Consensual Sex

Shooting Blanks part 1 of 2

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

Saving Daisy

John was a thirty something business owner; general construction, married young and divorced within a couple of years. He was now a happy bachelor and doing okay for himself knocking down a cool 6 figures, living in one of his spec homes and doing what he had always wanted. He didn’t go out that much because all it meant to him was another hassle like before and he had enough hassles to last him a lifetime.
He had gotten quite a reputation around town for being a darn good builder and it was well disserved. He had always had this knack of knowing what looks good and how to build it and he used that knack to build his business very nicely. He also had even ventured out into custom building for the wealthier group in his town. With the rewards and the accolades came the added pressure of proving that he knew what he is doing and not making any bad mistakes. So far so good and he intended to keep it that way.
John had grown up in a blue collar family, his father worked at the mill and his mother was a waitress down at the local diner. He had gone into the diner regularly to have his breakfast and to flirt with all of the local girls. There was just one back in those days and she caught his eye big time. Well, his Momma warned him not to get involved “with that one” but he paid her no mind and before you could shake a stick at him, he ran off and got married to the little tramp and well, the rest is history.
His Momma died of a heart attach a couple of years later and his Papa never got over it and when to join her a year later at his own hand. All of a sudden, John was left all alone as a framer for a local builder and when the builder decided to retire, John was the first in line to take over his business.
John had learned his trade well and could not only frame up a good, square house, but he could, string wire, do his own plumbing, roofing and rough in work and have it ready for the professionals to come in and sign it off for the inspections. The only thing that he was lacking in was the finish and trim work so he hired himself the best man in town, Bill Wilson and his business was off and running. Of course, over time, he needed someone to oversee everything and to make sure they were all working off the same page, so he hired a third, a crack notched foreman name Carl to fit that bill.
It was on a Wednesday morning, having their weekly business breakfast, that a certain girl caught his eye. It isn’t as you might think because he had seen this little girl for over a year and he thought of her as if she was his own. Daisy was her name and she had just graduated high school and was thinking about heading to the local community college or about going to beauty school to become a beautician. She wasn’t going to work at this here ol’ diner for the rest of her life and she had the ambition to do whatever she wanted.
She was always bubbly and cheerful whenever he had seen her but on this particular morning, something seemed amiss, you know, something wasn’t just right. He was staring at her with his attention on her face and then it hit him like someone had hit Daisy, giving her a black eye.
“Daisy, darlin’, come on over here and let me take a good look at that eye of yours,” he said with concern in his voice.
“What, oh that, it’s nothing really, it’s just where I ran into the door last night in the dark,” she said in a sheepish sort of tone to her voice.
Bill scoffed and said, “Well, you’d think that you would know your way around the house in the dark wouldn’t ya?”
Carl smiled and returned his attention back to his notebook but John wasn’t quite convinced, not yet anyway so he pursued the matter a little further. “Let me that a look at that,” he said encouraging her to come closer for another, closer inspection.
“John, I said no, it’s really nothing,” she said in a huff but John was too powerful for her feeble attempt to hold him off as he looked at it closer. He saw that her whole side of her face was bruised and swollen under the makeup that was applied over it and the abrasion crept up to her eye. She also had a little swelling over her cheek bone.
“My God Daisy, you must have been running it get such a bruise!” he declared. “Are you sure you ran into a door last night?”
John thought for a second and then he saw red. “Daisy, now tell me the truth. Did Billy Joe hit you last night? Did that no account son-of-a-bitch do this to you? Tell me the truth now Daisy, did he hit you?”
She didn’t say a word, she didn’t have to; she just covered her tears and ran to the back of the diner.
Daisy had been just like anyone else as a ten year old when her Daddy got caught in the grinder at the mill and died on the spot. Her Momma had raised her the best she could but she just couldn’t make ends meet, so a couple of years later, she married this lazy bastard Billy Joe Morgan and that was the end of Daisy’s happy childhood.
Billy Joe had worked for John’s old boss before he retired and had framed along side of John. Well, worked is a generous statement, because Billy Joe usually showed up drunk every morning and was useless by the afternoon. When the boss had to fire his lazy ass, Billy Joe turned around and collected Workman’s Comp on him and he finally was classified as 100% disabled to this day. Daisy’s Momma was run over by a hit and run driver a couple of years later and the driver of the car was never discovered. The poor girl had to live with her step father Billy Joe until she could afford to move out.
He often wondered about what went on in that house at night but he didn’t feel that it was any of his business, but seeing this bruise on Daisy’s face that morning was more than he could handle so he suggested that the three of them at the table needed to pay Billy Joe a little visit.
Now neither Bill nor Carl were little men, in fact, John was the smallest of the three, so they were an imposing force when they showed up at Billy Joe’s house that morning. They rousted him out of his stupor as he finally came to see who was pounding on his door.
“What the fuck do you want?” he shouted through his front door.
The trio pounded again their answer. So Billy Joe made his second mistake in as many days as he opened the door and glared out at the people interrupting his sleep.
“Oh it’s you. The biggest piece of shit this side of the tracks,” he said in recognition of John’s presence.
“Good to see you too,” John said with a calm mean tone to his voice. “We’re here to ask you about little Daisy’s bruise on her face. You don’t know anything about that now do you?” John asked.
“What did that little slut tell you anyway. That I hit her? Well I did. She sassed me, right to my face. She told me to go to hell so I gave her what for,” he said in drunken slobber. “What business it is of your anyway?”
“Oh, I was just wondering because she was all bruised this morning and I just couldn’t believe the story that she gave me about running into the door in the middle of the night so I thought that I would come out to see what you had to say about it and now that you have confessed then I think that I can go,” John said, seething at the sight of this scum.
“Go to hell John,” Bobby Joe told him flatly.
I looked at him directly in his blood shot eyes and said, “Now that’s what you said that she said to you last night that caused you to hit her in the face. So I think if it’s good enough for you then it’s good enough for me,” as he unloaded on him with his fist to his ugly face.
He fell flat on his back as John asked the other two men standing on the porch, “Guys, don’t kill him but make him wish that he was dead,” and slowly turned to walk back to his pickup. He didn’t hear the cries that came out of Billy Joe’s mouth but he knew that he would have to stop by his friend the sheriff to tell about how poor Billy Joe fell down the staircase at his house.
The trio went back to the diner and John told Daisy that she didn’t have to go back home after she got off from her shift and that he would be by to pick her up and take her to his spec home to stay for awhile. He had made sure that Billy Joe would never hit her again and that she could now rid herself of him and start a new and better life for herself.
That was how it started and for the next couple of years or so, they lived a life of total harmony with one another in a truly brother and sister existence. He bought her everything she needed so she didn’t have to go back to her old place and she soon placed the terrible few years through her teenage life behind her.
They moved out of and into other houses depending on whether each of his homes sold or not, but she didn’t seem to mind the gypsy life just as long as she didn’t have to go back to Billy Joe and his drunken fits of anger. She was just thinking about going to school when everything seemed to change.
After a lot of moves, John decided to build him a more permanent home and he had just finished the project and they had moved in less than a week. It was a single story abode, a split plan with his bedroom on one side of the house and the other two bedrooms on the opposite side and both sides had their own bathrooms. The main part of the house was in the center so that was where they spent most of their time when they were home.
It was a Saturday mid-morning and John had an appointment to attend a third showing of a custom build home and he was right on time for it when he pulled out of the driveway. After traveling about 5 minutes towards his appointment, he suddenly realized that he had left the file for the project on his desk in the office/den and he needed it to make any notes or changes that the client might want to make. He turned around in the middle of the street and sped back towards his new home.
He parked his pickup and ran into the house to retrieve his forgotten file and as he entered the office, he heard the water running in his bathroom which was right next to the office. Thinking that he left the faucet running or something like that, he opened the door between the office and the bathroom and got the surprise of his life.
There standing under the rain shower head, was Daisy, naked as can be with her head pulled back under the water spraying out of the nozzle, facing his direction, taking a shower in his bathroom. “Why is she in my bathroom?” was the first thing to come to his mind but the second was “My God, she’s completely naked!”
He turned to leave but she opened her eyes and let out a scream and immediately covered herself with her hands and arms. Turning around, completely mortified about being caught in his bathroom, she screamed, “John, what are you doing here?”
“I forgot, ah …, I just came back, ah …, what are doing, ah …, I’ve got to go,” he shouted as he turned and ran out of the bathroom and out to his waiting pickup. He was breathing very heavily as he sped back to the route that he should have been on for ten minutes now and his mind was speeding more than the car as he worked his way through traffic to arrive at the site only a few seconds late.
The meeting went off without any more hitches and the clients seemed enthused and eager to finish the build and as he headed his rig back towards his house, his thoughts went to the surprising sight that it had captured forever in his mind’s camera. My God she was beautiful with her full round breast, with their smallish, pointy nipples sticking out proudly as the stimulating water fell down across them. Her waist was trim and flat like her abdomen and belly button but her bush down between her legs was the most luscious part of the picture. It was a light brown that seemed almost translucent in color and allowed a view of her wondrous lips down there that made John’s cock start to stir with excitement at the mere thought of seeing her like that.
He had a strange feeling come over him as he entered his driveway. It was almost a feeling of dread of having to face her but he thought that he had to see her eventually so now was as good of a time as ever. He entered his house and walked to the office and placed the file back into the file cabinet and as he turned to leave, there was Daisy, standing in the doorway looking terribly disturbed and guilty.
They stared into each other’s eyes for a brief moment or two and then John broke the silence by saying, “Daisy, I’m so sorry for barging in on you like I did this morning. I should have realized that I just didn’t leave the water running and that someone was obviously in the bathroom.”
“NO, it was all my fault. I should never have gone into your bathroom to take my shower. My God, what was I thinking of?” she replied, her voice in a panic.
“Well, we both were at fault I guess but I just want to say how sorry I am for seeing you, or ah, for interrupting your, ah, well, next time I’ll knock before entering,” John stammered and then realizing that he didn’t really mean what he said. Being very flustered by his attempt at an apology he stammered once again, “I mean, if there ever is a next time, I mean, well I just won’t knock and come right in, I mean, oh shit, you know,” he blurted out turning a bright shade of red.
She turned a equal color of red and then muttered, “Yeah, I know,” and turned to leave the room but as she turned, John could not help but notice the sway of her breasts and the little giggle of her buttocks as she made her way back to the other side of the house.
“My God,” John thought, trying to rewind the picture that kept flashing across his brain’s eye, “I don’t thing she had anything on under that tee shirt or those white cotton shorts. Her breasts were swaying so much that I’m sure that she wasn’t wearing a bra and that little ass on her was giggling too much to be covered by a pair of panties. My God, why was she dressed so provocatively?”
The Saturday progressed as usual except that John found himself all by himself watching the golf match instead of sharing the space with his house guest. She was mysteriously absent from the main part of the house and was holed up in her room. About two thirty in the afternoon, John decided that maybe he should check in on her and so he quietly approached her closed door and just as he was about to knock, he heard a strange groan or moan that stopped him in his tracks.
He listened intently through his held breath and there is was again. It was a moan, a loud moan and a squeak of a bed springs. He froze as he continued to listen in at her door, not daring to breathe. “There it was again, louder this time and what was she muttering?” As he eavesdropped on his lovely young house guest, he could make out a feint little, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh, oh OH, OH, YES!” and a rustling sound of covers coming through the closed door. He suddenly realized what he had been hearing as he slowly crept back down the hallway towards the family room. “She was getting herself off,” John thought as he walked back towards the family room and then he realized that his cock was sticking out straight in his pants and he was as horny as hell.
His raging cock stuck with him most of the afternoon along with his recording of her folly that he had overheard still playing in his mind. Had she actually been stimulating herself like it had sounded? He didn’t know for certain but it sure did sound like it to him plus the image of her standing in the shower earlier that morning didn’t help his efforts to regain his sanity. By five thirty, he had to go tell her that he was hungry and see if she wanted to go out for a bite.
She agreed through the closed door and soon made her appearance out into the kitchen looking just a little flustered. They left for a local restaurant to grab a bite and then back to the house afterwards to spend the rest of their evening sharing their embarrassment it seemed.
They chose an old movie to watch on the TV and during one of the many commercials, John finally spoke up and told her once again how sorry he was for barging in on her that morning. He never mentioned that he had overheard her that afternoon in her room because she blushed enough when he brought up their morning ordeal.
She looked down at her lap and slyly told him, “Its okay. It was a shock at first but now its okay.”
He thought about what she said and the words “Its okay” kept running over in his mind. He was wondering what to make of this remark as she slowly picked up her gaze and stared directly into his eyes. For the first time he looked back into hers and he was struck by just how beautiful she was. Her deep blue eyes, her tiny turned up nose, her rosy cheeks and her delicate little mouth, all shouted out at him with their beauty.
She was sitting next to him on the sofa with her feet and legs tucked up under her and her full skirt lay flared out over her lap. Her delicate embroidered blouse hung open at the top exposing just a hint of the cleavage between her nice full breasts. As she looked up at him, her eyes were begging for him to embrace her. He could see that she had the need and was pleading with him to fulfill it. Her chin rose up in an invitation to his lips as he continued to stare into her two eyes and then he was involuntarily drawn down with his mouth to meet invitation.
As soon as they touched, both sets of lips parted just a little as they softened into a sensuous first time meeting and they began to melt into each other. As they blended, they parted some more, taking each other into the confines of their oral cavities. As they smashed down into their kiss, they each opened their mouths further trying to absorb the other into their growing passion and they each started pulling the other into a warm wet embrace.
John’s hand rose up to caress Daisy’s cheek as she pulled on his shoulder, giving his the encouragement that he sought. Opening his mouth slightly, he panted it onto her lips and stuck his tongue into her mouth, trying to find his mate and enter into a wild fencing match to see who could claim the superiority. He bit her slightly on her lips as she cooed her satisfaction through his kisses and then rolled her head to the side in a sensual sign of submission.
With his eyes closed and in between kisses, he slobbered out his warning, “Oh Daisy, we’ve got to stop while I still can. This isn’t right, I’m so much older than you. Oh Daisy please make me stop.”
“I want it, John, oh my wonderful John. I’ve wanted this to happen for a long, long time and now I couldn’t stop if even if I wanted to. Oh John, my love, take me, I’m yours. Take me all the way. Oh John, take me, take me, take….” Her voice trailed off into nothingness but passion.
He pulled her on top of his lap as he continued to press his lips into hers. His mouth was gyrating around on her open lips as his hands began to pull on her shoulders until she was grinding her breasts into his chest. His hands were all over her back, massaging and groping her back muscles, continuing to pull her into him. When his hand found the bare flesh at the bottom of her blouse, he inserted it under the material and slid it up her back until he found her bra snap and with one hand, he squeezed his fingers together and the tension sprung apart, freeing the cups from her breasts.
She moaned a little as she raised herself up from her kissing and allowed both of his hands to run up her back, taking the blouse with them until her bare breasts fell free of the garments. There they were, staring him straight in the eyes, a mere two inches from his sight in all of their glory, her two perfectly shaped mammary glands, waiting to be suckled.
Taking just the nipple into his mouth, he gently closed his lips around its hardness and began to draw it into his mouth with his sucking lips. He marveled at its pebble hard texture and shape as he ran it around and around between his lips, biting on it occasionally. She moaned out loud at the sensation as she unconsciously pressed her chest into his mouth, forcing him to take the entire firm breast into his orifice which he gladly and willingly accepted.
He went from one to the other, giving each his full attention as she rose up on her knees that were straddling his thighs. His hands sought out her fleshly legs under her skirt and as they made their way up the taught muscles of her extremities, they found the material of her thin panties clinging to her firm little butt. They each grabbed hold of the fleshy part of her rear end and as they squeezed on the muscular butt, they also separated them with a pulling action causing her to squeal with delight at the sensation.
His hands were kneading and stretching her butt cheeks, pulling her holes apart and together with each movement of his hands. This caused her to react in the most sensuous way and before long she was mad with desire. She knew that she had to have him and she would not stop before that happened.
She arched her back but before long she threw her hands down to the bottom of the polo that he was wearing and ripped it up and off of his body. Lustfully, she took his nipples between her lips and started to return the favor that he had just completed on her breasts. John felt the urge down deep in his loins as she kept up the sucking action on his tender breasts and then she moved down to lick his stomach muscles.
She was mad with her desire to taste all of his body and as she worked her mouth down to his belt buckle, she slid off of his lap and curled up between his knees. Struggling to free his pants from their restraints, she finally opened them up and slid them over his raised butt and taking them down to the floor. Now his exposed cock sprang up to introduce itself to her hungry mouth and with one long slow lick of her tongue, she ran it from his balls to the tip of his head in one long lick.
