True Story

my soul mate never thought to be ( part 1 revised and re written

So this started in the 8th grade around second semester and being a normal guy I had intrest in women.
I loved every thing About em well we had 7 periods of course I didn’t focus on all Of em but it wasn’t me talking or messin around periods All had the girl of every guy dreamed about in my classes a 5,3 105 pound blue eyed blond beauty.
She didn’t need any makeup to look perfect Julie.
I’d always Noticed her even talked to her a select few times but it changed in April for my 16th birthday my dad uncle me my cousins went out quading well I come to say I fucked up I made to sharp a turn that my ATV and I couldn’t handle and needless to say I had fractured my ankle so a cast and crutches were my future for the next 6 weeks of my life.
well my school being big took me forever to move none the less having a 20 pound bag to carry for the upcoming finals well me being stubborn said no to being let out early to switch classes or people helping me.
I was late everyday one day just being frustrated I tried to get out so quickly I fell I felt stupid Moronic for not allowing myself help. as I stayed back waiting for everyone else to leave Julie walked up and asked if she could help me caving in and admitting defaet I reluctantly said yes
as we were walking me hobbling I asked why she had asked to help because she had other things she could do she simply replied.
” I’m like you I don’t like help eventhough I need it I had the frustration u have ”
as I looked over I saw her face her eyes her clothes her body everything was perfect about Her Something about her made her look different but sexy. noticing I was starring at her she cleared her throat then asking if there was something wrong I said no and smiled a little knowing she cought me then I said
” sorry I didn’t mean to stare it’s just your… you ya know I’m trying not to sound like a complete ass but your you ”
” yeah I do know that haha ”
” ass mode completed Jim ” speaking to myself
” how do you know I’m me ”
” iv been starring at you every moment in school that I’m there … god why did I say that ”
I made her blush a little
” I don’t know if I should be offended or complemented ”
” I’m no creeper I just know the most beautiful girl iv ever seen is walking down the hall walking and talking to me for reasons I wish never happened and knows exactly how I feel ”
then I noticed what made her look sexier as I looked Back in to these deep blue eyes is she had the perfect amount of eyeliner to make them pop
” that was the nicest thing anybodys said to me ”
she turned and kissed me on the cheek I started blushing
” thank you ”
” please don’t thank me for the truth that I felt I needed to say I rarely share my emotions with any girl I’m mainly afraid of the feeling of rejection but with you it felt like I knew you wouldn’t humiliate me and that you would instantly understand ”
by then we were walkin into 7th world history she sat next to me at my table with my friends slowly she took my hand into hers my friends are looking at me like how n the hell are you holding hands with HER !!!
after class it was time to leave for home I hadn’t gotten a ride to my house so I sat at school 15 minutes after almost everybody dwindled out as I turned my back to leave.
Julie came through the door
” hey jim wait up I can help you home ”
” only if you want to no obligation ”
” I’d love to ”
As we started walking she admitted
” what you said earlier made Me feel wanted for the right reasons not only to be another peice of ass ”
” I’ve never seen you as a sex object eventhough you are jaw dropping beautiful I see you as a women that needs to feel wanted to be loved to be held and I wanna be that guy to do that ”
” is it bad that your the only guy who’s gave me butterflies in my stomach when you speak its incredible ”
” I hope that’s a good thing ”
” it is ”
We walked for a while I could tell my bag was being a burden on her semi small frame
” let me get my bag back ”
” I’m OK ”
“Julie ! I thank you for carrying my bag for me but I can see its becoming a burden and I don’t burden people ever ”
She handed me my bag
” why are men so hard headed ? ”
” first off any guy you see at school is not a man there a hormone red blooded teenager I know I’m one ”
” why ”
” simple every guy wants to be head honcho of everything being top dog makes them the best easily why most good looking guys have good looking girl friends they’re both the best of the best for both sexes its primal nature ”
” fucking wiz kid ”
I looked behind me defiantly knowing that wasn’t Julies voice and of course head honcho Garret Stevens is walking five or six feet behind me
” shut the fuck up Garret ” Julie bursting out in anger
” Julie why the fuck are you talking to not so slim Jim ” snickering
” the fuckd you say ”
I was livid
” shut the fuck up Twinkie I was talking to Julie ”
Julie went to say something I cut her off
“Are you fucking kidding me you degenerate inbred fuck, you wanna eavesdrop on my conversation try to insult me in front of her ( pointing to Julie ) and think I’m just gonna shut up and back off you are really as stupid as you look ”
He approached me clenched fists
” oh what your gonna punch me please do, do it come on make it nice and hard”
I stuck my jaw out and pointed to where I wanted him to punch me
” come on I can’t wait till you do, leg or no leg I’m gonna beat you back into your moms cunt ”
He hesitated to swing to see if I’d flinch I didn’t move I glared at him
” you gonna stand there all day or can me and Julie go I don’t have all day tough guy ”
” yeah you and the slut can go ”
Before I could swing Julies fist was meeting his nose he crumpled like paper then she kicked him in the nuts so hard my asshole twitched at the point of impact all I could say
” Sssssssssss goddamn ”
She started yelling
she delivered another gut wrenching kick to his man hood and walked away
I spoke quietly to him on the ground
” you ruin her rep I’ll ruin your body ”
I stammered towards her
” Julie! Julie!! Julie!!! ”
She stopped facing away from me I wobbled up behind her and whispered
” julie ”
She turned around her face beat red mascara mixed tears leaving black streaks down her cheeks
” ya did good Julie ”
She leaned into me I dropped my crutches and held her as she wanted she let all of her emotions come flowing out sometime during that time garret got up and stumbled off somewhere after 2 or 3 minutes of crying she started gaining some composure back
” that was a hell of a punch ”
” ha he I know but my hand really hurts ” sniffeling
” lemme get a look ”
” I’m no doctor but I think it I’ll live ”
” haha thank you ”
I kiss her hand and get up to hobble over the bridge as I’m stepping off of the bridge I put my left crutch into the grass it loses grip and slips I follow it tumbling towards the water
