Consensual Sex

THE HUNT, Chapter 7: Our Life

Everything has changed. Slavery has ended in the plantations nearest the mountains. Their village is thriving. The ‘Warrior’ group (3 men, 3 dogs, and Maia), however, feel unneeded. They move to the West to discover something new.

Essex Girl

Young woman gets a new job and has to commute to central London and discovers her previously hidden desires.

Summer With My Granddaughter, Part 3

This is the next part in the continuing series about a Grandfather’s travels with his Granddaughter. If you do not like this type of story about an older man making love with his young granddaughter, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY! If you do, then enjoy.

Summer With My Granddaughter, Part 3

This is the next part in the continuing series about a Grandfather’s travels with his Granddaughter. If you do not like this type of story about an older man making love with his young granddaughter, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY! If you do, then enjoy.

Friends Only

Donald (Donnie) Grimes is a tall good looking young man. He has an athletic build, but never played any organized sports. His muscular six-foot frame is due mainly to his dedication to lifting weights in the high school gym. He counts many girls among his friends, but regrettably none are his girlfriend. Donnie has a way of turning girls into ‘just friends’ and has no idea why he always ends up in the ‘friends only’ category.

A New Day, A New Us part 6

After clearing out of Johnny’s shack and getting Tracy back to her car I head home trying to piece together what I’m going to do tomorrow and what I’m going to say. I pull in the driveway and see Kori’s mother’s van parked in front of the house. I bolt inside and find everyone my Mom and Dad talking with Mary. I get a hello out of my mouth while bolting through the house; I hear the girl’s talking in Liz’s room and throw the door open. There is Liz, Katy and Kori sitting on Liz’s bed talking, at least until I barge in the room. Liz and Katy are in t-shirts and short but Kori is sporting a loose knit top and some sweatpants but more importantly I’m not seeing any signs of bandages.
“Girls I need to speak with Korinna please,” I say quietly.
“But it’s my room,” Liz says as Katy stands her up and pulls her out.
“I’ve missed you,” Kori says sheepishly.
“I’ve been making a fool of myself for you, but you haven’t been there to see it,” I reply keeping my voice down.
“You’re not making a fool of yourself baby, I want them to be afraid and you’re doing that,” Kori says putting on a happy face.
“Except this way is slow and lazy, yes people are becoming afraid of me and the rest of the crew somewhat but this will go a lot faster if you let me start taking the guys who beat you and put them in a burn barrel,” I tell her pacing.
“Okay but I’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow if you’re tired of waiting but I want more fear and I want Heather,” Kori says taking my hand to stop the pacing.
“Yeah well I don’t, I don’t want her words or her presence,” I tell Kori stopping and sitting down on the bed,” I do want the names of the guys who did this.”
“I know baby but all I have are faces, I don’t know them personally,” Kori says quietly.
Kori is popular as hell and could find anyone’s name at school in a matter of minutes. I get a bolt out of the blue and grab my phone; I shoot a text off to Jun to see who Kyle was friends with last year. Kori is wondering what is going on but a reply text a minute later tells me Kyle wasn’t at our school last year. I reply to Jun to run it against the school Ben came from and show Kori the texts to bring her up to speed.
“Honey I trust Ben and you should too,” Kori tells me while we wait.
“Yeah trust someone who let you get taken away to do what exactly? I’ve seen about as much of him at school as I have of you,” I say to Kori getting a little agitated.
“Baby calm down, they’re both transfers but Ben is a friend of mine,” Kori says trying to persuade me,” If you trust me then just trust him, there is a surprise and it’ll get you what you are craving baby.”
“I’m craving a lot of things I can’t have right now honey,” I tell her sitting back down.
“Sooner than later honey, I’m still stiff and a little bruised but healing well,” Kori says cuddling up to me.
Katy and Liz come back in and I bring them up to speed on what I’ve been having Jun work on. Katy starts to spin on a more aggressive strategy of just taking Kori around and finding the guys on the street but Kori shoots that down. Finally Kori heads home around eight and I’m alone in my room when Liz decides to pop it.
“Hey sis, if you’re looking for a replay of the other day I’m game but you need to keep from moaning too loud,” I say smirking from my computer.
“And like Kori I’m a little bruised bro,” Liz says after closing the door,” but in a good way. I have a pair of targets for you if you’re interested?”
“Kori won’t like us rushing the gun,” I tell Liz turning in my chair.
“And either you are saying no or you’re warning me off,” Liz replies moving to sit on my bed,” First off however I need to know that Greg is off the menu, I know you’d love to hurt him physically but if we work this out I want him left alone.”
“Okay I don’t understand why but unless he comes after one of us I’ll leave him alone,” I promise Liz while thinking about a way around it.
“Alright, well I say go after Greg’s sister Allison. I know she’s not in the moralist camp like Greg but she and I have been talking and I think if you brought her over to our side it would fuck with his head which I am comfortable with. The other person is that fucking bodyguard of Heather’s, I got a bead on her and I know where she’ll be Friday after school if you’re interested,” Liz says giving me the rundown.
“All sounds fine except for the nobody to beat like a drum option,” I tell Liz frustrated,” Also we have a conflicting plan if we go after the bodyguard, Devin has a crush on her and wants help convincing her to come around to our way of thinking.”
“Okay so no bodyguard but can we do something with Greg’s sister please,” Liz asks pleading a little.
I nod and get a hug around the neck for my taking on yet another task. Liz leaves me alone to my thoughts and I head to bed to get ready for the next day. Thursday and I’m moving around like I’m walking on water, people part the way as I walk and even a few teachers are keeping an eye on me throughout the day. At lunch I drop the location of where I’m going to give my speech from and aside from people wanting a preview, I keep my lips sealed and only chuckle when asked questions. During homeroom I get a heads up from everyone that there should be a good turnout and that the walking park is a good location. Hippies in the area decided a while back to make a park, state picked up the idea but nobody took out the fifty feet of trees around the park on all sides. No cars can get in and there’s even a playground for children in there, or for me something to stand on. All of us get out of school and head straight for the park where I get a pleasant surprise, Johnny is waiting there with several of his crew and he’s decked out in a hooded sleeveless jacket.
“Hey man, I got some security for your vehicular transport while you say what you need to say,” Johnny says with a smile.
“Well after this hopefully I can help you get back on track with your thing sooner than later,” I reply heading into the park.
Not many people are here yet considering the light rain usually causes people want to stay inside but I spot Vicki and a few punks standing around. I pass them and get on top of a straight metal slide and crouch down to wait for more people to arrive. It takes the better part of an hour but I’m staring at about sixty or seventy students who have gathered. I have my hood down over my face and stand up before raising one hand and listen to the crowd go silent.
“I believe I have your attention. You came here to learn the truth and believe but first I have a question,” I say to the crowd,” Do you want to know what I believe in?”
I can hear some confusion and more than a few people say yes. I shake my head and look out into the crowd.
“I believe in what I see in front of me. I see people who are tired of being backed into a corner and told what they have to do by someone who are going to push them to get their way. I see my peers too quiet and too scared to even stand up for themselves. I believe in the idea that if people don’t like you for who you are THEN FUCK THEM! There is nothing wrong with you,” I yell out getting their attention,” I believe that you are who YOU want to be because it makes you happy. The people in front of you in the hoods are my family because it’s the only label that we acknowledge and we’re proud of it. You want me to do something about these oppressive assholes.”
I listen in again and hear people talking and more people saying yes. Again I shake my head.
“Well why haven’t you done anything about it? There are at least fifty people here who could have shut down the bullying but you stood afraid because the person being bullied wasn’t you at the time was it,” I turn my attention to Hideo in the front of the crowd,” You there, you were present when Vicki and her punk friends were being bullied and you did nothing because they weren’t in your group.”
I can see his shame and more than a few are glaring at him and some of the people next to him. I draw their attention back, pointing at the crowd.
“None of you are any different so I’d think twice before attacking him. And even if he were the only one being victimized if you don’t help people who are suffering the same abuse as you it leaves you alone when they come back to get you. You need a rallying point and I’m here, we can end this regime. But you have to put all your lies to rest, no freaks or punks, no nerds or jocks, no popular or outcast. Either you all come together to face them down or you get put down when they try to do to you what they’ve done to others who stood up against them,” I tell the assembled crowd.
I can hear them talking amongst themselves and motion to my family to go out among them. I watch the mingling and explaining go on, I see some of the groups blending. It’s uneasy but I need them on the same page if I’m going to push back. A pair of figures heading towards the assembled group get my attention quick and I spot Ben and one of the ‘moralists’. I recognize him as the preppy that was driving the car when I gave Hanna a ride home.
“And here they come everyone,” I point out Ben and his friend,” You are here seeking something more.”
“I’m here to put you back in your place you lunatic,” the boy says stepping into the crowd.
I slide down the slide and motion for everyone to part the way; I see my family start taking up positions around him and Ben. Both are dressed in black slacks but Ben has a blue polo shirt and brown leather jacket on while the preppy kid has a white button up shirt and a grey windbreaker. I get about ten feet away from them and stop.
“Is this truly what you want,” I ask them.
“Yes, this is what I was asked to do,” Ben says before turning to the preppy kid and backing up pulls his hood over his head.
“Wait you said you understood what happened,” the kid says to Ben shocked.
“I do understand, but Kori is my friend. I don’t turn my back on my friends,” Ben says taking position in the circle around him,” This is your moment Bryan, do what you will.”
I can see Bryan is confused but he’s holding his side and I’m not sure what’s under his coat is too big for a gun or knife.
“Is this what you want,” I ask Bryan pulling my hood off my head.
I watch the baseball bat come out of Bryan’s coat and people start talking. I can see my family moving
in to take him down but I stop them with a gesture.
“I’ll give you want you want,” I tell Bryan taking my coat off, then following it with my shirt.
I’m standing in a light rain with no shirt or coat on and a crowd around me staring as a scared ‘moralist’ with a bat is trying to find his courage. Everyone in my family wants him but I’m not done proving my point. I hold my arms out straight and look Bryan in his eyes.
“I’m right here, do it. Come on, do it, do it,” I see him waver at my acceptance for a beating,” WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT! DO IT!”
My telling Bryan to do it has him scared and looking for a way out. I can see him looking for the best spot to make a break for it and watch him settle on Jun, sadly his commitment to Jun on his left leaves him open on his right as Katy crosses the five or so feet and slams her fist into his jaw. I watch Bryan drop to the ground and the bat goes rolling away as Katy moves in for the kill. Girl takes a page out of my book and gets into a top mount position and starts hammering away at Bryan’s face, Bryan for the most part is trying to roll away and keep his fists up but Katy is screaming and angry as she rains rights and lefts down on him. Jun grabs the bat from the ground and I start half dancing half walking up to the beat down and place my hand on Katy’s shoulder as I see Bryan isn’t doing much defending since he’s been knocked stupid.
“Ease up Sister, this one isn’t going anywhere and I have something better in mind,” I tell Katy quietly.
I help Katy off of Bryan and motion to Devin and Mathilda to stand him up. I let them get him to his feet, each one holding an arm by the shoulder and with him bent over exposing his head. I wave to Jun and he brings me the bat.
“As I said they are snakes who do not care about the feelings of the mice,” I say gesturing to the crowd before pointing at Katy,” And now a group of ‘mice’ just showed a ‘snake’ that there are more of them than there are of him. Now I guess we see what happens when mice turn the tables on a snake.”
I can see Bryan coming to his senses and I watch him struggle against Devin and Mathilda but they have him firmly in place. I use the bat to tip his head up to face me; I am covered in rain and must look like the devil himself because Bryan is crying at me.
“Bryan, I want the students that did Kori on Friday. You give me them and I promise you that you will bear my message to your friends and not be my message to them,” I tell Bryan quietly.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know them I swear,” Bryan says starting to cry.
“Then you must be made an example so that they know what I’m going to do when I find them,” I say moving the bat to the back of his head.
“They don’t go to our school, I was told to pick up a phone from Taylor. He said it belonged to your girl and to give it to Heather,” Bryan screams out crying.
“So Taylor knows who they are, well that changes things,” I say lowering the bat off his head,” Are they friends of Taylor’s?”
“Kyle knows them, Taylor came up with the idea and Heather approved it,” Bryan says still held fast.
Pieces from yesterday start clicking into place, Kyle has the connections and a pretty face will distract even me if used properly. Get people who don’t know Kori to take her out to the stone field and beat her so she can’t identify them at school. It’s a brilliant plan except the loose ends they left in their delivery. I break from my deep thought and return my attention Bryan.
“Well now that I know I have some bad news for you, I know that you’re not sorry you helped them. You are sorry you were on the losing side,” I turn my attention to my family,” Katy had her fun, anyone else want him before we send him back?”
I can hear the crowd talking and some of them are looking like they want a piece but my attention gets pulled by Natsuko tapping me on the shoulder. I turn to her and she holds her hand out for the bat. I hand it to her but hold up a finger telling her to wait one moment. I move in close to Bryan’s head so he can hear me.
“You will live through this, if you don’t abandon Heather and Kyle after this I will make sure to come for you and finish this myself, do you understand,” I ask quietly.
Bryan nods and I stand up straight and walk back to my coat and sit on it cross legged to watch Natsuko. She moves up so Bryan can see her through his bloodied face and swelling eye, she’s got a punk schoolgirl outfit on and while sexy on her it’s the tone of voice she’s using as she speaks Japanese while walking around Bryan. It’s this soft and sweet sounding speech coming out of her mouth as she moves around behind Bryan who is still bent over with his head exposed. Right then it hits me that more than one head is exposed and I hear Natsuko’s tone go from soft and sweet to an angry Japanese harpy a few seconds before she golf swings the bat straight up between Bryan’s legs and I hear a sickening smack as it hits his groin. Devin and Mathilda let him go and Bryan just lies there on the grass in the rain holding his crotch and trying to breath. I wave everyone off and we start to pick up the pieces before I hold my hand up getting everyone’s attention.
“Someone should take him home to his family,” I say loudly,” He’s not going to talk about what happened here to them because he now knows that he’s safe as long as he does what I told him.”
I see a few nerds come forward and as I back away they help Bryan up off the ground and slowly walk him out of the park. I can hear the crowd talking about what I said and what they saw. I keep hearing words like unity and it gets me to smile for a moment. I put my coat back on but my shirt is soaked thanks the rain. My family and I part the crowd as we leave and I get the message for everyone to head home. Our vehicles are in the same condition we left them and as everyone heads out I head in a different direction, I’m off to get Kori.
I pull up to Kori’s house and even before I’m off my bike I see Mary at the door to greet me, she’s got a stern look on her face and her arms folded as I approach.
“Hey Guy, you coming to see Kori,” Mary asks plainly.
“Yep and I need to take her out with me,” I say as I realize that Mary isn’t moving.
“No you’re not, I like you but she’s MY daughter. I will let her out when I think she’s better and that’s not now, you can turn around and head back home because she’s not taking visitors today,” Mary says keeping her ground.
“So you are living in fear and hoping she does the same. Well we had to get this out of the way sooner or later I guess, hit me,” I tell Mary pulling my hood back.
“What are you doing Guy,” I hear Carl ask coming into the doorway.
“I blame myself for what happened to Kori, Mary blames me for what happened to Kori so now she needs to hit me until she feels better so that I can take Kori out of here and show her what I’ve been doing for nearly a week now,” I tell Carl getting a shocked look from both of them before turning my attention back to Mary,” Please just hit me.”
“Guy I don’t understand why you think my hitting you is going to change anything,” Mary says confused.
“You blame me, I’m the bad guy and this is my fault just hit me please,” I reply getting down on my knees in front of them.
Both Mary and Carl have looks of complete horror on their faces as I wait for my beating, I’ve been waiting for someone to just give me my pain allotment for not seeing the attack on Kori coming and I figure Mary would be the best person to do that for me. It’s the intervention of my personal angel that keeps me from getting what I feel I deserve.
“Mom why is Guy in the rain and why can’t he come in,” Kori asks breaking up the barricade at the front door.
“Guy was just leaving honey, go back to bed and I’ll bring you something to eat,” Mary says trying to get Kori to leave.
“Baby I’m here to take you out for a little while but your mother can’t get over the fact that I am the reason you got hurt. I offered to let her beat me for failing you but she’s confused by it,” I explain still waiting to get hit.
Kori gets me up off my feet and inside the house. I watch Carl leave and come back with a towel before noting my tattoo. I forget that I don’t show it off much and chuckle about it as I dry off. We all sit down in the living room to talk about things.
“Guy I don’t blame you for what happened to my daughter, I honestly think you’ll fix this but I don’t want her in any trouble while you do,” Mary says trying to explain.
“So it’s okay for me to be in danger because my past came back to bite her but I can’t even spend time with her that isn’t supervised,” I ask confused.
“Guy it’s not like that,” Carl says trying to keep it civil.
“Really, either I’m in trouble or I’m not. I do what she has asked; I have people afraid and ready to fight. I get starting point to find the guys who did this and when I want to just take her out to show her this I’m told I can’t because it’s not safe,” I say getting angry.
“Guy just calm down for a second and understand where we’re coming from,” Mary says trying to placate me.
“I’m done understanding, I’m done waiting and having everyone tell me things just need to get a little better before everything will be the way it was,” I say getting up,” Can I take Kori with me or not?”
“Guy we just don’t feel that it’s a good time right now with her…” is about as far as Mary gets before I drop the towel and storm out of the house.
I hear voices calling after me asking me to stop and while normally I would stop and try to work things out I’m tired of people making me feel like a tool. I get my helmet on and while it’s not Kori with a hand on my arm Carl definitely makes a case to stop me from leaving.
“Guy you should come back inside and talk with us about this, spend some time with Kori and I can talk to Mary,” Carl says tentatively.
“I’m done talking Carl,” I tell him pulling my arm out of his grasp,” You two don’t trust me fine, good luck with this whole fear/revenge thing because if I can’t even spend some time with Kori then I don’t need to go and stand up to a guy with a bat and offer to let him take my fucking head off because it ‘makes people more afraid of me’.”
I get on my bike and watch Carl back up from me wordlessly before I peel out towards home. I get in the front door and my Dad is waiting for me in the living room and I can hear Mom on the phone with Mary in the background.
“Guy sit down and talk with me for a minute,” Dad says pointing to the couch.
“No, I’m done talking and doing things that make no sense to get a result I don’t understand. I’m tired of being punished for shit that I feel guilty about when I’m the only person doing something about it,” I tell Dad heading back to my room.
I don’t hear him call or come after me as I get to my door and once inside lock it and strip down and change into a dry pair of shorts. I can hear my phone going off and a knocking on my door means someone couldn’t figure out that my open door policy isn’t in effect right now. I’m fuming mad and more than a little upset, everything was going according to everyone else’s plan and now I can’t even take my girl out and talk with her. I don’t turn on my computer because as soon as I log on anywhere I’m gonna get asked a million questions as to why I’m not talking to anyone.
After enough hours I’ve gone from fuming mad to sulking and miserable. I barely feel the cold and another knock at my door almost makes me look up from the space in between my bed and my wall. I can hear someone messing with my lock and after a few moments the door pops open to show me Mom has picked it. I see her search my dark room before spotting me in the corner and turning behind her.
“Are you sure you want to talk to him, I’ve seen him in a mood like this before,” Mom tells my ‘guest’.
“Yeah, I’m pretty certain he’ll kick my ass but I need to speak with him,” Ben says entering the room.
I watch Mom close the door behind him and he pulls my chair up to the foot of the bed right in front of me. He’s still dressed preppy and a lot drier than I was when I got in. I can see he’s trying to figure out how to approach me.
“Hey man, Kori’s parent’s are probably going to ban me from ever seeing her again so go have fun rekindling the relationship,” I tell Ben leaning my head on the side of my bed.
“Funny thing, I didn’t talk to Kori before coming over here. I talked to Mary, she’s scared that you’ll do something stupid like hurt yourself,” Ben says trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah well I’ve been doing stupid shit for the last week but hey, you weren’t there so what do you know,” I reply.
“I know a lot, I know that there are plenty of people on their side who are scared shitless of you. I burned bridges that I was forming for information to bring you Bryan today, which by the way was scary as hell because he was bragging about how he was gonna fuck you up,” Ben tells me explaining what he’s been doing.
“Well great, good job bringing me one person,” I tell him mocking applause,” Now go get your dream girl so she can move on after me.”
“Not my girl man and more importantly she’s got a man she’s crazy about. Kori’s been blowing up my phone since I told her I was coming over here. After today I wanted you to know how I felt about Friday, I fucked up and Kori got grabbed,” Ben says quietly,” I heard you’re blaming yourself but it was me man. I’m
sorry for that but you started something today, I think you should finish it.”
“I’m tired of doing what everyone else thinks,” I reply coldly.
“Well we’re all going to be waiting for you tomorrow at school, we need you there to do that whole brooding hood thing,” Ben jokes a little getting up from the chair.
“Want to hear the sad thing,” I ask Ben getting him to stop,” I didn’t start wearing the hood because it looked cool or brooding, I wore it because I didn’t want people to see me.”
“Too bad man, everyone is looking now,” Ben says exiting my room.
I don’t get up to go to bed tonight, just lay on my floor in the cold as sleep takes over.
Tapping on glass rouses me from sleep and I discover by trying to move that when you sleep in the cold all your joints lock up hard. It takes me a minute to even get to my feet but thankfully my window is right next to where I was laying. It’s just after midnight and I pop the blinds to see Kori standing there, she’s got her warm clothes on and is dripping wet under the awning of the house. I get my window open and pop the screen out before watching as she tries to pull herself inside, it takes a bit of my help but after a few awkward positions with her halfway in and out we finally get her inside. I replace my screen and see she grabbed a small pack of supplies as she strips off her wet coat and pants.
“I’m not done with you mister,” Kori tells me sitting down on my bed,” My mother might be a bit overprotective right now but I wanted to talk with you and I am not taking no for an answer.”
“Okay but you couldn’t just come to school or maybe even come out to me when I left to talk to me or parents forbid come with me,” I ask cold and grumpy.
“Honey I just walked for two hours limping in the cold rain just to see you after all the bad shit that happened today. I’m here because you’re doing something about what happened to me,” Kori says taking my hand,” God baby I’m cold but you’re freezing.”
“I don’t really notice it,” I say pulling my hand back,” I’ll wake up Katy to take you home, your family doesn’t want you here.”
“I love my mom but she needs to back the hell up and let me breath, she’s been taking off work just to keep an eye on me and I don’t go anywhere. I’ve missed you and from what I can tell you’ve been hurting a lot recently,” Kori says pulling me to sit on the bed,” I’m not letting you go honey and I’m here right now.”
I let Kori pull me into my bed and under the blankets; she’s warm and smells like strawberries which for some reason puts me out faster than a knockout punch. It must be hours later when I wake up because I’m warm and I don’t think I’ve moved at all since Kori pulled me into bed. I can tell she’s moved more than I have because I’m cuddling a naked Kori and when I passed out she had a sweater and some bottoms on. I pull her close and start rubbing my body against her back and ass without thinking which gets a moan from her. I stop and start to some space between us when I feel Kori’s top hand reach back and start pulling my underwear off before I help her by pushing them down myself and move back up against her. I feel her hand shifting around before she finds my member and starts rubbing me, I keep where I am and once I’m hard we shift a little so that my tip is right at the entrance to her pussy.
“I’m sore so that means gently, you do remember gently,” Kori asks teasingly.
I push inside and get the warm and familiar feeling of Kori’s velvet like pussy wrapping around me tightly, because of the angle I can only get a little more than half way inside. I wrap my arms around her and we start pushing our hips against each other slowly trying to get into a rhythm, it’s not too awkward with her bruising but I stay gentle like Kori asked me taking slow long thrusts. I wrap my arms around Kori and all the while enjoy the feeling of having her back again. I pull her closer and suddenly she shudders and I start to let go thinking I’ve pushed a bruised area.
“Baby it’s been a bit for me but that was a small one,” Kori says looking over her shoulder and smirking,” Can I get a big girl sized orgasm now please?”
