Teen in trouble gets sanctuary.

No one under the age of eighteen has any sex in this story.


I recognized the knock at the door. It was Melissa, one of my escort friends and a monumental lover in bed. When I opened the door, she was standing there as usual, but with a strange expression on her face and something like a little girl hiding behind her. When I asked what this was about, since I was not expecting her that day, she asked to come in quickly to not bring attentions to us. So, I acquiesced and guided her and her shadow into my condo.

As Mel swished by me without the usual delay with a giant hug and kiss, I detected that this time it must be really serious, or she was just ducking affections because of the little girl with her. It didn’t take long to determine which it was.

When I began to inquire of her what was up, she shushed me up and quickly laid out the situation. The little girl was an eighteen-year old, who was the daughter of an escort who knew me, but would remain unidentified for the present. The girl, named Lily, was in severe danger because her mother was being strained between Law Enforcement and her Manager (pimp) with her freedom or even life in danger.

When I was about to ask her, ‘why me?’ she remarked that it was because I was generally known among the escorts as a gentle and honorable man in using them, and unknown to many of the pimps. So, she felt that Lily would be safer with me than in any other place, and she would give her life to keep the secret of Lily’s present location if necessary. Neither L.E. nor the pimp knew about Mel’s interference in this matter, nor her friendship with Francie the girl’s mother.

But the pimp and his enforcers knew Lily by sight, so she would have to hold up in the condo with me for at least three days. Her school attendance was put on hold, with her having her books and lessons for the next week with the school’s permission because of what the circumstances were with Lily. The pimp would have those under his control expressed even among the school’s students.

By the time that the discussion got this far, Lily was relaxed and with a shrug moved to the bedroom to get comfortable for her multiple days stay. Her books and lessons were left on the dining room table for attentions later, ‘not’ if she could get away with it. And so, the discussion wound down with only one issue still uncovered. With my look into Mel’s eyes she knew what I was thinking, ‘What about me having sex with this young girl?’

With her letting me stew in my juices for a couple of minutes in silence, fully knowing what a perv and devoted sexual devotee I was, she acknowledged this and mentioned that the girl was not a virgin and that I could have her if I was gentle and considerate of her feelings about this. I was humbled by this assertion and nodded my head in acquiescence over those stipulations.

As she felt that she had sneaked in with no notice, and it was true except for one of my neighbors who was delving into a number of shady practices, but although watching out for me, never interfered nor related my doings to anyone other, as I did in response to this for him; in fact though noticed it was still secure for her and the girl. So, she bounced up to give me a magnum mutual feeling up and kissing and then broke to leave the premises, hopefully with no attentions on the way out, either.

As soon as Mel had left, I moved to check up on Lily to see what she was doing. I have had a number of experiences with escorts who seem to find common cause with some of my totable possessions when they are in need, so I usually stow things away when I know that they are coming. ‘Out of sight, out of mind,’ you know.

When I entered into my bedroom, I found her laying on the bed with only her panties on. Evidently, she had gotten over her initial shyness in record time. Or she was used to appearing before grown men in that state. After all, her mother was an escort who displayed herself in less than that and in much more revealing positions, too. Evidently, Lily was knowledgeable about this and perhaps wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps in her future, or in her sexual mode more likely.

Since, Lily’s mother’s identity was not supplied to me and evidently not to be a subject for my inquiry, I would still guess that mom didn’t want her little girl to enter that mode at her current teen age. I guessed that mom would be a super hypocrite to oppose this career mode, when the girl got to age twenty-one if she desired it. So, that decision would be left till then with the mom obviously hopeful that her daughter would find another career more inspiring. In the meantime, since she was not a virgin, she was practicing up for her future mode as either a wife or a rental lover. I couldn’t think of an objection to that.

