Consensual Sex

A Kanker gets her man (Part 3)

“There. The perfect décor.”
Double D puts a rose in a placed vase dead center on his kitchen table, which goes with two mouth-watering gourmet dinners placed on each end. With his parents off on a business trip, he’s decided to jump into dangerous waters and actually pursue a relationship with the woman he once sought to avoid at all costs…Marie Kanker. A quick jaunt online gave him the idea of starting off with a romantic dinner, one that he hopes will calm the feisty Kanker and possibly corral her hormones, though he’s not holding his breath.
“This is the perfect setting for a night of amore.” He says, pleased with the romantic setup of the table. “I’ve even brought out the paper plates, to save mother’s good china should Marie feel amorous this night.”
He takes a step back and admires the setup he’s produced. But the admiration is short-lived as the backdoor to his kitchen is kicked wide open, and Eddy steps into the room. “Break out the party favors, sock-head!” He yells as he makes a beeline to the table and chomps down at the food on one plate, which upsets Double D.
“Eddy!” He says, walking over to the table and sitting down across from him. “Cut that out! I’ll have you know that I cooked this special meat for Marie!”
Eddy does indeed stop after he hears that, but the food on his place is virtually gone so it makes no difference. “Yeah, yeah!” He says. “You know, just cause you’re dating her doesn’t mean you have to feed her.”
“It’s called being romantic, Eddy.” Double D tells him.
“No, it’s called being a patsy!” Eddy counters, jumping to his feet and pointing at Edd. “You’re letting that Kanker make you soft! Soon you’ll be holding hands with her and making up pet names like Lumpy does!” He calms down and sits back down before inquiring about Ed. “He’s still on vacation in that canyon, ain’t he?”
Double D nods his head yes. Ed left with his family for a short vacation, and snuck May along with him. They haven’t heard from him since. “I hope he’s able to bring back some photos of that Canyon.” Edd says. “I’m interested to see if any natural changes have occurred to that landmark.”
Eddy just sighs and drops his head to the table. “I can’t believe you made me sign that stupid contract for no parties here.”
Edd cracks a subtle grin upon hearing that. Knowing his parents were going out of town, he made sure Eddy’s plans didn’t result in the destruction of his property. “Well why don’t you just throw a soirée at your own abode?” He asks.
“Are you bonkers?” Eddy responds. “When my mom & dad when to visit my dumb brother, they told me no parties or I’ll be moved in the basement. And I just got into my brother’s room! Which reminds me…” Eddy pauses as he pulls what looks to be a folded up blueprint sheet out of his pocket, clears the table of every item and spreads the sheet out over it. “I’ve just finished my Greatest Scam Yet!”
Double D sighs, knowing that there’s no way he can talk Eddy out of this. “What is it this time?”
“It’s perfect!” Eddy boasts, before explaining. “First, we…” Suddenly, the kitchen lights begin to flicker for a moment, before going completely dark, leaving Double D & Eddy in that state. “What the hell?”
“It appears we are in the midst of a power outage.” Double D remarks. “We must see if this has affected the neighborhood.”
With that, he stands up from the table and heads out of the backdoor, followed behind by Eddy, who folds his blueprints up into his pocket. As they walk outside, they can see that in fact the entire neighborhood is experiencing a power loss. The cul-de-sac residents also walk out of their houses, namely Nazz, Kevin, Rolf, Johnny and Plank.
“Aw man, another blackout?” Nazz says, standing on the sidewalk wearing an old baby T-shirt, her tight, short school gym shorts and thigh-high sweat socks. Needless to say it’s a wardrobe that’s eye capturing, even in the darkness. It more than gets Double D & Eddy’s attention, as they drop their jaws in awe of her sexiness.
“Mind not gawking so hard, dorks?” Kevin snipes at them, which breaks their gaze.
“Uh, of course.” Double D answers, snapping out of it. “I believe we need to pay a visit to the neighborhood generator in order to reach the center of this conundrum.” Unfortunately, that statement more than confuses Johnny & Rolf, at least until Eddy translates.
“He means we need to reset the switches to get the lights back on.” He translates, which they understand.
“In that case, Rolf offers the assistance of his mighty pork warriors to journey with the Greedy & Know-it-all Ed boys!” Rolf says. From what they gather, loosely translated, Rolf is offering his pigs to go with the Eds.
“Uh, that’s perfectly alright, Rolf.” Double D says. “Let’s go, Eddy.”
The two make their way towards the generator as everyone else turns and heads back into their homes. Unbeknownst to the two Eds though, two pairs of eyes watch them from afar. More specifically, eyes that come from a certain Trailer in the Park n’ Flush Trailer Park. Through binoculars, both Marie & Lee Kanker watch their respective targets almost as if they’re on stakeout.
“They’re making their way to the generator, Lee.” Marie says.
“I see, I see.” Lee replies. “Time to start part 2 of my plan! You know what to do, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Marie tells her, putting down her binoculars. “A gal never forgets. It’s like riding a bike.”
“Or taking one.” Lee says, as she also puts down her binoculars. The two then reach over and grab black velvet bags that seem to be filled with various tools. Snickering & giggling, they leave the comfort of their Trailer and make their way, sneakily, towards the cul-de-sac.
At that moment, Double D & Eddy reach a tall telephone poll and approach the neighborhood generator that resides at its base. As Double D inspects the generator switches, Eddy occupies his mind with thoughts of Nazz in her nightwear…and what he would do to her.
“Aw, man! Did you see what she was wearing?” He says. “I would SO hit that until I couldn’t walk!”
“Eddy, do you mind not discussing Nazz as if she were some sex object?” Double D asks annoyed.
“Quit your griping, sock head.” Eddy counters. “Besides, it’s not like you and that Kanker don’t get down & dirty every time she even looks at you.”
“That is far from the truth, Eddy!” Double D tells him. “When Marie & I come together, we make beautiful, passionate love and hold each other closely afterwards.” He looks back at Eddy to find him shooting off a look of disbelief. Double D was never a good liar. “OK, she rides me like a mechanical bull. But still…”
Double D flicks a switch in the generator box and, in an instant, every light to every house in the cul-de-sac comes back on. He starts to feel a strong sense of pride over the work that he’s done, but it fades quickly with what comes next.
“WHAT THE HELL, MAN???” The two Eds can here Kevin’s voice loud and clear, and he doesn’t sound happy. “SOMEONE STOLE MY STUFF!!!”
“ME TOO!!!” Nazz yells from inside of her house.
“PLANK TOO!!!” Johnny yells. Intrigued & worried about this development, Double D quickly rushes back towards the cul-de-sac, as Eddy hangs behind, feeling a sense of déjà vu.
“Wait just a second…this is almost like…”
“Come on, Eddy!” Double D says, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along. The two run back into the center of the cul-de-sac, where they’re greeted an angry Kevin and the rest of the neighborhood
“I knew this power outage was part of that dork’s plan!” He accuses, pointing to Eddy. “They probably want to steal our stuff, and then sell it back to us saying it’s new!”
“HEY!!!” Eddy takes exception to that and storms towards Kevin before Double D steps between them.
“Gentlemen, please!” He says. “Kevin, there’s no way Eddy could’ve possibly stolen any of your items. He was with me when we activated power.”
“Yeah, ya probably got the big dork in hiding so he can do all the work.” Kevin counters.
“Lumpy’s on vacation!” Eddy snaps at him. “And for your information, it’s someone else who’s the thief!”
“And why should we believe you?” Kevin asks.
“Because it’s MY PLA…uh, it…is my place to…help you guys catch the ones who’re behind this!” Eddy says, quickly saving himself from self-incrimination.
“Whatever.” Kevin says, turning his back on him as Eddy turns to his neighbors.
“OK, you guys check this side of the cul-de-sac, me and the brainiac will check over here!” He says.
“If we’re gonna be looking around, I better put on something else.” Nazz says, before retreating back into her house. Rolf, Johnny and Plank team up to search the south end of the cul-de-sac, while Edd & Eddy investigate the north end. Kevin, not feeling like teaming up, searches the east end himself. As they journey behind the houses, Double D starts to praise Eddy’s helpfulness and leadership.
“I’m proud of you, Eddy.” He says. “You’ve made astounding strides to help your fellow man and…”
“We’re not really gonna search, sock head!” Eddy tells him.
“I should’ve known.” Double D responds flatly. “Mind telling me what we are doing? Eddy?”
Edd looks over at his friend and spots the vacant yet joyous stare in his eyes. He’s about to question what could gather so much of his attention when he notices movement out the corner of his eye. Turning towards it, Double D begins to understand completely. They’re right behind Nazz’s house, with a perfect view of her bedroom…where she’s currently undressing.
“Oh, my…” Double D utters, in complete shock. He can see every inch & every curve of her body as she sheds her nightwear in favor of something more street appropriate. Currently topless, she walks over to her closet in search of a black T-shirt. Double D’s eyes become fixated on her breasts, which are almost identical to Marie Kanker’s. Needless to say, it causes his pants to become tighter. Nazz emerges from the closet with one in hand and Edd freezes in place. It just occurred to him that he’s easily in her view, and if she turns to see him, he would be forever branded the neighborhood pervert, killing any chance of continuing a friendship with her. But as she does turn towards her window, he feels a hand grab his shoulder and sharply pull him down to the ground. Eddy has just saved Double D from a lifetime of ridicule & embarrassment.
“Thank you, Eddy.” He whispers. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“You were thinking the same thing I was.” Eddy replies. “MAN, SHE’S HOT!!!”
They notice that Nazz’s bedroom light has been turned off. Deeming it safe, they rise back to their feet. “I’ve really done it now.” Double D says, panic setting in. “I’m a voyeur! A peeping tom! I’ve crossed the line of decency!”
“Calm down, brainiac!” Eddy tells him. “We got bigger things to worry about.”
“Pray tell what, Eddy?” Double D asks.
“Someone’s using my plan!” Eddy reveals. “I don’t know how, but some jerk’s hijacked my greatest scheme, right down to the letter. It was all on that blueprint I showed you earlier! I planned to use a blackout as a cover to steal everyone’s stuff! Then, I would high-tail it to Rolf’s house and…”
The sound of a cow bellowing interrupts Eddy and gets both of their attention. The two of them look out from behind Nazz’s house to see Rolf’s farm animals now running rampant through the cul-de-sac. Rolf frantically chases after them along with Johnny, as Eddy becomes even more furious.
“IT’S HAPPENING!!!” He says. “Someone’s using my plan! I gotta cut them off before the next part!”
“EDDY, WAIT!!!” Double D’s call is to no use. Eddy comes out of hiding and quickly joins the melee on the streets. Rolf spots him and thinks he’s coming to help coral the animals, but is proven wrong when Eddy tackles a pig, then starts riding it down the street, towards Kevin’s house.
“What is going on here?” Double D asks himself. Before he can think of an answer, a ringing comes from inside of his pocket. He pulls out a cell phone and answers the call. “Hello?”
Double D pulls the phone away from him, caught off guard by that scream. The voice on the other end is loud enough to shatter eardrums…and also very familiar. “Uh, Ed? You’re supposed to yell that into the Canyon.” He says, putting the cell back to his ear. He can hear Ed’s trademark chuckle on the other end, along with May’s faint giggle. “I take it you’re enjoying your time on vacation.”
“They have a restaurant that serves gravy, Double D!” Ed tells him.
“Well, at least you’re not here to make things worse.” Double D utters under his breath. He’s about to ask more about Ed’s vacation when he hears May’s voice on the other end.
“Make sure you don’t tell him about the plan, honey.” She tells Ed, which captures Double D’s interest.
“Plan, what plan?” He asks.
“Uh…NOTHING!” Ed yells through the phone, giving Double D’s eardrums another quake. “Just remember, no hanky-panky until you finished your chores!”
Click. Double D hears Ed hanging up on his end, and is left wondering just what Ed meant, and what plan is going on. “This almost has the makings of a highly covert operation.” He says to himself, as his brain goes into motion. “And exactly what did May mean by ‘not revealing the plan’?” It takes less that 2 seconds, but Double D begins to figure it out. “Wait…Eddy said that his blueprint was a plan, his greatest scheme. That must be what May was referring to! But…it’s not like a Kanker to have interest in get-rich-quick schemes, especially ones of Eddy’s caliber. But it must be Lee & Marie putting Eddy’s plan into motion. Could it be…is it possible that there could be an ulterior motive to their actions? But what? What could they possibly want with Eddy that—!” And it hits him, as hard as Ed charging forward to get his hands on free gravy and buttered toast. “It’s Lee. This must be part of her plot! May has Ed, Marie has obtained yours truly…and now the Kankers are looking to complete the trio. I must warn him. EDDY!!!”
He starts to rush off in the direction that Eddy went, until he feels a pair of eyes watching from behind. It’s an eerie, yet very familiar feeling, which causes him to gulp in nervousness. He knows who’s watching him, and knows there’s little to no escape. But still he tries, faking a move around the corner before trying to make a break for it the long way. He gets one step before a slender, sexy figure leaps out from the darkness and traps him against the side of Nazz’s house. With an arm bordering him in on each side, Double D looks forward to see his stalker…Marie Kanker.
“Hello, lover.” She says with a seductive grin.
“Marie…such a pleasant surprise.” Double D tells her, wearing a nervous grin. “I…was just off on a late night stroll…”
“I heard what you said.” Marie reveals, which makes Double D even more nervous. “I told Lee you would figure it out first. My man is the smartest one.”
“Thank you.” He says, still wary of the situation but gaining confidence. “But…be that as it may…Eddy deserves to know of this plot, and as his friend, I must tell him.”
Marie turns her head away, looking disappointed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Or, you could do something much better.”
“I could?” Double D asks, confused. “What?”
In a flash, Double D feels his lips smothered by Marie’s, and his chest smothered by her heaving breasts. “I walked right into that one.” He thinks. “Which now…I think isn’t such a bad thing.” Feeling peer pressure from her lips, he wraps his arms around Marie’s hips, and embraces her. But Marie wants them elsewhere, as she moves his hands lower, onto her ass. The action heats up between the two as not only does Marie sample Double D’s tongue, but she reaches down and unbuckles his pants. She then slides her hand into his boxers and starts jerking ‘little Edd’, a move which shocks Double D enough for him to break the kiss.
“Marie, have you lost all control?” He asks.
“What? You can do me, too!” She responds, moving his hand into her pants & white panties. The feeling of his fingertips against her bare snatch is almost enough to give him a nosebleed, but it’s exhilarating to him as well. And it’s that exhilaration that causes him to move his fingers slowly, rubbing her snatch as she strokes his manhood.
“Now you’re getting into it.” She says, before injecting her tongue back into his mouth. The combination of this foreplay action nearly sends Double D’s sensors into overload. Marie is doing everything to show that she wants it right here & now, and he’s very close to giving her what she wants. But a familiar voice changes his mind.
“Hey Double D, is that you?”
Johnny’s voice comes from around the corner of the house, and it causes Edd’s heart to skip a beat. No one but Ed & Eddy knows about his newfound relationship with Marie, and he’s hesitant to reveal it for fear of not knowing their reaction. Instinctively, he pushes Marie away, but she fights to reattach her lips to his. “Uh, yes Johnny. It’s me.”
Johnny falls back and leans against the side of Nazz’s house, with Plank in hand. He’s completely unaware that 5 feet away around the corner, Marie is still trying to jump into Edd’s pants. “Plank thought he heard someone familiar.” Johnny says. “Boy, this has been one helluva night, huh Double D?”
Edd’s about to answer when Marie achieves success, pressing her lips to his in another wet kiss. Frantically, he pushes her back to get some breathing space. “Yeah, it has been one for memories.” He answers, as a strange yet good sensation comes across him. He looks back at Marie and notices his mistake…he pushed her away by her breasts. The impromptu grope only serves to make her hotter, as she bum rushes his lips again, wrapping her arms around him along with one leg.
“Do ya think we’ll find the robber who stole all that stuff?” Johnny asks.
It takes all of his strength, but Double D’s able to push her away a few inches, just far enough to talk. “I…am sure…the culprits…will be discovered…soon!”
Johnny puts his 2×4 friend to his ear and ‘listens’ up. “Plank thinks you’re right, Double D. Well, back to the search. See ya!”
Johnny pushes himself off the wall and walks off towards the cul-de-sac, leaving the two lovers alone. “That Johnny’s one donut short of a baker’s dozen.” Marie says.
Double D is about to correct her, when he realizes that he’s in agreement. “Actually, that’s an accurate description of-MMMMPPHHHHHH!!!”
Edd’s caught off guard again as the lip-lock resumes. Slowly, he starts to succumb to Marie and her amorous ways, especially since the coast is clear…or so he thought.
“Double D? Are you back there?”
This time the voice belongs to Nazz, and it causes Ed’s heart to sink like the Titanic. He musters up whatever strength is left and forces Marie away from his lips yet again. “Uh…yes. Just investigating the lawn for any clues as to who could’ve burgled the houses.”
Marie becomes fed up with being pushed away from Double D’s lips, and switches her focus. She slowly moves down Edd’s body, squatting down right in front of him. From there she starts pulling down his pants, which causes Double D to latch onto them, desperately holding them up.
“It’s a beautiful night out here.” Nazz says.
“Y-y-yes, I agree.” Edd replies, before losing the battle with Marie. With his pants down, Marie has him prone and ready. Tugging down his boxers, she quickly grabs hold of his hardening member and gobbles it. The feel of her warm, wet mouth forces Double D to cover his own mouth, muffling all grunts & moans that come out. But they’re still loud enough for Nazz to hear.