I pull out and roll Kori onto her stomach, moving quietly I straddle her ample rear and line my cock up with her again before pushing back into her pussy. It’s tighter like this and I move faster now than I could when we were on our sides, I can see Kori’s back and all the bruises are mostly faded but some still have lines. I try to keep my temper under control seeing her back so I don’t hurt her more just trying to please her. My pace is fast but not frantic as I see Kori pulling a pillow up under her head and is moaning lightly as I work her over. It’s warm and I feel her purposefully squeezing down on me like she’s trying to force out my orgasm. I go from sitting upright to laying over her propped up on my hands and going harder and deeper into Kori’s pussy.
“Baby I know I said gentle but please go hard,” Kori pants before muffling herself with the pillow.
I begin to jackhammer down into Kori hard and deep making a light smacking noise which becomes the loudest noise in the room after my grunting and Kori’s muffled noises in a pillow. I’m feeling Kori more than anyone I’ve been with in the past few days and I’m beginning reach my limit. Kori can feel it with the noises she’s making in my pillow. I feel her shift her hips and put her ass up in the air a little before I slam in to the base feel my blood rush as I start shooting off inside her.
“Yes baby, that’s it. Give me all of it,” Kori gasps as I feel her clamp up with her own orgasm.
I feel Kori’s wonderful muscles milking me as I prop myself up on my elbows over her back. I open my eyes after my rush and see Kori looking at me from the pillow with a sweet smile. I roll off of Kori and lay on my back for a moment before she pulls herself on top of me.
“I missed you,” Kori tells me with a happy grin.
“I keep missing you,” I reply a little sad.
“Baby I’m still gonna see you and if I know you need me then I’ll just sneak out,” Kori says chuckling.
The two of us get about ten more minutes before my alarm clock goes off. I get to the shower and warm up with Kori in tow and almost make it back to my room when we bump into Katy as she’s heading to the shower. I watch her face get that mischievous grin before she pinches my butt and moves past us to the bathroom. We get in my room and get dressed when we hear my mother on the phone heading towards my room. Kori gets a wide eyed look and I sit down on my chair to put my boots on as Mom enters the room talking.
“No Mary I’m telling you Guy was in no condition to go pick up Kori last night and his bike is still here. No I don’t know where she is and I don’t see how you could think that she’d be here if she was so injured that you’ve been keeping her home from school,” Mom says before looking up at me without noticing Kori on my bed,” Guy, I have Mary on the phone and she’s freaking out, apparently Kori isn’t at home this morning and the van is still there, do you know something?”
I smile goofy at her and point to my bed, I watch my mother look over and finally acknowledge that Kori has been sitting there the whole time she’s been talking. Mom gathers herself before putting the phone back up to her ear and resuming her conversation.
“Mary I found her, you need to talk with your daughter because my son is not responsible for you smothering your daughter so bad she snuck out,” Mom says before smacking me once on the top of the head,” I should ground your ass, both of you.”
Mom leaves the room and while the swat on my head was playful I need to not surprise Mom before her coffee kicks in. We get ready and Kori gives a confused Liz a hug before following my mother to the car. I let get a hug and kiss goodbye before Mom takes her back home and once I get back inside I have everyone in the family staring at me like I’ve grown a second head.
“Hey she came over on her own and I was surprised just like you all, except I was surprised last night and not this morning,” I tell them before grabbing my bag and getting on my bike to head to school.
I get to the parking lot and see everyone is in a bit of a standoff with a few of the moralists as they’re waiting for me. I park my bike and grab my gear like normal before getting to the front and squaring off with Kyle at the head of the pack.
“So are we having a problem here,” I ask keeping my hood covering my face.
“You and your filth will turn around and leave school now, your antics are harmful to student morale and the well being of decent people who attend here,” Kyle says with a level of undeserved authority.
“Look at me for a moment Kyle because I want you to understand something that my grandpa used to say, it’s a bit outdated but honestly I think it fits for this situation,” I tell him noticing the crowd of students gathering around,” While the wicked stand confounded, call me with thy saints surrounded.”
“Take your pseudo religious crap somewhere else you psycho,” Kyle says spitting a little on my coat.
I lift my head up and show him my smiling face, it gets him to back off a second then slowly we both take in the surroundings I was paying attention to. Both our groups are surrounded by a small army of students of all makes and models. And while I’m smiling at the wonderful turnout Kyle doesn’t look so good as he tries leads his friends out only to get stopped when the students won’t move.
“Friends, it’s not their time yet and it’s definitely not the place for this,” I say to the crowd assembled,” And we’re not them, we don’t trap people or keep them from going somewhere.”
I watch the crowd part as Kyle leads his people out before turning my attention to the crowd; I shake my head and let them get about their days before heading to my classes. I don’t do any big speeches and for the first time since last week the whole crew sits and eats in the cafeteria spread out among three tables. Ben joins us after a bit and everyone stares at him with a little suspicion before I kick a spare chair out for him to sit. Devin gives me a look and I nod then watch him get up and stand over Ben getting his attention. Ben turns to face Devin and everyone gets quiet at the stare down.
“I’m sorry for choking you the other day,” Devin says a little embarrassed.
“Well considering I’m the one who fucked up and let her get taken I think you were right to choke me so Guy didn’t kill me right there,” Ben says ending the tension.
I chuckle a little and shake my head at the scene but my thoughts turn back to Kyle and this morning. Bryan must have delivered my message and considering nobody’s talking about the beating he took I can figure Kyle’s probably circling the wagons and keeping everyone in groups. It’d be stupid of him not to do something; I do a quick headcount and notice that Isaac isn’t with us.
“Jun where is Isaac,” I ask with some concern.
“He’s running an errand, said something about impressing you with something you’d never expect,” Jun replies shrugging.
After lunch the rest of the day goes uneventful and as I’m starting to head to the gym for homeroom I stop in the hallway and turn off heading towards my old homeroom. Tables in the common area for some crafting, probably a dance, give me a place to sit with my feet dangling off like a small child as I watch moralists head to their meeting. Every single one of them sees me sitting there and the whole time I’m making sure they know I’m watching them but it’s when Heather and her bodyguard come by that I really take notice. Heather tries to keep from making eye contact but the bodyguard nearly burns a hole through me glaring.
“Big important meeting today ladies,” I ask all sorts of cheerful.
“You don’t have a cult meeting to go to,” I hear the bodyguard ask as a retort.
“Funny I was just wondering if you had any real say in what goes on in that little club of yours or if all you do is light lifting,” I prod at her smiling still.
“I have a voice where I am only you speak for your friends,” She says getting angry and starting to walk away.
“He knows your name,” I tell her in Russian.
I watch the both of them stop but only the bodyguard freezes in place before turning around and walking over to me slowly. I can see some mixed emotions in her face as she gets into arms reach.
“Who knows my name,” She asks me back in Russian.
“My friend Devin, he’s seen you watching him. Star crossed lovers or something eh Masha,” I tell her still in Russian and keeping my spot on the table.
“He told you my name? What does he ask about me,” Masha asks in Russian with a timid and oddly shy tone.
“Well he wants to see you, probably talk to you but he doesn’t like the company you keep,” I tell her plainly.
“This is a trick, you are trying to trick me to go after Heather,” Masha says almost growling.
“Here’s the points you need to accept about his whole situation, while you two like each other nothing is happening as long you two are on different sides of this war. Second I’ve never gone after Heather but she’s done her damndest to make sure that I know she wants me as a stooge in the worst way,” I tell her finally standing up and pointing her attention to Heather behind her,” And this whole time that we’ve been talking in Russian she’s been wondering about your allegiance. My people treat each other like family, how long will it be before you find yourself wondering why they’re all talking down to you?”
“You did this on purpose,” Masha says in turning back to English.
“Yes I did, I see power and an iron will. They see a dog on a leash,” I tell her keeping to Russian,” think about it and just watch, she’ll turn on you if she figures out that you and Devin have feelings.”
I grab my bag and leave the common area, I don’t know what’s going to happen with my little scene but the ball is rolling regardless as I get back to homeroom and relay what happened to Devin and the rest of the crew. He’s not happy that she could be in trouble but I remind him that he wanted me to do something and that I’ve done what he asked. We all head out to our vehicles after final period and I finally see Isaac come running towards me out of breath and excited.
“Hey man we need to talk now, Jun I need your help at your place,” Isaac says catching his breath.
“Yes Isaac because I just jump around at every opportunity to talk with freshman I’m mentoring,” I say jokingly.
“Okay Isaac, we’ll head over to my house and go over what you found,” Jun says heading to Devin’s truck.
I hop on my bike and after a quick trip and some confusion with Lilly and Natsuko about what’s going on. We get into Jun’s room and leave the girls out for now at Isaac’s prodding. I get seated on Jun’s bed as Isaac starts in.
“Okay, I took my sister’s idea and decided to try to follow Kyle after school today. When he left before homeroom I took my sister’s car and followed him,” Isaac says taking out a cell phone and plugging it into a cable on Jun’s computer and hitting some keys,” and this is what I found.”
I watch a video load up and see what looks like a small park in downtown; I can tell he’s shooting from the car window. Camera focuses on a very attractive strawberry blonde in a flower patterned skirt and white coat holding an umbrella, she’s sitting on a bench reading and only looks up to search for someone before returning to her book. The video doesn’t give me much for about a minute when I see Kyle walk into frame with a coffee cup in each hand before giving one to the girl and sitting next to her, I shrug thinking they’re friends until I watch the girl start to get very cozy and goes in for a kiss. The video continues with Kyle being more involved with conversation while the girl is more interested in having him around for other things. Isaac cuts the video and both he and Jun turn to me expectantly.
“That’s it,” I ask looking unimpressed.
“Dude that’s his girlfriend, it has to be,” Jun says taking Isaac’s side.
“Yeah obviously but yay it shows where they met one time,” I tell them,” Jun you know what I’m going to need before I do anything, especially after yesterday.”
“Man I just gave you award winning information,” Isaac says frustrated.
“No, you gave me a starting place, its good man. But we need more,” I tell him not overlooking the initial value of what he brought me.
“So what do we need to get now,” Isaac asks a little put off.
“Name, address, class schedule for her school, friends and associates, contacts, not to mention face book and phone numbers,” Jun tells him working fast on the computer.
My phone goes off and I see its Hanna texting me with an address. I let the Jun and Isaac work as I head out to my bike while punching in the address info. I get halfway out the door and see Natsuko following me out. I pull the spare helmet out before she even asks and we get down the road. I pull up and see the trailer park where Katy used to live with her mother last year before. Sure enough I pull up and it’s the same trailer and not only is the family car here and I see Katy standing out front like she’s keeping watch.
“Please for the love of all that I hold dear we are not here doing something with your former mother,” I ask Katy getting a weird look.
“No, this is all Hanna and Liz,” Katy says smirking.
We get inside and the place is actually worse than when we left it less than a year ago, I wade through trash and empty alcohol bottles heading to Katy’s old room. Inside I see Hanna and Liz standing and waiting with Allison, Greg’s little sister. They look like they’ve been waiting for a while and while Hanna and Liz are seemingly alright Allison looks nervous.
“Guy I’m so sorry about what happened to Kori, Hanna told me about it,” Allison blurts out at me a little scared.
“It happened. Bigger question, why am I here, I just got some great info on Kyle and was hoping to get after that lead,” I ask and explain.
“We need a camera man,” Hanna says taking out a video camera from her bag and handing it to me.
“Okay but why are we making a video and I thought you wanted me to take care of bringing in Allison,” I ask Liz confused.
I watch Hanna smile before grabbing Allison by the back of her head and full on tongue kiss her, Allison doesn’t freeze or lock up and I get nudged by Katy to turn the damn camera on. I get the video set up and start to record the scene in front of me. Hanna gets backed up while kissing Allison by both her and Liz as I’m watching my step sister start to strip Hanna out of her clothes. Once Hanna is stripped down naked Liz starts’ ‘helping’ Allison out of her clothing, Allison takes to the stripping while rubbing her fingers on Hanna’s slit and kissing down her neck. I start to see Liz back off but in comes Natsuko who damn near tackles Liz against the wall and starts trying to tear her out of her clothes while stripping herself. Meanwhile Hanna has put her hands on Allison’s shave pussy and is rubbing quickly while they make out against the wall.
A loud thud in the room goes almost unnoticed as Katy takes her old mattress and moves it from against the wall and almost knocking some of the girls over puts it on the floor. The whole mattress takes up the majority of the floor forcing the girls to move off the wall and onto the mattress. Hanna and Allison move over to the far side of the mattress away from me and I watch as Hanna takes control by laying Allison down on her back and sucking on an ample tit and using her hand slowly trail circles around her clit with her fingers. Liz and Natsuko on the other hand are wasting no time with Liz pushing Natsuko on her back and diving face first into Japanese pussy. It’s not slow tongue action from Liz as she attacks Natsuko’s clit like money and chocolate were going to come out. Natsuko is moaning loudly at Liz works and I watch Liz swing her body around letting Natsuko get at her pussy in a sixty-nine.
Allison has taken more control with Hanna back at the top of the bed by moving a hand to Hanna’s own clit and rubbing lightly gets a moan out of her, both girls are moaning in between kisses until finally Allison starts to shake a little with her first orgasm. All the girls stop to watch her twitch and whimper before resuming their own play. Liz is tongue deep in Natsuko while the little Asian punk is using two fingers to work over my stepsister’s hole. I the two of them race each other to get the other to cum first moaning and grunting, it’s Natsuko who wins out as I watch my step sister’s head leave her warm folds.
“Oh shit I’m cumming,” Liz gets out desperately with her eyes wide from shock of the orgasm.
Natsuko slows down as Liz’s orgasm subsides and after a moment Liz moves her body off of Natsuko. All the girls stop for a moment and lock onto Natsuko before grabbing her and pulling her in between the three of them, Hanna is on the left side pinning an arm under her and licking a nipple while using her fingers to slowly rub circles on her clit. Allison takes the right side squeezing and pinching Natsuko’s tight nipples with her fingers while kissing her neck and licking her ear. Liz on the other hand pulls a leg up so I can watch as she licks her fingers and taking two of them rubbing them inside Natsuko’s pussy fast and frantically. I move and zoom in on Natsuko’s face before panning back and getting the whole shot in play. Natsuko is writhing in pleasure as three girls work her into frenzy, all of them prodding and causing her to go into sensory bliss as they press every button before I watch Natsuko start moaning lightly with her first orgasm, as I sit there waiting for a position change that doesn’t happen. Instead of letting Natsuko go so she can relax all three girls keep pushing her hard, Liz using three fingers in her pussy and Hanna biting down on Natsuko’s nipple lightly while grinding it in her teeth. Natsuko isn’t getting a rest today and I watch as she start making high pitched whimpering noises and a pained/pleasured expression on her face.
“I think she’s gonna start speaking in Japanese if we keep it up,” Liz says getting a nod from Hanna.
All the girls start going for broke with Natsuko’s body and I watch with morbid fascination as they keep her cumming. It takes about a minute more of frantic work when Natsuko starts doing a full body shake and bucking her hips against two different hands starts cumming loudly. All three girls keep hold of her and after more minutes they move Natsuko off to the side of the bed, I move in and see she’s conscious but not aware as she is in a full recovery. Katy is staying out of it but I can tell she’s getting hot and I’m right with her. I watch as the girls pick up where they left off between Hanna and Allison going at each other kissing and rubbing their bodies together, Liz moves off to the side and holds Natsuko’s head coaxing her back.
Allison finally puts Hanna on her back and spreads her legs and straddling one leg starts rubbing their pussies together. It’s a slow grinding and I see Allison doing most of the work trying to keep their clits right on top of each other, Hanna helps by spreading her own lips which exposes her clit more. I watch as Hanna starts to really feel it and her rider notices too, keeping a reasonable pace when giving a woman an orgasm is nice but you really just want to see her finish. Natsuko starts to rouse and looks around for a second before rolling over to Hanna and bites her nipple lightly, the reaction is instant and wonderful with Hanna arching her back and moaning. Liz pulls her off and the two of them cuddle and watch as Allison finally starts to speed up her pace. Allison leans over and I can see her good sized c breasts dangling as she speeds up almost frantic to either give or get and orgasm. It takes a few more seconds to find out Hanna is the winner of the orgasm race as we all watch her body lock up and biting her lip moan lightly. Allison rubs for a little bit afterwards and finally all the girls sit back for a moment with some content looks all around except for Katy and me.
“Wow, that was my first full on lesbian scene,” I tell the girls stopping the camera.
“Well it’s not over big brother, I want to make Greg hurt and we’re not done yet,” Liz says getting up.
“Okay well I’m here too ya know,” Katy says grumpy.
“We know Kate,” Hanna says getting a death glare,” sorry, Guy can make it up tomorrow I hope.”
“Okay first off the lack of details is making me want to run for safety,” I say loudly while standing up and getting everyone’s attention.
“Well I want to show Greg what fucking a sister should look like so I spoke with Allison who is apparently the one in their family that got the sex drive,” Liz explains starting to get dressed,” She wants to try things out and when I told her about what happened with Greg…”
“I am going to mess with my goody Christian brother’s head by having my first real sex with a guy with the one person that he would literally die over if he found out,” Allison says shifting in her spot on the bed,” If that’s okay with you.”
“So we’re having me have sex with Allison because it’ll hurt Greg when I have Katy here who is looking to rip my clothes off with her teeth,” I tell the girls doubtful of their idea,” I’m thinking I am gonna go with Katy on this one, no offense Allison.”
“Guy I really want some now but the plan is Allison on camera, then we get someone to edit it and we have a showing for Greg tomorrow,” Katy says holding back her disappointment.
I move over to Katy and put her up against the corner lightly before giving her one long deep kiss. I break the kiss and watch as she slowly opens her eyes to see me waiting.
“You hold onto that because I’m going to want it back later,” I tell her before backing up.
I start to strip down and while every other girl here has seen me naked Allison is the one I’m paying attention to. I notice her eyes go to my tattoo but it’s when I get to my boxer briefs that she pays close attention to the bulge. I beckon her towards me and watch as she moves up on her knees and pulls my cock out of my shorts.
“Oh shit that is so not the size of my dildo at home,” Allison says take me in hand.
“Yeah well I told you that he’s bigger than your toy,” Liz says finally dressed and smiling.
I let Allison keep hold of me and her hands are gentle but unfamiliar and a little awkward for her but after watching the massive orgasm fest I’m ready for anything. I lean down and cup one of Allison’s large breasts, its heavy but firm and not drooping as much as I would have thought. I squeeze and get a moan before watching her back up on the mattress. I crawl onto the mattress and in between Allison’s legs, I start to line up my cock with her but get stopped by Liz. The rest of the girls get off the mattress and it’s Katy who takes up the camera.
“Okay since I’m the only girlfriend of Guy’s here I’m saying it now, she kisses him or falls in love with him and I burn the trailer down with you all in it,” Katy tells everyone getting a group of weird looks.
I look behind me to see the rest of the girls are dressed and Liz is standing in front of Katy waiting for her moment. I’m aching to get inside a girl but I pause to listen in to Liz behind me, it sounds like she’s making a video for Greg. I stop paying attention to what’s behind me and start paying attention to the blonde in front of me who has taken my cock in her hand and is rubbing me against her slit. I can feel how wet she got with Hanna as my head parts her lips. Liz is still talking when I push inside Allison, I groan and she gasps loudly enough to stop Liz from talking. Inside Allison is sloppy wet and I get three inches in when I feel her hips angle differently than I’ve ever had before, she almost is narrow in the middle but I simply press forward until I’m at the base and settle in taking long slow thrusts. There’s a sloshing noise and every thrust widens Allison a little more until I’m able to keep a medium pace. I watch her face which is a mix of pain and pleasure. I feel my balls slapping against her ass and her fingertips dig into my back with each thrust.
“Talk to Greg on the camera,” Liz instructs Allison as I pull my face out of the camera shot.
“Hey Bro… I’m really getting fucked right now… and it’s bigger than I’ve had yet… I hope you start fucking girls like this… cause you’d suck at being an… OH GOD THAT’S IT,” is about as far as Allison as she cums on my cock.
Allison’s nails dig into my back and I feel her legs wrap around my ass as she rolls through the orgasm and back to normal, I know they are still filming and I can hear Liz talking again but I’m more interested in Allison who is telling me to cum and with her wrapped around me and leaking all over the mattress I speed up my pace. I’m thrusting fast and using near my full length to make sure I get her to cum at least once more. She’s moaning again and thankfully there is no more talking to distract me as I speed up hard and fast before stopping inside and backing up half way and dump my load in her grunting hard. I feel wonderful and a little bad considering I usually last longer but the show the girls put on first had me ready by the end of it and this was a brief but epic release for me. I slowly back out and get pulled back by Hanna and Natsuko so that Katy can get a close up of my work. I can see Allison pushing me out a little for the camera and she’s got a really happy dopey grin on her face. Liz takes the center frame I guess after a few moments.
“So that’s my little video for you baby, I hope you learn from it because I know we all did,” Liz says in a happy tone,” Love you.”
We all clean up and gather what little we brought with us when I tell the girls that Katy will be driving them home and Natsuko is coming with me and that I’m taking the tape, Liz starts to object but sees my face and nods her head quietly. We all leave the trailer park and I get to Natsuko’s house to see that her parents are home. I do a quick meet and greet and while her father is still a bit stand offish with me but Kimiko smiles and wishes me well as I head back to her son’s room. Isaac must have left after I did and Jun looks a little bleary eyed going through information.
“How goes the hunting,” I ask sitting down on his bed.
“Good, Isaac is not happy about the lack of information he brought in. I calmed him down and explained but he’s new to the revenge business,” Jun says taking his eyes off the computer.
“Remember when I let you use my computer and you started uploading some nice programs for me late last school year,” I ask leading him,” there’s a file called revenge, it’s a video and it’s locked.”
I watch Jun spin around and his hands fly across the keys and sure enough it he pulls up the file and loads it without my password.
“Yeah I have it here, really need to figure out a way to lock your stuff up in case I turn on you by the way,” Jun says smirking.
“If it ever comes to that I’ll just take you out while you sit at the computer,” I say moving up behind him.
“Okay man I’m a little creeped out by that,” Jun says looking over his shoulder,” what’s with the camera?”
“I need you to do some video editing for me and I need it on a disk that will play on a DVD player,” I explain.
“What kind of DVD am I making,” Jun asks skeptically.
“The kind that you don’t want your parents to find you have in your possession, and do some editing on faces except for on Liz on the camera. I’ll be by tomorrow to check it before presenting it,” I tell him heading out.
I hate just issuing orders and leaving but I trust Jun and will figure out something more proactive for him in the future. I get out of there and head straight to Kori’s house, Carl greets me at the door but more to let me in than keep me out. Mary catch my hand on the way up the stairs and just looks at me for a second before letting go, I’m not sure why she did it but I get up and Kori brightens from her bed and rushes to meet me. Her kiss is wonderful and she still smells like strawberries as we sit down and cuddle on her bed. I bring her up to speed on everything in order that it happened saving my best for last.
“So a sex tape to fuck with Greg and Devin’s got a sweetheart,” Kori says gushing with emotion,” You are making some great progress and with the whole idea of him getting people we wouldn’t know I can see why, we’d find them fast.”
“There is one more thing honey, Kyle has a girlfriend,” I tell her getting her to pause,” I’ve got Jun trying to get all the information we can on her but I wanted you to know before everyone else.”
I can see her mind racing and I watch as she rubs her stomach unconsciously thinking about what happened to her. I see her almost settle on an idea before sitting down on her bed and pulling me in front of her on my knees.
“If I asked you to make what happened to me look like a good day compared to what you do to her would you do it,” Kori asks taking my head in her hands.
“Yes, I’d hate myself for it but I’d make her hurt,” I tell her coldly.
“Oh baby I know but that’s not what I want, we don’t hurt other people to get them back,” Kori says sweetly,” I want you to show her why Kyle’s just not man enough, I want her to leave him because of me and you. Can you break them up for me?”
I nod yes and am already spinning out ideas in my head as Kori kisses me, we hold each other silently and I think about my two next moves, tomorrow Greg and hopefully I get to meet Kyle’s girlfriend. I think about what they’ll do to stop me once I start breaking their personal lives up, how many will they send just to get me? Let them come, I’m hungry.I hope you all enjoy this chapter, put a lot in here so I hope my loyal readers will enjoy it. Comment and vote at your leisure.

