Consensual Sex

My Girl

Two years ago, after losing my wife in a car accident, I moved out to the middle of no where. Okay, maybe no where is a bit of an over-statement. I was so tired of living in the city, had been for years, and as a writer I could work from any where so long as I had electric and internet access. I found a nice place positioned on the north shore of a lake. The north side was still mostly forest, with a few homes hidden away down long dirt paths, and mine was one of them. My closest neighbor was three miles away, and the portion of lake that my home overlooked was a small cove that was rarely used. The seclusion gave me plenty of peace and quiet to write, though it did get a little lonely at times.
I had just arrived home from a trip into the city for a meeting with my editor. I had recently finished my latest novel and had to finalize the publishing deal. I wasn’t exactly happy as I reached my key to the door lock, the money was fine, but my editor had forced me to sign on for a two week book tour to promote the book, that I hated. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to meet my readers, I truly enjoyed speaking with them, I just preferred to do it more one on one. But all of that flew from my mind when the door knob turned with out me unlocking it.
Had I forgotten to lock the door? I couldn’t believe that I had, but it was possible. Or, had someone broken in? I thought about going back to my Jeep, calling the local sheriff. I changed my mind when I realized it would take him an hour to get there, at least it did last time when I had called. I opted to check the place out myself. Slowly I entered, everything seemed to be in place in the living room and dinning area. Even my new LCD big screen was sitting in it’s place. I moved on to the kitchen, on a quick glance everything seemed to be fine. I turned and headed for my office. I flipped the light on and scanned the room. The bookshelves were still full, the TV sat next to the window, paintings and drawing hung straight on the wall, and my desk was still as cluttered as I had left it, minus my laptop. My laptop I had taken with me of course and was safe in the Jeep outside, along with my suitcase. I next check the screen porch, noticing that a storm was rolling in across the lake. I could only hope that it would bring rain, not snow as the temperature had dropped drastically over the last few days, and was a blistering thirty-nine degrees.
With the downstairs gone though, I headed up to the second floor which housed four bedrooms and a full bath, along with a master bath off of my room. I check the first two rooms and bath, everything was fine. I check the last bedroom, and then opened the door to mine. My heart started to race, pounding inside my chest when I saw the blankets on my bed mussed. There was no one in sight, no one in the bed, under the covers, but there had been. I moved quickly, cautiously, to the bath. No one there either, they must have already took off, maybe scarred away when I pulled in.
Relaxed more, I decided to get out of my suite. I removed the jacket, and tight black shoes. With shoes in hand, and jacket over my arm I opened the closet door to put them away for another month. Instead of being met by a mostly empty shoe rack, I was meet by a pair of frightened eyes staring up at me.
“What the…” I gasped, almost as scared as the young girl hiding in my closet. “What are you doing here, in my house?” I shouted once I found my voice.
She curled her knees to her chest, shielded her face with her arms, crossing them in front of her. “Please…” She cried in a tiny pixie like voice. “Don’t hurt me… I didn’t know.”
I reach out to her, to help her to her feet and out of my closet. Instead she jerked away, almost leaping back further inside the closet. “I’m not going to hurt you.” I said softly, trying my best to calm her and myself. “I promise.”
“Really? You’re not mad?” She sniffled, lowering her arms.
“Oh, I’m mad, but I’m not going to hurt you. What are you doing here anyway?”
She rose to her feet slowly and followed me out into the bedroom. “I thought the house was empty, I didn’t think anyone lived up here this time of year.” She replied, obviously anxious.
I looked her over more closely then. She was looking pretty rough, dirty. I could smell her from two feet away. Her blond hair matted and greasy, and she looked to have a black eye. She also appeared to be young, very young. “You still didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here?” I asked again, setting down on the edge of my bed.
“If I tell you, you will call the cops.”
“No cops, I swear…”
“For real?”
“Well that depends on you, so lets hear it.”
“Hugh?” She grunted, confused.
“Why are you here?”
“I ran away, and it was getting really cold… So when I found this house, and there wasn’t anyone around, I thought it would be safe for awhile, maybe the winter. I really didn’t know anyone lived here.”
“So why did you run away from home?”
“Foster home… they were mean, real mean. I couldn’t take it anymore so I got out of there.”
“How long ago did you runaway?”
“About two weeks ago, I guess.”
p>“Two weeks… What have you been doing for food, for shelter?”
“I eat when I can, and there is almost always a bus stop or rest area around… except for around here anyway.” She started to pace.
“So what’s your name?”
“When was the last time you ate Samantha?”
“I’m not sure, maybe two days.”
“And the last time you had a bath?”
“Not since I ran away.” She lowered her head as if ashamed.
“One more question Samantha, for now anyway. How old are you?”
“Seventeen!” She spit out with confidence, too much confidence to believe her. Not to mention she looked way to young for that to be true.
“Really!” I stated.
“Okay, I’m sixteen…”
“Try again.”
“Fifteen okay… I’m fifteen.”
She appeared younger to me but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I went to the dresser, pulled out an old T-shirt and tossed it to her. Samantha caught it easily, and stared at me with a cute puzzled look. “You take a bath, and I’ll fix us something to eat, then we will discuss what we will do next. Okay?”
“Ah, okay…” Samantha started to lift her shirt up.
“No no, it’s not like that, you go on in the bathroom, I’ll head down stairs.”
Thirty minutes later a new, cleaner, and much more attractive Samantha sashayed into the kitchen. Wearing nothing more than my old T-shirt she sat down on one of the chairs at the small table. All cleaned up I noticed she looked even younger than I had thought. She was a tiny girl, thin, with long light blond hair that now glistened under the lights. Her skin smooth, and slightly tanned, and she had the most beautiful big brown eyes. Wearing my shirt made her seem even smaller, younger, with not much breast visible, mere bumps really. Her legs were long and thin, nearly completely visible below the shirt as it rode up her tiny thighs as she sat. I served up our dinner, steak and eggs with toast. Samantha almost inhaled it, I wasn’t even sure if she even tasted it. With a clean plate she thanked me, and told me it was wonderful. I figured that she was so hungry that I could have served up deep fried shit and she would have thanked me for it.
After we ate Samantha stretched out on the sofa and I turned on the TV. I sat in my recliner to her side and we chatted some more. She told me more about what she had gone through at her foster home.
“Every Friday night He would come home drunk, and if you were the lucky one He would just make you play with his thing, instead of knocking you around. He didn’t hit me too often, he like to play with me more. Unless Anna was home. She was older and she would do more things with him. He tried to do some of those things with me too, but it hurt and I screamed. He tried again later, the night I ran away. I waited until he fell asleep, got dressed and ran.”
She went on to tell me where she had lived and I was surprised to hear it was in the next state. This little girl had traveled a long way on her own. I sat there watching her, the way her body moved, as she spoke and could understand why a man would want her. Yes she was young, but she was beautiful, and had a certain sex appeal that was undeniable, even to me.
“I sure don’t want to see you go back to that place… but we, I have to let the authorities know that you are okay, so they will stop looking for you.”
“No! You can’t, you promised!” She bolted up straight on the couch, tears flooding her eyes.
“Calm down, I’m not doing anything tonight. But tomorrow I will call my attorney and see what I can do for you. She used to work with abused kids so I’m sure she will have some ideas. As for now, you can stay here with me, and I will be there for you, at your side all the way.”
