Consensual Sex

The Magical Gift

Dana grew up in rural Kentucky. Her parents lived in a bygone way of thinking but, Dana moved on into a new world in college

Good Girls: New year, new problems (Final)

There were some bugs in the first one, just a few thoughts not highlighted. My bad. I apologize for not being able to continue the mermaid chronicles, but this story has actually flowed out of my fingers quite well and I think it may have more of a future than the chronicles.


I raised my fists, guarding my face as I circled him. I kept eye contact, I saw the little jerk as he geared up to punch, I saw the jab coming right for my face, I lent sideways dodging the jab and countering with a cross into his side before stepping back out of range. we circled again but I quickly moved forward with a front kick to his stomach which he blocked but he was slow in bringing his hands back up to block his face meaning my jab got him square on the nose, he raised his hands to stop and more shots to the face so I followed up with a cross to his stomach, he recovered quickly and made me pay for not moving back with a hook to the side of my face making me stagger to the side and pull away sharply but he followed up battering at my guard with punch after punch I managed to block the worst of them and managed to force him back with a scrappy front kick, I quickly launched a counter, with a jump front kick to the face, followed by an axe kick forcing him back and it was my turn to punch at his head, but being shorter than he was he was able to block almost all of them, then he span round to my side and delivered a punishing side kick to my kidneys. This winded me as he once again stared to pummel my head. I kept my head down and guard up and flicked my foot round behind his and swept it back while giving him a solid punch in the sternum. I was unable to make him fall but he stumbled backwards off balance and I capitalized on it with a side kick to his stomach and then his head. Then I moved in again and swept this time making him fall flat on his ass.
“Ok guys enough free sparring for now, take a breather” our instructor called, pairs around the hall disengaged and stood leaning on their knees out of breath from our exertions. I reached out to help Dan up, it wasn’t much help with the bulky boxing gloved on but it was a gesture of good will that you didn’t hold any grudges after repeatedly hitting each other in the face.
“Woooh, that was intense, you’re fast” he said breathing heavily
“Yeah well what you may lack in speed you made up for with brute force, bloody hell that side kick really winded me” I said good naturedly
“You want to discuss sidekicks? That one to may face killed” he said smiling
“Hey keep your guard up if you don’t want to get kicked in the face” I joked
“Well it’s not fair, you’re far more flexible than I am, I can barely kick at your chin height”
“Bah rubbish I’m about half a foot shorter than you, you can reach my face”
“OI, Katie, Dan stop bickering and listen” our instructor yelled
We looked at each other smirking before turning to the instructor who was discussing the various mistakes he had seen people make during the sparring session before leading the cool down and sending us home. As Dan and I took off our pads and packed them in our bags we continued to bicker good naturedly about the fight. As we left I remembered to ask him “hey Dan you coming to the party tomorrow?”
“Hell yeah the parties at yours are always great”
“This one is quite small only 20-30 odd people, but it should be good night, we got quite a bit of alcohol in, you know Will, he finally got paid for some work he did over the holiday and he spent it all on alcohol, you know what he’s like. Anyway, see you there” I waved goodbye and got on my bike to cycle home. On the cycle home I started thinking about Dan, he was a really cool guy, he was quite tall, shaggy blond hair, green eyes and a nice toned body. But what I like more than all of that was that he was fun, he always had a cheeky mischievous glint in his eyes, and a cocky little smile dancing on his lips as he said something that sounded like an insult, but you could see he was joking, he could get away with saying anything with that look.
When I got home I said hi to two of my house mates who were sitting in one of the rooms off the entrance hall with the door open watching family guy. “Good practice?” Alice asked
“Yeah but you didn’t miss much by wimping out”
“Wimping out, I have a broken wrist” she protested
“Bah wimp” I mock
“And how’s Daaaan” she mocked back in return causing Lottie who was sitting next to her to snigger
“Dan is fine, shut up” I blush and make a hasty retreat for the stairs
“You loooove him” Alice called after me
“Shut up” I yell back
Will popped his head out of his door at the top of the landing “we talking about Dan?” he said with a smirk before jumping back into his room and shutting the door after seeing my scowl. I hear him giggling to himself as I walk past. I walk into my room and close the door, locking it behind me. I pull my sweaty clothes off and drop them on the floor as I step into my en-suit.
I turn on the shower and let the hot water wash over me, washing out the sweat from the practice. I ran my finger over my body checking the tenderness of where I got hit. I kept running my hands over my body as my mind wandered, thinking through the sparing session, how Dan had moved, how I had kept eye contact at the beginning, his eyes, his face, his smile, his hands…oh I noticed that my hands were now massaging my breasts. I leant back against the side of the shower the water still streaming over me as I surrendered to my urges and slid one hand down towards my slit. I start to gently rub my clit with my right and while my left massages and pinches my nipples. I start to slide my fingers over my slit while my thumb continues to work my clit in little circles. I bite my bottom lip to suppress a moan as I slip a finger up into my moist soft warm pussy. I curl it and bring it out applying gentle but firm pressure on the sides as I do so. Slowly I slide my finger back in, rubbing the inside of my pussy. I slide it out again I return to rubbing and massaging my clit still biting my bottom lip to suppress my moans. I slide my fingers back to my slit, this time inserting the middle two thrusting them in and out I am panting now, and quite moan are mixed in with my heavy breathing. My body is tense with the pent up energy just waiting to be let out. Then with one final trust in I peak. “Oh oh ohhh” I gasp as quietly as I can my body is enveloped in wave after wave of pleasure I slowly sink to the floor of the shower panting and sweating. I lay there for what seemed like an ages just getting my breath back, letting the calming water slowly bring me back to earth. I stand up and step out of the shower. I notice the flush of my cheeks in the mirror as I dry myself I walk back into my main room and grab my dressing gown off the back of my chair and wrap it round myself and sink onto my bed and fall into a deep sleep.
I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and rested. I climbed out of bed and dressed. It was a Saturday so there were no lectures but I had a bit of work to do and I needed to tidy my room before tonight. I had a relaxed morning slowly clearing my room with a re run of QI on in the back ground. I had a sandwich for lunch before doing a fascinating long answer on water conductivity in plants that didn’t bore me to tears at all. Then I started to get ready for the party. I was ready about 9 and went to Alice’s room know that she would also be ready. We sat drinking and chatting, as more people joined us as they were ready. At half 10 the door bell rang and the first guest came in. more booze was broken out and music turned on.
It was about 11 and I was weaving my way through the group of people in the hall on my way to the kitchen to grab some wine from the fridge, when there was a knock on the door. Will who was standing next to the door opened it. “Hey Dan, how’s it going man?”
“Yeah pretty good man, except those questions Jones set us. They’re a bitch.”
“I know what you mean but Katie got it, she let me copy her answers”
“Ahh, right well, that sounds like a plan I can get on board with.”
“Haha you’ll be lucky, I had to trade in my practical write up, what have you got to offer?”
“Oh just my natural charm and charisma” Dan said with a cocky smile
“yeah dream on dickhead” Will replied hitting him in the arm “well, she’s over there, go charm and… charismise… that’s a word right, meh it is now” he pointed over at me and turned back to his original conversation I tried to make it look like I hadn’t just been watching the exchange and started to walk towards Dan.
“Hey, Dan. Did you just get here?” I asked as I approached
“Yeah just got in the door” I gave him a quick hug hello.
“How are you feeling today, stiff?” I ask
“Not too bad, I find it’s the day after the day after that I get stiff, so I get to couple it with a hangover, woooh”
“Well you’re going to have a good morning, come on everyone is through here” I lead him into Alice’s room where there were people sitting on every available surface, I manage to nab a space on the bed and Dan flopped down on the floor between my legs.
We sat and drank and chatted for a while then Alice can in and sat next to me, grabbing a space on the bed just as someone got up.
“Hey Alice, how’s your arm, Katie told me you were wimping out yesterday”
“God damn it Katie, its broken, “m not wimping out” Alice complained.
“Yeah you missed me beating up Katie” Dan said, with a grin up at me
“Oh yeah right, I floored you, you little lair”
“Sure you flooooored me” he said as sarcastically as he could
“…but I did” I protest
“Of course you did Katie” Alice said equally sarcastically while patting me on the head. Getting her own back for my mocking.
“I DID!”
“Yeah she did” Dan admitted apparently serious but then put his hand up to block my view of his mouth and said in a very load whisper “no, she didn’t”
“OK then, come on we have set of pads round the house, put ’em on I’ll floor you again” if I hadn’t been pissed I would have probably thought that sparring pissed wasn’t a very smart thing to do. As it was I was pissed and didn’t see any problem with sparring in my condition.
