Consensual Sex

New Roommates, Mother And Daughter

A very hot Mother and Daughter move in with me
Is this story true??? Maybe…
All the names have been changed to protect the guilty (ha, ha, ha…)
For the last few months I have shared my house with a hot sexy woman and her equally hot sexy daughter.
My name is Chris, I am 44 years old, 6’2″ 190 pounds. I own a 3 bedroom 2 bath house near Houston, Texas. I had been having some slight financial difficulties lately and decided to try to rent one of my spare bedrooms to help defray part of my house payment. To that end I had placed an online ad and an ad on the bulletin board of the nearest college offering to rent out the room.
The ad read as follows:
“Room for rent in 3 bedroom 2 bath house, close to the college area. Looking for a female room mate only. Bedroom and semi private bath included plus privileges to use the rest of the common areas of the house. Rent will be $350 a month or $250 plus light house keeping duties.”
I also gave my e-mail addy and phone number.
I advertised for a female room mate due to the fact that I really had no desire to have to look at some other guy hanging around my house all the time and figured I would be more apt to find a woman willing to do the house keeping chores. Plus I hoped to find a nice bit of eye candy to look at every day in my home. I hadn’t had any relationships with a woman since before my last girlfriend had split taking me for about $700 in the process about two years ago.
So I waited to see what kind of response I would get from my ad. After a couple of days I got the first call, it was from a coed at the local college. Almost as soon as she heard a male voice answer the phone she was ready to hang up. She told me that she needed a room but was unwilling to share a house with a man she didn’t know and said, “Thanks anyway.” and hung up. This same thing happened over and over again. I was just about resigned to thinking I had been overly optimistic about finding a female room mate when the phone rang again. I answered and there was a long pause before the person on the other end of the line said anything, I figure it was going to be the same as all the other responses to my ad.
Finally a woman’s voice said, “I was calling about the room for rent, is it still available?”
I told her that it was.
“You’re the owner of the house and would be the other room mate,” she asked.
I told her yes that I would be.
“Oh, I see. I was thinking it would be another woman looking for a room mate,” she replied.
“Yeah, I have had a lot of the women that have called saying the same thing,” I answered. “Sorry to have disappointed you, guess you will have to keep searching so you can find a female room mate,” I told her and hung up the phone. Then about 30 seconds later the phone rang again and I picked it up and said, “Hello.” I instantly recognized the voice on the other end, it was the same woman who I had just talked to.
She said, “Please don’t hang up so quick, I really need a place to rent.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, “I thought you didn’t want the room after finding out you would be sharing it with a man.”
“Well, I was caught a little off guard by it but I really don’t have a problem with it I guess,” the woman replied.
“Okay then,” I said, “And I apologize for hanging up so abruptly before, it’s just been a little frustrating with all the other women who have called.” Then I asked her name. She told me her name was “Kim Jameson”. I said, “Well Kim, would you like to come over and take a look at the place and see if it might be something that will work out for you?”
“Absolutely, that would be great, could I come right over? I really need to find something right away,” she replied.
I told her that would be fine by me and proceeded to give her the address and directions to the house.
“Oh, by the way,” she said, ” I never did get your name?”
“Chris Richards,” I replied, “I will look forward to meeting you.” We said our “goodbye’s” and hung up.
I had been relaxing naked on my recliner in front of the tube watching a video when Kim had called. I figured if she was on her way over that I better get some clothes on before she got there. I went in my bedroom and slipped on a t-shirt and put on a pair of khaki pants over my naked dick.
About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. I went to open it and literally had to do a double take. Standing on my front porch was not one woman, but two. And both were drop-dead gorgeous. Both were blonde with bright blue eyes, one looked to be maybe in her early thirties, the other was quite a bit younger, maybe twenty or so. Both women were about the same height, maybe 5’6″ and both about the same weight, about 120 pounds. Both had nice tans and very sexy figures, with nice tits and nicely rounded asses, both had on jean skirts and tight tank tops, neither of them had a bra on and you could plainly see their nipples sticking up slightly. Suddenly my dick took a bit of a jump in my khakis.
I opened the screen door and the older of the two spoke up, “Hi, I’m Kim, I spoke with you on the phone about the room for rent. You’re Chris I take it?”
“Yes I am,” I said while shaking her hand, “Come on in, won’t you?”
They both walked through the door while I held it open for them. As they walked past me into the house I breathed in their scent and they both smelled fantastic. I motioned for them to have a seat on the couch and said, “Make yourselves comfortable.”
They both sat down on the couch, and then Kim was the first one to speak, “This is my daughter Julie.”
“Hey Julie, nice to meet you,” I said as I went over and shook her hand, “You two look more like sisters than Mother and daughter.”
“Everybody says that,” Julie said.
Then Kim started to explain their situation, “Julie is eighteen and will be a student at the college and will be starting there in a few weeks and that is why I have been looking in this area for a place to rent. All the apartments in the area are too expensive for us so when I saw your ad on the bulletin board over at her school I thought it might be just the thing for us.”
“Us,” I said, with a puzzled look on my face.
“Yeah, I was hoping you might have two rooms available for us to rent since you said you had a three bedroom house,” Kim said with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“Well, that will be a problem. I use the third bedroom for my office and for storage since I work out of my house,” I responded. “The only way that both of you could stay here is if you shared the one bedroom I have left.”
“I see,” said Kim, “We could do that, my daughter and I are very close and sharing a room would be no problem.”
“Well, maybe you had better look at the room before you say that, it isn’t that large and only has one full size bed,” I said as I motioned for them to follow me down the hall to the room.
As Kim started to get up from the couch to go look at the room she flared her legs a bit apparently unaware that she had just flashed me her shaved pussy! My dick definitely took another jump in my pants and then I wondered if her daughter was also clean shaved and wearing no panties as they were so much alike. But she was already standing before I had a chance to look.
They both followed me to the bedroom and I opened the door and stood back for them to go in and check it out. I walked in after them and went over and opened up the door to the walk-in closet. Julie plopped down on the bed and laid back.
“Oh Mom, the bed is really comfortable, check it out,” she said excitedly as she grabbed her mothers hand and tried to pull her down on the bed.
Kim looked her daughter over and said, “Julie, you shouldn’t just flop yourself down like that, it isn’t your bed yet.”
I told her not to worry, that it was okay. Kim then came over to look in the big closet and commented about it being plenty big enough for their clothes. I then offered to show her the bathroom they would use and the rest of the house. Kim followed me out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. She poked her head in and surveyed it. She then followed me to the next bedroom, which was my office. It was its usual mess, a pile for everything and everything in its pile. We then turned back and she followed me back up the hallway, as we passed the bedroom I looked in and Julie was still lying on the bed, her feet facing me and her legs spread out some. Sure enough, she had a shaved pussy and no panties either and my dick went completely hard at that point.