John groaned with enjoyment at the sensation of her tongue but he had not felt anything until she placed her entire mouth around his throbbing head and encompassed it into her mouth. The feeling was indescribable as she managed to engulf the entire cock down into her willing mouth and didn’t stop until the head of it rested right against her gagging throat. It twitched a little, buried between her soft lips until she started it pull it out by sucking hard with her mouth as she drew it out slowly.
“Oh my God Daisy, that feels so good. Where did you learn how to suck a guy’s cock like that?” John asked through his clenched teeth as he took in a deep breath.
Daisy didn’t bother to answer with words but increased the speed and depth into her mouth as she sucked down hard on his engorged cock. He sighed and moaned out loud as he started rocking his hips into the action of her mouth.
His need was building deep within his loins as he placed both hands on her cheeks and guided her mouth onto his cock but when he felt her finger go down between his wide spread legs and start to probe for his anus, he felt the urge start to erupt.
He grabbed her by the sides of her head and forced his shooting cock down her willing throat as he raised his hips high off of the cushions to the sofa. He could feel his wad escape the tip of his cock as it shot down her throat, one rope at a time. The sensation of her throat muscles contracting and accepting his sperm was indescribable as he continued to ejaculate out all of his semen. When it was finally just a dribble, she licked him clean as she pulled it out of her mouth and with a big grin on her face and stuck the tip of her tongue right onto his hole on the end of the head.
“Oh my God,” he said through his spinning eyes when he reached down and grabbed her under the arms to raise her back up off of her knees. “Daisy that was fantastic. I’ve never had a blow job that intense in my life.”
She cuddled back up on his lap and allowed her legs to go on either side of his thighs as she embraced his chest with her arms. “I’m glad you liked it,” she cooed.
He rested there for a moment, rubbing her bare back and then placed his hands down on her butt once again. Working his hands up her skirt until he felt the softness of her panties covering her rear, he grabbed her by the ass and lifted her to her feet. He scooted down until his head was resting on the back of the sofa and moved his fingers around to her crotch and felt for the moisture that had escaped from her opening. He picked up the hem of the skirt and put it around his head as he looked up at her crotch and the growing wet spot on her panties and then he pulled her down onto his open mouth.
She moaned out loud as she sunk down and spread her knees out wide. She felt the warmth of his breath as he began to eat at her crotch and as he nibbled on her pleasure node she shrieked with excitement. “Ohhhh John,” she cried. “Oh my God what you do to me. Yes My Lover, eat my pussy, eat me out good!”
He needed no further encouragement as he buried his nose and chin through her panty covered snatch into her treasure zones. She shrieked her enjoyment and ground down with her crotch into his oral assault. Her wet spot was growing larger by the second as her juices began to flow. She began to breathe very rapidly as the pleasure built in her womb and as she felt the sensation build and build from deep within, she tensed all of her muscles and pressed down into John’s face as she erupted into a grand orgasmic release that cut off all of John’s air supply.
He held his breath as he manipulated his tongue into her slit and pushed the material against her clit. She was bucking her hips on top of his face and was screaming out her pleasure. But as it started to subside, he pulled out of her crotch with his head and sat back up to take her quivering little body into his arms to hold and protect her. He began to rock her back and forth as he felt her heavy breathing of her bare breasts against his own chest. He was rock hard once again and he knew that she would be in a second or two.
He reached down and grabbed her by the butt and stood up and carried her to his bedroom. He was completely naked and she was naked from the waist up but as soon as they got to his bedroom, he would take care of that small little matter. As he walked, she held him close around the neck and she placed her cheek against his shoulder until he laid her down on top of the bed and reached for the zipper that held up her shirt.
Daisy opened her eyes and watched him remove the full skirt down over her hips and legs. Tossing it aside, he turned his attention to her soaking wet panties that remained as her only covering. As he pulled on the waistband, they stretched out over her hips and as she raised them up off of the bed, her light brown pubic hair made its appearance. She raised her bent knees up to her chest to remove her underwear and in so doing she exposed her sopping wet vagina to his eager eyes. Her lips were all swollen and red looking and were parted deep between her legs and her opening was still emitting her moisture and aroma. It was so eager to accept my raging cock that he had to enter it right then and there.
Pulling her knees apart and sliding himself in between them, John grabbed his member and guided it towards the Holy Grail. She stopped breathing as she looked deep into his eyes and her mouth turned up into a faint little smile. As the head of his cock made contact with the slippery wet lips of her vagina, she closed her eyes and exhaled loudly and moaned, “Oh John, I’ve waited for this moment for so long. I want to feel you deep inside of me. Put it in me John My Darling, put it all the way in.”
It was music to the ears of John as he slowly entered her vaginal opening. He felt the slick, wet lips engulf the head of his cock and expand around the bulbous intruder and draw it into its confines as he pressed firmly with his hips. She was no virgin and she took it without a whimper but the tightness of the walls of her canal caused them to squeeze tightly against his cock as he impaled her more and more. He relished at the sensation of feeling her tightness surround his penetrating progress but when she moaned out loud and begged him for more, he almost lost it.
Opening her vagina completely at last, he pushed through to the bottom of her well and he could feel it stop at her cervix deep inside of her womb where he rested for a brief moment. She exhaled her breath and moaned again from the full feeling that he had caused her and as he started to withdraw it from her depths, she instinctively pulled her hips away to increase the sensation that his stiff cock was causing as he drug it back out of her opening.
Her lips clung to his shaft like her mouth had clung to it earlier until he had withdrawn it completely from her cunt but as he repositioned it for another penetrating plunge, she screamed with excitement and rose up her hips in acceptance. This time, he entered her with much more force and speed until she saw stars against the blackness of her closed eyes but she could not control her vocalization of the pleasure that it caused and she screamed out her enjoyment.
He continued to slide it in and pull it out of her well lubricated pussy as he was driving her with his hips. She was trying to meet his every entrance with her pounding crotch but was having trouble keeping pace with his movements. She was reaching her orgasmic stimulation much faster than he was because he had already blown his rocks into her mouth just a few minutes before so he was ready for the long haul and was driving his cock deep into her slick pussy and driving her crazy.
Her hands were on his butt, pulling his every thrust deep into her crotch. She threw her legs around his back and added that pressure to their slamming. You could hear the “Slap, slap, slap” of his thighs into her butt cheeks over her crying buildup as he continued to slam it into her.
“Oh my God, oh my God,” she kept repeating in an ever increasing louder voice. “Oh John you’re driving me crazy! I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, OH GOD, I’M CUMMINGGGGG!!” she finally shouted out her declaration of release. She planted her heels into the mattress and arched her back off of the bed as she let out an unworldly noise that built up to a shouting cry.
“Oh GODDD YESSSS!!” she cried out through her clenched teeth. “OH YESS, YESSS, YESSS!!”
John kept up his pumping, slamming it deep into her pussy and drawing it out so that he could make another run at it. He was insanely obsessed with his own build up and he was forcing himself to reach his own release. He held his breath as his hips became a blur and then he let it all out at once. His breath, his emotions, his desires all came rushing out the end of his cock.
He release was announced by his grunt that shook the entire neighborhood. “UGH, OH MY GOD, UGH, UGH, UGH,” he shouted as he spewed out his seed into the receptacle that he was filling. “OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!” he kept repeating in praise of the one that caused this moment to be remembered.
Finally he started to slow down his rhythmic motions and settled into a rocking action that was much more pleasing for the both of them. He slid his deflating cock back and forth through the co-mingled bodily fluids and she lay there motionlessly spent, trying to catch her breath. But her exhaustion got the better of her and she slipped into unconsciousness, feeling numb to everything that had just happened to her.
He slowly relaxed on top of her frail little body, lying between her wide spread legs, and his mind started to spin in confusion. What had just transpired here and where was it heading? He had a feeling deep within his soul that he thought he would never feel again and it frightened him somehow. But at the same time it felt so good, so right that he actually welcomed it as he drifted off into his own exhausted state to rest and to sleep.
He felt a bare leg when he rolled over and he instinctively jerked awake. His memories came flooding back to him and a smile crossed his face as he draped his leg over her bare butt sticking up at him. She knew what was rubbing her rear end and she welcomed it presence as she raised it up to acknowledge the contact. She felt his leg relax on top of her as well as the warmth of his cuddle and quickly slipped back to sleep with a warm love building deep inside of her.
John slept for the rest of the night. He had conflicted thoughts that kept running through his mind but never came to the surface until that morning. He awoke with the strangest feeling of being watched in his sleep and when he rolled onto his back and opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful face smiling right back at him.
She had rolled on her side and was watching him as he slept. She had felt this appreciation for his sacrifice for over a year now and it had grown from appreciation to admiration to affection and finally to a love that she didn’t know how to express to him or even if she should. But after what had transpired to night before, she only hoped that he felt the same way towards her and if he didn’t, then what had happened was a waste and should never had been allowed. A single tear escaped her eye and as it ran down her cheek, she wiped it away. John saw her move and what she was doing and a sense of regret displaced the feelings that were growing in his mind.
“What’s wrong Daisy?” he asked caressing her cheek with his hand. “Why the tears?”
“I’m just being silly that’s all. I was just wondering if what happened last night was the wise thing to do. I mean, oh God, I loved it. You were fabulous and everything, but, I don’t know, maybe we just got caught up in the moment. You know what I mean, maybe we shouldn’t have done what we did. You might feel kind of trapped or something,” she said through her sniffing.
John propped himself up on his elbow as he looked deeply into the tearing eyes of his lover. He searched into her soul through those two little windows that were starting to overflow and he felt the sense of love for her grow all the more. How could he have fallen so much, so fast for a girl so much younger than he was a question he would take with him to his grave, but there was no denying it, he felt it once before, a true love for a woman that had stolen his heart.
He smiled at her as she continued to break down and sob. He reached for her and pulled her into his strong, muscular arms and pressed her against his chest. “Come here little girl,” he said with a cheerful tone in his voice. “Come on over and cry your eyes out if you must as I tell you a story,” he told her as he kissed the top of her head.
“There once was a guy who, after a rather nasty separation and divorce from his wife had sworn that he would never fall in love again so he buried himself in his work. It worked because his work turned out a lot of good things for a lot of people. Then one day, he met this younger woman and saved her from a terrible tyrant and asked her to come live with him. For well over a year they lived in harmony together, each coming and going their own way. They were happy in this arrangement until, one day he came home and found her in his shower. He saw just how beautiful she really was and wondered why he had not noticed this fact before.
“Well, that evening, they both felt a strange sensation grow between them and they spent the night making mad passionate love with each other and that feeling turned into a feeling of love, on his part anyway and he just wanted to be close to her in every way. He wanted to hold her close and caress her bare back and he wanted her to lie on top of him and hug the breath out of him. He so wanted her to love him like he loved her and never forget it for an instant,” he said holding her close.
“Daisy, I do think that I’m falling in love with you and I know that I shouldn’t; I’m so much older than you and I rescued you from Billy Joe and now I’ve turned into something just as bad. But, you see, you are so beautiful and sweet and lovely that I couldn’t help myself and now I realize that I don’t want to. I don’t feel trapped, I feel liberated! I feel free for the first time in many years and I have you to thank for it. Daisy, don’t you see, I love you!” he said pulling her up and making his declaration directly into her eyes.
She was smiling as the tears were flowing out of her eyes. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him harder than she had hugged anything before. “Oh John, I love you so much!” she kept repeating into his ear. “I love you so much!”
They lay there in each other’s arms, feeling the love that they each had just confessed grow with every passing second. It was almost like they couldn’t get close enough to one another to satisfy themselves and their love that they felt. But after awhile, John felt the urgent need to empty his bladder so excused himself to retreat to the bathroom. Daisy watched him as he swayed it into the bathroom and decided that she should relieve herself also so she followed him.
After shaking off the last little bit of his morning deposit, he turned and told her that he was going to take a shower and encouraged her to join him. After her squat, she stepped into his rather large shower that was the cause of their new found love affair and slid up next to him to press her naked body against to his. He turned and bent down and gave her the warmest, love filled kiss that he could muster.
After the longest, drawn out passionate kiss, they separated their bodies and allowed each other to apply soap all over the other. John made sure that all of Daisy’s young, firm body was squeaky clean, especially down between her separated legs and as he settled down close to make sure that every little inch of her pussy had been washed, he pulled on her butt cheeks and drew her in to his seated position.
Placing himself between her legs, he moved his mouth closer until he could smell her feminine presence and he stuck out his tongue to get a taste of her juices. When he made contact with her lips, she pressed her hips forward into his oral assault and groaned the most sensuous sound imaginable. She threw back her head as his tongue spit her two lips apart and made its way up her channel towards her hooded node and when he landed directly on it, she jerked and cried her approval as she reached down and grabbed the top of his head.
“Oh my God John,” she sighed through her open mouth. “God I love you. Oh John, I love you, I love you so much.” She was lost in her lust for his tongue and his lips as he took her tender button between them and started to gently suck it into his mouth.
“Oh, oh,” she moaned as she pressed his head back against the shower wall. When it could go back no further, she continued to press her now ready pussy into his mouth as she steadied herself with her hands against the same wall. She was rocking her snatch up against his lips and mouth just as she felt his hand go around to her rear end in search of her openings. His fingers found each willing and able to be entered and as she spread her knees even further apart, felt his two fingers enter herself slowly as her mouth flew open and she took a deep breath in.
John hand was busy sliding in and out of her crotch as his two fingers were pushing deeper and deeper into her soft insides. She was starting to rock herself into an orgasmic state and the feelings of the three stimuli at once became more than she could handle. She opened her mouth wide and tightened up her muscles and then released all of her emotions in one long, frantic cry as she rammed her crotch into his face.
“OH MY GOD JOHN, I’M CUMMING, OH I’M CUMMINGGG!!” she screamed as she rammed her hips into his face. He was pumping his fingers into her openings and sucking hard on her clitoris until she could take no more of the stimulation and threw herself off of him. Reaching down to pull him back up to his feet, she threw herself around his body to hug him with every square inch of her naked, quivering self.
“Oh John, take me, take me hard and deep. Take me completely, take me now, oh please John, TAKE ME NOW!!” she begged.
Grabbing her by the ass and lifting her up off the floor, he placed both of her legs around his waist with her arms still around his neck for support. Then he reached down to guide his raging hard cock towards her wet vaginal opening and as he landed on it on the first try, it pried open her entrance and he started to push it in. She let out a strange, guttural sound from deep within her soul and let herself be impaled by the rod that she loved so much. As it continued on its long course inside of her, she continued to inhale her breath as she slid down his body between her wide spread legs.
Her mouth was wide open as she neared the bottom of her well and she wiggled around a little to make sure it would not go in any further. She then tightened up her grip on John’s neck and pulled herself up off of the intruder until it nearly came out. But she reversed the course of it once again and slid it back deep into her sobbing hole and this time she cried out, “Oh God John, oh fuck, make it go in further, please put it in me all the way. Please?” As she begged, he bent his knees and rotated his hips upwards and slammed his meat into her as hard as he could.
She screamed out her pleasure and then rose back up and plunged herself down on his rock hard cock. “Oh God yes, oh yes, oh yes,” she screamed through her clenched teeth. “Oh harder, yes harder, oh my god HARDER!!” she yelled out finally and threw herself down painfully on it as she rammed it into herself as far as it could go. She reached her orgasm as she was throwing herself upon his cock. He tried to keep up with her motion but it came on too strong and too frantic for him to remain standing on his own so his knees gave way until she was lying on her back in the middle of the shower with him on top of her and his hips pumping wildly into her wide open legs.
Daisy was sprawled out under the water coming from the shower nozzle with John pumping her crotch like a mad man. Her legs were sticking straight up in the air and her knees were bent. He had hooked her knees with his arms as he rose up on his toes and his main contact with her was between his raging hard cock and her well used pussy lips. So as he embedded her with it once again, he put the full weight of his body down with it and she screamed as he slammed it into her.
“OH FUCK ME!!” she cried out. “OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OF FUCK,” she cried in rhythm with his plunges. Over and over they slammed into the floor of the shower as he gained on his excitement until he was mad with his lust. And just as they thought that they couldn’t get any more turned on, he growled like a wild bear and slammed into her with his first rope of the morning. Deep inside her the rope splashed against her cervix as deep inside of him his orgasm began to release itself.
He lost all control over his senses and his body. He was mad with his lust for his new lover and totally in love with her lust. He had lost everything and had won everything at the same time and as he came down from this unbelievable orgasmic experience, his muscles let him down with a thud and he lay there on top of her tiny little body, panting like a dog.
They lay there for a long time under the constant shower of water on their naked bodies. It was almost symbolic of their lives that were miraculously washed clean of their rough beginnings and now they were one in their togetherness. They lay there alone in their dreamy state of exhaustion, panting their desires and resting for their next adventure together.