” oh shiittt ”
I caught my self right before the edge
” Jesus christ Murphy’s law should be Jim’s law everything that can happen will happen ”
” Jim are you okay ”
She was leaning over me I was looking up straight up in the sun then her body eclipsed mine her face became visible
” yeah ”
” you sure ”
” yeah I’m gonna stay down here for a little ” resting my arm over my eyes
She just stood there
” how bout you join me ”
She sat next to me we stayed like that for 10 or 15 minutes out of the blue I asked
” why ”
” what ”
” why do you give a fuck about me, i was nobody 6 hours ago ”
” you seemed like a legit sweet ass with a few flaws ”
” ah I really am nice aren’t I ”
” I knew I just knew you were gonna get a big head ”
She rolled over on top of me and kissed me ever so gingerly she pulled back and with those Bahama blue eyes stared at me
” was I OK to do that ”
” no yeah um uh its just that’s the first first time I’ve ever been kissed or kissed a girl on the lips
She gave me the best smile not too much but not too little
” really ? ”
” confidence issues remember ”
” right haha ”
” so I’m gonna take a big step more like a leap and assume that you like me am I correct ”
” yep ”
” I’m safe to assume that you like me the same way I like you ”
” yep ”
” god I hope I don’t pass out ”
She gave me another one of those smiles
” Julie ( sighing outwards ) will you go out with me ”
She quickly leaned down and passionately kissed me once I got the hang of it I started kissing back. she noticed I had picked up on how to kiss and opened her mouth slightly running her tounge lightly across my lips
I copied centimeter by centimeter I opened my mouth her tounge peaked into my mouth and slowly she pushed deeper until she had brushed my own I had picked up that she wanted me to do the same and I ran my tounge along hers and she shutterd at the feeling I pulled back
” so I guess that’s a yes ” in between breaths
” Absolutely ”
Some time during us making out she had straddled me and I had the meanest stiffy in the world it was tenting my pants but was restricted about how far it could stick out by the pants, I leaned forward and kissed her again we kissed for awhile before her knees gave out and she landed on my dick we moaned in unison
She started rocking slowly back and forth not speeding up or slowing down moaning deep from within her throat she withdrew from our kiss eyes closed biting her bottom lip she wrapped her arms around me, her eyes opened a sliver she leaned foreword a lowly moaned into my ear and softly blew on it I kissed her bare neck she tasted like she looked
I whispered into her ear
” I’m gonna cum ”
as soon as she said that my load blew god it was the hardest I’d ever came I fell back my body still rocking from my immense orgasm she landed on top of me she was moaning so loud I knew someone herd us
Her body was twitching when she sad
” god that was incredible ”
I looked down and she looked up those blue eyes connected my own and I swear I already knew we were gonna be together for a long time
We kissed then I looked down we were a mess both of our pants were soaked with our secretions she saw what I was looking at
” fuck we can’t walk home like this ”
” what time is it ”
” 3:30 why ? ”
” I got us a ride ”
I called my friend nick who just got out of high school for the day
” sup nick ”
” nothing much man what’s up ”
” hey could you help me and my girlfriend out by picking us up ”
” yeah where you at ”
” the canal bridge closest side to my house pull into the grass and blow your horn ”
” why can’t you wait on the sidewalk ”
” no questions please I’ll owe ya ”
” OK ill be there in 5 ”
We hung up
” I got us a ride ”
” cool ”
I texted nick
” me n her got hot n hvy and came in our pants ”
” lol nice 1 bud ”
” so if you smell something don’t ask ”
” k ”
Shortly after I herd his horn I helped her into his celica
” hey guys ”
” hey nick thanks ”
” its cool where we goin ”
I looked back and she answers
” I live next to the golf club on Langley ”
We drove and dropped her off and headed back to my house
” dude she’s fucking hot no offence but how ”
” dick ( I said it with the straightest face ) ”
We started cracking up
” honestly I haven’t gotta clue other than I was myself and she still liked me ”
” whatever works I guess ”
” yup ”
We pulled up to my house and said our good byes and I hobbled inside first thing I did was take a shower and dry my cast
I walked into my room and hopped on Facebook first on the feed Julie Robinson has changed her relationship status to in a relationship a couple of her friends had asked who but I had a feeling she had went and took a shower so I accepted the relationship message
And boy o boy did her friends not believe it
A couple saying that I was weird some saying her Facebook was hacked then oddly enough a couple people congradulated her I walked out of my room and down stairs and got something to eat
As I was eating I hadn’t even got her number yet
I went back up stairs got back on my laptop I saw she left me a message and noticed the had written a paragraph sized thing saying it was true and that I was a different guy that had treated her like she wanted god I was proud
Then I opened her message
” I had the best day of my life today thanks to you you don’t know how it felt for me when you said what you said I felt like I was in love no body’s made me this happy or feel this way before thank you also I noticed you never got your number so here it is and I herd what you said to garret thanks text me soon bye ”
That’s the revised and rewritten version of my soul mate to be part one please comment and rate

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The ride

Author’s Note: This story I have taken time to write for people’s enjoyment. I would love comments, both good and constructive…. I would really like for those who wish to insult, to keep their opinions to themselves. Please over look grammar, and spelling errors
Disclaimer: This is a true story. I lived this but I added things that were not true to make it a more filling story. If you think you know what parts are true or really want to know, send me a private massage and I might tell you lol
The Ride
David was dead tired; all he wanted was a cold beer and his favorite recliner. As he pulled into his drive, his wife Tina, his daughter Kelly and her best friend Tara came out of the house. David groaned he knew what was coming. Every time Tara comes over it is always up to him to take her home. It is not like he didn’t like her, in fact she was a hot little fourteen year old girl, and she always wore the skimpiest out fits, like the one she was wearing right now. A short white skirt and a red skin tight half t-shirt.
