
Lily’s Seduction of the Boy Next Door Part 3

This is the third chapter of the series. I believe its a good intermediate for those wanting even more teasing/seducing as well as those wanting a little more action. Regardless, comments and suggestions are always welcome!

A new day, a new me part 3

Wow, got some nice comments, thank you to all those who are reading my work, I’ll try to put out more. And I apologize for the lead up in the story if it takes too long.
After a Wednesday that would make most people want me dead for my luck my Thursday was actually boring. Get up, eat, do school, come home, and enjoy time with my family.
“So your mother and I are heading out of town this weekend,” my father says as we’re eating dinner. I freeze solid; my internal clock is racing a mile a minute. My loving sister Liz decides to break the silence,” both of you are gonna be gone? For how long?” “From Friday morning to Sunday evening, your father got a bid for a weekend vacation from work and we’re going to try to have some fun ourselves,” Mom says smiling. I’ve almost lost my appetite, the Queen of trouble is home alone and I’m gonna get blamed for the chaos she causes.
“Before you two get all excited I’m laying down the rules your mother and I discussed,” Dad starts,” All the standard rules but we’re going to leave you money so you can eat out or get groceries while we’re gone.” God why have you forsaken me, they’re gonna leave her in charge of it all and I’m gonna eat leftovers all weekend. “This is gonna be awesome, I get to eat what I want and have friends over all weekend,” Liz starts in, Mom however is quick to cut her off,” Actually any of that you have to get cleared with your brother, we decided to leave Guy in charge and he’s going to have the money this weekend.
Now I’m hearing the chorus to Ode to Joy in my head, God has answered my prayers. “WHAT,” blurts out my sister shaking me out of my joyful moment. “You heard your mother,” says Dad,” He’s going to be in charge so if you want to do something you have to run it by him.” I finish my meal in a spectacular mood while my sister attempts to plead her case to our folks.
Next morning we’re heading out the door at the same time as our folks as Tracy pulls up, Korinna is already in the backseat. Elizabeth and I pile in, her in the front and me in the back. As soon as I’m in the back I see Korinna in her tight black v-neck and blue jeans, she smiles as we speed off to school. “So you get to make all the rules this weekend huh Guy,” Korinna asks. Thank you modern technology,” Yep, parents left me in charge for the weekend and I have access to the money only, Dad left me a money card and I’m the only one other than him with the pin number.”
Now Korinna is grinning widely, Tracy looks like she doesn’t care in the slightest and Liz looks more annoyed now than she was last night. “So all we gotta do is convince you to let us do what we want,” says Korinna again, she’s leaning back and unbuttons the top button of her jeans. “You two can convince him all you want, I’ve got a game and my dad is not gonna let my ass out the house for no reason,” Tracy states. “It’s my brother, the most boring boy at our whole school, the boy who sits on the computer all weekend or hangs out with his band student girlfriend or his not good enough to be a jock best friend,” Liz exclaims. We sit quietly until school; all of us pile out of the car and start to head off to class as I hear someone running up behind me, I turn to see Korinna jog up. “You know your sister has some plans right,” she says. “Yeah but no thanks, every time she decides to have some fun I end up with the grounding,” I reply. She cuts me off from walking and stops right in front of me. “I know what she is going to want to do and I’ve got some things in mind so here’s what we do, I’ll get her to ask, she’s gonna hit you with a lot of ideas, I’ll give you a signal and you agree. After that it’ll be smooth sailing till Sunday,” she states. I shrug and head off to first period.
First and second period come and go, I wind up in third period Liz and Korinna are sitting already and both turn to me as soon as I enter the room. I get into my seat and get ready for class when Liz chimes in,” I wanna have fun this weekend.” I shrug as she continues,” I AM going to have fun this weekend cause you’re going to let me host a party and use the card.” I almost fall of my chair from chuckling,” No chance in hell.” She turns and starts whispering to Korinna, she turns back and says,” I host the party and you use the card to get stuff for it.” I’m still going from her first idea,” Again Liz, No.” I turn back to face the front of the room as class starts.
Class ends and I head out to lunch and get about 3 feet out of the door when grabbed by both arms and steered off to the cafeteria, Korinna and Liz on each arm guiding me forward. We enter the cafeteria and the sit me down into a chair, then pull up chairs along either side of me and sit down pinning me in. “Let me explain,” Liz starts,” I want to have a party, I am going to have a party, I need your help.” She pauses on need, like it hurt to say it. “Maybe I should explain it,” Korinna chimes in, she places her hand on my thigh and squeezes lightly,” the party she wants to have isn’t a party to get you in trouble, we’re gonna have a special party.” Liz starts texting and in a few minutes I’ve got 3 more females sitting at my table; an Indian girl about 5’6” who fills out her sweater and jeans with a at least a B cup with her hair in a long braid, an Asian girl about 5’5” thin build with her hair in some punk scene blue and black mix cut short around her face with a loose open neck t-shirt and cut off jeans, and a very familiar looking redhead with freckles in a blue jogging suit.
Liz turns to me,” I want a slumber party, just us girls, I need you to use the card so we can party and have fun for 2 nights.” I feel the girls staring at me expectantly, Korinna squeezes my leg again. I’m being set up, I can’t figure it out but I know I’m being set up. Then it hits me, I smile at my sister then to Korinna,” Nope, not gonna happen.” As the 5 of them sit shocked I push my chair back and quickly grab my bag and duck out of the cafeteria.
I get to the far side of the Gym and wait; sure enough Korinna comes flying around the corner and almost walks right past me. “What the hell are you doing,” she exclaims,” we had a deal.” I chuckle,” we didn’t have a deal, you had a plan and I’m having fun.” She glares at me for a second and then softens,” You’re messing with Liz?” I start laughing and she follows in suit. “Actually there is one thing,” I say as I’m ending a good laugh,” Why the other girls?” She ends her laugh,” what, you don’t like girls now?” I straighten up,” why do you think I’m here, far side of the Gym, nobody around?”
She pushes me up against the gym’s outer wall and latches her lips onto mine; I can taste her raspberry lip gloss. She shoves her tongue into my mouth; I grab her hips and pull our bodies together. Her hands wrenches open my jeans and pulls my cock free. Breaking the lip lock she smiles at me,” we don’t have time or privacy so I’m gonna make this quick.” Korinna drops to her knees and starts working my half hard penis in her mouth, I tilt my head back pulling her hair out of the way with one hand and interlocking our fingers with the other. She uses her tongue and sucking to get me all hard, pulling back till just the head is in her mouth then pushing five of the seven and a half inches down. I feel her squeeze my hand and look down into her pretty grey eyes, I can feel her smirk on my cock, then she starts slamming her mouth onto me hard and fast. I groan as she works on my member, I start to get that wonderful feeling at the base of my cock then I feel cold air on my member as I grit my teeth, she pulls her mouth off and moves her head to the side while pumping my penis as I shoot out onto the side walk around the gymnasium.
I am spent as she puts my member back in my pants and stands back up kissing me again, this time softly. “So now can I convince you that having me and three other girls stay the night is a good idea,” she asks with her eyes closed. I smile,” We have shopping to do and I think I want a guarantee.” She opens her eyes,” Okay, what I have to guarantee,” she asks. “Am I gonna have fun or am I getting left out,” I say grinning. Korinna laughs,” Of course, at least I’ll be there. You think Liz wanted the slumber party.” We laugh and head off, me to fourth period and her to go tell my sister the ‘good news’.
