Consensual Sex

My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

After all of our time-limited sexual play over the weekend, Monday morning comes and Shelly and I are able to finally loose the fires that had been building within us.

My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

After all of our time-limited sexual play over the weekend, Monday morning comes and Shelly and I are able to finally loose the fires that had been building within us.

My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

After all of our time-limited sexual play over the weekend, Monday morning comes and Shelly and I are able to finally loose the fires that had been building within us.

My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

After all of our time-limited sexual play over the weekend, Monday morning comes and Shelly and I are able to finally loose the fires that had been building within us.

My Pregnant Neighbor Part 3

After all of our time-limited sexual play over the weekend, Monday morning comes and Shelly and I are able to finally loose the fires that had been building within us.

Secret Schooling 2

The short love story of two high school lesbians takes a turn as a young classmate of theirs declares his love for Nicole.

Secret Schooling 2

The short love story of two high school lesbians takes a turn as a young classmate of theirs declares his love for Nicole.

Secret Schooling 2

The short love story of two high school lesbians takes a turn as a young classmate of theirs declares his love for Nicole.

Secret Schooling 2

The short love story of two high school lesbians takes a turn as a young classmate of theirs declares his love for Nicole.

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge

Her Brother-In-Law’s Revenge by rutger5 ( An original story-Copyright 2011 )
“I’m telling you sis I don’t know why you put up with his shit. You have the gold ring and you’re the mother of his kids so you don’t have to take it.”
“It’s not that easy Kim. What you’ve said is true but I do love him and to just cut him off like that with no proof or warning…” Kathy said before her younger sister interrupted.
“Honey he goes to strip clubs and gets lap dances and proudly admits it. Every bimbo who works in his office probably sucked his dick to get their job and most of them look as if they’re not smart enough to read English let alone do any work. I may not have proof but I’m sure he’s cheating on you Kathy.”
“I don’t know about that last part. Yes the women who work in the office are young and attractive and he is familiar with them but it’s just his way. It doesn’t prove anything.”
Kim rolled her eyes at her sister’s response and wondered if Kathy was really so blind or just pretended to be in order to keep the peace and not let any cracks show in her façade of a perfect, happy family. The two women sat in Kathy’s luxuriously decorated kitchen sipping margaritas as Maria, Kathy’s housekeeper, bustled about setting thing in their proper order. Putting her glass down on the granite countertop Kim thought to herself about how she could force her sister to accept the truth.
It took another margarita before inspiration struck Kim. She smiled to herself as a plan took shape in her mind. No sense saying anything to Kathy yet, at best she would be against the idea and at worst she could blow it up, unwittingly or not. For her part Kathy was just glad that Kim had stopped harping on Frank. She loved having her beloved younger sister living with them but she desired serenity and peace in her life.
She couldn’t understand why Kim didn’t comprehend that especially since they’d grown up in a home filled with such turmoil and dissension. Kathy just desired to live a placid existence and for her children to grow up in a home free from fighting all the time.
“Are you having dinner with us tonight Kim? Its family pizza night.”
“No sorry sis not tonight. I’m meeting Gabrielle for drinks and we’ll probably grab a bite to eat. That reminds me Kathy, any way that you can lend me a little money?”
Kathy sighed to herself as she opened her Coach bag and removed her wallet. She slid a number of bills from it and handed the money to her sister before returning the wallet.
“Thanks big sister” Kim mumbled as she slipped the money in her jean pocket. In the background Maria shook her head sadly before making the sign of the cross furtively.
“Now Kim, promise me you won’t drink too much especially if you’re on your medication.”
“You worry too much sis. If I’m drinking a lot I will just skip my pills tonight. They are only for anxiety and if I’m drunk what do I have to be anxious about? Thanks again Kathy.”
An hour later Kim and Gabrielle were on their third drink and deep in conversation. They were ensconced at their favorite booth at TGIF’s, located right near the bar and a stone’s throw from the ladies room.
“I’m sure my sister would do it but why do you even care Kim? It isn’t hurting you any so why bother, that’s my motto. If there was something in it for you I could understand.”
“No you’re missing the point Gaby; if it hurts my sister then it hurts me. I’m not gonna let the bastard get away with pulling a fast one on her.”
“Your sister doesn’t seem to care about what he’s up to.”
“Kathy looked out for me when I was young and now’s my chance to return the favor. She’s just in denial, once she is confronted with the truth things will change. Then if she’s smart and files for divorce with all his money she’ll be set for life.”
“Doesn’t he make his money owning and running a private carting/waste removal business? I doubt that’s the kind of guy you can take to the cleaners, more likely she’ll be wearing cement shoes if she tries.”
“No he’s not like that Gaby, he wouldn’t hurt my sister. If you crossed him in business that is one thing, but not family. She’s the mother of his kids, fuhgedaboudit.”
“Okay I’ll call Chloe and have her meet us here. Now let’s order some food to soak up some of the booze. Do you know what you want to order? That cheeseburger is calling my name.”
“I’m not sure yet but nothing too fattening for me. I don’t want to say anything Gaby, but maybe you should skip the burger and order cottage cheese instead. You’ve been looking a little bloated lately.”
Gabrielle shot daggers at her companion before ruefully inspecting her soft and expanding waist and hips. Maybe tomorrow she would go for a nice walk after work to burn off some calories she thought.
“Really Kim what is your hurry today. We have plenty of time before I have to get the kids” Kathy told her sister as the younger woman practically dragged her by the arm off the elevator in her haste.
Kim didn’t even answer her she as was so intent on getting there quickly. Once she’d received the text from Chloe she knew the clock was ticking. They had to arrive while Frank was compromised but before Chloe would be forced to do more than she wanted or even worse before he became suspicious. Especially since she wasn’t sure how much loyalty the hundred dollars she paid Chloe would buy. The two sisters walked down the carpeted hallway of the apartment complex toward Gabrielle’s unit. Once they reached the door Kim turned to her sister.
“Listen Kathy, you’re going to see something here that you won’t like but don’t kill the messenger, okay?” Kim said right before she opened the door.
Kathy glared at her sister before pushing past her and entering the apartment. She was certainly not prepared for the scene that awaited her. There on the couch not ten feet away was her husband Frank with no shirt on but he did have a scantily clad young twenty something woman perched on his lap and his hands were all over her.
“Frank!” Kathy wailed, the pain evident in her voice.
Without another word she turned and fled past her sister from the direction she came. Frank had leapt to his feet on seeing and hearing his wife sending Chloe tumbling to the floor. He grabbed his shirt and started after his fleeing spouse slowing only long enough to give a smirking Kim a venomous look before continuing the pursuit of his wife.
Since the incident that afternoon Kim had been keeping a low profile. She shared a couple of drinks with Chloe, using them to wash down two Xanax pills as she was feeling quite anxious. When she got back to the house in the early evening the mood was unsettled to say the least. Though it appeared calm it was the kind right before the storm broke. The only people she saw were Maria and her brother Manuel, who served as the gardener and handyman for the household. He was always a quiet man who said little but it was obvious that they knew something was wrong which made them even more reticent then usual.
Kim had tried calling Kathy numerous times but only got her voice mail. She had left a couple of messages but as of yet had gotten no replies. She saw that both Kathy and Frank’s vehicles were parked in the garage so she assumed they were home by now. Kim really wanted to know what the results of her scheme were but she figured she would find out tomorrow. After liberating a bottle of vodka from the well stocked home bar in the basement and some OJ from the kitchen Kim decided to chill out that night.
It was a couple of hours later and Kim was feeling no pain. Slowly she took another toke on the joint, filling her lungs with the mood altering smoke. When she exhaled it looked to be in the shape of a dragon which made her giggle with delight. After a final hit Kim dropped the partially smoked joint into the ashtray on her nearby bedside table before lighting her Parliament cigarette.
Suddenly the door to her room flew open and her brother-in-law’s bulky figure filled the doorway. He paused only a few seconds while he surveyed the room, taking in the sight of Kim sprawled across the bed in her tiny girly tee and silk boy shorts smoking her cigarette. He strode into the room on a mission and nothing would stand in his way. The first thing he did was yank the cigarette from her hand and crush it out in the ashtray.
“What the hell Frank…” she managed to get out before he cut her off.