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The Spirit of Cassy

Jason met Cassy in their junior year in college. He was going to change the business world and set it on its ear with his brilliant insight and steadfastness and she was headed into the world of education of our youth by becoming a secondary teacher of English. Both were ambitious but naïve and both of their desires proved to be wrong. It was part of the mush that one learns in our colleges today and they didn’t realize it until they got out into the real world.
But that first meeting between the two of them was something special that changed their young lives forever, for during that eventful event, a bond developed between them that eventually led them down the road into matrimony. They were married out of convenience to hide the fact that they were pregnant before they entered their senior year and Charlie was born before they graduated.
Charlene, not Charles, was a premie; born a good five weeks early to a C-section, and was a little bit of a thing throughout her entire life. But she had the energy and good looks of her mother and the sensitivity and caring of her father as she grew into adolescence, so by the time she reached 12, she was a well adjusted pre-teenager with a caring demeanor hidden in an unbelievable body of good looks and bubbling personality.
As for her parents, their lives took them in a different direction from what they started out to be. Jason did start his own business but in the trades field by becoming a licensed contractor and a home builder. He had framed all through his college years so when he graduated, he had a family to feed so he stuck with the thing that he knew and eventually started his own business.
Cassy, decided after two years as a classroom teacher that she wanted to do other things rather than babysit oversexed teenagers so after much soul searching, she became an editor for a local publishing company and learned that not only was she good at it but she really loved her job. It took the best of her two worlds and combined them into a perfect scenario for which she thrived off of.
They grew as a family as most young families do, starting off in a rented apartment, then upward into a rented house and finally into a house that they and the bank owned. They filled it will furniture, first ratty, then nicer and most important, they filled it with the love for each other beyond belief. They would play and laugh and sing their way through the years of growing until that fateful day when Cassy found a lump in her right breast.
For two years the three of them fought it with all of the might. The surgeons cut into her three times, she tolerated the Chemo Therapy for just over two years and the Radiation cost her the little dignity that she had left, but just over two years after they diagnosed her with cancer, Cassy passed away and the family went into a grief that only those who have suffered such a loss can ever imagine.
Charlie was 12 when she was diagnosed and 14 went she passed; right at the age when girls need their mothers most. Charlie had none and although Jason tried, he could not fill the void left behind by Cassy’s passing. No one could and Charlie was left to suffer.
It was no “cake walk” for Jason either because his soul mate, his lover and his wife was taken from him at a much too early time in his life. He was only 35 when she left him with their daughter and with his business thriving, it didn’t leave a great deal of time for him to be a nurturing father and mother all rolled into one. Again, Charlie was left to suffer and there was nothing that he could do about it.
Their once happy little family turned into a complete dysfunctional one in a matter of two short years as each of them continued to grieve in their own way; Charlie by searching for the affection that she craved and Jason by burying himself in his work. It had to come to a head before it was too late and it finally did one Saturday afternoon.
This particular Saturday was like no other because it just so happened to mark the four year anniversary of when they got Cassy’s diagnosis. It had been building up in Jason for almost a week and when that day finally arrived, it hit him pretty hard. He told himself that it was just another day and it was no big deal but he could not feel anything but total remorse when it got there. He found himself completely distraught and by the mid afternoon on that day, he was in his bedroom sobbing his eyes out longing for his beautiful Cassy.
All of his grief, all of his pent up remorse came gushing out of his eyes in a torrent of sobs and tears. The greater he vocalized his loss the more he needed to let it out. He was wailing very loudly behind his locked door as he buried his head in his hands. There had to be an end somewhere to his emotional release but it was nowhere close so his tears continued to flow.
Charlie heard him from the family room as he started his ordeal but as it turned into an out crying of all of his emotional turmoil that he had kept inside of him, the escalating volume forced her into checking it out for the well being of her father. She crept down the hall and listened in at his bedroom door as he continued to wail his grief louder than she had ever heard it before and wondered what she could do to sooth him out of this nightmare.
She decided that she should respond so she gently knocked at his door and said in a low voice, “Daddy, are you alright?”
She heard his cough and sniff and then he blew his nose and answered, “Ah yeah Charlie, I’m just, I’m just, ah,…” and then he opened the door to his confused daughter.
“Oh Charlie, I just miss your mother so much and, well, today it just got the better of me that’s all. I’m sorry you had to hear me breakdown like that but, well, today was the day that we found out your Mommy had cancer and it was the beginning of the end for her and me, and you too Baby. I know that I haven’t been much of a father to you these last couple of years but I just couldn’t be. You needed me to be a good Daddy and a good Mommy and I wasn’t either. I’m so sorry Baby,” he blurted out and started his tears all over again.
Charlie joined him on the bed and fell into his arms and started to release her own emotions. She cried on his shoulder and he sobbed into hers as they once again began to wail away at their sorrow. They stayed like that for the longest time with Jason stroking her back and Charlie rubbing her daddy’s back.
Charlie broke the silence with a question that she had wanted the answer to for a long, long time. It was a question that she thought she knew the answer to but decided that this was a good time to confirm it. “Daddy, we used to have so much fun every Saturday morning watching cartoons in your and Mommy’s bed. I would bring the Cheerios in with me when I came in and the three of us would joke and have so much fun just watching the TV. Then when Mommy got sick, we stopped having all of that fun. We stopped having any fun at all. I know how sick Mommy got and all but we stopped having any fun doing anything. Was it because you were sad back then also and how long will it be before we can start having fun again?”
He lifted his head from her shoulder to look his daughter in the eye. He studied her soul deeply through the windows that were open to him and what he saw turned his heart to mush and his mind to thinking about the last couple of years. Of how he had shut her out of his grieving and his life and how ashamed it made him feel. “Soon Charlie,” he said with a smile on his face. “Real soon.”
That was the start of a healing time for Jason at least, and a time of discovery for Charlie. It was a bazaar chain of events that led them to a whole new world of fun and adventure, while at the same time, taking them into the unknown element of spiritualism. It was a time that would change both of them forever.
After thinking on Charlie’s question for the better part of a week, on Friday night, Jason informed his daughter that he thought that the next morning would be a fun morning to rekindle some old habits and start having fun again.
“Tomorrow, we start up the tradition of watching cartoons in my bed again so bring the Cheerios and your pillow because I’m taking the whole day off,” Jason announced just before bed time and it was met with a laugh and a promise to be there right on time. Charlie was so excited about this time with her Daddy once again that she could hardly sleep after hearing the news.
“We’re starting to become a family again,” she thought. “Just me and Daddy, watching cartoons on a Saturday morning.”
That next morning, Jason awoke to the sound of rustling in the kitchen and he knew that his daughter was getting the Cheerios ready for their breakfast feast so he hustled into the bathroom to empty his bladder and jump back under the covers just in time for Charlie to make her appearance carrying the box full of Cheerios and her pillow. She came bounding into the room wearing her tee shirt for pajamas and her long bare legs sticking out of it. She plopped herself down on the bed next to her Daddy and sat right up on her pillow for support.
“Turn on the Cartoon Channel Daddy,” she said with her gleeful voice.
Jason flicked on the remote and tuned it in to the channel as Charlie pulled out a fist full of Cheerios and stuffed them into her mouth. She was munching away when Jason said with a twinkle in his eye, “Hey, don’t be such a hog, save some for your ol’ man.” She smiled and handed his the box and they shared their breakfast as if they didn’t have a care in the world.
When she had had her fill of the dry cereal breakfast, she repositioned herself out of the sheets with her head facing the TV and lying on her front with her head resting on her hands and elbows. She was watching the cartons intently as she wiggled her hips in an attempt to get comfortable. In so doing, she managed to expose her little panty covered butt to the world and didn’t even realize it.
Jason soon took note of it and marveled at how much his little girl had grown up. He had never noticed that she had developed a nice curvaceous behind that he was just now looking at but he must have known that she had grown some hair down there also. As he was ogling her rear end, she suddenly turned her head and caught him looking, so she smiled and said, “You can touch it if you want to.”
His eyes got as big as saucers as he stated in shocked distain, “Charlie! I wasn’t thinking of any such thing! You’re my daughter for heavens sake. What made you say that?”
“Well, Mommy said that if you ever wanted to touch me that I should let you,” she said in a matter of fact sort of way.
“What did you say?” he asked not believing his ears.
“That you could touch my butt if you wanted,” she repeated herself.
“No, no, who told you to tell me that?” Jason asked once again.
“Mommy, last night in my dream,” she said. “I had a dream last night and in it you were wanting to touch me all over and then Mommy came up to me and told me that it was alright to let you because you hadn’t touched a woman since, well, you know,” she said diverting her eyes just a little.
“Charlie, that was just a dream,” he told her. “Mommy really didn’t come up to you and tell you anything. You just thought that she did. Mommy couldn’t have talked to you because she’s, ah, passed to heaven.”
“I know Daddy that Mommy is dead,” she exclaimed. “I was there don’t you remember? But I swear that Mommy talks to me sometimes.”
“Talks to you? You mean last night wasn’t the first time that you’ve had this dream?” Jason asked.
“No.” Charlie answered. “She talks to me all the time. Whenever I have a question about, well you know, girl’s stuff, she always comes to me and answers my questions.”
“Well, Charlie,” he said in his disbelieving voice, “the next time you mother comes to you would you tell her that I’m not going to touch your rear end, no matter what she says.”
“Okay,” she said turning back around to watch the rest of the cartoons.
Jason’s mind went to the conversation that they had just had and wondered if he needed to check into counseling for his daughter. Maybe he had better keep a better eye on her for her own sake because fantasizing about seeing her dead mother must be some sort of symptom for something. But as he looked down at her rear end once again, he wished that it was true because he was enjoying looking and fantasizing over more than ogling over her cute butt cheeks.
They continued to watch cartoons until the morning had turned into afternoon. They got up, changed and went out to the park and had a wonderful day, so wonderful that they swore to a repeat it the very next Saturday. But that next week, their conversation about seeing Cassy and having her talk to his daughter weighed heavily on Jason’s mind. He couldn’t get the image of Charlie’s little butt showing out of her tee shirt and he wondered what was hiding under the gathered material between her legs.
Jason convinced himself that Charlie was having some sort of hallucination or something when she reported that she saw and spoke to her mother. There could be no other logical explanation for her saying such a thing. He told himself that he would get to the bottom of this no matter what it took but first he would talk with her one more time and see if her story persisted.
That next Saturday morning, Jason awoke early and went into his bathroom to relieve himself and to get fully woke up before Charlie made her appearance. He was wearing his pajama shorts as a bottom and an old sleeveless tee shirt as his top. He made sure that everything was tucked in properly as he made his way back into the bedroom and as he was getting into the bed, Charlie knocked at the door to announce that she was coming in.
Her smile lit up the room as she leapt onto the bed and settled down with her Cheerios and pillow and crawled in next to him under the covers. She was wearing a short cotton night gown that barely covered her rear end and was kept up by two broad shoulder straps. Her panties were also cotton and were a light colored horizontal stripe. He thought about telling her to not wear that sort of apparel when she was in his bed but decided that he would broach that subject later.
They turned on the TV to the Cartoon Channel once again and settled down with their breakfast to watch their shows and after she had her fill, she again crawled out of the covers, switched positions and got comfortable on her tummy to watch the cartoon. Jason eyes were transfixed on the striped panty material that she was so proud of and it was all that he could do not to place his hand down on it. He thought for a second about what to do and then decided that this was a good time to bring up Charlie’s hallucinations again.
“Been talkin’ to Mommy this week?” he blurted out in an almost sarcastic tone to his voice. He realized the instant that it left his mouth how it sounded so he instantly added, “I mean, did she come to you in any more dreams?”
Charlie did not answer immediately but just lay there motionless. Then she rolled to her back and looked up into Jason’s eyes and asked, “You don’t believe that Mommy talks to me in my dreams do you?”
“Well,” he said, “I think that you think that she does and I think that you get a great deal of pleasure out of imagining that she does.” He stopped for a second to gather his thoughts and then said, “Charlie, no matter how bad you want it and no matter how bad I want it to be otherwise, your mother, and my wife, is dead and no amount of fantasizing about her coming to you in a dream is going to make it any different. Don’t you see that Honey. I wish that it were true but “No” I don’t believe that Mommy comes to you in your dreams.”
Charlie slowly propped her head up on her elbow. Try as he might, Jason could not control his gaze and when it went down to look at her panty covered crotch, she caught him looking and kind of gave off a shy smile but didn’t pull her night gown down. She just lay there looking at him with this funny look in her eye and then said, “Mommy told me that you would not believe me. When she asked me if I would allow you to touch me all over, she told me to tell you that “You should touch me the same way that you touched her the first time back in the library at college.”
Jason’s mouth flew open with disbelief at hearing this old memory brought to light. How could she have known about that, he didn’t even remember it until she told him that very second. What the hell is going on here anyway?
“Charlie, what do you know about the first time that I touched your Mommy” Jason asked his daughter with an earnest face.
“Well, all I know is what Mommy told me the other night. You were in the library, supposedly studying. She was wearing a pull over blouse and skirt and she had a sore muscle in the shoulders so you volunteered to give her a back rub. You stood up and walked behind her and started rubbing her neck and after awhile you started moving your hand down the front of her blouse. You began feeling her up under her bra and that it was the first time a guy had ever felt her boob. That’s what she told me anyway. Is it true? Did you feel her boob just like she said?”
Jason’s eyes grew wide in disbelief as he stammered out his response. “How did you…did she tell you that before she…that is so personal I can’t believe…Charlie,…” he paused a moment, “that’s exactly what happened. But where did you hear that story?”
“I told you, in a dream Mommy came to me and told me all about it to convince you that I’m telling you the truth, really, cross my heart,” she told me again.
Jason was dumbfound with confusion, not knowing whether to believe his daughter or to scold her for tell him such a whopper of a lie; not to mention a very sensitive lie at that. He could not think clearly so after a few seconds past, Charlie continued.
“Daddy, I wouldn’t make up a story like this. I couldn’t begin to imagine what Mommy has told me to put it into a believable story to tell you. And why would I tell you such a lie? It would hurt you as much as losing Mommy in the first place and I would never want to hurt you like that. I love you Daddy and I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that don’t you?” she asked.
Jason just sat there on the bed next to his daughter’s legs. He was looking at her but not seeing her lovely body that was partially exposed to him. He didn’t know what to say he was in such deep thought and somewhere during that deep thought he placed his hand on her leg and started to absentmindedly caress the soft skin on her thigh.
Charlie felt the thrill of his touch as she relaxed under the warmth of the contact. She laid her head back down on the bed and closed her eyes to enjoy the soft sensation of her Daddy’s caress. He rubbed the top of her thigh with his finger tips and the side of her leg with the back of his knuckle. Slowly and gently he alternated his fine light brush as he allowed himself to continue to touch his beautiful young daughter’s leg as he tried to grasp what was happening to him.
“You can touch me anywhere that you want to,” Charlie said softly bringing him back to this world. He stopped rubbing and looked deeply into her eyes and then smiled a little. Very slowly, looking directly into her eyes, he moved his hand up to her tummy as he moved her night gown out of the way to feel the warmth of her bare skin of her stomach. She closed her eyes once again and let out a slight, soft sigh of anticipation.
Jason looked down at his daughter as she lay there under his soothing touch. He didn’t know whether to believe her or not. He wasn’t particularly religious or anything, he didn’t know about what happens to you after you die. He didn’t know if this was an elaborate ruse or the honest to God truth but, now looking at his beautiful daughter, he really didn’t care. He was going to enjoy the moment the best that he could and let the chips fall where they may.
“What else did Mommy tell you about that evening back at the library?” he asked.
“She said that when you touched her breast, she got so excited that she suggested that you take her back to your apartment. She said that you did and when you got there you took her into your bedroom and slowly took off your clothes. Then you removed her clothes and then you lay down and made love to her,” she said not opening her eyes.
“Is that all?” he asked her.
“Well, that it was her first time with anybody and that it hurt a little when you put it in her but that she really liked it and…”
“That’s enough details for now,” he interrupted her descriptive dialogue.
He touched her waistband of her panties as his eyes were feasting on her crotch area. He slowly ran his touch from side to side around the elastic, inserting his middle finger tip under it as it went. Then he withdrew it and ran his caress up to her navel and slowly ran one finger around and around the indention until he reached the bottom.
Jason was sitting cross legged right beside her right hip as he moved closer to her, barely making contact with his bare, hairy leg to her smooth soft skin. The new sensation sent chills down Charlie’s spine as she wiggled her hips just a little towards the exciting stimulus. He caught the movement and the contact so he upped the ante by raising his touch up under the night gown to her rib cage. She stopped all movement and took in a deep breath.
He was starting to get aroused with this contact with his young daughter and the blood was rushing towards his penis. His hand had a mind of its own and it continued to advance upward with every circular motion he made over her ribs and upper stomach. He then felt his finger tip brush up against the rise in her chest signifying the edge of her swelling breasts and they both stopped breathing entirely.
Jason looked down at Charlie and he could see the anxiousness in her face. She wanted him to touch her developing breasts but was apprehensive about the actual contact between her skin and his hand so she bit down on her lower lip in an expectant little strain on her face and waited. On the next circle over her chest, Jason stopped his motion and raised his hand up off of her skin, taking the night gown up with it. He raised the thin white sleeping garment off of her chest exposing the small firm mounds to his sight. He groaned and his heart melted.
Charlie was a tiny little girl in every respect and more so than most for a 16 year old but she had developed into a smaller version of her mother, more than you would imagine from your first look. She had the beautiful smooth facial features, the long blonde hair and the subdued yet perfectly proportioned body that, after you saw it, made you want to see more of it but all in a miniature sort of way. Her proportions were correct but in a much smaller package. So when her Daddy caught his first glimpse of this miniature Goddess, he almost lost his mind.
There before him were two of the most beautiful objects that he had ever seen. How could he have missed knowing that she had developed in such a way that made him now shell shocked? They were perfect in every way; they were perky yet soft, firm but pliable. Her pink little areoles were set upon her white soft fleshy mounds and they allowed her two little pebbles to stand up tall, begging for his attention. He felt that he must touch them; he had to taste them each.
Jason lowered his palm down slowly to make contact with her white breasts as they rose and fell with her every breath and, as that contact was made, he could hear a slight moan escape from her lips as she subconsciously raised herself up from the bed to assist in his caressing touch.
He relished at the softness of her mounds and the hardness of her nipples. He took one, then the other between his thumb and forefinger and twisted them gently, applying enough pressure with his fingers to stimulate it into an erect pointy hardness that reeked with the sense of wanting. Her eyes were closed tightly and her chin was raised towards the ceiling as she relished in the sensation that his hands were giving her. Then she felt his entire palm encompass each breast and she let out her breath with a gushing sound before she sucked it all back in.
As Jason bent down to kiss each one of her nipples, he slid his hand back down to the front of the panties that she was wearing and just as he passed over her waist, she rotated slightly to her right, bent both knees up in the air but then lowered her right knee back down to the bed. She had given him the invitation to explore her most private parts with this action and also opened up to his lustful intentions.
He welcomed her invitation and didn’t keep her waiting but pressed down with his palm on her abdomen and slid it down to the junction of her two thin legs. She wiggled her hips away from his presence for just a second as she let out another moan from the excitement but then she pressed her hips back into his persistent hand and fingers. He was pressing deep into her crotch over her panties but he detected a spot of moisture starting to develop down there so he started rubbing the thicker material of the crotch into her slit and to her opening just as she cried out, “Oh my God.”
Jason’s mouth and tongue were working over Charlie’s young tender breasts as his hand was flat against her open pussy. His fingers were digging into her opening and pulling out a fresh coating of juices as it strained through the crotch of her soaking panties. She was started to get this funny feeling deep from within her womb and she wanted something to happen to relieve it but she hadn’t the foggiest idea what would scratch her itch.
She started to buck her hips up in time with Jason’s penetrating fingers as her instincts took over her body. She had her eyes closed tightly and her teeth were working over her lower lip when she felt his hand go the waistband of her cotton panties and slide down inside of them. She sucked in her tummy to assist with his movement and then she felt the thrill as his hand made contact with her soaking wet lips and she couldn’t help but cry out her excitement.
“Oh Daddy it feels so good to have you touch me like that. I love the way you make me feel down there. Oh Daddy, I want you to touch me everywhere,” she cried out through her open lips.
Jason felt the velvety soft pubic hair barely covering her mound and then the wetness of her opening spitting out her fluids and his raging cock jerked its way out of the fly which moments ago contained the monster, leaving it sticking straight out at its target. He was starting to go a little crazy over his lust for his daughter and he wanted her more than he ever though possible. It had been such a long, long time and now it was right there in front of him. He had to have her but would she allow it?
He shifted to his knees and hovered over her little body as she spread her legs out wide inviting his hand full access to her bountiful treasure. He balled up his fist in her panties as he began to rub her slit wildly in an attempt to send her over the top. With his other hand, he took her tiny little hand and guided it towards his raging cock and as soon as she felt it, she cried out with excitement.
She began to rub it all along the shaft in time with his fingers penetrating her slit. She was bucking her hips up off of the bed in rhythm also as she was nearing a release to the wonderful build up that about to happen. She had never experienced an orgasm other than those she had brought on by herself so this one snuck up on her but it promised to be the best of all the rest.
Jason could feel his own build up in his loins and he knew that he had to stop her pumping or he would explode all over her body. But it felt so good, it was so memorizing that he just couldn’t break the rhythm and then it was too late. He knew the sensation from before but this one was greater than he remembered the urge could possibly be. It built and strained his testicles up into his sack as if it was the very first time. He grimaced and forced his breath to come out but, try as he might, he couldn’t expel his air as he tightened up every muscle in his body. Just as he was about to explode, Charlie cried out and climbed up his hand with her arched body and felt the force of her father’s hot sticky cum as the first rope shot out of his cock and struck her on the silky soft skin on her face.
She recoiled away from his fluids but after ducking on the second one, she allowed him to empty out his essence all over the front of her body. It was such a mixed emotional state for the both of them with each reaching orgasm exactly the same time as the other. They each wanted to experience their own and the other’s release but it was hard to distinguish between the two. So they just let it happen and as they each subsided into a soft rhythmic rocking, Jason laid down next to his daughter, draped his leg over hers and went fast to sleep.
They rested that way for most of the morning until Charlie woke up with a need to go to the bathroom. Sliding out from under Jason’s leg, she woke him up so he followed her into the bathroom to take a needed shower. He turned to his squatting daughter and asked, “Want to join me?”
She wiped her butt, flushed the toilet and said, “I think that I need it after you shot your stuff all over me,” and grinned. She hooked her night gown with her fingers and pulled it over her head. Tossing it to the floor, she looked into his eyes, smiled and pulled her panties down around her knees and let them fall to the floor also. Kicking them off with her toe, she stood there for a second in a pose that allowed him to check her out and then walked over to him and helped him off with his pajamas.
They entered the running shower and took up their positions under the spraying shower nozzle. Charlie turned her backside into the water and tilted her head back to get her hair wet. Jason soaped up the wash cloth and soon began to apply the soapy suds all over her glistening little body. They each enjoyed the soothing suds of the wash cloth and Charlie was enjoying it for the warmth and relaxing motion of the one doing the scrubbing while Jason was enjoying rubbing all over the naked body of his beautiful daughter.
As he guided his hand down between her legs, he dropped to his knees right in front of her and asked her to spread them for his convenience. She smiled but complied with his request. He looked up at the rivets cascading down her flat tummy and gathering in a torrent right at her two swollen pussy lips. Combining the force of two streams coming together straightened out the kinky pubic hair in its way downward and finally fell to the floor, letting the kinks return to her hair. As he watched this marvel unfold he moved his washcloth back into action and soon she was feeling the thrill once again of having her sensitive little pleasure button stimulated by his rubbing massage.
Her knees buckled a little as she reached down and grabbed him by the armpits to pull him back up into a standing position. She had to grab hold of something so she threw her arms about him as they embraced each other and mashed their two bodies together just like two lovers. He held her close and then bent down and kissed her passionately on her lips. She complied by kissing him back with all of her might as she slowly gave herself to his desires.
“This is so wrong kissing you like this. It is so wrong in so many different ways,” he said through his many kisses. “But I can’t stop myself. I have to kiss you. I have to show you my love. I have to love you. I have to love you completely. I have to love you right now.”
He reached to turn off the nozzle, picked her up into his arms and carefully stepped out of the shower. She was looking into his eyes for a hint of what was to come but as she was carried back into his bedroom, she soon got the picture and a sense of dire anticipation started to grow in her wet little body. Beads of water were running off of their bodies as he carried her into his room but he laid her flat down on the sheets and crawled in next to her.
“Mommy said that it would hurt the first time, just like it hurt the first time you made love to her. Will it hurt much?” she asked with a dreadful look in her eye.
“I hope not,” Jason responded. “I will try and go slow if it will help. Know that I do not hurt you on purpose, it’s just something that has to happen. So you want to go through with it?”
Charlie bit down on her lip again and then said, “Uh huh,” and closed her eyes.
He crawled between her young slender legs and positioned himself over her outstretched body. She was the proverbial virgin awaiting to be deflowered and Jason knew that it was up to him to make it as pleasant as possible for his 16 year old daughter. He decided to take it as easy as he could, not rushing into it but taking it as slow and pleasurable as he could. He decided that she needed to be kissed first and he needed this also.
He lay down with half of his weight on her but half of it off at the same time. He put pressure on her crotch by pressing his knee up into her junction but resting his body right next to hers. He then leaned forward and met his lips to hers in a sensuous kiss. They grew together during this exchange and before long they were intertwining themselves into a massive expression of the love that they felt for each other.
He pressed his body into hers as he put his arms about her slender body and rolled her over on top of him. She spread her legs on either side of his hips and ground her crotch into his. She could feel his massive cock as it slid up between them and became hard as a log. She shuttered at the thought of him putting that thing into her tiny little pussy but vowed to give it a try.
Jason wanted the oral satisfaction of licking her breasts and her pussy plus he would be able to excite her better than just with his hand, so he hooked his arms between her wide spread knees and raising them up to his face, positioned her directly over his mouth. She was shocked at first but when he began to open up her lips with his tongue, she started to relish the unbelievable thrill that it caused. When he hit her hooded node, she screamed out loud and ground her snatch down onto his pointy tongue.
He loved to lick pussy and his daughter’s was no exception. Her fresh young taste sent a chill throughout his entire body as he lapped at her juices that were beginning to flow. Her head was back and her mouth was open as she stifled a cry of ecstasy. She was starting to gain momentum towards another massive orgasm and she knew what to expect this time. She pressed her hips down into Jason’s oral assault just as the thrill of another eruption overtook her young body. She squealed and rammed his tongue into her clitoris as she gyrated around on his mouth. He moved his assault to her opening and she let loose with another gushing flow of juices that escaped from that very hole.
He took most of it into his hungry mouth but the rest oozed down his chin to settle on his neck. She was grinding away with her rocking action as he picked her up and moved her down so that her chest were just above his mouth so that he could suck on her breasts. She relished the feeling of having her tender young breasts taken into his mouth but she still had some fluid that wanted out of her pussy so she ground it back and forth across his stomach, trying to wipe it away from her opening.
He rolled her onto her back with him landing directly between her legs as he didn’t loose the contact between his mouth and the breast that he was suckling on. She was once again gaining towards yet another orgasm and he felt like he was getting ready to make it happen. He got up on his knees and guided his massive cock towards the opening to her vagina. He made the desired contact between her lips and waited there for a second.
“I think that you are ready Sweetheart. Do you want to go through with it?” he asked.
“Yes, but I need Mommy to help me,” she cried out through her clenched teeth.
“Cassy, if you are here and watching, give our little girl all of your love and attention. Please Cassy, you wanted this and now it is about to happen so if you are really here and this is your doing then please give us a sign,” Jason pleaded.
Charlie opened her eyes and gazed over his shoulder as her eyes grew wider. “Oh Mommy, you are here and you will protect me from any pain. I know you will. I know it,” Charlie whispered.
Jason started to press forward with his hips and his engorged cock started to separate her tight little lips and then began its entry into his young daughter’s virginal vagina. It was unbelievably tight in there with her unspoiled walls giving way reluctantly to this intrusion. But after a few inches, Charlie cried out to stop.
“Oh Daddy, it hurts too much! It’s too big, I can’t take it in anymore,” she insisted through her tears. “Oh Daddy, I want it so much but it will not fit!”
Jason rolled onto his back and took his daughter with him. His cock never left her opening as he explained to her, “Now that you’re on top you can judge your own pain tolerance by lowering yourself down on me. We have all day long so there is no rush. Now if you want to go through with this, then take your time and lower yourself down.”
Her eyes were open and the look was one of fear. But his words were reassuring in her ears so she gently started to ease her way down onto his cock and she made many faces of discomfort along the way. One was at her barrier when the pain got so great that a tear actually escaped her eye but not another sound of regret. She finally came to rest with his entire cock impaling her tight young vagina and she started to tear up just a little.
“Stop and rest awhile,” Jason instructed her. “You’ve made it all the way in so now there won’t be anymore pain, just pleasure.”
She closed her eyes once again and started to come off of his rod and as she withdrew it mostly out, her face turned into one of excitement and then she settled her weight back down upon it. Her eyes closed again and her mouth opened wide as her breath left her in one glorious rush.
“Oh my God,” she exclaimed. “You’re right. It feels so much better now. It feels satisfyingly huge buried deep in me. Oh my God, Daddy, I can feel your every movement deep inside of me!”
He rolled her over onto her back again with his cock still inside of her pussy. He began to pump his hips slowly at first until they got an excited rhythm going and they began to fuck in earnest.
“Oh, oh, oh Daddy,” she kept repeating. “Oh it feels so good. Yes it feels so good. Oh God, YES, OH YES. PLEASE PUT IT INTO ME! THAT’S RIGHT, HARDER, OH PLEASE HARDER, HARDER!!”
Jason’s hips were a blur as he rammed his hard cock deep into her pussy. She was meeting his every thrust with one of her own as she was building, building, building up to another orgasm but this one was vaginal instead of clitoral and that meant that it would be gigantic. She was straining every muscle in her body when it hit. Her back was raised up off the bed and her hands were pulling at her Daddy’s butt cheeks trying to pull him in further. Her breathing was non-existent at this point and her lungs were ready to burst and then she felt his first shot of sperm splashing off of her cervix and that was the release that she had been waiting for.
She screamed out at the top of her lungs in an excruciating long cry for joy as she gushed out with her orgasmic release and the fluids flowed out of her vagina. He was slapping his cock into her pussy wildly as he ejaculated himself into submission deep inside of her womb as she called on her Mommy spirit to guide her back into sanity. Finally they both collapsed into an exhausted state of consciousness that soon turned into slumber as they rested from their ordeal. But before Charlie fell asleep, she opened her eyes and told her Mommy, “Your welcome, Mommy. Daddy is going to be okay now. I’ll make sure of that.”