Fourth period comes and goes as I head into fifth and get to my seat, as I’m getting my binder out; I glance up and see Heather at the door. She looks around for a sec and moves to her usual seat behind me. I ignore her and set about my class work. Half way through the class my phone starts vibrating in my jacket; I reach inside and fumble with the buttons till it goes silent. Class comes to an end and I pull out my phone and check it safely, it’s a text from Heather ‘Can we please talk privately, it’s about Derek’. I smirk and turn to see her leave the room. I grab my stuff and head towards my studies class to see Heather waiting for me a couple feet outside the door. “I really need to talk to you,” she starts as I walk past. She takes my arm and continues,” I need to talk to you Guy.” I stop and look her straight in her eyes,” I don’t care what you need, now let go.” She grips tighter,” No, Derek is scared. He’s afraid to come to school because he thinks you’ll kill him. I know we hurt you, but it wasn’t what we were trying to do, I just wanted to be ready for when we were going to do it. I just wanted it to be good.” I am about to say something then all of a sudden I see it out of the corner of my eyes, Liz in a beeline for us.
Liz grabs my arm and pulls it out of Heather’s hand. I look back at Liz and she has a death gaze on Heather who looks more afraid now than in the cafeteria. ” Guy, having any trouble,” Liz asks? I shake my head and smile, this should be good. “Liz I just need to talk to Guy,” Heather starts but is quickly cut off. “You’re a smart girl right Heather,” Liz starts,” smart, play music, good grades that kind of thing.” Heather looks at Liz confused but Liz doesn’t stop,” My brother is off limits to you, you had your chance and you messed it up for a guy not good enough to play sports and not smart enough to go to college. Not very smart, but what’s worse is he has me and I’ve got friends.” I look a bit and see a few more girls from one of Elizabeth’s dance teams walk up and make a small circle around us. Liz smiles,” Call this some friendly advice, go about your days, live your life and leave my brother alone.” Liz takes me by the arm and we walk to my home studies class.
Once Liz and I are seated she looks at me and asks,” What did you ever see in her fat ass.” I shrug and reply,” You kinda limited my options with your ‘you can’t date my friends’ rule, half the school is your friend.” She shrugs,” well I didn’t want things to get awkward when they’d break up with you.” I decide I should cash in one of those favors,” Okay, I’m calling in a favor; the no friends rule is gone.” She drops her pen from on her pad of paper and looks straight at me,” No, I can’t let that happen.” I shrug and reply,” remember what Tracy said ‘you walk and you don’t talk to her again’ you keep our deal or lose a friend. Maybe 2 if Korinna decides to side with me on the deal.” Liz puts her head in her hands and shakes her head. Finally after a few minutes she answers,” Okay, the rule is gone; you can date my friends IF they wanna date you.” I smile and get back to my homework.
After school Liz, Korinna and I head out to Tracy’s car for a quick trip home. Liz and Korinna start talking about the party and what they want to do, I generally ignore them until I feel Korinna lean up against me,” We need to get to my house first so I can borrow my Mom’s car and we can get stuff from the store.” Liz looks back at us, “I gotta get the house ready and then we can shop.” Tracy pulls us into our driveway,” you two decide I’m gonna drop Korinna home and rush my ass back to school.” Tracy peels out and Liz and I head into the house.
After about 20 minutes of some cleaning and rearranging the living room Korinna pulls up to the house in a minivan and I head out to greet her when she rolls down her window and hollers to me,” Guy get in now.” I dash around and get in the passenger side; as soon as my door closes Korinna drives off with Liz standing in the doorway yelling at the vehicle. “What are we doing,” I ask as I get my seatbelt on. “Some shopping, how much do we have?” Korinna asks. “One hundred fifty, apparently dad really wants us to not call,” I reply smiling,” Oh by the way I called in my first favor from Liz, the no dating her friends rule is gone.” Korinna pulls into the grocery store parking lot and sits quietly for a minute. ”Why did you ask for that,” she asks looking at me confused. Now I’m stunned, I thought this would be a good thing, I could date her, or anyone of a half dozen other girls that I’ve watched for the past few years. I finally speak,” I am tired of these guessing games with women; I did this so I could have freedom to do what and who I want.” She looks as me and smiles lightly,” I like the idea, maybe you should date someone a little less used.” We exit the car and I ponder what she said about being used, inside the store we’re off, grabbing sodas, chips, cookies and ice cream. After gathering more soda and juice for some reason we hit the check out. Cashier doesn’t even bother to ask about two teenagers about junk food or a cash card.
After piling up all the groceries in the car she pushes me up against the van,” Fine you want a relationship, I want someone with more experience than you got now.” I’m stunned to hear her say that. “How much more experience do I need,” I ask. “About 2 nights worth of a slumber party hopefully,” she replies and lets me off the side of the van as we head off home.
As we pull up to the house Liz barrels out the front door and starts grilling Korinna and I,” Why did you two leave me here?” Pulling the groceries from the car Korinna grabs the bag with the condoms and a bag from the car. Korinna answers Liz’s questioning,” Well someone had to stay here if people came over, you want him greeting the girls when they get here.” We get into the house with the food, Liz directs me to the camping stuff in the garage for air mattresses. After about an hour they’ve got junk food in bowls and beds all over the floor in the living room. As we finish the prep work Liz turns to me and gives me the worst news of the day,” Now you leave and stay in your room.” I’m a little hurt and reply,” I help do all this, I gave you permission for this and spent money on it and now I have to leave.” Liz just smiles,” All girls slumber party, no boys allowed.” I look at Korinna as she winks and smiles to me. Grabbing a box of sodas and some chips I head off to my room.
I’m in my room not a half hour later and I hear the girls arrive, they start chatting among themselves about boys and school and what everyone else is doing. I casually listen in from down the hall when Liz pops her head in my room,” Here and the bathroom, stay out of everywhere else and keep the door closed,” she informs me shutting the door. Fuming mad I hop on my computer and surf the web for anything interesting.
About 2 hours later I’m starving and not in the best of moods, I head out to the kitchen in athletic shorts and a tight black t shirt. As soon as I hit the living room all the girls go quiet and Liz turns around from the mattress glaring at me,” What are you doing out here?” “Food,” I reply heading into the kitchen. About thirty seconds into rummaging the fridge I discover to my dismay that it’s all food that needs to be prepped and cooked. Muttering I head back to my room when I get stopped again by Liz,” you’re not eating now?” I shrug and reply,” Don’t wanna cook so I’m gonna order me a pizza.” About half way down the hall I hear Liz say,” okay we’ll make a list of what pizza’s we want.” Now I’m hot, I wheel around getting about a foot away from her. “You think I’m gonna order you pizza, Why,” I say through clenched teeth. She steps back and starts to stammer,” well we would like some pizza to and since you have the card so…” I cut her off,” No Elizabeth, you have all your friends over, I spend money and let you have a party and as soon as you get done using me for all the setup you tell me I’m not good enough to be around anymore and I have to stay in my room. I’m done helping you, fuck off.”
