True Story


This is my first post to XNXX. I have enjoyed reading many of the stories posted by others, especially the true stories. I’ve been thinking for some time about writing about a few of the sexual experiences involving my wife and me. I don’t profess to be a good writer. I realize that some readers might be critical of both my writing ability and the content, and justifiably so. But as I approach age 60, I find myself reminiscing more and more about the past with an increasing urge to tell someone about some of the sexually fun times. I hope that at least a few readers will get some degree of entertainment out of reading my ramblings.
My wife Julie and I have been married nearly 38 years. We got married our junior year of college when we were both 21. Julie and I have had a long successful marriage due in no small part to our sexual compatibility and our willingness to spice things up now and then. Our sexual compatibility stems from the fact that I am a little dominant and a bit of a voyeur and Julie is a little submissive and a bit of an exhibitionist. I think that we have been that way from the very beginning, and how we have made the most of it has evolved over time resulting in some fond memories.
From the beginning Julie liked to tease and draw the attention of men. It never failed to excite both of us, when she succeeded in nonchalantly allowing men to get a glimpse up her skirt, dress, or the legs of her shorts, and down her tops. The challenge was for her to let men get peeks at her treasures without them knowing that she was letting them. Julie was really a “good girl”, and she didn’t want anyone who knew us to think otherwise. But at times, especially after a few drinks and some attention from other men, she would loose her inhibitions and her strong sexual desires would take control.
I first discovered Julie’s propensity for teasing, quite soon after we started dating. I also quickly learned the difference between flirting and teasing. Julie would flirt with me and she would tease others, especially my college roommate, who was 9 years old than us. She liked him and he was crazy about her. Our interactions with him went a lot further than him just getting a glimpse of her firm creamy legs, breasts and pussy now and then, but that will be the topic of another story if anyone is interested. I want to talk here about a next door neighbor of ours that we met about a year after J and I got married.
Julie is 5’6” and when we were in college, she weighed about 114 lbs. She was a “girl next door” type with great legs, ass, and great nipples to go with her b-cup sized breasts. If any discreet person would like to see what she looked like, just message me with your ASL and email address. There won’t be any totally revealing pictures of her from back then though. Those came later. There were no digital cameras back in the early and mid 1970s. We did however have a video camera that made little three minute film tapes that had to be watched on a movie projector, that I am in process of converting to .mpg files.
Julie and I stayed in an apartment near campus our first year of marriage. We had to leave when the University took over the property. We then rented a small two bedroom frame house in January, 1974. The house was at the end of a circle about three blocks from the main road. Julie and I came from modest families and we were just getting by through school because of work, school loans, my scholarship, and a monthly ROTC allowance. As a result, we had to find inexpensive housing. The house to the right of us on the circle was vacant and not habitable. An old gentleman was renting the house to the left of ours. Our house was separated from his by a small gravel driveway.
Julie and I used the bedroom at the back of the house which had a window facing north, in the direction of the old man’s house, and a window facing east, out to the backyard. The bathroom was next to the bedroom and also had a window facing east to the backyard. We consciously kept the blinds closed on the window facing the old gentleman’s house, but didn’t pay much attention to the blinds on the bedroom and bathroom windows facing the backyard. We had a small backyard which was bordered on the back and south side by a large undeveloped wooded area, dense with trees, bushes and bramble. There were no houses or any development behind our house.
Julie and I were young and perhaps na?, so we didn’t think about someone going into our back yard and looking through the back window. The year was 1974, and one just didn’t hear about voyeurs peeking into windows back then, especially in a conservative southeastern U.S. college town. At times the blinds might be closed, opened, partially opened or pulled all the way up. We really paid not attention to them. The bathroom window was much higher than the bedroom windows and no one could see into it anyway.
We met our old gentlemanly neighbor the first day that we moved in. He offered to help. He was a 67 year old widower and living on social security. He seemed ancient to Julie and I, who were only 22 at the time, not so ancient now that that I am near 60. I say gentlemanly, because he was. He was really nice, lonely, but nice. We had compassion for him because he had lost his wife some five years before and was lonely. It wasn’t long before the old gentleman was coming over to talk, play cards and board games, etc.. We got to know him pretty well. As far as we were concerned, the old gentleman was just a nice lonely old man who needed some company. Having said this, the old guy appeared to be in good health, and the fact that Julie was a young college coed with a good figure and great legs didn’t escape his attention. It was not hard, especially after he had a few beers, to catch him eyeing Julie and checking her out. This was especially true if she was wearing short shorts, which she often did.
Our opinion of the old gentleman changed a little about three months after we moved in. Julie and I were both in school and I worked in the hardware department of a retail chain store part time after classes. I usually got home about 10:00 o’clock P.M. I came home early one evening. It was dark and I was getting groceries out of the trunk when I heard some noise on the gravel driveway. I looked over the raised trunk lid to see our old neighbor scooting across the driveway from our backyard to his. I wondered what he had been up to. I set the groceries on the front steps and went around the other side of the house to our backyard. When I looked along the back of the house, I could see the light from our back bedroom illuminating the ground. I walked over to the window and looked in. The blinds were partially opened and I could clearly see Julie on the bed.
Julie was reclined propped up against a pillow and the headboard of the bed. She had her knees pulled up supporting a book that she was reading. She was wearing a night gown that because of her position was gathered up and not covering her legs. Her knees were together but I could see all of her legs and a nice outline of her panty covered crotch. A great “camel toe” was clearly visible. If indeed our old neighbor had been standing where I was standing, he got a good clear view of a whole lot of Julie. Heck, the view was so hot and arousing, that I was tempted to jerk off right there on the spot.
I went back to the front of the house, gathered the groceries and went inside. I was trying to decide whether to tell Julie about our little old neighbor, and elected not to until I was certain. After all, it would have been terrible to tell Julie that our neighbor was spying on her if he wasn’t. As it was though, I was so horny that I tore my clothes off, jumped on the bed and fucked Julie like I was a teenager. She didn’t know what had gotten into me, but she wasn’t complaining. I wondered all the while if our neighbor had come back and was watching. If he did, he was treated to a good show.