“Why would you do that for me? You don’t even know me?”
“I know you are in trouble, and that you don’t have anyone else. Besides there is something special about you.”
“Really?” She smiled, tilting her head to the side and bit the corner of her full bottom lips. “No one has ever said that to me before.” She hopped off the sofa, sprinted over to me and gave me a hug. She smelled so good, her skin, her hair. The she kissed my cheek, and she had the softest lips.
I hugged her back, my arms wrapping around her tiny waist. My one hand grazed over her tight, round, little butt as she started to pull away. My god it was firm, but not overly so. She didn’t seem to notice, or at least she didn’t mind my touching her there.
“Thanks… for everything.” She added before heading off to bed. I had made up one of the rooms for her while she showered, and told her which one she was to use. Of course it was the room next to mine. Although I was willing to help her out, found her sweet, intriguing, and attractive, I still didn’t know if I could trust her. Putting her in the room next to mine I would be able to hear if she tried to slip out and rob me on her way.
With my new house guest tucked away in her bed, I settled into my chair at my desk. I still had a lot to do with my next book, only fifteen chapters into it, and my deadline was in a month. I started pounding away at the keys of my laptop, but the story in my head ran dry after two pages. I leaned back, lit a smoke, and drifted off into thought. This was my way of stirring up the creative mojo. I would slip into the world I had created, live the life of a character, and see where that life would take me. It had always worked in the past, though not always as quickly as I wanted, but that evening it wasn’t working, my thoughts kept running toward Samantha, the plight she had experience, and at such a young age.
I must have drifted off to sleep for a bit, because the next thing I knew, Samantha was standing next to me, leaning over my desk, reading. I glanced at her, her long lithe figure stretched out, my T-shirt riding high up her body, so much so that I had a clear view of the lower round areas of her bottom where her long legs attached. She truly was a vision of beauty. I quickly scolded myself for staring at her, and at the thoughts that rushed through my mind, and then I was intent on scolding her. I had never allowed anyone to read my work until finished, and she had just taken the liberty of doing so.
“What are you doing!” I barked, scaring her so bad that she literally jumped back three feet away from me and the desk. Tears flooded her eyes instantly, and her body began to quiver and shake.
“I’m sorry…” Samantha sobbed, pulling further away until she backed into the bookcase behind her, with no where else to retreat she slowly curled up into a ball on the floor, and tucked her knees to her chest.
“No, I’m sorry.” I said softly, trying to calm her as I stood up and walked over to her. “I shouldn’t have shouted, I’m just not used to having someone here.” I added as I knelt in front of her. I reached out and touched her right hand that gripped her knee so hard her knuckles were turning white.
Samantha jerked her hand away at my touch, and scooted herself tighter against the bookcase. She looked so small and frightened on the floor in front of me, that I could not help but feel even more sorry for her.
I reached to her again, this time placing my hand gently on the side of her face. Her hair was so soft as it glided beneath my fingers as I lowered my hand down to her chin. With one finger under her chin I gingerly lifted her head until her tear stained eyes glared into mine. “I am not going to hurt you, Samantha. I would never do that.” I whispered.
She seemed to want to believe me, but she had been through so much in her short life that she didn’t trust me, or anyone for that matter. I could see the loneliness in her beautiful eyes, along with the fear and confusion, and my heart sank. I carefully moved my hands to her shoulders and then to her arms, and helped her to her feet. Her body was still shaking as she stood there staring at me, not saying a word, but at least she had stopped crying.
“Why don’t you go back up to bed, get some rest.” I carefully and gently stroked her cheek, and gave her a smile. “I think I’ll be going to bed as well. So go on now, I’ll be up shortly.”
Samantha slowly walked out of the room, like a puppy with her tail between her legs after being scolded for peeing on the carpet. She stopped just passed the door and without looking back she said: “I am sorry, it won’t happen again.” Her voice was so small it sounded as if she were already upstairs.
“It’s okay, Sweetie… Don’t worry about it.” I had not realized I had called her sweetie until she turned and gave me a nervous smile, then headed on up stairs. I don’t know why I called her that, it just seemed to be the right thing to say, to help her relax, and feel more at easy. I mean it always worked in the movies. The only problem was that this wasn’t a movie.
Once Samantha had cleared the stairs and was out of my view, I headed back into my office, shut down my computer, flipped off the light, and went up to bed. I brushed my teeth, slipped into my sleep pants, and into bed. I snuggled down under the heavy comforter, and quickly found sleep for a change. I was awoke by a strange, yet enjoyable feeling. I looked down and seen an extra lump in my comforter, and the feeling of a warm, smooth hand stroking my penis. At first I thought I was dreaming, but when I flipped the comforter back and saw Samantha’s tiny body curled next to mine, her head on my belly, and hand pumping my erection slow and steady.
I thought about yelling out “What are you doing?”, but after what had happen in my office I thought a little more diplomacy was needed. I laid there thinking, and believe me it was not easy. Her small hand gliding up and down my hard shaft felt really good, wonderful in fact, but I could not allow this to continue. By the time I figured out what to say, Samantha lowered her head southward, and her silky, moist lips closed over the swollen head of my penis. The words that had been found in my mind, struck in my throat instantly. All I could do was let out a soft moan. My moan apparently fueled her, as her tongue swirled around the very tip, sending me into an ecstasy that I had not felt for a long time. I gasped, and moaned again from this sudden and unexpected pleasure this young girl was giving me. I fought back the strong urge to let her finish, do as she wanted, and reach down to her head with my hands to stop her. The moment my hands touched her hair, Samantha swallowed my entire length into her mouth and throat. Her head started to bob back and forth, causing her silky hair to tickle the tender flesh of my pelvis and belly.
It had been a long time since I had been with a woman intimately, and it was showing, like it or not. When Samantha’s other hand started to massage and toy with my scrotum, as she expertly explored my erection, I quickly felt my orgasm begin to build. I began to throb and heat up inside her talented young mouth, my scrotum tightened under her grasp, and I felt my muscles tense trough out my body.
“Oh God, stop…” I breathed, my breathing was becoming rapid. Samantha did not stop, she went at me with more vigor instead. Her head was bouncing up and down above my pelvis, plunging my cock deep into her throat and back to where her lips locked around the head tight, and she would suck as hard as she could, then dive back down. “Sam… Samantha… stop… I’m going… going to… cum…” I begged her, fisting my fingers into her long hair.
My warning came to late, not that she seemed to care, and I fired a hot load into her mouth as she sucked hard. Samantha plunged me back into her throat, and I quickly pumped two more heavy loads deep into her. Two more loads fired off, and she took every one easily. Just when I thought it was over, as my body quivered beneath her light weight, Samantha began to squeeze the base of my penis and stroked up to my crown, milking me right down to the last drop. Once I stopped moving at all, and she realized there was no more left in me, Samantha released my semi-erect muscle from her lips. She laid her head back down on my belly, nearly on my chest, left her one hand atop my shrinking penis, and pulled the comforter up to her neck with her other hand. She seemed as spent as I was, and I didn’t think she would try anything else that night, so I left her be, and we both fell asleep.