I turn and march my ass back to my room, not 2 minutes later there is a knock at my door as I’m trying to find the number for a place on my computer. I wrench the door open quickly and growl at the little Asian girl on the other side,” What?” She backs off for a second then starts talking,” Hi, we haven’t talked but my name is Natsuko, May I come in.” I look down at her, thin frame, maybe an A cup at best, dressed in green short shorts and a black tank top with a sports bra visible underneath. I step back and let her enter; she looks around for a minute and sits down on my bed keeping her feet flat on the floor. I close the door and sit back in my computer chair,” What do you want?” “You know you scared the shit out of your sister and the other girls too,” she asks. I shrug as she continues,” Korinna is calming your sister down and stopped her from calling your parents, I said I’d come in here and talk to you. Maybe convince you to come out and sit with us like Korinna is telling your sister to now.” My door opens a bit and the Indian girl pokes her head in, “Hey, we’re gonna go for a walk and get Liz to cool off,” she looks at Natsuko and asks,” you gonna be okay here without us?” Natsuko nods and the Indian girl closes the door.
I turn back to this short little Asian girl and ask,” So why did you decide to come in here and talk to the big bad brother?” She smiles and answers,” Actually Korinna wanted to come here talk to you but I said I could get you to calm down. Also I’d like some pizza and so would the other girls.” I scoff and look up at the ceiling,” so this is you trying to convince me, who you’ve known for about four minutes to just do what you and the other’s want.” I hear her get up then feel my legs get put together, I feel her straddle my lap and put her hips directly on my lap. “No I want you to join us when they get back,” she says putting her arms around my neck and tilting my head forward. I place my hands on her hips and grind my crotch against hers, feeling how tight her hips and ass are. I lean my head forward and start kissing her neck, Natsuko’s head tilts back and she moans as I make my way lower to her collarbone and then to the top of her small breasts. She pulls back for a second, grabbing the bottom of her tank top and pulling it off over her head and quickly taking her sports bra off in the same fashion. As soon as she’s done I lunge my mouth back to her breast and start licking her nipples. She grips my head with her left hand and places the other behind her back while gyrating her hips against my hardening cock; I take my mouth off her nipple and attempt to stand her up. Natsuko hops off me and back up a bit, turning around and pulls her shorts off while bending over at the waist slowly I see the last bit of her blue panties cling to her pussy before she simply drops them to the floor, I grab the waist band of my shorts and pull them off with my underwear while trying to stay seated. “Okay, that’s more than Korinna talked about,” she says smiling. She straddles my legs again; this time facing away and reaching down with her hand guides my cock to her pussy entrance. “Just don’t move till I tell you please,” she says looking back at me. “What? Why,” I respond confused. “Just place your hands on my hips or somewhere else but don’t move please,” she replies.
She starts to lower herself down and I get the head of my cock inside her and I feel her rubbing her clit frantically. I grab the base of my cock and giggle the head inside her pussy feeling her get wetter as she rubs herself. Finally she lowers her pussy onto my member more and I feel an almost rigid tightness so much more than when I was with Tracy, Natsuko’s pussy gets down to the 6 inch mark and she slowly slides back up. I look at my penis covered in her juices as she gets up to the head and slowly glides her hips back down. This goes on for about 3 maddening minutes, slowly up and down, and then on the last down thrust I feel her start to shake. I wrap my arm around her waist and hold her convulsing torso against mine till she calms down, as soon as she regains her senses Natsuko slides off me and climbs onto my bed, waiting on her knees facing away from me. I move over behind her still standing on the floor and pop the head of my cock back into her pussy, she leans back into me and says,” Now fuck me hard and cum.” Wasting no time I attempt to slide my whole cock into her pussy but stop at a fleshy wall. “What is that,” I ask while grasping her hips with my hands, holding her in place. “My baby maker, now please don’t stop again,” she replies.
I start pushing my cock in and out of her slowly, tight and warm like usual but not soft or slick, very ridged. I pull back three inches and start to fuck her faster, her blue and black hair bouncing with my thrusts. She grabs one of my hands and puts it up on her shoulder, take my hand off the shoulder and grab a fistful of hair on her head, pushing my cock as deep as I can feeling my head bump her womb. She suddenly gasps and I feel the wall give way as I bury the last inch and a half inside her now yielding pussy. I only pull back 2 inches and start ramming my cock into her as hard as I can, holding her by the hair and hip scrambling to keep pushing my cock into her deepest parts. Having been mostly quiet this whole time aside from some light whimpering and panting she suddenly starts crying out to me,” Watashi o kuso hokan shite kudasai, watashi wa ken suru tsumoridesu! Teishi shinaide kudasai watashi no neko o umete kudasai!” I have no clue what she said but I feel the tingle start, as I shoot my first shot of cum while balls deep in her pussy, her body shakes again as her pussy milks my cock for the last drop of my cum.
We stay there for a minute while she recovers and I try to figure out if I still have legs, finally she breaks the silence,” Don’t pull out, just carry me into the bathroom.” I lift her light frame and waddle us into the bathroom where I finally pull out of her while she steps into the shower. I sit there for a minute and watch her push my cum out of her, then turns on the water and scrubs up I pull my shirt off and step in for a minute to wash her cum and our sweat off my body.
Once we’re done and out of the shower we head back into my room, her walking in front of me funny. “Are you okay,” I ask as we’re getting dressed. “Yes I’m fine, just really sore,” she answers,” now can I text my friends and your sister so we can get some pizza and all watch a movie?” I nod,” get a list of what they want then I’ll order.” She grabs her phone and texts one of them, shortly after she gets a reply she shows me a list of pizza’s and toppings, 4 in all. It takes the girls about 20 minutes to get back home and the pizza guy a few minutes later to get our delivery to us. We all sit down in the living room, me on the couch and the girls on the floor. I notice that they all get stripped down to shorts and yoga pants with loose tank tops or pajama shirts. They turn the TV on as we eat and pick some romantic comedy to watch.
Hours later it’s nearly eleven at night and of the girls the only ones awake now are Korinna and freckles, who apparently is called Hanna, and she’s fading fast. I take the remote and shut off the TV and wave night to Korinna who rolls onto her side and winks at me before pulling her blankets up and shutting her eyes. I head back to my room and crawl into bed, quickly falling into sleep.
I don’t know why but I’m suddenly very aware that something is different; I sit up and see the Indian girl closing my door quietly. “Umm, you need something…,” I start but she turns around to me in the light from my window and strips down until she’s naked. I marvel at the sight, got to be D cup breasts if I ever saw them, and her ass is bigger than Korinna’s by a good 2 inches. I pull my shirt off and get out of my shorts in record setting time. She approaches the end of my bed and crawls up the length of it till I have to lean back with her body over me, she straddles my chest and I see her pubic hair, dark and curly I look up to her large nipples and areolas to see her undoing her hair braid. “My name is Lajita,” she says sliding down onto me.
Was going to go further but I figured you all would like a part 4, feel free to comment if you like it or make suggestions if you don’t