As it was now time for my afternoon nap, I notified her of that fact and asked her to move over in the bed. I told her that I usually when alone sleep with my clothes on for my comfort, but because she was present with me, I would be sleeping naked and she could enter under the covers either with: her panties on, panties off or any other mode that she desired. As I entered under the covers, the panties came off. I didn’t mind at all.

As I laid in the bed facing her, I told her that if she wanted anything right then, that we would have to move along with it because I would soon fall asleep, if that wasn’t interrupted by some sexy fun. So, she nakedly moved up to me and after grabbing me up to her chest and belly while facing me (Her tiny tits felt especially wonderful to me, though they were virtually nonexistent. Her nipples were prominent right away though.]

And so, with us gathered up together facing each other, she raised her upper leg and guided my cock up into her pussy for a ‘quick fix.’ Her pussy felt especially tight and well lubed. A really fine combination, and since she knew that she would get me again later that night, she just thrust and heaved up to me as I fucked her and soon, I was cumming up into her tiny belly. It was especially gratifying to experience and I didn’t even care if I had just gotten her pregnant. (For the moment!) But I figured that her mother wouldn’t consider planting a baby up into her belly as part of saving her, and so I would find out if she was safe and if not, would look into how to sponsor that. Then I went to sleep with me still up into her.

When we awoke that evening it was time to fix dinner and when I raised children, they were required to help with chores around the house. So, I got her up and we walked to the kitchen to prepare our meal. As my eyes completely cleared with the walk and a sip from one of my bottled drinks, I couldn’t help noticing that little Lily was a bit under dressed for kitchen chores. Sure enough, she was very cute in only her little snuggy panties with a delightful camel toe showing, but in the kitchen are sharp and hot things, and I didn’t want to be responsible to let her leave with any damage to her wondrous hide.

So, I sent her into the bedroom with, “Open the second-down drawer of my dresser and take out one of my T-shirts to wear with one of the boxer shorts and in the third-down drawer take a pair of my white athletic socks for your feet. They will be loose and floppy, but I think that you will enjoy that. After you have put them on, please return to the kitchen, because I will need your help doing dinner.” This ignoring that I usually did all of this alone all of the time. But she didn’t have to know that, besides there were two of us to feed, and I liked her company in the cooking process.

So, I decided to make Stroganoff from a Hamburger Helper package. It sounds very blasé to the ear, but with some adjustments to the mix, a person can make a meal that would be proud to be served anywhere. And I halve the called for meat and double the pasta for the right combination for me.

I instructed her to move to the refrigerator and get the dry yellow onion from the bottom right hand drawer. I start my help out simple, you see. And then I had her bring it to me with the cutting board and my very sharp and big kitchen knife. I instructed her to just watch for this time and I sliced off three thin slices from the onion and then put the remainder into a Zip Lock bag to be stowed back where it came from. And then I put the knife down as she moved with her cute little butt to put the onion away. Safety first, you know.

Then when she came back with her eyes shining to be part of something other than fucking for a change, not that that is bad you know; I showed her how to peel off the thin brown outside skin to the onion slices and then how to cut them stacked up together to very small pieces. And then I showed her how to take the cutting board and spill the onion pieces right into the prewarmed nonstick frypan with a bit of olive oil to prevent the onions from sticking to the surface. She was just mesmerized as children tend to be when shown with humor and affection the skills of life. I helped raise three children in my younger years and all of them were very skilled in homecraft as in other things when they reached adulthood.

Now, I took the two slices of frozen hamburger out of the freezer and broke them up into large pieces to be dropped into the skillet with the cooking onions. While they were sizzling in their thawing out, I took a pair of plastic forks and put her in charge of stirring them around and turning them over so that all sides of them became browned. As they fried, they softened so I showed her how to break them up into very small chunks, too. I could tell that she had never been introduced into the fun of cooking with skill. Probably had had her nose in video games and cell phones when she wasn’t being fucked up to then.

