Sharon’s Special time with Judge Cooke. Judge Cooke Series # 5

To understand this true story, it is better to read Spanking and Sexual Awakening, Another time I was watching Judge Cooke, Catching Judge Cooke under the stairs and the last one,Our punishment at the hand Of Judge Cooke first, as one leads to the other.

The day of our punishment, I was to spend the night so I was there the entire day, evening and night.

That afternoon, after our punishment something happened that was to call ripples in this household.

Between Sharon’s Bedroom and her Parents Bedroom was another Bedroom and Bath. It was a very small room and the Bathroom was tiny. I had been in there before. It was actually one of the Servants Quarters. When there were babies in the house the Nanny stayed there. Since the Nanny was no longer needed, the room was used for the laundress, to do the ironing. There was another room for this next to the laundry room but it was easier to do the ironing on the floor that all the Bedrooms were on.

We were still in Sharon’s Bedroom when we heard a lot of motion outside the door in the hallway. She opened her door to see several of the staff moving things out of the Servants Quarters. The upstairs Maid was bringing up the vacuum cleaner . Sharon asked what was going on. She was told that Judge Cooke had ordered them to ready the room for occupancy. Sharon said what, who is moving in there? She was told she would have to ask the Judge.

We were told to stay in the room but Sharon wanted to see what was going on. Sharon’s Bedroom was on the front left corner of the upper floor. She had two Balcony’s, a small one

that was on the side of the house and a really large one on the front. The Servants Quarters also had a small Balcony that was in the middle and her Parents had a small Balcony on the side and a large one on the front, just like Sharon had. Sharon grabbed my hand and pulled me out the French doors to the large Balcony. She said this is still part of my room so we won’t get into trouble being out here. Honestly, I was thinking that I wanted to get into trouble so maybe Judge Cooke would spank me again. We went out on the large Balcony so we could peek over the brick knee wall that went around the balcony. That was when Sharon saw ” HER” ! She was furious, she turned to me with tears in her eyes, and rage in her voice. She asked, did you see “HER” ? I said yes I saw her. She stomped back into her room.

She flung open her door and turned toward her Brothers Bedroom. She pounded on the door and he flung it open. In a irritated tone he said WHAT, WHAT IS IT?

When she saw his face she broke down in tears. He said come in Princess, you both can come in. Now that was a handsome guy! He was tall like his Father. His Father was 6’5″ and he was 6’4″. He had the same build as his Father and dark brown thick hair with blue eyes with long lashes, just like his Father. Once we were inside, he shut the door and she fell into his arms. He was holding her tight and kissing her on her head while asking her what was wrong. With trembling lips she asked him how long was he going to be home as he had just arrived about 30 minutes before. He was attending Harvard Law School, just like his Father had. The family driver had just arrived from the Airport. She began telling him about the young black woman that had been hired for the Kitchen Staff Position and she saw her in the old Nannies room. He seemed shocked that someone from the Kitchen would be allowed to be cleaning that room. She explained that the upstairs maid was also in there cleaning. When he heard that he seemed to calm down and said well I guess she was needed for a little while just for cleaning that room . This must have really frustrated Sharon because at that point,she just starting weeping and weeping. She told him that it wasn’t right! He said calm down Princess, come lay down with me. He walked over to his bed and laid down. He patted the part of the bed next to him. She crawled up next to him and he cuddled her in his arm. She laid her head on his chest. He asked me to go ask his Father to come up and talk to them. I said o.k. and out the door I went. As I was shutting the door,I saw her throw her leg over his. Her leg was bent at the knee and thrown over his leg. I noticed that his leg was pressing against her pussy. as she laid on her side. I shut the door and went to look for the Judge.

I figured at that time of the day,he would be in his study. I knocked on the door. He said come in. When I opened the door, the room was very dark. The shades were down and the heavy drapes were drawn. He was sitting in the dark with only a small fire going. He was sitting in his big leather winged back chair, smoking his pipe. He put his pipe on the smoking stand next to his chair. I loved to smell his pipe. He smoked a cherry blend that he had blended at a exclusive smoke shop Downtown. It was between his office and the Court House. I always loved it the smell and I still do to this day. I HATE smokers but if I see a man smoking a pipe and I smell Cherry Blend I will move as close to him as possible. He told me to come in and shut the door. I did and he told me to come closer. I did. He took my hand and pulled me down onto his lap. I was sitting on his leg. He spread his legs for my legs to have room and then he closed them. I felt like he was keeping me from moving away from him. He asked me what I needed. I told him that Sharon was upset and she was in Jimmy’s room. I told him that Jimmy sent me to ask him to come up and speak with them.