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A new day, a new me part 6

And onto part 6, still undecided on taking a break from the series.
The rest of Sunday went by quietly in comparison to the earlier parts of the weekend. School and a steady stream of average and fairly uneventful days crept through from Monday to Thursday; all the while Korinna and I sat back and tried to figure out this whole relationship thing.
Friday was looking pretty good with all three of us piling into Tracy’s car and heading off to school, Kori and I in the back so we can sit together.
“Okay so now not only am I stuck with my brother dating one of my best friends and I get to sit in a car while they fool around,” Liz starts in leaning her head on her hand.
“Well since you gave him permission I get a guy who will throw down and say fuck you to the world,” Kori gloats while cuddling me,” Honestly though thank you for letting me have him Liz.”
Liz groans from the front seat while we pull into the school. All of us pile out of Tracy’s car and head off to class. During second period I get poked from behind in my seat. I turn around and see Natsuko’s brown eyes staring at me. I can see she’s rocking her punk hair still, short jean shorts with suspenders and a black t-shirt that reads ‘Not for the Innocent’, thigh high socks all black and red stripped. I shrug at her and she mouths ‘after class’.
I follow her out after the bell as she heads to one of the common areas, such a tight little ass on her as she sits down.
“Okay, first off you’re dating Kori and that means we can’t have sex anymore so onto my problem,” Natsuko says as I stand there,” I have a brother, he’s a junior and he’s kinda… hopeless.”
“Alright, so what do you want me to do, beat the crap out of him,” I ask chuckling.
Shaking her head no,” I need you to help him get laid, either that or get him to do what you did and say fuck it.”
I stand there mulling it over when the bell rings; I wave her off to class and jog to mine. I get there before attendance and sit in front of Kori and next to Liz. We work through class and as soon as it’s over I turn around to Korinna and smile, she smiles a puzzled smile. We exit class and head to lunch, Korinna and I get in line with trays and after getting our near prison quality food I lead us to a table with Natsuko.
“I’ve got some good news for you Natsuko and some bad news,” I tell her while eating.
She gives me this odd look and replies,” Okay, bad news first.”
I smile,” Well it’s probably gonna hurt and it’s gonna take some time.”
“Okay and the good news,” she asks drinking her milk.
“You were wrong about us not having sex,” I smile at Korinna.
Korinna freezes in place and just stares at Natsuko for a minute before speaking,” Okay, how did you have sex with Guy? You couldn’t even have sex with that stoned dropout Evan, the punk with the Mohawk and the 5 inch cock.”
As soon as she says that I’m choking on milk and trying to keep in from coming out my nose. Both girls stop their conversation to make sure I’m not dying at the table. I end my fit and push my tray away.
“Well he’s your boyfriend,” Natsuko finally replies,” you know what it’s like better than I do.”
“Okay Natsuko,” I push my tray away and speak to her,” Where is my target?”
“Blue wind breaker, white button up shirt with the other Asian kids,” Natsuko points behind me to a table.
Exactly what I’m gonna do I don’t know, or if it’ll even work but I get up from the table and head over to the table with the Asian kids. Pulling my hood up I walk around the table behind him, grabbing his chair I pull it out with him in it and turn him to face me.
“Get up and leave that fucking coat here,” I tell him from my hood.
“Ummm but I don’t know you,” he tells me, I see everyon else at the table back away, fear of the unknown.
I take him by the collar and stand him up, nearly dragging him out behind me. I can hear some of the other kids talking about us as we leave the cafeteria. I get him around the side of one of the buildings alone and put him up against the wall.
“Okay listen I don’t have any money but I can do your homework,” he starts in pleading with me.
“Stop begging if I was gonna hurt you man I would have just knocked your ass out of the chair back there,” I nearly spit on him just to get him to stop,” What is your name man?”
“Junichi, and you’re not gonna hit me,” he asks straightening himself up.
I get a look at him, about 5’7” and maybe weighs 10 pounds less than me. Dressed in a white button up shirt and brown slacks, dress shoes and a belt with black rimmed glasses. I feel like I’m looking at a memory, a sad and pathetic memory. I pull my hood off so he can see my face.
“So I am gonna ask you a simple question and I need a straight answer,” I state to him,” Have you had pussy since pussy had you?”
As soon as I get it out of my mouth I see his face get red and embarrassed, I shake my head and grab my phone to send a text message off to Kori saying I’d be getting home by myself today.
“Okay, you got a girlfriend,” I ask him putting away my phone.
“No my parents say it’ll get in the way of my school,” he replies getting his back off the wall.
“Okay so they feed you bullshit at home, no wonder Natsuko is so different,” I chuckle,” I know there’s a girl you like so who is she.”
“Why do you think you know so much about me, you didn’t even know my name,” Junichi comes back getting angry.
“Touched a nerve, good. Now find the girl you’re interested in and tell her you want to meet you after school, make her meet you here after school,” I tell him heading off to my next class.
“What if I don’t do it, you can’t make me,” Junichi calls after me.
I stop and turn to look at him. I simply smile and pull my hood back on and march back to class. Last 2 classes of the day come and go easily enough; Derek decided to come to fifth period and sat in a different seat leaving Heather by herself. I snickered about the break up to myself. I head to sixth class and check in with my teacher then head out to the cafeteria. Not much homework to do thankfully so I sit and go through my phone, no new texts.
“Did you kick my brother’s ass or what,” I get asked by Natsuko and she flops down in a chair next to me.
I shake my head no and hand her my phone, she punches in her cell number. As I tell her what I told her brother. She shakes her head in response.
“He’s not gonna show, you’re lucky he didn’t get a teacher,” she tells me putting her feet on the table.
I shrug and tickle the back of her knee causing her to yank her feet from the table and give me the ‘dick’ look. Smiling I lean back in my chair as she quickly plops her ass down in my lap side saddle.
“Found out the terms of your relationship with Korinna,” she tells me.
“Good for you, check and see if your parents are gonna be home today,” I tell her grinding my crotch against her.
I know that she’s talking to one of her parents on the phone but since I speak no Japanese I decide to focus on what is important, Japanese punk girl ass on my crotch. I slip my hand onto her leg and slide my fingers inside her shorts. Gently she starts grinding her ass downward all the while talking quickly on her phone.
“So they won’t be at the house but they’ll be home by seven,” Natsuko tells me hanging up her phone.
“Good, cause if your brother does what I told him to then maybe I’ll be able to help him out,” I tell her feeling the skin of her upper thigh.
I look around the cafeteria and see no one around; pulling my hand out of Natsuko’s shorts I reach up and grab her tit through her shirt. She gasps but instead of pulling away she gets up and straddles my crotch and sits down on my lap again. I grip her hips with both hands and she starts grinding her jean clad hips against mine, placing her hands on my head and pulling our faces together. We jam our tongues into each other’s mouths hard, fighting to either establish dominance or check the other’s tonsils. Madly Natsuko starts trashing her hips against me; I move my left hand up and grab her tit again. Gripping her tit hard I feel no bra, just nipple and flesh around it.
Natsuko breaks our kiss to speak,” I swear to god if you don’t fuck me today I’m gonna take you home and rape you.”
I smirk at the idea of her ‘raping’ me while she gets off from my lap and sticks her hand down her own shorts. She pulls a finger back out and I see some wetness before she sticks it in her mouth and sucks the fluid off. I will never know why that look from a woman sucking on something is so hot. She sits back down in her chair with just enough time to ponder what is gonna happen today when her brother enters the cafeteria. He’s got his windbreaker back on as he heads over to our table.
“Natsuko do no yō ni kono shōnen o shitte imasu ka,” Junichi says to Natsuko, I think he asked her a question.
“Okay big brother it’s just rude to not speak English in front of him,” she replies.
He sits down at the table and looks from her to me with a puzzled stare. The three of us sit in silence when a girl walks in from behind me. All of us turn to see her, about 5’6” white girl, curvy figure with c cup breasts and matte black to her jaw line, pale skin and a few face piercings. She’s dressed in black and green tripp shorts and a button up black shirt; her boots are knee high metal and leather stompers. She heads over to our table and drops her bag on a chair.
