Consensual Sex

My Family’s Little Secret

Pete was a 35 year old father of one, happily married insurance executive, living with his family in the suburbs of a mid-western city. Miri, short for Miriam, his wife of 14 fourteen years, was a fashion designer who worked free lance out of their home so she could assist their 13 year old daughter in her discovery all of the wonders of the world. They were happy in their little universe until the unthinkable happened right there to their ideal lives that almost brought them to their knees.
It happened, innocently enough, in the back yard of the 10 year old house in the outskirts of the town where they lived. Well it was in the outskirts when they bought it new but the town had grown and their peaceful little community had sprawled out to join them. So 5 years ago, they built a fence around their back yard and put in a swimming pool. Now it was time to repaint the fence and Pete was out there with his paint brush on a bright Saturday morning while his daughter, Kimberly, Kimmi to her daddy, was out with her friends and Miri was away for the weekend at a fashion show.
Pete had the whole weekend to get a new coat of paint on his fence and since he was kind of anal about his work and wanted it to turn out just so, he figured that he might need every bit of the time that he had allotted. So as he began in the coolness of the morning, the sun later turned down right hot in the afternoon. He shed as much of his clothing as he dared but in the end, he opted for an old swim suit and sandals to keep his feet safe from the rocks around the fence. He really did enjoy the solitude from his busy schedule at work so as he turned up the stereo in the house and belted out his version of the songs of the 90’s, he brushed on the paint to his heart content.
He took a break around 5 or 5:30 to get some adult refreshment in the form of a nice cold beer and as he sat there by the pool, drinking his liquid pick-me-upper in a chaise, he heard the slider open to Kimmi’s room and she walked out to announce her return. She swished her way over to him to give and receive their customary kiss on the cheek and swung up another lounge and sat down with a plop.
“Can I have a drink Daddy?” she asked.
“Oh sure but this one will be flat in about 7 years when you are old enough to take a drink,” answered Pete after taking down a long full pull off the beer. He looked at her with a smile on his face and said, “Just a small one and don’t tell your mother.”
She giggled her vow not to tell as she scooted herself up closer, took the can in both hands and took a tentative sip from its contents. She made a face and said to her father, “Ugh, how can you drink that stuff? It tastes like crap.”
“Watch you mouth young lady,” he said as he took the elixir of life from her hands. “I have you know that I enjoy that crap very much.”
She scooted back in the chaise and smoothed her little white mini-skirt back out over her thighs but not before Pete noticed he could see up her skirt and chuckled to himself at how immature she was for a developing little 13 year old and wondered when she would start to notice what kind of effect she had on guys.
After a few minutes, she asked him if he had had any dinner yet and rubbing his trim belly, he answered that he wanted to finish up his painting and that he could “live off the land” for at least one meal and told her to go ahead and fix herself something. She crawled off of the chaise and headed for the slider that led into her room. He glanced down at her skirt again as she got up from the chair and he could see all the way up to her white crotch of her panties and he got the strangest sensation down in his groin. He finished his beer in one more chug, put it down on the table and resumed his painting.
He had about 3 more hours to finish the job and as he put the last strokes of paint on the last board of the fence, he notice for the first time that it was nearly dark as his watch said that it was 8:30. He picked up the paint can and brush and headed for the garage to clean and out away the implements.
As he was walking around the swimming pool and towards the garage, the light came on in Kimmi’s bedroom and she walked over to the door and slid it open.
“Finish up the painting,” she asked, sticking her head through the open slider.
“Finally,” I answered.
“Looks good,” she said as she closed the door again. She proceeded to pull the blinds across the large door way and she turned them closed so that no one could see in. But Pete noticed that a single blind got hung up on the edge of the slider and stayed fully open so as he walked by her slider, she saw her slip out of her skirt ad walk towards her dresser and mirror. He didn’t know what made him stop but as he crept forward to the gap in the blinds, his heart started to race and that strange feeling came back to his groin.
Kimmi was looking at herself intently in the mirror, turning from side to side, pulling up her blouse and sucking in her tummy. She suck out her panty cover butt in an exaggerated position and then she took the hem of her blouse and pulled in up over her head. Now she was standing there, admiring her self in just her underwear.
Pete’s eyes grew wide watching his little princess visually explore her growing features. She placed her hands on the outside of her tiny breasts and pushed the together, trying hard to form a cleavage where one will be someday. After bending over to see what boys would see down her open shirts or blouses, she put her fingers on the waistband of her cotton panties and pulled them down to just above her new growth area and proceeded to stand back up and look and admire herself.
Pete knew that he should sneak away from her window but try as he might, he just couldn’t do it. He was so enthralled at his daughters self discovery that he had to see what she did next so after she turned herself around, never taking her eyes off of her little body, she suddenly slipped the straps over her shoulders and slid the bra down from her small breasts. Turning the fastening around to the front, she quickly pinched it together and removed it from her tummy. Then hooking her panties with her thumbs, she yanked them down and stood back up to admire what she looked like naked.
Pete’s heart was racing as he looked into his daughter’s room. She was still looking at herself in the mirror when his foot caught on a chair that was sitting right outside of her room. It didn’t move that much but when it did, there was a scraping sound that caught Kimmi’s attention. She covered herself in an instant with her two hands as her neck snapped around to see where to noise came from. Pete panicked and ran from his spot as Kimmi peeped through the blinds in the slider and seeing nothing, she turned the single blind around, closing off any chance of someone seeing what she was up to.
Pete was panting as he went into the garage to clean up from his days work. His heart was pounding and his hands were shaking and tried his best to calm his nerves down. It took him the longest time to clean all of the paint from the brush but when he finally hung it up to dry on a nail, he ventured into his room to take a shower and get ready for bed. He had had a much fuller night then he had ever wanted and he felt the exhausted over the activities that just concluded but he got this thought in his mind to take a swim because a late night swim always helped him sleep.
He had just gotten out of the shower and had not put on his pajamas yet so he grabbed a towel and put it around his naked body, turned off his light and stepped out of his own slider into the warm dark night and the alluring call of the swimming pool.
He and Miri often took a late night dip into the pool and seldom wore their bath suits. Kimmi was usually asleep by that time and they saw no harm in their little naughty habit. So it was only natural for Pete to continue with the practice because it was late enough that Kimmi had surely gone to sleep hours ago. So Pete walked quietly over to the edge of the dark pool, removed his towel from around his waist and slowly walked down the stairs into the waist deep water. It felt refreshingly cool on this warm spring night and just as he was about to slide his body into a forward breast stroke, he heard a small splash at the other end of the pool and stopped in mid-slide.
He listened intently to hear what had caught his attention and after a brief moment he heard it again.
“Who’s down there?” he asked loud enough to get everyone’s attention who might be swimming down there.
A small little voice answered back, “It’s me Daddy, it’s Kimmi.”
“Kimmi? What the heck are you doing out here so late?” he asked his daughter.
“I couldn’t sleep and I was hot so I decided to come out and take a swim like you and Mommy do sometimes,” she said.
“You know about me and Mommy taking a swim out here late at night?” he asked a question that he had just had answered for him. Before she could respond, he asked another, “What else do you know about what Mommy and I do?”
She giggled and told me, “Nothing.”
He thought to himself, “Yeah, I bet” and vowed to be a little more discreet with their activities, especially out in the pool late at night. “Well, you’d better get out and go on to your room now because Daddy wants’ to swim my himself okay?”
She hesitated for a moment then she told him, “Daddy, I know that you aren’t wearing your swim suit and that you are naked but you don’t know that I’m not wearing mine either. I though you were already in bed when I came out so I didn’t bother to put anything thing on. I’m naked too.”
He thought for a second as that feeling came back to my groin and then he told her, “Well, just swim over to the steps and climb out and go into your room. It’s dark and I can’t see anything.”
“Daddy, have you looked around? Your eyes get adjusted to the darkness and I could see just fine from this end of the pool. I don’t want to get out in front of you at that end,” she reasoned with him.
“Okay, let’s swap end of the pool and I’ll turn my back, okay?” he told her.
“Okay,” she answered and pushed off the edge and started to swim down to the other end.
Pete did the same but the lighting wasn’t as good as she said it was and they met right in the middle. They bumped heads and in their effort to catch their breaths and not touch each other, they managed to intertwine themselves in one another’s bare body and Pete ended up with his arms around her. She stopped moving as her feet floated down to come to rest on his shins and her soft little crotch touched my stomach. The look on her face was one of horror but as her thighs got poked by his semi-hard cock and she realized that he was as uncomfortable as she, a pleasant look of surprise crept over her face.
Pete had been treading water, holding up both with his legs fanning the water but every time he kicked them, he could feel her breasts press against my chest and her tiny little patch touch his stomach. He was getting very erect so he slowly made his way over to where he could touch bottom and walked over to where he could release her down to stand on her own. She continued to stare into his eyes and as he let her slide down his body, his now hard cock was pended against her legs and as she passed it, it got caught in her junction and she squealed and jerked her hips back out of the way.
