The Vampire Kiss Chapter Five: Feeding the Fangwhore

Faust sends three big man to feed and humiliate Abigail while Britney waits for her best friend to wake up as a vampire.

The Vampire’s Kiss
Chapter 5: Feeding the Fangwhore
by mypenname3000
Copyright 2015

The angel Aurora trembled. Her wings fluttered. She had crossed over from the Ether into the material world and intervened on the vampire Damien D’Angelo, preventing him from killing the youthful Mary. Instead, the Angel twisted him to turn Mary into a vampire.

“It…it was the only way to keep him on track,” Aurora spluttered.

Gideon’s eyes were wide behind his glasses. The more scholarly angel swallowed. “I…I…you didn’t have permission for the intervention, Aurora.”

Aurora glanced at the vampire fucking Mary on the couch of his house, his lips sucking her blood. Mary would still die. I’ve condemned her to a life of undeath. I’ve chained her soul in the same prison that binds Damien.

Aurora wasn’t sure what had driven her to break the rules. She was normally such an obedient angel. But the last few weeks, working towards the plan of finally taking down one of the greatest threats to the mortal world had weighed on her. Faust Crespo, the vampire that had turned Abigail and unleashed her upon Damien was foul and loathsome. He had made deals with a filthy demon, buying protection and allowing his commercial empire to flourish while no mortal hunter, the Knights Venator, were allowed to hunt him.

But Heaven had finally found a way around the demon’s protections. When Faust sent into motion his plan of revenge on Damien and Abigail D’Angelo for killing numerous vampires Faust had sired, it gave Heaven their window.

And at every turn Aurora’s plan failed. She couldn’t stop Abigail from entering the high school and falling into Faust’s trap. She couldn’t prevent Damien from returning to his home and falling into Abigail’s trap. Now that Damien had been turned, the plan was tenuous at best. But his desire to reclaim his wife and avenge the cruelty Faust inflicted burned hot in the vampire.

But only so long as he didn’t fall into the pitfalls of a new vampire.

“If he killed Mary, more would have died,” Aurora pleaded to Gideon, desperate for justification. I had to do the right thing. I’m an angel. I don’t perform acts of evil. This had to be good. “This had to be the right thing to do. I saved lives.”

“But what about the consequences?” Gideon groaned. “You intervened without permission. Every time we intervene, a demon is allowed an equal intervention. You broke the rule. There is a demon out there that will use this to cause great harm.”

“But…” Aurora’s voice faltered. “I couldn’t let Faust get away. And…and…demons break the rule all the time. They intervene without permission. And we’re forced to clean up the mess, like with Faust.”

“But if we don’t follow the rules of creation, who will, Aurora?” Gideon pushed up his glasses. “We’re angels. We do not break the Covenant. We—”

“Aurora,” a commanding voice boomed around her, light flooding down from above. “Report for judgment.”

“But I was just doing the right thing,” Aurora hissed before she rose to Heaven.


The demon Jezebel shuddered as she lurked inside Father Augustine’s soul. The priest had given into his sin and had violate the sanctity of his church by fucking the young temptress, Mary Daniels, on the altar. That unholy act had cracked his soul open, allowing the demon to slip inside and possess him.

The demon had such wicked plans for the Father. I will twist you and make you an agent of the very thing you loathe, Father.

The priest enjoyed her presence inside his body. She gave him such stamina. Right now, he fucked Joy, the first of the woman to fall beneath his spell. She wouldn’t be the last. The priest corruption would spread.

Jezebel could feel the delight of Father Augustine ramming his cock into Joy’s asshole as she squirmed on the altar. It was like Jezebel had a dick of her own while possessing the priest. The demon drank in the priest’s pleasure, savoring the tight, hot grip of Joy’s greased asshole as Father Augustine fucked her hard.

“Let me feel that slutty hole cum on my cock,” the priest moaned.

Yes, hissed Jezebel in Father Augustine’s soul. Fuck the whore. Her body tempted you. She made you hard. You have no choice but to fuck her sinful body.

“Your body temped me, whore,” Father Augustine groaned. “You made me hard.”

“I’m so sorry, Father,” gasped Joy, the blonde shuddering as her orgasm built. Her asshole clamped down hard on the priest’s dick; Jezebel shuddered in delight. “Cum in me then teach me to fight evil.”

“Yes,” groaned Father Augustine. “I shall.”

You shall be my instrument to fight evil, groaned Jezebel, her soul consuming the bliss. The pressure built at the tip of the priest’s cock.

“You shall be my instrument to fight evil,” gasped the priest. “And more shall follow.”

Jezebel savored the priest’s wicked thoughts. Images of all the beautiful woman of his parish flashed through the priest’s mind: Abigail, Mrs. Lawson, her daughter Britney, Mary, Samantha, Mrs. Anders, and more. He wanted them all.

They all shall be yours. Especially Abigail.

“Hallelujah,” groaned the priest as he slammed his dick deep into Joy asshole.

Jezebel shuddered in Father Augustine’s soul as the priest climaxed in the whore’s asshole. The demon savored the powerful, explosive blasts of cum erupting out of the priest’s dick. Every blast sent a ripple of bliss through Father Augustine body and the demon’s soul.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Joy. “Oh, thank you for coming in me. It’s so hot. I love it. I—”

For a moment, the world shuddered. The demon was rocked by the powerful, spiritual intercession that happened only a few miles away. An angel had intervened without the sanction of Heaven. Jezebel shuddered at the possibilities open before her.

