On A Trip with My Father Chapter 2 Jenny Spinoff Character

A spin off character from Chapter 1 and how Jenny became comfortable with herself and her big pussy lips and then went on to have sex with her family and friend.

Jenny, main Character in this chapter

Brad, my Brother

Dad, my Father

Mom, my Mother

Viola, friend from High School

Steve, Viola’s Brother

Alice, Co-worker

This story picks up after Tammy and Katie left the patio, where Jenny and Alice work, from Chapter 1. Told from Jenny’s perspective.

Brad left the hotel shortly after Tammy and Katie did, which I was thankful for. Being naked in front of my brother was embarrassing and I didn’t need him there watching me and making me horny. Although, being naked all day with everyone watching me, still made me horny. Alice also got horny walking around naked, so at the end of our shift, Alice and I went on the beach and had sex. We had several voyeurs watching us as Alice loves sucking on my lips and eating my pussy. I had several orgasms and Alice did also. Every day after work we would have sex on the beach, until we started getting more comfortable being naked.

At home, I tried to act normal, but Brad was always looking at me now. The other thing that was starting to bothering me is wearing clothes. Being naked all day, then coming home and covering up was different to say the least. Over time, I began to wear less clothing at home, but I had to be careful. I first started not wearing a bra, then panties, but then I had to wear pants or a skirt, my lips would fall out when I wore shorts without panties. Pants got be to too much for me, so I began to wear a short skirt, with full bikini panties. I made sure my father, mother and brother got to see my panties often. I wanted them to get use to seeing me in just my panties, so I could eventually stop wearing the skirt.

One of my favorite things to do is lay back and bring my legs up while I read a book on the couch. One day, I did not bother to put panties on (my lips were a little tender from Alice chewing on them) and I was sitting on the couch reading a book. My father came in the room and started talking to me. We had a conversation for about 10 minutes. As we were talking, it occurred to me I did not have any panties on. I had completely forgot. I kept my cool and my legs up. My father walked away without saying anything to me about it. I knew he saw me as I watched where his eyes were looking. My pussy got wet thinking about him watching me.

I went back to my book and then thought he might say something to my mother. He may have her talk with me, so I was now dreading that evening. It was no more than about 10 minutes later and my father was back. We had small talk again for another 15 minutes before he left. Now I know he likes to look at my pussy.

I thought if I can get my father and Brad to know that each other has seen me. Then it would only be my mother, that I would have to deal with. I thought my father may come back again, so I ran up to Brad’s room and told him, if you hear dad in the living room talking to me in the next couple of minutes, come on down, but don’t be surprised if you see something. I picked up my skirt and flashed him. Then I ran back to the couch and raised up my legs and resumed my reading.

From the time I sat down, till my father came back again, was about 5 minutes. This time he asked me what book I was reading. I started telling him about it. I was about 2 minutes in to my explanation and Brad came down the stairs. My father did not see Brad till they were standing right beside each other. My father was a little startled.

I brought Brad in to the conversation by asking him if he every read this book. Brad saw my exposed pussy. Now neither of them wanted to be called out for looking at me, so both said nothing. I kept the conversation going and they did too. I let my legs open wider while we talked. I felt my pussy getting wetter and my juices were running down my ass.

Our conversation was starting to peter out after about 30 minutes, then my father said he had to get back to work. I asked what he was working on and he said he was cleaning out the garage. I told him Brad and I can help if he needs it. Are you throwing anything of mine out? I will come out and see, let me change my top, I don’t want to get this one dirty. I will be out shortly. As I got up off the couch, I opened my legs as I went to stand up, giving them a good view. My brother followed me up the stairs, looking up my skirt.

When we got down the hall, I asked my brother “is he going to help?” He told me “no”. I think you should, as I pulled off my top. He had not seen me since Tammy was here a few weeks ago. I asked him again “our you going to come and help,” he said “yes” now. I told him to do me a favor, and he asked “what is that”. Without making it obvious, try to get me in a position where you and dad can look up my skirt. I unbuttoned my skirt and let it fall to the floor and turned around for Brad and bent over.

I pulled out an old tank top and put it on, then put my skirt back on, but this time I pulled the waist band up higher. Now the bottom of my ass cheeks were visible. Which also meant, my pussy lips were dangling below my dress.

Brad followed me to the garage. I was looking around at all of the stuff and I would bend over at the waist as I was looking. My dress was riding up my ass and both of them were behind me. There were some boxes on a high shelf. Brad saw me looking and he asked “what is in them?” My father was not sure. Brad pulled over a step ladder and I said “let me look.” I went up the ladder and leaned over. Both of them were behind me looking up at my ass and pussy. As I rummaged through the boxes, I made sure to keep my legs spread apart. I would look at them as I would say what is in the box, as I turned around, I would see them pull their eyes away from my ass.

When I finished looking through the boxes I turned around and sat on top of the ladder and left my legs open. Neither of them said anything so I thought I would take a bold step. I went down the ladder and pulled off my top as they both watched me, then I dropped my skirt.

They both had a look of surprise. I then said “I really don’t mind you looking at me or watching me. I would really like to be naked here at home, if it is OK with mom. But for now if either of you want to see me naked, just let me know. I will gladly show you, see.”

I reached down and spread my legs and played with my pussy while I rubbed my breasts and nipples. I turned around and bent over for them to look at my ass as I ran my hand over my pussy. I rubbed my asshole and pushed my finger in a little. I then stood up and licked my finger. I was so excited and wanted more. I sat on the step ladder a few rungs up so I was just about even with their eyes. I opened my legs and pulled opened my labia for them to see all of me and then rubbed my pussy. I was wet and began to finger myself, then I pinched my labia and I had an orgasm.

I actually creamed and as it began to drip out of my pussy, I would gather it up with my hand and then lick my hand. Both of them were speechless. I stood up and stepped off the ladder. Remember you can see me anytime you want and I picked up my clothes. I said there is nothing here I want to keep, throw away whatever you want. I went in the house naked, knowing my mother was not home.

Now that I was in the house, I began to wonder what repercussions there might be. I put on my skirt and top and sat on the couch and began reading again. I was hoping they would both come in and ask to see me. If they did, I knew I had them. My mind began to wander. I began to wonder how big their cocks were. Then I thought about being fucked my both of them.

It had been quite a while, but I finally heard someone open the garage door to come in the house. I heard footsteps and was trying to guess who it was. Brad then came around the corner.

Brad: Jenny are you alright.

Jenny: I am fine, but a little scared of what dad might say. What happen after I left.

