The Dead Zone chapter 09

Cait tries to protect her fellow prisoner

Cait had finished her dinner, not seeing the sense in going hungry, then set the container on the side table where she assumed it would be collected later, then settled in with a book. Max had, from the sound of her breathing, dropped off to sleep at some point. She found herself staring blankly at the page, disturbed by Max turning on her. It led her to believe that this was part of Montague’s plan – by treating her kindly but abusing Max, he had driven a wedge between them and they would no longer be able to rely upon each other for emotional support. She also had to assume that his offer of wanting her to join was fake as well, all part of his game. For now she would have to play along and make amends with Max in the open. And at some point, see if she could find out what had happened to Rhys and the Aspire’s crew.

After awhile Max stirred and woke up. She glanced around and shot a glare at Cait before going into the bathroom. Because there was no door Cait could hear her peeing and lay there trying to pretend she couldn’t. When Max emerged again Cait tried to open a dialogue.

“Max, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Max shot back sarcastically.

“I’m sorry for everything that’s happened to you, but please understand that wasn’t my fault.” Cait said levelly, by sympathetically. Max just scowled and rolled hereyes, going back to her bed.

“Max, please tell me how I can make it up to you.”

“Maybe use that big brain of yours to build a time machine.” Max snarled from the other side of the room. “Yeah, Montague told me he had plans for you, but he only had one use for me.”

There was a long silence. Cait didn’t really have a response to that. As she struggled to some up with some platitude the door slid open again and Docker walked in. Cait could see Simmons lurking just outside.

“Max.” Docker gestured outside with a thumb.


“You’re back on duty.” Docker smirked.

“Go fuck yourself.” Max said, hugging her knees to her chest.

“You know we don’t mind doing it the hard way.”

“Then do it.” Max retorted with a snarl.

“Fine.” Docker walked across to Max sliding what appeared to be a tazer from his belt.

“Take me instead.” Cait said, half shouting it. Docker froze in place and both he and Max turned to look at her. Cait was almost as surprised as they were that she’d said it, but as her mind caught up with her mouth she rationalised that this was the only way she could put herself on an even footing with Max, by sacrificing herself and submitting to the same punishment.

“We’re not here for you.” Docker shook his head and started to turn towards Max. Cait stood up, raising her hand in an open gesture of surrender.

“Look, whatever it is you’re planning to do to her, I’ll go along willingly.” Cait proposed. Inwardly, her stomach tightened at the idea but she tried to steel herself emotionally. Pursuant to her discussion with Rhys, she had already feared that she might wind up being abused at the hands of their captors and was prepared to use whatever meditative techniques she could muster to disassociate herself from it.

“Wouldn’t that be better?” she pressed Docker, biting her lip in what she hoped was a seductive way.

Docker hesitated for a moment then spoke into a wrist radio.

“Captain, Avery wants to stand in for the other prisoner.” There was a pause while Docker presumably received a response from Montague. “Yeah, she says she’ll come along willingly.”

After another pause Docker walked over to Cait and held out his wrist to her face.

“He wants to hear you say it.”

“I’ll do it. I’ll stand in for Max. You can do whatever you want to me as long as you leave her alone.” Cait said after a long pause, then after another moment as Docker listened to his earpiece he stepped aside and gestured to the door.

“Come along then.”


Cait was led, flanked by Simmons and Docker, along a slightly different route than she’d been taken to Montague’s office. She found herself pushed into what appeared to be a barracks, though most of the furniture seemed disused and pushed to the sides almost like it was a storage room, with a central bed that almost looked like an examination table, something that belonged in a medical clinic. It had rails along the sides, for which Cait only had one guess as to the purpose.

“Undress and sit on the bed.” Docker ordered. “your guests will be along soon enough.”

Cait did not think to refuse. She peeled off her singlet to expose herself, her full round breasts that sat low on her chest, her pale nipples pointed directly ahead. Docker openly watched her and she couldn’t help but glare at him as she pushed down her shorts and let them fall to the floor, standing naked before him. He gestured to the bed and she raised her ass onto it, sitting on the edge. Docker moved around to her left side and took out a set of restraints, fixing one tightly around her wrist and the other around the rail at the side of the bed. The cuff could move up and down the rail giving her some movement, but not much.

“Since we know you have a bit of a habit of being feisty, we have a couple of rules.” Docker said as he caressed her cheek mockingly with the back of his fingers and ran his hand down her neck and chest, grasping her breast in his hand and squeezing. “No fighting. You kick, you bite, you spit… you get punished. Your buddy Max knows all about that. Got it?”

“Got it.” Cait answered tersely.

“Then we’re all gonna have a great time.” Docker smirked, pinching her nipple and twisting roughly, making her flinch and her eyes water, but she managed to remain silent.