I have free rein to do something so naughty, Jezebel gasped. Not waisting her opportunity, she dumped her power into the priest. He would be an even greater weapon than she could possibly have hoped for.


Abigail D’Angelo crashed into the large, Black man that had entered her bare room, the walls undressed cinder blocks and the floor a concrete slab, in the bowels of Faust Tower. The vampiress wasn’t afraid of the three men that had boldly walked into the room she had hid out the day since being brought to the room by her Sire, the vampire Faust.

They were here to feed her. She hungered for the blood roaring through their veins. Beneath the men’s hard muscles were networks of veins, arteries, and capillaries spreading that life-giving fluid through their bodies.

Abigail needed it. She hadn’t fed since turning her husband last night at Faust’s orders.

Despite the three men’s size—they were all powerfully built men and moved with the confidence of fighters—Abigail was unafraid. Even before becoming a vampire she would not have been afraid. Now that she had a vampire’s strength and speed, she knew she could take all three men. She was as fiery as her red hair. She never shirked from danger, not even in high school when she helped kill her first vampire.

That same vampire had been one of many that Faust had sired. Their deaths had triggered Faust’s plan to kill and turn Abigail, culminating in the dawn’s sun burning Abigail’s husband to a crisp. A part of Abigail mourned her husband. She loved him, but the bulk of her was under the compete domination of Faust.

She was his slave and would do anything for him.

Abigail’s sharp fingernails lunged for the Black man’s throat. A quick tear and his blood would gush out on the floor. A waste, but she had two other men to feed off. She needed to disable one of the men as fast as possible.

The Black man’s arm lashed out faster than a human should have reacted. He snagged her reaching hand and twisted, throwing Abigail into the bare, cinder block wall. She bounced off and landed on her feet in a low crouch.

“The fangwhore is feisty,” the blond man laughed, his voice thick with a German accent. He stroked his hard cock. “We are going to feed and fuck you hard.”

“So just be patient, darlin’,” the third man, his hair buzzed short like a soldier and his voice twanging like a man from Texas. “Don’t you fret. Your hot cunt will get a chance to enjoy all our cocks.”

“And your asshole,” laughed the Black man.

“If you want to fuck me and not die, then you better subdue me,” Abigail purred, growing excited at the prospect of sex and violence.

Her pussy ached. Her nipples were hard. The three men were gorgeous. Hard cocks jutted at her, full of blood. The salty musk of their precum filled her nose. All three men had a slightly different flavor.

Abigail licked her lips; she had a banquet to feast upon.

She feinted, slashing her sharp fingernails at the German. He moved his muscular leg back, pivoting to dodge her attack. She twisted away in the blink of an eye and threw herself at the Texan. She crashed into his muscular torso, her fingernails clawing at his chest. Long, bleeding trails covered his sculpted peck.

Her lips thirsted. She leaned in and licked up the bloody wounds, her teeth aching to sink into his throat and bleed him dry. His coppery blood warmed her tongue, but it was only an appetizer. She reached his neck and sank her teeth into his flesh.

“Damn,” the Texan moaned. “This fangwhore is one hungry vixen.”

Abigail’s pussy clenched as the hot, salty flood of jizz filled her mouth. It spilled over her lips in a gush, running down to her heaving breasts. Her dusky-pink nipples were covered in the vermilion as she feasted while she ground her hot cunt into his rippling abs. Her thighs wrapped tight around his waist as she fed.

“Enough of that, slut,” growled the Black man.

Abigail screamed as the Black man ripped her mouth away by her hair. He was strong. She hissed at him, bending her body, her breasts thrusting above her. She released her legs from the Texan and flexed her body, twisting in the air and slamming her thighs around the Black man’s head, griding her pussy into his face. Her breasts rubbed into stomach as her hands grasped his cock.

She squeezed.

“Bitch,” the Black man moaned into her pussy.

Hissing in delight, Abigail brought his ebony cock to her lips. Her fangs sank into the tip. His moans of pains turned into grunts of delight as her vampire venom flooded the man’s blood stream. She sucked the tip of his dick, the salty precum and coppery blood mixing in her mouth.

Abigail bobbed her head as she hung up down, the Black man’s arms holding her while his thick lips and bold tongue licked through her pussy adorned with trimmed, fiery pubic hair. Her thighs kept a firm grip on his neck as she undulated. Her teeth nipped his cock, bringing more moans from his lip and more blood pumping into her hungry mouth.

How can he stay hard with his cock bleeding? Like air leaking from a punctured tire, his dick should have lost pressure and went limp.

But it didn’t. He stared hard and throbbing in her mouth.

Abigail really didn’t care why. She was drunk on blood. It was salty and delicious, feeding her hunger. Her fingernails clawed at the black man, bringing more blood welling. It dripped down his thighs and smeared in her hands.

“Look at that fangwhore feed,” whooped the Texan.

And why aren’t you dead? I ripped out your carotid artery.

A hot shudder ran through Abigail, driving away her puzzling thoughts. The Black man’s lips latched onto her clit. His teeth bit, shooting delicious pain through her body. Her pussy clenched as her sensitive bud was savaged. The blood filled her belly. She moaned about his cock as her orgasm rippled through her body and her juices squirted into the Black man’s face.

“The fangwhore just came,” growled the Black man. “Fuck, she’s sucking my cock so hard.”

“Flood her mouth,” the German laughed. “Give her more than blood to drink. A slut like her wants cum as much as blood.”

Abigail sucked hard on the cock in her mouth. Their words were so nasty. She loved them. The Black man nipped her clit hard. Her pleasure crashed through her again. She moaned about the Black man’s thick dick as her juices squirted into his hungry mouth. His cock throbbed in her mouth.

