Lindsey: An unlikely Romance patr 2

This one was short, it was supposed to be part of the previous chapter, not sure other than length, why I separated it

Chapter :2

At the end of September, we had a heat wave that had temperatures over one hundred for a week. The boys asked if they could throw a pool party on the weekend. It was supposed to cool down to the nineties by then. My wife would be out of town for the weekend and she would be the only one that might put a dampener on the fun.

We made arrangements and most of the marching band was to come! I have a pretty big back yard. My property is about three acres and my pool is huge, so a party this size wasn’t out of the ordinary.

I was going to have a cook out, and most of the other parents were supposed to attend, good thing, even marching band can get routy when the want to.

All the usual guests arrived most of the parents just dropped their kids off but there were still seven other adults to chaperone with me. I went in the house to grab extra towels, and on my way back out my doorbell rang. It was Lindsey, he mom had dropped her off without saying a word. I let her in, she was in a tiny green two piece, the had a tank top over the top half, but her little ass was practically bare with that bottom and I almost lost my cool! Sure there were other teenaged girls there that I suppose were very hot, but cognitive dissonance had kept me from thinking about such things. Lindsey made that a challenge! She had her towel in her hands folded over her chest, but when she walked away I couldn’t take my eyes off of her little ass! For such a tiny girl, she had an ass on her! Not bony like an eighty five pound girl would have but round and firm! Her bright white skin and red hair against the green two pice made me hard as a diamond in an ice storm.

She turned and caught me starring! We froze for a second, “I burn real easy, can you help me put on sun block?” I had to think quickly! If I said yes, it might look suspicious to the other parents, that and the raging wood I now have. I was holding a stack of towels over my visible hard on. “I need to grab some stuff, Karen is right out side she can help.” I said in a panic. “Oh, ok then.” She said disappointedly.

I had dodged a bullet! I went up stairs and put on restrictive jeans and a tee shirt, my trunks would show a boner for sure. I told the other parents that I was done with the pool for the day.

While I was cooking, Lindsey just sat and talked to me and Karen. It may as well been three adults talking, we were discussing music, as in pop culture. Lindsey had, as it turns out similar taste on music as I did, Karen was a die hard country and western lover and Lindsey and I were more into classic rock and even hard rock.

The entire party, Lindsey almost never left my side. The one time she did Karen mentioned that Lindsey had a huge crush on me. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that!” She said when I said I hadn’t noticed. “Its natural, you do so much for the kids here, I’d bet she’s not the only one.” Martha added. Martha was Jake, my oldest sons friends, mother. She was helping me serve dinner.

During dinner, one of the other girls invited Lindsey to eat at their table. She wasn’t at first, but I insisted. The adult table’s conversation was all about preparing for the next competition. I glanced over at the girls table, Lindsey was quietly eating while the other girls giggled and joked with each other, typical teenage girl stuff, that obviously didn’t interest Lindsey. Before we were finished, my boys asked if they could go over to Jakes for the night. The two brothers were as close as any best friend and did practically everything together. Martha said it was alright with her. So the boys went up stairs and grabbed clothes and video games.

When the guests were leaving, I didn’t see Lindsey among them. I had figured she left and I didn’t notice. After the last guest had gone I began to clean up. I had taken a stack of dishes in the kitchen when I herd light talking. It was Lindsey on her cell in my den. “Everything alright Lindsey?” I asked. “Yes Mr Anderson! I was letting my dad know I’m ready to be picked up.” She said. “Oh, ok, your welcome to watch tv while you wait.” And I hurried out side. This was bad!

I was cleaning up, picking up beach towels, when Lindsey peaked her head out and asked. “Mr Anderson, where do you keep the dish soap?” “You don’t have to do that sweetie.” I replied but she insisted.

I reluctantly agreed to let her help. I finished up out side probably just a bit too quickly. When I went inside, Lindsey was at my kitchen sink scrubbing a plate, and her bathing suit and rode up just a bit, showing the bottom of two fantastic cheeks. I don’t know why she removed her towel from around her waist, but one side of my brain was thankful, the other side was scared shitless!

She had amassed a large pile of dishes that needed dried and put away. I stepped in with dish towel in hand, and began to catch up. We sat quietly doing our work. I was relieved she just focused on the dishes, because one look down and she probably would have seen my sizable erection!

I had caught up to her, and I reached over her to grab a dry towel off the rack by the sink, as I did she turned to put a dish on the counter. We bumped into one another and when we made contact we both froze! My erection pressed against her stomach and her beautiful b cups against mine. We seemed to lean into it for a fraction of a second, she gazed up at me and I think she was going for a kiss! I panicked! I said “oops! Hey I can finish if you want to relax and wait for your dad.” As I pulled away. With my hands on her shoulders I turned her around and motioned her to my den.

She turned to me, and asked. “Can I put on some music?” I said sure and she linked her cell to my Bluetooth.

I finished the dishes in short time, and the final straightening up had been done. Now what? I was here with a beautiful seventeen year old beauty, and she had a crush on me!

“Can I have a glass of water?” Her question broke me out of a trance. “Yes sweetie.” I got her a glass of water and poured myself a beer. I wanted to ask her to wait out front for her father, but I didn’t want her sitting out on the side walk alone in the dark.

Lindsey went to my den and I went out back to stair at the stars and gather my self.

The music plays through the house, she had put on, “Bad Company” a greatest hits album. I was enjoying the music and had my eyes closed laying back in one of my reclining pool chairs, it was a fantastic warm summer night. I didn’t notice that Lindsey had came up and sat on the chair beside me. I don’t think it was a coincidence that the song “ready for love” came on when she came out.

I was stunned how bold she was! Just as she began to lean in when we herd a horn honking out front. She shot up and grabbed her towel and ran out without saying goodbye.