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Roommate Shift Ch2

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My Mature Neighbor Natalie

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My Neighbour’s Daughter

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The Brother and Sister Next Door (10-11)

The Brother and Sister Next Door (10-11)
Brad drove around and told mom about the Maggie story he’d heard. Mom got all hot thinking about that, and said: “That sounds like something that little bitch would do…and then got a sneaky grin on her face. She leaned over to Brad and whispered: (…“mommy has a sleep mask too, you know”…..) they giggled.
Brad drove around mom’s old neighbor hood. She was excited and squirmed in her seat. He went down the street where his gramaw and grampaw live, turning out his headlights and quietly parking right in front of their house. This was the house where mom grew up. Mom was in shock….she whispered: (…”oh brad..oh no, we can’t do it here…oh my god..what if either one of them came out, and spotted your SUV…..and ..oh my god..(gasp!)…what if we get caught…what would I say…I…I….in the back having sex with my son…oh my god.. She held her chest just thinking about it.
Brad said, (..“let’s get in the back and talk about it.”) He put his seat forward and helped his mom step into the back. Her hand was shaking as she kicked off her spiked hi heels. Brad felt her ass as she went thru.
She was so excited as it was very dark and she felt Brads strong hands lay her down on her back. He took her hand and she felt a stem with thorns…and the smell of a rose. He had placed it in her hand. He whispered:..(….“for my princess”…) Mom gulped and couldn’t talk. She rubbed his back for awhile, smelling her rose. She thought…I’m the happiest mom in the world right now…ever.
She set the rose aside and started feeling her man. Brad whispered: (…” my name is bob teen, and I’ve never had sex with a girl or in a car before, would you help me, I’m real nervous…”)…they giggled together, and mom said…“oh bob, neither have I, I think I’m suppose to lift up my skirt, will you help me?….that’s good bob, now let’s take out your penis and find a place to put it…here’s a nice warm place, right here….
Brad kissed his mom softly…she was really hot with excitement, and kissed him back and the kiss escalated into a fury of wet lips and tongues. Their hands were roaming over their bodies, she clambered for his belt, and zipper as he lifted her blouse and started sucking on her wonderful tits. She pulled out his dick and stroked it. “Do mommy, right here in the car, and make mommy so happy….I’ve waited for years for this, do me…Brad.. I want you in me so bad“….
She started rubbing his dick on her clit and tried to moan quiet, but soon she’s loud and puts his dick in her and moans more. Brad feels her hot legs going around him, pulling his dick in deep. She feel like a naughty teenager again, but this time she’s getting hot sex like she always wanted. Her heart is booming in her chest. She has the best dick in the world in her, and she loving every minute of it..Her tongue is feeling his and she starting to get hyper as the tension builds.
Brads warm dick in her is feeling so good she feels like she’s losing her mind. He’s panting and driving his dick in her faster, She knows she’ll have a super climax…she wants to feel it forever…she’s going to heaven…right now…’s cuming brad…do mommy…yes yes..oh god yes …Brad…brad baby, mommy’s going..ohhhh its cuming now…OOHHHH GODDDD BRAD….and she bucked her hips super fast and held on to brad as she tight as she could…she screams!
and squirts all over brad…brad yells OH GOD….MOM!…oooooo and shoots a mega load in her, he can’t stop fucking her…eeeeee…they both squeal….oh…my god yes!!! baby…she feels his hot cum shooting in her, She feels brad’s shirt rip in the back as her fingers dig in and she moans and moans….brad is locked up pushing his dick in so deep and leaving it there.
They both shake and tremble….it’s a cum that won’t quit….and they both wonder about their sanity as their minds whirl in joy. They drift off mentally…somewhere…and stay locked together. Her legs clamped around his legs. She babbling something…gasping…then…gasping again…
then it’s all quiet….except for them catching their breath….
They see a porch light come on at her mom and dads house. Her dad opens the door, opens the screen and looks all around. He goes back in the house and closes the door, and turns off the porch light.
Mom about passes out as she holds her hand to her heart….then giggles with Brad smiling big.
Mom’s in a daze as Brad walks her to her room. She flops on her bed. She’s able to raise one hand to Brad…”Kiss your mommy goodnight, Brad.” He kissed her and says: “Goodnight princess.”, and turns out the light.
As soon as Mom and Brad had left, Lisa, Jen and Crystal all meet in Lisa’s bedroom. Lisa and Crystal have on robes and talk with Jen. They tell her their plan to make her squirt. They turn out all but one light and slowly take Jen’s clothes off, feeling her up as they go. Jen is excited and pants a little in her breathing. She feels Lisa’s titties as she has always liked them. Crystal and Jen have had sex with each other before and liked it. Lisa wants some too.
They lay her on Lisa’s bed and start in fondling her all over. Lisa takes off her robe and spreads Jen’s legs wide. She starts licking Jen. Jen moans as Lisa feels what she wants most,
Jen’s big clit.
Lisa is panting with excitement. Lisa puts her lips on Jen’s big clit and sucks and sucks on it like a little dick. Lisa gets super hot doing this and begins to shake and has an orgasm right then and there. She shivers and keeps sucking as Jen squeals loud.
Crystal crawls up and put her pussy over Jen’s face, and joins Lisa in licking Jen. Lisa runs 4 fingers in Jen’s wet pussy and moves them in and out. Jen is now squirming good, twisting her body in pleasure having two girl on her making her hot and Crystal‘s pussy to eat. Lisa adds her thumb in Jen’s pussy and keeps going a little faster. Jen is moaning loud now as she licks Crystal’s pussy.