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A chance at a new sex life; Part 11

All characters and events in this story are completely fictional of my own creation. Any similarity to real events or people is purely coincidence. All characters in this story are over the age of 18. I am not a professional nor even an amateur writer. Please remember this when reading. Positive comments about storyline are welcome.

His best mate’s mum

He first felt horny looking at Angie when he was about fourteen. Their back garden met the side of Josh’s, round behind the garage. He would stand at the fence talking to Deano during the summer holidays when his mum would come outside in a skimpy bikini and sunbathe where Josh could see her. He was sure she wasn’t doing it to deliberately make a fourteen-year-old boy feel horny, but that was the effect she had on him anyway.

Kristina Is Plugged By he Tire Repairman

By rutger5 ( An original story 2011)
“No I’m sorry senora just like the sign says we only accept cash” Miguel Luis Estrada told the attractive, well dressed woman as he pointed to the sign prominently hanging at the front of his business which stated in bold lettering CASH ONLY – NO CREDIT.
“I assure you sir that you will be paid in full” Kristina Thorson replied “and that if you don’t accept credit cards then just repair my tire and I’ll return tomorrow at the latest with the money. My husband is very well known in this city’s business community and you have nothing to lose.”
Miguel shrugged his shoulders helplessly before again pointing to the sign.
“I can’t help you senora. Maybe your husband can get someone he knows to come and pay me and then I will fix your tire. My hands are tied, that is the rule here and I can’t go against it every time a beautiful woman asks, though I wish I could help.”
Though she was becoming frustrated with the man’s intransigence Kristina couldn’t help but to smile shyly when he called her beautiful. How long had it been since she’d been called that by a man she wondered to herself? Sure the ladies from the spa she’d just left had oohed and aahed over her appearance but they were women who also made their living catering to spoiled wives like her. This man must be sincere however as under the circumstances what could he possibly gain with a lie she reasoned. Almost unconsciously Kristina ran a slim, delicate hand through her flame colored locks.
“Maybe you can get money from an ATM senora” Miguel suggested to her as his dark eyes drank in her fair beauty.
Kristina now regretted taking this route home from the day spa. If she had driven the more conventional way out of the city to the suburbs this wouldn’t be happening. In trying to save time she had cut thru this gritty section of the city that had formerly been home to factories and the like. The manufacturing jobs were long gone and now there were just some machine shops and auto repair facilities and a few other businesses barely hanging on. She couldn’t imagine there was an ATM closer than the convenience store she had passed a little more than a mile back.
Looking up at the threatening gray sky and down at her four inch Steve Madden heels Kristina knew she wasn’t about to try and walk that especially in this rough section of town. She wished she hadn’t been so generous with the small amount of cash she’d been carrying as a tip to the girl who had given her the seaweed wrap but she had been so sweet and besides she had her cards with her. Most of the time Kristina carried very little money as Carl, her husband, preferred her to use the charge cards as in that way he could track how she spent money as part of his controlling personality. Well time to bite the bullet and deal with the unpleasantness she thought. Removing her cell from her Coach bag she hit the buttons rapidly.
“Yes this is Mrs. Thorson, would you please put Mr. Thorson on the line” she asked in a quiet voice when the phone was answered. She paced in front of the shop as she waited and in a minute his cold voice came over the phone.
“Yes Kristina what is it now?” he said in a clearly annoyed tone at being disturbed by his wife.
“I’m sorry Carl, I know you don’t like being called at work but I have a problem with the car.”
“You didn’t get in another accident did you? Because if you did I swear you’ll regret it.”
“No I wasn’t in an accident and you know that the accident wasn’t my fault but the other driver’s.”
“Yeah but if you were a better driver maybe you could have avoided it. Well I’m waiting.”
“I just have a flat tire and I’m at a tire repair shop but they only accept cash and I don’t have enough with me.”
“What do you expect from me Kristina, for me to fly there? I’m busy right now. Check the glove compartment for the roadside assistance number for God’s sake and leave me alone.”
With that the phone went dead as Kristina fought the urge to cry. She realized that she had forgotten about the service but Carl could be so cruel to her and she wondered for not the first time how much longer she could take things as they were.
After hanging up on his wife Carl looked down at his secretary Angie who was kneeling between his legs and still had one hand wrapped around his erection. He pushed her head back towards where he wanted it.
“I don’t remember telling you to stop what you were doing, now get back to work” he said leaning back in his high backed leather chair. He moaned with pleasure as she resumed the task at hand.
While Kristina paced and talked on the phone Miguel stared at her lustfully. This gringa was not only beautiful but also very sexy. With her heels on she was taller than he was and her burnished red hair inflamed his desire especially in conjunction with her snow white complexion. He licked his lips hungrily as his eyes traveled the length of her, starting at her shapely legs and moving upwards. His eyes paused as he took in her lush hips and round derriere before climbing higher. Her expensive blouse did nothing to conceal the swell of her firm bosom. It was neither large nor small but somewhere in the middle but the most impressive detail was how high on her chest it still was with no sign of sagging even though Kristina was now in her thirties.
He saw her put the phone away before she wiped her hand below her eyes after which she headed towards her Lexus. Miguel hoped he hadn’t overplayed his hand as she opened the front passenger door and leaned inside with her ample posterior protruding out the door. He limped toward the car and stood behind her all the while staring at her shapely backside. Kristina meanwhile searched through the glove compartment but she was unable to locate the folder that contained the car papers including the roadside assistance card as well as the vehicle registration.
In a panic she slammed the glove compartment shut and backed out of the car. Hypnotized by her curves Miguel was slow to react and her butt collided with him before he could move out of her way. Kristina felt his hard body and even harder bulge when their bodies met and she almost fell as she tried to pull away. Miguel’s muscular, brown arm steadied her while also bringing their pelvises back in contact again.
“Be careful senora, you might get hurt” he growled as he rubbed his jean covered hardness against her ass.
She managed to escape his clutches at which time she turned and faced him. He continued to ogle her while also unapologetically rubbing his groin with his hand. Almost against her will Kristina’s gaze was drawn there where she could clearly see the outline of his erection that he fondled. With an effort she tore her eyes away and looked up.
“Well senora what is it going to be, do you want me to fix your tire for you?”
“I want you to….Miguel” she said reading the name on his blue work shirt “but I still don’t have the money. Can’t you please be a gentleman and fix it for me and I’ll pay you tomorrow, I promise.”
Saying this her blue eyes met his black ones and her hand lightly touched his arm as she attempted to appeal to his honor while also utilizing her feminine charms. However by this time his lust overruled any chivalrous intention he may have had and the touch of her hand on his skin only reinforced this decision.
“I will help you senora but only if you help me as well.”
After saying that he took her hand and brought it down to his groin where he held it against him. Kristina felt the heat radiate through his pants and for a moment she caressed his cock which became even harder. Suddenly realizing what she was doing she pulled her hand away in horror.
“I can’t do that Miguel, please don’t ask me. I’m a married woman.”
“I’m married too senora but so what. Your beauty has overwhelmed my reason and I must have you. Besides where is your husband? What kind of man allows his woman to be in such a situation as you are in?”
Kristina’s mind was in a whirl and she couldn’t think straight. What Miguel was proposing was wrong and yet he was right about her husband. And the feel of his hardness she couldn’t forget, both as her hand felt it and when it pressed against her body. He took her by the hand and led her into the inside of the shop where he pushed her against the wall before roughly kissing her.
At first she tried to push him away but her strength was no match for his and before she realized it her arms were twined around his neck as her lips parted eagerly. He pushed his pelvis up to hers and started to grind against her causing Kristina to shudder. It had been too long since a man touched her with such desire, desire for her as a woman beyond the need inside him.
Miguel was surprised when her tongue slipped in his mouth and explored but he sucked hard on it as his hand seized her breast hard making her whimper. His thick fingers pulled at her blouse trying to gain access to her bosom and as he did a button went flying. That seemed to sober up Kristina as she pulled her mouth away from his.
“No Miguel we can’t, I can’t do this. It isn’t right what we’re doing.”
For an answer he broke the cinch they were in and limped away toward the door. Her relief turned to alarm when Miguel took a BE RIGHT BACK sign and hung it on the door before locking it. He again approached her and took her arm before leading her deeper into the confines of the dirty, dark shop. Though Kristina shook her head no she didn’t resist him at all. By the back wall there was a narrow cot with a thin, stained blanket on top. He pushed her down so that she was sitting on it as he stood in front of her. Next his hand fumbled with some switches on the wall. One turned on a fluorescent bulb above which bathed them in its cold, white glow. The other switch he threw seemed to have no immediate effect. Taking her hand he brought it to his belt.
“Undo my belt and pants” he practically growled at her.
With trembling fingers she unfastened his large rhinestone buckle and the button on his jeans before sliding down the zipper. Impatient and eager for more Miguel pushed down his pants freeing his rampant maleness. Kristina gasped as it sprang upwards finally free of its confinement. It was of a brown, tannish color while surrounded by a nest of thick, black, wiry hair but it was its girth that startled her.
It wasn’t much longer than Carl’s, if at all, but she had never seen one with the thickness it possessed. Tentatively her hand touched it as she observed the head was red and swollen and leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. There were criss crossed veins running its length and it felt burning to her touch and as hard as steel even though the skin was surprisingly soft.
“Suck it senora” he almost begged her and he cried out with joy when Kristina opened her mouth as wide as she could and swallowed the head. She tasted the saltiness of his fluid on her tongue while the musky odor of his groin filled her nostrils. Her lips stretched to accommodate his member as he thrust deeper into her willing mouth. Her tongue licked and swirled the underside of his head and shaft at their most sensitive spots fueling the flame of his lust even brighter. One of Miguel’s hands grabbed her fiery hair and clenched it tightly at which point he began to use it to pull her head forward.
His head pushed back to her throat entrance but Kristina thought he was too thick to swallow and attempted to pull back. Reluctantly Miguel allowed her to pull her mouth from him but Kristina immediately gripped the wide shaft at its base as she began to trace the length of it with her agile tongue. She worked her way to the top where she circled the head like an ice cream cone before going back down.
When Kristina reached the bottom she managed to take a large, hairy ball into her mouth while stroking him with her hand. As she sucked on it Kristina tilted her head up so she could watch his reaction. Miguel was greatly enjoying the attention she was delivering to him as his wife Juana would never do such things even though he had tried to convince her. She was a deeply religious woman who believed sex was for procreation and only regular sex in the missionary position was acceptable to her. As the mother of his children she was to be honored but sometimes a man wanted more.