Brad: I believe both of us were shocked. We didn’t talk and began working on cleaning the garage. It took a while but dad finally asked me if I was OK with you being naked. I shrugged my shoulders and said “I guess so, I had never really thought about it.” I then asked him what he thought. After a few seconds he said, “she is my daughter so I think she is beautiful. I wonder what made her want to be naked.” I told him “I don’t know.” Dad then said “I don’t believe her mother will want to see her walking around the house naked. You know how women are so catty when it comes to other woman who shall we say are outgoing.” Both of us just cleaned up the garage till a few minutes ago. Dad asked me to check on you and get us something to drink.

Jenny: I have an idea. If I come out in the garage, will you ask to see me again?

Brad: Yea, sure. Why?

Jenny: Once I am naked, I want you to ask me to masturbate.

Brad: Jenny, are you sure.

Jenny: I am sure.

Brad: OK.

Jenny: Go out to the garage, I will bring something out for you to drink. Brad and I went to the kitchen, then he went to the garage. I got some sodas for them and took a deep breath and walked in to the garage. The garage door was open now, if any of the neighbors walked by they would see me. My pussy was getting wet again. I could not back out now. As I handed the sodas to my brother and father, both said “thank you.” I looked around the garage and said “it looks a lot better,” just to make some small talk to break the ice. It worked, my father started talking about how much more room there will be. We all talked for a while and then as the conversation was starting to wear down.

Brad: Jenny, can we see you again.

Jenny: I said all you have to do is ask. I pulled off my top and then left my skirt fall to the floor. I turned around slowly for them.

Brad: Can we watch you masturbate again?

Jenny: OK, if that is what you want. I squeezed my nipples to make them harder. I raised up my left foot and rested it on one of the boxes to completely expose myself. I then began to pull on my pussy lips. I took turns looking in to my father’s and brother’s eyes. I was very wet and everyone could hear the squishing noise come from my pussy. I was soon going to have an orgasm. So as I looked at my father, I said “my pussy lips become very sensitive when I am horny, if I pinch them, I have an orgasm. Watch this.” I pinched my lips and began to moan as I had my orgasm. I creamed and licked off my hand again. As I stood there, my juices began dripping on the floor, leaving a wet spot. As I recovered I said “oh that felt great.” I then said “I can stay out here and help if you would like me too.”

Brad: Yes, why don’t you.

Dad: What if one of the neighbors come by.

Jenny: So you want me to stay naked, that is fine by me. I don’t care if any of the neighbors happen to see me.

Dad: Are you sure?

Jenny: Yes, I am.

Dad: OK, it is up to you honey.

Jenny: Thank you, daddy as I gave me father a hug and kissed him on the cheek. Then I walked over to Brad and gave him a hug and a kiss. We looked through some more stuff to determine if we should keep it or throw it out. After a while, I just started acting naturally and did not try to really show myself off.

Dad: OK, everything is ready to be thrown out, lets take it out to the curb.

Jenny: OK daddy.

Dad: Are you sure you want to walk out to the curb like that?

Jenny: I can cover up with a box if I need too. I picked up a box of junk and walked out to the curb. Being in front of my house had me excited again. It is different being naked where you are not suppose to be naked, but I liked it. We had quite a pile out there and as I was taking out the next box, I saw a car coming down the street. I lowered the box just enough to cover my breasts as I got behind the other boxes. The car went past, I saw the guy look but I don’t think he saw anything. But he kept going so I really didn’t care. We only had a few more boxes to go and again another car came down the street, I hid as best I could behind the boxes again. I saw it was Viola, one of my old friends who lives down the street from us. I hadn’t keep in touch with her since high school. I thought about her and remembered how pretty she was. We got everything finished and my father moved his car in the garage, then shut the door. I picked up my clothes and we all went in the house. Everyone, including myself was more comfortable with me being naked. We all sat at the kitchen table and talked as we had something to drink.

Dad: I looked at the clock and my wife was due home shortly. “Jenny, you should probably get dressed now, your mother is going to be home shortly.”

Jenny: OK, I am going to get a shower. After I finished in the shower, I check my phone and there was a message from Viola, who passed me earlier. I called her back. “Viola, this is Jenny.”

Viola: Oh hi, when I saw you a while ago, I thought I would see what you are up to.

Jenny: I am working as a server at a hotel on the beach. How about you?

Viola: I was working in retail, but the store just closed, so now I am looking for another job.

Jenny: Well if you want to be a server, we are looking for help at the hotel.

Viola: Which hotel is it?

Jenny: It is on Black’s beach, The Palms.

Viola: Wait, isn’t Blacks beach a naked beach.

Jenny: Yea, it is.

Viola: Wait, Jenny were you naked when I came past your house.

Jenny: Viola please don’t say anything to anybody else, but I was.

Viola: But I saw your brother and father there also.

Jenny: Yea they were. They are OK with me being naked.

Viola: How did this happen?

Jenny: It is a long story. Are you home now? I can come down and we can talk. Is anybody else there?

Viola: No, I am here alone, come on down.

Jenny: OK, I will see you shortly. I thought about wearing underwear, but she already knows I was naked, so I thought why bother. I put on my skirt and blouse and walked to Viola’s house and rang the door bell.

Viola: Well, I am surprised you are not naked and then I laughed.

Jenny: Just to be cheeky, I quickly pulled up my skirt and Viola saw I was not wearing panties. “I almost am.” We went to Viola’s bedroom and I told her the whole story. Viola, looked a little flush when I finished.

Viola: If I remember correctly, in high school you had, how should I put this, rather large lips.

Jenny: I pulled my legs up on her bed and lifted my skirt up and opened my legs. I still do. But I am not embarrassed by them anymore. I was told by my friend, Tammy, who has very large breasts and nipples, who also goes naked, I should enjoy the attention they get me. She also had another friend with her, that had small perky breasts, with long puffy nipples. No one made fun of them and they had the confidence to showoff everything. Everyone at work has seen me, I even have pulled my lips apart for some of my co-workers and they have seen me having sex on the beach. Once I got over the embarrassment, nobody teases me anymore. In fact most people like to see me and a lot have told me how beautiful I am. I still had my dress up so I reached down, and opened my lips to show Viola.

Viola: Oh my god Jenny you are beautiful.

Jenny: When Viola told me I was beautiful, I was very happy.

Viola: I have to say I am sorry Jenny.

Jenny: For what?

Viola: When we were in high school and the girls started teasing you and calling you dumbo. I was not a very good friend.

Jenny: You could not of stopped them from teasing me.

Viola: I know, but I stopped hanging around you. See I also started to develop. I don’t know if you noticed, but I stopped taking showers.

Jenny: No, I didn’t notice.

Viola: I did not want to be teased, like you.