“Shut your mouth Kim, I’ve had enough of your bullshit to last a lifetime and today was the final straw.”
Kim had never seen Frank in this mood before and if she hadn’t been so wasted she probably would be scared or nervous at the least. It was obvious that he was angry but it was a cold anger. He was in total control over both his emotions and actions.
“You want to come between your sister and me and think that I’ll stand for that under my roof then you’re crazier than I thought.”
“It’s your cheating that is the problem, not me” Kim fired back as she staggered to her feet.
Frank towered over her and she took a step back, stumbling in the process although she managed to stay on her feet.
“You stupid bitch” he snarled “ no doubt you’ll be happy to learn that Kathy is refusing to fulfill her wifely duties due to your setup.”
Kim couldn’t help but smiling on hearing that news. Her sister had confided in her long ago that not only did he have a bull-like physique and endowment but that he expected sex every day and always more than once.
“It serves you right that she cut you off Frank, disrespecting your wife like that” Kim couldn’t help but replying.
“Well I hope you enjoy your victory while you’re sleeping on the street because from this point on you are persona non grata with me. I’m not even waiting until tomorrow to throw your ass on the street.”
“You wouldn’t dare, besides Kathy won’t stand for that.”
“Whether she would or not doesn’t matter because I own this house, it’s my name on the deed not your sister’s. She has no say in this, now are you going to go quietly or do I need to call the police. They might also be interested in what you choose to smoke.”
“You’re bluffing” she slurred “there’s no way you’d throw me out in the middle of the night. Besides where would I go now? I don’t have any money.”
“You should have thought of that before sticking your nose where it didn’t belong. As far as money I can assure you that I will do what it takes to prevent Kathy from funneling you any more of my money. You can turn tricks on the boulevard for all I care, and if what I heard from Kathy is true and she does know you best, you may have experience with that already.”
“You bastard” she replied.
Without thinking Kim then slapped her brother-in-law in the face before instantly regretting it. She took a half step backwards but he ignored the blow and just shook his head.
“Good way to change my mind dumbass.”
“I’m sorry Frank, about everything. I’ll talk to Kathy tomorrow and straighten things out, I promise. Just don’t kick me out with nothing, I’m begging you, please.”
“Nice to see a tiny bit of humility from you but it’s much too little, too late. Now let’s get going if I’m going to get some sleep tonight. Your choice if you want to leave on your own or be escorted out by John Q Law.”
Realizing that he was dead serious Kim decided to turn on the waterworks in a last ditch effort to change his mind. She grabbed at his arm while she started sobbing at the same time. Frank seemed uncomfortable with his wailing sister-in-law clinging to him with tears streaming down her pretty face so he simply took a step back while pulling his arm free of her grasp. Losing any last shred of dignity Kim fell to her knees and clutched at his pajama covered leg as the histrionics continued.
“Please Frank I’m begging you not to do this” she pleaded.
He looked down at her blubbering and he felt a part of him moved by the spectacle. Unfortunately for Kim it wasn’t his heart that was moved to pity but rather his neglected cock twitching in his pants. He had long had a thing for his wife’s younger sister and truth be told she was a younger, fitter, sexier version of his wife. He had never hit on her previously because she was family and he didn’t normally believe in shitting where he lived. However this situation had created possibilities that his quick mind recognized and he decided to act on them. The fact that he hadn’t had sex that day certainly factored in his considerations but he still kept his head in spite of that.
“Listen Kim you can stay tonight but on one condition, okay” he told her gruffly.
Choking back a sob Kim’s blue eyes looked up at his but Frank’s face was impassive and she couldn’t read what he was thinking.
“Really Frank, I can stay?”
“Just for tonight Kim and only on one condition.”
“Sure whatever and then we can discuss it tomorrow, right?” Kim was already scheming but in her condition she didn’t notice his expression and still thought she could end up on top.
Now he had her where he wanted her and Frank intended on dropping the hammer – hard.
“You can stay for the night if…” he told her as he unbuttoned and pushed his pajama bottoms to the floor freeing his wide and hardening cock. Once free it sprang up, shocking Kim with both its thickness and the fact that it was now inches from her face. She instantly recoiled but Frank reached out and easily prevented her from moving further away. His other hand began to stroke the growing length, running up and down the rigid tube. A drop of clear fluid seeped from the hole and was followed by more of the liquid as his juices began to flow.
Kim was torn between attempting to flee from her hated brother-in-law while another part of her, the slutty horny part that usually showed its face when she was wasted fought to take control. His hand gently stroked her silky, black hair and that tipped the balance. Kim reached a tentative hand out and grasped his rampant erection which caused it to twitch and the flow of pre-cum increased.
“Suck it Kim” he told her in a voice rough with pent up desire.
Slowly, haltingly she leaned forward, her eyes fixated on the throbbing meat she held. While Kim stared another drop of pre-cum oozed from the hole and without thinking her tongue flicked out and licked it up making Frank moan loudly. Opening her mouth wide she took the knob in her mouth and proceeded to slide her lips down the shaft, swallowing it as deep as she could handle.
Both his hands took Kim by her hair and he started to guide her head back and forth on his swollen prick. Kim bobbed up and down the thick cock, her mouth stretched to its limit in accommodating the impressive girth. It showed in her cheek as the meat slid in and out of her mouth. Frank removed one hand from her hair though his other continued in directing her. He then unbuttoned his top and dropped it. Kim was really giving it her best and he realized if things continued much longer he wouldn’t be able to prevent orgasm.
In order to forestall that he used a thumb and finger to pinch Kim’s nose. Immediately she tried pulling her mouth off him but his hand in her hair prevented that. Already starting to panic her wild eyes looked up at him desperately. First he winked but he then released her nose and pulled her hair back pulling her from his prick. She gasped and coughed for a few seconds but she was alright.
“Stand up Kim” he demanded of her and she scrambled to her feet quickly.
Frank smiled at her fast response as he realized she was well on her way to being tamed by him. He pushed her back up against the wall where his large hands grasped the top of her tee shirt and ripped. The material was no match for his strength and tore roughly down the middle exposing her smooth, soft skin. Her pert B-cup breasts were revealed in all their beauty, perfectly shaped and topped by red, erect nipples. He smirked on seeing the evidence that she was already aroused.
“You dirty little slut” he told her as his thumb and forefinger squeezed one hard enough to give Kim an equal amount of pain with the pleasure.
Frank’s mouth soon replaced his fingers and once his teeth and tongue found her breast it was Kim’s turn to moan. He would have smiled if his mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied in feasting on her. One of his hands now started to rub the delta between her thighs, moving up and down over the silky material. Her legs parted wider involuntarily as Frank’s large hand moved faster against her vulva.
He could feel her wetness even through the panties which were becoming damp from her juices. Not wishing to wait longer he brought his hand up high enough that it could slip under the waistband. As it slid down he felt her tiny landing strip of hair before he reached his objective. He brushed past her clit as his middle finger sought, then found her dripping opening between her plump lips.
Frank pushed the tip of his thick finger into her causing her legs to spread wider to give him greater access. He took instant advantage, working deeper in Kim’s tight cunny while also bringing his palm in contact with her engorged clitoris. By now he had worked his finger past his second knuckle into her canal and was wiggling it with the intention of loosening her enough to fit his much larger cock there.
His mouth had switched between her sweet breasts multiple times by now and each nipple stood proudly at attention from the stimulation they had received. In fact Kim was actually cradling Frank’s head as it suckled at her bosom, encouraging him in his efforts. Suddenly he pulled his mouth from her causing a sigh of disappointment to escape her lips.
Not pausing a moment Frank crouched before Kim while managing to keep his finger embedded in her wet pussy. His other hand tugged at the waistband of her boy shorts, sliding them down her toned legs until they reached the carpeted floor. He removed his digit and greedily sucked her juices from it with a slurping sound.
“Your pussy juice tastes so good that I want to have some more. Do you mind if I lick you?” he asked her.
“No go ahead” she answered, her lust overruling any hesitation she felt under the circumstances.
Frank’s thick fingers spread her lips wide, opening her pussy like the petals of a flower. Her nectar glinted on her womanhood like stars in the evening sky. He leaned forward and inhaled the bouquet of aroused pussy before his tongue ran the length of it. Frank started at the top and worked his way downward slowly, savoring the taste and texture of Kim’s vagina. She gasped as he probed the depths of her wetness, his tongue searching out and exploring every crevice and fold it could reach.