We squared up on the landing which was quite spacious for a landing, although a little small for a boxing ring especially with the ring of people who had crowded round to watch. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet and looked ready to fight, until he lost his balance and stumbled sideways a few steps to the amusement of all watching. I decided to take the advantage and go charging in and managing to sweep his legs from under him causing him to fall heavily to the floor. It would have looked relatively impressive had I not fallen over on top of him. “Hey no fair I wasn’t ready” he complained as we both got up.
“Bah cry-baby, just upset you got floored by a girl.”
“You floored yourself too” he reminded me
“Still counts”
“Nope, again!” he demanded
We squared up again and bumped gloves to start the match. His fist punch was more of a drunken flail, coming in sideways with no real power behind it, I took it on my guard and lost balance because I was drunk and stumbled sideways. I ducked as his next punch came round and managed to get I shot in on his stomach before jumping backwards out of reach. we stumbled about for a while throw random punches and neither of us really gaining an upper hand until more by accident than anything else he tripped over my foot and landed on the floor for a second time. He rolled over laughing as I jump on top of him straddling his waist and land a few light punches on his face. “Say I win, say win” I demand.
“Ok ok you win. Now get off me”
“Say I’m the champion of the world”
“Fine you’re the champion of the world now get off” it was then I felt why he wanted me to get off, he didn’t want me to feel his cock which I felt slowly getting stiffer under me. I blush and cough embarrassed as I quickly get off him, conscious of the crowd of people watching who hopefully missed the blush, and the slight bulge present before he stood up and pulled down his jumper to cover it.
The crowd melts away and we are left alone. “Errm if you want to take you stuff off just come to my room” I said before realizing what I had said “PADS, I err meant pads. If you want to take your pads off, we can just leave them in a pile in my room”
We walk into my room and start taking off the sparring pads. “Errm about … err the erm” he said
“Yeah I know what you mean” I interrupt his prolonged pause
“Yeah that, I’m sorry it just kinda happened”
“It’s alright I get it, I was sitting on top of it. It’s …understandable” I was unsure how much to read into it, did he want me, or was it just someone sitting right on it… I didn’t know what to think.
“Yeah thanks”
“it’s ok” I go for a hug to show him I don’t feel weird, he paused for a second before leaning in to hug me, being careful to not bring his crotch close to me. “Wait… is it still…there” I asked.
He blushed bright red “errm” I tried not to giggle at his embarrassment.
“It’s ok; do you want to stay in here till it goes down?” I asked hoping to get some alone time with him
“Yeah thanks” he said sitting on the edge of the bed
“It’s ok it’s my fault, I’m just too damn sexy” I grin giving a near perfect imitation of his cheeky smile. And flopping down next to him on the bed.
“Oh I blame myself, girls just can’t help but climb all over me when they get the chance” he replied
“I seem to be managing ok right now, but I’ll try to keep myself under control in the future” I say, my voice laden with sarcasm.
“Hey I never said it was a bad thing” he said with his usual grin
“Oh yeah?” quick as a flash I whip my leg over him so I’m sat on his lap facing him “you like that?”
“Do you hear me complaining?”
With that I just leant in and kiss him. Pushing him back down onto bed so that I am lying on top of him. I could feel his erection twitching beneath me and grind against it gently while we kiss. his tongue invaded my mouth running over, exploring, every part as mine danced around it. I started to unbutton his shirt exposing his toned body beneath. I ran my hands over his body exploring it, each feature giving me joy to trace out and feel. I broke the kiss and start kissing his neck then down between his pecks as my kisses work lower I undo his belt and unzip his jeans pulling them down letting him kick them off his feet. My kisses finally reached his exposed member. It was nice, thick long and vainy. I also noticed he had shaved himself as I kissed the smooth skin round the base of his cock before slowly kissing up his length. It was as I was kissing the bell end that I suddenly had a thought. I shot up and quickly locked the door and closed the curtains. My room looked right out onto the street so the people over the road would have had an excellent view. I turned back to look at him, “sorry, just didn’t want to be disturbed”
“Good thinking”
“Now where was I” as I walked slowly back to him I pulled off my tank top and dropped it to the floor quickly followed by my bra. I dropped back to my knees in front of him and started to kiss his bell end again. I slipped it into my mouth and started tracing circles round it with my tongue. He ran his hands through my hair as he let out a light moan. I started to pump his shaft with one hand and fondle the balls with the other while continuing to play with his bell end in my mouth. His moans are indicating that he is loving it as is the taste of pre cum which is mixing with the saliva in my mouth.
I start to move down his shaft my lips slowly enveloping more and more of his shaft; I moved both my hands to his balls to clear the way. When I got about half way down I stop and slid back up running m teeth gently over the top of his cock and my tongue tracing a wavy line along the underside. I slid back down as soon as I reached his tip, this time taking in a little more; I bobbed up and down, slowly taking more and more of him into my mouth. I was about to take him down my throat when he grunted “uhhg Katie, I’m about to blow, uuuuuugh ooooooooh yeah” his cock twitched in my mouth and then pulse after pulse of sticky cum burst into my mouth. I tried to hold it all but some started to leak out the side of my mouth and so I started to swallow, I swallowed it all and his cock was still dribbling out little spurts of cum which I licked off. “I…wow, Katie that was fucking amazing”
I left his cock and came up to sit next to him on the bed using a finger to wipe up some of the cum that had dribbled onto my chin before inserting the finger into my mouth and sucking it clean while looking into his eyes. “Fuck your sexy” he said as he lent in to kiss me as he did so his hand slid down my body and fumbled undoing my jeans and then slid his hand over my pussy rubbing it through my underwear. I helped him pull down my jeans and underwear to give him full access as we kissed he slid his middle two fingers in and started finger fucking me vigorously. he breaks the kiss and kisses down my neck onto my breasts he gently nibbled on my nipples sending waves of pleasure through me, I’m in heaven and I was angry when he stops but then I saw he was moving south and I soon feel his warm breath on my moist pussy lips. His fingers start playing with my pussy again, running up and down my slit as his tongue starts to flick my clit making me moan and squirm. He slid his fingers in again curling them round and gently pulling them out then sliding them in again, this time rather than sliding them in and out he kept them inside massaging my pussy walls making them shiver and convulse. I wrap my legs round his head pulling him in closer. He starts nibbling my clit lightly. This drives me wild, sending me over the edge. My fingers dig into the covers on the bed scrunching them up in my fist. My back arches up off the bed and my breathing comes in panting bursts. The pleasure rolls through my body like waves of heat, making my muscles contract involuntarily. I’m unconsciously making all kinds of grunts and moans until I finally flop back down with a huge expiration of breath.
He climbed up on top of me; I could feel his manhood pressing at my entrance. I reach down and took it in my hands guiding it so the tip slid into me. I clenched round it gripping it tightly with my pussy. His eyes glazed over and I could tell he was enjoying it. I slowly relaxed the grip allowing him to slide his full length into me; he slid in right up to the hilt and stop there leaning in to kiss me. Not breaking the kiss he started long slow thrusts speeding up just at the end of each thrust to really ram himself in deep. Each time he did that he made me give out a little involuntary moan of pleasure. He broke the kiss as he started to speed up and my moans turned into on long continuous sound. I buried my face in his shoulder, nuzzling into neck. My hands were gripping tightly onto his back my grip getting tighter and tighter as I approached my peak again. I was teetering on the edge not quite going over not quite getting release from the boiling surge of lust in my loins. He finally pushed me over the edge when his lips locked around one of my nipples and his tongue started rapidly flicking it. I moaned loudly into his shoulder as once again my body was overcome by waves of pleasure and my pussy convulsed violently round his cock.
as I slowly came down from my lofty heights he continued to pound into me although he was flagging a little, he had kept up an impressive pace for at least a quarter of an hour. I decided that I needed to pay him back. I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed him over rolling with him until I was on top “because you seemed to like it last time I was on top” I whispered in his ear making him chuckle a little as I straightened up and slowly started sliding up and down on his shaft. My hands were on his chest which was shiny with sweat after his exertions on top of me. I stopped sliding up and down on his cock and started grinding it in circles in my pussy, giving him a little show by biting my lips flicking my hair and trusting my chest out towards him and letting out a long sensual moan. This seemed to do the trick as he groaned and his cock jumped inside me pulsing out cum. his eyes rolled back into his head as his orgasm overcame him.
I kept him inside me as he slowly went limp, I held myself just above his body, my breasts resting on him as we kiss passionately for a long time. When I finally got too tired to hold myself up over him I rolled off and lay in his arm as he pulled the covers over us. I snuggled back into him and fell asleep in his warm embrace. His hot breath on my ear and his sticky cock nestled in my ass.