Jenny: What do you mean?

Viola: Let me show you. I took off my jeans and then pulled down my panties. I then showed Jenny my pussy.

Jenny: Oh my god Viola.

Viola: My pussy mound, my lips and my clit started growing and I got embarrassed and did not want to be teased. Now my mound is like a big hill, my clit looks like a little penis and my lips don’t look like a butterfly likes yours do, they look like a big piece of meat hanging there.

Jenny: Can I touch you your pussy.

Viola: Yes, if you want to.

Jenny: You feel wonderful Viola.

Viola: Thank you Jenny. I have been thinking I am a freak.

Jenny: I know what you mean. I cannot wear anything other than full cut bikini underwear or swimsuit or my lips fall out. I would tuck my lips in under the gusset and it would be so uncomfortable to walk around like that.

Viola: Can I give you a hug?

Jenny: Of course you can. We gave each other a hug, and then I kissed her on the cheek.

Viola: So you let you father and brother see you walk around naked. Did they say anything about your pussy.

Jenny: No, I didn’t give them a chance. I showed them everything. You will not say anything to anybody will you?

Viola: No, I won’t, I promise.

Jenny: Well, when I said I showed them, I masturbated myself in front of them and pulled open my lips to show them everything.

Viola: Oh my god, Jenny. That’s awesome.

Jenny: I told them anytime they want to see me to just ask, after I showed them the first time. My brother asked me to masturbate again when we were in the garage. Both times I creamed and I got my hand full of my juices and lick my hand. In the garage, my juices were dripping so much, there was a wet spot on the floor under me.

Viola: What did you do then?

Jenny: They were cleaning up the garage so I stayed naked and I helped them, that is why the garage door was open. That is when you came by.

Viola: Jenny, I am getting wet from you telling me what you have been doing. I rubbed my hand over my pussy and showed Jenny.

Jenny: Have you ever had sex with another girl?

Viola: No, I have not had sex for a long time. I was embarrassed about my pussy and did not want to risk being called a freak.

Jenny: Would you like to have sex with me, now?

Viola: Oh god, I thought you would never ask. We both grabbed each other and kissed one another. Jenny and I pulled off our clothes.

Jenny: When did you get such big breasts?

Viola: The same time as everything else got bigger.

Jenny: You are gorgeous! You should not be hiding that body from anyone. We both started making out and I got between Viola’s legs and sucked on her pussy. Now, I know why people like sucking on my pussy so much. Viola had several orgasms from me sucking on her pussy.

Viola: I was becoming so sensitive from Jenny sucking on my pussy I had to stop her. I pulled Jenny up and kissed her and thanked her. I told Jenny I want to suck on her pussy, what should I do?

Jenny: Just take your time and do as I did to you. If you bite my lips, I usually have an orgasm.

Viola: I got between Jenny’s legs and just looked at her pussy. When I sucked her lips in to my mouth, I could taste her juices and I liked how her lips were so soft in my mouth. I then opened her lips and stuck my tongue in her and began to lick. Jenny tasted great. Jenny was moaning and then I nibbled on her lips and Jenny screamed as she had an orgasm. I saw some cream running out of her pussy, so I licked it up and it was so sweet tasting.

Jenny: After I had my orgasm, I pulled Viola away from my pussy and kissed her on the mouth. We could taste each other on our lips. As I caressed Viola’s breasts, I told her she was a natural.

Viola: Jenny, I never knew I could have so much fun. All of these years being lonely and now you. You have changed my life. Thank you! I kissed Jenny again.

Jenny: So do you want to start showing off yourself?

Viola: I want to but I don’t know if I have the nerve to do it.

Jenny: Well it helps if you are not by yourself, sort of confidence in numbers. You can come to the hotel tomorrow afternoon, and we can go on the beach and get naked. I can bring another friend along. Or if you want, you can get naked at my house in front of my father and brother.

Viola: I think I want to be somewhere where I can be anonymous. I can meet you at the hotel and I can see about a server position and then we can go on the beach.

Jenny: Great, I can’t wait. I have to be going and I started to get dressed.

Viola: I started to dress and got my underwear to put on.

Jenny: I stopped Viola. Viola, get use to not wearing underwear. Wear a skirt or dress with out any underwear for the rest of the night.

Viola: What about my brother and father.

Jenny: They will not complain, trust me. Can I look in your closet for something for you to wear.

Viola: Yea, sure.

Jenny: I found a button up dress and asked Viola to try it on.

Viola: I put on the dress and as I started to button it up, but Jenny stopped me.

Jenny: Her let me do that. I left some of the buttons open, then said OK there you go.

Viola: Jenny are you serious. A lot of my breasts are visible and my dress is unbuttoned up to my crotch.

Jenny: I know. But you are still covered. Trust me Viola, I then kissed her again. Only if someone says anything should you do up any buttons. You can make it sound like you were surprised it was open, an “accident”.

Viola: OK, for you, I will do it. We walked to the door and kissed each other, then Jenny left. I was feeling happiest that I have been in a long time after Jenny left.

Jenny: As I was getting close to home, I saw my mother’s car. I thought OK, this could be bad, but I was hoping for the best. As I entered the house, I did not hear any yelling. I heard my mother call us for dinner and went in to the kitchen. At dinner we all had a good time, so it seems my father and brother can keep a secret. After dinner I was able to flash my father and brother several times. As I was getting ready for bed, my father came in while my mother was in the shower.

Dad: Are you doing OK?

Jenny: I am good dad, how about you?

Dad: I am OK.

Jenny: Is there something you want? You know I said you only have to ask.

Dad: Can I see you?

Jenny: Yes, I said you only have to ask, as I pulled off my bathrobe. I laid on my bed and opened my legs for him. He looked at me for a few minutes.

Dad: Can I touch you.

Jenny: Go ahead, do to me as you want.

Dad: I bent over and got between daughter’s legs. I moved in and sucked on her pussy and she tasted so good. I pulled away and said “you remind of your mother when she was young.”

Jenny: Are you telling me mom has big lips like I do?

Dad: Yes, you look like your mom when she was younger.

Jenny: Wait, when she was younger, what about now?

Dad: Well, I have not seen her in years now.

Jenny: Why not?

Dad: She doesn’t want me to see her now, she says she is ugly.

Jenny: Oh, I am so sorry dad.

Dad: Thank you Jenny and I kissed her on the mouth, then left her room.

Jenny: Wow, I had not expected my mother to be built like me. But I should of known, heredity. I went to bed naked and woke up in the morning, feeling refreshed. I put some clothes on and went to the kitchen and my mother was there. Knowing she is like me and thinking she is ugly, I feel sorry for her. I kissed her cheek and told her I loved her, then left for work. I was excited about meeting Viola later today.