His cum erupted.

Salty, thick, delicious jizz. Abigail moaned as she drank it down mixed with the man’s blood. Her teeth nipped again as his cock flooded her mouth with cum. Her hips bucked, grinding her pussy hard into his lips as she swallowed down the delicious mix of flavors.

“Fuck,” the Black man grunted. “The fangwhore knows how to suck cock.”

“But can she fuck?” laughed the German.

“Let’s find out.” The Black man suddenly let go of Abigail.

As she came, her thighs relaxed. She gasped and twisted as she fell, managing to land on her hands and toes. She hissed, blood matting her breasts and face. More smeared across her hands, leaving bloody prints on the floor.

The Texan stroked his dick. Blood sheeted down his rippling chest to his stomach, but the wound no longer bled. He had somehow healed.

“Familiars,” Abigail hissed, realizing what the men were. Virgins who had been nearly bled to death by a vampire then fed the vampire’s blood. The ichor in a vampire’s undead blood would devile their purity and change a familiar, granting them faster healing, greater strength, and almost continuous supply of blood for the vampire. “Does Faust fuck your asses when he feeds from you?”

“We do whatever the Master wants,” the Texan drawled. “Just like you, whore.”

“So yes,” mocked Abigail.

The Texan’s jaw throbbed and his knuckles cracked. “He’s watchin’ right now. He wants you fucked up and fucked.”

His fist was a blur, catching Abigail by surprise. The vampire gasped in pain as it cracked into her head, knocking her onto her belly. She moaned in delight, savoring the pain. Before she could get up, the German seized her red hair and smashed her face into the concrete floor.

Abigail’s moan was orgasmic.

“That’s what a I thought, whore,” the German grunted and rammed his cock straight up her unlubed ass.

The pain hurt almost as much as having her head slammed into the floor. Abigail discovered something about her, something that becoming a vampire had changed. Pain was as ecstatic as pleasure.

“Fuck my ass,” she hissed, bucking into his painful thrusts, drinking in the burning agony.

The German slammed her face into the concrete again as he buried his cock hard into her asshole. The concrete floor could only momentarily hurt. There would be no bruisers or scraped skin. Only something truly pure—holy water, white oak, blessed silver, salt, sunlight—could actually hurt her.

Everything else was merely a new experience to enjoy.

“You like my cock fucking your ass, fangwhore?” snarled the German. “I bet you do. Did your husband ever fuck you this hard before you killed him.”

“No,” snarled Abigail. “Pound my ass. Make me cum, then I’ll drink every drop of your blood.”

“You can try,” laughed the German.

His hand pressed on the back of her neck as he pounded his cock in and out of her asshole. Abigail’s nipples rasped on the rough floor, adding more delight to her ass fucking. Her hips bucked up into his thrust while her lips ached for blood.

It filled the air. She had tasted two of the men. But, she wanted the third.

“Oh, you love my ass, faggot,” she moaned. “Ream my ass. Do you ever fuck Sire? Or does he only use your faggot ass? Maybe I can strap-on a dildo and give you the same thrill. I’ll fuck your ass harder than you’re fucking me.”

“You are one fucked up slut,” laughed the German. “Did your husband whine like a bitch when Faust fucked you in front of him.”

“He raged,” Abigail hissed, her ass clenching down on his cock as she remembered the way her husband had tried so hard to break free of his restraints. “He would have killed Sire if he could.”

The pain built inside of her. She embraced it, drinking it in. Her ass clenched and relaxed on his cock as she tensed. She pumped her hips, eager to feel his cum dump into her ass, aching for her orgasm to burst through her.

“Fuck me harder!” Abigail moaned. “Really make me hurt. Give it to me.”

“Slut!” snarled the German. He pounded her so hard.

Her asshole drank in the pain. Her pussy clenched as she trembled beneath him. She moaned and panted. A tremble raced through her body. His strokes grew faster. His balls smacked into her taint. His heart raced.

He’s about to cum.

“Fangwhore,” he growled. “Take it. Take my cum.”

Hot, salty cum exploded into her abused asshole. Abigail loved the heat. It burned inside her flesh. She shuddered as her orgasm burst hard through her. She screamed out loudly, her voice echoing through the room.

Abigail twisted around and stared into the German’s eyes. She wasn’t sure exactly how she did it. She just focused on him, boring into his mind, into his soul. He stiffened on her, driving his still cumming cock deep into her asshole as he fell under her trance.

“Attack,” Abigail purred.

The German ripped his cock out of her asshole and lunged at the Black man. Their bodies collided together, both man grunting. They struggled, bodies heaving. The German had the advantage of size and surprise, slamming the Black man’s head hard into the concrete wall.

Then he did it a second time. Blood matted the Black man’s head as he slumped to the floor, leaving a red smear on the wall.

I have mesmerizing gaze, Abigail chortled to herself as she sprang at the Texan and his coppery blood. How wonderfully wicked.

Every vampire had a gift—telekinesis, shadow walk, daywalking, astral projection, flight, and others. Abigail received mesmerizing gaze. She could dominate a human with a glance and bend their will to hers. If they were prepared they might be able to resist. Faust’s familiars hadn’t been expecting it, their mental defenses lowered.

Now they were ready. So Abigail didn’t try to mesmerize the Texan.

The Texan took a swing. His punch was hard, fast, blurring at her. She twisted her body and kicked out her foot, slamming into his solar plexus. He grunted and stumbled back. He threw two more punches, quick jabs that Abigail twisted around as she dropped.

