Consensual Sex

Mistaken Indemnity

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial web sites without my permission. Using this material on a commercial site without my permission will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

A chance at a new sex life; Part 5

All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome.

MILF – 3

I watched her walk up the walk-way toward the Hotel…she seemed nervous so I decided to meet her half way. A man meeting a woman half way, how un-male-like I thought…and smiled.
She didn’t see me at first so I said hello load enough for her to hear. It startled her…much to our mutual amusement.
“I’ll try again”, said:
“Hello Candice”.
“Hello”, she said, laughing at her nervousness.
We talked for maybe ten minutes outside about various things…one of which was the lovely flower-garden set between the walkways at this Hotel.
“Would you like to go inside”, I ask her.
“In a hurry are you”? She asked.
“No, I just thought I’d ask”, I said…Continuing I said—“would you prefer to sit outside for a bit and talk”?
“Yes”. She answered.
We sat outside continuing out discussion about gardening. I could see something was up so I ask her.
She told me her marriage was over and as of last week she’ a single woman. [She did not look happy to be single to me]
Looking away from me she continued;
How her husband had been having an affair for years with his secretary. That everyone knew and had conspired against her…hurting her most was the other casual fuckng he had done behind her back with her friends—all of them.
“As of this moment you are almost the only person I can trust…odd isn’t it”, she added.
I laughed. Inappropriately as it turned out…Candice’ face went pale…as if I’d just punched her in the stomach…, and what can only be described as disappointment made its appearance on her face. [Once again I error]
I stopped laughing:
“What’s wrong”?
“You’re laughing at me”, she replied.
“No…I’m laughing at the situation”. [That did nothing for my predicament]
“I think I’ll go Dave”.
“No…Stay…I’m sorry”, I said.
She looked at me with a forlorn look on her face. [Did I feel bad!]
“Common. Please stay, and let me try to recover from my poor judgement”.
She agreed, so we sat outside on a park bench…I gave her my best explanation…she accepted that along with my apology. [Lucky or what I thought to myself]
The tensions between us slowly abated and our normal comfort zone returned.
About eight months back I was looking to buy something to live in …Candice is in real-estate and it just so happened I was driving by her office and popped in while she was there. She’ a -knockout so I was more than pleased to have her look after my interests.
—- I’d been married a few years before but my wife, ex, dumped me…basically my own fault.
I gained too much weight for her to deal with. In fairness she had given me plenty of time to get my shit together but I lost interest in-myself … MY father had died and my office job lent itself to an easy life style and a big gut. That was and I suppose still is my excuse for that period of my life.
Near the end of our marriage my mother got ill and I started spending allot of time over there…my brother and sister live out of town and probably are the happier for it. So my wife was alone with her fat slob of a husband always over at mommy’s…you get the picture.
My mother never saw my ex- therefore her guns were trained on me… daily barrages…fuck do mothers know where to shoot.
Your this, your that, lose weight, no wonder she lost interest in you, and on and on she’ go.
— I moved in with mom…she was sick for about two years. She was a real pain in the ass…, but I give her the credit for turning my life around.
By the last six months mom had worked me so hard I had lost 60 lbs…, or there bouts. Self preservation had me out walking, eventually some running, yard work…anything to get a break from her, without actually telling her-she was a pain in the ass. You get it; ‘MOM’.
I quit my office job and worked as a labourer, first in warehousing, then in construction.
Mom told me office work is for skirts; ‘get a man’s job you lazy bugger’, one of mom’ favourite words…beats the hell out some of the other things I have been called.
So between all that and pick-up sports I got into pretty good shape, best of my life…I even got a few dates with younger girls… I am past 30 and they were in their early 20’s. I had some good sex too, did I learn from those girls. Some young woman, wow!
Then one day mom died. I will always remember her saying each time I went out;
“If I die don’t use that as an excuse to you stay out past your curfew”. She’d laugh.
— ‘I love ya’ mom’, even if you’re not here I hear your words… and they stand me in good stead.
The— estate garnered us siblings about $150,000 each… the bro and sis took the money and ran…haven’t seen them since. Fucker’s anyway!
Like I said she’ in realty and was doing her job finding me a home. It took me about five months to find something I both liked and did not take all the money. Candice and I had several coffee’ together and a few drinks on a couple of evenings. We seem to get along.
I had a few dates during this period and was feeling very confident in myself… for one of the few times in my life. That fateful day came when it was sign the papers and take possession of the house.
I looked things over and noticed one small detail that was off. I pointed it out to her so we rescheduled for the following day. She would call me that evening to reschedule again… she did not say why but I assumed it was personnel… I knew from conversations with her that she was having some-trouble; I assumed with the husband. Difficult for me to believe from what I knew of Candice.
The rescheduling took me past the date I was to receive my furniture, Candice gave me permission to move in ahead of the possession date. It was the following Saturday before we sat down to finish up the paper-work.
She came over early ‘PM’. I had prepared a light lunch hoping she would stay; I was sad that this would be our last time together.
She said yes to the lunch… I think she picked up on my mood. She made herself comfortable and did not press the issue of signing the paperwork. Lunch took an hour plus.
I cleaned up when she went to the bathroom so the table was cleared and wiped clean when she came out. She seemed a little surprised.
I picked up the paper work and went thru it again…just making sure. Candice sat up-on the table with-her feet on the chair. No problem from my viewpoint. I have nice furniture and she made it look even better.
Usually Candice dressed professionally. Business suit, heels, nylons…, usually black; a proper blouse or shirt, whatever chicks wear.
This day was a Saturday so she was casually dressed. Open toed heels, very fancy looking I thought. Deep ‘V’-d top, light brown in color… NO BRA! That got my attention; it looked like she had ‘C’ cup, and nice skin tone to boot. Hot damn…but I kept my cool. This was no small feat on this hot summer’s day.
Candice has blonde hair styled short, painted toe-nails and fingernails. You can tell she puts time into herself. All in all she is a babe and a very attractive one at that…
I am in over my depth with her that’s for sure, but you know guys, always hoping, lying, and scheming, whatever it takes to get a girl’s pants off.
Candice had a beautiful tan painted on her flawless skin…, and she wore these tights; white…, mid – calf in leg length and body hugging. It took some will power to not drool. I never realized how well put together she was.
Back to my kitchen table;
Candice sat up on it; bare feet with shoes off or partially off, toes touching the chair with heels up, ankles crossed…breathe taking to be sure… AND me reading the documents I am to sign.
SHE was a vision, demure as hell really, and yet so fuckng sexy this woman.
— I could blame her for what followed of course; it’s the male thing to do.
I had just finished reading the documents. AND with my recent successes with woman, and my off beat sense of humour all contributing, I said;
“Only one thing left to do before I sign Candice”.
She looked at me, and smiled;
“What’s that”?
Her jaw dropped and her face turn so red I almost laughed… eventually did. I could not keep a straight face for the life of me.
When she saw me struggling to hide a grin she came to me and hit me.
“You buggar”, she said.
Then I laughed, I shrugged my shoulders and moved my hands apologetically; but I had to laugh. I could not help it. She hit me again and deservedly so.
Thru all this I enjoyed the feel of her soft punches to my chest. I wanted to hug her so badly but I couldn’t of course. Instead I went to the table, sitting down I signed the papers. I was quite thrilled with myself.
I stood handing her the documents, still quite pleased with myself. We talked for a few minutes about the house and home sales in general. I thanked her for her service and said;
“I hope we can meet again sometime for a coffee or beer”, that is how I worded it.
Candice smiled and headed for the door. My heart sank.
She stopped, turning she said;
“You seemed pretty confident when you asked me to go to bed”?
“Comfortable would be the operative word Candice; [pause] I knew you would never say yes”.
“—and if I did”!
“I would be in shock, and nervous would be the operative word”, I answered.
[Suddenly feeling my world turn not as it should, but as Candice willed it to turn]
Candice looked straight into mine eyes, not flinching;
I know what I hoped she was saying but I wasn’t sure…she might be just having fun with me after my cockiness. Turnabout is fair play.
The look on her face told me the look on my face made all this teasing worth it, from her perspective. I tried to respond but my mouth was dry. [How quickly a mouth goes dry]
I must have looked like a Guppy as tried to talk or something because she burst out laughing. I smiled at her and retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Man was I thirsty.
“Be careful what you ask for Dave”. She said, still enjoying herself at my expense. [God I love her laugh]
I quenched my thirst…or maybe I kept drinking water until I could find my way back into the conversation with some dignity. In either case; that brings me to this day, Candice and I meeting at a Hotel.
— Candice and I sat in this little grassy area; very well manicure; it acted as a mini-park in front of the Hotel. A couple of benches, some flowers, two large trees were the main inhabitants of this park.
We talked casually as we sat in this little park. I noticed this fellow coming toward us; he nodded…, so I returned his nod. He turned taking a few steps stopping; looking up at the POLICE sign on the –K.L. Library building he reversed course, and with a shrug an meek smile acknowledging his navigational error he walked off going about his day.
“Do you know him”? Candice asked.
“NO”, I said…just being polite.
“You’re always polite Dave, I’ve noticed that”.
“I have my moments “, I said.
“Don’t we all…, can we go inside now”.
“Dave, can I borrow our coat, I should have worn a bra”.
I gave her my coat.
“Hi-beams”, she said.
“Gotcha”! I said.
She took my arm and we entered the Hotel going to the room I’d rented. It was a nice room I’d made sure of that. She removed my coat but I could see she was cold. I had boughten a new robe made of some kind of heavy material; I liked the way it looked.
“I bought this robe especially for this occasion”, I said…“Would you like to wear it to get warm”.
“Yes…but I gotta pee first”.
“Shall I order something to eat”? She said yes and I ordered what she wanted.
When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing my robe and carry-ing her clothes. Neatly folded… I liked that about Candice, she was a neat and tidy person.
“It looks better on you than it ever would on me”, I said.
“Thanks’ ”! She said. Continuing…“Would you like a preview of what awaits you under the robe”?
“No”…. she asked?
“If your as beautiful as I think you are I won’t be able to put two complete sentences together for the rest of the night”.
She laughed…tightening the belt. She looked at me;
“Dave… [Pause]…can you give a woman an orgasm orally”?
“I have Candice…, you know there are no guarantees “.
“With me it will be…can we do that first”?
“Sure”, I said… I was about to continue when there was a knock at the door and our light supper arrived.
W e sat at the table; this suite had one…and ate our light supper. Coffee and bottled water for beverages… Our conversation went directly to sex…and therein lays a tail unto its own.
……………………………. She’d married this guy from work; Phil. They hit it off straight away she thought. He as good looking, so divine…she went for him head over heels. Her saving grace, if you don’t mind the pun, was her religion. Candice is Catholic and would not sleep around before the ring was on her finger.
Candice talks:
— “the first six months and maybe a little more were great Dave. He was attentive, loving. All a girl could ask for.
— Then the questions began, sexually. Can we try this, can we try that. I seemed like every week he had anew thing he wanted to do…some of which grossed me out.
— Anal was a big one with him almost from the start… I said no every time; not my thing Dave.
‘She winked at me’. [She knows she has a fantastic ass; not like I would mention it]
— WE were very popular and were out all the time it seemed. I noticed after awhile that MY husband would disappear for stretches of time leaving me to fend for myself with other people… I trusted him so it was no big deal at the time, ‘Duh…dumb Dora here’”.
[Candice stops for a minute to drink some water…I am having coffee]
“I wanted a child; he did not…interfered with his life he said. Had I known this I probably would not have married him…, good Catholic girl. This discussion happened about ‘a-year and a-half’ into our marriage.
So we struck a bargain. He would give me a child and in return I would let him bum fuck me. He wanted Anal right away. I said no, not until after the baby. I will be out of commission sexually anyway so why not then. He agreed reluctantly.
—- To cut it short, I lost the baby after six weeks….‘I cannot have children Dave’.
—- To quote my ex-friend Alice… ‘Your a failed MILF Candice’. I had to have that explained to me”.
[We paused again for a few minutes while she went pee]
I wondered if she would want to continue. She was upset about the baby business.
She stuck her head out of the bathroom and asked if I would order some wine;
—-“I need a drink Dave”.
[It was already in the suite so I poured]
When she finally did return to the table I could see she had been cry-ing. I ask if she wanted to continue;