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The Spirit of Cassy

Jason met Cassy in their junior year in college. He was going to change the business world and set it on its ear with his brilliant insight and steadfastness and she was headed into the world of education of our youth by becoming a secondary teacher of English. Both were ambitious but naïve and both of their desires proved to be wrong. It was part of the mush that one learns in our colleges today and they didn’t realize it until they got out into the real world.
But that first meeting between the two of them was something special that changed their young lives forever, for during that eventful event, a bond developed between them that eventually led them down the road into matrimony. They were married out of convenience to hide the fact that they were pregnant before they entered their senior year and Charlie was born before they graduated.
Charlene, not Charles, was a premie; born a good five weeks early to a C-section, and was a little bit of a thing throughout her entire life. But she had the energy and good looks of her mother and the sensitivity and caring of her father as she grew into adolescence, so by the time she reached 12, she was a well adjusted pre-teenager with a caring demeanor hidden in an unbelievable body of good looks and bubbling personality.
As for her parents, their lives took them in a different direction from what they started out to be. Jason did start his own business but in the trades field by becoming a licensed contractor and a home builder. He had framed all through his college years so when he graduated, he had a family to feed so he stuck with the thing that he knew and eventually started his own business.
Cassy, decided after two years as a classroom teacher that she wanted to do other things rather than babysit oversexed teenagers so after much soul searching, she became an editor for a local publishing company and learned that not only was she good at it but she really loved her job. It took the best of her two worlds and combined them into a perfect scenario for which she thrived off of.
They grew as a family as most young families do, starting off in a rented apartment, then upward into a rented house and finally into a house that they and the bank owned. They filled it will furniture, first ratty, then nicer and most important, they filled it with the love for each other beyond belief. They would play and laugh and sing their way through the years of growing until that fateful day when Cassy found a lump in her right breast.
For two years the three of them fought it with all of the might. The surgeons cut into her three times, she tolerated the Chemo Therapy for just over two years and the Radiation cost her the little dignity that she had left, but just over two years after they diagnosed her with cancer, Cassy passed away and the family went into a grief that only those who have suffered such a loss can ever imagine.
Charlie was 12 when she was diagnosed and 14 went she passed; right at the age when girls need their mothers most. Charlie had none and although Jason tried, he could not fill the void left behind by Cassy’s passing. No one could and Charlie was left to suffer.
It was no “cake walk” for Jason either because his soul mate, his lover and his wife was taken from him at a much too early time in his life. He was only 35 when she left him with their daughter and with his business thriving, it didn’t leave a great deal of time for him to be a nurturing father and mother all rolled into one. Again, Charlie was left to suffer and there was nothing that he could do about it.
Their once happy little family turned into a complete dysfunctional one in a matter of two short years as each of them continued to grieve in their own way; Charlie by searching for the affection that she craved and Jason by burying himself in his work. It had to come to a head before it was too late and it finally did one Saturday afternoon.
This particular Saturday was like no other because it just so happened to mark the four year anniversary of when they got Cassy’s diagnosis. It had been building up in Jason for almost a week and when that day finally arrived, it hit him pretty hard. He told himself that it was just another day and it was no big deal but he could not feel anything but total remorse when it got there. He found himself completely distraught and by the mid afternoon on that day, he was in his bedroom sobbing his eyes out longing for his beautiful Cassy.
All of his grief, all of his pent up remorse came gushing out of his eyes in a torrent of sobs and tears. The greater he vocalized his loss the more he needed to let it out. He was wailing very loudly behind his locked door as he buried his head in his hands. There had to be an end somewhere to his emotional release but it was nowhere close so his tears continued to flow.
Charlie heard him from the family room as he started his ordeal but as it turned into an out crying of all of his emotional turmoil that he had kept inside of him, the escalating volume forced her into checking it out for the well being of her father. She crept down the hall and listened in at his bedroom door as he continued to wail his grief louder than she had ever heard it before and wondered what she could do to sooth him out of this nightmare.
She decided that she should respond so she gently knocked at his door and said in a low voice, “Daddy, are you alright?”
She heard his cough and sniff and then he blew his nose and answered, “Ah yeah Charlie, I’m just, I’m just, ah,…” and then he opened the door to his confused daughter.
“Oh Charlie, I just miss your mother so much and, well, today it just got the better of me that’s all. I’m sorry you had to hear me breakdown like that but, well, today was the day that we found out your Mommy had cancer and it was the beginning of the end for her and me, and you too Baby. I know that I haven’t been much of a father to you these last couple of years but I just couldn’t be. You needed me to be a good Daddy and a good Mommy and I wasn’t either. I’m so sorry Baby,” he blurted out and started his tears all over again.
Charlie joined him on the bed and fell into his arms and started to release her own emotions. She cried on his shoulder and he sobbed into hers as they once again began to wail away at their sorrow. They stayed like that for the longest time with Jason stroking her back and Charlie rubbing her daddy’s back.
Charlie broke the silence with a question that she had wanted the answer to for a long, long time. It was a question that she thought she knew the answer to but decided that this was a good time to confirm it. “Daddy, we used to have so much fun every Saturday morning watching cartoons in your and Mommy’s bed. I would bring the Cheerios in with me when I came in and the three of us would joke and have so much fun just watching the TV. Then when Mommy got sick, we stopped having all of that fun. We stopped having any fun at all. I know how sick Mommy got and all but we stopped having any fun doing anything. Was it because you were sad back then also and how long will it be before we can start having fun again?”
He lifted his head from her shoulder to look his daughter in the eye. He studied her soul deeply through the windows that were open to him and what he saw turned his heart to mush and his mind to thinking about the last couple of years. Of how he had shut her out of his grieving and his life and how ashamed it made him feel. “Soon Charlie,” he said with a smile on his face. “Real soon.”
That was the start of a healing time for Jason at least, and a time of discovery for Charlie. It was a bazaar chain of events that led them to a whole new world of fun and adventure, while at the same time, taking them into the unknown element of spiritualism. It was a time that would change both of them forever.
After thinking on Charlie’s question for the better part of a week, on Friday night, Jason informed his daughter that he thought that the next morning would be a fun morning to rekindle some old habits and start having fun again.
“Tomorrow, we start up the tradition of watching cartoons in my bed again so bring the Cheerios and your pillow because I’m taking the whole day off,” Jason announced just before bed time and it was met with a laugh and a promise to be there right on time. Charlie was so excited about this time with her Daddy once again that she could hardly sleep after hearing the news.
“We’re starting to become a family again,” she thought. “Just me and Daddy, watching cartoons on a Saturday morning.”
That next morning, Jason awoke to the sound of rustling in the kitchen and he knew that his daughter was getting the Cheerios ready for their breakfast feast so he hustled into the bathroom to empty his bladder and jump back under the covers just in time for Charlie to make her appearance carrying the box full of Cheerios and her pillow. She came bounding into the room wearing her tee shirt for pajamas and her long bare legs sticking out of it. She plopped herself down on the bed next to her Daddy and sat right up on her pillow for support.
“Turn on the Cartoon Channel Daddy,” she said with her gleeful voice.
Jason flicked on the remote and tuned it in to the channel as Charlie pulled out a fist full of Cheerios and stuffed them into her mouth. She was munching away when Jason said with a twinkle in his eye, “Hey, don’t be such a hog, save some for your ol’ man.” She smiled and handed his the box and they shared their breakfast as if they didn’t have a care in the world.
When she had had her fill of the dry cereal breakfast, she repositioned herself out of the sheets with her head facing the TV and lying on her front with her head resting on her hands and elbows. She was watching the cartons intently as she wiggled her hips in an attempt to get comfortable. In so doing, she managed to expose her little panty covered butt to the world and didn’t even realize it.
Jason soon took note of it and marveled at how much his little girl had grown up. He had never noticed that she had developed a nice curvaceous behind that he was just now looking at but he must have known that she had grown some hair down there also. As he was ogling her rear end, she suddenly turned her head and caught him looking, so she smiled and said, “You can touch it if you want to.”
His eyes got as big as saucers as he stated in shocked distain, “Charlie! I wasn’t thinking of any such thing! You’re my daughter for heavens sake. What made you say that?”
“Well, Mommy said that if you ever wanted to touch me that I should let you,” she said in a matter of fact sort of way.
“What did you say?” he asked not believing his ears.
“That you could touch my butt if you wanted,” she repeated herself.
“No, no, who told you to tell me that?” Jason asked once again.
“Mommy, last night in my dream,” she said. “I had a dream last night and in it you were wanting to touch me all over and then Mommy came up to me and told me that it was alright to let you because you hadn’t touched a woman since, well, you know,” she said diverting her eyes just a little.
“Charlie, that was just a dream,” he told her. “Mommy really didn’t come up to you and tell you anything. You just thought that she did. Mommy couldn’t have talked to you because she’s, ah, passed to heaven.”
“I know Daddy that Mommy is dead,” she exclaimed. “I was there don’t you remember? But I swear that Mommy talks to me sometimes.”
“Talks to you? You mean last night wasn’t the first time that you’ve had this dream?” Jason asked.
“No.” Charlie answered. “She talks to me all the time. Whenever I have a question about, well you know, girl’s stuff, she always comes to me and answers my questions.”
“Well, Charlie,” he said in his disbelieving voice, “the next time you mother comes to you would you tell her that I’m not going to touch your rear end, no matter what she says.”
“Okay,” she said turning back around to watch the rest of the cartoons.
Jason’s mind went to the conversation that they had just had and wondered if he needed to check into counseling for his daughter. Maybe he had better keep a better eye on her for her own sake because fantasizing about seeing her dead mother must be some sort of symptom for something. But as he looked down at her rear end once again, he wished that it was true because he was enjoying looking and fantasizing over more than ogling over her cute butt cheeks.
They continued to watch cartoons until the morning had turned into afternoon. They got up, changed and went out to the park and had a wonderful day, so wonderful that they swore to a repeat it the very next Saturday. But that next week, their conversation about seeing Cassy and having her talk to his daughter weighed heavily on Jason’s mind. He couldn’t get the image of Charlie’s little butt showing out of her tee shirt and he wondered what was hiding under the gathered material between her legs.
Jason convinced himself that Charlie was having some sort of hallucination or something when she reported that she saw and spoke to her mother. There could be no other logical explanation for her saying such a thing. He told himself that he would get to the bottom of this no matter what it took but first he would talk with her one more time and see if her story persisted.
That next Saturday morning, Jason awoke early and went into his bathroom to relieve himself and to get fully woke up before Charlie made her appearance. He was wearing his pajama shorts as a bottom and an old sleeveless tee shirt as his top. He made sure that everything was tucked in properly as he made his way back into the bedroom and as he was getting into the bed, Charlie knocked at the door to announce that she was coming in.
Her smile lit up the room as she leapt onto the bed and settled down with her Cheerios and pillow and crawled in next to him under the covers. She was wearing a short cotton night gown that barely covered her rear end and was kept up by two broad shoulder straps. Her panties were also cotton and were a light colored horizontal stripe. He thought about telling her to not wear that sort of apparel when she was in his bed but decided that he would broach that subject later.
They turned on the TV to the Cartoon Channel once again and settled down with their breakfast to watch their shows and after she had her fill, she again crawled out of the covers, switched positions and got comfortable on her tummy to watch the cartoon. Jason eyes were transfixed on the striped panty material that she was so proud of and it was all that he could do not to place his hand down on it. He thought for a second about what to do and then decided that this was a good time to bring up Charlie’s hallucinations again.
“Been talkin’ to Mommy this week?” he blurted out in an almost sarcastic tone to his voice. He realized the instant that it left his mouth how it sounded so he instantly added, “I mean, did she come to you in any more dreams?”
Charlie did not answer immediately but just lay there motionless. Then she rolled to her back and looked up into Jason’s eyes and asked, “You don’t believe that Mommy talks to me in my dreams do you?”
“Well,” he said, “I think that you think that she does and I think that you get a great deal of pleasure out of imagining that she does.” He stopped for a second to gather his thoughts and then said, “Charlie, no matter how bad you want it and no matter how bad I want it to be otherwise, your mother, and my wife, is dead and no amount of fantasizing about her coming to you in a dream is going to make it any different. Don’t you see that Honey. I wish that it were true but “No” I don’t believe that Mommy comes to you in your dreams.”
Charlie slowly propped her head up on her elbow. Try as he might, Jason could not control his gaze and when it went down to look at her panty covered crotch, she caught him looking and kind of gave off a shy smile but didn’t pull her night gown down. She just lay there looking at him with this funny look in her eye and then said, “Mommy told me that you would not believe me. When she asked me if I would allow you to touch me all over, she told me to tell you that “You should touch me the same way that you touched her the first time back in the library at college.”
Jason’s mouth flew open with disbelief at hearing this old memory brought to light. How could she have known about that, he didn’t even remember it until she told him that very second. What the hell is going on here anyway?
“Charlie, what do you know about the first time that I touched your Mommy” Jason asked his daughter with an earnest face.
“Well, all I know is what Mommy told me the other night. You were in the library, supposedly studying. She was wearing a pull over blouse and skirt and she had a sore muscle in the shoulders so you volunteered to give her a back rub. You stood up and walked behind her and started rubbing her neck and after awhile you started moving your hand down the front of her blouse. You began feeling her up under her bra and that it was the first time a guy had ever felt her boob. That’s what she told me anyway. Is it true? Did you feel her boob just like she said?”
Jason’s eyes grew wide in disbelief as he stammered out his response. “How did you…did she tell you that before she…that is so personal I can’t believe…Charlie,…” he paused a moment, “that’s exactly what happened. But where did you hear that story?”
“I told you, in a dream Mommy came to me and told me all about it to convince you that I’m telling you the truth, really, cross my heart,” she told me again.
Jason was dumbfound with confusion, not knowing whether to believe his daughter or to scold her for tell him such a whopper of a lie; not to mention a very sensitive lie at that. He could not think clearly so after a few seconds past, Charlie continued.
“Daddy, I wouldn’t make up a story like this. I couldn’t begin to imagine what Mommy has told me to put it into a believable story to tell you. And why would I tell you such a lie? It would hurt you as much as losing Mommy in the first place and I would never want to hurt you like that. I love you Daddy and I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that don’t you?” she asked.
Jason just sat there on the bed next to his daughter’s legs. He was looking at her but not seeing her lovely body that was partially exposed to him. He didn’t know what to say he was in such deep thought and somewhere during that deep thought he placed his hand on her leg and started to absentmindedly caress the soft skin on her thigh.
Charlie felt the thrill of his touch as she relaxed under the warmth of the contact. She laid her head back down on the bed and closed her eyes to enjoy the soft sensation of her Daddy’s caress. He rubbed the top of her thigh with his finger tips and the side of her leg with the back of his knuckle. Slowly and gently he alternated his fine light brush as he allowed himself to continue to touch his beautiful young daughter’s leg as he tried to grasp what was happening to him.
“You can touch me anywhere that you want to,” Charlie said softly bringing him back to this world. He stopped rubbing and looked deeply into her eyes and then smiled a little. Very slowly, looking directly into her eyes, he moved his hand up to her tummy as he moved her night gown out of the way to feel the warmth of her bare skin of her stomach. She closed her eyes once again and let out a slight, soft sigh of anticipation.
Jason looked down at his daughter as she lay there under his soothing touch. He didn’t know whether to believe her or not. He wasn’t particularly religious or anything, he didn’t know about what happens to you after you die. He didn’t know if this was an elaborate ruse or the honest to God truth but, now looking at his beautiful daughter, he really didn’t care. He was going to enjoy the moment the best that he could and let the chips fall where they may.
“What else did Mommy tell you about that evening back at the library?” he asked.
“She said that when you touched her breast, she got so excited that she suggested that you take her back to your apartment. She said that you did and when you got there you took her into your bedroom and slowly took off your clothes. Then you removed her clothes and then you lay down and made love to her,” she said not opening her eyes.
“Is that all?” he asked her.
“Well, that it was her first time with anybody and that it hurt a little when you put it in her but that she really liked it and…”
“That’s enough details for now,” he interrupted her descriptive dialogue.
He touched her waistband of her panties as his eyes were feasting on her crotch area. He slowly ran his touch from side to side around the elastic, inserting his middle finger tip under it as it went. Then he withdrew it and ran his caress up to her navel and slowly ran one finger around and around the indention until he reached the bottom.
Jason was sitting cross legged right beside her right hip as he moved closer to her, barely making contact with his bare, hairy leg to her smooth soft skin. The new sensation sent chills down Charlie’s spine as she wiggled her hips just a little towards the exciting stimulus. He caught the movement and the contact so he upped the ante by raising his touch up under the night gown to her rib cage. She stopped all movement and took in a deep breath.
He was starting to get aroused with this contact with his young daughter and the blood was rushing towards his penis. His hand had a mind of its own and it continued to advance upward with every circular motion he made over her ribs and upper stomach. He then felt his finger tip brush up against the rise in her chest signifying the edge of her swelling breasts and they both stopped breathing entirely.
Jason looked down at Charlie and he could see the anxiousness in her face. She wanted him to touch her developing breasts but was apprehensive about the actual contact between her skin and his hand so she bit down on her lower lip in an expectant little strain on her face and waited. On the next circle over her chest, Jason stopped his motion and raised his hand up off of her skin, taking the night gown up with it. He raised the thin white sleeping garment off of her chest exposing the small firm mounds to his sight. He groaned and his heart melted.
Charlie was a tiny little girl in every respect and more so than most for a 16 year old but she had developed into a smaller version of her mother, more than you would imagine from your first look. She had the beautiful smooth facial features, the long blonde hair and the subdued yet perfectly proportioned body that, after you saw it, made you want to see more of it but all in a miniature sort of way. Her proportions were correct but in a much smaller package. So when her Daddy caught his first glimpse of this miniature Goddess, he almost lost his mind.
There before him were two of the most beautiful objects that he had ever seen. How could he have missed knowing that she had developed in such a way that made him now shell shocked? They were perfect in every way; they were perky yet soft, firm but pliable. Her pink little areoles were set upon her white soft fleshy mounds and they allowed her two little pebbles to stand up tall, begging for his attention. He felt that he must touch them; he had to taste them each.
Jason lowered his palm down slowly to make contact with her white breasts as they rose and fell with her every breath and, as that contact was made, he could hear a slight moan escape from her lips as she subconsciously raised herself up from the bed to assist in his caressing touch.
He relished at the softness of her mounds and the hardness of her nipples. He took one, then the other between his thumb and forefinger and twisted them gently, applying enough pressure with his fingers to stimulate it into an erect pointy hardness that reeked with the sense of wanting. Her eyes were closed tightly and her chin was raised towards the ceiling as she relished in the sensation that his hands were giving her. Then she felt his entire palm encompass each breast and she let out her breath with a gushing sound before she sucked it all back in.
As Jason bent down to kiss each one of her nipples, he slid his hand back down to the front of the panties that she was wearing and just as he passed over her waist, she rotated slightly to her right, bent both knees up in the air but then lowered her right knee back down to the bed. She had given him the invitation to explore her most private parts with this action and also opened up to his lustful intentions.
He welcomed her invitation and didn’t keep her waiting but pressed down with his palm on her abdomen and slid it down to the junction of her two thin legs. She wiggled her hips away from his presence for just a second as she let out another moan from the excitement but then she pressed her hips back into his persistent hand and fingers. He was pressing deep into her crotch over her panties but he detected a spot of moisture starting to develop down there so he started rubbing the thicker material of the crotch into her slit and to her opening just as she cried out, “Oh my God.”
Jason’s mouth and tongue were working over Charlie’s young tender breasts as his hand was flat against her open pussy. His fingers were digging into her opening and pulling out a fresh coating of juices as it strained through the crotch of her soaking panties. She was started to get this funny feeling deep from within her womb and she wanted something to happen to relieve it but she hadn’t the foggiest idea what would scratch her itch.
