My husband doesn’t know

My sexual experiences

Hi everyone, well this is my first story I am writing about my sexuall experiences and I hope you enjoy,.

My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breast’s for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in his early 50’s but looked a lot younger, He was so easy to talk to and I just felt at ease with him,

One day I was in my local town and my husband at the time was away on business, I was bored as usual which you get in a small town, then I saw Garry “not his real name”, We started to chat for a while and I asked if he would like to come to my place for dinner that night, he agreed so I said see you around 6.00pm..

Garry arrived on time and he looked stunning , I have never seen him with out his uniform on, he was very distinguished and he had the most nicest cologne on I have ever smelt, I asked him what it was called ?? he said “Sex potion for old blokes” hahaha we both had a laugh. We sat down and had a lovely dinner, and some great conversational talk, of course the conversation turned to Sex and before long I was discussing my sex life with Garry, I explained that I was happy but my husband was only into straight Sex and nothing else, Garry said to me that sounds boring, He then went onto explain that he has seen many different things in his life over the last many years and that nothing really has faded him, he has some female friends that are stuck in the same relationship’s as me and that he organises certain scenarios for the women and turn them in to fantasy reality ” depending on what there fantasy’s are”.

I had to find out more and so he proceeded to tell me that some of his lady friend’s are into Younger Guys, Older Men, Swinging Parties “which he partners them to”, Gang-bang’s, Bestiality “his friend runs the Gold Coast Club” that has Dogs and Miniature Horses, Outdoor Dogging Parks, $100 Housewife Parties, plus heaps more./ I was so fascinated with what he was telling me, he said that each and every one was very discreet and he did not divulge the names of any of the married women or girls to anyone..

I was at this stage wiggling in my chair at the dinner table, It must of been the alcohol because I was getting a little bit wet down in my private parts, I must of had a dumb look on my face because Garry asked if I was all right, I told him that my husband, doe’s not say anything like that in front of me because he thinks it’s a sin, Garry’s response was what a wimp your husband is, if you were married to me we would be doing all sorts of Kinky stuff, hahahaha.

I had a question that I needed to asked Garry,

Me = I said please don’t be offended but I was talking to one of the girls I work with and she said that she invited you back to her place one night and you both had sex,

He looked stunned.

Garry = Yes this was true but she was suppose to keep her mouth shut because I could lose my job if my company found out.

Me = I said that she only told me and everything is ok and I won’t tell anyone, I then said to Garry that she also told me that your penis is pretty large is this true ???,

Garry = Hahahah, well it’s a little bit bigger than the average penis, he said

Me = What is the average size of a penis then Garry, my hubby’s is about 6in to 7in long and very thin.

Garry = Well Kristy let me show you,

Garry then proceeds to stand up and unbutton his trousers and drop them to the floor, I was just shocked that he was doing this in front of me, there he was standing in his Calvin Kline undies in my house at my dinner table,

Garry = Well Kristy would you like to see my cock and judge for yourself or shall I put him away,

I did not know what to say, there was a moment silence and I don’t know whether it was my conscience or hornyness but I had to see for myself

Kristy = I said SHOW ME,

then down came the undies, WOW I could not believe what I was seeing, Garry’s Cock was amazing it was one of the biggest I have ever seen in real life and only the second one in real life as well because my husband was my first and only lover, Garry’s cock wasn’t even erect, I asked Garry how big he was, he said when fully erect it is just under 10in length and girth is around the 1 to 1/5in mark.

It look amazing, so round and smooth and large even though he was not fully erect, i must of had a happy look on my face because Garry said do you like what you see, I said yes I have never seen another mans cock in real life other than my Husband’s, He said really, I said yes My husbands penis is the only one i’ve seen and had in me, this startled Garry he looked shocked and apologised for just pulling out his cock for me to look at, he started to put it away, and for some unknown reason I yelled out NO Leave it out, Garry stopped what he was doing and looked at me and said are you ok with this, I asked Garry if I could get a closer look at it and would it be possible for him to get it fully erect so I can see the full length of it’

Garry said that he feels a little embarrassed now because he did not know that I have never seen another guys cock, I said please don’t be as I am very intrigued, Garry then said ok and he moved towards me at the dinning table and I could not believe my eyes his cock was only inches from me, Garry said that to get it fully erected I would have to make it that way by playing with it…..