The next morning without raising too much suspicion, I found out that Julie had a predictable routine at night. She usually got a bath or shower between 8:30 P.M and 9:00 P.M. She then went to bed and read or watched television while she waited for me to get home. I decided that I would find a way to leave work and get home before 8:30 and see if I could catch the old gentleman in the act..
I left work early and got home at 8:00 P.M. I parked my car down the street out of view from our houses. I walked up the street and worked my way into the woods behind our backyard. I got in position so that I could see both the back of our house and our neighbor’s house. Approximately, 15 minutes later, I saw our old neighbor walk out his back door and go to the old dilapidated garage at the end of the driveway. Once he got there, he was hidden from my view by the garage. About 20 minutes later, the light in our bedroom came on. When the light came on, the old guy scurried to our window and started looking in,
I could see that the blinds were down but the slats were opened enough for him to see inside. I was only about 75 feet away, but I couldn’t see clearly through the blinds. I could see Julie’s form moving around but I couldn’t tell her state of dress. I remember wishing that I had a pair of binoculars. But the old pervert was definitely in position to see what she was or wasn’t wearing.
After a few minutes the bathroom light came on and the old guy moved away from the window and went back to the garage. I started to leave but knew that I couldn’t without the old guy hearing me. I had to wait until I saw him go back into his house. About ten minutes passed and I saw the guy go back to the bedroom window. Shortly after that, the bathroom light went off and Julie was back in the bedroom. Again I could see Julie’s form through the bedroom window. I believed that she was completely naked and appeared to be drying with a towel. She also walked to the dresser and I figured that she was pulling out her bedtime clothes. Any doubt about her being naked was erased when I saw that the old guy had pulled his cock out and was jerking off. I couldn’t see his cock, but I could tell by the movement of his right arm that he was stroking away.
It was a huge turn-on for me to watch him jerking off while he looked at my wife. I only wished that I could see what he was seeing. Then the ceiling light went off. The lamp by the head of the bed was still on. I knew that Julie was in the bed either reading or watching television, or both. I didn’t know if she was still naked or not. Whether dressed, undressed or somewhere in between, didn’t appear to matter to the old guy because he just kept stroking away. The view must have been pretty good, because the old guy was not in any hurry to finish and leave. I sensed that he would get close to cumming and then stop. Finally, perhaps because he knew it was getting close to the time for me to come home, he finished and shot his load. He pulled out a handkerchief or paper towel, wiped his cock, put it back in his pants, and sneaked back into his house.
On the way back to my car, I went into the backyard and peaked through our window. Julie was sitting there much as she was the night before, reading a book with legs exposed and panties visible. I returned to my car, pulled up into the driveway and went inside.
I knew that I was going to have to tell Julie about what our neighbor was up to, but before I did, I wanted to find out what he had seen. After repeatedly asking me why I wanted to know; Julie told me that she undressed in the bedroom, took a bath, and then returned to the bedroom and dressed for bed. I knew then that the neighbor had seen her completely nude in the bedroom just before and after her bath.
Trying my best not to alarm her, I told Julie about our neighbor looking at her and why I knew. She was understandably upset and immediately went to the window, looked out, and then closed the blinds. We discussed it on into the night and I left the decision up as to what if anything that we would do. I told her that if she wanted, I would confront the old guy and tell him that we would have him arrested if he did it again. I wasn’t in favor of just calling the police without confronting the guy and giving him a chance to stop. On the other end of the spectrum was the option of not doing anything. If we didn’t do anything, then Julie could control whether the guy ever looked at her again by simply closing the blinds. I felt sure that the guy was harmless and just getting his rocks off at J’s expense. I wasn’t concerned about him being dangerous or breaking into the house and raping Julie or anything like that. It was just a matter of whether Julie wanted him to stop watching her. Of course, I wasn’t Julie though, and what mattered was what she thought. We fell asleep with the understanding that I would confront the guy and put an end to it.
When we woke the next morning, Julie had calmed down and we talked about it some more. I told her that I couldn’t blame the guy for wanting to see her naked and that he should be flattered that she was so desirable to him, so much so that he couldn’t resist jerking off while he looked at her. I painted the picture of him just being a lonely old man who got off looking at her hot body, which was true. Julie let me know that she wasn’t scared of him or worried about him being violent. She just felt violated. I didn’t sense that Julie minded so much that the old geezer had seen her naked, but that he had done it under circumstances that had violated her privacy. I told her that I would do anything that she wanted me to do about him, but now that she knew; it could be something that we could use to our advantage. If we stopped him it would be over. But if we didn’t say anything to him, the option of letting him see her under her conditions would still be opened. After all, all she had to do to keep him from seeing her was to close the blinds. If she was in the mood to allow it, she could enjoy it under her terms. She would be in control and decide if, when, and how much he would see. Julie decided to think about it.
We didn’t talk much about our neighbor for several days, and Julie didn’t have me say anything to him. Finally, she said that she would let him watch her again, but she wanted me to be home when it happened. I told her that posed a problem because he would always leave before I got home. But where there is a will there is a way. J and I planned an evening for me to come home early without the guy knowing that I was there.
In preparation, we adjusted the blinds until we had them in position for maximum visibility without being too obvious. We pulled the blinds down leaving about six inches of space at the bottom, and the slats were almost completely opened. We knew that the old guy could clearly see Julie through the blinds. In addition, he could squat down and see under the blinds with no obstruction whatsoever. Had it not been April and chilly outside, we would have opened the window. But that would have been too out of place on a cool evening and would have to wait until warmer days. As it was, I even cleaned the window to enhance his view.
