True Story

An amateur nude Mrs Robinson!

I was lucky to get the part of Mrs Robinson in my amateur theatre group as the actress originally chosen for the part in ‘The Graduate’ pulled out just two weeks prior to the first performance. No official reason was given but we all suspected that her husband had put his foot down regarding her being on stage in just her bra and knickers. Considering that the producer had wanted her to be at least topless I think her husband was being selfishly silly.
I had quite openly expressed my feelings that the part should be played naked, the more so after Jerry Hall’s recent portrayal on stage, and so I could hardly refuse when I was asked to take over the part at such short notice. Although I had never appeared naked on stage for our society before I was well known for walking about backstage in a state of undress and actually changing in the men’s dressing room at times. So when the call came I was delighted to accept.
“We are not going to have any ‘diva’ moments regarding nudity are we Mrs Daniels?”
The producer squinted his eyes towards me as he asked. I gave a nervous look around me at my fellow thespians, knowing full well what they wanted me to say in reply.
“No Barry” I quipped “I will play the seduction scene totally naked if that’s what you want”.
“Only if you are totally in agreement Tania”. His reply once again put the ball in my court.
“I honestly think the seduction scene should be played naked Barry” I replied “I won’t let you down”.
I knew that Richard wouldn’t mind as I had already expressed my feelings regarding nudity on stage with him and anyone who knows us, will already know that he loves other men seeing me naked. I knew that he would be thrilled that I had succeeded in getting the part and agreeing to play it nude. The previous Mrs Robinson had been something of a thorn in Barry’s conception of the play and was refusing to undress at all prior to the first night’s public performance – not even at the final dress rehearsal. So you can imagine his delight when I told him that I would play the scene naked immediately so as to get myself and everyone else completely au fait with my nudity.
Stickers were printed with admirable speed to stick across all posters “This show contains female nudity!” as a warning to the self righteous prigs – and give a welcome boost to the takings from all red-blooded men. My suggestion of putting a nude picture of me on advertising boards was dismissed rather more quickly than I had wanted, but it WAS agreed that a life-size nude photograph of me would be placed in the theatre foyer, and several somewhat smaller versions in the theatre programme. You will probably not be surprised to be told that the programmes were all sold out by Wednesday, with a hasty reprint completed in time for the Friday evening performance.
With the play being set in the 1950’s you can imagine Barry’s delight when I first stripped off to display an ample pubic bush. Depilation was not the thing then as it is nowadays and Mrs Robinson would certainly not have been devoid of pubic hairs. “I could kiss you Tania!” was Barry’s first response on seeing my hairy charms “I thought I was going to have to get you to wear a pubic wig!”.
He put his arms around me and cuddled me tightly “It isn’t a wig is it?” he enquired, cheekily running his fingers through my ample supply.
“Your nipples are very light love – make sure you make them more noticeable with make-up”.
Barry was a stickler for perfection in everything, and my naked body proved to be no exception.
“If you are getting your tits out I want them looking at their very best!” he informed me on several occasions “no point in showing them if your nipples can’t be seen!”. I wondered if the same scenario applied to my vagina, but Barry never mentioned it and I didn’t want to bring up the subject, so with the help of Rory, one of the cast who is a hairdresser, my pubes were styled and the hairs teased away from my labia to ensure unrestricted visibility.
Despite this the dress rehearsal brought problems.
“Can’t see you snatch darling! It’s covered in bloody hairs!”. Barry was never one to give subtle hints – Call a spade a spade was always his motto. The rehearsal was abruptly stopped for Rory to get on his knees with a comb and brush, and rectify the problem of my hair covered cunt! “Wouldn’t hurt to get some rouge on the lips too Rory” came Barry’s next ‘helpful’ outspoken thought. I could sense the sniggering from everyone as I sat and spread my legs for Rory to rouge my aroused labia.
“I think you are red enough down here Tania without any further colour” Rory whispered as he stared at my open vagina. “Put some on anyway” I whispered “let’s keep him happy. Just shove enough on to pacify him love!”
“Easier said than done Tania – you are so wet!”
We both sniggered quietly as he attempted to fight against my aroused condition to add extra rouge to my already very red ‘snatch’. I tingled with pleasure as he touched the lips and I feel sure my labia opened wider as he brushed the rouge on.
