The Visit Chapter 1

Just a bit of my imagination…

The Visit

Stef had been saving her money for a long time to take this trip. She was finally off to Florida to visit her friend Dave! They had been friends for some time now, even though it had been a friendship that had grown via emails she felt like she really knew him. She was rather young but they had figured out a way to get around that and she was to be his daughter once they met at the airport. Dave had just moved to Miami and no one knew him there so they should be safe with this story. It had been a long flight from Australia. She had tried to sleep but never really got there. The dreams of him started almost as soon as her eyes closed and in no time her excitement was waking her with an itch that needed to be scratched. After 3 trips to the bathroom to rub away the itch she finally drifted off for a couple hours. At least she wouldn’t be so tired that she couldn’t stay awake when she arrived.

Dave was almost in as bad as shape as she was! He was at the airport almost 2 hours early! Sure didn’t want her to come off the plane and not see him. She knew what he looked liked as he did her, because they had traded pictures several times over the last year or so. He was sure glad his wife and family had stayed in New York until he got settled or this little meeting would never have been taking place.

It was almost time for her to arrive so he moved down to the concourse so he could see her as soon as she came out of the gate. He looked and looked as people kept coming out and finally he saw her! She was with one of the stewardesses and as soon as she saw she let out a little squeal and ran to him with open arms. “Daddy” she called and they squeezed each other as close as they could get and still be innocent to all the eyes upon them. Just as they planned, that greeting had made everyone look in their direction, smile at the “reunion” and then go back to wherever they were going. To the world they looked just like any other father and daughter, but little did they know how good it felt to finally feel her budding breasts pressed against his chest! Yes they were just starting to grow but they were sensitive and it felt good to both of them.

Finally they broke their embrace and he held her at arms length so he could see all of her. He loved the sparkling white blouse with the fancy little buttons down the front and the short frilly “little girl” skirt that stopped quite a way above her knees! A little short for their supposed father daughter meeting but these days most did not notice things like that. They walked hand in hand to the baggage claim as she chatted away. It was amazing that she was finally her. She never once gave anything away and always called him daddy. He played the happy father and never once took his eyes off her. Anyone watching them would never suspect that his eyes were wandering all over her body as she moved around him. The budding swell of her breasts, the slight narrowing of her waist moving into the widening of her hips and finally to her sweet rounded ass. It was all he could do just to keep his hands off her.

The luggage finally arrived and they were off. The luggage went into the trunk as she stood there with a slight breeze ruffling her skirt in a flirting way, baring just a little more of her tanned legs. Dave was wishing for a nice gust to lift her skirt even higher to expose her panties. It didn’t happen so he took her to the passenger side and opened her door for her. He meant it to be a nice thing but was pleasantly surprised to see her skirt slide up over her slim legs and he could almost see her panty covered crotch. She realized almost immediately what was happening but took her time smoothing it back down. She knew of course that Dave was watching and was enjoying the little tease. They had talked about teasing over the last few months and while she had never been with anyone in a sexual setting, their conversations had taught her quite a bit. She knew she was going to drive “daddy” nuts.

All during the drive home Dave had to keep dragging his eyes away from her and back to the road. Sure wouldn’t be a good thing to have an accident after they had spent soo much time planning this trip. It had taken weeks and weeks to convince her parents to let her come and it was a miracle that it had even happened. They didn’t know about Dave, that was their secret, but they thought that she was coming to visit with one of her girlfriends that had moved to Florida several months ago. Of course she didn’t tell her mum and pop that they too had gone on vacation, in Europe! She figured what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. Anyway, they had two glorious weeks together with no interruptions from Dave’s work or family. All she had to do was to call home every other day to check in and let them know she was all right. She could finally be Daddy’s little girl!

When they reached home, Dave almost ran around the car to open her door and this time she rewarded him with a very brief view of her panties. She heard him sharply inhale so she knew he had seen what she wanted. Smiling she took his hand as they walked to the house.

They had talked about his house several times and she felt like she knew it already but he insisted on showing her on a grand tour. Into the hallway and then the living room. Very nice but simple and easy to maintain. From there into the kitchen passing a bathroom and two small bedrooms. She would keep her clothes in one of them she knew. The kitchen opened into the dining room which had a huge sliding glass door opening onto the pool area. She recognized the dining room after seeing it on his webcam several times. The PC was off to the side on one wall.

