The Life of John Smith Chapters 3 & 4

My mother teaches about sex.

Chapter 3 Another Year with Mother

Mother was especially nice to me when I got home. Since it was her day off, we stopped on the way home for dinner. She had me tell her what I had done and seen in LA. I did not tell her about Shirley. When she pressed me for details, I said I was tired. She said she knew I was tired, so she told me that when we got home, I should bathe and go to bed. When I got in the tub I began to beat-off. I was about to cum when my mother walked in. Of course, I stopped and hid my boner in the soapy water. I am sure she noticed but she said nothing except, “I got to pee. As soon as I am done, I’ll scrub your back.” I did not say a thing. I just pretended to wash my feet and legs. When she finished scrubbing my back she said, “Go ahead and finish what you were doing when I interrupted.” She made no pretense of leaving.

I decided then and there I was no longer going to be the yes-boy I had always been with her. I looked right in her cold grey eyes and said, “Give me some privacy.”

She looked into my eyes long enough that I averted my gaze then she said, “Yes, of course,” and walked out closing the door behind her.

I found that I had developed the habit of ejaculating once or twice a day and to not do so caused my testicles to ache. I was always careful so that my mother had no reason to notice. I was careful to do it either in the tub when I bathed, over the toilet, or in the morning when I had morning wood in my bed into a washcloth. I would be sure to wash the washcloth in the bathroom sink that morning.

One Friday that fall mother did not come home at her usual time. She was still not home by the time for me to go to bed, so I did the usual things like checking that all the doors were locked, and all the lights were turned out. Then I went to bed. Sometime after I went to sleep, I heard my mother yelling. I could not distinguish what she was saying so I got up and went into the hall. Her words were slurred by drink, but she was yelling for someone to get out and leave her alone. Then I heard a man’s voice trying to shush her.

The light was on in her bedroom and her door was open. I went to her door to look in. Mother was on the bed totally naked and there was a man just dropping his pants. Mother shouted again, “Get the fuck out of my house!”

The man spoke quietly, “Shush Missy, you invited me for a fuck and that is what we’re doing.”

I knew I could do nothing to defend my mother unless I had help so I slipped past her room to the kitchen. There beside the refrigerator was our shotgun. When I got back to mother’s open door, the man was just mounting her. Still in the hallway I shouted, “Get the hell off my mother!”

He started speaking before he looked over his shoulder, “What are you going…” He did not finish because he clearly saw me pointing the gun at his ass. He stood slowly and turned toward me, his dick waving at me. I pointed the gun straight at it. “Now listen sonny I just want to get what’s owed me.”

I cocked the gun and shouted, “Get out now or I’ll blow you dick off!”

He appeared to get the message because he picked up his pants and sat on the bed to put them on. He stood to pull them up and buckle his belt. He picked up his shoes and sat on the bed again to put them on. As he did, he said to me, “I bought her a bunch of drinks. She asked me to take her home. I brought her in here and helped her get undressed. Then she started shouting. Just figured she owed me a fuck. What say I pay you ten dollars to let me do it.”

“Your head is what I am aiming at now. Buckshot makes a nasty hole,” is all I said. He stood and went quickly out of the house by the way he had come in. I locked the door with shaking hands. I cracked open the gun to find it not loaded. As I returned the empty gun to its normal resting place, I found I was so light headed I could not think or keep my balance. I leaned against the refrigerator.

When I could think again, I wondered what mother was doing. I went to her door and there she was, naked on the bed, with her legs splayed out ready to be fucked. I decided to leave her that way. I turned out the light and went to my room. In my room I got to thinking. I could do almost anything to my mother right now. I had had lots of chances, but I had almost always avoided looking at her when she was naked or half naked. Right now, I thought, I think she owes me and besides she is passed out and would not notice if I did something.

The adrenaline was flowing again like before when I faced down her would-be rapist. I went out into the hall and stopped. A moment of doubt. I said to myself, she owes me. I went to her room and turned on the light. She had not moved. I looked to her eyes and they were closed, and she had a peaceful look on her face. I stepped up close and looked at her pussy. It was covered in a thick carpet of blond hair, but I could clearly see its lips were open enough that I could see a set of inner lips that were closed. To see more I would have to use my hands to spread her legs as I had done once before.