She tasted delightful and he became even harder from her scent and taste. Kim began to roll her hips in an effort to bring his tongue together with her clit as he had deliberately ignored it. Frank immediately realized what she was trying and after one final lap of his tongue he stopped licking her altogether. Kim’s blue eyes, which had been almost closed from pleasure opened wider with disappointment.
“What’s the matter Kim; you didn’t want me to stop?”
“No baby, it felt so good” she replied with lust in her voice.
Frank chuckled then without warning he slapped her cunt with an open hand. She cried out from the pain at which time he followed with two more stinging blows to her vulva before standing and grabbing her hair with a hand.
“This isn’t about it feeling good for you slut and don’t you forget it. You are being taught a lesson as well as I’m going to get my rocks off. Understand?”
“Yes, I’m sorry Frank” she sobbed with tears rolling down her cheek.
“Good now that we’re clear on that Kim I want you to face the wall and bend over. Now move.”
He released her hair and watched as she turned toward the wall and bent at the waist. In spite of his anger he was frozen a minute as he looked at her exposed peach between her supple thighs. The lips were wet and swollen while the juicy insides were dripping a clear, sticky fluid and he had to resist the urge to again smother it with his mouth.
Breaking free of the spell her pussy had cast on him Frank slapped her full, round buttocks a couple of times. They were nice and firm and barely jiggled from his blows. He stepped forward so that his jutting cock slid between her taut thighs and pressed against the outside of her puss.
“Put your hands flat against the wall” he directed her.
Kim quickly complied with his order and as soon as she was braced he guided the large, mushroom head to her opening. He grunted as he started to split her tender treat but even with all the natural lubrication there it was extremely slow going. He pulled his hips back to reposition himself, then holding her hip with one hand and his thick shaft with the other he drove forward with all his power.
Frank sank halfway into her wet folds making Kim cry out. He then seized her other hip and pushed forward again. Slowly, reluctantly, her tight pussy opened to his assault and soon his battering ram was totally within her gates. For her part Kim was filled like she couldn’t remember being before and though there was some discomfort it was also stimulating all the sensitive nerves located in her pinkness.
“Fuck that is one tight cunt you have Kim. It’s squeezing my cock like crazy. What’s the matter, all your pretty boys have needle dicks?” he taunted, knowing she had the tendency of dating only good looking guys.
She just grunted in reply as with the feelings she was getting from her pussy speaking wasn’t an option right then. Frank started to pull back and watched as her pussy lips clung to him like a glove as he withdrew. When just his head was in her Frank reversed direction and drove balls deep again. That was enough to push her overwrought body straight to orgasm. Stifling a cry Kim’s body shuddered from the force of her climax. He tried to ignore her clenching muscles and continue his thrusting but her internal pressure proved too great. As his neglected balls signaled their imminent release Frank managed to withdraw his erection just in time.
Seconds later he exploded with his first shot landing in Kim’s hair and the next landing with a splat on her back. He stroked his cock fast now shooting the rest against her firm ass and the outside of her cunny. He then slapped his hard cock against her butt cheeks to force the last bit of cum out before driving into her womanly depths again.
Now that she had adjusted and opened to him he began to pound her sweet treat as hard and fast as he was able. The room was filled with the sound of flesh slapping flesh and the heady aroma of sex. In combination with her intoxicated state, the hard fucking Frank was giving her made it hard for Kim to remain standing. Her leg muscles trembled each time his hairy legs slapped into hers as he drove deep. His large hands gripped her hips tightly, the thick, powerful fingers digging into Kim’s tender flesh.
He was in his element now, fucking hard and fast and under control since his first orgasm took the edge off. Frank looked down and watched as he slid in and out of Kim’s sticky treat, her lips clinging to his meat as he worked her over. The sight of her divine buttocks inspired him to occasionally deliver a sharp smack but after a particularly hard one it made Kim lose her balance.
Though his other hand kept her from falling it was enough to cause his cock to slip from her as she stumbled. Kim turned and looked at him almost apologetically at him.
“Sorry” she mumbled “but I’m having problems staying on my feet for some reason.”
“I think the answer is in that bottle and the ashtray” Frank replied his eyes scanning the vodka and marijuana. “Don’t worry about it, just lay on the floor Kim.”
Frank assisted her down to the floor where Kim lay on her back. She spread her legs wide with her knees bent and her pretty feet flat on the carpet. As he removed a pillow from her bed Frank’s eyes took in what was waiting for him and grinned. She might have personality issues but Kim was incredibly sexy. Her lustrous black hair cascaded across her shoulders and to the floor below while her firm perky breasts rose and fell with each breath. He gazed lower as he positioned the pillow between her open legs. Her miniscule landing strip pointed the way to her aroused womanhood which was topped by her partially hooded clit.
Once Frank knelt on the pillow he slapped her waiting lips a couple of times before angling the head to her opening. The tip slipped between her opened lips sending shivers up Kim’s spine which only intensified as the rest of the head followed by the thick shaft worked its way in. Her walls clamped on him but Frank persevered until he was deep in Kim’s channel.
“Damn that tight cunt of yours is squeezing me” he grunted as he started to make short, slow thrusts.
Kim took a hold of her legs and pulled them into the air allowing Frank’s schlong to slip deeper in her greedy pussy. He leaned forward while supporting himself on his hands which also assisted in getting more of his thick shaft in her. He increased the tempo of his pumping as he continued forcing Kim to moan from the feeling of being filled to the brim. His hips rose and fell like a well oiled machine, sinking to her depths before retreating only to go deep again.
She wrapped her legs around his waist allowing her now free hands to grab hold of his hairy ass cheeks and attempt to pull him deeper. Frank now repositioned himself on his elbows bringing their torsos together where his hairy chest tickled her sensitive nipples. Feeling himself nearing the final stretch Frank drove his length as fast as he was able and as his pubic bone collided with Kim’s hard little clit with each thrust.
It was too much for her overwrought senses and her teeth found his burly shoulder as she saw stars. Barely feeling the bite his cock swelled and stiffened as orgasm approached. He groaned with pleasure as he came deep inside Kim, coating and filling her welcoming hole with his sperm.
They remained motionless for a few minutes as their spent bodies slowly returned to normal from their orgasmic high. As her trembling legs slid from his back to the floor he pushed his torso to an upright position before pulling his still dripping prick out of her. He crawled forward trapping her arms beneath his knees and fed her his cock covered with their mingled fluids.
Though tired Kim’s natural cocksucking ability kicked in and she eagerly slurped their juices off it as she sucked the softening member. When it was clean he moved to the side of her before standing. For her part Kim crawled to her bed and dragged herself onto the welcoming mattress. As soon as her head hit the pillow she knew no more.
When Kim awoke the next morning the first thing she felt was her pounding head followed by her dry mouth. Once she opened her baby blues the bright light sent pain straight to her brain until her hand shielded her sensitive eyes. Laying there she also realized that she had to pee badly and that her pussy ached.
It wasn’t a dream Kim thought to herself, she had really had sex with her brother-in-law.
Staggering to her feet Kim was conflicted in what she felt about the situation. Though she had always disliked Frank she had to admit that her sister was right about his sexual prowess. In fact if anything Kathy had undersold his ability as not only did he have great stamina but his endowment was equally impressive.
Kim quickly pulled a t-shirt on to cover her nakedness, then shuffled to the door. Her hand turned the knob and she pushed but the door wouldn’t budge. Frustrated she tried with both hands but she had no more luck. Kim stamped her foot impatiently and when she did her eyes caught a glimpse of something sticking under the door. Leaning down Kim observed a tiny wedge of wood protruding from the other side which was effectively locking her in.
“Hello” Kim called out as her hand knocked against the door “can anyone hear me? Please I’m locked in and I have to use the bathroom.”
She was met by silence and it started becoming very uncomfortable for her. Kim’s bladder was full and needed relief badly. Her body shifted from foot to foot as she did her version of the pee pee dance. It was almost to the point that she could no longer hold it when she heard voices followed by the sound of footsteps approaching. Kim redoubled her efforts, increasing her knocking and shouting when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hold your horses, I’m coming. No need to break down the door” Frank said before guffawing.