Finally standing on her own, panting and looking out of breath she looked up at Pete and asked, “Daddy, can see it? Please I’ve never seen a real one before. It felt so big down there when it was poking me and everything. I just want to see it for a second. Can I please?”
“Oh Kimmi, no we shouldn’t be doing this. Now get out of the pool and go right to your room,” he told her.
“Please Daddy, why won’t you let me just see it. I won’t tell Mommy really. I just have to see it and maybe touch it a little,” she begged.
The thought of having her touch his rock hard cock destroyed his will power and resolve as he reluctantly told her, “Okay you can see it and touch it just a little but you’ve got to promise me that will never say anything about this to your mother or anybody. Promise?”
“Okay I promise,” she said but forgetting that as she walked into the swallow end of the pool, she was exposing her fine little body to his eyes also.
She was looking down at his rock hard erection as it cleared the water and stood up straight on its own. Her eyes were as big as his cock and they only got bigger in anticipation of her first sight of the real thing.
But when she reached down and turned it from side to side, the sensation caused it to jerk and strain as it met her touch and she cried out with excitement.
“Oh Daddy, it jerked in my hand!” she said all excited. “I can’t see it at all under there,” she said pointing to the under side of Pete’s cock. “Wait right there for a second,” she told her father as she hopped out of the pool, and ran to her sliding door to her room. In an instant, a light came on in her room and it shown through her closed blinds to the pool as he slowly walked to the edge and up the steps. He watched her naked little body come running back to where he was now standing as she said in the most excited tone, “There we can both see each other’s body in the light.”
She jumped into the pool and the water splashed up all over his face as he smiled a broad smile and looked the other way. She came down right in font of him as she reached out with her hand to grab on to his still hard cock.
“Be careful,” he cautioned her. “It is part of me. It’s not a stick or something. You can hurt it by grabbing on to it and yanking on it and stuff.”
A look of shock came over her face as she looked down at it in her hand and then back up to look into Pete’s eyes. He smiled, indicating that she had not actually hurt him but let out his breath as he felt her handle it with the care that it deserved. After a brief second or two of her handling it with her kid like touch, he had to caution her once more but this time it wasn’t anything having to do with the roughness of her hands.
“Oh Kimmi, I don’t think you should be rubbing it so much,” he said softly though his clenched teeth. “I think that you should just look at it and keep your hands off of it for now.”
She didn’t know why but withdrew her hands away from it but continued to stare at it with intense curiosity. Walking over to the stairs, she went down to her knees and looked up at it between his legs and then with a single finger, reached up and touched his balls. Standing back up right in front of him, she said, “Cool!” and slowly went out of the pool and sat down in the chaise.
“Daddy?” she asked seemingly full of questions. “Your thingy goes into Mommy vagina right and when you ejaculate your sperm into her womb, she gets pregnant right?”
I nodded as she continued, “Why am I the only child then because I’ve seen you put it in Mommy lots of times.”
“You’ve seen what?” I asked in shock. “Where did you see us? Was it in the pool or there in our bedroom?”
“I’ve seen you fu…ah, doing it in lots of places, like the kitchen one Saturday morning when you thought I was still asleep and on the couch once and on…”
“That’s enough, I get it. I guess we will have to be a little more discrete from now on,” I told her.
“Why? I think it’s neat that my Mommy and Daddy still make love. That means that you still love each other and that makes me feel secure,” she said proudly.
Pete grinned to himself and was silent for a moment when she interrupted his thought with anther question. “Don’t you want to see me now?”
“I, ah, I don’t, ah…” he stammered.
“Well, if you do then you’ll have to hurry because I’m getting kind of tired and I think hat I would like to go to bed,” she said through her yawn.
“Then I’ll carry you into you bed and tuck you in,” he told her with a smile on his face as he walked over to her. He bent down over her petite little nude body and he noticed her perky little mounds were soft and cuddly as he slowly picked her up in his arms. He carried her into her bedroom as she lay her head down on his shoulder. He entered her room and put her into bed on top of the covers at her request and just before he turned out the light, she looked up at him and asked, “Don’t you want to touch me down there between my legs?”
Pete tried not to look shocked but kept his composure and told her, “Not tonight Sweetheart,” and the room went dark.
The next morning, Kimberly seemed just as normal as she always was, full of life and smiles like nothing had happened between them the night before. And really, what did happen? That’s what Pete was saying to himself trying not to feel so guilty but the whole idea of letting his daughter look and feel his genitals made him almost sick to his stomach. But when Miri came through the door the next day about mid-afternoon and asked him how his day with his daughter turned out, he thought that he was going to die.
“Sit down Miri,” he said, “I’ve got something to tell you and you’re not going to like it.”
She sat down on the sofa in the family room with a concerned look on her face. “Peter, you’re starting to scare me. What happen, is Kimberly alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, Kimmi is fine but its something about her that I think you should know,” he confessed.
He went on to explain what transpired the previous evening, conveniently leaving out the part about him peeping through her sliding glass door. He told her all about going out and going swimming and that they inadvertently bumped into each other and how he let her see his manhood.
She sat there in shock and then asked if anything else happened. He told her no that he had not even laid a hand on her body except when he picked her up and brought her into bed. He told her that she had asked him to look and to touch her but he refused. The look on her face was one of complete denial and hurt. She slowly looked past him and towards her bedroom where she was on the computer playing a game that she liked.
She suddenly stood up and walked to her bedroom and called out in a gentle voice, “Kimberly, I’m home. Will you come on out here and let us talk with you Honey?”
Their daughter came out warily with this look on her face that she was in a lot of trouble. As she approached the area which they were sitting in, Miriam asked her a question. “Daddy told me that you two were in the pool last night without anything on. Is that right?”
Kimberly looked at her father and then at her mother and then down to her hands folded down at her lap. “Yeah,” she said in a soft little voice.
“And he told me that you wanted to see his penis, is that right?” she continued.
Kimberly didn’t answer but merely nodded her head to indicate that she had. Then her mother asked her if she had told him that she didn’t mind him looking at her naked body and it was alright for him to touch it.
Again she nodded her head in the affirmative.
“And did he? Did he touch you like you asked him to?” she asked in a demanding voice.
“No Mommy, he did touch me except to bring me into my bed, honest!” she said emphatically.
Miriam turned to look her husband in the eye as her mouth curled up in a strange little ugly griminess and spit out to him, “Why the hell not? How is she going to learn anything if you don’t show her?” she asked indignantly.
Her question fell on disbelieving ears as her words slowly started to sink in. “What did you say?” was his only response.
“You heard me Peter Michael Johnson. Your daughter comes to you and asks you a question and offers to be the instrument of education and you turn her down,” she told him. “What kind of father are you anyway?” she asked and then broke into a broad grin.
“Oh Peter, I love you so much but trust me on this, she asked you for your help and you let her down so now I have to take over. Kimberly,” she barked then soften her tone a little. “Kimi? Do you still want you Daddy look at your body and touch it only the way that he can and I know that he can?” she asked her daughter but running her hand up his leg in a suggestive jester.
“Uh huh,” Kimmi responded with all of the enthusiasm in the world.
“Then get over here and let your Daddy take off your clothes and we can continue your education from last night,” she told her daughter.
Pete got a big grin on his face as he scooted up in his seat and awaited for his young daughter to follow her mother’s commands and as she walked up to where he was sitting, she had a strange look on her face with her lower lip suck between her front teeth.
She slyly looked up into his eyes as her cheeks turned a slight pinkish color but when he smiled into her eyes and gave her a little wink, she tucked her shoulder under her chin and took her gaze downward again. He asked her to come closer to his position and she shuffled forward a step and then he placed his hands on the hem of her shirt. He pulled it upward, exposing first her tummy and then her bra covered chest until it went over her head and off of her outstretched arms. He tossed it to the floor beside of her and sat back to admire his work so far.
Pete looked intently at his daughter tight tummy muscles and her white cotton bra that covered her budding breast that he remembered seeing the night before. But he chose to remove her cutoff jeans that she wore as shorts next so he unfastened the button that kept them from falling off of her hips. He then pulled down her fly and opened them up as exposed the top of her thin multi-colored panties to his eyes. She turned an ever greater color of red around her cheeks as she stood there before is gaze.
She wiggled her hips free from the jeans that were hugging her waist and as they grabbed her panties by the butt, she had to grip them by their waist band to keep them from sliding down her legs with her cutoffs. But as she readjusted them back in place, her shorts may it to the floor and soon they had joined her tee shirt in a pile on the floor.
Again Pete sat back to enjoy his progress in undressing his daughter and as he looked at her tight little panties that fit over her crotch like a glove fits over a hand, he noticed the dimpling affect of her tiny patch of pubic hair as it was drawn tight between her two hips. The sight was so sensuous that his manhood started to stir within his shorts and he started to salivate at the though of what he was doing. It took all of his will power to move his gaze back up to her bra and to think about its removal but when he did in fact start to think about it, his hands took over the task and went around to her back to unfasten her supportive, padded bra.
