zipped up on the side. I knew she had noticed me looking at her a little but I could tell she liked it. Mandy was very friendly, talking to me the whole time about everything in the world. She was also very touchy feely as she grabbed my arm several times during our conversations.
I was there for a little while fixing some of her equipment and before I was getting ready to leave she asked me to take a look at her computer. I agreed and followed her up the stairs, the whole time staring at her ass and trying to get a look at her camel toe. I sat down in the computer chair and she stood close next to me. When she leaned inward to show me the problem she put her hand on my shoulder for support and kept lightly squeezing it. I quickly fixed the problem and stood up to leave.
“Well Mandy, is there anything else, anything at all I can do for you?”
She paused for a second, looking at me and said, “I know this is out of the ordinary but…you’re not good at giving massages are you? You see, I was in an accident a few weeks ago and I am still really sore.”
She looked at my eyes intensely waiting for a response and I said, “I’m very good at giving massages. Where does it hurt?”
“Oh…It hurts all over,” she said as she gave me a deviant smile. She grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom where there was a nicely made king size bed. I walked up behind her and started rubbing her shoulders and neck.
“Oh yeah, keep doing that, it feels good,” she said. My hands quickly left her shoulders and slid down the front of her chest, cupping her tits as she reached her hands behind her and began to rub my crotch.
“Why don’t we take some of our clothes off to make this a little easier,” she said. Mandy bent over to unzip her boots as I was stripping my clothes off as fast as possible. She stood up and I pulled her shirt off and threw it to the floor. Her breast were lovely and very sexy as they were popping out of her tight little bra. She slid her jeans off and stood close to me rubbing her dainty little hands over my body. I had on my boxers but my stiff cock was poking through the slit and rubbing up against her body. She then jumped up on the bed and laid down on her stomach. All she had on was her bra and a pair of white cotton panties.
“I wasn’t lying about wanting a massage,” she said.
I jumped up on the bed also and straddled her body over her ass and began rubbing her up and down. She kept moaning and telling me how good it felt as I massaged her neck, back, and ass. I reached up and unsnapped her bra sending the straps flying to the side.
“You want to fuck me, don’t you?”
“I’m going to fuck you hard,” I replied. I slid her panties down her legs and over her feet. Her whole body had a beautiful complexion and was very smooth. I could see her pussy slit peaking out from between her ass as I slid my hands closer to it. She let my finger penetrate her wet lips as I rubbed her little clit. She kept opening her legs farther and farther, clearly enjoying every second of this experience.
“Mmmm…that feels good,” she said as I slid a couple of fingers inside of her cunt. Before long she had spread her legs far enough sending her ass up in the air. I pulled my boxers off and pressed my dick up against her sticky pussy, rubbing it up and down. Without any warning, I slid my hard cock slowly inside of her tight pink hole.
“Oh baby, Fuck me!”
Once my cock was fully inserted deep inside her I began thrusting back and forth. Her pussy lips kept a tight grip on my dick as my pumping increased with power and speed. I grabbed onto her slender hips like a set of reigns and slammed my cock into her pussy over and over again.
“Yes…yes…fuck my slutty pussy,” she kept repeating in between loud moans. You would never expect her to talk and act like this just by looking at her prim and proper appearance.
“You’re going to make me cum! Oh baby, make me cum, make me cum!” She kept saying. At this point I was putting everything I had into fucking her. With every passing second I also was about to blow. My dick was getting harder and harder as I kept sliding in and out of her tight pussy until I heard her yell.
“Ahhhh!!!” she yelled out. At that moment cum was shooting out of my cock in thick spurts filling up her pussy. I also could feel her insides convulsing over my dick as her juices mixed with my cum and ran out of her hole, dripping onto the bed. I pulled out of her and saw my creamy jiz oozing out of her cunt. She got down from the bed and went to the bathroom as I just laid there in awe of our great experience.
“Wow! That was awesome,” she said walking back towards the bed. She climbed back up and laid next to me caressing my soft cock and playing with my balls. Within a few minutes I was getting hard again and she leaned over and engulfed my cock with her mouth as if she were trying to swallow it whole. Her lips tightened as her head bobbed up and down sending wonderful sensations through my body. She did this for a few minutes and then all of the sudden she pulled my dick out of her mouth and said, “Get on you back.”
I did as I was told and she straddled me sending my cock soaring into her wet pussy. Mandy began riding me and grinding her clit against my thick shaft. Her tits bounced up and down in front of my face until I grabbed them. They fit nicely in my mouth as I sucked and pulled on her long, erect nipples. She rode me like she was riding off into the sunset on her horse. I let her fuck me for a few more minutes until, without warning, I spun her around so I could be on top.