We planned for Julie to follow her normal routine with some exciting changes. First of all, after undressing and before she took her bath, she was to tidy things up in the room, put things in the closet, etc. She was to do things that would cause her to walk around the room nonchalantly while completely nude. She would have the television on and at times pause to watch it. We planned to make sure that the old guy got to see every inch of her from every angle, and at times, close to the window. Secondly, after she got her bath, Julie was to stay undressed and get an erotic story magazine out of the night stand, and start reading it. Hopefully, she would have an overwhelming desire to masturbate in front of the guy. I felt sure that she would, but it was certainly left up to her. To help insure that she would, Julie agreed to have a couple of drinks before I got home. Julie has never been able to tolerate alcohol well. She really looses her inhibitions after only a couple of drinks.
Some of you reading this might not fully appreciate the planning and preparation. Some might even think that J and I were crazy. But the planning and the anticipation were a large part of the excitement. There are times for spontaneity, but there are also times when the planning and anticipation is as arousing and exciting as the event, if not more so. It certainly extends the enjoyment. After all, our brains are our biggest sex organ. I know that on the day of the planned event, I couldn’t keep my mind on classes or work. I didn’t think that evening would ever come. I later found out that Julie felt the same way.
The time finally came and I parked my car down the street and sneaked into the house about 8:00 o’clock P.M. I found Julie, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeply. I could tell that she had indeed had something to drink. I could taste and smell just a hint of the alcohol. I asked her how many and she told me two drinks, as we had talked about. I asked if she wanted another and she said that two was quite enough. She said that she didn’t want to get drunk. With that, I sneaked her into the other bedroom and we started making out with her. It didn’t take long for me to feel how wet she was. I teased her and played with her but wouldn’t let her climax. By 8:30, she was ripe and ready to get started.
Julie went into the bedroom and turned on the ceiling light, illuminating the entire room and then turned on the television. The television was on top of the base of a mirrored dresser on the south wall of the room and only about five feet from the window. She didn’t undress immediately to give me time to see if our anticipated onlooker was watching. I didn’t want to miss her undressing. I went out the front door around the far corner and peaked around into the backyard. The old guy was predicable. He was there waiting and watching.
I went back in the house and stayed out of sight of the window. Without Julie giving any indication to our visitor that I was there; I nodded and let her know that the old guy was watching her. I watched her from the hallway.
The bedroom was small, only about 10’ x 10’ or perhaps 10’ x 12’. There was no part of the bedroom that could not be seen clearly from the back window. Anyone in the room could never be more than 10 or 12 feet from the window. Julie stood at the right corner of the foot of the bed about 7 feet from the window. The other corner of the bed was less than two feet from the window and just to the left. There was only room between the bed and the back wall to allow one to squeeze by to change the bedding. To put it in perspective, if the window was opened, one could reach in and touch the foot of the bed.
Julie was turned toward the television and the window. The old guy had a full clear frontal view of her. While pretending to be interested in the television, Julie pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it to her left near the middle of the bed. She then reached around, unsnapped her bra, took it off, and tossed it on the bed closer to the foot of the bed and the window. She began to massage her breasts to make them feel better after just having been released from the confines of her bra. Then she lowered her shorts and panties down and stepped out of them. She was completely nude and fully exposed for our onlooker. I then expected Julie to move nonchalantly around the room, perhaps go to the closet. But she had other plans.
She started looking at herself in the part of the mirror that was not blocked by the small television. She turned her front toward the window, but kept her head turned to her right, looking into the mirror. She arched her shoulders back and pushed her breasts forward and massaged them. Then she started running her hands along her body, turning in every direction. She was inspecting and admiring her body in the mirror as the old guy looked on and admired it from outside the window. She moved and turned in front of the mirror letting him see every inch and curve of her from every angle. Then she turned facing the mirror and opened her legs. She slid her hand down to her pussy and started rubbing it slowly, sliding a finger between her labia and teasing her clit. I almost lost my load when she did that. I was hoping that she would masturbate in front of the guy, but I was surprised that she wasn’t waiting until after her bath. Then I was again surprised when she stopped rubbing her pussy after less than a minute. She turned toward me and slipped her finger glistening with her juices into her mouth. She pulled it out slowly and winked at me. I thought she was just letting me know that she knew that she had done a good job and that she was enjoying it. I soon found out though that the wink meant to watch, because she had a surprise for me.
Instead of leaving the room, Julie walked over to the night stand next to the head of the bed and took out the erotic magazine that we had placed there. The magazine was mostly erotic stories which turned Julie on more than pictures; but there were enough pictures for the guy to see that it was porn. She looked through the pages and then laid the magazine on the bed, opened to a page. Then she walked back to the foot of the bed and pulled open a dresser drawer. She pulled out a long white plastic vibrator and turned it on.
FUCK ME! I had never seen the vibrator before. I had no clue where it came from. Man oh man! That gal was full of surprises. She quickly turned it off and tossed it on the bed. Then she started gathering her clothes. She first picked up her shorts and panties from the floor. Then she went to the corner of the bed closest to the window and bent over and gathered her shirt and bra. Her ass and pussy was almost touching against the window. If the window had been opened, the old guy could have easily reached in and pushed his finger(s) up in her.
Then Julie walked toward me with a broad smile on her face. When she got into the hall with me and out of sight of the guy, Julie asked, “You Okay?”
I was almost speechless, but I didn’t need to say much. My erection jutting out in front of me spoke volumes.
Julie grabbed my cock and said, “I want you to fuck me!”
I asked, “You through with the guy?”
She just said, “Fuck me now, pleeeeeaasssse?” and leaned over placing her hands on the wall.
I lined my cock up behind her and easily pushed into her. She was wet, wet, wet. She insisted that I fuck her fast and hard, and I did. I knew that I wasn’t going to last long, and I didn’t. Fortunately, Julie didn’t either. I heard her muffle a scream and felt her open up. I let go and flooded her pussy with cum. God it was intense. I didn’t think that I would ever stop cumming. Julie was ready to keep going but I was spent. Back then in my youth, I could normally keep an erection after the first time, but not that night. The climax was so intense that my cock went soft and I slipped out of her. Whew, it was great!
I pulled my pants up and made a move to go get my car. She asked where I was going and I told her to get the car. She let me know quickly that she was not finished yet. I told her that the guy was probably gone. She said that she didn’t think so, not with the magazine and vibrator lying on the bed. She had a good point. Smart girl! Then I asked her where in the hell did the vibrator come from. She said that she knew how to make plans too.