I looked at her narrow waste and wide hips, her flat stomach and then her boobs. I had had passing glances of her breasts but now I was looking at them. They were much bigger than 18-year-old Shirley’s. I would say they were grapefruit size. Shirley’s nipples were more brown while mothers were more pink. Shirley had tan lines while mother had none. These are all things that registered in my mind as I looked.

I called out, “Mother, are you awake!” No answer. I moved close to her face and loudly asked, “What do you want me to do?” Again, there was no response. So, I returned to where I could look at her pussy. I looked down at the tent my dick was making in my oversized T-shirt. I thought it would be so easy to lift my shirt, step forward, and fuck my mother.

The thought struck me, I was willing to shoot that guy that was about to do that. Would she have appreciated it if I had shot him? Would she want to shoot me if I fucked her? I pulled up my T-shirt and saw my dick was wilting like a flower that had not been watered. I turned out the light and returned to my room.

In the morning I noted mother’s car was nowhere in sight. When she got up just before noon, she came into the kitchen and did her usual of getting a cup of coffee before saying anything. Once she had sipped her hot coffee I asked where her car was. She looked at me and blinked her eyes then asked, “It’s not here?”

“No, you got a ride home last night,” I told her.

“Oh, I did, yes,” she slowly replied. She sipped some more coffee. Then as if to herself she said, “I did, didn’t I.” As she continued to sip her coffee, she looked like she was trying to remember. Later in the afternoon she called someone who came and gave her a ride to get her car. I said nothing about the man or the shotgun. It is possible she would not have believed me if I had.

The next Saturday she was up early, she made a breakfast of blueberry pancakes. It had been years since she had prepared breakfast. She even sat down and ate some. She had not eaten breakfast with me since Ella had left. After we finished eating and she had poured herself a cup of coffee she asked me why I didn’t have a driver’s license. I told her that a year earlier I had asked her to teach me to drive and she had told me she was too busy. She said, “That is what Saturday and Sundays were for. Let’s go teach you to drive.”

Three weeks later she had me drive to the State Patrol Office, because back then it was the State Patrol who tested and issued licenses. When the patrolman asked to see my learners permit, mother said, “He learned without one.”

He looked at her and said, “He cannot take the driver’s test without a valid learners permit.”

“Then give him one,” she said.

“He has to pass the written test before he can get a learners permit,” the patrolman said.

“Things have really changed. Give him the written test,” she said.

“He should study before taking the test,” he said.

“Give him the test,” she said.

The patrolman looked to me with a questioning look and asked, “You ready for the test?”

“Sure,” I said. I figured if I did not agree with mother it would be hard to live with her.

I took the written test and passed it. Mother purchased my learner’s permit and I then took my driver’s test and passed it. Mother’s parting words to the patrolman were, “I only started teaching him a few days ago. See what a good teacher I am.”

On the way home, she said, “From now on, on Friday you will take me to work in the morning and use the car to drive to school. Then you will pick me up after work. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said, realizing she had done this so that she might be able to avoid drinking.

The next Friday when I picked her up after work, she decided we would go out to dinner. We went home and dressed in our best clothes. We went to a very nice place to eat. The waiter asked mother if she wanted anything from the bar. She said something that sounded like, “A Manhattan.” Whatever it was it looked like a tall glass of coke. She had four of those drinks with dinner. On the way to the car she put her arm around me and said, “I’m sure glad you are driving home.”

I assisted her into the car on the passenger’s side and before I got behind the wheel she appeared to have passed out or gone to sleep. Once we arrived home, I could not wake her. I contemplated just leaving her in the car, but I said to myself she had been so nice to me and she had taken me out to dinner. Maybe next time I can persuade her not to drink. I half carried, and she half walked to her bedroom. When she flopped down on her bed she said, “Undress me, please.”

I did, I took all her clothes off and was about to cover her when she said, “I got to pee, please help me to the bathroom.” As I raised her from her bed totally naked, one of my hands gripped a breast accidentally. She made a little moaning sound but said nothing else. She held on to my hand while she sat on the toilet and peed and peed. She wiped herself. On the way back to her room she said, “I should not drink.” As I covered her in her bed, she gripped both my hands and said, “Give your mom a good night kiss.” I bent down to kiss her on the cheek. She turned, causing us to kiss briefly on the lips. She pulled me into a hug. By now I was laying half on my naked mother. She whispered in my ear, “I wish you could make love to me.” I managed to raise up and leave her room.