So here I am with this cock in my hand starting to get harder and bigger in my home, playing with another man’s cock while my husband is away, I was getting so horny, I looked up at Garry face and he had the biggest grin, plus you could tell he was enjoying me handling his cock, By now his penis was fully erect and VERY LARGE, dam it felt really hard in my hand, I was so horny I just looked at this cock and for some unknown reason I put my mouth on and started to suck on it, I was thinking to myself girl what the hell are you doing ??, but I could not stop I tried to get as much of Garry’s cock in my mouth as possible, it felt so nice my mouth was stretched to the limit but I was enjoying the feel of his cock in my mouth and I could hear him moaning with delight as well, I stopped sucking for a second and looked up at Garry and said if I let you Fuck me you won’t tell anyone, he said only you and I will know, but if we Fuck will it ruin our friendship if so then No our friendship is important to me, he said.

I said we will be just extending our friendship to the next level, Next thing I am standing up from the dinner table and we are passionately kissing, “my husband doe’s not kiss me like this ever”, Garry’s tongue was exploring my mouth and I was loving it…. next thing I knew was that Garry had pulled up my summer dress and was groping around my pussy area, before I knew what was happening he had my panties of and he was pushing my legs apart as he pushed me onto the dinning table, as I laid back on the table I thought my god my husband has never done anything like this I was shaking as waves of excitement flowed over my body with each touch of this man groping me, next thing I felt was Garry some how had put his head between my legs and was licking my Pussy with big long stroke’s from the bottom to the top of my clitoris, OMG what have I been missing out on he was giving me pleasure that I never experienced before, I could not control the orgasim that I was about to have, never in my life had I ever had such an intense feeling in my body, it must have been about 40 seconds before my orgasim subsided, I could not move, my whole body was tingling, I opened my eyes and I saw Garry standing there just looking at me I was still fully clothed except I had no panties on, I looked down and saw that very large cock that I had been sucking on in Garry’s hand, he looked at me and said are you ready for this now, I could only say “YES PLEASE”, I could feel the head of his cock touching the outside of my pussy, as instinct would have it, I opened my legs wider to accommodate this monster that was about to penetrate me, I had my husband face flashing thru my mind thinking what would he say if he saw his wife laying on the dinning room table about to be Fucked by the largest cock we have ever seen,

Garry was starting to push into me now and I could feel his member starting to stretch pussy, i’t was so nice he got a little bit in at first and the sensations I was feeling started to intense again as I was starting to have another orgasim, Garry could feel my pussy convolsing on his cock and you could here him moaning and saying that this is so awesome, I was starting to cum again and by this time Garry’s cock was pretty much all the way in my pussy, he had a great rhythm going and every time he pushed it in me I could feel the head of his cock hit my cervix, my god I felt full, Garry’s rhythm was starting to get faster and faster, my breathing was faster and I could feel the orgasim in me ready to explode, for some reason and I don’t know why but I said to Garry while I was in the middle of my orgasim to Ram his cock in me as hard as he could and use my pussy as his personal Slut Hole…….

I could not believe it, I was having the best orgasim’s I have ever had and the biggest cock I have ever had plus the only second cock I have had in my life and I was in heaven, I did not want it to stop but as they say good things cum to an end, Garry’ said he was about to cum, I said I want to feel it in my pussy and when he shot his load he pushed his cock harder in me with every cum squirt..

Garry was still in me, his cock was still hard but a little softer than what it was before and we were just passionately kissing, something my husband doesn’t do. We laid there for about 10 min before he pulled his cock out of me, I could feel his cum inside me, I squeezed my pussy tight and got up and headed for the bathroom, In the bathroom we have a framed mirror that is just resting up against the wall I grabbed this and jumped into the shower recess, I aim the mirror at an angle so I could see Garry’s sperm dribbling from my pussy onto the floor of the shower, boy he had a lot, there was so much sperm in my pussy I had to stick some fingers up there to pull it out in blobs, I have never tasted my husbands or any guys sperm before, so as I pulled my fingers out of my pussy there was a couple of globs of the whitest sperm I have ever seen, so I just raised my hand to my mouth and stuck it on my tongue, the taste was not that salty from what girlfriends tell me, maybe mixed with my own juices it made it taste better.

After my quick shower Garry went and had one then came out and we sat back down and chatted about the situation, I said to Garry that I have never had such an enjoyable experience in my life and that I do love my husband but he could never satisfy my sexuall needs like you just did. I said to Garry that I would love to do more and have more fun and would he be interested in teaching me, of course he said yes..

This was the first time I had some fun with Garry and I hope you enjoyed the Story, after all he was the one who suggested that I write it and post it on this site for everyone to read..

We have now been having sex for over 4 years and he has shown me some very interesting Scenarios which I am going to share with all you readers. Till my next one. hugs and kisses

Love Kristy xxxx