Jen adds her fingers to Crystal’s pussy and feels her inside. She find Crystals G spot, and massages it good. Crystal feels a squirt building as Jen suck her clit fast. Lisa sticks her whole hand in Jen’s pussy and starts pumping her fist in and out fast. Crystal and Lisa both attack her big clit and lick it as fast as they can. Jen yells..Ohhhhhhh….Gezzzzz…AHHHHH!, and squirts big one all over Lisa and the bed as the moans and shakes back and forth, yelling OH Yessssss…ahhhhhh…and another squirt comes out. Jen is shaking and shaking as she squirts another little one. Jen’s body is twitching and jumping at she moans….
Crystal gets so hyper ..she orgasms and squirts, just watching…Lisa’s pussy is twitching and dripping from the scene. She can’t take it and starts fingering her pussy with one hand, and her clit with the other lying on the floor raising her head up to watch, she raises her hips as high as she can, and yells….she squirts way up in the air two times…Jen reaches down and rubs Lisa’s pussy over and over.
Mom had the day off, and sleeps in. She wakes up and just lays there with a smile on her face thinking…. Wow…did that really just happen…yes it did. She is still in the same clothes she wore last night. Her pussy feels so good, and satisfied, for now. She remembers she squirted at the peak of sex. She got a tingle just thinking about it.
Brad sat up in bed smiling he was hot for his mom again this morning. He thought about Maggie and her sleep mask, and how he would love to have fucked her too. He got an idea.
Later mom was up and fixing breakfast. Her shower felt wonderful as she had an inner glow about Brad. “Brad”…”Lisa”…“Breakfast“, mom yelled. Brad leaped down the stairs, all showered and felt so good today. He wanted to get mom alone and get to planning their next sex. Lisa came in, in a daze with a calm smile. “What did you do last night Lisa?” mom asked. Brad just waited for her answer and smiled. Lisa’s mind was a million miles away…”Lisa?”..”Oh…sorry mom, a….we just played computer games.” Brad leaned over to her and asked…”What games did you play Lisa?” She just smiled at him, and indicated to him, out of mom’s sight….she took her arms and started humping the air. “Oh, I don’t remember them all BRAD” she said.
After breakfast, Brad got mom alone, made sure Lisa wasn’t looking and kissed her softly. Mom gasp and rubbed his dick. He whispered: (…” you’re the best date I’ve ever had mom, you knocked me out last night”…) (…”I’m so happy today brad, I just want so hold you all day and night”…)( …I’ve got an idea for some fun for us tonight mom.”…)
She felt a hot flash crawl up her face. She so wanted to make him happy and was eager to find out what is was. She had her teenage dream fulfilled last night, now it was his turn, and she wanted to do anything to make him happy. (..”can you tell me what it is?”….) (…”after Lisa goes to bed, I’ll sneak into your room and show you something, and you’ll know what it is”…) Brad checked again for Lisa and pulled his mom in the wash room and started kissing her and feeling her up. ”
Mom, started shaking and her knees got weak as she felt him and squeezed his dick firm. She took a big breath and kissed him more, and said “Oh god, I hope I can wait that long, I want you so bad all the time.” She swatted him on the butt, and whispered: (…”you naughty boy, feeling your mom’s titties, and vagina, I’ll have to lock you in my room, bad boy.”….) Brad smiled ….”tonight mom, tonight” She tried to grab his dick, but he ran away, up the stairs. She sighed and took a big breath and continued smiling all the time now.
Brad went and talked to Lisa. She told him how it went with Jen and Crystal….and that she was ‘in love’ with Jen’s big clit. Brad told her how it went with mom and his ‘date’ with her…Lisa got hot listening about it, and started rubbing her pussy. Brad noticed and shut her door and started feeling her up. Lisa said she missed his dick, and wanted to feel his cum in her mouth some more. “How about a quick blow job.” Lisa said. …and locked her door. She sat Brad on her bed, pulled his dick out and got on her knees an started jacking fast, while sucking him hard. Brad felt her sweet tits and soon shot cum in her mouth…she swallow it all. They stood up and he said: “…now you..” He sat her on the bed, pulled her shorts down and started licking her clit real fast…she held his head and gasp…and orgasmed, with a little squirt on his face.
“Wow, little sister, your so hot when you do that..I’m gonna want more of that!…that is so hot!” She said: “I’ve been practicing, because I knew you would like it.”
Mom had been listening at her door, and silently giggled and tip toed away. She knew something was up when she found Lisa panties under Brad’ pillow. Now she knew for sure. She liked the idea that her young daughter was getting good sex from Brad also.
That night Lisa said she was going over to Jen’s. ( so she could get some more of Jen’s clit to suck on,) she told Brad. He laughed and said ..go for it, but save me some. She said, no way she was keeping Jen’s clit all for herself. He grabbed her tits and pussy and started humping her making her laugh out loud. She broke away and said..”Pervert!” and ran down the stairs with Brad right behind her. He caught her, drug her into the den, with his hands on her tits and pussy. He turned her around….and
Mom was stand right there looking at Brad‘s hands. Lisa got behind mom, making faces at Brad. Mom smiled and said: “Go ahead, don’t let me get in the way.”..and giggled.
That night, Lisa went to Jen’s. Mom dressed real sexy and walked around the house in a red see thru night gown, no bra, no panties. Perpously walking by Brad, parading herself, twirling her night gown and making it fly open teasing him with her hot body. Brad sat on the couch enjoying the show. He had not seen his mom this happy…ever. She was like a high school girl again, acting silly and flirting with him. He love it as he watched her so happy, knowing he could fuck his sexy mom instead of wishing it, like he use to. He loved to see her flirt with him. She would walk slowly by him, and flip her night gown up in back, showing he sweet butt.