As he unhooked the restraint and the tension of it became slack, his hands went up to her shoulders and slid the straps down her arms as she turned a bright shade of red and moved her arm up to cover her bare little boobies. He smiled at her shyness and gently placed his hand on her arm and slowly guided it downward exposing her soft little white mounds to his view. He took in his breath through dry parched lips and it made the sound of the wind as it went into his lungs.
He so wanted to reach out and touch her precious little breasts and give her the satisfaction that she craved but held off for now because he wanted her to enjoy the disrobing as much as he could. He did not resist, however, gently caressing the skin on her tummy and as he let his touch move down to the top of her panties, it was her turn to take in a deep breath as her eyes automatically closed.
He lightly ran his finger around the elastic of her underwear, inserting it slightly under the gathering and when it went all the way over to one side. His finger was joined by the other hand and the two hooked on to her waist band and started to pull them down. Her tummy was the first to find the light of day under her panty material and then her lower abdomen came into view. Her eyes were tightly closed and her teeth were working over her lower lip but when the dusting of her pubic patch became uncovered and he could see her pussy lips start to be shown, he almost lost his patience and grabbed her fully on the crotch.
But his restraint won out and he removed her colorful underwear down over her thighs, over her knees and finally helped her step out of them all together. He tossed them gently into the pile and looked back to see his naked 13 year old daughter standing a mere foot or two in front of him. He realized that he wasn’t breathing; he didn’t dare because it just may spoil the moment for both of them, but as his lungs started to demand he let out the trapped air, he exhaled loudly and he threw out his arms as he gently pulled her into his embrace.
“Oh Kimmi,” he whispered in her ear. “You are so beautiful. My God how did I miss you growing up to be such a gorgeous young woman? You have all the charms of your mother in a much younger version and I love every one of them. Oh my Kimmi, my lovely little Kimmi, how I want you, how I love you.”
She stood there in his embrace, trembling at his declaration of his affection, wondering what was next in her education that she so wanted. She could feel his warm embrace and his two strong hands on her back pulling her into him more and more. She remembered the feeling of his cock that last night pressed into her tummy and she longed for him to duplicate that sensation but first he had to remove his own clothes and get as naked as she was.
“Pete, stand up and let your daughter take off your clothes,” Miri instructed him, reading Kimberly’s mind. “It is only fair that she should get the satisfaction of taking yours off as much as you enjoyed stripping her.”
His ears heard her instructions and his body responded naturally but his mind was still trying to absorb what was happening to him. He had just gotten his 13 year old daughter completely naked and now his bride of 14 years was telling him to stand up and let this same little offspring of his place him on equal footing with her current position. “My God, this can’t be happening to me?” he thought. But as she started to tug on his shirt and he raised his arms over his head, he realized that it was to be the same and he loved every second of it.
She tossed his shirt into another pile and she went immediately down to his shorts as she took them quickly off of his body. Her two trembling hands pulled his underwear down in an instant and he found himself standing naked in front of her hungry eyes. She was staring directly at his stiff cock and then she reached out to touch it again.
It jerked at the sensation of her contact as she smiled and enveloped it into her hand. He sighed out loud and closed his eyes as they each noticed for the first time that Miriam was getting into the picture after removing all of her clothes by herself.
“Kimberly Sweetheart, you had better let me take over right now because I think your Daddy needs a little release because I think that he’s about to explode,” she said removing her daughter’s hands from Pete’s raging hard on. “Now watch very carefully because you will get a chance to do what I’m doing soon enough and I want you to enjoy it also.”
She positioned herself directly in front of her husband and looked up into those eyes of his and gave him a brief little smile. He smiled back at her but his nerves were starting to show up in his face and his smile was a little forced she thought. She put one hand on his chest and pushed him back down onto the sofa as she kneeled down between his legs.
“Get down here so you can see what I’m about to do,” she instructed her daughter. “Now, you put your face right here next to his penis and you stroke it a little with your hand. Can you see the skin slide up his staff? It is called his foreskin and it’s essential that you make it move over the hardness of his penis. You can do this either by rubbing on it like this,” she said as she demonstrated by jacking him off, “or by placing into your vagina,” she told her by pointing a finger at the younger daughter’s crotch. “But I’m going to show a way to make the foreskin slide on his cock that I think your father likes the best, now watch,” she said as she lowered her mouth down to his cock.
She licked his head with her tongue and ran it down his staff and back up to the large bulbous head. She stuck her tongue directly into the hole that was gaping at the end and then took the entire thing in between her lips. She started sucking on it gently as she brought in back and forth out of her mouth and the suction on the foreskin began to slide it over the stiff shaft. He started to groan a little as he closed his eyes and lifted his head up in gratitude of the wonderful feeling.
As Miri started to take it in further and further with each stroke into her mouth, Pete opened his eyes and asked his daughter to crawl over to him and allow his hand to fondle her pussy lips. Kimberly was so excited watching her mother suck on his cock that she instantly got to her knees and crawled over to his hand and spread her legs out wide.
He caressed the inner thigh of his beautiful little daughter and it sent chills running through her body and her eyes went closed. But as he gently placed his finger on her two tight little lips and ran it up between them, she let out a cry of excitement as she strained to keep her balance on her knees. Miri looked up at the sound and smiled though her busy lips.
Pete’s finger was pressing in between those two puffy lips that were only partially covered by her sparse pubic hair growth and as he opened them up to receive his entrance into her pinkish little canal, she cried out her approval and spread her knees apart even further. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were tightly closed as his finger made its way up and down her moist slit. It stopped at her love button and she shrieked when it made contact with the hooded node.
Miriam was getting so excited knowing what her husband was doing to their daughter that she doubled her efforts by accepting his cock further down her throat than ever before. She was gagging with every thrust that she made on it until just as she reached her first orgasm of the afternoon she rammed it all the way past her gag reflex and lodged it down her throat.
This was a brand new experience for them both and feeling it go down in between the esophageal muscles and feeling those muscles contract around the foreign object that his cock represented, Pete felt his urge explode with his massive release of his pent up desires and his gallons of cum that shot down into his wife’s gagging throat. He sent out jet after jet from his spewing cock as he strained his hips off of the sofa and he tightened every muscle in his body. In his muscular spasms of his orgasm, his finger was not left out of the excitement so as he released his essences into his wife, his finger did a job on his poor little daughter’s button.
He was rubbing on her clitoris as fast and as hard as he could as he felt his release come and finally go from his loins. But what he didn’t realize was that poor Kimberly was on her third such release and was nearing exhaustion. She was screaming into deft ears as she rammed her pussy into his hand trying to fulfill her new found desires with the satisfaction of his finger on her clitoris. When he finally came down enough to realize what was happening to his little cherub, he slowed his manual assault on her red little lips and the treasure they were suppose to protect and slowly brought her down.
The three of them lay there on the sofa, completely nude and panting. They stayed that way for a long time, each trying to recuperate the best that they could. Kimberly was the first to come around and as she rolled off of her father’s hand still on her tender little crotch, Pete awoke and so did his wife Miriam.
Looking into her daughter’s eyes, all she saw were the multitude of questions that were running through her daughter’s busy mind. She knew that she had to answer each and every one of them because this was the purpose of their little demonstration gone awry. She wasn’t supposed to get involved in it but, alas, she did and now it was their responsibility to make it right by her. But after the brief confusion that shown in her expression, she got this big smile on her face and she asked, “Can you demonstrate it again Mommy. I think I like it a lot and I want to learn more about what you and Daddy do.”
Kimberly looked down at her Daddy’s cock as it started to twitch again back to life and then up at her Mommy’s face and smiled the biggest smile. Miriam smiled back and said more to herself than to her daughter, “I’ve got to make an appointment to take you to a Doctor so you can get on the pill and in a couple of months you’ll be ready for the ultimate lesson.”
Hearing this, Pete cock became rock hard once again and he began to fantasize over just what they were going to teach their little daughter. He could hardly wait but until then, he rolled onto his side and slid his hand up between his daughter legs and felt for her Holy Grail once again. She scooted down into his probing hand and spread her legs out wide in an invitation that he so wanted to accept. His wife smiled as she looked on and slowly put her hand on her daughter breast and gently started to caress her soft white skin. “Yes, I’ve definitely have to make that appointment tomorrow morning,” she thought to herself as she started to caress her daughter’s hard little nipple. “First thing in the morning.”