Her hand smashed into his knee on the side. Her enhanced strength meant the blow landed with strength. His patella snapped. The Texan let out a moan of pain as his leg folded beneath him. He fell into a crotch and threw a punch at her stomach.

She caught his arm, twisted, and threw him over her shoulder. He landed hard on his back, groaning in pain. In a blur she was upon him, impaling her pussy on his cock. She sank down his girth as her teeth savaged at his neck.

This time, Abigail would drain him dry as she rode his cock.

The blood pumped into her mouth. Her hungers were fed as her pussy clenched down on his shaft. Her hips rose and fell, slamming her pussy up and down on the man while he groaned and shuddered on the ground, lost to the ecstasy of her bite.

The German stood over her, still under her power, his foot planted on the neck of the Black man in case he stirred. Abigail would kill the Black man next, drain him dry, then she would feast on the German. He would stand their and watch as she fucked and killed his companions one by one.

Her pussy clenched on the Texan’s cock. The man’s blood was ecstasy on her lips. The pleasure flowed through her body and gathered in her pussy. All the nerves in her sheath were alive, drinking in his girth, eager to cum as the man died.

Since he was a familiar, he wouldn’t turn.

“Abigail,” Faust’s voice calmly said, echoing throughout the room. It was tinny from speakers.

She lifted her mouth from her feast. The blood poured down her neck and covered her breasts. She squeezed her tits as she looked up, scanning for the speaker. The ceiling was a normal drop ceiling, with the cheap, drywall panels. In one of them was a small, pinhole camera beside the mesh for a tiny speaker. Without her keen senses, she would have missed it.

“Yes, Sire,” she moaned, massaging the blood into her breasts and nipples.

“Do not kill them,” he ordered. “In the future, when they come to feed and fuck you, you shall submit to their violence. You shall let them beat and humiliate you.”

“Yes, Sire,” Abigail moaned, her hips still rising up and down on the Texan’s cock. “Are you recording this?”

“Yes,” Faust answered. “After I’ve killed you, I want hours of footage of your various humiliations to amuse me over the decades. And I have so many different ways to humiliate and abuse you in store.”

“Yes, Sire,” Abigail moaned, her body shuddering. She pinched her blood-covered nipples.

“Now cum, whore.”

Her pussy spasmed. Her body obeyed her Sire. The pleasure rushed through her as she slammed down on the Texan. He stirred and grunted as she spasmed on his cock. Then his dick erupted and bathed her pussy with blast after blast of his cum while the camera recorded it all.


Damien D’Angelo dumped the corpse of Mary Daniels on his blood soaked bed. He had just fed and turned her. Even now, the change worked in her dead body. Soon, she would be reborn to unlife, a vampiress sired by him.

His slave.

Britney Lawson, his busty familiar and Mary’s best friend, snuggled against the corpse, stroking the bleached-blonde hair of Mary off her face. Britney’s lips were stained with her friend’s blood. A familiar didn’t need to drink blood, she was still human, but she had enjoyed the taste of her friend’s life.

“Did she please you, Master?” Britney asked.

“She did,” smiled Damien. “She’ll be very useful.”

“How?” asked Britney. “With your plan?”

“What do you know of my plan?” Damien asked.

“Not much. There is someone you need to kill and someone you need to rescue.” The blonde Britney let her finger trace around Mary’s right nipple, brushing the silver barbell that pierced it. Mary was a far wilder girl than the virginal Britney. Damien had never understood their friendship. He had always found Mary to be a slut. She had even tried to seduce him when he was human.

Damien had Abigail and passed on the little piece of fluff. Now, as a vampire, he was learning he could have the fluff and still claim his wife.

“I can’t wait for her to wake up and feed on me,” Britney moaned. “I’m glad you turned her, Master. It would have been such a waste to kill her outright.”

Damien smiled. “She was your best friend, but it wouldn’t have bothered you if I drained every drop of her blood?”

“It’s why I brought her, Master,” giggled Britney. She was both so youthful and innocent, yet so wicked at the same time. It made his cock ache. “I knew she would enjoy it. She’s always craved new delights. A final explosion of bliss and ecstasy. Plus, I had to find you food. You were hungry. I could feel that. You deserved a special treat. You can’t just drink my blood all the time. You need variety, Master.”

“I need caution,” Damien said. He had drunk the blood of two different women now. He had fed his thirst. He knew the pitfalls of a new vampire. They became drunk off blood and killing. They would amass bodies swiftly, drawing attention of a Hunter like Damien had been. “I can’t afford to leave in bodies behind. Not for now.”

“Then you’ll have to turn them,” Britney giggled. “So, where are we going when the sun sets?”


“Ooh, Mary knows Chicago. She knows were all the clubs are at. She’s a party girl.” Britney licked her lips. “I bet there’s good hunting at a club.”

Damien gave her a look. “What do you know of hunting?”

“I like to watch those vampire shows. They’re so naughty. They always made me tingle between my thighs.” Britney spread her legs, showing her pussy covered by light-blonde hair matted by her excitement. “Right here.”

Damien was tempted to fuck her, but he needed to ready for their trip. Night was a few hours away. “Go home and pack,” he commanded Britney. “Then return. And pack something for Mary to wear, too. I’m sure you have some of her clothes.”

“Yes, Master,” smiled Britney. “I hope she doesn’t wake before I return.”

“She won’t. Be fast.” He paused. “Have you ever used a weapon?”

“I’ve shot skeet with a shotgun a few times at my uncle’s farm.”