“Yes…you told me about your failed marriage, I want to tell you about mine. Lay our cards on the table … and hope it goes well for us”.
That was the first time she indicated an interest in me beyond friendship.
She said after the loss of the baby the mean time of her marriage began. She said allot of very hurt-full things were said to her by her husband and she learned to fire back. It got very nasty at times.
Then the unexpected… Her husband received a promotion at work and needed his wife to be a good corporate wife.
Candice continues;
…”I told him, ‘I would be a good wife if he would be a good husband’.
—-I was a Trophy Wife from this point on in my marriage Dave. I would get dolled up and look fantastic. Phil would get loads of complements about his pretty wife. AND of course I would get some looks and hit-on occasionally. I played it well and Phil benefited.
—- The last two and a-half years of my marriage I was ‘THE’ Trophy Wife. WE never had sex and I was getting pretty horny…. but I am no slut so I managed it… I am Catholic so I do not masturbate…needless to say I was tempted sometimes to fuck someone. I was certain my husband was fucking someone.
—- I’d noticed more people getting involved in my having a ‘good time’. Ya know;
‘Hey Candice, can I get ya a drink? — Hey Candice did you hear this one? — He Candice… blah, blah, blah…’ “.
—-“the accidental touches became more frequent; and I drank more whether they were social or business gatherings. There is a straight line from the bar thru the glass in ones hand to the bedroom Dave, and I was on it.
—- I now take you to last year’s Xmas party. It was near midnight and yours truly was ‘well lubricated’; in both senses of the term. I went to pee and my friend, now ex-friend was in the bathroom. She saw what condition my condition was in as we talked.
I went pee and when I came out there was a man in the wash room along with my friend. I knew ‘whas-upp’ and tried to leave but they stopped me.
He was nice and actually wanted to let me go. My friend was not so easy and was pressuring me;
— ‘lift my dress- bend over- hold onto the sink—get fucked’.
‘It’ll do ya a world of good Candice’, she said.
I had no doubt she was right; ‘… but ‘tis isn’t m- wa-to do thin’s I t’ld her’. [Drunken slur]
Things suddenly got worse for me when my other friend at this party showed with her husband…he had been after me for years…so I knew I was in trouble now… fortunately the first man had a sense of decency and stepped in front of Milt, his name…
NOW they started arguing how to convince me to hike my dress up and let both men fuck me. The first man wanted to call it and let me go, Milt wanted to fuck me; my girl friends were not letting me go just yet…they wanted to try and convince me to let these guy’s fuck me.
‘I needed it’. They argued.
The cavalry came in the form of my friend and CEO of THE Company Bill Twills his wife Candy.
[Candice smiled at me]
Bill admonished both men telling them to get the hell out of the woman’s washroom. He stopped my girl friends from leaving. With his wife Candy guarding the door he weighed into them.
This is when I picked up on my girl friend’ fucking my husband. I was so drunk it went right through me like x-rays; only to show up as a negative in the morning, along with one hell of a hangover.
—- I stayed with Bill and Candy that night.
I never went back to my house, I was so humiliated Dave. Bill had my personnel belongings brought to their home, were I live today. They’ve been great, but that is another story.
[A long pause]
Bill helped me get a lawyer. They both offered their home and hearts to this badly damaged woman Dave… Thank God for my faith, I don’t think I could have made it without it.
Being Catholic I don’t believe in divorce; so it was a big problem for me. Thank God I found a modern thinking Priest to help through it.
I’d listened to her story;
It was hard for me to fathom anyone treating her like that; to dishonour her that way, even insipiently, but to plan this whole scenario… I was steaming. To say my ire was raised would be an understatement. I wanted to kill the fucker.
She must have seen my facial expression change because I felt her hand touch mine. Candice’ ability to forgive her husband’ transgressions left me in awe. That ability is very much outside my domain.
“Don’t ruin the day over this Dave, what’s done is done, I’ve moved on”.
“There are times when I wish I was a ruthless bastard; a killer, this was one of those times”. I said to her.
“Then I’ll tell you something that will temper your anger.
— Phil was given a promotion as you already know. I was proud of him for that achievement. What I did not know until Bill took me in was that the board promoted him mostly to keep an eye on me. .. They knew all the details of Phil and his pack. Most of who worked for ‘Bardeen Corp.’, the company.
— ‘Bardeen Corp.’ has a policy were by any top executive must have a wife capable of handling herself at company sponsored social functions. Promoting Phil put me under their scrutiny. There is more Dave but enough for today, let’s go to bed.
SHE HOPED UP ON THE BED standing in the middle of it, robe on. She had plenty of clearance for her head. Candice is 26 and 5’6”… a little associative help going on there.
“Come on”, she says.
Standing I began to take off my pants, looking at Candice instead of watching what I was doing; I tripped over my pants. Rather than brace myself I hopped thinking I would still get my pants off, just with a little clowning…
NOPE! Falling to the floor after bouncing of the end of the bed… I lay there on the carpet on my back. ‘Perhaps I should have taken my shoes off first’…I was thinking. A beautiful face with blonde hair draped about it appeared…, looking over the end of the bed.
Candice was on all fours peering down at me over the end of the bed. He mouth held a slight smile; but her eyes…they were sparkling…maybe even dancing as she began to laugh and laugh and laugh…, her head disappear but her laughter was filling room.
I like Candice’s laugh so I was enjoying listening to her. I waited for her to stop laughing but she didn’t…
I sat up, got on my knees, elbows on the bed, head in hand and watched her laugh…she rolled around on the bed holding her stomach she laughed so hard. It was something to watch a grown woman roll around laughing like a little kid.
Suddenly she leapt from the bed running into the bathroom. I heard the tinkle of her pee-ing…, still laughing…, although she was quieting.
I was happy I made her laugh, but I honestly did not think it was that funny…
‘… [pratfall one, stellar dude nothing]…’ I mused.
When she returned she told me that was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. She continued say-ing she needed to rest a minute; — “I’m exhausted from laughing so hard”.
[I got a hug… pratfall one, stellar dude one]… I amused.
I threw a cover over her…she still had on my robe…I wanted her to be warm.
I decided to go for a coffee while she rested; picking-up my keys I opened the door;
“Your coming back aren’t you”? She asked.
I turned, looking at her. I was beginning to see how deeply hurt she had been by that asshole.
“Yes, I’m coming back”!
Whilst I sat having my coffee I thought allot about Candice. It dawned on me that her exhaustion was at least partially due to stress; her laughing so hard being part comic relief.
AFTER-ALL; she was in a position she didn’t want to be in; namely in a Hotel room with a man she wasn’t married too.
The reason I went for a coffee was to spend time thinking of a solution to her needs; Sex and Honour. —— My solution, first sex, then her honour… I was so proud of myself. After-all, what other man would think of that… [I admit to a smile, even a smirk on my face, but nothing more]
I arrived back at the Hotel and quietly entered the room. She was lying on her side face away from the entrance, so I had no idea whether she was awake or asleep.
I went to the bathroom and undressed washing myself with a wash cloth and drying…adding a touch of hotel supplied Cologne.
Once again I quietly entered the room moving toward her. Leaning over the bed I saw her eyes were open.
“Hello Angel”.
She turned-over to face me and her eyes saw my nude body. It was cute how her eyes got so big…darting to and fro for a second or two.
“You’re…” That was all she managed.
I pulled back the cover and slipped under moving beside her, she started pulling away but I caught her…
“No were to run”. I said and winked.
She blushed.
“That is so sexy…you blushing”. I said. She blushed some more.
Feeling in complete control I said; “Let’s see what you’ve got”?
I wouldn’t have thought it possible but she got redder…with an added feature. Her eyes closed and she turned her head away.
“Were did the other Candice go”? I asked… [She just shook her head]
I moved to her hugging her close…she resisted a little but soon cozied up to me.
“Rest your head in my shoulder…we’ll wait for you to get comfortable”.
I held Candice, I was worried about her. How could she change from very-confident and sassy to a nervous-Nellie? Unless confident was an act.
AS I held this lovely creature my 5 ½ inches was poking her, or at least making itself known. Sometimes in life it’s the little things that make a difference.
I never felt Candice moving until I felt her fingers touch me. The ‘little fella’ responded accordingly. I heard a sigh or soft moan; I felt her moving she looked into mine eyes.
“Hi”! I said.
She did not respond except for a cute twist of her head and her continued exploration of my manhood with her fingers. Such delicate touches, it won’t break I thought, but it’s ok…let her enjoy it in her own way.
Candice kept her face buried in my shoulder…I could hear her breathing change. Touching her neck I asked her if I could touch her. [Being careful not to upset the balance of things]
—- She nodded yes.
Removing the cover and undo-ing the robes belt, I slipped a hand under the robe and found her nipples; each standing erect. We hadn’t even been properly introduced, but they were smartly at attention.
Candice’ head was blocking my view of her tits. I kissed Candice on her head ‘love-ing-ly’. Lifting my head slightly I could see her nipples… BEAUTIFUL!
With the robe open my gaze took in her tummy and panties…her tummy hollows before it rises at her pubic bone. Her ‘panty-covered-bone’ stands probably an inch above its surround.
She is wearing some fancy white panties with blue trim or lace. There are tiny little bows at each hip.
“I need to move if I am ‘gonna eat ya’ honey”, I say.
“Ok”! She answers.
Candice opens her legs; I lay between them ogling her panty covered pussy. The thin white fabric covering her pussy is pulled away from her lower stomach by the pubic bone, leaving a small fussy edge of hair peeking out past the leg openings of her panties.
HER hair is almost a sandy color, nearly invisible; yet the light reflects off those vellus like hairs; each one shimmering.
While ogling her I noticed the hair of her prominent pubic bone causes ripples in the cloth of her panties.
Looking down I see the flatness of her pussy. I eye her over and over…God, so lovely.
——————————————————— ALL hidden from my view by a veil of clothe. Her panties…
My face moves giving my nose a chance for a sniff; the fragrance of her appeals to me.
Looking beyond her mound I see those fancy bows near her hips. My hands move to them, lifting each as my fingers slip under her the waist band of her panties. I play with those bows for a moment…, moving my fingers; lifting…settling…lifting…, alternately…fascinated I am.
I move her panties down; Candice lifts her hips.
— Sliding those sexy panties off her hips I see for the first time the perfect pussy, too my tastes. I love a pussy with small lips; a pussy which does a shape 90 at the ‘mons pubis’ heading into the valley, the ‘clef of venus’- . I love a prominent bone. She’ perfect for me!
Candice’ pubic hair is soft and peachy, as in peach fuss. Light brown in colour, a thin covering; almost invisible between her legs.
A tuff of hair peeks out from her bum-hole…as if waving…, saving; ‘Hey, don’t for-get me’.
MY tongue touches her between her pussy and bum-hole. She stiffens…there is a gasp of sorts…
The tongue moves up along her slit, pressing inward as it goes…back and forth, up and down; deeping in its search. The hint of her vagina…wiggling my tongue… I lick her lips, she tastes so good.
Pressing my face in-tight; tongue fucking Candice…licking her little muscle, it’s as hard as a rock…the tip of my tongue pushing her tight little ring… [I think to myself, it’s like tongue fucking a Cheerio]
MY tongue pushes…pressures…she yields…swirling my tongue round ‘n round in her vaginal opening.
‘I hear a moan’.
The first action from her hips…the first pump…soon a second [a sigh], then a third.
HER hips moving…her intensity…her wetness…, her juices are all over-my-face…
—- ‘Candice groans’!
Candice opens her legs wider…that gorgeous pussy for me. I am in heaven!
I peek over her mound to look at her face but her head is such that all I can see is her throat…, it’s so pink…she’s glowing.
—- ————————– Like two proud surfers, I watch Candice’ nipples moving atop mountainous waves, with surf-boards of slightly coned areolas. The majesty, they’re a thing of beauty.
My appreciative staring at her nipples is interrupted;
—- I hear a deep groan from Candice.
Lost in the moment, I return…eating her. Her thighs spread wide but still touching my cheeks…the beauty of which my peripheral vision does not miss. Perfection; this woman is perfect for me.
Her smell, her wetness, her tits, her mound… HER!
Candice, the woman I love;
… I’m so engrossed in eating her I growl like an animal;
‘GRRRRRRRRR’! … Unintentional, but I did.
I growl a second time and gnaw without actually biting. Eating her like a beast.
I hear a short squeal or scream— Her hips thrusting in silence— grinding into my face—a deep guttural sound coming from Candice, followed by her losing it.
Candice’ body arch’s off the bed…her body torques and slams back onto the bed. She twists, she stiffens…convulses…
I loved her orgasm. [Although she nearly broke my fuck’n neck]
Candice cuddles in my arms, a very appreciative woman. I was more than thrilled to eat her and told her so. Using delicate language I expounded on the wonders of her pussy.
She laughed, telling me she loved oral and wanted it again, and again… [I got a very big hug] She informed me she had had two or maybe three orgasm’ …, she was not sure they came so fast.
“You rocked my world Dave”!
[I never mentioned it of course but her ‘ex’ deserved some of the credit for being such an asshole…depriving the woman of sex]