In my room later, I wondered if she had really meant she wanted to have sex with me. I beat off while thinking of sticking my dick in her pussy. I kept telling myself I was a coward for not staying and making love to her.

The arrangement of me driving the car on Friday seemed to do the trick of keeping her from stopping to have a drink and when we went out to dinner we never went to restaurants where hard drinks were served. She must have gone at least four months without a drink.

Winter came, and her hours were once again cut back. I had to move to her room because the heat was turned off to my room. The events of this past year made me so much more aware of my mother. It seemed that during our sleep we more often invaded each other’s space. I would awake either touching her or she would be touching me with a hand or foot, a knee or a butt. Or she might spoon behind me with an arm over me drawing me to her, or I might spoon behind her with (horrors of horrors) a hard-on pressing against her. I would always move away, sometimes to the very edge of the bed. I do not know if she ever noticed. She never said anything. I do know it was beginning to bother me in a lot of different ways.

One day at school while listening to an English teacher use the word “touch” my mind snapped to a remembrance of that morning when I was awakened with my mother’s hand on my bare stomach just an inch or less from my erection. I wondered how long it would be before one of us in our sleep touched the privates of the other. What would happen then? Would she jack me off? Would I diddle her? Would my dick slip into her…the bell rang pulling me out of my reverie. I had an erection and I was out of breath. All my classmates had left the room when the teacher asked if I was alright. “Yes, fine,” I said as I attempted to stand and at the same time cover my hard-on with my books. I noted the teacher’s smirk as she looked at the bulge in my trousers.

On another occasion as I was reading in class I nearly dropped off to sleep. As I shook myself awake, I remembered how I had awakened during the night and had been afraid to go back to sleep. On that occasion I had been dreaming I was with Shirley and instead of our mutual sixty-nine, she was encouraging me to stick my dick in her pussy. I awakened just as I was thrusting against my mother’s rear. I don’t know how many thrusts had happened, but I was just about to bust one out. I jumped out of bed, gripping my cock in my hand, and ran for the bathroom. I knew that something unforgivable was about to happen if I continued to have to sleep in her bed.

I tried to jack-off every morning, when I got home from school, and before I went to bed at night. If I awoke during the night I would often go to the bathroom to jack-off. I figured that if I could keep the pressure off, I might survive to spring. But it seemed like the more I did the more I would wake on the verge of a wet dream. The more this happened the more sleep I lost. I tried going to bed earlier and the number of wet dreams increased. One night when I went to bed earlier, I was awakened by mother’s hand stroking my thigh and hours later with my hand just below her breast. Both times I had gone to the bathroom to ejaculate. As I sat in algebra class the next day going over in my mind the events the night before, I was sure I was not going to survive the strain, when I was confronted by the teacher telling me I was supposed to sleep at night and not in his class. I was told by him to come to his classroom after school. There I was again forced to stay awake and listed to him drone on about staying awake in his class. The result was that I did not get home in time to jack-off before mother got home from work.

It warmed up in April and I was able to move back to my room and get some badly needed full nights sleep.

Chapter 4 Carol Enters My Life

On a Wednesday in May in Biology class the teacher teamed me up with a cute girl named Carol Martin who reminded me of Shirley, not in looks but in her ability to get me to talk. The project we were working on was simple and we finish it in far less time than we were allotted. Being the outgoing type, Carol drew me into a conversation where we each learned enough about the other that we wanted to learn more. I told her that on Friday I would give her a ride home from school to learn where she lived. I told her that I did not have enough money to take her out on a date but maybe we could go on a picnic that Saturday. I even told her I would bring the blanket and lunch basket. She asked where we would go. I told her Riverside Park. “We can watch the boats go by,” I said. She agreed

Now I had to convince my mother. I had no idea what she would say about my planned date with Carol. I contemplated not even telling her but what would she do when on Saturday she saw the car and me gone. Instead that day at dinner I said, “Mom, on Saturday can I take the car to take a girl on a picnic.”

She looked at me with her cold grey eyes until I looked away. Then she asked, “What girl?”

“A girl at school,” I responded as I looked at her once again. She was still staring at me with those piercing grey eyes. I looked away and added, “Carol…her name is Carol Martin.”

Instead of saying anything mother continued to eat her dinner. I said, “I have to bring the lunch.”

