Consensual Sex

California Girls 4

Sorry this took so long but I hadnt planned on doing this so I started a new story before switching back to this. I had a first version but I didn’t like it so I scrapped it and wrote this one instead. much better in my opinion so enjoy

Sharing My Room With Sis 8: A Fake Date and A Real Show

It was after school on another Friday, and I headed to my car. My sister Abby was already there, waiting for me. With her was her new friend Izzy. I’d been giving rides home every day this week so she wouldn’t have to ride the bus. They were chatting happily as we got in the car. My eyes met with Izzy’s just a moment as we got in. There was still a weirdness between us two.
It had been a week since Izzy had discovered the incestuous relationship Abby and I had while she was over at our house. The shock of it and the fear that she could expose us nearly caused Abby to end her short friendship with Izzy. Desperate to keep the only friend she’d made since she came to our school district, Izzy had exposed to us her own deep secret to try to restore balance.
Sunday had been only the start of what turned into the most angst-ridden week of my 16 years. After dropping Izzy off, Abby and I had gone to bed together in my bed, as we had almost every night since a storm had flooded her room. Still overcome by the embarrassment of the night, we’d gone to sleep for the first time without touching each other, somehow managing not to touch at all on my twin bed.
On Monday, my friends at school had started making fun of me for not ever having a date and always hanging out with my sister before and after school. One of them had even suggested I date Abby. I knew he was just screwing with me and didn’t have any idea what was happening, but simply knowing the idea was even in their heads scared me. I knew we’d have to distance ourselves more in public.
All the stress had set back our hormones, as well. Lying in the dark in bed Monday night, I had felt relief more than anything when Abby’s hand reached over and started feeling my dick. I’d fingered her and she’d jacked me off as we’d done before, but it seemed a little different than before, with more nervousness and less passion.
We came home on Tuesday to find that the contractors had finally arrived to work on Abby’s room, and had already replaced the damaged drywall and the broken window. Once the carpet was put in, the room would be ready for Abby to return. It seemed that our time sharing my room may have been ending soon.
That night, our Mom seemed to sense the discomfort we exhibited and pulled me aside. She had incorrectly surmised that it was because of Abby’s lack of privacy, and had told me to give her some space and spend a few nights fighting the dogs for the couch.
It seemed that the universe itself was pushing us apart. I spent all day at school on Friday wondering if the end was near with Abby. We’d have to stay away from each both at school and home. The one time we’d done something this week, it hadn’t been the same, and soon Abby would be moving back into her room. With all the tension around us now, it wouldn’t take very long for pretending to not want to spend time together became reality.
I knew that wasn’t what I wanted. My new relationship with Abby was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. I wanted to wait until this blew over, and continue with her just as before. But did she feel the same way? I was afraid to ask. Even knowing now how much she enjoyed, I still didn’t want to pressure her into anything, and I knew if she saw how I felt, my shy, sweet sister would have a hard time turning me down.
These thoughts still swirling in my head, I started the car and headed for Izzy’s house. The lone good thing this week was that Abby and Izzy’s friendship had seemed to come back together. Listening to her talk to Abby, I realized I wasn’t the only one worrying.
“What are you doing tonight? Did that boy ask you out?” Abby asked.
“No. I don’t think he was even interested in me. Everyone here seems to think I’m wierd,” Izzy replied. I think she was right. Just from hearing some of my friends talk, people did think there was something off about her. I could see why. Izzy was as shy as Abby, and now I knew that the weight of worry from her ‘dark secret’ just added to the distance she showed to other people.
“That sucks Izzy,” Abby said. “Don’t worry, you’ll get a date before too long and then everyone will know you’re not weird.”
“I hope so. Are you two up to anything tonight?” Izzy’s tone sounded a bit perkier with the last question.
“No. Everyone thinks its weird that we spend so much time together. We’ve had to stop going around together all the time,” Abby said. “Wait a second…” Her voice perked up, too. “I just had an idea of how to solve everyone’s problem.”
“What is it?” Izzy asked.
“You can date my brother!”
I was surprised at the suggestion. Izzy and I were still awkward around each other. Was this Abby’s way of trying to end our fling? “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I said.
Izzy seemed similarly surprised. “Yeah, I don’t get it. I don’t want to come between you and your brother, Abby.”
Abby laughed. “You wouldn’t date for real, you’d only pretend. Getting seen together on dates will help both your reputations at school.” She looked at me. “And if you’re dating my best friend, it’ll give us an excuse to all hang out together.”
It seemed brilliant. Just hearing the excitement in Abby about getting to be with me put me on board.
“Its sounds okay with me if its okay with you guys,” Izzy said.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” I said.
“Great. You can have your first date tonight. I know a bunch of people are going to the movies tonight, we can all go there. You two can go in first and make sure you’re seen, then I’ll follow in a bit later. We can go to a movie none of them would go see and all sit together.” Izzy and I agreed.
We arrived at Izzy’s house. As she got out of the car, Abby said, “Both of you, make sure you dress as you would on a first date.”
At home we picked out our movie and I got changed, wearing slacks and a dress shirt. We told Mom about my ‘date’ and told her Abby was going to see a different movie. She seemed to approve.
We drove down to Izzy’s house to pick her up. She came out looking different that I’d ever seen her. Far from her usual jeans and t-shirt, she was wearing a black dress. It had thin straps and fit snuggly over her large breasts, going down to just above her knees and flaring out at the bottom.
“You look very nice,” Abby told her as she got in the car. “They’re sure to notice you.”
“Thanks,” Izzy said.
We arrived at the Cineplex. “Go on in, and remember to act like you like each other. Hold hands, even,” Abby instructed us. “I’ll be in after you in a few minutes.”
Izzy and I got out and stood next to each other a moment, both feeling awkward. “You look nice,” Izzy commented. She looked away from me, her eyes pretty wide and her mouth pinched together.
“Thanks,” I said in a similar flat tone. We reached our hands out and loosely put them together. It seemed colder than Abby’s hand. Feeling strange, we walked inside together.
We seemed quite successful at getting seen, and I noticed a number of people from school looking at us and commenting to their friends as we waited in line. We talked idly a bit and tried to act happy, each of us laughing regularly. We bought concessions and headed into the movie.
Walking up the steps, I realized that we were still holding hands. Despite how uncomfortable I’d felt at first, paying attention to everyone else had made me forget about it. I let go and we took some seats at the top of the theatre.
I watched intently for Abby to come in. After a minute, I decided to break the silence. “Thanks for doing this for us, Izzy. I think it’ll mean a lot for me and Abby.”
“I’m glad I could help. I know how hard it is to keep something important to you secret.” My mind shot back to the week before, when she’d shown us her secret. Abby and I had watched as she’d taken off her pants, rubbed honey on herself and let my dog Willow lick her to orgasm. The picture of her pussy blazed briefly in my head, and I became aware of how close by that same pussy was now, up a short dress and under some panties. Feeling her presence so close to me, I felt as uncomfortable as I had all week, and I longed for Abby to show up.
After another minute of silence, Abby finally entered and walked up the steps to us. She sat down between us. “How’d it go?”
“Pretty good,” I said. “There were a lot of people from school out there who saw us.”
“Some of the boys were clearly ogling me,” Izzy added with a smile.
The lights went down and the movie started. I reached my hand over and grabbed Abby’s squeezing it tightly. Feeling her familiar fingers wrap around my hand calmed me down completely. The world seemed to be on our side again.
The movie was boring. We’d picked a drama that had been out a few weeks, a prestige film where everyone’s mostly interested in trying to win an Oscar. We knew that none of the other high-schoolers would be in there, and the theatre was all but empty. The closest other people were six rows in front of us.
Half way through the movie, Izzy leaned over Abby. “Shouldn’t you two be making out or something?” Abby giggled a bit.
I wrapped my arm around Abby’s shoulder and we leaned together and pressed our mouths together. We let our lips gradually melt together, and our tongues wrapped around each other. She reached over and grabbed my other hand, bringing it to her breast. I cupped and rubbed it through her shirt and bra. She reached down and started rubbing my dick through my pants. Soon my hard-on bulged through, bending uncomfortably, and I shifted a bit automatically.
Separating our lips a moment Abby leaned toward my ear. “Your pants are a little tight, don’t you think?” She started working at opening my pants. Having trouble on my belt, I released her tit long enough the reach down and undo it my self. As I unbuttoned and unzipped, I saw her reach behind her back and unclasp her bra, then push the cups up, freeing her tits inside her shirt. I slid my hand up her shirt and found her bare breast, running my fingers around her areola and pinching her nipple as I cupped her in my palm.
Her hand returned to my crotch. She slipped into the top of my underwear and grabbed my dick, pulled it loose of its prison. My head lay against my shirt on my stomach, and Abby ran her fingers up and down along my shaft, tickling a moment right at the place where my skin connects to the middle of the head.
As we made out and touched each other, I wondered how much of what we were doing was being noticed by Izzy. After a week of frustration, I wasn’t about to stop now because of that, though.
All too soon the credits started to roll. Abby put her bra back in place and I somehow forced my dick back into my pants. Izzy stood up about ready to go, but Abby tugged her arm. “I think my brother needs a minute before he’s ready to get up,” she said, clearly referencing my hard-on. Izzy looked over at me smiling, then darted her gaze away. I swear I could see her blush, even in the dark theatre.
It indeed took a few minutes before I was ready to get up, and we all walked to the car. It was only about 9 and Abby and Izzy wanted to spend time at our house for a while before calling it a night.
When we got home, Mom was still up on the couch. We told her Izzy was staying a while. That was okay as long as we got her home before 11. She pulled me aside and told me the couch would be free for me to sleep on by then. Frustrated at again not getting to spend the night with Abby, I followed them into my room.
Izzy was sitting in the computer chair and Abby was on the bed, talking. I went in and plopped down next to Abby on the bed with my back against the wall. My plan was to wait out the next hour or so while Abby and Izzy chatted, then we’d take Izzy home.
“Did you two enjoy the movie,” Izzy asked us.
Somewhat embarrassed, I just nodded.
“I know I did,” Abby said. Both girls giggled. I picked up a book and tried to ignore them and read. Abby leaned toward Izzy and continued in a quieter voice. “Can you believe we did that in a movie theatre?” It was clear that Abby was excited to have a friend she could finally talk to about this stuff. I wondered how much Abby had actually told Izzy about what we’d done over the past week. Last Sunday, Abby had described one of our encounters, trying to pretend it was from a video she’d seen online, but clearly Izzy must have realized it was us. I kept trying to read.
“I bet that was pretty cool. Touching him must have been pretty hot,” Izzy, said more quietly. So she had seen what we were doing. How she actually been able to see my dick? How much did she make out? I realized it wasn’t that big of a deal. On Sunday, she had seen the tent in my pants just a few feet from her at one point, and later on she had watched from the bathroom while Abby and I had groped at each other. She’d of had a much better view of my dick in Abby’s hand then.
They continued in whispers and giggles a minute, which I tried to not listen too. “Next time you go to the movies, you should suck on his dick,” Izzy squeaked in an excited whisper. I liked the idea, but still said nothing.
Their conversation turned a bit, and Abby told Izzy about our past week of inactivity as I slept on the couch.
“That sucks,” Izzy said. “Do you have to sleep there again tonight?”
I looked up from my book. “Yup.”
“That’s too bad,” Izzy said. “You have a bit of time now, though.”
Abby seemed to agree. She scooted over toward me and started kissing me. I pulled back. “Are you sure we should make out in front of Izzy?” I asked her.
“I don’t mind,” Izzy interjected. “I know how you must feel, you two need some time together. Just pretend I’m not here.” She turned around in the chair and faced the computer.
We couldn’t very well send her out to sit with our Mom. I felt a little awkward at the prospect of doing more in front of Izzy, but couldn’t bring myself to stop. We started kissing again, as deeply as ever, and I could feel our saliva mixing as our tongues twisted. She rubbed my chest with her hand, and our hormones took over. My hand went again to her breast, and she wasted no time in unbuttoning my shirt. Tossing my shirt away, we wrapped our arms around each other and held each other tightly while sitting on the bed, kissing deeply.
“You didn’t really get a chance to enjoy my new outfit last time,” Abby whispered to me. She got up and walked to the closet and I moved to sit on the foot of the bed right near the closet door. Very aware that Izzy was in the room, I turned toward the head of the bed where she was sitting. She was still facing the computer, back turned to us. I wasn’t sure I could go much further with her in the room.
Turning my attention back past the foot of the bed to Abby in the closet, she was stripping under the single light bulb directly over her. Facing away from me, she shed her shirt and bra, then slid down her pants and panties over her ass. She continued pushing them down slowly, bending at the waist as she did, until her pussy poked out between her legs right under her spread butt cheeks.
She dug out her lingerie that she’d modeled for me last Sunday. Seeing her in it before had led to us getting caught by Izzy in the first place. She pulled the corset on over her head, adjusting it to fit, then pulled on the garter belt and the see-through panties. She turned, sitting on the short chest in the back of the closet, and slowly pulled on each stocking, fastening them to the belt.
She posed, turning to show me the back. Walking out of the closet, she was right in front of me at the foot of the bed. She opened and pulled off my pants, leaving me in just my boxer-briefs and undershirt. She climbed up on top of me, straddling me, and our lips and tongues met once again. My hands grabbed at her tits through the stiff corset. I felt her pussy against the length of my dick through the fabric of her thin panties and my underwear. Abby started slowly but firmly grinding up and down along my dick, until I could feel the moisture from her pussy seeping through.
Abby got off me and pushed me back farther onto the bed. She pulled off her corset, and I stared at her tits as she then quickly undid the garter belt and removed it. Next she slid her panties off, showing the red fuzz around her pussy in all its glory. She crawled up the bed to me and pushed me down onto my back. As I landed, I happened to look up towards Izzy again. She had turned her chair part way around, and her eyes were locked on us. By now, I no longer cared if she saw us.
Now wearing only the black stockings that covered her legs from her feet all the way to her thighs, Abby pulled my underwear off. She straddled across my right leg and grabbed my dick in her hand. Stroking me, she lowered herself onto my leg. Her lightly haired, wet pussy lips were spread wide open and I felt them rubbing up and down my leg. She leaned down and guided my dick into her mouth, wrapping her lips around my head. She ground harder on my leg and she took my dick deeper into her mouth until her lips were half way down my length.
Pulling off my dick, she slid up my leg and then straddled across my waist, dangling her tits over my chin. I cupped them in my hands, then stretched my head up, licking and sucking on each nipple in turn. Abby lowered her hips, pressing my dick against my stomach with her pussy, the fullness of its lips wrapping partly around the length of my shaft. It was the first time I’m felt her pussy on my dick, and its warmth and wetness almost made me cum into my own belly button right then. I tried to focus my attention on sucking her tits.
She began grinding again, pressing her clit into my shaft. Her pace quickly increased, her breathing matching, and she soon came. She pressed her clit harder onto my shaft and dropped her body on top of me, wrapping her hands under my armpits and grabbing my shoulders, holding me tightly. With each spasm she thrust her hips into me and held a moment before repeating.
She released her death grip on my body and sat up on me, kicking her legs out in front of her and worming her feet under my shoulders. Her pussy was open in front of me, the bottom of her lips still resting on the bottom of my shaft. Leaning back on one hand, she reached with the other and lifted the head of my dick off my stomach. She stroked and brought it up closer to her pussy, and grabbing each of her thighs, I raised myself into a sitting position with her on top of me.
She scooted back just a bit and pulled my dick to her, rubbing my head on her pussy. She rubbed me along the outside of each lip, as if my dick were her toy. My head was wet with pre-cum and her juices, and highly sensitive. I felt the red fuzz on her pussy acutely.
Abby slid the very tip of my dick between her pussy lips, and started rubbing it up and down along the length of her pussy. It took all my willpower not to grab my sister by the hips and thrust myself into her right then.
she started stroking my faster, bringing my dick up a bit higher and rubbed the end against her clit. We were both breathing hard and Abby let out a soft “Mmmmmmm”.
Her moan put me over the top. My dick jerked fiercely in her firm grip, shooting the first spurts onto her stomach. I savored each pulse I made in her hand, the rest of my cum squirting out in great gobs on her red bush. Even after I’d stopped cumming, she held my dick firmly against her clit. Finally letting go of me, she moved her hand onto her bush and rubbed my cum into her hair, her eyes closed.
Totally spent, my awareness and sense of shame returned. I put my hand on my dick, trying to cover it. I glanced over at the computer chair where Izzy sat. She had been just a few feet away from me the whole time, if I had wanted I could have reached my arm out and touched her leg. Her proximity embarrassed me. Then I saw what she was doing.
She had turned her chair part way around, turning her head to see the action. The rest of her was facing my eyes. She had slid down in the chair to the edge with her legs spread apart. Her hand was up her dress rubbing herself. With a straight view up her dress, I could just see her pussy covered in short black hair under her fingers.
Abby dismounted me and went back into the closet. I got up and went to collect my clothes, trying to not look at Izzy and ignore the fact that she was probably watching my butt. I ducked into the bathroom to get dressed and lingered there, not really wanting to go back in with them. After a minute, I heard them giggling and whispering again. Despite my embarrassment, I found I was happy for Abby that she’d found a friend she could be close to.