Kim looked in and I thought I heard her giggle slightly under her breath and then she said, “Jules, don’t lay there all spread out on the bed like that!”
Julie just slowly sat up with a mischievous little grin on her face. Kim and I continued on back into the living room and then into the kitchen and dining room surveying as she went along. Then we came up to the master suite and I hesitated there and told her it was a mess and she probably didn’t want to see that.
Kim said, “Oh, don’t worry about it, I really want to see the whole house.”
“Okay,” I said, “But I am somewhat of a slob, you have been warned.”
She walked in seeing the clothes and other clutter scattered about the room and on through to the master bath and then back out to where I was standing.
In a sort of giggling voice said, “You are a bit of a slob aren’t you? That room is as bad as your office!”
“So,” I said, “Lets go back out to the living room and talk this situation over.”
We walked back out into the living room and Kim sat down on the couch and I sat in a chair opposite her.
“Jules,” Kim called out, “Come on back in here so we can all talk.”
A couple of seconds later Julie came into the room and sat next to her mother on the couch across the room from me.
I said, “What do you both think, would you be comfortable with the room and the rest of the house?” They both looked at each other, then at me and smiled and Kim said they thought it would be just fine. “Okay, then lets talk about some of the other details,” I said, “First thing I guess would be how do you want to handle the rent, full rent or rent plus house keeping?”
Kim then asked, “What would you want as far as the house keeping, you want us to keep the whole house clean, your office and bedroom too?”
“No, no,” I said, “Just keep the common areas of the house clean, do a little laundry and maybe a little cooking, if that would be alright with you. I wouldn’t expect you to clean my bedroom or office.”
“Hmm, sounds perfectly acceptable to me,” Kim replied, “What do you think Jules?”
Julie said, “Sounds like a good deal to me.”
Kim then said, “Because it is two of us instead of just one then I suppose you will want more rent?”
I hadn’t considered that. I thought about it while looking over these two beautiful women sitting in front of me. As I was looking at them and contemplating the situation I noticed that they both were sitting back on the couch and had their knees apart giving me tantalizing views up into the dark area under their skirts at the top of their legs. My dick started to rise, again, this seemed to get them both looking at my crotch just as I was looking at theirs.
The temperature in the room seemed to be rising by the second. At that point I stood up to pull the chain on the ceiling fan to try and cool the room back down a bit. As I stood up my dick pushed out the front of my pants and both women let out almost imperceptible gasps. I sat back down and noticed that both Kim and her daughter Julie had spread their legs a little further allowing me to see right up to their pussies. It was me who then let out a small gasp. Looking up at their faces, they both had that same mischievous little grin on their faces as Julie had earlier when she got caught with her legs spread out on the bed.
After catching my breath a little from the show laid out before me, I managed to say that I would not expect them to pay any more rent than what I had originally asked for, especially since they would still only be in the one room.
Kims’ face lit up and she said, “We’ll take it for sure then!”
I said, “Okay, but let me tell you a couple of more things about the house before you decide for sure. First thing is that this house doesn’t have central air, only has two window units, one here in the living room and one in my office. They do the job but for them to cool all the rooms the doors have to stay open so this may compromise some of your privacy. The second thing is, I sleep in the nude and I will have my door open so I can get the cool air into my room. Also, I am not used to having to worry about embarrassing anybody in my own home because I may walk out of the bedroom either nude or if I can remember to, in only my underwear. If you are going to be embarrassed or shy about that then decide now. So you will have to tell me now if those conditions are acceptable to you.”
Kim and Julie looked at each other smiling and said that “neither one had any problems with nudity and it wouldn’t bother them at all.” And as if to accentuate the point, Julie stood up and pulled her tank top off over her head and then unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. I just about shot off in my pants!
Kim just looked at her daughter and smiled and said, “Oh Jules you’re so bad! Poor Chris looks like he may faint or have a heart attack!”
I just stared incredulously at the eighteen year old Julie standing right in front of me totally naked except for her three-inch platform shoes. My eyes roamed up and down her fantastic body and settled in on her pussy, which was glistening with her juices.
Julie looked at me, then down at the tent in my pants and with a giggle she said to her Mom, “Come on Mom, stand up a take your clothes off and help me show Chris how much we won’t mind him being nude around us.”
“Cool it a little Jules,” Kim said, “We don’t have time for that right now. If it’s still okay with Chris for us to move in here then we need to go get our stuff out of storage and your car and get moved in.”
I said, “It’s absolutely okay for you to move in, as a matter of fact I insist on it!” They both broke out in giggles at that.
Then Kim stood up and said, “Come on Jules, lets go get our stuff.”
Reluctantly, Julie reached down and grabbed her skirt, giving me a great view of her tits hanging down as she did, and slipped the skirt back up over her thighs and zipped it up and then pulled her tank top back on.
Kim then looked at me and said, “It will take us about an hour to go collect our stuff and come back, will that be okay with you?”
“Sure,” I said, “Do you need any help?”
“That’s real sweet of you, but we will be okay by ourselves,” she replied. And then they both went out the door and got in the car and drove off to collect their belongings.
I sat there for a while after they left. “WOW!” I thought to myself, never in my wildest dreams did I think anything like that would ever happen when I placed the ad for the room for rent. I sat there remembering how totally hot Julie looked as she stripped for me. STRIPPED FOR ME! “Oh shit” I almost blew my load when she did that, my dick was still hard as I sat there replaying the scene over again in my mind. I couldn’t stand it any more and unbuttoned my pants and unzipped my fly. My dick popped up hard, I wrapped my hand around it and slowly stroked it while replaying the strip scene over and over again in my mind. I don’t know how long I had been sitting there stroking my dick, I had my head back and my eyes closed watching Julie strip in my mind, I realized I was getting close to cumming and started stroking faster going for my release.
Just as I was about to get there the front door opened and Kim walked in and said, “We’re back!”
She had a big armload of stuff as high as her head and didn’t see right away what I was doing. She walked over to the couch and set her stuff down and turned as if to go back out and get more when she saw me sitting there with my dick in my hand. I didn’t even realize she had walked in at first as I had my head back and my eyes closed and was thoroughly engrossed in my fantasy. But as Kim set her stuff down and turned to go back out I finally saw her standing and watching me stroke myself, I started to jump up and try to put my dick back in my pants and pull them up.
She came over to me and said, “Were you about to cum?”
I nodded my head “Yes.”
She looked at my dick in my hand and said, “It would be a shame to waste such a nice hard cock all ready to cum.”