“Sorry honey but Tara’s mother called and she has to get home. The girls were planning to spend the night together but something came up. Do you mind taking her home?” Even though Tina made it sound like she was asking after twenty years of marriage he knew better than to think it was anything but an order. He didn’t even bother shutting the car off; he only put it in reverse. He was so lost in his brooding that at first he did not notice the front door being open and
Tara sliding in. Normally both girls sat in the back sit and giggled all the way to Tara’s house. Seeing his confusion Tara smiled. “Kelly had to help her mom with something.” She said
For about the sixth time Tara shifted in her seat, as if she had to pee or something, he glanced over and saw that again her little skirt slide farther up her firm smooth thigh. “Thank you for taking me home.” She said. “No problem Tara.” Although less than ten minutes ago he was pretty ticked off because he had to make this long drive, and all he wanted was a cold beer, looking at her silhouetted in the early evening sun through the window he really didn’t mind, and that cold beer didn’t seem very important anymore. He had to admit she was a knock out, even at fourteen. Her hair was long down her slim back and the color of polished gold, in the sunlight there were natural red high lights, giving her a fiery glow. Her skin was smooth and deeply tan from all the time she spends outdoors. She has high firm breasts, that he guess were a solid c cup, a slightly pooched stomach, not really fat, or chunky, but sexy. Her hips flared nicely. Her legs, god how he loved those legs they were long and shapely looking at them a man had images of them wrapped around his head, his waists, squeezing him. He felt his dick stiffen. He quickly looked back out the windshield.
“You know the girls at school have you at the top the most fuckable list?” She said this as if she were commenting on the weather. David’s hands gripped the wheel tightly. “The what?” Tara giggled it was a musical kind of sound. “The most fuckable list, it is a list we make of men and boys we wouldn’t mind fucking, and you are at the top, in fact you’re third on the list. With four stars.” She said this as if impressed. “What do the stars mean?” God help him he didn’t know what made him ask this what he should be doing is changing the subject. She giggled again. “Those are guesses.” “Guesses?” She shifted again, this time turning to face him. Her skirt slid even farther up her thighs, his blood picked up speed if she moved one more time he will get a clear view of her panties. David mentally kicked himself, what kind of pervert was he that he was trying to get a glimpse at a little girl’s panties. “The stars are a guess at how big your cock is. I guessed at least 8 inches long and at least 1 in a half around.” She giggled again at the shocked look on his face.
Tara laughed again and slid a little closer. “Am I right?” she asked boldly placing her hand on his leg, just above his knee. David knew a tease when he saw one, and this one was a big tease, judging by what she said. “That is none of your concern.” He said taking her hand off his leg, and trying to sound disapproving. He thought the rebuff would cool her jets, but it only made her laugh. She turned more in her seat; David noticed that her skirt went up a few more inches. “So are you saying you never wondered what I look like down here?” she asked boldly, placing her hand right on her crotch. He tried to laugh it off. “Does it really matter if I have? You are only a child.” Again if he expected this to offend her, or put her off, he was wrong. “I know you have. I have seen you watching me. You really get turned on by my chest.” She ran her hands up her body to cup her breasts. He had to admit that at the tender age of fourteen she did have a nice chest. More than once he had wacked off to thoughts of this hot little piece. She cupped and pinched her nipples it was then he realized she did not have a bra on. Her nipples poked and stretched the tight material of her top, in the most mouthwatering way.
She moaned softly, and slid her hands down to her crotch again. “I’ll make you a deal, you show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” She purred grabbing a handful of her skirt. David sat there not daring to move or talk, he wanted to see just how far she was going to take this. Part of him wanted her to stop, while he was still rational enough to walk away; But there was a deeper part that did not want her to stop, and if he was honest a bigger part. She must have seen that in his eyes, because she shifted again, this time placing one small foot on the dash and slowly lifting her skirt.
What he saw made his heart slam into his rib cage, she was not wearing any panties, there facing him was a small smooth breath-taking pussy. There was moisture on the perfectly shaped outer lips, and her clit was large and looking very tasty. He inhaled deeply, he smell her sent already, she was warm and wet, and if he was mistaking she was very horny. She ran a small finger up her slit, “come on daddy show me how big you are.” She whispered, running a hand up his leg. “Oh daddy is very hard; and those pants must be very tight on daddy’s cock.” She slid down his zipper, normally David was a boxer man but he did not grab a pair this morning. She nearly purred as she released his throbbing cock. ”Oooo daddy you’re bigger than I thought!” Her small hands wrapped around his aching flesh. “So hot and so hard.” She whispered. She leaned over and allowed saliva to slide out of her parted pink lips, over his hot cock head; he could swear he heard a sizzling sound, as the spittle ran down his aching shaft. Squeezing his rod, she ran her hands up and down his pecker. David closed his eyes he was in heaven.