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Gift Unwrapping

Erik was an unremarkable student. While being basically in shape, he would never be taken as an athlete. He was too bookish to fit in with the cool crowd, but not nerdy enough to be accepted as a nerd. On the whole, he went mostly unnoticed as he went through his classes.
Zoe was also an unremarkable student. Although not unattractive, she eschewed long hair, makeup and skinny jeans in favor of more convenient choices. She didn’t try to fit into any of the cliques, but neither was she ostracized by high school society either. On the whole, she went mostly unnoticed as she went through her classes.
They would probably never have known each other if the teacher of the history class they shared hadn’t decided to assign partners in the group project randomly. Everyone’s name went into a hat and pairs were drawn out. Erik and Zoe were paired up.
The two knew of each other, in that way that you sort of know who is in your class, but had never really talked before getting together after class in the library to start work on their project.
They both found each other quite easy to get along with. Erik liked the fact that Zoe was uncomplicated and straightforward. Zoe liked that Erik actually seemed to listen to her and cared about her input. Both of them liked that they actually cared about this assignment and were both relatively good students.
The two worked quite late into the afternoon. Erik noticed first, “It’s getting a bit late. I hope you didn’t miss your ride.”
“I live nearby,” Zoe replied. “I was just going to walk home.”
“Me too. I think football practice is getting out soon. Why don’t we ask my brother for a ride?” Erik suggested. Only seniors are allowed to have cars at school.
“That’d be nice,” Zoe replied as they packed up their stuff.
When they got to the parking lot, several members of the football team were already there. “Hey, Ken,” Erik called out to his brother. “Can we get a ride?”
“Buzz off, twerp,” was Ken’s reply when he saw Erik.
Erik stood stunned. While his brother was never the model of politeness, he’d never gotten this reaction from him before. He saw the cheerleader Ken was helping into his car ask something and heard Ken reply, “Oh, nobody important.”
Erik took another step towards the car when a 300 pound lineman blocked their path. “When the boss tells you to leave, you leave,” he thundered, standing between them and his brother’s car. His stance was clear that he was ready to pound Erik into the ground to enforce his edict. And equally likely that he wouldn’t have any idea how to spell edict, if he even knew what it meant.
“OK, OK…” Erik said as they backed away. He turned to Zoe, “I’m sorry. Maybe I can walk you home instead.”
“Sure,” Zoe said quietly.
“I’m sorry about my brother,” Erik explained as they walked down the sidewalk. “He’s never done that to me before. I know he’s a dumb jock, but he’s usually not that rude. I guess he just wants to look cool for the dumb blonde he picked up.”
“You don’t know the half of it,” Zoe said, with a bit of fire in her voice. “That dumb blond is my sister Sophie.”
“You’re sister?” Erik said. “Um… sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Zoe said. “She is just as dumb and self-centered as she looks. She could have said something when she saw me, but didn’t.”
“Figures,” Erik said. “Sorry if this come out the wrong way, but she didn’t really look much like you.”
“That’s because she’s fake,” Zoe said proudly. “Her hair is the same light brown as mine, but she dyes it blonde. I suspect that she pads her bra a bit too.”
“That’s silly,” Erik said. “Whomever she makes out with is going to uncover that deception pretty quick.”
“Well, it hasn’t stopped her in the past,” Zoe quipped back. “This is my house right here.”
“Just a few blocks from my place,” Erik said. “Since we’re going to be spending all of this time together working, why not spend some of it having fun instead. Do you want to catch a movie this weekend?”
“Sounds great. Saturday?”
“Saturday it is.”
Saturday arrived. Erik and Zoe were sitting in the back seat of Ken’s car with Sophie in the front passenger seat. Erik and Zoe sat with quiet amusement while Ken and Sophie were quietly irritated in the front.
Erik had asked his dad if he could drop Erik and Zoe off at the movies, since the state doesn’t allow kids to drive after dark until they are 21. Dad was too busy though and, despite his protests, he told Ken to take him. “It’ll be like a double date,” Dad said.
Ken didn’t want to have anything to do with a double-date. But like it or not, here he was chauffeuring the little siblings around.
Ken pulled up to the curb at the movies. “Here you go,” he said.
“I thought you two were going to see a movie too,” Erik replied. That’s certainly what Ken told his parents.
“No. We’ve got more exciting plans. We’ll be back to pick you up at 10:30. Now get out.”
Alone on the curb the two of them finally felt free to chat to each other. “I can’t believe your brother is just ditching us.”
“Believe me; he didn’t want to have anything to do with us. What was with Sophie though?” When the girls were picked up, Zoe was dressed casually in a sleeveless blouse and jeans, fitting in with what Ken and Erik were wearing. Sophie was wearing a relatively fancy dress, heels, jewelry, and lots of makeup.
“She’s being silly,” Zoe said. “She absolutely had to make sure that she looked better than I did when we got picked up.”
“But she looks ridiculous! Clearly Ken didn’t expect her to be dressed like that. It makes her stand out – and not in a good way.”
“Thinking things through has never been one of Sophie’s strong points.”
Looking up at the movie board Erik asked, “Which one do you want to see?”
“How about that one?” Zoe suggested, pointing at the recent sci-fi release.
“Really?” Erik asked in surprise. “I thought for sure I’d have to sit through that chic-flic over there.”
“Those movies are always too cliché and predictable,” Zoe explained. “Or they’re too raunchy and predictable.”
“And sci-fi movies aren’t?”
“They’re corny and predictable,” declared Zoe, “but at least the effects are fun to watch.”
“Let’s go then!” he said.
They bought tickets and settled in near the back of the theater. Since neither had seen this movie, and both were interested in it, they kept their comments to a minimum. Zoe was the first to realize that the armrests lifted up. She did so and snuggled close to Erik. He responded by putting his arm around her shoulder as they sat close, whispering comments to each other.
“Why are women in the future always so scantily clad?” Zoe asked halfway through the movie as the villain, inevitably female and inevitably clad in clothing that is neither practical nor protective, made her appearance.
“It’s the rage of the future,” Erik joked. “In ten years, even you’ll be dressing like that.”
“Eep,” Zoe squeaked. “I could never wear that – at least not where anyone could see me.”
Later, during one of the contrived love scenes involving the hero and a random alien, Zoe commented, “What is it with aliens anyway?”
“Who knows? Maybe because it’s different.”
“Different is the word. But would you like to kiss someone with green skin?”
“Nope, I’ll stick with ordinary colors like you,” Erik said and gave Zoe a quick peck on her cheek.
Zoe was surprised by the sudden kiss, but she liked it. She turned her head invitingly towards Erik and he responded with another kiss on her lips. It wasn’t long, but it felt sweet. She smiled as she snuggled closer.
When the credits started rolling, both of them turned towards the other and shared another kiss. This one was longer, with Erik’s tongue gently sliding between Zoe’s lips. His hand stroked her upper arm. Even though the pleasure of the kiss, Zoe was on guard to ward off any unwanted advances of Erik’s hand. When they didn’t happen, Zoe was able to relax and enjoy the feelings.
Zoe jumped back when the lights came up. “We’d better get going,” she said with a smile. They walked hand-in-hand back to the curb.
Ken’s car pulled up right on time. As they got in, Erik noticed that Sophie’s hair and makeup job were coming a little unglued and the result made her look worse than if she hadn’t had anything done. They also found Sophie’s heels tossed in the backseat.
Erik motioned towards them and Zoe mouthed ‘silly’ while gesturing towards the front. Both of them chuckled quietly.
“Have fun?” Erik asked Ken as they drove back to drop off the girls.
“None of your business,” he replied gruffly. “And don’t even think of saying anything. For all you know, we just went to a different movie.”
Erik turned towards Zoe and made a condescending gesture towards his brother. Again, the pair giggled.
They soon arrived at Zoe’s house. Ken and Sophie made a big deal about kissing each other goodbye. Zoe wasn’t about to do that with others watching. She rolled her eyes at their over-acted display and that elicited another giggle from Erik.
“Back to the project on Monday?” Erik said to Zoe.
“Unfortunately. See you at school.”
“Ready to do a dry run?” Zoe asked Erik next Thursday when they met after class.
“As ready as we’ll ever be,” Erik replied. “The library won’t work though.”
“Let’s go to my house,” Zoe offered. “There’s plenty of space in the living room.”
The two were still going over the outline of their presentation when they arrived at Zoe’s house twenty minutes later. Zoe unlocked the front door and the two stepped into the entry way. The front door opened to steps that led up to the living room. Zoe could see through the railing, her head level with the living room floor and her voice cut off mid-sentence with what she could see.
On the floor of the living room, they saw Sophie naked, lying flat on the floor. Leaning over her was Ken, equally naked and sliding his cock in and out of Sophie’s pussy. Zoe’s hand clenched Erik’s tighter as she took in the carnal scene in front of her. She could hear the sounds of moisture as Ken’s cock moved in Sophie’s pussy, the slapping sound of his balls against her ass, the gasps of breath Ken made with each stroke and the soft moans from Sophie as she received it.
Zoe’s mind froze in overload as the sights and sounds filled her senses. Although shocked at one level, a primal instinct in her wished that she was in Sophie’s position right now. That desire never bubbled up to her conscious thought, but made her hold possessively to Erik’s hand.
Erik also took in the sights and sounds and the erotic display in front of him made him as hard as a rock. He was disappointed that he couldn’t see more of what was going on, but this also made discovery unlikely. Erik felt Zoe’s hand clutch his tighter and tighter and realized that she was frozen into inaction. “Let’s go,” he whispered pulling Zoe out of the door.
The two walked down the street in silence towards Erik’s house. After the initial flush of lust passed from Erik’s mind, he grew concerned at Zoe’s silence. She was walking quickly and the grip on his hand remained as tight as ever. When they got to Erik’s house and went downstairs to the living room, Zoe started talking about the presentation again, but her words were tumbling over each other incoherently.
Erik interrupted her, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“You were silent the whole way over here, and you’ve still got a death-grip on my hand.”
Zoe released his hand as if burned. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“It’s okay. I’m just worried since you’re clearly bothered by it.”
Zoe didn’t know what she was feeling or how she was supposed to react. “It’s just…” she started. “You hear about it, but…”
“You don’t really think about it actually happening,” Erik continued. “Then you didn’t know?”
“I guess there were stories…” Zoe mumbled. “And the head cheerleader and the football QB – it’s so cliché. But… Seeing it…”
“It’s not like the stories you hear, right?”
Zoe nodded in agreement. “I mean girls talk about doing it. Guys too, I guess.” Erik nodded. “But it’s not what you picture… Oh, I’m not making any sense.”
Erik took her hand again. “It does. Maybe it would be less shocking if they had demonstrations like that in health class instead of those dry descriptions.”
“Remember Saturday…” Zoe trailed off.
“You think that’s what they were doing when we were at the movie?” Erik completed her thought.
“Yeah, but where would they go?”
“Maybe they drove some place quiet and did it in the back seat.”
“Right where we were sitting?” Zoe shuddered.
“I hope they at least wiped the seat off when they were done.”
Zoe giggled. “Here’s a scary thought. Imagine your parents doing that.”
“Ewwww,” Ken replied. “I suppose everyone has to do it, even you someday.”
Zoe’s eyes got a dreamy glaze on them for a moment as she imaged herself once again in Sophie’s place. “But I’d have to be all naked!”
“What’s wrong with that? You look terrific.”
“My breasts are too small – not like Sophie’s. And I’m too fat!” Zoe protested.
“Nonsense. Your breasts are just the right size. Bigger isn’t always better. And you’re not fat either. Fat means you can’t see your feet.”
“I’ll show you. If you’re fat, I couldn’t do this…” Erik said as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her around the room. “See,” he said before plopping down into the couch with Zoe cradled in his arms.
Zoe smiled adoringly back at Erik and he responded by leaning in for a kiss. A few seconds later, Zoe broke off saying, “We’d better get to work on that presentation though.”
“But kissing you is more fun,” Erik said as he leaned back in.
More moments passed before Zoe regretfully separated again. “Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll be graded on our kissing.”
Erik sighed in agreement. “I suppose.”
“I’m glad that’s over with,” Zoe said as they were walking home from school one week later. The two of them had just gotten their grade back for their project presentation yesterday – an ‘A’.
“No kidding. I hate giving presentations.” Erik agreed.
“You didn’t seem that nervous.”
“Maybe because we rehearsed it so many times at home.”
“Speaking of that: I saw that awesome video system in your living room every time we practiced. I’d love to try it out.”
“Too bad there isn’t a video store nearby, but there are plenty of older movies at home to watch.”
At Erik’s house, Zoe looked through the stack of movies in the cabinet. “I haven’t seen this one in quite a while,” she said, pulling out an older sci-fi title.
Erik got the movie started while Zoe spread out the blanket and got comfortable on the couch. She patted the couch next to her and cuddled up to Erik under the blanket. Erik put his arms around her as the movie started and the two sat very close.
They whispered silly observations about how unrealistic that scene was and how wrong that technology prediction was and giggled about how simpler things would be for the movie characters if they just did this instead.
Then it happened. Erik shifted position slightly to sit up a little straighter. At the same time, Zoe wiggled a little to find a more comfortable angle to lean against him. For a moment, Erik’s hand slid directly onto her breast for just a moment before he quickly moved it off.
Zoe definitely felt the contact. It was like a static shock – too brief to really provide any real sensation. She didn’t know if he had done it on purpose. Other than the surprise, it didn’t feel unpleasant. She had been used to warding off unwanted advances before, but this didn’t feel unwanted to her. She looked towards Erik and gave him a reassuring smile to indicate that everything was okay.
Erik moved his hand quickly as soon as he realized what had happened. The contact was too brief for him to really feel anything and he was worried that Zoe would freak out. He saw her give a quick smile and snuggle in closer. Erik didn’t know if that was a ‘I know it was an accident’ smile or ‘It’s okay for you to touch me’ smile.
After a few quite minutes, he hoped it was the latter. He slowly moved the hand that was around her waist upwards, watching for signs of disapproval. With no such disapproving signs, his hand moved to fully cup her breast. He could feel its soft pliancy, although the texture was hidden beneath the layers of clothing.
Zoe felt Erik’s hand move up her abdomen and a suspenseful excitement built in her. As his hand cupped her breast, it felt natural and right to her. She could feel the pressure of his hand gently squeeze her breast, but couldn’t feel the texture of his hands through her shirt and bra. She liked the sensation, but wanted more of it.
“Can I use your bathroom?” Zoe asked as she stood up.
“Um… sure. Up the stairs, second door on the right.” Erik was worried that her sudden departure was because he pushed things too far. He waited nervously on the couch, but when Zoe came back, she was all smiles. She pulled the blanket back, motioned for Erik to lie lengthwise down the couch and then sat between his legs, leaning fully against his chest.
Taking this as an obvious sign to continue, Erik’s hands encircled Zoe’s body again. When his hands closed over the swells of her breasts, he realized what her little trip to the bathroom had been about. The soft feeling of her breast was no longer hampered by her bra and the thin material of her shirt did little to interfere with the feelings. His fingers gently glided over the curves, feeling the soft, springy feel of her skin.
Zoe was glad when Erik took the hint and moved his hands back over her breasts. With her thick bra out of the way, she could feel the warmth of his hands as they cupped and tickled her breasts. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, savoring in the warm sensations flowing into her. She could feel her nipples grow harder – something not lost on Erik as his fingers quickly found them as they poked through her shirt.
Erik looked down at Zoe’s face and saw her leaned back in a pleasurable rapture. He bent down slightly and put his lips to hers and Zoe returned the kiss intensely. Erik wanted to feel more so he slid his hands down to the hem of her Zoe’s shirt, sliding it up, allowing his hands to touch her breasts directly.
Zoe was amazed at how much more intense the feeling were when Erik’s hands danced directly on her breasts. Each touch of his fingers was like a little firecracker burning into her skin. She responded with increase fervor in her kiss as she relished in the feelings of warmth that were spreading through her.
Erik tried to tug the blanket off them, so that he could see the tits he was feeling. Zoe held the blanket tighter, shaking her head ‘no’ but while continuing the kiss. He remembered her comment about being seen naked and tried to hide his disappointment.
Zoe was really squirming from Erik’s attention, especially when his fingers closed would strum over her now erect nipples. Erik’s cock was rock hard in his pants and he wondered if Zoe could feel it as she was sliding over it. As Zoe’s breathing grew more ragged in his mouth, Erik considered sliding a hand down towards her pussy. He was about to make a move when they heard the front door open.
Both of them reacted immediately to the sound. Erik quickly pulled down Zoe’s shirt while she sat up and moved to sit next to, instead of on top of, Erik.
They sat quietly on the couch, trying to look innocent and reorient themselves with where the forgotten movie had progressed to when they heard Ken’s voice from the entry way. “Now where were we?” he said.
They heard a kissing sound followed by a little giggling. Erik turned to Zoe and then turned up the volume on the TV much louder so the sound of the movie could be heard from the front. “Wait! Is someone else home?” They recognized Sophie’s voice ask the question from the hallway.
“Damn. I guess Erik’s already back,” Ken swore. Erik chuckled softly to himself.
“I guess you’ll have to wait,” Sophie replied. “See you at school tomorrow?” The front door opened and closed again, followed by a single set of heavy footsteps heading upstairs.
Erik and Zoe’s giggling boiled over into laughter. Even though their own little escapade has been interrupted, it gave them great pleasure in knowing that they disrupted their older siblings tryst as well.
Almost two months had passed. Fall was turning into winter as Erik was waiting on the street corner this morning for Zoe. They had gotten used to walking to school together, but today Zoe was quite a bit later than usual. He was just about to head to school on his own when he heard footsteps pounding up the pavement. Zoe waved to him as she came around the corner.
She ran up to him and gave him a quick kiss. “Sorry I’m late,” she gasped between breaths. “Have you heard the big news?”
“News?” Erik asked. He couldn’t think of anything he heard since yesterday that was especially interesting. “Did the school burn down?”