Behind Docker men began to file into the room. She recognised Simmons but he was followed by four others she didn’t recognise. Six in all. She trembled slightly as she thought about the ordeal of taking on all of them. At least she probably wasn’t expected to do much beyond lying there and taking it, and as long as she behaved they wouldn’t hurt her. Probably.

“What the fuck is this?” one of the new men said derisively, gesturing at Cait. “Half of her is missing.” A couple of the men laughed.

“She’s got all the bits that matter, show some fucking respect.” Docker tapped her on the thigh. “Spread your legs sweetheart, show the boys what they’re getting.”

Cait complied though not without a fierce glare. She parted her thighs to expose her hairless slit, her lower lips parting gently to expose her soft pink inner folds, and Dock stood beside her, gently stroking her slit with his fingers, his fingertip feeling rough on her clit. Cait wondered if he was trying to warm her up, but being in this situation was not exactly conducive to arousal and his touch felt decidedly unpleasant.

Simmons meanwhile had produced a fistful of straws.

“Shortest first, longest last. You know the rules.”

The men each took turns drawing straws, concealing them in the palm of their hand, then held them out to compare. Having some stake in the proceedings Cait noticed that two of the unnamed men had the honour of having her first and last, with Simmons and Docker somewhere in the middle. It hardly mattered. She took a deep breath to try and hide another quiver of trepidation and tried to relax. The last thing she needed was for these brutes to force themselves on her while she was tense. Docker had continued to play with her slit and pushed her to lie back, giving him a better angle as he licked his finger and pushed it inside her. She grimaced as he forced it in and wiggled it around as if trying to forcibly loosen her up.

“Might need some assistance with this one.” Docker said wryly.

“Just use some spit, that’ll get her started.” Simmons replied.

“Good idea.” Said one of the men, who had the short straw. He dropped his trousers and stepped forward pulling himself out of his underwear. Taking Cait by the right shoulder he pulled her roughly down to lie flat on the bed then grabbed her hair to pull her face close, presenting the tip of his semi erect member to her lips. She resisted reflexively, trying to pull her head away as he advanced on her, until she felt someone slap one of her tits.

“Play nice, bitch, unless you’d like Max to switch places with you.” Simmons’ voice reminded her.

Reluctantly she opened her mouth and the man didn’t hesitate to shove his slowly growing cock into it. She tried to blank her mind and forget where she was, focusing just on using her mouth as the man slid himself in and out, trying to get him wet and slippery so this would just be over with as soon as possible.

“Hurry the fuck up, Knight.” One of the men said, clearly feeling like this man, Knight, was taking too long.

“Fine, fine.” Knight pulled himself from her mouth and lewdly shook his hard cock in front of her face as he released her hair and walked around between her legs. Putting his hands under her ass and pulling her down she could then feel him lining himself up between her lips, his tip probing around for her tight little hole. Eventually he found it and she let out a cry of pain as he started to push himself in. Knight grunted, using short movements to repeatedly jab at her soft tunnel until eventually he had himself buried inside. He was of a pretty average size, and hopefully this would all just be over soon. As he began to slowly thrust he used one hand to grope and squeeze her breasts, apparently enjoying the fleshy feel of them, not paying any particular attention to her nipples. Blinking back tears she looked up as Docker pulled his dick out and presented it to her lips.

“Gotta get warmed up.” He said smugly. Around her Cait could hear the sounds of the other men undressing. She had expected… more. Banter. Vulgar comments. But the loudest noise in the room was Knight’s gentle grunting as he gradually found his rhythm, her canal slowly loosening up. She assumed she was growing wet in response to being fucked, even though she wasn’t enjoying it.

With one last baleful glare at Docker she opened her mouth to receive him and repeated the process, using her mouth to warm him up and get him slippery with saliva before it was his turn to violate her cunt. Docker insisted on cradling her head with her hand and forcing her to take him deep, prompting her to repeatedly gag. As Knight’s awkward arrhythmic effort drew to a close he let out a grunt and pulled out of her, shooting a gooey rope up her belly while Docker held himself in Cait’s throat, depriving her of air, leaving her coughing and spluttering when he finally pulled out and moved to the end of the table to take his place between her thighs and insert himself into her recently ravaged hole.

Docker had more girth and length than Knight and even though Knight had gotten the work started there was a raw ache as Docker slid into her. He grunted in satisfaction as he watched his length disappear inside her warm pocket then immediately began to slowly piston in and out. Cait whimpered blinking back tears of shame as she was fucked for the second time in as many minutes, but this did not stop a third man, one of the unnamed onces stepping up to rub his semi-hard cock on her face. She refused to open her mouth but the man didn’t seem to care, content with just rubbing himself against her cheek and lips while groping one of her tits. Docker was beginning to pound her now, having gitten himself warmed up and Cait let out muffled grunts each time his pelvis bounced off of hers, partially out of physical discomfort and partially out of revulsion that the vile man who’d demonstrated nothing but cruelty since her arrival was using her body to pleasure himself. After a few minutes he was clearly ready to pop and pulled out of her, moving around the table to her face as the other man immediately stepped in to take his place, his curved cock sliding into her raw hole, the upraised tip mashing into her g-spot.