Roughly he shoved her off of him, for a second she looked confused. But when he jerked the car into gear, she smiled when she saw they were going in the opposite direction they had been going before. With a giggle she moved to place her back against the window. Spreading her slim legs as far as the seat would allow; she pushed her skirt up to her waist. David felt his cock twitch as he looked at that beautiful bald pussy. He could not seem to look his fill of it, when her hand slid down; he nearly crashed into the back of car parked at the red light, as her finger slid into her sopping wet pussy. “Mmm I’m so wet.” She purred pulling her finger out; sunlight glistened off a drop of pussy juice clinging to her finger. He had to taste that, grabbing her hand he pulled it to his mouth and sucked her finger hungrily.
Thankfully the turn off he was looking for was there before him, he did not know how much longer he could stand her teasing. As he turned the car off, she slid back over to him, and slid her hot tight mouth over his engorged flesh. He inhaled deeply as she ran her tongue up and down his shaft; her small hand wiggled into his pants to cup is heavy balls. She seemed to swallow his whole cock with each bob. He couldn’t help but groan when he thought about his eight inch cock sliding down her throat. He didn’t know when or how, but all of a sudden he was fucking her mouth, and she was taking every inch of him in. His hand rested on the back of her golden head, but he was not pushing her down, he was pumping forward into her. She moaned and purred each time his cock head slipped down her throat, the vibrations sent waves of pleasure through his cock and settling in his balls, churning the cum inside them, until it felt like hot lava rolled in his sacks. “ AHH fuck stop! Stop, I’m about to cum in your mouth.” He groaned out, his wife never let him cum in her mouth. He tried to pull her off, but she sucked harder. Swallowing hard causing her throat to constrict on his hot rod. This was too much. He couldn’t hold on any longer. “ Ohhhhhh fuck… holy shiiiiiiiiit.” Load after load of hot cum shot down her throat, he could hear her slurping and gulping, some slipped out, running down his cock. He held her still as he pumped. He had never exploded like this before, but his cock shot off like a machine gun, white stringy cum filled her mouth. When he finally stopped it seemed like five minutes later, she let is softening cock slip from her lips. She licked the cum from his shaft. “ MMMMmm daddy you filled my tummy up.” She sat back rubbing her tummy as if full from a huge feast.
She opened her legs, he could see the wetness on her thighs. “ Oh daddy I’m so wet.” She moaned running her fingers over her swollen clit. He felt his cock stir, he could not remember the last time his cock was ready to go again so shortly after cumming, not even in the early years of his marriage; but this little minx had his cock jumping. He watched mesmerized as her hand flashed up and down over her clit. Little moans and mewls slipped from her parted lips. David nearly leaped from the car; reaching in he pulled her out. At first she was little worried, but he picked her up and placed her on the roof. He nudged her knees apart. Placing himself between them, he buried his face in her sweet snatch. She moaned and cooed as his tongue slipped inside her hot little hole. She tasted of honey, and wild places. David could not recall the last time he tasted a pussy this sweet. In a few licks she was humping into his face, rubbing her hard clit on his nose, and fucking his tongue. Her small fingers were buried in his hair, pulling him even closer to her. Her legs were tossed over his shoulders. She bounced and pushed against him, he had to grab her hips. “Oh fuck daddy, eat me, eat my fucking pussy.” She moaned, “Right there, oh yesssss!” she was like a wild hell cat, her nails dug into his shoulders his scalp. She thrashed against him. “Fuck daddy I’m gonna cum!! Ooh shiiit!! Oh god!!” David clamped his mouth over her sweet fuck hole. His tongue pushed up inside of her as far as he could get it. He loved it when a women’s juice coated his tongue. Hers not only coated his tongue but filled his mouth, the force of her orgasm pushed his tongue out of her. Her cum ran down his chin. David was amazed at how much cum her little body shot out
Tara was in a daze, she had masturbated many times, but this was the first time she ever had an orgasm by another person. Her body tingled all over. Her heart felt as if it were about to break out of her chest. She was so lost in the afterglow, that she did not notice he was lifting from the car until she felt the roughness of his shirt against the inside of her thighs. She opened her eyes to look into his. There was such a hunger in his eyes, it was almost animalistic. Hypnotized she didn’t understand what was happening until she felt the head of his steel hard cock, until it was stretching the opening of her pussy. Panic hit her. This was not what she wanted, she was a virgin! And this was not what she had planned. Before she could say anything, he slammed home, driving his cock deep within her. The pain was unbearable. She thought she was going to faint.
David froze he did not expect her to be a virgin! Oh god what had he done? The small frame was shaking in his arms; he felt her sobs more then heard them. He tried not to think of how tight she was, how her pussy was squeezing his cock. But god damn she felt so fucking good. “I’m sorry.” He moaned in her ear, rubbing her back gently. “Tara? God I did not know I am so fucking sorry, but Tara I can’t stop! You feel so fucking good. I’ll make it good I promise. Tara say something.” He pleaded he need her to agree god help him if she turned cold now.
Tara didn’t know if it was his pleading or the pain in his voice, or the fullness in her pussy, but the pain vanished; in its place was a warm wetness that seemed to seep through her whole body. She moved her hips a little. The feeling was amazing, she felt her body stretch and move to make room for him. After that she couldn’t keep still, she pushed against him, needing to get more of him inside of her.