“Hey, you OK dude?” She asks.
“I’m…fine…” Double D struggles out as Marie continues to give him good mouth treatment.
“OK.” Nazz replies. “Hey, I know you take a lot of crap from Kevin and stuff…”
As Nazz continues so does Marie, licking & sucking Double D’s Cock with enhanced desire. She takes it out of her mouth and replaces it with his balls while jerking & stroking the shaft. Double D is left unable to from this, and things only escalate as Marie’s nipples become hard and rub against his thighs. Surprisingly though, the two are still able to listen to Nazz & her words.
“…But you really are cool around here, Double D. I mean, that brain of yours has helped us out a lot of times, and I just wanted to say thanks. Well, better get back to looking. See ya around!”
Nazz turns and leaves the two to their lonesome again, and in the nick of time. Marie has just engulfed Edd’s manhood again and is working overtime on it. Double D grits his teeth, as he feels her sucking him closer & closer to his limit.
And he does, letting loose a hot dose of cum right in Marie’s face. He also involuntarily spurts onto her black shirt, which she could care less about as she uses said shirt to wipe the man-juice off her face. Edd tries to apologize for his actions when he notices Marie staring at Nazz walking away. Or to be more precise, Nazz’s ass walking away.
“Maybe we should ask her to join in with us next time.” She suggests.
But that very suggestion sets off a thought in young Edd’s mind. The thought is of a three-way involving Marie & Nazz. He’s heard stories about it, and ever perused through Eddy’s magazines about it before turning away in embarrassment. Without a doubt the idea is exciting to him, so much so that he pulls Marie close for a passionate kiss, surprising & exciting her at the same time. It lasts 10 seconds before he pushes her away, and notices her lit up eyes & smile.
“YEAH! That’s more like it, stud!” She tells him. But as she goes in for more, Double D keeps her at bay.
“Wait! We can’t do it here!” He says. “It’s unsanitary!”
“Then let’s take this party to your house!” She counters, grabbing his hand and pulling him along the way. He can barely keep his pants up as they traverse behind the houses around the cul-de-sac, journeying towards Edd’s home. They stop about to houses away, behind Kevin’s house, as the commotion made by Eddy’s hog riding nears. Luckily it passes the front of the house and doesn’t expose them. Once the commotion fades, Marie makes a mad sprint for Double D’s house, pulling him along behind. Once there, Edd leans against the back door of his house, trying to catch his breath as Marie takes this moment to apply the trademark Kanker lipstick to her lips.
“Well, it appears that we’ve made it unseen and—OOOOMPHHH!!!”
An open mouth kiss prevents him from catching more breath as Marie tackles him into his home. With her arms locked around him in a vice grip, she peppers him with kisses all over his face. Double D tries to make the best of this situation as he notices the prepared dining table meant for the two.
“OK, this can be a positive.” He thinks. “We can finally have a quiet, candle-lit…”
CRAAAASH!!! The dining table is left in ruins due to their constant maneuvering around the kitchen. The Kanker attack leads into the Living Room, where Double D loses his balance and falls onto the couch, with Marie on top of him. She punctuates her lipstick kisses with a wet one on the lips, before pulling back and breaking it.
“Let’s get this party rockin’!” She says, pulling off her tight black T-shirt. As she tosses it aside though, Double D notices an item wedged between her firm breasts…a dildo. Instantly, he begins to have bad thoughts about her intentions on its use, due to the smut that comes in through his Spam E-Mail filter.
“Marie?” He asks nervously, pointing at it. “Is that…intended for me?”
Marie looks down at the dildo, then grins at her beau. “No, silly!” She tells him. “I brought it here so I can have something for my ass when we fuck.”
Even though Edd & Marie have been together for some months, he’s still shocked to the core upon hearing her say that. So shocked he doesn’t pay attention to her climbing off of him, standing up and taking off her tight jeans.
“She’s…into…anal intercourse?” He thinks to himself. “She just might be the most amorous woman I’ve ever met.”
Edd snaps out of his thought process when he notices Marie letting her black panties slide down to her ankles. She steps out of them and climbs back on top of Double D, dildo in hand. Straddling him, she grabs hold of his stiff pipe with her left hand while putting the dildo into her mouth. As she slides down onto his thick manhood, she lets out a muffled moan. Double D finds himself looking up at her in amazement as she works the dildo in her mouth.
“My word, as impossible as it may seem, I think I’m even more aroused than ever.”
Marie moves her hips up & down slowly, which makes Edd react by placing one hand on her hips, and the other groping her breasts. She continues to ‘lubricate’ the dildo in her mouth as Edd mimics her movements. He drives into her deeply, well experienced in how Marie likes it. His hand fondles her breasts and gently pinches her nipples, adding more excitement to the moment. This wasn’t the idea spot Double D chose for a night of tender love-making, but a hot night of couch sex is far from a disappointment for him. He begins to work up a sweat from his thrusts, which have increased moderately in speed, as Marie finally pulls the dildo from her mouth. She & Double D take a look at it, glistening with Marie’s saliva.
“Oh yeah, it’s ready.” She says, before handing it to Double D. “Now stick it in me, baby!”
Edd hesitantly takes the dildo and moves it towards her rear. “O-OK…if you say so…” His hesitance is due to possibility of hurting her, so he slowly brings it to her rear cheeks before pushing forward. As inch by inch ventures into her, she grabs hold of Edd’s t-shirt and grips it tightly, groaning and gritting her teeth all the way.
“Oh god, yeah Double D!” She yells, reaching behind her to guide his movements. Together, they work the dildo in & out as Marie starts riding his Cock again, this time at an increased speed. In the moment, Marie pulls Double D up close and smothers his lips with hers once more. Tongues quickly come back into play as their bodies press against each other. The action has become magma-hot as Marie’s body glistens with sweat. Edd’s pouring down himself, and as they continue to work the dildo together and pump each other, their orgasms approach like dual freight trains.
“OH, FUCK!!!” Marie screams. “I’M GONNA CUM, BABY!!!”
With one last good thrust, Edd injects his Cock as deep as it’ll go, and sends both of them to climax-land. He shoots out another load of his love, this time deep inside of Marie, who revels in it. His cum slowly starts seeping out the sides of her snatch, down his shaft and onto the couch, making the wet spot they created even wetter. In exhaustion, Marie falls onto her lover, who wraps his arms around her.
“A couple more times with this dildo, and I’ll be ready for your Cock up my ass.” Marie says lovingly.
“Heh…splendid.” Double D utters in exhaustion. It was a well spent night for him, which probably won’t end when Marie gets enough rest. And it’s at this moment that Double D remembers that his best friend Eddy is still in peril…but he doesn’t rush to do anything.
“Well…Eddy is fast runner.” He thinks. “He can escape Lee.”
At That Moment…
Eddy’s ‘Hog’ wild ride on Wilber continues to send him all around the cul-de-sac, with Rolf chasing behind him trying to obtain his prized pig. For minutes he’s been led around with no control of his direction. But finally, he’s starting to get the hang of things. “Hey, I think I got it down.” He says. “Alright bacon breath, take me to Kevin’s…Oh, no.”
Eddy gets a look at the path in front of him, which leads to Rolf’s Pig Pen. He tries to steer away from it, but Wilber comes to a sudden stop and flings Eddy into the air. His landing area? Inside the Pig Pen.
With a sloppy splash, Eddy is sent face first into the pen and skids. He’s almost immediately covered in mud on impact, and as he comes to a stop, he can hear the sound of faint laughter. Rising up, he cleans the excess mud from his ears to hear the laughter a lot more clearly. It comes from Kevin & Rolf.
“Nice belly-flop, Dork!” Kevin from outside the Pig Pen. “I think the Russian Judge gave you a 4.”
“Rolf is impressed that you are as skilled as the swing in mud bathing.” Rolf adds.
Instead of coming back with a snipe remark, Eddy just angrily trudges out of the Pig Pen and over towards his house, the sound of mocking laughter echoing through the neighborhood. As he reaches his house, he opens the back door and slams it shut behind him, before making a beeline towards the bathroom and a shower.
“Stupid plan, all ruined!” He mutters. “I could’ve been up to my armpits in moolah, now!” He marches into the bathroom, mud still blurring his vision, and turns on the shower. Shedding his clothes, he steps into the shower wearing only his boxers, which have seriously been muddied. As the water rains down upon him, the mud quickly washes off his body and down the drain. Eddy lets out a depressed sigh as he places one hand against the wall and lets the water wash over him.
“At least I’ll get some peace inside here.” He tells himself, before noticing something strange down near the shower drain. Stooping down, he examines it closer to see that it’s a strand of hair…red hair. It’s at this moment that Eddy begins to realize he’s not alone. Feeling a presence in the shower with him, he slowly turns to see exactly who it is, hoping for the best but expecting the worse. He gets the latter when he sets eyes upon the intruder…Lee Kanker.
“What took ya so long?”
Eddy tries to bolt for the door but ends up on the receiving end of a Kanker pounce. Lee traps him against the shower floor & wall, and straddles him, making it hard to move. An up close view of Lee shows Eddy that she’s wearing matching bra & panties, both made of red lace. Even Ed could find out why she’s here.
“It’s not nice to keep a lady waiting.” She tells him.
“Get off of me, Amazon!” Eddy tells her, referring to her height advantage. “I already had a crappy night!”
“What, something didn’t go according to plan?” Lee asks sarcastically.
Eddy’s about to snipe back when he notices the tone of her voice. “How did you know about my plan?”
“Who do ya think put it to work?” She tells him with a smirk.
“YOU!!!” Eddy yells. “IT WAS ALL YOU! But…how did you find out?”
“Remember that wad of Fives you found in your front lawn?” Lee asks. Eddy nods his head yes. The wad helped him to get a new wardrobe. “While you were countin’ the bills, I snuck in your room and copied your plan. Then I put it into effect tonight. You were running around wonderin’ who did it, and all the while I waited here. Cuz I knew my little dreamboat would have to come home, Heh-Heh!”
“Wait a minute…” Eddy says, figuring it out. “So you stole my plan, made it happen and lured me into my shower. This is all just a plan to get me to fuck you, isn’t it?” Lee nods her head ‘yes’. “Well forget it! Your sisters may have gotten Lumpy & Sockhead, but my standards are higher. Now get off of me!”
Lee backs away from Eddy, but still stays on him, keeping him down. “Fine, if that’s how ya feel. Tell ya what, you give me one last kiss, I’ll let ya go and won’t bother ya for good.”
Eddy cocks an eyebrow upward, intrigued. “One kiss?”
“And I’m gone for good, short-stuff.” Lee tells him.
“Fine!” Eddy agrees. Puckering his lips, he prepares for one quick peck before giving her the boot out of his house. Unfortunately, it’s the complete opposite. Lee leans into him and gives him a kiss for the ages. As her large bosoms press against his chest, she keeps the kiss locked and starts bringing her tongue into play. The move stuns Eddy, and begins to weaken his defenses. Slowly, thoughts of giving Lee the boot are changed into giving her…something else. A certain something that can be felt by Lee through his boxers. Eddy begins to fall for Lee’s draw-in, even groping her breasts as the makeout continues. After a minute, she finally breaks the kiss, leaving a line of saliva connecting their lips, and leaving Eddy’s hands on her breasts.
“Still want me to leave?” She asks.
A grin develops on Eddy’s face, an unsure one. There’s no way he’d admit that he wants to be with a Kanker, especially Lee; but it would be the stupidest move ever to let her leave. So, with a hint of defeat and desire, he replies “Not…just yet…”
Lee grins victoriously, knowing she has him. “Of course not, stud-muffin.” She grabs hold of Eddy’s boxers and pulls them down as she climbs off of him. Once down to his knees, she pulls off her own panties and tosses them aside. She then crawls over to Eddy and climbs back on top of him, his hardening Rod resting against her stomach. She goes to unhook her bra when Eddy’s hands beat her there.
“Heh…allow me…” He says weakly, reaching behind her to undo the hooks.
“Ooh, such a gentleman.” Lee replies seductively, raising her arms to give Eddy better access. Once unhooked, Lee pulls off her bra and lets her natural jugs hang out in the open. Eddy stares at them in awe; they’re easily the biggest pair he’s seen in person. Lee’s melons even rival what’s in Eddy’s porn magazine stash. Clearly she’s the most gifted Kanker ‘up top’.
“Ya just gonna keep starin’, or are ya gonna do somethin’ with ‘em?” She asks, which snaps Eddy out of his trance. Leaning forward, he buries his face into her bosom, sucking & licking right breast while playing with her left. Lee takes this moment and uses her hands to stroke Eddy’s Cock to peak stiffness. The hot water continuously pouring down on them helps to lubricate, and in no time Eddy’s hard as a rock.
“Ready for the ride of your life, Eddy?” She asks, ready for insertion.
Eddy weakly nods his head ‘yes’ as Lee moves into position. Holding onto his member, she guides herself onto it, sliding down until every inch is inside her. She can’t help but to tremble in pleasure, as this is her first time having a real dick inside of her. “Ain’t this a surprise.” She tells him. “You’re bigger than those dildos I use ta use.”
Part of Eddy wants to be flattered, but he doesn’t know whether to take it as a compliment or an insult. It doesn’t matter either way as Lee starts the action by moving her hips. Her curly red hair is now drenched and drooping down, but surprisingly still retains its curl. Her eyes still remain covered, but Eddy can still tell she’s looking at him. This is not how he pictured his first time, trapped in the shower with a Kanker, but it’s not nearly as bad as he imagined. As Lee starts to pick up the pace, she leans forward and forces her mouth into Eddy’s again, knocking his head into the shower door. A momentarily sharp pain goes through his head, but is quickly ignored as he feels her massive breasts squashed on his chest.
“I can’t believe I’m thinking this…” He thinks. “…But maybe Double D was right about the Kankers.”
Nearly all of his guards are down, and he begins to get into the moment, even going so far as to slap Lee’s ass. That move startles her as she gives off a muffled yelp before breaking the kiss. “Well, someone’s getting into the moment.”
“Heh…can I help it if your ass is just begging to be slapped?” Eddy slyly replies. “Now bring those puppies over here.”
“Heh, as you wish, shorty.” Lee answers, holding up her breasts. Eddy starts to suck on the left one this time, while keeping the other occupied with his hand. Lee gently bites her bottom lip as his tongue goes to work on her nipple. “I guess Kevin was right about you.” She says. “You are an expert at sucking.”
That remark earns her another slap across the ass, but she yelps and then grins seductively, wanting Eddy to do that. The action becomes well heated from there, as the shower is practically filled to the brim with steam. Sweat mixed with shower water rolls off of their skin, and each feel their limit coming on closer and closer.
“Oh, man…I’m about to blow!” Eddy says.
“Aw, yeah. Blow it all inside of me!” Lee cheers.
That’s the last thing Eddy wants to do, but before he knows it, the decision has been made. He lets off like a fire hose, shooting his ‘man juice’ into the deepest regions of Lee Kanker. She grits her teeth and lets out a groan of pleasure, indicating her orgasms just arrived. Lee’s not a screamer like Marie, and certainly not like May. But the look on her face definitely shows that she enjoyed it just as much as Eddy. Exhaustedly, Eddy reaches a hand over and shuts off the water flow, turning off the shower. It’s then that he fully realizes what he just did, and his eyes grow dead with fear.
“HOLY CRAP, I CAME IN LEE KANKER!!!” He screams. “My party life is over! I’m gonna have to get one of those boring jobs like my dad and—OOOMMPHH!!”
A quick jab to the chest by Lee effectively quiets him. “Would you calm down, shrimp?” Lee tells him. “I’m on the pill. Never leave home without it.” With the fear of early fatherhood quickly subsiding, Eddy breaths a sigh of relief as Lee leans in close to him. “So, was it good for you, big daddy?”
“Well…I don’t hate you as much as I did before…” Eddy replies with a smirk.
Lee gives off her own smirk upon hearing that. “Heh, that’s the nicest thing you ever said to me.”
Looking up at each other, the two lock lips once more and wrap their arms around each other, enjoying the moment.
The Next Afternoon…
“Eddy? EDDY???”
Double D knocks on his friend’s door a few more times before pacing around nervously on his doorstep. “Oh, how could I have been so thoughtless?” He says to himself. “Leaving Eddy at the mercy of Lee Kanker, I’m a horrible friend!” He turns to knock on the door again when it slowly swings open, revealing Eddy on the other side. “Eddy, thank goodness you’re OK and…Oh my!”
Upon setting eyes on him, Double D can see that Eddy’s skin is now completely wrinkled. The t-shirt & boxers he’s wearing are completely soaked, and there are trails of dripped water all around the house. “Good lord man, you’re waterlogged.” Double D says. “What happened?”
“I, uh…spent the night…in the shower.” Eddy answers.
“But…why would you do that? Were you hiding or…” Double D stops in mid-sentence when he notices a gigantic clue telling of Eddy’s actions last night…Lee’s bra is hanging off the living room lamp. Putting his mind to work, Double D determines that if Lee attacked Eddy, more valuables would’ve been broken in the house.
“You went along willingly, didn’t you?” He asks, wearing a sly grin.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddy says defiantly.
“That’s why your skin’s all wrinkly; you’ve been in the shower with Lee Ka—!”
Eddy puts his hand over Double D’s mouth, shutting him up. “Not! Another! Word!” he says. “What happened last night was…a moment of weakness! I’m not gonna go all goo-goo eyes over some Kanker like you & Mono-brow. Now come on, we gotta get to work on my new plan.”
Eddy removes his hand from Double D’s mouth as he walks in and shuts the door behind himself. “No problem.” He replies. “But are you sure we won’t face any Lee ‘interruptions’ today?”
“Knock it off, Sockhead!”