“Open up, bitch.” Docker commanded, taking her by the throat and pinning her down with one hand, jerking his cock with the other. Cait refused, her lips pinched shut but Docker adjusted his grip, squeezing her neck just below the jaw and putting pressure on her trachea. She gasped as she struggled for air and he shoved the tip of his cock in her mouth, the scent of her own vagina lingering on his skin. Docker jerked his cock to coax along his delayed release and leered down at her as he spurted his load against the inside of her cheek. Cait clenched her fist, her arm clanking against the restraint as she fought to calm herself, glaring balefully up at Docker even as he wiped the tip of his prong against her cheek. He looked down at her, watching as she struggled internally with what to do with the gunk in her mouth. She knew that swallowing would give him satisfaction, but she knew he’d punish her for spitting. And the longer she took to do something about it, the longer she had to hold it in her mouth. Reluctantly she closed her mouth and swallowed his cum and he patted her on the head like an animal that did a trick.

“Good girl.” He grinned before walking away.

The man fucking her was comfortably sliding in and out and another pang of shame and guilt ran through her as she realised that being repeatedly fucked had caused her body to lubricate in spite of her absence of sexual desire, and even starting to feel good. She shut her eyes and tried to shut out the feelings, using her meditation techniques to try and enter a trance state. It unfortunately wasn’t working very well, but at least no one was trying to put their penis in her mouth right now. She felt a hand groping her tit again and playing with her nipple and the man fucking her seemed to redouble his efforts, playing with her clit as his bent cock continued to massage her g-spot. She turned her head from side to side, trying to will away the feelings of pleasure.

Then she felt the man pull out and suddenly he was by her head, gripping her hair and aiming himself at her face. Keeping her eyes squeezed shut and pretending to be somewhere else did not prevent him from cumming, his thick seed splattering against her pinched lips and across her cheek. She couldn’t tell how much he’d ejaculated but it felt like it was everywhere. As he rubbed himself against her sticky coated lips she felt a fourth man entering her and stifled another whimper as yet another strange cock explored her hole. She didn’t know if this one was smaller than the others or she was just so well fucked at this point that it didn’t matter. Her legs were aching from being spread apart for so long and she was beginning to tire. She could feel at least three sets of hands touching her, roaming over her large tits, playing with her hair, holding her down by the throat. She opened her eyes her vision blurry she could see the silhouettes of the man clustered around her like indistinct visions of a nightmare and she felt her legs shaking again as the merciless assault on her pussy went on and one.

Somewhere deep inside the twisted knot of sexual arousal tightened and tightened and she felt tears trickle from her eyes as she realised she was going to come, and there was nothing that would stop it. She knew that a forced orgasm was not an admission of pleasure or desire, but the humiliation nonetheless stabbed at her heart as her back arched and her muscles clenched around the cock of her rapist. A cheer went up in the room as all the men realised what had happened and Cait went limp against the examination table bed, unable to hide her face for some emotional reprieve as the men surrounded her. She felt the man pull out and another splattering of semen joined the one Knight had glazed her belly with. She tried to close her legs to hide her raw cunt from them but she heard Simmons’ voice.

“Hold her.” He commanded and she felt two strong sets of hands take her by the knees and pull her legs back, spreading her wide and exposing her again as Simmons pushed his cock inside her. Simmons was decidedly the largest cock so far and she felt him bottom out in one long stroke, a desperate whimper escaping her as he stretched her still-sensitive hole, his tip mashed against her cervix and creating a painful pressure.

“Oww.” She cried unintentionally and she felt a hand slap one of her big tits again, though she didn’t know if that was intended to shut her up or was just for fun.

Simmons was not playing around. After a couple of test strokes to savour the tight warmth of her body Simmons began to fuck like he was drilling for oil. He hunched over her and let gravity assist him as he pounded her cunt, his hips slamming down against her over and over. Unwanted tingles of pleasure radiated out from her crotch alongside the pangs of pain from his cock hammering her sensitive cervix over and over and the ache from her abused muscles being forced to take more abuse in the space of the last half an hour than she’d had in over two years. Even as she tried to shut out what was happening she feared that this was something that would simply never end.