Then she said that she wanted another drink and went into the kitchen and made one. When she came back with it, she said, “You may want to find you a chair”, and went back into the bedroom. Damn, I love that gal.
Julie went back into the room, set her drink on the night stand, got into her normal reading position leaning back with her knees together and up supporting the magazine. This time though, she was completely naked, reading porn, and knew that she had an admirer watching, (two including me). And this time, there was no panty covered camel toe. It was her exposed pussy peaking out between her thighs.
I wondered though if Julie was right about the guy still watching. Had the sight of the magazine and vibrator on the bed caused him to hang around?. Surely he was still there waiting to see what would happen with the vibrator? I had to be sure, so I let J know that I was going to check on him. As it turned out, Julie was right as she usually is. He was there. I went back inside and took Julie’s advice. I found me a chair and settled in for the show.
Julie did not disappoint. She lifted the magazine up and spread her legs. She had a full perfectly shaped dark bush. Shaven pussy was not in vogue in the 1970s. Though she was just 22, Julie was all woman, fertile and in her prime. She reached down between her legs and teased her mound, pussy, and clit, sliding her finger along the slit, and parting her labia. She was turned enough so the old guy had a direct clear view of her pussy. The only interruption in the action was when Julie had to turn the pages of the magazine. Eventually, she lay the magazine aside and put both hands between her legs.
She opened her legs wide and slid her hands slowing up and down the inside of her firm creamy thighs, spreading them wide, driving me and no doubt her voyeur, wild crazy with desire to have her. Finally, she found her pussy again. She spread her labia and inserted first one and then two fingers into her pussy. She arched her hips upward faster and faster until she was humping against her hand and fingers while she fucked herself. She came hard and lifted her head up so that we could see her face as she did. Her eyes were rolled up into the top of her head and she clamped her thighs against her hand while she rode the wave. After recovering, she got her vibrator and put it to use, first vibrating against her clit and then inside her vagina. She fucked herself with it, climaxing repeatedly. She was insatiable. It would not have surprised me if she had forgotten all about her onlooker and myself watching. But she didn’t.
Near the end, she got on her knees with her ass facing the window. She took the vibrator, reached between her legs and pushed it in. She started fucking herself with the vibrator with her ass and pussy only a few feet from the window. Lubrication was not a problem. Throughout all of it I could hear how wet she was. She not only had her juices flowing, but she still had some of my cum that I had deposited in her earlier.
Finally, she was finished. I lost count of how many orgasms she had. Once she starts cumming, she can’t stop. I counted 26 times within 40 minutes in one of the videos that I made of her later when she was in her 30s. She collapsed onto her stomach with her legs and ass facing toward the window. The vibrator was implanted and humming away in her pussy. She finally reached back turned the vibrator off and slowly pulled it out. She rose up on her knees and elbows with her ass and exposed pussy still facing the window. She was motionless as if catching her breath. Then she rolled over and scooted toward the window and the corner of the bed, grabbing her vibrator as she did.
After reaching the end of the bed, J stood up, reached over and got some tissue from the top of the dresser. Then she sat down at the foot of the bed, only a couple of feet from the window. Her legs were parted giving her onlooker one last good look at her wet pussy while she wiped the vibrator with the tissue. Then she spread her legs even wider directly in front of the window, and wiped her pussy with the tissue.
Julie came into the hall, a bit weak with exhaustion, but asked again if I was Okay with what had happened. Again, I was almost speechless. I opened my hand to reveal a spent cock and a hand full of cum. I planted kisses on her and thanked her for everything. She smiled and said that she was going to soak in the tub.
I sneaked out the front door and checked to see if the old guy was still around. I hoped that he wasn’t lying on the ground with a heart attack. Not to worry though. I spotted him just as he was about to open his back door. I then went and got my car.
Later, Julie and I lay cuddled together in the bed, talking about what had happened and what it would be like the next time the old guy came over for a normal visit. I knew that it wouldn’t be the same. Julie and I would be thinking about him having seen all that he had seen. He would be thinking about Julie naked, perhaps smug in the knowledge that he knew full well what she looked like under her clothing. But he wouldn’t know that we knew. I wondered if there would be sexual tension in the air as we sat around playing cards, or whatever, and making casual conversation. I wondered about what the immediate future had in store. Would things continue as they were? Would Julie put and end to everything? Would Julie allow him to do more than just watch her? I certainly had no way of knowing at the time. But, I felt sure about one thing, and that was that I had married one hell of great sex partner.

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Water park love

Note: This story deals with males on males, if this does not suit your fancy, stop reading.
My parents were out for the month, it was summer. I was bored at home, there’s not much at the age of 18 that you can do at home during the summer. I thought to go to Oceansplash, a water park near my home. This sounded good because not only could I get wet and cooled off during the hot day, but I could get some hours of prime people watching in.
I am a tall runner. I am toned and brown haired. Don’t forget a good tan! I was confused still at this point, and still am, about my sexuality.
When I got off the freeway and into the park I stood in line for the bracelet to get into the line. That’s when I saw him. I looked to my right and saw a six foot, tanned to hell, ripped guy. He had his shirt off and had his arm around some girl, damn. He had dirty blonde wavy hair. He was laughing. I feel like I took a picture of him and sent it to Abercrombie; he would be their new model. “Sir” I heard in the back of my head. I snapped out of it and walked to the window. I paid and the lady handed me a bracelet. I headed into the park.
The park had a wave pool, a river type thing and all the slides were in a large staired structure with many different lines to many different rides. I grabbed a single tube and headed to one of the rides that were single tube only. When I was halfway up the stairwell, I looked over the rail and there he was again. I couldn’t help but stare. He was gorgeous. Someone said something funny and he flashed his beautiful teeth. I looked at his face and he looked over. Shit. I was caught I looked down fast and then down the fence to see the floor below trying to seem preoccupied. When I looked back he was looking at me. He smiled, I Smiled back awkwardly. When I got to the top I went down the enclosed slide thinking thousands of possibilities from that smile. I was an idiot. When I got to the bottom I went to the bathroom, because I didn’t want to be the thousandth person to pee in the water.