Outside and onto the pool deck she was able to see that a tall fence and a hedge surrounded the whole back yard. He had told her it was secluded and that no one could see them in the back yard. Stef reached for his hand and held it and she found it was almost hidden in his. His hands were much larger than hers and she wondered what they would feel like as they searched out all those places on her young body they had talked about. She knew she was going to have the best time here with Dave.

Back in the house, Dave showed her where she could put her clothes and excused himself to go finish getting dinner ready. It had been in the oven when they arrived and he had made it all by himself. Dinner was a simple casserole with pasta and he promised her that he had a special desert planned and he hoped that she would like. The only thing he would tell her was that it would be good and special, but later.

They chatted away about how cool it was that she was finally her and tried to make some plans about what she wanted to do while she was here in Florida. One thing they did settle on was a trip to South Beach. Dave had told her that the women sometimes went topless there and you could see all shapes and sizes of boobs. He had only been a couple times but it was great as far as he was concerned. Stef had already told him that she liked to look at the boobs too. She wondered what hers would look like when they got bigger. She wanted big ones but Dave had told her that he liked all sizes. Oh well, time will tell.

Finally, dinner was over and they cleared the table together. Dave let Stef do the washing and he dried them. Of course this let him take his time and he did take the time to look her over as close as he wanted to. Stef’s blouse was splashed a couple times with the soapy water and he could see that it was sticking to her young boobs. They might have been small but he could see that her nipples were getting hard right through her blouse and her thin bra. He wished she hadn’t worn one but she still looked so cute. He suggested that she take off her blouse before it got stained and she felt her heart start beating faster because she had been hoping that he would finally start something. The blouse was off in a flash and when she saw him looking at her skirt she figured why not and took it off too.

Dave almost fell over at the sight before his eyes and reached out to her to steady himself. His arms went around her and hers around him. She felt great there and snuggled closer. In a moment she felt his hands move to her bra and felt the pressure go away as he unhooked it. Stepping back he took her bra off and just stood there staring. Stef started to cover her small young boobs but Dave said NO! I want to see them and touch them and taste them! They are beautiful! Stef couldn’t understand why he could like them when they were so small but it was obvious that he did love them.

Slowly Dave reached out and gently touched each of her nipples and watched as they got even harder. She was gorgeous standing there in just her panties! He reached out and just picked her up and carried her to the table. He gently set her down right on the table where they had just finished eating dinner. Sitting down on a chair at her legs he reached out again to her tits and placed his hands over both of them. Stef could feel the excitement building and she knew her pussy was getting wet and would soon make her panties wet too!

Dave had other ideas though and slowly he slid his hands down her sides until he got to her panties. Hooking a finger in each side he slid them down and off her legs. Stef had to lift her bum to help and enjoyed his reaction as her hairless pussy was revealed to his eyes. He had her lean back and rest on her arms. This pushed her chest out and he stood enough so that he could lean forward and lick her nipples. Shivers tore down her spine and right to her pussy as his lips and tongue made contact with them. No one but herself had ever even touched them let alone licked them and she thought she would orgasm right then! Dave stopped before that happened and told her it was time for his desert now.

Sitting back down he spread her legs open and moved closer to the table where she was sitting. She saw him looking closely at her pussy and she wanted him to touch it so bad that she was lifting her ass off the table trying to get her pussy closer to him. He took his time and looked slowly up and down her body from her beautiful sexy face, down over her young small titties with their budding nipples and finally over the slight swell of her belly to her beautiful sweet smooth pussy.
Her pussy lips were starting to open slightly and he could just barely see her clit poking through. Slowly he leaned forward until he could lightly touch her lips with his tongue. Stef moaned at his touch. She had been waiting for what seemed forever for this moment when Dave would finally taste her innermost being. Dave pushed his tongue between her pussy lips and finally touched her clit. Opening his mouth, her wrapped his lips around it and sucked softly. Stef couldn’t take it and jammed her cunt against Dave’s mouth and she felt her first orgasm race through her entire body.
Dave held her tight against his mouth and gently continued sucking until she finally settled down. His face was covered with her juice and he finally let her down and embraced her closely. Stef kissed him and tasted herself on his lips. Without even thinking she used her own tongue to clean her sweetness from his face. She liked the taste of her pussy on him!
Dave told her to sit and relax for a while and he would prepare for the rest of their first night together. Stef could barely sit up and just let him take care of everything.