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Broken Birds, Part 22, Misha

Part 22
John McDale’s body was shipped back to the US, accompanied by his wife. Kat, now very pregnant, stayed at the compound.
By forcing them to focus on John’s last moments of happiness, Michael had unknowingly relieved their grief. In the last days, John reconnected with both his daughter and wife, giving them lasting memories of laughter and courage.
His oldest daughter delayed too long, her life more important than spending John’s last days with him. Privately, Tim told Michael he was pleased she’d delayed. She gave new meaning to the word “bitch”.
The funeral was taped for television. Nobody cared. It never aired.
John may have been a drunk, but he was also a skilled lawyer. He’d revised his will after his diagnosis. His large estate went to his beloved wife with small trusts to each of his three children. If they contested the will, they got nothing.
His oldest daughter, Angela, railed against him. She needed more money. She confronted her mother.
“I need more money. Why did Daddy do this to me?” she demanded.
Looking up to summon one of Tim’s men, Misha said quietly, “Because you’re a spoiled little bitch who wouldn’t change her plans to see her dieing father.”
Her daughter pulled her arm back to slap her mother and felt a vice clamp on her arm.
“I wouldn’t miss,” he said in a neutral voice, “If you hit your mother, your trust voids and you get nothing.”
John had known his children.
When she visited her lawyer, she received a letter with a copy of his will.
My Darling wife
I love you. I love you more than life. I’ve done many things wrong, but loving you was the one thing I knew was right from the day we met. I remember the first time we made love. And the last.
Because I love you, I am letting you go.
In Australia, you were alive in a way I haven’t seen since Robert was born. Go to them. They want you and need you there.
They made my last days wonderful, filled with laughter and joy. It is a gift I will cherish for eternity.
Please let Robert go. He is a depraved sociopath. Angela has love only for herself. Kat though, is an extraordinary, loving woman.
I am sorry that I left you so soon and with so many problems, but if you will go to Kat, you will find happiness. I know it in my heart.
Your loving husband.
Tim came to her. He helped her arrange John’s affairs. It took several months. In Australia, Kat, Rafaela and Alice gave birth. Misha bitterly resented not being present, but “things” kept her in the States. Their e-mails, pictures and videos kept her connected.
She used the time to go through an array of plastic surgeries. She could never compete with the other women in Michael’s life, but she could be the best a mother of three could be. She even had vaginoplasty and labiaplasty surgeries.
Robert was missing. The investigation speculated that he’d gone missing shortly after the rape of a teen girl, the clear implication that he’d either gone into hiding or that backwoods justice had been meted out. She loved Robert as a mother, but if he had become the monster the reports suggested, he should roast in hell.
Finally, on one fall day, Tim called. “He’s dead, Misha. I’m sorry.”
“Did he hurt that little girl?”
“I think so.”
“How did he die?” she asked remembering Beth’s face.
“You don’t want to know. But, he’s gone.”
She cried that night for her lost son and for Beth who would blame herself for the little girl’s pain.
Two nights later, Tim received a satellite call from Michael.
“Got a wild hair. What if Rafaela turned all Miguel’s money over to the feds? Think they’d drop all pending charges and searches? They could announce it as a major find. They’d probably also get Miguel’s safety deposit boxes. They could say it was on a tip from the Lista cartel.”
“Would she give away that much money?”
“I’ll ask.”
Rafaela eagerly agreed to Michael’s plan. It would eliminate her as a threat to the Lista cartel and eliminate the threat to her from the US government. If they got Miguel’s safety deposit box, the distribution system would be compromised. She and her family would be much safer.
Misha brokered the deal through John’s connections.
Misha’s older daughter found a lawyer to challenge the will. Misha and Tim crushed her. She got nothing.
Finally, Misha could leave and go to her new family. Cold December wind and snow urged her to go.
Tim saw her off.
The reunion was understated, but warm.
When the helicopter touched down, there was still a bit of the summer sun shining. The entire harem stood, waiting to greet her. In her heart, she thanked John for building a world where she would be happy.
The blades had barely stopped being dangerous when she exited.
Kat flew into her arms, hugging her close.
“Mom, I missed you so much.” Crushing hugs and lots of tears.
Beth thrust their child, Victoria, forward, “Meet your granddaughter, Vika.”
Misha hugged them both, but took Vika into her arms.
“Misha, let’s go home” Michael said softly yet firmly.
In the living room of the main house, Misha relaxed, Rachael at her side. Misha was tired. The flight had been long. The disposition of John’s estate had taken far too long.
“I’m sorry I missed Vika’s birth.”
“Mom, you also missed Michele and Liz’s birth.”
“I know, Honey, I know.”
Michael signaled his women to stop.
“Misha, do you want to get cleaned up or maybe swim?”
She looked a Michael thankfully. “I’d like to swim. You’ll make sure I won’t drown?”
He promised. She went with Rachael to find a suit.
Stopping at the pool entrance, it took a moment for Misha to take it all in.
The deck surrounding the lap pool held three playpens. Michaela sported a life jacket as she ran to the pool. Scabbed knees showed that it was not her first time to run on the pool deck.
Kat and Beth played with Vika, while Maria played with Rafaela’s child, Liz and Alice nursed Michele.
Jennifer swam the length of the pool effortlessly to beckon Misha in.
Misha was clothed in a one-piece suit that clung to her body, clearly showing every curve and indentation, her light brown hair in a ponytail. Kat looked up, “Mom, you look fabulous!”
Misha smiled warmly, rewarded for the months of pain and exercise. She knew she looked good, but still reveled in the praise.
She started when Michael placed his hands on her bare shoulders, not knowing he was behind her. “You look better than fabulous.” He leaned down, kissed her behind her ear sending bolts of electric excitement through her, causing her nipples to harden noticeably. Unconsciously, she leaned back, her shoulders touching his chest. She closed her eyes momentarily. Reality was proving far better than her dreams.
They played in the pool for an hour, champagne flowing freely. Misha hit the wall of exhaustion.
When she woke, she was disoriented. The room was dark, the curtains drawn. A clock beside her bed read 3:30. She was dressed in silken pajamas, beneath which she was naked. She tried to remember when she had collapsed, but could not. A faint light led her to the bathroom. Her cosmetics, hairbrushes and toothbrush were carefully laid out on the sink counter. She began to prepare to meet the beginning of her new life.
After showering, she went to her bags, preparing to unpack. They were gone. Instead, an outfit of shorts and blouse were laid out on the dresser with her underwear and sandals.
She dressed quickly, driven by increasing hunger. She hated airline food. She hadn’t eaten in two days.
When she opened the door, bright sunlight assaulted her eyes. The bright afternoon sun filled the main house living room from windows set in the canted roof. It was afternoon.
In the main living room Nita sat in a recliner, gently snoring.
Misha tried not to disturb her as she walked through the room to the kitchen. As she crossed the room, she looked out through the thick, large windows that overlooked the party pool and the sea. She found her new family. They were spread along the shaded pool deck with Rafaela in the shaded part of the pool, playing with Michaela who was dressed in a typical yellow Australian sun suit.
Michael saw the movement inside out of the corner of his eye and waved her to join.
Ignoring her growling stomach, she happily joined the group.
She smelled the grilling meat as soon as she stepped though the door to the deck. Michael walked directly to her, taking her into his arms, kissing her tenderly.
“Want some food?”
“I’m ravenous!” she smiled into his eyes.
“That could be taken several ways,” he said leading her to the grill, chuckling.
She cocked an eyebrow, “I know. That’s how I meant it,” she said with laughing eyes.
They ate, swam and laughed through the remaining afternoon. Michael marveled at the ease with which Misha fit in.
As the sun kissed the horizon, they went inside. Since they had eaten throughout the afternoon, they did not have dinner.
Kat and Beth took Misha aside. That she would join the harem was no secret. “Mom, how do you want this to happen?”
Misha had been dreaming of this since she had gotten John’s letter. It had removed the last obstacle to her happiness.
“What do you think about an “Alice” night?” she giggled like a little girl.
Alice had been initiated in a group, harem night.
“We were hoping you’d say that!” Beth said, giggling, giving an exaggerated fist pump to the others.
Once the babies had been placed in the hands of their nannies, the girls began to prepare, thanking Michael for the foresight in having so many bathrooms. Still, they were planning to expand the main house, given the expansion of the harem.