And with that she pushed me back into the chair as I dropped my pants down to my feet and then she pulled her skirt up and swung her leg over me, over the arms of the chair and grabbed my dick and rubbed it up and down her shaved pussy lips getting the head all wet with her juices. Then she lined the head up with her opening and slid her pussy down over my dick. I grabbed both her ass cheeks and she then started riding me up and down, she reached down between us and rubbed her clit as my dick slid in and out of her pussy. She then reached to the bottom of her tank top and peeled it off over her head and dropped it on the floor. As soon as she did this I leaned in and caught her left nipple between my lips a suckled on it and then used my teeth to gently chew on it as it stuck out hard and then switched to her right tit and did the same to it, this brought a moan out of her from deep down and I could feel her pussy clamp down tight on my dick as she had her first orgasm. About that time there was a noise at the door, then the door opened and as Julie was coming in.
She said, “Hey Mom, I thought you were coming back out to get another load of clothes and stuff.”
Then her jaw dropped open as she saw her mother and me in the chair going at it.
“ALRIGHT MOM!!!” she exclaimed.
Then she stepped up beside us and watched as my dick slid in and out of her moms’ pussy. Julie then pulled her tank top off and unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, which she then stepped out of and kicked it aside. Then she got down in front of my legs and reached her tongue up and alternately licked my dick and her mothers’ pussy as my dick slid in and out. It was a bit of an awkward position and she couldn’t really get her tongue in very far. She then stood up and came to my and her mothers’ side and started fondling her mothers tits, then she stuck her head between us as her mother and I kissed and sucked her mothers tits. Then when her mother and I broke our kiss she leaned into me and kissed me, inserting her tongue deep into my mouth and swirled it around with my tongue. Then Kim told her daughter to get back to her tits and suck them and use her teeth like I had been doing to gently bite her nipples. Julie was more than happy to comply with her mothers’ request and feverishly sucked and licked and bit down on her mothers tits. Kim started to hump up and down on my dick faster and faster as I bucked up into her as hard as I could.
Kim was moaning, “UHHH, OHHH YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!!!” as she came again and clamped down hard on my dick.
This was it for me as this pushed me over the edge and I started to shoot my sperm deep into her, shot after shot, more than I had cum in years. Then Kim collapsed on me and we sat there locked together at the crotch while we caught our breath. After a bit I could feel the mixture of our juices running down out of Kims’ pussy and down over my balls.
Julie was standing there with a big smile on her face watching us. Then Kim started to pull herself up off my dick and then she turned around with her back to me and took her skirt off and tossed it aside and then she sat back down on my legs and leaned back into me. I wrapped my arms around her as I was still catching my breath.
Julie then came around in front of her mother and saw the cum leaking out of her mothers pussy. She then got down on her knees in front of her mother and started to lick up the cum as it ran out of her mothers pussy. Kim started moaning as Julie did this. I just held Kim tight as I looked over her shoulder and watched as her daughter licked her clean.
Kim got up from my legs and out of the chair, this left Julie on the floor in front of me in front of my legs. My pants were still gathered around my feet. Julie then reached for them and pulled them the rest of the way off allowing her to push my legs wide apart. She then lowered her head to my dick and started to lick her mothers and mine combined cum off it, she then went lower and licked the cum off my balls. As Julie did this my dick started get hard again and when it was back to being fully inflated she lowered her mouth over the head and kept going until my dick was going down her throat. Then she bobbed her head up and down, fucking my dick with her mouth and occasionally backing off to breath and lick the head. I was in heaven, never had I ever received such a fantastic blow job. And Julie was so talented that she would bring me right to the edge and then back off a little to extend my pleasure.
Looking over her shoulder I saw her mother sitting on the couch watching her daughter giving me head with a slight grin on her face while she absent-mindedly stroked her pussy while she watched us. I could feel myself building back up to my release as Julie sucked me back in. Julie sensed this and looked up at me, I smiled down at her and nodded my head and she sucked me deep back down her throat and she fondled my balls with one hand as she slipped a finger down and slid it into my anus. This was all I could stand and started cumming hard down her throat. Julie gulped all my cum straight down without missing a drop. She pulled up off my dick and sat in front of me on the floor rubbing her own pussy, sliding her fingers in and out of her hole. I could tell she wanted to cum and I wanted to help her with that but I had just cum twice in the last 30 minutes and was exhausted.
Julie finally got up and went over to the couch and kissed her mother with a deep french kiss and reached down and started to squeeze her mothers’ nipples between her fingers. They then lay back and twisted around on the couch into a sixty-nine and started to eat each others pussy. I sat watching this scene play out before me.
Even though I was really wasted from my last cum I couldn’t help but start to get hard again. I pulled myself up out of the chair and walked over to them and started to stroke my dick while watching this beautiful mother and daughter pleasuring each other. My dick was fully hardened again and I felt like I could go again and moved to where Julies’ ass was sticking up over her mothers’ head. I watched Kims’ tongue sliding in and out of her daughters pussy, she looked up at my hard dick and reached out and took hold of it and started to pull it toward her daughters open pussy and started sliding it up and down between Julies’ pussy lips getting it wetter and wetter. I had one knee on one side of Kims’ head and one foot on the floor in front of the couch, I then leaned forward and slid my dick slowly into Julies’ pussy and she moaned long and hard as I did. She was a little tighter than her mother and it felt so good as I slid fully into her. I started to slowly slide my dick in and out while Kim stroked my balls and licked my dick as it slid in and out and licked Julies’ pussy and clit at the same time. Soon Julie started bucking back and forth faster and faster urging me to go faster. At the same time she was still tonguing her mothers pussy, all the while moaning a long drawn out moan from deep in her throat. I don’t know how many times she came but it had to have been at least four times, almost continuously it seemed. Soon I was past the point of no return and started shooting deep within her. As I finished my dick slid out and some of my cum dribbled down into Kims’ mouth. Kim pulled my dick down into her mouth and licked the combined cum, from me and her daughter off my dick and then started licking it out of her daughters’ pussy.
I just sort of collapsed on the floor in front of the couch with my back to them. After a few minutes Kim and Julie sat up on the couch, Julie twisted around and draped her legs over each of my shoulders on each side of my head. I pulled her platform shoes off her feet and placed her feet over my dick. She slowly massaged my tuckered out dick. I leaned my head back against her pussy and we all just sat there breathing hard trying to get our strength back.
In all this time we had hardly spoken more that a few words to each other. I sat there just going over the events of the last few hours since I first met this amazing mother and daughter. Sitting there thinking about what had transpired I started laughing to myself. Kim and Julie looked at one another trying to figure out what I was laughing at and just shrugged their shoulders at each other.
Finally Julie clasped her thighs together lightly on either side of my head and asked me, “What are you laughing at?”
I turned my head slightly kissing her thigh and looking over at her mother I said, “I was thinking about how just this morning I had been ready to give up on finding a female room mate and now look what I have!”
We all started laughing until we were nearly all in tears. What a wonderful day it had turned out to be, one that I will never forget till the day I die.