When I got to the bathroom I went into a stall. Over the wall that lead to the cabanas outside I heard a girl shout “You asshole” and some words that indicated some guy was screwed. When I was done peeing I went outside and casually stood next to the covered wall of the cabana, out of sight. When the girl stormed out of the park I heard a guy say “Glad that’s over”. I was curious. I looked through the crack and it was him. He looked up and saw an eye looking at him. Wow did I feel like a creep. I sped off and was thinking “Oh shit oh shit oh shit”. I looked over and he was looking around. I got so flustered that I walked into the line for inter tubes that was for double tubes. I stood there and when I got to the front the lifeguard asked if I had anyone to ride with, I thought “What?” and then I looked up. I felt like an idiot. When I began to stammer out no and how I was sorry, a hand cupped my shoulder. I froze, still antsy from before. An angelic voice said “He’s my friend, were riding together”. I looked up to see him. My heart jumped. I awkwardly smiled again. When we got the tube we headed for the ride, I aimed for one that had a shorter line but he jerked me to the longer ride.
I felt like he was going to beat me up. He stood behind me and I stood in front of him not daring to turn around. He still had his hand on my shoulder and the warmth from it was amazing. He slowly turned me around and I looked at him more closely. His eyes were blue and he had defined facial features. “Hi I’m Mark”. His voice was like an angel. “I’m, uh, Jeremy”. “So Jeremy” he said “I have noticed you looking and I want to know why”. “Well, I, uh, well, I came hear to mainly people watch and I thought the fight between you and your, uh, girlfriend was uh interesting.” He laughed. “Yah that is interesting.” The rest of the way up we talked and it turned out we shared similar interests. When we got to the top the lifeguard called us over. I placed the tube in the starting area and climbed in the front hole. He climbed in the back. Oh God.
The lady instructed him to put his legs under my arms. My Heart jumped no clue why. When I put my arms down they rested on his legs. They were beautiful. They were well defined and muscular. When the gates opened and we were pushed out the ride went down and then went up. When the ride went up my head flung back and it landed in his crotch. When I opened my eyes he was smiling at me. I awkwardly smiled, again, and raised my head. My heart was racing. I started to get hard which was not good because I was in swim trunks. The ride continued to curve and go up and down, every now and then he would tighten his legs around me and I would just continue to get harder. When the ride dropped us off into the river he would not loosen the grip on me with his legs. We had to get out. The lifeguards were blowing there whistles like crazy.
We dropped out. When I looked at my watch it was 5, I had to go, but I couldn’t. I told him that I had a nice time and that I would see him later (Yeah right, it isn’t a small world). We got out of the river and he gave me a hug and said ill see you later. I was in heaven. I could feel the distinct lines of his beautiful abs on my stomach. He squeezed me tight and said goodbye. When I walked out to my car I looked back to see where he was, no where. I got to my suburban and put my head on the steering wheel. Did all that just happen? I couldn’t believe that. It wasn’t much but still. Then I got bummed that I wouldn’t see him again, it was unlikely. When I went in reverse someone sped through the lot. I braked, and they braked. My window was down. I yelled “ASSHOLE! WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING!” When I got onto the freeway I could barely concentrate. I was too focused on him.
It was a wonder that I got home without an accident because I could not pay attention. I pulled into the driveway and took a breath. When I walked into the door I looked at the calendar and it was only day two of my parent’s vacation and 28 more days to go. Perfect more days with nothing else to do. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, the water at that park could not have been good, I smelled like dead fish. As I turned the shower head on I heard the doorbell. What now? I went and looked out the window; the car that had almost hit me was outside. I freaked out. Could this person hear what I said earlier and come back for revenge? I was petrified. The bell rang twice more. I crept towards the door and opened it slowly. I looked up and my heart leapt. It was him. He followed me! That was really hot and creepy at the same time. “So im the asshole that needed to watch where he was going? I sure did. Can I come in?”. “Yeah” I barely breathed out.
He came in and I closed the door and locked it. I turned around and he charged me. He pressed me against the door and pulled me close to him. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply. When he released he looked into my eyes and said “Nice place”. “Uh, yeah” I stuttered out. Nice house? NICE HOUSE? What the hell? That was cute. He walked me to the couch and sat me down he sat right next to me and held my hand. “To tell you the truth dude, when I followed you to the ride I couldn’t help but look at you. But when you saw me before that in the line when we caught each others faces, I fell head over heals” “Head over heels?” I said. “You are gorgeous and you fell for me?” “Yeah, that’s why my girl left, I told her that there was someone else”. Oh my God. I could have cried by how in love I was. “That’s, uh, nice.” “Is someone here? Why is the shower running?” he asked. “Oh I was about to take a shower, but got interrupted” “Well I need a shower too and well were in a drought so why don’t we conserve water and shower together?” He slyly said. “FINE BY ME” I blurted out. Embarrassing. He just laughed and pecked me on my lips. I slapped my arm. I had to be dreaming. Nope.
We walked to the shower. It was about eight at night. I was already in my swim shorts when he knocked on the door. He peeled off his shirt and I melted. He was just to fine. He took of his shorts and underwear and stood there. I froze. He had his back to me and he had one of the hottest butts I had ever seen. When he turned around my tent sprung up in my shorts. What dangled in between his legs had to be illegal. Right in my line of sight was an unshaven, uncut, 6 inch flaccid dick. He got in the shower and cleared his throat looking at me. Like a dumbass I was in my trance and was standing there clothed. I peeled off my clothes and got in. I was 5 inches flaccid and about 9 inches hard. I was hard. He turned me around and began to wash my back.