Kat and Beth shared a bathroom with Misha. They examined her closely. Faint lines showed the last of her surgeries. Misha had been waxed several days earlier and was baby smooth. Her skin glowed.
“OK Mom, out with it. What did you have done?” Kat asked giggling, holding her mother’s firm, soft breast.
“Oh just a little tuck her, a little nip there…”
Kat swatted her mom’s now firm ass.
“Owww. OK. Eyes, nose, neck, breasts, tummy and ass. I took a week at a skin clinic. I even had my pussy tightened and made to look young again.”
“Hopefully not too tight. Michael’s pretty big.” Kat remarked.
“Did it hurt a lot?” Beth asked, searching Misha’s body for scars.
“Like a bitch. I want this to be perfect, so let’s get ready.”
Kat and Beth shaved each other carefully, rubbing in soothing gels to prevent irritation. They took enemas, showered and applied makeup and perfume and brushed their teeth. Misha slipped into a thick white robe.
Finally, Beth handed her a small ring box. Misha gratefully put the ring on her right ring finger.
Dressed in bathrobes, the other girls waited for Misha outside the master bedroom carrying several bottles of champagne and champagne flutes. They knocked gently.
Michael opened the door, not knowing if it would be just Misha or a harem night. 11 sets of eyes told him the answer.
Michael took Misha’s trembling hand and drew her into the room, handing her a flute of champagne.
“Nervous, Honey?” he asked softly.
“It’s been more than twenty years since I was with a man other than John.”
“Then why the harem?”
“You’ll see,” she said giggling into her champagne glass.
Finally, Michael understood. Misha was very bi.
She put her glass on the side table, her arms around his neck. He did the same and bent to kiss her. It started gently, but quickly became strident with passion. It had been so long for her. She could feel her lubricant begin to dribble down her thigh.
She broke the kiss, her eyes flashing with pure lust.
She shrugged out of her robe, desperate for the feel of her skin against his. His robe hit the floor simultaneously. Another kiss and her legs began to tremble. He picked her up and placed her on the bed. She scooted to the middle of the giant bed. Michael followed her. She slid on top of him, her breasts squashed against his chest, her mouth ravenous on his.
“Now!” She said desperately.
He rolled her off and levered himself between her splayed legs. A strange hand grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down her leaking slit, positioning him. She bucked to get him inside her fiery tunnel.
“Go slow,” a whisper in his ear.
He controlled his desire to impale her in a single thrust, gently pushing only the head past her inner lips. Her eyes snapped open. He felt huge. He waited for her to adjust. After a moment, she began to wiggle he hips, demanding more. She was incredibly tight. They began a rhythm of hip gyrations while moving forward in miniscule increments. When he finally felt his cock head kiss her cervix, she surprised him.
“I want to be on top now.”
He rolled them over and she looked down at him with both love and lust. She slid off him and then back on in a reverse cowboy position. Helpful hands lay her back against his chest. Michael placed his feet inside her legs and spread them both wide.
Michael felt hot breath near his balls. Mouths engulfed her nipples, sucking hard. Other hands caressed her body. Michael swept her hair away and began kissing the sensitive spot behind her ear as his hands caressed her shoulder.
“Oh God, that feels so good.” Misha exclaimed, feeling the probing tongue caressing her stretched labia. She was already getting close. The tongue continued to slide around the stretched labia. Misha’s legs began to shake; her hands gripped the hair of her female lover between her legs, pulling her closer. The mouth closed around Misha’s clit, sucking it hard, slowly licking it. The suctioning mouths on her nipples pulled harder. They bit down. Misha exploded and sat bolt upright, driving his cock along her g spot, deeper into her than any man had ever been.
“Yes” she screamed, again and again, still holding her female lover to her clit.
She came over and over again, her long abstinence fueling her need.
Finally, the circuit breaker in her heat tripped and she collapsed back onto Michael’s chest. She looked down to see who had given her such incredible pleasure.
“You taste great, Mom,” Kat giggled, her face awash with Misha’s juices.
Helpful hands moved Misha to the side. Nita took her place as Maria took Kat’s.
Last was Jennifer. She danced on his cock until he was close to cumming. She rolled off him and lay on her back, pulling him between her legs, guiding him into her.
“Make a baby with me!” she begged. She knew his ejaculation would be epic. They came together, uncertain whose orgasm triggered the other.
Twelve naked people toasted each other as they recovered. They all knew the night would last many more hours. There was no need to rush.
Shoshana knelt in front of Michael, taking his cock into her mouth and then her throat, savoring the taste of her sisters and her man. Her skill at pleasing Michael came from her extraordinary empathetic capability that was attuned to him. Her mutilated tongue helped a bit. He looked into her eyes as his cock disappeared into her mouth. His cock hardened, became rigid, and then steel. Time for round two.
Rachael, Shoshana and Lynne took Misha to the bed, having her lie face down. Rachael spread Misha’s legs wide and knelt between them. She began to caress Misha’s ass cheeks. Lynne began to knead her shoulder muscles while Shoshana began caressing her feet.
Misha felt in heaven, the pleasure starting as non-sexual, but quickly changed. Rachael kissed the small of Misha’s back, her tongue darting a quick lick. Her hands squeezed each ass cheek in turn, trailing her tongue down to Misha’s ass crack. Rachael slid her body lower so she had a clear view of Misha’s labia. Rachael’s tongue began a thorough exploration of her lips and labia, tasting the essence of her old friend and lover.
His tongue darted upward, caressing Misha’s pink starfish, Rachael almost laughing at her friend. She’d obviously used ass-lightening cream as part of her makeover. Her tongue and fingers caressed and finally penetrated her asshole. Alice lubed Misha’s asshole, stretching the tight orifice with one, then two fingers.
When she was finally satisfied her friend was ready, Alice motioned Michael over. As they had been preparing Misha, Beth and Maria had been giving Michael a very wet blowjob.
They lifted Misha to her knees. Michael positioned himself behind her. Rachael aimed his cock lower. Michael thrust forward, into Misha’s pussy. After three strokes, he withdrew and Rachael positioned him at her puckered hole. Slowly he pressed forward. With all the preparation, Misha’s sphincter relaxed and allowed the head of his cock to pop through, into her hot depths.
Rachael moved to Misha’s side, noting the clenched fists. Seeing her friend, Misha relaxed a bit. Her eyes clouded with lust. Rachael understood and moved above Misha’s head. Rachael leaned against the headboard and opened her legs. Misha levered herself up, allowing Rachael to slide her pussy directly beneath Misha’s mouth.
Rachael squealed with pleasure as Misha’s practiced tongue began exploring a pussy she’d known for more than thirty years.
Michael continued to move slowly and in very small increments, stretching her until he felt his balls on her pussy. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him, and rolled over. Once again, she was on top, fully exposed. The girls feasted on her. And then on each other as each took their turn on Michael’s cock.
The sounds and aroma of sex filled the room. Misha tasted each of the women at least once. She found Nita’s aroma and taste invigorating and exotic; Jennifer fresh and slightly tangy; Rachael womanly. Misha’s head spun as the orgy danced around her.
Finally, the girls helped Maria off his cock. Michael was visibly frustrated. Shoshana appeared with a soapy wet cloth. She lovingly cleaned his cock, just in case there was anything that could cause a vaginal infection. Usually Beth had his last ejaculation, but this was Misha’s night.
As Rachael tried to bring her to Michael, Misha whispered something that caused Rachael to laugh. Rachael nodded to Beth who immediately swung a leg over her father, facing him. Kat guided his cock into his daughter. Time seemed to slow as Beth carefully lowered herself, swaying in time to music only she heard. Though in the midst of ten other women, they were really in their own world. Michael’s hands and fingers found her nipples and twisted. She screamed in pleasure.
His hands dropped to her belly and then to her clit. Screaming, “Daddy!” over and over, her orgasm washed over her. Her fluttering tunnel muscles caressed his cock.
“I’m CUMMMMMMMING,” Michael yelled, totally forgetting their audience.
His pelvis bucked in time to his ejaculation, string after string of come shooting into his daughter.
She collapsed on top of him, totally spent.
“Wow, that was hot,” Nita said to Maria.
“Mom, what did Misha say to you when you giggled?” Lynne asked
“She said she needed to practice more before she took that monster back in her pussy! I told he we’d help her practice.”

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Queen Yavara: Chapter 19

It’s going to be a while until I post a new chapter; probably a few weeks. I want to be done with the series before I start posting again. Thank you to all who are still reading, and please leave comments!