“Where do you want to have this picnic?” she asked.

She hasn’t said no, I thought. I looked up and she was still staring at me. I looked down at my plate and said, “Riverside Park.” And added, “I have to bring the picnic lunch.”

“Well of course you do. You can’t ask the girl to bring it,” she said. Encouraged I looked up and she was still staring at me with her cold grey eyes. I look down and she said, “I’ll fix some potato salad, some tuna sandwiches, and some fresh orange juice. How long have you known this Carol?”

She couldn’t just say yes, could she. I looked up and her eyes seemed to have warmed. I said, “Since the first of the school year.” She was still staring at me but now I seemed to feel warmth from the sparkle that was in her eyes. I looked down and added, “She is in my biology class.”

“It is all settled then. At 10 o’ clock on Saturday you will pick her up and bring her here. We will get acquainted. Then you will go on your little picnic,” mother said. She had said this like a judge pronouncing sentence. I realized I had no choice.

“Do you know what you will do if it rains?” she asked. I had not thought of that. I looked up and she smiled and said, “Just have your lunch in the car.” I finished eating and looked up. She was still staring but her eyes were all aglow. I looked down and before I could ask to be excused, she asked, “Have you kissed this Carol?”

I got very flustered. I’m sure I turned beet red. She might as well have asked if I had fucked Carol. “N…no,” I stammered, afraid to look her in the eyes.

“You’re cute,” she said as she stood. She added, “Help me with the dishes.” She washed. I dried. Just as we finished, she said, “I’m so relieved…was beginning to think my little boy was gay. Almost 17 years old and your first date. By the time I was 17, I’d…no.” She fell silent and a warm far off look was in those pale grey eyes.

I would like to tell (brag to) her about Shirley but then that was not dating. I never asked Shirley for anything. In a way she just took without asking. But then I admit I liked it.

When I told Carol that she would have to meet my mother she said, “Of course and you will meet my mom. My dad will be off golfing, so you won’t get to meet him. How about your dad?”

“My father? He…he’s out of town. You won’t get to meet him either,” I responded.

On Friday after school we met up on the way to the student parking lot. We were each carrying a book-bag in our left hand and I was on her right side, so I shifted my bag to my right hand and took her hand in mine. It was so nice walking hand in hand to my car. I unlocked the passenger door and assisted her in. When I got in, she said, “Oh, you have a bench seat.” She scooted over next to me and added, “These older cars are so much nicer with no console between us.” As I eased into traffic, I thought, there is something good about this old car.

I knew my way to Elm Street and when we got there, she told me to turn right. “Three blocks on the right is a green house. I think it is the only green house on Elm. That’s my house.” It was not an impressive house. It was a small bungalow hidden among several large trees. When I stopped, she said, “No one is home right now. Do you want to come in?”

Always willing I said, “Sure.”

As I followed her, she pointed and said, “Here’s the living room, back there is the kitchen, here is the hall to our bedrooms. The first here is my brother’s. He is away at college. At the end of the hall is my parent’s.” Putting a hand on a doorknob she said, “And here is mine, right next to the bathroom. Any time anyone flushes I hear it.” She opened her door and I was hit with pink. The floor was carpeted in pink. The ceiling was pale pink, the walls were pink, the curtains were pink, the bed was pink, the chest of drawers was pink, a picture on the wall had pink flowers. Everything was a little different shade of pink, but everything was pink.

“Wow, pink,” I said.

“Yah, my mom’s idea. Really not bad with the lights off at night,” she chuckled. I stepped in and she closed the door behind us. I turned to her and she wrapped her arms around me turning her face up to me, we were suddenly locked in a wet kiss embrace. Our tongues swirled around each other. Shirley had taught me well. Both my hands slid down her back. When my left hand reached the hem of her sweater it inched under it while my right hand continued down to engulf a butt cheek. As my left hand felt the bare skin of her back my right hand pulled her into me, so she could feel the bulge in the front of my trousers. “Oh wow,” she said as she turned away from me. She took three steps, turned, and sat on the bed facing me. Her face seemed to glow as she smiled up at me. “You are no pansy. I need to watch out for you. I attack you with my lips. You return the lip attack, have one hand on the skin of my back, another squeezed my butt, and then…” She tapped her groin.