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An Affair With A Submissive Connecticut Wife

An Affair With A Submissive Connecticut Wife By rutger5
For the third time since I started my workout I heard the door open and someone come in. As I was between sets I looked up and this time I was pleasantly surprised. The first time had been a young couple who looked as if anything more complicated then a stationary bike would be beyond their ability. The second time was a teenaged boy who watched me exercise for a minute before leaving.
This time however a very attractive lady who appeared to be in her late thirties had entered the hotel fitness center. She scanned the room once she was inside but she looked ready to go. She was wearing a pair of blue snug fitting sweat pants with the word PINK emblazoned on her round, full posterior. She also had on a black scoop neck tank top and cross training shoes. Her outfit was completed by a pearl necklace around her slender neck and a gold ring with a large rock on her left hand.
She seemed to me to be the type of lady who would be at home at a country club or other wasp-ish enclave. From her pale good looks to her short blond hair styled in a bob cut and her perfectly manicured nails she looked as if she was born into money or perhaps married it.
I smiled at her and said “Good morning” in a low tone as I filled my water bottle from the cooler before resuming my exercise. She returned my greeting, flashing her pearly whites in a dazzling smile directed at me. As I resumed doing bench presses on the universal the woman began to stretch her leg muscles, first doing some standing quadriceps stretches. As she did these her back was towards me and as she pulled on her ankle it highlighted the shape of her leg and butt. It distracted me enough that I actually lost count of my reps.
Because the walls of the room were mirrored I realized that the woman could tell that I was admiring her body and in fact as I looked at her reflection I actually saw her wink at me. Rising from the seat I removed a towel from a pile of them and wiped my brow before asking her a question.
“Since I’m up would you like some water or a towel?”
“That’s very thoughtful of you. Yes I could do with both please.”
First I lifted another towel before filling a plastic cup with water which I brought to her. She took the towel and draped it over her shoulder before taking the cup. When she did her fingers lightly brushed against mine giving me a jolt that I felt all the way to my groin.
“Thank you. By the way my name is Payton” she said as she extended her hand daintily in my direction.
“A pleasure Payton, I’m Rob” I replied as I took her hand.
“Umm, pardon me for saying so but it’s not hard to pleasure you it seems” she said with a twinkle in her grayish eyes. “I on the other hand can be hard to please though it is very worthwhile if you succeed.”
My jaw dropped from her innuendo and I was so flabbergasted that I couldn’t think of anything to answer what she’d said so I reluctantly released her hand and resumed my seat. If I thought her last stretch was distracting what she now did totally threw me off my game. Payton lay on the floor mat no more than two feet away with her feet pointed straight in my direction as she stretched her hamstrings. With one leg bent at the knee and her foot on the floor she lifted her other leg to her chest.
As my eyes were helplessly drawn to the nexus of her thighs I was shocked as I realized that Payton couldn’t be wearing panties because a prominent camel toe clearly showed. She smiled as she saw the look I must have made when I discovered this.
“Rob I hope me being here isn’t distracting you too badly” she said smiling wickedly.
“To be honest you are very distracting Payton and not only do you know it I believe you enjoy it immensely.”
She laughed throatily to my response as she switched the position of her legs and as she did she spread them a little further apart. That was more than I could take at the moment as my blood was flowing to a part of my body that I wasn’t exercising and in my position I knew would clearly show to Payton. Standing I quickly turned so as not to reveal my growing erection and pretended to study another piece of equipment.
When I had deflated somewhat I started to work on my triceps as that way I wouldn’t be facing her.
“Are you in the city for long?” she asked me.
“Just here for a long weekend” I truthfully told her.
“And your wife isn’t interested in working out?” she asked as she had obviously noticed my wedding ring.
“No shopping is more her idea of exercise. She and her mother will get in a good session today with all the boutiques.”
“We’re in town so that our son can acclimate himself as he’ll be attending university here this fall. Of course he and my husband are golfing today. I’ll be lucky if I see them before dinner the way they play and they think nothing of leaving me all alone.”
There was no way I could respond to that opening she had left me unless I was looking for trouble and I was already tempted as it was. I just made a hmm sound as I continued my workout when Payton spoke to me again.
“Rob I hope you don’t mind but its plain to see you’re in great shape and know your way around a gym so I was wondering if I could ask you for some advice.”
“I’ll be glad to help if I can Payton but you look to be pretty fit yourself.”
“I’m not in horrible shape but my regimen is mostly tennis and walking so my practical knowledge isn’t great. There are a couple of exercises I want to do but I’m not sure if I’m doing them right and maintaining proper form.”
“No problem, the best thing to do is try them where I can see how you do and correct you if I see something wrong” I said as I stood near her.
“Thanks, would you mind helping me up?” she asked while extending a hand.
Reluctantly I reached down and helped her to her feet but she waited longer than necessary before letting go of my hand. Then as she made her way to the universal her thigh brushed against me even though there was plenty of space. Payton attached a collar with Velcro fastening and a D-clamp to her ankle and connected the D-clamp to the low pulley before turning to me.
“I’ve been trying to firm up my backside as now I’m getting older and I don’t want to fall apart but I don’t think I’m doing it right Rob.”
Facing the pulley she moved her leg back in a straight line and when she finished she turned to me. Watching her technique I hadn’t noticed any flaws in her approach.
“That’s how I do it but I’m not feeling it in my butt so I must be doing something wrong” she said.
“Try this Payton, use the leg that isn’t connected to the pulley and slowly go through a full range of motion and squeeze your gluteus muscle the whole time” I told her as I came closer and crouched down by her side.
She swung her leg back slowly all the way, paused and returned her leg to its starting position.
“How was that?” I asked.
“Much better thanks.”
“Try it with the other leg Payton.”
When she brought her leg back I placed my palm against her buttock and felt its contraction. Payton sighed as I felt her quivering flesh with my fingers. As her leg paused my hand slipped around to the front and ran toward her delta and as I did she actually whimpered. My fingers ran over her covered, plump pussy lips with the edge of my hand sliding between them. Payton brought her leg back to its starting position as my free hand worked its way up her leg. Unable to resist I buried my face against her taut ass, my lips brushing the material.
“Rob I told you I was a married woman” she gasped out.
“Yes you did.”
I stood and pressed my body against hers and as I did my fingers continued teasing Payton’s pussy while my lips felt her hair against them as they searched for her neck. As soon as my lips found it they nuzzled against it making her lean into me. My other hand took Payton by the head and turned her my way and I brought my mouth to hers. I kissed her hard and when I did her soft lips parted involuntarily allowing my tongue to dart inside. Payton seemed to melt into me but a moment later she broke our kiss by taking a step backwards though I managed to move my right hand with her keeping it rubbing against her mound.
All of a sudden Payton slapped me right across my face. It wasn’t very hard but for a moment I wondered if I had been wrong. However when I looked in her eyes I saw my answer. My fingers continued teasing Payton and as I again closed the distance between us my left hand grasped her right wrist and pulled it behind her back.
“You brute” she managed to get out before I kissed her again.
Payton eagerly responded to my kiss and her free hand soon found its way to my short dark hair where it stroked away. I brought my hand up and slipped it underneath Payton’s sweats where it slid down to her sweet treat. On the way I encountered no hair as she must be clean shaven down there. She was soaked and my finger easily went inside her tight opening sliding in all the way. At that moment we heard the door opening.
“I’ll never get over the look on that poor kid’s face” Payton said about the hotel worker who had walked in on us as we scrambled to disentangle ourselves. We were now on a hotel elevator when the car stopped on the seventh floor and the door opened.
“This is my floor” I said as I stepped off and the door closed between us.
I watched the door open and saw Payton standing there dressed in the sweatpants she had been wearing but her tank top was gone and she only had on a flimsy bra and her feet were bare. She held the door open as I strode in and closed it behind me and kind of leaned into the door.
“Here I am a helpless woman left alone by my husband and a strange man has barged into my hotel room. Oh whatever should I do?”
I actually had to fight from laughing from that bit from Payton but I managed to keep a straight face through it. My hands pushed my workout pants down to my knees along with my boxers and I stood with my rampant erection freed from its captivity.
“What I think you should do Payton is get on your knees and suck my hard dick” I told her in no uncertain terms.
She sank down to the hotel carpet and knelt in front of me and then reached her hand out and wrapped it around my swollen shaft. Her head tilted up and she looked me straight in my eye before she brought her mouth to it. Her red lips parted wide enough that she took the tip between them and also ran her tongue against it so I could see.
“You mean like that” she answered as she pulled her head back a trifle “ but it’s so thick I don’t know how much I can take.”
Grabbing her head I forced it back in her mouth but I pushed it much deeper. When she tried to pull her head back I held it in place.
“Let me amend what I said. What you should do is kneel there while I face fuck you and of course assist as you are able.”
With that I started to jam my thick erection as far as she could take without choking her. Payton’s hands now held my legs as I thrust back and forth into her pretty mouth. More than a little saliva escaped as I was as rough to her as I could be. I’d seen in her eyes a look familiar to me and that I knew well. Payton liked to, no, craved to be shown who was boss and luckily for me for this morning I would be the one.
“Payton stop wasting time and take off your bra” I barked at her.
Immediately she reached a hand back and unclasped her bra and slid it off to reveal her pert breasts. With what her mouth was doing to me at the moment I wasn’t about to stop Payton but I knew before long I would lavish all the attention that those two tits deserved. They were certainly more than a mouthful but were small enough that they didn’t really need a bra to keep them high on her chest with no sagging at all. The nipples were marble sized and proudly erect on the quarter sized areolas.
My cock continued to go to the back of her mouth but it seemed to me that it would never fit down her throat. More than once she gagged but I pressed on as we both enjoyed what was happening. On one occasion she gasped and had to pull her mouth off me and after she did Payton ran her slim fingers along my shaft which was slick from her spit.
“It’s so big and hard, does it always get like this Rob?”
“It has been like that since you teased me in the fitness center Payton.”
“You mean little ol’ me caused this?”
“Yes and I’ve been meaning to punish you for being so naughty.”
On hearing the word punish a gleam appeared in Payton’s gray eyes that decided my course for me. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to her feet before leading her to the large bed that dominated the room. First I sat at the edge then I pulled her over my lap with the word PINK facing me printed on her firm ass. My hand yanked her sweats down revealing her smooth cheeks. Before I could proceed I had to touch, feel, squeeze and caress those beautiful butt cheeks. Once I got my initial fill of playing with them I was able to move on. My fingers forced Payton’s thighs apart enough that they could touch her wet little pussy and she trembled as I grazed her lips.
They slid across the wet slit a few times building the anticipation until I pushed two fingers up her slippery snatch making her squirm. As Payton writhed from the feeling I suddenly brought my free hand down hard on her perfectly shaped tush causing a gasp to escape her mouth. Relentlessly I spanked her making sure to equally distribute my blows so no area received more than another. The whole time I did this my fingers continued plunging deep in her tight, wet pussy with an occasional rub of her clit from my thumb.
From the sound of her increasingly ragged breathing I figured that she was getting close so while I continued with her chastisement I buried my fingers in her welcoming hole and wiggled them about so my thumb could maintain constant contact with her hard, little nub. After a short amount of vigorous rubbing Payton gasped and I felt her cunt clamp tight on my fingers as her thighs also contracted from the force of her climax. I relented my spanking as she reached orgasmic heights and drifted back to earth.
Payton turned her head sideways so I could see her lovely face in its bliss, her eyes narrowed and her lips curled into a half smile. I withdrew my fingers from her and brought them to her lips and without prompting she sucked on them removing all traces of her internal juices. After I removed them she licked her lips as if she had enjoyed her own womanly taste.
“That’s enough rest Payton. Now I want you to get on the bed on your hands and knees with your ass sticking out by the edge.”
As she speedily complied I undressed myself and moved behind her. Her juicy cunt looked so good and I wanted nothing more than to ram my erection deep in her but I decided to taste Payton first. My body crouched so that my face was level with her ass and pussy and I ran my tongue from her juicy opening between her wet lips and beyond until I reached her puckered back opening. When my tongue touched her anus Payton shuddered and pushed back slightly.
Shaking my head I realized here was another area I had to explore with her. My tongue began making little circular movements as it zeroed in there and she moaned in appreciation of the attention. I alternated licking her sweet slit with her tangy hole until I was unable to wait any more. My hands grasped Payton by her hips and I rolled her onto her back where I saw her pussy for the first time from that angle, all bald and soaked. There was no time to pause and enjoy the view however and as soon as she was on her back I placed my thickness to her lips and drove forward.
My need was great by this time and I dispensed with any niceties but instead forced my cock as deep as Payton could take it. Her legs I grabbed by the knees and I pushed them to her chest while pounding her pussy hard. I made no attempt to be subtle or to last long, I just wanted the relief my balls were demanding. My hips moved as fast as they could, driving my dick in and out of her clinging pussy.
It didn’t take long before I felt the familiar, welcome feeling growing and with one final deep thrust I felt my release begin. As swiftly as I could I pulled out of Payton and climbed onto the bed and straddled her as my cum started to shoot from me. The first shot sailed wide and far of her but my second I managed to aim so that it hit her cheek flush. Further spurts landed on her before Payton grasped me while tilting her head enough that she could lick my overly sensitive head. Now it was my turn to squirm as she took me into her hot mouth. When she realized that I was done cumming she released me after giving my head one more lick.
“You are a talented little cock sucking slut, aren’t you Payton?” I said while grinning at her.
She just shrugged in reply to my observation but her smile was bigger than mine. As I moved off her I took the opportunity to taste her cute little nipples, sucking and nipping each in turn which she seemed to greatly enjoy. That reminded me of something I had brought from my room so I retrieved my workout pants and slipped my hands into the pocket removing two items. In my hand I held two mini hair clips that could hold a small braid or strand of hair. With a smile I opened one and clamped it on Payton’s nipple and I repeated the procedure with the other.
“Do you like how they feel on your cute nipples Payton?”
She just nodded yes and I saw the mixture of pain and pleasure they brought to her face. She was a wild one, no doubt about that.
“Now get back on your hands and knees for round two.”
As soon as she was in position I gave her ass one hard swat before again drving my prick to her pink depths making her shudder. One hand grabbed her hip and I pulled her back with it as I pushed forward with my pelvis for a satisfying motion. My other hand worked its way to her lips where she eagerly sucked my fingers. Once they were good and wet I pulled them back and started to tickle her anus with my index finger. Payton visibly trembled as I teased her back hole and when I pushed my fingertip in her ass while continuing filling her pussy with my shaft she appeared to have a mini orgasm.
My finger slid in deeper as I probed her backdoor and once I was all the way in I began to push a second finger in as well.
“Oh yes please don’t stop” she pleaded with me as if there was any chance I would but by this time I had lost any control I had as well.
Once I’d built up a good rhythm finger fucking her tight ass I pulled out of her front entrance with my swollen prick and also removed my fingers from her butt as well.
“Payton I plan on fucking your tight ass with my thick cock. What do you think of that?”
“It’s so big, I’ve never had one so big back there but I’m ready for it I think.”
I spit right on her hole then I pressed my head to it and started to push against her but it was tough going to enter her.
“Payton your hole is so small I’m having a problem fitting in. Grab hold of my cock and hold it steady while I work it in.”
She reached back between her legs and her fingers encircled my girth and placed it right at the entrance as my hands held her hips. When I pushed forward again her hand held me steady and the head battered its way past her ring and inside her. Payton moaned loudly from a combination of pain and desire as my shaft drilled deeper. I only managed to get halfway inside her when I paused to give her time to adjust while also preventing me from losing it and going crazy too fast.
After a minute I started to move again by first sliding back a few inches and then forward. Slowly she opened up as her tight channel stretched to this invasion. For a minute I slowly moved in her and managed to get a bit deeper but an idea came to me. With one smooth movement I slid out of Payton’s ass, grabbed my prick and pushed it back into her pussy and began to fuck her hard. My unexpected assault made her cry out as I sank deep into her wet pussy. It almost seemed as if her canal was tighter as if it was competing with her back channel to please me but either way I was the winner.
Our flesh slapped together creating a song of desire and lust as we again built up a good rhythm but before I could push myself too far I withdrew causing Payton to moan with disappointment. Before she could even finish I was again working my way into her backdoor and with her pussy juice as added lubrication I sank all the way into her back passage.
My hands guided her hips back and forth as she swallowed then released my hardness repeatedly. We continued like this until I realized I might be getting close so I again pulled from her. This time I waited a little before again sliding deep in her sweet pussy. Again we built up to a good pace before one more time I withdrew. This time I climbed onto the bed and crouched behind Payton and once more worked deep into her ass.
The fingers of one hand clasped her hair and pulled her head up while I also steadied myself by leaning the other hand on Payton’s back. This time I pounded her as fast as I was able to sinking all the way in so my balls slapped her ass before I would pull halfway out. She was making little grunts as I bottomed out in her ass repeatedly and I was delirious from pleasure.
Knowing how close I was to cumming I increased my speed more and with a loud grunt my cock spewed deep up Payton’s guts. It was quite intense and I collapsed on top of her so that we were both sprawled on the mattress spent and gasping for breath.
The next evening while having a fine dinner with my wife and mother-in-law in the hotel restaurant I noticed the hostess seating Payton and her family. Her son was a fine looking young man whose features definitely came from his mother while her husband seemed to be a somewhat bland, grayish man who appeared to be best described as a wet blanket. After our main course was brought out I excused myself from the table to use the rest room.
As I passed her table I managed to catch her eye with a sidelong glance as her son and husband talked. No sooner had I reached the entrance to the men’s room when Payton appeared right behind me. She was wearing a little black dress and looked incredibly sexy to me. Opening the door I seized her arm and guided her in before me. Luckily there was no one in there so I led her to a stall and pushed her in and followed closing the door behind us. I was unzipping myself with one hand as I lifted up her dress with the other. Payton wasted no time in pulling down her silk panties to mid-thigh.
“Are you wet?” I asked her and she nodded yes.
I pushed her so that she was bent over the bowl and drove my prick home. Payton bit on her hand to muffle her noises as I rapidly worked in and out of her. Knowing that I couldn’t take long I went hard as soon as she loosened up a little. My finger found her clit and I stroked it rapidly in time to my thrusts. Just knowing anyone including her husband could walk in turned me on unbelievably and as soon as I felt her tense my cock swelled and started emptying my cum in her pussy. Her muscles clamped on me tighter milking every last drop from me.
Once I was done I pulled out and wiped my dick off with some tp before zipping up. Without looking back I opened the stall and headed out. I heard her words before I left the bathroom.
“Rob I gave you my number yesterday so remember to call me if you’re ever back in Connecticut some time.”
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I have a Dick and a Pussy