“Oh my God Tania – you have such a beautiful pussy”. He leaned forward and kissed it. Not a big sloppy kiss, just a little peck, that’s all, but just enough to make it tingle even more.
“Keep him happy Rory – don’t want him telling me to shave the fucking lot off do we?”.
Both Rory and I ensured that the problem never arose again
“Make sure your snatch is visible!” became a regular taunt from the stage crew, with the stage manager kneeling before me each night to check it’s visibility between my forest of auburn pubes.
The week of the run went as smoothly as clockwork. The audiences, generally, were receptive and accepted my nudity with good grace. A few ‘tut tuts’ from very elderly patrons were to be expected, but they were more than compensated for by the enthusiastic applause each time I stripped off for the seduction scene and at the blackout at the scene’s end.
Richard came to see the show four times and was thrilled at my performance and proud of my nudity.
“They are going to want you to strip off in every play from now on”
“I hope so love” I told him “I am really enjoying performing naked, if only in the one scene”.
“Find a play where you can be naked throughout – that should pull then in!”
To say that Richard was my most enthusiastic fan would be no exaggeration. He loved standing in the bar both at the interval and after the performance and having men approach him, saying that his wife was superb, and what a ‘cracking’ body she had.
I meantime was having problems controlling myself during the bed scene with Adrian, who played my leading man. Unfortunately he wasn’t required to show himself naked to the audience and Barry told him to wear his underpants, which I suppose was a good idea considering we had to simulate having sex under the covers. On the first public performance he decided to go commando without telling me. I noticed for the first time as I climbed on top of him and felt his erection on my tummy. I was both shocked and delighted. I began to push myself in simulation of the sex act when his penis slid inside me – and it was no longer simulation!”.
I continued to rock backwards and forwards, fucking myself on his rather large cock. It was when I looked into his eyes that a tingle ran all over my body. I had never looked at him in that way before – after all he was fifteen years my junior. I was beginning to enjoy the situation, and far from simulating sex we were actually making love on that stage. We kissed as only lovers can kiss and Barry wasn’t the only one to notice how much longer than usual the so called simulation went on. How we completed the scene and remembered all our lines I will never know.
“That was fantastic you two!” Barry enthused as we reached side stage. Adrian, his erection now considerably diminished, had cleverly slipped his underpants on under the covers in the blackout which ended the scene, and so no-one was any the wiser. But everything had changed and as we made our way to the dressing rooms Adrian spoke.
“That was awesome Tania!”
“Yes it was – you were brilliant!”
We looked at each other and without saying anything else, we both leaned forward and kissed. I was tingling all over as we pulled apart and smiled.
“Hey you two! The scene is over!” shouted a voice from the wings.
I can now understand why top film stars get divorced and marry their film partners so often. I hadn’t been wanting to do anything other that play a part in a play, but here I was completely infatuated with my younger co-star. I wanted him inside me again and was determined to get what I wanted. Being in such a sexual scene is bound to bring forth feelings in one or maybe both actors, and when the film stars are both fantastically attractive, with bodies to die for, infatuation can lead to love. So there I was, a 36 year old woman, drooling over a lad half my age.
My feelings were rudely and abruptly brought down to earth as Adrian’s gorgeous girlfriend approached and flung her arms around her boyfriend.
“You were incredible sweetheart!”
Their lips met and the sexual chemistry surfaced yet again, only this time I was not part of it. I stood there watching the magnetism between them, and I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. Ah well! Such is life.
Adrian didn’t play the scene naked again during the short run, and so we simulated as we were supposed to. Barry had a gripe each night that the scene wasn’t as good as the first night. WE both knew why, Adrian and me, but our secret was kept …well ….until now anyway. That was my first time naked with our local Amateur Dramatic society, and unfortunately my last. Despite my desperate pleas they have not selected any plays which required nudity since then. But I can still hope I suppose.
There must me dozens of theatre programmes being passed around in our town with the nude pics of yours truly in them – I don’t mind though – I really DO love men seeing me naked.