Jenny: A busy day at work, but I have been getting good tips, since I started bending over and my hips and showing off my lips. Viola showed up and I told her to take a seat until I finished working.

Viola: I watched Jenny and Alice as they served the people. I cold not believe how Jenny would bend over a her hips and showed her lips and ass off to everyone. When I thought about doing that myself, my pussy began to get wet. Alice was like Jenny, neither of them had any shame.

Jenny: Now that I finished up, I got Viola and we walked to the office. Viola could not believe that I went to the office naked.

Viola: I talked with Karen, the manager and she asked if I want to work on the patio as Jenny does. I told her I do, but I am still a little shy, can I have a few days to get use to being naked. Karen told me I can start the beginning of the week, then, I can have a week if I need to get naked. But I can get naked or topless anytime I want. I filled out some paperwork and then Jenny and I met up with Alice. They took me out to the beach, they were already naked. We got a spot and we all sat down.

Jenny: OK Viola, it is time.

Viola: I am so nervous.

Alice: Don’t be. See all of the naked people around. Nobody cares they are naked. You see that fat old guy over there. If anybody should be ashamed to be naked it is him, we all laughed.

Viola: You are right about that. I took off my dress and stood there naked. No one was even looking at me. I had built up in my head how everyone would be staring at my pussy, and there was none of it. I sat down with Alice and Jenny.

Alice: So how do you feel?

Viola: Other than nervous, it feels good to be naked and the sun hitting my body.

Jenny: Viola show Alice your pussy.

Viola: I turned towards Alice and opened up my legs.

Alice: Oh my god, you are amazing. Big breasts, big nipples, large areola, big clit, big lips, tall and great legs, you are beautiful, can I marry you. We all started laughing.

Viola: Alice helped put me at ease.

Alice: Jenny told me you had sex with her last night and she was your first.

Viola: Yes she was.

Alice: Can I be your second. I leaned in and kissed Viola and she kissed me back. We started to make out and I moved to Viola’s breasts. I really like sucking on your nipples Viola. Can you lie down, I want to suck on that beautiful pussy of yours.

Viola: I laid back and opened my legs for Alice. Jenny came up to me and kissed me and played with my breasts and sucked my nipples. With both of them working on me and being out in public, I was very excited.

Jenny: Voyeurs are starting to watch us.

Viola: I was moaning every time Alice sucked on my pussy. I looked around and saw a bunch of people standing around us, mostly men, some were stroking their cocks, others we standing there with an erection. Jenny sucked on my nipples and then began to nibble on them. It was too much for me.

Jenny: When I began to nibble on Viola’s nipples and with Alice eating her pussy. Viola was just moaning and groaning, her head was thrashing back and forth and then she let out a scream and said she was cumming, as she had a huge orgasm. Her body went stiff and I saw Alice sucking on her pussy. Viola relaxed and she started to regain her senses after Alice stopped eating her.

Viola: I looked around and there was a crowd around us, then they started to leave. Jenny kissed me and I asked what happen.

Jenny: You almost passed out after you screamed.

Viola: I screamed, how loud.

Alice: Enough to get the attention of everyone around us.

Viola: God, I feel so weak.

Jenny: I think you had the biggest orgasm that you ever had. Just lay there and relax a while. I am going to get us something to drink.

Viola: Alice you are very good at eating pussy.

Alice: Well ever since Jenny and I started working nude, we get so horny that when we finish working we come out here and have sex with each other. I love sucking on Jenny’s pussy. I love sucking on your pussy. I barely have and lips at all on my pussy.

Viola: Alice can I eat you?

Alice: You sure can. Just lay there and let me straddle your face.

Viola: OK. Alice came over and lowered her pussy on my face. I began to lick her and tried to pull her small lips in my mouth. It was such a contrast to Jenny. I began to realize how lucky I am. When Alice had an orgasm, her pussy was contracting on my tongue. Which felt weird, but I liked it. When Alice got off my face, there were a few voyeurs around us. I had not even realized it but I had my legs spread wide apart while I was eating Alice. I sat up and pulled open my lips for the voyeurs to see and some of the gasped, and some of them said beautiful, I saw 2 men who were stroking their cocks, shoot their load.

Jenny: Here are some sodas. What happen since I was gone.

Viola: I kissed Jenny and asked her who she tastes.

Jenny: Well it has to be Alice, your pussy is big, but not big enough that you can eat yourself. We all began to laugh.

Viola: I am feeling better about being naked already.

Jenny: Good for you. Do you and Alice want to go for a walk?

Viola: Sure, what do I do with my things?

Jenny: We will take them over to the hotel and I will put them in my locker, till we get back. We all walked over to the hotel. Viola was getting plenty of looks a her lips dangled and flapping around as she walked. Viola did well and took to being naked easily. We walked down the beach and watched several people having sex. Then we saw another couple having sex and as we watched, I started to play with Viola’s pussy. I got on the ground and sucked and licked her till she had an orgasm standing there in front of the voyeurs.

Viola: Jenny ate my pussy while I stood there and all of the voyeurs watched me have an orgasm. Jenny then pulled my lips down with her mouth, till they were stretched to their limit and slipped out of her mouth. I was a little embarrassed, but I was more excited. I helped Jenny up and then we kissed and hugged each other as we stood and watched the couple some more.

Jenny: We all got in the water and cleaned up as we walked back to the hotel.

Viola: We stayed on the beach for about 3 hours and I now feel quit comfortable being naked.

Jenny: Wait here on the patio and I will get our things.

Viola: As I was waiting for Jenny and Alice to return. A man had dropped a napkin and was blowing across the deck. I thought I would pick it up to throw it away. I thought I should bend over only at my waste and I did it with my ass pointing towards a table of men. When I stood up, I looked at the table and all of them had their mouths wide open.

Jenny: Very nice Viola.

Viola: Oh you saw that.

Alice: We both saw that. You are going to earn a lot in tips if you keep that up. The 3 of us walked away from the patio and just wrapped our dressed around us as we got to the street.

Alice: I hugged and kissed Viola and Jenny then got in my car and left.

Jenny: Viola, do you want to stop by my house?

Viola: I can, I don’t have anything else to do.

Jenny: I almost forgot to tell you. Last night my father came in my room and asked to look at me again. Then he asked if he could touch me and I said yes and he sucked on my pussy for a minute.

Viola: Wow.

Jenny: Then he told me that I am like my mother. He said “for a couple of years now, she will not let him see her, because she feels ugly.” So all of that self loathing that you had, your mother may be feeling the same way, our conditions are probably inherited.