I have a dick and a pussy
When I was born, I had regular dick with a pussy right underneath it. A hermaphrodite the doctors called it…or ‘Hermie’ for short.
I was male dominate and led a regular boys life. No one could see it in gym class at all. My balls covered my pussy. I could jack off like all the other boys and I could play with my pussy and clit like girls. I really had the best of both worlds. When I got to be about 11 or 12, I started having the usual feelings about wanting to fuck girls. I jacked off thinking about them, just like my buddy’s all did.
Secretly though, I wanted to feel a dick in me also. I jacked off with my dick and played with my pussy both. I could cum regular with my dick, and give myself an orgasm playing with my pussy. I got a dildo and I could jack off and orgasm both then. I got a double feeling if I timed it right. I would cum big as I orgasmed at the same time.
I had a 13yr old, younger sister. She knew about my extras and never told anyone. She had never seen my extras and we never had talked about it, she was just a regular sister.
I found I was looking at her fine body more and more. She was getting some nice full tits, a fine looking ass and she was starting to turn me on, more and more. She was a hotter younger version of my mom, who was build very sexy. She was noticing me too. We slowly started flirting with each other, and she liked it when I tickled her, and got a little feel of those new tits of hers.
The sexy looks at each other were getting real hot. One night we both got up to go to the bathroom at same time, about 1am. Our doors both opened together, and we just stopped and smiled at each other. We had to be quiet and walked together down the hall. There was only a little light in the hallway. Who would get to the bathroom first. She smiled very sexy and whispered: ( ….” you can and pee in the sink, but I have to sit down to pee”..) I smiled and we both went in quietly and closed the door. Damn she was looking so sexy, no bra, no panties and a sheer thin night gown. I got a hard on fast. She slowly lifted up her gown smiling at me and my big eyes watching her hot body. She sat down. Boys can’t pee with a hard on. So…I just took out my hard dick and tried. Her eyes locked on my dick as she peed, shivered, wiped but kept her hand on her pussy She whispered: (“…why aren’t you peeing?”) I explained about boys can’t pee with a hard on. She grinned and ask me if she was the reason I had a hard on?
I said hell yes, and if you weren’t so damn sexy looking, I wouldn’t have this problem. She grinned and giggled a little. I said it’s no use, I can’t pee with you sitting there playing with your pussy. She said…“I am not!” I said I know what a woman feels, and yes you are, I can tell by the way you look at my dick. She blushed a little. She went back to looking at my dick, then said. ‘
“Can I see it?…your vagina?” I lifted up my dick and balls and let her look. ‘wow’ she said. “Does it feel just like a regular vagina?” “It sure does” I said. She paused
“Can I touch it.?” I said, “First I have to pee, then you can touch me all you want.” I pulled her up and I sat down and closed my eyes trying not think how sexy she was looking. I hummed and tried to think of other things. Soon my dick went down enough for me to pee. “..ahh there“, I said. I opened my eyes and there she was with her hand on her pussy, rubbing it and smiling. She whispered: (“..we gotta talk sometime, we could have a lot of fun together.”)
I knew just what she was thinking. She could have a dick and a pussy to play with, both. I smiled big at her. She still unconsciously playing with her pussy. I whispered: (“..come to my room tomorrow night, mom and dad will be out of town.”) She gasp a little when I said that, and turned out the light. It was totally black now. I felt her hand start feeling my dick and moving down and feeling my pussy.
I felt around and found her new budding tits, and squeezed them. I whispered: (“..sweet tits are the only thing I don’t have, and yours are driving me crazy…. tomorrow night, ok?” ) She whispered (…“Oh yes!”), and we went back to bed.
The next night I heard my door open slowly. I only had a small light on. I was lying on my bed. She was grinning all excited and came in. I patted the bed beside me. She was so nervous and laid beside me. She had on that long sheer night gown and I had just my boxers on. We talked softly. She started…“you are so lucky to have both a dick and a vagina, if I had that I would be playing with myself all the time.” I laughed and said, yes well it does give new meaning to the phrase: “Go Fuck Yourself”.
We both laughed.
I did a lot of explaining and told her, her tits were exciting me a lot. She snuggled up to me and said I could feel them all I want, she liked to have them felt. I said let’s trade. I’ll feel your beautiful tits, and you can feel my dick and pussy. She reached up and kissed me hot and said…“Deal“. We lay on our sides. I lifted up her night gown and took it off. She pull my boxers down and off. She got on top of me and we started kissing real hot. Soon our tongues met and we just let them go wild. She and I both were breathing hard now. Damn her naked body felt good on me, as I felt her fine little butt and hot legs.
She pulled up and put her tits right in my face. I kissed and sucked them, and danced my tongue around her nipples. She began to moan and pant for air. I had my dick between her legs as she squeezed it and rubbed her pussy on it. She turned around and we lay side to side with her little pussy right in my face. She only had a small patch of pubic hair, light blond. I felt her feeling my dick all over and my pussy too. Soon I felt her mouth go over the head of my dick and her finger go in my pussy. She started to squirm.
It was a first for her and it was making so hot she began to moan steady. I put her leg up and pulled her wet pussy to me. She smelled like my mom, such a hot aroma to me. I reached down and felt her tits and started licking her pussy. She jumped and started slightly humping my mouth. She sucked and jacked me and worked another finger in my pussy. I could feel her 2 fingers tremble inside me. She was going to have a climax, I could tell as I rubbed her pussy on my face and started moving her clit to my lips. She did the same, and reached down to place her thumb on my clit.
This caused me to jump like she did when I sucked on her clit to hard. She got her fingers going in and out of my pussy as she sucked my dick and taking all of my dick deep in her mouth. We could take no more and I moaned and shot a big load in her mouth. She tried to yell with my dick on her mouth as I sucked right on her puffy clit. She bucked and shook as she swallowed my cum. I squeezed my pussy down on her fingers and she shook as we climax together, moaning and I yelled…. ‘OH BABY YESSS’, and she yelled…’Oh, OHHH Gezzzz OOOOOO and yelled out my name, over and over. We shook and squirmed for a long time….that was hotter than any of the girls I had ever fucked before.
We lay quiet. At three in the morning, I woke up with her tit in my mouth. It was so sweet and soft for a 13yr olds new tit.
The next morning, my sister came in and sat on my bed as I woke. She whispered that mom and dad wouldn’t be home until late that night, and she would fix us and early dinner and then…..maybe….if I was a good little boy, she might…just let me touch one of her tits, but with just one finger for only 2 seconds. I smiled and pulled her in bed with me. I felt her clit and said. “Oh my, your clit is growing bigger! Your growing a dick!!! and tickled her tits until she laughed so hard she begged me to stop.
(sisters are so much fun sometimes)
I was now 15, I had a close buddy and we would sleep over at each others house from time to time. Late at night we would talk about girls and jack off together. We were jack off buddy’s but told no one else. I didn’t tell him I was fucking my sister.
Then one time, he noticed me as we jacked off together, holding my fingers under my dick and massaging myself while I jacked off. He thought this was a new way to make yourself cum better. While I had my eyes closed and jacking, he took a close look and was stunned. He said, your different. You have a slit under your dick. I had been found out.
I made him swear never to tell what I was about to tell him. I explained it all to him and showed him my normal 15 yr old girls pussy I had under my dick. He was impressed and said how lucky I was to be born that way. He got real excited and ask if he could feel it. I said sure. This was the very first time a male had ever touched my pussy besides me.
He and I got really hot as he put his fingers in my pussy and rubbed my clit. It felt so good to have someone else do this, I started jacking my dick and moaned a little as he fingered my pussy. The more he fingered me, the more excited we got. Soon he started jacking himself too and we both shot at the same time, high in the air. We both said It was the best cum we had ever had ,…. Except,…
I got double feelings, one in my dick and one in my pussy. He asked me if I felt the sex high in my dick and my pussy both, I said yes. We continued to be jack off buddy’s and kept it quiet. We wanted to try more things with my extras. One night, I just knew this was coming…he wanted to eat my pussy while he jacked himself off. I said sure, I get double pleasure out of it. I opened my legs wide, for him. He was really excited getting on his knees to eat my pussy.
I watched him lick and feel my pussy. My girl urges were feeling so hot now. He soon found my clit and sucked on it…oh man, that jolted me and felt really good. My dick was rock hard and wanting to cum.
He was jacking him self and eating my pussy on his knees. He was shaking he got so hot and reached up and started jacking me too. Now I was getting my pussy licked and a hand job both.
Soon I began to moan with double pleasure in my dick and pussy both. My dick shot a huge cum in the air as my pussy climaxed hard. I shuddered and moaned loud. I looked down to see him putting his dick in my pussy. It felt wonderful. My first ever dick in my pussy. He closed his eyes and must have thought about a girl he wanted to fuck, and then he yelled and moaned…and I felt his hot cum fill my pussy over and over. My girl urges went crazy climaxing hard with my pussy’s first fuck ever.
About a year before, I realized I had female urges too, and found myself wanting to suck on a dick, like a girl would want, and wanting to feel a dick cum in my mouth like a girl would want. I found I could instantly switch in my mind from male to female desires, or both at the same time.
My jack off buddy felt so lucky that it was him that had a best buddy he could jack off with, eat pussy and fuck pussy, all in one guy.
We wanted to do more in the future. At 15 we had a lot we wanted to try. We both had fucked a few girls and were always look for more, The girls I fucked never knew my secret. I kept my balls over my pussy just right and they never saw or felt anything unusual.
The next sleep over we both wanted to try something new, that only a ‘hermie’ could do.
My sister came in my room all excited and closed the door. She kissed me all out of breath and felt my dick. Mom and dad were home, and she was taking big chance doing this. She closed her eyes and put my hand on her tits. I wanted to fuck her right then, but of course couldn’t. She started to whisper: (….”oh god, you won’t believe what I found out at school today…there is a girl ‘hermie’ that lives here in our town. I contacted her today, and she is all excited to meet you!”…) She was right, I was stunned. A female dominant hermie. I had to meet her. Her shaking hand gave me her phone number. My sister was all hot thinking about it, and rubbed my hand on her pussy and moaned. I said: (“ we can’t do anything right now, but tonight come back to my room and we can sneak some fun in. I owe you sis.”) She squeezed my dick, kissed me hot, and said: (“Oh…she’s single and 24yrs old.”) ….and then left, smiling real sexy at me and still rubbing her pussy as she backed out and closed my door. My mind was racing with thoughts.
I was 15, and she was 24. What it be like, would she like me? Would she just treat me like a kid? It was making me crazy thinking about it.
I called the number. She answered. I told her who I was. She said: “Oh my god, thank you for calling. I thought I was the only one around this whole state. Can you come over, we have a lot to talk about. I said I don’t have a car, I’m only 15. She said she would come pick me up. Can you fix it with your folks? I said yeah, I’ll tell them your a soccer coach, and your taking me to a practice. Can you wear sports clothes? She said yes! And she is familiar with soccer, her brother plays on a team. Soon I see a SUV pull in the driveway, and off I go. Wow, she was a short redhead and good looking. Nice big tits, hot figure and sweet face. We dove to her place. We sat on the couch and started talking. We liked each other right away. She lived alone and finally said: “What are we waiting for, let’s take a look at our ‘extras’.
She stood up and slipped off her jogging pants. There it was, a good sized dick right above her red bush. It had red pubic hair around it too. She said she could cum with it, her balls were inside her though. I stood up and showed her my pussy under my balls. We neither one had seen another hermie, in person. She got on her knees and looked at my extras. She asked if she could feel it. I said sure. She gently fondled my pussy and looked it over. She started breathing in gasps. She asked me to lay down in a 69 position on the couch so we both could take a close up look and feel. We felt each other. I loved her red bushed pussy. It was making me hot and I started get a hard on. When I got hard, so did she.
We started stroking each other. Then next our lips went and started licking. She suck my dick and licked my pussy and I licked her pussy and stroked her dick and my girl urges sucked on her dick. We both got out of breath. We both could cum and climax with both our dick and pussy’s, …..but she had those big tits I loved right away. She got up and took me to her bedroom and we undressed each other.
We got in bed naked. We started in kissing while we felt us up. She said I was a fantasy come true. She just never thought she would ever meet another hermie like me. I said me either and how hot she was, and it was really was turning me on. She said …out of breath…she had never been so hot and excited at she was right now. We kept kissing and soon our tongues slipped in and touched. I was really turned on. She was so hot looking, with big sweet tits I wanted to fuck her bad now.
My girl and guy urges were mixing together and I wanted to suck her beautiful dick and fuck her both. She had them to as she felt my pussy and my dick both. She gasp and said she saw a video of two hermies turned so they both could put their dicks in each others pussy’s at the same time and fuck. I said let do it, I have to cum real bad now. She turned around on her back, and I got on her face down the opposite way and we worked our dicks in each others pussy’s. OH my…we’d never had both our dicks in a pussy while having a another dick in our pussy at the same time.
Her pussy was hot and wet on my dick and her dick felt so good in my pussy. We got a fucking motion going and started to moan together steady as we both felt two climaxes and cum building up. We lost control and start yelling loud …OH….OH, OH MY GOD, YES, YES OH BABY CUM WITH MEEEEE…..I…and I went dizzy as my dick shot a mega blast in her as she shot a big load in me….we both just about passed out from the high…moaning and pumping our dicks in us. We moaned and gasp for air as the double feeling we both had almost blacked us out. We moaned and shook as we pumped every last drop of cum we had in us. Our pussy’s squeezed down so hard on our dicks I thought I had hurt myself. I was numb from cuming so hard.
She gasp for more air and shook again and again. We just lay there and were so weak we couldn’t move. We passed slowly out and stayed locked together.
It was dark outside now, I had to get home so the folks would ask any questions. She was up and handed me my clothes as she got dressed. On the way home she stopped a block from my house. We kissed with hot passion one last time before parting and she said…..”Looks like we belong together, what are you doing for rest of your life?” I started laughing and finally said: “We must part now my sweet, until we can meet again….She put her hand over my mouth laughing and said: “Don’t you dare say it!”… I giggled and started again…”while we’re apart”…she tickled me as we both laughed….”while we’re apart…go fuck your self!”
Shannon, was my new hermie girlfriends name. Shan, for short. Thanks to my sister Megan, for finding her. Shan dressed down, with sweat shirts to cover her front in case of an erection. She wore special panties that would hide one also. But with me, no need to at her house. I started spending a lot of time at her house and my folks ask a lot of questions about it. I told them all kinds of bull why I was doing it. My mom knew something was up, and cooled it with my dad, and it all settled down. I had the hots so bad for Shan, I wanted to be with her all the time, and the same with her.
My sister Megan and I started talking a lot and compared notes on our personal thoughts, My sister had both male and female urges too. She could see a girl, and want to have sex with her, then switch in her mind and see a guy and want to have sex with him. Just like me.
Megan liked everything about Shan, the best of both worlds, just like me. Sis wanted to have sex with Shan, bad.
Megan wanted a picture of Shan to look at while she masturbated and dreamed of having sex with her. Megan’s guy and girl urges were both working on her.
Shan would never allow any pictures of her naked…ever!, she said. If the picture ever got out, she’d have to live with the public knowing, and live with it the rest of her life.
(* see part II, already written)

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Revenge is Best Served Blonde 7: Man-Whore

Finally, so sorry I fell out of writing for a long time and had no passion for it. I tried writing this story several times and it never took off. Anyway forgive me for being rusty, here is the adventures of Zach continued. *also PM me or comment any suggestions or feed back! I like reading it. And I am rusty so be forgiving please.