He got down and washed my ass and then my legs. I was in heaven. He turned me around and I looked at him. He was hard as well and HOLY FUCK. His little friend had to be at least 10 inches hard. Ohhhhhhh. He pressed me against the wall and began to kiss me all over. He shoved his tongue down my throat and our cocks were pressed in between our stomachs. He took my finger and traced the outline of his abs with my finger. The feeling in these moments was just right. He began to kiss my nipples my abs, my V on my pelvis, my hips and then he got down to my member. He took it in his hand and looked at me. “Is this ok with you?” “YES” I yelled. He laughed and said you are to cute. He began to tease me and started licking up and down my shaft, taking my nuts into his mouth. I would have yelled at him to come one and do it already but I couldn’t. What I felt for him was to right.
He then quickly engulfed my dick. I flattened against the wall and gasped. He was amazing he went up and down, added suction, and swirled his tongue on my dick. He continued going up and down. I was going to come by the pleasure but I held it in. He kept going for 10 minutes and I just couldn’t help it. I yelled “I’m going to come!!” And this just made him go faster and suck harder. I took his head and shoved my dick in his mouth. I shot stream after stream of cum into his mouth. He swallowed it all. HE got up and kissed me again as I went limp. “your turn” he whispered. I copied him and kissed all the way down him and took a little detour at his abs and licked them up and down. Instead of teasing him when I got to his dick I just went for it. I copied like he did except I could not fit all his glory into my mouth. After a while he began humping my face and sped up. He went harder and harder until, without warning, he shoved down my throat and came like there was no tomorrow. I swallowed it all as well. He stood me up and help me close to him tightly. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. We began to furiously make out. When he set me down we just stood there with each other. After a while he whispered into my ear “Remember were in a drought” and he turned off the water.
When we got out and dried off we headed into my room. I climbed into bed and he said “Shouldn’t you call your mommy and see if its ok to have a guest over for the night?” I said “Shut the hell up and get in here babe”. When he climbed din we were both naked. He pulled the covers up and pulled me close. He wrapped his arms tighter and he said to me “I don’t know what love is and ive never been in love with somebody, but when I saw you today, I finally understood what it was.” I turned around and responded with “I love you more, than anyone iv ever met.” And with that we fell asleep in each others arms.
More to come. Tell me if you want more. This is truth and I swear to you, I have more. 🙂

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Lady in Black

I woke up early so I could get ready to get down to the conference room to set up for the last day of meetings. I was still tired; I had been up most of the night with Leslie. She loved to fuck all night and in the mornings she still looked fresh as a daisy. Me on the other hand I looked like 40 shades of hell with no sleep. I jumped into the shower, brushed out my long hair, applied some light make-up and slipped into my suit. I grabbed my computer and my bag and headed out my hotel room door. I went to the elevator and hit the ground floor, off into the room downstairs I spotted her almost immediately. She wore a tight little black skirt that was well above her knee. She wore a pair of black peek-a-boo heels and a white blouse that was conservative. Her short black hair was spiked up and shore wore stylish glass down on her little turned up nose.
I had watched her all day flipping around bending over at just the right time so I had a view of her perky little tits, all day she was a huge flirt, I knew that tonight I was going to nail her ass. The conference was over, everyone else was going home but we had decided to spend one more night together before she flew back out to her home. We had a nice quiet dinner and then hit the elevator.
“Baby I’m going to go to my room and change and I’ll come to your room,” Leslie said.
“Okay, I think I’ll shower, and I’ll be out shortly just let yourself in,” I told her.
I went into my room, after making sure she got into hers. I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower. It felt good to let the water run over my body. I grabbed the razor to shave my pussy nice and smooth for her. When I stepped out I could smell the candles burning in my room, I knew she was there waiting for me. I brushed through my hair, threw on a little eyeliner, some mascara and put on a white fuzzy robe that hung on the back of the door. I stepped into my room, she had lit at least 12 candles maybe more, and on the big king size bed was a vision in black. She wore a lace bodysuit, thigh highs all black fish net, black heels, her make-up was unusually heavier than I’d seen her in but she looked absolutely gorgeous. I smiled my approval at her; she held a glass of wine that she sipped from with her red full lips. I walked over to her and took the glass from her hand. I started to sip it and sat on the side of the bed we made a little small talk when I decided I need to pay attention to her. I sat the glass down on the table beside the bed.
I leaned over to her and took her leg and pulled her around she giggled, I slipped her black heel off and began to massage her foot she laid back on the pillows. I rubbed her foot and then my hand wandered up her calf. Her legs were slightly spread apart and I could see the outline of her tight little slit. I continued my massage slipping off her other shoe I rubbed that foot and calf as well. After about 10 minutes I started to rub her thighs, gently kneading them, and she let her legs fall apart so I had access to her pussy. I began to trace the slit from the top of her mound just above her clit down to the crack of nice firm ass. She took a deep breath and I knew she was indeed excited. I paid close attention to the outer lips of her pussy. I moved up to her belly to just under her perky round tits. I slid a strap down off her shoulder and pulled it down her arm exposing her tits. Her breasts were round and firm, and she nice little brown spots with red nipples that were as big as my index finger when they got hard. I leaned down and flicked her nipples with my tongue. She loved it; she moved her hips slowly as I sucked her tits. I moved up her neck to her full red lips, I kissed her long and slow my tongue moving in her mouth over her tongue. I moved back to her neck kissing and licking slowly. I was going to make her really want it when I took her tonight.
She continued to move her hips, as I slid the other strap from her arm, and exposed her other tit, I continued to suck and bite her nipples and back up her neck to her mouth. The entire time she rolled her hips trying to grind her pussy into anything she could get close to. I worked her lace body suit down her slender tightly wound body. I rubbed both breast, and kissed and licked one to another. Her nipples were so hard; her brown spots had shriveled up to nothing she was so excited. Her rocking hips continued to get faster and harder, as was her breathing. I slid the body suit down her body and pulled it off her legs. She lay naked on my bed with just her thigh highs on her legs. I went down and rolled them down her long legs, now she was perfect. I slipped my bathrobe off and stood naked at the end of the bed.
“Touch your nipples and make them hard,” she told me.