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A man discovers how decisions can change your life years later

Anna’s Last Year at School

I just could not get this first story right and almost gave up. I put it to one side and worked on the second and third stories, which I then published, before coming back to this one. It then flowed much better by including some snippets deleted from the ‘later’ stories.
I am trying to improve my writing, so please include constructive comments particularly if you feel you need to leave a negative rating. I won’t be offended and I will use your thoughts to write better stories.

Tommy and Jade Chapter 1

A strange mix n’ match of parts of my life (good and bad), fantasies, and a dare. First Story, would greatly appreciate constructive criticism. Also, yes, this is a re-edit from a story that I had on a previous account. It got hacked, now I’m posting the better version on a new account.

An Incest Birthday Chapter 19

It took well over a year, but here it is. The reasons for my absence dont matter anymore, I said i would finish the series, and I will. Thanks for sticking it out, and as usual, comments and messages of any feedback are appreciated.

Becoming My MotherÂ’s Lover, Part two

This is a continuation of Tommy’s story about becoming his widowed mother’s lover. The reader is encouraged to read that story prior to enjoying this tale in order to have a better understanding of the characters and the circumstances that led to this phase of the story. This part explores the next several years if this incestuous relationship and how the experience expanded and changed.

Caught with Porn Pictures by a Female Teacher

Caught with Porn Pictures by a Female Teacher
__I’m Ms. (Tami) Clark. I’m a new female high school graphic arts teacher. I had attended this very high school just 3 years earlier. We had computer art and non-computer art. I had one male student that was very handsome and really good at any kind of art. I found myself taking a personal interest in him. I took him to paint scenes for the drama department. We were doing some set design one day alone on the stage.
He had his notes and drawings for his suggestions. Without thinking I put my hand on his back and said: “Oh Mich, these are so good.” It startled him and he dropped his note book. Out fell other drawings of his. I squatted down to help him pick them up. His eyes zoomed in, right up my dress. He was one student I didn’t mind taking a look up my dress. We both smiled and pick up all his stuff. I spotted some of his other drawings. He quick tried to grab them.
They were drawings of a guys hands groping girls tits and pussy‘s. I said: “Mich, I’m a grown woman, let me see them please.” He was embarrassed but handed them over to me. The art work was outstanding. The detail, the colors all were professional looking. I whispered: (“Mich, these are beautiful, did you do them from your imagination or did you look at a picture?”) He smiled a little and whispered nervously:
(“Ms. Clark…the girl …..well..a….she is you, and…a… the hands are mine. I kinda used you as a model and my own hands as a model. I‘m sorry if I did anything wrong.”)
I took the pictures and put them in my note book. “I want to study these, do you mind?” I said. He said: “I don’t want to get in trouble…but, go ahead. Am I already in trouble?” I said no, not at all, but lets just keep these between you and I, ok? I realized my hand was on his back again. He took my other hand and studied it carefully. He said: “You have beautiful hands Ms. Clark. I look at them a lot, but never this close. He held my hand like it was gold or something, very delicately and now my hand began a slight tremble.
He now held my hand with both his hands. His hands were warm and I was losing it going in a little trance. I tried real hard to withdraw my hand but it was just to beautiful the way he felt it.
“Could I use them as a model for some future drawings?”
How could I say no to that. I had to whisper: (“…yes Mich, but we’ll have to be very private and discreet about it. Ok?”) He looked up at me with his beautiful green eyes. He looked around. We were alone on the stage. He quick kissed my hand and took off running.
My mind was breaking all the school rules. Touching a student. Letting him touch you and on and on. He had simply been the first student to ever make me aroused. I stood there and felt the wet in my panties as I could still feel his warm hand on mine. I couldn‘t help it, I felt very sexually attracted to him. I tried not to, but instead of enforcing the school rules in my mind, I was thinking of ways to get around them.
He stayed on my mind a lot now. I had to find a secret place to model my hands for him. At school was out, way to risky. My house was the only place and at night, so prying eyes would not see him coming and going.
That night I sat on my couch. I took out the pictures he had drawn to study them. My god he was good. I looked carefully. The girls clothes were mine ok. Those were his and my hands also. I looked at one and where he had his hand on mine as it was over my pussy. His other hand was up my skirt squeezing my leg. No faces were in the pictures, so no one could tell it was us. No rings or jewelry Nothing to I.D. us.
I began to stare and fantasize…..feeling his hand over mine on my pussy was so hot looking. My leg began to tingle looking at the picture of him squeezing it. I wondered what it really felt like to be groped by him. I was getting aroused by his picture.
The next picture was his hand inside my unbuttoned blouse. He was behind me. His one hand was inside my bra with my nipple showing. I had my hand on his arm, just resting on it, not struggling to remove his hand. I must have looked at the picture for 10 minutes with another fantasy coming up in my head.
I stopped. I went and put my robe on. I took a big breath and went back to my couch to look at the next one. I opened the folder. I looked at the next picture…
I gasp and closed the folder.
My heart started pounding at what I saw.
It was my waist and upper legs, with a dress I owned pulled up to my waist. My panties were pulled part way down and His fingers were in my pubic hair. My fingers were on my clit. In the picture I was touching my clit as it showed he had a finger in my pussy.
He some how made our fingers look wet. My other hand was guiding his fingers in my pussy. His other hand was feeling my bare tit. How he got it so vivid, I just don’t know. How he was able to capture it with out me actually modeling it?
