its for the better

In walked a man looking for some company and the first woman he sees he approached. “Hey baby how about a date.” The woman smacks him and walks away. Next the man approach a woman sitting alone at a table. “Hello daring how about a date.” The woman politely tells him no and walks away. Then in walks a woman who looks like an Amazon goddess. The man says “sweetheart how about we have us a good time.” The goddess replies “sure lets go to my place!” After they get done having the worst sex she has ever had she asks for $200. To this the man replies with a chuckle, “this is when the ladies usually pay him to leave and never come back!”

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anonymous readerReport

2012-10-22 14:21:49
Hey guys, I watched your vioeds and thought .THATS COOL!, make sure you check out our funny prank vioeds too! HEART ATTACK INVOLVED IM STILL ROFL’ING

anonymous readerReport

2012-03-04 02:22:01
For down 2 spaces he asks everygirl to go on a date when they have sex he makes it the worst they eva had so they pay him to neva come bak

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-30 00:37:49
i thought that was an ok joke

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-07 14:19:33
Even after reading the comments I could not understand it yo u mo-fo’,a**hole,2cm long dicker——-6icequeen

anonymous readerReport

2012-01-05 10:37:25
this sucks. i really dnt get the joke