I pinched my nipples on my large breast; they were much bigger than hers. I pinched them and rolled them between my fingers, they were hard almost as soon as I touched them.
“Lick them,” she said.
I pulled one up to my mouth and began to suck and lick my nipple; she watched me as she moved her hand down between her legs and spread her lips apart.
“Don’t touch your pussy,” I said.
“Why not,” She asked?
“Because baby, you’re going to wait for me to fuck you, that’s what,” I said.
She stopped and started pulling her large red nipples. I went back to work on my tits, I sucked first one then the other for her. I finally moved onto the bed, I was aware that my pussy was throbbing; I wanted to come as much as she did. I started kissing up her legs, and when I hit her thighs I ran my tongue up to her pussy. She was wet, I could see that juice coming from between her lips, and she was going to be absolutely soaked there was no doubt about it. I began to rub gently her lips, and I separated them with both hands. As I pulled apart those lips, I could see the wetness all over her clit, and running from her precious soft little hole. I started on her clit, she moaned softly I looked up at her and her eyes were close as she enjoyed me eating her pussy. My tongue flicked her clit, it was hard and swelled up as I continued to begin to suck it between my lips I held it as I flicked it with my tongue. She loved it to be rubbed on one side more than the other, that’s what I went for. I licked little circles around her spot that felt so good. She moved her hips in the rhythm to my tongue as I continued my relentless licking and sucking. Her thighs clamped around my shoulders as she came, I moved my tongue into that sweet hole to get all of the nectar that she blew into my mouth. She was so good when she came it was sweet, and she shook, her hands held my head as I fucked her with my tongue. I plunged my tongue deep into her, and then I knew she needed more. I took two fingers and slid them into her, she began to buck harder, and I put my mouth back on her clit. I licked and finger fucked her tight pussy, it was losing up as I made her cum two more times.
I moved up beside her on the bed, as I watched her chest heave as she tried to get her composer after she had come three times in less than 20 minutes. She rolled over and faced me; she kissed me on the lips, pressing her tits against mine. I rolled over on my back as she got on top of me. Her pussy was against mine, as she began to suck both of my tits, she leaned down over the bed and came back up with a big purple vibrator. It was a new one I hadn’t seen before, it was big and had a nice clit tickler attached to it. She put it between my legs as she continued to lick and suck my tits. She rolled my hard nipples between her fingers. My pussy throbbed I thought I might cum before she ever touched my pussy. She worked her way down my belly to my nice slick smooth snatch. She moved down between my legs and pulled my pussy lips apart. I propped my head up on two pillows so I could see what she was doing. I am always greatly turned on when I can watch what is being done to me. She spread my pussy lips apart and I watched her tease my clit with her tongue. Her tongue was hot, and very wet she place the tip of her tongue right on the top of my clit. It felt so good I thought that I surely couldn’t last two more seconds while she ate my pussy. She teased me with her tongue; she licked between my inner lips and back up to my clit all with her wet hot tempting little tongue. I nearly exploded into her mouth. She pulled the inner lips apart to expose my hole, picking up the vibrator she slid it between those inner lips which hugged the vibrator nicely as she flipped it on. The middle was full of little beads that worked in a circular motion, it felt like 100 little fingers and tongue rubbing the inside of my pussy. She moved the clit tickler onto my clit, the vibration on the inside and outside was almost more than I could stand. I started to cum, my legs tightened and I bucked my hips against the vibrator, she grabbed the end of it, and began to shove it deeper into my cunt, and back out, I was upon my elbow where I could see the big thing pushing and pulling into me I came, I exploded actually I could feel the cum running out of my pussy and down the crack of my ass.
Once I had recovered enough I reached between my legs and pulled the vibrator out, it was covered in my pussy juice, I shoved it into her mouth and made her lick it clean. She sucked every drop off the vibrator; I rolled her onto her stomach and raised her legs up to the doggy position. Her hot little brown asshole was exposed to me. I put my tongue on her asshole and worked it in as my thumb reached under her and I rubbed her clit. She moaned loudly as my tongue continued to flick her asshole and stick it inside her. I pushed my fingers into her asshole, I slipped them deeper and deeper as I continued to rub her clit with my other hand. She was rocking her as toward me. Once I had her asshole opened up I picked up the vibrator and slipped it into her asshole, she gasped as I moved it in her asshole further. She moaned again, “Fuck me hard baby, fuck that asshole hard,” she moaned. I obliged I rammed the vibrator deeper and deeper into her asshole. As I moved it in and out her ass opened wider and wider. I continued to rub that hard little clit, she was getting close to cumming for me because I could feel her clit getting harder and harder and she wanted that asshole pounded harder. Finally she came, her asshole forced the vibrator out, and her asshole was gaping wide open. It looked so wonderful wide open I slipped my tongue inside she moaned and came again as I slid three fingers into her pussy as I licked her asshole. She came again less than five minutes after the other two times. I loved the way she felt when she came. She lay down on the bed as I let her rest.
We moved up on the pillows together, I held her close, she began to suck my tits, as my hand reached down between my legs, I began to stroke my clit as she sucked. She reached down to her pussy with the other hand. She moved her head up and began to kiss me as we tickled our pussies, I moved over a little so I could watch her long fingers work over her pussy, I was getting wetter by the second , I loved to watch her make herself cum. Her legs were extended her feet flexed as she continued to make herself cum, she rubbed the hard clit between her fingers pulling it and rubbing it. I rubbed mine as well, when she got ready to cum she rolled on top of me, grinding her clit into my pubic bone, I continued to rub my clit harder and harder, as she rode me, she came I felt the hot liquid run out of her onto my waiting hard clit, I came with her the moment that hot juice hit me. We collapsed into a heap on the bed, sleeping it off for at least two more hours of fucking.

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College Time: Part 4

Thud. Thud. Thud. This was the only sound I heard as my shoes met asphalt. It was morning, about 5 AM to be exact. Two weeks had passed since my encounter with Blaine’s father. I turned a cold shoulder to the world after that. I had not had my phone on since it happened, I avidly avoided Austin at all costs. It hurt me to turn away someone that was so willing to drop everything for me. My grades and polo were better than anything, those were the only things I gave my attention to. I had not said one word to Blaine since I saw Aimes and him together, not one.