She watched as the wood was pulled back and seconds later the door was pulled open from the hall. Standing there with a wooden wedge in his hand was Frank and standing behind him was Manuel who had a hand truck filled with large plastic containers. Frank quickly stepped into the doorway preventing Kim from leaving.
“Please Frank let me out, I really have to go” she pleaded.
“I bet you do slut” he answered calmly. “Okay let’s go.”
Saying that he took her firmly by the arm and led her walking so fast she almost had to run to keep up. They passed the bathroom without pausing and though Kim turned to it he dragged her past and continued until they reached the side door to the house. Frank opened it and pulled her out into the bright sunlight almost blinding her. Closing the door behind them he leaned his massive frame against the door.
“Well Kim I thought you had to go so badly. You have the choice of anywhere in the whole yard to go” he said indicating the well manicured lawn on the side and back of the house.
Shooting him a dirty look but knowing better than saying something she cast her eyes around for where she might have a little privacy. There was a shed against the fence where the gardening supplies and tools were stored and it provided Kim with at least some cover. Not being able to wait any longer once Kim was in the shadow of the shed she squatted down while raising her shirt up a bit and let it go. As the golden stream was absorbed by the grass she breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly Frank said “Cheese!” and when Kim looked up she saw his phone pointed her way as he took a candid shot. There was nothing she could do under the circumstance but turn her face so that at least it didn’t appear in anymore shots. When she finished she stood while pulling her shirt down as far as she could to cover up.
“Sorry about that Kim but I figure I’m doing you a favor. You’ll have to be doing a lot of that since you will be living on the street starting today” he told her with an evil grin.
“Wait Frank, you’re not really throwing me out are you, after last night?”
“I told you last night that you could stay the night and you did. Now its time to go. Don’t worry Manuel will pack up all your stuff and what you can’t carry I will allow you to store here, at least for a while.”
She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him. Kim felt like she had been punched in the gut at that moment and worse she realized she didn’t have much in the way of options. Her only hope was that she might be able to crash with a friend at least temporarily.
“Okay” she said, her voice small, “can I at least make a few calls first?”
He stood still as if he was considering her request before he answered.
“That’s fine Kim but remember that I’m not going to pay your cell bill anymore either.”
They went back in the house and headed to what had been her room. Manuel had already removed much of her clothing from her drawers and piled it on her bed. The plastic containers were open and scattered on the floor. With trembling fingers Kim picked up the receiver and dialed Gabrielle. Once she answered Kim breathlessly whispered to her, asking if she could crash on her couch for a little while until things settled. Shockingly she was told no.
“Sorry Kim but my boyfriend will be staying for a little while and you would just cramp our style. I’m sure you understand. I’m at work, got to go.”
With that Kim heard a click on the other end of the line. She made another couple of calls but in both cases her “friends” were unable or unwilling to help. After the last call she slammed down the receiver as she started to panic. Frantically she searched the now disordered room until she found her bottle of Xanax. Popping the top she shook a pill out and put it on her tongue. She swallowed it down with the remaining now warm orange juice.
“Yeah it really takes a crisis to show who your true friends are. Seems that maybe you aren’t as popular as you thought when you were picking up the tab with my money” Frank told her with a smug expression on his swarthy face.
Suddenly Kim realized that she had no where to turn except maybe Kathy. However if Frank put his foot down he could thwart that as well if he wanted to. Though she tried to stop it she felt her eyes welling with tears.
“Feeling sorry for yourself Kim? Don’t worry you still have your looks going for you. With any luck you can find some guy to let you sleep at his place, that is if you are willing to use your sexy body in return.”
Her body now wracked by sobs she turned to him and managed to speak.
“Frank I know I’m not your favorite person but for my sister, who you love, can’t you forgive me?”
“That’s rich coming from you but I’m not really such a bad guy, well not that bad. I tell you what – you and me can make a deal so listen up. It’s either take it or leave it with no negotiating. I’ll continue to let you stay and I’ll even give you an allowance. On top of that I’ll stop sleeping around with the random bimbo but only on certain conditions. First you are going to have to cut down on the drinking and drugging and never think of coming between me and Kathy. Since I’m giving up most of my extra curricular activities you will have to pick up the slack if you catch my meaning.”
His message was obvious for as he said this his eyes greedily drank in her beauty.
“And I mean you will meet whatever demands I have and never refuse anything I ask. If you do the deal is off and we’re back to square one. Do you agree?”
“Yes Frank” she said quietly.
“You will get your first chance now so behave and obey.”
Frank then turned to Manuel who had been standing there silently.
“My sister-in-law is good lucking, eh Manuel.”
“Yes sir, she is a very beautiful woman.”
“She’s also very sexy and knows how to please a man, I can tell you that. How would you like her to give you a blowjob now.”
“I would like that a lot sir” Manuel replied.
“You heard him Kim, get on your knees and get busy.”
“Wait Frank we didn’t agree to…” was all she said before he cut her off.
“I said whatever demands I had. I never told you it was only me you had to service. You will do whatever I say with whomever I say or you can get out now.”
Knowing she was beaten at least for now Kim sank to her knees with a sigh. Manuel had already pulled down his zipper and as soon as he pulled his hardening erection out he stepped before her. She reached out and took his mocha colored cock in her hand and then swallowed the head. He groaned in delight as her tongue swirled around the head before it probed his pee hole.
Kim began to bob her head up and down the shaft, taking him to the back of her mouth. She kept her eyes shut to at least prevent having to see what she was doing when she felt Frank’s hand pushing at the back of her head. At the same time Manuel thrust forward and the combination forced his head down her throat.
She started to cough and saliva spilled out of Kim’s mouth but Frank refused to let her move her head back. Manuel thrust forward a number of times rapidly and his eyes soon glazed over. Without warning his dick swelled up and with a cry he unloaded his cum straight down her throat. Kim managed to keep from gagging as Manuel used her for his pleasure. He remained buried until he was done cumming and his erection began to shrink.
After he pulled out Manuel tucked himself into his trousers with a sigh of satisfaction. Frank released Kim now that it was over. His hand stroked her hair as if she was a pet for a minute before stopping suddenly. Startled by his action Kim looked up at him.
“Good girl, you passed your first test. Now go take a shower and clean up. Don’t forget to wash your mouth out. Hurry up because we’re going shopping when you’re done.”
She rose to her feet and as she turned to leave Frank couldn’t resist slapping her supple ass. When she reached for her robe he stopped her with a word.
“No need for a robe Kim. Around me there is no reason to cover up. Now get going.”
Without looking back she walked out of the room.
FIN By rutger5 (An original story – copyright 2011)
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The Code
By Blueheatt
….. This all started in 10th grade with a girl sitting behind me tapping me on the arm and asking me to pass a note to the girl sitting in front of me. Which I did, without reading it. She kept it up until I sneaked a quick look at about the third note without her seeing me. She talked about a guy I knew, and they thought he was so hot. I knew this guy would love to know this, and told him about it later that day. The girl behind me was not pretty and I had no interest in her, but, the girl in front of me was one of the hottest girls in school and interested every guy.
I loved looking at her sweet ass and hot body sitting just in front of me. The notes talked about a lot of girls and which boys they had the hots for. I was getting a wealth of information for all my buddy’s in school. We all, including me, used the info. To our advantage to get in the pants of a lot of girls in school.
Later on they passed me a note written in code. I copied down the ‘numbers only’ code, and went to work on it later. They smiled at me feeling they were so clever thinking no one could read it but them and their friends. I was familiar with a lot of codes as I kind of made a hobby of it, Spoken codes and written codes. My girlfriend today has a written and spoken code that is NOT simple and my girlfriend learned it from her childhood. Her and her sister could talk or write anytime, anywhere and not be understood. They got it from a girl from Korsouvai. So they called it ‘Crazy Talk’, *I’ll come back to this ‘Crazy Talk’ a bit later.
So I went to decipher this school code. The was simplest code of all. It is, A=the number 1, B=the number 2 and so on. Little kids use this in grade school! So my note passing and copying continued. I would just shake my head, as though I was stumped at their notes, while quick copying down the numbers. Guys from all over the school were asking me and getting info on girls they had the hots for. Other girls in school were using the same code too and guys copied them and I deciphered them. Never letting anyone know what the code was.