When she was finished getting the small hamburger chunks fully cooked, we spilled into the skillet a double portion of pasta (I keep extra on hand of each type.) with the dry sauce, milk and water. The pan sizzled as it heated up to boiling, and important step to further make sure that the meat is fully cooked and also to get the pasta on its way to softening. She remarked that at this point it doesn’t look like much, and in fact not appetizing at all, so I offered for her to watch and see how this ugly duckling would turn into a beautiful swan of a dinner.

The instructions say to turn down the heat to simmer as soon as it is boiling, but I was raised by a suspicious mother who didn’t always do what she was told, because of safety concerns, so I let it boil for a couple of minutes and then lowered the stove temperature to simmer for the next ten minutes. With the lid off of the skillet she could see the mixture losing its liquid and starting to look a lot more appetizing. But, when we got to the four minutes left, I added a handful of frozen veggies that I had warmed up in the microwave oven and the whole mass turned into a very festive looking display.

At that point with still a couple of minutes left of simmering, she backed into my front and reached around back to tell me how much she was impressed by this display. My answer to that was a firm hug of her and the admonition that more was to come.

When I took it off of the burner, it was ready to set up (thicken) and so I took a few tablespoons of sour cream and stirred it in along with some cooked and sliced mushrooms, by then the smells were intoxicating and it set up really quickly.

I had her get out two plates, one for the each of us and to set the table with a small container of cut up honey dew melon chunks and a chilled bottle of sparkling water. With all of this it became a feast fit for a king. A pervy one in my case as I ate with my eyes admiring the fine shape of the girl across from me.

After our eating our meal to music that I chose to enjoy, but not offend her. (In my house the chef gets to choose the music, with due regard for the other listeners,) we cleaned up the kitchen and put away the extra meal left in the pan right into the fridge with the cover on. I don’t believe in dirtying up any more kitchen hardware than is necessary. Then with the dining room also cleared up and wiped down, we settled together on the couch to watch the last half an hour of evening news. The local T.V. station takes two and a half hours to tell the news, when actually the last half an hour covers all that is necessary to know, including sports and the weather.

I wonder if anyone else notices that television news includes at least three weather news portions taking up more than five minutes (within each half an hour), while the sports is allowed only ninety seconds for the full duration, if that much. Oh well, as long as Rich Eisen and Dan Patrick are around we sports fans will get all of the gritty details that we can stand to listen to.

But little Miss Lily and I settled on the couch, but she soon ended up on my lap with my hands guided by her to under her T-shirt to liven up her nipples while the announcers of the news droned on. That added a considerable amount of fun to the process.

Then after kissing her soundly and patting her behind, I gave up the controller to her for the next two hours if she wanted, while I moved to the second bedroom office to care for all of my computing and email obligations. I could hear from my retreat, her selection of shows that I wouldn’t be caught dead watching and a couple of times when she came in to see what I was up to, she saw some interesting scenes of porn that she took notice of before returning to her shows in the other room.

It was about ten when I collected her up after her last favorite show was concluded, and we hand in hand moved to the bedroom. She then shed down to her panties again and cuddled up to me. I whispered to her that it was up to her what if anything we did in bed for this night and with wide open eyes she smiled and began to kiss me and caress my chest. I got a few hairs pulled in the process, but completely left her in ignorance of it.

As she was playing with me, she guided one of my hands to alternate between her tiny tits and larger nipples and the other to caress and probe about in her pussy region. The pussy began to thank me with a generous flow of womanly cum from this young girl. And as she played with my chest hairs and kissed me her hands stimulated an answering response in my dick. She noticed that and spread the wealth all over my dicks head and shaft.

With both of us white hot with lust, she moved up to be on top of me and sat down on my cock to be up into her tiny belly. I was totally enchanted with this and held her bottom sides to keep her in position for her sexy efforts on top of me. She liked that and told me so. And after getting us tuned up, she began to work us over in earnest with slight bouncing’s, aggressive flexing and pronounced swirling of her pussy vault on my dick. It didn’t take long, of course, and we both came and then settled down for the night with her slight body still laying on mine. My arms held her dear body to mine through the night and she murmured her love for me many times in the intimate darkness.