“Good. You need to learn how to fight. Both of you will.” He grabbed his laptop. He had money in the basement. He just needed to find an apartment to rent. Preferably with cash. A loft would be perfect. Something near Faust Tower.

He began his search. It didn’t take him long to find something perfect.

When Britney returned, he had his cell phone in hand and made a phone call. The loft over Risqué would do. It was listed as office space—no would want to live over a club—and it was cheap and near Faust Tower.

“Why are you smiling, Master?” Britney asked as she stripped naked and slipped back in bed with Mary. Color returned to the corpse and the bleach faded from her hair, Mary’s natural black returning as her body underwent the change.

“I think I found where we’ll be staying in Chicago.”

The phone picked up. “Windy City Property Management,” answered a woman, her voice a sultry purr. “How can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m interested in renting the loft over Risqué. It’s perfect for my tech start up. Is there any chance we could meet tonight to see it?”

“Tonight?” the woman asked. “Well, our business hours are between 9 AM and 5 PM, sir.”

“I’m flying in tonight. I have a tight schedule. Here, you can make arrangements with my secretary. We need this fast. I’m willing to pay a premium to jump through all the red tape possible.”

Damien tossed the phone to Britney. He mouthed, “10 PM, promise her anything.”

“Hi, I’m Britney, Mr. D’Angelo’s secretary,” the busty girl purred as she continued stroking Mary’s nipple with her free hand. “How about 10 PM? I know it’s late, but this is really important. We’d be more than willing to pay for the inconvenience. Mr. D’Angelo has an amazing idea. His tech company will be the next big thing in social media. In five years, you’ll have forgotten all about Twitter.”

Damien smiled and left Britney to work out the details. Britney would put the Realtor at ease. She sounded so innocent, so nonthreatening. You will be useful.

Damien headed downstairs to gather the money and weapons he kept in the house.


Britney Lawson watched her friend slowly become a vampiress.

Britney hummed to her friend as she stroked her naked body. First, a heart began beating beneath those lovely breasts and color returned to Mary’s face. Her nipples hardened beneath Britney’s touch. Then those breasts rose and fell as Mary breathed again.

“You’re getting closer and closer to waking up,” purred Britney. “How wonderful.”

Britney felt absolutely no guilt that she brought her best friend here to die. The fact that Mary would now be a vampiress in service to her Master was wonderful, but Britney would have been equally happy burying her friend’s corpse after her Master finished consuming Mary’s blood.

I have really changed, Britney marveled as she watched the flesh knit itself where Master’s teeth had ripped out Mary’s carotid artery and feasted on her blood. It’s so wonderful to be free of guilt. All I have to do is serve Master’s every whim and I’ll be happy.

“And you get to serve him, too,” purred Britney.

She stroked Mary’s face. Britney turned her friend’s face to the side, Mary’s lips just an inch from Britney’s nipple. Her breasts were already full of her milk. As a familiar, she didn’t just restore her blood faster than a human, but she always felt full of breast milk. She pressed her nipple into Mary’s lips.

“I hope you sink your teeth into me right away,” Britney cooed. “Then you can drink my breast milk and blood all at the same time. I just know you’ll love it.”

Mary’s mouth grew wet. Instinctively, she suckled on the nipple as she stirred, her body moving. She dreamed now. Britney stroked her friend’s pure-black hair, then let her hand trail down to pinch and pull on Mary’s nipples, playing with her piercings.

“It’s time to wake up and feed.”

Mary’s eyes opened. A hot shudder rippled through Britney as Mary’s fangs bit.

“Yes,” Britney gasped. Four fangs pierced her areola. Her blood flowed as the intoxicating drug of a vampire’s saliva entered Britney’s bloodstream. She shuddered as Mary suckled, drinking blood and breast milk together. “That’s it. You need your strength, Mary.”

The new vampiress suckled harder, her cheeks hallowing as she nursed noisily. Britney was in heaven. She gasped and shuddered, her blood and milk flowing out of her. The pleasure rushed down to her pussy.

She parted her legs and humped her hot flesh into Mary’s side. “Yes, yes, feed. Nurse. Oh, such a good vampiress. You need to be strong to help master out.”

Mary wrapped her arms around Britney’s body. The vampiress turned on her side, her wet pussy rubbing on Britney’s thigh. The pair humped each other, sliding their hot flesh up and down each other’s sleek thighs. Pleasure rippled through Britney’s body, from her nipple down to her pussy.

“Oh, this is wonderful,” purred Britney. “Keep drinking my milk and blood. Oh, yes. Oh, wow. I’m going to cum. I love being fed upon.”

Britney’s head tossed back. She meant it. There was nothing the familiar loved more now than a pair of fangs sucking blood and a hot mouth suckling milk. Her body shuddered as she humped her pussy into Mary’s thigh.

“You’re so amazing,” Britney gasped. “Oh, yes. Keep drinking. I’m going to cream your thigh.”

Mary moaned. Her eyes squeezed shut. She humped harder against Britney. Both girls gasped and moaned as they writhed together. Britney shuddered every time her pussy slid up Mary’s thigh. Britney’s clit shot bliss through her.

Mary’s fingernails bit into Britney’s back, leaving fiery scratches that oozed blood. Britney drank in the pain. She was changed, her body twisted to enjoy anything a vampire did to her. The pain shot to her pussy, mixing with all the other delights.

Britney’s pussy clenched. Her eyes squeezed shut.

“Mary!” she screeched as her orgasm exploded through her.