The next year I worked at a newspaper, and two young women worked in the next office to me. They were not Asian, just regular old American girls. I heard them talking like Chinese? I ask them where they learned it from. They giggled and started talking in this Chinese like talk. It was some sort of code as I listened carefully. I talked to a guy who got drunk with them one night, and one of the girls told him the code. He told me, and now I could understand what they were saying in no time. They cussed, said dick and pussy and cunt, called their boss a fuck head, it was really funny.
I soon got good and listening and speaking it with practice. One Friday afternoon, I got my chance. They were older and could buy beer and whiskey. They were both cute, and a little slutty. I walked in their office with both of them in there and closed the door. I said in their, ‘China talk’, “You buy beer.” and laid down the money. They both went Ekkkkkk!!!, knowing I knew the code for their China talk and they thought back for all the months they talked in front of me.
They both surrounded me real close and whispered
, “Will you never tell anyone what we’ve said in the past if we get you the beer??? I said:” I hate beer, it’s for my buddies, but yes I’ll keep the secret forever.” They jumped up and down with joy, and said they would both be fired if anyone ever found out what they’ve been saying. I said it was so hard to keep a straight face for months now. They thanked me over and over, and then whispered to each other. The one said, “We would like to reward you and seal the secret forever.” I smiled and said in China talk, “Lets all Fuck”, they both said you got a deal!
Well, we set Monday nights for our new fuck fest. They fucked me, sucked me and anything I wanted to do to them. Meanwhile I was fucking my new girlfriend and we wanted it all the time. A 17 yr. old guy ‘thinks’ he can fuck all the girls he can get, I found out he can’t. I got so tired after a month, I slept in my car to get some rest from them all.
Fast forward to my now girlfriend.
My girlfriend and her sister talked this ‘Crazy Talk’ and after a long time I finally figured it out, but I didn’t tell them. They spoke it fast, but soon I could catch it. They had a younger sister Jen, and taught her to speak it too.
I had met Jen when she was 14. She was so sexy even then I wanted her. I watched over time her body get hotter. She wore shorts a lot, and her tits were getting big, She always smiled real sexy at me. I told her once, ‘someday’ we’ll get together and we‘ll make beautiful love. She got red in the face and then whispered, “when is someday?” I found out through listening to their ’crazy talk’, that Jen had a big crush on me, Jen was 19 now, but my girlfriend just laughed it off as envy.
I waited until the right time and got Jen alone in her bedroom. I held her hands to my chest tight and told her I’d had a crush on her for a long time, and I’ve wanted her so bad. Her hands trembled, and her breathing increased. I gave her a soft kiss. I told her, but, she must never tell anyone this. If she did, I would tell her sisters that she had told me how to understand crazy talk, and they would pissed at her forever. Then I said in ‘crazy talk‘, “Your beautiful and I love to you”. She went into shock, knowing for sure I could understand ‘crazy talk‘.
She stood with her mouth open and then it slowly it turned into a big smile. She kissed me so soft as she trembled and her legs shook and went weak. I put my arms around her and just held her as we kissed again with more passion, letting our tongues go free. I pushed my boner up against her and she pushed back tight as she massaged her pussy on me.
We stood and planned now. Rule number 1, never talk crazy talk with me, with her sisters around. She now could act on her feelings for me when we were alone, knowing I had the hot’s for her too. She had her arms around me and her head on my chest. She told me how long she had liked me and wanted me. I held her tight to me and we moved our bodies together, Jen was very sexy, 5’4”, long blond hair, nice tits, and a shape to die for and deep blue eyes. We kissed more and we felt our bodies, I felt those big tits now as she rubbed and felt my boner.
Someone was coming and we had to break it off. She said, “sit at my computer!” and she went to see who was down stairs. It was her dad, and soon he came up to play with her computer. As he played a game, we snuck in feels and grab’s behind his back. We talked ‘crazy talk’ as the old guy paid no attention, of course he couldn’t understand what we were saying. I told her in crazy talk, I wanted to kiss her tits, feel her body and I couldn’t wait to get naked with her. After a while he said he had to go to bed and said, “Here you guys, you can play this game now,” and went to bed. We were both so hot for each other and now had to be quiet.
She said her dad never gets up. I took us over to her closed bedroom door and put my back to it in case someone came in. This way I could quick sit at the computer if any one came in. Locking her door would be risky. Her mom was asleep down stairs. My girlfriend and her sister were at some kitchen stuff party. With her back to me, I felt Jen’s tits, so perky and nice and full. She felt me and massaged my boner. We wanted to fuck so bad now. Where there is a will, there is a way. I told her my plan.
I said out loud, “that I had to go now, Oh, I have some clothes in my van that are yours, come and get them“. We went down to my van in the driveway. We got in the back as she got right on top of me fast. She unzipped my pants and started sucking on me 69 style. I lifted her skirt and for the first time, licked her beautiful pussy. She had the most soft pubic hair and smooth skin. It was exciting with low risk of getting caught, but never the less risk!
We only had a little time, so we soon turned around and over and I slipped my dick in her. Oh my god, she was tight and wonderful, We had to muffle our moans as we fucked as fast and hard as we could. Soon we both muffled our yells and both came together, so super intense, our body‘s just locked together. Our hearts pounding, out of breath as we both planned our next time to fuck with no time restrictions.
This was fun over the next few days, planning and sneaking feels and hot kisses, in hallways, in the garage, in the grocery store, in the laundry room or anywhere at anytime we could cop a feel or hot kiss without getting caught. We had close calls. Her dad walked in the kitchen as Jen was cooking, and she had stuck her ass out for me to feel. I was just getting ready to feel her butt when I moved my hand over to open a lower drawer. He didn’t pay any attention.
I was feeling Jen’s pussy in my hallway when the girlfriend came around the corner. I quick said, ”Move, Jen!, I need in the cupboard.” Jen said, “Try saying Please once and a while, dork!”, the girlfriend laughed and walked right on by. Jen and I blew silent kisses after she left.
My girlfriend lived with me, her older sister lived with her boyfriend, but Jen still lived at home. Their parents both worked all day, as did my girlfriend. Jen worked 2nd shift at a pizza place. We had the parents house to ourselves most all week days. I was self employed and could set my own schedule. Now Jen and I could fuck without interruptions with plenty of time. Monday. I bought her a light blue see thru night gown. I told her to wear it Monday and at 9am I would be by. I had a key to the back door and parked my van down the block a ways.
I went in and said, “Plummer!”, I hear, “Oh thank god you’re here, I need my plumbing checked,” from up stairs. I went to her bedroom and went in. She jumped on me, wrapping those hot legs around me and started kissing all over my face. She then started taking all my clothes off, and we moved to her bed. We took our time. I ran my hands up her nightgown and felt her hot legs as she squirmed. Slowly I lifted up the nightgown to her waist. Then up my hands went to those perfect full tits. She pulled on me and we kissed hotly for a long time as we felt us up. I turned around then and I wanted to eat that sweet pussy while she sucked on me.
We were in no rush as we enjoy sucking, licking and fingering. She tried to take my dick all the way in her mouth and soon figured a way to do it. I sucked her little pink clit and she moaned and bucked. I put two fingers in her tight little pussy and massaged it and found her G spot. She yelled, and shivered as I massaged it faster. She learned from her sisters, and put my dick in deep, then would pull off and lick the underside of the head, and kept this up. What she didn’t know is that I had fucked her sister before work, and had plenty of time to build up for her. She had only had sex once before me from a guy at a party, and it was a quickie.
She told me she knew I would be a lover to her, and not like that, someday. I sucked her now puffed up clit with my lips, suck it firm and then letting it go, over and over as I ran my fingers over her G spot each time. She had never had this done to her ever. This made her buck and moan loud. She had the most beautiful moan. It was almost steady with a GASP!, and then a long moan each time I sucked her clit. Soon she started bucking hard and a louder moan. She moaned out, “Oh baby, (moan), Cum for me, (moan), between sucking and pulling off my dick.
Then she moaned a yelling scream with my dick deep in her throat and stiffened up, shook, shuddered and I let go with a big cum in her throat. She orgasmed hard and squeezed her pussy hard on my fingers and gave out a long steady moan as I pumped and pumped my cum, overflowing in her mouth.
We lay in ecstatic bliss as we felt my cum and her juices spasm till we were empty. Later she opened her sleepy sweet eyes and whispered, “today is…..someday”.
She is the best, and still is……