“No, silly!” Zoe chuckled back. “This is way better.” She leaned close and whispered excitedly, “Sophie’s pregnant!”
“What?” Erik exclaimed. “How?”
“How do you think, dummy! Remember, we saw it happen.”
“Yes, I know how the birds and the bees work,” Erik replied jokingly. “But didn’t they know enough to use protection?”
Zoe chuckled, “My sister has never been one to think ahead much. Serves her right!”
“Yeah, and Ken’s never been much about thinking at all. Do your parents know?”
“Yep. They confronted her this morning. That’s what kept me. Mom said that she recognized her ‘pregnancy glow’ but I know that she found Sophie’s positive pregnancy tests in the trash.”
“I guess I’ll hear the other side of the story tonight when your parents tell mine.”
“I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that conversation.”
“I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow,” Erik smiled at her. “I know you’re way too smart to make that kind of mistake.”
Zoe snuggled close to his side. “Plus, you’re good enough to not let it happen.”
The next week was mostly being spent sequestered in the library studying for final exams. He was helping her decode algebraic expressions while she helped her keep comprehend literature written by authors long dead.
“Zoe,” Erik called to her after class one day. “No studying for today. We need a break.”
“What did you have in mind?” Zoe asked, grabbing her backpack from her locker.
“Let’s go for a relaxing walk,” he suggested. “Just out in the woods away from it all.”
“And no talking about classes, studying, or finals?” Zoe replied. “Sounds fantastic!”
The two departed out the back of the school, past the track, and down the path used by the cross-country team during track meets. They walked slowly, hand-in-hand, occasionally chatting about unimportant things, but mostly just taking in the quiet of the forest. Despite being December, the weather here in the south is still mild and pleasant.
“This way,” Erik said at one point, leading Zoe off the path through a thick area of brush. After pushing through a few leafless bushes, they emerged into a clearing – a wide path cut through the woods for power lines.
“Wow…” Zoe sighed as Erik took a blanket out of his backpack and spread it out. He motioned for her to sit with him. The two lay next to each other, looking up at the leafless trees standing tall and straight around them like toothpicks. From their angle, the power lines were nowhere to be seen and only the majestic views of nature filled their views.
“This is lovely,” Zoe said, turning towards Erik. “I bet this whole field fills up with wildflowers in the spring.”
“But you would still be the loveliest thing here,” Erik said sweetly.
Zoe cooed in delight as she leaned in for a kiss. The two pushed their bodies together as their tongues danced. Minutes passed as the two shared their closeness, cuddled together in coziness.
Erik broke the kiss and reached behind him for his backpack. “I’m got something for you,” he said, pulling a small, wrapped present out and handing it to Zoe.
“Ooh… what is it?” she said, prying the corners of the paper apart. As the paper fell away, Zoe’s mouth formed a surprised ‘o’ shape as she realized she was holding a box of condoms.
“You’re really special to me,” Erik explained, “and I don’t want what happened to your sister…” He trailed off as he realized Zoe was giggling softly – not the reaction he was expecting. He was hoping for happy acceptance; he was prepared for outrage or objection. Giggling he was unprepared for. Worried he asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Sorry,” Zoe said trying to stifle her giggles, but that just caused her to boil over into outright laughter. “It’s just… Well…” she tried to say between laughs. Still laughing, she turned over and rummaged through her backpack. “See…” she said, holding a slightly crumbled wrapped gift with Erik’s name on it.
Erik tore off the paper and found himself looking at a sheet that looked like a series of ruptured bubble-wrap. “What is it?” he asked.
“It’s a pack of birth control pills,” Zoe said, her giggles getting under control.
“But it’s empty,” Erik replied, although even as he said this, he realized what it meant.
“Because I’ve been using them,” Zoe said. “I’ve been so nervous and stressed about how to give it to you and how you’d react. Now you’ve lifted that burden.”
“So that means I don’t need the condoms after all?” Erik asked as Zoe shook her head in agreement. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to work up the courage to buy them in the drug store? To find a time when nobody was watching and wondering what the clerk would think when I checked out?”
This sent Zoe into another fit of laughter. “Well, you should have asked earlier then!”
“Well, I’m asking now,” Erik said.
“What? Here?” Zoe said, looking around the quiet forest. “Won’t we get cold?” Even though winters are mild in the south, the weather was a little brisk.
“I’ll keep you warm,” Erik said. “Plus, I’ve got another blanket in the backpack that we can cuddle under.”
“So you were planning on this working!” Zoe said with feigned outrage. “That calls for some punishment!” she declared lunging towards him, her fingers furiously tickling his belly.
Erik tried to squirm away while his hands found sensitive spots under her armpits. The two rolled around on the blanket, trying to twist away from the tickling while finding new spots to attack. A moment later, Erik wrapped his hands around her pulling her down on top of him and planted a kiss on her lips. The giggling was replaced with heavy breathing as the two exchanged a passionate kiss. His hands ran up and down her back while he felt her breasts push into his chest.
Zoe broke the kiss first. “You’d better get that blanket out now,” she told him.
Erik reached over his head, feeling around for the backpack. With his hands over his head, Zoe started working on the buttons of his shirt, pulling them open and running her hands over his chest. Erik’s hands found the blanket and furled it out, tossing it loosely over them. He grabbed the hem of Zoe’s shirt and lifted it over her head in a single motion. As Zoe pulled her head and arms out of the tangled shirt, Erik briefly saw her bra-clad chest before she grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it tightly around the pair. Even after all this time, Zoe was still reluctant to let him see her body.
As she leaned down for a kiss, Erik’s hands dove under the blanket and opened the clasp on her bra. The straps became slack and he pushed the material up and over her breasts, feeling them against his bare chest for the first time. Zoe wriggled her arms to extract the bra straps and tossed the unneeded garment aside.
As Erik’s hands explored the contours of her breasts, Zoe’s hands were busy feeling the hardness of his body. They moved lower, reaching the waist of his pants. She twisted her body slightly to allow her hands to unfasten the buckle. Erik felt this and with the fastener released, his hands lowered his pants over his hips and his legs helped kick them off.
Zoe settled back on top of Erik, pinning his cock between them. He could feel the rough material of her jeans scrape over his cock, but rather than causing pain, it only heightened the passion that was rising within him. His hands cupped her butt, pushing her down onto him. He slid his hands inside her jeans, cupping her bare buttocks directly.
Zoe could feel his cock pushing against her. Even through the jeans, it felt so hot, although she couldn’t work up the courage to feel it directly with her hand. Instead, she ran her hands up and down Erik’s body. When she felt his hands reach inside her jeans, a surge of pleasure flushed through her. Being squeezed between his hands and his cock made her ready.
Zoe lifted her body up slightly and unbuttoned her jeans. With a wiggle of her hips and a kick of her legs, she slid the jeans off her feet. Settling herself back on Erik’s body, she could feel the hardness of his cock directly against her belly. It felt so hot and hard and ready. She wanted it more than she wanted anything before.
“I’m ready,” she whispered. “Be gentle.”
His hands returned to her buttocks. The cool skin under his fingers was in stark contrast to the heat and dampness he could feel against his cock. His hands guided her body to slide her pussy over his cock, gently spreading her legs apart to reveal her opening. Looking into Zoe’s eyes, he reached a hand between them to guide his cock to her opening. She sighed as the top of his cock brushed against her before being nestled at the entrance to her vagina.
Zoe’s hands grabbed onto Erik’s shoulders and his hands returned to her rear. They stared into each other’s eyes as he pushed her down with his hands and flexed up with his body. With a slow rhythm, Erik would relax and pull back slightly, before resuming his inward push. He could feel himself sliding deeper and more easily with each push. The pressure and heat around his cock felt amazing as it slid deeper into Zoe.
Zoe could feel her insides slowly part as his cock inched its way deeper inside her. She felt herself opening wider and wider with each gentle push as he penetrated deeper and deeper. His cock made her feel so full, filling a void inside her that she didn’t know she had. The feelings flowing over her caused her to relax until suddenly she felt him slide all of the way inside. Her belly was pressed up against his.
Implanted all of the way inside Zoe, Erik lifted her head up to give her lips a kiss. His hands moved to her hips to lift her up slightly to slide slowly back out of her. As his cock glided out, he could feel a gripping sensation, as if Zoe’s pussy did not want to let go. When his cock reached the opening, he allowed it to slide smoothly back in, burying it deep into her depths.
With every outward stroke, Zoe felt a pang of loss, but with every inward stroke that loss was washed away with a feeling of desire and fullness. Her body was moving on its own rhythm, sliding up and down on Erik’s cock, trying to force him deeper and deeper inside. Each stroke was like pumping a balloon inside her tighter and tighter. She could feel the tension building in her.
Erik could also feel the pressure building inside him. Each slippery stroke of his cock tingled with sensation. With Zoe supporting her body on her hands to better move onto his cock, the blanket had come loose and he could catch brief glances of her breasts swaying in the shadows beneath her. With Zoe being so secretive about her body, it was this forbidden sight was the trigger of his eruption.
Zoe felt Erik squeeze her tightly to him, forcing his cock in as deep as it could possibly go. Fully impaled, she felt his cock twitch as it burst forth his potent seed deep into her pussy. She squirmed in pleasure, grinding her pussy against him, encouraging his cock to pump forth burst after glorious burst into her. The feeling of fullness, combined with grinding her clit against his pelvis burst the balloon which had been building inside her, spreading rapturous pleasure all through her body. Her mouth could not contain it as she let out a loud moan of satisfaction before collapsing onto his body.
The two lovers just lay in each other’s arms. Erik’s cock was still inside her, slowly oozing the last remnants of his discharge. Both of them were panting with exhaustion. They once again looked into each other’s eyes and exchanged a simple kiss.
Zoe was the first to break the silence. “That felt amazing. It was like being one with you.”
“I’m so glad. It was better than I had imagined it to be.”
“You’d been imagining it?” Zoe asked.
“Every night,” Erik smiled. “But it was definitely worth the wait.”
Zoe noticed that the blanket covering them was slightly askew and tried to fix it. Erik stopped her, “Don’t.”
“But…” she started to protest.
“Do you want to know what put me over the edge?” Erik asked. “When you were moving on top of me, I could see your breasts bouncing beneath you. That sight was just as erotic as feeling your pussy on my cock.”
“Really?” Zoe asked as she flushed in embarrassment. “You could see…” Zoe clutched the blanket close again.
“I’ll probably see again when you get up,” Erik said.
“No!” Zoe squealed.
“What’s to keep me from just tickling you until you roll out from under the blanket?”
“If you do I’ll hate you forever.” The two stared at each other for a moment then started giggling. Both of them knew that their statements were idle threats.
“Still, it is…” Erik was about to say ‘weird’ before he caught himself. “…unusual that I’ve had sex with you but haven’t seen you naked.”
Zoe thought it over for a minute. “I’ll make you a deal. You ace that literature exam next week and then I’ll let you look.”
“I have to wait that long?”
“It’ll give you something else to study for,” Zoe concluded. “And now, you’re going to cover your eyes while I get dressed again.”
Erik closed his eyes. He felt something, probably his jeans, dumped over his face. “No peeking!” Zoe said teasingly.
“Okay! Okay!” responded Erik. “But when I come back with that grade, you’d better be ready.”
Erik was grinning inside next week as the two walked home from school. He was trying not to look too eager or gloating when he showed his English exam with the ‘94’ grade emblazoned on the front.
Zoe gave him a, “I knew you could do it” reassurance before disappearing claiming that she had a few things to pick up.
Now, she was very quiet on the walk home. Instead of her normally cheerful self, she was walking home, bundled tightly in her long jacket.
Erik tried to distract her with various random bits of conversation on the way home, but all too quickly, the conversation would die back down into silence.
When they got to Zoe’s house, they kicked off their shoes and went upstairs. Zoe led the way to her room, still wearing her winter jacket. They got inside and she closed the door as Erik sat down on the bed.
“Are you okay with this?” he asked seriously. “You’ve been looking so bothered.”
“No,” Zoe disagreed. “I’m just so anxious.”
“Don’t be,” Erik reassured her. “Besides, you’ll get to see just as much of me as I will of you.”
“It’s just that…” Zoe paused, clutching her jacket even tighter. “Well, it’s so embarrassing.” Before Erik could respond, she continued, “Here goes,” as she opened her jacket and let it fall to the ground.
Zoe was wearing a bikini made of cloth squares, decorated as if wrapping paper tied together with ribbons which wound all around her as if wrapping her up like a present. These ribbons culminated in four large bows – one behind her neck, one between her breasts, and one on each hip – that looked ready to be opened.
Some outfits reveal as they conceal. What Zoe was wearing under her jacket seemed designed to do the opposite. Even though the outfit showed quite a bit of skin, it still seemed quite concealing, while at the same time exuding an invitation to be unwrapped.
As Erik stood in stunned silence, Zoe’s cheeks grew red and she fidgeted nervously on her feet. “Wow, you look fantastic,” Erik finally said.
“Thanks,” Zoe said quietly.
“You couldn’t have been wearing that all day at school.”
“No,” Zoe said. “I changed in the bathroom just before we walked home.”
“So that was your errand? I love it. You’re like a present to me.”
Zoe smiled at this praise. “You first,” Zoe said.
“Should I undress or did you want to do the unwrapping?”
Zoe started to reach out towards Erik before changing her mind. “You can do it,” she said softly.
Erik smiled back as he pulled his shirt off over his head. Standing up, he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs. His cock was already hard in anticipation and Zoe gasped as he stood back up.
“It’s so big!” Zoe gasped. “Did that really fit inside me?”
“It fit quite nicely, as I recall,” Erik said.
“If I knew it was that big, I don’t know if I would have let you.” Zoe started to reach out towards Erik, before hesitating.
“It’s okay,” Erik said, closing the distance between them. “I won’t bite.” Erik put his hands around her, pushing her towards his bare body. Her hand, already partially outstretched, grazed across his cock. Almost instinctively, she wrapped her hand around it, holding it firmly, as the rest of her body is pushed against his.
Erik leaned down to kiss Zoe, while he moved his hips slightly to slide his cock in her hand. Returning the kiss, Zoe’s hand unconsciously took up the rhythm and was very gently stroking his cock.
Stepping back, Erik asked, “Is it my turn to unwrap the presents?”
Zoe blushed again before nodding. Erik led her to the edge of the bed where she sat down. Erik knelt in front of her and put his hands around her neck. While his lips found hers, his hands untied the bow behind her neck and let the released ribbons cascade down her back.
Breaking the kiss, Erik gaze followed his hands as they trailed down her shoulders towards the bow between her breasts. As his hands pulled the bow apart the material fell away to reveal her round perfection. Crowning each soft breast was a large, light brown areola surrounding a wide nipple.
Zoe’s hands moved to cover her breasts, but Erik gently held them down at her side. “They look perfect,” he said, his hands moving to cup each one gently in his palm.
“Really?” Zoe asked with still a trace of uncertainty in her voice.
Erik swirled his thumb over the surface, flicking across the nipple, while the rest of his hand applied gentle massaging pressure to the bottom of the swells. “Absolutely. Besides, if you didn’t let me see them, I couldn’t do this.” He bent his head down to close his lips over her right nipple.
Zoe gave a sharp intake of breath as the intense feeling shot through her. Her hands moved to his head, running through his hair and trying to pull him closer. Each lick of his tongue shot a spark of pleasure through her body. By the time Erik has moved to her second breast, her eyes were closed as she focused on the feelings being generated.
Erik’s hands moved down her torso to the bow ties on the sides of her hips. With both bows untied, he was able to peel the fabric open, revealing a mat of fine brown hair around her already slick pussy.
Zoe felt her pussy being exposed and opened her eyes. Again, her hands moved to try and cover herself, but Erik gently moved them away. She felt herself being laid back on the bed as Erik spread her legs further apart. “What are you do…” she started to ask before howling in pleasure when Erik’s tongue made contact with her pussy lips.
Zoe collapsed back on the bed as Erik spread her legs wider in order to stroke his tongue further and deeper through her pussy lips. He alternated between long, slow strokes, and quick licks; circling around her opening and diving right in. Zoe never thought anything could feel so good. Her hands were clutching the bed sheets as she bucked her hips up, trying to force Erik’s face deeper. She could feel her insides boiling as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her. When Erik’s lips closed over her clit, she could feel the explosion of her orgasm crash through her.
Erik felt Zoe tremble under her with the release of her orgasm. Zoe’s excitement was infectious and Erik’s cock has been oozing lubrication for quite some time. Seeing Zoe laid out in orgasmic bliss fueled his desire. He stood up and positioned himself over her prone body. His oozing cock easily slid into Zoe’s wet pussy as the two joined into one. In his excited state, he knew he wouldn’t last long and was pumping into her pussy with reckless abandon.
Zoe felt Erik move up and penetrate into him. Even though she was coming down from the high of the best orgasm of her life his hard presence inside her brought her new energy. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Erik as he drove fast and hard into her. She could feel herself slide slightly on the bed with each strong stroke as Erik drove himself to his own release.
Unable to prolong the excitement any longer, Erik pushed deeply into Zoe’s pussy and held himself there as burst after burst of his sperm jetted deep into her pussy. Zoe’s hands held him tight, holding him deep inside to ensure that none of his essence escaped.
In some ways, Zoe felt that the sex was almost a disappointment after the orgasm she got from being licked. However, holding Erik close in her arms and in her pussy brought a sense of closeness that couldn’t be replaced. The two held each other close, side-by-side, as they each recovered from their highs.
“Don’t you wish you’d let me look earlier?” Erik said as they lay beside each other.
Her strong instincts not completely suppressed, Zoe’s hands moved to cover herself in response to his statement. Then she caught herself and giggled, “It wasn’t so bad, I guess. Unwrapping gifts is fun.”
“But it’s the present inside that matters most,” he concluded.