The picture was so sexy I was instantly wet knowing it was me in the picture. I have a full bush of pubic hair and he drew that too. How could he have known that?
I stopped right there. It was my bed time and I needed to lay down after seeing that picture. I tried to go to sleep. I kept seeing my and his hands on me. It was better than a photograph. He placed us so every thing was in the picture just perfect. Shadows gone and almost each pubic hair was showing, and some he drew…. looked wet. I thought how I sure didn’t need to get all horny over a student, but he was different. I had to deal with it, I was falling for him.
I hadn’t masturbated in a long time. I gave ’myself’ permission to do it this time, so I could get to sleep. I put my hand down in my panties and started in. I was already wet and it felt slick and warm. I used two fingers to work in my pussy and massage my G spot. I was never this aroused before when I masturbated for relief. I imagined him on top of me with his erection in me this time.
I wrestled with my thoughts telling myself ’you shouldn’t be doing this…..if you get caught touching him, major trouble and even the police.’ My fingers and pussy just kept right on pleasuring me.
I finally had to give in and started finger fucking myself fast and deep. I squirmed and moaned until I felt that orgasm come and take my body and twitch it and leave me panting.
I fell asleep feeling his erection in me and his warm hands feeling my tits…
Mom had gone to bed and I got out my hidden drawings. Ms. Clark would really faint if she saw these. I had her and I naked and fucking in one, her giving a faceless guy (me) a hot blow job. Her face was splattered with my cum with her mouth open. It only showed her beautiful mouth. I had lots of them but I loved to draw me groping her best.
Now getting a close look at her hands and feeling them I was really inspired to draw a super hot one of us. She was so beautiful, sexy and those soft sweet looking hands. I pictured them wrapped around my cock, jacking me off with her lips wide open to catch my cum in her oh so sexy mouth.
I was drawing the picture in my head and arranged it just right. When I had it just right…there was a problem. Her beautiful face was in the picture. I realized… I wanted her face in the picture. Where can I get a picture of her face to get all the final details I wanted.
I had to sneak one with my phone camera.
I had to secretly set up a time to get him over to my house at night. I kept him after class. I locked the door and talked to him quietly. He was so hot looking it was hard to be around him and not, get wet. Those hot pictures of me and his hands kept looming up in my mind.
I thought back how my uncle use to tickle me and feel so close to my tits. It excited me as I giggled I let him feel more, but pretended to be pushing his hand away. He once took his finger and put it inside my panties and rubbed my clit.
I never forgot that feeling of excitement I felt that time his warm hands held me. I remember watching his hands inside my panties fingering me, just like one of Mich’s pictures looked like.
No one knows, or will ever know what all my uncle and I did in the closet. I got aggressive with him wanted him to let me feel him too. His warnings about getting caught didn’t stand in the way of me wanting to do more sex feeling stuff. I was a determined girl, and spoiled at that.
I got my way with him.
Now it was happening again, only way hotter now with Mich. No one ever knew it, but my uncle licked my pussy in that closet. He was the sexiest man ever in my mind then. Now I wanted Mich’s tongue to do the same, without getting us caught. I had no willpower to stop what was about to happen.
I told Mich to ask his moms permission to ‘sleepover’ at his new friends house, ‘Bobby Clark‘. A non-existent kid. If she called here I would answer as ‘Bobby Clark’s mom, and she could talk to you to verify you were here. Mitch was stunned at the idea of spending all night at my house. “Ms. Clark, your so clever I….”
The look in his eyes was priceless. I could see his admiration for me making him so excited. I knew he was thinking about where our hands would be, posing me for his picture. Our smiling at each other for those long moments was a classic time for our memories, and we both knew it. I watched his erection grow in his pants.
I squeezed his arm and sent him on his way. I watched him holding his notebook over his erection. That gave me a smile and a twinge in my pussy, knowing I had caused him to get that sexually excited over me. My pussy felt so warm and wet.
Friday night came. As soon as it got dark, I heard tapping at my back door. I had all the blinds shut and only the light from the stairs on. He came in with his backpack and drawing book. My god…. my heart was beating fast. I realized then I had it bad for Mich. Falling for a teen guy student was excitingly dangerous. I had a flash fantasy of us in my bed. It jolted me and I gasp as I helped him put his stuff down.
First we had to talk on the couch. I wanted to prepare him for what I had in mind. At this point he would do anything I ask him to. I couldn’t help but feel the total control over him. This brought up a sexual feelings in me I never had before.
I was sure now I was totally in love with Ms. Clark, and it felt wonderful. I had to find a way to let her know, without her just patting me on the head and fluffing it off. We sat by each other on her couch. She had on a white low cut blouse, a red short skirt and her hair piled up on her head. She was turned towards me with one knee up on the couch and her arm up on the back of the couch. I had on my regular school clothes except I had on shorts with a elastic waist. I had my note book over my crouch to cover a hardon I knew I might get.
I looked at her beautiful smiling eyes and then looked up at her skirt. I saw a big patch of pubic hair between her sexy legs, just like I imagined. I know she saw me looking. I had planned out what I was going to say to her and how I felt about her….but now my mind went blank. I looked at her cleavage and pictured my hand feeling her soft looking nice tits.
She was watching my eyes and talking real sexy in a low tone. She took my hand and said: “Mich I want to let you know….” I just leaned to her and kissed her softly. She just let me do it. She sucked a big breath and it all just happened.
Our arms went around us and we both gasp for air. I was kissing the most beautiful girl in the world. She sank back slowly pulling me on top of her. She whispered: (“…oh Mich, we have to talk about this. We have to keep this top secret and never let anyone know about this….your so special to me….feel me Mich….feel me all over.”