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And Mother Makes Three

And Mother Makes Three
I could clearly hear the squeak of bedsprings emanating from my daughter’s bedroom through the thin plaster walls of my bathroom. I knew she was being fucked because masturbation doesn’t make that much noise! However, I was surprised to find out that it was her brother who was fucking her. I had definitely heard her say, “Oh, yes! Scott, that feels so good.” I knew I wasn’t crazy, and the walls were not thick enough to have distorted her words that badly. No my children were involved in a sexual and incestuous relationship. It was a relationship filled with potential dangers if I didn’t take some action.
I padded barefoot down the hall to the door of Sharon’s room. I knew that I must catch them in bed together or all was lost. To wait until morning would only give them the opportunity to deny it all and try to convince me that I had finally gone over the edge. My dilemma was whether to wait until they were finished or rush in and catch them in mid-stroke. It was an excruciating choice, one I didn’t have to make as I listened to Sharon and her brother keening in harmony, signaling their completion.
I quickly made up my mind as how to handle the situation. I stripped off my nightie and opened the door. Before they could even begin to be surprised, I slipped under the covers with them and hugged them both to me. I could easily feel their fear washing off them in waves. The last thing any teenager wants is to get caught having sex by their parents, but when one is participating in incest the desire not to get caught is at least a hundred times greater.
“So what were you guys up to?” I asked in a voice that was light and carefree. It was not the voice of a parent, it was the voice of a concerned friend, which I was trying to be at that moment.
“Uh … nothing”, Scott choked. At nineteen years old he had the body of a man, but he still retained his boyish face; a face that constantly reminded me of his father.
“Well, it sure sounded like something to me,” I said, sounding light and chipper. The last thing I wanted to do was frighten them anymore than they already were. “A very good something,” I said.
“You mean you’re not mad?” Sharon asked suspiciously.
“Mad? why should I be mad?”
“Because we were screwing,” Scott said incredulously.
“You were not screwing,” I said indignantly. “You were making love. You were making love to your sister, whom I know to be a very lovable person,” I added as I hugged them both tightly to me.
“You mean you’re really not mad?” Sharon asked timidly, as if expecting me to turn into some type of fire-breathing monster who could melt stone with just a glance.
“Heavens, no! There’s nothing wrong with making love to your brother”, I assured her. “However, the important question is: What do we do now?”
“I guess we’ll have to stop,” Scott said, sounding as disappointed as a child who has learned there really is no Santa Claus.
“Oh, really,” I said unbelievingly. “And just how long do you think you’d be able to stick to your guns on that, especially if Sharon walked into your room one night wearing a skimpy little negligee and smelling yummy, and tried to convince you that I wouldn’t find out if you did it to her?” Scott didn’t answer; he just shrugged his shoulders as his mouth twisted into a thin line. “See. So abstinence is not an option.”
“So what is?” Sharon asked a little heatedly. “What are you going to do? Send me to a convent and Scott to a monastery?”
“No,” I laugh at her absurd suggestion. “That would only make God angry with me. I’m sure you’d have half the nuns transformed into raging lesbian nymphomaniacs before a month.”
“You know her too well, Mom,” Scott laughed, and it was a good sound to hear. “So what do we do?”
“We are careful,” I said. “The most important thing is to insure that you two are safe. And by that I mean: No one finds out you’re sleeping together, and Sharon doesn’t get pregnant. She’s too young to have a baby.”
“I’m eighteen,” Sharon protested.
“Exactly, and still in high school,” I retorted. “So starting tomorrow, Scott has to wear a condom, each and every time you two do it. At least until I can get Sharon safely on the pill.” They both agreed and pinkie promised. “Second, you are only ever allowed to fuck at home, in this house, nowhere else, and never when we have company without my express and explicit permission. And last, you are both to see other people.”
“I don’t want anyone else,” Sharon cried. I hugged her and kissed her brow.
“You don’t have to sleep with other boys, sweetheart, and I really hope you don’t. I’d rather not have it known around town that my little girl ‘goes all the way’,” I assured her. “But you must at least date other boys to carefully cover our secret.” I was a full member of this conspiracy. “We must give others the impression that you and Scott share a normal, whatever that means – brother/sister relationship, and nothing more.
Understand?” Sharon nodded, quietly.
“Mom, why are you taking this so well?” Scott asked. “Why aren’t you going ballistic or something?”
“My father didn’t go ballistic when he caught me with your Uncle Mike.”
“Grandpa caught you and Uncle Mike doing it?” Sharon sounded astonished. “Oh my God, this can’t be true.”
When I was eighteen, it was unseemly for women to be sexually active, yet I had a very strong inquisitiveness about sex. My brother, Michael, and I had been so very close that I knew I could ask him any question I had without fear. Everything I learned about sex I learned from Michael, and when I finally decided that I was ready to become sexually active, it was to Michael whom I give my virginity. He was so sweet and tender, everything a sexually naive girl could ask for in a first time. When he parted my legs and entered me for the first time, I was so filled with love for him I didn’t even feel the tearing of my hymen. I experienced orgasm after orgasm as we fucked on the rug in front of the fireplace in my father’s den, which is where my father caught us after we forgot to lock the door one time. My father completely understood the relationship between most brothers and sisters, especially when both were extremely attractive and filled with a zest for life. He had also shared some incestuous moments with all three of his sisters. He taught us the most important word about such relationships; discretion. My father’s main concern was that his children were all right and protected, and I wanted the same for my two.
I told all this to Scott and Sharon as they listened enraptured. “Well,” I concluded as I separated myself from them, “I’ll leave you two alone to your fun.” I was out of bed and halfway to the door before they stopped me.
“Mom,” Scott said hesitantly. “Well, Sharon and I thought you’d like to stay.”
“That’s sweet, darling, but I don’t think you guys need an old woman crowding in on your fun.”
“You’re not old!” Sharon said vehemently. “Besides, we know how lonely you’ve been since Dad died.” I was lonely. My husband had passed away five years earlier, and I had not been with a man since. I had compensated by doting on my children, giving them all the love and support I thought they needed. Now, they were making me the same offer.
“We love you, Mom,” Scott said as he tossed back the sheet and got out of bed. Naked, he walked across the room toward me. My breath caught in my chest because he looked so much like his father when we had married. The same slim chiseled form, identical all the way down to the light dusting of blond hairs on his tummy. He reached out a hand and gently caressed my cheek. “You don’t have to be alone anymore.” His touch was so sweet and loving I felt my heart melt inside me.
“Stay with us, Mother,” Sharon said as she came to me and grabbed my hand. She was so petite; she looked like a nymph or a fairy princess. She was slim and slightly boyish in front, yet there was a definite and discernible curve to her bosom and a flare to her hips. She was the image of the ultimate woman-child, innocent and pure, and so temptingly tantalizing. I could see why Scott had to have her.
Their eyes were so full of love as they looked at me, I knew there was no way I could refuse, even if I wanted to. “Thank you, my darlings,” I murmured and let them guide me to the bed. They laid me down in the center of it, one of them on either side of me.
“Let us love you, Mother,” Sharon whispered as she kissed me tenderly on the mouth.
“Let us take care of you, like you’ve taken care of us.” This from Scott as he kissed me also, this tongue flickered along the surface of my lips before I parted them and accepted him into my mouth. Scott is such a great kisser, just like his dad was. His tongue moved languidly in my mouth as it explored. It had been such a long time since I had been kissed that way that I immediately got wet. There was a special thrill about kissing my son because at that moment he ceased being my offspring and became a man, my lover.
My attention was drawn away from Scott’s exquisite kiss by an intoxicating sucking at my breast. I looked down to see Sharon nursing at my teat as she had done as a babe. She sucked insistently, yet softly, on my nipple as if expecting milk to flow freely. I ran my hands along the smooth contours of her torso until I touched her smallish breasts. They were so tiny that they fit neatly into the palms of my hands. The nipples hardened and I massaged them briskly between thumbs and forefingers, causing my daughter to moan against my bosom.
Scott dipped his head and suckled at my other breast. I could feel the blood pounding in my head as my children mouthed my tits. My empty had itched to feel Scott’s body, especially his hardness. My fingers closed around satiny hotness of his penis, and memories of my past life – when I was a sexually active woman – flooded my brain. I remembered holding Scott’s father, hard and warm in my hand. Scott’s erection pulsed in my grip; it throbbed so strongly I could have measured his heart rate.
“Oh, my babies,” I said softly as Sharon’s teeth closed gently on one nipple and Scott inserted his hand between my thighs. I felt a little self-conscious as his fingers made contact with the thick pubis covering my cunt. I usually kept myself smoothly shaved for my husband, but since his passing I had never thought I would allow another man to touch me there so I just let it grow. Now I regretted that I gave up the practice of shaving daily as my son’s fingers traveled through the tangles of my pubic hair. I wanted to feel the callused pads on his fingertips sliding across the silky smooth skin of my boobs.