The bed creaked louder as Britney was carried away on her orgasm, half-drunk of Mary’s intoxicating saliva while her pussy burned with bliss. Mary’s fingers clawed deeper into Britney’s body, tearing flesh, shooting wonderful pain through Britney’s body that made her cum harder.

“Cum with me, Mary!” gasped Britney. “Oh, I love it.”

Mary ground her pussy hard on Britney’s thighs. A flood of juices squirted against Britney’s flesh as the vampiress came. Her mouth bit harder on Britney’s areola, fresh blood mixing with the milk squirting into Mary’s hungry mouth.

Britney held the vampiress as she spasmed and orgasmed. The blonde familiar gasped and moaned, her orgasm dying down. She floated on the bliss of her climax and savored the delight of nursing Mary.

Mary released Britney’s nipple. “You fucking bitch,” Mary gasped, her lips stained with milky blood. “You lured me here to die.”

“Guilty,” laughed Britney. “But Master made you into a vampire.”

“Vampire?” Mary arched her eyebrow. “How wicked.” She stared at her fingers covered in Britney’s blood. She brought her fingers to her lips and licked them clean one by one.

The pain faded from Britney’s body as her accelerated healing repaired the damage Mary caused while her body replenished the slight amount of blood lost. Britney slowly humped her pussy on Mary’s thigh as she watched the vampiress clean the blood from her fingers.

My blood.

“Did you drink my blood, too?” Mary asked.

Britney nodded her head.

“But you’re not a vampire, right?”

Britney shook her head.

“Mmm, and that’s why you smell so delicious. Your heart thuds in your chest. You’re so warm. My body’s drinking in your heat. And your blood…” A shudder ran through Mary. “I think I’ll drink every last drop. Serve you right for trying to kill me.”

“That wouldn’t make Master happy,” Britney told her. Britney didn’t fight as wet lips nuzzled at her neck. Mary’s lips. Mary’s fangs sank into Britney. Her blood flooded into the vamipress’s mouth. She can kill me doing this. Britney’s pussy clenched in delight. “Oh, Mary, drink my blood.”

Mary settled atop Britney as she feasted, grinding her pussy into Britney’s. Their clits kissed. Pleasure burst out Britney’s pussy as the world swam dark over her. Britney hugged the vampire, moaning loudly.

“Drain me dry!” Britney gasped, stars dancing as her vision fuzzed darker. Her body struggled to replace the blood gushing into Mary’s mouth. But it was going too fast even for a familiar to replenish. “Yes, yes. Drink all my blood, Mary.”

Mary purred, griding her wet pussy harder against Britney.

The floor creaked. “Mary!” Master’s voice cracked. “Stop feeding on her.”

Mary let out a snarling moan, her teeth lifting off of Britney’s body. The blonde familiar kept spasming beneath Mary, Britney’s world swimming, the pleasure burning hot through her body. The blood slowed, no long gushing from her neck.

“I’m hungry, Sire,” pouted Mary, her clit rubbing hard on Britney. “Let me drain her dry. She tried to kill me.”

“She brought you to me.” Damien’s words made Mary shudder atop Britney. “She is mine. Only I can drain her dry.”

“Any time, Master,” Britney gasped, the world still spinning. She struggled to stay conscious as the orgasm built inside her pussy.

“You can feed off of her, but never come close to killing her,” Damien said, seizing Mary’s hair. He kissed her hard on the mouth, savoring Britney’s blood staining Mary’s lips.

“Yes, yes, yes,” gasped Britney as another orgasm burst through her.

Then Master pushed Mary’s head down. He slammed his dick into her mouth.

“Fuck her mouth, Master,” Britney gasped. “Dump your cum in her.”

Mary moaned and humped Britney harder. The vampiress and the familiar came together, their pussies gushing juices, bathing each other in their passion. Britney shuddered and struggled not to pass out, but the world grew darker and darker.

She slipped into unconsciousness to recover from Mary’s aggressive feeding, a smile on her lips. I have two vampires to feed now.


Britney’s mouth sucking on his cock made Damien D’Angelo smiled. He pulled his SUV out of the garage, the back loaded with all his weapons and the $200,000 he and Abigail had stashed away in the house—they were paid handsomely by the Jesuits to hunt vampires.

Britney moaned as she sucked, recovered fully from Mary’s feeding a few hours ago. Britney’s tongue swirled about his dick. The idea of driving while being blown had occurred to him before, particularly when he was younger, but now that we was undead, petty concerns like safety and morality hardly mattered.

“Suck his cock, slut,” Mary purred. She sat in the passenger seat, Britney kneeling between both seats. Mary’s hand caressed Britney’s naked ass—her skirt had ridden up as she sucked.

The sun had just set. It still painted the western horizon in reds and oranges, but the direct light was gone. Damien was eager to get to Chicago. He had just enough time to make his appointment with the realtor.

“I’m hungry, Sire,” purred Mary. “Can we grab a bite to eat.” The vampiress glanced out the window of her car where a gorgeous woman in yoga pants jogged by, oblivious to the world as she listened to music through her earbuds. “We could split her.”

“Britney,” Damien smiled. “Show her what awaits for us in Chicago.”

Britney popped her mouth off Damien’s cock and smiled. She pulled out her phone and played with it. “This is who we are meeting. Rose Reyes.”

“Damn, she is gorgeous,” moaned Mary. “I love Latinas. They are firecrackers.”

“We’ll have a feast when we arrive,” Damien promised as Britney swallowed his cock. “But if you need to wet your appetite, I’m sure Britney won’t mind.”