Kristina was certainly delivering more as she then resumed sliding her lips back and forth over the length of his thickness, again taking him to the depths of her mouth. He began to meet her mouth with mini thrusts almost causing her to gag but she persevered. Suddenly he withdrew from her and placed her right hand on his hardness before turning his back to her. Miguel reached back and spread his hairy ass cheeks with one hand.
“Come on gringa, I want you to lick my ass” he told her.
His musky scent was even more overpowering there as the pink tip of her tongue extended and started to lap away at his tangy orifice. His hand pushed her face closer to him as Kristina’s hand continued to slide his full length.
“That’s it puta, lick my asshole good” he groaned out loud.
She knew what he had called her but at this moment she didn’t care. She hadn’t given a rim job since her college days as Carl had no interest in receiving one. Though he did prefer blowjobs to intercourse he was too repressed to want that area stimulated. Kristina had always been very oral and the fact that she had stayed a virgin longer than most of her friends had helped her to become very adept at performing oral sex as that was the way she had satisfied her beaus when younger. Add to that she became turned on while performing oral and at that moment her panties were beyond damp.
Her tongue licked and probed Miguel until with a sigh he pulled her head back and also removed her hand from his erection. He shuffled a few steps over where he removed an absorbent pad used for catching vehicle fluids from a shelf and placed it on the floor next to the cot.
“Kneel there” he simply said and as soon as Kristina complied he sat on the cot in front of her and gestured to his feet.
“Take off my boots” Miguel ordered her.
She unlaced and removed one boot and then the other and while she did Miguel pushed his pants to his knees where Kristina took over sliding them to his feet where she could remove them. When she looked up Kristina couldn’t help but gasp when she saw his legs. Miguel’s right leg was normal but his left one was scarred hideously and twisted somewhat to the side while also appearing somewhat withered.
“Oh my goodness Miguel, what happened to your leg?”
He shrugged before answering as it wasn’t a favorite topic of conversation with him.
“When I was young I was underneath a car I was working on when the jack collapsed making the car fall on me and that leg took most of the blow. So now it doesn’t work so good and I have a limp” he replied stoically. “But don’t worry about that, just worry about sucking my cock.”
Kristina felt pity for his injury but his hard on was waiting so she again began to suck on it pleasuring Miguel with her lips and tongue. As she did he moved his right foot between her legs and began to rub it back and forth against her mound. That forced a moan of pleasure from her though it was muffled by her full mouth. He leaned forward and his dirty hands again began working at her blouse buttons. Once he had enough room a hand slid inside and cupped her firm breast encased in her Agent Provocateur brassiere.
Kristina finished unbuttoning her blouse and when she finished she slid it off her white shoulders before unclasping and removing her bra which was already soiled with oil and grease from Miguel’s strong hands. She then resumed sucking him deep and as his foot rubbed her pussy arousing Kristina further she pushed past her limits as well. Breathing through her nose she managed to work his swollen head into her throat and as soon as she did Miguel thrust forward until his wiry patch of pubic hair rubbed against her nose, tickling it.
Kristina kept him buried for a minute until she had to pull up as her breathing was becoming difficult with his thick slab filling her throat. She gasped as she spit up some saliva but she gamely went back to work teasing Miguel by running her tongue on his head like it was a popsicle. His strong hands in turn firmly pinched her erect nipples and fondled the firm flesh of her shapely breasts causing her to moan in response.
She was now grinding her mound against his foot and ankle until he took her by the shoulders and pulled her up so that she was standing while he remained seated. Miguel’s brown hands ran down her body stopping only long enough to unzip her skirt and push it and her soaked panties down. For the first time in his life he saw a close up vision of a fiery red triangle of pubic hair framing her delicate yet aroused pink pussy.
Unable to wait he buried his face in her mound, kissing her soft, downy hair before his lips connected with her clit which defiantly protruded from beneath its hood. When that happened she trembled and grabbed his short black hair with her hand and when his lips parted and he sucked on her nub hard Kristina almost collapsed as her orgasm hit her like a freight train. Her juices ran down her leg as she swayed unsteadily on her feet but Miguel’s strong arms wrapped around her hips kept her upright.
He half dragged her back towards him as he pulled her onto the cot on top of him making sure to position her flaming pussy right over his straining erection while she sprawled on him. Kristina pushed her pelvis down until she felt his hardness brush against her swollen lips at which time Miguel grasped his cock and worked it until his head forced its way to her wet opening. He then firmly grabbed her soft hips with both hands and pulled her down while also thrusting forward impaling her with his thick weapon.
Kristina cried out loudly from the mixture of pleasure and pain as her tight, wet pussy was filled with his full length battering its way to her depths. He held her there a minute as she stretched to accommodate him before Kristina placed her hands to his hairy chest for support. With her blue eyes almost closed she slowly began to slide up the length of his cock and when just his head remained inside Miguel pulled her all the way down again.
“That’s it gringa, ride my fat cock with your tight pussy” he told her.
For the next few minutes she slowly increased the speed of her movements until Miguel knew he couldn’t last much more before he exploded. Swiftly he rolled them over so he was on top of her, his stocky body pressing her to the cot. His ass rose four or five times as he would almost pull out before he would bury himself back in her pinkness and on the last thrust he cried out “Madre de Dios” as his body stiffened. Kristina felt him swell even larger inside her and then experienced the feeling of his fat cock shooting rope after rope of thick cum toward her womb.
For a moment Kristina panicked when she felt his discharge. She didn’t use birth control as Carl had a vasectomy before they were married. He claimed it was due to world overpopulation but Kristina always suspected it was because he was far too selfish and spoiled to be a father. When Miguel’s twitching cock caused her own pussy to spasm from orgasm however Kristina stopped worrying about it.
Miguel remained deeply buried until all his seed had left before pulling out from her at which time he crawled up so his cock brushed Kristina’s full, red lips. She didn’t need to be told what to do but opened her mouth and sucked their combined juices from him bringing him greater pleasure. Her small hand gently felt his now empty balls as she continued to suck on him helping keep the erection hard.
“Mi gringa puta” he gasped.
She pulled her mouth off him and smiled in response. Miguel managed to climb off her and balance himself at the edge of the cot at which point the rolled her over onto her stomach. Kristina giggled and raised her ass in the air while arching her back. When she saw Miguel was staring while practically drooling she wiggled her posterior back and forth. Placing one hand on her lower back he playfully swatted her cheeks with the other.
“Does the gringa puta want me to fill her again with my beef burrito?”
“Oh yes please Miguel, use me like your little fucktoy.”
Her positive response along with her wiggling backside gave Miguel an idea. He had always wanted to try something that he saw all the American porn stars do and which his proper wife would never consider. First he jammed two thick fingers in her wet hole and proceeded to roughly finger fuck her. Kristina enthusiastically pushed back onto his fingers when he surprised her by leaning close and flicking her puckered little hole with his tongue. His free hand spread her shapely cheeks wide as he lapped away at her sphincter.
“Oh Miguel, that tickles licking me there” she managed to exclaim.
“Don’t worry it won’t tickle when I assfuck you with my fat cock you puta. So just relax as much as you can and it will hurt less.”
After saying that he pushed the tip of his thumb right to her back entrance and forced it inside her. Kristina winced from the feeling but he continued on until his thumb was buried deep in her.
“Play with your pussy gringa, its what they do in the movies” he said as he shifted into position to sodomize the repressed wife. First he rested the knee from his injured leg on the cot as his strong right leg stood and supported him. As Kristina started playing with her sensitive clit he slid his fingers from her pinkness and butt and used his hands to spread her ass cheeks as wide as possible. He pushed the tip of his cock to her hole and once the head was partially in Miguel seized her hips pulling her back onto his throbbing member.
“No please, aahh, its too wide Miguel. Take it out of my ass” she pleaded but he ignored her and in fact thrust forward until his balls slapped the soft, white skin of her ass. Kristina whimpered from discomfort as her body writhed helplessly beneath him. Once he was all the way in he stopped pushing and instead reached out and caressed her face.
“Relax gringa, don’t move and it will feel better soon. Keep playing with your pussy and think about that instead.”
Kristina followed his directions and even though her ass still hurt from the wide shaft buried in it her hand continued stroking her clit sending waves of pleasure to her nerve endings. When he cupped a breast and kissed her back she moaned in response. Slowly he started to move in her ass, pulling back a little before pushing deeper again. Miguel couldn’t believe how tight she was back there and it felt like he was in a soft, warm vice. Already his balls were signaling their intention to dump what little juice they had just produced into her back channel.
Miguel’s hand covered hers as she stroked her clit and he began a series of deep, powerful thrusts in her backdoor. When her fingers delivered another climax to her little pussy her body tightened in response to it. That in turn pushed Miguel to his own orgasm as her ass clamped on him so tight he couldn’t move. When Kristina collapsed on the cot Miguel went with her and as he lay on her soft body he spurted what cum he had deep in her tush.
They didn’t move for some time as their spent bodies recovered somewhat from their carnal exertions. Finally with a moan Miguel pushed up with his arms enough that his now half hard cock popped free of Kristina’s ass. He managed to sit at which time he reached down and retrieved her panties from the floor. Miguel wiped his spent member with the silk lingerie before discarding it on the cot.
Slowly he dressed as Kristina continued to rest from their adulterous union. Once he was ready he stood and hobbled to the door and went outside. She lay there a few more minutes digesting what had just happened. A smile came over her face as she realized that was the best sex she’d had since before marrying. Never again would she deprive herself of such pleasure. If Carl was unwilling to satisfy his wife she would just go elsewhere she decided. Life was too short.
Coming to this decision calmed her and she began to dress after cleaning herself the best she could under the circumstances. Her panties were covered with their cum and fluids so she dropped them in the garbage after wiping down her puss. By the time she walked outside on shaky legs Miguel had patched the tire and was in the process of lowering the jack.
They didn’t say another word to each other as they were both lost in their thoughts and once she sat in the car he closed the door and limped back to his shop. At the first red-light Kristina came to she adjusted her visor to check her appearance in the mirror. That is the face of a woman who’s just been satisfied for the first time in a long while she thought to herself when she noticed that one of her gold and pearl earrings was missing.
For a moment she considered immediately turning around and returning when a smile came to her face. What she needed now was a nice hot bath to soak in and clean the past hour from her body. Tomorrow would be soon enough to retrieve her missing earring as there was only one place she could have lost it. Smiling at the memory she drove forward when the light changed.
For his part Miguel held the earring up to the light and studied it. He had noticed it on the blanket as they recovered from their coitus and had discreetly palmed it with the hope that she wouldn’t realize it was missing right away. He was already thinking about the price she would have to pay for its return. A big smile came over Miguel’s face.
As always comments are welcomed and appreciated as well as positive votes!
My thanks to you the reader for enjoying my little story!