David’s jaw clenched, He didn’t move. He did not know where he found the will, but he had to stay still, he had to make it good for her. “That’s it baby, fuck yourself on my cock.” He purred. With his strong hands supporting her firm young ass, he slid her up and down his shaft. “Help me daddy I am so hot.” She begged. “What do you want baby, tell me.” David slid her a little harder down his cock, holding her still when she tried to slide back up. “Daddy? Please… Please” She wasn’t sure what she was asking for; but he knew. “Tell me what you want baby?” he demanded rotating his hips a little. She bit her lower lip as a moan slipped from deep within her chest. “Oh god daddy fuck me, fuck me hard please fill me with your cum.” Her claws dug into his back.
Those words shattered his self-control. With a primal growl he slammed their combined bodies on the hood of the car, “God yes daddy take me.” She wrapped her legs around him, nearly squeezing him to death, but he did not notice. All he knew what that his cock was in heaven. Her body held him like a glove, as if she was made for him. He pumped deep into her, with each stroke his cock would ground out; he had never had a pussy this tight. He looked down she was thrashing about pushing into his every thrust. Her golden hair flowed about her head spilling onto the car hood. “Yes fuck me… fuck me daddy.” She pulled at his shoulders, squeezing him her pussy pulsed and quivered around his cock. David held off, as he watched this wild untamed sex goddess pound herself into him, using his cock to please herself. “That’s it baby, cum for me. Cum all over my hard cock deep inside of you.” He encouraged.
Tara couldn’t hold still her heart was racing; her blood was pounding in her veins like a pagan drum. “Oooo fuck daddy!! Oh I’m going to cum all over your cock. OH MMMMmm fuck dddaaaaaadddddy!” her body rocked as wave after wave of hot release washed over her, her small hands dug deep into the strong muscles of his back, her legs locked around his hip. Her juices gushed out and around his cock, soaking his pants, running down his legs. That was all David could stand. He began pounding into her flesh until his own release exploded. Filling her little womb with his cum. She felt his hot seed splash against her inner walls, felt every twitch every jump of his dick as his hot seed ran out of her pussy and down her butt crack. This feeling cause her to gush again.
David collapsed on top of her, his legs felt like rubber, his head pounded with every beat of his heart. The hot air around them was filled with the scent of sex normally he would be heading to a shower right now, but the smell only increased his glow.
He didn’t know how long they stayed that way, with his cock still buried deep inside her tight pussy, but the sun had fully faded from the day. He slipped out of her; their combined juices ran like river out of her body. That site rocked his world; her small body laying across the hood of his car, her pussy stretched wide open from his cock, and his cum leaking out of her. For the first time in his life he wanted to bury his face between her legs and feast on the taste of their love; but it was getting late. He pulled his pants up and looking in the car, he found a t shirt in the back seat. Gently he cleaned her up. She didn’t seem to have the strength to move. When she was all clean he picked her up and cradle her in his arms, she was so small, and so beautiful in the moonlight. She touched his cheek. “I am sorry I took your virginity, but I am not sorry we fucked.” He knew it sounded stupid, and he wasn’t sure why he did. She laughed. “I’m not sorry. At least not anymore.” She reached up and kissed him full on the mouth. In that tender moment, David knew he was lost, this small, wisp of a girl owned him. Body and soul………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Alone at work

This is something that happened to me years ago at a previous job and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I’ve only talked about it to one other person and not even my bf knows about it. Full warning this is a true story of a rape. I’m not looking for sympathy, or looking to make people feel sorry for me. This is something that turns me on, an incident that started my forced/reluctance kink, and possibly transformed me into the dirty little slut I am today.


I was still seeing both Amanda (a new neighbor from out of town) and Renee (a college girl with a boyfriend.) They knew about each other but had never met. I was telling them both everything that was going on. (I try not to lie.) As a result, the two had entered into a strange competition for my attention. Although Renee was more attractive of the two, she would not go ‘all the way’ because of guilty feelings regarding her boyfriend. We had done just about everything else though. Anyway, the whole thing was very dangerous and unpredictable. It was time for me to step in and take control.

Massaging Sister and Mother – Part 2

If you read “Massaging Sister and Mother – Part 1” you will know about the loving and exciting experience I had with my sister Meg, when massage led us into a very pleasurable and intense sex life. One day, however, I had the most surprising and unexpected experience:
My sister and I usually had our hot sessions on Mondays and Fridays around 4PM, as I came from school a bit earlier and at that time she arrived from her part-time work, after her morning college body therapy classes. My mom and dad worked until 8PM. One Monday, I knew my sister would have to work until later, so I was surprised when I heard the door slam at 4PM: it was Mom. “What happened, Mom?” I asked, and she said she was not feeling well, too tired and got a body ache, so she took a few hours off. She went to the kitchen to fix some tea, and from there she yelled: “Sweetie, Meg tells me you do her a great massage, can you give me a hand? I certainly need it.” I was somehow confused, very curious, but of course I could not say no.
I set the massage table in Mom’s room, more spacious than ours, spread out the towel and she came in dressed in a robe and with a towel in her hand. She turned back, undressed, lay down and covered her ass with the towel. I was ashamed to try to peek. I started my routine: head, neck, shoulders, and back until the towel line at the lumbar. When I did her back I could take a good view of the side of her boobs, much bigger than my Sis’ and compressed against the table. I decided to probe a bit and massaged the lateral of her body, coming very closely and sometimes even touching lightly her lovely and soft breasts. She did or said nothing. My Mom’s body is quite different from Meg’s: she is shorter, a bit chubby but not fat, much bigger boobs, but anyway very pleasant to the touch and to the sight.