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Snow Story ch1

My first attempt at a story. I tried my best to format it correctly. Please tell me what you think. The second and third chapters are going up at the same time.
Snow Story
I should have known something was going to happen. It always does when my bosses go out of town for any length of time. Their week in florida, we had a flood. Their trip to the outer banks, major ventalation failure. This time was no different.
I didn’t intend to end up the general manager of a restaraunt. I wasnt one for grand dreams, but I thought my business degree would at least get me out of the fast food business. Even if said business had paid for the degree. The bad job market in my area had left me kinda desperate coming out of school, so I went back to my roots, so to speak.
I started working in a fast food job at 14. I worked my way up to shift leader before I graduated high school and started college courses. When the loans and various scholorships I had scraped together fell short, they even let me pick up a few shifts to keep myself above water. When I returned after getting my degree, they offered me an open shift manager position. The pay was decent, and I really needed a job, so I agreed. Three years later I was made the general manager when the owners decided to retire from active management.
So here I was, 30 years old and running a very successfull business. A business I was preparing to purchase and make my own, along with another location a few miles away. I considered myself pretty successfull.
Personally, things were a different story. I was always a bit shy through high school and even college. I had friends and girlfriends here and there, but never any serious relationships. I had little time over the last several years for “mate shopping”, and had seen even less action than during school. Honestly, I was a bit lonely.
A large portion of my work crew were teenagers. And being a guy, I stole the occasional glance at some of the girls, but I never touched any of them. Beyond the whole jail bait issue, I just didnt feel anything towards most of them. And the ones I did, it was more of an uncle kind of thing. I knew I had been the subject of the occasional crush now and then, but none of the girls ever acted on them. My female managers did a decent job of blunting the relationship dramas that popped up from time to time. The kinds of things that happen when a bunch of teenagers spend a lot of time together.
It was late January and I was working an evening shift. My usual assortment of teens running around, trying to look busy while doing as little as possible. I knew they did this, but I didnt say much about it often. As long as my to-1do lists got done, I was pretty lenient. The kids were talking about the weather that night. Would it snow enough to close school tomorow? (It was a Thursday.) The report I had seen before leaving for work had said we were in for a decent covering, but it wasnt supposed to start till after close. I had the walks salted and ready, so when it did start early, I didnt really give it any thought. Other than it would hurt my business for the night. I already had the crew working on a bit of an early cleanup when I got a call from one of the parents I knew a bit better than the others.
“Hello” I answered, recognizing the number on the CID.
“Jimmy, it’s Laura, Kate’s mom” she said. “Bill is on his way to pick up Kate. Tell her not to try to drive herself home.”
“Is something wrong?” I asked, a bit confused.
“You havent seen the weather alert?”
“No, last I saw we were just in for a couple inches late this evening.”
“Oh my,” she said “Its all over the news and weather channels. Some kind of freak front collision is causing this storm to go nuts. They are talking about feet of snowfall. Snow emergencies have already been announced. People are supposed to be getting home as fast as they can safely.”
“Damn,” I said as I looked outside for real, seeing 5 or 6 inches already and heavy fall. “OK how far out is Bill?”
“About 10 minutes, at this point”
“I’ll have them get a rapid cleanup going and get her and the rest ready to leave as fast as I can.”
“Thanks Jimmy, be safe getting home.”
“Thanks Laura, good bye”
Hanging up the phone, I called out to the crew. “OK guys, the weather has turned really bad all of a sudden. Get finished on the cleanup as fast as you can and call and get rides as needed to get home. You may use your cell phones to get the calls done as quick as possible.”
10 minutes later I had 3 who lived pretty close together headed out the door to one of the boys’ truck. He was a bit older and had some offroad experiance. I was resonably sure of their safety. Bill came in as they left.
“Kate ready?” He asked.
“Hey Bill, yea shes ready. Would it be possible for you to drop these 2 off also? They live pretty close to you.” As I pointed at a couple of the other girls.
“Sure,” he said. “If nothing else, Ill at least take them to our place. We have a couple extra beds. They will be safe till this mess can be cleared up.”
“Thanks a lot bill” I said as I looked around. “wheres Tina?”
Kate said, “she’s over there, still on the phone.”
“Need me to take her too?” Bill asked.
“No, she lives completely the opposit direction from you. And Im not sure what her ride status is yet. You guys get going and drive safe. Ill look after her.”
“Be safe your self. Good night and good luck” he said as he herded the girls out the door.
I walked over to Tina, who was still on the phone, and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and spun around. When she did, I noticed tears in the corner of her eyes. I had a hunch why. Tina was a good kid, but her home life was a bit rough. I had taken her home several times when the parent who was supposed to come pick her up had been too drunk. As far as I knew, they didnt beat her, but they didnt exactly lavish her with attention either. I had even been helping her with her homework a bit when I had some extra time.
“whats wrong?” I asked.
“No one is answering” she nearly sobbed. “Im sorry, I cant find a ride.”
“Its alright. I’ll take you myself.”
“But its so far out and in this weather.”
“Its not a problem. My truck can handle this. Lets get going.”
We bundled up and headed out to my truck. On the way out, I notice that there was a good 3-4 more inches than when I had looked not 20 min before. This is gonna get bad, I thought to myself. I brushed off the windows and we got rolling. Before too long I was flagged down by a police officer. As he walked to my window, I recognized him as a friend of a friend.
“Hey Scott, bad night”
“Sure is Jimmy. Where you headed? People are supposed to be getting home.”
“I’m taking this one home before I get myself in. she couldnt get a ride.”
“Where does she live?” he asked. When I told him, he shook his head. “I was afraid you would say something like that. They had to close down the bridge. You wont be able to get out there.”
“Damn,” I said “Now what?”
“They have a shelter for people who are stranded set up at the high school. Drop her there on your way home” he said.
“OK thanks Scott, stay safe”
“You too”
I turned and headed toward the high school and beyond that, my little house. ” Ill get you set up there before I head home. They should be able to get in touch with you parents eventually.”
“Do I have to go there by myself?” she asked. I could hear the wobble in her voice.
“The only other option I have right now is to take you home with me, and…”
“Can we do that?” she interupted.
“I’m not sure thats a good idea.”
“Please,” she begged. “I dont want to sleep on a cot with a bunch of strangers around me.”
“Well…” I said, thinking to myself. Its not that big a deal, and I wouldnt want to be there if there was another option. “ok”
“Thank you.” she beamed.
We made it to my house and trudged inside. The trip had been no more than 10 min, but there was already at least 3 more inches on the ground. This really was going to be a freak storm.
The thought now occured to me that I was alone with a teenage girl in my house. I would need to be on my best work behavior to make sure nothing would happen that could be taken the wrong way. I had plenty of food, so I knew we wouldnt starve if I couldnt get her home the next day.
“Make yourself at home” I said. “I’m gonna change out of this uniform.”
I went into my bedroom and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. Not my usual lounge wear, but I didnt think boxers would be appropiate under the circumstances.
Coming out of the bedroom, I said “See if you can find a weather report on the tv please. Are you hungry? I can make some snacks.”
I went into the kitchen and started rummaging around. She came over to the counter.
“Um, Jimmy?”
“Yes?” I said absently while looking in the pantry.
“Do you have anything I could change into? My uniform is kinda dirty.”
This one stumped me. Im 6′ 200lbs. Big, but not pudgy. She was 5’2″ at best. 110lbs. soaking wet. There was no way anything I owned would fit her.
“Well,” I said. “I might have something. Lets look.”
I lead the way into my bedroom and pointed out the dresser where I kept my t-shirts and pants with drawstrings.
“See what you can find in there. I’ll work on some food. Bring me your uniform when you get done changing and I’ll throw it in the washer so you’ll have something to wear.”
“OK” she said as I closed the door. I went back to the kitchen and put a couple things together. As I was setting it on the coffee table, I heard the door open.
As I turned around I froze. She had on one of my longer t-shirts, which came to about mid thigh on her, and nothing else. Her legs were shapely and smooth. Her feet were small with cute little toes, the nails painted blue. The shirt hung on her like a poncho, with the sleeves coming well below her elbows. It was hard to tell because of how big it was, but I could swear her breasts looked bigger than they looked in her uniform.
Shaking myself out of my stare, and hoping she hadnt noticed, I said “You’re gonna get cold dressed like that.”
“None of the pants would stay up” She said. “Ill be fine like this”
I didnt keep my house real warm, Prefering to put on a sweatshirt than pay a higher gas bill. I picked up a throw and handed it to her as I took her uniform.
“Here, wrap this around you so you dont catch cold and help yourself to the food. I’ll take this and get the washer running.”
As I headed down to the basement, I was thinking. I had always been carefull to not get myself into any questionable positions with any of my female employees. Now I had one in my living room half naked. I opened the washing machine and started unrolling her clothes to feed them in.
As I undid the bundle, I got another shock. This one made my neglected member really awaken. Her underwear was in the bundle. As I picked them out of the ball, I could feel some lingering warmth. Unable to resist, I lifted them to my nose and took a deep wiff of the crotch, inhaling her wonderfully soft aroma. As the material touched my nose, I noticed an ever so slight dampness to it. Reganing myself, I dropped them in the washer.
Under her shirt I found her bra. It was one of those sports type deals that squeezes everything in. That expalains why her breasts look bigger, I thought to myself. The head on my shoulders came to the realization at the same time the one in my pants lurched up. Shes naked under that shirt!
Starting the washer, I took a couple minutes to bring myself and the bulge in my pants under control. I went pack upstairs and sat in a chair next to the couch. I grabbed a plate full of food and tried to keep my voice even as I said, “anything on about the weather?”
“Yea,” She said. “They said that the fronts causing this are getting stronger. The snowfall is actually going to get much worse.”
“Worse? It’s bad enough now” I said. “Oh well. I hope the rest of them got home safe. We will be fine here. I have plenty of food and blankets.”
“Thank you for letting me stay here. I just didnt want to be stuck in the school gym in this.”
“No problem” I said. “I dont blame you.”
We sat quietly and watched tv. I let her chose what to watch, as I didnt watch much tv and hadn’t any real clue about what was on. I glanced over at her once in a while, thinking about how little she was wearing. This caused me to have to adjust myself a couple times. I eventually gave up and retreated to the kitchen under the excuse of doing the dishes just to give myself a second to calm down again.
Being a bit of a night-owl, I didnt realize how late it was getting till the movie we had been watching ended and I noticed that she was dozing. I sat looking at her for a while. Her head canted to the side on her slender neck. She really was very pretty, I thought. Her cute little nose above her full but not over-large lips. Her strong, but not high cheekbones. Her almost elfin ears. It’s a shame she’s so young, I thought.
I reached over and shook her gently. “Tina, why dont you go ahead and go to sleep in the bed? Ill crash here on the couch after a while.”
“I couldn’t do that” she said. “I’ll be fine here on the couch.”