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My dancing pt. 3 Autumn pt 1

As my teaching went on both in the studios and independently, I joined a social ballroom dance club not far from where I lived. I met a lot of interesting people and a lot of great dancers. Most of the people there were an older crowd which I did not mind in the least. I had grown a slight fascination for older women as it was, however, that’s a story for a different time.
During my time at this social club, I had danced with various women and there was one in particular I enjoyed dancing with the most. Her name was Autumn. She has long curly hair with was a favorite for me. It was a nice dark brown that I was totally attracted too. She had all the right curves, nice sensuous thighs, a great bust, nice firm wide hips, and great legs to follow. This girl could have easily been a model. Every time she came out to dance she wore outfits that accentuated all of her features. She knew what areas of her drew attention and she had no problem showing them off.
I eventually drew up the courage to ask her out and she accepted. I was a bit surprised to say the least. I figured the woman was way out of my league. She was a professional woman, took care of herself, and I figured that I was nowhere near her level. However, she accepted my invitation and I was in no way disappointed.
We planned to meet at a nice sit down restaurant to have dinner. We met up and had a pleasant evening. Me being the shy guy that I was, a little insecure with myself still, didn’t make a move on her. I let things play out. We texted back and forth, kept things innocent and chatted about day to day things. We met up at the social dance week after week and enjoyed dancing with each other. We made it a point to look for each other on certain dances because no one else there was on our level of dancing. She was really friendly and helpful in some areas of dancing that I hadn’t quite grasped. We helped each other out with new moves that one of us might know and the other didn’t. This opened a great opportunity for me.
A few months later an amateur competition opened up at one of the nearby colleges. It happen to land on my birthday. I asked her if she would be my partner as a birthday present for me. She said that I didn’t have to con her into it that way and that she would have done it anyway. I was very grateful and took her out the night prior in appreciation for her acceptance.
The day of the competition came. I met autumn at the reception podium where we were to sign up as competitors. One of the judges met us there. I immediately recognized him as one of the patrons of the social club I was a part of. This was going to be an easy competition since we both knew him so well. Since most of the competitors were younger and less experienced than me and autumn, this was going to be easy for us I assumed.
The competition began with an announcement for the smooth dances. Autumn and I didn’t bother dancing through these as we both know we had a much better chance with the rhythm and latin dances. Boy, were we right. We stepped on to the dance floor for the rhythm and latin portion of the competition and won first place in every category. Damn we were good. There was no question about it. We ended up getting the first place for all around latin and rhythm dancing as well as first place for all of the dances we performed. Since we didn’t dance any of the smooth portion of the competition, we ended up with second overall in the entire competition.
After the competition, I took autumn out to lunch. We enjoyed a nice quiet afternoon together. I hadn’t messed around with the idea of getting personal with her as we had so much fun together and seemed to carry on a bit of a professional relationship together. After lunch, I walked her to her car and sent her off with an invitation to my friend’s house for some drinks as a celebration of our success. I had no intentions in mind, I assure you as she made I very clear our relationship was just as friends and competitors, nothing else. After some nagging, she finally accepted my invitation. I called my friend up and told him of my plans to have a little get together at his house for my success in the competition. The smart thing would have been to ask him first. Being as good of a friend as he is, he of course accepted and made the arrangements. I was obviously excited. I had been excited and teased by autumns body for months. This night would finally be my night, or so I thought.
That night, everyone showed up as planned, autumn made a fashionably late arrival, however, she was dressed to the point that I’m sure no male that was there cared and all the females felt a little jealous. As I said before, she know what she had to offer, and she knew how to put in on display. A low cut halter top and some nice tight shorts let little to the imagination as most of the guys had the mouths wide open and the girls just snickered at her, trying their best to steal attention from the guys, but failing miserably.
The night was finally coming to a close and I advised autumn against driving home as she had drank more than her fair share. She accepted the invitation to stay. Everyone else had pretty much left. My friend opened his big mouth and told her that if me and her planned on doing anything sexual, he could put us in the camper out back, otherwise, we could share a bed upstairs. What the hell was his problem? Talk about cock block of the year.
To my dismay, she said a room upstairs would be fine as she didn’t think anything was going to happen. “Damn it!” I yelled out in my mind. The three of us walked upstairs and got settled in. My friend had bunk beds, the one on the bottom being bigger than the top, so Autumn and myself shared the bottom one while my friend slept on the top. I rolled over and as planning on falling asleep. From what autumn had said earlier, I for sure as hell wasn’t expecting anything to happen at this point.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, pressing my to turn over. As I did I looked straight into Autumn’s eyes. They were on fire. No one could ever mistake that look. She pulled me towards her and our lips met. We started to kiss, softly at first, and then passionately as she moved her tongue passed my lips and into my mouth caressing my tongue with her. My hands roamed her body, reaching for every luscious curve she had to offer. I slipped a hand down into her shorts and started to run my finger up and down her slit. I slid two fingers into her warm wet pussy and started to finger fuck her hard and fast.
“Can I play?” came a voice from above us. “What the fuck are you talking about? Go back to sleep John,” I said. “Stop fucking around or else I want in,” said John. “fuck off, John.” I said, I rolled over and went to sleep with a hard dick and pretty pissed off at what just happened.
I woke early in the morning to someone nudging me. I rubbed my eyes and saw Autumn sitting up next to me. “I was gonna take a shower. Do you want to join me?” she said. Did I? I jumped out of bed and followed her into the bathroom. She turned the water on and stripped down right in front of me. I finally got a good look at her luscious body. Her tits sagged a little bit from the weight of being 34DD but I was not about to complain. She had a great ass I had imagined previously and her thighs were nothing to complain about either. Her completion was a milky white color, just like a glass of milk you’d like to drink down .
We got in the shower and my hands immediately began exploring every inch of her body. I brought my lips down to her tits and began to suck on her luscious and tantalizing nipples. I sucked one into my mouth and flicked my tongue over it as she ran a hand through my hair. She pulled me tighter against her breasts as I kept feeding on them and slid a hand down to her pussy. She was hotter and wetter than the night before. I slide my fingers into her folds and began to finger fuck her fast and hard not wanting to waste any time. She leaned against the wall of the shower and moaned deeply, feeling extreme pleasure from what I was doing to her. She reached down and grabbed a hold of my dick and started to stroke it. “I want you inside of me,” she moaned. I was in no position to protest.
She turned around, pushing her ass out towards me, reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks giving me a great view of both her pussy and her tight little ass hole. I slowly lined up my dick with her gorgeous pussy and slowly began to slide into her. She moaned deeply feeling me enter her inch my gratifying inch. Once I was in to the hilt I withdrew and started to work myself into a nice steady rhythm. Given the limited space, we didn’t have much to work with. I reached around and started toying with her breasts again and also sliding a hand down to her clit. I wanted to give her the maximum amount of pleasure, showing her what she had been missing out on these last couple of months we had danced together. The more I teased her the moan she groaned and moaned, letting me know that she was enjoying every second of what I was doing to her.
I brought my hands down to her hips and grabbed them firmly. As I squeezed her, she bent forward a little more allowing me to sink my cock into her a little deeper. I began to thrust in and out of her harder and faster with every thrust until I couldn’t anymore. I felt my cum boiling in my balls. I wasn’t going to be able to hold off any longer, regardless of how much I tried. I shoved deep into one more time and then I felt myself about to cum. I pulled my dick out from her pussy and began to spray my cum across her ass. As soon as she felt the first squirt, she turned around, went to her knees, and took hold of my dick, bringing it to her lips. She sucked the tip into her mouth letting the rest of my cum empty into her mouth. I was on cloud nine. This felt great. As my cum shot into her mouth, I could feel her keep swallowing it. Once she had milked my dick for everything it had, she got up, rinsed off and exited the shower. I stayed a bit longer, washing myself and getting myself clean. As I got out of the shower, I heard her car start and drive away. One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to let this be my last time with her.