Then I moved down starting at the feet and moving up to the calves and thighs. When I reached there, her legs were already partially apart, and she opened them even more when I did her inner thighs. She started to moan, softly first, than more loudly when I approached her covered area. With her legs open, I could see from under the towel the dark area of her pussy and the fold of the buttocks. I moved closer, but did not have the courage to touch her there. I decided to probe first: “Ma, if you want me to touch you up here we will have to move up the towel a bit.” “No worries, Sweetie, Meg told me you do a great job and it’s even better than I had thought. Go ahead and do your best!” Having said that, she took the towel and tossed it away, lying face down totally naked, her round ass exposed and giving me a good idea of her pussy area. I moved up slowly, my fingers coming close to her pussy lips, and when she moaned louder and raised her hips I had no doubt about what she wanted. I started to touch her pussy, opening her big lips, until I slid my whole palm between her legs, against her hairy pussy. I moved my hand back and forth, from her ass cheeks to her clit, sliding one or two fingers inside her vagina when I made my movements. She was out of control, moaning, shaking, raising her hip, pressing her pussy against my hand, and I am pretty sure she orgasmed at least twice in a few minutes. When I felt she relaxed a bit, I asked if she wanted to turn over. She said yes, but instead of turning on the table she stood up, saying that the table was too hard, and that she preferred to finish in her bed. There she was, I now had the chance to see her totally naked, her enormous boobs and bushy pussy, a tempting smile and a naughty look in her flushed face.
She lay down on her bed, legs wide open, and said “Come to Mommy, Sweetheart!” She was not a model, but definitely she got a sexy, voluptuous body! I lost no time and started caressing and sucking those lovely breasts, while she tried to release my hard cock. I helped her in removing my shorts and my hard dicked jumped out. She took it, held it firmly and said: “Jack, dear, it’s so big, I need it so badly, come to me.” I positioned myself between her legs, put my cock between her bushy lips, and started do push in. She raised her legs over my shoulder and in no time – she was so wet – I was totally inside her, my balls slamming her crotch. I pumped fiercely, seeing her closed eyes, open mouth and her melons shaking violently up and down, and soon I exploded inside her. She did the same, trembling and screaming. I gently lay my body over hers, held her and we turned side wards, where we stayed hugged, catching a breath.
She was the first to speak, saying she was sorry to have set me up with my sister: she told me that my father had lot interest on her, and she was very sad, frustrated, and sexually in need. She had eventually unburdened her heart to Sis, who took pity on her and told her about our adventures, and that I should be able to relieve her. “I thought it would be some touching here and there, though, I had no idea it would be so fulfilling, if you know what I mean” and looked me naughtily again. I smiled and said that it was no sacrifice at all, and hugged her tight, squeezing her boobs against my chest and my semi-hard dick against her pelvis.
“Darling” – she said – “let’s shower together as we did when you were a little boy?” Of course I said yes, and we walked to the bathroom. The warm water was nice, and she started wash me with a sponge, while I did the same to her with my bare hands: her boobs, pussy, inside her ass cheeks, everything. Of course, when I did that and she washed my cock I started getting hard again. She smiled and said “Well, well, my little boy is still hungry, aren’t you?” and having said that, she carefully washed all the soap out, turned off the shower, went down on her knees and started giving me the best blow job ever. She licked, swallowed half the cock, sucked the head hard, while she played with my balls and along my shaft with her plump soft hands, with rhythmic movements. When she felt I was totally hard, big, and it seems she was also horny enough, she raised, turned around, and said “Mommy is hungry too! I need some more meat” I started to position myself, but she said: “No Sweetie, now I want in the back.” She bent over a bit with two hands on the wall, raised her hips, and offered me that big hot ass. I was so horny not only with the situation, but also by hearing mom – always so conservative and shy – say all these provocative and blunt words. I opened her cheeks, aimed my cock right at her asshole, and started to press gently. My Sis had told me to always start very gently. It was difficult, we had washed out all our natural lubrication, but she tried to accommodate her asshole around my cockhead and asked me to play with her pussy to help. I did so, and soon she relaxed enough and I had produced enough fluids to squeeze my whole dick in. I kept playing with her bush and pussy lips with one hand and with one big boob with another, and started to pump faster. It was incredible: she was relaxed enough to easily accommodate my thick dick inside her ass, yet it was so tight and warm! My mom started again to moan, to move her body with me, and she was certainly having a good time. In a couple minutes she accelerated her movements and sounds, I did the same, plunged two fingers inside her, and squeezed her boob. It was taking a bit too long, as we had come no more than 10 minutes earlier, and she came for the kill: she yelled “Jack, my boy, fuck Mommy’s ass with that beautiful big cock, don’t stop, go deeper, give it to me, put another finger inside my pussy, yes, that way, squeeze mommy’s big tits, yes, fuck me hard, fuck mommy’s ass, harder, deeper, deeper, yeeeahhh…” and she started to cum, screaming, and I followed her instantly. I could not believe I had just climaxed in my mom’s asshole!
She washed her up quickly, kissed softly my mouth and said she had to start preparing dinner, but I should take my time. Before leaving the shower, she hugged me and said: “Sweetie, thank you so, so much. I needed that a lot! If it’s OK with you, we can set a massage appointment every Wednesdays at 4. I will tell my boss I will have to start early and leave early.” I only opened a big smile and said “Of course, Mommy!” But she continued: “I am happy you agreed. Of course, I can’t pay you, but I will let you fuck Mommy in her pussy and in her asshole, if it’s not too much sacrifice for you.”