“You sure?” I asked, a bit relieved. I didnt fit along that couch very well.
“Yes, this is fine here” She said as she adjusted herself to laying down. She put a pillow behind her head and covered up in the throw.
“OK then. Im going to go in and read for a while before I sleep. Come get me if theres anything you need.”
“Thanks” she yawned.
Shutting off the lights, I went into my room and sat on the bed to read a bit. After about an hour, and not making any real progress in the book, I decided to call it quits. I checked on Tina, who was sleeping soundly, and then shut the door before I took off my shirt and sweatpants and climbed into bed. Thinking again about the nearly naked girl in the next room, I had to will myself to calm down enough to sleep.
I woke to the sound of the bedroom door opening. I glanced at the clock and realized I had been asleep for maybe 3 hours. Tina was standing in the doorway, though I couldnt see her well in the dark. Im not sure she realized I was awake because she jumped a bit when I spoke.
“Is something wrong?” I asked
“Im cold out here,” she said. “And a bit scared. Can…can I come in here with you?”
Slightly stunned, I answered, “Im not sure thats such a good idea…”
“It’ll be alright. The bed is plenty big. I dont take up too much room. Please.”
Rationalizing that the bed WAS big, and she WAS small (a rationalization that probably came more from my little head than my big one), I said “well, OK”
“Thanks” She said. I thought I caught a note of triumph in her voice as she padded around to the other side of the bed and climbed in. “Good night.”
“Night” I said.
I lay there for a long while. Judging by the sound of her breathing, she was fast asleep again almost emediately. I, on the other hand, was having trouble sleeping. Now the nearly naked teenager was in the bed next to me, and my cock knew it too. I had to force myself to calm down again, which took a lot more effort this time, so I could get to sleep.
I awoke several hours later. As soon as I was awake I reallized she wasnt on her half of the bed anymore. She was laying damn near on top of me. My left arm was trapped down at my side. she was laying with her head on my left shoulder. Her breasts pressing into my arm and the side of my chest. Her left leg was draped over my legs. I nearly jolted upright when I noticed that the shirt she was wearing had ridden up. I could feel her smooth pussy against my leg. My cock instantly went from half mast morning wood to steel rod hard. Her head being right below mine, I could smell the intoxicating scent of her hair.
The stimulus of her there and the throbbing of my sex deprived member drove all reason out of my head. Slowly, so as not to wake her, I moved my right hand over and placed it on her perfect round ass. Feeling the smooth, supple skin beneath my fingers. I rubbed her softly a couple times before moving up and lightly feeling her left breast. Her firm but pliant mound more than filling my hand. I could feel the nub of her nipple through the shirt material. I moved my hand back to her bare ass and rubbed it a couple more times.
I jerked my hand away as a moan escaped her lips. “please dont stop” she said as she looked up at me.
“No Tina, this isnt right” I said. Struggling to grasp my reason before I went too far. “Please get off me.”
“I’ve liked you since I met you my first day at work. You’ve always been so nice to me. I’ve been trying to find a way to be alone with you for a long time. This storm was my lucky break.” As she was saying this, she was gripping me tightly with her arm and leg and grinding her pussy into my leg. “Please dont push me away from you.”
“But I’m so much older than you” I protested. “Surely someone closer to your own age would be more appealing.” I never really had considered myself all that handsome. More along the lines of plain.
“I’ve never met anyone as kind as you before. I dont care how old you are. I want to be with you.”
With that she reached up and kissed me. My willpower blew away like smoke in a huricane. I kissed her back, deeply, our tongues dancing. I brought my hand back to her ass and gripped her to me. She moaned softly into my mouth with every squeez.
After several minutes of passionate kissing, she broke off and started kissing and licking her way down my chest, pushing the blankets out of the way as she went. When she got to my boxers, she pulled on the band as I lifted slightly. My cock bounced free of its prison, harder than ever. She grasped it lightly before licking from root to tip very slowly. Then she took me into her mouth. Keeping up a wonderfull presure, she swirled her tongue around my head before plunging down my shaft. When my tip hit her throat, she simply swallowed me down. Her lips clamped around my base as her togue lapped at the bottem of my shaft. Her throat seemed to ripple around my head. Pulling back, she lifted up till only my head was still in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around again before plunging back down, taking me deep in her thoat again. She repeated this proccess only a few more times before I felt the surge coming.
“Unh, Tina. Im gonna cum” I grunted. she didnt even slow down. taking me deep in her throat again, she hummed around my head. That was all I could take. I practically exploded down her throat. The first couple shots shooting staight into her belly before she backed off and caught the rest in her mouth. She swirled it around in her mouth as I continued to pump. She swallowed then sucked at my cock, getting the last few drops.
“That was amazing” I panted.`
“I’m glad you liked it” she said as she crawled back up my body. She kissed me deeply again. I could taste the last bits of my seed as I explored her mouth with my tongue. Suddenly I rolled her over and said with a grin “my turn.”
I grabbed the hem of the t-shirt and pulled it up over her head. I stopped to just stare at the beauty of this naked 16 year old in my bed. Her full, C cup breasts topped with rosey pink nipples, surounded by perfectly round areola about the size of a quarter. Her flat tummy and little belly button. Her smooth pussy, with a very light landing strip, pouting at me.
Cupping her left breast in my right hand, I kissed her again before starting my journey down her body. I kissed my way down her neck to her colarbone, then down to her right breast. I kissed and licked her breast all over before finaly reaching her already swollen nipple. As I sucked the nub into my mouth, she moaned deeply. With my treat firmly clamped in my mouth, I nibbled softly on her nub and lavished it with the tongue lashing it deserved. As I moved to her left breast, to repeat the treatment, she gound her pussy against my leg, which was between hers. I could feel her juices leaving a wet trail on my thigh. Finishing with her other breast, I continued my way down, pausing briefly to lick her belly button.
As I got down to her mound, she spread her legs up and back, giving me better access. I kissed the inside of each thigh before moving to the valley on each side of her labia. I kissed and licked my way all the way around before planting a kiss on each side of her swelling lips, top and bottom. Reaching in and spreading her with my fingers, I ran my tongue up her inner lips slowly, savoring her scent and flavor. I gave her several long, slow laps from near her asshole to the top of her slit before plunging my tongue into her tight pink hole.
By this time, she was panting and nearly vibrating. When I finally relented on her love tunel, I clamped my lips around her clit and gave it a gentle but firm suck while jabbing it with my tongue. That was all it took. She went completely rigid, clamping her legs around my head as she let out a long wailing moan. Her love juices flowing freely into my lapping mouth. I was trapped like this for nearly a minute, and loving it completely, before she relaxed and let me go.
“Oh my God” she said, breathlessly. “I’ve never cum like that before.”
“I’m glad you liked it” I said with a smile before returning to her mouth for another passionate kiss, giving her a taste of herself in my mouth. I lay partially on top of her as we kissed. My right hand running back and forth between her pussy and her chest. After a time (couldnt even tell you how long), she pushed me back a bit and reached for my renewed erection.
“Please” she breathed. “I need you in me. Please fuck me.”
Im not a big guy really, only a little better than average, but I could tell from my time in her tunnel that I was going to be a tight fit. I knew that she had had at least one serious boyfriend while working for me, so I was reasonably sure she wasnt a virgin. Not to mention that amazing blowjob. This is also the point that my reason tried one last desperate attept to stop me. ‘I havent actually fucked her yet,’ I thought. ‘If I stop now I’ll be safe.’ My little brain knew that it was bullshit just as much as my big brain did. And it was getting more of my blood flow at that moment, so it won the argument.
“I don’t have any condoms” I stammered while at the same time getting positioned between her legs.
“It’s ok” she said. “I told you Ive wanted this for a while. Im on the pill. Please, I need you. Just go slow.”
And with that, my very last barrier was breached. I positioned myself at her entrance and slowly pushed in as I leaned down to kiss her. She moaned into my mouth as I pushed my head all the way in and started a slow back and forth motion sliding a bit more of my length in her with each push. I was in heaven feeling her stretch around me to let more in. Then, all of a sudden, I hit her barrier, and froze. My eyes snapped wide open.
“You’re a still a virgin?” I asked with suprise in my voice.
“Yes, is that a problem?” she asked. “I wont be in a minute if you just keep going.” A lustfull look in her eyes.
“It’s not a problem. It’s just… are you sure you want me to be the one who…”
“I’m sure” she interupted. “I want this. I want you to have my virginity. Please, make me a woman.”
“As long as you’re sure” I said, unsure I could have stopped myself anyway. “This is going to hurt a bit.”
“I know. I’m ready”
I took several slow strokes. Pulling almost all the way out before pushing back up to her hymen. As I pulled out for the last time, I said “here we go”, and plunged into her. Tearing through her barrier and seating the rest of my length in her to the hilt. She yelped as I broke her and tears began to seep from her closed eyes. I didnt move inside her. I just held her to me and kissed her tears. “I wont move till you tell me you are ready” I said. She nodded into my chest. Her tunnel holding me like a velvet vice. It was pure bliss just being joined like this.
After a while, she opened her eyes and looked up at me. “Ok” she said, “but go slow.”
I began long, slow strokes. Taking nearly 10 seconds per trip either way. Her soft panting carried both painfull and lustfull tones. I could feel her tunnal getting used to my intrusion. The slippery friction driving me up and over the wall. It didnt take long for her to start to thrust her hips up to meet me. I quickened my pace, panting with the exertion and bliss.
“Oh my God” she practically growled. “You feel so good inside me. Faster, harder.”
I sped up till I was hammering into her. Her breasts bouncing with each thrust. She was nearly screaming each time I hit bottom. All at once, I pulled out and flipped her over. I pulled her up to her knees and drove back in, slamming her hard from behind. She was yelping “yes!” with each thrust. Suddenly, she clamped down on me like a vice. I couldn’t move in or out of her. The convultions running through her pussy were like lightening running up my shaft. I swear her wail would have shattered the windows if she wasnt face down in a pillow.
When I could move again, I pulled out and rolled onto my back, pulling her on top of me. I re-entered her pussy and continued pistoning up into her. I hugged her tightly to my chest as she seemed to have gone semiconciouse after her orgasm. I could feel the tingling building as I got closer.
She seemed to come around after a bit and pushed up on her elbows, looking into my eyes. “I’m getting real close, baby” I panted. She started rocking her hips down to meet my thrusts.
“Give it too me. Fill me right up” she moaned. “I’m getting close agaaaaaaaa..”
Her pussy slammed down on my cock again, just as I thrust in as deep as I could. The vibrations of her pussy were all I needed to finish. my seed blasted out of my cock in blazing torents deep in her love tunnel. We both just sort of clung to each other as we rode out are respective orgasms. Then collapsed, her laying on top of me. My member defalting slowly while still in her. Both of us gasping for air through the euphoria.
“Thank you.” I heard her mumble before her breathing took on the slow rythm of sleep. I had just enough energy left to pull a blanket over us before I passed out myself. My last thoughts were of how wonderfull it was to have this lovely young thing lying on me with our juices running out of her pussy between us.