Viola: Oh my god, I had never thought of that.

Jenny: I just wanted to let you know.

Viola: What are you going to do with your mother?

Jenny: I don’t know. I gave Viola and kiss and said I would see her at my house. We both left in our cars.

Jenny: I got to my house before Viola. I had not bothered to button my dress so I stood beside my car till Viola got there.

Viola: Jenny did you leave your dress open to drive here.

Jenny: I did. Someday I want to leave the house naked, drive to work, work naked all day, then drive home naked and stay naked for the rest of the night. I called it “Naked Day”. You know we can drive to work next week together.

Viola: Oh yea, that should make for some fun times.

Jenny: If you had the opportunity to fuck a cock, would you?

Viola: Oh god yes. You and Alice are good, but there is nothing like a cock in my pussy and I haven’t had one in a long time.

Jenny: I kissed Viola and then we went in the house. My father and brother were in the living room watching TV, my mother was still at work. When my father and brother saw Viola with me, I think I confused them, as I still had my dress open and my breasts and pussy were exposed. I asked Viola if she wanted something to drink as she followed me to the kitchen. I then whispered to Viola, “do you want to have some fun?”

Viola: What do you mean?

Jenny: Do you want to show yourself to my father and brother and maybe do more?

Viola: After what we did today, sure why not?

Jenny: Any limits?

Viola: I will do whatever you do.

Jenny: I kissed Viola and we walked back in the living and sat on the sofa, as I sat down my dress fell to the side leaving me exposed. I asked what is going on, just to get a conversation going.

Brad: I knew something was going on with my sister, so when she asked what was happening I just said, “not much just watching TV”.

Jenny: I got a surprise for you today. I then kissed Viola on the mouth and we started to make out. I stood up and pulled Viola with me. I took off my dress and then stood behind Viola. I started to unbutton her dress as my father and Brad watched. When I pulled off Viola’s dress, I asked her to spread her legs apart and then said “look at this” as I began to play with her pussy. I said “see how big she is.” I then pulled Viola so she was very close to my father and pulled her lips apart. I then did the same for my brother. Viola was getting very wet. I moved Viola to the middle of the floor and then had her lay down. I stood over her head and lowered myself on to her mouth.

Viola: I was so wet from Jenny showing me off to her father and brother. Then when she lowered her pussy to my face, I just began to eat her.

Jenny: I slowly leaned forward and got in to a 69 with Viola and made a show of me sucking on her pussy for my father and brother. I got Viola all hot and then pulled away. I went over to my father and I saw his pants were tent out. I kissed him on the mouth and then pulled him up with me, so we were standing. I pulled down his shorts and underwear. I began to suck his cock as I looked in to his eyes. I asked him to remove his shorts and shirt as I stood up. I walked over to Brad. I kissed him and asked him to remove his clothes.

Brad: When Jenny asked me to remove my clothes, I did it quickly. I was so excited for what was about to happen, even though I don’t know what that was.

Jenny: I pulled Brad over to Viola and pulled him down with me. I sucked his cock a few times then I pulled him till he began to eat Viola’s pussy.

Viola: After you eat me Brad you can fuck me. Brad starting sucking on my pussy.

Jenny: I walked over to my father and pulled him with me as I laid on the floor. I told him to eat me.

Dad: I got a big smile on my face and quickly got between my daughters legs. I sucked on her lips and it felt so good. It has been a long time since I had some pussy. I had given my daughter several orgasms and she had creamed and it tasted so sweet.

Jenny: I pulled my father to me and I sucked his cock. He was dripping pre-cum. After I sucked him another time, I told him to fuck me.

Dad: I was so excited to fuck my daughter. I got back between her legs and I slowly entered her. Once I was in the whole way, I went wild and fucked her hard. My balls were slapping against her ass. I looked over and my son was fucking Viola. It did not take me very long and I was about to cum. I asked my daughter “where would you like my cum?”

Jenny: In my pussy!

Dad: I started cumming and I pushed in to my daughter as far as I could. Her pussy was milking my cock. I just kept my cock in her for a minute and then leaned down and kissed her and then laid beside her. Even though I had cum, my cock remained hard. I heard Brad groan and looked over as he came in Viola and rolled off to the side.

Jenny: Viola and I got back in to a 69 position and we sucked the cum out of each other’s pussy. But I was not finished yet, both my father and brother’s cocks were still hard. I had Brad get behind me and told him to fuck me. Then I told my father to come here. I pulled his cock to my mouth and sucked him a bit, then pulled him to Viola and said fuck her. My father was very willing and he fucked her as hard as he did me. But I guess after years of not being able to fuck my mother, he had a lot of pent up energy. They both came again and as they pulled out their cocks, Viola and I sucked on them. We then began to clean up each other’s pussies. I saw that now, my father and Brad were both satisfied, no more hard cocks.

Viola: As I and Jenny got up, we kissed each other and held each other. Jenny’s brother and father were just starting to get dressed. I looked at Jenny and said I needed that.

Jenny: I did too, that was the first time I have been fucked by a man in several weeks. I don’t want to wait that long again. I walked over to my brother and kissed him and asked if he was OK.

Brad: I am more than OK. Thank you Viola and Jenny and then I smiled.

Jenny: I then kissed my father and gave him a hug.

Dad: I put my hand on Jenny’s breast and gave her nipple a pinch. I kissed Jenny again and told her I loved her. I then went over to Viola and kissed her and gave her a hug and said she is beautiful.

Jenny: I said to my brother and father we are going for a shower. We picked up our clothes and Viola and I went up stairs.

Viola: Jenny not only do I like having sex now, but I also like the closeness that results from having sex. The last 2 days are the best days of my life.

Jenny: We got a shower together and we just stayed naked and laid on my bed and talked and reminisced about the past.

Viola: Jenny, I have to be going, but if it is OK with you, I would like to come to the beach earlier tomorrow and just lay out by myself and then you can join me when you finish working.

Jenny: That works for me.

Viola: Can I bring you my things and can you take them to the locker room for safe keeping.

Jenny: Yea, I can do that, just come over to the patio when you get there.

Viola: Thank you Jenny. We both walked down to the living room naked, although I was carrying my dress with me. I went over to Jenny’s father and said earlier he did not get a chance to suck on my pussy, if you want to now for a bit, you can, it is all clean. I then turned around and bent over at the waist. Jenny’s father put his hands on my hips and he began sucking on my pussy.

Jenny: After seeing what Viola just did, I thought I would do the same with Brad and he began to suck on my pussy. It did not take very long for us to have an orgasm, but of course they both know that all they have to do is bite on our sensitive lips. We both stood up and we kissed each other and then I said I would walk Viola out.