She left still naked, walking sensually, with a smile in her face, and I stayed there as if waking up from a wonderful dream: a couple months ago I was a virgin teen spending my afternoons surfing the web for porn, occasionally peaking at my semi-nude sister, and jerking off like crazy. Now I had regular massage and sex with Sis, and I had just included Mom’s lovely body, pussy and ass in my busy weekly schedule!
PS – You, early cummers who criticized Part 1 because there was no Mother and obviously no Parit 2 yet, can apologise now. I hope you enjoy!

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Jessica Part 9 Judi gets involved

I’ve recently had the chance to bring Jessica to Judi. If you haven’t read the first 8 parts of this, you may want to, although, just as our experience stands alone as a new chapter on our lives, I think the telling may also.

Scout’s Honor

I guess you could say my childhood was a pretty typical one. I was the oldest of five kids, and spent the first 12 years of my life growing up in a Dallas suburb. I attended a Catholic grade school, and our church sponsored both Cub and Boy scouts. When I was old enough to join the Boy Scout troop at the age of 9, I was excited because I could finally go out on overnight and weekend camping trips.
The first few camping trips were a lesson for me in how to set up a tent, build a fire, and time spent hiking and fishing. I wasn’t really close to any of the other boys, but we all went to school together so everyone was on good terms with each other. I especially liked sitting around the fire at night and listening to the older boys and our scoutmasters shoot the breeze about all kinds of topics.
The summer I turned 10 I went on my first extended camping trip. The family of one of the boys in our troop owned a nice piece of property about 2 hours drive from the city. It was about 300 acres with a small lake and a couple of creeks running through it. It was a four day trip, and I was really excited to be away from home for that long for the first time. My parents surprised me with a small pup tent before I left, and after my dad showed me how to set it up, I was ready to roll.
We spent the first afternoon setting up camp and exploring the area. It was June and already hot, at least 90 degrees. Some of the guys suggested a hike to the lake, about a mile or so from camp. I ducked into my tent and changed into my swimsuit and pulled on a t-shirt and sneakers. I set out with the other kids for the lake, there were about 12 or 15 of us, ranging in age from 10 to 15. Looking back, I wonder why I didn’t notice that only half of us were in swim trunks, with the others in their khaki hiking shorts. I was definitely in for a surprise.
When we got to the lake, I wasted no time taking off my shirt and sneakers and waded in the warm water with my friend David, who had just turned 11 a couple of weeks before. We swam out a ways and were chatting when I looked back and saw some of the older kids peeling their shorts and jockeys off and heading into the water naked. I was shocked! I had never seen another guy naked before, and a couple of the older guys were sporting the first pubic hair I had ever seen. I remember looking at David and saying “They’re going in naked!” We were both kind of amazed and tried not to stare but it sure wasn’t easy. I asked him if he had ever gone swimming naked, but he said no. That led to more questions: when does your hair start growing down there, how come his looks different than his…a lot of curiosity.
At the time, I knew my penis would get hard sometimes when I took a bath but wasn’t sure why. I remember I liked the feeling of draping a washcloth over it in the tub, but that was the extent of my exploration. We hiked back to camp and I spent the rest of the day wondering about what I had seen and if it would happen again. I really wanted to see the other guys naked again.
Nothing eventful happened that day, and after a good night’s sleep we spent the morning hiking and fishing. Later that afternoon David and I were out with some other boys gathering firewood, and when I got a chance I asked him if he had ever seen another guy naked. He said he had seen his cousin’s penis once when he was peeing but had never seen a guy totally naked until we both did the day before at the lake.
Later after dinner we were sitting around listening to the evening fireside conversation when David asked me if I wanted a candy bar. His dad was assistant scoutmaster, and I had pitched my tent next to theirs. We were walking back to his tent when Kevin and John, two of our older troop members, caught up to us and asked how late we were going to stay up. I didn’t really know, I liked staying up around the fire until everyone left and so did David. Kevin said they were going to stay up for a little while and asked us if we wanted to come back to their tent for a while. Naturally I was all for it, thinking it would be cool to spend some time with the older guys. Kevin was 13 and John had just turned 14 and both seemed so much older than David and I. We went back to the campfire for while, then after a bit John said he was heading back to their tent to read some comic books. Kevin invited us along, and so off we went to their tent, which was about fifty yards away at the edge of a small patch of woods.
We ducked inside and they broke out their comics and flashlights. We made small talk as we read, but finally Kevin steered the conversation to the skinny-dipping session of the day before. He asked how come we didn’t swim naked, had we ever done it before, and then finally had we ever been naked with another guy. My heart was pounding and I didn’t know what to say, but David answered for both of us, telling him no. Then they both asked us what we knew about how a guy’s body changes when they got older, and naturally we had no clue. But David said we both saw yesterday that they had hair down there and we didn’t yet. That’s when John asked us if we wanted to it again, and I thought my heart was going to stop. First he asked David, he said yeah, then he looked at me and asked me, and I said OK. Then Kevin said if John was going to take his clothes off then everyone had to do the same. I was scared and excited at the same time – though mostly scared. John told us not too worry, he and Kevin did it all the time but made us promise we couldn’t tell anyone.