She flashed him, with her big boobs as she would walk by. She bent over in front of him as her saw her pussy. She put her leg on the couch seat and rubbed her leg, showing her bush. She walked by him playing with her own nipples. She stopped and felt his boner in his pants and then just walked away. He just let her play and play, having herself a ball. Finally he stood up with his huge boner which he pushed to stick out more, and watched her. She danced around the living room in her night gown not tied, showing herself half naked, free as a bird. She stopped and looked at his big boner and put her hands together like a ferrie
god mother and said: “Ohhhh, it that for me???…little boys shouldn’t be getting erections for their mommy’s..naughty naughty!,” and she danced at the foot of the stairs shaking her butt and feeling her own tits.
Brad took off chasing her up the stairs as mom screeched, and ran laughing. She locked her door and said: “No, no little boy, it’s not nice to want to have sex with your mommy. Tell mommy you won’t try to touch your mommy’s nice big titties and try and kiss mommy’s wet vagina. Ok?
“Ok“, Brad said: “ Little Brad’s gonna try real hard not to try and have sex with you mommy. I would never try and touch your big soft titties, feel your body, lick your vagina, or try and put little Brad’s pee pee in your vagina. Ok?…now unlock mommy’s door and Brad will just give you a teenie peck on the cheek goodnight.
He heard the door unlock and open a crack. He heard mom’s voice say:
“Ok Brad, come in and don’t try anything or mommy will make you do those awful push ups on top of her, that I know you just hate.”
She ran and went in her bathroom, and stood ready to lock the door. Brad strolled in, slowly pulls a sleep mask out of his shirt, and dangles it in front of her. “Mom, do you mind wearing this?…I have a surprise for you.”
Mom looked at the mask, and thought about Maggie having sex with her son, and his buddys while wearing a sleep mask. For some reason it made her hot thinking about it. She wondered what Maggie felt when her son and friends had sex with her while she saw nothing, but could only feel them in her.
It had to be exciting to her. Could she tell when it wasn’t her sons penis in her?, big, small, long, short…that damn Maggie had been enjoying that all this time, while Lynn got nothing from her husband.
“Oh Brad,…. you bought mommy a present!…oooo…let me try it on.” She came out and slowly took off her red night gown. She got in the middle of the bed and just laid there, arm and legs down. Brad came over and helped her put on the sleep mask, adjusting it so she saw absolutely nothing. All she could do was hear and feel now, and it already was making her pussy wet.
And Now the Fun Began….
Brad crawled in beside his mom and said: “Mommy, I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you tonight?” “Why of course you can little Brad, you just snuggle up to mommy and get warm.”
Her mind was racing with tingles all over her body. She pictured what Maggie must have felt as Brad slowly put his arm over her, just touching one of her goose bump filled tits. She labored for air, as she gasp. Brad talked like he was thinking out loud. …
‘mommy sure has nice titties, I would just love to touch just one of them, but I would get on so much trouble and mommy would get so mad at me, I just know it. Maybe if I just eased my little hand closer to her beautiful tit, she wouldn’t notice.’
She took a big breath and shivered. She was having major tingles in her pussy and could feel her juices starting to run out of her pussy and between her legs. She felt Brad’s hand creep up onto her tit….pause….then further…pause…then slowly slid over to her other tit. She moaned quietly, as Brad watched goose bumps dance across her ribs. He slowly let his hand slide down, inch by inch towards her pussy. She jumped and squirmed a little. Her pussy quivered all by it self.
‘I hope mommy doesn’t wake up and stop me, I like this and it’s exciting…she sure has a soft bush, I bet it tastes hot.’
She felt him slide his finger up and down her slit. He put his finger on her clit real easy, and rubbed it around.
This was hard to take, the anticipation was killing her. She parted her legs inviting him in to lick her. She bet Maggie went thru this too, waiting for young boys to touch her, afraid she might wake up. She squirmed waiting…then she felt his warm breath on her pussy….ahhhh… his hands slipped under her legs, and now his tongue, so wet, so warm entering her and feeling itself all around her wet pussy.
He knew just how to please her, licking just right around her clit, and drawing it in between his lips. Oooooo …gasp…(…..“ohhhhh ….yes…. little brad…lick mommy good….mommy wont tell anyone…it’s ok to lick mommy,…. that‘s a good boy….oh god….lick mommy’s clittie….she likes that little brad…keep that up…oohhhh…. yessss….) She had never been so excited this way, and only being able to feel and hear was making her crazy horny. She want to beg him to put his dick in her…scream it out…just fuck me…brad…do it now…. She couldn’t take it any more and reached down and pulled his head to her and kissed him with all the passion she could give and reached down and rammed his dick in her and started fucking and crying out…god damn!..fuck me, fuck me baby!…NOW…FUCK ME BRAD BABY…Brad hung on tight and started fucking her with all his might…She clawed his back and drove her fingers in him, and fucked faster than she had ever fucked in her life….she hear the loud slapping noise their body’s made and then…….
eeeeeee oh baby..ah…ah…YESSSSS BABY…FUCK MOMMY…eeeeeee ….Oh my God..ohmygodohmygod…oh…oh …brad baby..yessss. Brad came so hard his balls hurt, blast after blast of his cum going in his mom and some flowing out her beautiful pussy…he felt like crying it felt so good….
They both trembled and felt the pulses pumping in her….her pussy trembled now…she had squirted and didn’t even realized it…she felt a big spazam and squirted again… They stay locked together and drifted very slowly,….off to sleep.