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: POSITIVEScooter2004

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Cherry (chapter 3)

This is the “short version” of chapter 3! If you want the full version, you can contact me (read my profile) and you will see where to get it!

Sara Protective Dad Part 10

Sara’s Protective Dad part 10.
It took some moments before Sara calmed down; soon after I found her sitting in her new Jaguar with tears of joy streaming down her beautiful face. I approached kneeled down to kiss her. “Are you happy baby?” I inquired.
She buried her face into my chest holding me tightly. Jewels came around and set in the passenger side smiling brightly. Both Little Bobby and Morgan smiled radiantly to me. Then Sara finally raises her face to me says. “You knew I would love it.”
I smile back and saying. “Well when we get back from Colorado and you get your license I’ll let you drive me anywhere and everywhere.”
Jewels interjected. “Me too, I am capable of standing having you as my chauffeur for a while.”
Little Bobby and Morgan exclaimed. “If you’re going to drive mom around can we accompany you.”
Sara says with a devilish grin. “Okay I’ll drive everyone around, once I have my license. The only driving I want done tonight is Bobby driving his cock in his wives’ cunts.”
Jewels giggling says. “I will second that, and take second place as well.”
“Bobby my cunt really needs to get full of your cum, I didn’t get any last night.” I noticed its Morgan talking to me not Little Bobby who normally refers to me as daddy.
Little Bobby says. “That’s right; I want my cunt full of your cock Bobby and a load of cum for my effort. I’ve been getting hornier all day waiting to have you.”
“It looks like I’m going to have to take you girls inside and do my best to satisfy the four of you.” I pick Sara up in my arms and carried her across the threshold. Setting her down, I repeat this with each of my wives. Once all four are inside I have a playful idea I’m going to put all four of them in bed with me, Little Bobby’s ideal of an orgy is something I want to try. Now is a good time for it.
“Okay my darlings we’re off to bed for all of us.” Leading Sara by the hand and Jewels with my other I pull them gently to the master bedroom, Little Bobby and Morgan come along. I begin to remove my wives’ clothes once inside the bedroom. Jewels and the twins’ dresses are easy compared to Sara’s wedding dress. With help I managed to remove all their clothing, I have four beautiful nude women standing before me. Sara and Jewels insist on storing the wedding clothing, before we can get anything started. So my beautiful wives removed my clothing as well. They hung Sara’s wedding dress, my tux and Jewels in the twins’ bridesmaids’ dresses in the closet. That accomplished, it’s playtime.
Pulling Sara to me, so you want to be first my dear, I run my hands gently over her shoulders urging her to step closer kissing her passionately, as my hands continued to run over her back gently. Reach out to Jewels to pull her into a kiss as well. “We’re going to make love to each other to night, not just me but every one of you will be making love to everyone. Follow my lead I’ll show you how.”
“Bobby, I’m so horny right now I don’t want a lot of foreplay I’m ready to go.” Sara says forcefully, and to make her point she kisses Jewels. Jewels and Sara are standing shoulder to shoulder with their bodies still facing me. I hands go to Sara’s and Jewels breast; fondling one of their breast my mouth goes to Sara’s breast not covered by my hand. Sara and Jewels both moan. Smell of their arousal is thick in the air; I hear moaning over my shoulder and turned to see Little Bobby and Morgan kissing each other passionately. I move my mouth to Jewels breast causing her to moan. Both of their nipples are hard as rocks, I slide my hand down the cup Sara’s pussy, before I even make contact a drop of moisture falls into the palm my hand from Sara’s labia. She is incredibly wet, her lips are extended and her clitoris stands out of its protective hood.
I set on the edge of the bed, and pull Sara to me putting her in a reverse cowgirl, a position we haven’t tried yet. Sara seems the reading my mind, straddling my thighs and moving backwards she’s now over top of my hard cock. Jewels lines us up, running my cock up and down her slit to lubricate my head. When Jewels has me in position Sara lowers herself into me, impaling her in one quick movement taking all of my manhood into her. I don’t even need to tell Jewels to lick her sister she begins as soon as Sara is fully impaled. I call to Little Bobby and Morgan. “Come and suck Sara’s tits.” In just a few seconds each has one of Sara’s breasts in their mouth, playing with Sara’s nipples with their lips and tongue. I hold Sara’s hips still, beginning a slow rhythmic motion to my hips, driving in and out of Sara’s hot cunt.
In just minutes Sara is screaming her pleasure at the treatment the four of us are giving her. “OH YES, YES, YES, I’M CUMMING. I’M CUMMING.” Sara is spreading her legs even wider as she spurts all over Jewels’ face. Jewels licks and sucks at Sara’s cum hungrily. The sensation of Jewels licking my cock as it moves in and out of her sister is driving me over the edge. Jewels seeing my balls tighten reaches down between us and squeezes gently and I’m well past the point of no return now. A large blast of semen is ejaculated into Sara followed by a second and third. Semen leaks around my cock as Jewels hungrily licks it up.
I lay back on the bed trying to catch my breath, a shaking Sara still in orgasm falls on my chest, howling no longer able to make words. Jewels rolls Sara off my chest and completely over onto her back. Little Bobby takes the opportunity to grab my cum covered cock, and begins to suck it clean. Morgan is resumes playing with Sara’s breasts, as Jewels begins to clean Sara’s pussy of our cum. By the time I caught my breath Little Bobby has my cock as hard as it ever was.
Standing up I walk behind Jewels still been over licking Sara’s cunt, I line myself up and grab Jewels hip and began to fill Jewels with my manhood. Jewels moans loudly sending Sara back into an orgasm, Sara is holding Jewels face to her pussy not wanting to give up the pleasure her sister is giving her. I begin a slow steady rhythm in Jewels as I fuck her doggy style. Little Bobby is close enough for me to pull her into a passionate kiss; I taste Sara’s and our combined cum, as I let my hands play with Little Bobby. Sara again is drenching Jewels face as she spurts, shaking violently and goes limp. Sara’s hands no longer hold Jewels head to her. Realizing Sara is out cold Jewels raises from her, turns and says. “I want a ride like Sara.”
I back off, removing myself from Jewels, setting back on the bed. This allows Jewels to mount me in a reverse cowgirl. Little Bobby jumps between Jewels legs and begins to eat her mother’s pussy, after Jewels has completely impaled herself on my manhood. Morgan begins playing with her mother’s tits, Jewels moans loudly at the stimulation she’s getting.
I begin a faster rhythm in Jewels holding her hips to keep her from moving which allows Little Bobby to continue her oral onslaught of her mother. In just a few minutes Jewels is screaming her pleasure. “OH YES BOBBY THAT’S IT I’M CUMMING. I’M CUMMING.” Jewels is in orgasm, Little Bobby is licking both of us, and again this is driving me over the edge I cum hard into Jewels. Cum again leaks around my cock and Little Bobby hungrily licks it up.
Again I fallback onto the bed and Jewels comes with me, Little Bobby rolls her mother off my chest and onto her back, and Sara sleeps on one side. Jewels is laying on my other, as Little Bobby licks my cum from her mother. Morgan now moves to my cock and licks her mother’s and my combined cum from it. As my breathing normalizes I feel myself growing hard again. I set up, pulling Morgan up to kiss me, I taste cum this time my self’s and Jewels. I move behind Little Bobby to begin to fuck her doggy style like I did her mother. Grapping her hip in one hand line myself up the other I impale my manhood into my wife, Little Bobby moans loudly as I fill her with my manhood. Jewels is on her elbows watching as I begin the fuck our daughter. Little Bobby is doing her best to continue eating her mother, suddenly Jewels grabs Little Bobby’s head, screams again. “I’m Cumming.” And spurts covering little Bobby’s face with her mother’s cum. I feel Little Bobby begins to spasm as she to reaches climax. Morgan is reclining on the bed masturbating watching the three of us. When Jewels comes down from her sexual high she to passes out.
Again I extract myself this time from Little Bobby and set on the edge of the bed. Little Bobby shakes her head. “Next time husband.” Little Bobby moves to the center of the bed, laying down on her back, she beckons me to come and lay atop her. Smiling I approach as she spreads her legs wide for me. In just moments I am fully embedded in her touching her cervix with the tip of my cock. Little Bobby smiles and says. “Now husband make love to me.”
Little Bobby’s face is still covered and wet with her mother’s cum; I kiss her and taste Jewels cum. I begin to clean her face with my tongue, and kiss her passionately. Establishing a slow steady rhythm with very long strokes Little Bobby begins to respond lifting her hips to meet me with each stroke, allowing her to grind her Clit into me. After a few minutes Little Bobby pleads. “Fuck me faster, fuck me harder.”
I speed my rhythm and push harder on each stroke and she is doing the same matching my speed pushing into me harder with each contact. Her breasts are pushed into my chest I feel how hard her nipples are, her breath is rapid and she is near her climax. I speed my rhythm even faster soon Little Bobby begins to scream her pleasure. “OH BOBBY YES, YES, HUSBAND YES FUCK ME HUSBAND. I’M CUMMING. I’M CUMMING. Having come twice I’m not quite yet pushed to the point where I need to cum but it will be soon. I continue the hard fast rhythm till she tightens up so tight I can’t move that forces me over the edge. I’ve pushed deep into her making hard contact to her cervix as I explode into my daughter. When I orgasm, this since her into a stronger orgasm. “YES FILL ME UP WITH YOUR CUM.” Little Bobby practically raises me off the bed as her legs wrapped around my waist and she spurts in return of each rope I shoot into her. When she comes down from her climax she to passes out with a very contented smile on her beautiful face.
I’m breathing heavily as I roll off of Little Bobby. I’m resting there as Morgan comes up and begins to clean cum off my cock. It takes a little longer but Morgan gets me hard again. Smiling down on me Morgan mounts my hard cock. Positioning it for herself as she slowly impales herself. Once fully down she says. “I wanted to do this ever since I said, I do.”
I ask. “Right there in the church?”
“Yes I wanted to, right there, right then. I didn’t care who would be watching if I knew you would have let me. I didn’t want to get you in trouble, so I didn’t.” She smiles and begins to slowly move up and down on my hard cock.
“Thank you for not getting me into trouble, but right then I may have let you and then been in all kinds of trouble for it.” I chuckled at the thought of having done this in the church in front of all those people watching as me and my four wives consummated our marriages.
Morgan trembles thinking of it. “How much trouble could you be in if someone told the cops?”
“Probably more than I would ever want to be in. Let’s not think about that right now.” I don’t want to lose my hard on and if she continues down this line I may.
She leans down and kisses me passionately. Still looking me in my eyes, I see how much love she has for me it seems to grow each day. I could tell she’s getting close to having an orgasm but she never loses her gaze. Her hips move rapidly as her body begins to spasm I fill her cunt pulling me deeper, as she slams down hard on my pelvis. She finally closes her eyes and arches her back and screams. “I’m Cumming. I’m Cumming.” She is shaking hard in her throws of orgasm. She finally relaxes and rests limply on my chest. “Okay Morgan love I’m going to roll us over so I can do the work now.” She pulls arm and leg in to make it easier for us to roll over. Once I have her on her back she wraps her legs around me. I rise up on my elbows to take my weight from her.
I begin a medium rhythm nearly the same speed she was using, it doesn’t take very long before she is having her second orgasm, I again don’t really have the need to cum, but I want to make her have as many orgasms as I can give her. Unlike last time she doesn’t close her eyes as her body spasms her eyes stayed locked on mine. Her blue eyes blaze with love. I say the only thing that comes from my heart. “Morgan I love you!” Then kiss her passionately which drives her into yet another orgasm. It’s not terribly strong so I can continue my rhythm. Her nipples are hard as little diamonds. I bent down and again to play with one of her nipples. Teasing it with my tongue and lips licking and sucking her entire areola, again she climaxes spurting this time. She cries out. “YES HUSBAND THAT’S IT FUCK ME. OH YES FUCK ME. I LOVE YOU!”
Keeping the speed of my rhythm I try to lengthen my strokes, she comes out of the orgasm she’s in, to immediately begin another. She has back to back orgasms until I feel the need to cum, I’m moving so fast at this point if she hadn’t been spurting periodically I know I would be hurting her, but now she is so wet that there’s a swishing sound each time I press her into the mattress. I feel my balls tighten knowing that this is going to be big or bigger than any orgasm I had tonight. I pushed deeply into Morgan feeling her cervix open as I do. I fire rope after rope into her. I’m so high I have no idea of how much or how often, but she spurts back with each of my spasms that push my semen into her womb. We both scream a primal sound unable to make a coherent word. As my body finishes it’s tremors I roll to the side unable to do anything more before sleep takes me.
Unknown to Morgan and me, three onlookers comment. “Damn that was so hot.”
Little Bobby says. “Damn she called last next time too.”
Sara and Jewels grumble in disappointment. “Damn”
Then the three begin to laugh hysterically, finally Jewels says. “I’m not sure if it would be safe for the baby to go through that.”
Sara commented. “Well if that’s the case after I deliver, and can start having sex again I want to be last for a month.”
Jewels said. “If we’re both pregnant we should be delivering very close to each other, so we should be able to start having sex about the same time. We’ll take turns being last for two months.”
Little Bobby objects. “Hey I would like to be last once in a while during that time.”
Jewels points out. “You do know you won’t be able to have sex for two months after the baby comes.”
Sara complains. “Damn I didn’t know it was that long.”
Little Bobby is feeling sympathetic. “Yeah I’m sorry to hear that.”
Jewels giggles. “Yes, for two months Morgan and you will have to satisfy our husband.”
Little Bobby giggles. “If that’s what a wife has to do? I’ll do it.”
Moring groans. “Can’t a girl get a little sleep around here?”
Jewels giggles. “Morgan after being fucked like that I didn’t expect anything would wake you up.”
Morgan complains. “It’s not you guys, unless you emptied a pitcher under my ass.”
The three other women laugh and say. “You’re the one who made that wet spot.”
Morgan begins to giggle. “Oh yes now I remember.” With a wide smile on her face she rolls over climbs on top of her husband’s chest, and drops back to sleep without losing her contented smile.
Sara cuddles into the side of her husband, raises her rings and smiles contented as well, and holds out her hand for Jewels to cuddle next to her, Little Bobby cuddles next her mother, that way no one is in the wet spot.
The next morning I come awake with Morgan still on my chest. She is looking at her wedding ring how the red diamond sparkles in the dawn light.
“Good morning love.” I whispered in Morgan’s ear.
She turns gives me a long passionate kiss. Then whispers back to me. “Good morning husband I love you.”
“I love you too Morgan.” My need to relieve myself is secondary to my need to hold her just a little longer. Her eyes blaze with love as she looks into my face, I feel the passion rising in me, but my body is unwilling to forgo its trip to the bathroom. I roll Morgan over and she shudders and says. “Damn that’s cold.” I realize I roll her back into the position we were in last night, I quickly roll one more time putting this on the edge of the bed. I rise and help Morgan to her feet I quickly head to the restroom to relieve myself so my passion can express itself.
Morgan pleads with me to let her go first. “Please let me pee first I’ll not be able to hold it otherwise.” Yes I let her go first, like a good husband. When she’s done, I relieve myself as Morgan watched. Morgan says. “It felt like you were doing that inside me last night.”
Once finished I pull Morgan close to me to whisper. “That probably was the biggest orgasm I ever had, it knocked me out.”
Jewels walking into the bathroom gives me and Morgan a look. She says. “Good morning husband, good morning Morgan.”
I reply. “Good morning love.”
Jewels giggles as she relieves herself. “My God you two last night, that was something to watch.”
Sara and Little Bobby walk in, hearing that giggle at Morgan’s redness. Sara asked. “Is it fun being last Morgan?”
Morgan is a little brighter red as she answers. “God is it ever!”
In that instant almost like a flash, an idea hits me; we need to move today to the cabin in the Rockies. Dr. Bastard will probably be leaving custody later today getting bail. If he realizes Jewels stands against him he may seek revenge. Best not to be anywhere near him, if he wants to cause problems. I hate to run but I must think of Jewels in our twins.
Morgan still must be bothered by the question because again she asked. “Bobby last night you change the subject, but how much trouble could you be in if someone found out about us?”
I answered her as best I could. “Well Morgan I don’t know for sure what they would do to me, but I am sure that I would not be able to be with you, Little Bobby and Sara. That’s what really would hurt me that I could not be with you anymore.”
Morgan says with great concern. “Then we need to leave because I’m sure that the doc is screaming his head off about us. Most likely no one will believe him but all it takes is for one to check it out.”
Jewels is very serious. “Bobby, Morgan is absolutely right as long as were within jurisdiction of anyone he has connected to, we may be in trouble.”
Sara suggests. “Maybe we should leave for Colorado today. If not get ready so we can leave very early tomorrow.”
Little Bobby ask. “How long is it to drive to Colorado from here?”
The drive should take around eighteen hours, plus any time for stops along the way so two days on the road at least. So I tell Little Bobby and the others. “If we leave this afternoon we could be there may be before noon on Saturday.”
Adjusting the shower Jewels jumps in grabs the body wash and begins to wash quickly. She was quickly joined by the twins and Sara the showers large but I be too tempted to carry last night forward to this morning.
If I’m going to tow Jewels SUV to Colorado I need to buy a flatbed or vehicle carrier to move it. I will be back for my shower shortly; I walk to my office and use the iPad to look up something to carry Jewels SUV. I find one not too far out of our way as we go to Colorado. I realized two things I don’t want to leave a paper trail all the way to Colorado. I want to make it hard for anyone to locate me once I’m there. Cash is a necessity for this; I’ll pay for all the hotels in cash, the flatbed as well. I have a safe with enough cash that I won’t have to go to the bank to withdraw any. I go down in my basement and get 100,000 in cash far more than enough to go to Colorado and never touch a credit card or debit card.
Load one of my briefcases with the cash as well as the iPad. Returning to the bedroom Little Bobby has dressed in jeans and a nice top. She is stripping the bed of last night’s evidence. I’m happy that these women are very intelligent and wouldn’t leave something like that behind to incriminate us. I decide it is time for me to grab my shower and dress.
After I’m have showered and dressed, I smell breakfast cooking it smells like bacon and biscuits from the bedroom, walking into the kitchen I see Sara and Jewels are hard at work making breakfast. “Is there anything we need before we leave, that you can think of?” I asked the question in general.
Jewels states. “I still want my private items from the house like my pictures of the kids when they were small.”
I figure it’s the only way, Jewels will see any of her items back. “It he has not made bail yet. This would be the time to do that. We should go as soon as we finish with breakfast how much stuff are we talking about? Is it what will fit in your SUV or should I take my truck?”
Jewels says. “I just want my pictures Bobby everything else I can buy a hundred times over.
“I’ll find out if he’s out yet, I’ll call Mike and have him check maybe even see if he can slow down his release.” I’m really hoping Mike can help us out here.
While they were still cooking I call Mike. His secretary answers. I ask that Mike was available she asked who’s calling, upon telling her she simply said please hold and Mike is on the line. “Mike I need to know if that Dr. Bastard has completed bail yet?”
Mike began laughing and then said. “Without Jewels he didn’t have anyone to post bail for him. Fifteen minutes after he was arrested Jewels phone rang and he left a message for her to post his bail.”
“Can you double check and make sure he still incarcerated? Jewels wants to get her pictures from her old house. You can always serve him, his paperwork in jail.”
Mike informs me. “Bobby, we sent two lawyers to the courthouse this morning. One is informing the Dist. Atty. about him removing the 700,000 from Sara’s trust that should be enough to prove he is a flight risk. The other is serving him most likely as we speak. His arraignment is set for 1 PM and with what happened at your wedding is very unlikely his bail would be less than $1 million. If even calling Jewels to post his bail or to be at his arraignment no one else will be posting bail for him. So it’s pretty safe for Jewels to go get her pictures but keep your eyes open just in case.
“Okay Mike, we will go shortly. But I want you to inform me if and when he is released. Have you fixed Sara’s trust so he can’t remove any more money from it? ”
“Yes Bobby that’s been taken care of, and now that Sara is wedded, she can assume control of her trust.”
“Can that wait for a few months while we have a honeymoon? By the way, Jewels will be coming with me and Sara, so if there’s any vital paperwork that has to be signed we can swing by before we leave.”
Mike’s thinking for a second or two then says. “There’s nothing that can’t wait till you’re back.”
I’m always grateful for Mike’s help. “Okay Mike I’ll see you when I return home, and my cell phone will work so you can call me if something big comes up. Thanks again. ”
Returning to the breakfast table, it’s set and everyone has started to eat. A waiting plate is filled for me to set down and begin. “Good morning Loves.” I call to them entering the room; I kiss each in turn walking around the table to take my seat.
Jewels looks at me expectantly asks. “Well what did Mike say?”
“First he’s still in jail; he’s called your old cell phone and left a message for you to post his bail. His arraignment is at 1 PM, and Mike believes his bail will be around $1 million. Do you know anyone capable and willing to put up anything around $100,000 plus assets equal to the remainder for him?”
Jewels meditates for quite a while then a wide smile covers her face. “He’s going to be setting in that jail for a long time.”
I say concerned. “That sounds good to me, but we should still depart for Colorado today.”
Jewels says firmly. “I’m still going to get my pictures.”
I ensure her by saying. “Why yes Jewels I’m guarantee we’re going to acquire your pictures. That way I can at least see what I missed as the twins grew up.”
Jewels giggles as Little Bobby and Morgan rolls their eyes. Morgan asks. “Bobby you really don’t want to see those pictures do you?”
Thinking back to my dream of children I want to ascertain if their children look like they did. “It would be nice to know what you look like as a child.”
“I could pull out some old photos of Sara, if it would make you two feel better.” Now it’s Sara’s turn to roll her eyes.
Jewels giggles. “Well I want to see them, but I think we better hurry to get mine. Just in case he has someone to post his bail.”
“His arraignment isn’t until 1 PM, when the district attorney will ask for a high bail do to him being a flight risk. Even if he has someone before then he won’t get out until 1:30 at the earliest.” I’m hoping were on the road before then.
“I know I can pick up a flatbed in town as well if we take the truck. Sara, Little Bobby and Morgan could load up your SUV with everything we need to take to Colorado.”
To which they say in unison. “We can do that.”
The twins have a few requests of items they want picked up, nothing really big, their laptops, iPods, few special other items, and some other pictures as well from the room. Jewels and I should be able to handle everything within an hour at her place. As soon as breakfast is done Jewels and I leave to head to her old house. It actually took fifty minutes to drive there. We arrived just after 9 AM and pull into the garage load the truck. Ten minutes after we’re there is a knock on her front door. One of Jewels neighbors has come by to find out what the hell is going on. “Jill I saw you come in in that strange truck, with a strange man. And I saw the news yesterday were your husband was arrested.”
Jewels explains to her neighbor what all is going on. “First I have to confess my name isn’t Jill it is Jewels McDevitt. I’m here to get my pictures and some items for the girls. Second the doc has taken money from my sister’s trust that wasn’t his; he hired thugs to kidnap her. So he’s not so good of a guy. This is my brother-in-law who’s here to help me to get my pictures, I don’t want anything else.” Her neighbor is a little wide-eyed at her confession.
“You mean you’re really that Jewels from The one $1 million was offered for.”
I say. “Yes ma’am that’s her, but you’re a little late I’m gave the reward away already. Sorry. By the way I’m her brother-in-law Robert Winfield, movie producer and billionaire.”
Jewels giggles. “Yes that’s him, he’s the one who put up the site and he has been looking for me the last fifteen years.”
Her neighbor tells Jewels. “You know when I first moved in I asked Andrew if you could be that Jewels. He laughed it off saying there’s no way that you could be. So I never pressed it.”
I tell her. “It’s too bad you didn’t contact me. I could check it out you would’ve been 1 million bucks richer.”
She seemed very sad at hearing this; she sets down and begins to cry. Jewels goes to her and asked what the problem is. “Mary what is the problem? I haven’t seen you cry but once in all the time I’ve known you.”