My Evil (Ex-) Wife — 2

I was up before six, shaved and showered by the time I woke Cathy. She showered while I made a pot of coffee and prepared some fried eggs and bacon for our breakfast. We ate while we discussed our plans for Saturday. “Please don’t be upset if I don’t call between now and then. I have two long days in court on a big class-action suit. We’re suing the manufacturer of some faulty dental implants. Some patients have gotten terrible infections from them and others have fallen out, even been swallowed causing severe trauma to their stomachs or intestines. This is a multi-million dollar suit and I’ll have my work cut out for myself. The manufacturer is a foreign company—Chinese– and they’ll try to claim that the U.S. courts have no jurisdiction. They’ll lose that argument, but it will take a lot of time and effort to get past it.
“Say…ever analyze structures like anchors for construction work. I’d like to have a professional opinion as to the structure of these implants. If I send some over to you will you look at them for me? You will definitely be paid for this work.” We talked about the case for several minutes before I drove her home. In our haste we forgot all about her take-away box from La Strada.
I spent two long and harrowing days in court as I presented the summary of our case to the judge. They would have their chance on Monday. Their motion for dismissal was to nobody’s surprise found to be without merit. The suit would continue.
I picked up Cathy at seven on Saturday morning. Her dad answered the door again. “Good morning, Michael. Come in. Catherine has most of her stuff for tonight all ready to go. Care for a cup of coffee?”
“Thanks, but no. If I drink too much I’ll have to go and I don’t have much of a toilet on the boat. The water’s a bit cold this time of year—too cold for me to jump in and take a leak. Run out of jokes or is it too early for you today?” I handed him Cathy’s box from La Strada.
“I’ve been instructed to keep my mouth shut, Michael. Can you believe it? Bad enough to hear it from Catherine, but Emily has joined the crusade, too. It’s just terrible when a man can’t give a suitor some grief in his own home.” He shook his head, but he was laughing as he did. Cathy walked in and kissed my cheek looking like a dream in short shorts and a sleeveless tank top. Her jutting nipples told me that she had omitted a bra from her wardrobe. I loaded her dress and small suitcase into the SUV and off we went. The apartment was almost en route so we stopped there and hung her dress in the closet rather than have it wrinkle lying in the back of my car.
We drove to a favorite deli for fried egg and bacon sandwiches with coffee and OJ and some sandwiches and sodas for our lunch. We ate in the car before heading out for our bait. On the way I told Cathy, “Open the glove box, will you please, and take out the paper in there. That’s your registration for fishing. You have to enroll in the registry before fishing in New York. Don’t ask me why—it’s free–but it is a rule. Also, the minimum size for fluke is 19 inches so don’t be surprised if we don’t catch anything to bring home. Your dad told me he’d like some if we catch any.”
I pulled into the bait store for two dozen killies, by far the best bait for fluke and some extra hooks. Our next and final stop was the yacht club. I punched in my five-digit code for the locked security gate. We carried our supplies down the dock to my boat—a Grady White 230 center console with twin Honda 150’s. The boat was up on a hydraulic lift. “It’s a lot safer up there, believe me. There’s a big problem with stealing engines and other equipment from boats in the harbor even though we have 24-hour security. Each one of these is worth almost $12,000. I keep the rods and electronics in the locker.” I pointed to the reinforced fiberglass box that was bolted to the dock adjacent to the slip. Once the key was into the control the lift lowered the boat into the water in seconds. I handed Cathy into the boat and it took us less than ten minutes to load everything, including the inflatable PFD’s for each of us. I explained to Cathy that we both needed to wear the life preservers in case of an accident. It was very possible that we could be struck by another boat or even hit a submerged rock. These would inflate automatically as soon as they hit the water. I also told her these were the most comfortable and lightest of the alternatives. The final step was to take two ten pound bags of ice from the dockside cooler for the one on the boat. I signed the ledger with the date and time, informed the yacht club dock master of our projected route and destination and we were ready. The engines started right up and we backed out into the harbor.
We cruised along at a measly 10 mph until we were out into the breakwaters then I opened the engines up and we were on plane in seconds, cruising at more than 40 mph. We were at the shoal in minutes. I netted two killies from the live well and ran the sharp hooks through their lower lips while I explained how we would fish—drift with sinkers on the bottom, lift occasionally to detect additional weight which would indicate that a fish was holding the bait, wait for a few seconds to give the fish the chance to swallow before setting the hook. “Whatever you do, don’t drop the rod and reel over the side. They’re expensive—almost a thousand bucks each.” I chuckled as Cathy nervously took her rod. I explained that we would only fish until around 1:00 in the afternoon. “These fish only bite two hours before or after high tide which is around eleven. After that we’d just be wasting our time. We can go back to the apartment for a short nap and, no, we will not have sex then. After the ballet….” Cathy just smiled and kissed me before returning to the fishing.
“Are we having fun yet,” she asked.
“I’m about to,” I replied. “I can feel something on my line. I dropped it back for a few seconds before lifting again. The third lift told me that the fish was still there. I raised the rod forcefully to drive the sharp hook through the fish’s jaw. My rod bent almost in two—a very good sign. I fought it for almost five minutes as the fish took line against the reel’s drag several times. I grabbed the net as I brought it to the boat. It was a big one, more than twenty inches, for sure. I dropped the net in front of the whopper and scooped it up. It measured 23.5 inches and weighed more than four pounds. “That’s one for your dad,” I commented as I dropped it into the live well. That was our only bite on our first drift. We reeled in and I ran the boat back to the other side of the shoal.
We were just into the drift when Cathy exclaimed, ”Oh…oh…I think my line is stuck.”
“Be careful, it’s probably a fish.” I coached her and she set the hook on the third lift just as I had. She pulled the fish up with no trouble. Of course, it was a short—below legal limit. All the same I netted it and had her hold it for a photo before returning it to the water. After that we were both silent as we concentrated on the fishing. We each caught a few more shorts, but nothing of real interest occurred until what I had declared would be our last drift. By now Cathy knew exactly what to do. She set the hook and watched amazed as her rod bent straight down into the water. The expression on her face was amazing—and funny! I was pretty sure she had a big one so I broke out a fishing belt that could hold the rod’s butt without hurting her abdomen or thigh and give her the leverage she’d need to land a big one.
I have to say; I’ve rarely seen someone work a fish so hard. I coached her and would have taken over if she asked, but she was determined—she was going to land this fish if it killed her. It took almost ten minutes to lift the fish a total of about twenty feet. I first saw it about eight feet down and it was huge. I didn’t think it would fit into the net; I pulled out the gaff. I only use it for really big fish because once you gaff a fish it’s as good as dead. Cathy managed to get it to the boat; I leaned over and pulled up on the gaff’s sharp steel hook. It drove through the fish’s head and I pulled it quickly into the boat. Cathy sank onto a seat exhausted. The fish measured at 25 inches and 8.4 pounds, the biggest fluke I’d ever seen. I dropped it into the live well and went forward to give Cathy a big hug and kiss. I was so proud of her.
I reeled in my line, secured the hooks and we headed back to the harbor. We were stopped en route by the police who wanted to check on our registrations and any fish we had. One of the officers recognized me from the PBA lawsuit and we chatted amiably for several minutes before I pulled the two fish from the live well for their inspection and approval. At the time I felt it was an inconvenience, but it turned out to be a life saver.
I docked the boat, hosed it down and emptied it of rods and electronics. I checked in with the dock master, ran my code through the gate and loaded the fish cooler into the back to my car. We stopped at the bait shop for an official weighing and some photos before proceeding to the apartment. I was surprised to find several police cars waiting there for us.
“Mr. Kelly? Your wife has filed charges of assault and domestic violence against you; says you punched her in the face causing several lacerations and bruises.”
“When did this alleged violence occur?”
“Sometime this morning, according to the report—let’s see…sometime after eight this morning. Her lawyer insisted we arrest you.”
“Okay,” I reached into my wallet pulling out the charge receipts from the deli and bait shop. They showed the transaction times as 8:03 and 8:21 respectfully. I shared them with the officers. “If you check at the yacht club you’ll see that I ran my code through the security gate about ten minutes later. The dock master will also have clocked our departure from the dock. I was stopped on the Sound about one by your harbor patrol officers. One of them recognized me from the PBA lawsuit. Also, Ms. Wilson and I have been together since around seven this morning, returning to the yacht club dock around 1:45. You can check with the dock master who tracks all comings and goings. Kindly note my hands; see any scraped knuckles or swelling? I have no doubt she was punched. It wasn’t me who did it, though.” I explained about the impending divorce and the reasons why. They all agreed she was a fucking bitch. I was allowed to go about my business pending their investigation. I knew how that would turn out. I had to agree—Eileen was being a fucking bitch, not to mention an idiot.
Cathy and I had shown off our catch and now I made short work of filleting them and putting them in the refrigerator for her dad. There was only one thing I liked about this apartment—the bathroom. There was a large Jacuzzi big enough for two and someday maybe…. Today we needed the shower. It, too, was big enough for two. We showered together, sharing and playing with the soap and lemon juice I always used to remove the fishy odor from my hands. I ran the frothy soap up and down Cathy’s tight body and when I spent a little too much time soaping her ass crack she waggled her finger at me, telling me, “Naughty, naughty.” I simply grinned and agreed. I was being very naughty. I had been forced to endure seeing her tight little ass and those long gorgeous legs all day. I had told her “no sex,” but my resistance was almost zero especially after following her naked form from bathroom to bedroom. Her ass slinked and swayed every time she took a step. It was hypnotic.
We climbed into bed naked. I planned to sleep, but Cathy clearly had other ideas. After watching her tight ass and long legs all day I now had the pleasure of watching her in the nude. She climbed all over my body, smothering me with kisses and rubbing her incredibly soft smooth skin over mine. “Not taking no for an answer, eh?”
“Nope. You might as well give in. I’m not going to give you any peace until we’ve made love.”
“Uhh…do I have to? It’s so much work and I’m tired.” I tried to sound serious but I couldn’t keep a straight face. I grabbed her and flipped her over, moving between her legs as we laughed. My hard cock rubbed against her slit as I leaned down for a long sensual kiss. Our tongues dueled and danced in our passion and desire for each other. She pulled my head even closer as our lips mashed against each other. I couldn’t take it any longer. I raised my hips and when I lowered them my rock hard cock slid easily into her wet hot cunt. In seconds I was balls deep into her womanly core.