The next morning, with Lily sleeping off the fun from the night before, Greg met me on the way back from the mailbox and inquired if I had anyone ‘in need’ as it were, since though I am always hopeful of my escort friends breaking off from their ‘medicines,’ I am not openly judgmental about their usages. But, to give him a ‘return of service,’ so to speak, I told him: “Not at the present, but if one of your pretty lady friends falls short in her funds for her needs, send her up to entertain me and I will help her with that!” There were mutual smiles back and forth over that and we broke off with each of us with something to ponder.

It turned out that sometime later after the episode with Lily, that one of his girlfriends, one that was just over eighteen and gorgeous, did come up to my apartment and under the guise of getting some painkiller pills from me for Greg was checking me out for a possible correspondence of the physical kind, but evidently finding me less than attractive in my four-day non bath and combing of my hair mode, she just settled for some Advil. I smiled over that for at least ten minutes, ……….. or maybe somewhat longer.

Right after I awoke, I picked up the cell phone in my office away from the bedroom and answered a call from Mel to ask how things went and how could she help. I let her know that things were fine, better than fine and that I would need no help with supplies for at least a week, if Lily stayed that long. And she told me that if I did need anything that she would buy it for me and save the slips to be reimbursed later, something that she had never done before. And that they would be cab delivered by a company other than the one that I had worked for, so that no notice of my face would be identified if it became an issue. She said to wear one of my hoodies with one of my western scarves over the lower half of my face to obscure my looks and to tell the cabbie that I had a bad cold that I didn’t want to spread to him. With this he would forget that my face was obscured and be grateful for my concern for his health. If we used the cabs more than once, she would make sure that it would be a different company each time.

In the meantime, I was to stay hidden inside except for getting my mail to not alarm anyone at my status being an older man by not appearing at the times that I usually did. And to take care of the darling Lily, that she suspected that I was greatly enjoying. I made no comment to that, and so she hanged up on me.

Lily woke up at about nine thirty and it took till about noon for her to get herself in order, do her homework (at my insistence,) have breakfast (milk and cereal selected and served to herself) and then be ready to have some fun. Uh huh !!!!

We then cuddled and watched the afternoon news and there was an item there about a gang of local sex traffickers who were under assault by various elements of law enforcement and some shoot outs as a result. It was noted that most of the local adult women who were into personal sex services were in hiding to avoid the rumbles between the pimps and the cops.

[Unknown to the outside news crews and most of law enforcement, a local pimp king pin, called the Red Knight had many of these ladies hiding with him. He was noted for not using sub-legal females in the trade. And along with him were some independent non-pimps called the Gray Knights that offered their digs as refuges for escorts in trouble till they could get things ironed out. Between these two refuges and every religious and social women’s refuge in town, they were pretty much all cared for in the interim. All of this without the news media’s knowledge. All of these acknowledged girl managers and pervs were being vilified in the news. But the people that really counted knew what was going on and some hefty private security forces were in the background helping to provide security for them wherever they were.]

So, it was obvious that Lily would be with me for another couple of days. So, I decided that I needed to advance in some more training in housework to prevent her visit from just being a wall to wall fuckfest for the duration. Not that I wanted to totally avoid that, you know.

When she was done with brunch and watching the news with me cuddled up on my lap, I sent her into my room again and told her to look in the second down drawer of my dresser and take out a pair of my boxers. There were several colors and designs. She could choose which ones she liked and to put them on. One of the things I learned in raising my own children was that when they needed to do something that they wouldn’t usually want to do, it worked often to give them some choices in the working out of the assignment. Not always, but usually, and that saved a lot of arguments over the years. And in this Lily was like all other young people, strongly desiring of her freedom to act, but allowing some of it to be bent to a parent’s will if options were available in connection with it. I could interpret her smile from behind as she bounced down the hallway to get the boxers on.