Jewels’ neighbor Mary says. “My husband lost his job two months ago and now the bank is after us for missing that mortgage payment.”
At this point I know of Jewels will do, but I’ve been around more people who done things like this just to see if they can get a handout. “Mary has your husband found a new job yet?”
Mary replies. “He just started a new job it doesn’t pay quite as good as his old one did but if we were not behind we could keep making the payments.”
Jewels asks. “How much do you need to get caught up?”
Is just that payment was late fees about $1100, but with what my husband makes it might as well be 1 million, were won’t be able to pay it until the next month or two by that time the late fees will push it to $1600 and we still won’t be able to pay it.
I ask. “Would you happen to have the letter from the bank?”
Mary answers. “I have it on the table at home.”
I asked her. “Could you go run and grab it for us will need your account number to help you out.”
After she’s out the door Jewels asks. “Are you really going to help her out?”
“Sure why not, don’t you remember how much I make a year, her asking for $1200 is like someone asking you as a nurse for a few pennies.”
Jewels face lights up. “I forgot I’m rich. I have a little left as Jill in the bank. I really would like to let her have it than it going back to Dr. Bastard, for his legal defense.”
“Will Jewels it’s your money, and if you don’t want him to have it you can get it or give it away. We need to get out of here within the next few hours.”
Mary rings the doorbell then comes in. “Here’s a letter from the bank.” She hands it to Jewels quickly looks at over, seeing the dollar amount Jewels then hands me the letter. I noticed right off the banks name, and smile to myself. Reading the letter carefully I see exactly what she’s talking about. I also know Mary has nothing to worry about because I know the primary stockholder of that bank. Only due to her absence she is not the chairman of the board.
Jewels has left to go to the room used as a home office, in a desk she finds what she’s looking for, there’s a checkbook with her alias name as the account holder. Jewels checks the balance on that account it just so happens to be $1282.62 she makes a check out for that amount making it payable to Mary. Jewels comes in and hands Mary the check.
Mary looking at the check eyes begin to tear pulls Jewels into a hug her joy overflowing. Then finally she steps back and says. “Jill I can’t let you this is all the money you probably have.”
Jewels answers her friend. “No, it is not even near all the money I have, thanks to Robert here. But that was all the money that Jill had, but I’m not Jill anymore.”
Mary is little confused. “But you’re still the same person you always been.”
Jewels says. “Yes I am, and only my fortune has changed. I borrowed $20 from you two months ago. That $20 meant more to me than that $1200 does today so I’m just making it even okay.”
Mary says with gratitude. “If you insist Jewels I’ll take it.”
Jewels smiles and says. “Yes I insist, but you could help me gather my pictures and wrapped them so we can take them from here. I don’t want any that have Andrew in them. So those can stay.”
Mary quickly brings some boxes from her home and begins wrapping the pictures on the kitchen table. A happy smile is now on her face. The weight of the world has lifted from her, as little as $1200 meant the difference in her life. Mary is very fast at her task having a light heart speeds her hands.
As we finish our task Jewels speaks to Mary. “Mary cash that check, as soon as you can. If they give you any problem call me, this is my new number. Whatever you do don’t give it to Andrew or let him know that you know it.”
I look at the check and quickly see it’s a local bank the same as from the letter. This is going to be fun letting Jewels know who owns that bank. Not right now though. I don’t have any smelling salts nearby.
I tell her “Jewels you should take the checkbook with you.” Jewels nods and drops it into her purse.
We have a box loaded with the items Little Bobby and Morgan asked for. I moved all our loaded boxes into the backseat of the pickup. “Okay let’s look around and make sure we haven’t left anything that you are the girls would want.”
Quick scan through the house I find a digital camera it’s a good SLR digital camera, it was hidden fairly well in the top of his closet. I ask Jewels if it is hers. “Jewels is this your digital camera?”
Jewels says. “No I don’t even remember seeing that before.”
I say. “It’s not that new of a camera been out for years now, and from the look of it it’s about two years old.”
Jewels was confused as to why a camera is in the house that she has never seen. “Why would he hide something like that?”
“The only thing that comes to my mind he is taking pictures that he doesn’t want you to know about.” I turn the camera on the see what is in its memory. The first image is of Little Bobby nude on her bed, obviously sound asleep, there are several close-ups of her body parts her tits, ass, and pussy. The next set of photos is Morgan very similar. The third is of Jewels you can see the strawberry birthmark on her ass. There are also close-ups of her tits, ass hole and pussy. Another few shots are deftly staged they show Jewels with drug paraphernalia and a needle in her arm, realistic looking track marks on her arms as well.
Jewels is mad as hell as am I. Jewels practically screams. “I’m going to kill that bastard if the last thing I do.”
The only thing I can think of is he did this in case Jewels asked for a divorce. It would be very easy with evidence like the drugs to either stage her death or simply get custody of the twins. “I know He staged those, the date on them showed a little after Sara’s accident. He was setting up to take over Sara’s trust and possibly divorce or even murder you. We need to make sure he doesn’t have any copies anywhere. Jewels does he have a laptop, desktop computer, tablet or PDA somewhere?”
Even that upset, Jewels sees what I’m trying to do. “He has a laptop that he never lets anyone else use. The desktop in the office, but I use it from time to time. Plus his phone is a blackberry.”
I’m not an expert at cracking computers but I do know one. “Okay Jewels here’s what we’ll do we’ll find his laptop and take it with us the desktop as well, then we need to go through the house and look for any flash drives he may have hidden, or CDs that he uses as backups. Even a USB hard drive he could use that as well. So if we find anything like that it comes with us. It might keep him out of jail, but I don’t want pictures of the girls or you to see the Internet ever.” Finding an empty box I put the camera inside. Jewels passes laptop still closed and off. The desk has a locked drawer; I ask Jewels if she has the key for it. “Jewels, is there a key to this drawer?”
Jewels anger flashes. “No, he keeps it on his key ring, and never lets anyone into it.”
I tell Jewels. “Well then that drawer is getting opened no matter what.”
I call Mike and tell him a little of what I found. “Mike I found some staged pictures at the doctor’s house, that would make Jewels look like a drug user. I have no idea his true purpose for them because Jewels definitely isn’t a drug user. I don’t care about using them to send him to jail or not. I just don’t want them to ever see the light of day again. What can we take away from here legally?”
Mike hears the anger in my voice in those how serious I am about this. “Well you’re not an officer of the court so anything you found is not admissible. It’s Jewels primary residence, she can take about any damn thing she wants but may have to return it after the court settles the property. So as for computers or something like that take it. We’ll settle up with his ass later I’ll make sure he doesn’t get anything.”
“Mike we have about two hours before his arraignment. Is there any possibility that we could get some people to search this house with Jewels permission? I don’t want to chance of leaving a flash drive with pictures of Jewels or the twins like the ones I’ve seen.”
Mike tells me. “I can get those private investigators that we hired over there in about half an hour.”
I tell Mike. “Send the private investigators Mike; tell them, I want them here as soon as possible.”
I call back to talk to Little Bobby and Morgan, they may know of a place where the doc is hiding things like flash drives. “The house phone rings three times before Sara answers, Sara is everything going okay?”
Sounding tired Sara says. “Yes we’re just about finished loading everything in Jewels’ SUV.”
“Good. I need to talk to Little Bobby or Morgan if they know anywhere the Doctor may have been hiding backups of image files or movie files. Like on a CD or USB drive.”
Both girls suggest locked drawer, but also mentioned the downstairs powder room, they saw him go in with a flash drive, but not come out with one. He was just in his boxers at the time. Neither couldn’t think of anywhere else he may have hidden anything. I think them and tell them we will be home shortly.
Leave the drawer to be opened by the private investigators one of them could be able to pick the lock. I’ll begin with the powder room and see if I can find any hidden flash drives.
The powder room is a small water closet with a toilet, sink and vanity and medicine cabinet, a light switch controls a vent fan and light. There are no lights over the medicine cabinet. I checked the vanity has one drawer I search it thoroughly, removing the drawer check under nothing there nothing in the drawer of interest. I checked the rest of the vanity with as much care as I could, nothing of interest. I check the toilet behind it, or under, raised the lid of the tank flipped it over nothing there. That left the medicine cabinet opening it, nothing unusual until I noticed a nail in the bottom side of the medicine cabinet, and everything in the cabinet was against the back. I tug at the nail and it pulled out easily, once it was removed the bottom of the medicine cabinet with tilt outward, once I tilted it out to about a 45° angle I saw a small clear plastic bag of flash drives. I removed the bag in place that in the box to be taken and checked out.
The doorbell rang and a private investigator stood there with his ID for me to read. Having an uneasy feeling I asked if Jerry has sent him. He said. “No Sir Mike had.”
I let him in then, asking him where the other three are. “Sorry Sir I’m the only one coming.” He told me. Now I know Mike well enough if he said he sending four, he sure would call if only one was available. Did you clear that with Mike Smith, I tested him again. “Yes Sir we cleared it with Mike Smith.”
I tell him. “That’s funny the only Mike Smith I know of isn’t the Mike that would send you. Now leave.”
He foolishly went for his firearm, before his gun clears its holster I punched him so hard in his shoulder I heard bones snapping. His gun sliding away from him as his arm went limp and he screamed in pain. Just then for large men came to the door hearing his screams they entered with guns drawn. I recognized one of them he had done work with Mike before.
Immediately took him to the ground, asked if I was okay. “Mr. Winfield is everything under control now?”
“You got him; I broke his arm just below the shoulder and probably his collarbone as well. His firearm is somewhere on the floor.”
The idiot started mumbling something about suing me. I bent down near him to say in his ear. “First you broken in under false pretense, second you misrepresented yourself as being agent of my law firm, third I’m here with the owner and under her permission, forth you drew on an unarmed man. If you take me to court I’ll make sure the press would eat you alive, you’ll never have another client in any state or country you settle in I will make sure a one-page showing your court case will be across from any and every advertisement you ever make. Now here’s the deal you tell me what the hell you were here for and where it is. I will let these nice gentlemen drop you off at the emergency room. Don’t cooperate I will drop you off at a police station. You can join your boss on attempted murder charges and attempted kidnapping charges.
Two seconds was all it took for him to make his mind up to be cooperative. I have a key in my pocket for the desk, and the powder room behind the vanity has flash drives. My partner is out at your place rounding up the girls.
Jewels screams hearing the last sentence. “We got to go and stop him!”
I grab my cell phone and call home again, as I run to my pickup. I open the garage door; thankfully no car is blocking my path. Two private investigators are running to their car to follow us to the ranch. Jewels has jumped in with me. Sara answers and I tell her. “A kidnapper may be coming now; you get into the safe room with the twins.”
Sara tells me. “That’s where we are at. I saw an unfamiliar car driving too fast coming over the hill, and ran us all into the safe room. I’m watching he’s in the living room looking around.”
“Sara stay in the safe room. Lock the door from the inside.” I hear the safe door lock engage, the door has a six-hour burn through safe rating. Unless he brought some very sophisticated safe cracking and torches he would not have a chance of ever opening the door to the safe room, the walls are even more protected than the door. In short he’s not getting in before I get to him. And he’s in the wrong place it’s the wrong time, under the law his life is in my hands.
I call Mike and let him know that even in jail he’s had his thugs break into my house, make sure that the District Attorney Is aware that an attempted kidnapping at his direction is in progress. “Yeah the bastard is at my house. Sara and the twins are in my safe room. If he doesn’t leave by the time I get there. By the way you’re private investigators are holding his partner. He drew on me and I broke his arm.”
Mike asked. “Are you okay?”
“Mike I’m fine just scared shitless, if Sara hadn’t gotten to the safe room who knows what the hell would have happened. Have your private investigator holding a guy back of Jewels open that locked drawer and completely clean it out. I’ll be back there shortly to gather up Jewels pictures and everything else. Call me back when they know what’s in that drawer. I’ll call you from home after we had a guy.”
I’m pushing the truck well past 100 miles per hour when it’s safe to do so; drive home takes far less time than going to Jewels’ old house.
I call home again, Sara answers on the first ring. But I hear an extensions pick up as well. “Sara, stay where you’re at. He’s also listening in so hang up now. You, we have your partner and he is cooperating with us, you on the other hand are in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ll be there in less than five minutes that should give you a minute to the off my property. If you’re still there.” I don’t say anything more but I hear the phone being dropped back on the receiver. But I lied I was just turning on to my property I just wanted him out of my house.
My phone rings its Sara. “Bobby, He’s run like hell is about to catch up with him.”
I tell her. “That’s right I’m coming up the hill right now.”
Sara cautions. “Be careful he’s coming real fast.”
I break to a stop about 100 yards short of the crest of the hill, the private investigators stop behind me just then he comes across the top of the hill his car flying as it jumps, the hill forming a natural ramp. Hitting the ground and seeing his path is blocked he cuts hard to the right as soon as he is out of the road he loses control in the soft dirt rolling his car. He missed us by thirty feet. I guess he thought he could avoid me and still run for the gate. I jump out and talk to the private investigators directing them to pick him up and taking to the nearest police station. “Well guess we don’t have to take him in. I hear sirens Mike must have called the police, either that or they’re just catching up with us for speeding.”
The private investigators are chuckling. “No that was us we called in backup.”
I tell them. “You got this. I have three young women that are pretty scared I need to get to.”
They wave saying. “You go we got this.”
I jump back in the truck and head on to the house arriving I see the damage done. He kicked the door in, breaking the casing holding the lock. Once inside I hear the safe room door opening in just a minute the hidden door opens and outcomes first Morgan followed by Little Bobby and Sara. They run to us and pull me tight to them, Jewels is in tears holding on to the girls too.
Jewels with love and gratitude. “Sara you did good, you protected Little Bobby and Morgan when they needed it. Thank you.”
I say. “That’s our Sara.”
Jewels punches me hard. “Why didn’t you tell me the girls were in a safe room? I was scared to death.”
Rubbing my shoulder. “Jewels I’m sorry I forgot to tell you about this house, but I was a little busy these last few days. House this is Jewels your to open for her full access. Jewels say hello house.”
“That sounds weird talking to a house but here I go. Hello house”
The house’s computer system responded to Jewels grain her full access upon her voice print. “Hello Jewels. You have full access.”
Jewels is taken aback. “Bobby your house talks.”
The house says. “I have many program responses to the standard requests. I can set your alarm clock, your selection of music, environmental controls and access to controlled areas like the safe room.”
Giggling Jewels says. “Nice house.”
The house replies. “Why thank you Jewels.”
Sara giggles “I left it in silent mode. It has freaked people out so many times.”
“For instance, if I said I need to get up early.”
The house asks. “What time would you like your alarm clock set for Sara?”
Sara says. “7:15 AM.”
The house confirms. “Your alarm clock is now set for 7:15 AM tomorrow morning.”
I repeat the process for Little Bobby and Morgan, granting them full access as well.
Sara and commands the house. “House resume silent mode.”
“I need to let Mike know that you’re fine and that guy it should be picked up by the police having wrecked his car on his way out.”
I went to house phone that he was using and pick up. “House call Mike.” I’m just a moment Mike’s secretary is on the line. “Mr. Winfield for Mike.” I tell her.
She responds. “He’s been waiting for your call.”
Mike is very nervous. “Bobby is everybody okay.”
I begin with. “The one that broke in here wrecked his car on the way out; I have no idea what condition he’s in. But for everyone else here we are fine.”
Mike says hold the line, in a minute Mike is back. “Okay first things first the drawer had cashier’s checks made out to Dr. Bastard. So there’s most of Sara’s money back, they recovered 625,000 in cashier’s checks. Plus seven DVDs marked backup. I told them not to look what’s on the files. They found four more flash drives in the drawer as well. For the one that wrecked he’s fine and in custody. And during the doctors arraignment the DA was notified and got a can continuation so he’s not getting out for three more days at least. And given the circumstance I doubt he’ll see any free time until after he goes to trial and that will be only a week before he goes to prison. Judging from the evidence just on the kidnapping charges, send me the video of kidnapper who wrecked breaking into the house, and burn a DVD of it for the police.”
Okay house send all related video files to Mike showing his actions upon arriving here. Until he left plus audio that was recorded that have his voice. “Mike you have it in just a few minutes.”
A knock at the door alerts me, to the officer standing outside. He knocks again in the door opens, having no lock to stop it. The officer begins. “Mr. Winfield, is everyone okay? I’ll need to take some pictures showing the damage he caused.”
I tell the officer. “Officer I can get you a DVD showing his actions in my house. It will also show him breaking in my door.”
I go into my office and put a blank DVD in the burner and five minutes later a DVD is ready from my security feed. I watch his actions as he goes through the house, in the guest room he places several bags of powder in Jewels night stand. I realized that it’s most likely drugs and it’s to do with those pictures of Jewels, to strengthen a case against her as being an unfit mother and drug addict.
I showed the Officer the security footage. We go into Jewels bedroom to find and retrieve the bags. The officer agrees with me, that the attempted kidnapper placed the drugs there. The field drug detection kit shows positive for cocaine in two bags and opiates on the third. He will be charged along with breaking and entering, drug charges are added. Plus he had enough drugs to kill Jewels and paraphernalia to inject them.
I called Mike to inform him of what we found and asked if they checked the man at Jewels place for the same. Actually they told me they turned him over to the cops five minutes after I left, the police did find like items on him. Remind him of the staged photographs with Jewels looking like a drug user. Mike do a background check on this guy I bet this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this. Jewels met him six years ago, so start looking at six years and back.
Mike says. “Bobby I swear you must be psychic, I had a legal assistant doing that they just finished, he has highlighted notes and eight years ago his wife then died of an overdose of cocaine and opiates.”
I say. “I think you really need to get that information to the Dist. Atty. I think he can move it one of the kidnapping charges up to attempted murder, and maybe open a case for murder of his wife.”
Jewels was shaking and her girls and Sara helps her to a couch to recover. After a few minutes Jewels calls me over to her. “Bobby I think you saved my life today.”
I speculate for her. “Actually Jewels you not going home this last weekend probably saved your life, if you hadn’t stayed with me, he would’ve known something was up when the twins didn’t come home. It would’ve given him the opportunity to do it without witnesses.” Jewels shakes her head yes, tears are falling down her beautiful face and they’re not happy. I hold Jewels to my chest. Comforting her best that I can, and just let her cry it out.
Little Bobby and Morgan also hold and comfort their mother. Neither tried to say anything bad about what happened. Finally Morgan speaks. “Mommy he’s fooled us all into thinking he was a lot better of a man that he was.”
I tell Jewels what I thought of him. “Jewels I talked to him for maybe fifteen minutes that first day and I thought he wasn’t that bad, he was a good con man even if he wasn’t a good doctor.”
Jewels relates. “You’re right about him not being a good doctor he kept asking me tons of questions when he first started at the hospital, I used to think he was testing me, but I wonder if he ever was a Doctor.”
I pass on something I heard. “It would not be the first time a con man impersonated a Doctor. It gives them access to drugs, and patients who can be blackmailed.”
Let’s go back and get your pictures and those other items, I think we’re not going to have to worry anymore about Dr. Bastard. It’s 1:30 in the afternoon. “Okay everybody let’s go pick up the stuff from Jill Carter’s life. It seemed that or you four wait in the safe room till I get back.”
Jewels said. “I think I really want to be with you.”
Sara, Little Bobby and Morgan in unison say. “Us too!”
I remember. “Okay let’s go, Jewels didn’t we put most of the pictures in the truck already.”
Jewels points out. “Yes, most of them are, we just got to go back for that other box.”
I point out. “We will have to remove your pictures to give the girls room to set down.” We move all the boxes of pictures into Jewels closet, it takes about ten minutes. Then we leave to get that last box of incriminating items I hope there’s nothing in it that the district attorney would ever need to prosecute that con man.
The private investigators have searched the house and found nothing in addition to the items from the desk. We are informed that the district attorney is aware of the box and has gotten a search warrant for it. We leave it setting on the table until two detectives with proper ID show up to take custody of it. The detectives take our statements as to how we found the items and what let us to search for them. Because the items have not left the residence the district attorney believes he may be able to bring them into evidence. If not he guaranteed that they would be returned to Jewels.
It’s now three o’clock, I need to do a couple things like call a carpenter to repair the door, get the flatbed and load Jewels’ SUV before we can leave. I have a good man to fix the door I trusted, and Mike can always send one of his paralegals to check that the doors completely safe.
I call my carpenter friend. “Hey Gary someone kicked my front door in, and I need it fixed or replaced, whichever you fill is best.” Gary agrees to fix it the next morning. I’m not sleeping there with it flapping in the wind. I know the girls would not either.
I get the information on finding a flatbed that is strong enough to carry Jewels SUV through OnStar; they give me directions in its twenty minutes away. The brief case with the cash is still in the truck, I purchase the trailer plus straps everything needed to haul Jewels’ SUV.
When we arrived back home we finished packing. We loaded Jewels’ Cadillac Escalade on the flatbed and made it ready for the trip. At 4:30 in the afternoon we finished loading Jewels SUV, letting us drive four or five hours of the eighteen hour trip today.
I had everybody double check to ensure we had everything that we needed for the trip. Little Bobby and Morgan found their iPods in Jewels closet.
A few minutes later, we eat sandwiches; we are ready to head out. I call Mike. “Mike given what’s happened today we’re going to take off, and get away from everything. If you need me, you know how to get a hold of me. The district attorney seized that box with those photographs we spoke of. See what you can do about ensuring that they are handling them with all due respect.”
We do something smart I sent everyone to the restroom before we go, now her off to have to drive to a large cabin in the Colorado Rockies.
Twenty minutes into the drive Sara, Little Bobby and Morgan had fallen asleep. Jewels reaches across the center console and takes my hand. “Bobby, loving you has saved my life.”
Given all the events that just happened I’m sure I can fully trust Jewels. I open my heart to her. “Jewels, you and Sara, Little Bobby, and Morgan are my entire existence. Without you four I am hollow, your love is what makes me complete. I’ll never be happy unless you are always with me.”
Jewels smiling brightly. “I owe you my life, so for me, I will always be with you.”
Three voices sound in unison from the back. “Us too.”
I kiss Jewels hand, and blow kisses to the women in the rearview mirror.
I’m happy to be with them. I guess I can no longer call myself a Dad. Since I’m husband to all of them, not legally of course, but husband in deed, my actions prove that. Looking over at Jewels her left hand rests atop her stomach as she gently rubs herself. Looking back in the rear view mirror Sara also cradles her stomach rubbing gently. The three have closed their eyes again all having contended smiles.
Author’s notes: I considered ending Sara’s protective Dad series here, but I want to continue on with these characters. Maybe you can give me a suggestion for a new title. I hope you’ve enjoyed it so far.