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: POSITIVEsyilvia
: POSITIVEDudley Dowrong

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Lucky Josh part 12

Josh considered staying in bed for a while, still a bit tired from the last few days but his curiosity won out as he headed towards his pc to check his mail.
Boot up seemed to take ages and when it finally was done, he quickly checked his mail.
His smile turned into a big grin when he read Angela’s fantasy for them.
It would take some time before he could make it happen as her broken ankle didn’t allow for much dancing.
Angela had made her fantasy a well thought out script and included her preferred locations and what they should be wearing.
Now he understood her request for outfits this morning and looked forward to go shopping at Cam’s work.
He turned his pc of and grabbed a shower, removing all the sticky from Vanessa’s handy work.
Still damp from his shower, he took his robe and sat down again behind his desk, examining the bag of goodies Ashley had given him.
It contained twelve DVD’s, all starring Ashley, a cock ring, a butt plug, a sex cream product, a bottle of pills and a bottle of scented sex oil.
A small note from Ashley was taped to a DVD with the message ‘Hope I got your size right’ and a smiley.
Josh smiled and looked at the cream, it was called ‘Endurance enhancer pro’.
The label read improved performance and longer lasting by reducing sensations.
Something to try out later Josh thought and looked at the bottle with pills.
‘Cum Volume pro, come more and harder’ Josh read on the label before placing it next to the cream.
Looking at Ashley’s face on one of the DVD covers he smiled, wondering if she wanted to try these products first with him.
He considered playing one of her DVD’s but decided against it and placed them with his other DVD’s before getting dressed.
Making a quick trip to the kitchen for a soda and a snack, Josh returned to his room and started to work on his ideas for the production company.
A few hours later the lack of light in his room made him take notice of the time.
Cursing under his breath, he saved his work and left his room.
On his door was a note in his father’s handwriting ‘At work, do not disturb’.
Smiling, Josh removed the note and walked to the kitchen.
Silence and darkness met him as nobody was there, nor did he sense the lingering smell of prepared food.
A quick look in the fridge showed him there was plenty of food, including a box with prime steaks.
Josh got everything he needed from the fridge and was about to start cooking when his Dad entered the kitchen.
“Business?” Josh asked when he saw his dad was wearing a suit.
“Yeah, I called ahead and told Angela to order in, since you were hard at work as well.”
“Ah that explains it” Josh said “you want a steak too?”
“Yeah, I’ll quickly change” Jonas answered smiling when he saw the meat Josh was preparing.
When Jonas came back, dressed more casually, the scent of a home cooked dinner hung heavily in the air.
“I think the women are in the rec room watching a movie” Jonas said getting plates.
“Yeah its almost scary quiet” Josh joked back.
With practiced movements, Josh served the steaks up, added some potato mash and a fresh salad with sour cream dressing.
For a while they ate in silence, enjoying their meal and the quiet.
“You know, this is the first time ever we have eaten together, just the two of us” Jonas said.
Josh grinned at his dad and raised his beer bottle “to a great many more then.”
They toasted and finished their meal shortly after. Josh quickly did the dishes while his dad made them coffee.
“Things have changed overnight for you haven’t they?” Jonas asked, pouring the coffee.
“That’s one way of putting it” Josh grinned “for me it’s a rollercoaster of sex and fun with no end in sight.”
“You’re already somewhat of an underground celebrity here” Jonas continued “one of my business partners told me that you are the most twittered about person in the city at the moment.”
“Is that a good thing?” Josh asked grinning.
“He seemed to think so, you are apparently opening doors that are hard to open.”
“How’s that?”
“I have no idea, I am just quoting him” Jonas said, serving the coffee with a cognac.
“But they all showed interest in meeting you so if you want, you can join me anytime you feel like it” Jonas continued.
Sipping his coffee, Josh thought about it for a moment before saying “Sure, tell me when it will have the best effect for your dealings and I’ll show up.”
Jonas grinned at his son, his business instincts were sharp and they made him proud.
“So what are you working on now Josh?”
Josh explained in broad strokes what the idea was that he with Danni and Sarah were considering. When he was finished, Jonas was silent for a moment, absorbing all that Josh had told him.
Slowly a smile formed on his face when he had considered all options for the venture.
“I don’t know what your mom would have said, you getting into the adult entertainment industry, but as your dad and a business man I say go for it, sounds good.”
“Thanks dad” Josh smiled back at him.
“Now let’s see what the ladies are up to, I could use a massage” Jonas joked.
“Horn dog” Josh grinned “I’ll see you in the morning.”
They said goodnight and Josh went back to his room, putting clean sheets on his bed.
It took him the better part of an hour to finish his preliminary business plan, print it out twice and bind them with a nice cover.
Josh considered turning in early but the work behind his computer had left him with a painful back, bad posture he chastised himself with a smile.
Instead he stripped, grabbed a robe and went down to the pool.
The area was deserted and Josh stood at the edge, enjoying the slight breeze and relaxed.
He dropped his robe and jumped in, the chilly water removing any deep thoughts that were still working their way around in his head and made him acutely aware of his body.
Coming up he started to swim, working out the lazy kinks in his back.
He had just finished his seventh lap when he noticed he was no longer alone in the pool.
In the far corner he saw Cam slowly entering the pool, her body lit up by the garden lights in such a way that it took his breath away and despite the cold his cock started to wake up.
Josh waited while she slowly made her way to him, his heart full of desire for her.
“Hello my love” Cam whispered when she was near him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Hello beloved” Josh answered and moved in for a kiss.
A sigh of pleasure escaped Cam’s lips as they kissed and Josh could taste the remnants of female fluids in her mouth, causing his cock to twitch against her leg.
When they broke their kiss Cam was smiling naughtily and pressed herself closer to him.
Her mouth was almost in his ear when she whispered “I am playing with Vanessa in a bit, want to watch?”
“I would rather make love to you right here and now” Josh answered softly.
“I know, but this will be special, you cannot touch us nor may you masturbate while we play and we will be playing hard, a very special performance for you alone.”
“A very long tease then?” Josh asked intrigued.
“Something like that, Melody said it was great fun so we are going to try, no arguments.”
With that last remark Cam stuck out her tongue and pushed away, swimming quickly away.
Defeated by love and lust, Josh smiled at her and swam back to his robe, wondering what else his little devil had in mind for tonight.
Still wet beneath their robes, Josh and Cam made their way to her room where Vanessa was already waiting for them.
An assortment of toys was placed on the desk and Vanessa had dressed herself in the most slutty lingerie she had, fishnet stockings, leather push up bra, long gloves and her high healed stage boots.
Not only that but she had tied her hair straight back in a pony tail and had made herself up in stark and contrasting colors, she almost looked feral in her new look.
“Wow, you look awesome” Cam said and quickly dove into the bathroom with a set of clothes.
“I agree, you look delicious and dangerous at the same time” Josh said while he dropped his robe and his naked form showed his appreciation of her fine figure.
“I feel really slutty and dirty too” Vanessa purred “and I am going to make your fianc?cream my name while you watch, how do you like that?”
“Show me and I’ll tell you” Josh grinned at her.
“Oh I will” she grinned back “now sit in this chair.”
There was a towel placed on the chair and Josh sat down as directed.
Vanessa turned around and walked to the bed, coming back with a handful of black Velcro restraints. With a sly grin she bound his legs to the chair, making sure his legs were spread.