She started to buck her hips up in time with Jason’s penetrating fingers as her instincts took over her body. She had her eyes closed tightly and her teeth were working over her lower lip when she felt his hand go the waistband of her cotton panties and slide down inside of them. She sucked in her tummy to assist with his movement and then she felt the thrill as his hand made contact with her soaking wet lips and she couldn’t help but cry out her excitement.
“Oh Daddy it feels so good to have you touch me like that. I love the way you make me feel down there. Oh Daddy, I want you to touch me everywhere,” she cried out through her open lips.
Jason felt the velvety soft pubic hair barely covering her mound and then the wetness of her opening spitting out her fluids and his raging cock jerked its way out of the fly which moments ago contained the monster, leaving it sticking straight out at its target. He was starting to go a little crazy over his lust for his daughter and he wanted her more than he ever though possible. It had been such a long, long time and now it was right there in front of him. He had to have her but would she allow it?
He shifted to his knees and hovered over her little body as she spread her legs out wide inviting his hand full access to her bountiful treasure. He balled up his fist in her panties as he began to rub her slit wildly in an attempt to send her over the top. With his other hand, he took her tiny little hand and guided it towards his raging cock and as soon as she felt it, she cried out with excitement.
She began to rub it all along the shaft in time with his fingers penetrating her slit. She was bucking her hips up off of the bed in rhythm also as she was nearing a release to the wonderful build up that about to happen. She had never experienced an orgasm other than those she had brought on by herself so this one snuck up on her but it promised to be the best of all the rest.
Jason could feel his own build up in his loins and he knew that he had to stop her pumping or he would explode all over her body. But it felt so good, it was so memorizing that he just couldn’t break the rhythm and then it was too late. He knew the sensation from before but this one was greater than he remembered the urge could possibly be. It built and strained his testicles up into his sack as if it was the very first time. He grimaced and forced his breath to come out but, try as he might, he couldn’t expel his air as he tightened up every muscle in his body. Just as he was about to explode, Charlie cried out and climbed up his hand with her arched body and felt the force of her father’s hot sticky cum as the first rope shot out of his cock and struck her on the silky soft skin on her face.
She recoiled away from his fluids but after ducking on the second one, she allowed him to empty out his essence all over the front of her body. It was such a mixed emotional state for the both of them with each reaching orgasm exactly the same time as the other. They each wanted to experience their own and the other’s release but it was hard to distinguish between the two. So they just let it happen and as they each subsided into a soft rhythmic rocking, Jason laid down next to his daughter, draped his leg over hers and went fast to sleep.
They rested that way for most of the morning until Charlie woke up with a need to go to the bathroom. Sliding out from under Jason’s leg, she woke him up so he followed her into the bathroom to take a needed shower. He turned to his squatting daughter and asked, “Want to join me?”
She wiped her butt, flushed the toilet and said, “I think that I need it after you shot your stuff all over me,” and grinned. She hooked her night gown with her fingers and pulled it over her head. Tossing it to the floor, she looked into his eyes, smiled and pulled her panties down around her knees and let them fall to the floor also. Kicking them off with her toe, she stood there for a second in a pose that allowed him to check her out and then walked over to him and helped him off with his pajamas.
They entered the running shower and took up their positions under the spraying shower nozzle. Charlie turned her backside into the water and tilted her head back to get her hair wet. Jason soaped up the wash cloth and soon began to apply the soapy suds all over her glistening little body. They each enjoyed the soothing suds of the wash cloth and Charlie was enjoying it for the warmth and relaxing motion of the one doing the scrubbing while Jason was enjoying rubbing all over the naked body of his beautiful daughter.
As he guided his hand down between her legs, he dropped to his knees right in front of her and asked her to spread them for his convenience. She smiled but complied with his request. He looked up at the rivets cascading down her flat tummy and gathering in a torrent right at her two swollen pussy lips. Combining the force of two streams coming together straightened out the kinky pubic hair in its way downward and finally fell to the floor, letting the kinks return to her hair. As he watched this marvel unfold he moved his washcloth back into action and soon she was feeling the thrill once again of having her sensitive little pleasure button stimulated by his rubbing massage.
Her knees buckled a little as she reached down and grabbed him by the armpits to pull him back up into a standing position. She had to grab hold of something so she threw her arms about him as they embraced each other and mashed their two bodies together just like two lovers. He held her close and then bent down and kissed her passionately on her lips. She complied by kissing him back with all of her might as she slowly gave herself to his desires.
“This is so wrong kissing you like this. It is so wrong in so many different ways,” he said through his many kisses. “But I can’t stop myself. I have to kiss you. I have to show you my love. I have to love you. I have to love you completely. I have to love you right now.”
He reached to turn off the nozzle, picked her up into his arms and carefully stepped out of the shower. She was looking into his eyes for a hint of what was to come but as she was carried back into his bedroom, she soon got the picture and a sense of dire anticipation started to grow in her wet little body. Beads of water were running off of their bodies as he carried her into his room but he laid her flat down on the sheets and crawled in next to her.
“Mommy said that it would hurt the first time, just like it hurt the first time you made love to her. Will it hurt much?” she asked with a dreadful look in her eye.
“I hope not,” Jason responded. “I will try and go slow if it will help. Know that I do not hurt you on purpose, it’s just something that has to happen. So you want to go through with it?”
Charlie bit down on her lip again and then said, “Uh huh,” and closed her eyes.
He crawled between her young slender legs and positioned himself over her outstretched body. She was the proverbial virgin awaiting to be deflowered and Jason knew that it was up to him to make it as pleasant as possible for his 16 year old daughter. He decided to take it as easy as he could, not rushing into it but taking it as slow and pleasurable as he could. He decided that she needed to be kissed first and he needed this also.
He lay down with half of his weight on her but half of it off at the same time. He put pressure on her crotch by pressing his knee up into her junction but resting his body right next to hers. He then leaned forward and met his lips to hers in a sensuous kiss. They grew together during this exchange and before long they were intertwining themselves into a massive expression of the love that they felt for each other.
He pressed his body into hers as he put his arms about her slender body and rolled her over on top of him. She spread her legs on either side of his hips and ground her crotch into his. She could feel his massive cock as it slid up between them and became hard as a log. She shuttered at the thought of him putting that thing into her tiny little pussy but vowed to give it a try.
Jason wanted the oral satisfaction of licking her breasts and her pussy plus he would be able to excite her better than just with his hand, so he hooked his arms between her wide spread knees and raising them up to his face, positioned her directly over his mouth. She was shocked at first but when he began to open up her lips with his tongue, she started to relish the unbelievable thrill that it caused. When he hit her hooded node, she screamed out loud and ground her snatch down onto his pointy tongue.
He loved to lick pussy and his daughter’s was no exception. Her fresh young taste sent a chill throughout his entire body as he lapped at her juices that were beginning to flow. Her head was back and her mouth was open as she stifled a cry of ecstasy. She was starting to gain momentum towards another massive orgasm and she knew what to expect this time. She pressed her hips down into Jason’s oral assault just as the thrill of another eruption overtook her young body. She squealed and rammed his tongue into her clitoris as she gyrated around on his mouth. He moved his assault to her opening and she let loose with another gushing flow of juices that escaped from that very hole.
He took most of it into his hungry mouth but the rest oozed down his chin to settle on his neck. She was grinding away with her rocking action as he picked her up and moved her down so that her chest were just above his mouth so that he could suck on her breasts. She relished the feeling of having her tender young breasts taken into his mouth but she still had some fluid that wanted out of her pussy so she ground it back and forth across his stomach, trying to wipe it away from her opening.
He rolled her onto her back with him landing directly between her legs as he didn’t loose the contact between his mouth and the breast that he was suckling on. She was once again gaining towards yet another orgasm and he felt like he was getting ready to make it happen. He got up on his knees and guided his massive cock towards the opening to her vagina. He made the desired contact between her lips and waited there for a second.
“I think that you are ready Sweetheart. Do you want to go through with it?” he asked.
“Yes, but I need Mommy to help me,” she cried out through her clenched teeth.
“Cassy, if you are here and watching, give our little girl all of your love and attention. Please Cassy, you wanted this and now it is about to happen so if you are really here and this is your doing then please give us a sign,” Jason pleaded.
Charlie opened her eyes and gazed over his shoulder as her eyes grew wider. “Oh Mommy, you are here and you will protect me from any pain. I know you will. I know it,” Charlie whispered.
Jason started to press forward with his hips and his engorged cock started to separate her tight little lips and then began its entry into his young daughter’s virginal vagina. It was unbelievably tight in there with her unspoiled walls giving way reluctantly to this intrusion. But after a few inches, Charlie cried out to stop.
“Oh Daddy, it hurts too much! It’s too big, I can’t take it in anymore,” she insisted through her tears. “Oh Daddy, I want it so much but it will not fit!”
Jason rolled onto his back and took his daughter with him. His cock never left her opening as he explained to her, “Now that you’re on top you can judge your own pain tolerance by lowering yourself down on me. We have all day long so there is no rush. Now if you want to go through with this, then take your time and lower yourself down.”
Her eyes were open and the look was one of fear. But his words were reassuring in her ears so she gently started to ease her way down onto his cock and she made many faces of discomfort along the way. One was at her barrier when the pain got so great that a tear actually escaped her eye but not another sound of regret. She finally came to rest with his entire cock impaling her tight young vagina and she started to tear up just a little.
“Stop and rest awhile,” Jason instructed her. “You’ve made it all the way in so now there won’t be anymore pain, just pleasure.”
She closed her eyes once again and started to come off of his rod and as she withdrew it mostly out, her face turned into one of excitement and then she settled her weight back down upon it. Her eyes closed again and her mouth opened wide as her breath left her in one glorious rush.
“Oh my God,” she exclaimed. “You’re right. It feels so much better now. It feels satisfyingly huge buried deep in me. Oh my God, Daddy, I can feel your every movement deep inside of me!”
He rolled her over onto her back again with his cock still inside of her pussy. He began to pump his hips slowly at first until they got an excited rhythm going and they began to fuck in earnest.
“Oh, oh, oh Daddy,” she kept repeating. “Oh it feels so good. Yes it feels so good. Oh God, YES, OH YES. PLEASE PUT IT INTO ME! THAT’S RIGHT, HARDER, OH PLEASE HARDER, HARDER!!”
Jason’s hips were a blur as he rammed his hard cock deep into her pussy. She was meeting his every thrust with one of her own as she was building, building, building up to another orgasm but this one was vaginal instead of clitoral and that meant that it would be gigantic. She was straining every muscle in her body when it hit. Her back was raised up off the bed and her hands were pulling at her Daddy’s butt cheeks trying to pull him in further. Her breathing was non-existent at this point and her lungs were ready to burst and then she felt his first shot of sperm splashing off of her cervix and that was the release that she had been waiting for.
She screamed out at the top of her lungs in an excruciating long cry for joy as she gushed out with her orgasmic release and the fluids flowed out of her vagina. He was slapping his cock into her pussy wildly as he ejaculated himself into submission deep inside of her womb as she called on her Mommy spirit to guide her back into sanity. Finally they both collapsed into an exhausted state of consciousness that soon turned into slumber as they rested from their ordeal. But before Charlie fell asleep, she opened her eyes and told her Mommy, “Your welcome, Mommy. Daddy is going to be okay now. I’ll make sure of that.”

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He Kissed My Pussy re

He Kissed My Pussy re.
…..I loved his eyes…and the feel of his warm body finally on top of me. We were almost naked. I knew it might…finally happen and right now…..
….I’m Missy. I’m not skinny anymore. I have nice tits now…but it didn’t start out that way.
….. When Jerry became my step dad, I was already hot for him, even though I was young but of legal age in this state.
….This state has the lowest legal age of all…and I knew it…and so did he. I wanted to have sex with him right away. How could I do this with my mom married to him. I really didn’t care.
…..He was all the things my disappearing dad wasn’t. I loved to stare at him and feel my pussy get wet. I slowly developed plans to get what I wanted. Was it finally going to happen tonight?…..I was betting it would. I couldn’t wait as I had used every woman trick I had ever heard of on him to get him to have sex with me.
I loved the game but now…I’d waited long enough. I wanted him and bad. ’Come on Jerry’ I said to myself…take me like I know you want to. Let’s start having the sex we both want…..
Jerry thought….
…..I thought back about all that had happened to get to this point. It was wonderful, risky, torturous, sexually exciting and I had wanted to fuck Missy for a very long time.
…..I married my wife for business reasons. She married me for a ’meal ticket’. We had a great sex life, until we got married. It went down hill from there. I found she was spending more and more time at her male cousin’s house. He was ’kind of sick’ and she was ’just helping him out‘. In the mean time her daughter Missy had some sort of big crush on me and was aggressive about it.
In the evenings the wife would quickly fall asleep watching TV. and then go to bed. Missy would then come out in her long yellow night gown with a big blanket and sit by me. I would be in my robe. She would cover us both up and snuggle up to me close. Her hands soon began fondling me under the blanket.
Rubbing my legs, chest and stomach. She was a petite girl for her age and had long brown hair, medium small tits, a cute hot figure and great legs. I ’kind of’ resisted her feeling me,… but…. I sure didn’t mind it. I knew better that to touch her, but her touching me?….no rules about that. Her next little trick was to sit on my lap while I was in my recliner…but…only when her mom was gone.
…. Always in that long night gown. She didn’t wear a bra and only tiny little blue panties. She would fold her legs back along side of mine and sit right on my dick. I wore my robe in the evening and mornings. I could feel her pussy open on top of my dick. She would lean back on me and put my arms around her, making sure one arm was resting touching the bottom of her little tits. She would sigh real big and then always had an ’itch’ between her legs. Up came her night gown a little, and she would reach under it and scratch? I couldn’t see but I could tell she was rubbing her clit.
A slow finger movement that took a long time to ’scratch’? No way, she obviously was rubbing her pussy. One time she said: “Now don’t look.” I smiled and closed the one eye she could see. She smiled and raised up to see my other eye open. She raised her night gown up more and put one hand in her panties. That hand lifted her panties up for the other hand, with he other hand she was scratching ‘by’ her pussy. She took a long time scratching ’something’ and her breathing increased.
She checked smiling to see of I was looking. I blinked to take a peek. She grinned and said: “Hey…your peeking Jerry.” I chuckled and she smiled big. All this time I was trying ..not…to get a hard on, but my dick insisted on getting full and a little stiff. Oh my she liked that. She adjusted her pussy on top of my dick.
……I got this trick from my girlfriend, who was already having sex with her dad. He would say: “Here, let me scratch that for you and he would finger her pussy. His dick would come up and one time she slipped it in her pussy, when her mom wasn’t around. He fucked her right there the first time. After that they fucked all over the house. Jerry wouldn’t do that, so on to my next trick.
“Carry me to my bedroom daddy.” I would say, and he would. I wouldn’t let go of his neck and drug him down on top of me giggling. It felt so good to have him on top of me, even if it was for a few seconds. I tried to hold him on top of me and feel his big dick on my pussy. It was huge and I think he was afraid what would happen. It took mine and his breath away when his dick pushed against my pussy. This was the best and closest so far and I kept it up each chance I got….
….Her little ’carry me’ trick was torture. My dick felt her warm pussy and went crazy. My one brain cell dick was trying to get out of my shorts and robe. ‘It’… wanted to get her pussy bad. Having her breathing in my ear, spreading her legs apart and hold tight to my neck, didn’t help. If you add up all her little sexy tricks I was getting weak trying not to fuck her….I was loosing the resistance battle.
…..Jerry needed to realize, mom was probably fucking her cousin. I’d seen them sneaking feels from a long time ago. Ok, let her fuck him, and let me have Jerry. It seemed to work out good for everyone in my mind. It was time for my next tricks on Jerry.
…..I got new skates and skate outfit to wear. Of course I came out and just had to show Jerry when mom was over ‘helping’ her cousin. I flipped up the little short skirt to show off how ….opps!…Oh my, it seems I forgot the panties. He sat there delighted. I ask him to put my shoe skates on me. I sat on the couch as he got on his knees on the floor in front of me. I put one leg on his shoulder while he messed with the first skate. His face was now a foot away from my naked slit staring him in the face. I smiled big pulled up the little short skirt and laid my knee over to let him see what he was missing out on. I kept moving my foot as he struggled to get the shoe skate on. I scooted myself closer to him, as if to help. I did all I could to keep him from getting that skate on.
…..She was up to her sex tricks again and I couldn’t get that skate on this way. Her pussy was open and I could not only see it, but smell her pussy and her perfume. My dick was bent over hard in my jeans now.
…..I could only take so much of this.
…..I grabbed her above her hips and turned her on her back on the couch. I put her one leg up on the back of the couch, and got on my knees on the couch. I moved up with my big boner bulging and held her other beautiful warm leg in tight to my chest. Her eyes went wide like I was going to fuck her right now. I held the one leg and crammed the skate on her foot and laced it up. Her tits were rising up and down with her excited breathing. I held that leg up and bent down and……
kissed her pussy, with a quick firm lick on her clit.
…..She let out a moan of delight. I said: “There…there’s one skate.” I put that leg down. I did the other one. I kissed her pussy again with another quick firm lick on her clit, and said: “There….all finished!”
…..She tried to talk but just panted for air….
…..When Jerry kissed my pussy, I got chills all over my body like I had never felt before. I wasn’t expecting that. It took my breath away and my pussy felt heavenly tingles. I wanted more of them and I was determined to get them.
….. I picked her up by her little waist and sat her up. She started to put her arms around my neck to pull me down on top of her. I stopped her and held hands with her. She, with all the drama she could muster started in thanking me and “Oh Jerry, thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you“…and on and on. I interrupted and said: “You can thank me later when moms gone.” Her face lit up as she quick held my face and kissed me with a quick dart from her tongue.
….I decided to have a little fun with her. Now It was me teasing, taunting and bumping feels on her! I started giving her looks like ‘I would love to fuck you girl‘. I would rub against her when no one was looking. I let my hand brush against her sweet little ass. I let my arm or elbow rub against her tits. She was loving this and returned the sneaking of feels. Her hand brushed against my cock, she backed up her little ass against me every chance she got.
……Finally I felt I was getting close to having sex with Jerry. Now after those two pussy kisses he gave me, he was responding to me. I was so happy and horny now. I thought about those two pussy kisses as I masturbated about him that night.
….. I can still feel those kisses on my pussy…. if I close my eyes….., but now to take it further and further.
….Mom started staying away more and more now and claimed to helping her poor cousin. She now stayed overnight for days. She forgot one thing when she made a quick stop by…she smelled like aftershave and same smell I noticed when I gave my boyfriend a hand job…cum. Jerry didn’t seem to care as he and I did the house work and grocery shopping. It was time to advance my desire to have sex with him.
….I would wait until he was asleep and the sneak in his bedroom and slowly crawl in bed with him. I would slowly scoot close to him and snuggle up. Now I slept with him every night. Each night I snuggled closer to him. Sometimes he would get a big erection as I watched him tent his pajama bottoms. One night I got brave and as I saw his erection come up, I carefully rested my hand on it. It was warm and big. I started slowly stroking it.
…..I slowly started waking up to a nice stroking on my cock. I soon realized who it was. I let her have her fun. Soon she reached inside my pajamas and took out my hard cock. No wife to speak of now, and her beautiful sexy daughter giving me a hand job. That was the tipping point.
…..I rolled towards her and slowly reached up her night gown. I felt her warm pussy. She gasp as I ran my finger up and down her slit. Now her hand trembled as she kept stroking me. I could tell her anticipation was at it’s peak. Are we going to have sex…or not?
….. I pulled her towards me and my cock went between her legs. She held onto my cock, pressing it against her pussy and was still able to stroke it some. Her eyes were closed as our lips met. She began quietly moaning as our tongues played. Up went her leg and she began to rub the head of my cock on her wet slit. I massaged her tits and squeezed them gently. I got on top of her while she held my cock, ready to guide it in. Her knees came up and out to her wide open pussy.
….I let it happen…
…..Up and down she guided the head of my cock across her wet pussy lips. She found the spot she wanted and I inched it back and forth slowly in. Her arms went around my neck as her hips responded to my strokes. She moaned in my ear steady. Her legs wrapped around mine and we reach our rocking together motion. She was tight, but soon all smoothed up and our motion speeded up. Her pussy kept contracting around my cock, pulling it in a little deeper each stroke. She started to shake and moan louder…then so loud my ear began to ring. She suddenly started fucking faster and stopped with a long moan as she pulled me deep in her pussy.
….. I shot like a cannon in her. Shot after shot as she moaned loud and her pussy squeezed my cock. She just kept fucking me deep as I shot more. We both tried to breathe deeply to get some air. I got dizzy and wrapped myself around her.
….I don’t remember much after that point. I kind of woke up with my cock still in her and it felt like she had a death grip on me. Her pussy was twitching on my still hard cock. I rolled us off on our sides. I held her sweet ass as we started part two….
……”Hi, is my mom there?…Hi Mom, would you please call before you come by from now on….