I wasn’t expecting him to lean over and kiss me. My whole body buzzed in shock. He just made it so easy for me to get to what I wanted. Him and I in bed, having beautiful lovers sex. I had to discuss many things with him so we never got caught doing it. My mind tried to think of everything at once. The kiss had jumbled my thinking…now all I could think about was him on top of me and my arms around his warm body. Damn…he knew how to turn me on so good. His fingers ran through my hair, felt my face. He softly kissed me and my tongue came out to meet his.
Oh how I had wanted this and now I was indulging in the pure pleasure of having him on me, with his big erection pressing between my legs. I ran my hands under the back of his shirt and felt his warm skin. Then down his shorts and felt his cute ass.
He started sliding down kissing my cleavage. I unbuttoned my blouse for him. No bra to restrict his own indulgence. He was so gentle as he kissed my tits and nipples. I lay there feeling his hair and slowly squirmed.
I dare not think about where I wanted him to kiss next. I could orgasm so easy right now, I wanted to save it for his….oh god…
He’s sliding down further now, kissing his way down. He’s feeling my legs. This is the peak of anticipation. I want him to lick my pussy so bad.
She was just letting me do all the things I had fantasized about, and more. Now I was watching my hands feel her for real. I was kissing her, feeling her, kissing her tits, kissing her tummy and headed down to her pussy….now…. for real. I loved to feel her squirm under me.
I didn’t care about ’rules’ of any kind, I was knocking on heavens door.
It was so hard to think with all the pleasure I was feeling. Watching him lift my skirt up was almost more than I could take. I parted my legs and waited to feel his tongue travel up and down my wet slit. He sure didn’t disappoint me. I held his head and squirmed as he did just that.
A flash of my uncle went through my mind as wonderful memories came back. It was part 2 in my sex life in a world of mind shaking orgasms peaking inside me. He knew just how to please my pussy. It was all happening so fast and I felt like I was on a bullet train to happiness. I rested my legs on his back and began the natural movements that would lead to that peak feeling I wanted.
I had only had oral sex in my life. My uncle said to save that final act for a special guy that would come along in my life. He was so right…and now here he was, licking my pussy right now.
I was going to fuck Mich and make him mine to keep. My orgasms started coming as the words burst out of mouth… “Oh Mich!” and the trembles started. Perfection of his oral sex had me so ready for him.
I pulled him up on me and pushed his shorts down. I wrapped my fingers around his erection and my trembling hand guided it in me. He had the trembles just like me and our breathless lips met. We groaned and a flurry of our hands and arms rushed to wrap us together. It was happening.
So this was what heaven was like. Wrapped together with the ultimate girl and my hardon in her warm wet pussy. Her pussy moved inside like welcoming my hardon. Our bodies started moving together in a floating feeling. I felt like a rocket was about to take off and we were on it.
I thought….life doesn’t get any better than this…….
It was euphoria on top of euphoria. We were a perfect match and here it came to blend our souls together. I had wanted to have sex with my uncle and imagined it so many times, this was the real thing as my pussy felt what I had wanted for so long. To have his hot body on mine was the peak of ‘us’ and we were going to cum together.
He whispered breathlessly: (“….I love you Tami. Your so perfect. I’ve dreamed about you so many times, but now your real and ….ooooo…yes…I’m gonna…oh Tami…it’s happening…”) We both began to fuck as hard and deep as we could. He squeezed me so tight I saw flashed of beautiful light as we kissed and I felt his hot cum gushing in me. I climaxed so hard I started shaking all over. Our sweet moans filled the room as the indescribable feelings took us by surprise and jumbled our brains with euphoric pleasure. I mashed my lips to his and our tongues made love to each other. Tears of joy ran down my face as we kept fucking to squeezed the last drop of pleasure out of us….and beyond.
I had a talk with Mich’s mom. Before I could try and explain how I felt about her son…she smiled and interrupted me. “Mich is totally in love you, Ms. Clark. Your all he talks about, dreams about and I’ve found drawings and drawings of you hidden in his room. He couldn’t have picked a more beautiful and wonderful woman than you. What you two do is your concern. I’m just a happy mom.
I sat stunned.
Mich came in the room and we went up to his bedroom. He had a camera on a tripod set up to take pictures. He had a remote button and pushed it. The camera began to take still pictures every so often of him groping me, feeling me, kissing my body and…..I felt faint as he lowered me to the floor. He began to undress me…at the camera clicked away….it was too much as I just pulled him down on top of me. He smiled and whispered: (“ bad I can’t draw feelings..”)
Up went my skirt, off went my panties. Out went my legs, up went my knees and in went his tongue in my wet pussy. When we couldn’t stand it anymore, we both guided his cock in me. We heard his mom’s car start up and leave. The sounds that came out of us were awesome. Two lovers driving for the same goal, to fuck and fuck some more. Our clothes got ripped and I dug my fingernails in his ass and held tight. It was happening again only better….when we thought it couldn’t get any better. I locked my legs around his and pulled as hard as I could as I climaxed and shook as time seemed to stop. He flooded me with his cum. I could feel each shot going in me. I felt him get weak and moan as I joined him in a unknown world of splendor…..
Days later, we sat on my couch with our arms all wrapped around us together and watched the pictures of us his camera took. The computer says there are 200 pictures in the file, so far we’ve only made to about #12 before our hands start groping us. I grope him now. I snuggle up to him and put my hand down his pants. I feel his hot growing hardon. I put his hand in my panties to feel my warm wet pussy.
I whisper: (“…can’t you keep your hands off me ‘Student‘?”) We smile and then have a long hot wet kiss. He whispers so sexy in my ear and says: (“…are you going to report me, ’Teacher’?”), as he rolls over on top of me.
I always gasp, …. and say: (“…only if you stop.”)