Trapped part 2

I’m not sure how long I slept or even if I did. But I found myself pinned under daddy; by his breathing I could tell he was asleep. His weight felt good, reassuring. I know that might sound odd to you, but then again you might be a man, but a woman will understand what I mean but that. Lovingly I ran my hands up and down daddy’s back. At some point daddy had removed his clothes. I was disappointed I want to watch him strip. Maybe even strip him. But to be honest I could not be that disappointed, feeling the heat of flesh against mine. The soft hair the covered his chest tickled my nipples and my tummy, and I found myself getting wet again. His back was perfectly muscled and no back hair like some daddies. I raked my nails down his back. And wiggled in his sleep. I giggled softly. So daddy was a bit ticklish. Again I ran my nails down his back, again daddy jumped, again I giggled. I guess I was a little louder this time, because I found my hand pinned over my head. “So picking on a poor sleeping man. Not too smart for a little girl that is ticklish all over and when the same little girl is pinned, and naked that really does not speak well for her.” Daddy said moving my hands so he could hold them with one hand. He ran his free hand down my rib cage. Causing me to wiggle I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing. “So my hot little captive, you think you can keep quiet.” Daddy teased, before I could nod my head or reply in anyway, his mouth closed over one of my stiff nipples. “Mmm.” I purred, Daddy laughed “It wasn’t too hard to break you. Remind me never to tell you any top secrets.” He sucked at my nipple again, this time running his big hand over my bare hip, down my thigh. I tried to shift so that his hand rubbed over my heated pussy, but daddy only laughed, “Now baby girl I see you’re hot and ready, but the thing about love making is that it is not always fast, in fact some of the best loving making is slow, and teasing.” With that he ran his hand up the inside of my thigh stopping just the merest inch away from where I wanted him to touch the most. Daddy smiled down at me. “What do you want baby girl.” He asked. I knew enough now to know he would not let me get away with a general answer as I did before. “Touch me daddy, touch my pussy please.” His hand slip up, until he was cupping me, slowly he rubbed up and down, using just enough pressure to drive me insane. Every so often he would slip a finger between my swollen lips. “God baby you are so wet. I have never seen a woman get this wet before.” “Only for you, daddy, no one has ever gotten me this hot before. Please daddy can I suck your cock?” I don’t know if it was my words or the look on my face, with a moan daddy rolled off of me onto his back. “Do what you want baby.” He said turning his big beautiful body over to me. For the first time in my life I felt powerful, almost as strong as daddy.
Slowly I ran my hands over his chest pinching his nipples, until they too stood as poky as mine. I wondered if a man’s nipples were as sensitive as a woman’s I leaned over and flicked my tongue over his nipple. Daddy moaned; this made me even bolder. I sucked the hard little nub into my mouth, letting my teeth graze it lightly. Daddy winced. “Did I hurt you?” I asked pulling back. “Fuck no!” daddy barked making me jump. “sorry baby no you didn’t hurt me, in fact that felt wonderful, your mother never uses her teeth, and I have asked her to many times.” With that knowledge I leaned back in, this time biting his nipple not hard but firmly. I felt daddy’s cock jump, hitting me in the leg. I laughed; daddy looked up at me confused. “Looks like a man doesn’t have to tell a girl what he likes.” I said indicating his cock. “Watch.” I bit him again, and again his cock jumped. “Your body tells me.” I ran my tongue down his chest to his stomach, there I bit again; and again his beautiful cock jumped. Daddy laughed, you’re too clever.” I placed my hands on his chest, I don’t know what came over me but I raked them down his chest to his hips, leaving red marks. At first I thought I hurt daddy but then I say the pool of precum on his hip. ”God damn! You little hell cat.” Daddy moaned. I could tell he loved it, and I could also tell he never tried it before, but daddy liked a little pain. I ran my tongue over the scratches, daddy’s cock danced. Reaching down I grabbed it, not hard, but firmly slowly I began to jack him off. Daddy was in heaven. His hips moved with each stroke. I moved down, to get a better look at daddy’s cock. “My god daddy your cock is beautiful, not at all like the tiny pale thing of Dylan’s. Daddy started to say something but I ran my claws over his thighs, his cock reacted. Some more precum oozed out. It was time to full fill that thought I had three years ago. I leaned in a licked the droplet off of daddy’s cock.
The taste was mind blowing, I could not get enough. Soon I was stroking daddy’s cock while sucking on it. Doing all the things I have seen in porn movies. Daddy had to clamp his hands behind his head to keep from stopping me. His arms were straining. God he look so hot like some kind of Greek god. Looking at him I think he would be Ares. The god of war, after all look at his sword. Ok I know what you are thinking a little carried away and maybe you are right, but it’s my dream come true so let a girl get carried away. Well anyhow soon daddy was hipping into my mouth, while I sucked him for all I was worth, I felt daddy’s cock twitch, and his balls tighten. “Baby I’m going to cum, you better stop.” He said but I only sucked harder. “Honey I can’t hold out much longer.” He said trying to pull away, but I dug my claws into his hips making him stay still. “Oooo fuck! Oooo my god.” Daddy grunted as his hips slammed forward, he grabbed the back of my head pushing me down at the same time, at first I choked as the first load shot down my throat but I quickly learned to relax my throat and let it slide down. Daddy shot so much cum into my mouth I could not swallow it all, it shot out of my mouth over his cock and down over his balls. Daddy moaned and jerk, until every let drop was shot from his balls. When he stopped I pulled back licking my lips. “Mmm daddy you taste so good.” I leaned in and cleaned his cock, then his balls. I loved the manly taste of him.
Daddy’s cock began to get hard again, I am not sure who was more surprised me or him. “Hell cat you are a bad influence on this old pecker of mine.” He teased; it has never been this hyper to go again so soon after an orgasm like that. I started stroking him again. I wanted him hard, I needed him hard, and daddy must have seen that need on my face, because he pulled me up beside him. With you being so small, and also being a virgin I think it might be better if I go in a little on the soft side.” Trusting daddy I opened my legs as far as they would go. Daddy smiled “That’s my girl.” He moved between my legs and started rubbing his cock up and down, letting my juices coat his cock head. The feeling is hard to describe but it was more than wonderful, and then he slowly pushed his cock into my tight virginal hole, I felt my body open a little wider for him. It was not uncomfortable, at least not yet. So daddy pushed in a little deep. This kind of hurt and my body tightened. Daddy stopped moving, giving my body time to relax and adjust. But the second he pushed in again, my body stiffened. “Relax baby girl, it won’t hurt so much if you just relax. He rubbed my arms, and played with my nipple, but my body just could not seem to relax. I looked up at daddy, and he was straining to hold himself still, his muscles bunched, and sweat was rolling down his back, there was a pules throbbing in his temple. “Are you relaxed?” I ask. “FUCK NO! I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GODDAMN TENSE IN MY LIFE!” he answered honestly. I couldn’t help it I started laughing, I laughed so hard, and body shook so hard that my legs opened a little wider, daddy took that second of unguarded time to slam through my innocents. It hurt like hell; tears began to run out of my eyes. “I’m sorry baby I promise it won’t hurt long, and soon it will feel wonderful.”
I don’t know when it happened or how, but in a matter of minutes I felt a new feeling, something that was almost like pain, but it wasn’t pain. It took a few minutes to separate it from the pain, it was fullness, I looked down between daddy and I and I could see how my little pussy was stretched around daddy’s cock, I could also feel him getting harder inside of me. I shifted slightly not wanting to hurt myself. Daddy must have felt me move, in one swift move he rolled us over until I was on top and he was under me, I felt him sip deeper inside of me, I also felt my juices leaking out over him. “Now hell cat go at your own pace, use daddy’s big ugly body to please yourself.” “It’s not ugly, I think you’re beautiful.” Daddy my words, when I realized just how silly that sounded. I laughed so hard on top of daddy; the feeling was shocking between our bodies shaking it felt like a vibrator deep inside of me. Soon I found myself moving back and forth, and then in little circles. All while daddy laid perfectly still, letting me move and slide, finding out what I liked what I needed. Note my friend you cannot get such understand, such strength, from younger guys. That’s not to say that daddy couldn’t be fast if I wanted him to be, but he knew this was a very important move for me. He knew that he could make this very good for me or very bad. That control comes from living, and experience. Not knocking younger guys, but I will stick to my older lovers thank you.
But again I got sidetracked, sorry. Not long after our laughter died away, that daddy must have sensed I need more. “Now baby you are control, you decide how fast we go, how much of my cock you want inside of you.” “I want more daddy I more of you inside of me.” I moaned out. Daddy chuckled. “Bounce up and down baby. “That’s it baby, oh fuck baby girl you’re so tight.” “You feel so big inside of me daddy; and so fucking good! Oh my god your cock is stretching me.” I was bouncing faster, harder trying to get more and more of him inside of me, but it wasn’t enough. “Daddy fuck me, please fuck me. I need you to daddy.” Daddy rolled us back over, grabbing my ankles and tossed my legs over his shoulder, soon he was pounding in and out of me, grounding out with each hard stroke. “Fuck yes daddy fuck me, fuck your little girl.” My claws raked up and down his back pulling him into me. “Ohmm god baby girl, I don’t know how much longer I can last.” Daddy moaned out slamming deep inside of me. I could feel his balls slapping my ass crack with each powerful thrust, it was driving me crazy. “Oh fuck baby, I can’t, I can’t keep going.” Daddy slammed into me faster and harder. I felt daddy’s hot cum splash my insides, and I lost control. Something wild and primitive took over. I slammed into his him, my nails dug brutally into his back, and my teeth clamped on the thick hard muscles of his shoulder. “Oh shit baby, oh fuck that’s it bite me.” More cum shot out of daddy’s cock.
I’m not sure how long daddy pumped inside of me, but I knew he shot a huge load, I could feel it running out of me, and it was driving me crazy. I felt daddy pulling out.” NO! Don’t stop.” I tried to hold him inside of me, but daddy pulled out, before I could complain he shoved two fingers into me. “Faster, oh my god daddy harder.” Daddy’s finger fucked my hard, it hurt but it also felt so incredible. “Oh fuck “I humped against daddy’s hand. With each thrust daddy’s palm would press hard against my clit. I was in heaven. “Oh daddy I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum so fucking hard!” as I spoke my dam broke. I felt my juices gushing out. Hitting daddy on the chest; soaking him clear to his lean hips. Daddy moved up my quivering body and held me in a loving hug. “Goddamn baby girl! I never knew such a small body could hold so much cum.” He teased rubbing is chest on me. I could only manage a feeble little smile. My body was spent. But I felt so wonderful.
I don’t know if I drifted the next thing I knew daddy was telling me to go shower and he’s take care of the sheets. Shakily I made it to my feet, my legs felt bowed. “Shit daddy I feel like I have been on horseback for days.” I said putting my hand on his shoulder to keep myself steady. Daddy’s laughter got cut off with a hiss of pain, I looked down and saw right where my hand was a huge bite mark. “Oh my god daddy I am so sorry.” I said moving for the bathroom to get a warm washcloth. Daddy grabbed my hand. “For what baby girl, you were fantastic, a creature of pure sexual energy. Wild and untamed, do you know how many men will envy me, or how many would worship you if they could have seen you the way I just did. I can honestly say baby girl I am a lucky man, do not get me wrong your mother is wild in her own way, and god knows I love her, but you kitten, my god if I live to be a hundred there is now way I could find another one like you, and now I can honestly say I worship two women. He stood and hugged me. “I love you daddy.”
The shower did me wonders; all the little aches and pain seemed to wash down the drain. I looked at myself in the full length mirror naked and looking at myself. There was no change, well maybe a few little ones, like the fact that my lips were still puffy from his kisses, and my body still seemed ultra-sensitive. But the big change was in my nipples they seemed to be stiffer now, and even the cool air tingled. The spark in my green eyes was new as well, but it made me look impish. I grabbed a t shirt from my bag, and headed for the kitchen I was all sudden starving.
Looking around I decided to treat daddy, he loves steak and eggs. So I pulled two steaks from the freezer, and put them on the counter to thaw, to hold us over until they did I made us a veggie plate, I found daddy sitting by the fire, he looked worried. For a moment I thought maybe he was feeling guilty about last night. “Daddy?” I set the tray down and moved over to him. Daddy looked up and gave me a weak smile. “Look out the window.” He said pointing at it. I moved to the window wonder what it was he wanted me to look at, when I got there at first I was confused I could not see anything, the window was so hazy, Then I realized it was snowing, no not snowing, it was storming. A blizzard! At first this made no sense this time of year it never snows not even here; once when we were kids we had flurries but nothing that stuck. “Looks like your flurries brought some friends.” Daddy said from behind me. I did not hear him, but there he was. “It’s ok kitten I already looked into the food stores and as always Mrs. K over stocked, and since it is just the two of us there is more than enough food. Later when it slows or stops I’ll dig a path to the wood pile; thankfully Mr. K only put it a few feet out the back door. For now we have plenty in here. “What about mommy and John?” I asked not taking my eyes off the blowing snow. They called and left me a voice mail, I called your mother back, they were worried last night when we never called, she thought we got caught in the storm, I assured her everything was fine, and that the phones where out for a bit.” Daddy pulled me into his warm chest, it was then I realized he was not wearing anything but a towel. “Don’t worry baby girl we will be fine, and in the mean time I am trapped in a snow bound cabin with a gorgeous perfect love goddess.” He kissed the top of my head, and cupped my breasts through the t-shirt. I leaned back into daddy, arching my back.
Daddy chuckled and took my hand, as he turned to head back to the chair I saw his back. “Oh my god daddy your back?” “Looks like I got in a fight with a wild cat don’t it?” he smiled. I could only stare at the damage I had done. I wondered if my face was as pale as it felt. It must have been. Daddy dropped my hand, and left the room, the next thing I knew he was back carrying a huge mirror from his room. Daddy set it in front of his chair. He sat down and pulled me into his lap. He turned me so that I was facing the mirror. I was right my face was as white as sheet. “Daddy I am so sorry about your…” He placed his finger on my lips. “Shhh Kitten. Like I said there is nothing to be sorry for. I was totally amazed by you last night. You don’t know how many women hide or control that side of them. History I am afraid has taught women the wrong things, telling them that if they enjoy sex they were whores or sluts, and that they would go to hell. True today’s society looks differently at sex, it is more open more understanding, and women are now encouraged to enjoy sex. But a hundred years of conditioning cannot be thrown out in a few years. But you kitten, you are all natural, your know what you want and you totally enjoy it, you get carried away by it, and any man would love that no matter how many scratches and bites he had to endure.” As he spoke he pulled my shirt over my head, I sat there on daddy’s lap totally naked. “Look at yourself kitten.” Daddy ordered. I looked at the little figure on daddy’s lap. She was small, a bit pale; her hair was down and floated around her slender shoulders. Her green eyes still sparkled impishly. Her breasts where firm and stood up proudly. Daddy was right I maybe small but my breasts where rather large. Daddy cupped my breasts. “See they are perfect, they fit in my hands nicely.” Daddy tweaked my nipples. “See how fast your nipples harden.” He pulled and pinched, and rubbed my breasts; with each touch I felt a fire flow through me, like liquid lava. Soon I felt my juices dripping from my pussy. Daddy felt the puddle I was making on his lap.
Daddy took my legs and place one on each arm of the chair, looking in the mirror I was spread across daddy’s lap. My pussy was shining, and dripping. “You baby girl were made for a man’s cock. Look how wet, and hot you get.” Too prove his point he rubbed his hand softly up and down my wet pussy. “Mmm oh daddy.” I leaned back against him, pushing firmly into his hand. With a chuckle daddy slide a finger deep inside of me. Slowly he fucked his finger in and out of my pussy, the sounds and smell of my sex filled the air around us. I closed my eyes. “No keep looking in the mirror.” Daddy said his voice getting husky with his own need. I opened my eyes and looked at the creature before me. Daddy pushed another finger inside of me. “Do you like that?” daddy moving his hand in short fast strokes. “Oh yes daddy, but… but please daddy go deeper.” I tried to move into his strokes but daddy held me still. “Not yet. I want you to see what I see. What captivated me last night?” Again he being to move his fingers in and out going deeper with each stroke. The juices flowed from me. Soon daddy’s whole hand was covered in them. “Oh yes daddy that’s it. Oh fuck that feels so good…” I needed to cum, I was so hot. And watching daddy finger fuck me was making me even hotter. The longer I watched the more I loved what I saw. What I saw was a very hot girl, totally in need of cumming; her pussy was wide open, and the fingers moving in and out of her where wet and slippery. Her clit stood out like a little cock, hard and wet; and in need of sucking. Deeper and deeper daddy pushed into me. Soon I could not sit still. “Oh god daddy faster. I need to cum daddy please make me cum!” daddy pulled his fingers out of me. “Make yourself cum baby, please yourself for me.” He whispered in my ear.
Daddy moved his hand up in front of my nose. “Smell how hot and sweet you smell, your scent drive me crazy baby girl, so warm, so womanly. And your taste!” he sucked my juices off his fingers. That was all I could take. I quickly shoved two finger deep inside of myself. “That’s it baby.” My other hand rubbed my clit hard. “Oh fuck daddy!” soon I was an animal humping into my hands, grinding my clit. Body started to shake; I felt my pussy close tightly around my fingers. “Cum for daddy baby.” Daddy said playing with my nipples. “OH! FUCK! Daddy!” moans of lust slipped from my lips. I couldn’t take my eyes of the girl in the mirror, her face took on a glow, her breasts bounced, her hips pounded forward. She was wild, untamed, an animal made for fucking, and beautiful… In that second my body let go. My cum shot out of me like a train, it gushed so hard and fast it splattered the mirror. Daddy’s lap became so wet he had to hold me so I didn’t slip off. My body shook so hard, daddy wrapped his arms around me, as shock after shock ran through me. My body seemed be floating, I could not feel daddy’s lap under me. I don’t know how long I sat there, waiting for my heart to slow down, and the world to come back into focus. Daddy was whispering softly in my ear. “Breath kitten, breath.” Daddy chuckled.

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Daddy Makes Out with my Girlfriend

Daddy Makes Out with my Girlfriend 1
__Daddy would be real unhappy if he knew I was telling this story. None of my friends would believe me anyway, so what the hell…..
My daddy was having an affair with the lady down the street. Mom was having an affair with a guy at her work. They didn’t hide it much and I found out real easy. “Lynn, go to the park or something for a while.” mom or dad would say. I could see our house from the park and a guy or lady go in, stay for a while and then come out and leave.
The lady down the street’s daughter and I were best friends. Trina liked my daddy and we did a lot of talking about how she wanted to ’make out’ with him. She told me how my daddy would come in the back door and her mom would lock her out of the house to play in the back yard. She could go in the garage though, and that’s when she heard the noises.
“What kind of noises?” I ask. (“…sex noises..”) she said. Her moms bedroom was right above the garage and close to the vent duct she could hear my daddy and her mom having (sex). I didn’t believe her until she called me and said to ’come over quick’ to the side gate. She took me in the garage to listen.
She was right. I’d never heard my daddy groan- talk like that. I noticed Trina rubbing her pussy slightly as she listened. I was breathing hard my self. I had seen my daddy naked before and I pictured him naked and on top of Trina’s mom. Now I wanted to rub my pussy too. I was to embarrassed until Trina reached over and whispered: (“..rub right here..”)
She took my hand and put it on my own pussy. She took mine and her one finger and rubbed it right on my clit. That….felt real good. I liked her rubbing me. She took my other hand and put it over her clit. Now we were rubbing each other.
This was so exciting for me, I had never done this before. We kept going. We both had on our school uniforms with skirts. She went under my skirt and rubbed me over my panties. I did the same. Next she went down my panties and her finger was rubbing my bare pussy and clit. I followed and felt her wet pussy. We turned and faced each other with our eyes closed. We listened to my daddy and her mom make hot sexy noises, above us.
Every thing was changing in my life. I was having new feelings that were awesome. To hear my daddy and her mom have sex was effecting me in a new way, all over my body. Trina had heard them before, but for me…oh my god…this was so sexy, and now with her fingering me for the first time, I was trembling inside in an exciting way I never knew about. I found I too would love to be her mom and having my daddy have sex with me. I had only ever thought about that once before, and quickly stopped thinking about it, being so taboo and all.
He warm body against mine was my first time to have a girl touch me, and I liked it. To feel her all turned on as I felt her wet pussy was all new. Her breathing in my ear was even sexy. Then she whispered out of breath: (“…I wish your finger was your daddy rubbing on me. Put your finger inside me and rub your thumb on my clit.”…) I got a wave of good feelings when she said that. Both our fingers went inside us She held my finger and guided it in and out of my pussy.
I did the same to her very wet pussy. Our thumbs rubbed our clits a little faster. I imagined it was my daddy doing it. Something was building up inside of me as we both panted in our ears. Wow…I was excited with sneaking a mutual fingering of us. We could hear them over us moaning and groaning. Our hips started to rock together and them it happened. We orgasmed together. We both let out a tiny moans of our own. We squirmed and this new feeling took me over and I pressed my tits up against hers. Everything felt good and exciting. We just kept slow rubbing and savored the thrill we just had….
We later both planed a sleepover. Our thoughts were to have all night to play with our pussy’s and this was making us fantasize all kind of new things. Our naked bodies under the covers. Touching and feeling each other as our fingers repeated our mutual orgasms. I could hardly sleep that night. I fingered myself and imagined it was her and then my daddy doing it.
Friday night finally came and our sleepover. Mom was gone for the weekend, but daddy was home. When I told Trina that my daddy would be home tonight,….she gasp on the phone. She paused…… she whispered that she had a ’plan’ she would tell me later in person. I had a feeling what she had in mind. My mind was racing with all the thing that ’could’ happen with her and my daddy. She was bold and aggressive and my daddy already liked her a lot. I had seen Trina rub up against daddy before when she thought no one was looking. I could tell he liked it too.
I now had mixed feelings about her and my daddy getting together. Just maybe….if daddy made out with me…..he wouldn’t need to go over to Trina’s mom and stay home with me.
I felt my pussy getting wet with all the thoughts I was having, it felt good to rub it a little. I thought ….wouldn’t it be cool if my daddy made a sexual move on me. I would let him. We could make out when mom was not home. As I thought I put my hand inside my panties and I was really wet. I closed my eyes and leaned against my bedroom wall. I relived Trina’s finger in me and then on to my daddy doing it instead. I felt an orgasm building up in my pussy.
I took my thoughts further. My daddy’s finger was now his hardon going in and out of my pussy. Now the orgasm increased and was about to happen. I went for it and moaned out a little as I felt my daddy’s hard on in me. My hips jolted as my orgasm hit. It was the best one yet and took my breath away. My heart was beating so fast, I loved the feeling.
‘Ding dong‘, Trina was at the door. I watch from the top of the stairs as daddy answered it. She came in with her back pack. As soon as daddy shut the door, she was hugging him. He looked around to see if I was around. I stayed hidden. They both instantly started making out. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I didn’t need too. They were feeling each others asses and he started kissing her. Mom was due home any minute. They did a quick feel up of each other and I saw my daddy feeling her titties. She in turn felt the front of his pants. I was in sexual shock, having never seen this before. I was jealous and excited all at the same time. My pussy pulsed as I watched. Oh how I wished that was me in daddy arms.
Mom called and said she had to go out of town? ….bullshit….we all knew better than that. Trina and I fixed dinner as I watch her eyeball daddy. Later she ask me to go in my bedroom and stay there and not come out. She wanted to ’talk’ with my daddy. I said: “No, you guys ’talk’ down stairs, I want to watch!” We giggled and she said ’ok’. She whispered: (“..I want to make out with him so bad, he has big fingers too!…”) I felt jealous but excited too. We now had on our night clothes and she pulled me close and felt my pussy. I felt hers too and said out of breath that tonight we were going to have so much fun in my bed. She nodded her head as I felt her finger go inside me.
For some strange reason….I felt like kissing her neck….so I did. She gasp and returned the kisses. This was a first for both of us and we just let it happen. Slowly we kissed our faces. Her warm breath was awesome. I loved it when she was all turned on. Our hands started feeling our bodies. I had never felt another girls titties before, but now I just went for it. We were bra- less and we started making out for the first time. She whispered: (“…later, I want to do a lot more, ok?..”) My heart jumped a beat as I nodded my head. We didn’t want to stop, but she wanted to go down stairs to sit with my daddy.
I was now going to watch a make out session with her and my daddy and then….I was going to make out with her that night. I think every thing on my body trembled.
I got on my knees and got in my hidden spot at the top of the stairs and waited. She must have told him, I wouldn’t be coming down so they wouldn’t be disturbed.
I watched them come and sit on the couch. I could see everything perfectly. Up stairs was all blacked out so they couldn’t see me. I felt my pussy wetness run down one leg. This was over the top in my body’s sex department. My tittie nipples even tingled.
Trina had on a shortie lavender robe. She turned and laid her head in daddy’s lap. She put her hand under daddy’s shirt and rubbed his chest. He played with her hair as she snuggled close to him. He started rubbing her back and soon his hand went to her front. I knew he was feeling her tits. She moved up and started kissing him. I could see her tongue going in his mouth. They were making out real hot like. I watched him slowly lay down with her on her back.
I so wished it was me.
He started kissing down to her tits. She was squirming slightly as she played with his hair. I saw him sucking and kissing her tits. My pussy was so wet watching, I began to rub it slightly. He opened her robe all the way and now was kissing his way down. Her knees came up and then put them wide open.
I had never seen a man do this to a girl,… live. It was making me so hot to watch. I found my fingers were rubbing my slit, up and down. I saw his head now between her legs and moving. I think he was licking her pussy. She was squirming more now and making these moaning sounds. I let one of my fingers slip inside my wet pussy. It felt so good to rub inside it. I was getting hot watching and had to take a quiet big breath.
Daddy sat up. He was licking her, because her pussy was all shiny and wet. Guys must like doing that. I wondered what it was like. Daddy pulled down his shorts and out came his hardon, my first to see. It was big and pink. Trina got on her knees and put her hand on it. She got closer as she began to stroke it. Daddy took her robe all the way off and felt her butt.
She got real close and kissed his hardon. Daddy began to feel her titties. She began to lick his hardon all over. Daddy guided her head to put her mouth over the end of his hardon. He moved her head up and down on it. He had her put both her hands on him and jack his hardon up and down.
I got a hot flash in my pussy as my finger went in and out. I spread my knees wide apart and took my other hands fingers and rubbed my clit. I wanted another one of those orgasms. I found out how to make it return by rubbing myself.
As I watched Trina suck on daddy’s hardon, my own orgasm was building up fast. I couldn’t dare make any noise but I wanted to moan so bad. I heard Trina moan real loud. Daddy now had his hand between her legs and fingering her pussy. She jumped. I saw white stuff coming out the sides of her mouth. She pull off as the white stuff was shooting out of my daddy’s hardon. He put her mouth back on it as more came out of her mouth. Daddy groaned as his fingers were going in and out of Trina’s pussy. She was fucking his fingers.
I lost control as the best orgasm came to me and made me squirm and shake. My fingers kept it going longer. I had to lay down on the rug and catch my breath.
My body trembled as I got up and quietly snuck back into my bedroom. I laid on my back and continued rubbing my warm wet pussy. The pictures of what I had just seen played thru my mind over and over.
I woke up to Trina crawling in bed with me….naked.
Continued in part 2