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How do you write a porn story about the surveillance state? This was my take on it. I hope I did it justice.

Singing Jasen’s Song: Part 6

Here is the final part. The wait even annoyed me, so I’m very sorry for how much it affected any and all of you. Please feel free to comment with any thoughts. Thank you all for reading, and thank you infinitely for your patience. -SS

Finding a Boyfriend for Our Mom

Finding a Boyfriend for Our Mom
* Jeff and Lyn joined forces to find just the right guy for their mom. She was very shy. They came up with a plan to ’inspire’ her to overcome her shyness.
Unlocking her shyness released something none of them expected.*
__Talking with my sister Lyn, we figured mom needed a boyfriend. Dad was gone now and she didn’t date or even try. She had a hot body and sexy looks just going to waste. Lyn said: “We’ve got to make her real horny.”
That was bottom line, get her real horny and she would go looking for a hot guy. Our plan was simple to us but….we never figured mom had some hidden desires of her own that came to the surface.
Lyn and I had only had some playful feels of each other, but she had boyfriends and I had girlfriends that we had sex with.
How to make mom horny was what we talked about that afternoon. Mom would never watch porn so that was out. Lyn suggested we could put on a ‘show’ for her then. Lyn would dress in tiny tops and shorts, and I would wear tiny under wear and we would purposely parade in front of her.
This was the beginning of our attempt to make mom sexually aroused. A simple thing to do to get mom all horny. She wouldn’t look at us. She ignored us…so we increased our visual show for her into touching us. We would hug each other and talk quietly and let her catch us doing it.
This got her attention finally. She would smile and say how nice it was that a brother and sister got along so well. Results….so we took it to the next step. We did feel ups on us as she watched. She blushed at first, but didn’t stop us.
Lyn and I started enjoying this more and more. Mom watching us just increased the enjoyment we were having. We increased it. I got big boners and Lyn started fondling it as we hugged and even did some kissing. Mom was starting to get aroused.
We let her catch us laying on her bed and Lyn on top of me. She was grinding her pussy on my boner as we were kissing with more passion now. Mom walked in her bedroom and watched us, but never said a word, just a far away stare at us. She slowly came over and at first sat on the bed sideways. Lyn and I just kept on feeling and kissing us. Mom acted like she was in a trance and slowly laid down beside us to watch.
Now we were getting someplace with mom. She was showing her arousement. Her breathing. Her pink face. Her twitch in her legs were all the signs Lyn and I saw that let us know. Lyn whispered very quietly in my ear: (“Mom’s hot…tee hee.”)
We hadn’t intended for this to happen, but Lyn and I were enjoying this little ‘show’ we were doing for mom… a little to much.
Putting our hands on each other was giving us a new sex thrill we ‘thought’ we had under control. Damn, I just didn’t realize what a hot body my sister had. Her twitching her pussy on my boner for ‘show’ was getting to me and her.
Lyn finally said to mom: “Mom…you need to get a boyfriend to play with. Your missing out on a lot of fun.” Mom kept her far away look and scooted close to us. She put her arm over Lyn’s back and rubbed it.
She softly said: “You two are so beautiful together. I had no idea watching you would be so stimulating.”
Mom’s thought back……
I’ve always been so shy, even as a young teen. Some boys would feel me up and couldn’t say no or even stop it. I let them feel my titties and put their hand in my panties. I was to embarrassed to say anything. They took advantage of this and felt me up every chance they got….I secretly loved the attention and let them feel me anytime. At school, behind trees, behind a house or anywhere where we wouldn’t get caught. I liked it more and more.
Watching Jeff and Lyn do it brought back those wonderful memories but now…. I wished….Jeff would feel me like he does Lyn. When I touched Lyn’s body is was hot…. just like mine use to get. I never felt those boys in return like I had desires to, but now….I want to feel Jeff like Lyn’s doing. I’m still to shy to do anything…but …If I could just ‘let’ Jeff feel me, I wouldn’t stop him… that would be so thrilling. I’ll have to figure a way….maybe…a innocent massage from Jeff …or….omg…I’m planning for my own son to molest me….but no one will know, and I’ll ask him to keep it a very top secret between us….he’ll understand…I’m so excited over this, now I getting wet between my legs…omg…it feels so good…I haven’t fingered myself since I was a teen…I’ll go take a shower where no one will ever know…. I’ll let the shower wand give me that…feeling I get…If I close my eyes I’ll pretend it’s Jeff’s fingers…omg…I’m so wet right now….
Lyn and I just left it at that and we figured we had made mom horny and she would want to get a boyfriend now….except….a week went by and two things happened.
I passed Lyn in the hallway and she stopped. She whispered: (“I miss you Jeff…I..”) , she threw her arms around me and kissed me hotter than my girlfriend. I froze for a second and then…. all our passion broke loose. Oh damn…this wasn’t suppose to happen. I realized I was horny for my own sister….and bad. Mom was downstairs and we let go of our taboo resistance.
Her hand went inside my pants and mine went under her top and bra. We just let it happen as it was the hottest sexual feel up ether one of us had ever had. I think the taboo and mom being just right down stairs just added to the passion of our ‘naughty’ actions.
We were both shocked and could only moan quietly to each other. Our whispers finally came out as she stroked my boner and I now ran my finger down her slit and in her sweet wet pussy. (“…oh god…we have a problem Jeff…I want you so bad…but we just can’t….can we?”) Lyn said.
I replied: (“…I don’t care about rules now…, your so beautifully sexy…I want you sis…we just have to be all secret about it, ok?..”)
I had no choice….I wanted him so bad I said: (“..yes”…can you…maybe come to my room tonight?…we’ll have to be quiet so mom never hears us. I’ve never been this hot in my life Jeff, we just have to keep it our ‘top secret’ thing…we have to leave now.”)
I kissed him as our tongues felt our last feels for a while. I ran to the bathroom to change my panties and shorts….they were all wet in the crouch….
…my excited mind was racing with thoughts. When! When!…I was so anxious to feel Jeff’s hands on me and feeling my tits and pussy.
While I was walking around the house in a daze, I hear him come down the stairs. Now I looked at him in completely different way. He looked like his dad and I wanted him to do like his dad did….feel me up in a dark place and….here he comes.
I’m in the den when he comes in. He comes up behind me and hugs me…. Something is real different. Him and Lin have got me all fired up…..his hug is a long lasting one that is melting me fast. He says: “Mom, you deserve a cool guy to love you like I do and make you happy.” I gulped as his hands went up and down my body. He’d never done that before, so loving and warm…and I didn’t even think first about what I was about to say: “I have you Jeff, that’s all I need. Feel me and you’ll make me so very happy.”
Did I just say: ‘feel me?’….omg…he’ll think I’m a weirdo mom….but he’s doing it slowly… Here comes my personal thrill again only 10 times stronger. I put my hands on his,…and moved them under my blouse. I’m not wearing a bra as guide them to feel all over my tits. I leaned back on him and then I feel what I use to feel….a big lump in my butt crack….he had gotten an erection over me?
Oh god…keep going my Jeff…I’m going to euphoria land as the feelings I’m getting are beyond anything from the past….just keep going…
I didn’t expect mom to react this way but I didn’t care, she felt wonderful and wanted me to do this.
I was getting ready to have sex with my sister, and now mom is getting all horny with….me?
I remember accidentally seeing dad feel her up and her going all horny in his arms…she must really like it…so I’ll give her a little thrill from the past… I’ll let her take my hands where she wants them. I hope she doesn’t mind my boner in her ass, because I have no choice about that.
She seems so happy doing this, some guy is going to get a hot girl if he hooks up with her.
Omg….she putting my hand under her short skirt and inside her….omg….she has no panties on….I feel her soft bush on my fingers. She’s guiding my hand up and down her slit….she’s really wet…she’s spreading her legs and pushing my fingers in her slit…I think …‘mom…I can’t take this….I might just cum in my pants‘
….might?…oh jez she’s backing her ass right into my boner and wiggling it….now she’s reaching back and putting her hand down my shorts.
I’m thinking…what happened to my shy mom?…oh my…she strokes me and feels the head of my boner….to late as my cum comes shooting out all over her hand…she’s moaning, stroking my boner and bumping her ass against us…. .
….oh god…I did it….I got to feel him in return…just what I wanted, something his dad never let me do….hot cum shooting on my fingers…I orgasmed so intense… I’m trembling all over….
…I can’t believe what just happened…that was the best hand job ever! I’d never had a girl orgasm while I had fingers in her pussy, that was awesome!…her pussy moved inside and squeezed on my fingers….
Mom moaned the sweetest little moans as she leaned her head back on me. She whispered: “….oh Jeff… that was so heavenly erotic, next time we’ll close and lock the door and do this ’naked’….it will be ’our’ little secret…we’ll never tell anyone what we do…will we?”
I was to stunned to answer….
Mom had become this horny sex machine, and I was the object of her sex play. Now my thoughts bounced between wanting to fuck my sister and…I could hardly even think about having sex with mom…. Mon, sis, mom, sis….my head was buzzing and now I had a boner that wouldn’t go down. This was getting crazy, my life had taken a turn and I was in pussy heaven…..
That night real late, I snuck into sis’s room very quietly. I carefully crawled in bed with her. Oh damn…she was naked and waiting. We were like two powerful magnets. It was like ‘slow motion’ as our arms and legs wrapped around us. I was very hot under her covers. We let it happen and got me naked. We took our time and quietly kissed and licked our bodies. She was a young version of mom and I got double the excitement.
I had to tell her about what happened with mom. She was super excited said right off: (“..are you going to have sex with her Jeff?”) I didn’t answer. She said: (“…do it!, do it!, she’ll want to get a boyfriend for sure when she has some sex again!”) Again I didn’t answer, as all I could think about was having sex with her right now.
We continued our hot foreplay as Lyn was very aroused and put me on top of her. Around came her legs and she put my boner in her wet pussy. Fucking her in the dark was awesome. She buried her mouth in my neck as she tried not to moan. Her little tiny pleasure sounds just made it all the more exciting for the both of us. We had to slow fuck to keep any noise down…we began to lose our breath and I felt a big cum building up. Damn she was a good fuck as her hips gyrated her pussy on my cock.
When she whispered: (“…oh god Jeff…I’m climaxing!”) I let got with a hot blast of cum that made both shake all over. Our bodies slow twisted in euphoria. We were going crazy with pleasure beyond any know limits we had. We pulled us together tight and fucked hard as shot after shot of cum filled her tight pussy….
We fell asleep locked together.
The next day in school I could only think of Lyn and mom. I was at my wall locker when Lyn came up and whispered in my ear: (“…oh god Jeff, you gotta have sex with mom…now I know she’ll go get a boyfriend.”) She looked all around until no one was looking and softly kissed me on the cheek. Now I had a boner problem. Jacket around my waist hid it.
Now I had way more than a crush on my brother, I was falling in love with him. It was purely a selfish move on my part. I wanted him to have sex with mom so she’d go get a boyfriend, and I could have him all to myself. Jeff had given me the love jitters in my tummy and I liked it. Mom could go get her own guy and leave Jeff all for me.
School was over and I rushed home. I went in the den. It was all dark. Mom closed and locked the door. She was naked. She turned and put her back to me. I knew she wanted to be fondled just like dad did. I got naked with her and put my arms around her. My boner went right between her open legs. She began to moan and breath hard as I felt her wonderful tits. She leaned back on me and just let me feel her body. I felt her damp bush as she moaned so sweet. I stuck two fingers in her wet pussy. I moved my cock back and forth between her legs. She put her hand on mine and as I fingered her thrusting pussy.
She then reached between her legs and felt my cock. She slipped it in her pussy.
…at last…I had always wanted to do that and now it was happening. Dad never fucked me from behind…ever…and neither had any of those guys. I bent over the desk and I felt Jeff’s body lay on my back. I slow fucked at first…but I was just to excited and reached back and held Jeff’s legs…faster…deeper as my body sped up with the wonderful feeling I was having. Oh yes…oh yes …oh god…oh baby …do me…Do me Jeff! ….go baby I’m cuming baby…oh god yes!!!! Ohhhhhhh…..jezzzzzzzzzzzz.
I …I….felt…it as I climaxed so high…hot cum…lots of hot cum being thrust in me…I fucked him so hard ….until I just let him finish me off…his warm hands on my body…my tits…my hips…he did it all…..I felt his kisses on my face and neck. My legs had no power left, but my pussy spasmed over and over….he collapsed on my back and left his cock in me so wet, nice and hot….
* Lyn had both her hands in her panties. She had two fingers in her pussy and was rubbing her clit vigorously with the fingers on her other hand. She was trembling, hot and breathing hard. She had her eyes closed and her ear tightly pressed to the den door…

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Falling in love with Kyle – Chapter 5

Hey guys.. sorry for the wait. I know I said it wouldn’t be a long one this time, but, you know, stuff happens. I guess the scientific term would be “writer’s block,” but I’d just call it a big stupid brain fart.
I am having problems coming up with just stuff to write, in general.
So, I apologize for the length. I know it’s annoyingly short, but in the last two weeks, with me staring at my computer for an hour almost every day, it’s all I can come up with.
I know, how depressing.
I’m not completely sure if I am going to continue this story after this chapter. With my lack of ideas, I don’t want to dissapoint anyone if the story takes a bad turn. I figure I may as well quit while I’m ahead.
That being said, if any of you have any ideas that you think I could incorporate into the story, I will consider continuing, but no promises.
I have also been getting a lot of “hate messages” recently, saying things like how awful a writer I am, that I have no talent, and that I have no business submitting stories here. If any of you feel like brightening my day and sending me some kinder messages, I will love you forever.
Okay, that the end of that super long intro…. I hope you like this very short installment of Falling in Love with Kyle.
His hands were on my sides, gently tracing circles on my warm skin with his thumbs. Mine were around his shoulders, pulling him as close to me as possible, loving the feeling of our skin against each other and my legs spread apart so his body was practically melted into mine. Our lips were pressed together in a passionate kiss.
“Do you want to be on top?” I heard his voice, muffled by my lips, whisper.
I shook my head, not wanting him to move, and he nodded. “Are you ready?” He seemed more nervous than I was. I almost laughed. It’s not like I was a virgin. This wasn’t going to hurt. But I had never had a pleasurable sexual experience. It was always for Travis. I had already cum once with Kyle in one day, which was more than in the two years with Travis.
I pulled back so I could look into Kyle’s deep green eyes, our lips barely brushing against each other. His gaze met mine and I felt his lips turn into a smile.
“Fuck me,” I said, in a barely audible whisper.
The nerves seemed to fade from Kyle, and the lust in his eyes returned. He didn’t break eye contact with me as his moved to position his, once again, fully erect dick to my pussy. I heard a sharp intake of breath from him as he slowly entered my wet, waiting pussy. He continued pushing into me, his breathing picking up as he let out quiet moans.
I seemed to be frozen. I couldn’t move, couldn’t make any noise; I was in too much pleasure. The feeling of him inside me was like nothing I’ve ever felt. His mouth on my pussy was amazing, but this… was so much better. I felt the walls of my pussy contracting around his cock, which just made him moan louder. I could finally feel him push all the way into me, which was too much for me; I let out a loud moan against his lips.
I felt him sliding back out and then in again. He kept up slowly thrusting in and out of me, his eyes still locked with mine. I was moaning increasingly louder with each thrust, whereas he seemed to be trying to control his volume. He began to thrust faster, but reaching deep into me with each one.
“Oh, Kyle, yes. That feels so good, baby,” These words escaped from my lips without my knowing it. His pace increased and he was pounding into me hard and fast, making me scream out in pleasure.
“Oh baby, you’re so tight.” His words turned me on even more, and I felt my fingernails digging into his back. “Kyle, fuck me harder, please…” There was an urgency in my voice, begging him to fuck me harder, which he did.
His thrusts became slower, but much harder than before. I was crying out for more, my body writhing under his. I was getting closer and closer. I looked back up into his eyes, and the passionate, lustful, and loving look in them pushed me over the edge.
“Oh my god baby, don’t stop!” I screamed out as I started to cum, my fingernails still pressed hard against his skin, scratching down his back. The orgasm overtook my body; my eyes were squeezed tight as I buried my head in his neck. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist as he continued thrusting into me. I was moaning loudly, until finally, I stopped cumming.
I lay back down slowly, completely out of breath, and looked back up at him. He was watching me with a smile on his face, and then leaned down to kiss me deeply. I returned his kiss, and soon felt him pumping into me again.
Our lips didn’t part and his dick didn’t pull out of me as I pushed him off of me, but moved on top of him. I leaned down against him, our chests pressed together as we kissed. His hands found my sides and mine were planted on the bed beside his shoulders. Leaning over him, I pushed my body back and forth, his dick sliding in and out of me.
He was grinding his body against me as I started to circle my hips, moving faster. Our lips were still locked together in a passionate kiss when I felt more than heard a low moan from his mouth. I bit his lower lip, pulling gently, which made him groan.
His hands were lifting me further and pushing me down hard on his dick. I felt one roam further down on my body, grabbing my ass and squeezing gently. He ground his hips into mine, pushing himself deeper into me.
I began to sit up, now straddling his waist, giving me more control in the speed. It still felt amazing for me, but now my focus was on him. I wanted him to cum; needed to be reassured that I was pleasuring him like he was me.
My hips were slowly gyrating as I moved my body back and forth and up and down, faster and harder. My legs began to cramp as I moved, but I couldn’t stop.
He was taking in sharp breaths and letting out quiet gasps beneath me, his eyes shut and his hands gabbing my ass, tightening with each thrust. I heard him groan loudly, and he started to meet my thrusts harder and faster. I could tell he was close.
My pace increased, and before long, the only noise was our bodies slapping together, when finally, Kyle grunted loudly and pulled my body forcefully down to meet his. This final hard thrust deep into me combined with the feeling of his cock shooting cum into my pussy, I was pushed over the edge for the third time that night.
I let out a very loud moan and grabbed his hands, holding onto my waist tightly, to steady myself as another orgasm coursed through my body. My legs twitched and all the muscles in my body tightened.
For at least 30 seconds, Kyle and I sat, just like this, our bodies pressed together as our cum combined inside of me. I finally opened my eyes and found him watching me, and taking shallow breaths.
I leaned down and kissed him passionately as I let his softening dick slide out of me. I moved off of him and onto my side, my body still pressed against him, and finally, our lips parted.
I could already feel myself drifting to sleep when he pulled the blankets on my bed around us. He kissed my forehead, and I couldn’t help smiling as I let myself fall deeply asleep, right there, in Kyle’s arms