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My Best Friends Sister V

Sorry about the long wait. Had PC problems and lost the whole story before I could submit it. Let me just state that the people who asked for anal, it is there. The incest was done with a reason as you will see, it may come out in more detail in later stories as well. Also this will be the last of the series for now. I’m going to take my time to write further on my novel. Hopefully I can give you guys another story after a month or two.

Hole in the Wall, Chapter 3

(Be sure to read the earlier chapters first.)
The next day, Justin and Emily worked out the details of how to sneak Jill into the house to watch their parents have sex though the peephole in Justin’s room. They toyed with the idea of crawling in through the window (as the bedrooms are on the ground floor) but the windows were high enough to make that awkward. It might look suspicious to any neighbor that happens to see.
Instead, Emily would meet Jill out in the back yard and wait for Justin to text them. They could quietly enter the back patio door and come down the hall to Justin’s room, hopefully without missing too much.
“Jill’s really excited about this,” Emily reported after filling her in on the plan.
“Is Jill still a virgin?” Justin asks.
“I think so,” Emily says. “She’s insatiably curious and we talk about it all the time, but she’s way too timid to actually do anything.”
“I still think it would be easier if she just watched us,” Justin suggests as he slides his hands around Emily’s body to cup her tits.
“No way!” Emily cries as she wriggles free of his grasp. “I would die of embarrassment if Jill found out we were doing it.” She points an accusatory finger at Justin, “And don’t you say anything to her either!”
“Okay, okay,” Justin reassures her. “It will be our little secret. What if Jill gets as hot as you did watching? Is it okay if I help her out too?”
Emily pauses thoughtfully. “Will you always be there for me?” she asks.
“Of course,” Justin says, wrapping her in a comforting hug. “You’ll always be my special sister.”
Emily snuggles into his embrace. “Thanks. I suppose I can share you with Jill if she wants. She shouldn’t miss out on all of the fun.” She looks up at him with an adoring smile on her face. “Thanks for asking me first.”
“Anything to keep you happy,” Justin replied. As they hugged, Justin moved his hands down to her rear. “Speaking of which, can I make you happy right now?”
“Who are we making happy now?” Emily replied playfully. “Why don’t you save it for tonight?” She gave him a kiss before heading out of the room.
They had to wait longer than tonight – no opportunities arose for three days. Even tonight looked like it might be another disappointment as Justin kept an eye on what was happening in his parents’ room. However, just as it looked like his parents were going to go to sleep, his Dad leaned over to Mom to give her a good night kiss. As the kiss lingered, Justin quickly sent the text to summon Emily and Jill inside.
A few seconds later, the pair of girls quickly, but quietly, zipped into his room. Both of them were wearing T-shirts over skirts. Emily whispered a “thank you” to Justin as they both knelt on the floor and started peering in the holes to the parent’s room.
Justin lay back on his bed and picked up a book to read. His focus was more on the girls than on his novel. Jill’s long blonde hair contrasted with his sister’s shorter brown curls and emphasized her thin frame. Justin was pretty sure that Jill stood a little taller and she walked with a light spring in her step.
She also seemed accessorized to death with a ribbon hair clip, large hoop earrings and necklaces, bracelets, and rings her body. ‘So complicated,’ Justin thought as he watched the two girls whisper furtively to each other.
A few times, he could hear gasps of surprise coming from Jill before an exchange of whispers followed. He hoped they weren’t being too noisy. Twice Jill looked back at Justin. He returned her second glance with a friendly smile. Jill then whispered, “Can you leave for a bit?”
“Why?” he asked.
“Please?” she said with an urgent tone to her voice.
“If you’re going to play with yourself, go ahead. I’ll know that’s what you’re doing when I leave anyway.”
“It’s okay, Jill,” Emily said. “He can’t see anything anyway.” One her hands moved towards Jill. Emily was right – I really couldn’t see anything, but I imaged that her hand was either moving under Jill’s skirt, or guiding Jill’s hand there.
“What… aah…” Jill sighed as unseen fingers stroked her privates. It wasn’t long before Jill forgot all about me and was aware only of the action in the other room and the action between her legs.
A few silent minutes passed with only the heavy sound of breathing in the room when the girls moved away from the wall and lay out on the floor. As Justin got up from the bed and grabbed the pictures to recover the peepholes. He could see that both of their skirts were quite a bit higher than they would normally be.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and asked, “How was the show, girls.”
“Every bit as good as last time,” Emily replied as they sat up. “I think Jill enjoyed it quite a bit too.”
“It was a bit dark in their room,” Jill said. “I wish I could have seen more.”
“I’m right here,” Justin offered, gesturing towards his body.
A pillow flew through the air striking him flat in the face. “Nice try,” Jill replied. She quickly realized whose room it was though. “But thanks for letting us watch.”
“We’ll have to do it again,” Emily replies. Jill nodded in agreement.
As quietly as they entered the bedroom, the two girls snuck back out and disappeared down the hallway. A minute later, Emily quickly returned alone. She moved quickly to Justin and wrapped her arms around him.
“Watching them made me so hot!” Emily said as she pushed herself into Jim’s lap. “I need you now!”
Justin was more than willing to oblige. His hands moved to her rear, scooping her up in his grasp. He gathered up the material of her skirt to reach underneath and discovered that she was naked under her skirt. “You really couldn’t wait, could you?”
“Nope,” she gasped as she fumbled with the zipper on his pants. It didn’t take long before she had his cock free. “Didn’t want anything in the way.”
Emily lifted up and impaled herself on his cock. “Yes… that’s just what I need…” Quickly, she started bouncing up and down on his cock.
Justin pulled up her shirt and to find her tits unrestrained. He leaned forward to suck the nipple into his mouth. As his tongue played over the tip, Emily’s breath got heavier and more insistent.
The two lovers only heard the noise because they were trying to be quiet. A tapping on the window echoed through the room. As they both turned towards the window, they could see Jill standing outside looking in with a shocked expression on her face.
There was a moment of shocked silence when everyone was frozen, staring at each other, before Jill bolted away from the window disappearing into the night. Emily collapsed into Justin’s arms and started whimpering.
“Quickly, Emily. Chase after her. You can explain,” Justin quickly tried to reassure her. “She’ll understand. I promise. She’s just surprised right now.”
“Really?” Emily replied in disbelief.
“Yes. If she’s a real friend, she’ll still like you. Now hurry.”
Emily pulled her skirt and shirt down. There was a moment’s hesitation while she regained her composure before she dashed out of the room.

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In the Valley of the Amazons–6–Finale