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My Horny Blind Aunt

My Horny Blind Aunt
…* based on a true story
… I had slowly became sexually aroused for my nephew Brad for a long time. His touch and mine told us we both had desires for each other. We had never got the chance to get together and sure didn’t need the family causing us both trouble.
… When he was little, he always helped me get around and me being blind seemed to turn him on. I think because he was shy and bashful. Being around me with no eye contact, made him feel comfortable around me. I could feel it in his touch. He liked to touch me. When we were alone we did a lot of touching which turned us both on. Hands at first, then arms, then faces and on to our legs and then one day…. my tits. He let me feel his boner and I let him feel up my dress and rub my pussy. He had a great and sexy touch. We liked to get each other aroused and then…we started kissing real hot in private…..
…Blind girls have a great advantage. We can smell a lot about a guy. His aftershave, or cologne, nervous perspiration, and what girl he was just with. The tone of his voice. If he’s talking towards us or away from us. The touch of him is the most reveling of all. Body temperature, moisture, and the slightest shaking in his hands. His reaction to conversations can be felt in his hands. Voices that are lying sound different that ones that tell the truth.
….Body heat tells us a lot too. My purse makes a little sound when it is opened, so I know if it being opened by someone else. Brad had a nice voice, very sincere, and I could tell he was horny for me. He quickly knew how to arouse me, and did so to make me happy. He would let his fingers trace my nipples outside my blouse, just to watch me smile. He loved to make me horny…and I loved to give him hardon’s.
….My brother and sister in law were going out of town for a week, so I ask her to send Brad over to look in on me for that week. They said fine and Brad caught on quick that this was a chance for us to get together. I was only a few years older than Brad and they didn’t know about our secret little feeling affair.
…There was something about being the first girl to have sex with him that was driving me to be… that girl. He had admitted to me that he was a virgin, but to please not tell anyone. This was becoming quite an obsession with me. Now was the time to act and get that virgin erection all to myself. I was a virgin also.
…Brad was the only guy I ever let feel me up, and I had to let him know I ’wanted’ to be felt up. In the early days, I moved his shaky hand where I wanted it to let him know it was ’ok’.
…We finally were alone one day when it very first happened. It was my first sexual thrill from a guy.
….I tried not to act excited when ’they’ decided I should go check on aunt Tina while they were away. As a teen guy and I had gotten sex desires for her over the years. The warm touches she gave me told me she liked turning me on. It first started big a few months ago…..
…. We were in my house alone together for about an hour. She decided to get bold and gave me this sexy hug as we were standing. She whispered: (“…we have to have a talk Brad.”) I started getting a boner as I felt her push her pussy into me. I froze up as I had not even had my first sex yet. I was very inexperienced, with Tina being the only girl I had the hots for. Tina was a beautiful blond with nice tits and shape….but the sexy way she acted to me when no one was around, got to me.
…That day I really got turned in by her and I got a big boner. She whispered: (“Brad…I have to tell you something….I want to be the first girl you have sex with. I can teach you how girls like to have sex and you can ask me any questions you want to. Will you wait until we can be alone together and take our time with our first sex?”) I couldn’t speak at first, as she kept rubbing her pussy right on my boner. Then I said: (“…that would be wonderful Aunt Tina, I’ve dreamed about you for a long time, this would be a dream come true for me.”)
… She held me tight and told me how wonderful is was going to be. Then she said: (“…we have time to get in a little practice right now.”)
….She said to close my eyes and to let her do some ‘hot’ kissing practice, not just regular.
… While her lips played with mine she put her hand down my pants. I felt her warm fingers feeling my boner. Her warm lips were wet and her tongue traced along my lips. This was mega hot. She said to feel her tits. I went under her t-shirt and felt her warm tits over her bulging bra. She said to un-hook her bra. Now reach under and feel her nipples and be gentle.
…. I moved my hands under and went for her nipples. They stuck out firm as I felt them. She started breathing as hard as I was. I was loving this. She said to now put my hand under her skirt. I slipped my hand under. She had taken her panties off and I felt her wet slit.
…Time was racing by as we got really turned on and I slipped my finger in her pussy. She moaned a little and said to rub the top and called it her clit. She jumped and moaned a little more. She said: (“…my pussy will be waiting for you Brad…”)
…We had to stop as others would be coming home any minute. I watched her ass as she headed for the bathroom. She never looked so hot to me as she did now. It was hard to wait to get my hands on that body of hers. Now I had to cover my big boner and think about something else.
….Time dragged by with my school, mom and dad’s chores for me and Tina vivid on my mind. We both waited for the time to be together. We talked by phone though….and our hot talk just made the waiting worse. We found out how long we each had been wanting each other and were shocked on how long ago it started. I knew she kinda liked me but I never knew she fingered herself and thought of me….but….I told her I wanked the same about her. I swiped a pair of her panties and shot cum on them and a picture of her I found too. She said she had dreams of us having hot sex.
… All this talk was just making us want each other all the more. One night on the phone she fingered herself to orgasm as I wanked thinking about fucking her. To hear her moan and breathe like that was awesome…..
Tina thoughts…
….My obsession for Brad was happening for real. Tonight my brother and sister in law leave for a week. A whole week for Brad and I to be together. I was wet all the time now waiting. It was hard to wait to get my hands on him.
….Late Friday night I hear a knock on my door. He said it was him. My heart jumped as I opened the door. Our arms went around each other as I felt the head from his body. I felt his excited breathing on the side of my face. I had a robe on, and nothing else. I started undressing him right there. I wanted us naked and free. Two virgins all shaky and fumbling our fingers. I felt him pick me up and carry me to my couch. It felt like I was flying as he spun me around and around kissing my face over and over.
… We both giggled as he finally sat down with me across his lap. I felt his face for the smile I knew was there. He was like a little kid on Christmas. He felt my face like I felt his. He took my hand and held it up to my own face…he said: “See how beautiful you are..” He guided my hands around my face, using my hands as his eyes. We took our time feeling us and I saw him like never before, using his eyes and my hands to see with. I felt his chest with it’s beating excited heart. He guided my hands around my tits that he loved so much. I got a new picture of things through his hands directing mine. We did the same with our lips as they and our tongues felt all over us.
…He said he saw this movie where a guy put lotion all over the girl and it was beautiful. He brought a bag with him with lavender lotion in it. He opened my robe and started in on me. I had never had this done to me. I got new chills I never knew I had. He warmed it with his hand and put it all over my body as I went into a new world of feelings. It was making me so horny I had to take in bigger breaths.
…He got up and kneeled over me and put on the great aroma all over every inch of my body. I got so relaxed, when he got closer and closer to my pussy, I almost orgasmed right then. This special lotion he found began slowly began to heat up after is was applied. I was in another world of pleasure and aroma. I was weak but managed to pull him on top of me. I applied the lotion to him also. We both sighed as I felt so good. Now his boner was rock hard resting between my legs.
…. It was time to put it in my pussy. I guided it slowly in my tight pussy. A little at a time as we gasp for breath. I pulled my knees up and slowly it went in deeper and deeper. We gently let it go all the way in me. We mesh together as one. We now go to another world with each other. The feeling I’m getting are off the scale. We wrap ourselves in each others arms and I now know what it feel like to have his erection in me. We began to fuck together as an unexplainable high climbs up inside of us.
….Finally together. I pull him in deep to my pussy to get all the feeling I can. He’s starting to peak with me…I moan out as he starts to shake and we feel it. The hot cum flowing in me. We gasp for air as the feeling takes us away. I didn’t realize my hips could move so fast as I pumped my pussy around his cock. More moaning and squirming between us. Something inside my pussy squeezed down on his cock and lock on it tight…still higher I went as we kept fucking until we just locked up and let the cum flow in me…….
….Brad and I have been together for 4 years now. The family is now use to it. Some nice people say: “Cool, she has a ‘sighted’ room mate to be with.”…he does take advantage of me thought. He sneaks up behind me (of course I can hear him) and gropes and cops a feel of my tits and pussy. I act surprised. I take his clothes while he’s in the shower and then turn out all the lights in the house. He giggles and has to try and find them. There always between my legs when he finds me….
…. In the evenings he likes to play a porn video. He puts a disk in the DVD player. He says the disk sound is crappy, so he will narrate. He loves to get me all turned on as he describes the action. He fondles me as the video plays.
…One of my favorites is the one about 2 blind girls fucking their captive sighted guy.
…He puts me on top of him and describes how they force him to fuck them as he struggles to get away. They hold him down and take turns fucking him. He is forced to suck their tits and eat their pussy’s as they hold him down.
….The story gets me so hot I attack Brad. I put my tits in his mouth and make him suck them so hot. I slide down and suck and lick his warm erection. I move up and force him to eat my hot pussy real good…then I put his erection in my pussy and force him to gladly fuck me. I have to moan as we feel it coming. We lock our bodies together and I feel the hot blast of his cum shoot in me. I climax hard as I squirm, tremble and finally collapse on top of him.
….I feel a million feelings all over my body that a sighted girl would never feel…I see with my hands…and they never tell what they see….
(Oh, by the way, we don’t even own a DVD player.)

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The Island, Chapter 26

Author’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

Craving for Dog Meat: It Runs in the Family (continued)