“Okay Jun you little shit, I’m here and it’s almost after fucking school now how the hell are you gonna help me pass my algebra test,” she asks completely ignoring both myself and Natsuko.
“Umm Katy this is my sister Natsuko and her friend, I don’t know your name,” Junichi starts with introductions tentatively.
I get up and stare down at Katy; she glares up at me for a second then sits down in the seat across from Natsuko and I.
“So Junichi, this is the girl you brought for today, really,” I ask him with a look of disbelief.
Jun simply nods his head, either he’s got a death wish or he really needs to get out more. I grab my bag and Natsuko follows my lead.
“Okay, we’re going back you your house Jun, so get your shit. And you sunshine,” I turn to Katy,” you wanna actually do shit and come with us or just talk shit here?”
I head out with Natsuko and Jun trailing behind us when I hear those boots come stomping after us. Natsuko leads us off school grounds and into one of the adjacent nicer neighborhoods. After about twenty minutes of walking we get to what I can only guess is Jun and Natsuko’s parents house, two floors of ‘yes we have money’. Junichi gets the door open and we pile inside the house, nice furniture. I drop my bag by the door and put sit my ass down on the nice love seat in the living room. Junichi sits in one of the chairs around the coffee table while Katy puts her feet up and lounges on the couch. Natsuko just heads off to her room.
“Okay so Jun has you to thank for the ass kicking I’m gonna give him for fucking around with my math test,” Katy decides to tell me.
“No I’m the one Jun gets to thank for getting him laid,” I tell her smiling.
“What is he gonna fuck his sister,” Katy asks puzzled.
I smile and point at straight at Katy, who laughs for a second then looks from me to Junichi and back again.
“Oh fuck you asshat! No chance in hell I’m gonna fuck Jun, you need balls to fuck me and he don’t have any,” Katy exclaims standing up.
“Oh so can fuck him over but he can’t fuck you. Go ahead and walk, I personally guarantee that the second you see him tomorrow at school you’re gonna miss all the free shit he did for you because if you walk all the homework and test prep are cancelled,” I tell her smiling.
I look over at Junichi to see him blanch at the idea of not doing what she wants. She gets up from the couch and stomps off to I guess the bathroom.
“Are you crazy, she’s gonna kill me,” Junichi whispers to me as soon as she’s out of the room.
“Dude, if you don’t reach into your pants and find some bigger balls you’re gonna be a virgin on your wedding night if you’re lucky,” I tell him leaning forward from my seat,” Stop acting like a fucking pussy and tell her that either she puts out or you turn her ass in for the homework you did for her.”
“How do you know I did her homework,” He asks me stunned?
“Man you offered to do my homework cause you thought I’d kick your ass, you’d do her homework just to get her to wear a tight t-shirt,” I say chuckling.
I see him mulling it over when my phone goes off; it’s a picture message from Natsuko. I open the file and get a view of her shaved pussy with a message ‘wish you were here’. I reply back for her to get out here and help me with a problem in my pants. I put my phone in my coat pocket as Katy comes back out from the bathroom.
“Okay Jun get me through this test for Monday cause I got shit to do this weekend,” Katy tells him grabbing her backpack.
“No,” Junichi replies shortly.
“What the fuck do you mean no,” Katy asks.
“I am done doing your work for free, either you start to learn to do this shit on your own or you figure out how to pay me for my work,” Jun tells her standing up from his seat.
Katy gets into Junichi’s face for a second glaring straight in his eyes then shoves him into his chair. I sit back and watch Katy pull her shirt open then take off her black and blue plaid bra; I check Junichi’s face to see if he’s still alive or if he died of shock. As soon as Katy’s topless she spreads Jun’s legs apart and starts pulling his pants open.
“Holy shit, go bro go,” I hear Natsuko say as she enters the room.
I turn my head and see her in a pair of blue panties and nothing else. I start taking my pants off as Natsuko gets on the other side of the love seat and finishes pulling my cock free. As soon as it’s out of my pants Natsuko has it in her mouth working three inches in her mouth and jerking her hand up and down my shaft. I look over to see that Jun is packing about five inches himself and has Katy licking up and down the shaft. He looks over at me to see his little sister with a mouth full of my cock, I motion to Jun to grab her head and shove his cock in her mouth. I watch him try to angle her head and she takes him in her mouth working slowly up and down. I shake my head at him then grab the hair on the back of Natsuko’s head and shove it down to five inches on my cock. I feel Natsuko gag and drool on my member.
I watch Junichi grab Katy’s hair on both sides of her head and start jamming her mouth on his dick; I see her start to struggle for against his grip and the chair. I take my hand off Natsuko’s head and she keeps up with her drooling on my cock, I move my hand under her body and down to her panties. I get my hand inside her panties and go right past her clit and stick my index finger in her pussy to the second knuckle. I watch Natsuko pull her mouth off my cock and get up from the couch pulling her panties off. I get up and strip down with her as I see Jun still making Katy gag on his member.
“Hey man, either get off or fuck her,” I tell Jun sitting back down on the couch.
Natsuko moves in between my legs and turning her back to me lowers her tight pussy on my cock, I’ve played this game before and I let her work herself up and down my shaft. Up and down four inches of my cock going in and out of her tight Japanese pussy. I look over to see Katy in her matching green and black panties putting a condom on Jun and pulling him on top of her, it takes him a second to find the right spot but as soon as he’s in he goes right for her tits with his mouth and starts fucking her fast and deep.
I turn my attention back to Natsuko as she speeds up on my shaft; I feel her womb bumping the head of my cock. I watch her push down as hard as she can trying to force my cock into her womb; I give her a few tries before I pull her cute ass off my cock. Turning Natsuko around I move to the center of the love seat and pull her to straddling my lap. Natsuko lines my cock up with her pussy and slides down till my cock head is resting against her baby maker. Gripping her hips I start sliding her up and down on my member while she grabs the back of the love seat. I keep Natsuko bouncing on my cock but keep out of her womb, I feel her getting frustrated and look up at her face all scrunched up.
I glance over to see Jun all the way into Katy’s pussy fast, she’s holding him against her but looking over and watching Natsuko attempt to take more of my cock. We make eye contact and Katy rolls her eyes, I nod to her to get into it.
“Come on you fucker and get off,” Katy tells him while grabbing Jun’s hips and slamming him harder into her pussy.
Back with Natsuko I hold her hips steady and start thrusting up into her fast bumping my head against her womb. I feel her getting wetter and look up to see her biting her lip, I hear grunting from the couch. Jun is about to cum and either Katy is faking it or she might actually be enjoying it. After a few seconds I hear Katy moan loudly and push Jun out of her, snatching off the condom and jacking him off as he cums on her stomach.
I feel my own orgasm building and Natsuko is starting to shake with her own orgasm. I feel her start to shake and as I get the tingling in my balls and slam the head of my cock straight into Natsuko’s womb while pulling her hips down. She screams out as I grunt and shoot my first load into her womb, she presses her body against mine. I hold her hips down hard against mine as I continue to shoot my semen into her womb, suddenly she gasps loudly and squirts on my hips and abs. Natsuko pulls my head back and jams her tongue in my mouth. We kiss for a minute before she grabs her panties and pulls off my cock and jams her underwear to keep from dripping my cum out on the floor, she staggers off to the bathroom. Katy gets up from the couch and follows after her, while Jun sits down on the couch. I grab my clothes and start getting dressed while Jun seems to be processing what happened.
“Okay, now from here on you do what you want man, throw out those fucking prep school clothes and get some damn jeans or something. Lose the blue windbreaker and get a better looking coat,” I tell Jun pulling my pants up.
“Why should I do that,” He asks getting his underwear on.
“If you dress like a nice guy you get treated like shit, if you act like a nice guy you get treated like shit,” I tell him pulling my coat on,” tell people fuck you and look the part, stand the fuck up for yourself.”
“Okay but what about school or my parents,” Jun asks as I grab my bag.
“Do the work and just tell them what they want to hear, it’s not rocket science. ‘Mom and Dad I got my good grades and people leave me the fuck alone now it’s a win/win’,” I mimic him as I head out the door.