His wrists she tied behind his back, tight enough so he couldn’t get free but not too tight it hurt.
Kneeling in front of him, her face so close to his cock that he felt her breath on it she made it look like she was going to suck him, only to stop just before reaching it.
She stood up and grinned saying “Had you going didn’t I?”
Josh simply nodded and looked at the bathroom door, waiting for his Cam to arrive.
Vanessa followed his look and took his jaw in her hand, pulling his face back to her.
“Am I boring you?” she said as her free hand parted her thick pussy lips to reveal an enlarged clit and a moist slit.
The scent and sight got Josh’s attention alright and his cock twitched, getting even harder.
“Better” Vanessa said and licked her fingers clean of the little juice that had stuck to them.
At that moment Cam entered and Josh felt his cock getting painfully hard when he saw her.
Like Vanessa she had gelled and tied her hair back, close to her skull in a ponytail.
Her eyes were made up so dark that the white of her eyes stood in stark contrast.
Somehow she had made her lips look even thicker and more luscious, colored in a deep purple that was almost black.
She wore her stage boots, thigh high black leather boots with semi high heels and a belt that was connected to several straps of leather and chrome chains.
The straps and chains were tied between her legs, pulling her lips aside and catching them between straps, making them thick and stand out. The other straps went around her breasts and nipples, tied around her breasts, tight near her chest, making them puffy and a bit paler. Her skin already had an angry shade of red there where the strap were tied around her breasts.
Her nipples had a clamp on then, connected to a chrome chain and her belt.
Vanessa licked her lips when she saw Cam, her cunt wetting itself even more.
“Cam love” she asked “”Melody sure had taste in outfits but did it make him as hard as he’s going to get?
Cam strutted towards him and at that moment Josh believed in spontaneous orgasm, so close he felt to coming as he saw her sexy figure approach.
“Maybe” she said and turned to Vanessa, grabbing her head and kissing her hard.
Vanessa responded in kind and the girls started their make out session.
After a minute Cam broke the kiss and looked at Josh’s cock “yeah, he’s ready.”
Cam took his cock in her hand and held it up so Vanessa could tie a leather cock ring and restraint in place.
Josh grunted a bit when she did so, his balls were separated by a leather restraint causing them to swell up and turn an angry red. His cock didn’t mind the ring, a small twitch and a little pre cum was its reaction.
“Done” Vanessa said and turned back to Cam who had a coin ready.
“Heads or tails?” Cam asked as she flipped the coin.
“Tails” Vanessa grinned as she watched the coin fall on the ground.
“Tails it is” Cam said “how do you want to start?”
“I feel like ravishing your body first, make you twist in pleasure before you service me.”
Cam nodded and walked with Vanessa to the desk, placing her hands on it and pushing her ass high in the air.
Josh groaned at the sight, his cock twitched again, making his nuts hurt in a way that aroused him even more.
Vanessa picked up a rather large butt plug and applied a generous amount of lube to it.
With one hand she spread Cam’s butt cheeks and with the other she inserted the plug.
A small cry was all the reaction Cam gave as Vanessa forced the plug into place.
Her breath sped up as her body adjusted to the big intruder, for now more painful then pleasurable.
Slowly Cam came up again and waited for Vanessa to make up her mind.
“Stand like you just did only this time place your hands on Josh’s shoulders.”
Cam smiled a bit and slowly walked towards him, her stride a bit of by the plug.
“Hello love” Josh whispered as she placed her hands on his shoulders, her face close to his and her ass pushed back and up again.
“Hello beloved” she whispered back as sweat started to form on her forehead.
She saw his eyes flicker to her hanging breasts before returning to her eyes and smiled.
“You want to suck my nipples don’t you, lick ‘m, twist them between your lips eh?” she cooed.
“Yeah” Josh answered hoarsely “might even bite them.”
Vanessa came to stand next to Cam with a large dildo with a grip in her hand.
“Ready?” she asked Cam who bit her lip and nodded.
A hiss escaped her lips as Vanessa slowly pushed the dildo in her wet cunt.
Shortly after she followed it with a moan and a husky “fuck me.”
“Not yet” Vanessa said as she stood behind her and used her full weight to push it in even deeper.
“Fuck fuck fuck” Cam cried out as she felt her cunt being violated by Vanessa.
Sweat formed all over her body and she pushed back even harder saying “deeper bitch.”
A chuckle from Vanessa was the response followed by another assault on her cunt.
Using all her strength she pushed back, her face very close to Josh’s now.
“Oh god yes” she cried when she came all of a sudden.
The pressure of the plug and the dildo had somehow made her come without warning.
Her fluids sprayed all over Vanessa, the pressure increased by the huge dildo still in her.
“Wow” Vanessa said “I want that too when it’s your turn.”
“Okay” a throaty Cam said “but not before you really fuck me with that cock.”
“Oh you bet your ass I’m not done yet” Vanessa said and started to pull the dildo out.
Stopping at three inches out, Vanessa pushed the dildo back in, easier this time because of Cam’s orgasm and the generous cunt juice she produced.
“Oh yeah, that’s it, fuck me bitch, fuck my pussy raw” Cam cried as the speed increased.
Josh had a front row seat and enjoyed the show, watching Cam’s face as she was fucked by her best friend, her body twisting in pleasure and the sight of Vanessa pounding her.
His balls still hurt and were huge now, he even felt his cock fighting the ring as it twitched, releasing even more pre cum.
Being unable to participate or even pleasure himself seemed like a turn on at first but now, when he saw Cam’s face a few inches away from him, twisting in her near orgasm he felt frustrated.
He felt so close to coming yet he missed that last bit of something that would push him over the edge.
“Oh fuck I’m coming” Cam cried out, her body shaking in a most arousing way for Josh.
“Oh god yeah, yeah, shit” she continued as her face showed the intensity of her orgasm.
Shaking all over, her head fell against Josh’s shoulder and she struggled to stay standing.
Vanessa simply said “not done yet” and kept pounding her cunt with the dildo.
Feeling her legs almost give out, she let herself fall partially on Josh, leaning with her chest against his face, her arms around his neck and her knees against his chair.
“Oh” she cried as she felt not only the dildo plow into her but now also Vanessa’s fingers in her slit, looking for her clit.
It didn’t take Vanessa long to find it and when she pinched Cam’s clit, she made her come so hard that her cry was heard all over the house.
Cam’s cunt was like a waterfall, spraying her cum past the dildo and pushing it out.
Lightheaded she almost fell down, sliding over Josh’s body to the floor where she lay shaking in the thrall of her orgasm.
Vanessa looked down on Cam and smiled at her shaking body.
Cam’s cunt was still producing fluids as her arms twitched in aftershocks.
“Nice one” Vanessa said to Cam and looked at Josh’s cock, it’s angry red head glaring at her.
When Cam didn’t respond, Vanessa quickly sat down next to her and felt her pulse.
“Well have I ever” she said laughing “she’s passed out, I never have made someone come so hard they passed out, Conny is going to be so jealous.”
Josh looked with worry and tenderness at Cam’s limp form, wondering what Vanessa would do now.
“Hmm, that complicates things eh Josh?” she said, removing the butt plug from Cam’s ass.
Cam stirred a bit but didn’t wake up.
“Yeah it does, unless you think you can give me a solo show that makes me come.”
“A challenge? Well why not but my suggestion would have been to fuck, just so you know” she grinned at him and undid his restraints so he could help her put Cam into bed.
“I’ll need your help so I am going to take your word for it that you won’t help yourself come okay? No rubbing, jacking or whatever, agreed?” she said while she removed her leather bra.
“Agreed” Josh said as he watched her strip the top half from her slut outfit.
“You have such a nice body, I am restraining myself not to touch you” Josh said grinning.
“Oh, you’ll be touching me alright” she smiled back at him.
From the desk she got another big dildo and a large vibrator along with a set of nipple clamps.
Vanessa placed the clamps on her nipples, turning them extra tight, almost flattening them.