Young Joy spent the whole week looking forward to getting fucked by her family’s German Shepherd, Rusty. The thought of her mom’s cunt inundated with dog sperm was etched in her mind. She kept repeating bestial scenes in her head and masturbating herself several times a day in the school bathroom to the thought of big dogs fucking petite women. Each day of the school week she spent with a dildo in her pussy, stuffing it in her cunt before she got on the bus and keeping it secured in her white cotton panties for the entire day at school. Her parents wanted her to watch her mom fuck the dog some more before she did it herself so she knew exactly what to expect herself. Joy got a good idea of what she’d be getting when she finally got to fuck the dog — lots and lots of dog cum!
Thirteen year old Joy, who’d just lost her virginity to her dad the past weekend, had her heart set on finally screwing the family pet after the school week was over. Her dad turned out to be an excellent lover, which she expected after seeing him fuck her mom on many occasions. Her mom encouraged the extremely perverse family activities. Joy had fucked her dad a few more times since she lost her virginity to him, and she enjoyed herself immensely each time. They were experimenting with different sexual positions, but had thus far concentrated on doggystyle, as Joy wanted to get fucked like a bitch and badly! She loved the feeling of her dad’s pulsing cock releasing sperm into her womb, and longed for the feeling of the German Shepherd releasing all his sperm into her hole.
Aside from fucking her dad and watching her mom fuck the dog, Joy was also becoming addicted to Rusty’s tongue on her wet gash. The animal was talented — Joy’s mom, Marissa, had taught the dog to be an expert cunnilinguist! Joy could cum several times in the span of just a few minutes of the dog’s tongue licking her sensitive slit from clit to asshole. She had gotten hooked on her parents’ dog sex videos, and knew to expect the dog cock to expand and knot once inside her pussy. Joy looked forward to it — especially getting knotted and spermed in!
The weekend finally came. As soon as Joy awoke, she started watching bestiality porn involving women and horses, a video her parents let her borrow, and set to teasing her cunt for almost an hour before she let herself have the first orgasm of the day. When she finally did cum for the first time on that beautiful Saturday morning, it was incredibly intense and shook her petite little body. Her bed-springs squeaked as she fucked herself with a large blue vibrator and her parents listened through the door, smiling at each other as they heard their daughter’s moans of pleasure. Rusty was sitting patiently nearby, looking up at his horny masters.
Marissa cracked her daughter’s bedroom door ever so slightly, standing back, and commanded Rusty to slip inside. She and her husband Tom listened as their daughter’s moans got louder — they knew the dog was most likely starting to lick out Joy’s cunt. Joy’s moans grew to loud, long wails, filling the house. Her parents peeked in and could see her taut legs spread-eagle, the dog’s nose in her crotch, its tongue lapping the moist girl slit. Joy was pulling on her small nipples, her tits only little budding mounds on her chest. Her flat belly quivered with the dog’s attention on her sensitive clitoral nub. Joy threw her head back, a long moan of ecstasy escaping her lips.
The moans grew louder as Joy shouted out that she was cumming. Her body shook and writhed on the bed, but Rusty didn’t miss a beat. Joy’s parents smiled, knowing their dog was going to be a great fuck for their teen daughter. They left the doorway, the animal continuing to lap up Joy’s cunt, to make her a hearty breakfast in bed. Bearing pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, orange juice, and some sausage links, Marissa and Tom opened the door to greet Joy happily, making her jump slightly and gasp while Rusty still lapped her delicate moist folds of private flesh. The morning sun was streaming upon Joy’s lithe young body, covered with goosebumps from the dog’s attentions on her cunt.
“Morning, honey!” said Marissa cheerfully.
“Hello darling,” said her dad. “How many orgasms have you had so far today?”
“Oh! Hi Mom and Dad, good morning. Uh, I’m up to 5 now, I think,” said Joy, breathless. “I’ve just been letting Rusty eat the hell out of my pussy!”
“We can see that, honey,” said Tom, his eyes on his daughter’s engorged, glistening cunt meat in the bright morning sunlight. His cock was stirring to life knowing that his daughter was ready to get dog-fucked. Marissa, herself an avid dog-fucker, was eager to see her daughter taking the dog prick, knot, and sperm.
“Why don’t you come out in the living room to play when you and Rusty are done eating, sweetie,” said Joy’s mom. Joy smiled and her parents left her to eat her breakfast. When she was finished, she shakily rose to her feet to join them in the living room. The dog panted happily at her side. Out in the living room Tom put a bestiality video in the DVD player. Soon a dog sex compilation video was playing on the big TV. Joy’s eyes were glued to the screen as she laid back on the couch and spread her legs for her own beloved pet to dive back into her cunt. She shrieked at his cold nose on her warm, swollen cuntlips. Joy rubbed her clitty hard as the dog eagerly lapped up her slit, coating her with saliva.
Tom and Marissa sat down on the loveseat and watched their daughter getting eaten by the family dog. Their eyes moved from Joy writhing on the couch to the scene of a knotted girl on the TV. Tom’s prick was almost completely hard and aching for freedom. Marissa saw her husband’s bulge and attended to him, pulling it free of his boxers and beginning to rub and suck on him while he watched his daughter getting eaten out by the big German Shepherd.
Joy’s moans filled the room as Rusty ate her pussy with abandon. She was about to cum again, her legs shaking now as she held them wide open. Joy was in need of some cock in her cunt, and soon! Her eyes were affixed to the TV, staring at a young, petite girl with a huge dog draped over her back and knotted in her cunt. Joy knew she too would soon be filled with dog meat and sperm! She shuddered, her orgasm surging throughout her entire body. Joy’s moans grew louder as her climax exploded inside of her as the dog licked her delicate, sensitive cunt meat from clit to asshole.
The next dog sex scene showed a woman taking a dog cock up the asshole. Joy wanted to feel Rusty in her pussy, and was slightly nervous that the dog might get in her asshole by accident. She knew once Rusty got excited it would be hard to control him. But she also knew her loving, perverted parents would be there to help her with her first foray into dog sex!
“Mommy, Daddy… I’m ready… I want to fuck Rusty now…” moaned Joy as her climax subsided. Her arms and legs were covered in goosebumps from the intense orgasm she’d just had. Her cunt was oozing pussy juices that the dog continued to lap up. Marissa and Tom smiled, knowing their young daughter would soon be just as hooked on bestiality as they were!
Marissa left the room to get a few things in preparation for her daughter’s dog fucking. She came back with a towel, a small vibrator, and some socks that she began to place on Rusty’s forepaws. The towel was laid out on the living room floor in front of the TV so Joy could get on her hands and knees to get fucked like a bitch while still watching the dog sex video. Joy’s heart beat fast as her eyes remained glued to the TV, now showing a girl getting fucked by a Great Dane while sucking a man’s cock. She’d never felt so excited!
Marissa told Joy to get on her hands and knees on the towel. The teen complied, waving her ass in the air in anticipation with her eyes raised up to the TV screen watching as the Great Dane plowed into its bitch with a fury unmatched by man. Joy shuddered as the dog went still over the woman, and moments later some cum could be seen dribbling out of the woman’s pussy, leaking down over her clit and dripping to the floor. The dog was knotted and sealed up inside the woman’s pussy, huge furry balls swinging to a stop as its cum flooded the human bitch.
Rusty got excited when he saw Joy get on her hands and knees; he was well trained to fuck women. Tom had to hold him by the collar to keep the animal under control as he lunged to get on top of Joy. Once she was ready, he led the dog over to Joy and let him at her. Joy gasped as Rusty jumped on top of her back, instantly weighing her down. Tom watched as the large animal covered his petite daughter’s slender body. Joy wasn’t even a hundred pounds soaking wet, and he knew the dog was going to give her the pounding of her life.
He watched as Rusty began humping at his daughter’s ass while Joy cried out. Marissa walked up next to her husband and watched as the family dog got in place over their teen daughter, ready to give her a hard fucking. Joy could feel the dog’s hard prickhead poking at her butt as he humped at her, trying to find a hole. The dog wrapped its forepaws tightly around Joy’s waist and she moaned again as the hard prickhead poked at her asscrack. She knew he was ready to get inside her.
Tom helped position the dog’s hips lower to get into his daughter’s cunthole, knowing she wasn’t ready to take the dog cock up the asshole just yet. Joy moaned louder, eyes on the knotted woman on the TV in front of her while her own dog’s cock danced around near the entrance to her cunthole. Any moment now, Joy knew the dog was going to penetrate her teen hole! She was craving for the dog meat, her hips gyrating in an effort to give the dog better access to her bitch hole.
Suddenly, Rusty lunged forward and began slamming his hips hard at Joy’s ass — Joy shrieked, and Tom and Marissa knew the animal had found its target. Joy began crying out as Rusty began pushing her off the towel almost instantly, forcing her around on the living room floor. She could feel the living room carpet burning her knees as the dog humped her furiously.
Joy’s moans filled the entire house as the German Shepherd fucked her intensely, its balls slamming into her with its powerful thrusts. Rusty’s cock began growing in her cunt, and Tom shuddered as he heard the animal’s prick begin squelching inside his teenage daughter’s wet cunthole. Joy was nearly delirious with the pleasure of the dog cock fucking the hell out of her pussy. She was no longer paying any attention to the dog sex video as she got her own hard dog fucking. Rusty’s prick continued growing in her cunt, feeling hard as steel inside her velvety depths. The animal’s prick reached ever further inside of her, reaching for her womb to deposit its seed.
Tom’s prick was hard as a rock at the sight of his daughter getting pushed around on her hands and knees by the big German Shepherd. Marissa knew her husband was ready to fuck, and she bent over for him as she stood in front of him so that he could start fucking her from behind while watching Joy get screwed by the dog. Tom eagerly slammed his cock inside his sexy wife as Rusty fucked Joy like a jackhammer right in front of him. Joy’s strawberry blond hair was getting matted with sweat from intense beast sex. The dog’s prick had extended nearly to its full length inside her, reaching into the young girl’s cervix.
Joy began wailing as she felt the animal’s knot start filling her up. It pressed against her pussy walls, starting to seal the dog cock up inside her pussy. Joy could feel the dog’s nuts still slapping at her as she was fucked furiously on her hands and knees like a bitch, the sounds of the dog cock in her cunt adding to the sexy sight of her getting stuffed. Tom continued fucking his wife from behind as she stood in front of him; they were both getting an excellent dog sex show! He reached under Marissa’s belly to rub her stuffed pussy mound and sensitive clit, making her cry out. After a few minutes of rubbing, Marissa was cumming as her husband fucked her hard from behind while they both enjoyed watching the family dog pound their teenage daughter.
The dog’s cock reached deep inside of Joy, and its knot began stuffing her. She started to feel more full than ever before as the knot plugged her up. The dog had been fucking her like a jackhammer for awhile when she felt it finally go still on top of her, its prick securely lodged in her cunthole. Nadia felt Rusty’s nuts swing to a stop. Suddenly she felt the dog prick begin erupting inside of her, feeling like a warm hose of sperm was being unleashed inside of her. Joy cried out as the dog kept unleashing its seed in her womb. The sperm was plugged up inside of her by the dog knot. Rusty laid his head against her back, as his prick continued to erupt, still holding her waist tight.
“Is he cumming in you, honey?” asked Marissa. Tom had stopped fucking his wife, his prick hard and still inside Marissa’s cunt while they watched Joy getting knotted by the dog.
“Oh, ohhh, ohh, ahhh, yes, yes he is, oh my God, yes… He is filling me with sperm, he’s still sperming in me! Oh, yes, oh it feels so good, his sperm is so hot, there’s so much of it, I feel so full!” cried Joy. Rusty panted in her ear, his cock still pulsing jets of hot cum into Joy’s cervix. She was nearly delirious with the feeling of the knotted dog cock exploding inside of her teen cunt.
Marissa stepped away from her husband, Tom’s cock releasing from her cunt with a sucking sound, and picked up the vibrator. She started rubbing Joy’s stuffed cunt while the dog stayed still inside its human bitch. Joy moaned and writhed as her mother rubbed the vibrator all over her hard clit and stuffed cunt gash. The dog panted hard, its cock lodged firmly inside Joy’s pussy. Some cum started dripping out of Joy’s cunt down to the carpet.
Joy moaned louder as her orgasm approached. The feeling of the dog meat inside of her, with what felt like gallons of sperm inside of her, and her mom rubbing on her clit was encouraging her climax to erupt within her. Tom stepped in front of her, jacking his dick in his daughter’s face. Joy looked up at him as she moaned and wailed out that she was cumming, her eyes meeting her father’s in a heated gaze. Joy’s cunt squeezed the dog cock and knot hard as her orgasm surged throughout her. It was a powerful climax, leaving her entire body shaking until she collapsed weakly onto her face and chest on the floor, her ass still raised up with her cunt locked to the dog’s meat.
After Joy was done cumming, the dog began to grow restless and tried to jump off of her. Joy shrieked, feeling the huge knot pulling on her. The dog turned so that he was ass to ass with her and tried pulling off of Joy again. Marissa and Tom kept the dog calm as the knot stayed locked inside their daughter’s pussy. Joy was breathless, sore, and tired as she remained on her hands and knees on the floor. She could feel some dog cum leaking out of her stuffed cunt and she shivered.
Rusty tried to pull off her again and Joy cried out and then moaned as she felt another orgasm growing inside of her. As the dog’s cock and knot pulled on her cunt meat, Joy cried out weakly that she was cumming again. Her pussy clamped down hard on the dog knot, and Rusty again whined and struggled to withdrawal. Joy nearly passed out as her orgasm surged from head to toe, making her whole body tingle. It was nearly overwhelming for her senses to comprehend the situation. Her mind was delirious with pleasure, her breathing out of control, her body shaking.
Marissa tended to Rusty as he stay stuck ass to ass with his bitch. Tom walked in front of Joy’s face, his stiff cock still in hand. He looked down at his spent daughter as she lay lewdly tied to the big German Shepherd. She was face down in her own drool in the carpet, her ass in the air as she was locked to the dog, her blond hair and body sweaty. Sperm leaked out of her cunt, down her slit, some droplets reaching the floor. Marissa kept one hand soothingly on the dog’s head and reached the other down below Joy’s belly to rub her stuffed, bald mound. Tom jacked his cock to the sight of debauchery. He needed to cum soon, his prickhead was so engorged it was shiny and purple, and his nuts ached for release.
Joy looked up at her dad’s cock as he jerked it in her face. It was so hard, with veins bulging throughout its length. She moaned as her mother rubbed on her bald, stuffed cunt. Suddenly, Rusty struggled once more to pull free from his human bitch and finally succeeded, making Joy wail out as the huge knot and prick was finally released from her insides with a lewd sucking sound. She looked at the dog meat that had just been inside of her — the cock was at least 8″ long, the knot the size of a man’s fist!
Tom walked behind his daughter and spread her ass cheeks open while Marissa patted Joy’s cunt, encouraging the dog cum to flow out of her. Joy moaned as the sperm leaked out of her cunthole and dripped to the floor. Marissa got underneath of Joy so that her pussy was directly beneath her daughter as the cum ran out of her and leaked into Marissa’s hole. Marissa rubbed the dog cum that had flowed out of her daughter’s pussy into her own pussy. The dog was licking its deflating meat. Joy weakly laid on top of her mother, grinding her pussy into her mother’s pussymound so that both women’s cunts were covered with dog sperm.
Tom shuddered at the sight. His cock was ready to explode! He needed a hole, but which one? He looked down at his daughter who was laying covered with dog cum on top of his naked wife. Joy’s cunt continued to ooze dog semen onto her mother’s pussy. It started dripping down Marissa’s asscrack. Joy raised herself up so that she was sitting straddling her mother, her cunt leaking dog juices onto her mom’s abdomen now. Marissa laughed and rubbed the dog cum all over her flat belly and ample tits, making her nipples hard. Joy reached down and grabbed some dog sperm, rubbing it all over her own body. They both giggled, both slick with dog cum. Marissa and Joy looked up at Tom, who was jacking his prick furiously, wanting badly to cum.
“Aw, honey, I think your father needs to get inside a hole, too!” said Marissa, staring up at her husband. Joy laid flat against her mother so that they were chest to chest, and raised her ass in the air. Tom walked up and grabbed his daughter by the hips from behind, taking his prick in hand. He was so ready to burst!
Tom pressed his cockhead against Joy’s wet, stretched pussyhole, coating his dick with the dog sperm that flowed out of her. Joy moaned and began passionately kissing Marissa as her father stuck his prick in her well-fucked cunt. Tom fucked Joy for a few minutes from behind, his nuts getting covered with the cum that flowed out of her. More dog semen leaked down onto Marissa’s pussy below.
After a few minutes inside Joy’s inundated cunthole, he pulled his slick cock out of her and repositioned her so that her cunt was right over Marissa’s face. Marissa eagerly licked her daughter’s freshly fucked cunt meat while Tom spread Marissa’s legs wide. Joy rode her mother’s face, her own cunt juice as well as the dog cum leaking out of her hole and onto Marissa’s tongue.
Marissa moaned into her daughter’s pussy as she felt Tom’s cock entering her. His cock and her pussy were both slick with dog cum and he slammed balls deep inside of her in a single stroke. The entire family, coated with dog sperm, moaned and writhed together on the living room floor. Tom built up a fast, hard pace inside Marissa’s pussy, his balls tightening as his orgasm neared. He rubbed Marissa’s cunt, and her moans intensified as an orgasm grew inside of her.
Joy was riding her mother’s face, squeezing her budding titties while doing so. Her mother moaned into her pussy, her moans vibrating throughout Joy’s tender cunt walls. Marissa gasped, her chest heaving, nearly choking on Joy’s pussy while orgasming with her husband’s hard cock in her cunthole. Tom felt Marissa’s pussy spasming around his hard pole and could hold back no longer. He cried out as his cum erupted inside Marissa’s womb, jets of cum filling her hole. Marissa moaned as her husband flooded her cunthole with sperm. Joy continued grinding against her mother’s face, feeling yet another orgasm growing inside of her. Marissa kept lapping up her daughter’s pussy once her own orgasm began subsiding. She licked Joy from clit nearly to asshole and started squeezing Joy’s sensitive clit with her finger.
Tom stayed still inside his wife’s cunt, his cock still pulsating after his powerful orgasm. He watched as his daughter threw her head back in ecstasy while being eaten out by her mother. Joy cried out that she was cumming, and Tom saw her shudder and writhe against Marissa’s mouth as her orgasm washed over her. They were all breathless and covered with cum.
Tom pulled his prick out of Marissa’s hole, and his prick and balls were coated with sperm. Joy finally got off her mother’s face and lay on her back next to her, legs wide open. Tom commanded the dog to lick the cunts clean, and Rusty happily obliged. Marissa and Joy were both licked to orgasm by the dog, and by the time they were clean not only were they all ready to fuck again, but so was the dog!
And so Joy, just like her mother, was hooked on dog meat. She began to crave it constantly, in addition to her dad’s big prick. The family threesomes mixed with bestiality were definitely a lot of fun. Marissa began to think of ways to push Joy’s dog fucking experiences further, though, and she knew just the friends to help — the neighbors down the street, Rachel and Paul, and hopefully Rachel’s niece who had a huge woman-fucking Great Dane!
To be continued…