“But wait, aren’t you gonna say goodbye to my sister,” he asks as I head across the lawn.
I turn around and pull up my hood; shaking my head no I proceed to walk back to the school to hopefully catch a ride home from Tracy.
I hit the school grounds and see the parking lot is almost empty, I check my phone and see it’s about four thirty. I shoot my folks a text saying that I’m out and will be home before eight. As I hit the parking lot I hear someone running up behind me.
“Hey shithead, what the fuck are you thinking just walking out like that,” I hear Katy from behind me.
I turn to see she did a quick job of getting dressed. I keep my hood up and continue walking through the lot with Katy keeping pace.
“So you just fuck Jun’s little sister then head home,” Katy asks me.
“More like we fuck each other then decide to go about our business, why the fuck do you care,” I ask in reply.
“So you just fuck her then what, head home,” she asks again.
“No I fuck her in front of her brother, then I text my girlfriend to see what she’s doing while I head home,” I answer her smiling.
I pull my phone out and shoot Kori a text making sure she’s okay, I tell her I’m walking home but don’t need a ride just yet. She replies with an okay and asks if we’re gonna hang out this weekend, I tell her we’re gonna have some fun at her house and put my phone away.
“You really just texted your girlfriend, didn’t I hear about you breaking up with her at school,” Katy asks.
“Yeah, that was old girlfriend I broke up with,” I hold out my phone,” this is new girlfriend, Korinna.”
“Seriously, you have a girlfriend and you just fucked a girl and blew your wad in her. Now you’re making plans to hang out with her this weekend,” She asks confused.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” I reply nonchalantly.
I see her shake her head as we continue walking. After about a half hour we pass a trailer park and she heads off the sidewalk and up the drive.
“Hey asshole, you wanna come inside my place,” she yells at me.
I shrug and follow her to a trailer in the back, white and a sea foam green paneling with a crappy yellow datsun parked out front. I follow her inside and am greeted by the sight of good living, dishes stacked in the sink, an ashtray that hasn’t been cleaned in probably three months, and a trash can filled with empty beer bottles. Katy bypasses the living room kitchen combo for a room at the back of the trailer. Apparently this is her room, a queen size mattress on the floor; poster’s lining the wall for different bands and clothes all over the floor.
“Nice place, I love the ‘my fucking hole’ feeling you got here,” I tell her chuckling.
“Okay, I let you come in and you decide to make fun of my shit,” Katy yells throwing her bag on the bed and slamming her door.
“No you brought me in here cause my cock is bigger than Jun’s and you wanted to fuck it,” I retort calmly.
I drop my bag and pull my hood off my head; I can see Katy’s pissed. As soon as my hood is off I see the shot coming as she slaps me on the right side of my face. I’ve been hit enough times that she really needs to work on her follow through; I pull my face back up and smile. I see she’s still pissed and she reels back for a second shot, I step inside her swing and slam my body into hers and up against the wall. I pull her hips against mine and jam my tongue into Katy’s mouth; she grabs my head and tries to pull my head back. I let her get my head back only to latch onto her neck with my teeth and lips. Katy tries grabbing the back of my head to pull my off her neck, I keep my body locked against hers. I bring my hands up from her hips to the front of Katy’s shirt ripping it open and sending buttons onto the floor, I push her tit up with my hand taking my mouth from her neck to the top of her breast.
It takes me a minute to get her bra down so I can get a nipple in my mouth, its rock hard and about the size of a half dollar. Finally Katy goes from grabbing my head to holding it in place, moaning lightly as I keep her in my mouth. Quickly she goes from into it to trying to rip my ears off my head with her hands. I finally let go from pain and as soon as her nipple is out of my mouth I get shoved backwards, tripping over the bed falling backwards. I look up to see Katy getting out of her pants quickly followed by her bra and panties hitting the floor, I don’t move from my spot on the bed when I kick off my boots and get my pants off.
“Get out of your fucking clothes asshole,” Katy says crawling on top of me and pulling my coat and shirt off.
As soon as we’re both naked Katy flips around and starts jamming my cock into her mouth. I pull her hips around and start rubbing her slit, feeling her moan on my cock as she keeps bobbing her head up and down. I keep rubbing as she pulls her leg over me to putting her pussy in my face.
“Eat my pussy bitch,” Katy says taking my cock out of her mouth and sitting up.
I keep one finger on her clit and figure porn should be right about this one too as I jam my tongue right in her pussy hole. Katy starts grinding on my face, sliding her pussy back and forth across my mouth and nose. I keep shoving my tongue in her hole every time it gets near my mouth. Katy moves my hand off her clit and starts rubbing it herself off, I can hear her gasping as she starts to hit her orgasm. I use both my hands to keep her hips in place so I can fuck her pussy with my tongue.
“Oh shit fucker I’m coming,” Katy screams as she hits her orgasm covering my mouth and chin in her cum.
I swallow as much as I can as she pulls her pussy off my face and moves to the head of her bed, laying down on her back and breathing heavy. I go to move on top of Katy but she closes her legs and rolls to her side. I try to move behind her to get inside from behind when she rolls onto her back keeping me from getting close again.
“Man, I’m done, get your shit and fuck off,” Katy says turning her head towards me.
I’m harder than a calculus class and now I’m getting turned down after being invited in. I start to get up like I’m getting off the bed then throw myself over Katy’s chest and use my hands to pin her arms down above her head. I grip her wrists with one hand and take my cock with the other and push the head against her closed mouth. She starts to turn her head away so my cock hand and grabbing her nose turn her face back to my cock, as soon as she’s out of breath and her mouth open I give her as much of my seven and a half inches as I can in her mouth. Katy tries to pull her head back so I grab the hair on the top of her head and start pulling her head forward so she gags on my cock.
“Now you suck my dick you cock tease,” I tell her smiling down into green eyes.
I let her head go back and start moving her mouth back and forth on my cock in long deep strokes. Feeling the back of Katy’s throat I push my cock deep while pulling her face till my balls are resting flat on her chin. I feel and hear her gag on my cock and drool starts to run down my balls. I let go of her head and keep one wrist, use it to flip her over onto her stomach pulling her ass up in the air. I stand my hips over her rear and covered with drool I line up my cock head with Katy’s asshole. I press in slow and deep watching my member invade her rectum. Deep in 5 inches and slowly back out till the just my head is still in. I feel Katy grunting into her pillow below me.
“What was that, did you say something,” I ask Katy smiling as I steady my cock at her asshole.
“Fuck you asshole,” She spits out at me from her pillow.
“Oh, fuck your asshole, okay since you asked,” I reply jamming my whole cock directly down into her sphincter.
Katy bites into the pillow as I start hammering my cock downward into her ass. I see her pulling her pillow around her face hearing her scream, I pull her arm back to get her face out of the pillow. Katy’s howling fills the room accompanied by the sound of our hips slapping together. Pulling out of her ass I move Katy onto her hands and knees pushing my cock back into her ass. I wrap one hand around her throat and pull her body against mine. I start thrusting in and out frantically, choking her with one hand and slapping her ass with the other. She’s grunting and gritting her teeth as I pound her ass, I move my hand from her throat to her breast.
“Oh shit, please cum you fucker,” Katy gasps.
I get that tingling feeling in my balls and proceed to unload four strong streams of cum into her colon, we both scream out in the orgasm. I keep spewing into her anus for about thirty seconds before pulling out and flopping down on her bed. Katy collapses with me on her bed, both of us breathing heavy. After a few minutes she rolls on top of me and cuddles in.
“Really, you warm up to me now,” I ask confused.
“You know how hard it is to get good hate fucking,” Katy says kissing me once on the lips.
I think about getting my phone and checking the time but I got punk girl on my chest. I figure out I’m not gonna get out of here anytime soon so I grab a blanket with my foot and pull it up over us as we drift off to sleep.Sorry this part took so long to get out there, work sucks. More comments and PM’s appreciated and welcome. And thank you for the nice ‘Please get us the next part asshole’ message to my profile, you know who you are.