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From Darkness into Light–3

Over the next six months the firm grew even larger as we picked up almost all of Petersen’s clients, as well as several new ones, all Fortune 500 companies. We interviewed and hired a number of Petersen’s clerical and technical staff—those we knew were good steady employees. We now had forty full-time people and we were busy…sometimes I thought too busy.
I took Marcie on every trip as I had promised. We traveled to Europe four times and even to South America for a new Brazilian company, a major real estate firm with offices in every Brazilian city of note. We loved Rio. The city was so alive…and the women, not that I even looked at any of them, but I did tell Stewart all about the trip just to get him jealous. We were back from that trip almost two weeks when Marcie ran into the office. “Jack! You need to go upstairs. It’s Bill!” I dropped the phone and ran as fast as I could. Bill’s door was open and his secretary knelt next to him as I ran in. “I already called 911,” Mary Lou told me.
“Hold on, Bill. They’ll be here soon. You’re going to make it.” I held his head in my lap as I tried to encourage him.
He opened his eyes and looked up at me, “I know some things you don’t, Jack,” he gasped. “This has been coming for a while. I’m not going to make it. I’ll be dead before I reach the hospital. Now, be quiet and listen. I’m leaving the firm to you, Jack. You’re the obvious choice. Don’t worry about Dorothy.” He rested for a minute before continuing, “She has more money than she can count. I know you’ll take good care of everybody. It’s a big responsibility, but I know you can….” He died in my arms just as the paramedics arrived. I backed away so they could work, but I knew he was gone. Mary Lou confided that he knew his heart was shot. He’d already had what he called “a minor heart attack” shortly before I had come to work with him, but she knew better. She had a tear in her eye as she walked back to her desk in shock. She sat down and broke down. She cried and cried. Seconds later I joined her. Bill had been like a second father to me. I loved the man and everything he stood for. Word tore through the company like a wild fire through dry grass. Marcie was crying by the time I got back.
We buried Bill three days later. I was feeling guilty about the company so I went to see Dorothy. “I’m so sorry about Bill,’ I told her for about the twentieth time. “I feel guilty about his giving the company to me.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Jack, but don’t be. It was my idea to give it to you—not his. We both knew he was going to die soon. His heart was holding on by a thread and a thin one at that. He was good at hiding it in public, but he suffered terribly here with me. It was merciful that he passed. Now, about the business—Jack, I know nothing about business—absolutely nothing. Owning a business is a big responsibility. There are so many employees to consider. I want you to take it and mold it as Bill would have. Don’t try to send me any money. I already have more than I could spend in two lifetimes. Now, go home to that beautiful bride of yours.” She rose and hugged me. She parted with a brief kiss on my cheek.
It was the start of an extremely difficult time for me. Not only was I expected to bring in hundreds of thousands in revenue, but now I had to run the company, too. After two harrowing weeks I remembered something Bill had told me several months earlier. He was helping me even after his death. I called Mary Lou to my office. “How much do you earn, Mary Lou?”
“You know I’m the executive secretary, right? My salary is $38,500, plus benefits. Why?”
“I need to know how much to offer your replacement.”
Her mouth dropped, “You’re firing me?”
“No, I’m promoting you. I remembered something Bill told me once. He said you knew more about running the company than he did. I’d like you to be…Chief Operating Officer or Vice President for Operations—you can pick your own title. Think a salary of $150,000 would be enough?
She sat there at my conference table in shock. It was several minutes before she was able to respond, “Uh, you know I never went to college?”
“So what? College doesn’t make one intelligent or even capable. You’re both. I assume you accept.” She nodded. “Good,” I continued, “now I want your opinion on this idea.” We met for almost an hour. When she left I called for a staff meeting at two that afternoon.
“Thanks for coming everybody. I have some news I want to share with you. I’ve decided to initiate a profit sharing plan. Last year the firm cleared $450,000. This year with all the expansion I anticipate we’ll clear a million seven conservatively, probably closer to two million. I’ll set aside a portion of that for capitalization of the company. We always need new equipment and we may need renovation if we continue to grow. After that I intend to keep thirty percent of the remaining profit. You will get to share sixty percent as follows: the clericals—all sixteen of you—will share thirty percent of the total. If the post-capitalization total is a million five that means you’ll share $270,000, or $16,875 each. The technical sales staff will share seventy percent of the sixty, or $630,000. That would come to $26,250 for each of you. Technical sales people earn more now, but it is their work that brings revenue to the company. I plan to distribute on December 10th, just in time for Christmas.”
“Uh, Jack,” Stewart interrupted, “That’s only 90%.”
“Right you are, Stewart. The other ten percent will go to our new Chief Operating Officer…Mary Lou Bartlett. Mary Lou will supervise all the day-to-day functions of the company. That will free me to work and earn like I should. Payroll, I’ll send you a memo later today regarding her salary and benefits. She’ll move into Bill’s office and she’ll need a new secretary. Okay, everybody, let’s go make yourselves some money!” There was lots of cheering and jumping up and down. The entire group came over to congratulate Mary Lou. There was tremendous energy in the firm. Everyone had an extra spring in their step knowing that they were in reality working for themselves.
Marcie and I had moved into our new house a few months earlier. We hired a mover to do the job on a Saturday. It was simple and straightforward. We didn’t have much to move. It was done in three hours. Now we were in the market for some new furniture. I left that to Marcie. My idea of furniture was anything in any condition in any color so long as it was comfortable. That was the only condition I had for her—don’t buy anything unless it’s comfortable. She hired a decorator and had her meet with me one afternoon. “I hate ornate,” I told her. “So don’t get any wild ideas. If I see any ornate stuff in here I’ll can your butt and send it back. Other than that I leave it to Marcie. Oh yeah—it better be comfortable. Do we understand each other?” She nodded; I never saw any really fancy stuff in the house so I guess she really did.
We took to eating in my office at my table every day for lunch. It was there that I showed Marcie my idea. It was just a simple line drawing. She looked at it, looked at me, back at the drawing and jumped into my arms. We invited Mom to visit the next weekend.
We sat in the kitchen at our new table. It was an oval with cushioned arm chairs on rollers which made it very convenient when I wanted a soda or beer from the fridge. I sat between them and showed Mom the drawing. I explained how her apartment would work. It would be built behind the garage with its own entrances—exterior and garage–and bathroom, and even a small kitchen although we would invite her to eat with us every day. There would be a hallway that would run into the mudroom behind the kitchen. The room was big enough to have several chairs and a TV as well as her bedroom furniture and it could be divided into two smaller rooms if she wanted. “Did Marcie show you the garage, Mom?” I pulled her to her feet and walked her out. I raised the doors to show her the three car garage. “The new Porsche is mine, and the BMW SUV is Marcie’s, so the Honda Civic must be…yours. We really want you to come and live with us and I won’t lie to you. We hope you’ll be willing to help out with the children, especially if I take Marcie on a work trip. Most of them are only for a few days and she’s a huge help to me.”
“You really want ME here with you…two honeymooners and the mother-in-law? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
“Don’t worry, Mom. Our bedroom is on the other side of the house. The only change I see is that I won’t be able to walk around in my underwear any more.”
“Jack! You never walk around here in your underwear. Most of the time you’re not wearing anything!”
Marcie and Mom broke out laughing while I turned red. She was right; I was almost always naked or close to it around the house.
Mom agreed and we made the move in another two weeks. She left virtually all her old furniture there, donating what she could to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. She also donated her old clothes and her heavy winter snow wear. It got cold where we live, but not like it did in Salem and it rarely snowed more than an inch or two. I met with several contractors and gave the work to one—not the cheapest, but the one with the best references. One of our employees had used him for an addition and was totally satisfied. He began just before Mom drove down in her new Civic.
The job took more than a month and he made several key suggestions. He recommended having a small crawl space under the room rather than put it on a concrete slab. “It’ll be much easier to deal with any plumbing problems that pop up in the future. There shouldn’t be any, but who knows? We’ve had a few small earthquakes here and if the slab cracked you could have one hell of a bill fixing the plumbing.” He also suggested installing ramps from the garage and mud room in case she became more seriously disabled in the future. Mom moved in about a month after the work was completed. She and Marcie had bought new furniture and carpets. She also got new sheets, blankets, and towels. Her kitchen, in the larger living room, was a simple galley with the sink and dishwasher on an island with a breakfast bar, but was more than adequate for her needs. She had a full range and oven as well as a refrigerator and microwave. Her rooms were smaller than her prior apartment, but more comfortable and she was here with us where we knew she would be safe and well cared for.
The obvious problem was that she had left all her friends behind. We encouraged her to join some clubs or participate in some activities, but she was reluctant. Finally, Marcie and I decided to take matters into our own hands. My mother-in-law was 48, having given birth to Marcie when only 23. She was still a young and vibrant woman. We had an employee, Ben, who ran our mail room. He was a shy and introverted bachelor of 50. I asked him to see me in my office one morning.
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Anderson,” he asked nervously.
“Ben…how many times have I asked you to call me ‘Jack’? I need a favor, but don’t feel you have to agree to it. It’s personal, not business. You probably heard that Marcie’s mother now lives with us. She knows nobody in the area. She’s good looking and only 48—think of an older Marcie. I’d like to invite you to dinner Saturday night. Maybe you’ll be able to talk with her about some of the things a single person can do around here.”
“I don’t know, Mr. Anderson…er, Jack. I’m kind of shy, especially around women. I think I’d be nervous around you and Mrs. Anderson.”
“Ben, you’ll be fine. You interact with all the people here without a problem. I’d really appreciate it if you can find your way to come.”
“Uh…OK…what time?”
“We’ll have dinner at seven, but why don’t you come at six? Informal…I’ll be wearing a golf shirt and slacks…probably sneakers or sandals if it’s warm enough, and, thank you, Ben.” He left and I followed him out the door to speak with Marcie. She looked up at me as I approached. “We’re half-way there. Now all we need is your mother.”
“No, Jack…we’re ten percent of the way. Convincing her will be ninety percent…trust me.”
“Oh, ye of little faith.” I grinned and walked back reminding her about lunch. I had the rare opportunity to take her out for lunch today and I was going to make the most of it. We went back to the Northern Italian restaurant, but I did not order garlic and oil. I had a grilled chicken breast on focaccia bread. It came with a huge salad with a light Italian dressing. Marcie had the same thing. When it arrived she gave it one look before telling me it was enough to last for a week. We ate what we could and carried the rest home in a box.
Mom was waiting for us after work. I had told her I would grill some burgers for dinner. While I made the burgers, compressing them tightly and dousing them liberally with salt and pepper I began my spiel. “Mom, I invited a friend to dinner with us Saturday.”
“Yeah, he works with us…managing the mail room. His name is Ben. He’s 50 and a bachelor.”
“WHAT? You think you’re fixing me up?”
“No, Mom, I’m not fixing you up. Ben has been here a long time and he has a pretty active social life. Marcie and I thought he might have some ideas for you. There’s only one problem—he’s really shy around strangers and especially with women. You might have to pull it out of him.”
“Next thing you’ll be telling me he has a great personality, which will mean he’s a fat ugly brute.”
Marcie jumped in right on cue, “No, Mom, he’s not a dog. He’s a bit taller than me and slender. I’m pretty sure he’s a runner—a serious one. If I remember correctly he ran in the half-marathon last year. I think I remember seeing his name among the leaders…not bad for a guy his age. He’s fairly good looking, too. I think you should give him a chance.”
“I’ll be honest, Mom,” I continued, “I’m pretty sure he’s submissive. That’s why he’s never married. He needs someone who’s strong…someone who will give him some direction.”
“And you think that’s me?”
“Who’s stronger than someone who had to struggle as a single parent all those years?” I could see her thinking so I shut my mouth and went outside to turn on the grill.
Saturday came, but slowly. I spent most of the day doing some left over work, finishing around three. Marcie and I had agreed to hire a cleaning service so only some minor tidying was needed. She prepared some appetizers. We showered and dressed; I put some soft music on the stereo. Even Mom had primped for her date with Ben. Not surprisingly, Ben was punctual, ringing the bell at exactly 6:00.
I led him into the living room and made the introductions. “Mom, this is Ben Randolph; Ben, this is Marcie’s mother, Sheila Wayne.” Ben extended his hand, technically a social faux pas, but Sheila accepted it. I made some drinks and we relaxed…OK, Marcie and I relaxed; Mom was on edge and Ben was sweating profusely. When in doubt, make some more drinks. After the second Ben began to relax. He was even a bit witty, telling a few jokes that were cute and funny, and, fortunately, clean.
Dinner went well. I had grilled a few steaks and baked potatoes. We chatted amiably, engaging Ben in the conversation. I could see my mother-in-law evaluating him closely. After dinner we retired to the living room where I directed the conversation to the kind of activities a single person might join even though we all knew it was just a ruse. Ben talked about his exercise and walking activities, about some arts and crafts he had participated in the past, and so on. He spoke for more than five minutes; Marcie snuggled next to me as he did.
Mom interrupted Ben, ”Ben, this is very interesting, but as you know we’re here with two newlyweds. Let’s go into my apartment and let them get down to business.” Ben turned bright red, but stood to join her. She led him into the mudroom and away while Marcie and I sat there open mouthed.
“I guess we should take advantage of the situation,” Marcie told me as she slipped off the couch, stood and pulled me up. We kissed briefly before she asked me, “How do you think it went?”
“Well… she didn’t eat him alive…at least not yet. About that business….” I swept her into my arms and carried her in the opposite direction. I loved when we went to bed early.
Sheila led Ben into her apartment. They walked past the kitchen with its granite counter tops and maple cabinets into the sitting area. The entire open-space room was thirty feet by sixteen. There was a small dining table with seating for four and the living room on the far side. There he saw a comfortable couch and two deeply upholstered arm chairs placed in front of a fireplace and a flat-screen television mounted on the mantle above. Sheila sat on the couch and bade Ben to join her.
“Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have worn these new shoes. My feet are killing me.”
“I’d be glad to rub them for you…Ma’am,” Ben replied.
“Would you? Oh, that would be wonderful.” She lifted her feet, but did not move them toward Ben. “Ben, I think you would do a better job if you were on the floor. Do you mind?”
“Not at all, Ma’am.” He sat at her feet and removed her shoes. He rubbed each toe and massaged her soles using both thumbs to ease her pain.
“Oh, Ben, that does feel so good. You have a thing for feet, don’t you?”
Ben turned red. He loved feet…everything about them, even the tangy odor that resulted from a little sweat. He didn’t respond; he didn’t know what to say. Sheila took the lead. “You know Ben, if we have a relationship one of us will have to lead and the other follow. I suspect you’d be happier following. Am I right, Ben?”
“Y…yes, Ma’am. I’m really shy around women. I never seem to know what to say or do.”
“That’s OK, Ben. I don’t mind being the leader. You just have to promise to do everything I say. Is that OK with you?”
“Oh, yes, Ma’am. Thank you, Ma’am.”
“Now, I suspect you’d like to do something else with my feet. You would, wouldn’t you? Go ahead. Do whatever you like.”
Ben gulped as he brought Sheila’s foot to his face. He inhaled deeply, savoring the slight odor. He closed his eyes as he gently licked her sole from heel to toe. Sheila could tell he was in heaven as he adored her foot. He put each toe into his mouth and sucked. It was hard to say who enjoyed this more. Finally, Sheila spoke, “Ben, please stand up and remove your shirt. I want to see you.”
Ben was shocked, but he did agree to follow Sheila so he stood and slowly removed the shirt, laying it on the arm of the adjacent chair. Sheila rose and took a step to stand by Ben. She ran her fingers over his chest and shoulders. “You look very nice, Ben. Marcia tells me you’re a runner.”
“Yes, Ma’am. I usually run to work two or three days every week. Mr. Wells was kind enough to install a shower in the men’s room for me to use.”
“Well, it shows—you’re in excellent condition—not fat at all. Now, please remove your shoes and socks. Roll each sock and place it into the shoe. You can put them by the chair.” He was numb, but he did as he was told. “Excellent, Ben, now let’s remove your pants. I’d like to see you naked so I can see what I have to work with.” Ben burned with shame as he unsteadily removed his belt and pants. He folded them neatly over the back of the chair. His boxers followed shortly. He stood there, hands in front of his crotch trying unsuccessfully to hide and cover his erection.
“Don’t be bashful, Ben,” Sheila told him kindly, “I’d be insulted if you didn’t have an erection. It’s a very nice one—I’m flattered. When was the last time you had sex?”
Ben was shaking by the time he responded, “You mean with another person? I…I…uh….” He was so embarrassed he couldn’t continue. Sheila realized immediately and held him from behind, her arms reaching around his chest and stomach, her cheek and lips on his back.
“Oh, Ben I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re a virgin, aren’t you? No reason to be embarrassed. It’s a long time since I had sex, too.”
“I get all tongue tied with women, Ma’am. This is the first time I’ve ever even been naked with a woman.”
It’s OK…don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you, Ben.” Sheila sat again in front of him. “Kneel for me, Ben…please.” She rubbed her foot against his face, opening her legs slightly, knowing that he would invariably look up toward her sex. After a minute of this she asked, “Are you looking up my skirt, Ben?”
“Uh…no, Ma’am.”
“Why not? Don’t you want to see what I have there?”
“Uh…no, Ma’am… I mean, uh…yes, I’d like to, but….”
“Reach up my legs, Ben, and remove my panty hose…please.” She lifted her hips to make his chore easier. Gently, he slid the nylon garment down her long legs and off her feet. “Now, remove my panties.” Ben was almost shaking as his fingers slipped beneath the waistband. It was a minute before he was done. Sheila leaned forward and kissed his forehead then she went back and opened her legs, hiking the front of her skirt up to her hips. “Now, Ben—what do you see?”
“Your…your…your vagina, Ma’am.”
“I love that you’re so polite, Ben. It’s my pussy…my pussy, Ben. Lean in closer for a better look. Don’t touch it yet—I haven’t given permission. OK, now I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale my essence. Tell me what you smell.”
“It’s wonderful…so…musky…so intoxicating! Is that right?”
“Maybe you’d better do it again. Do you think you should taste it?”
“Oh…may I?”
“Yes, Ben…yes, you may. If you’ve never had sex I’m guessing that you’ve never done this either.”
“No, Ma’am. I hope I get it right.”
“You will, Ben. I’ll direct you so you’ll do it exactly as I love.” She had him start by kissing her silky white thighs before moving to her labia which he licked for almost fifteen minutes. All this time Sheila had her eyes on his cock. It was harder than hard, almost steel-like as it bobbed up and down on its own. Ben was obviously as turned on as she was. “Now, Ben, extend your tongue and push it into my tunnel. That’s it, very good. Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me with that wonderful tongue of yours. If you curl your tongue up you’ll find a rough patch on the top. That’s my G-spot. Rubbing there can make me cum. Oh, good boy, you’re doing an excellent job. Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” She reached down and pulled the hood back from her clit. “Here it is, Ben—my clit; the ‘serious business’ part of my pussy. Lick it all around. Just use the tip of your tongue. Oh…Ben…that feels so…. Suck it between your teeth. Oh, Gawd! Oh…Ben.” Her body was wracked by her orgasm. She gently rubbed Ben’s head, her fingers intertwined in his hair. “Ben, that was wonderful. You’re an excellent cunt licker. Come on up here and kiss me.”
Ben was nervous; his face was covered in Sheila’s secretions. It glistened in the low light. “Don’t worry about that, Ben. It’s nothing I haven’t seen or felt before and it looks marvelous on your face.” She took his head in her hands and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. She pushed her tongue into his mouth. He responded as never before. This night had become so…overwhelming…incredible and it was still young. Suddenly, Sheila stood and pulled him up. “Let’s go, Stud. I have some more plans for you.”
She led him to the bathroom where she allowed him to undress her. He was so tentative, but she was patient—it was to be expected, after all. He admitted to her that he had no experience with women. “Ben,” she told him, “I noticed that you were sweating earlier. Nervous? You don’t have to answer. I was nervous, too. I’m sure you’d love to see your gorgeous cock disappear in my mouth. It will, but first….” She led him into the large shower. Her bathroom was at one side of her bedroom with two doors—one leading to the kitchen and the other to her bedroom. The entire room was twelve feet by ten so there was plenty of room for everything including a shower large enough for two and a big whirlpool tub in addition to dual basins and a small, but convenient, commode room.
“Notice my pubic hair, Ben. See how it’s neatly trimmed? I’m planning on wrapping my lips around your erection. I think it will be like sucking a broom stick, it’s so hard, but we need a few changes first. I’m going to trim your hair so it’s a lot shorter and I’m going to shave your balls and about an inch around your glorious manhood. You needn’t worry; I’ll be extremely careful. Do you trust me, Ben?”
“Y…yes, Ma’am. I think so. I’m just nervous.” She held him against her bare body, pushing his mouth down to her breast—to her swollen nipple.
“Suckle, Ben—it’ll help you to relax. I’d never know this was your first time if you hadn’t told me. You can tell me anything, Ben, but you must always be honest with me. I’ll never laugh at your feelings or your desires, even if you’re totally embarrassed by them. We all have fantasies, Ben.” She held his hand as she turned on the water. There were multiple shower heads—six in all—on three walls. When the water was just right she led him in and lifted one of his legs to the small bench on the far wall and squirted some shaving soap into her hand. He groaned in pleasure as she rubbed it into his balls and around his tortured cock—so needy…so hard it felt it would burst. Sheila kneeled before him, her hair dripping hot water down between her breasts.
Carefully, she drew the razor up from his anus to his cock. She did it several times, cleaning the razor each time. In minutes his sac was as bald and smooth as the day he was born. Sheila now pushed his cock down and out of the way as she shaved an area around his organ. She took a comb and pair of scissors from the bench and neatly trimmed his pubic hair down to about a half-inch. She nodded her approval as she stood. “Ben, you will wash me first. Then I’ll wash you. You’ll have to touch every part of my body as you wash me and I’ll have to touch every part of yours. That’s the whole idea so don’t get nervous and don’t worry. Here’s the soap.” Ben began on her back—the safest part in his opinion. He was terrified and excited at the same time. He’d never felt this way—what a night! He hesitated when he reached her butt. Sheila turned and nodded to encourage him. He traced the soap over her globes, followed by his hands rubbing it in, savoring the firm musculature of her butt. “Don’t forget my crack and my asshole. I want them both washed thoroughly.” He complied reluctantly at first, but soon he was lost between her cheeks. He moved down to her legs—what trouble could he get into down here? He soon learned when she turned around and her pussy was right in front of his face. He dove in again, daringly. Sheila smiled, patted his head and spread her legs. That was all the invitation Ben needed.
Ben was a smart man—a college graduate. It was his innate shyness and submissiveness that had led him to the mailroom where he could interact with the letters and packages that would never threaten him. He had found peace in the mailroom. Now he was finding it between Sheila’s legs. He remembered everything she had told him earlier. He began at her thighs and worked his way in, finishing at her clit. Sheila shook and would have fallen had it not been for Ben’s strong arms around her body. He leaned Sheila against the wall as he finished with her breasts. They were beautiful in his opinion. He had enjoyed washing Sheila very much.
Now it was Sheila’s turn. She also began with his back, but showed no reluctance when she reached his firm butt. She ran her hand up and down his crack, teasing his asshole several times. She washed his legs and feet quickly, but smiled as she kneeled before his manhood. He had been brick hard for more than an hour and showed no sign of waning. She cleaned him from tip to balls, running her soapy hands over him several times. She knew that continuing like this would make him cum, but she was saving that for later. She ran the soap up to his chest. When she was done she brought him into an embrace and a kiss that lasted for several minutes. Ben was weaving on his feet when she broke it.
Sheila gave him a towel once she was out of the shower. Ben knew what to do—he gently wrapped it around her shoulders and dried her completely. When he reached her feet he gently kissed them and sucked her toes. Sheila pulled him up for a quick kiss then dried him with the other towel. She dropped both to the floor where they’d stay until tomorrow. She wrapped a smaller one around her damp head as she led him to the bed.”Pull down the blankets, Ben. We won’t need them for a while. We can get them later when we sleep.”
Ben gasped, “When…when… we…we… sleep?”
“Certainly, Ben. I want you to stay the night. We can have a lot of fun together. Unfortunately we can’t have actual sex, not yet, anyway. I’m not on the pill and I’ll bet a thousand dollars against a nickel that you didn’t bring condoms.”
Smiling for the first time, Ben replied, “No, Ma’am, I never could have imagined doing what we….”
“Neither could I, Ben. You are such a wonderful kind man. I’m looking forward to learning all about you. Now come here and lie on the bed. That’s it…right in the center.” Sheila crawled between his legs and spread them. “Now, Ben you have two options. I can give you relief with my hand then clean you up with a towel or I can take care of you with my mouth. If I do I will share your semen with you in our kiss afterwards. Have you ever tasted it before? Remember, you can tell me anything, but be truthful.”