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Curious George 2

This is an entirely true story, the names have been changed. This is the chronicles of my bisexual experience, if you would like to read the first one, it might help.


Ok don’t kill me critics, cus this is long. I started writing this about a few years ago, and it has been published before. The story is based upon truth, names and a few other little details were disguised to protect the innocent. It’s not all sex and action, more about falling in love, and being in love. I tried to make the sex scenes sensual rather than blatant, so I don’t really care if it gets low ratings. However any feedback will be welcome.

Jamie (edited)

I went to a competition to cheer on my friend Michelle, then she introduces me to her perfect teammate
(re-posted with some necessary editing)

caught in drag

I was in my teens and always horny. I loved to where womens underwear and that is where the trouble started

Chooks Mum

Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later …

Sharing my Sister part one

This story relates to events that began in April 1981.
I was 13 at the time and my eldest sister was 15, 2 weeks off her 16th birthday, I was a very shy and naive young teenager with no experience of the female species at all when this started, although I had a group of 5/6 close male friends who had been having group masturbation sessions for around 7/8 months, these started off with just masturbating in front of each other, to actually pairing off and masturbating each other. On the last session I had actually received oral sex off one of them.
Anyway on to my sister, as I said she was 15, had long dyed black hair, green eyes, 5’7″ and a size 12(UK). On the day in question it was a Saturday morning, both parents were out at work, my youngest sister was at a sleepover with one of her friends, so it was just me and Sharon (not her real name) in the house. I sat on the sofa eating toast and drinking tea, whilst reading the morning newspaper, dressed only in a T shirt and pyjama bottoms.
When my sister walked into the room, dressed in a long night shirt, nothing unusual in this at all, she then proceeded to sit on the floor with her back against the bottom of a chair and her knees slightly bent, it was then that I noticed that she had no underwear on and in that position I had a perfect view of her open pussy on view. I tried to not make it too obvious by positioning the newspaper so I could just peer over the top while pretending to read it.M y Cock started to stir immediately before becoming a raging hard on and making a small but obvious tent in my pyjama bottoms. This only went on for a few minutes but seemed like a life time, eventually she asked how long I was going to be with the paper, so I knew I had to try and make an exit strategy without making my hard on too obvious. I put the newspaper down on the sofa by my side and shuffled about to hide the tent.
Sharon then stood up and made the couple of steps towards me and as she leaned over, as if to grab the paper her hand changed direction and in what seemed like slow motion slowly made its way onto my cock on the outside of my clothes, after rubbing her hand up and down it a couple of times, she looked me straight in the eye and seductively said (well for a 13 year old anyway) “so glad you enjoyed the view”. Sharon then momentarily let go of my cock and moved her hand inside the elastic of the pyjama bottoms, and took hold of my cock in the flesh, pushing her arm back so my cock was exposed, she moved her head so she was directly staring at my cock whilst holding it in her one hand, then said “nice, very nice”. she then licked her lips, asked me to stand up, to which I did, while she remained standing, all the while rubbing my cock with her one hand , whilst pulling my pyjama bottoms down with her other hand,. She then momentarily let go of me, and in one smooth move took hold of the hem of her night shirt with both hands and smoothly pulled it over her head and let it fall to the floor, standing before me in all her naked glories (a vision that still sticks in my mind to this day), I took the opportunity to linger my eyes all over her body and saviour every inch of it, especially her full 34 c cup boobs. Making my cock twitch a couple of times.
She then moved her left hand back to my cock and resumed rubbing it, by this stage I wanted her to stop doing this as I knew I would soon cum, so I was desperate to make the situation last, so didn’t want to ask her to stop in case it put an end to the events. So was trying to telepathically get her stop, but she raised her right hand and gently pushed me back so I was sitting on the sofa again, she moved forward and got on to the sofa straddling me, still rubbing my cock with her left hand, slowly lowered herself so just the tip of my cock was brushing just the entrance to her lips. I remember the stray pubic hair tickling my cock, before she moved her right hand down in-between our bodies and opened up her lips before slowly impaling herself on my cock, she let out a low gasp as it entered her, I still remember the wonderful feeling of warmth and wetness as it entered her , she started to move up and down on it, dictating the rhythm, as said before I hadn’t got a clue what I was doing so just followed her lead and let instincts take over , her right hand came up and cupped the back of my neck pulling my head towards hers and slowly our lips locked and started mashing together with teeth clashing a couple of times before settling on an angle that suited each other and started trading tongues, her left hand went over my right shoulder on to the top of the sofa to steady herself. I moved my right hand up to her left breast and started squeezing and rubbing loving the feel of her rock hard nipples in my palm, she had to break off from kissing me to tell me to be more gentle. A s I was close to coming before I entered her I knew I wouldn’t last long , and only a couple of dozen thrusts later I let out a low moan and exploded 3 long squirts of cum inside her. All this was only in a time span of around 15 mins after her entering the room.