Mary grinned, her red lips wet. Her fangs grew as she leaned over and sank her teeth into Britney’s ass. The familiar moaned about Damien’s cock while the coppery scent of her blood tickled Damien’s nose.

He drove faster as Britney sucked harder.


The door to Abigail’s cell opened. The three familiars entered again, the Texan carrying a tub of steaming, soapy water. The German held a beautiful, red dress that he hung off the door handle. The Black man threw a loofah at Abigail.

All three men had healed from their injuries.

“Clean yourself, fangwhore,” the Texan drawled. “Master is taking you out tonight.”

Abigail ached to kill all three men, but her Sire had given her orders. She grabbed the loofah and washed the dried blood and cum off her body.


Dark thoughts whispered through Father Hyrum Augustine’s ever since he fucked Joy’s ass while she was bent over the altar hours ago. He felt different. He felt more alive. Stronger, younger, more virile. He hadn’t change. He still looked like a man almost into his fifties.

But a certainty had settled in on him. He would lead a crusade, and he needed warriors. Joy was the first. He wasn’t sure how he would mold her, but he would. And he needed others. Mary, Mrs. Lawson, her daughter Britney, Abigail, Mrs. Anders, and Samantha would be nice. His warrior whores.

His eyes leered at Samantha Murphy as she sat across from him. Next to her was Tony, her fiancee. Their wedding was next Saturday and they were having their final counseling session with Father Augustine.

Samantha was innocent. According to the young couple, both eighteen, they hadn’t had sex yet. Samantha had bushy-brown hair and glasses perched on her delicate face. Her lips were pale-pink, so lovely, so perfect to be wrapped around his cock.

She’s a whore. They always are. Every woman is a whore. She just hasn’t learned how to be one yet. Once she’s had her cherry popped, she’ll have a roving eye. Tony thinks he’s marrying a perfect angel, but she’ll cuckold him as she grows older. She can’t fight that whorish hole between her thighs.

Father Augustine wanted to bend her pretty ass over the altar and fuck her hard. Why should he let Tony enjoy that sweet delight. Father Augustine might as well enjoy her young body before she became a complete whore.

It will happen no matter what. That wet, sinful hole controls a woman. Unless they have a strong man to keep them in line. Tony’s not strong. He’s just a boy.

“I think we’re ready for this, Father,” Samantha said, holding Tony’s hand. She gave him a shy smile.

“Are you?” Father Augustine asked. “You’re so young. Neither of you have even lived.”

“It’s in my heart,” Samantha nodded.

It’s a shame your heart can be overridden by your cunt. I’ll prove it, slut. “Okay. If you’re certain.” Father Augustine paused. “Did you come in the same car?”

“No, Father,” Tony frowned. “Why do you ask?”

“Just making sure. Such temptations are found in a car.” The Priest leaned forward. “But I think I need to talk with Samantha alone. I’m not sure she is ready for this commitment.”

“Father?” Samantha frowned. She glanced at the priest, at his eyes, and hers widened. The priest knew Samantha recognized the hunger burning in his eyes. She shifted on her seat, her little pussy growing hot. “Why would you need to talk to me alone?”

“I’d rather not say in front of your fiancee. But, I think this will be the best for the both of you.”

The couple glanced at each other. “I guess if he needs to talk to you, Sam, I can take off. I don’t want there to be any problems.”

“But…” Samantha glanced back at the priest. Her chin trembled.

“Is something wrong?” Tony asked.

“Yes?” Father Augustine leaned forward across his desk. “Is there?”

“I…no. Of course we can talk.” She blushed.

“Good. Tony, it’s been a pleasure. Stay out of trouble.”

“I will, sir.”

As the young man stood, Father Augustine produced his phone. He fired off a quick text to Joy: “Come to the church. Be quiet.”

Samantha swallowed when her fiance left. She squirmed on the seat, her cheeks red. Father Augustine could almost hear the young woman’s thoughts: The Father is so sexy. He’s changed. So strong. Commanding. What is wrong with me? I’m getting married in less than a week. Don’t think these thoughts. Don’t be impure.

All women are whores, a feminine voice whispered out of Father Augustine’s soul. That’s why they need you to guide them. You can reduce their sin to only one man. A holy man. A man who will guide them and mold them into weapons.

“Amen,” Father Augustine whispered as he rose, a tremble running through his body.

“Father?” Samantha asked, her lower lip trembling.

“Let’s continue this in church. I think it’ll be more instructive inside there.”

“Yes, Father,” she whispered, standing up and trailing after him.

Father Augustine led her out of his office in the back of the church and out into the main hall. It was dark. There was no one in here. He loved the quiet of his church when no one was here. It was so private.

“Are you a sinful girl, Samantha?”

“Of course not,” she gasped.

“But you have impure thoughts?”


“You have confessed them to me in the past. You have masturbated while thinking of other men. Celebrities, cute boys in your class, but never to Tony.”

“I…I have…to Tony,” she answered. “I imagine our wedding night.”

Father Augustine stopped at the altar and turned to her. “Is that the reason you are in such a hurry to get married?”

“We love each other,” Samantha protested.

“You just want to be fucked. You just want your hot, wet hole between your thighs to finally know a man. You don’t care which man. Tony is the only one dumb enough to marry you, to go through the hoops, to fuck you. It’s good that you are trying not to be a complete whore.”

“A whore, Father?” she gasped.

“What else would I call you?” He seized her shoulders and pushed her against the altar. Her lips tremble. “I know the thoughts in your mind. Filthy, impure thoughts. You sat next to your fiance, the man you claim to love, and thought about another man.