The next few minutes seemed to go in slow motion. John and Kevin were sitting across from David and me, and they got up on their knees, unbuttoned their shorts and slid them down and off. I could see a slight point in the front of Kevin’s jockeys, but when I looked at John I was amazed at what I saw. It looked like there was a big sausage underneath his underwear, curving off from the middle of his briefs and off to the side. That was when I realized there was a big difference between a boy’s penis and a teenager‘s…and I had to see it.
I was still staring when Kevin said c’mon you guys, your turn. David got up on his knees, and I laid back and we both took our short off, leaving all four of us in our jockey shorts. John asked me if I knew what a boner was, and I truthfully said I didn’t know. He told me that’s when your dick gets hard, it happens to guys all the time. He told us it can happen by itself or you can make it hard yourself and it feels really good. He said it’s called jacking off and we would start doing it a lot like he and Kevin did. Then David asked them if they got boners a lot, and they said sure, all the time. Kevin asked us if we were ready to get naked with them, and we said yeah, OK. Kevin was first, he leaned back and pulled his jockeys off, sat up, and threw them in my face! I sat there a little shocked while the other guys laughed but immediately checked out Kevin’s penis. There was something strange about it I couldn’t figure out. He was about half hard and there was something unusual about the end of his penis. He was uncircumcised and I had no clue that I was looking at a foreskin. He was sitting and leaning back across from me with his arms behind him propping him up, his semi-hard penis pointing at me just a few feet away. That’s when he said OK, everyone needs to get naked.
I remember John on his knees pulling off his briefs, and I turned to David and looked at him for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. He got on his knees and began to pull off his jockeys. I was looking down at him, I really wanted to see his penis. While I was watching I felt a hand slide under the waistband of my underwear and begin to push them down. I looked up and Kevin was looking at me while he undressed me. In just a few minutes we were both naked in the tent with John and Kevin.
I had been so fascinated with Kevin’s penis that I hadn’t really checked out John. When I did, I couldn’t really comprehend what I saw. Although John and Kevin were older than us, they weren’t big for their age and were relatively skinny. But if I was fascinated by Kevin’s uncut dick, John’s penis looked huge on him. He was almost fully erect, and I was totally mesmerized by his pubic hair, ballsac, the upward curve, the blue veins that encircled the shaft, and the big reddish purple head. I didn’t know it at the time, but at fourteen he had a man’s cock.
I was also surprised at David, his penis was hard and pointed straight out from his crotch. It stuck straight out from his crotch like a long straight carrot. Of course it wasn’t nearly as thick as Kevin’s or John’s, but it was a lot longer than mine and a little thicker.
Now that we were all naked, Kevin took over as the director and showed us how to jack off with John joining him. They were both fully hard and I watched both them stroke slowly, then faster, then play with their nuts. They told us to copy what they were doing, and my masturbation education was in full swing. After a few minutes, John reached over and started playing with Kevin’s dick, with Kevin returning the favor. I can still remember Kevin’s foreskin sliding up and down over the head of his dick and wishing mine was like his.
David and I continued to play with ourselves while watching them, and then Kevin told us to play with each other’s dicks. David reached over and wrapped his hand around my little hardon but I froze. Kevin scooted over to me, took my hand, and wrapped it around David’s penis at the base and moved my hand in his up and down a few times. I didn’t need any further encouragement. I was amazed at how far my hand went up his shaft before it went over the head of his dick, his was a lot longer than mine. I asked him if it felt OK and he smiled and said yeah. I felt his hand squeeze my penis a little harder, so I gripped his harder while I jacked him. I was in heaven and didn’t want it to stop.
We continued with the mutual masturbating, my attention divided between David’s penis and the John and Kevin’s awesome dicks. After a while Kevin asked us if we knew what a blowjob was, and of course neither one of us had a clue. When he told us how it felt even better with a mouth on your dick than your hand, I was shocked. David said aren’t you worried about peeing? John explained that when you had a boner, you couldn’t pee. Kevin said they had done it lots of times and told us to watch. My heart was pounding as John leaned back with Kevin’s hand around his big throbbing dick. Kevin then leaned over, brought his face down to John’s dick, and then licked the tip a few times. Then he pulled it sideways toward him, lowered his head, opened his mouth and started sucking the head of John’s penis. After a few seconds he began to slowly bob his head up and down, and I couldn’t believe that I was watching half of that big dark penis slide in and out of his mouth. Kevin sucked him for maybe a minute, and then he leaned back while John sucked him and played with his balls. After a bit they both sat back up and were stroking each other, and Kevin asked if we wanted to try it. I know I was too scared, so was David so we said no. Then Kevin asked me if I wanted to jack him off for bit and he would do it for me. Before I could answer he scooted over next to me so that our legs were touching and he reached over and took my dick in his hand. He took my hand and put it on his rock hard erection. He showed me how to grip it, stroke him, and play with his foreskin which was amazing. By then John had David next to him showing David how to play with his big dick.
I didn’t want it to end, but Kevin explained how things had to come to a happy ending. He told us what would happen when they came and had an orgasm, but I wasn’t prepared for what happened. John came first, shooting four or five times, and not knowing what semen was and seeing the look on his face, I was convinced he had really hurt himself. But when he smiled I figured he was OK. Kevin leaned back and shot his load on his stomach a minute later, and after they cleaned up we talked for a while and they answered some more of our questions. My last question before we left their tent: can we do it again?
I became totally obsessed with my penis after that night and couldn’t wait to see more of John’s, Kevin’s, and David’s dicks. John and Kevin turned out to be great instructors, and David and I became fast friends.
Hope you liked it, more to follow.

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