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Secret Orgasms
By Blueheatt
……My name is Cristal, or Cris for short. I loved to get my daddy to chase me. I secretly got a sexual thrill when he grabbed me. I would do anything to get him to chase me.
….When he caught me, he always held me from behind, holding his arms around my tummy tight. I could feel his cock against my butt crack slightly and his face against mine …he didn’t know it….
….. but I had an orgasm when he did this.
….One wonderful morning, something happened that changed my sex life. I went in mom and dad’s bedroom and crawled in bed between them. Mom was drunk from the night before, as usual. She slept to the far right. Daddy to the far left. I got a roomy middle place. I turned my back to my daddy and scooted my butt close to him. He was on his back, he turned and faced me from behind. I was trying to get him to give me an orgasm. My heart was beating fast as the risk I was taking that mom might wake up for some reason. I thought about my final goal of his arm over me and his hand on my tummy. I only pictured in my mind what it was going to feel like. I would scoot back against him tighter and pull his arm around me…..
…. I then felt an orgasm jolt my pussy….
… I was just ’thinking’ about it when I got the wonderful orgasm. I lost my breath and felt the usual weakness in my legs. I couldn’t hardly believe what had just happened by just thinking about my daddy holding me.
…..No other boyfriends or guys in school had this effect on me. I had them do the same thing, hold me from behind, even naked…. but no orgasm…..but just thinking about my daddy doing it, I would orgasm.
….I was grown now.
….It still worked for me. I first realized I was different from the other girls when we got into masturbation. When we spent the night with each other we would finger ourselves to orgasm. I had to fake it, because all I had to do was just ‘think’ of my daddy putting his arms around me, and tickling me. I would have a wonderful orgasm instantly. This was my personal secret and I never told anyone. I didn’t want to be thought of as ’weirdo’ by my friends.
…..I think maybe daddy might have caught on later. He would make me wait, stall and tease me that he was ‘going’ to chase me around the house. I would get hot and out of breath waiting for him to chase and tickle me so I could get an orgasm..
…..Mom had left and now it was just daddy and I. In my eyes he was the most handsome man ever. His beautiful blue eyes, smooth skin with nice muscles, wavy blondish hair made me hot. …..This increased and I wanted to have him feel me up and me feel him. I started getting bolder.
…..One morning he was in the bathroom shaving with the door open. I went in with my long sheer nightgown and went to pee as he shaved. I had never done this before. I had no bra or panties on. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I had hiked up my nightgown so he could see my small patch of pubic hair. He noticed, which pleased me. I felt my titties and said how they were big now. He noticed that too.
Then I got a thrill. He had just a towel around his waist and I saw a tent start up from his cock. I felt my titties more, and then rubbed my pubic hair some. His tent got bigger and stuck out more. I wanted to feel it so bad, but was afraid to. I finished peeing and stood up to wipe myself. I spread my legs wide, lifted up my nightgown and wiped my pussy, over and over.
He noticed of course. My wiping was causing me to wipe over my clit real good. A few more wipes and I could have orgasmed as he watched me and I watched him. His tent was big now. He smiled and said: “You better take off running Cris, I really going to get you this time.”
I almost orgasmed when he said that.
I took off running down the hall, giggling all the way with him chasing me. I went in on his big bed and stood up on his bed to taunt him. I said: “I’m faster now daddy, you can’t catch me!” My heart was beating fast as he stalking me around the bed. I already felt my pre-orgasm tingles in my pussy. He closed his bedroom door, trapping me inside. He said in his deep voice: “Now your really gonna get it. Running from me means ‘torture tickles’ for you.”
The thought of that made my pussy contract for the first time, and I felt a hot flash burst through my body. His tent was huge now under that towel.
I thought….I hope something hot is going to happen this time. I danced on his bed and jumped around to dodge his reaches for me. He was closing in on me. I felt like I had to pee, I was so excited. Even my nipples tingled. Here I was, a grown woman, in a thin night gown on, with my smiling daddy eyes looking at me with lust, I hoped. My heart beat fast and I felt warm all over.
Daddy (John) thought….
A man can only take so much of a beautiful girl, teasing, flaunting, and a little touching on him. Was this the time I was going to go for it? I wondered myself. Did I ever think about having sex with my own daughter?…oh yes….lot’s of times secretly… I wanked gloriously fucking her to suppress any ’over the line’ feelings I might have that would get me in trouble. I stalled the feelings, but they never went away. They only grew a little stronger each time. She had a killer body, sweet face and liked to flaunt it in front of me all the time. I looked at her body shape through her thin night gown.