Brad woke up to Lisa shaking him…she motioned for him to come with her. Mom was still wearing her sleep mask, sleeping with a smile on her face. Lisa just stared at her mom wearing a sleep mask and giggled. She and Brad tip toed out and closed her door.
It was 7am. Brad said, “What’s up sweet tits.?” The kissed a hot kiss good morning. Lisa said: “A sleep mask on mom?, why Brad you naughty little boy, and giggled.“ Listen to this! Lisa said, Jen had met a guy named Mark, and he offered his mom to her to lick her pussy if she wanted!..” Jen said “What!” He said she wore a sleep mask, and he and his buddies could fuck her and every thing while she had that mask on, but no girl had eaten her pussy yet, or stuck their pussy up for her to lick. He wondered if she would eat a girls pussy while she had that mask on.” Brad laughed and said, is Jen going to do it?
Lisa said, “You know Jen, horny little Jen, you know she will! She’d eat a pussy or suck a dick anytime, anywhere.” Brad thought a minute…’ That’s Maggie, the busy body that gives mom a hard time at her work! She’s all ‘goodie two shoes’ at work and the office gossip bitch. Remember I told you the mask story, and you and I didn’t believe it, well,…it’s true! I just met her when I took mom to dinner, she had her son Mark with her!…
Brad, are you shitting me? No!! it’s true, Mark fucks his mom and let’s his buddies fuck her too, as long as she has that mask on, you can do anything to her! Lisa smiled and thought. Brad smiled and thought….
’ digital video camera’.
Mom went in to work for a few hours, then home again. Brad mind was filled with his mom. He wanted her 24/7. She started dressing a lot sexier now, shorter skirts, more cleavage showing. Her long hair now curled down her back to her waist. She was looking the hottest she’d ever looked. She was driving Brad crazy. He just loved to look at her. She, to him was the hottest woman on the planet. She was always happy now, she glowed with her new sex partner, she liked it.
She thought about him all the time too. At work, at home, driving he was always getting herself hot, by thinking of his hot body. She pleased him anyway she could, and he pleased her. One look from him, and she got a twinge in her pussy. Brad too, he would always have a ½ a boner on all the time he
thought of her. He wanted to fuck her in every room in the house. She wanted to give him a boner to keep him happy. He would take her in his suv at night and stop, and they would get in the back and fuck themselves crazy. Behind a gas station, a bank parking lot, on a busy street they didn’t care much where, when they wanted to fuck, they did. The riskier, the better. Brad ask her one night in her bed, “Mom, have you ever been with a woman?”…..she paused….then begin to smile. She leaned her head back on the pillows and began.
“Your the only one I have ever told this to, because you will understand. When I was 16, I found myself attracted to one of my girlfriends. Her name was Lisa Conway.
She had all the things a girl could want. Good looks, sexy body and her folks were rich. I didn’t even know what a bi sexual was. We spent the night together once, and we got to talking about sex. I was totally inexperienced about sex. She lay beside me and ask me if I masturbated. Brad, I didn’t even know what that was. I said: “huh? What’s that.” She said I’ll show you. We both had on long nighties and she pulled mine up past my vagina and then hers, and we pulled down our panties and took them off.
She whispered …do what I do…She started in fingering her vagina. I did too. It felt good. Then she pulled her vagina open and found her little clit, and rubbed it, so did I and wham….that tingled real good to me. She kept rubbing it more and started moaning, as did I. It felt wonderful. She licked her finger and stuck it inside her vagina, and licked her other hands fingers and rubbed around her clit. I did the same, this was feeling so exciting for me, I wanted more of this. She started moving her fingers fast inside her vagina, in and out, and rubbed her clit faster.
I did it too and I felt a rising good feeling inside me, so we did it steady and I felt a build up of good feeling coming and we went faster until we both moaned with my first orgasm. She orgasmed too. Brad,… it took my breath away it felt so good. A week later she stayed over at my house and I said, let’s do ’that’ again, ok. We waited till late and my folks had gone to bed, and took our panties off and started in. This time she turned and said it excited her to watch me rub my vagina and clit. She lay with her vagina right in my face and rubbed it. I was exciting to watch her run her fingers in and out of her vagina, all wet and slick, and our licked wet finger on our clits. I felt a much bigger feeling building up in me as I watched her masturbate her wet vagina. I felt her lift my leg up as she lifted her leg up and she scooted close to my vagina. I could feel her breath on my vagina as I masturbated my vagina a little faster, letting the good feeling build up to a new peak.
I began to moan as quiet as I could, but it was building up higher this time. Next thing I know, I feel something extra on my clit. It was her tongue licking it and when she sucked it in her lips, I moaned loud and had the best orgasm I ever had. She was still masturbating so I put my tongue on her clit and did the same. She moaned, squirmed and her vagina got real wet on my tongue, as I started licking her vagina up and down as she did mine. We listened, ….afraid someone had heard us. Week after week we did this and got good at it, orgasming several times a night, licking our vaginas and clits.
I’ll never forget her… ever.”
During the telling of this story, she had slowly started rubbing her vagina, her hand under her skirt. Brad loved watching her do it.
“The girl moved away right after that.”
“Now,….(pause)…. there is only one young girl that makes me so hot,….I would just love to lick her into a screaming orgasm!”
“WOW….Who’s that mom???”
She smiled and whispered: (“…she lives in our house“….).