Viola: I slipped on my dress and did up a few buttons as we walked out. We kissed at the car one more time.

Jenny: I watched as Viola got in her car and drove away. Standing there naked in the street after being eaten by Brad had me wet again. I went in the house and got something to drink and then went in the living room and sat with my brother and father. I wanted to start a conversation so I said “did you two enjoy yourselves today? Is there anything else you would of liked to do?” They were both all smiles and enjoyed themselves. Afterwords I told them, “I am trying to think of a way to get mom to join us. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.” Brad, would you have a problem fucking mom?

Brad: I looked over at my father.

Dad: It is up to you. I guess if I and fucking Jenny, you can fuck your mother.

Jenny: I forgot to mention that she has big pussy lips like I do, right dad.

Dad: Well your mother’s were a little bigger, the last time I saw them.

Jenny: Well now I want to suck on them. Everyone laughed.

Brad: I guess I would like to fuck mom.

Jenny: OK, we need to come up with a plan to get her to that point. Brad, see if you can get mom to walk in on you and see you naked or with an erection.

Brad: What is that going to do?

Jenny: Dad said she has not had sex in years, mom’s fault. Maybe if she gets hot enough, we can use that to get her going again.

Brad: OK.

Jenny: We all sat and watched TV till my mother was due home and I put on my little skirt and top again. I flashed my father and Brad a little, but they are becoming use to seeing me now.

Viola: When I woke up this morning, I felt refreshed. Yesterday was a day I will never forget. I was happy and looking forward to this afternoon. I rubber my breasts and my pussy as I slept naked last night and it felt so good not being restricted in my clothes. I got up and started walking down the hall to the bathroom and as I looked up, there was Steve, my brother watching me. I got startled and said I thought you were out this morning, not bothering to cover up. I watched his eyes roam all over my body.

Steve: No not today, I stammered out after seeing my beautiful sister completely naked.

Viola: I went in to the bathroom and closed the door. I happen to glance in the mirror and looked at myself. My nipples were hard and my lips were engorged. I thought about me just showing myself off to my brother. Then I remembered, I don’t have any clothes to wear to go back to my room. He will probably be waiting for me, to watch me again. I then thought about Jenny and her brother, and how close they are. I made the decision to let him see me if that is what he wanted. After all, I am probably the first girl he ever saw naked. I can help him get over his shyness with girls. He is only 13, he can’t be too experienced, I thought. I did what I needed in the bathroom and then took a deep breath. As I opened up the door, I yelled out “I am finished in the bathroom” and stepped in to the hallway. When I turned towards my room, there was Steve. I had to walk towards him again. I played it cool and said “If you need the bathroom I am finished” as I walked to my room. Steve stopped in the hall just before my bedroom door.

Steve: I saw my sister coming towards me completely naked. I tried to think of something to have her stop so I could look at her longer. I then said “What are you going to do today?”

Viola: Steve never talks to me, why is he asking me questions now, he wants to see me. I thought OK, I will play along. I stopped in the hallway and said I was at an interview for another job yesterday and I start on Monday. So I was going to see a friend latter this afternoon while I did not have to work. How about you, what are you going to do?

Steve: I am just hanging around the house today.

Viola: Did you have some breakfast yet?

Steve: No, I was going to get something shortly.

Viola: I can make something if you want.

Steve: yea, OK.

Viola: Let me put on something. When I said that, Steve’s smile disappeared. He thought he would not get to see me anymore. I walked in to my room leaving the door open and Steve followed me to the door. I knew what I want to wear but made a show of me looking for it by bending over. Showing Steve my ass and pussy. I put on an old robe that I had, which was very short, it just covered my ass cheeks. I put it over me and pulled it together, but not tightly, and tied the sash. I said “OK lets go to the kitchen”. As Steve turned around, I gave a quick look at myself. My breasts were barely covered and my robe as I walked, would open up and show my pussy. In the kitchen I asked Steve what he wanted.

Steve: Whatever, I don’t care.

Viola: Let me see what I can find. As I opened the upper cabinet, I felt my robe come up over my ass. I got some mix and said we can have pancakes. As I moved about the kitchen, my robe started to open up more. My nipples were now visible. I left my robe where it was at. I finished cooking the pancakes. When we sat down at the glass top table, I sat opposite Steve. The robe fell to the side of my legs and I left my legs open slightly. I could Steve looking through the table top at my pussy. I was starting to become wet. After we ate Steve watched me clean up and my robe opened more. We then went in to the living room and watched TV for a while. I had to pee, so I told Steve I was going to go pee.

Steve: I have to pee also.

Viola: When Steve followed me to the bathroom, I thought what the hell, I might as well let him watch me. I went in and left the door open as Steve came to the door. I pulled up the robe and sat down with my legs open. Steve was watching as best he could from the door. I said to Steve, “have you ever seen a girl pee before?”

Steve: I shook my head no.

Viola: Come on over here. Steve stood right in front of me and I leaned back as I began to pee.

Steve: I watched as the piss come out of my sister’s pussy. I had not ever seen anything like that before.

Viola: I wiped myself and stood up. I just let my robe fall down and it opened up more. I told Steve to go ahead and pee.

Steve: I started to panic. My cock was hard. I walked up to the toilet and pulled down my shorts and my dick sprung out. As much as I tried to go, I could not.

Viola: Steve, when your dick is hard, like it is now. It makes it difficult to pee. If you don’t or can’t go right now that is OK.

Steve: I pulled back from the toilet and said, “maybe later”.

Viola: We both went to the living room again. My robe had opened up so my breasts were uncovered. I asked Steve if he want to watch a movie?

Steve: OK, I asked if we can watch my favorite movie?

Viola: I told him we could.

Steve: I put in the movie, and sat down.

Viola: Steve come over here and sit with me.

Steve: As I sat down beside Viola, she pulled me even closer to her and put her arm around me. My head was touching her breast, after that I did not want to move.

Viola: After about an hour in to the movie, I had to use the bathroom again. I told Steve, I needed to use the bathroom, how about we take a break.

Steve: I have to go now also.

Viola: I have to take a poo.

Steve: Can I watch?

Viola: I wasn’t expecting that, but I said if you want too. You go first.

Viola: We both went to the bathroom and Steve sat down on the toilet and took a poo. After he wiped himself, her stood there to watch me.

Steve: Watching Viola take a poo was not to exciting.

Viola: When I stood up my robe was completely open now. I said to Steve, we should clean up in the shower and then we can both go naked for the rest of the day. How would you like that?

Steve: Yes, I mean OK.