As my cock started to shrink she never moved and stayed in the same position with our lips locked while just the tip of my shrunken cock parted the entrance to her lips, I started to feel cold liquid trickle down my cock realising it was some of my cum . After a couple of minutes of snogging she moved her right hand down to my left nipple and started to mover her thumb back and forth across it this had the desired effect and because of my youth, my cock started to rise again, as she felt this, she waited till it was fully hard , before getting off me standing up, taking me by the hand and lying down on the carpet, as I stood up gazing down at her beautiful naked body she smiled up at me beckoning me on to her, and said “ time for round 2, my turn to cum this time.”. I knelt down in between her legs before lowering myself on top of her, she moved her hand in between our bodies and gripped my cock before guiding it to her wet lips, this time it felt quite different still warm and tight but a lot more wetter, only months later did I realise it was because of sloppy seconds and my cum was still inside her. Also this time I had to make the rhythm but didn’t know what to do so again let my instincts take over, my face directly above hers I loved the look of pure lust in her face as my cock went very slowly in and out of her fantastic pussy. This time instead of kissing her I moved my head down and firmly clamped my mouth around her left boob and proceeded to kiss, suck, lick her nipple etc, she grabbed the back of my hand with her left hand firmly pulling my head harder on to her boob, as I increased my thrust rate, she started to make grunting noises and telling me to go, harder, faster harder etc. this only increased my arousement and very soon I felt the inside of her pussy having a ripple effect on my cock and for the second time that morning I found myself emptying my balls inside her, as I did this I collapsed on top of her exhausted, after a few moments she pushed me off her and I rolled on to my side next to her. Looking into each other’s eyes, she propped herself up on to her elbow, leaned across my face and said “thank you, that was wonderful for a first time, so glad it was you”.
This didn’t register at the time, as she locked our lips together for a final time that day, before getting up walking over to where her night shirt rested on the floor, before picking it up and disappearing out the room, I heard her on the phone a few seconds later speaking to her best friend, and could only hear parts of the conversation, and quickly realised it was to Tina her best friend. I heard her tell her the events of the morning but not in too much detail, but quite loudly and obviously for my benefit telling her how wonderful and fantastic I had been, and that she would be doing it again with me very soon, this put a warm glow and a massive smile on my face. The call ended abruptly and Sharon disappeared upstairs, after a few moments I followed her up stairs, gingerly knocked on her door, as I wanted to find out what had brought on this morning’s events. She told me to enter, she was sitting on her bed in just a pair of white cotton panties with yellow roses on them, and she made no effort to cover up. I asked her what had brought on this morning’s events , to which she replied, that Tina had lost her virginity the previous Christmas, and had dared Sharon that she didn’t have the nerve to do the same before her 16th birthday, she had accepted the dare but didn’t really know who to do it with, as she wanted her first time with someone special, eventually deciding on me, she said that she had been trying to entice me for a couple of months but I had failed to take the bait, it finally dawned on me as she said this, that for the previous couple of months, she had been flaunting herself at every opportunity, ( leaving her bedroom door open when getting changed before/after school, coming out of the bathroom as I was passing in a towel/bathrobe and letting it fall open) she said that if only I had said a single word during any of these events she would of pounced on me. But I was too naive to realise it. She also said that as wonderful as it was it would never happen again and never to utter a word about it to any one, despite what she had said to Tina.
She didn’t keep her word as there are a lot more episodes to tell including Tina and some of my friends getting involved.

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Mom plays Doctor

A 16 year old boy gets more than he bargained for when following his circumcision his mom has to help removing his stitches.