His last word echoed through the empty church. Samantha trembled as she sat on the edge of the altar, her hips twisting. Her breasts rose and fell while her eyes were so liquid behind her glasses. Those made her seem so innocent, hiding her whorish lusts.

“I…I wasn’t.”

“You are in the House of our Lord, sitting upon the altar.” His fingers tightened on her shoulders. “Do not lie in here, whore.”

Father Augustine pressed closer to her. Samantha’s legs were forced apart, her skirt riding her calves to her knees. She trembled before him, her tongue flicking across her lips as she stared into his eyes, transfixed like a doe in the headlight of a car.

She knows she should look away, whispered the wise, feminine voice that had guided Father Augustine to such delights these last two days. But she can’t. She’s a whore. Her pussy is soaked. Show that to her. Make her confront the truth of her body.

Father Augustine thrust his hand beneath Samantha’s skirt. She shuddered and gasped as the priest rubbed at her panties. Her hands shot down, trying to grasp his wrist and stop his finger from slipping through the legband of her panties.

“Father! Please! What are you doing!”

“Proving that you’re a whore that wants to fuck anyone. You don’t love Tony.”

Samantha’s eyes widened as his finger caressed up and down her wet pussy lips. Her fingers tightened on his wrist as a low, unbidden moan escaped her lips. Father Augustine smiled as he pulled out his finger.

It glistened with her sweet musk.

“Then why are you so wet right now?” he demanded. He smeared the pussy juices on her lips. “You are in the House of our Lord. Do not lie and make him more angry with your whorish ways.”

“I…I do want to have sex, Father,” she moaned. “So badly. I…I can’t help myself. I do want to have sex. With anyone. But…I don’t want to sin. I have to get married.”

“So you don’t love Tony?”

“I…I don’t know. I…want him in me. Sometimes, when we go out on dates, it takes all my self-control not to give in. I know he wants me. That’s why we need to get married as soon as possible.”

Joy lurked at the doorway, a smile on her naughty lips. She rubbed her hand between her thighs as she watched.

“There is another way,” Father Augustine said, his hands pushing up her skirt. “A way for you to satisfy your sinful lusts while serving something greater. By being a warrior under my guidance.”

“What?” she asked.

His fingers reached her panties. She didn’t fight this time as he pressed into her legband. He rubbed at her hot flesh. He stroked up and down her virginal pussy. Her juices flowed and she moaned and shuddered again.

Power flowed out of him. The gift the feminine voice had given Father Augustine entered into Samantha’s whorish hole. She spasmed and groaned, her brown hair swaying about her shoulders as she tossed back her head.

“Do you want to serve something Higher than you, Samantha?” he asked, stroking her wet petals. “Something greater. Something more than you are?”

“I…I do,” she moaned. “What do I have to do?”

Father Augustine motioned for Joy to come out. “Why, share a holy sacrament with me and your new sister.”

Joy stepped up, hunger in her eyes. “Is she going to fight evil with us, Father?”

Samantha bit her lip and shuddered again as Father Augustine rubbed at her hard clit and fed her a bit more of his energy. The voice whispered and the priest repeated, “Yes, she is. Tonight, you both shall be consecrated. Through communion and sharing of the sacrament, the three of us shall embark on a new path.”


Jezebel the demon shuddered in Father Augustine’s soul as he ripped down Samantha’s panties. She had him corrupted. He was hers. There would be no redemption for Father Augustine. He had perverted his church and misled his flock.

He was a dark shaman now. Her tool along with the women he would claim. Faust Crespo had to be protected. A grave threat had arisen, and Jezebel would see her contract with the vampire upheld and defend his life.

I really need to thank the angel that violated the rules. I did not expect to be able to corrupt Father Augustine and his flock this much.


“Aurora,” the commanding voice said out of the light.

Aurora stood straight and proud in Heaven. She faced the light without flinching. It pulsed and contracted, tinged with red. Uriel, her superior, was greatly displeased. Aurora faced him without flinching.

“What have you done, Angel?”

“I prevented a vampire from going on a rampage and kept him an instrument of Heaven’s will.”

“By condemning a young woman to vampirism?”

“She would have died,” Aurora explained. “And then more would die and we would have lost our weapon against Faust.”

“Death is immaterial,” Uriel answered, his light pulsing with every word. The red grew brighter. “You have allowed a greater evil into the world. Through your actions, you have allowed a demonic possession to progress to the second stage.”

Aurora hesitated. “Demonic possession?”

“And you have only strengthened Damien D’Angelo.”

Aurora shook her head. She had made her decision. She would not flinch from it. “I made the right decision. If I had been given permission to intervene, then the demonic possession would not have progressed. And what matters is Faust’s defeat.”

“You mean Jezebel’s defeat.”

Aurora’s mouth opened and then snapped shut. “I won’t lie and say that is not important. She is a foul, loathsome creature. Faust is hers. His death will be a blow against Hell. My actions were necessary. I saved lives and it will lead to stopping the most dangerous vampire in the world.”

“Such arrogance offends me, Angel. Two hundred years in purgatory. Let the scourge whip your pride from your soul.”

“No. I am needed on earth. Damien will need more guidance. You cannot pull me out. Sacrifices were necessary to win this war.”

“Are you rebelling, Angel?”

Aurora drew herself up. She had done the right thing. She should be commended, not castigated. Heaven’s rules always allow the demons to work their plots. The balance is a joke. Why should my necessary intervention allow a demon to perform evil without reproach? A good act should not allow an equally evil one to be committed. It is folly.

“I am, Uriel.”
To be continued…