I could only smile down at her as I moved forward to stand right in front of her. I had decided to follow her lead especially here in her bedroom. Whatever she did next would determine what I did. Her hands reached for my belt buckle. She hesitated. “No, mom will be home soon,” she said as she pushed me back. “You go now, and I will see you in the morning.”

“A kiss good-bye?” I asked. She launched herself off the bed and into my arms. We kissed, our tongues dueled, my hands began to explore. She put a hand on my chest and pushed me back. “In the morning,” she said firmly.

As I drove from Carol’s to where mother worked, I was so friggen hard. There was nothing I could think of except jacking off. I stopped at the office where mother worked. She did not come out, but I was not about to go in with my ragging hard-on. I tried to adjust it to get some relief. No relief. The only relief will be to jack-off. When mother did come, she asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I said no, and she asked why not. Of course, I did not want to say but I did say, “There is something I need to do in the bathroom.”

“Why didn’t you come into the office? You could use the bathroom there,” she said.

“It’s not peeing or pooping,” I said.

She looked at me, then down at the bulge in my trousers. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I understand. You were with Carol. She got my baby all riled up and didn’t take care of him. You’ll have to get a handle on that, so it doesn’t bother you or you’ll be ruled by you dick all your life. You can’t expect to have the women in your life at your beck and call when you think you want something.” She went on and on like that, but it did nothing to relieve my situation.

When we arrived home, I ran for the bathroom. I jacked away and in short order I shot a load into the toilet. My balls still felt full, so I kept working it. There is no lock on the bathroom door. Mother opened it a short way and said, “Guess we’re not going out to dinner, try to be done with that by the time dinner’s ready.”

We ate dinner in silence. I appreciated that. Dinner was warmed left overs. Mother finished about when I did. Then she asked, “Want me to tell Carol how she spoiled our dinner date.”

“We didn’t have a dinner date and Carol didn’t spoil a thing,” I pleaded and added, “Please don’t spoil this for me.”

“Don’t you worry. I won’t say a thing to her about it. If you lose Carol it won’t be my doing. “

As we were washing dishes, she startled me by asking, “Have you ever had sex?” I assured her I had not. After we finished washing the dishes, mother asked me to sit at the table because she had something that she wanted to talk to me about. Once I sat, she sat opposite me. She began hesitantly, “You know, uh, because your father isn’t here, I, ah, I know…there are probable things he could explain to…that is you probably have questions that he should be here to answer. Since he is not you can ask me.”

“About what?” I asked.

“About tomorrow with Carol,” she said.

“What about tomorrow with Carol?” I asked.

“Well ah…suppose you have sex. Do you know how to keep from getting her pregnant?” mother blurted out in a single breath.

I wanted to say, I don’t think that is any of your business, but I said, “I don’t think…that will happen.”

“Well okay then,” she said as she stood. She sat down again and added, “But what if it does? Do you know how to keep from getting her pregnant?”

“A rubber?” I ventured, having heard boys talking at school.

“Do you have a rubber?” she asked.

“No,” I said hardly believing she would ask me that. The fact was I didn’t even know how to get a rubber.

“I got you one just in case,” she said, then asked, “Do you know how to put it on.”

I had never seen one so how would I know how to put it on. That is what I wanted to say but instead I said, “No.”

“It is lucky I bought more than one. You can learn right now how to put it on,” she said as she pulled a packet out of her apron. “You open it by tearing the wrapper,” she said as she tore the packet and removed the lubricated condom. “You then roll it down over your, ah…dick.”

“Okay,” I said, surprised that she had said “dick” instead of penis.

“You don’t understand,” she said.

“I do,” I insisted.

“You don’t,” she said, adding, “Stand up here.”

I stood. She reached for my fly. I moved back out of her reach, asking, “What are you doing?”

“John get back over here this minute young man. I would not be a responsible parent if I didn’t see to it that you knew how to put one of these on,” she said as she waved the condom at me. Her tone of voice made me feel I had to comply. I stepped forward. She said, “That’s a good boy Johnny,” as she almost in a single motion, undid my trousers, and dropped them to the floor. She pulled my jockey shorts out and down, exposing the fact that my dick was as hard as it could get. “Oh!” she said, appearing momentarily startled. “Okay, put this on,” she said, handing me the condom. I took the condom and turned away from her. “No, show me how to put it on.” I did not turn back quickly enough so she stood and moved in front of me. Not knowing better, I held it the wrong side up. I attempted to slide it over the head of my dick. It did not roll down. “No,” she snapped as she snatched it from my hand. “You have to hold it this way so that it rolls down like this. See? All the way down.” she said as she knelt to one knee grasped my dick in her left hand and deftly rolled the condom down with her right hand and then using both hands snugged it down all the way. Looking up at me she asked, “Now do you think you can do it right tomorrow if the need arises?”