My Duaghter-In-Law #2

It’s been a few days sense Angie and I had sex. I’m still in a daze at how I was able to get such a beautiful and lovely woman to have mind-blowing sex with a 60+-year-old fart like me. Angie is my daughter-in-law. She’s 36, 5’4” tall and weighs around 110 lbs with an hourglass figure any woman would envy. Her black hair is down to about her waist and she has the deepest dark brown eyes you’ll ever see. Her breasts are round, firm and full. If I were to guess, I’d say a 34-B cup with nipples that stand up so nicely they beg to be sucked. Now that I think about it, when I was 36, my sex drive was insatiable. A knothole in an oak tree wouldn’t have been safe. Well, that sex drive hasn’t stopped but the ability to perform and last as long has certainly taken toll on me.
Work last night was a pain in the ass. At least the warm shower was doing the job in making me feel much more relaxed and looking forward to a good day’s sleep. I dried off and slipped on my robe to go upstairs for bed. As I top the stairs, I see Angie standing at the stove. She’s in her silk PJ’s and looks simply beautiful. As I say good morning, I step up behind her and place my hands on her neck, giving her a slight squeeze. She says nothing and stands there like a statue. I move my hands down her sides to her waist and slowly encircle her finally placing my hands just under each breast. Angie has the most sensitive tits. She starts saying we can’t do this any more; this isn’t right and that type of crap. Well, somebody forgot to tell her tits cause those nipples became as firm and hard as can be. The little moan coming from her mouth had given her away as well. I tell her we’re grown adults and can do whatever we wish. We have physical needs and they need attention. I said “let’s go to your room so we can be more comfortable.” It didn’t take a lot of talking as she just left her tea and headed down the hall to her bedroom. As I watched that gorgeous ass moving in front of me, I removed my robe and dropped it in the hall. As we enter her room Angie turned around and stood there. I told her to remove her PJ’s so I could look at that beautiful body. As she removed her PJ’s, Angie says we can’t be doing this again and stuff like that. I ask her, Do you want to have sex or not? Just give me a yes or no. She lowered her head as I heard a soft ‘yes’ escaped her lips. I stepped directly in front of her raised her face and looked into those deep brown eyes as I said, yeah me too.
She moved backward to the bed and sat down. I ask her to lean back and lay across the bed. As she did I moved to her side and began to feel those tits once more. I slowly ran my hands all over her breasts; I just had to get my mouth in on this action. I ran my tongue over her breasts and nipples, I’d give a little suck ever once in a while to one nipple and then the other. Angie would let out these low moans and signs that signal her pleasure. I let my hands softly rub her stomach and pubic mound. As I ran my fingers over her pussy, the heat was very noticeable and so was the scent of this woman. I just had to get a taste of that pussy. I started kissing my way slowly down her stomach stopping to stick my tongue into her belly button and suck it once or twice before continuing my journey. Once I reached her pussy, I ran my tongue around her outer lips, up one side and down the other. Over and over I traced my way around her love tunnel. Sliding my tongue up the outer lips and down through the enter lips and oh so softly at the entrance to your wonderful pussy. Angie was starting to move her pussy toward my mouth so I let my tongue slowly enter her. To say this lady tasted wonderful would not begin to cover it. She was so wet and my sucking was only helping her generate more nectar for my tasting. All of a sudden I felt my head being forced into her pussy. She started gushing the most wonderful pussy juice ever imagined. I simply loved going down on her. As her orgasm came to an end she released my head. I’m so sorry for grabbing you like that Angie said. I told her she could grab me that way anytime she wanted. I loved licking and sucking her that way.
I was now rubbing her pussy and pushing a finger into her as I played with her. She slowly took a hold of my cock and started moving her hand up and down my shaft. I’ve had this hard on ever sense walking into the kitchen and I dearly needed relief. I was ready to move on top of her when she said “I’m not so good at this but I’d like to give it a try.” Angie then turned and started to kiss and lick my cock. WOW was I about to cum. As she lowered her head and started to suck and bob, I knew I was going to loose it in just a matter of minutes. Angie, I said, I’m going to cum and I mean like right now. She slowly removed her mouth and started pumping my cock for all it was worth. I shot rope after rope of milky cum all over her and the bedding.
Angie said “I’ve never let anyone cum in my mouth and I’m not sure I’d like it.” I said, that’s something we’ll work on but for right now, I’m fine. I was still running my fingers in and out of her pussy while she slowly played with my cock pumping it back to life.
We lay there and talked and talked about everything. Our fantasy’s, likes, dislikes, everything. I ask her how many men have you had sex with. Angie said counting you, three; my ex- husband, my husband, and now me. I, on the other hand, could not tell her because I don’t know to this day how many I’ve fucked. One hell of a lot.
With all this talking, rubbing, feeling, and playing. I was now hard as a rock and she was extremely wet herself. As I started to kiss her she turned her head so I just ran my lips and tongue down her neck across her collarbone and ended up sucking and kissing her tits.
I was going to take it slow but after looking into those eyes I rolled over on top of her as she lifted her legs to give me access to that dripping pussy. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance and pushed hard. A small pop and I was in once again. Damn was I dreaming or is this girl really this tight. Never in my life had I fucked a girl this tight. I began taking long strokes in and out of her never bringing my cock head out but to the very top and back down again hitting that pubic mound with a thud. Our bodies slapped together and I was jamming my cock into her as hard as I could go. Angie started to moan much louder now and dug her nails into my back. The more she dug into my back the harder I tried to fuck that pussy. We went at it for about 15 or 20 min and finally I had that wonderful feeling every man gets just before he blows his load. Angie was now on the verge of her third orgasm as I let loose my first stream of hot cum into her. She screamed and became very rigid. Her pussy was squeezing my cock and milking me for all I was worth. I shot stream number two and three deep into her pussy as she moaned in delight, slowly relaxed and laid back on the bed. Her face had an angelic glow that was the picture of joy and peace. She was all sweaty and breathing hard almost as hard as I.