When she came back, I introduced her to the mysteries of the vacuum cleaner. We did the whole condo, with her helping to move the furniture. I had my lift belt on to prevent damage to my creaky back and hips. And I let her steer the vacuum for part of it, having her do it all would have been too obvious, you know. Hehehehehehe.

And then I showed her how to clean the rest of the hard to reach vinyl places with a special mop that I had for that purpose. I made up a bucket of hot water with Dawn detergent and just a little Pine Sol. It makes a powerful cleaning agent and the mop, being kept clean after each use, was great for doing the shower and around the toilets in the condo. Then I would rinse out the mop or in this case she did, and it would be used to then mop the vinyl floors around the apartment. While they were drying, I had a sponge mop that I then used to do all of the walls and cupboard fronts with refreshed water with just a bit of dawn in it. Then we moved to the bedroom for our naps while all of the surfaces totally dried.

On this occasion, we just held each other in our united arms and kissed and then napped entangled together in rest from our labors. When we woke up, she had shining eyes with a hint of deep love in them. She was learning that life had other worthwhile things to do than just sex all of the time and was warming up to it. And that there could be a level of fun in the doing of them, too.

That evening I introduced her to the mysteries of making great toasted meat and cheese sandwiches this time using the toaster, which would be safer for her when she tried this on her own. Then I showed her how to warm up the frozen veggies in the microwave. I teach children by including each step as if they know nothing, but treat them as if they knew this all of the time. It seems to help to cut through the youthful bluster at times. Not always, but at times. Then she set the table all by herself with no instructions from me. Included glasses for each, half full of the sparkling water and the opened package of the melon chunks, too. My heart was suitably warmed by this display as any adult including teachers that see their students grow from the things that they are learning, do.

Three days later, the local news included the item that all of the known pimp child sex abusers were gathered up, some in less than pristine shape due to interchanges with guns. And they were being shipped out of the local community to hinder them from furthering their influences through their stooges. So, the local escorts began to reappear in public and those that wanted out were given the chance to do so. After all, some of them had been forced into the sex worker trade. Those that didn’t want out, since they were comfortable with the trade and usually with few other supporting options available were given some counseling on avoiding troubles in the future and a hotline for the handling of abusive managers (pimps.)

With the coast clear, Marcia showed up at my door to collect her daughter, who took the time to present herself in a more publicly presentable manner. Marcia smiled at that, and I reintroduced myself to her as I had booked her several times in the past. She is a dear provider. Then with a closing hug and kiss from each they left with their arms around each other. I have to confess there was a tiny tear in the corner of one of my eyes with her leaving.

A couple of days later, with Lily back in school (with her homework up to date from living with me,) Marcia called me to thank me for saving Lily from the thunderstorm of possible personal involvement in violence lately. And I could hear the smile in her voice as she acknowledged my helpful introductions of Lily to homecrafts. Her learning and practice of them had continued with her return to live with her mom.

And then after a brief pause, she asked if I would like for Lily to spend her afternoons (so that she could finish her appointments for the day) after school with me for more lessons in life, love and housework. And she knew that I played the guitar somewhat and could introduce Lily to that, too.

There was no pause in my response to this invitation, I answered, “Yes, of course.”

And then Marcia asserted that she was going to reserve two of her appointments for me for free, with a lot of special favors included. I didn’t bother to argue over it and agreed. It would be while Lily was at school so that Lily wouldn’t feel that her mother was moving in on her little love affair with me. By the way, Lily was keeping herself to only me for the time being. And I would in some way include an offering to her mother for her services to me, after all that is how she makes a living, and I can well afford it.

And Marcia concluded the call with laughter and thanks for the lessons to Lily in homecrafts.

I smiled at the thought of seeing Miss Lily again and having her in my bed regularly for several more wonderful years.