Viola: I turned on the shower and we both got in. I leaned over and washed Steve and then washed his cock. I began to stroke him and it wasn’t long till he came. I finished washing him and then said you can wash me now.

Steve: I began to wash my sister. I took my time and made sure I touched every apart of her body. I was most interested in her pussy. I have heard about big pussy lips before, but seeing and touching them made me hard again.

Viola: Do you need to jerk-off again?

Steve: I guess you could.

Viola: Well lets try something different this time. I turned off the water and soaped up my breasts and laid in the tub. I had Steve get over me and hold my breasts as he tit fucked me.

Steve: Tit fucking my sister was awesome. It didn’t take me very long till I came again. I believe I am going to stay hard all day.

Viola: Steve got off of me and I turned on the water and both of us washed off. We got out and dried each other off. As we left the bathroom, I asked if he want something for lunch. In the kitchen I made some sandwiches for us and as we finished watching the movie as we ate. As soon as the movie was over I told Steve I have to be going soon. I cleaned up the kitchen and Steve helped me. I asked Steve to run up to my room and get my car keys.

Steve: When I came back downstairs I asked Viola, “are you going away naked?”

Viola: No, I just want to open my car windows to let it cool off before I leave. Do you want to have some fun?

Steve: Yea, what.

Viola: Lets go out to my car naked and open my windows.

Steve: What if someone see us?

Viola: That is part of the fun.

Steve: No, I am not doing that.

Viola: OK, I will make you a deal. You stand on the front porch while I go out to my car. OK?

Steve: OK.

Viola: I walked out to my car and opened the windows and walked back. No cars came by, although Steve thought it was exciting. I am going to get dressed. Steve followed me to my room and watch me just put on my dress and I left it open.

Steve: Is that all you are wearing?

Viola: This is all I need. Now Steve, I need you to promise me that you will not tell anybody about what we did today, and I mean don’t tell anybody, no friends, not mom or dad or anybody. If you can do that we can do it again sometime.

Steve: I promise I will not say anything to anybody.

Viola: OK. Tomorrow morning after you make sure mom and dad have left, you can come in my room and we can sleep in my bed for a while. But make sure you are clean, if you use the toilet, get a shower or don’t come in my room.

Steve: OK, I will.

Viola: I kissed Steve on the cheek and he walked me to the door. I said “make sure you get dressed before mom and dad get home.”

Steve: I will.

Viola: I got in my car and met up with Jenny on the patio. I pulled off my dress and handed her my stuff and then went out on the beach. Just sitting there by myself was not as much fun as when you have friends around. I walked down the beach and just looked around as I went. I watched a few people having sex and was getting wet and excited. A I was watching one couple with some other voyeurs, I masturbated myself until I had an orgasm. I walked back and met up with Jenny and Alice. I told them both what I did with my brother this morning.

Jenny: You are like the best sister ever.

Viola: No, I bet your brother would say you are the best sister.

Alice: I am feeling left out.

Viola: Well here let me help you. I began to make out with Alice and the 3 of us all had sex together. We all left the beach after a while. This time I did not go to Jenny’s house. I went home and Steve was happy to see me. My parents were home, but Steve kept his cool.

Jenny: When I walked in the house, I still had my dress open and took it off. I said hello to my brother and father, then said I wanted to get a shower. I asked if anyone wanted to join me. To my surprise, both of them said yes. I said OK lets go. In the shower, both of them washed me and my father work on my asshole and pushed in his finger and then loosened me up. He then got behind me and worked his cock in my ass. I said “oh that feels good.”

Dad: OK Brad.

Brad: I got in front of Jenny and pushed my cock in her pussy. My father and I both began to fuck her. Jenny was just moaning and grunting and then she screamed as she was having an orgasm, which made me cum in her.

Dad: When Jenny screamed, I came in her ass and both Brad and I stopped with our cocks in her. After a bit, I pulled out and so did Brad. Brad and I washed Jenny and we both gave her a kiss as we helped her out of the shower. Brad and I cleaned up and got out.

Jenny: As I toweled off, I said “So you two must have been planning that. Which I enjoyed very much, than you. I kissed both of them and we all went our separate ways. They got dressed and I put on the only pair of thong panties I have. I left my lips flap in the breeze.

Dad: Why do you have panties on?

Jenny: Well since you have both just cum in me and there is not one to suck it out. I don’t want to leave a snail trail. We all began to laugh.

Dad: I see, sorry about that.

Jenny: It is OK. For the next few days, I worked, I had sex with Alice, Viola, my brother, and my father.

Viola: I start work today and Jenny is picking me up. I am so excited. I went to the office first and did some paperwork and then Karen brought me down to the locker room and showed me where to put my stuff. Karen told me Jenny would be showing me what to do for the rest of the day. I said OK and pulled off my dress. Karen saw my pussy and said “Oh my”. I told her this is why I was nervous about getting naked the other week, but Jenny and Alice helped me get use to being naked. Karen said “you are going to get a lot of tips with that.” I told her “I hope so” and we walked out of the locker room and as went went through the kitchen all of the help looked me over. By the end of the day, I had everything pretty much under control.

Jenny: After work, the 3 of us had sex on the beach again. I told everyone about getting double fucked by my brother and father. After we all hung out for a while it was time to go home. As I drove Viola home, I told her I was proud of her for going nude on your first day and doing so good with serving the people.

Viola: Thank you, but I owe it all to you. I can’t believe how much I earned in tips. This is way better than working in retail.

Jenny: I know. I have earned enough that I am going to apply for college in the fall and going start taking some courses.

Viola: That is a good idea, do you mind if I join you.

Jenny: Not a bit, that way we can study together. I dropped off Viola and went home. Inside my brother and father said they have some good news. I asked what?

Dad: I am going to bring your mother and Brad to lunch at your hotel on Sunday, what time do you finish your shift.

Jenny: 4pm, why?

Dad: We are going to show up about 3.

Jenny: Ahhhh, I have something to tell you dad. I am working as a naked server at the hotel on the beach. So, if you bring mom, she will see me naked.

Dad: I know that already, Brad told me. But see my job and Brad’s job is to calm your mother down and have her watch you and the other girls walk around showing off your goods. Hopefully, we can show her she is not ugly. Now I understand after work you have sex on the beach also. So I want your mother to come and watch you have sex. With any luck, we can convince her to have sex, hopefully on the beach.

Jenny: You know there are also voyeurs on the beach.

Dad: Yes I know. But what you don’t know is when we were young, I used to get your mother to go topless on the beach and she liked it. I got her to go naked a few times, this was before we were married and there were not a lot of people around.

Jenny: OK dad. I hope everything goes OK. I am going for a shower, anybody want to join me?