She hissed when she was done and moaned “god, sometimes pain can be such a turn on.”
Pulling the clamps a few times, stretching her tits she pushed her knees together and groaned.
“Oh I am so fucking horny” she said as she straightened and grabbed both fake cocks.
“Okay Josh, lie down on the floor and put your hands beneath your head.”
Josh followed her instructions and she stood over him, her cunt directly above his head.
“Now” she said bending down “this is a face fucker, a dildo with a mouth piece so you can keep it steady while I fuck your face” and placed the mouth piece in his mouth.
Josh looked at the big pink dildo that stood erected on his face and grinned at Vanessa.
“This is a twister vibrator” and she turned it on, the head of the vibrator turned in a circular motion and the entire thing vibrated intensely “and I need you to fuck me in the ass with it.”
Vanessa applied some lube to the vibrator and handed it to Josh carefully.
Slowly she bend her knees until she was almost at the level of the tip of the dildo.
“Josh, you need to move beneath me okay, to get it in.”
Spreading her lips she moved further down, giving Josh a good look at her pussy and he
maneuvered the dildo precisely beneath her cunt.
A soft moan was accompanied by the sopping sound of her wet cunt sliding down the dildo.
“Oh fuck yeah” she said as she sat on his face, dildo completely in her cunt, her bend knees spread wide as she balanced on her feet.
“Okay, now insert the vibrator and turn it on, you can push it in deep, just hold it in place.”
Josh maneuvered his arm beneath her leg and waited for her to spread her cheeks.
Looking down at his face she smiled and gave him access to her asshole.
The vibrator slipped in easily and Josh held its base as she let her cheeks close again.
“Turn it on” Vanessa commanded and Josh did as he was told.
Vanessa moaned loudly when her asshole was pleasured by the vibrator.
“Damn this feels good, you should try it sometime Josh, it’s great” she panted slightly.
“Okay here we go, improvised sandwich face fuck, one orgasm coming up.”
First slowly but after three squats a lot faster, Vanessa fucked both the dildo and the vibrator.
Every time she came down she said “oh fuck yeah” and when Josh pushed the dildo a bit higher she cooed “oh yeah make me come fanboy.”
When she was secure in her balance and rhythm she spread her lips and started to rub her clit.
Josh had an up close view of her action and combined with the scent of her dripping cunt juices he felt his cock start to fight the restraints again.
“Hey boy” she moaned “get ready cause I am about to blow.”
It was a good thing she had said that because when her orgasm hit her she lost her balance.
Only the quick action of Josh saved her from falling either on his face or down, neither good.
Her body shook in orgasm as Josh balanced her with both hands on her ass.
He saw her juices drip down the face fucker and onto his mouth, the taste of her cum sweet as before on his tongue.
Bucking still, Vanessa kept her fingers hard at work on her clit, wanting to keep her orgasm going when she moved too quick and sagged further down.
Josh managed to keep her up but accidentally pushed the vibrator in all the way.
Vanessa’s eyes shot open in surprise and deep inside her a second orgasmic wave formed, thundering to the surface.
“Holy shit” she screamed as she came again, on top of her first orgasm.
This time she sprayed Josh’s face with her cum before she fell, twisting and shaking in her orgasm.
Her eyes focused on Josh and between her gasps for air she said “now fuck me like I fucked Cam.”
Josh removed the face fucker and grabbed the dildo with grip from the desk.
It was still a bit wet from Cam and he grinned at the writhing form of Vanessa as he turned her on her stomach and pulled her ass up.
Sitting on his knees behind her he slowly pushed the much thicker dildo in her cunt.
Some of her cum squirted out when he pressed it a little bit further in, causing another gasp from her and a tremor.
Feeling that the dildo was deep enough inside her for his next action, he moved his knees over her legs and pressed them together, held in place by his legs.
This narrowed the access to her cunt, making her tighter as he pushed it all the way in.
“Oh god fuck yeah, you son of a bitch, ram it, ram it in hard you fucker” Vanessa moaned in the aftermath of her previous two orgasms.
“As you wish” Josh said and pulled the dildo back until the tip of its head was still inside her before shoving it back in her.
“FUCK” she screamed as she slid a bit forward by the force of his thrust.
Josh repeated the action and this time she just moaned.
Settling in a good rhythm he pounded her cunt until she had come four times, each time more intense than the one before, her cunt and legs soaking wet with her juices and a yard further than where they had started.
“Stop” she whimpered after her last orgasm “no more Josh, I am seeing stars.”
Spreading her butt cheeks he retrieved the still running vibrator, her asshole gaping at him.
Next he slowly removed the dildo and as he watched it leave her cunt, her opening stayed wide enough open for two of his fingers to enter without touching her sides.
“Shees” Josh said softly “did you truly enjoy all of this?”
“You betcha lover of mine” she answered “and I’ll tell you this, you may do the same to Conny next Wednesday while I watch.”
Josh grinned and lifted her spend form up, placing her next to Cam who was playing with herself, watching from the bed.
“That was fun to watch” Cam grinned when Vanessa cuddled close to her.
“Even more fun to experience you lazy ho” Vanessa said making herself comfortable.
“You made poor Josh do all the heavy work.”
“Knowing my bf he enjoyed it just as much” Cam said “although I think his balls are ready to explode, they are huge.”
With the gentlest touch, Cam caressed his balls and pulled his cock closer to her face.
“Oh yeah, my baby is close” she whispered coming up “ready to blow.”
Vanessa pushed herself up and flicked her tongue over his cockhead causing him to shudder.
The girls looked for a second at each other, grinned and then both started to lick his cockhead.
Josh was agonizingly close to release now and when Vanessa removed the leather restrains he felt his hot cum race from his balls to freedom.
Cam caught the first load, quickly shifting his cock so Vanessa would get the second.
His feet curled up as he shot load after load, his back arched and when he was spend did he release the breath he was holding in a loud moan.
Both girls were plastered with his cum and grinning like mad women at him, licking the cum from their faces.
“Wow” Josh said when he sat down between his girlfriend and her best friend.
Vanessa moved her head into his lap and took his semi hard cock in her mouth, licking it clean.
Her hand on Vanessa’s breast, Cam leaned into Josh for a long kiss.
Coming up, Vanessa said softly “next time lets go for a real threesome.”
Josh and Cam grinned in their kiss and pulled Vanessa in for a hug, falling back on the bed.
The girls removed the last pieces of clothing and pounced Josh with big grins.
Some kissing and caressing later, Josh spooned Cam and was in turn spooned by Vanessa.
They all felt spend and happy, drifting into a satisfied slumber.
The next morning Josh woke late and alone in Cam’s bed, feeling well rested.
A quick glance at the clock told him that he still had enough time to get ready for his afternoon appointment with Danni at the porn shoot in one of Burt’s gyms.
He got out of bed and yawned, stretched his arms and headed toward the bathroom.
On the bathroom mirror a message was written in lipstick saying ‘working for your dad today, sorry can’t come to the sex shoot, bring a souvenir’ with a heart and a big V.
A post it note was posted next to it and it read ‘of to work my love, home at five, hihi feels good writing that, love you, Cam’.
Josh smiled and took the note sitting down on the toilet, reading it once more.
His smile was still prominent on his face when he left her room and headed towards his own.
After a shave and a good soak he felt clean again and he groomed his body to perfection, just to be on the safe side with Ashley he grinned to himself.
A quick look outside told him it would be another hot day so he adjusted his clothing to match.
Wide fit worker pants, light beige and a white button up shirt should do the trick he figured.
Regular issue black combat boots and a black leather belt finished his outfit, good for all occasions he thought as he checked himself in the mirror.
Rolling up his sleeves he grabbed his wallet, the two print outs and his watch and headed out, grabbing a quick bite on his way to the gym.