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The Rub

This story is a work of total fiction. If you have any feedback or topics you would like for me to explore in another story, please feel free to post comments below. Enjoy!

A new day, a new me part 8

And on we go to part 8
Waking up to a cold bed is one thing, waking up with your Father opening your door at five thirty in the morning when you still have an hour left for sleep is not the most joyous ways to wake up. I look over to my Dad and see him wave me up and out of bed, he’s got his workout clothes on and I figure I’d better follow suit. I quickly get up and dress as he leaves the doorway. I get out to the ‘garage’, Dad converted it to a gym/fight room and by the time I get in he’s got pads on. I gear up for the onslaught and get on the mat across from him.
“Explain something to me boy,” Dad starts in with some easy left jabs I can deflect,” new clothes, new girlfriend, a lot of new girlfriends from what I can tell but no new friends. What’s the plan boy?”
“Plan sir,” I ask back keeping my guard up.
“You can think a lot of things about people son but don’t think I’m blind and dumb,” another volley of jabs,” Korinna is one thing but I know Katy and that Asian girl too. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Well I’m with Kori but all the girls choose me, I don’t force anyone to be around me,” I jab back with my right,” if they got problems with what I do and who I’m with then I don’t need them in my life.”
“And what do you do if I have a problem with it,” Dad replies.
Well shit, Dad not allowing my new life is about the one thing I can’t get past. He can put a stop to anything that happens in this house. No Kori or Katy or anything that I’ve done for myself over the past two weeks. The next thought to run through my head is I should have kept my left up as Dad catches me right in my temple with a sharp right. I hit the ground like a sack and roll to my back.
“Now that tells me all I wanted to know,” Dad says helping me to my feet,” You can do this Guy, you just remember to keep your guard up cause people are going to fight you for what you have.”
We continue sparring for another forty five minutes when Mom enters the gym.
“You are going to be later for work honey, and you Guy,” Mom turns to me,” School is cancelled for the day. Your sister and Katy are probably going to have some sort of plan for the day so I’m leaving you in charge while I’m out.”
The morning goes pretty smoothly, Mom trying to patch me up with the first aid kit. Liz and Katy start talking about what to do with the day when my phone blows up with text messages from Kori and Jun of all people. Kori is wondering if I can come over and Jun says he needs some serious help with his family. I tell Kori that I’ll be there but a friend needs help and let Jun know that I’ll have to come by this afternoon. Kori is fine but Jun says he needs me sooner, I tell him that I can’t leave now but I will as soon as possible.
I leave the girls to their plans in the living room and retreat to my bedroom. I flip my computer on to check the news about the school, Teacher’s Walkout. I chuckle and check a few shopping websites I can’t afford anything on.
After a few hours Katy pokes her head in my room. I’m still at the computer as she sprawls out on my bed.
“So I finally got the whole story from your sister,” Katy tells me, she’s wearing a schoolgirl plaid skirt black and blue colored and a black sleeveless tee with some band I don’t think the name is in English on it.
“The whole story or just the recent events,” I ask turning from my computer.
“Just the recent shit, you got fucked so you’re taking charge of your shit,” Katy says grinning.
“I just don’t let people fuck with me and mine,” I reply sharply.
“Well I’m just gonna guess that includes me so I have a question,” Katy starts propping herself up on her elbows,” Why did your dad hit you?”
“Honestly, I dropped my guard,” I manage to spit out while chuckling.
“Your guard,” She asks with a puzzled look.
“Yeah, my fists. Block punches and kicks, keep them from hitting you in the face,” I put my hands up like I’m fighting.
She starts laughing with me about it and we enjoy the moment. I decide to let her lounge and turn back to my computer and load my music off my computer. As soon as the first song hits I get spun around in my chair and I meet Katy’s gaze with a little surprise.
“Does your Dad beat you,” She asks concerned.
“Only on the mat, I’m too old for spanking,” I reply back with a smile.
“Does everyone have to fight with him,” Katy asks now getting on her knees in front of me.
“No just me, it’s training,” I reply as Katy starts pulling my shorts down.
Katy gets my shorts down off my hips and around my ankles, I’m not hard but that doesn’t last long as Katy starts stroking me with her hand. I notice her eyes, green eyes, and she’s got that wicked grin. I watch as takes the first three inches of my cock in her mouth slowly working back and forth. I lean my head back as Katy goes to work on my shaft, jacking the base with her hand and working her mouth on that last 3 inches. That tingle starts and I place a hand on Katy’s head to get more but she pulls it off and gives me the ‘no’ look with her eyes. Katy removes her hand from my shaft and starts bobbing her head up and down as almost as quick as I’d be moving her head if she let me move my hands, I try to put my hands on her head but as soon as I move them she grabs mine with hers. The rushing back and forth of Katy’s head hit frantic and I get that tingle way to fast. I start cumming hard and grit my teeth as I shoot ropes of cum down her throat as she pulls back to the head and takes the whole load in her mouth before letting my cock fall from it and swallowing.
“Now you can go about your day sir,” Katy tells me standing up and walking out of my room.
I marvel at the skill of the blowjob Katy just gave me and pull my shorts back up. I resume my searches for new shit I can’t get but start realizing I’m a little sweaty from Katy and have dried sweat from working out with Dad this morning. I head out to the bathroom and take a shower, afterward getting dressed in my jeans and a black t-shirt.
It’s about thirty minutes past noon when Mom gets back home. Katy, Liz and I are sitting in the living room when she drops a small mountain of files on the dining room table.
“Katy get over here cause I need your information with all this paperwork and you got to make this decision,” Mom tells Katy from the dining room.
“What is all this,” Katy asks as we all head into the dining room.
“This is freedom,” Mom says pointing to a pile of folders, then to another,” and this one is our family. You get to pick one of these but first, Guy you’re leaving.”
I’m stunned as Mom walks me out of the room, and hands me some cash. I want to argue but I can see she’s got the ‘Mom’ look on her face so I stomp off to my room throw my boots on and grab my leather jacket. I’m not in the best of moods being kicked out so everyone else can work on shit I started doesn’t help. I hear Mom try to ask where I’ll be but I slam the door on her and am off. I get about ten minutes away and Liz is blowing up my phone with her usual ‘what the hell are you doing’ bullshit. I delete the message to see another five from Jun who apparently forgot everything I told him yesterday and regrew his vagina. I text him to say I’m on my way to the school and to meet me there.
City busses are not fun and they leave much to be desired when it comes to speed of travel. After an hour of riding I hop off at the school, no picket lines here which makes the school a locked up graveyard. I’m still fuming from being kicked out and as soon as I get to the front of the school and see Jun sitting there, blue jeans and a t-shirt and no windbreaker.
“Well you want to tell me why the fuck I’m here at school when there are no classes,” I ask nearly spitting the words out.
“Well I need help man, you gotta convince my Mom that this is cool like it is with your parents, she’s flipped out and is gonna ship me and Natsuko to a boarding school cause we’re insane in her mind,” Jun blurts out frantically.
“Okay, first off you need to take the fucking tampon out and calm the fuck down. Second just talk to your Dad and have him fix her,” I reply sitting down on a planter ledge.
“My Dad is a bigger pussy than you and I were before this. She is in charge of the family not him, you need to get her to let me try to be this,” Jun tells me sitting down next to me,” Can you even do this or not?”
And now I’m taking care of everyone’s problems. I get up from the planter and start walking to Jun’s house, as soon as I hit the edge of school grounds I realize that Jun is following me.
“Okay I don’t know what I’m gonna do but either this is gonna hurt or it’s really gonna hurt so you are gonna take your sister and get the fuck out of dodge until I tell you otherwise,” I tell Jun as we hit the driveway to his house.
He nods in agreement as he opens the door to his place; we both take our shoes off once inside and I head up the stairs to the bedrooms. It takes a second to find the parents’ bedroom at the end of the hall. I don’t even wait for Jun to catch up I just head into the parents’ bedroom and start looking around, queen size bed with white comforters and pillowcases, a hard wood floor and old looking dressers and end tables. First thing that catches my eye looking around the room is the laptop charging on the dresser.
“Hey Jun, is this your mom’s,” I ask opening the laptop up and logging her in, no password, either way too confident or way to comfortable.
“Yeah it’s Mom’s,” Jun says entering the room,” What are you doing with it, she’ll kill you.”
I get a big grin on my face and wave him off loading up her internet history and email. I catch Jun pacing the room worried when Natsuko comes in the door and lights up when she sees me. I turn my head from the computer and smile to her when Jun pulls her aside and they start talking fast in Japanese, some days I wish I had subtitles for life. I get back into her email. Her first name is KImiko, lots of messages from a Cassie and fun they have out during the day. Then I see a couple links come up in the oldest emails, I know what it is almost immediately and my plan is set.
“Okay, how long till your Mom gets home,” I ask copying the history and emails then shipping them off to my computer.
“She’ll be back soon, what are you gonna do,” Natsuko asks me, she looks nervous.
“Trust me, I have a plan,” I say smirking,” but you two need to be gone and don’t come back here till I text you and only me.”
I see Natsuko wants to ask questions but Jun is trusting me as he leads her out of the room, I hear them get down stairs and shut the door after themselves. Now that they’re gone I strip down to my underwear and hide my clothes under the foot of the bed behind my boots. I move the pillows and sit at the head of the bed lay in my boxer briefs and wait patiently.