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The Brother and Sister Next Door (final)

The Brother and Sister next door (final)
Brad looked at Lisa and said: “So, tell me who it was.” Lisa again tried to not giggle and tell him. She said…’not a who…and it!’…Brad looked at her like she’d lost her mind. She finally settled down and told the whole story. Brad didn’t believe her at all. Mom never told anyone about watching Tina next door letting Sparky her dog fuck her. Finally Lisa told brad what she saw and he began to believe her.
Brad said, the one time I decide not to go and watch, damn!..I would have loved to see that! Lisa told every detail of it and that somebody was a ‘no show’ or…Sparky was her hot date. Brad said, ‘she’ll do it again I bet, and I’ll be there to watch this time!
Mom went to bed after her shower but couldn’t sleep. Dad came home, showered and kissed his wife warmly and got the bed with her. Mom wondered at his happy face and that he hadn’t kissed her goodnight for years. She knew now Jen and him were hitting it off, big time. Now she was happy that he had a hot young wild girl to keep him entertained, and not her. He went right to sleep. Mom quietly got up and went and smelled his clothes…ahhh…Jen’s perfume, and fresh cum spots on his pants.
Good, good she was happy now, knowing she could have wild sex with her kids, and others….oh my god…others. Her heart jumped at the thought of anyone ever finding out she let a dog fuck her…and worse…she liked it! She thought back how Sparky felt on her. His warm belly on her back and butt cheeks, his hot feeling long dick slapping her pussy, trying to get it in. The feel of his hot dick in her hands as she helped him find her pussy hole. He touched her cervix with every stroke and it made her so weak with pleasure she was helpless to stop him…but didn’t want to stop him, it just felt too damn good to stop him. The feel of him exploding his massive amount of cum in her and just kept fucking as he flooded her pussy.
She stopped thinking about it. Stop, stop, stop, stop it! She went down stairs to get a drink and relax. Brad and Lisa could get to sleep either and came and joined her on the couch. They knew their mom well, and knew she would be stressed about Sparky fucking her. They sat on either side of her and Lisa laid her head on mom’s shoulder and played with her tits. Mom closed her eyes and smiled and started to relax. Brad played with the inside of her leg and rubbed her pussy softly. Now mom was really relaxed. Brad kissed his mom warmly and said: “Mom, Lisa and I did a bad thing. We know about Sparky.” Mom gulped and coughed as Brad soothed her
…..”It’s ok mom, it will never leave our lips.” She caught her breath, and finally smiled. She put her arms around her two kids. “My two little perverts, and their pervert mom.” They all laughed out loud. She told them the whole story. Brad and Lisa were dying to hear how it went. She explained it all in detail. “Wow, Lisa said, you know I have to try out Sparky myself.” Mom smiled and looked at Brad, “And you just know mommy and Brad have to watch it!” They all laughed again! Lisa asked: “Was that who you were waiting for…Sparky?” “No, I was waiting for Robb, but he never showed.
Maybe Jen didn’t get a chance to tell him.” Brad smiled and said: “I know one thing, Robb spends a lot of time at Marks house, fucking Marks mom, Maggie. He’s got a thing for her and fucks her every time he get the chance. Maggie even says to Mark, “Why don’t you invite you little friend Robb over this evening, I’ll be going to bed early but you boys can play together…ok?” Mom mumbled what a big fake she is. Pretending not to be a whore. I should go over there and fuck her myself.
Brad and Lisa just grinned real big and both said: “Do it, do it, do it, mom!…she eats pussy too!” Mom grinned big, but didn’t say a word. Then she started laughing and couldn’t stop, she held her stomach and laughed some more. Brad and Lisa just looked at each other puzzled. Mom got tears in eyes and couldn’t get the words out…she kept trying…..finally got out the word…..”S…S….Sparky!”….Now they all cracked up and laughed and held their sides laughing….Lisa, wiped her tears and asked: “We have to dognap Sparky!!”
It was too good to pass up. The next day mom wandered over to Tina’s yard and talked to her, and petted Sparky, she told her how she liked Sparky and ask if sometimes if she gets lonely, could Sparky spend the night with her and keep her company. Tina said sure, he’s not our dog anyway…“Oh“…he just hangs around here when I play in the back yard. He’s a fun dog. “Who does he belong to Tina?”…mom asked. “Nobody he had no tags, he just hangs around if you feed him, he’ll stay with you. I give him doggy treats in my back yard, and he hugs me.” Mom grinned and thought…I know he does little Tina…I’ve seen the way he ‘hugs’ you..
Now mom had a inner chuckle and let Brad and Lisa set up a session with Sparky and Maggie.
Brad just had to let mom know. If Maggie ever gave her a hard time at work, just show her this picture of Maggie and her son Mark fucking. Mom’s eyes went wide and she said…”Oh my god, oh my god…it this real?”. Brad said is sure was, that Lisa got in and took the picture! Mom held on to the picture like it was gold. Brad said to keep it, he had it on disk and could print out more at anytime.
Mom was grinning and quiet. Brad said…”Mom…what are you up to now…oh mom…hey mom.”
Mom was just thinking about how now, she could shut up Maggie’s mouth at her work forever. It was time for a little friendly blackmail.
Lisa checked her window the next day. She saw Robb eyeball his mom and hold her while he copped a feel. They giggled and left to go in the house. She saw something in their own back yard. A Frisbee fly by. Then she saw Sparky chase it and return it where Lisa couldn’t see. Then again.
Then she saw mom walking towards Sparky and sit in the grass and pet Sparky. Mom had on a short skirt. It looked like she had no panties on. Lisa thought….oh my god, not in our own back yard…mom
…OH Shit, where’s Brad’s video camera. She went in Brads room and found it. She started taking a video of mom and Sparky. Nothing, just playing. Then mom looked all around and started feeling Sparky’s dick. She went over behind some bushes, but Lisa could still see her. Mom laid in the grass and stuck her butt up in the air. Sparky mounted her and started fucking fast as hell. He finished and mom held him until his knot went down, and then let him go lick himself. Mom laid there holding her pussy with a towel for a while, then looked all around stood up and brushed herself off and went in the garage. Lisa stopped the video and smiled to herself. She thought…‘Brad brother, have I got a video for you to see‘….
Lisa showed Brad the video of their mom letting Sparky fuck her in their back yard. Brad and her laughed and just shook their heads. What a horny mom we’ve got, they said. Of course Lisa had to try Sparky, and Brad watched in Lisa’s bedroom as Sparky fucked Lisa real good. Next time she sucked Sparky off, then next time she had Brad get naked on her bed. She sucked Brad to cum while Sparky fucked her behind from behind. She called it ’Lisa’s grand slam!’.
Sparky got a new red, diamond studded collar, with big tags on it, and slept in mom’s or Lisa’s room all the time.
Mom continued to have sex with her son, and daughter, Sparky-the dog, Robb and Jen from next door and with her sleep mask on, Mark, Maggie’s son. Mom and Maggie get along fine now, mom goes over with her sleep mask too, and they have blind hot women sex with other. Mom even fucked Jen’s dad, when he saw her fucking Sparky in the back yard, then fucked him to keep from telling anyone.
Brad got with Robb and Jen’s mom and they can’t get enough of each other. Jen keep’s dad all fucked out, all the time.
This family still goes on today, in a normal looking neighbor hood. No one driving by would know what goes on behind closed doors.
Oh look………..
….new neighbors moving in across the street. The mom, with her tits hanging half out, the dad, wearing a speedo showing thru his shorts, a studly looking teen age boy and a slutty looking teen girl holding the leash of a big dog with a huge dick.
The name on their mailbox says:
‘Virginia and Milo Klocksooker’
Lisa and Brad looked out Brad’s window, and started laughing…finally Lisa said:
“Looks like a family of Cocksuckers moved in across the street!!!,…What’s this neighborhood coming to!…tsk, tsk.”
Mom walked down the hall to see what all the laughing was about, and walked into Brad’s room. Brad was on his bed laughing holding his side, Lisa was laughing wiping her eyes. Mom said: “What’s so funny kids?”…Brad and Lisa couldn’t talk, as they started laughing again. He pointed to his window…
Mom looked out…she put her hand to her mouth and gasp!…”Look at the dick on that dog!!!”
Later Brad sat as his computer, he started writing a story as Lisa stood behind him.
The story title was:
“The Cocksuckers across the Street.”
The End

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She glanced around as if to make sure no one could hear then told me “We had sex. We made out for a long time and we got really hot for each other. We got into the back seat of his car then I let him screw me.” She paused briefly then repeated softly “Daddy, I let him fuck me.” She put a soft emphasis on ‘fuck’.