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An incest birthday chapter 10

A computer virus kept me from writing since it killed my computer, so I had to type an hour at a time at the library. Thanks for being patient, and as usual comments and PM’s are appreciated. I dont know if its the website or not but its adding slashmarks to my story, if they show up please try to get around them, thanks.

Different Dads, Different Daughters – Chapter 2

This is the second of five chapters. The sex is minimal, but the chapter is necessary to tie the remaining chapters together. Like the previous chapter, this involves teens. If you find the subject offensive, stop reading now. Otherwise, please enjoy.


Suzanne and I get married, but first I have to meet her parents. Sorry about the formatting at the end, but I had a lot of trouble with this segment.

Best Sister in the World!!! Part 2

Sorry for the unrealistic parts of the first part. As I said, it’s my first attempt at writing so thank you for indulging me! My next stories will be more reality based! So with that out of the way and without further ado, part two of Best Sister in the World 🙂

Sharing My Room With Sis: Sharing My Computer

I woke up slowly feeling something unusual. Usually I woke up feeling still groggy, but today something was different. I lay there a moment, head swirling, and realized what it was: a tickling sensation running up my thigh. It reached the leg of my boxer-briefs and paused only a moment before I felt them be pulled up and something slide in underneath. The sensation slid over the last bit of thigh and started running up and down my slowly growing dick.
More awake now, I opened my eyes and saw my sister Abby standing over me. “Time to wake up,” she said. “Its Saturday. Mom wants to talk to us about my room.” She ran her finger along my dick one last time, then pulled her hand out and left.
Three nights ago a storm had smashed a window in my sister’s room, forcing me to share my room with her until the damage was repaired. Having trouble making friends at school, she’d turned to me for comfort. She had convinced be to share the bed with her, leading to the three hottest nights of my life. Though we’d both wanted it, our mutual nervousness and fear had nearly stopped us. Just last night, Abby had been set up on a date by her former friend. The guy had tried to push her too far and her friend had called her a prude. When we got home and into my room, she’d shown me how wrong they were. Outside my room, we had to pretend to be something else, but while we were alone in there, we could let loose with each other.
Mom told us that in order to try to save some money on repairs, that she and I would have to do some of the work. After breakfast we moved her furniture and other stuff out to the garage. As we cleaned up, Abby discovered that her computer wasn’t working anymore. “The water must have shorted it out. Should have had a surge protected on it,” I told her.
“I need my computer to work on homework,” she said.
“I’m sorry, dear. You’ll have to share your brother’s computer until we can get you a knew one.”
A week before, the very idea of anyone else getting on my computer would have terrified me. No one, not even Abby and Mom, used to come into my room very often and no one else ever used my computer. I, therefore, hadn’t gone to much effort to hide the porn I regularly viewed on it. If Abby so much as looked through the folders in my bookmarks, she’d run across links to my favorite sites. After the last couple of nights, the thought was somewhat exciting now. Even so, some of those sites had some pretty nasty stuff on there, and I worried if it would be too much for Abby. I’d have to try to clear some of it off today when she wasn’t around.
As I set about starting on pulling the carpet out, the laundry service came by to drop off Abby’s clothes, newly cleaned after being soaked. She grabbed them and headed into my room to sort through them. I worked alone in her room for several hours pulling off the baseboards, definitely in to hurry to get her room back together. Abby came in through the bathroom connecting our rooms wearing some of her returned clothes. Even though it was a little chilly in her room from the broken window, she wore a tank top and some shorts, her usual sleep wear but not around-the-house garb.
“Its so nice to have my clothes back,” she said, turning in a pose in front of me. The shorts were very short, and just a bit of the curve of her ass cheeks peeked out at the bottom. Her tank top was white without a bra underneath. The bumps of her nipples were clearly visible through it. “I moved stuff out of some of your drawers into the closet to make room for my clothes.” I nodded, trying not to stare too much. She smiled at me and casually dropped both of her thumbs inside the front of her waistband, pushing it down slightly. As I half-heartedly pulled at a baseboard, she sunk the waistband lower until her I could see just a bit of her short, curly, fire-red pubes sticking out the top. Holding it there a moment, she said, “I was surfing the web for my English homework and saw you had some interesting bookmarks on there.” She turned and walked through the bathroom back into my room. I got up and followed.
“Uh, what exactly were you looking at?” I asked, trying to hide the embarrassment that was swelling within me, despite my excitement.
“Just some Literature study group forums,” she said. I slowly came into the room and cautiously peeked around until I could see the screen. It looked to be an analysis of Hamlet. “This stuff here is pretty boring. Anyway, you’d better get back in there. We’d hate for Mom to have to come looking for you.” She pushed me back toward the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
I headed back in a pulled weakly at baseboards, wondering what Abby was up to. After a couple more hours it was late afternoon, and I decided to quit for the day. I headed back into my room and found Abby lying on my bed, the computer monitor switched off. “Find what you needed online?” I asked her.
“Yep,” she replied. She lay back on the bed and stretched her arms behind her. She opened her legs wide and pressed the bottom of her feet together. The fabric of her shorts was pulled tightly across her pussy, barely covering her hole. On either side, the gentle curve and fuzz of the outside of her pussy lips stuck out. Before I could think to do something, she stood up and headed for the door. “I’m going to go watch some TV for a while,” she said. I breathed out in frustrated disbelief, and she smiled slyly as she went.
I sat down at my computer desk and clicked on the monitor to find that my sister had left some browsers open. It was clear from the page titles that she had been surfing from my porn bookmarks. The first page showed a series of pics of a guy fingering a girl’s pussy. The thought of my sister looking at this turned me on, and alone in my room, I slid my dick from my pants and pushed them to the floor. After going through the pics, I clicked to the next window. In another series, a blonde was giving a handjob. By now I was stroking my dick in a steady pace.
A movement in the corner of my eye made me glance up at the bathroom door, which I saw was standing partway open. On the other side stood my sister, her hands behind her back leaning in to get a view of me. Seeing that I saw her, she pushed the door open and stepped in, closing it behind her. “Don’t stop on my account. There’s nothing good on TV so I decided to chill here for a bit.” She sat down on the bed behind me and stretched to look over my shoulder. “Oh, I liked that one, too. After looking at that site for a while, that one was one of my favorites.”
She reached around me and grabbed the mouse, clicking on the next window. This series showed a brunette sitting next to a guy, leaning over giving him a blowjob. I realized that it was almost the exact same position that we’d been in the night before. She clicked one of the images. It was a close-up of the blowjob. The girl gripped his dick in her hand and had it deep inside her mouth. “Maybe that one will help you out.” I looked up at her standing over me, then focused back on the computer and started stroking again. She clicked back and selected another image. While the girl was still sucking, the guy had reached around to touch her pussy, much as I had done to her.
She slid her left hand up my shirt and pulled it up above my stomach, wrapping arm around my chest. She clicked through a few more images. I looked up at her again and saw her eyes gazing at my dick in my hand. “Enjoying the show?” I asked.
“Definitely. You’re having such a good time, I don’t want to interfere too much.” I stroked a little faster, my eyes now locked on her face instead of the screen. I remembered the sight of my cum splattered across her cheeks and hair. “There’s one more page I left for you,” she said. It was a video. She hit play and let go of the mouse, wrapping her other arm around my chest as well, still looking over my shoulder.
In the video was a redhead. She had long hair and her skin looked nearly as pale and soft as Abby’s. She stripped off her clothes, leaving on only a pair of black stockings. After a few poses, she sat on a bed and spread her legs apart. She ran her fingers over her shaved pussy, playing with herself.