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Secret Location

Secret Location
…It was a small building among the many in the industrial part of town. No windows. One keypad entry locked door in the front, and one in the back. I work out of here.
…I’m a male escort. I go by Morgan. My boss had a special lady who wanted a guy my height, weight and build. She wanted to come to our ‘S’, or ’Special’ room. This room is all blacked out inside. The lady’s come there and enter thru a private entrance. When they are all ready, they turn out the lights in the plush room. A green light comes on outside the room and only then the escort enters. They never see each other.
…They both know the layout of the room and meet at the bed. Some like to undress the guy, some like to be undressed or they undress each other. Some just want to be naked and fuck. We never see them and most never speak, or just maybe a whisper or a moan.
…I had a call to be at the room at 10pm that night with ‘Lady L’. When the out side indicator light went green, I went in,… in total darkness. I walked over and stood by the bed. I felt arms go around me from behind feeling me all up. I smelled an expensive perfume. ‘Lady L’ started to undress me and took my hand to start undressing her. No words were spoken.
…She felt hot and she was breathing heavy. I felt some nice full tits and a nice body. I guessed around 40ish in age. As we continued we both got aroused and the kissing started. She moaned a little, very sexy. We sat on the bed and laid back on it. Now it got hot and heavy as she got on top of me and felt my chest, hair and felt my erection. She slid down and started kissing my erection and licking it. Then she turned and put her damp pussy in my face for me to lick. She was ready as just a few licks of her clit and she was humping my face.
…She gave a wonderful suck on me, taking my dick all the way in her mouth and jacking it. I tried to make it last but with her pussy fucking my face and her nice tits on my chest, I was going to cum. She jacked faster and sucked and moaned. Her legs went stiff, she trembled and climaxed a wet one on my face. I couldn’t hold back and shot cum hard in the back of her mouth.
…She held her mouth on my dick and moaned with each burst of cum. She got most of it and swallowed it down. She kept working her mouth up and down on my dick and moaning. She made the coolest little moaning sounds of joy I’d ever heard. This was one satisfied lady. She turned and lay beside me…
…Next I see a little orange glow and smell a cigarette. She takes my hand and put the cigarette in it. She knew I smoked. I see a second glow and she joins me as we lay side by side, her snuggled up to me. No words were spoken. She kept feeling my body. Chest, legs, hair and face. She was getting tuned on again I could tell by her breathing. She took the ashtray away. She pulled me on top of her and we were at it again. Her hands were all over me as we tongue kissed and I felt her sexy full tits.
…I went down and started in on her pussy. She squirmed and moaned as I was getting her hot again. She then pulled me up and put my dick in her wet pussy. She acted like she hadn’t had one in her in a long time, and she was tight. Damn she felt good and she pulled me into her deeper. We fucked for while letting it build up to a panting, moaning and fucking fury. She let out a beautiful moan as I shot again deep in her. She pushed her pussy down on my dick and shook as she climaxed again.
….This woman could fuck good. I lifted her legs up some and kept fucking her…she yelled with the good feeling. She squirmed and kept feeling my body over and over………
….The next day I stopped by the office and my boss smiled. He handed me a note. It said: “I want #12 (me) twice a week, no others will do. Lady L.” He handed me the money and a very big tip. He said you may have a problem. Lady L’s friends are calling and wanting your service, you schedule is full as of now.
…I had Lady L and some of her friends going and all was going well. I was left a note that ’L’ wanted a double session. I wondered what she was up to. I waited outside the blacked out room and the green light went on as usual. I entered and was greeted by L’s arms around me. She was already hot and breathing hard. She took my hand and lead me to the bed. I heard whispering. She was whispering to another female voice in the room. Two women? This was a first and sounded exciting. I felt her take my hand and place a very small female hand in it. She had brought in a small girl in with her?
…My mind flashed back to my first sex with a girl and how exciting that was. This small hand started feeling her way around me as I guess ’L’ was showing her the procedure. I could feel ’L’s hand guiding the small hand. They proceeded to undress me. ’L’s hand guided mine to this small girls body and her buttons and zippers. I began to undress the girl as I heard her take deep breaths.
…I had no idea who the small girl was but I sure wasn’t complaining. I knew that in some country’s young girls and guys are taken to a pro with experience for their first sex. Could I be so lucky as to get a young girl to fuck for her first time…she felt like she was a very young teen. I was liking this, but the risk and jail factor gave me an added excitement I’d never felt before.
….I didn’t say a word as per ’L’s written instructions not to talk. ’L’s big hand guided mine and the girls hand to feel each other, which we gladly did. She had pointy tits and a little pubic hair. As I felt her I got a big hardon instantly. This was no older feeling body and I was turned on. She laid me on the bed on top of the small girl. ’L’ guided me to suck on her tits. The girl liked that and squirmed underneath me. She held the sides of my face and guided me from one tit, then to the next. I heard ’L’ and her giggling and whispering something.
…I felt ’L’ getting in the bed also and she started feeling my body. They rolled me over slowly and I felt four hands feeling my hardon. More giggling and whispering. ’L’ guided the small hands all over and then I just felt the small hands feeling me. Soon I felt both of their breath’s on my hardon and then two tongues slowly licking me. The small hands jacked me and ’L’s hands helped. I felt two small lips on the tip of my hard on….
…’L’ thought….
…I bet #12 is sure surprised at this. A girl that feels like a very, very young girl and he getting to feel her. She’ll give him a very unexpected thrill. This will be her first time at this and I know he will be gentle with her. I hope he doesn’t mind…but…I like to feel her and him at the same time. I get to feel them getting at it. How many women get to feel that. He knows how to please me, so a little ’small’ girl will be my gift to him. I can tell by his breathing he’s hot for her and very turned on….
….Whoever and whatever was going on, I was getting extremely aroused. I couldn’t help but think about the first girl I had ever had sex with. We both were awkward and fumbled around to get our pants down and fuck. I was my cousin in the back woods by my house. She had sex once before, so my dick went all the way in. It was a great feeling and a guy never forgets the very first time.
…I wondered…hmmm…maybe ‘L’ is letting this girl have her first sex…. supervised?…all I knew I wanted to fuck her bad now. They both sucked on my dick and jacked it. They stopped and I felt the girl move up on me. She started kissing me and holding my face. My hardon was right between her legs. I felt ’L’s hand guiding my dick into the girls tight pussy. The girl was squirming on me and worked her hips to line up my dick in her.
…In it went….tight, warm and wet. I let her set the pace as she breathing right in my ear now. I hear her faintly whisper: (..”..oh…oh…that feels so good ‘twelve,’… hold me tight..”) She now had the rhythm she wanted and was fucking deeper. I felt ‘L’s hand feeling my balls as we fucked. The girl whispered faintly again: (…”oh god twelve…oh god..”)….as she was up to her full speed now …I had to cum.
…It was a glorious thing to cum in her, I thrusted high as my dick shot hard in her. She was kissing me with multiple kisses at high speed. She lock on my lips and moaned in my mouth. Our bodies shook as we peaked together. She broke for air, then right back to her kisses on me. I kept shooting in her as she kept fucking and pushed in deep.