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Jenny by the river Part 2

Jenny Part 2
She was still gorgeous; the same short curly hair, blue eyes and freckles. I was still entranced. This time she wore tight jeans and a girly short sleeved shirt, I still couldn’t keep my eyes off her. And her cousin …………!!!!!!
About two months after my tryst with Jenny by the river, one Thursday evening the phone rang about 7.30. A feminine voice said “Hello, is that Geoff?” I said “Yes it is. Who’s that?” “It’s Jenny do you remember me?” “Of course I do Jenny. How are you?” “Not too bad, I’ve been trying to ring you but there’s been no answer.” “I’ve been away working Jenny, it’s great to hear your voice.” “I’d like to come and visit you Geoff, would that be OK?” “Yes I’d love that, when?” “Well, I’ll be in town this weekend. How about 10 o’clock on Saturday?” “OK, see you then.” We said good bye and hung up. I pictured her as I remembered her, really pretty, a sparkling personality, short curly blonde hair, tiny shorts and those TITS!!!
Two months ago we had a sexy afternoon by the river. I fucked her twice and gave her my number but then I left town to work the wheat harvest, and just got back last weekend. I do skilled farm work; driving machinery, handling sheep and cattle, fencing, etc, it’s hard work and keeps me very fit. The work is seasonal, but I’m well known and always welcome. The wheat harvest is long hours of hard work, living on site. Finally I was back in town, it was the summer holiday period and Jenny was in touch. That was exciting enough, but I had no idea what a surprise she had in store.
On Friday I caught up with housework, and had a few drinks at the pub. Some friends wanted me to come with them camping on the weekend, I just said I had plans. Saturday morning I put fresh sheets on the bed, cleaned my BMW motorbike and went inside for a coffee, then the doorbell sounded.
Jenny and I gazed at each other, grinning crazily. I could see her nipples pushing out the material of her shirt; she bounced in and impetuously jumped into my arms. I caught her and pushed the door shut as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She began kissing me passionately, so I put her against the wall and leaned on her, grinding my hardon against her pussy. Still kissing and tongue wrestling I carried her to the couch and sat down with her straddling my legs. We slowed the attack a little; I started stroking her back, sides, arms, face and legs. Jenny drew my hands to her breasts and ground her pussy against my cock. We pulled each other’s shirts off, Jenny wasn’t wearing a bra and she rubbed those magnificent tits against my hairy chest, I could feel her hard nipples. I squeezed her bum and she lifted her tits to my face. Jenny began panting and whimpering as I licked and lightly bit her nipples. She was writhing and groaning, it turned me on to the max. I lifted her and turned around, putting her on the couch, she kicked her shoes off. More passionate kissing followed, I rubbed my face around her breasts and belly and undid her jeans. Jenny lifted her arse as I peeled her jeans and panties completely off.
I could smell the scent of her pussy juice, Jenny smiled at me, her eyes alight. I gently pulled her legs apart and moved right in close. I grabbed her bottom and took a deep breath smelling her, then pulled her pussy to my mouth. I pushed my tongue into her vagina, tasting her. Then I moved my tongue up and down her inner lips and around above her clit licking the hood. Jenny moaned and squirmed on the couch thrusting her crotch up into my face. Her juices were flowing copiously, I licked her opening sucking in as much of her essence as I could, then began to tongue fuck her. She squealed in pleasure and pulled her legs up behind her arms. I pointed my tongue and worked it around her clit barely touching. I flicked my tongue tip back and forth across the top of the clit-hood, then sucked her clit and inner lips into my mouth, nursing on her, turning her on more. Next I changed back to tongue fucking, and then clit flicking back and forth, driving her arousal to greater heights.
Meanwhile I loosened my jeans and pushed them down. As Jenny became more and more aroused, so did I. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. As Jenny began to peak I got up on my knees and shoved my cock into her in one stroke, she screamed and hit her orgasm while I fucked her hard and fast. She bucked and thrust against me and I fucked her as hard as I could. As her orgasm subsided I slowed my movements but continued to fuck her deeply. Jenny slowly came down as I stroked my cock slowly in and out of her cunt. She opened her eyes, released her legs and we kissed gently. Jenny put her arms around my neck. With my cock stilled inside her, I lifted her from the couch and lowered her to the shag pile carpet. We lay in the missionary position for a while, kissing gently and getting our breath back. Realising we hadn’t spoken yet, I looked into her eyes and said “Hello”, we both laughed. “So”, I said “What have you been doing while I was away?” “Oh, nothing much,” she said, “School exams, visiting my cousin, Annie…” Jenny locked her eyes on mine and said “…getting on the pill.” “Really?” I was a bit surprised. Jenny said “I want you to cum inside me”.
I began to fuck her very slowly, with full length strokes. Keeping eye contact, I fucked her pussy real slow. Between strokes I ground, gently against her clit. She moved in time, pushing against me and closed her eyes, beginning to pant. I kept my movements slow, for a while then said “Let’s try some different positions.” “Ok” said Jenny. I withdrew and lay at her right side, with Jenny on her back. I lifted her right leg over both of mine and drew her left leg between my legs. Entering her wet pussy again, I fucked her slowly still, while stroking my right hand over her belly and tits, and tweaking her nipples. Jenny began to writhe and moan, I fucked her faster and harder. Sliding my hand down to her pussy I stroked two fingers up and down one each side of her clit-hood, while fucking her hard and fast. Jenny cried out and exploded in orgasm again. I held still while her orgasm subsided then pulled out, and guided her onto her knees and fucked her doggy style. Next I got a cushion and pushed her down onto her belly on the cushion. Forcing her legs wide apart with my knees, I thrust into her cunt once again. Putting my hands forward under her and grabbing her shoulders for leverage I fucked her with all my power, until my body locked tight and my cock blasted a river of cum right up inside her spasming cunt.
Trembling with spent passion we lay still on the floor, recovering our breath. “Oh God Geoff,” said Jenny “that was fantastic!!” I kissed the back of her neck, stroked her shoulders for a while then got up and led her to the shower. We washed each other gently, then dried off and got into my bed. We lay on our sides facing each other. Jenny put her upper arm around me and the other down between us and took hold of my cock. I put one arm beneath her head and the other around her, stroking her back. We kissed gently, tongues exploring. I felt really tender towards Jenny. With eyes closed I gently rubbed my cheeks and lips over her face. We just lay there kissing and touching for several minutes.
“How long are you in town?” I asked. “Just a few days, staying with my cousin Annie. I’m going on holiday with my family in a few days, and Mum wants me to come home on Monday.” “How long will you be away?” “Three weeks, we’re going hiking in Mt. Kosciosko National Park.” “I’ll miss you.” Jenny hit me on the arm and said “I’ve been missing you for two months!” I drew her close again, stroked her face and kissed her lovingly. I asked “How long do we have now?” Jenny said “I’ve got to go soon, Annie’s waiting for me at the Shopping centre. But I can come back after dinner. What time is it?” “It’s 12.30” “I’ve gotta go now! Drop me at the mall with your motorbike?” We got dressed and went to the door where I took Jenny in my arms and kissed her thoroughly.
On the bike she wore my spare helmet and we cruised through town to the shopping centre. When we stopped Jenny took the helmet off and asked “Is it ok for me to come back after dinner? Are you going out?” “I’m not going out, my friends have gone camping.” “Ok, I’ll see you later and I’ve got a surprise for you.” Jenny giggled and skipped away. I put the helmet on its hook and looked for her. Some distance away, near the entrance to the shops I saw Jenny with a tall black haired girl, they had their heads together obviously whispering. They looked my way, Jenny waved and both were smiling before they turned and went into the mall. The other girl looked back over her shoulder, before she went inside.
I rode out of town into the hills. BMW motorbikes handle really well and are an absolute joy to ride on winding roads. They are also very comfortable cruising. I took the tight twisting road south west towards the mountains and stopped for lunch at a nice café with a view over the hills towards Mt Bogong.
Over lunch I thought about Jenny and how I felt towards her; very tender and loving. But she’s very young, jailbait. Also she could easily be hurt, if she got too attached. And I could get too attached. The girl with black hair would be her cousin, but what was the surprise? After lunch I went the longer way back to Wodonga, along more winding roads through lower hills and farming land. That area is mostly cattle country, although I wasn’t watching the cows. I was thinking of my little filly, coming over again after dinner.
Back in town late afternoon, I put the bike in the garage and went for a walk. Then showered put on lounging pants and a tee shirt and made a meal of left-overs. I was sitting with a beer and listening to music when the doorbell rang about 8.15. Waiting outside were Jenny and the girl with black hair. They came inside and Jenny introduced her cousin Annie.
Now Jenny was cute as a button with gorgeous freckles, a magnificent figure, and a delightful personality. She was a fascinating young girl.
Annie was several inches taller, had long glistening black hair, bigger breasts, more developed in the hips. Amazingly attractive she looked like a young, taller, Kate Winslet. Jenny was obviously proud of her beautiful cousin. They both wore jeans that fitted well. Jenny had a white top and Annie wore dark blue. I looked them over and said “Well, I’ve never seen two more beautiful girls!” They both laughed Jenny took my arm and pressed her tits against me. She said “Annie’s the surprise.” My jaw fell open Jenny giggled and said “I told her about you and me weeks ago. She’s been wanting to meet you.” I didn’t know what to say, I felt nervous of their parents finding out. “Jenny you weren’t supposed to tell anyone!” “I know, but Annie’s my best friend, we share everything …… Every .. Thing!”
Annie came close to me, looking nervous and said “When Jenny told me about how you and she had such amazing sex, it really turned me on. I’m a virgin but … I really want to have sex and … if you like, … I think I’d like to try it with you.” I asked “Where do your parents think you are?” “At the movies, it’s a long show and they don’t expect us back till 11.30.” Jenny was still pressing her tits against my left arm. I looked at her, she smiled and nodded. I gazed into Annie’s eyes, fell in lust with her and smiled.
Annie slithered under my right arm and pressed her whole body against me. She was only a little shorter than me and kissing her hardly required any bending down at all. We kissed briefly, made eye contact again then locked lips passionately. I felt her body quiver against my side. I put my left arm around Jenny and kissed her too. My boner was at full mast. I kissed both girls, swapping back and forth. While kissing Annie, I turned my hips to Jenny and rubbed my tented pants against her belly. She rubbed her belly up and down against me. Swapping the kiss to Jenny I turned my crotch to Annie and rubbed against her. She gasped and put her hand down to feel my cock through my pants. Without undies my hard cock was obvious. Annie gripped my cock in her hand and squeezed. Jenny reached over and guided Annie’s hand inside my pants. She said “Take it in both hands and slide them up and down. Don’t squeeze hard.” Jenny pushed my pants down, Annie used both hands, her eyes were really big. Both girls knelt down and Jenny started telling Annie how to handle my cock. I was so turned on, I couldn’t speak.
Jenny took over from Annie and said “Try this.” She took my cock gently in both hands, lifted it and rubbed her face up and down the underside. “Your turn” Annie took my cock and rubbed the underside on her face then the end on her cheeks and forehead. Jenny said “Put it in your mouth like I told you yesterday.” Annie opened her mouth and slid half my shaft inside her soft velvety lips. “Go up and down slowly” said Jenny. Annie moved her head up and down experimenting with different pressure with her lips and tongue. My cock felt like it was on fire, I groaned out loud. Jenny said “See, he likes it! Put it in as far as you can.” Annie slowly pushed her mouth down my cock until I felt the back of her mouth. Her gag reflex kicked in and she pulled off quickly. Jenny said “Showing you is better than telling you” and slid her mouth down my cock as far as she could. Holding her fingers where her lips had gone to, she bobbed her head up and down slowly then faster and faster till I got close to cumming and told her to stop.
I kicked my pants off, took the girls into the bedroom, and told them to take each other’s tops off. They looked at each other then started on the buttons, with only a little hesitation. I wondered had they done this before? I knelt down and undid their jeans. First each button one by one then each zipper. Then bit by bit I worked each girl’s jeans down her legs, slowly revealing little knickers, Jenny’s white with frills, Annie’s black with embroidered edges. By this time all the shirt buttons were undone showing matching bras. The girls took turns pulling the other one’s shirt off her shoulders and arms, while gazing into each other’s eyes. Yes, I thought, they’ve been here before.
I pulled Jenny’s jeans right down and stroked her slender legs. While she stepped out of them, I pulled Annie’s down revealing long very smooth and shapely legs. I kissed and nuzzled her belly while she stepped out of her jeans.
I stood up and drew both girls to me into a hug, and then a three way kiss with four firm bra covered breasts pushing against my chest and my stiff cock nestled between two beautifully rounded bellies. We three French kissed passionately, my tongue going from mouth to mouth. While they kissed, I nuzzled their cheeks, necks and ears in turn. “Have you two had … sleep overs … together?” I asked, they both blushed and giggled. Jenny said “She’s got really big nipples.” Annie blushed; I smiled and kissed each of them deeply in turn. Putting my arms around Jenny I undid her bra and removed it. I took her breasts in my hands and put my face between them. I gently nuzzled her wonderful tits and sucked each nipple.
Then turning to Annie, I slowly embraced her and undid the clasp of her bra. Kissing her deeply, I kept her body against me and slid my hands up to her shoulders, pushing the bra straps onto her arms. I put my hands on her bra keeping it in place and stepped back a little. Her arms were by her sides. I kissed her again then looked at her chest and said “Well let’s see those big nipples”. I pulled the bra off showing a pair of perfectly placed C cup breasts, with pink areolas about two fingers wide and nipples as big as my thumb. The biggest nipples I have ever seen. Annie pulled her shoulders back presenting those magnificent breasts to my gaze proudly. I said “Wow”, reverently, looked at them for a while then began to fondle them with both hands. I stroked my palms and finger all over her tits, flicked the nipples with my thumbs then put my face in and nuzzled away. I was in heaven, Annie was breathing heavily.
I pulled both girls into another three way hug, kissing Jenny first, then both of them. They took turns rubbing my cock on the other one’s belly. I put my left hand on Jenny’s arse and my right hand on Annie’s, and (of course) there were two firm globes of bum flesh for each hand to enjoy. One crack for each set of fingers to explore and one crevice at the top of each pair of thighs to probe. I nuzzled all four tits in turn, sucked each nipple to full hardness, then got the girls to kneel down again. They held their breasts together while I rubbed my dick all over them, between them and turkey slapped each breast with my cock, making them jiggle.
Next I guided my cock to Annie’s mouth. She took the base in one hand and engulfed me, sliding her lips slowly down to her fingers. She slid slowly up again to the tip and moved one finger away on the way down, getting more of my cock into her mouth. Jenny said “I’ve heard that if you straighten your throat and swallow, you can get a guy’s cock all the way in.” Annie stopped and looked at her. “Try it” said Jenny “Put it in as far as you can, and pretend you’re swallowing some food or a drink.” Annie tried it but gagged and coughed. I said “Take a deep breath trough your nose, relax and just swallow without trying to push it in. Let the swallowing motion pull it in.” Two more tries and she got it, suddenly my cock eased into her throat. Annie eased it back into her mouth and I almost cum. I quickly withdrew from her mouth, panting and moaning, and squeezed my cock till the urge to ejaculate subsided. Annie asked “What’s wrong?” “Nothing honey, that was wonderful, but I almost cum in your mouth. You can’t do that without warning a girl.” “Why?” “Well, you might not like the taste, and if you’re not ready or don’t know what to do, my cum could go in your windpipe and you could choke on it.” She appeared to understand so I offered her my dick again. This time she swallowed it easily and was able to move it in and out of her throat several times. The feeling was incredible; I said “OH MY GOD, that feels so GOOD. I’LL CUM IF YOU DON’T STOP!!”
Annie pulled off me and Jenny wanted to try. She asked Annie how if felt, “It’s really strange, the trick is to take his cock in as far as comfortable, then swallow without pushing. Imagine you’re drinking from a water bottle and just swallow it.” Jenny looked up at me and said “I want you to cum in my mouth.” She took my cock in between her lips and slid down slowly, as far as she could. She took a breath through her nose then began swallowing. It felt amazing; each muscular swallowing motion moved the end of my cock in and out of her throat. Three swallows and Jenny had my cock all the way in, with her lips touching my balls. She eased me out into her mouth again, then swallowed me completely in one go. She eased my cock out of her throat again and took another breath. Then she grabbed my arse and pulled, fucking her own throat with my cock. I was on the edge of cumming right away, I grabbed her head and as my cum began to erupt, I thrust in as far as possible and sent spurt after spurt straight down her throat, while Jenny held my arse and pulled me hard into her mouth. Jenny eased my cock out of her throat into her mouth, and sucked the last of the cum from it. Her face was red as she got her breath back. I collapsed on the bed groaning. Annie said “That looked awesome.” She was clearly excited; I took her hand and pulled her onto the bed with me. Jenny came onto the bed too; I held her and kissed her thoroughly and said “That was unbelievable!!!”
Needing a recovery time I said “I’m thirsty, who wants a drink?” Annie said “Can we have a real drink” I asked “Have you had alcohol before?” “Yes we had some at a party, a few weeks ago” “Did you get drunk?” “Noo-oo?” It turned out that Annie had two Bacardi breezers, Jenny had three and got quite tipsy. They had slept over at Annie’s place and that’s when Jenny told her about me. I made a jug of Vodka and orange juice and poured three glasses. We sat up in bed sipping them. The girls finished theirs fairly quickly and were looking expectant, duty calls!
I drained my glass, put it down and drew them into a hug. Looking at Jenny I said “Annie first, ok?” She pouted a bit and Annie said “You had yours this morning, greedy bitch!!” I laughed and kissed them both, “Annie, you’re a virgin, have you had any sexy play with a boy?” “Well I’ve kissed a few boys, and let Kyle feel my boobs and pussy.” “Was that nice?” “Yes but he told his stupid mates, so I haven’t let him do anything since.” “Did he lick your pussy?” “No, Jenny’s told me about that.” Jenny squealed and said “Yes, that feels great. Do her!! Do her!!” I turned Annie onto her back and knelt over her with my knees each side of her hips, Jenny was very excited and lay on her side close to us.
Kissing Annie gently on the lips, I held my weight with one hand and stroked her tits and belly with the other. My cock and balls were lightly touching her thighs, and I began to rotate my hips to drag my cock up and down between them. Her big nipples were even bigger and hard, I pinched and flicked them with my fingertips. Annie was breathing harder and beginning to squirm beneath me. Jenny was watching and running one hand over my back. She rubbed my bum and balls then reached between us and grabbed my hardening cock. Jenny pushed my cock down between Annie’s thighs, Annie opened her legs to accept more of it then squeezed it firmly. Jenny started stroking Annie’s pussy. Annie began moaning, as I moved my mouth to her nipples. With my lips covering my teeth to imitate a baby’s gums I sucked and nibbled on those big nipples. Annie was now writhing, gasping and moaning loudly. I put my knees between her legs, then my right hand on her pussy; Jenny’s hand was still there stroking her pussy lips and clit. Annie opened her legs wide. My fingers went to the bottom of her slit while Jenny’s went to her clit and clit-hood. I gently pushed my index finger into her opening and stroked just inside on the g-spot, feeling the hymen with my fingertip. I lay down between her legs and brought my head down to her pussy, pushed Jenny’s hand away and began licking along her slit and around outside the clit-hood. Her pussy tasted delicious. Jenny grabbed Annie behind the knees and pulled her legs way apart and up to her armpits. Annie was crying out and humping her hips up and down as she reached a massive orgasm. Her pussy juice flowed copiously. I removed my finger and covered her whole pussy with my mouth. I tongue fucked her while sucking up all her juices. Annie quickly built to another huge orgasm and as she crested I moved up, put my hard cock to her opening and pushed straight into her.
Annie seemed to be passed out; I brought my knees up outside her hips and pushed my left arm under her shoulders keeping my weight off her. Jenny let go of Annie’s legs, I put my right arm around Jenny and kissed her on the lips. We looked at Annie and Jenny said “Wow. That looked amazing.” Annie put her arms around my neck then went still “Your cock is in me!” “Yes I did that while you were cumming.” Annie looked at Jenny “You were fingering me! And then you pulled my legs up.” Jenny said, “How did it feel?” Annie said, “I don’t know how to describe it. Thank you both. That was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Jenny and I both kissed her.
I said “We’re not finished yet.” Annie giggled, “Oh yes, you haven’t fucked me yet, have you.” I moved my cock in and out a little, “How does this feel, any pain?” “Yes, but not much. It feels good.” I stroked gently in and out watching her face. Annie relaxed and began to move with me, I began kissing her again very gently. Our movements were slow and full, her pussy gripped my cock like a glove. Jenny was kneeling beside us watching, and fingering herself. I could see her fingers pushing in between her pussy lips. The lips were glistening with her wetness and stretching around her fingers, as one then two fingers disappeared inside her.Annie said “All the pain is gone now! Your cock feels wonderful!” She was breathing harder. I sat back on my heels and drew Jenny’s head down to Annie’s tits. I concentrated on fucking Annie with slow intensity, and gradually building up speed. “Annie are you on the pill?” I asked she said “No!” and looked a bit scared, “Don’t worry” I said I can stop in time.
Jenny began licking and sucking on Annie’s incredible nipples, then kissing her lips. I put one hand on the bed to support myself and used the other to stroke her belly, tits and neck. Annie’s legs were around my waist. As she got more and more excited, she pulled me with her legs and thrust her pussy up against me as hard as she could. I kept the pace under control wanting to last, give her a good cum and not cum myself. Annie’s excitement became more intense; she was moaning and making inarticulate noises. Jenny put her arm under Annie’s neck and they kissed passionately. My thrusting strokes became longer and faster. The girls stopped kissing, Jenny went back to sucking Annie’s nipples and I could see her arm between her legs moving quickly back and forth. Annie was really close, writhing, thrusting up and down and moaning loudly. I wet my thumb and started flicking side to side against the top of her clit hood. Annie went into orgasm, bucking wildly, gasping and with both arms holding Jenny tight against her chest. I kept fucking her hard and flicking her clit, till she said “Stop, Stop!!”
I leaned down and gathered both girls into my arms. Annie lay there, spent. I withdrew from her, went and got a warm damp washcloth and gently wiped the blood and juices from her pussy, and also my cock.
Jenny got up onto her knees and looked at me with smouldering eyes. I fed my cock into her mouth. She slid her lips and tongue up and down a few times then said “Fuck me Geoff!” Jenny lay face down with a pillow under her hips and looked at me. I knelt with my legs outside of hers, her pussy was really wet and I shoved my cock into her. I lay over Jenny, put my arms under hers, grabbed her shoulders and began to fuck her. I was close to cumming very soon, I put my hands on top of her shoulders and straightened my knees. All my weight was on her, pushing her down on the bed as I fucked her hard and fast. My cock pounded into her over and over, Jenny was moaning loudly and pushing her arse up against me. As my orgasm approached, I felt Annie climb onto my back. She put her pussy against my bum and began thrusting in time with me, adding her strength to mine so that we both fucked Jenny together. This quickly pushed me over the edge, I shoved my cock in hard and held still, spurting my cum into her. Annie kept on humping against my bum causing a slight thrusting action into Jenny’s cunt. Jenny cried out and reached her peak as well.
As we calmed down I lifted my weight onto my elbows and craned my neck to look at Annie, she giggled and said “That was fun.” I laughed, Jenny made a puzzled sound, and I told her “Annie is piggybacking”. “What?” “She’s lying on my back, we were both fucking you”. Jenny got a fit of the giggles, so did Annie, it was like being in a warm vibrating pile of flesh. With both girls laughing and shaking, I started laughing as well and my half soft dick was jerking in Jenny’s pussy.
But I didn’t get hard again and after a little while Annie slid off me and I got off Jenny. We lay down with Annie in the middle and I pulled the sheet and blankets over us. Annie’s bum crack was wet and with my fingers I slid my soft dick into her crack. Annie said “Mmmmmm” and pushed back against me. Glancing at the clock I saw 11.30!! “Hey girls we better stop, you’re supposed to be home now!” There was a flurry of movement as they squealed and leapt out of bed. They panicked a bit but I told them to calm down, have a quick shower and be sure to dress properly. “You don’t want to get home in a mess and smelling of sex, do you.” I got dressed and when the girls were ready I checked out the front. A neighbour was walking by I called a greeting to let the girls know someone was there, then said “Plenty of stars out Jim, should be sunny tomorrow.” Jim agreed and went on to his house. I ducked back inside and hugged Jenny and Annie together. Annie threw her arms around my neck and said “Thanks, that was so amazing, I want to do it again.” “Well, I hope we can” I said, and kissed her like a lover. I looked into her eyes, and then kissed Jenny the same way. The coast was clear and the girls left quietly, I walked them to the gate and watched as the two most gorgeous girls I had ever been with walked away. At the corner they waved and were gone.
I reflected on my amazing day, with Jenny then both of them. A kaleidoscope of images of those two beauties ran through my thoughts as I changed the sheets, put the soaked ones in the wash basket, had a long shower and went to bed. A message came on my phone. First some pictures, Jenny and Annie’s smiling faces in one. Then a pair of breasts, followed by another pair of breasts, a bum, and another bum. Next a pussy in close up with legs together and another pussy, close up with legs spread wide apart. The message was “Can you guess which tits, arse and pussy belongs to which of us?” The tits were easy, Annie’s nipples being much larger. The rest took some thought, however Annie is a bigger girl and in one shot there was enough of the legs showing for a reasonable guess. Both pussies were shaved now so no easy clue with colour of pubes, but I thought Jenny was more likely to pose with her legs wide apart. I sent the pics back with names attached. Back came the reply “Two out of three hahaha” It was Annie’s pussy with her legs apart. I sent to them “Well my two darlings, next time I’ll take my own photos.”