My hard cock was only out of her tight hole for a second during the switch and then I was nailing her to the bed. Her legs were wrapped around my back holding me tightly as the expression on her face was one of amazement. It looked like she couldn’t believe she had such a young hard dick fucking her brains out. With every thrust given to her body, I planted my cock as deep as I could, slamming the base of my shaft up against her clitoris.
“Oh God, make me cum again!!!” she yelled.
I grabbed her ankles very tightly and held them out extending her long legs. It was time to finish her off. I fucked her as fast and hard as I could and she was cussing, moaning, and screaming.
“Ohhhh…yes…cum all over me!” During the next few pumps she covered my dick with her orgasmic juices as I sent another load of sperm insider of her abused little hole. We were both out of breath and collapsed on the bed in exhaustion.
I realized how long I had been there and started to get worried so I began putting my clothes back on to go back to work. Mandy continued lying on the bed watching me get dressed the whole time thanking me for such a wonderful time. She put on a robe and walked me to the door.
“We will do this again sometime, right?” she asked me.
“Of course, I’ll be back on my lunch break tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
She reached up and kissed my cheek and then I walked out to get in my van. As soon as I opened the door I could hear my radio going off.
“Base to Cartman, where are you?”
I picked up the radio and gave some crazy excuse of where I was and then drove off. I will definitely be going back to fuck Mandy again. Maybe another story, who knows.

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My Cock hungry Sister-In-Law

She is 5’8″ tall with long sandy blonde hair. She has a beautiful slender body because she works out all of the time. She couldn’t weigh more than 135 pounds and it was her firm, toned body that always caught my eye everytime I saw here. I am referring to my sister-in-law, Laura. She often wears a tight pair of jeans with a tight t-shirt to match. She has very perky tits which are probably a full b cup,not too big and not too small. I like to call them “bite size.” Working our way down from her tits she has a flat stomache which is very firm I’m sure. She usually wears shirts that are just a little short so when she bends down or stretches upward you would get a good look at her bellybutton. She has a great ass, the kind you just want to grab every time you walk by her and that ass tops off some of the finest legs you will ever see. Besides her jeans she often wears a skirt to show off her firm, silky smooth, sexy legs.
Yes, this is what I have to look at every time I went over my in-laws house for dinner or whatever the occassion was. I have checked her body out so many times there is no way she has never noticed my eyes seducing her. Oh what I would give to lick her entire body and penetrate her pussy with my tounge. If only I had the opportunity, I would nail her body to the wall with my hard cock and make her scream with pure pleasure as she orgasm’ and shook with ecstasy.
Well, Laura would often babysit our two kids for us while my wife and I went to work. Being as good looking as she was I was often supprised that she hardly ever had a boyfriend. I even questioned in my mind whether or not she was still a virgin. She was my age but just a few months younger and to my knowledge she has had two real boyfriends with both she broke up with. Well, one day while Laura was watching our kids I came home from work to relieve her so she could go home. My wife wouldn’t get off work till much later that night. When I walked in the door to my house everything was quiet. Both the kids were taking a nap and Laura was sitting on the couch watching TV. As I was putting my stuff away from work I couldn’t resist checking her out of course. She had one of her short skirts on, hardly covering her bare smooth legs, that were accented by a pair of sexy open-toe heels. She also had on a silky,white button up blouse that was a little tight which made her blouse gape open between on of the buttons exposing some cleavage.