I must have been waiting 15 minutes when I hear the front door open downstairs and I woman’s voice calling out to Natsuko and Jun through the house. Another minute and the door to the bedroom opens and there I’m hoping is Jun’s Mom, 5’7” Asian milf goddess, C cup breasts in an athletic bra top and yoga pants with her black hair done back in a pony tail.
“Who the hell are you?! Why are you in my house,” I see her start to get agitated by my presence on her bed.
“My name is whatever you want it to be Ma’am,” I reply calmly,” Cassie says this if for the ‘favor’ you did her a while back.”
“What are you talking about, Cassie put you up to this,” Kimiko asks crossing her arms.
“I don’t know who Cassie is Ma’am, I get a phone call telling me that I have work to do then they give me a time and a place,” I stretch out a little,” So here I am Ma’am.”
“And what work do you do,” Kimiko asks me losing her hostility and starts to get curious.
“Honestly Ma’am, I’m here to do what you want me to do. Cassie’s instructions were ‘Male who looks young enough to be a teenager, must act the part and play along’. I’m here and if you don’t want me here I can leave, I get paid either way,” I tell her simply as I start to get up from the bed.
I don’t get far when she stops me with a gesture and motions me to get back on the bed; I comply like a ‘good boy’. I watch her step out of the room to her adjoining bathroom, I hear the faucet and Kimiko comes back into the room in just a very thin white thong.
“Two things, where are my children? And second, anything I say or want,” Kimiko asks me crawling onto the foot of the bed.
My brain freezes for a second, her eyes are locked onto mine and they’re so brown they look black.
Finally my words come back to me,” I told them that I worked with their father and needed get some papers from his office then gave them a twenty to get lost while I waited. And as for your second question,” I shift my demeanor to very innocent,” Yes Ma’am.”
Kimiko’s face broadens into a smile as she crawls up my body, kissing and licking her way up my stomach and chest finally stopping while straddling my hips with hers. I lean forward placing my face in her chest and latching onto her nipple gently. Kimiko gently grips the back of my head as I flick my tongue over her nipple; I grind my hips up against hers eagerly.
“Shhhhh, slow down boy we’ll get there,” Kimiko tells me pulling me off her breast and laying me back down on the bed.
Kimiko slides down my body like a serpent, dragging her frame down mine and slowly pulls my underwear off. My cock comes free and I see Kimiko’s eyes widen a little; she looks up at me and smiles then quickly lowers her head and shoves most of my seven and a half inch cock in her mouth. I lose myself in the sensation of Kimiko licking my shaft inside her mouth and sucking my cock like it’s a meat straw. I wrap my fingers in a handful of Kimiko’s hair and gently pull her mouth off my cock until the last 2 inches then push her back down to the base. She groans on my shaft and it sends a chill up my spine, I’ve had good blowjobs but this Kimiko is a pro and she’s taking me down with no gagging at all as she bobs up and down the length of my cock.
I have my eyes closed when she stops and drags her mouth off my rigid member. I watch her ass slide in the air as she pulls her thong off. I start to lower my body down the bed but Kimiko has a different idea as she moves me out of my spot on the bed and pushes the pillows to the floor. Kimiko stays on her hands and knees and I marvel as her near thirty four inch ass go right in the air and her face lowers to the bed. I take my cue to move up behind her and get in-between her legs, I rub my cock up and down her slit for a minute till she reaches between her own legs and pulls my cock against the entrance to her pussy. I push myself inside slowly as Kimiko gasps at the size, for a mother of two she’s tight. As soon as I get all the way inside her pussy Kimiko starts rubbing her clit and backing her pussy onto my cock, like mother like daughter.
“Just stay still and let me do the work baby,” Kimiko tells me speeding up her pace.
I let her work as I watch Kimiko’s ass move, her pushing back onto my cock. I decide to give her the fucking that I was ‘paid’ to give; I grip her hips with both hands and start pounding her pussy with deep hard thrusts. I hear her open mouth groans and gasps as I plow her hot pussy. I am staring at her ass and decide to spice it up a bit, I wet my thumb in my mouth then start rubbing it against her asshole. Kimiko pauses for a second as I touch her hole then lowers her head as I push up to the first knuckle in her ass.
“Oh god you are a bad boy aren’t you,” Kimiko purrs,” now stop playing around and fuck your new mommy hard so she can feel you cum.”
As hot as Kimiko looks the dirty talk hit that switch I needed, I leave my thumb in her ass and use my free hand to hold her by the hips for leverage as I start to pound her pussy with my cock. There is no holding back with either of us, Kimiko rubbing her clit and pushing her hips back, I’m fingering her asshole and trying resize her pussy hard and fast with my cock. I’m grunting along with her moaning, suddenly I feel her pussy clench up on my cock and her asshole clench up on my thumb as Kimiko lets out a long groan for her orgasm. I quickly pull my thumb and cock out of Kimiko and flip her over onto her back, as soon as she’s down it takes three strokes of my cock to get me to shoot my load all up her body and one good shot hitting her tits.
I feel great and not as tired as I thought I’d be, Kimiko just lays there as I start to get dressed after finding my underwear.
“I haven’t been fucked like that since before my marriage,” Kimiko tells me glowing from the bed.
“It’s defiantly a first for me Ma’am,” I reply zipping up my pants.
“You don’t have to do that anymore, we’re both adults here,” Kimiko says rolling to her feet and sliding off the bed.
“Not exactly true Ma’am, I’ve kinda been lying to you about that,” I tell her smirking.
“What,” Kimiko says freezing in place,” what have you been lying about?”
“Well I’m not some male escort, I actually go to school with your kids. Natsuko and my sister Liz are friends,” I tell her smiling.
“You little fucking bastard, I’ll tell your parents what you did,” Kimiko growls angrily.
“Actually you won’t. First off your children are gonna dress the way they want and do what they want save for school and homework. You’re going to let them be individuals and not little victims like you made your son into,” I’m building up to the big statement,” And you’re not going to ship them off to some boarding school where you can ignore their attitude that I’ve given your son.”
“You don’t tell me what to do with MY children in my house you shit,” Kimiko is furiously getting clothes on,” I run this house, not you and not my husband either, what I say goes around here.”
“Oh, so then when I get home I should just start emailing the entire PTA list with your web browser history,” I state watching the color drain out of her face,” Or how about the video that’s streaming to my computer from you laptop webcam to your husband and anyone else on your mailing list. You can tell my parents if you really want to but then again I’m not the one who took ‘advantage’ of a highschool student.”
Kimiko is frozen in place for a solid minute, then frantically rushes to her laptop and as soon as it kicks on she is looking at herself on the cam and sees the program streaming to another source. I see her face break from shock to tears as she collapses to the floor crying. I give her a minute and see that she’s really crying, I kneel next to her and pull her head onto my shoulder and let her cry and babble for a minute.
“You’re gonna ruin my life,” Kimiko get’s out in between sobs.
“No, I’m trying to help Jun and Natsuko,” I tell her wiping her hair from her face,” Let them be themselves, let them talk and date and fuck. You let them be people and they’ll probably love you more for the freedom.”
“But you’ll ruin my life,” Kimiko says looking at me with her deep brown eyes.
“No ma’am, I’m making your boy like me, and I won’t do anything to your life if you don’t mess with their’s. On that you have my word,” I state plainly.
I help Kimiko to her feet and walk her to the bathroom to clean herself up while I stand there and watch. After regaining her composure she turns to me with a very soft look on her face.
“I let them dress and act out what they want minus academics and all this stays private,” Kimiko asks me from the mirror.
I nod my head and finish getting dressed before grabbing my phone and texting Natsuko, I tell her to head home and that everything will be fine with her mom. Natsuko replies with a standard level of disbelief and joy. I head back into the bathroom and turn Kimiko around to face me, taking her by the waist and kissing her deeply. She is shocked at first but wraps her arms up in my coat and hood returning the kiss.
“Anytime you want to relive this you just email me or text me from your daughter’s phone,” I tell her breaking the kiss and heading down stairs.
I don’t wait for her to say goodbye or anything else and I get out the front door and head back toward the school. I quickly check my phone and see it’s two in the afternoon and text Kori asking her how she’s doing. I freeze when she replies that her and her mother are at my house with Liz, my mother and Katy. What the hell is happening?Still loving the comments, anyone with any ideas feel free to PM me and we can talk a little about them.

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Mom Caught Me pt. 2

Thanks for the encouraging comments on part 1. Again, this story is a stretch on the true story that these are based on, but the stories are intended to be read with the notion that they did in fact happen.

Neat N’ Naked: Dakota

© 2015 Salacious Scribe and Kit Cartaii. All Rights Reserved.
Authors Notes
Neat N’ Naked is a Series of 26 unrelated stories I am working on. They all have the same basic premise, Someone hires a naked maid and orgasms ensue.
This part contains heterosexual intercourse, prostitution, virgin deflowering, fellatio, cunnilingus, and heterosexual sodomy. If you don’t enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story.

Asian Fascination

My first story on I think if I was to be my own critic I could have had more detail and used some better words to describe what happened. I hope you enjoy the story more than I did typing it. Is it a little short?

Shortcut to rape

A shortcut home goes wrong. Two Asian women and ones teenage son and daughter are stopped and forced into a barn where they are tied down and raped