… She then stuck her lips in my ear and whispered: (“…oh…my…god…twelve…oh god…your so beautiful….oh…my god..”). She locked on me and held me tight. We were very hot now and both gasp for air…..we felt ’L’s hands rubbing us both. I think she was as excited as we were. She took my hand and had me rub her wet pussy
…Who was this girl?…and would she return? I was hot for her now and wanted a lot more of her.
…Slowly they got off of me and got dressed. I was in a daze…. and got dressed. I left, and closed the door. The green light went out as they left. I sat there in a daze of a beautiful feelings that just kept on coming…..
….She didn’t return…yet. Two weeks later I was walking out to my car when a girl approached me. She was very pretty but looked about 13 yrs old. She had on a dress and her hair was in a braid. She smiled at me and simply said: “Number #12?”. She didn’t look like a cop, so I said: “Yes?”
….How old was she?….. I never ask and she never said as we talked. She said I was her first as her mom had set it up for her. (Did she say ‘mom’?)…so this was the girl ‘L’ had brought in the room with her.
….I could imagine the feel of handcuffs and being jerked into a police car now.
…. Sitting in my car parked down a ways from where they are standing and talking is fun. I wanted her first to be a beautiful time. I knew #twelve would be gentle and do it right. I was right. Looking at them now…. she is so happy, she wants to be with him more. He’ll take good care of her……I love watching them as they walk arm and arm back to the small building.
…Morgan, .…
…..I told her my name was ’Morgan’. She said hers was ’Mia’. I gave her the code to get in the special room, as I went in the front door. The special room was empty for that evening….until we ’borrowed’ it for the night. I waited. I watched the green light go ’on’. I went in to the pitch black room. A small hand touched mine. I felt a small girl hugging me.
…I felt the clothes of a small girl, the little dress and I felt the braid of her hair. Now I knew who she was and what she looked like. I started undressing this little girl. There was no way I could not think I was tapping into a taboo, underage forbidden world. I let my hands take off her small clothes. Piece by piece I got her down to her little bra and panties. She then started in undressing me as well.
….Our hands did the seeing as we felt us all over for while. We were both so turned on our hearts beat hard. I was her new toy and she was mine….a sex driven toy that was real. I unhooked her bra and we both inched down or shorts and panties.
…I just had to pick her sweet little body up and place her on the big bed. We had all night to play. We turned every which way and kissed and licked us. She was on top once and whispered: (…”you feel so good, Morgan, I’m putting you in my toy box.”) I said back: (“I‘d like that Mia…sorry…looks like your stuck with me little girl.”) We both quietly giggled and wrapped our arms around each other…..
…How do you describe what it feel like to have a girl like this on top of you? Her flawless smooth body…just blooming into a young teen…yet acts like a woman who wants sex bad. Does she feel the risky feeling I do? She’s so light weight I can move her around like a doll. I love her slim smooth legs squatting on me and her rocking on my hardon with her little pussy.
I loved her little breathing as she got herself so turned on she moaned with her tiny voice.
…Mia’s thoughts….
….he has still never asked how old I am. I bet he thinks he’s fucking a 13yr old and is just not going to ask. All I know is I’m so hot for him and I want to keep him around. If he finds out I’m older, he may want to back out of being with me. I can’t let that happen. I’ll just let him enjoy thinking he’s getting to fuck an underage girl. I’ll dress and act the part for now.
… I’ve been branded a freak and a weirdo by everyone because my body never grew past the age of thirteen. So…Morgan… meet what you ‘think’ is a 13 year old girl, and I want to be with a man and have the hot sex I‘ve been denied for years. Finally my ‘SGS’…(’Stunted Growth Syndrome’) has given me the man I’ve always been looking for. I can pose as his 13 year old ’daughter’ or whatever perfectly, and no one will know my true age.
…I couldn’t get enough of feeling her little body. If I was going to jail, I was first going to get all I could get from feeling her and then having the sex guys only fantasized about. I felt her put my hardon in her little pussy. It sure was tight and felt so damn good. She was on top and rocked on me.
…She could control the depth and pressure now and I let her work up at her own pace. I was in a guy’s heaven as she got hotter and hotter. She rolled me over and put her legs up. The feeling I got laying on top of her was awesome. I put her little legs on my chest and we started in. Here was the forbidden fruit, the no, no, the taboo again and yet it seemed so natural to us. We slow fucked for while as I loved to hear her little voice moan as she kissed me so hot.
…Her little tongue now was darting in my mouth as she gasp for breath. I seemed to into dreamland with all the good feelings. She began to moan louder and fuck me deeper. For a 13yr old pussy…it felt perfect. She liked to squirm it around my hardon as to get all the feeling she could…..
….this was the best ever. Our first sex I was so nervous, but not now. I loved feeling him on top of me. His hardon filled my pussy tight and it was now coming alive with exciting joy. Mom had sheltered me from guys knowing no guy wanted a freak who would never grow up into a full size woman. All I got was to feel myself and put my little hairbrush handle in my pussy.
… I had discovered about rubbing my clit along with fucking my hairbrush and that was all the sex I got. I had secretly watch porn and now I had so many things I wanted to try. I had to let him know. We continued to slow fuck and enjoy the super aroused feelings of it all. I was in my own heaven of euphoria. We both began to fuck faster as it built up in us. I held him so tight as the super high began. We let it go to it’s max. I had to yell out as he moaned with me. I felt it.
…His hot blast of cum filling my small pussy. It gushed everywhere as we peaked together. I was lost in feelings as we both felt like we were floating. He was cuming and cuming as my mind floated away…somewhere…spasms that shocked us as we shook….we were one now and I was going to never let go of him….
…I had found the ultimate for me. We spent the whole night doing all the things she and I wanted to do. She now knew what it was like to be licked into a climax. She knew now how it felt to have hot cum shooting in her mouth …while having her little pussy licked…..
….I got a knock on my door. There stood two cops. It seems a ’neighbor’ had seen us on my back patio and spotted me groping an underage girls pussy and tits. They reported me and the cops had to respond. I smiled and invited them in. I told them to have seat on the couch. I yelled real loud: “MIA” The cops both jumped a little. She came skipping down the stairs smiling. She had on her tiny little shorts, a tiny tube top and long pig tails. “Was this the girl.” I said in a gruff fatherly voice? They said that fit the description they were given. I looked at Mia and pointed to her purse. She hippity hopped across the room. She hippity hopped back and showed them her Photo I.D. drivers license. It showed:
….“ Age – 25“.
….They looked at the license and back at her about 10 times. Mia walked over and hung on my arm. She fiddled with her rings. She said in her little girls voice:
…”Did my husband do something wrong?”

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The Island, Chapter 16

Author’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.

Futanari Wife

Helen has been marked by a student who is a succubus and has started to transform. Now her husband is eager to please her and her new accessory.

The ten of them chapter 18

In our last chapter Sam’s Godfather Captain Ron Davis and his friend Sergeant Reese Hansen decided to attend classes with JJ in order to leave the military. Both served more than the minimum time and have their own reasons for separating from the military. JJ’s class merely afforded them the means to support themselves once they start their civilian lives.