“Yes, Ma’am, I do it sometimes when I imagine I am forced by a strong man or even a strong woman. I’m not strong, at least not emotionally. I think I’d like your mouth…Ma’am”
Sheila smiled and patted his taut stomach. She took his straining organ into her hand and stroked gently and slowly. She extended her tongue and, beginning at the base, licked upward toward his glans. She tortured him with her licking, but it was the best—the most exquisite—torture he’d ever had. Oh…he needed to cum so badly! After repeating several times she raised her head and, smiling, she lowered her mouth onto his throbbing dick. Ben gasped and sighed in his rapture. This was a night of so many firsts for him. After being hard for so long he was certain to cum quickly. It was only a minute before he blew his load into Sheila’s mouth. Over and over his cock exploded drowning her throat in his thick white baby cream. Sheila closed her mouth and rose up to kiss him as promised. Ben obediently opened his mouth to receive her gift as her naked body descended upon his. The kiss lasted for several minutes as they swapped his semen between their mouths. At last, Sheila broke the kiss and returned to clean his now flaccid organ. She rose again and pulled the blankets over them. “Good night, darling,” she whispered as she clung to his body in search of sleep. Ben remained very still as she draped her body over his. He was exhausted, but sleep was elusive—he was too excited. Finally, after several hours, he too succumbed to slumber.
Marcie and I made sweet love—slow and patient—for more than an hour, unaware that two new lovers slept less than a hundred feet away. The actual coupling was almost anticlimactic to the touching and skin-to-skin caressing that had preceded. We loved to make love this way—so slow and tender as we explored each other. Marcie was pure perfection so far as I was concerned. Her skin was soft and smooth, her body so enticing and sexy—and inviting. She loved to climb all over my body, squeezing my muscles and rubbing my cock between our bodies. Naturally, this had the most amazing effect on me—it drove me crazy with lust.
Last night was no exception. I rolled her over and climbed between her legs, exactly as she had planned and hoped. She grinned wildly as I pushed home, my hard cock driving deep into her core. Marcie wrapped those long slender legs around me and returned my thrusts. Her arms went around my neck as she kissed me deep and hard, her tongue sliding between my teeth to encounter mine in a duel of passion…of love. We met over and over, our bodies a tangled mass of arms and legs and hair all moving in time with each other. Suddenly, I stopped, paused for a second, before arching my back and filling her sweet pussy with my hot white sperm-laden semen. Marcie thrust an additional three times before she too, saw the fireworks of an incredible orgasm. We fell together exhausted and covered in sweat. We lay there for almost thirty minutes until I felt cold and pulled up the blanket. We fell asleep almost immediately, still clutching each other.
I’m an early riser. It’s a habit I developed as a kid courtesy of my father who had a long commute to work every day. I relieved myself as Marcie continued to sleep, put on a robe and slippers, and walked out for the Sunday paper. That’s when I noticed Ben’s car still in the driveway. Either that or he had gotten up awfully early and returned here while Mom was still asleep. Marcie had told me that she enjoyed sleeping in now that she was officially retired. I almost laughed at the thought of the two of them together, but then I realized that was exactly what Marcie and I had hoped for. I skipped back into the house and started the coffee.
I was seated there reading and enjoying a cup when Marcie wandered out, still half asleep wearing the same thing she wore last night—nothing. “You might want to slip something on,” I told her.
“Why? My mother has seen me naked thousands of times.”
“Yeah, but Ben hasn’t.”
“You’re kidding! Ben is still here…in there with my mother?”
“Either that or he went home and drove back really early this morning. I wish I could be a fly on the wall this morning.”
“Omigod, I don’t believe it. Shy mild Ben seducing my mother.”
“I’m guessing, but I’d say it was the other way around—Ben as the deer; Mom as the truck driver.” We laughed and chatted for a while until I decided to make breakfast. I was almost done when my mother-in-law strolled in, a huge smile on her face.
“I won’t be dining with you today. I’m occupied all day and probably into the night, too.” Marcie and I just sat there silently waiting for her to continue. Finally, I spoke up, “Sure you don’t want some breakfast? I’m almost done. It won’t be a bother.”
“Oh, you think you’re so smart. I know you went out for the papers and I’m certain you saw Ben’s car so stop beating about the bush. Yes, he did stay the night…in my bed and yes…he is making my breakfast as we speak, and yes…he is a wonderful, kind man, but you were right—he is incredibly submissive. He called me ’Ma’am’ all last night. I had to convince him to call me Sheila this morning. I think it was about three or maybe it was when we woke up again at five. I can’t remember much other than it was all pretty wonderful.”
“Mom,” Marcie asked, “You didn’t…you know, fuck him?”
“No—no condoms, but I’m pretty sure we’ll solve that problem by this afternoon. After breakfast he’ll go home to run—I want him to continue that. It’s good for him and he enjoys it. Then he’ll come back and I’m going to fuck his brains out. I’m going to have to see your doctor for some birth control pills, Marcie. He has a wonderful thick….”
“MOTHER!” Marcie was turning red, but I just laughed.
“I only have one request, Mom. Please don’t hurt him—not physically, and especially not emotionally. We both like Ben. That’s why we picked him for you.”
“Well, it goes against my grain, but…thank you both. As I said, he is a wonderful kind and caring man. I really like him, and I’d better get back before he decides to run away.” She turned back to the mud room and left.
We looked at each other and laughed. “As long as she’s occupied, why don’t we go out to dinner, OK?” Marcie nodded her approval as I got up to make breakfast. I would phone for reservations just after eleven when they opened for the day.
At the same time Ben was just finishing their breakfast. He scooped the scrambled eggs into a bowl and brought it to Sheila at the table. She reached up and brought his lips to hers for a loving kiss. Ben was in a daze when she broke it. “Thank you so much for making the breakfast, Ben. I’m no good in the morning. I think you owe it to me after all those awful things you did to me last night.” At another time Ben might have cringed, but he knew she was teasing him. Both times she had awakened it was she that had ravaged him, not the other way around. Sheila reached across the table to stroke his face. “Don’t forget—when you leave go home for some clothes and your toiletries then straight to Walmart for….”
“I know, how could I forget…the condoms. I’ve never bought any I don’t really know what to buy.”
“OK, forget anything that says ‘for her pleasure.’ I’ll get plenty of that from you. Get the thinnest…the most sensitive—at least a dozen. I want you to feel as much as possible until I can get on birth control. Then we’ll really have fun. Bring back something for dinner, too…maybe some fried chicken from KFC or something like that. Neither of us will want to cook—trust me.”
“I do…Sheila. I trust you completely.” Sheila leaned across the table and kissed him. It was the best kiss of Ben’s life, especially when Sheila used her toe to rub his erection. “Hmmm,” she whispered, “we must definitely do something about that before you leave. I’m sure I can think of something.” She kissed him again before they continued with their breakfast. Ben passed her the crisp bacon cooked just the way she liked it. She also marveled at the biscuits he’d made from scratch for her. They ate the rest of the meal in silence as Ben’s pre-cum dripped onto her toes. Sheila picked up the dishes and dumped them in the sink before leading Ben back to the bedroom.
The bed was a mess, a testament to their frequent lovemaking during the night. Sheila was almost rough as she seated him on the bed. She kneeled between his legs and took him into her mouth for the third time in less than twelve hours. She was amazed at Ben’s staying power. When she blew him it would be four times that he had cum since last night. That included the time she had jerked his cock into brief submission, not realizing that he would be ready for another round in only hours. Sheila gently licked the pre-cum from his tip. Looking up she pulled back a bit, “One of these days we’ll have to try a 69, don’t you think?”
“You’re the leader, Sheila.” Ben had a big smile, the biggest he could remember, and to think he had almost turned down Jack’s request for a favor. He’d do favors like this any time. So far in his fifty years his sex life had been nothing more than masturbation and fantasies. Now he lay back on the bed as Sheila took his thick erection into her mouth. She licked as she sucked, teasing his helmet as she cupped his naked hairless ball sac. With her other hand she rubbed his asshole, eliciting a deep groan from his lips. She pulled back a bit. “I’m going to stick my finger in there, Ben. I think you will enjoy it.” She brought her finger to her mouth, covered it with saliva, and returned it to his ass. Slowly, but firmly, she pushed it in as she returned to her task.
She sought and found his prostate and massaged as she continued to suck him off. From the combination of her suction, the ball massage and the friction on his prostate it wasn’t long before he came, and oh, how he came. He came in buckets, literally. He came so much that Sheila couldn’t hold it all in her mouth. She swallowed some; some ran down her cheeks to her breasts. The experience was as overwhelming to her as it was to him. She waited until she had caught her breath and then rose for their kiss. The hot semen swirled between their mouths as their tongues danced with desire. Finally, she came to rest, lying on his chest. He reached up in an uncharacteristically aggressive move to caress her head and run his hands down over her butt. Sheila looked up briefly and smiled, “There may be hope for you yet, my dear submissive lover.” Together they fell asleep.
They awoke an hour later, showered, and dressed. Ben and Sheila kissed briefly and he drove home. Sheila walked in to see her daughter. Jack was working at something on the computer. It would be a surprise, she told her. Sheila and Marcie sat in the living room. “Do you recall when you were younger and I used to date?”
“I think so, but I never saw anybody steady, did I?”
“No…because I’m kind of dominant. Men would run like hell when they found out. That’s why I’m so thrilled with Ben. He not only let’s me lead him, he wants it. Of course, this isn’t some ridiculous mistress-slave fiction. I’m not cruel and I’m not going to deny him, just the opposite. I’m planning on giving him all the wonderful sex he can handle. He really is a find. Any woman would be proud to have him.”
“I’m glad for you, Mom. I just hope it works out for both of you. You know that Jack and I both love you and we love Ben, too. We agree with your assessment—he is a wonderful person. If he had only a tiny amount of aggressiveness he would have been off the market years ago.”
“Well, I have to tell you—he does have some aggression. He took some liberties with my body once he got comfortable with me. I loved it. I’d better get going—my bed’s a mess. I need to change it. I think I might need some more sheets.”
“Now you sound like me. Ours were a mess this morning, too, but I guess that’s to be expected.” Marcie kissed and hugged her mother and went to find Jack.
I had some reports from Mary Lou—including our profit and loss statement. Things were going better than I had anticipated—much better. I would be able to implement phase two of my long range plan. I typed out a rough outline of what I wanted to do then dictated the memos on the Dictaphone for Marcie to type in the morning when we returned to work. If I had more weekends like this one I might spend the weekend at the office.
Marcie found me just as I was finishing up. “Remind me tomorrow to have Stewart see me early, OK?”
“Of course, but I suggest we write a note so neither of us forgets.” She picked up the folder and attached a post-it. She went to put it in the car, but stopped at the door, “Speaking of reminders—Redskins game at one.”
I grilled some hot dogs for lunch and we sat down to watch the game. Marcie lifted my legs onto the couch and pulled me down so my head rested on the arm. Then she climbed on top of me, laying her head on my chest. I ran my hand over her back; she ran her pubic bone over my cock. “I’m sure you recall that I’m a big fan. The game will end around 4:30. That will give us more than an hour before we go out to eat.”
“OK…I get it. The bloom is off the rose. Football is more important than I am.”
“Get up.” She looked confused. “Just get up for a minute, will you?” Marcie pulled herself off my body. Once she was standing I opened my belt and pulled my pants down exposing my big hard dick. “OK, you can lie down again.”
“Oh, goody,” she exclaimed as she dropped her Capri’s. She climbed back aboard and gently lowered herself onto me. I had hoped to watch the game, but Marcie was better, and much more important. I pretended to be annoyed—I lay still and unresponsive. She went crazy on my cock—up and down, back and forth, around in circles…anything to arouse me. Of course, my ruse lasted for all of thirty seconds, if that long. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me. “Oh God, you are so incredible. How did I ever get so lucky to land you?”
“You had to get unlucky first,” she replied, a mere millisecond before pressing her sweet lips to mine. She was right—I had been one of the unluckiest; now I was probably the luckiest man alive. I began to move with her; as I increased she decreased. I didn’t understand. I was about to question her, but before I could get even a single word out she explained, “I want this to last, Jack—at least until halftime.” Oh God, I didn’t think I’d last anywhere near that long. Marcie’s pussy was so tight and so hot and so tight. Oh damn, I was babbling again. Marcie did that to me. I could barely follow the game. Hell, I barely even knew it was on. This is what Marcie always did to me. I found the remote somehow and turned the TV off.
“I don’t think I can last that long. You know what you always do to me.”
“Oh, shut up and fuck me. Then I’ll let you get back to the game. You always do it to me, too.” She resumed her frantic motions, bending my poor cock into positions it was never intended to take. I couldn’t keep up with her no matter how hard I tried. I could tell from her eyes that she was getting close. Her eyelids always fluttered when she came. I drove her hard and she arched her back, screamed, and fell forward onto my chest.
I drove into her a few more times and blew my load into her womb. Now I was just as wasted as she was. “I need a nap. How about you?” I asked. Marcie nodded and lowered her head to my chest. In seconds she was asleep. I joined her a few minutes later as my semen oozed out of her all over my abdomen.
Ben drove straight to Walmart. He walked into the pharmacy and strolled through the aisles in search of the family planning section. It took a while, but he finally found it tucked way into the back corner. He remembered what Sheila had told him—thinnest and most sensitive. He had no experience so it was going to be a guess at best. He was just about to make a selection when a young guy, a kid actually, walked up. ‘Do you know anything about condoms? I just got a girlfriend and…well, you know.”
“Hell, yeah man. I always use these. They’re not like using nothing, but they’re pretty close, plus Durex is a hell of a lot cheaper than Trojan.” Ben was embarrassed, but appreciative. He thanked the young man and pulled a dozen off the shelf. He was just about to leave when he turned back for another. “Awright, man. You got the right idea. Fuck that bitch silly.” Ben just nodded silently and walked to check out.
Ben was nervous, but luckily he was able to go directly to the self-service lane. He quickly scanned the first package, dumping it into the bag as he prayed that nobody would see him or his purchases. The second followed shortly thereafter. He used his debit card and waited for the receipt. He was relieved that this ordeal was over. He drove quickly to his apartment. It was small—a studio similar to Marcie’s old one—but it met his needs. He had always lived alone and his needs were simple. He never entertained. His submissiveness had made him a hermit. He was afraid of most people. Only Mr. Wells had understood and hired him for a job that was well below his capabilities, but was exactly what he needed and wanted—little if any direct contact with the people who scared him. Over the years at Wells he had met a number of the secretaries and liked them, but he was still too shy and too submissive to socialize with them. Now he felt like the luckiest man on earth. He changed his clothes quickly and stretched as he always did before a run.
Sheila had told him to run at least ten miles so that was what he would do. He started at a jog, but soon picked up the pace to a six minute mile. He felt comfortable at this pace; it was what he had done in last year’s half marathon, finishing in less than seventy minutes, fastest for his age group. He hoped that Sheila would come to see him this year. Ben had always found that running cleared his mind, but not today. He couldn’t get the events of last night out of his brain. He had never felt anything as smooth or as soft as Sheila’s thighs. The smell and taste of her pussy was something he could never forget. Even now, hours later, he could taste her and smell her.
He had always thought that putting one’s mouth on a sex organ would be disgusting, but he was obviously wrong. It seemed so natural with Sheila, even when she fed him his own cum. Now, when he returned he would actually be able to fuck her. He was so occupied with Sheila that he almost ran into a parked car. Laughing at his stupidity he changed course, picking up the bike path through the woods. Sometimes he would pass a bike, but this track was almost always deserted as it passed through what was once a sprawling farm, but was now a major housing development. Constructing the park—a greenbelt—was a condition the county had placed on the contractor. He loved running here through the natural surroundings. It reminded him of his high school and college days as a cross country runner.
Ben had been an outstanding student. He never dated and rarely socialized so he spent his time in two pursuits—studying and running. He ran to clear his mind and after running his brain was ready for the rigors of academia. It was a recipe he used throughout his school years. His life had become predictable—sane—safe—boring. He knew somehow that those days were behind him. Sheila knew he was submissive and accepted him. He knew he could tell her anything, but he must be honest. He knew he’d be embarrassed, but somehow that no longer seemed to matter. He was suddenly aware of his surroundings and knew from experience that he had run more than six miles. He turned for home.
Following Sheila’s instructions to the letter he packed a small bag including his clothes for work tomorrow and his toiletries. He debated whether he should bring some casual clothes, but decided against it; he would probably be naked the entire time he was with Sheila, just as he had been almost all of last night. He hurried out, just remembering to lock the door, drove to KFC for some chicken and sides. He phoned when he was ten minutes away then returned to Sheila just after one in the afternoon. She welcomed him at the door wearing only a short filmy black robe with some kind of sexy black lingerie beneath.
“I went shopping while you were running. Do you like it, Ben?”
“It’s…it’s…you’re gorgeous…beautiful. You’d be beautiful in a sack.”
“Not really, at least not anymore, but it’s still nice to hear you say it, Ben.”
“I think you’re beautiful, Sheila. I think you’ll always be beautiful…even when you’re eighty.” Sheila stroked his face and held him close. She noticed his bags.
“Let’s put this in the refrigerator. Ben. We can eat later…after.” She gave him a sly knowing grin. Ben blushed. “What’s in your other bag, Ben?” She knew, of course, but wanted to tease Ben. Taking the bag from him she opened it. “Oh my, Ben, does this mean you plan to fuck me?” Ben turned red; he didn’t know how to answer so Sheila went on. “I certainly hope so, Ben. I’m looking forward to having your big thick cock inside me. Let’s go shower.” She reached up to kiss him then led him across the living room.
Sheila removed his clothes and stripped out of her skimpy revealing outfit. Together they entered the shower. She adjusted the water and began to wash him. Ben was nervous—that was to be expected—but he was also surprisingly playful. He squeezed Sheila’s butt and played with her breasts, massaging and kissing them as she washed him from head to toe. She got her revenge by sticking a soapy finger into his asshole. She fucked him with it a few times; they stared into each other’s eyes for almost a minute before she came to him for a long wet kiss as the fixtures sprayed them with steamy hot water. In the end, the water lost out—the kiss was steamier and hotter than any water in any shower they had ever experienced.
Ben broke the kiss, “I love…” Sheila stopped him before he could finish, “Don’t…not yet…I know how you feel. I feel the same way, but it’s too soon.”
“It’s not too soon for me, Sheila. I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I know it could just be the sex, but I don’t think so. I’ve never met anyone like you, except maybe for Mr. Wells, and he doesn’t count. How many women accept me for what I am? Hardly any…except for you. You did accept me and I will always love you for that.”
“Enough talking—let’s go fuck!” Sheila led him from the shower and dried him. She allowed him to dry her before grabbing his cock and leading him to the room. She rolled onto the bed pulling Ben after her. They rolled against each other kissing and playing with each other. Ben noticed how soft her skin was. He’d never given even a second’s thought to a woman’s skin. Now he thought he could easily spend the entire day like this, rubbing against his lover. Despite his rapture Sheila had something else on her mind. “I hate to tell you to get up, but you need to get the condoms.”
Ben jumped up and ran out the door, returning only seconds later with his Wal-Mart bag. He reached into it and fumbled with the box, first with the cellophane and then with the seal. Patiently, Sheila took it from him. Using her fingernail she slit the seal and opened the box. Reaching in, she removed several condoms in a strip. She handed one to him and put the others on her night table. The box she threw on the floor.
Sheila went onto her back and spread her legs, knees high. She wiggled her finger signaling Ben to move between them. Despite his anticipation Ben found he was terrified—terrified of failure. Sheila looked into his eyes and saw his difficulty. “Come up here with me, Ben. Lie on top of me. That’s it; now I want you to suckle. Remember how that helped to calm you yesterday? Now, listen closely. When we do it for the first time I expect you to cum almost immediately. Virtually all men do their first time. It will be all the more likely because you’ve waited so long for it. It’s not a failure, Ben; it’s just a first step. By the time you go to work tomorrow you’ll be fucking like a pro. Do you want me to teach you like I did yesterday with the oral sex?”
Ben looked up, his lips locked onto her teat and nodded before he resumed suckling. Sheila was right; he felt much better now and was even better still when she caressed his head and ran her fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair. “I think I’m ready now. Thanks for being so understanding. It’s almost as though you can read my mind.”
“I can read your mind, Ben and in time you’ll be able to read mine. In fact, I think you can read mine right now. What do I want?”
Ben gulped. He did that a lot recently. “Uh…my cock in your vag…uh, your pussy?”
“See, Ben, I told you. Now slip that condom over your cock and get into me.” Ben knelt and tore the package open. He rolled it in his hands to find the right side and held it over his cock head. Using one hand he slid the condom down the shaft of his erection. Sheila nodded her approval as he moved forward. “Rub the head into my slit to make sure I’m wet. Good, that’s perfect. Ready? Push it in slowly. I’ll need a while to adjust before you actually fuck me. Oh, God, that’s so good, Ben. You’re stretching my pussy…a little bit more now. Great, Ben, you’re all the way in me. How does it feel for you?”
If Sheila expected an answer she was disappointed. Ben’s eyes had rolled back and he was hyperventilating. She chuckled, but to herself, as she pulled him back to her body, his mouth to her nipple. Instinctively, his mouth sought it, found it, and began the infantile action. In minutes his breathing slowed and he was calm again. “It’s OK, Ben. We can practice all day if necessary. Don’t be afraid. I told you I would never laugh at you and I won’t. You tell me when you’re ready, OK?”
Ben waited a few minutes, “OK, I think I’m all right now.”
“Good, I’m beginning to think you’re getting attached to my tit.”
“I am…I love your breasts. They’re perfect,” he said as he moved down between her legs again. He had a look of determination—what he called his ‘runner’s face’—as he once again rubbed his big hard cock into her wet slit. He pushed and watched in amazement as his cock disappeared into her. He wondered how it could all fit into her slender frame. Ben had watched porn so he knew what to do; he just never thought he would actually do it. He pulled back and slowly pushed back in. Gaining confidence he continued, but as soon as he picked up his pace he blew his load into the condom. He was embarrassed in spite of Sheila’s earlier remarks.
“Pretty good for a first time, Ben; I remember a few guys from when I was younger who came the second they entered me. Now that was embarrassing! Unfortunately, I didn’t get a second chance with them like I’m going to have with you. Pull out and hold the condom. You can put it into the trash in the bathroom and use one of the washcloths to clean your cock. Then come back here with me.”
“Yes, Ma’am…I mean…Sheila.” He returned a few minutes later to find that Sheila had turned on the TV to the football game. She pulled him close then laid her head on his chest.
“Are you a football fan, Sheila?”
“Yup, but don’t tell Jack…I’m a Giants fan–have been ever since they walloped the Patriots in the Super Bowl. I can’t stand the Patriots—mostly because of some of my ex-friends. All I ever heard from them was, “Patriots this…Patriots that.” I was glad to see them have to shut up about the damned Patriots.”
They lay there for a few hours until Sheila found herself playing with Ben’s nipple. She wasn’t surprised to see his cock react. She already knew several of his buttons; soon she’d know them all. She reached up to lick his ear, soliciting a low groan from his lips. A few seconds later her hand was on his growing cock. She grabbed a condom once he was hard and rolled between his legs. She unrolled the condom over him and slowly lowered herself onto his erection. Her face told the story—she was ecstatic as her pussy was stretched and filled by his firm cock meat.
“Watch and learn, Ben. Watch how I grind my clit into you.” She rode him for several minutes. Looking down she saw him concentrating on her motions. “You can move with me, Ben. Rise up when I move forward. Now more—that turns me on so much.” They fucked for the first time; Sheila was in control as she would always be as she built Ben’s confidence. It was more than eight minutes when he began to squirm. By then Sheila was well on her way to her orgasm. Now she wanted to see if she could just hold it a bit. It would be so great for Ben if they could come together. She would have to time it perfectly. She knew she had it when he began to pant. She let herself go and was glad she did when he grunted and lifted her a foot off the bed as he came; five times he shot into the latex shield. His eyes were glued on Sheila’s as she came with him. Her body shuddered and shook or several seconds as it rolled through her body unimpeded. She collapsed onto his chest. She rose a few minutes later, Ben’s cock still embedded within her, and kissed him with everything she had. Ben was literally a deer in the headlights as she raped his mouth with hers.
“You were fantastic, Ben. You gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had. I can’t wait to do it again. You’re such a considerate lover.” Ben was silent because he didn’t know how to answer, but he beamed from her compliments. Sheila returned her head to his chest…they rested together as Ben ran his hands over her body. Later they would fuck again in a different position—doggie—as Ben began to find himself with Sheila’s help. She was well satisfied by the time they retired for the evening.

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