I held off publishing this final segment because of the opportunity to sell the entire story on line. However, in response to several PM’s and numerous comments I have changed my mind. Here is the finale–enjoy!
I stood there, my arm around Hosi for what seemed forever, my fingers lightly caressing the soft skin of her back, ribs, and breast. We watched the water flow in a graceful arc into the fountain. I was…what can I say…overjoyed…elated…thrilled…ecstatic? Hosi had told me I was going to be a dad again. I had Kela who I loved to pieces and Davy who was just a helpless infant, and now another was on the way. It reaffirmed my desire to make sure the valley would last as it was forever. I realized, not for the first time, how rich I really was. I had clean clear air to breathe, fresh delicious water to drink, wholesome food in quantity, a community where people lived in harmony, helped each other, and loved each other both physically and spiritually, and most of all a beautiful sexy wife who loved me unconditionally. What else could anyone ask for?
Now that we had handled the challenges of the slavers and the poachers it was time to get back to our daily lives. We would still maintain our patrols—there was no substitute for vigilance although I had some thoughts on how we could discourage interlopers. It was gory, really a disgusting idea, but I was pretty sure it would keep trespassers away. I’d take the necessary steps later in the week, but first we needed to have a meeting of the men and their lovers.
I gathered all the new men in the dining hall. We’d already had some meetings to discuss how they were adjusting to life here, but Hosi wanted to know how they were doing sexually. She considered that to be a critical part of their adjustment to life in the valley. I tried to explain that they were unlikely to go into much detail—it just wasn’t something that was done in our society, but Hosi was not to be deterred. I called the meeting to order, asked the servers for some juice and fresh rolls and began my explanation, “Umm…uhh…I don’t really know where to begin so I think I’ll just repeat what Hosi told me—she wants the details of your sex lives here in the valley.”
“What? If I tell you that I’ll probably kiss my lover good-bye.” It was Harry who, after a life of kidding and joking had finally become serious. His explanation was simple—“I was always insecure, especially with women. Here I’m actually in demand and I have my pick, although I don’t think I could ever find anyone who could beat Sila. She’s incredible.”
“I have to agree, David,” Gene added, “I know everything here is pretty open, but Tama would break my head
in two if I blabbed about what we do in bed. Shouldn’t that be private?”
All the men agreed. They’d speak candidly about anything…anything but their sex lives. I laughed and laughed. “If you can keep quiet…really quiet, just follow me.” We removed our sandals and tiptoed down the hall toward the throne room. The women, all the lovers, were meeting there with Hosi and their conversation was anything but chaste.
“Oh, my Queen,” Tama began, “I just love it when Gene makes love to me. We always bathe first. I wash his body and I pay extra special attention to his penis and his ass. I love to watch his face when I stick my finger in there. Gene squeals like a pig, but it makes him so hard. Then I lead him back to our house. I usually hold his penis all the way.” The other women were giggling non-stop at Tama’s remarks. “When we get home I pick him up and lay him on the bed. I lean down and let him suckle my breast. He is just like a little boy…a little boy with a great big penis. I stroke his penis and rub his testicles. He also loves to put his finger into my vagina. I tell you, my Queen, he makes me so wet down there. Eventually, I can’t take any more and I cover him with my body. I rub his penis into my slit and when it’s nice and wet I slide it into me. I am a big woman, but I am very tight town there and I love how Gene stretches me. I feel all tingly and then I begin to ride him. Gene holds on to my hips and drives that big penis into me with incredible force. He may be a small man, but he is very strong. Sometimes when he spurts he will actually lift me this much (she spread her hands more than a foot apart) off the bed. I lie on him until we are both rested and then I love to lick his penis until it is clean.”
I turned to Gene who was just as red as red can be. He stumbled forward into the throne room before I had a chance to stop him. “Tama! How could you? I thought you loved me.” He fell, crying unashamedly, to the floor. Tama reacted immediately, her hands flying to her face. “Oh, Gene! I am so sorry!” She rushed to his side, caressing him to her breast. “Oh, Gene…oh, Gene,” she repeated over and over. It wasn’t long before she was crying as much as he was.
I looked at Hosi; she was clearly upset. I shrugged my shoulders, telling her I knew it wasn’t a great idea. She walked to Tama and Gene, “Take him home…make love to him. I know you still love each other. This was all my fault.” Tama picked up Gene, carrying him in her arms as he cried into her large firm breasts. She soothed him with her words and kisses.
Hosi dismissed the remaining tribeswomen; they paired up with their men and walked slowly out of the palace still stricken by what they had witnessed. I took Hosi by the hand, looked her in the eyes, and kissed her. “I tried to tell you. In our society people just don’t talk so openly about sex. They all but refused to talk to me so I thought I’d bring them up here with the women. I’m sorry. I didn’t think….”
“Hush, David. We both know this was my idea and it was a bad one. Let’s go back to our quarters. I need something from you.” She grinned and reached into my pocket, finding my flaccid cock. She grinned even wider when I began to harden immediately under her touch. “I’m glad you’re not angry with me.” She pulled my by the cock to our bed.
Hosi stripped off my shirt and shorts; I’d given up wearing underwear long, long ago. She removed my shoes and socks (these I did insist on wearing) and pushed me back onto the bed. “Pushy today, aren’t you?” I teased. She gave me a smirk as she removed her skirt and the undergarment I now referred to as a G-string, something Hosi never understood, but to be honest, neither did I. She slipped out of her sandals and slid next to me. We held each other, me savoring the incredibly warmth of her skin, she loving the feeling of the hair on my chest rubbing against her naked swollen breasts.
Hosi kissed me briefly and pulled away to nuzzle my ear–lick and nibble my lobe—while her hand explored my body. She knew her way around very well, finding my hard erect cock in only seconds. She rubbed up and down the shaft, enjoying the soft, smooth skin in her hand. Cock in hand she climbed onto my body. Hosi rubbed me into her moist slit; I gasped from the elation I was feeling—the hot wet soft smooth tissues of her vagina as it stretched around my shaft. She released my ear, shifting her attention to my open needy mouth. Her tongue felt like it was half-way down my throat as her mouth clamped over mine. I raised my hips, driving myself into her core. Now it was Hosi’s turn to gasp. She backed off from my mouth to gain freedom of movement; she was always active on my cock. Hosi bent my poor penis into shapes I could never even imagine. However, her motions always did the job for me, just as I always seemed to be able to take care of her. We started out herky-jerky—uncoordinated–but in minutes we were moving together, our actions forcing me deeper and deeper into her. I could feel it—a tiny tingle deep within me. It grew more rapidly than I could ever believe. I looked up at my wife—my lover—my Queen. I could see the rapture in her face. She looked down at me and nodded. I knew then that she was close. I increased my pace, moving wildly until I froze—stock still for almost thirty seconds—until my body exploded in a massive spasm of ecstasy that shook the two of us. Hosi growled as her orgasm struck. It was a low guttural moan that lasted for almost a minute as we shook and shuddered together until she fell onto me, or sweat mingling and pooling on my abdomen.
I held my dear wife and kissed her hair…her neck…her shoulder. I looked up at her and whispered, “I love you so much.”
Hosi laughed, “Sometimes I think you just love the way I fuck.”
“Well, I do love that, too.” She laughed, and then I laughed. We laughed together until we cried. At one point early in Hosi’s reign the guards would rush in whenever they heard us, concerned for their Queen’s safety. Now, after more than a year they knew it was just a part of our love making.
Hosi slipped off me and my cock popped out of her pussy. She leaned against me and closed her eyes, falling swiftly to a relaxing sleep. I lay there thinking…wondering about the men’s reactions to what they had seen this morning. In time I too closed my eyes and found slumber.
Tama held Gene close as she carried him to their home. She was an Amazon in every sense of the word. At six feet three inches and 180 pounds of rippling muscles, she possessed incredible strength. She could carry a lightweight like Gene who only weighed 140 pounds nonstop for a week. However, she had a soft tender side that loved Gene deeply and completely. She had only spoken about their relationship because she was commanded by her Queen; she would never intentionally hurt Gene in any way.
They were several blocks from the palace when Gene stopped crying. Tama immediately drew his lips to her teat. She knew that Gene loved to suckle almost as much as she loved the sensation of his lips tight on her nipple. She was able to hold him in one arm so she stroked his head to calm him as he suckled.
Tama lived on the edge of the village. Strong as she was her skills with bow and spear rarely exceeded mediocre and she knew it. As such she had no ambition to ever move beyond her copper skirt and bracelet, furthermore she loved living on the edge of the open grassy plain. Her house overlooked the fields and gardens. The scent of flowers and the other plants filled her house and she found it much more pleasant than the odors that surrounded the plaza—the odor of human and animal sweat and feet and dust.
She strode purposefully; she wanted to have Gene to herself to heal his wounds within her vagina. She knew the power her vagina held over Gene. He had admitted it freely—he loved fucking her. He loved dipping his long tongue into her tunnel. At last they passed the final corner and entered. The dim light of the large room was welcoming after the heat of the village streets. The paving stones kept the dust to a minimum, but they were hot in the sun. Gently she laid Gene onto the bed. She leaned down to kiss his neck and cheek. “I love you, Gene. You know I would never hurt you. My Queen commanded me to speak so I had to. Let me show you how much I care for you.”
She stepped away, dropped her skirt and the triangle that covered her sex. She could see that it was wet and sticky much more from her arousal than the miniscule effort associated with carrying her diminutive lover through the village. She returned to her lover, caressing his face as she delicately removed his shirt and shorts. His shoes and socks fell to the floor as Tama covered his body with hers. She held his head in her hands and kissed him as she wrapped those muscular arms around his body. In a second she had rolled over, bringing Gene over her, his head resting on her massive breast. Gene sighed as his hard thick eight-inch organ was led to Tama’s tight pussy. It was reflex only that told Gene to press forward. His fears were gone—evaporated the very instant that his organ entered her wetness. He pressed forward, driving into her and as he did she knew he was still hers and that he would be forever. Tama rose to meet him, her muscular cunt convulsing with pleasure, squeezing him as only she could. Gene had never experienced success with women in the outside world. That’s why he wanted to come with his brother Harry, the jokester—the prankster. He had met Tama almost by accident when she was the only Amazon left to deal with him and his brother.
Tama had volunteered to serve the two of them. The assertive Harry had dominated the threesome, but left her unfulfilled. Once Harry had his orgasm he had fallen deeply asleep. Gene took Tama into his mouth and brought her to her very first orgasm. It was the beginning of a long and loving relationship, one which they both prayed would end in their being declared mates.
The two danced together, their bodies intertwined and connected by their sex. They were lost in each other as their heat grew—as their love for each other flowered. Suddenly Gene arched his back, ramming his cock deep within Tama’s inner being. Hot white semen shot from his cock repeatedly and forcefully as it filled her cunt to overflowing. So much was there that if flowed down her legs to the sheet, drenching it in the slick fluid. Gene’s ejaculation was more than enough for Tama. She would have been more than satisfied just to have him cum, but, as usual, his eruption pushed her over the edge into that abyss she loved so much. Her entire body shook and tingled with the ecstasy of her orgasm—what she fervently hoped would be the first of many this memorable day.
“I love you, Gene. I hope you know that now. I hope you will always know it.”
“I knew it before, my love,” he replied, “I was just so shocked to hear you, but now it makes sense. David wanted all of the men to tell about our love lives, but we refused. In fact, I told him you’d break my head in two if I talked like that.”
Now it was Tama’s turn to take offense. She feigned injury until Gene’s face expressed his concern. Only then did Tama smile and laugh drawing Gene into the mirth. They laughed together for many minutes until she looked into his eyes with fire and lust and he knew it was time for round two.
Harry and his woman Sila left the palace shortly after Tama had carried Gene out in her arms. Harry was understandably upset over his brother’s reaction. “Explain again, Sila,” he asked, “exactly what was going on that Tama was telling all about their sex life?
“It was on the Queen’s command, Harry. Tama had no choice. I was very glad that she went before me. I also had to listen to Rini tell about her and Scott. She is very much in love with him, just as I am very much in love with you. But, Harry, I don’t understand what the big problem was.”
“I suspect it all started with the Puritans. I’ve read that they were real prudes.”
“Who? How could they be prunes? Isn’t that a dried fruit?”
Harry had to chuckle. Sila was beautiful and oh so sexy, but she knew nothing of the outside world. “The Puritans, Sila, and the word is prude, not prune.” He explained about colonization and the search for religious freedom in the New World. “There are still many who are reluctant to talk about sex and love in our society. Some women even dress and undress in a closet and that’s also why making love is usually done in the dark and behind locked doors, although young people tend to ignore those so-called rules.”
Had Sila not known Harry she would have been sure he was lying. “What is the point of all that, Harry? Do they not make love naked? Why would they be afraid or ashamed of their bodies?”
Harry kissed her nose. She could be a bit dense at times, but she was just so cute—and she was head over heels in love with Harry. “Sweetie, not every woman looks like you or has a body like you. In my country many women are fat—they weigh too much. Often they are really sloppy looking.” He cupped her breasts, a solid C-cup, and continued, “Their breasts sag and sometimes hang down to here.” He pointed to her belly button. “But, they are married to men who love them so I don’t know what the big deal is either.”
Sila thought for a minute, “I wonder what Tama and Gene are doing?” She sounded serious, but there was that twinkle in her eye—the one that always told Harry that she wanted to be fucked.
“Hmmm…probably the same thing I want to do with you.” He took her hand and led her down the lane to her house. Like David and Hosi years ago Harry had his own house across the lane, but, like David, he only used it when he had to fuck the other tribeswomen. Hosi provided laundry services in the form of fresh towels and sheets. Harry was more than willing to fuck the tribeswomen—he felt it was his duty, something he and the other men did to thank the tribe for taking them in and welcoming them to the valley. However, he only made love to Sila. He knew she was gorgeous—in the U.S.A. or Europe she could have easily been a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, earning millions.
Surprisingly–to Harry anyway–Sila didn’t consider herself to be anything special—just one of the girls. At just under six feet in height and 135 pounds she had a slender frame with a waspish waist and narrow hips to go with her broad shoulders and large symmetrical breasts. Despite being a breast man in his previous life he considered Sila’s best feature to be her tight firm ass—he just loved to stroke and caress her butt.
Once in her house he turned and pulled her to him. She tilted her head down and kissed the shorter Harry passionately, her tongue finding his and wrapping around it sinuously. They kissed, holding it for many minutes, edging to the bed inch by inch until the back of Harry’s calves struck the frame. This was Sila’s cue to lean forward, using her weight to force Harry back until she bounced on him several times playfully. She giggled as she opened his shirt and worked her way down Harry’s body, kissing every inch of the way.
Harry had introduced Sila to oral sex, going down on her first and making her cum several times as an inducement to blowing him. He could never have guessed that she would love it so much—sucking his lollypop, that is. She was more than open to having Harry suck her, but she absolutely loved swallowing his cock, having it pass her tonsils and then pull out slowly until just the head was in her mouth. Like many in the tribe she had incredible muscle control. Not only could she contract and vibrate her vaginal muscles, she could do it just as well with those in her throat. Harry came in Sila’s throat often. His only concern was that—as a result– he had less access to her delightful pussy.
Back in New York Sila would have been classified as a slut. She loved to suck; she loved to fuck; hell, she loved to take it in her ass. She masturbated Harry occasionally with her feet, wrapping them around his shaft and squeezing as her feet ran up and down his shaft. She’d have him shoot into her lap where she could scoop it up and lick it eagerly off her fingers. Three, even four times a day weren’t enough for Sila. She wanted sex even in her sleep.
Today, though, she wanted Harry inside her. The thought of Tama and Gene fucking at the same time made her pussy tingle with delight. She could see them in her mind, the big Amazon and the tiny man with the big penis. She wanted—no she needed—to emulate them in her mind and her body. Whatever Tama could do she knew she could do better. She opened Harry’s shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. Her skirt and G-string followed as she fell to her knees and took Harry into her mouth. Harry always groaned when her lips circled his cock and again when he bottomed out, her lips kissing his pubic hair.
He pulled out slightly before pushing in again. He loved to fuck her mouth almost as much as she loved receiving, but not today. She pulled back and jumped onto the bed, pulling Harry over and between her legs. She moved the slimy cock into her slit and wrapped her legs around his butt. She used those strong legs to pull him into her. Sila looked up at Harry and wondered if he would consent to be her mate. They were together almost all the time either here in the house or in the baths. They played a lot, but they also worked together. They had been on patrol when they found the poachers and brought Paulo back.
Now she pushed up every time Harry drove his thick cock into her. Harry knew something about Sila that she didn’t even realize herself—she was a rarity–able to have vaginal orgasms, and anal, too. Harry was 35 and single. He had dated a lot and hung out at a load of clubs back in the City. He fucked a different woman at least once a week so he knew how unusual and fortunate he was to find a woman who could cum just from having a hard cock in her. Rarer still was finding a woman who could cum from a cock in her ass. Damn! He loved this woman.
They moved together grinding into each other as their skin rubbed and mixed their sweat despite the coolness of the room. Their eyes were locked on each other as their breathing grew ragged and shallow as they came together—Sila squirting all over Harry, he drowning her tight cunt with his slick white juice. Harry fell onto his lover drained, but knowing that he’d be back in the saddle again in a few hours. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.
I woke the following morning with Hosi’s breast in his mouth. I gnawed a bit as Hosi laughed, “I guess you liked my morning gift for you. I’m afraid that’s all I can give you for now. We have a mission right after breakfast.” She pulled me from the bed. We walked to get Kela and took her with us out to the toilets and baths. It was wonderful sitting in the cool flowing water from the river. From our position we could see the fresh pure water arcing into the fountain. We’d made quite a few improvements in our few years here in the valley. I just hoped they were enough.
We returned to the palace for breakfast—scrambled eggs and sliced tomatoes along with ketchup which Kevin had made from our gardens’ tomatoes. I had to admit the meal was delicious. We dropped Kela off with Scott and Rini—a play date with her buddy Sama.
Hosi walked at a fast pace, determined to catch Tama and Gene at home. They both kneeled but Hosi motioned them up. “I wanted to see how you were doing this morning. I am really sorry, Gene if you were hurt or embarrassed yesterday. It is never my intention to hurt anyone in the tribe.” Gene and Tama told her that they were both OK and that they attributed the whole situation to a misunderstanding.
“That is very kind of you—both of you. Now, Gene, I am told you wish to ask me something.”
Gene began to shake, “Uh…yes, my Queen..uh, that is…I…I mean…I think…we…Oh, jeez what’s wrong with me?”
Hosi giggled, but rested a hand on the nervous man’s shoulder. “Gene, David has told me that lawyers are very good public speakers. Why are you having a problem? Would you like me to help you?” The bewildered Gene nodded, physically unable to respond. “Very well, then…Tama…Gene you have my permission. I hereby declare you to be mates. I will instruct Dennis to remove your implant, Tama. Would you like to have a child?”
“Oh, yes, my Queen,” they replied simultaneously as they smiled, obviously relieved that Hosi had granted their unstated request. We all hugged and chatted amiably until Hosi decided we should leave. We went straight to the hospital to give Dennis the news about Tama. Hosi told me we could relax now; I steered her to the pool. We shed our clothes and walked into the cool water. A guard brought Kela and Sama. They ran into the water. I knew we didn’t have to worry about them—they swam like fish. We relaxed until lunch then walked naked and dripping wet to the palace to eat. I had an important meeting shortly afterward.
Hosi and I met with Paulo and Harry’s patrol team which included Paulo’s twin lovers. I explained what I wanted to do. “Would you mind terribly if I threw up?” It was Harry and he was giving voice to everyone’s feelings.
“Listen…I know it’s disgusting, but I think it will help keep trespassers out. You did leave the bodies near that big ant hill, right?”
“Yes, I wondered why you wanted that, but now I understand. I just hope the ants are finished. I really don’t want to tangle with them and the idea of picking up a skull with all that…stuff oozing out…ugh!” it was the leader of the team that had disposed of the bodies who had taken the initiative.
“OK, I know you are supposed to patrol tomorrow. That’s when we’ll look. Also, Paulo, I want to bring back as much steel as we can carry so you’ll go in that direction toward your camp. Hosi is scheduling another twenty warriors to carry. I want you to be careful. Someone might be looking for the poachers by now. I don’t want anyone here injured or worse. Everyone understand what we’re going to do?” There were no questions so we adjourned until dawn tomorrow morning.
Hosi and I spent the afternoon relaxing. We went for a long leisurely walk up to the forges with Kela and Sama tagging along—running and playing tag and hide-and-seek. They were much better at hiding than I was at seeking although I’d have to be deaf not to hear their giggling every time I came near. That was always my cue to turn and walk in the other direction.
We took much longer to reach our destination, but my reward was a giant hug and a great big kiss from Kela who told me, “Funny…Daddy…I love you.”
“I love you too, Dumpling.” That was my pet name for her, although how I could call a warrior princess something as sappy as “Dumpling” was something I could never explain even to myself. I found what I was looking for—five old spears with bronze heads. They were strong enough for the task I had in mind. I took them in hand and we returned home. I held the spears on one shoulder, my other arm wrapped around my beloved as our daughter scampered with her friend.
The following morning came early. We were up before the sun had risen. I dressed and retrieved my gear from my knapsack in the corner. I strapped my web belt with the machete around my waist, grabbed a piece of fruit and walked out to the plaza where the patrol waited patiently. We walked out of the valley at a brisk pace and were soon in the jungle. I sent Paulo and the twenty warriors to the poachers’ camp, reminding them to be careful. I had little reason to worry; these were seasoned warriors who could steal through the jungle without leaving a trace or strike down any threat with arrow or spear. Harry’s party and I headed in the other direction.
We found the ant hill. It was hard to miss, being more than four feet high and roughly eight in diameter. The ants had done their work—the poachers’ bodies had been completely consumed, leaving only the bare bones of the skeletons. I shook one of the skulls; it was still firmly attached to the neck and body by the cartilage. I severed the bond with the machete and moved to the next one. Brave warriors all, they cringed at carrying the skulls. It was only the stern orders from their Queen that made them comply. We walked to the border of the tribe’s property. I dug the old spears into the ground almost two feet so they wouldn’t fall in the wind or rain. I jammed a skull on each spear. They would serve as a warning to any who came this way—the only way into the valley.
We turned and followed the other group. We caught up with them in the poachers’ camp. They had gathered all the steel—fenders and doors from their Land Rover, pieces of the cages, pots, pans, and assorted knives and other cutlery. We bagged up the small pieces and carried the large ones on our shoulders as we made our way back to the valley. On to the forges we walked carrying what seemed to be a ton of steel. We could make many daggers and sharp spear heads from this load and there was even more still in the broken camp. That would have to wait for another trip.
It was now afternoon and I had to rest before tomorrow’s trip to the city. I would go in my “missionary” role to purchase some of the necessities we needed to survive. I often took Hosi with me, having promised to never again spend a night apart, however we had an infant, Davy, who required his mother’s milk. Yes, Hosi had placed him with the Amazonian equivalent of a wet nurse on occasion, but this had proved to be less than satisfactory. On both occasions Davy had been extremely hungry the following day—he hadn’t had anywhere near enough to eat. He needed Hosi’s plump milk-filled breasts.