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Three Friends

I am telling this story pretty much as it was confided to me by my wife Allison. Ali had taken her time – about six months, and went through much soul searching before confiding in me her dark secret. We are in our late fifties as are her close friends Jessica and Robin. We all live in rural Hampshire about ten miles apart. I know Jess and Robin husbands from the local golf club. We have been to each other’s homes many times for dinners and outings over the twenty years we have been here. In fact I actually fondled Jess in their tack room one Christmas party a few years ago. Ali didn’t make a fuss when I told her – she put it down to too much booze.
My dalliance couldn’t have gone too much further with Jess because of my erectile dysfunction. I had my prostate removed six years ago – after it was discovered to have an aggressive cancer cell. The operation couldn’t save many nerves due to the aggressive nature of the cancer, so I was left unable to achieve an erection. It took several years to come to grips with my loss. In some ways you never can accept a loss like that. I just look on it that I’m glad to have survived cancer. What helped me get over the problem was discovering that Robin’s husband Leigh – my golf partner, was also left impotent by his colon operation. The two of us got a lot of stick about eating pussy for dinner from Jess’s husband Richard – until he was struck down with a mental health problem and lost his sex drive. We jokingly refer to ourselves – only after a few drinks at the club – as the Three Impotents.
The wives never complained – at least not to us. We men felt very lucky to have married such stalwart women who could look beyond the sexual thing and see the relationships for their greater worth. My wife Ali went into an early menopause and lost her sex drive in her late forties due to a bout of depression – so there was no problem for us coping sexually. Jess and Robin seemed to have come to grips with the situation and everything had settled down nicely – or so I thought.
All of us men had been successful in business and none of the wives had ever needed to work – although they would tell you they worked harder at their voluntary pursuits than we did in the city (London). All of the children – between the three couples – seven in total – are through university and on their own. Jess and Rich’s three girls are married and the two oldest have moved to America leaving the youngest just recently married living in neighbouring Surrey. We had a son – Joshua, who died in a car accident on a wet and icy twisting Hampshire road a few years ago – hence Ali’s depression. Robin and Leigh’s three sons are amazingly all in the military – officers in Her Majesty’s Navy. Undoubtedly influenced by their father’s early Naval career and exploits in the Falkland’s War.
Two weeks ago Ali and I had a late night meal at a local bistro and headed home. She said she wanted to have a talk when we got home. My curiosity was raised but nothing ominous. After we got home I made us a couple of drinks and we settled in the den. I built a fire and we sat in our favourite easy chairs. Ali seemed more excited than nervous. She asked me to understand and keep an open mind. My mind was open all right it was running wild with scenarios.
It all happened last summer – Ali had met Jess for coffee as they do most mornings at a local coffee shop in a nearby village. Jess was anxious and seemed most worried about how Ali would feel when she found out Jess’s secret. She wouldn’t talk about it in the shop and asked Ali to come back to her place for lunch – all would be revealed. They got to Jess’s place and went into the study. She made a couple of stiff whiskeys and asked Ali to sit down.
“You’re got my attention Jess – what is this big secret.” Jess stood up and untied her wrap around dress and let it fall to the floor.
“What the hell is that?”
“It’s my cock Ali.” Jess was wearing a strap on semi erect cock about six inches long. It was part of a tight pair of black knickers and hung down as if it were part of her anatomy. “I’ve had it on since we met at coffee.”
“You were wearing that thing in the coffee shop?”
“You didn’t notice it did you?”
“Well no – but I don’t stare at your crotch do I.”
“You are now.”
“Well, it’s not every day you see your friend wearing a strap on dick.” Jess walked over to Ali while massaging her cock. She stepped up close and raised her cock.
“Don’t you want to touch it?”
“No I don’t want to touch it.”
“When’s the last time you held a stiff cock in your hand?” Ali had to admit it looked amazing – dark skin colouring with raised light blue veins and a purplish head. There was a pair of realistic looking testicles hanging down between Jess’s legs. It was complete with public hair and as Jess played with her balls a little semi clear fluid came out of the tip of the cock head, which she spread over the head making it cleasen. Ali couldn’t help herself and without thinking she put her hand on the bulbous head and pulled her hand straight back as quickly as she could.
“My God Jess that feels real – and it’s warm.”
“It should be warm it’s been between my legs all morning.” Then Jess sat on the edge of the mahogany coloured chesterfield chair with her feet up on the cushion directly facing Ali about a foot away. She continued to stroke her cock from the head to the base. Ali was feeling uncomfortable but in a strange way. She would not have stayed in the room with a man who had exposed himself that way – but Jess was … her best friend. They had been at boarding school in Devon together. Her pussy was moist and had already wet the front of her panties. If this kept up her skirt would get wet as she was only wearing a silk thong and no slip. She shifted her bum a little on the leather cushion. Involuntarily her legs were spreading open. “Do you want to taste it?”