As I was talking to him he was running his hand up and down my legs. He was sliding his right hand all the way up so his fingertips touched the crotch of my panties. I liked it but I was uncomfortable also because Sharon wasn’t with me. With his left hand he pulled me closer to him by putting his hand on my shoulder. He was holding me tight. He leaned toward my face and then he kissed me. At first he game me a regular kiss then the next kiss was a French kiss filled with lust and passion. I loved it really but again I was frightened also. I pulled away and said Sharon is really upset can you go up now? He laughed a wicked laugh and then ran his tongue up the side of my neck. He said hop up hot girl and let’s go see what is wrong with the Princess!

When Judge Cooke opened the door to Jimmy’s room he didn’t knock. Sharon was still cuddled up but Jimmy had his hand up her top and he was kissing her passionately. I felt shocked but Judge Cooke just chuckled and said, OK Boy ! Jimmy stopped kissing her and moved his hand. He sat up on the side of the bed. His cock was hard and pushing against the material of his pants. I wondered if his cock looked like his Fathers.

Jimmy asked what the hell was going on with the black kitchen woman,is it true you are fucking her? Judge Cooke said yes Son it is true. He said Dad you are going to get caught one day. Mom is going to catch you. Judge Cooke then sat down and he put his left hand on Jimmy’s thigh and patted him saying don’t worry. He then explained that she will assist the upstairs maid and she will also be a live in now, He was explaining that she would be living in the room that was being cleaned.

Sharon exploded, she cried and cried. He looked at Jimmy and told him to calm her down. He turned and walked out the door. He turned around and told me to go to Sharon’s room and wait while Jimmy calmed her down.

Dinner was very quiet. After Dinner,we went straight upstairs. Sharon was still upset. She did not want that woman upstairs. Of course, now I understand that she was jealous of her. She did not want her to be fucking him, She felt that he was hers.

We got ready for bed. I fell asleep quickly. During the night I woke up. I heard Judge Cooke telling Sharon that he loved her. He said , I promised you that I would spend some special time with I didn’t I? He said that even though the black woman was moving in she would never take

the place of his Princess. I watched him kissing her. He was running his hands all over her. He was taking her panties off while he was kissing her. She was lifting her butt up so he could pull them down. They were breathing really hard and kissing over and over. He stood up and said suck Daddy’s cock Princess. I saw that he was naked. She got up and started sucking him. I watched as well as I could. They had the drapes open and I could see them by the street light that was shinning in,but not as clearly as I would have been able to if the lamp was on. He was telling her that she sucked his cock as good as any grown woman does. He said that she was his good little girl. He moaned out loud and said that’s it Princess. You are Daddy’s sweet Princess. Yes baby, suck it like that, oh yes , good girl. Good girl. You have learned well to be Daddy’s little cock sucker. He let her suck him for a few minutes. He then told her to stop he was going to cum to soon if she continued. He laid her back on the bed,
he crawled between her legs as she spread them. He put his face on her pussy and started licking her pussy. I saw her reach down and pull her pussy lips apart and then she grabbed his head and moaned. She said Daddy, Daddy I love you. I saw him move up over her . He was pushing up between her legs. I couldn’t see his cock going in her pussy but it looked like he was fucking her to me. He kept telling her that she was such a good girl. They were both moaning and she was telling him that she loved him. They continued like this for awhile. He then moved and got her on her knees. He came up behind her and said hold still, let Daddy mount you from the back. He pushed her face down on the bed then moved up close to her. I heard her gasp and they started moving like he had with the black woman so I think they were fucking the same way. She was saying Daddy, Daddy over and over again. He started telling her that the greatest thing a woman can do for the man she loves is to let him use her for his pleasure. When I heard this, I wanted to be used by him for his pleasure. I wanted to suck his cock and I wanted him inside me. I wanted to tell him ,but I remembered what he had told me before, that he wasn’t my Daddy, so he couldn’t do the things he was doing to Sharon to me. I wanted to feel him cum inside my pussy. I kept thinking as I watched them fuck me, I need you to use me

All of a sudden Mrs. Cooke yelled out from her Bedroom she was saying James where are you? He told Sharon to be quiet and get under the covers and pull them up high. He grabbed his robe and put it on and opened the door, He said in a soft voice, I’m here, I was checking on the girls.

The next story will continue about this night, there is more to come.

It is my desire that you enjoy my stories and that they stimulate you as much as they do me when I am remembering what happened, as I an writing. I would like to ask you to please leave a comment, PM me or email me at [email protected] I would love it if you would share your experiences with me.