At this point could I say anything more than, “Yes.”

It was then that I felt her cradle my balls in her left hand. “Seems a shame to waist a perfectly good rubber?” she said as she continued to massage my balls. “Would you like to, ah, maybe try, ah, to practice on me. Just so you know how it’s done.”

I can’t say I had not thought about it but at that moment all I could say was, “No.”

Still kneeling in front of me she said, “I know I am no longer a pretty young thing like Carol but sticking it in me would feel about the same as sticking it in her. You don’t want to embarrass yourself by doing something wrong.” She gripped my dick in her right hand and stroked it while still cradling my balls in her left.

“No, it is not right,” I said as I attempted to step back away from her, but my trousers were around my ankles and she was able with ease to hold me firmly in place.

“I don’t want to force you, but you would gain a lot by having me show you what to do. With the rubber you could not impregnate me, and you just might enjoy it. And no one else would ever know.” She was very persuasive.

“No…no one else would ever know?” I repeated.

“Neither of us would tell anyone,” she said as she stood, reached under her dress, and pulled her panties down. She kicked a foot free of her panties and placed that foot on a chair. Holding her skirt up she exposed her pussy to me. “Step forward and slip it in. You know you want to know how it feels. You’ll be nervous with Carol, so it’ll be nice to know what you’re doing.”

She was making it so easy to decide. Without another thought I stepped forward, allowed her to aim my dick at her pussy, and it did slip right in. I looked down and saw that less than half my dick was in her. She had moved her hand away, so I pushed in farther. It gave me an amazing sensation when I did that so when I bottomed out, I pulled back about half way and pushed back in. “Pull out, push in, repeat…no further directions necessary,” she said. The sensations kept coming. I grasp her naked ass cheeks to keep my balance. The feel of that naked flesh on my fingers added to the pleasure. As the pressure built within me the speed of my thrust accelerated. When I felt the first surge of sperm shooting up my dick, I thrust in hard and held myself locked in that position until the final surge.

I relaxed a little and thought, I fucked my mom. I looked into my mother’s warm grey eyes and said, “I fucked you, mom.”

“You did, sweetie. How was it?” she asked with a big toothy smile.

I was smiling so much, I thought my face would break. “Wonderful,” was all I could say before I hugged her and kissed her on the lips. When my tongue touched her lips, they parted, and our tongues mated briefly. She suddenly pulled back and said, “No, let’s not make this um…romantic. I was just showing you how to fuck. Now um…you never reuse a rubber and you must dispose of it properly. Don’t toss it on the floor or out the window…it goes either down the toilet or in the garbage.”

As I removed the rubber I asked, “How many more rubbers do you have?”

“They came in a package of four, so I have three more,” she said.

“Do you think we could do it in bed next?” I asked as I tossed the used condom in the garbage under the sink.

“Hold on sweetie. That was the only time we are going to do it,” she stated.

“But mom, isn’t it different when you are laying down?” I asked.

“Yes, it is. Every position feels different, but you have the basics down and that is all I want to do for you.” She walked toward the living room and turned asking, “You do understand, don’t you?”

“But mom, how can you not show me all the positions?” I insisted.

“If you were only this diligent with all your lessons, you would get straight A’s. There are a lot more than four positions and if you are too experienced then Carol may ask you who you have been fucking.” She stopped in her tracks, saw her panties laying on the floor near her, picked them up, and looked at me before continuing, “Besides that we have but one night.” She again hesitated as if she were trying to make up her mind about something. She seemed to study my hardening dick. Then suddenly said, “Now pull your trousers back up, leave your shoes off, and come to my room.” She slipped her panties back on and went to her room.

I followed her. She sat on the edge of her bed and arranged her skirt neatly on her lap. “I’ve decided…I ah…I will show you some of the other positions, but we are not going to fuck. What is it they call it? Oh yes, we are going to dry hump,” she said.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she had me stand between her feet as she lay back in the bed. She had me lean into her forcing my hardening bulge into her groin. She wrapped her legs around me and drew me in even more. “That one I like,” she said. “Of course, I could put my legs up here,” she said as she put her legs up over my shoulders. “Or even up here,” she said as she drew her knees up to her breasts. “Now stand up and we will look at some other positions.”