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Sexual Healing – Part Four

The snow hadn’t started yet, but the Weather Princess on the Weather Channel had promised it. Given the temperature and the feel of the night, Connie suspected the promise was going to be well-fulfilled by morning.
She was hoping other promises would be equally fulfilled.
Connie sat at one of the coveted window tables in the Cornelia Street Cafe. From time to time, Famous People walked by. One had even entered and was sipping a decaffeinated espresso at another table while other patrons pretended not to look at her. Connie had no inhibitions about staring till she was sure. After that, she was more interested in watching the street, for Kimberly.
As she thought about what she planned, she rubbed her tightly jean-clad thighs together. Just the memory of Kim’s lush body, all naked and writhing —
The tapping on the window startled her out of her reverie. Kim grinned and waved at her. She was wearing what looked to be a fake-fur coat and her legs were stockinged…her fabulous legs. Connie had paid her tab earlier, so she’d be ready. She scurried outside and they hugged.
“Sorry to be late!”
“Eight minutes? No problem.” They hugged again. Even through Kim’s fake fur and Connie’s heavy woolen coat, Connie could feel the press of Kim’s large breasts, and she thought again of those amazing, huge nipples and —
She caught herself and pulled back from the memory before she stared oozing right here in the middle of Greenwich Village.
“Well, I like to come on time.”
“And often.”
“I can’t believe we just said those things.”
“You’ll be pun-ished for it,” Connie assured her.
“There’s a woman inside staring at us.”
Connie turned. “Don’t mind her. She’s staring at you.”
“That looks like — ”
“It is. Let’s go get some nasties!” She slipped her arm through Kim’s and they walked up Cornelia, bumping hips even more often than was necessary because of the disparity of their strides.
They were delayed a bit at the corner. Traffic on West Fourth Street was frantic, desperate drivers taking stupid chances on the slippery pavement in order to flee all the more quickly the growing snowfall in the city. When the traffic had finally stopped — thirty seconds after the light turned red — the pair hurried across to the pink-painted bricks of the building housing the Pink Pussycat.
Connie sensed the hesitation in Kim.
“Feel like everyone is watching you?”
“Sort of.”
“They are — because they want you. But none of them know you, so — un-fuck ’em!”
Kim giggled and let herself be led down the short flight of steps into the sex-toy emporium.
Connie closed the door behind them as Kim surveyed the store from the inside. She’d passed it often enough, but had never worked up the nerve to enter. She looked to her right. Next to the entrance was a big, locked display case filled with dildoes, in more variety and flavors than she’d ever imagined possible.
Her jaw dropped and gaped at little bitty three-inch dildoes shaped like dog dicks or fingers; double-ended dildoes and dildoes shaped like a U, with a head on each leg of the U; dildoes shaped like nothing in nature; dildoes shaped like fists or upthrust hands — somefrighteningly close to life-sized, and cock-shaped dildoes.
The last group came in sizes ranging from normal to interesting to tempting to intriguing to gigantic to Run Away – It’s Heading Toward Us!
She turned to make a remark to Connie — and found herself alone! Kim frantically scanned the few customers at the counters and spotted her diminutive teacher-cum-lover. She hurried.
Connie was examining the vibrators under the glass of the counter when Kim clutched her arm.
“Don’t leave me alone like that!” Kim hissed.
“Sorry — look at that one!”
Connie tapped the glass with one perfectly manicured finger. Kim stared. It looked like a standard kit — a hand-held vibrator with various attachments. But when she looked closer, she realized two of the attachments were not the usual.
One looked like a miniature feather duster, with about two inches of fragile-looking fronds protruding. The other unusual attachment was an inch-thick, two inch-long bit of stiff, pink rubber that curved sharply up at the business end and was capped by knob that look about an inch-and-a-half thick.
“Can I show you anything?”
The young woman was a punker, dressed completely in black and with the de rigeur spiked hair. She also had an un-punk face that was lovely, large gray eyes and the loveliest complexion either of the women had ever seen.
Connie noted a ripe young body within the black sweater and pants.
“This one,” she said, tapping the glass. As the clerk took it out, Connie added, “I’d like to hear it. I hate the sound these things make.”
The clerk stood and put the display box on the glass. “I know,” she agreed, opening the box and handing the machine to Connie. “Beastly racket. Really ruins the mood. Let me plug it in for you.” She bent at the waist, then straightened and grinned. “Give it a buzz.”
Kim giggled as Connie switched it on. The sound was barely audible. Connie smiled.
“It’s become very popular,” the clerk explained. “It’s well-made and produces very little noise…itself, if you know what I mean.” She’d added the last to Kim, who promptly blushed, then relaxed and giggled again.
“Even with the attachments in place — ” The clerk popped the standard rounded hard-plastic cap on the vibrating metal rod. “Touch it to the glass.”
The sound was less than either customer expected. Connie put it against her palm and pressed. No rattling within the machine, either.
“It’s $89.95,” the clerk said, “but the price will probably come down in a few months — ”
“I’ll take this,” Connie announced.
A third customer wandered over. “Is it noisy?” asked a cultured, utterly feminine voice. The clerk and her original two customers looked at her.
The woman exuded sensuality. Tall for a Japanese woman, with thick black hair that cascaded to the shoulders of her well-tailored coat, she had a beautiful face, soft, full lips and a somehow innocent curiosity in her large, dark eyes that couldn’t cancel the effect of her ripe body. When she realized all three were looking at here, she hastily apologized: “I am so sorry to intrude.” To the clerk: “When you have a moment, please?”
“No intrusion,” Connie said quickly. “Here, see for yourself!” She put the machine in the woman’s gloved hand. The Japanese woman switched the machine on and her eyes widened at the low volume of noise. Holding the vibrating knob against her hand, she looked at the box and the other implements.
“May I?”
“Please,” Connie said, stepping back. The woman turned off the machine and replaced the knob with the feather duster. When she flipped the switch this time, she held the little fronds against her cheek and her eyes half-closed.
“I’ll take it!” she said quickly, flipping off the machine.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” the clerk said. “Will there be anything else?” she asked Connie and Kim.
“Go ahead and ring her up,” Connie said. “We’re not done yet.”
“I think someone is planning a party,” the clerk whispered and smiled as she motioned to the elegant Japanese woman.
As Connie led Kim back toward the front of the store — and the dildoes — Kim whispered, “More? Are you kidding? Half of that kit will wipe out my playtime budget — ”
“That’s for me,” Connie said. “So are two of the next four things I plan to buy.”
The clerk was at their side a moment later. “Guess she’s planning a party, too.” She nodded toward the Japanese woman, who was examining a collection of oils and lubricants. “Found anything you like?”
Connie pointed. “That one — ” A U-shaped dildo crowned with a pair of only slightly-larger-than-lifesize knobs. “– that one — ” A funny little thing that Kim only slowly recognized as a butt-plug. ” — and that one.”
“This one?” The clerk was reaching into the case and indicating a twelve-inch double-ended dildo.
“No — *that* one.”
Kim again gaped. Connie was buying what looked like a twenty-inch long double-header…and the clerk could barely close her fingers about its girth.
“And a pair of Joni’s Butterflys,” Connie said.
As the clerk went behind the counter to finish gathering and start totaling the purchases, Kim whispered urgently, “Did you see the size of that thing? I hope you don’t think I — ”
Connie turned Kim face to hers and kissed her, full and heavy, on the mouth — silencing her.
“Trust me.”
“But — which two am I paying for?”
“The butt plug and a Joni’s Butterfly. We’ll put it all on my Amex; double-warranty that way.” Connie snickered as she imagined herself calling American Express: “Yes, the FuckForever vibrating kit I bought was guaranteed for a year of trouble-free use and just eight months later, the damned thing burned out.”
At the register, the clerk finished adding up the damage: “That’ll be…$245.92. Cash or charge?” Connie passed her that Little Green Card. As she wrote up the charge slip, the clerk said, “Oh, since you bought more than two hundred worth, you have a choice of twelve free batteries or a tube of our special fruit-scented orgy lube.”
The Japanese woman had wandered close. “Excuse me. Take thebatteries. The lubricant smells awful and tastes worse.”
They looked at the clerk. “Tastes like shit,” she agreed. “Dogs run screaming when they smell it.”
Connie signed her invoice while asking, “Do you come here often?”
“Until a year ago, never. But since my gentleman friend left me… almost every month.”
Connie passed back the slip and gave the Japanese woman a long look. “Did he go blind or stupid?”
The woman smiled charmingly. “He could not remain sanguine in the face of my sapphic infidelities.”
Connie blinked and then it registered. “Ahhh, well, I’m very sorry. I’m Connie and I am pleased to have met you…”
“Emily.” She shook Connie’s hand, then turned to Kim.
“This is Kim.”
“A delight.” She held Kim’s hand a moment longer than necessary. “Perhaps we will meet again, here.”
“That’d be nice,” Kim stammered. Connie accepted their bagged purchase from the clerk and they left.
Outside, in the now-blowing snow, Connie said, “I think she’d like to join us.”
“I — I think I might have liked that, too — but not tonight. Not now.” She took a deep breath. exhaling billows of steam in the chill night. “Well, I’m parked in the garage up Sixth.” She led Connie, for change. As they waited to cross Sixth Avenue, Kim finally said, “Would you be mad if I said I wish we could’ve gotten her name?”
“Furious.” Connie held a piece of white tag board in front of Kim’s face. It was a business card. Emily’s name, address and office and home phone numbers were on it. “She slipped it in my pocket while she was giving you goosebumps.”
“She’s an lawyer?”
“So we have to call her. Didn’t your mother always want to see you get involved with a doctor or lawyer? Light’s changed.” Connie strode out onto Sixth Avenue, leaving a stunned Kimberly rooted in drifting snow behind her. Kim barely caught up before the light changed. She scooped snow from the nearest car — which was parked at a fire hydrant — and delivered said snow to the back of Connie’s neck. They shrieked and giggled and raced to the garage.* * *
“Let’s see, this goes here — I think…”
Kim watched as Connie tried to decipher the straps for the Joni’s Butterfly. It was an absurdly flesh-colored triangle of latex, with raised nubbins on the little vertical ridge meant to fit into the labia. It was held in place by elastic red-and-black straps that some fool had probably thought were sexy. One strap went around each thigh at garter height, the other went around the waist.
“I think that’s it.” Connie lifted the small, black plastic control set. “Feels funny.” She popped open the case and inserted a pair of double-A batteries. She snapped the case shut and thumbed the slide switch slightly, until a low buzz was audible — and visible.
“Oooooooh, jeeeeez…” Connie sat, abruptly, on the bed, her eyes out of focus and her nipples hard. Except for the Butterfly, she was as naked as Kim, a state they had reached, with much giggling and caressing and surprising speed, very shortly after closing the door behind them.
Now she was starting to moan as an orgasm gathered in Connie’s flat belly. She saw Kim’s huge, broad nipples hardening, till it looked as if the entire ends of her large, firm breasts were covered with some sort of enormous swellings. Connie’s hips were moving almost against her will as Kim reached over and took the little black control box from Connie’s lax fingers.
“What — ” Connie started to ask, and then Kim thumbed the control up higher. The buzzing sound grew louder.
So did Connie.
“AUUUGGGHHH!” She dropped both hands over the latex and crammed it against her cunt as she fell back, writhing, on the bed, her legs bent over the edge and her belly rippling as the orgasm tore through her. Kim leaned over and lightly tongued Connie’s ferociously swollen left nipple, then the right one. and finally lowered the rheostat control to its lightest setting — without turning it off.
“You gotta try this,” Connie gasped when her orgasms had subsided sufficiently to allow speech.
Kim nodded and dropped the control box to the bed beside her still spasming lover. She stood, young, voluptuous and burning with lust, and began fixing her Butterfly in place. Connie simultaneously loaded a pair of double-A batteries into the control box for Kim’s device. Connie’s hands were trembling.
As soon as Kim had snapped the last garter into place, Connie thumbed the slide control and watched Kim’s face go slack with pleasure. She reached up to her and guided Kim down onto her while Kim groped for and found the control for Connie’s Butterfly.
They pushed the controls up at the same time as they kissed. Instantly, each locked the other in a rib-bruising embrace as the little latex nubbins began vibrating on their engorged clits and sopping pussies, sending both into paroxysms of pleasure.
As they writhed together, Kim gradually used her greater size and strength to spread Connie’s arms and legs on the bed beneath her. Her tits hung right over Connie’s face, a happy situation of which Connie quickly took full advantage. She mouthed Kim’s gorgeous nipples, trying and failing to get a liplock on them, then lightly clamping her teeth on the turgid, over-sized teats. She worried one, then the other, then rapidly turned her head from side to side, the faster to work her young lover high and farther into orgasm.
Kim simultaneously ground her pelvis down at Connie till their Butterflys were pressed against each other. Kim used her shins to hold Connie’s ankles against the bed and fucked at her hungrily, grinding Connie’s — and her own — Butterflys into their cunts and clits.
“C’mon, you slut!” Kim hissed. “Cum for me! Cum!”
The words suddenly pushed Connie over the edge. She arched up at the larger woman, her cunt contracting hungrily and the dual vibrators hummed and buzzed her into a mammoth orgasm.
Feeling Connie’s explosion triggered Kim’s. She arched her head back and wailed, loud and long, grinding down with her buzzing cunt against Connie’s shaking crotch. Kim shuddered violently and fell off Connie, rolling onto the bed. She was still twitching and shivering when Connie found and lowered the controls on both their vibrator.
Connie recovered first. She stood on unsteady knees and wobbled to the bag containing their other purchases. She bounced off the door jamb on her way out of the bedroom.
Kim gradually came down from her sex-stoned high. She had wanted Connie so desperately that she would have had a series of huge orgasms in any event; the devices had merely triggered the explosions. Yet, for all her cumming, she still craved Connie — and more!
Slowly, Kim became aware of the sound of running water. Shower? No, it was the kitchen. She tried to call out a question to Connie, but found her throat wasn’t working quite right at the moment.
Then the water stopped and a few seconds later, Connie returned — carrying the butt plug, the U-shaped dildo with the knobs and the enormous, 20-inch long double-dong.
“I’d forgotten how much it turns me on to the pushed around a little in bed — and how juicy I get when my lover talks dirty!” She dropped the toys on the bed beside Kim. “Now, get your K-Y out, honey, because I’m really feeling slutty, now!”