Before long, thankfully, it was over. She felt Simmons start pausing each time he bottomed out, his prick flexing and twitching inside her, her own muscles rippling in response. On the third stroke he let out a groan of relief and she felt him cumming inside her, his sticky warmth pushing against her cervix and filling all the free space in her vagina. Simmons spurted three, maybe four times then drew halfway out and sank back in, squishing his jism out of her so she could feel it running down the crack of her ass. Simmons pulled out and walked around to her head, tapping the tip of his limp cock against her lips.

“Clean it off.” He ordered.

Cait didn’t bother resisting this time. She knew it would only result in pain for her, or Max, and the men would get their way eventually. She let him push his meat between her cum glazed lips and sucked the mixture of their juices off him with another saliva-tongue bath before swallowing to get the scum out of her mouth. Satisfied Simmons backed off and relieved one of the men holding her legs back, as apparently he was next, and last.

“Jeez Simmons, you really made a mess down here.” He comments laconically, as though he had walked in on an untidy room. “Long straw is supposed to do the honours.”

“What can I say, Lloyd, I haven’t been properly laid in a year.” Simmons said snidely. “You gonna take your turn or what?”

“I guess.” Lloyd said, lining himself up and slipping effortlessly into Cait’s creamy snatch. “Fuckin’ hell, I’m barely touching the sides.” He said as he ploughed her. Cait turned her head in humiliation and tried to block out the degrading comments about her body.

“Sounds like a you problem.” Docker called out from the sidelines and there was a laugh from the others.

“Fuck this.” Lloyd said after a few more thrusts. “Flip her.”

Without hesitation, with such efficiency that she wondered if this was something they’d planned all along, Simmons and the unnamed man lifted her off the bed and turned her over by switching legs and pulling. Her left wrist remained cuffed in place but now her arm was drawn across underneath her chin as she was dropped face-down onto the bench, lying on her stomach and chest, her feet on the floor and butt sticking slightly up in the air. Simmons held her down by the shoulders as Lloyd stepped up to her again. It took a few seconds for Cait to register what was happening, until she felt Lloyd’s hands pull her cheeks apart.

“Wait, what… no! NO!” she screamed as she felt Lloyd’s cockhead press against her anus, trying to pull away but having nowhere to go. “Please… I’ve never…”

“Ooh, if you thought being a first timer was gonna stop me, princess, you really don’t know guys very well.” Lloyd said in a way Cait could only describe as ‘hungrily’, as she felt his cock pressing harder against her. Instinctively she clenched her muscles to keep out the invader.

“Oww.” Cait protested again, pulling her arm against the restraint.

“I strongly recommend you relax, sweetheart.” Simmons said in mock kindness. “It’ll go easier for you.”

“Fuck you.” Cait said viciously, swivelling her eyes up at him, then let out a plaintitive scream as Lloyd forced his cockhead past her tight ring, apparently only needing determination and the little bit of lubrication offered by a coating of mixed fuckslime to overcome the obstacle of her anal virginity.

“We already did, baby. Don’t you remember?” Simmons chided her. “Don’t worry, I’ll have plenty of chances to remind you.”

Cait could only groan in pain as Lloyd forced his cock all the way into her virgin asshole until he was all the way in. Feeling him inside her was strange, and unpleasant. Her muscles ached and burned from accommodating something entering her back passage and she was shaking with anger. Slowly Lloyd began to move and she could feel her tight ring gripping his length as he rocked back and forth, her silky bowel caressing his cockhead as he moved inside her.

“Oof, nothing quite like taking a girl’s ass cherry.” Lloyd commented as he gently eased into her.

“Please, take it out.” Cait pleaded.

“Let’s take a vote.” Lloyd grunted as he buried himself all the way inside, she could feel him deep. “One for taking it out, one against.”

“Fuck her harder.” A voice said, Cait thought it was Knight.

“Seconded.” Simmons added.

“Thirded.” Docker chimed in.

“Motion carried.” Lloyd said with satisfaction as he pulled out then rammed his cock in hard, making her scream. He began to ravage her hole, indifferent to her discomfort. She tried to stifle any sound but periodically a new spike of pain would jolt through her and a cry would escape. She was rocked back and forth on the table for what felt like an eternity until Lloyd finally, with one last shove and grunt of pleasure, exploded into her asshole. She could feel each twitch and pulse as his seed raced up his cock, her tight sphincter trying to strangle his cock as his cum flowed like a river into her bowels. When he was finally done he withdrew from her raw asshole and step away, and Simmons stopped pinning her shoulders.

“Fuckin’ hell.” She heard Docker comment as Cait pulled herself onto the table and curled into a ball, trying to shut out the world. “That little show has got me ready for round two.”

“I think she’d had enough for now.” Said a voice that Cait slowly recognised as Montague’s. Cait lifted her head to see him framed in the doorway, and standing next to him, hanging off his arm with a huge grin, was Max.