“Taste it! Are you joking?”
“Come on – don’t be such a prude – just kiss the head – you’ve already touched it – can’t be that bad – can it.” Ali’s mind was in a whirl and she reached up a held Jess’s cock and kissed the head. “Come on you can do better than that – just put it in your mouth – just the head – see what it taste like.” Ali couldn’t believe herself; she put the head in her mouth and with her tongue licked the underneath and could feel the veins and where the head joined. She stuck her tongue in the slit and tasted the fluid – it was salty. Within a few seconds she was sucking Jess’s cock. Jess was right it had been years since she sucked John’s cock and scarily it was about the same size and feel. Jess gently touched the sides of Ali’s face and smiled and looked up across the room.
“I told you Ali would love it.” Ali turned around letting the cock plop out of her mouth – to see Robin walking over from the hallway door. She was wearing a strap on as well, but hers was a good 9 inches long and big around as a soft drink can. Hers was also part of a panty. It was definitely modelled on a black man’s cock with a huge head that was dripping white fluid from the piss hole. It also had curly black public hair and a pair of massive balls hanging down between her legs. Robin didn’t have a bra on and Jess pulled off her chamois and her breast swung free as she rubbed her nipples.
“You to – have you both gone crazy?” Ali couldn’t help notice how Robin stroked her cock spreading the fluid all down the sides and over the head making it shine. Robin continued over to the chair as Jess got off the arm and slipped out of her cock and briefs. Jess sat back down on the chair next to Ali – she was completely nude now.
“We didn’t want to scare you at first with a proper sized cock – we know you haven’t seen one in a while.” Ali knew she was right and this must have been the reason she was still rooted to the cushion. Jess put her hand on Ali’s knee and started to stroke her thigh. Ali was wearing her favourite silk Morning Glory blue blousy knee length summer skirt. As her legs parted with Jess’s on coming hand her skirt rose up her thighs. She looked at Jess and saw the lust in her eyes as she licked her lips. Robin had sat on the opposite arm of the chair and was still stroking her cock. As Ali laid back in the chair Robin put her cock head at the opening of her mouth and Ali surrendered and parted her lips. She couldn’t believe how warm and sweet – yet salty it tasted as she took about 4 inched into her throat. “No need to worry about teeth Ali – just suck as much as you feel comfortable with. You’re gonna have to learn how to suck cock all over again.” As Ali sucked Robin’s cock – now almost touching the back of her throat – Jess had slipped down between her legs and with her skirt fully around her waist she pulled at Ali’s thong straps. Ali knew then that she would now surrender to whatever her friends wanted to do with her. She raised her ass off the seat so that Jess could pull off her thong and she slipped further towards the edge of the seat cushion. Jess gently lifted her knees and spread her legs wide and put each leg over the chair arms. Ali was completely open as Jess kissed her bush of pubic hair.
“Oh, I’m glad you don’t wax or shave – it’s terrible having your pussy look like some little child. God you smell so good Ali, your pussy is quivering. Look robin she is so excited.” Then Jess’s tongue hit Ali’s clit and she jerked her groin up to meet Jess’s mouth. As she spread Ali’s pussy lips Jess expertly put her lips and tongue around Ali’s clit and started sucking. At the same time she put two fingers in her pussy up to her palm. Ali tried to look down – hard to do with a massive Negro cock in your throat. But, she saw the blood red finger nails disappear in her pussy. “God you are wet Ali – the walls of your pussy feel so good. Jess’s fingers did feel good in there exploring – Ali knew she would be cuming soon. Robin gently held Ali’s neck massaging the cock in her throat.
“Go ahead and cum Ali don’t try to hold back – you’re gonna cum a lot more before you leave here today.” As Jess locked her mouth on Ali’s clit – Ali spit out Robin’s cock and screamed in pleasure. The feelings were wracking her body – one rush after another. The warmth of pleasure started in her groin and moved outwards to her stomach and down her thighs finally making her toes curl. Ali had never felt like this before – it was fantastic. She didn’t notice Jess had moved to her side and was sucking on her left breast and nipple – biting really hard while she pinched her other nipple. Robin had moved in between Ali’s legs and positioned the head of her cock against Ali’s swollen opening. Her pussy lips were bright red and coated in saliva from Jess and her own juices. “I’ll take it easy this first fuck – I know John’s cock was never this size.” She slipped the head in and another wave of pleasure sweep over Ali’s body. As Robin pushed more of her cock in Ali slid further down the cushion to take more. More than five years had passed since a cock had entered her womb – but it was just like riding a bike. Then Robin reached down to the balls attached to her cock and started giving them a good squeeze. As the warm fluid pumped into Ali’s pussy she screamed,
“OH MY GOD – FUCK ME – FUCK ME.” Jess looked down in admiration as Ali’s pussy pulled in more and more of Robin’s cock.
“I told you she was a cock hound – just waiting to be set free.”
I sat there stunned as Ali finished her tale. Both Robin and Jess fucked Ali with Robin fucking her twice. In the last few months they have got together almost every other day to eat and fuck each other’s pussies. Robin being the more aggressive one has even fucked Ali’s ass a few times. I didn’t know what to say and then it hit me.
“Do you have one of these cocks?” Ali stood up and dropped her skirt.

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