Busted! “Shit” I said to myself as I saw her catch me staring at her body. I smiled nervously and asked her if she had a date or something because I had never seen her dressed up like this to babysit. She said she was going out with some of her girlfriends later on and she wanted to know if she could stay at my house until it was time for her to leave. I said “sure” and smiled at her as she smiled back crossing her legs, and before my eyes I saw up her skirt all the way to her crotch. Her pussy was covered by a thin pair of white cotton panties. She smiled at me again as she saw me looking up her skirt. I sat down on the couch next to her but not too close. She broke the silence and said to me ” I see you checking me out all of the time you know.” I nervously said ” Uh, what, I mean you do?” She said “Yes and I just wanted to let you know that I dont mind it. In fact I like it very much.” I couldnt believe what I was hearing. ” I have always thought that you have a sexy body” I replied with eager. Just then she turned to face me on the couch, lifting her legs up to expose her crotch, from where through her white cotton panties I could see the dark outline of her pussy covered with pubic hair. ” I bet you have always wanted to fuck me haven’t you?” She said as she started to rub my crotch with her feet. At this moment I was pretty sure I knew the answer as to whether or not she was a virgin. I said ” I have, but was too afraid to take the risk in my wife finding out that I fucked her sister.” Well, I want you to do whatever you want to me right now while we are alone and I promise it will be our little secret” she said as she continued to rub my ever so growing dick through my pants. With one hand I began at her foot and started to rub her legs slowly and softly. Oh how smooth and silky they were as I headed closer and closer to her pussy, I became harder and harder. My hand lightly touched the front of her panties which were already very wet with her juice. I did the same thing with her other leg and when I was done I started to unbutton her blouse kissing her lips soflty. Her lips were soft with the taste of strawberry lip gloss on them and she had a sexy perfume on which turned me on even more as I made my way down to her tits kissing her neck. She shuttered and said ” I like that a lot.” I took her blouse off to expose her super perky tits which were covered by a white lacy bra. While I reached around to unsnap it she took off my shirt and unzipped my pants. Her bra came popping off of her supple breast exposing her nipples which were nice and hard. I stood up and took my pants and boxers off and sat back down and began to caress her tits and suck on her rock hard nipples while she began to stroke my enlarged cock. She kept moaning softly as I sucked her nipples and began to run a finger up her skirt, in and out of her panties. I stopped for a second to pull her skirt off and then her soaked panties. I stared for a moment at her beautiful pussy which was wet to the touch of my fingers and swelled with anticipation. Again I started at her feet kissing them softly working my way up to her pussy. Her legs were so soft and moist with the smell of lotion and as I got closer and closer to her moist vagina she moaned and said ” eat my pussy, Oh please eat my pussy.” At last I had reached her crotch and I let my tounge explore every inch of it not going directly for the sweet spot but every where around it to get her ready. I love eating pussy. Finally, when she couldnt take it anymore, I let my tounge swirl around her bulging clit, down in between her wet lips, and then back to her clit again. This made her whole body move and shake with excitement. ” Right there, Oooh Yah, Right there,Dont you fucking stop” she said as her hips shook violently as I sucked and licked her marble sized clit. After a few more seconds, her hips shook and her pussy spit cum all over my face and drenched the couch. She was out of breath just lying there saying ” That was so good. I dont think I had ever cum that much before.” ” Now its my turn” she said positioning herself over my crotch as she began to lick my cock which was now super hard and leaking with precum. She sucked and stroked me over and over while I reached around and played with her pussy a little more. This made her suck even harder. ” Im cumming, Im cumming” I yelled expecting her to move out of the way but she didn’t. She kept going until I shot warm cum into her mouth. She kept sucking until it was all out. I knew It was a full load because it had been at least a week since I had sex. She swallowed most of my cum with a moan and wiped the rest off of her lips with a towel.
I started rubbing her body again and she straddled my legs stroking my cock to get it hard again. I concentrated on her beautiful perky titties and loved sucking on her nipples and twisting them which sent a moan out of her mouth. Sure enough, within no time, my dick was hard again and she took it and slid it slowly into her wet pussy. Her pussy was so freaking tight and warm, I let out a moan and she said ” You like being inside my tight little pussy dont you?” ” Oh yah, you feel so fucking good” I muttered as she was ramming my cock in and out of her vagina. Her lips engulfed my dick tightly with every thrust. ” You are such a bad girl ” I told her as I watched her tits bounce with every thrust to her pussy. I lifted her up and pushed her on her back lying on the couch and as I went to put my throbbing dick into her she wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me in really hard making my dick slide violently all the way into her. “Fuck me hard” she yelled as I kept ramming her over and over. She kept pulling me tighter to her body while she moaned and yelled as I grinded my rock hard cock into her vagina sending shrills through her body. “Keep going!” She yelled. I was doing the best I could, since her pussy was so tight, it was hard not to blow my load too early. I kept pumping and grinding and I could tell she was about to orgasm. Her vagina tensed up squeezing my dick while I was shooting cum filling her pussy up until her juice mixed with my cum was leaking out of her, down her legs.
I pulled out of her and we cleaned up and put our clothes back on. ” That was so great” she said and I replied with ” We need to do this again sometime.” We both agreed and usually about twice a month we get together somehow and have tantalizing sex.
What a sweet piece of ass!

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I Dream of Demie 6 – A Midsummer Night’s Scream

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