Releasing the beast in her – Part 1

How was I going to explain to my wife?
It was Wednesday and I was just driving home after landing back in the UK having just returned from three months working in New Zealand and discovered that I needed to have a meeting in London late Friday afternoon and into the evening with two of the team I had been working with on a previous project in Japan!
The only way around it, I thought, was to take her with me. As the meeting was scheduled for a Friday I planned to give her a weekend in London which may soften the blow.
To say she was not impressed was an understatement. However, with the offer of a weekend in London at the expense of my company (or so she thought) she let up and agreed. I explained to her that we would get to London early Friday afternoon and book into the hotel. She could go out shopping for a few hours while I met the guys at three. We should finish the main part of the meeting by five, six at the latest. We would then be having a meal together. My wife was reluctant about that but I said the guys were really looking forward to meeting her, so she finally agreed. I promised her everything would be fine and that while she was out shopping she should buy herself a new dress for the evening to go with the new lingerie I’d bought her which consisted of two lovely matching sets of thong, suspender belt and strapless low cut bra in red and black.
That evening over a couple of bottles of wine we discussed the weekend and I told her that a suite had been booked for us for the weekend as it was all that was available due to the short notice – which she thought she could cope with!! We also discussed the meal on Friday night and whether she would wear the red or black outfit. After much debate she decided to wear the red so I pushed my luck and suggested that she try on the black outfit to make sure it fitted. After me being away for three months she was more than up for trying the outfit on as like me she was thinking this is going to end up with her having the ass fucked off her – probably literally since that has been her preference for the past couple of years. If I know her she has given herself a good enema and had a nice long bath too in preparation.
My wife disappeared upstairs and ten minutes later came down wearing her black satin night shirt which came to about half way down her thighs. She stood in the middle of the room with her long legs slightly apart which caused a small enough gap in the night shirt to show the tops of the sheer black stockings she had put on. She had also put on a pair of black high heels for wonderful effect. She stood there and rocked her slender hips teasingly while slowly untying the tie holding the shirt closed. My cock was eagerly stirring in my pants.
Once the tie was undone she very slowly eased the night shirt apart to display her scantily clad shapely body which was in quite good nick for a 38 year old woman who’d had three children. Although her workouts at the gym three times a week certainly helped.
The low cut bra accentuated her 36D tits and the thong did very little to hide her hairy mound. She had threatened to shave her cunt on many occasions just to wind me up as she knows how much I love how hairy she is and the feel of it on my face when I’m licking her out. She slipped her night shirt off her shoulders, stepped toward me and slowly turned around and bent over and leaned on the coffee table right in front of me. What a sight, her tight peach of an ass was an arms length away from me with the thin strap of the thong slipped right into her ass crack and I could now see the lips of her cunt easing out each side of the thong strap. I started to move and she raised her foot up and planted her high heel into my chest. “Easy tiger,” she said, “you just wait until I say you can touch.”
I eased myself back into the sofa and just admired the sight in front of me. She parted her legs slightly and slipped her hand through and let her middle finger trace a path up and down her ass crack along the thong strap while swaying her ass back and forth. I was now supporting a raging hard on which was painfully stuck in my pants that I just wanted to release and slip straight into her. But she had other thoughts, so I just sat back and watched. She let her finger trace along her cunt lips and it was then I could see the faint traces of damp on the strap as she was getting turned on and her cunt started to get wet. She toyed with her clit through the thin material before sliding her finger along her cunt and through her ass crack once again stopping to play lightly above her little puckered hole. She continued this little dance with her finger for a short while and my cock was screaming to be released from its tight confine when she knelt up on the coffee table and said, ”lick me.”
I was not going to turn down an offer like that.
I eased myself forward and caressed each ass cheek lightly, pulling them gently apart to open up her crack and give me better access to her cunt and ass. I licked over the thin material from her clit, right along her cunt lips, over her little asshole and up her crack. Soaking the material even more than she had already done with her earlier finger dance. I then slid a finger under the thong strap and pulled it to one side fully exposing her wet cunt and ass. Bending forward I blew gently onto to her cunt lips before slowly licking her clit, along her cunt with the tip of my tongue slightly entering her and right around to her asshole which I started to tongue fuck, which she absolutely adores. After a few moments I went back and started to pay a lot of attention to her clit and cunt while I slipped my thumb completely up her ass and started to slowly fuck her ass while eating and licking for all I was worth. My thumb was gathering speed in and out of her ass as was my tongue on her clit. It wasn’t long before the tell tale signs of an orgasm were building and she screamed and shook on the table as her first orgasm of the evening rocked through her body. As she came down from her dizzy heights I slowly withdrew my thumb from her ass and stood up.
While my wife gathered her breath I stripped off my clothes and released my raging hard on from the tight confines of my pants, standing in front of her as she knelt on the coffee table. She immediately took the head of my cock into her mouth and slowly circled her tongue around and over the glans before slowly slipping it to the entrance of her throat and rocking gently she started to fuck her face on my cock. I kept still and let her control how much of my length she was taking in on each stroke. However, it wasn’t long before I couldn’t control myself and started to fuck her face pushing my cock head all the way to the back of her throat. Because of our position she gagged slightly but neither of us missed our stroke and we continued for a few more thrusts. My wife let my cock slip out of her mouth and said smiling, “let’s get in to a more fitting position.” With that she lay on the coffee table, stretched her arms behind her while lifting her feet into the air and grabbed the heels of her shoes. By pulling on her heels it lifted her chest off the table and raised her shoulders and head to a perfect height for me to slip my cock straight back into her mouth and this time her throat was nicely open for my cock to slip in balls deep. I began to fuck her throat for all I was worth, pulling out every few strokes to allow her to catch her breath before ploughing it back in until my balls hit her chin. I continued to fuck her throat until I felt a slight tightening in my balls and then stopped as I did not want to cum in her throat. Well not yet in any case I knew where I wanted my first load to go and that was deep into her cunt.
I pulled my cock out of her mouth and said, “delusions of grandeur?”
My wife looked up at me and grinned, “I’m game if you are.”
I should explain that delusions of grandeur is a term my wife and I use when we want to attempt to get cum in all three of her holes in one session. As a youngster this would not be a major feat as the powers of recovery after ejaculation are pretty good but then we didn’t know my wife liked having her ass fucked then, but now my recovery time is a little longer!! My wife also likes the position for another reason which I will explain shortly.
I lay down on the floor while my wife got down off the coffee table and straddled my prone body facing my feet. She squatted down on her knees and positioned herself over my eager cock ready for her reverse cowgirl. She grabbed my cock and positioned the head at the entrance to her now sopping wet cunt before sitting down and sliding it all the way and began to ride me for all she was worth. She leaned forward while she rode me to let my cock rub hard against her clit as she banged away as hard as she could to make sure she was getting every inch of me right up to the hilt. She also did this as she knew that I would then wet a couple of fingers and slip them right up her ass. We both love this as I can rub my fingers up and down my cock through the thin membrane between her holes as she rides me, raising the sensual feelings I get and she gets the feeling of having both holes filled at the same time. She has always fantasized about being double penetrated but we’ve never done anything about it.
It wasn’t long before I could feel the tension building in my balls through all the rough riding and rubbing going on and my wife knew it was coming too. And with that I rammed my cock up into her and shot load after load of hot steaming cum right into her void and as soon as she felt the first jet of cum hit her cervix she screamed and went into her second climax of the night. We both bucked and groaned as each load of cum shot out, releasing the tension in my balls and giving her that increasing liquid heat feeling in her cunt.
We both lay there gathering our breath from our climaxes and preparing ourselves for the next phase which is the part my wife really gets turned on by. My cock was starting to go flaccid and my cum was starting to ooze out of my wife’s cunt around it. She then raised herself up a little to let my cock flop out and with it a big load of cum dripped onto my wilting cock. She then proceeded to move her ass up my body to move into a 69. There was a wonderful sight of cum oozing out of her cunt as she moved up my body and dripping onto my stomach and chest. She then thrust her cunt onto my waiting mouth to make sure I got a mouthful of my cum dripping out of her (which is the part that really turns her on – as well as me). I eagerly licked and sucked on her dripping cunt and could taste our mixed juices while my wife proceeded to lick and suck my cum covered cock clean. While I continued to lick and suck her cunt and clit I slipped a couple of fingers back up her ass and started to finger fuck her as I knew this combination would not take too long to bring on her next orgasm. She in turn wet one of her fingers and started to wet and play with my asshole before slowly inserting her finger all the way in. We both eagerly licked, sucked, chewed and finger fucked each other until I could tell from the groans coming deep from within her that she was building up to her next orgasm. Then all of a sudden she thrust her cunt down hard onto my mouth, clamped her thighs to my head and ass to my fingers, arched her back, stiffened and screamed through another climax. Once it was over she fell off me and lay on the floor. “Fucking hell, that was so good” she managed to say in between shallow breaths.
“I can see we’re not going to get that up my ass at the moment”, she said. “Not that I think I’m ready for it right now, my knees are too weak to move”
“Well lets just lay here for a moment before we go up to bed and by then perhaps we’ll both be ready for a little ass fucking?” I said. With that I stared to play with my cock to begin the hoped for recovery and my wife watched on as she gathered her breath.
It was a good ten minutes later that my cock was again rock hard and my wife sat up and said, “it looks like you’re ready for action? I suppose you want to slide that up my ass now do you?”
“You bet and if I know you, you’re aching to get it up there too?”
As if to reply she raised herself up and leaned across the coffee table and stuck her ass invitingly in the air. Without hesitation I got up leaned over her ass and licked my tongue right up her ass crack before sliding it back down and inserted it into her asshole and began to tongue fuck her. After a few strokes I stood up and positioned myself ready to slide my cock into her very wet and very willing asshole. I put the head of my cock gently against her hole and applied pressure for the head to push open the puckered hole and it eased inside her. I pulled it out again and slowly did it again, and again, and again, driving my wife mad. On the next insertion though I leaned fully into her and sent my cock balls deep into her ass. She groaned with pleasure and pushed her ass back to make sure it was fully pushed home. We then got into our rhythm and were fucking each others brains out as we both rammed into each other to make sure she was getting every inch of pleasure she could ring out of my cock. As this was going to be my second orgasm of the night I lasted a good while before I could feel my balls tightening once more. I started to moan but my wife already knew I was getting ready to fill her ass and she started to rub her clit in anticipation of the soon to be warm feeling she was about to get deep within her rectum. With that I groaned, rammed my cock fully home and started to shoot my seed deep into her ass. With the feel of the hot liquid filling her hole and the rubbing of her clit she too screamed through another climax.
I eventually started to ease myself out of her slowly and she squeezed her ass muscles to make sure she got every drop of cum out of me. As my cock finally emerged it was followed by a dribble of cum from my wife’s asshole. Just like seeing it oozing out of her cunt earlier this creates and incredible creampie view that I can’t resist. I bend down and lick the cum from her ass and begin again to slip my tongue into her and tongue fuck her cum filled hole. Although this only lasted a few seconds as we are both so exhausted.
We eventually get up and went to bed and both fell straight to sleep.
It must have been a few hours later that something woke me up and then I realised what it was. It was that wonderful feeling of my wife’s mouth wrapped around my cock. She had woken up and slipped under the bed clothes and started to lick and suck on my cock which had already started to stiffen nicely. Although not yet fully hard she sank her lips to the base of my cock and started to use her tongue to great effect. With her lips fully clamped to the base of my cock it continued to grow and I felt the head enter her throat. I grabbed her head with both hands and started to force it deeper into her throat and fuck her face. With my cock now fully erect it was right into her throat and both of us were loving the feeling of the throat fucking.
Eventually my wife pushed herself off my cock, moaned and said, “Fuck my ass again, I want to feel that deep up my ass and adding more cum to my hole.”
I turned her onto her front, climbed on top of her and positioned the head of my cock at her slippery puckered hole. This time though I just ploughed it fully home. My wife screamed with pleasure and we both started to fuck roughly. Only this time the feel and sound of my cock sliding in and out of her already cum filled ass was unbelievable. The cum in her ass was squishing around my cock with each thrust and as well as the sound the feel of it swilling around my cock was fantastic. The sound of the cum squirting around my cock was filling the room and we were both moaning and groaning with the unbelievable feeling it was creating. We quickened our pace and my wife was playing with her clit while I pumped away at her ass. Our groans got louder and quicker and it wasn’t long before I was shooting another load of hot cum into her cum filled hole. The second load sent her over the edge and she groaned through another orgasm. As my ejaculation ended I slowly withdrew my cock and once again my wife’s ass muscles made sure she squeezed every last drop from me. As my cock emerged my wife’s well fucked ass it looked pummelled but was well covered in the remnants of my cum. I once again licked her ass clean and as I moved to lie next to her she sat up and leaned over and took my cock in her mouth and cleaned all the remnants of cum from it. We had a long lingering kiss before we lay back down and went straight to sleep.
To be continued…………………..