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Shipwrecked 5

I wrote this story a while ago for a friend, and she liked it so much, she posted it. I have decided to write some more, so I am re-posting this story under my name, with a couple adjustments and the appropriate tags. I am interested in useful comments and seeing how it’s rated, so please feel free. THIS STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION, INTENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY. TO ANY PERSON OF ANY AGE. NAMES, CHARACTERS, PLACES AND INCIDENTS ARE FROM THE AUTHOR’S WARPED IMAGINATION. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO ACTUAL EVENTS, OR LOCALES OR PERSONS, LIVING OR DEAD, IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL.

Queen Yavara: Chapter 6

So, I almost didn’t include this chapter for the rewrite, since it’s basically 6000 words of pure smut with no bearing on the actual plot until the end. I rewrote it so that there’s a bit of character development between the relentless pressing of bodies. Hope you like it. Leave feedback!

My Birthday

After receiving blow jobs from my mother for years, I believed that she was finally going to take my virginity on this birthday, after witnessing her do it for my brothers.

My Amazing Mason 6

Kaylee had a conversation with him where she’s founding out what’ she wanted to know, and now her desires for her man become overwhelming.

Missy brother and dad (4)

Missy, Brother and Dad (4)
Josh slept till noon. He woke and smiled at his luck. He loved fucking his sister, she was so hot, he got hot thinking about her, looking at her 14 yr old body, feeling her young tits and her little slit. She liked fucking him too and she could fuck like no girl he had fucked before. She would fuck him anytime, anywhere, It was his first time in a 3some with his dad, him and Missy all fucking her together.
He thought about his mom. She was just a grown up version of Missy, and felt sorry they were all having hot sex, while she was not. He figured Dad’s drinking had put her off, but she still was a hot mom. He looked at her hot legs sitting in her chair reading like she always seem to. God she had nice boobs, big and full. He peeked at them every time he got the chance. She would catch him and just smile, and hug him and pull his face into her big tits, and grin at him.
He got up and ate and found his mom sitting up in bed reading again. He walk in her bedroom and laid beside her and looked at her. Damn, she was so sexy in her shorts, and tiny top. She had on no bra today, Sunday. He could see her nipples big, poking thru her little top. He looked at her short shorts, and could see a little line of hair that must lead down to her pussy. He was getting a boner.
She finally stopped reading and took off her glasses and smiled at him.
She said: “What are you up to today my little man“. At 17, she still called him ‘her little man.’ She knew him well, and that little horny smile of his. She smiled back at him and reached out and rubbed his arm. “You sure have gotten a good build Josh, do you work at a lot.” He blushed and said ‘yes’. She pulled him over to her and raised his shirt. “My my, look at those ab’s..oooo the girls must like that.” She started rubbing her hand over his chest. She knew what she was doing and watched his boner, hidden under his hand.
Josh thought…Damn, his boner was getting bigger, and wouldn’t go away. She, like Missy, so sexy in the way she acts and talks. He tried to think of something else, but couldn’t.
Mom was getting tingles rubbing his chest so she just climbed on top of him and squatted right on his dick. She closed her eyes and with both hands rubbed his chest. She whispered: (“ could use a rub down son, to keep those muscles in shape. Mom will fix you right up.”) He thought …oh my god…her voice is just like Missy’s when she talks like that. Mom felt his now, big boner under her, and damn it felt good. She began to rock on, she hadn’t felt those tingles in a long time.
Josh didn’t know what to do. He wanted so bad to put his hand on those big tits that were rocking back and forth in his face, a zooming cleavage which she keeping bringing them closer to his face.
She thought….I feel that boner of his right on my clit if I lean over more….damn…I could have and orgasm sitting on my own son’s dick so easy now. I’d sure like that. I bet he wouldn’t say a thing if I rubbed my pussy right on his big dick. He wouldn’t want to embarrass me.
I can’t hold out much longer, this is feeling way too good to stop now. She couldn’t stop herself as she slowly closed her eyes and leaned down slowly and kissed her son while she rocked more on his dick. Josh freaked inside. He froze in place and just let her get off on him. She started to moan in his mouth and started slipping her tongue along his lips. He just let it happen and began to respond to her kissing so hot now. He let his hands come up and placed them on her cute little hips, and started moving them with her.
He heard and felt her breathing strain as she moaned louder in his mouth. She started to shake and her body stiffened up as she sucked on his tongue….the she yelled in his mouth and moaned a long moan and shuttered on him and moved her pussy around on his dick. She lay still and kissed him softly, as she panted for breath.
They heard the front door open in the living room.
She quick jumped up and went in the bathroom. Josh went down the hall with a magazine held over his big wet spot where she had sat on his boner and went to his room. He quick changed his pants, and came out. Dad looked at him and said: “What’s the matter with you, you look like someone just scared you!”…and laughed. Josh just smiled and said he was just watching a scary video…and laughed too. “Honey, what’s for dinner.” dad yelled. Mom yelled back:
“It’ll be ready at 5, dear, it’s snails, and worm left overs again. Dad didn’t even pay attention to what she said as he watched T.V. He yelled back…..”OK.” Josh just smiled and looked at his mom down the hall. She grinned big, blew him a kiss and shook her ass at him, as she giggled silently. She was trying to dry a huge wet spot on her shorts with a towel. Josh was in love.… again.
That evening mom came in Josh’s room as he was on the computer playing. She whispered: (“..we need to talk Josh….”) He looked at her and melted. She had on her robe and it was half open at the top. Dad was just leaving for a ball game, he yelled “Bye.” and left. Missy was at her friends Jan’s house, spending the night. Josh said it looks like we’re all alone for the evening, where do you want to talk? She smiled big at him, and said: “Oh….right here on your bed will do.”
He got up and sat way back in his bed, and leaned against the wall. Mom climbed up and laid her head in his lap on her back.
She thought…. how am I going to handle this. I got carried away today, but I know he liked it, and I know I sure did. I want more from him, lots more, but he may feel uneasy making out with his mom. I hadn’t had an orgasm like that in years, his dad just wants to do a quickie, and that’s all, so I started cutting him off years ago. Damn, Josh make me so hot the way he looks at me, and stares at my tits. I wonder if he has the hots for me…I think he does. I’m going to find out tonight for sure.
.I wanted to explain about today and the way I acted. I….well….I..(josh interrupts) ‘Mom…that was the hottest thing we did today, I loved it, I hope you understand that I’m young and I get excited when….. Mom just reached up and pulled his head down to her lips and started kissing him. Josh’s heart jumped…but he felt a thrill like no other, wanting his mom so bad now. She whispered in his ear: (“ let’s not waste time, I need you Josh, you’re the only man in my life, your dad is in another world. I hope it doesn’t freak you out to make out with you own mother, I need it so bad Josh, help me with some happiness. I want you so bad. After today, I wanted to do a lot more than just kiss and rub us. It’s ok with me if you want to have sex with me, because I sure want to with you“…..) She went back to kissing him hot. She put his hand on her bare tits, and said…feel me up josh…feel your mom’s tits, she needs it.
Don’t hold back, I think you want me like I want you, go for it….and she took her robe off and shut the door and locked it. She laid down and pulled at josh’s pants, and took them off and his shirt. Now josh lay on top of his naked mother as she hotly kissed him in a hot frenzy. She was so horny she wanted sex and she wanted it now. Josh’s trembling hands felt her body all over and her big full tits sent chills down to his dick. She became an animal and her tongue went crazy in his mouth, sucking his tongue and lips.
He wondered how long it had been since she had any sex, she was going crazy now, and his dick was about to burst. She wiggled and squirmed and grabbed his dick and started jacking it. Then, she pushed his head down to her pussy and held it firm, as she started humping his tongue hard….lick mommy baby….mommy hasn’t been licked in years….oh god keep licking don’t stop!…
suck on mommy’s clit baby….yes …YES…oh god do it baby…do it.
Josh is hotter than he’s ever been in his whole life. His whole body is shaking he wants to cum in his mom so bad…. He’s afraid he’ll cum to early…he moves up on her and put his dick in her very tight wet pussy…she moans…mom is tight baby….just keep pushing it in…oh god yes josh baby…oh now…fuck mom…fuck me hard ….josh…there…I’m gonna cum baby…it’s coming…cum with meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!..OH!….oh………
.oh god baby…yessssssssss joshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! …while she yelled his name he let go with a rocked of cum out of his dick he could feel in his whole body and it kept cuming and cuming…she screamed again…yes! Babyeeeeeeeeee!…and she shook and twisted her body and moaned weird sounds and fucked him faster and faster until she stopped and locked her body around his and squeezed his dick like a vice. He went dizzy and weak as she stayed clamped to him and just trembled.
She squeezed his dick with her pussy, over and over again. Tears ran down her cheeks and she shook, still…’oh god josh, that was so beautiful for mom….your wonderful….we have to do a lot of that for mom and josh….yes we do….
She knew she had to get up and couldn’t get caught fucking her son in his own room. She was weak, and josh helped her put her robe on….she was in a daze and walked bow legged down the hall holding her dripping pussy. Then she stopped and walked back just to kiss him once more, then continued to her room. Josh just fell back on his bed and collapsed for the night.

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