I pulled back slowly and initiated an easy rhythm, but Cathy wanted more. “Fuck me harder, Michael. Will you do it harder? Faster? Pulease?” She drew it out for emphasis. I rammed my cock into her in response. We moved at a frantic pace for several minutes. I couldn’t tell you how long; time stood still for both of us. There was nothing that mattered other than each other. In our state of heightened sexuality there was no way this was going to last very long. We exploded together, Cathy shaking as her orgasm ruled her body for several seconds, me blowing—erupting—in her most hospitably tight pussy. I lowered myself onto her body then off to the side. I was gasping for breath as I asked, “Can we rest now?”
She leaned up to kiss me and whispered, “Sure…and thanks, I needed that.” We were both exhausted and fell asleep quickly. We slept soundly until the alarm woke us at 4:30. I shaved and dressed in my tux while Cathy fixed her hair and makeup. I didn’t see her until I was fully dressed and when I did I was amazed. She wore a full-length strapless form-fitting gown, dark green in color that showcased her tall slender body. There was a vertical slit between her lovely breasts that ran almost to her navel and a long slit up one side of the skirt without which I doubted that she’d be able to walk. “You look amazing…incredible,” I told her and I meant it. I kissed her cheek and led her out the door.
A stretch limo was there and I enjoyed the look on her face when Marco, our driver, opened the door for her. I handed her in and followed as Marco closed the door and drove away. “I have to hand it to you, Michael. This is the most romantic date I’ve ever had. Even the fishing was kind of romantic in its own way—you know, the two of us alone…together.”
“Ah…but the best is yet to come, my dear.” I opened a compartment behind the front seat, removing the chilled bottle of Dom Perignon and two iced flutes. I removed the cork with a loud “pop” and poured for my awestruck date. “It will take us roughly an hour to reach the restaurant so we have plenty of time to make a dent in this bottle.” Cathy laughed at my faux sophistication, but smiled sexily as we drank glass after glass of the wonderful champagne.
We pulled up to Peter Luger’s in Great Neck. It’s one of New York City’s finest steak houses—Long Island branch. I got out first and helped Cathy from the limo. I suggested Marco get something to eat at my expense and led Cathy into the restaurant. “Ah, Mr. Kelly…so nice to see you again–please come in. We have your table ready, of course.” The maitre d’ took Cathy’s wrap and led us to our seats. We enjoyed iceberg lettuce wedges with minced tomatoes, bacon, and bleu cheese crumbled over the wedge. Truthfully, we could have shared one. That’s how big it was, but spending time on the water always made me ravenous and apparently Cathy was no different. We had debated what to order as our entrée and, had we been dressed less formally, we would have taken the lobster at more than two pounds, settling instead for the steak for two–the restaurant’s signature dish. We were stuffed by the time we resumed our journey to the Metropolitan Opera House for the ballet. I could see heads turn as I escorted the beautiful Cathy Wilson to our seats.
I asked Cathy if she was familiar with the ballet. When she shook her head I began to explain. “Tchaikovsky wrote the ballet to tell the tale of Princess Odette who was turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse. The original story of ‘Swan Lake,’” I continued, “is obscure, but is believed to originate from either a Russian folk story called ‘The White Duck’ or a German story entitled ‘The Stolen Veil.’ If you don’t care for the dancing you can close your eyes and just listen to the music which is nothing less than outstanding.” She looked at me with what I assumed was admiration, but later learned was love. I leaned over and kissed her cheek and relaxed awaiting the curtain.
We went to the lobby during the intermission for more champagne and had returned to our seats when I exposed my true level of sophistication; I pulled a large box of Jujyfruits from my inside jacket pocket. It was all Cathy could do not to break up. Instead, she held her hand out asking for a few. The ballet drew a standing ovation. Even Cathy applauded enthusiastically. She whispered to me on the way out, “Now comes the best part of any date with you—home and to bed, but don’t worry—I’m not the least bit tired.” I rolled my eyes, but smiled and pulled her close for a quick kiss that was hardly chaste.
I pulled out my cell and let Marco know we were ready. He pulled up in front of the theater minutes later. We were on our way back to my temporary home. As expected, Marco had iced a new bottle of Dom. We had an extremely relaxed trip home. We were almost halfway when Cathy asked, “Did some of that music seem familiar to you?”
“Sure…ever see ‘Dracula,’ the original with Bela Lugosi, or the original ‘Mummy?’ Both used music from the ballet and there are plenty of others, too like ‘Funny Girl.’ Every time it’s used the Tchaikovsky family gets royalties—millions every year. Just the performance of this ballet tonight is probably worth ten to twenty thousand dollars to them.”
“Is that true for every song?”
“Yeah…unless the family dies out, then the song becomes public domain. Sometimes the rights to the song are sold like, for example, some of the Beatles’ songs. I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight.”
“Oh. Michael, it was wonderful. The entire day was wonderful. I even liked the fishing. I hope you’ll invite me again.”
“You have a standing invitation. Whenever I go you can come with me, even if I’m not fishing. Sometimes I just like to go out after work with a sandwich or two and some sodas. It can be so peaceful and relaxing. The work I do can be stressful.”
“Speaking of stress, I’ve done some preliminary tests on those implants you sent me. I was surprised when I was able to break one at a much lower psi than I thought possible. I haven’t figured out why yet, but I will.”
“That’s interesting. I’ll bet that has something to do with all the problems people have been having.”
“Maybe…I’m not sure and I won’t be until I find out why it happened. Can you send me some more? I like to have a lot of samples to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Oops, I think that was a lame joke.” I poured more champagne and our talk turned back to the ballet. Soon we were back to the apartment. I thanked Marco and tipped him generously before leading Cathy to my new home. I was surprised when my cell rang. It was the police.
“Don’t tell me Eileen has made another complaint against me.”
“No, it’s not that. We looked at your alibi and everything checked out. When we confronted your wife she broke down and admitted she made the whole thing up to get some leverage on you. She inflicted the wounds on herself—banging her face into a corner of her dresser. We’re going to charge her with making a false report.”
“Can you hold off on that for a while…like a month, or so?” I explained why and he said it was unusual, but for me he’d do it. It always pays to have friends in the right places. I had handled the PBA’s lawsuit for nothing and I had received nothing but good things in return ever since.
I opened the door for Cathy and pulled her into a close embrace and a long kiss. I whispered when I broke it, “You’ve looked good enough to eat all day.”
“Funny, I thought the same about you…and that’s a great idea. Can we get out of these clothes?” I took her hand and led her quickly to the bedroom where I helped her out of her dress. We hung it carefully in the closet before I excused myself to the bathroom. I removed my tux, hung it away and surprised Cathy by leading her, the two of us naked, into the bathroom. The Jacuzzi was almost filled when we got there. Cathy shook her head and laughed. “I can’t think of anything remotely more romantic than tonight and this caps it perfectly.” I helped her into the tub and turned it on when I was seated.
The tub was thermostatically controlled; I had set the water temperature for 102 degrees—not as hot as most hot tubs one would find at a hotel, but hot enough to be completely relaxing. Cathy began on the other end of the six-foot tub but came to me almost immediately, sitting with her back against my chest. She turned her head and we kissed—a wet bubbly, but passionate kiss. It was definitely a lovers’ kiss–soft, but demanding. Our tongues twisted around each other as the bubbles tickled and exploded against our skin. We broke the kiss and she sat back against me. I kissed her cheek and nibbled her ear lobe eliciting a giggle from her lips. We were silent for almost five minutes.
“Okay, Michael, this was fun, but I need something else now.” I helped her out and handed her a towel as I turned the spa off and drained the water. Cathy was already in the bedroom by the time I had dried my body. She had pulled the blanket down and was reclining in a sexy pose on the sheet. A waggle of her finger invited me to join her. I had just reclined on the bed when she scrambled between my legs. I gave her a bemused look just before she spoke, “You know, Michael, I’m not usually like this. Some of my dates have described me as a ‘cold fish,’ but with you something’s different. It all seems so right with you. It never felt that way before.”
“Other than the obvious benefits, I’m glad…really glad. I love being with you. Even if we’d never made love I’d feel the same way, not that I’m turning any of this down. I love this, too.”
“I hope you’ll feel the same way about this.” She leaned down and kissed my cock. The reddish purple head twitched in response. I was sure she could see the pulsing arteries and feel the heat she was creating. Her tongue wrapped around my shaft and slid up and down several times. She kissed it again, smiled at me, and I watched my cock disappear into her mouth. She moved back up, but so slowly that it drove me crazy with lust.
“Cathy! Wait…please. This is wonderful, but I need to do you, too. Turn around, please…let me taste you.” I was frantic in my pleading. Cathy may have been many things, but she wasn’t cruel and she was just as horny as I was. She kissed my cock again and climbed over my body, placing her moist hot cunt over my chin. She returned her attentions to my cock as I began my attack on her pussy.
Rarely had I eaten Eileen’s pussy—I hated the sensation of her hairs in my mouth and between my teeth. Cathy had a nice trimmed landing strip over hers. I couldn’t wait to sample her wares. I began by kissing her silky thighs—light, tender kisses, my lips barely touching her skin. I saw and felt her shudder at my touch—good! I wanted this to be a memorable experience and one she’d want me to repeat many times. I ran my nose up and down and all around her sensitive labia. I know that most guys ignore them, going right for the woman’s canal or clit. What a waste.
After my nose I gently blew on these sensitive tissues causing Cathy to groan aloud. “Damn, Michael, what the hell are you doing to me? I am so hot I think I’m going to rape you.”
“Relax darling…I’m just getting started. There’s a lot more to come…pun definitely intended.”
“Oh, God…I’ve never felt like this and you haven’t even gotten to….”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get there…eventually and when I do….” I returned to my task, letting Cathy draw her own conclusions. I continued blowing on her labia, but added light touches of my tongue. It was fun watching and feeling her squirm on my body. I wrapped my mouth over her sweet cunt and sucked for all I was worth. Blood flowed into her labia and clit and my tongue found her tunnel at last.
My tongue curled as I fucked her with it, contacting her G-spot every time. Cathy’s groans evolved into wails—long unintelligible and incoherent mumblings—as I drove her wild. I was a sensational cunt licker, always had been. I was just a little out of practice. Cathy had forgotten all about my cock as she was in sensory overload from my tongue and nose and lips. Finally, after more than fifteen minutes I took her clit between my teeth. My technique here could best be described as gnawing. I massaged her swollen button with my teeth. It had always worked in the past and it worked now. Cathy screamed at the top of her lungs for several seconds as it hit her hard. It was all I could do to hold her steady. I turned her around once she had settled down a bit. Between gasps she asked, “What…a…bout…you?”
“Tomorrow or later if we wake up or whenever. I’m not counting. I think we need to sleep.” I would have waited for Cathy to respond, but she was already deeply asleep.
I opened my eyes to find daylight. The clock told me it was almost 8:00. Cathy was rolled up into a little ball, her back and ass facing me. She looked so peaceful lying there next to me. I reached down, giving her gorgeous ass a little peck before rising and walking to the kitchen. I had been there less than ten minutes when I heard her pad to the kitchen. She stepped behind me, wrapped her arms around my mid-section, pushed her hard nipples into my back, and kissed my neck.