…..She stood with her legs wide apart. I could see her dark patch of pubic hair looking so hot. I knew she was having sex with guys. I hoped that would change her and she would turn her attention to some boyfriend….It didn’t. I overheard her tell her girlfriend she wanted to have sex with me.
Now I was looking at that body of hers, tempting me to catch and tickle her, which she dearly loved me to do.
….. It was strange, I would put my arms around her and tickle her. Her legs would go weak and she would always loose her breath.
….. I always wondered if she got some special feeling from me doing that. Her mom would orgasm real easy just by thinking about having hot sex. She told me her legs went weak and she too would lose her breath. Was Cris having an orgasm?…I think I’ll just ask her sometime….
…..Daddy went over and opened his bedroom door and said: “I’m going to count to three, and then I’m coming after you.”
I wanted him to get me on his bed and tickle me. I said: “No….you’ll have to come and get me right here.”
…..She going to push it this time….so this is it. I’m going for it. I’ve wanted her for a long time now, she’s so hot looking, so now is the time…….I smiled and closed the bedroom door as she held her hands over her pussy and giggled. I think she knew this was it. I stood up on the bed and slowly creped toward her. She coward down protecting herself from the impending tickling. As she giggled I grabbed her from behind. My arms went around her middle and held her tight. Her legs went weak and she gasp for breath. I didn’t need to ask…. she just had an orgasm. I could feel it as I held her warm body.
….I slowly laid her down on the bed. Instead of tickling, I began to kiss her around her face. I thought she might pass out from her hyper breathing. I rolled her over on top of me. We had done this once before, but when she started rubbing her pussy on my cock, I rolled her off and spatted her ass out of my bedroom. This time her tits were moving up and down on my chest and my boner was between her legs. As she gathered her breath, her legs parted more and let my boner rest tight against her pussy. She twitched her pussy slightly. Her eyes closed as she seemed to go into a trance at first. I think she just savored this first time feeling of my boner between her legs and against her pussy.
I was really feeling her ass for the first time in a sexual way….so smooth and warm as my hands glided over her body even further.
…..Now she got enough air to start kissing me back. Her tongue traced my lips and darted in my mouth. She was working her pussy just slightly up and down on my boner.
…..I wondered just how much like her mom she was. I touched, kissed and licked all the spots her mom had liked.
Two more orgasms I knew for sure as I could feel them with her. Her body would buck and she would moan softly. I rolled her over on her back. Her legs quickly wrapped around my body. She started taking her night gown off and pulled at my robe to remove it. She wanted us naked.
…..Her pussy was wonderfully wet and squirmed around on my cock. I scooted down slightly as we kissed and gasp for breath. My cock head now waited at the lips of her soft pussy. Our bodies just inched together as my cock slowly slipped in. Our fingers met at her clit. We both massaged it together, and we began to fuck. It was over the top for both of us. My cock never felt so good as it did right now. Her other hand felt my warm body and pulled slightly on me with each stroke of my cock. How can I describe heaven with her. A thousand great feelings all going on at the same time. It reminded me of the first time her mom and I had sex. Something way beyond the special scale happened that night…..
….We just let our bodies take over from us and move together. Exciting, smooth, hot, warm, and pure euphoria taking place. We blended into one body….
Cris thought….
…..‘finally!‘…was the one word that ran thru my fuzzy thinking. This tip of his cock touched the bottom of my pussy with each stroke. Our fingers worked together as they stroked my sensitive clit. It was like one big orgasm staying in the ’on’ position, with something bigger building and on the way. All I can remember was us yelling as I felt the hot flow of his cum injected at my cervix. I felt hot cum fill my pussy in a steady flow of it. I had lost my mind with euphoric pleasure. Our fingers pressed on my clit as we came together to the climax of all climaxes. My head moved from side to side begging for air. I couldn’t take the high and began to black out. He held me so tight as his cock just kept pumping in more hot cum. He shook and moaned as his body slowly went weaker and weaker. We blended together in our minds and bodies…..all went quiet finally as his cock and my pussy twitched in the aftermath…
….I now had a new way to ’think’ an orgasm.
….If you see a girl staring into space with a smile on her face. If you see her stiffin her legs and then see them tremble a little, then go weak. ….If you see her gasp for breath and close her eyes with a bigger smile….
…pay no attention…it’s just me….

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Wet Bottoms

In the seventies one of my friends, Ryan, lived a few blocks from me and we were very similar in our physical features. He had dark, curly hair as opposed to my straight kind of blonde hair but we both had slender, smooth, bodies

Marie (1)

Old man talks his sons young girlfriend into having some photos taken then teaches her how to pleasure a man in every hole