Brad: We talked it over and we like to see you naked, but we are not going to have sex you. Until we find out what happens with mom, think of it as our motivation for getting mom squared away.

Jenny: Great, now I am going to be horny for a cock in a couple of days. OK, I am going for a shower.

At dinner that night I told everybody that I was going to start college in the fall. Everyone was happy for me.

Jenny: The rest of the week was fairly routine, and today is Sunday. I kept looking for my family to arrive. I was bending over a table to clean it off when I heard some people walk up behind me. It was my family. My mother saw it was me bending over with my pussy and my lips sticking out and gasped. My father and brother had her sit down. I took in the trash from the table and came back in a few minutes, I wanted to give them time to calm my mother. When I went out, my mother just stared at me, she looked me up and down.

Mom: How could you Jenny?

Jenny: Mom, I like showing off myself and I am making a lot of money doing it. It is fun! Would you like something to drink? I got what they wanted and brought it out to them. I have to go to another table, look at the menu and I will come back in a while.

Mom: As I was looking around, I saw Viola, Jenny’s old friend. Then I saw how big her pussy lips were, I said something to my husband.

Dad: See if these girls can showoff their pussies like this, you can also.

Mom: What?

Dad: Your pussy is just as beautiful as any of these girls. See that one, she hardly has any lips at all and she is not embarrassed and is doing everything that Viola and Jenny are doing. Everyone has some differences, look at some of those naked people on the beach. Nobody looks the same.

Mom: Brad stop looking at your sister.

Brad: I have already seen her mom. I think she is beautiful. I also have seen Viola and I even had sex with Viola. I think it is wonderful to have sex with a girl with big pussy lips. I also have suck and ate out Viola’s pussy, she tastes good and I like sucking on her lips. Mom just watch the people that are being served. They do not care if someone has big lips, well actually they like it, watch as Viola or Jenny bend over. Just then Jenny bent over showing off her lips and everybody at the table behind her smiled.

Mom: Oh my god. This is why you brought me here. To show me I am not ugly?

Dad: Yes, in a way. I love you and I want you to be happy. The kids and I want you to be happy.

Mom: You have told the kids.

Dad: Yes they know about it.

Mom: This is so embarrassing.

Brad: Mom don’t be embarrassed. If dad says your pussy is beautiful then believe him. It is you and your attitude that is making you miserable. Please sit her and have some food and think about how you feel and watch how the people react with Viola and Jenny. No one thinks they are ugly.

Mom: OK, I will get something to eat.

Jenny: So how is everything going?

Mom: We are going to get something to eat.

Jenny: I walked over to my mother and gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek and then told her I lover her. I said, you are not ugly mom. I got their order and left the table again.

Jenny: When the order was ready, I took it out to them. My mother was doing better now.

Jenny: It was getting close to the end of my shift and I checked in with my family. They all were smiling so that was a good sign. I asked how everything was.

Mom: Everything is fine Jenny. You really do like working here don’t you.

Jenny: I love working here. When I first started, I was nervous what people would say when they saw my lips, but no one cares, well actually they like to look at them, and now I like people looking at me. Mom, I also have sex on the beach and let voyeurs watch me. I want you to come and see us as we have some fun.

Mom: What about your dad and brother?

Jenny: They can come too. It does not bother me. Actually it makes it more fun for me. Here let me get some of this stuff off the table. I cleaned up the table and it was the last thing I had to do before clocking out.

Viola and I went over to my mother and family and told them to come with us. We walked out to the sand and I got some towels and laid them down. Alice joined us. I got down and laid on my back and Viola got on me in a 69 position and Alice got behind Viola and licked her ass. We had a good crowd of voyeurs around us. Viola pulled open my lips to show everyone my pussy and then fingered me till I came and she lick me some more. I could see my family watching us.

We all got up and this time Viola positioned herself so she was in view of my family and Alice started to eat her. Alice opened up Viola’s pussy so every one could get a good look. I went behind my mother and hugged her. I brought my hand under her dress and when my fingers touched her panties, they were wet. I began to rub her pussy and she did not pull away. I took the opportunity and began to play with her breasts. I could feel her breathing harder. Luckily she had on a button up dress and I began to open it as I kissed her neck. I had all of the buttons undone and pulled her dress open. I had pulled the gusset of her panties to the side and was now rubbing her.

I tapped my father on the should and her began to kiss my mother. I pulled my hand from her and reach around with both hands and pulled her panties down. I was able to unhook her bra and then squeezed her nipples. I got in front of my mother and kissed her and brought her hands to my breasts and she began to squeeze them. I sucked on my mother’s nipples.

I pulled at my father’s shorts and he knew what I wanted, so he pulled them down. He was already hard. I moved him behind my mother and now he realized what I want him to do. He pulled up her dress and guided his cock to my mother’s pussy and he began to fuck her. I asked my mother her to lean forward and she did. Then I asked her to get on her hands and knees and she went down.

My father mounted her again and began to fuck her. I pulled my brother over and had him pull down his shorts. I saw my father grunt as he came in my mother. I pulled my father to my side as I had him feed his cock to my mother. I had Brad go behind my mother and he started to fuck her as she was sucking on my father’s cock. I heard my mother groan and shake and I knew she was finally having an orgasm, her first in many years. I then saw my brother cum in her.

I went behind my mother and I sucked on her pussy. Her lips were bigger than mine, I began to nipple on her lips and as I thought when I did she had another orgasm. I kept at it until she had several more orgasms. Meanwhile, my father had pulled out of her mouth and she was now sucking her sons cock. I sucked out a load of cum and went and kissed my mother, feeding her the cum as we kissed.

I pulled her up with me and pulled off her dress and bra. I kissed her again and I started walking with her, my father and brother were beside us. She gathered herself and kissed me. I asked her how she felt. She smiled at me and told me she never thought she would enjoy sex again, but today, today I did. I can’t believe you had Brad fuck me.

Mom, I have already been fucking dad and Brad. I guessed that already. My dad came up beside my mother and they hugged and kissed. We began to walk around, I went to Brad and we walked arm in arm.

We all talked for a while and I believe that my mother was ready to enjoy herself again and enjoy herself with her family. When we all got home and after we all got cleaned up, everyone stayed nude and my brother and father took turns eating my mother’s pussy. They gave her so many orgasms, that we had to help her up stairs to get in to her bed. That night Brad slept with me.

Jenny: Two days later, Viola and I had our first naked day. No clothes for me in a day, but Viola had to put on some clothes when her parents came home that night.

Now my parents and brother come to the beach and Viola, Alice and I meet up the them sometimes after work. We have a least 2 cocks to keep us satisfied.

The end!