“Hmmm…nice,” I whispered. “Coffee?”
“Please.” She took the steaming mug and wandered to the table where she had left her purse the day before, not wanting to be encumbered by it at the ballet where she used one of those tiny things instead. She turned her phone on and checked her emails. “Michael…listen to this. It’s from Chad, my lab tech, ‘C, ran some tests on those dental implants. Found something interesting when I looked under the scope—tiny cracks or lines, reddish brown. Any ideas what that means? Chad.’ I do have an idea what it means and it helps to explain my earlier findings. Can we go to my office?”
I agreed, suggesting we stop by her parents’ home to drop off her dress and the fish before grabbing a quick deli breakfast. I bagged the fish using the vacuum sealing machine and off we went. I showed her dad the photos of Cathy’s prowess while she and Emily put her dress and the fish fillets away. “I’m glad to have the opportunity to speak with you, Michael,” he began. “I’m concerned at the speed with which your relationship is progressing. I don’t want Catherine to he hurt.”
“Neither do I, sir. I have the greatest respect for her and it goes without saying that I think she’s fantastic. Please believe me when I tell you that my intentions are strictly honorable.” Cathy and her mom returned at that very instant, ending our discussion prematurely. None the less, Christopher rose and patted my shoulder—a sign that he understood and accepted what I had told him. Cathy and I took our leave and I drove straight to her office, too excited to eat.
“I have some ideas, Michael, but I want to take a look for myself.” She placed one of the implants between two small pieces of wood to hold it securely and tightened the tiny vise. “Ah, I see what Chad was referring to.” She stepped aside so I could take a quick look. She had a cabinet open and was removing several implements by the time I looked up. “Do you know what density is, Michael?”
“Something to do with how closely molecules are packed?”
“Yes, it’s defined as mass per volume. Every material has a different density. It’s one of the best ways to identify a substance, even in the field with only the simplest tools.” She removed the implant from the vise and placed it onto a digital scale, noting the weight on a sheet of paper. Then she put about fifteen milliliters of water into a small graduated cylinder. She noted the increase in the water level once she had dropped the implant in. “That’s the volume; now all I have to do is divide. That’s interesting. The density of steel is roughly 8 grams/cubic centimeter; titanium is about 4.5. This has a density of 7.9. It’s supposed to be 100 percent titanium, but it’s not. Let’s try to cut it.”
Cathy moved to a small metal cutting band saw and clamped the implant in place before lowering the blade. Three minutes later we had our answer. Rather than being composed of titanium, this implant was nothing more than cheap steel covered with a plating of titanium.
“Here’s what I think, Michael—when subjected to extremes of heat and cold, like eating ice cream or drinking coffee these implants were forced to expand and contract. However, they will expand and contract at different rates. That difference caused the cracks making the surface of the steel rust and hold minute pieces of food which decayed and caused the illnesses. I’ll bet that’s what caused them to come loose, too. Titanium is very expensive and extremely difficult to work with. Steel is just the opposite. This is fraud—a means of cheating the public to make some extra money.” I nodded; I had to agree. Now it was up to me to see that the manufacturer was made to pay. But, first I had to decide on a strategy. I kissed Cathy as we closed the office. It was only a short drive to a diner where we finally filled our stomachs. I spent the rest of the day developing my plans—how to expose the fraud and win for my clients.
I made several phone calls before court convened and presented the judge with a discovery motion. “I need several hundred implants for examination and testing, your honor.”
“That’s a ridiculous request,” objected my adversary.
“I think that some implants would be reasonable,” commented the judge, “but not two hundred. I’ll order fifty. You’ll have to get by with them.”
“Very well, your honor,” I replied seemingly dejected, but actually getting exactly what I had hoped for. They were promised within 48 hours. They were delivered the following afternoon and forwarded to an independent lab that Cathy had suggested. I couldn’t use Cathy as much as I wanted to. Our involvement would stink of conflict of interest and could sink the entire case. The following day a second box, ordered by my dentist, was also delivered for testing. I was promised results within a week’s time. I had plenty of other witnesses to examine over the interim.
Cathy joined me in court on Wednesday morning the following week as I opened testimony of my dentist. I asked all the preliminary questions one learns about in Law 101. Opposing counsel graciously stipulated to all of Dr. Caplan’s credentials. I wondered at the time how gracious he would be when I had his client by the balls. I halted direct examination after asking about ordering fifty implants from the company and forwarding them to Leonard Laboratories. Opposing counsel declined to cross-examine, a wise move in my opinion. He had nothing to gain.
Now I called Dr. Nathan Leonard, the CEO of Leonard Laboratories. I asked him about receiving the two shipments of implants. I began with those received directly from the manufacturer. Not surprisingly, they were perfect—pure titanium alloy, exactly as I had anticipated. It was time to drive my dagger deep into their hearts. I asked about the second shipment. “Not perfect, at all, “Dr. Leonard replied, “In fact, not even titanium.” This answer was met with a strenuous objection from defense counsel. Primarily, he stated that some subterfuge had occurred with the shipment—that the shipment had been tampered with, exchanged with shoddy goods, and threatened to counter-sue for slander and libel.
“Your honor,” I began calmly. “I don’t blame counsel for his objections. I would do the same if my client were looking at allegations and proof of fraud designed to cheat an unsuspecting public and expose them to life threatening disease and injury.” Opposing counsel jumped out of his seat screaming at me and demanding that I be censured for misconduct. I spoke again once order was restored. “Your honor, I have every intention of proving everything I have said if you will give me,” I pretended to check my watch, “fifteen minutes.”
“Very well, Mr. Kelly…you may proceed—objection overruled.”
I ran Dr. Leonard through the entire sequence, from the receipt of the sealed box from the manufacturer. “I had my representative in Dr. Caplan’s office to take the shipment directly from FedEx,” he testified. “I opened both shipments myself and counted the number of implants supplied. All of the implants were kept in my safe when not examined to ensure the integrity of the tests.” He went on to summarize all the tests he had conducted. He finished just before the fifteen minutes were up. “Here is a strip of hermetically sealed implants from the manufacturer—the ones you requested directly from the defense. You can see they are marked “A.” Please note that there is no response from this magnet. Over here is the second shipment, marked “B,” he continued. “Please note that these are magnetic.” He held up the strip of ten with the magnet. I saw opposing counsel cringe and the CEO had his head in his hands. “That’s because they are primarily cheap steel, not even stainless, with the thinnest possible plating of titanium alloy.”
“May we please ask for a brief recess, your honor?” It was defense counsel speaking.
“Very well…it is almost time for lunch. We will reconvene at two o’clock. He pounded the gavel and left. It was less than a minute later that I was asked to conference with the defense.
“We’ll give you a hundred million and no admission of guilt or responsibility.” I laughed.
“Not even in the same neighborhood, Stan…if fact, not even close. Three hundred and fifty million, an agreement to cease manufacture and recall of the steel implants, and then you can have the no admission clause.”
“Two hundred and fifty.”
“Three hundred and fifty or I’m out of here and taking my girl friend to lunch.”
“Deal,” the CEO agreed.
“Good, here is the paperwork. Sign and we can all go for lunch.”
“Pretty cocky aren’t you, Michael?”
“I knew the cards I held, Stan. I’ll reserve my opinion of your client’s business practices. I won’t say or do anything, but I can’t be held responsible for the judge’s actions.” I signed for the plaintiffs, had one of the secretaries from the court notarize the documents, gave them a set of copies, and returned to court with twenty minutes left on the clock before the judge called us back into session.
“Your honor, we have a settlement,” I announced, much to the amazement of the spectators, many of which were my clients. I handed a set of documents to the clerk who handed them to his honor. He read for almost ten minutes.
“Very well, I order defendant to pay the sum stipulated within thirty days. Mr. Kelly, you will provide this court with the necessary documentation for the distribution to the plaintiffs. I assume you will take the customary thirty-five percent.”
“No, your honor; my father will probably kill me, but I will take ten percent plus expenses. These people have suffered enough.” His honor simply nodded, struck the gavel, and rose to leave. I received congratulations from those present, explaining that we would meet in our offices tomorrow morning to explain the distribution. I waved good-bye and looked for Cathy. To my surprise she wasn’t there. She wasn’t anywhere in the courthouse.
I ran to my car and drove to her office. She wasn’t there, either. I phoned her cell, but there was no answer. Having no other choice, I reluctantly tried her house. She was there, thank God. Emily answered the door. “She got here about an hour ago and she’s been crying ever since. Did you have an argument?”
“No, I haven’t had a chance to speak with her all day. I’ve been tied up settling the suit.” I walked in and sat next to her. “Cathy…why…why are you crying?”
“You finished the case so I assume we are finished, too. I’ll send you a bill tomorrow.”
“I hope you do send me a bill, but you’ll have to knock me unconscious to get away from me. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, too.” She cried even harder. “I can’t decide…Catherine Kelly or Cathy Kelly?”
“What? What did you say, Michael?” She stopped to blow her nose.
“I was wondering what you liked better…Catherine Kelly or Cathy Kelly?” I brushed the tears from her cheeks before placing a gentle kiss. She reached around me and held me close. I pulled her even closer. “I love you, Cathy…more than I’ve ever loved anyone…more than I ever dreamed I could love anyone. I’ll always love you.”
“For God’s sake…say ‘yes,’ will you?”
“Geez, Mom, didn’t your parents ever teach you not to eavesdrop?”
“You’re our daughter…it doesn’t count.” It was her dad this time.
“I love you more,” was her response.
I laughed and kissed her cheek again. “Not possible, but also not worth arguing about. What say we call it a draw?” Cathy pulled back a bit before mashing her lips against mine. We kissed for several minutes until our faces were wet with spit. I hugged her again once we broke it. “Now all I have to do is get rid of my bitch wife.” Her parents rushed in to hug and kiss us their congratulations.
I had my first meeting with Eileen and her attorney–Sheila von Staal–a woman I knew well to have as much integrity as I had. Although she was an excellent attorney I thought she was a poor choice for that reason. The first discussion was the house. They had no choice but to concede that it was mine. I wanted Eileen out in thirty days. Of course, she demanded fifty percent of the remaining assets. That’s when I brought out the cock cage and Steve produced the lab report as well as a copy of Eileen’s note—the one in which she admitted placing that monstrosity on my body. Sheila looked at everything for more than a minute. It was obvious that Eileen had omitted a few details about our sudden separation. Worse, Sheila recognized the legal implications for her client. Things only got worse when I reminded them of Eileen’s accusations of spousal abuse and the police’s reactions. Filing a false report is serious, almost always resulting in jail time.
“Steve…Michael, may I have a few minutes to caucus with my client?” Steve and I rose and left the room, returning fifteen minutes later. I could see that Eileen was pissed, but Sheila spoke calmly, “How much to make the charges go away?”