I stood, feeling my dick had grown uncomfortable again. She turned over and stuck her rear up toward me. “Step forward and imagine sticking your dick in from there. This is called doggy style.”

I really did want to stick it in. “Oh mom, I wish you would let me,” I pleaded.

“No Johnny, we can’t,” she said as she moved to lay with her head on her pillow. “Now for the missionary position.”

“I can’t take any more,” I said as I left her room and went to my room. I pulled down my trousers and undershorts and began jacking off. I was just beginning to feel the impending release when my door opened.

“Sweetie, I am sorry,” she said as she came in. I glared at her and turned my back continuing to stroke myself. “I did not know you would be so bothered.”

I stopped stroking, turned to face her with my dick pointing at her, and said, “Let me fuck you again.”

“Sweetie we shouldn’t but…” she hesitated for at least a half minute while she stared at my dick, then continued, “But…uh…but once more won’t hurt if you promise to never ask to do it again.”

Did she say we could do it again? I said to myself, promise anything for one more fuck. “I promise,” I said.

“Okay, um…ah…give me a couple minutes and then come to my room completely naked,” she stated before turning and leaving my room.

My trousers were already around my ankles. I kicked them off with my undershorts. I removed my socks and my t-shirt. I was naked, but she said I was to give her a couple of minutes. I looked at myself in the wall mirror. I saw my wristwatch on my wrist. I removed it and said, “Now I am completely naked.” I decided to give her another minute as I watched the second hand on my watch make another trip around. It seemed to slow down with every tick of the watch. I thought, if it goes any slower it is going to stop. I put the watch down and nearly sprinted out of my room. I got to mother’s bedroom door and it was closed.

I tapped lightly on the door and heard her say cheerily, “Just a minute dear.” I waited for what seemed like a minute. I wished I had brought my watch along. I was about to knock again when I heard this sweet syrupy voice say, “You can come in now dear.”

I opened the door to find the blinds and drapes had all been drawn to keep the setting sun out. Candles had been lit to provide a flickering light. Mother was in the middle of the bed with the spread and blanket pulled to the foot of the bed. She was covered to her chin with only the sheet. “Close the door and come to bed with me sweetie and we’ll see what we can do about that boner.”

I closed the door and as I slipped in beside her, I realized she was also completely naked. Immediately she wrapped a hand around my dick and said, “Do you know what a blowjob is?”

“Uh huh,” I said, thinking, how stupid can I sound?

“Well, I’m going to give you one to relieve the pressure, that way we can try more than a couple of positions before you fill up the rubber. Okay sweetie?”

“Uh huh,” I said, thinking, there is stupid again. Then I thought, wake up stupid, mother just said she is going to give you a blowjob. By the time I said all of this to myself she had the head of my dick in her mouth. Oh wow, it has been a long time since Shirley. As I felt her lips slide down over my shaft, her tongue swirled around the head. Then I felt the head hit the back of her mouth. She jerked back for a moment. Again, she moved farther down my shaft but this time she swallowed at just the right time to take the head of my dick down her throat. Amazing, I thought, Shirley never did that.

She pulled off my dick and looked up at me. I could barely see her smiling face when she asked, “What do you think?”

“Amazing. I never thought that could be done,” I said as I tried not to compare what she had done to what Shirley did.

“Now when you cum, I am going to swallow it all so there will be no cleanup,” she said before she began bobbing up and down rapidly. Just like Shirley I thought.

The pressure began to build in less than a minute. I thought it only right if I warned her. I said, “Mom, I’m about to cum.” She pushed down and swallowed. I could feel her swallowing the head of my dick. The first five surges of cum went right down her throat with a swallow each time. She then pulled back and took the final weaker surges in her mouth.

She smacked her lips and said, “Salty sweet,” as she crawled up to look me in the eyes. Her grey eyes looked like sparkling blue pools in the dim flickering candle light. She stroked me several times and said, “Okay, I see you are still somewhat hard. Now let’s try again to put on a rubber.” She handed me an unopened packet. I tore it open, pulled out the rubber, placed it the correct way up on the head of my dick, rolled it down, and snugged it down as I had been instructed. I looked to mother for approval and she said, “Very good. Now we will start with the missionary position.”