Scott slipped his long, slender fingers into the center of my dampness. I felt the digits slide into me slowly, and I was so aroused my cunt spasmed around them in a minor orgasm. It was a tiny climax, yet it felt as if thousands of vibrating fingers were traveling along my spine. I cried out softly and Sharon silenced me with a kiss.
I clung to my daughter, kissing her hungrily and passionately. I could feel the flutter of her rapidly beating heart as she pressed her body against mine. I laid my hand along her flank and stroked the tight curve of her ass. She squeezed my nipples until I experienced a delightful pain and cried out. I traced the valley of her buttocks with a finger, slowly circling the puckered skin of her asshole.
Scott was moving on top of me now, spreading my thighs to reveal the steaming essence of my womanhood. I could feel rivulets of my feminine secretions running down the insides of my thighs and the crack of my behind. Not since my wedding night had I felt so much desire, or so desirable. I could actually feel Scott’s excitement like heat rolling off sun baked pavement in the summertime. Sharon reached down between our bodies and guided her brother’s cock to the yawning mouth of my sex.
With a slow lunge of his hips, Scott flawlessly entered me. “Oh, Mother,” Sharon whispered sensuously into my ear. “Doesn’t that feel good? Doesn’t it feel so filling?” she asked, but I couldn’t answer in anything that even remotely sounded like the English language. I babbled in some incomprehensible tongue as I was rocked by the extremely pleasurable sensation of being penetrated by my son. “Make Mother enjoy it, Scott,” Sharon instructed her brother. Luckily, he was one to follow orders explicitly.
I thoroughly enjoyed every stoke, every plunge, every withdrawal. Absently I wondered what woman had taught my son to be such a fabulous lover. She deserved a medal or at least my heart-felt thanks. He was so considerate and giving, meeting my every sexual and psychological need. The way he twisted his hips as he fucked me insured that his cock touched every inch of my internal walls as well as my clitoris. He was ten times the lover his father was, although I had loved his father with all my heart.
Sharon was again occupied with my breasts. She mashed my more-than-ample tits together, allowing her to take both nipples into her mouth simultaneously. Her tongue flicked between both rock-hard points of my teats like lightning during a thunderstorm. She sucked the entire areola into her mouth and lovingly chewed it. That was the last straw; between that and the exquisite friction Scott was eliciting between my legs, I was catapulted over the edge.
I cried out my children’s’ names as the shockwave of a major orgasm buffeted me. I wrapped my legs around Scott’s waist and levered my hips off of the bed to meet his thrusts. I pulled Sharon to me and kissed her with a passion and desire that I never felt for another woman before. My hands kneaded her pert buttocks, savoring the feel of those cottony soft orbs of flesh. My climax was so intense; I actually believed it would kill me. I didn’t believe it was possible for a person to sustain such concentrated pleasure and survive the ordeal. However, I did survive, barely. I survived just long enough to feel Scott twitch inside of me and fill me with his seed. It was at this point I developed a serious case of vertigo and passed out.
I awoke a few moments later to find myself nestled between the naked forms of my children. They kissed my face and brow tenderly. “We love you,” they said to me over and over again. “I love you, too, my darlings,” I answered them.
From that night onward Scott shared my bed with me, which caused a slight rift between Sharon and I. Before I began my incestuous affair with Scott, Sharon had exclusive rights to her brother’s attention. She didn’t have to worry about “sharing” Scott with any other woman. Sure, my son saw other girls while he was sleeping with his sister. However, once he walked through the door of our house he was hers and no one else’s. He never brought any girls home with him, and as far as Sharon was concerned the life he led outside our home had no connection to the life he led inside our home. Once I entered the picture, my daughter’s relationship with her brother, and with me, took on a new dimension.
I blamed myself, not because I was sleeping with Scott but because I subconsciously monopolized his time and attention. I would never hurt my daughter intentionally. I had been so long without a man in my life that I rejoiced in the romantic attention of my son. I sought to replace the husband I lost with his son, and my daughter’s lover. I didn’t think about the bond Scott and Sharon shared, or how deep her feelings for him ran. He was her first and only lover; he had taken her virginity which she had surrendered to him willingly and eagerly.
When I realized that my relationship with my daughter was suffering, and why, I quickly thought about how to make amends. One of my problems was I was more ready to accept Scott as a sexual partner, even though he was my son, and I was not quite free-spirited enough to do the same with Sharon. In my mind, Scott was just a man, a lover, no longer my son in the classic sense of the word. Whereas Sharon reminded me so much of myself that I could only see her as my daughter, flesh of my flesh, and blood of my blood. Yet, my love for her was so strong that I would do anything to make things right between us once again.
So, one night I sent Scott out to a movie explaining to him that I wanted to spend some time alone with Sharon. Immediately he became worried because he had sensed the tension that was building between us during the last couple of weeks. He probably envisioned some nasty scene with his mother and sister fighting over him like two crazed bitches. I assured him that everything would be fine, but that Sharon and I needed this time to work things out between us.
After he had gone, I put the finishing touches on the special meal I had prepared for my daughter and me. I made all her favorites; a nice Caesar salad, lasagna, and for dessert, strawberry cheesecake. I had brought a nice bottle of wine to go along with the meal. I put on some soft music and lit some candles, then called Sharon down to the table.
My daughter walked into the dining room and her jaw dropped to her chest in awe. “What’s going on?” she asked. “I know it isn’t my birthday.” I strolled across the room and put my arm around her shoulders and kissed her soundly on the mouth. “No, it isn’t your birthday,” I answered. “I just thought you and I would enjoy a quite candle-lit dinner for two.” I seated her at the table and served the food.
During the meal I explained all my feelings and shortcomings to Sharon and sincerely asked for her forgiveness. My little girl surprised me by acting with the surety and maturity of a grown woman. She understood how I could become so emotionally attached to her brother after my five years of emotional and sexual celibacy. And she believed me when I told her I never meant to hurt her.
After dessert we retired to the living room, where we reclined on the couch with our second bottle of wine. I leaned over and kissed my daughter tenderly on the mouth, slipping my tongue between her lips. She pulled at my shoulders crushing my lips against her own. I worked at the buttons of her blouse as she slipped the straps of my slinky dress off my shoulders. My pendulous breast spilled out just as Sharon’s tiny A-cups were uncovered. “Oh, Mother, your breasts are so beautiful,” Sharon said as she pulled on my nipples. “God, I wish I had tits like yours.”
“Why, darling? Yours are perfect,” I said in truth, and I secured my lips around an extended nipple. I teased the rubbery nipple between my teeth, making Sharon moan in pain/pleasure. I dropped a hand to her lap and inserted it under her short skirt between her legs. I was pleasantly surprised to find out my daughter was not wearing any panties. My finger fretted with the silky blonde hairs of her cunt before parting her lips and entering her. I slid three fingers into my daughter’s pussy as I rubbed her erect clit with my thumb.
“Yes, Mother! Finger me,” Sharon breathed, lifting her hips to meet my questing fingers. I pulled my daughter’s skirt clear to her waist as I laid her out on the sofa. I stared at her cunt, marveling at the way the hairs curled with her moisture. I lowered my head into the cleft of her sex and began tonguing her. She tasted very pungent, my daughter, with a slightly acidic undertone. It was strange at first, but I quickly found myself enjoying Sharon’s bouquet. Her tangy sweetness assaulted my taste buds as I licked her to orgasm.
“Yes, Mom! Yes,” Sharon cried out breathlessly. “Eat me, Mother. Oh, oh, I’m cummmmmmiiiinnnnnngggg!!” A clear, thin liquid filled my mouth as Sharon came with cataclysmic force. Her whole body shook and quivered as if she was suffering a seizure.
Later, she went to her room and returned with her secret cache of dildos. We inserted them into our every orifice, enjoying climax after climax. Sharon even penetrated my ass as she ate me to a mind-shattering orgasm. When Scott came home, we took him to my bed and fucked him until the small hours of the morning. We shared him equally.
From that day forward the three of us have been inseparable, we do everything together. I have even lubed up Scott’s cock as he took my baby girl’s anal cherry. Sharon and I have become more like sister/wives than mother/daughter, with Scott as our husband.
Right now, I am three months pregnant with my son’s child. Sharon was a little jealous at first; however, I promised her that Scott can put a baby in her as soon as she graduates college. She thought this too long to wait, so we compromised, she only has to go to a two-year junior college. She has only sixteen months more to wait, and I’m just as anxious as she is. Between the both of us, we keep Scott deliriously happy, which is how wives should keep their husband. All in all, we are the three happiest and luckiest people I know.