Steve looked to me for the reply, “Ten percent. I’m in a generous mood; I want this over with.”
“Yeah,” Eileen blurted out, “so you can marry that tramp!”
“It is true that I want to remarry, Eileen, but her worst day is better than your best. She has a prestigious occupation and a high income; you have never worked a day in your life. She is also trustworthy, while you’re obviously not. Need I continue?”
“No…you bastard; I gave you the best years of my life, and for what?”
Now I was thrilled that I had selected Steve to represent me. One meeting like this was about my limit, so I spoke clearly and calmly,” Eileen, I don’t recall giving you my worst years. I was thrilled with you until you betrayed me—my trust—to try to make me your slave. It wasn’t enough that I worked sixty to seventy hours a week and gave you a lifestyle you never dreamed of when you were a kid growing up. I loved you and was always faithful, but apparently that wasn’t enough either. You brought this on yourself. I’d like to say that I’m sorry, but I’m not. I met someone who is everything you’re not and, truthfully, I owe it all to you. That’s why I’m willing to give you forty percent instead of twenty-five. Now, excuse me.” I rose and left, leaving the remaining negotiations to Steve and Sheila.
One month later I was ready to move back into my house—our house, the one I’d share, effective immediately, with Cathy. I unlocked the door and turned off the alarm. That’s when I heard Cathy shriek. I saw why when I turned around. The entire living room was covered in red paint; it had been thrown everywhere, but first every piece of furniture had been slashed, the stuffing strewn about. The tables and lamps had been smashed. I pulled Cathy out, preserving the scene for the police. I called them with my cell and stood outside the door awaiting their arrival.
I was surprised to hear our neighbor, Mrs. Douglas, “I heard the racket, Michael. She was berserk—screaming, and swearing at the top of her lungs. I was worried for her…and for you.”
“I’d appreciate it if you’d stick around for the police, Mrs. Douglas.”
“Oh, I don’t want to get involved, Michael.”
“You already are, Mrs. Douglas…you already are.” I could hear the sirens approach. I used the time to call Sheila.
“Sheila, you need to find your client. She destroyed the house. I’m pressing charges for this and everything else. The terms were that she turn over the house in the same condition it was in when I left. One of our neighbors saw and heard her do it. I’ll survive, but I doubt that she will. Find her, Sheila, before the police do.” I hung up and turned to talk to the police.
The house was stripped to the frame, refinished, and refurnished at a cost of more than $400,000. I sued Eileen and won the full amount, the total to be deducted from the divorce settlement. She’d still have more than a million dollars, but she’d have to wait a while to be able to use it. The combined sentences for her numerous misdemeanors and felonies was pled down to a minimum of eighteen months. Cathy and I moved in less than six months prior to her release. We were married less than a week after the divorce was finalized. It was a big Irish wedding with plenty of the best booze and food. Personally, I would have been happy with the tiniest of weddings, but her mom and dad only had the one child. They were entitled to spoil her.
We had been married a year when we invited them to dinner in our “new” house. I was cutting the homemade pie for dessert when Cathy made our announcement, “How’d you like to go back to work, Dad? It seems that I’ll need some time off pretty soon. I’m pregnant and my doctor thinks it’ll be twins.”
Christopher beamed as he replied, “I’ve been hoping for exactly that for too long. It’ll be good to get away from your mother, too. She works me harder than any of our clients ever did.” He rose from his seat to hug and kiss Cathy while my mother in law hugged and kissed me. We finished with a group hug, broken only when Cathy pulled away to whisper in my ear, “I want a really big family, darling.” I pulled back just a bit, smiled, and leaned back for a wonderful deep kiss. What better way to agree completely?
I was floating on air for the next two weeks, right up until I had a phone call from Warden Jonas of the County Jail. “Hi Michael,” he began. “I’m afraid I have some disturbing information for you.”
“Good morning, Bill. What’s up?”
“I’m sure you know that there are always inmates trying to curry favor. I was approached yesterday by two of Eileen’s cellmates. Seems she’s been shooting her mouth off about getting even with you. What the hell you ever did is a mystery to me, but that’s typical of too many of our inmates. Probably one of the reasons we get so many repeat customers—nobody is ever responsible for their actions. I wanted you to know. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say.”
“Thanks, Bill; I appreciate the head’s up.” We said our good-byes and hung up. I walked up the hall to see my dad. I explained about the phone call.
“You’ll have to get Cathy out of the house and, preferably out of town until this is straightened out. I think her parents should go with her. I’d suggest you go, also, but I doubt you’d listen. Cathy is obviously much smarter than you are.”
“I’m going down to Town Hall, Dad. I’d like to discuss this with Chief Piersall.” Ten minutes later I sat in Jim’s office.
“I’m not surprised to see you, Michael. Warden Jonas called me after he spoke to you. I agree that you ought to send your wife and her family out of town. I’m going to put your ex under surveillance. I’ll have plenty of volunteers from the off-duty officers. We cops have long memories, Michael.”
I thanked the chief for his help and drove to Cathy’s office. I met with her and her dad, explaining once again about Eileen’s threats. They agreed to leave town for a few days, but Cathy wanted me to go with her. “I can’t, darling. I need to be the bait for the trap. Chief Piersall says he’ll always have two men on me so I’ll be covered. If I’m not here she’ll just wait for me to come back. It’s better if we deal with this up front and get rid of her ASAP rather than have to wait with a sword over our heads.” Cathy was reluctant, but did eventually agree, but only after making me promise to be extra careful.
The day for Eileen’s release arrived. She was one of almost a dozen inmates who had finished their time that morning, three of whom were undercover police officers assigned to shadow her. All three were from the state police and all were unknown in this area, supposedly transfers from one of the state prisons brought to our area for release. It’s almost thirty miles from the county center to our town on the north shore of Suffolk County, Long Island. There are always loafers at the bus station, but today several were members of the force disguised as bums or winos or other lowlifes. They were shooed away by uniformed officers. Everything appeared normal.
Eileen’s first stop was a hardware store where she bought several two-gallon gas cans. She walked to a nearby gas station where they were filled. Clearly, she was targeting something or someone—no doubt me. Unfortunately, the police could do nothing at this point—there’s no law against buying or possessing gasoline. I went about my normal activities, being careful not to lose my two tails—officers I knew from the PBA lawsuit, but who would be unknown to Eileen.
I half expected Eileen to strike that first day, but even though I made myself visible on the street several times nothing happened. I went home around seven to my empty house, already missing Cathy terribly. We talked on the phone for almost an hour. She was worried, but I assured her that I was safe. If only I was as sure as I had made out to her. I slept fitfully, but rose with the dawn and was off to work again. I parked in the lot and was just locking the door when I heard her about fifteen feet behind me. “Hello, Michael.”
“Oh, hello, Eileen,” I said as I tried to act surprised. I saw the gas cans open at her feet. “Don’t do it, Eileen. You can’t get away with it.”
“Who says I want to get away? You destroyed my life. I have no reason to go on,” she continued using logic that no one in their right mind could possibly believe. That’s when I saw her tip one of the cans with her foot and I realized what she was going to do. Even as the deadly liquid poured in my direction I dropped my briefcase and dove to her, grabbing her hand before she had the chance to strike the lighter. Three officers were on us in a flash, helping me to my feet and handcuffing Eileen. The fire department was called to address the problem of the spilled gas. My clothes were soaked in fuel and were removed for my safety. I stood in the street wrapped only in a blanket.
Her plans were clear—she was going to get even with me in a way only her demented mind could conceive. Eileen was going to kill herself in front of me and possibly get me, too with either fire spread by the spilled gasoline or the other can exploding and dousing me with burning fuel. She was sick, that was certain, but was she criminally insane? To qualify one could not know the difference between right and wrong at the time of the act, so probably not. Her words to me showed that not to be the case. Once everything was sorted out she was charged with attempted murder, attempted arson, and several other felonies and misdemeanors related to her violation of her probation and property damage involving the twenty or more cars in the parking lot as well as the potential danger to passers-by and nearby buildings. She was remanded to the county hospital for evaluation.
Cathy and her parents returned home that evening, none too soon as far as I was concerned. I had taken the day off, shaken by Eileen’s actions as well as mine. I had risked my life to save that of someone who clearly hated me. I had to listen to my father’s searing criticism, but that was nothing compared to the tongue-lashing from my wife who berated me for breaking my promise to be extra careful. I felt like an idiot, but Cathy, seeing my remorse, came to me out of her love and took me to bed. I spent the night snuggling up against that perfect ass, kissing her, and feeling our unborn twins move and kick. I must have told her a hundred times how much I loved her and how lucky I was to have her.
I took the rest of the week off from work and laying low, avoiding the press and the unwanted publicity. Unfortunately, the publicity was unavoidable so I decided to tackle it head on the following Monday morning. Cathy and I met with the press and local TV channels in our conference room. I thought we were finished when Dad rushed in and handed me a sheet of paper. I was saddened when I read it. “I have one final comment and then we’re done here. I’ve just learned that my ex-wife has taken her life. Somehow she managed to get her hands on a syringe and pumped several cubic centimeters of air into her veins. The efforts of the doctors were in vain as she apparently died of an embolism when the air bubbles reached her heart. We obviously had our problems, but there was a time when I loved her very much.” Cathy took my hand and we left, going to my office where I sat and cried. I no longer loved Eileen, but I didn’t hate her. I had hoped she would be able to move on with her life, but it was not to be.
I sat there for almost an hour until Cathy came and sat in my lap. She held my head and kissed me. “Michael, you did all you could. None of this is your fault. You need to put it behind you. Eileen didn’t need you, but I do and I’m going to need you for the rest of our lives. I think I know exactly what you need. C’mon, we’re going home.”
Cathy was right. She knew exactly what I needed. I sat in the boat while she piloted us through the harbor. We weren’t fishing, although that would have been great, too. We had our dinner and a supply of beer and soda. She stopped the boat about four hundred yards west of the inlet and anchored in fifteen feet of water. We lay on the front raised deck and relaxed in the sun. Cathy handed me the sunscreen and told me, “Please put this on me and put your hands where they don’t belong. When you’re done with that, please put your cock where it does belong.” I laughed…we laughed…and we moved on. We had everything we could want, a wealth of riches, and each other. What else was there?

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A chance at a new sex life; Part 2

All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome.

In Riley’s Arms: Part 5

Once again, sorry for the delay, everyone! If you want to enjoy the full story, please read from Part 1. If you are looking for a story about nothing more than sex, you may be in the wrong place. To everyone who has been (in/)patiently waiting, give your poor refresh button a break 🙂 As always, I very sincerely hope you enjoy. -SS