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Riding with Jim

“Today is a day like any other” I thought to myself as I got on the train to head back home from a long day at school. I went to college in the city and commuted to and from my apartment everyday. Because I had such a long commute, I took one of the trains that travels further out of the city then normal.
I was just about to start reading my book when Jim, the man who comes around and punches everyone’s tickets walked by, smiled and winked at me like he always did. I knew he found me attractive, I had caught him on more then one occasion staring down my low cut shirts, trying to get a better look at my set of double D’s. Quiet frankly, the first time I met him, I found him to be highly annoying. But as the weeks went by and I saw him everyday, I came to realize how attractive he was. He had to be in his mid 40’s, his hair was starting to gray a bit, but his tan skin and bright blue eyes were so compelling. Even thought I was only 22, I found him more attractive then men my own age. Today, the scent of his cologne was absolutely intoxicating. I smiled back at him brightly as he turned to continue down the aisle.
“Only a man with a big dick could have a swagger like his” I thought to myself as he walked away. The thought made me instantaneously wet. My clit started to throb as I sat there, thinking about how big his cock could be and thinking about taking it down my throat. I didn’t care that he was married, I had seen the ring on his left hand, and honestly, it just made me hotter knowing that he wanted me, when he was already married.
Before I knew it the train had started moving. I knew where Jim was now. On the afternoon train he ran the control room on the other end of the train. I sat there, making myself wetter and wetter, thinking about riding his cock while he was driving the train. “I have to get a hold of myself” i thought. I was going to regret wearing the black mini skirt and thigh high fishnets I had on if I kept making myself so wet. However, as the minutes past, I couldn’t stop thinking about my mouth tightly wrapped around his prick. It got to the point where I just couldn’t take it anymore, I had to have it.
I got up from my seat and started to walk towards the other end of the train. As I did I notice how crowded the train was that day and the thought made me even wetter, knowing what I was about to attempt. The door to the control room was closed, but I opened it without a problem. Jim sat there, reading a newspaper before he turned around and saw me standing there.
His eyes drifted to my high heeled shoes, up my slender legs, to my breasts and eventually to my face where he smiled at me. “Is everything okay?” he asked politely. I could distinctly hear the surprise and intrigue in his deep voice. “Oh yeah, everything is fine”, I smiled slightly as I said it, “I just wanted to see what it looked like in here is all.” My eyes burned into his while I bit the bottom of my lip, and I hoped he would understand why I was really in there. He stared back into my eyes and I saw a flash of slight understanding in them.
Jim stood up and strolled the short distance over to where I was. He reached around me, pressing his body into mine to close the door behind me. When he rocked back on his heals, he didn’t move away, but kept himself close to me, staring down at my face, his eyes wandering down to my breasts and back up again. I looked up at his face, feeling his hot breath wash over me, and the scent of him was driving me insane. I couldn’t take it anymore, I pressed my mouth up to his, kissing him hard and rough, letting there be no mistake as to what i was after.
He kissed me back, just as hard and rough. I let his tongue slip into my mouth and he started to massage my tongue and tongue ring against his. I reached up and took two fistfuls of his hair as I ground my pussy into his dick. I felt it getting harder against my stomach and i smiled. This was going to be too easy. After a few minutes, he pulled back from our kiss and said “You know I’m married right?” I smiled and reached up to whisper in his ear, “So? It makes my tight little cunt even wetter” before i started to suck and nibble on his earlobe, feeling his cock press harder into my stomach as I did so. He let out a low moan and pushed me up against the wall of the room roughly. He lifted both of my legs up while I wrapped them around his waist. He then proceeded to carry me over to the chair where he was sitting, me straddling his lap.
He grabbed one of my tits over my shirt as we started to kiss again, our tongues exploring each others mouths. I moaned into the kiss as he grabbed me, my pussy started to throb violently with need. I broke off the kiss and he looked at me for a moment before he took off my shirt to reveal my big, yet perky tits in my black and white laced bra. He immediately unclasped my bra and took one of my nipples into his mouth greedily. I gasped loudly at the sheer delight of him sucking, and gently biting my nipple before he went to the other one to do the same while pinching and tweaking the one his mouth had just left. I started to grind my bare pussy (as i was only wearing a thong) onto his hard cock. I knew he must feel the wetness already because he started to bite and pinch hard down on my tits, making me sigh and moan louder. Suddenly the need to suck his cock was over whelming. I needed to feel his cock in my mouth.
“I really want to suck your cock Jim. Please let me suck it” I started to plead into his ear. I felt his cock stirring with anticipation against my cunt. He pulled back from my tits and smiled smugly to at me before pushing my down in between his legs and unbuttoning his pants. I pulled his pants and boxers down swiftly, letting his cock fling out. I was right. He was huge. I licked my lips while i stared at his monster of a dick. I let my eyes travel back up to his before I took just the head in my mouth, sucking hard. He let out a low groan as I did this and grabbed my dark brown hair in his hands. He started to edge my face down his cock while I took as much as I could into my mouth and down my throat. Suddenly he grabbed harder on my hair and forced all of his cock down my throat. I choked a little before fighting off the urge to choke again and let him continue. He started to thrust his hips, his cock moving in and out of my mouth while his hands were wrapped hard against my head. I loved to get face fucked and I was in heaven.
My pussy was getting too wet to resist. As he continued to face fuck me harder and faster, I reached down in between my legs and started to rub my clit furiously. I was moaning all over his cock while i rubbed it harder and harder. “Oh fuck, you’re such a dirty fuckin whore aren’t you?” he moaned as he realized I was playing with myself as he fucked my faced. I nodded the best I could, I loved being treated like a whore and getting talked dirty to like one. He grabbed my hair and head harder, the pain making me rub my clit even harder and faster. I loved the pain too. He was shoving and thrusting his cock into my mouth faster and faster. All of a sudden he just stopped and his dick popped out of my mouth.
He lifted me up onto my feet again and asked “You want this hard cock inside of your pussy you little slut?” I couldn’t help it, he turned me on so much. I moaned “yes” pleadingly before he grabbed me roughly and slammed my pussy down on his dick. It hurt slightly because my pussy was so fucking tight and his cock was so big. But I loved it. I started to bob up and down on his dick, my need growing more and more. “That’s right you little fucking slut, ride my fucking cock” he told me roughly. I started to scream a little bit and moan as my orgasm already started to build. With one hand he grabbed one of my tits again before taking the hard nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking on it roughly. His other hand traveled around to my ass where he smacked it hard. I let out a low moan as he smacked me, it made me ride him harder and faster. My pussy was sliding up and down his cock so fast that my tits were bouncing everywhere and my pert ass was jiggling hard every time I came back down. His hand was still on my ass and I wanted nothing more then for him to play with my asshole.
“Jim, please play with my asshole. Please, I want both of my holes filled. Please”. I begged him to finger fuck my asshole and he happily obliged. He smacked my ass hard again before reaching around and roughly sticking his index finger up my ass. There was no need to wet it as my ass was already so wet from my pussy juices. “Oh fuck oh fuck!” i started to scream as he fingered my tight little hole, my orgasm holding off no longer. I rode him harder as my orgasm hit, my pussy tightening so hard around his dick it was difficult to move regardless of all my pussy juices covering it. I shuddered slightly as I came. As soon as my orgasm had subsided, he suddenly pushed me off his cock and back onto the floor. He let out a low moan as i took his cock back into my throat and he started to cum violently, his hot cum squiring down my mouth and my throat. I lapped up and swallowed as much as I could before it started to spill out of my mouth and drip down my chin onto my tits. He pulled his dick out when he was finished and I immediately started to wipe up all the cum on my tits I could find and sucking it into my mouth, not wanting to waste it.
We both looked at each other for a moment before smiling and laughing a little bit. As I started to put my bra and shirt back on, I realized that we had reached the last stop on the train route. It didn’t even matter, I’d find a way to get home. I smiled as I found a piece of paper and pen and wrote my phone number down to give to him. I handed him the piece of paper before I gave him one last hard kiss and grabbed his cock through his pants gently. “That’s a good little whore” he said as he smacked my ass before I walked out onto the platform smiling to myself and knowing this wasn’t the end of our escapades.