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When the Voyeur Decides to Play

My night started like any other night. I got up and put on my uniform, and put on my belt, where I added all the accessories, like my handcuffs, flashlight, my gun, and many others. I still feel a bit of pride when I put my badge on my front shirt.
Although I wasn’t by many peoples definition of a real police officer, I did have to go to police academy, where they taught me everything I needed to know about how to handle a possible dangerous situation, to how to preform first aid or CPR if need be. I had the ability to arrest people, but I would have to hold them in our tiny office cell till city officers came and picked them up.
However that never happens. Nothing ever happens on this side of the city. It almost makes me wonder why the people wanted patrol men to walk the streets while they slept. I guess it was just a sense of security, but they didn’t want security guards, that really weren’t trained, if something actually were to happen.
There is eight of us total, but four of us that walked a different section a night. We did twelve hour shifts, and worked every other weekend. Basically if I worked Monday and Tuesday, I would have Wednesday, and Thursday off, then work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On the nights I had off the other four officers would work. Although we felt like glorified security guards, we still felt good about what we did, and knowing that we passed the academy, we could always apply to a police station.
On this night though, it started like every other night, but towards the end of my shift something great happened. Now I work from 7PM till 7AM, and it was about 4:30AM when I saw her. She was walking away from me, and was approximately fifty yards away. Now this community, doesn’t have a curfew, so people who live here can come and go as they please, but something told me to follow her. I maintained my distance from her, I couldn’t tell but she seemed nervous as she looked all around her, but she never noticed me. She stopped in front of some apartment buildings that were empty do to some remodeling.
This is where a saw the second person come out between the buildings, this person looked to be a short man, but from my distance I really couldn’t tell height. They saw each other and moved quickly to each other, as I watched them begin to make out with each other, I thought it was a couple of love birds who haven’t seen one another in some time.
That’s when I watched the girl I was following, drop to her knees and pull out the guys cock out of his pants. I admit I was very envious when I saw the length of this man. He had to have been about ten to twelve inches long. She began to suck his tip and licked up and down his shaft, she did this for a minute or two before standing back up, turned around and hiked up her skirt to reveal her bare ass, as the guy lined up his cock to her, I realized that they were exhibitionist. People who loved the thrill of having sex in public. They were in luck because I love to watch.
They picked a good spot that they believed they wouldn’t get caught, because her moans got very loud, so loud that I thought she was right next to me. Her screams of pleasure were intoxicating, and it had me pulling out my own cock to jerk off to the sight that was before me. When I heard her say to the guy to fuck her faster she was about cum I couldn’t hold back any longer and blasted my load all over the pavement. I had my eyes closed while I came down from my high and when I opened them, the girl was back on her knees licking his shaft clean from her juices. He was still pretty hard when they tucked it back into his pants, then they disappeared between the buildings.
I cleaned myself off, then finished my rounds. Over the next few weeks I couldn’t get the image of them out of my head. Questions kept popping into my mind like, was that their first time in public? Will they do it again? Will I be lucky enough to watch again? Will I be bold enough to get closer to see what they look like?
A few my questions did get answered, just not all at once. I did catch them in the act around the same time nearly a month later. This time she wasn’t as loud in her moans, but still hot as hell watching, and jerking off to them. Then the next time was about two weeks later and she was loud, like the first time I seen them.
One thing I did know though was, that they enjoyed their sexual fun on the nights I worked. I asked Dave the guy who worked my section on the nights I had off, if he had seen anyone in that area. He told me he doesn’t see anyone at all, though out the night.
So when I saw them again, instead of standing there watching, I decided I better end it, before they either get hurt, or someone else catches them and calls us to arrest them. Sense I didn’t want them to have a record for doing something they enjoy, not to mention if I were to get caught jerking off to them and losing my job. As much as I hated to do it, I walked right behind the guy as he was enjoying his blow job and tapped him on the shoulder.
He jumped sky high, I couldn’t blame him, getting caught in the act would scare the shit out of me too, but when he turned around it was I that was shocked. Here I was expecting to see a man and a woman who enjoys the thrill of the possibility of being caught, but instead I was looking at not one but two teenage girls.
Yeah I said it two teenage girls, count them ONE, TWO teenage girls. They couldn’t be older than fifteen. I couldn’t believe it. Their faces told the tale, that they were scared to death not turned on by the fact that they were caught. Then the sudden thought that I was jerking off to young teenage girls almost made me throw up. I never looked at girls that way, unless they were around my age, and I thought they were in their twenties.
“What are you girls doing out at this time of day?” I ask them letting them believe I didn’t know what they were doing.
“We… um… we… we were just… um… we were just on our way home.” Said the one that was wearing a strap on, with the fake cock that I was so envious of. She must have forgotten that she had it on.
“What’s your name?”
“Well Emily, do you always walk home with a long fake cock sticking out of your pants? And what’s your name?” I asked looking at the other girl who still had spit dribbling down her chin.
“My name is Kelly.” She said as she wiped her chin.
“Look girls I am not stupid, I know what you two were doing, what I don’t know is why you are doing it outside. So why don’t your girls come with me and we will talk about to do with you.”
Kelly, and Emily looked at each other and followed me down the road a bit to a bench where I told them to sit.
“Emily I am sorry but can you take that off its really odd looking at you with a fake cock out of your pants.”
She looked over at her friend, then stood up, took off her pants, then stepped out of the strap on. As she got back into her pants I couldn’t help but look at the neatly trimmed hair above her pussy lips, that glistened in the street light above us. Emily sat back down and tucked the dildo between her, and Kelly.
“Thank you, now how old are you two?”
“Fourteen.” They both said in unison.
“You girls are fourteen!? What in high heavens are you two out in the wide open having sex, and not in a bedroom somewhere, I don’t know like one of your homes?”
They looked at each other and began to talk quietly to each other, but were arguing as well.
“Girls? You mind telling me why I found you out here?”
“Look.” Kelly started. “We have been friends for as far back as we can remember, and a few months ago we started to experiment with each other, ever since I found my sisters strap on, but we were caught by my parents a week later. Of course they flipped out then told Emily’s parents. They then said we couldn’t hang out anymore. So we still wanted to experiment, and have some fun, so one day at school about a month ago I heard that some apartment buildings were being remodeled, and I thought since no one will be in this area we can play and we wouldn’t be seen since we can’t do anything at our houses. We were fine up until tonight.”
I thought about what she had just told me. I could understand the need to experiment, and discover ones sexual appetite, I remember being a teen, but I believe I was at least sixteen when I started fooling around.
“Look girls, I know you two have to be embarrassed right now, and rightfully so. I can understand what you two are doing, but I have to tell you what you are doing in dangerous. What if a guy came up to you with a gun?”
“Um you have a gun.” Emily pointed out.
“You know what I meant. Look I am not going to call your parents, even though I should, but you two need to find a safer place that is indoors, because the next time I find you two out here doing that, I will call them. Do you girls understand?” They both nodded at me. “Good now go home girls.”
I watched them go their separate ways back to their homes, and I don’t know why but I watched Kelly and decided to click a picture of her as she walked away from me.
When I got home I kept beating myself up on the fact that those girls were fourteen, and that I jerked off to them. I guess that is why I really didn’t want to get their parents involved, I could just imagine how that conversation would have went.
“Hi yes parents of these really hot teenage girls, well I caught them fucking each other, oh but don’t worry I just whipped out my cock and jerked off while they did it.”
Then thoughts of reason started to run though my head. I mean I thought they were in their twenties from the distance I was at, I didn’t know they were too young. I did nothing wrong. I guess it was just the thought after knowing that made me sick to my stomach.
I then started undressing myself and put on a pair of faded sleep pants on, then I went into the kitchen to pre heat the oven. Only sad part of working twelve hour nights is when its time to eat after you get home is you want supper. So I took out a frozen pizza and placed it on the counter and waited for the oven to heat up.
I went back to the living room and sat in my chair, turned on the morning show. Then I picked up my cell phone and when I flipped it open there was the picture I took of Kelly as she was walking away from me. I still don’t know what prompted to take such a picture, but my mind started to drift to that first night I saw them, then the sight of Emily’s pussy as she took off the strap on and put her pants on. Her wetness glistening off the lights from the street, before I knew it I had blown my load in my hand. I didn’t even know I was jerking off. What was wrong with me? I now knew these girls were underage and I was still imagined them as if they weren’t. I then got up and washed my hands, by the time I had them dried, the oven beeped to let me know it was preheated.
Over the next few weeks things seemed to go back to normal, there wasn’t any sight of Emily and Kelly, and I seemed to have managed to stop thinking about them.
That was until one morning when I got home. I had just started to oven and changed into my pajama pants, when I heard a knock on my door. Since I don’t get many visitors on the days I work since my friends all have jobs during the day, I was kind of surprised to be answering the door at 8:30 in the morning.
There they stood in the hall of my apartment, both Emily and Kelly dressed in clothes like normal teen girls these day wear. Kelly’s hair pulled in a tight french braid, and Emily’s just pulled in a pony tail. In the better day light I was able to see that they both had beautiful blue eyes, but Emily’s were very bright, kind of hard stare into them.
“What can I do for you girls?” Was the only thing I could muster up to say.
They looked at each other as if they were unsure of what they wanted to say, or who was going to say it. It was Emily who finally broke the silence.
“We tried.” Is all she said.
“You tried what?” I responded.
“We tried to find some place where we can be together.”
“And how is this my problem?”
They looked at each other again then they both asked if they could come inside. I don’t know what I was thinking when I agreed. As they sat down on my sofa, I couldn’t help myself in looking them up and down, be mesmerized in their beauty. Kelly was slightly taller than Emily and with her dark hair in the braid I could notice some blonde highlights though out it. Her blue eyes bounced out at you, because of her dark hair. With her wearing a tight tee shirt it showed off her perky breast, and flat stomach.
Emily had lighter hair color, and as with Kelly with her hair pulled tight in her pony tail showed off the same kind of blonde highlights. Her eyes were something else, like I said you couldn’t help but stare deeply into them. She had a cute little dimple in her left cheek that showed as she sat the nervously. Her shirt wasn’t as tight as Kelly’s but it did show off her slightly smaller breast. My eyes looked at her bare legs then up to her short jean shorts. I began to think back when I saw her lovely trimmed mound just a few weeks ago.
“Well girls, first of all how did you find where I lived?” I ask trying to relieve some tension in the room.
“We followed you after you got out of work.” Kelly answered.
” I have been home for over an hour, what took you so long to knock on my door?”
“Well we debated weather or not to even stay, but we really wanted to know something.” Kelly again answered.
I knew I was going to regret it but I was very curious, so I asked, “and what is it that you would like to know?”
Again they looked at each other, both of them motioning the other to say it with their eyes, then finally Emily rolled her eyes and spoke. “We were wondering if we can have sex here?”
I swear if I was drinking something I would have spat it out all over the place. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. I had no idea how to respond to that.
“Okay, um well girls I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean I don’t even know if you two know my name.”
“Well what is your name?” Kelly asked.
“Mark, my name is Mark, and I still don’t think it would be a good idea, what would happen if we get caught?”
They both snickered. “We weren’t saying we should have sex with you, although Emily can’t stop talking about how much it turned her on being half naked in front of you.”
“KELLY!!!” Emily screamed in embarrassment, then buried her face into her hands. I couldn’t help but chuckle, which didn’t make matters any better.
“What’s wrong Emily? Its not like he didn’t see you half naked, you have a hot and sexy body, if you didn’t we wouldn’t be trying to fuck each other so much. You also keep say how much you want to see his cock too.”
I was beginning to see that Kelly was starting to relax, but I also believed it was at her friends expense by embarrassing her. Not only that, but I was uncomfortable with the situation I was in, however I hadn’t a clue how to get out of it. Also at that moment I realized I was beginning to get turned on by the conversation, and like a lot of guys I began to think with my dick, and not with my brain.
“So you girls want to fuck each other here while I watch, and jerk off, is that it?”
The look of shock that no hit Kelly was priceless, and Emily’s red face looked up from her hands with the same surprised look, like they couldn’t believe I just said that. I actually couldn’t believe it myself. Why would I say that? But what I did next was even worse, and that was I didn’t recant what I just said.
The silence was torture, I kept waiting for them to get up and walk out, and I wouldn’t blame them. Hell I should have ask them to leave, but they kept looking at each other then back at me, then Emily finally broke the silence.
“Well… we also been talking about… well… we were hoping that maybe… that maybe you… that maybe you would fuck us too.”
Now it was my turn to be surprised. How does one respond to something like that? I have never been in a situation where I had the opportunity to be in a threesome. The thought surely had me aroused, but they are half my age, and I could see my life crumble around me, as I would lose my job after I get arrested, then I would go to prison. Then I thought these girls were dying to be with each other so bad, that they snuck out of their homes to have sex in the open. Then they followed me home to see if I would fuck them, they would keep it secret.
I lost all sense of reason and stood up, and motion for them to stand also. I took a step towards them and put my arms around them and grabbed their asses. They looked at each other and smiled, as I leaned down to kiss first Kelly full on the lips, then Emily, but with her I lingered and slipped my tongue into her mouth to play with her tongue. I broke the kiss and pulled them closer to me and said, “why don’t we go to my bedroom.”
I walked them down the hall, and into my bedroom, where my queen sized bed was. As we were all finally inside I shut the door, and pulled Kelly to me. I kissed her again, and as our tongues met I slid my hand down her shorts to find that she wasn’t wearing any panties, and that she was completely shaved. As I moved my hand further down I felt her wetness, and moved my middle finger in between her folds and began to rub her clit. She moaned into my mouth her approval. I felt Emily drop to her knees and grab the waistband of my pajama pants. I had to stop her as I broke the kiss I had with Kelly.
“Girls not to disappoint you, but I am nowhere near as long as that strap on you girls have.”
“Good, because that thing really hurts, but its the only thing we have that we were able to practice with.” Kelly said, as she moved onto her knees to join Emily.
Both of them grabbed the waistband, and slowly pulled it down releasing my hard cock in front of their faces. They both smiled up at me, then at the same time stuck out their tongues and began to lick me like they were sharing a Popsicle. They would wrap their lips over my shaft, and work their way up to the head, where they would lick the sensitive underside of my cock head. Then they would release it and begin to make out with each other, before starting the whole process over again.
I will say this their fake cock sure did allow them to practice how to suck a real one, because this was by far the best blow job I ever had. Then again I never been sucked off by two sexy girls before, but if they continued, I wouldn’t last very long, so I lifted them both up, kissed them both, then pulling their shirts off.
There they stood in only their shorts and bra, I pulled them to me and turned them around so their backs were against my chest. I moved both of my hands over each one of their bodies. I watch their expressions as my hands played with their breast though their bras, then down each of their bellies, as I slid my hands into their shorts. Now I already knew Kelly wasn’t wearing any panties, but Emily was a more modest, and was wearing some cotton panties. I didn’t mind as my hand inched further down and I felt the wetness though her panties. Wow these girls were both extremely wet.
I pushed a finger inside Kelly, as I played with Emily’s clit though her panties. I listened to them moan for a moment before taking my hands out and bringing my finger to my mouth, to taste them for the first time. I could never describe the taste of a girls pussy, but these girls were sweet tasting.
I walked them over to the bed, where I sat them down on the edge and went for Kelly’s shorts first. As soon as her shorts were off I buried my tongue deep inside her. I swear she must have came right then as juices flowed from her and into my mouth, as she moaned extremely loud. I looked up to see that Emily had moved behind her friend. She had removed Kelly’s bra and was playing with her nipples.
I stood back up and lined my cock to the entrance of her pussy. Kelly looked up to Emily, who had her beautiful eyes locked on my cock as I slowly inched my way into Kelly’s tight hole. As soon as I was all the way in I began fucking her, slowly at first, then picking up steam as I went.
“Holy shit Em! His cock feels fucking amazing!” Kelly moaned out in between my thrust. I motioned Emily over to me. I pulled her to me, and as I fucked her friend, I undid her bra and let it fall to the ground. I then reached for her shorts and pushed them off of her, leaving her standing there in her blue cotton panties with a big wet spot in the crotch. I again played with her clit though her panties before hooking my fingers in the waist band, and pushing them down to the floor.
My lord Emily had the perfect body to me. Kelly’s body was hot, and her pussy was hot, and tight, but Emily had the kind of body that I could just stare at for hours, and I would probably cum without ever touching her.
I pulled Emily to me and kissed her, then had her sit on the edge of the bed as I slowly pulled my cock out of Kelly. Emily without missing a beat grabs my cock with Kelly’s juices all over it, and sticks it into her mouth, like she was thirsty my cock was only thing to drink in the world. She lapped her friends juices off of me, before looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers as if to beg me to fuck her now.
I gave her a wink, she smiled at me, a smile that brightened the room up, as she laid down and spread her legs for me. I stuck my finger in her for the first time and knew it was going to be a tight fit for my cock. I withdrew my finger, and replaced it with my cock. Emily’s face told the story as my the head of my cock entered her. The painful expression in between her smile was enough to pull out, so I wouldn’t hurt her anymore.
Emily must have sensed this, as she opened her eyes, and they locked onto mine as she said to me “Mark! Fuck me! I want you to fuck me hard!”
I didn’t need anymore begging from her, and pushed hard into her. She screamed out, and reached up and grabbed my neck to pull me to her, and she stuck her tongue into my mouth. I could taste Kelly’s juices lingering on her tongue. That’s when I got an idea.
I have watched a lot of porn but always thought it was hot when one of the girls would sit on the other girls face, while she was being fucked. I looked at Kelly, and it was as if she read my mind, and was already near Emily’s head. As soon as I able to pull away from Emily, Kelly sat her pussy right on Emily’s mouth.
I reached down with my right hand to Emily’s clit, and began to massage it with my thumb. I heard her moan into Kelly’s pussy, as Kelly rubbed herself on her friends face. I then reached with my left hand to pinch Kelly’s left nipple.
With everything that was happening in the room it seemed by some sort of miracle we all came at the same time. Kelly was shaking on top of Emily, and Emily’s pussy became even tighter, then I felt her juices surround my cock. As soon as I felt that I knew I had to pull out, as I withdrew came hard and fast with my first shot hitting Emily’s clit as I exited her. Kelly not missing a beat grabbed my cock and began jerking the rest of my seed over her friends belly.
I rolled over onto the bed as Kelly began licking my cum off Emily’s belly, then getting off to kiss her friend, and share my cum with her. After they were done, we all moved and laid down on my pillows, with one on each side of me.
“Girls that was amazing! I really hope you two will not tell anyone about this, I will lose everything, but hope you girls enjoyed it enough where you would want to come back for more.”
“Why would we say anything? Now we have a place where we can fuck each other, and a hot guy too!” Emily said giggling, as they both kissed me on the cheek, I felt myself drift off to sleep.