She laid on her back next to me and said, “Most married couples start laying side-by-side like we are. Then he rolls up on top of her. Do it, roll up on top of me.” I did, and she spread her legs causing my legs to fall between hers. “Now your dick is right at my pussy and with a little help from either one of us it should slip right in. Try using a hand to aim it.” I used my right hand, first finding her pussy opening and then to point my dick. I thrust as far in as I could. “That’s it!” she exclaimed. As I began repeated withdrawals and thrust, she raised her legs and wrapped them around my hips drawing me in even further. “Note how this…ah…this rotates my hips, making it easier for you to…ah…to get in deeper. Now raise back so I can put my legs on…ah…on your shoulders.” I did and found with her legs on my shoulders that I seemed to sink in even farther. I continued to thrust in and withdraw. Mother moaned, caught her breath, and moaned again. She suddenly moved her legs and dropped them to the bed saying, “John stop.”

“What did I do wrong?” I asked as she rolled me off.

“Nothing Johnny,” she said, “but let’s try the dogie style.” As she moved to her hands and knees, I moved behind her. I could clearly see her pussy winking at me in the candle light, so I aimed my dick and plunged in, deep in. “Oh, ah…oh, that is good,” mother said. I thrust and withdrew a half dozen or so times. Saying, “Too good,” mother collapsed flat on the bed. I fell with her keeping my dick in place. “Oh yes, yes,” she said. I thrust several more times. Mother called out, “Oh, oh yes, yes.” Then she suddenly grew rigid and shouted, “Pull out, pull out.”

Startled, I did and asked, “Now what did I do wrong?”

“Nothing Johnny, we just have to get to some other positions.” She sat up on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor. She had me get on my knees between her feet. Looking directly into my eyes with her sparkling grey eyes she said, “It is always good to lick the girl’s pussy to make it good and wet before slipping you dick in. I know mine is good and wet now, so it doesn’t need much licking but give it a try, see how you like it.” Now if you remember I had licked Shirley numerous times and anticipated this being the same. Mother was much wetter and had a certain tang to it. Not unpleasant. In fact, I liked it. I lapped and slurped, forcing my tongue deep into her then I moved up and found her enlarged clit which I first swirled my tongue around, then I sucked. Mother gave out with a loud moan. I felt her hands on the back of my head pulling me forcefully into her pussy. I continued to suck. Mother shouted, “No…no more,” and pushed me away.

“What is it that I am doing wrong?” I shouted.

Winded she said softly, “Nothing…nothing at all.”

“Then why do you keep pushing me away,” I asked.

Catching her breath, she said, “Johnny, I’m sorry. I’m just so horny. No, I mean,” she paused. “I enjoy fucking so much and…and you seem to do everything right.” She paused again for several long seconds. I was about to thank her for the compliment when she said, “Stick it in right now and don’t stop until you finish me off no matter what I say or do.” I looked down and there was her glistening wet pussy. There was my rubber covered dick. I rose up and plunged my dick in her. She screamed in my ear, “Yes Johnny, yes! O yes! Fuck me, fuck me! Harder, harder! Faster, faster! Yes, yes, oh, oh! Oh my god!”

I pounded harder and faster as she wrapped her legs around me. She stopped calling out and just groaned and moaned as she clung to me. I pounded for all I was worth for several more minutes with the only sound being our breathing and our flesh slapping. She called out, “Oh that’s good, that’s good. Oh, oh yes, that’s good.” She panted and said, “I’m finished Johnny, I’m finished.”

I said, “I’m not.” Then I felt it first in my balls. That intense feeling and the desire to drive it in as deep as it will go. Mother held me tight as I surged within her. This was the most intense, most spectacular ejaculation I had ever felt.

That night before I fell asleep, I tried to process all that had happened. Immediately after I had cum in her she had suddenly pushed me away and told me to go to my room and stay there. I decided I was dealing with several mothers. One wanted me to learn. Another did not believe she should be enjoying teaching me. Another could not resist fucking. Another knew it was wrong but felt it had to be done. I was sure she was angrier at herself than she was at me, but I knew I should start by apologizing to her in the morning. I hoped I would still be able to go on the picnic with Carol, but I worried mother might change her mind.