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Victorious part 3

The next day for Victor and Meredith was a continuance of all the previous days for a few hours.
“Carmine? Meredith needs you in her office for a word about the numbers before lunch.”
Carmine didn’t do well for the week, and it was past eleven thirty.
“Oh great. Well let’s go office boy.”
She led the way in her tight designer dress. Carmine was an extreme extrovert like most salespeople, and was of the thought that the office was the place to be beautiful. She wore a dress that could get her past the V.I.P. rope in a club. It was white and very tight with a short skirt. Several gold necklaces covered more of her chest then her open top. Some women wore that type of dress as a stylish shirt over jeans or leather pants.
They stepped into Meredith’s dark office. Her windows were shaded and the lights were off. Most of the light in the room came from the glass wall. In the back of the dark room, only the computer’s screensaver and the charging lights for her cell phone were casting light.
Meredith sat waiting at the desk. She wore a black dress suit with only a hint of white blouse over her lapel.
“Hello Meredith, you should get some light it’s unhealthy.” Carmine said in greeting. Like most office workers, she was afraid being in the dark room. Unlike most, she faced her fear by crossing into the depths of the room to stand over Meredith at her desk.
Victor stood quietly by the windows.
“How are your numbers for this week?” Meredith said coolly.
“I’ll have them by the end of the day. I hope to finish a few things.” Carmine avoided.
“How are your numbers so far for the week?” Meredith was like an army laying siege, Carmine could only look on as systematically, and methodically Meredith plugged along through excuses and twisted ambiguity.
“Five including the new Tarsus model.” She said trying to add a good ring to it.
“You did ten last week and those five were finalized extras that went through on Monday and Tuesday. Now, this week, you’re behind the twelve you needed.”
“Well I…” Carmine struggled.
“How do I punish you?” Carmine straightened. “Fifteen in two weeks is not good enough.” Carmine rightly feared being fired. It was a Friday at lunchtime, the perfect time to clean out the desk. It seemed these talks were fairly common, and no one likes their money played with.
“Well I…” Victor watched the gears start turning.
“I have a way to help you.”
Carmine nearly missed that as she thought about her excuse. “I… uh what?”
“Victor says it’s a mental thing, making lots of sales one week and being sluggish the next. Something about not being hungry.” Behind them, the office emptied for lunch at Chili’s. “Are you hungry?” Meredith asked perhaps meaning literally.
“Ah no..ah yes.” Carmine answered perhaps meaning figuratively.
Victor could guess by Carmine’s face she had lost her appetite with the conversation.
“Well, after this you should be able to go eat where you want.” Carmine stiffened further Victor could see waterworks getting ready. “Will you be hungry to sell next week?”
“Yes Meredith, next week will be great.” She blurted.
“What do you do that puts you at ease? Can I relax you for you too do better? What do you do with your money? You don’t have to answer.”
Carmine felt she couldn’t not answer. “I go out. Pay bills. This is a good job.” She nodded to herself.
“Where do you go? Do you wait, or look for acceptable men at fun places at night, or do you have an… other with you?”
Victor was amused how she seemed to have asked Carmine if she was a whore or a lesbian.
Carmine wasn’t thinking too clearly about what was said or its meaning, and was just of blurting what ever she thought. “I go out and have fun with friends, yes.” She said unable to hide her frantic confusion.
Meredith arched her fingers in front of her. Victor taught her to use it as a device to distract people from her chest when they were about to ask for the sale. “Are you satisfied?”
“Huh?” Carmine looked at Victor for understanding.
“Are you satisfied?” Meredith leaned in.
“With going out?” Carmine said slowly. “I guess, it’s hit and miss.”
“It’s a waste of time. I am unable because of my schedule to consider that type of life.” Meredith turned and stood from the chair. “I think there is away to make you more satisfied spending time here. I feel that would center your life and allow you more success.”
Carmine nodded quickly thinking she was making progress. “I understand. I’ll make the company a larger part of my life.” missed Meredith’s meaning completely.
“You have to see it as the center Carmine. Not the car, the bills, or the friends. Without the job, you lose all the others.” Meredith said coming around the desk and sitting on it next to her. “You know you’ll lose it all without it right?”
Carmine seemed to pale and blush at the same time. “Yyyes.” She said fearfully.
Meredith looked deep into her. “Stable relationships make people happier at work do you know why?”
Carmen nodded gravely. “They do their business and go home without all the stress of trying to please other people all the time.”
Meredith paused trying to understand if that was an acceptable answer.
“Are you in a relationship?” Meredith continued.
“Umm no, not for a while now.” Carmine looked down and snuck an embarrassed look at Victor.
Meredith stiffened watching her. “You’re looking to get one?” She accused.
Carmen rolled her shoulders. “Umm yes, but I’m not able to find the one for me though. Many men act nice, but they all just take what they want and never call back. I’m sure you know how it is. They just want you cause your pretty but they’re not there for you. They just want well…they won’t cry with you. The guys I find don’t share my dreams or last long enough to hear them.” She said hanging her head.
Meredith looked over at Victor thoughtfully. Perhaps that was her feelings put to words.
“I have found one for myself.” Meredith said
Victor choked loudly at how hugely insensitive she was sounding.
Carmen literally was taken aback at the words. “Oh that’s…”
“You will have to be satisfied as I am. I want you not to be distracted.” Meredith looked her right in the eye. “I will help you.”
Meredith grabbed her head and latched onto her cheek with her teeth. Carmine gasped but Meredith caught her wrists. She brought her hands to the sides and slide up Carmine’s skirt.
Victor watched the two silently struggle. Carmine was helpless and made only little gasps under Meredith. The larger woman had trapped her hands down to her sides and her feet were in between Carmine’s. Controlling Carmine’s wrists, Meredith slide the helpless woman’s panties down slowly.
Meredith released her and whispered in her ear. Whatever she said made Carmine stop struggling her arms as she writhed.
She turned her head. “Come, Victor.”
He already had moved in next to them and now he moved behind Carmine. Victor wondered what she said to make her calm, and hoped charges weren’t about to be pressed. His cock leapt out and flopped along grazing Carmine’s bubbly ass.
She jumped feeling it but Meredith kept her from moving.
“Get down, a real relationship is give and take.” Meredith pushed Carmine by her shoulders to her knees. She stood over her and used her hip to push the back of her head over and onto him.
Carmine seemed to be in shock as she started to numbly give him a blowjob. Victor thought if anyone ever was shocked to find themselves sucking someone off, they would look like Carmine. Her style was uninspired. She used more of her lips then tongue and bobbed her mouth like a pussy.
“That’s why you can’t keep a man! Use your throat. Let him have your body. That’s exactly what your doing is using your body on his. You’re not good enough for Victor this way.” Meredith said pushing her in harder.
She ruthlessly backed off Carmine and threw her onto his cock. Tears flowed down her face wrecking her carefully applied makeup. “This is the pleasure of giving.” She said after ramming them together for a few minutes. Victor was already quite hard and his cock was covered in the thick saliva found in Carmine’s throat.
Meredith pulled off Carmine and bent her over the desk. “This is the pleasure of receiving.” She bent in and pushed her nose into Carmine’s ass as she sloughed around and burrowed her face into her forcefully.
Carmine danced on her face panting open mouthed. Meredith had picked her feet off the floor with the force of her face pushing in. Carmine started to slap the desk and finally with a keening wail she let out a gush that flowed out on Meredith.
She sagged and limply fell across the desk in a heap as Meredith untangled herself and stood.
“What did you tell her?” Victor asked curious.
“I told her if she relaxed she would enjoy it and keep her job.”
“Wow that’s pretty bold of you. They call that coercion.” He added.
“It was important, and I feel it will make her better.” Meredith replied as she stroked Carmines ass. Carmine shivered and sobbed but didn’t move. “Are you satisfied? Do you want more Carmine? Can you take more?”
“Please, be gentle with me.” She said quietly and tried pulling up her knees onto the desk and raising her ass.
“This is what you want?” Victor asked taking off his pants and pulling her to the side.
“Yes.” She hissed as he slid her up on the corner of the desk. He had her squat so her knees were straddling the desk and her clit bore the weight of her body on the corner of the desk. He pulled her arms back bending the elbows and bringing her hands to the back of her neck. He interlaced a few of her fingers, and with one hand he held them there, with his other hand, Victor brought his cock up to her drooling hole.
“Carmine, you want this cock?” He asked to be sure.
“Yes Vic, please.” She pleaded hoarsely.
He pushed into her and was surprised at her tightness. After the usual struggle, her body took his width fine, but he bottomed out less than halfway inside her. Her pussy was not as hot as Meredith’s was, nor as snug and accommodating, but it was wet from her earlier explosion and let him glide in and out fairly easily. He shoved against the back wall of her pussy claiming more space for himself inside her. Carmine started wriggling under him and her feet slid out from under her as she tried to move off of him.
“Aww, what the hell Carmine? Do you want this dick or not?” He hissed pushing further into her struggling body. Her legs straightened behind him and her ass clenched.
He paused and leaned into her ear. “Hold still.” He soothed and pushed her down on the desk as she started panicking.
He heaved into her pushing harder and deeper in a building rhythm. He had the ability to fuck her for days and showed it by setting a brutal speed that left her flopping on the table like an electrocuted fish. Behind him, Meredith shut the office door and turned back to watch.
Carmine bucked her head up and froze with a quiet orgasm after a few minutes as Victor continued to slam her. After ten minutes, she silently arched onto her face and hips as her body locked up and he felt another liquid explosion douse his cock and balls. Meredith watched her pupils dance in drunken circles under her wrecked makeup and half closed eyelids. After she came down, the once proud Latina loudly hyperventilated trying to get down her oxygen deficit.
“Are you satisfied?” Meredith asked almost cruelly.
“Oh god, you’re gonna kill me.” She moaned.
Victor chuckled at her still keeping up his pace. “Mercy, Carmine. Do you want mercy?” His voice was flat, even, and sounded bored despite his Herculean effort. Her spasming pussy was wet as ever but he could feel it starting to swell around him from the abuse.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck! Vic, you’re the man! Mercy.”
Victor pulled back and Meredith came to him immediately. Meredith quite transparently, was checking to see if he came. Satisfied, she stood and hugged him tightly, pressing her full body into him.
“How long will you be able to concentrate with that level of satisfaction?” Meredith asked from Victor’s side. Carmine huffed and didn’t move as twitches ran up and down her body.
She slumped over trying to right herself before replying. “I’ll work late tonight, I’ll come in this weekend, and I won’t go out. Is he going to do me like that again?”
“Likely. This weekend won’t work however.” Meredith said from behind him as she walked around to her desk. She paused looking at Carmines face in the light from the computer. “You should really clean yourself up.”
“Right, I just need a little moment.” Carmine pulled herself back onto the floor and sunk down to squat at the front of the desk. Her pussy made a burp as it was compressed and released air. “Damn, how long has it been?”
Outside the hooting, giggling, and murmurs of returning coworkers came through muffled from the work area outside. Some of the girls had large bags of family sized servings from their favorite restaurant and a nearby deli. The group set them out and scattered the boxes on a conference table.
“Shit.” Carmine said watching her co-workers serve themselves. She was trapped in.
“You’ll have to hurry. Perhaps you can be clever.” Meredith chided.
Victor noticed a budding smile.
Carmine rose and skulked to the door. She straightened what she could of her dress and looked at her reflection in the glass. She lowered her head and dashed out past her eating laughing co-workers. Only Misty the receptionist got a good look at her, the others only saw her flee holding her face.
“Oh my god! Was she fired?” a voice in the gaggle wondered aloud. They impotently repeated what they saw and eulogized their supposedly sacked comrade as they continued to eat. Carmine joined them in a few moments without makeup and heartily dug into the food spinning a story between bites.
In the shadows of her office, Meredith stood behind Victor and had swung her arms around his waist and softly chewed at his shoulder blade while looking at her employees.

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