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Couple of Georgia Boys

I was the youngest of three boys, to a single mother in rural Alabama. My oldest brother was 25 years old and had long left home. He was off on a Naval ship somewhere in the Pacific. My next oldest brother, William (we always called him Billy Ray) was 16, and your somewhat stereotypical, southern/redneck boy. Then there was me, Cooper, 2 years younger than Billy Ray, and living life as a tagalong of my older brother and his friends. That’s also exactly where this story begins.
It was one of those famous hot, northern Georgia days. I promise you, If you haven’t been in Georgia during the summer you don’t know hot. From about June until September, I rarely if ever where a shirt, and that goes for most guys as well. It was about mid-day, and my brother and I were scurrying around the house, gathering up our gear to go fishing. Our mother worked long days, and she’d be gone since before we were up, and would be gone until late so most days we did whatever we wanted. I heard the truck fire up outside, and my brother yelling at me.
“Coop, hurry the hell up,”
“I’m coming,” I yelled back, annoyed. I couldn’t find my shoes, and had looked all over the house. I ran into Billy’s room, diving on the floor. I looked under his bed, pulling stuff out, moving boxes, magazines, everything but still no shoes. I huffed, sitting on his bed, and trying to think where they might be. I stopped suddenly though, as a magazine on the ground caught my eye. On the front of this magazine, were two girls. Two very naked girls. Two very naked girls who were busy making out with each other, the blonde on top with her fingers buried deep in the other girls pussy. I slowly stooped down, picking the magazine up and looked at the cover, flipping the pages. Page after page of naked girls, eating each other out, making out, and fucking each other with dildos, I didn’t know what I was looking at but, I knew I liked it, and the tent in my loose shorts would attest to that.
“What the fuck are you doing,” came a yell from the door way, causing me to jump, dropping the magazine. “Your fucking jacking off in my room,” Billy yelled, looking down at the dirty magazine.
“Doing what,” I asked, never having heard this term before. He looked at me at first like I was a dumbass, and then started laughing picking the magazine up.
Now when it came to sexual matters, my knowledge was a little hazy. From hanging out with my brother and his friends, I heard all about “fucking pussy,” and “getting head,” and I knew that the proper way to identify a “hot” girl was by how big her “tits” were. But that was about the extent of it all. We didn’t have a computer so I didn’t know about porn until that moment.
“You’ve never jacked off before,” my brother asked, setting down next to me. I shook my head that I hadn’t, causing my brother to laugh again. “When a guy’s dick gets hard, like from looking at porn, you jack off to it, like rub your cock so you cum.” He must have seen the confusion on my face, so he pulled his shorts off, his cock and balls flopping out, motioning me to do the same.
Now me and my brother both had pretty similar builds. We were both pretty skinny kids, my brother a little more muscular due to his latest habit of lifting weights in the evening. And besides being a few inches taller, we looked almost the same, tan skin, and short dark hair. My brother had a dark goatee on his chin, and one other noticeable difference, his piercings. Both of Billy’s nipples were pierced, but that wasn’t his only piercing, his cock was also pierced, and he was quite proud of it. To tell him tell the tale, it got him a lot of girls who didn’t believe he had it, to look at it, and then touch it, and then…well… you get the picture.
His cock was bigger than mine, and thicker too, his cock ring poking out from his foreskin that covered the head. “Like this,” he said, grabbing his dick by the base, and began pulling up and down. I tried to copy his motions, and somewhat awkwardly began stroking my dick. Slowly but surely, my dick got harder and harder, curving slightly up. “No, not like that,” he said, looking over at me, “Here,” he said pushing my hand away. He grabbed my cock, his big hand enveloping it. He began quickly jacking me off, his hand sliding up and down my rod. I had never felt anything like this, and the feeling made me squirm on the bed. The bliss lasted for maybe a minute, a moan slipping out of my lips as for the first time in my life, white jizz oozed out of my cock onto my brother’s hand. He whipped it on my stomach, drying the rest on the bed. “It feels better when a girl does it, but here now you do me,” he said, leaning back on both of his hands, his semi hard cock throbbing slightly.
My hand slowly wrapped itself around his cock, barely making it all the way around. Billy laid all the way back, his eyes fixed on the magazine as my hand pulled up and down. I could feel the veins in his dick as my hand moved up and down, trying to pick up speed like he did. His hips squirmed a little bit as he moaned, bucking them slightly. I squeezed a little tighter and that seemed to do it. He moaned, dropping the magazine and as he did, his cum shot out of his cock. And when I say shot I mean it. The first shot over his head, the second and third on his chest. I was amazed at how much came out of his, compared to mine. He grabbed a shirt off the ground and wiped himself off, pulling up his shorts, and pulling on a camo hat. “Now hurry up, we’re already late.”
We made it to the pond about 10 minutes later, our friend Cory and Joey already there. They tossed us both a beer as we got there, heckling us for being late, and asking why I had such a big smile on my face.

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