I decided to go alone. All the men were involved with one project or another, Sean with melting and forging the recovered steel into bars that could be used to manufacture daggers, knives, and swords; Kevin, with Gene and Harry, expanding the gardens and installing fences to keep the livestock out; Dennis, of course, with the hospital; and Paulo—well, Paulo had dates to inseminate three of the women. It was easier to go alone. I retrieved my chain and wooden cross from the shelf and headed down river.
I docked the boat and made arrangements for a room at the hotel before beginning my shopping excursion. I had a lengthy list to fill, including some tasty treats for the many children in the tribe. I had just returned from my second trip back to the boat when I was approached by a man. He looked to be maybe late twenties, tall and lanky, dressed in the most ragged t-shirt and shorts I’d seen in many years—black hair and a long wispy goatee.
I was on the defensive at first, expecting a robbery attempt or worse, but he was unusually polite and respectful, “Senhor,” he began in Portuguese, “I have been told you are a missionary and that you live in the deep jungle with the savages.” I nodded and he continued, “I am Benedito. I search for my…cousin. His name is Paulo. I am ashamed to tell you…his parents sold him to some bad men. I am sure they have hurt him. I try to buy him back—his family now has money–but I cannot find him. They went into jungle months ago and they not come back. I hear that you live in jungle. You know or hear of anyone like Paulo?”
I was taken aback; I didn’t know what to say. How could I even be sure that this guy was Paulo’s cousin? I didn’t like the way he hesitated before saying “cousin” as though it was an afterthought. “I will return to the jungle tomorrow and I will check with the natives to see if we can learn anything. Are you staying here in the city?”
“Si, Senhor, I have job. I wash dishes and help in restaurant. It not much but I do not need much. I worry about Paulo.”
“I will return in another month and I will bring whatever news I can get. How will I find you?”
“I come here every day at three o’clock. I am between shifts. No work until dinner.” I agreed to meet him in exactly four weeks. By then I’d have confirmed his story. I finished my shopping, acting the role of the innocent missionary. I checked the reflection in a window of a store I entered; Benedito was speaking animatedly to a small group of hard looking men.
I finished my shopping and returned to the hotel. I showered and went out to dinner. There were restaurants in the city, but they weren’t anything special. I picked one that looked clean and walked in; I was surprised to find Benedito bussing a table. I ordered and waited, enjoying a “chopp,” a draft beer in local parlance, cold with the glass sweating in the humid evening. I enjoyed many of the local beers, especially Brahma, locally brewed and pretty good. I only drank occasionally and primarily in the city. There was wine in the valley and I enjoyed it occasionally, but there was nothing like a nice cold draft—a “chopp!”
I ate a decent steak and another Brahma before returning for a boring night of watching TV. I already missed my Hosi and my children. I went to bed early, falling asleep almost immediately, and woke early for the return up river. I docked the boat and had the goods lifted up to the village. Then I had an errand. I could hear the grunting as I approached Paulo’s house. He was taking his reproductive duties seriously. I could see him plowing a tribeswoman’s cunt with his long thick tool. His partner’s legs were wrapped around his neck, his cock burying itself deep into her cunt with every thrust. She looked over toward me, “Oh, hi David…I think we’ll be done soon…oohhhh, I don’t want it to end…oohhh, I don’t, but…Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…unnnggghhh! She came hard and Paulo followed only seconds later. She moved her legs down to his waist and held him inside her for another ten minutes.
“Paulo, I need to speak with you. No…stay where you are. It looks like you’re having so much fun and I’ll bet it’s a lot better IN there than OUT. Do you know someone named Benedito…late twenties…tall and thin, funny looking goatee?”
“Mother of God! He is the leader of the group that bought me from my parents. I pray you did not tell him I was here!”
“Not to worry…he tried to tell me he was your cousin and that your family now had money to buy you back.”
“Ha! What a lie. My parents could never get that much money. They are barely surviving. Can you tell me what happened?” He extricated himself from his lover, pulling his slimy cock from her vagina. She rose and kissed him before kneeling to clean his organ and pull the last few drops of semen into her mouth.
“Is this ‘duty’ or ‘recreation’?” You two seem to be having an awfully good time together.”
“David, I think you know Lina, one of the twins who have taken me in.” I looked closer in the dim light. Yes, it definitely was Lina…or was it Lita? I never could tell the two of them apart. Just then I heard another voice from the rear of the house, “Hi, David what brings you all the way out here? I would have thought you’d be home with Hosi by now. Did you have a good trip?”
I explained all about the trip and meeting Benedito. I suggested we meet tomorrow to plan a strategy. I was afraid these men might be a threat. I kissed the twins good-bye and trotted off to my Hosi. I walked into the throne room, but it was empty. I looked in the dining hall; it too was vacant. I walked into our quarters to change out of my filthy sweat-laden clothes; Hosi was there reclining on our bed, “What took you so long? I’ve been waiting here ever since you were reported back.”
I leaned down to kiss her and explained what had happened. She tugged at my clothing, opening my belt and dropping my shorts. “I’m filthy,” I told her. “I’ve been sweating all the way up the river.”
“I don’t care…I missed you all last night and today. I need you inside of me and I need you now.” What could I do? I certainly couldn’t disobey the Queen. I’d have to make the sacrifice and give my body to her. I stripped off my shirt and fell next to her. She pulled me to her lush body, wrapping a leg over me as we embraced and fell into the most delicious kiss. Hosi’s tongue entered my mouth, enfolding itself around mine as she teased me and prepared me for what was to come.
I always marveled at the sensation of Hosi’s body. How one with such powerful muscles could have skin that was so soft and smooth amazed me. There were few things that I enjoyed more than running my hands over her back and hips and, well…everything. She was impatient today, showing how much she did miss me last night. We made love every single day…usually multiple times. Hosi rolled me onto my back. I put my hands behind my head; it was obvious that this was going to be her show. She ran my erect phallus up and down her slit several times until she was ready. She was wet and slick; I oozed pre-cum; I entered her easily and suddenly I was enveloped in her warmth. I could feel the heat of her core and I was lost to the world. Hosi was my life—everything else had vanished…disappeared. She was my world…my universe.
I began to thrust. We met each other, slowly at first, but faster with every second. In no time we were fucking like rabbits. Her sweat dripped from her nipples onto my chest. Suddenly, she leaned down and we kissed again. I could feel the tension in her lips disappear as her body prepared for her orgasm. She began to shake just a little as she neared the edge and then she was over. Her body was smothered in a massive spasm of ecstasy. Exhausted she may have been, but she continued to move with me until I felt a torrent of magma erupt from my cock into her tight cunt. I felt like a volcano, so massive was my ejacuation. I pulled her to me as we rested. I could have stayed there all night, resting with my love in my arms, but we were interrupted by my other love. Kela ran in yelling, “Daddy…daddy!” I withdrew from Hosi as I reached down to hug and kiss my beautiful daughter. She reminded me of another job I had to do. I shrugged on my shorts and a pair of sandals, grabbed my bag of sweets and walked with Kela to the plaza. I had the guard ring the bell once—the signal that I had candy for the children. Every one who could walk or crawl found their way to the plaza, some still dripping wet from the baths or the pool. I gave each five pieces of salt water taffy—peppermint, strawberry, cherry, grape, and chocolate. I made sure they knew to throw out the paper wrappers responsibly. We burned them along with other combustible garbage. To avoid detection we only burnt in the middle of the night and only under the strictest supervision.
Hosi and I ate our dinner and retired to our rooms. I began to prepare for bed, but Hosi stopped me. I could see the wheels turning in her head. “What trouble are you brewing now,” I asked.
“Well…I was thinking….” I knew this was going to be a disaster. I could tell just by the tone of her voice. “If we can’t get the men to tell us, we could go and find out for ourselves.”
“What you mean is…spy on them…absolutely not! If you thought they were upset about talking just imagine what would happen if we were caught peeking in some window. No, Hosi…not a good idea…in fact, terrible.” I stripped and climbed into bed. Reluctantly, Hosi joined me a few minutes later.
There was a big group meeting with us in the dining hall the following morning. Hosi, of course, chaired the meeting, but she turned the reins over to me—I had met Benedito and I had seen the group of hard cases he was with. I was especially careful on the way back upriver even going so far as to pass the tributary and double back to make sure I wasn’t followed.
“I need to explain about what may be a new threat to our safety,” I began looking out over the group of men and warrior leaders. I explained my meeting with Benedito and his interest in finding Paulo and his men. I described the others he had met with once I returned to my shopping. I could see the agitation in Paulo’s face so I asked him to speak.
“This Benedito is the devil for sure. He is the cruelest man I have ever met.” He removed his shirt and pants turned around to emphasize his point. His lower back and butt were covered with scars from severe whippings and burns from cigars. Lina hugged him to her body in an effort to console him. He showed us his fingers. Several were bent and crooked. “He broke them just for the fun of it. Also,” he continued, “he is very stubborn. He will never give up until he finds his men…and me. I have never feared anyone as much as I fear him.”
I thought for a few minutes before commenting, “OK, if he wants to find his men, why don’t we help him? Here’s what I’m thinking….” There were several comments and a few suggestions which made the plan stronger. We began with our preparations as soon as we broke up.
We planned carefully. We didn’t know how many men he would have with him so we needed plenty of warriors, outstanding with the bow, all of them. I wanted at least three for each of the enemy and I wouldn’t know how many that would be until I was on my return from my next trip to the city. I worked out a code I could use on the boat’s radio. The next step was to find a place where I could stop the boat on the Amazon, tie off to a tree, and trek directly to the abandoned camp and then to the border of our property where I had placed the skulls. Once we found that we were ready.
The days passed quickly. Soon the day before my departure had arrived. “I hate this, David,” Hosi told me with a frown. “I worry about your safety…oh, why lie? I have done nothing but worry since you came up with this crazy plan. Why do you do these things? Think of me and our children!”
“That’s exactly why I’m doing it. I want to make sure you’re safe and the only way is to take this guy down. I’m pretty sure I’ll be OK. Your warriors will pick us up at their camp and we’ll ambush them at the skulls. They’ll believe me when I tell them I’m going to help. They think I’m just an innocent missionary. I’ll be OK. Trust me.” Hosi shook her head and pulled me into a hug. She wouldn’t kiss me; she didn’t want me to see her crying, but I could feel her body shaking.
My left hand reached down to her thighs and I picked her up. I carried her to the bed and laid her down gently, nibbling her ear. She hated when I nibbled her ear. It was the one place where she was ticklish. It was only seconds before she was squirming under me. I pulled back, looking her in the eyes. “I love you. You’re going to be stuck with me for a long time—longer than a long time. I promise.” This time she did pull me into a long passionate kiss, her soft full lips pressing into mine. I removed my clothes and hers, too. We lay together, our arms and legs intertwined as our tongues danced a dance of love and devotion.
She pushed me onto my back and slid down my pole, engulfing my cock with her hot tight tunnel. Her movements were slow—very, very slow—as though she wanted this coupling to last forever. I swear it must have taken her thirty seconds to rise and another thirty to slide back down again. She leaned forward to rub her nipples over my face. I reached up to grab one intending to suckle, but she was too quick. “Sorry,” she laughed, “but I need to save that for Davy. I have something else you can suck on though.”
She rose off my cock and sidled forward until she straddled my chin, her delectable, but sloppy, pussy right over my mouth. I rose up to sample her sweet musky nectar. It was spread all over her pussy from our brief interrupted fucking, but that was more than OK with me. I loved the way she tasted and the more delicious nectar she produced the more I loved it. I started at her asshole, teasing her there with light touches of the tip of my tongue. She squirmed in a combination of anguish and ecstasy. My tongue covered her pussy as I licked all the way up to her clit. Over and over I licked until her pussy was completely clean…on the outside anyway.
My tongue penetrated my woman. I cleaned her tunnel—a futile effort, she could always make more, and I knew she would, especially with my tongue in there. I tickled her clit with my nose; she jerked in response, so of course I did it again and again. Giggling, she implored me to stop. I looked up to see she was begging, “Please, David…why don’t you fuck my cunt instead? I really want you in me now. ”
I would have jumped up in shock had she not been sitting on my head, “Where did you learn to talk like that? It’s bad enough to say ‘fuck,’ but ‘cunt’ is really terrible. I should wash your mouth out with soap.” Relenting a bit when Hosi looked apologetic, a tear forming in her eye, I continued, “OK, c’mon…there’s no reason to cry. You made a mistake—we all do—and to show you I forgive you I will…fuck your cunt, that is.” I laughed as I lifted her body up and moved it down, bringing my cock to her sex. I dropped her slowly…gently… onto my organ. She was the mother of my children and she would be a mother again. I rose up, savoring once again the tender torture her pussy gave me—tender because of the soft smooth texture of her silky tissues, torture because every second I was in there made me want so terribly to cum and cum again.
I could tell from her eyes that the fooling was over. She was getting down to business. We loved to fuck each other—had right from the very first time and we loved to make each other climax. The sensation of her sweat mingling with mine, of clutching her to my chest to rest after a vigorous workout was nothing less than fantastic. We began our rhythm, the tempo we always used when we were joined together. It created more than enough friction for both of us, but was not hurried. We weren’t in a rush; this was how we showed how much we loved each other. We rocked together, Hosi squeezing me while rubbing her sensitive clit against my pubic hair.
My hands gripped her hips, my fingers digging into her flesh as we moved, eyes locked on each other, mouths silent in concentration as we worked together. We usually increased our pace steadily, but tonight Hosi obviously wanted our union to last. We made love for almost an hour. She told me that her pussy tingled wildly for the last half. Finally, it began to hurt. She endured the pain to bring our coupling to a wonderful conclusion. I couldn’t recall ever cumming with such force or as much intensity. Hosi finally came, her body shaking, having lost all semblance of control. She literally collapsed onto me. “You’d better come back to me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She cried again, this time until we fell asleep.
I rose early, ate a hearty breakfast and walked with Hosi to the waterfall. We kissed briefly; I was afraid that a lengthy embrace would cause her to cry once again. I hugged Kela and kissed my infant son and I was gone. I had decided to take no weapon. They would be armed, of that I was sure however I was supposed to be a peaceful missionary. I had to play that role to perfection, therefore—no gun.
The trip downriver was uneventful. I passed my projected landing area, carefully marked with three hatchet slashes on the side of a tree. It was just before three when I docked and tied up the boat. I climbed onto the dock carrying a worn map of the jungle. I ambled along examining several store windows en route to the square where I was to meet Benedito. I fingered my cross as I approached the fountain. It was old and filthy, covered with grime and algae and pigeon shit, but it was a popular meeting place. I could see Benedito and two comrades waiting, but not too patiently.
I greeted him, “Ah…Benedito, how wonderful to see you again. I bring news of your cousin. I can’t say if it is good or not, but I know where he has been with those horrible men. Come…bring your friends. Let us join together for a cup of coffee while I show you this map. It is old, but still quite accurate. The natives have located a broken down camp that may have belonged to those men. Here, let me show you.” I hoped I wasn’t laying it on too thickly. I ordered four coffees and spread the map on the table. “Here is where the tribe has found the camp. We can bring my boat to the river’s edge here.” I pointed to an area along the Amazon which was less than fifteen miles from the camp. “You can see it is much shorter this way. We will have to cut our way through the jungle, but it will still be much faster than going overland from here. My boat is big enough to carry all of us and the gear we will need for a short trek. I hope my tribe will meet us there, but I cannot guarantee it…they are very shy and nervous.” I babbled on as I thought a naïve theologian might. They agreed to go with me early the following morning.
We met at the dock and stored all the gear. I was expecting some weapons, but this was ridiculous. I had no idea how they were going to carry all this stuff. They each had an assault rifle and two pistols and a ton of ammo. I backed off the dock and headed out. I told them I had to make a radio call at 10:00, just to let the other missionaries know that we had met and that I would be delayed. I picked up the microphone at ten sharp. It was set to channel 16, the international call channel. ‘Brother Scott…Brother Scott, this is Brother David…over.”
“Brother David…this is Brother Scott. What news do you have?”
“I met the man and we are headed back, but it may be many days before I am able to return to you and the tribe. Over.”
“Roger…Brother Scott out.”
“Brother David out.” The message had been sent. The use of the term “many days” meant that there were two in addition to Benedito. We’d have plenty of Amazons to handle them, probably many more than needed. I drove along the left bank looking for the three slashes. I told them that one of the natives had made them to guide us. That was one of the few actually true things I told them. One of the natives—Tama—had made the marks only three days ago. We found them four hours after leaving. I pulled the boat to the bank. One of them jumped out with a line that he fastened to the tree. I retied it more securely, knowing that Sean would pick it up in a couple of hours and return it to the waterfall. I’d be walking back. They’d be staying.
We trekked through the jungle. It was tough going. Even I had a machete. It was needed to cut our way through the thick brush. We walked until the sun began to set. I helped make a quick meal and settled in to my sleeping bag, reminding myself to pray before sleeping. I knew I had no reason for concern. Hosi and her warriors had picked us up at the river.
We woke with the sun. I remembered to pray again before we resumed our hike. We found the abandoned camp just after nine. “I am sorry to tell you that the natives have taken much of the poachers’ gear. I hope we can find them so you can get your cousin back.”
“What? Oh, yeah…we definitely want to get Paulo back, don’t we, guys?”
“Yeah…we’re doing all this for our old buddy Paulo.” They chuckled as I led them out of the camp along the trail that had been marked.
I stopped just before reaching the line of skulls. They were less than fifty feet ahead in the brush. I removed my hat and ran my hand through my hair. This was the signal to get ready. I could imagine Hosi and her warriors nocking their arrows in their bowstrings. I walked another twenty feet before turning and facing the men. Their rifles were slung on their shoulders, their pistols holstered. “Well, gentlemen, we’re almost at the end of your journey. Your friends are just ahead…what’s left of them anyway.” Hosi and twenty warriors stepped out of the jungle; arrows flew at the startled poachers killing the two, but only wounding Benedito—one arrow in each bicep. I knelt as he bled into the dry earth.
“You know, Benedito, pausing before describing Paulo as your cousin was a huge mistake. It put me on guard and then when Paulo told me who you really were I knew we’d have to take care of you…and your buddies, too. These are the ‘natives’ with whom I live. This gorgeous creature is not only my wife, she’s also the Queen. Trust me, she’d have no compunctions about killing you and neither would any of the others.
These two over here are Paulo’s lovers so I think they’d look forward to killing you slowly, especially after seeing how you tortured him. Paulo told us all about you—how mean and sadistic you are, how much you enjoyed making him suffer. We all like Paulo; he’s very polite and caring so we were shocked to see those marks on his butt and his crooked broken fingers. He told us you did that just for fun so we have a special fun thing to do with you.
“You were looking for your friends and now you’ve found them.” I pointed ahead and stepped aside so he could see the mounted skulls. “Just think, you’ll be able to spend eternity with them in hell, but first you’re going to suffer like you’ve never suffered before.” Tama lifted him easily, carrying him away. His dead friends soon followed. Tama laid him on the ground, tying his wrists and ankles to the vines we had attached to pegs last week on our last visit to the jungle.
“See that big mound over there, Benedito? There are maybe ten million ants in there, maybe more—who really knows? They’ll find your friends soon and they’ll smell your wounds. Pretty soon they’ll be paying you a visit, too. These are army ants—big and mean. They’ll eat anything that gets in their way—living or dead.” I stood, joined Hosi, kissed her and turned away leaving the ants to do their work.
I hadn’t allowed Paulo to join us in the jungle. I thought it might be too much for him emotionally. It was almost too much for me and I had no connection with the loser Benedito at all. We picked him up by the stone steps. I remembered Hosi guiding me so gently down each step when we first met that bright morning years ago. So much had happened since then—most of it really good. I knew I was a changed man and it was all because of Hosi. I wanted her to know so I stopped, pulled her to me and kissed her madly. She was surprised, but she didn’t resist. Instead she kissed me back as the tribeswomen hooted and laughed.
“What was that for,” she asked once we had broken the kiss.
“Just for being you,” I replied making her even more confused than she had been before. She batted her eyes at me, her face showing the confusion she felt. I didn’t speak. I just pulled her into another long and wonderful kiss, our tongues searching in what is now very familiar territory for yet undiscovered areas of pleasure and ecstasy. My hands went to her heavy breasts. I hefted her huge milk-laden mammaries, still firm after two pregnancies. I broke the kiss and when her eyes questioned me I responded immediately, “I want to get you back home where I can take care of you properly. I hate to admit it, but I’ve been terrified for weeks.”
Hosi gave me a look that could kill, but said nothing. She took my hand and led me away. We walked into the village with the other members of the ambush team. She turned left away from the palace and I found myself with her at the pool. Now I was confused—didn’t she want to…? She removed my clothing, stepped out of her skirt and G-string, leaving the sandals at the edge of the plaza. She took my hand again and led me into the cool water. We ducked under—it did feel great to remove the sweat and the stench of those men from my body. Hosi positioned me near one of the stone blocks, “Watch me float,” she said. I was so intent on what she said I lost track of what she was actually doing. She was floating all right, but her legs were open so we were crotch to crotch. Before I realized what had happened she had maneuvered her pussy around my hard cock. She held my hands and was using that leverage to actually fuck herself on my cock, making little wavelets in the pool.
I was about to complain, but she shushed me, “Take a good look around you, David. What do you see? Tell me.” I looked right and my mouth fell open. Paulo stood near the pool wall with Lita (or was it Lina?) sitting on his cock and fucking herself slowly while her sister licked alternatively at her nipple and his. Farther down was Sean with his two. Misa looked like she was swimming, but her ass was holding her still, clamped down around his dick. She raised her head periodically, showing her ecstasy.
I turned left to see Harry and Sila. Just one look told me how much in love they were. I’d have to speak to Hosi about declaring them mates. They made no attempt to disguise what they were doing. Sila had her arms around his neck as she rode his cock. I doubted that they even knew anyone was watching—they only had eyes for each other. I glanced at Hosi. She had seen them, too. She mouthed the words, “Mates, for sure!” I grinned and nodded my agreement. Harry had finally made it.
I looked all around the pool. All the men and their partners were actively fucking right out here in the open where they could and would be seen by anyone who was here or passing by. Hosi wanted the sex to be an open book and she’d gotten her way. I asked her about it; she replied without hesitation, “Don’t I always? I got you, didn’t I?” I leaned down and, placing my hands behind her breasts, pulled her vertical, my cock remaining in its place. I brought her up in front of me, kissed her neck as we continued to fuck. I nibbled her ear lobe and whispered to her, ”I will always love you.” We kissed then and as we did the world around us disappeared into a mist. We were the only two people on earth.

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Cherry(chapter 1)

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