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He is the luckiest man in the world as his daughter then his granddaughter and then his great granddaughter give him their virginity

The babysitter returns part 2

If you haven’t read chapter one, well, don;t worry, you could still get off on this chapter. it might make more sense if you read chapter one 9plus, its really hot!) This chapter doesn’t have such a long introduction, its pretty much just another round of sex. Daphne and Gabe still have a lot of fucking left inside them, so enjoy!


Mom Swap
By Blueheatt
…. I’ve always had some sexual feelings for my son Chad. I never acted on them…..well I’ve peeked at him naked when I got the chance now that he was fully mature. I would say my feelings have tripled by now, and I have to admit I had a major crush on my own son. I was dreaming about him and getting wet around him. He ignored me and just let me have a little fun hugging him and rubbing his nice chest.
…My girlfriend Lena had a son Ron the same age and he was real hot. He liked me a lot and always would get me alone and tried to feel me up, much to my enjoyment. My sexual feelings slowly went towards him, since he was not my own son, and I didn’t want to get into that taboo guilt feeling thing. We all played cards and had a great time.
….My son Chad and my girlfriend Lena started getting real close and sat together on the couch and talked. The first time I saw my son’s hand on her bare leg I got a hot rush. I immediately wanted her son Ron to do that to me. I got him to go in our den which had a couch in it. It didn’t take Ron long and his hands were on me. I let him do what he wanted as I was getting a really hot thrill out of it too. It had been a long time since a guy had kissed my neck and felt my full tits. I melted and guided his hand to feel my pussy too.
….We hear: “Bye mom, were leaving.” We straighten ourselves up and heard the door shut. All quiet. Ron smiled and went to the window. He watch his mom and my son get in the car together and drive away. He smiled and said: “Connie, Chad did it. I suggested a ‘mom swap’ as a joke, and he just went for it.” I got red in the face as Ron came over to me and put his arm around me. He leaned in and said: “Will you be my mom tonight?”
…I felt a tremble in my pussy and it took my breath away. I got a hot flash through my body. Ron was making me instantly wet.
Being the shy type I took a big breath and said: “I’d would like nothing better….‘son‘.” By calling him ’son’ did something to him. We talked about how he wanted to have sex with his mom ever since he was little. Without hesitation I blurted out how I has a big crush on Chad, but him being my son, I had suppressed it for years. We looked in each others eyes and it was an instant turn on for both of us. “I wonder how long they’ll be gone?”
I said. Ron immediately called Chad and ask him. He said: “Ok!” and smiled and folded up his phone. He went back to looking in my eyes and whispered: (“ Until about noon ….tomorrow.”)
…I almost peed my panties.
….Being a single mom for a long time and a shy girl, I hadn’t had much male action in a long time. A little feeling and sneak peeking at my son was about all the action was getting. I had some hot dreams and woke up wet think about having sex with Ron. I secretly masturbated late a night thinking about Ron and I having glorious hot sex…..
…I was in shock as Ron began kissing me. I kissed him back ..after I turned off the lights in the den. Being shy, I liked it that way. I felt so free with Ron, to feel him and let him feel me. I pushed him back so I could lay on top of him. I was the aggressor?…oh yes and it felt damn good to. I now had a guy I wanted and had him trapped under me. I said: “I’m your mom and you’re my son. Now you do as mommy tells you to do.” I assumed Lena’s posture as Ron’s mom.
….I was shocked at what I was saying, but Ron was loving it. “Mom, I’ve had dreams about having ….well….naughty thoughts about you. Don’t be mad at me, ok?” I said: “Ron, those are normal thoughts to have about your mother, and I’m flattered that you have them. Now I have to confess…I’ve had some ’sexual’ thoughts about you for quite a while now. Can you keep your mouth shut about that, and never ever tell anyone?” He nodded his head. “Mom, I’m getting an erection with you laying on top of me…I can’t help it.” “Ron…what happens from now on is strictly between you and I…I want you to undress me.”
….That set the scene and now Ron was going to have sex with his ’mom’ and I was going have sex with my ‘son‘….
….It was a night we’ll both never forget. First time mom and son having sex. Button by button, kiss by kiss, tongue by tongue we let it just happen so naturally. He slowly undressed me as I lay there and let him enjoy doing it. He was excited and said how a son can never undress his mom but now he could. It felt so hot to have him undress me so careful and gentle. I ran my fingers thru his hair as I ground my pussy on his erection. Something a mom could never do to her own son….but I sure was doing it now. We continued doing our ’first times’ for doing everything.
The sound of hearing your son breathe so heavy, turned on by you!… was un-describable. He now had me naked. The wonderful look in his eyes feasting on my body was awesome. I had big tits and I squirmed as he looked at me. Now it was my turn to undress him.
…. I was still on top of him and as I kissed him I unbuttoned his shirt, paints, belt and unzipped him letting his nice erection out and free. We played a little with our ’mom’ and ’son’ very first time sex happening.
….We had both fantasized about how it would be to have sex with your son / mom. The turn on was so tense and exciting we both gasp for more air.
…“Mom, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.” Ron smiled and said.
…I said: “It’s my duty to let you have sex with me first, so you’ll know what to do with you first sexual girlfriend.”
“Ok mom, I guess your right as usual. Do I get to feel your tits and maybe lick you between your legs?”
“Yes son, I want you to do ’everything’ to mom you want to. It will be our little secret. Now that your naked, mom’s going to turn around so you can see mom’s pussy up close. Feel free to touch or kiss mom’s pussy all you want to son. I’ll be doing an exam on your beautiful erection. You just play and I’ll just play.”
….Connie had a way with words that made me hornier that ever. It was like have two hot moms and I was going to fuck one right now…
…It was all going according to Chad and my plan.
… Chad and I started fantasizing about fucking our moms when we were little…then it slowly turned to fucking each others mom one day. It started when he said he loved my mom’s nice tits, and would love to feel them. I said how I would love to see his mom naked because she built so sexy. It grew into: “Tell me about the time you saw your mom naked that day in her bedroom Chad.” “Ok Ron, but you tell me about seeing your moms tits that time in the bathroom.” We exchanged ‘peek’ stories and it didn’t take long and we went in the woods and jacked off at the stories we told. From there we told new stories of a hot ’peek’ and kept this up for a long time.
… It was only a while back that Chad said he ‘wished’ we could ‘switch’ moms and how hot that would be. The wheels started turning in our heads for any way to do this. We both started showing affection openly towards each others mom. They both responded and the mini-feels began. Connie was shy, and so I would get her alone to cop a feel on her. She would quietly giggle and let me feel her big tits a little. My mom Lena, was bold and felt Chad’s dick when she thought no one was looking. We all were turning us on. I said as a ’joke’ that Chad should take my mom Lena over to my house for some reason, and leave Connie and I alone, and just see what happens. This very night was just when such an opportunity came along. My phone call confirmed it was ’on’……
…. So here we were laying 69 with my wet pussy and his big erection in front of us. We took our time and played with us. At times I would just close my eyes and pretend he was Chad, but Ron had my interest now and I started in licking his boner. I held it tight with both hands and jacked it as I sucked it deeper and deeper in my mouth. He moaned so hot as I let my tongue run around his head and lick the end. He knew how to lick a woman’s pussy just right. I felt his tongue go up and down and dart in my pussy deep. His lips on my clit made me shudder with an automatic good feeling and made me jump a little. Ron had me so hot I was shaking with the feeling he gave me. It was happening and finally my son was licking my pussy like I had only dreamed about until now.
…Mean while….
….now we were finally getting together. I had had the hots for Chad for a very long time…. Connie and I both, but she being his real mom stopped her fantasy short…..but he wasn’t my real son and I fantasized all I wanted. Chad was tall, good looking and had developed a great build. Over time I want to sneak a fuck with him many times. He was shy like his mom and I felt his body every chance I got. It was fun to watch him blush if I rubbed the inside of his leg when no one was looking.
….Now he rubbed the inside of my leg and smiled at me. We got mutually turned on more and more. I told Connie one time that I had sexual feelings for her son. She got all interested and wanted all the details. I told her everything. She smiled, stared into space and said quietly….”Lucky you…”. With out hesitation she shared her feelings she had about not only my son Ron,….but her own.
… We must have talked for an hour that day, sharing story’s of sneaking feels, our hot dreams, our fantasies about each others sons. All this talk just made us all the hornier for each others sons….
….I could hardly drive with Lena sitting right by me. She was so hot and sexy looking in her shorts and cleavage showing. We walked in her house and she said: “..alone last.” We started our kissing and started a feel fest right then. “Oh god Chad…I’ve dreamed about having a night with you….and now it’s here.” I said out of breath: “ I….I’ve been looking at your sexy body for a very long while Lena. I started young when I wanked thinking about you. Ron and I both did. Did you have any idea we were hot for our moms? “ She giggled and said: “Silly boys, you guys never knew that your ’moms’ had lusty thoughts about you guys. Your mom would tell me stories about seeing you naked, just to watch me get all horny and turned on….of course I did the same to her. You guys were young, but your mom and I would sleep together after you guys had gone to bed. We would tell each other hot stories about you guys and then finger ourselves thinking about you guys.
…Lena and I headed for her bedroom. Man was I ever turned on big time. She turned and faced me and said: “Son, would you like to undress your mom?” I went for it as she undressed me at the same time. Our hands fumbled with the buttons as we both had the jitters. On her back and on the bed she went with me right on top of her. She closed her eyes and said: “…oh baby, make mom happy, I want you in me so bad….” She was so beautiful naked I just took a good look for a second. She pulled on me and moaned as I moved the head of my erection into her sweet wet pussy. She gave out a moan and held on tight as I had to fuck her right now. She worked her whole body with mine in a together fucking machine. I held her sweet tits and felt them bare for the first time. She started to moan steady and faster. “..oh baby, fuck mommy son…fuck mommy so good…” It didn’t take long and I had to cum. She knew it and dug my erection in her deep and kept moaning as I shot a glorious cum in her. She yelled something and locked her body on me and shook. “Oh baby…keep going” She kept fucking me deep and fast as my erection kept shooting in her. She locked up again and yelled. My hips wouldn’t stop fucking her over and over. Our tummies slapped together in one of the hottest fucks of our lives. Our bodies shook as the cum flowed in her and overflowed out.
….We were just getting started for all night…..
….I wanted to feel his cum fill my mouth…but I wanted his rock hard boner in my pussy first. I turned as I got on top of him. In one quick motion I had his boner in me and I began to kiss him as he felt my moving big tits. I loved the motion we had as my tits swung back and forth on his chest. His face of joy was divine. Lena had told me she had always wanted to get on top of Ron and fuck him slow at first and then speed up aiming his boner to rub right on her G spot. I was now doing just that. It took all my breath away it felt so good. Ron had said he dreamed of his mom on top of him…and now I was. He felt my nipples and rolled them hard. He started fast fucking my sensitive pussy. I moaned in spurts…loud….then louder and now my voice just moaned as I felt Ron’s hot cum shooting in my pussy…I climaxed hard and froze up with ecstasy…we trembled and kept fucking until we couldn’t fuck fast any more. I pushed my pussy deep into him and just held it there…..we squirmed slightly as we both slowly passed out…….
…The night was young and we woke up fucking slowly….
……It was going to be one hell of a night…..
…A few days later, Lena and her son Ron came over. Lena and I headed to the den to talk. Ron and my son Chad went to his bedroom. Lena and I went over our nights in heaven in vivid detail. Two awesome stories that made us really horny.
… Soon, Chad and Ron came in the den and each held out their hands to us. Chad, my son pulled me to him and felt my tits. I blinked as he had never done that in his life. I looked over as Ron was doing the same to his mom Lena.
…Chad smiled at me and said: “Lena, you look beautiful tonight.” (He called me Lena?)
…Ron said to his mom Lena: “Connie…you look so hot and sexy tonight.” (He called her by my name ‘Connie?’)….
….They said: “Bye you guys, we have to go home now.” Chad continued feeling my tits and now kissing my neck as my heart was pumping out of my chest.
He said: “ ‘Lena‘,…. may I undress you?”…I felt faint as he slowly began to undress me….
…It was a wonderful night…..

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