Abby reached her right hand down and ran her fingers along my thigh as I kept masturbating. She traced up until her finger just barely brushed my balls, then moved up and caressed the back of my hand as it moved. Beads of pre-cum began sliding down the tip of my dick. Abby took her finger and wiped it up, then brought it up to her lips. She closed her eyes and slowly and sensually licked it up. She put her fingertip in her mouth and sucked off what was left, moaning slightly to tease me.
I could hardly believe that it. For years I had known her as my shy little sister who always seemed uncomfortable. Around everyone else, she would hardly say two words. But now in this room with me another part of her entirely seemed to be awakening.
Still watching her face, I noticed her eyes were back on the computer. I looked at it and saw that now the guy had come in and was licking around the lips of her pussy. Abby’s hand reached back down to my thigh and quickly traced their way to my balls. We both watched the video, and with me stroking had high speed she took two fingers and lightly caressed around my balls. Her fingers rubbed a little circle around my sack, then traced around the outside, stopping underneath to tickle the a little more.
In the video, the guy had started flicking his tongue across her clit. Knowing I didn’t have long, I took my free hand and placed it on hers. I guided her thumb to the base of my dick near my stomach, and then pulled her fingers on the skin right underneath my balls. I squeezed her hand, causing her to tighten a grip in just the way I often did when I jerked off. I released her hand and she held me, squeezing firmly but not too tightly. I reached my free arm around behind me and grabbed onto her bare shoulder.
Barely even aware of the woman cumming on the movie, I came hard myself, splattering across my stomach. With each shot that spurted I felt myself pulsing under my balls against the firm squeeze of Abby’s fingers.
She kissed my neck, then ran her tongue along my ear. With her hand she cupped my balls and squeezed them slightly. “Looks like you’re totally spent. That’s ok, my turn can wait until tonight.” She kissed my neck. “Maybe there’s something on TV now. You should come with me, we can find a movie.” As she released my balls, she ran her fingers gently across them and then up the length of my shaft before turning away and leaving the room.
After dinner we sat in the living room and watched a movie with Mom. Half way through, Abby left to take a shower and get ready for bed. My aided masturbation took enough edge off that I managed to sit and watch the rest of the movie until Mom went to bed.
Entering my room, I found Abby standing in the closet facing away from me looking through her clothes. She was wrapped in her bath towel. Her red hair was still damp and hung along her back. She’d heard me come in but had remained where she was, only turning her head slightly to see me in the corner of my eye. When she was sure I’d seen her, a soft smile came on her face. She closed her eyes and tilted her turned head away from me, seeming to beckon me to her neck.
I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her bare shoulders. I leaned my head down and started placing kisses along her neck, working my way from near her shoulder to just behind her ear.
She tugged the towel open in the front and let it fall to the floor, leaving her naked next to me. She turned towards me slightly more, stretched towards me and kissed me. For a few moments we stood there, and I enjoyed her soft lips melting into mine. Then she turned and pushed me gently out of the closet.
I stood for a moment and just looked at her standing directly under the single light bulb of my closet, much as I had seen her naked for the first time days before, but without the same reservations. Her legs were long and slender. Though still young and skinny, her body was tantalizingly round in her soft face, firm tits and ass. Her skin was a pale, creamy white all over her body except for the freckles sprinkled across her cheeks, shoulders, and arms. The white skin naturally drew attention to the bright red color of her long hair and wispy pubes, which tapered neatly into the fuzz covering her barely visible pussy lips.
She gave me a moment to stare. “Excuse me,” she said, and then slid past me out of the closet. She got onto the bed at the foot, then slowly crawled on all fours up it, giving me a perfect view of her ass and pussy. Once at the head of the bed, she reached over to the computer desk and started pulling up another website. As she navigated the pages, clearly knowing where she wanted to go, she wiggled her butt playfully in the air. She started playing a video and turned over onto her back, her eyes never so much as glancing at me. Her hand went down between her legs and started to pet her own pussy. Her finger traced around her hole a few seconds as she stared at the computer, then began wiggling its way between her moist lips and finally slowly plunged deep into her pussy.
In the video, a girl sat back in a chair with her legs spread. A guy kneeled down in front of her and started to flick his tongue into her pussy. As his tongue touched her, Abby’s hips raised up slightly against her hand.
I got the hint, and didn’t need to be told twice. I climbed onto the bed and rested myself between her knees. As she continued staring at the computer and fingering herself I took my hand and began caressing the inside of her thigh, quickly making my way to the top. Much like she had lightly caressed my balls earlier while I masturbated, I lightly ran my finger along the outside of one lip, almost tickling.
I stretched up farther and began placing kisses along her thigh, retracing my fingers. When I reached about an inch from her pussy, I paused. Though I’d fingered her several times already, I’d never seen a real pussy this close before. Most of the girls I’d seen online had shaved pussies with stretched out parts that seemed to practically fall open. Between Abby’s legs was something quite different. Her flesh looked soft yet tight, lightly covered with the red fuzz that he’d come to adore. Instead of falling open, her lips seemed to be pulling themselves apart, revealing soft pink inside. I felt my breath warming the air between it and his mouth. The part that drove me the most wild was the sweet smell, unlike anything I’d imagined before.
Cautiously, I leaned in and lightly kissed her right lip. I paused just a second then kissed the left one, then again, more deeply. I ran my tongue through her fuzz against her flesh, again switching sides. After a few passes, my traced the inside of one lip, and then I finally and deeply delved into the middle.
The taste of her juices was even better than the smell. She moaned lightly, then released herself and moved both hands to my head, running her fingers into my hair and pressing me into her slowly thrusting hips. I slurped across her, more slowly than the guy in the video. After a minute, I turned my head a bit and started deeply kissing her pussy as I would her mouth, with my lips pressing against hers and my tongue delved as deeply into her pussy as I could get it.
She had clearly lost interest in the video. She pulled me by my hair and repositioned my mouth over the top of her pussy. “Lick my clit,” she moaned to me between deep breathes. I flicked my tongue across her and, finding its place, gently circled around it, occasionally flicking across. Her hips rose up more and her back arched to meet my mouth. I brought one hand up and grabbed her ass.
I brought up my other hand to her pussy as I kept licking around her clit and slid a finger inside her. I stroked against the texture of the inside of her vagina. Her breathing again quickened along with her gentle moans, and I closed my lips around her clit, sucking lightly. As I quickened my pace, I felt her ass clench in my grip and, pressing my head more with her hands, grinded against my mouth. I kept building the pace to a furious pitch, until finally she came. With each pulse, her back arched, her ass clenched hard and her pussy squeezed my finger tight. I kept sucking and stroking to meet each pulse and felt her juices flowing freely down my finger onto my hand.
She finally relaxed and slowly released my head. Holding my finger inside her a bit longer, I took my tongue and gently lapped her pussy around it, pulling in all of her sweetness I could.

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Teaching Her Girls How To Fuck(Part 2 Wendy)

I do my best to catch all the spelling and grammer mistakes, but after reread this story about 15 times, all the words seem to run together. My proof reader told me to fuck off, she told me i was spending to much time writing stories and not enough time servicing her. So please enjoy the story and excuse the minor spelling and grammer mistakes that i make.

An incest birthday chapter 5

Sorry this one took so long, I couldnt find the time to write, but I’m working on it so I wont have to quit altogether, I have an idea for an upcoming story, but I need it to be in Rita’s point of view, would you guys be ok with that? as usual comments are appreciated