I rounded the corner and continued forward faster. This was all I really did, run. Ever since that night I did not know what else to do. I was ashamed I let that happen to me, absolutely ashamed.
There was hope, however. The day after it occurred I took the tissue to my friend in the science lab. He had amazing access to the labs at school, he was somewhat of science prodigy. He never asked questions. He did whatever he had to do to prove the DNA belonged to Mr. Thomas and even stored the sample away to be accessed later if it came to it. That paper was locked away no one would ever guess.
I was waiting for my plan of action. Blaine’s father still had no idea that I had evidence, no idea at all. I rounded a corner and came to a halt. I knew what I had to do. I turned around and ran straight towards Greek Row. I didn’t stop until I was on the landing of Austin’s fraternity. I gulped in a lot of air and opened the door. Unlocked, surprise, the fraternity had some huge rager the night before.
I walked over passed out people, through the living room with naked bodies collapsed on top of each other, and past bathrooms of girls stooped over the toilet. I quietly made my way up the stairs and down the hall to Austin’s room. It was still very quiet and early. I slowly turned the knob and made my way into the room. I was surprised to see Austin laying in his bed alone. He must’ve really meant what he said about waiting for me.
I closed the door behind me and slowly made my way to the bed. God he looked so damn cute. I brushed his brown messy hair out of his eyes and he slowly opened his groggy eyes. His piercing green eyes looked into mine, and a smile crept across his face. “I knew you’d come back, they always do”. I couldn’t help but smile. Of all the things he could say, all the vile profanities he could spit out, he uses a cocky line. That’s how I knew he was never mad at me.
“I threw a lot on you, I knew you couldn’t handle it” he said. Crash. Everything came down in that one line. He knew it. This perfect guy was blaming himself. It was not his fault though. It was all mine. “It was not anything you did Austin, nothing at all” I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what happened. “Don’t worry about it Jer” he said. That’s when he did what I had been wanting the past few weeks, he reached up and pulled me into him. I fell asleep.
When I woke up he was still there, the way I left him. He brushed my hair away from my forehead and kissed my forehead. It was a long kiss, he kept his lips pressed to my head and took sharp breaths through his nose. “I missed you” he said. I couldn’t take this anymore. He was too damn good and I was nothing. I got up and headed to the shower, turned it on, and got under. It was freezing, but I didn’t care. The water hitting my naked body felt amazing. Then it got warmer. I looked up to see Austin there, naked and all, with his muscles flexing at every intake of breath, and his dick swinging there.
He got in and sat on the shower floor with me. He pulled me in and that’s when it happened. As I let my last breath out it shuddered, and I began to sob. Tears flowed relentlessly down my face. I felt childish, but the best thing was, he sat there, not saying a word, he just kept pulling me in tighter. When they finally subsided I whispered, “I need to go to New York. To Blaine’s house. I need to speak with his father”. “Ok” he said.
I looked up to him and kissed him. “You know I will do anything for you right?” he asked. “I know” I replied. It was only an hour or so drive to New York from where the college was, and Austin made no hesitation getting me there. There wasn’t any class today either.
The ride was pretty quiet. I didn’t necessarily understand the dynamic that was going on at the moment, but it was being caused by me so I didn’t say anything. Before I knew it the gate to Blaine’s house was just outside the windshield. The driveway behind it was very impressive, leading to a grand house. It was huge and seemed too big to house a mother, father, and child. The gate opened, Austin must have known the code, and the car began its ascent of the driveway.
Austin parked right in front of the steps that led to the door, and got out and opened my door for me. I was nervous, very nervous. I slowly got out of the car and made my way up the steps. The house reminded me of the one in The Great Gatsby, it was on the harbor and all. Classy Folks. The door was opened by what I assumed to be there butler, and he ushered us inside.
“Mister Thomas is in the study, and Mrs. Thomas is sitting in the parlor. Mister Thomas has asked not to be disturbed and I ask you respect that” he then left us standing in the grand foyer. I was baffled. “Austin, by any chance, do you recall where the study is?” Austin led me on what seemed like a mile walk to the study. The two oak doors were shut and Austin stayed in the hallway while I snuck in and shut the door behind me. The room was filled with books, and had rows of shelves. I made my way down until I came to a reading area. The room was dark because the shades were drawn.
I then saw who I had been looking for. In a desk adjacent to a wall was Mr. Thomas, stark naked, in his large leather chair, stroking his insanely huge cock. On the huge computer screen was a scrawny kid pushed down on the floor and a huge muscular guy with a monstrous cock swinging in front of the kids face. He forced it in the kids mouth and held his cheeks open while he face fucked him. He then kept the kid pinned down and moved around and plunged his huge cock into the scrawny boys ass. The kids squeal gave Mr. Thomas a rush of excitement and he began to stroke furiously.
“You do seem to like force don’t you Mr. Thomas” this gave him quite a start and I could’ve sworn he could hit the high ceiling with the jump he gave. After he calmed down he turned his chair toward me and said “Climb on Jeremy, I’ve been thinking about you”. I slowly walked over and came to a halt in front of him. I started to reach for my pants like I was going to take them off, but instead made a dive with my hand for his balls which were laying on the chair. I grabbed them and gave them a twist. He yelped in pain and was mine.
“Remember wh-who is in control here Jeremy” he stammered. “Me” I said. “HA” he said. “No really Mr. Thomas. I have a DNA sample from the cum you left in me, the date it was released, and I even, thanks to technology, have who it came from and the type of sample it was. I have hard proof you raped me. And funny thing Mr. Thomas, I’m not yet 18” with this his whole demeanor changed. His face went stark white and his penis quickly began to deflate. “What do you want” he said hoarsely. “I want you to leave me alone and when I want something you give it to me” I said. “Wouldn’t want the empire you’ve built come crashing down around you right?” I said. I left him there shivering.
When I came out Austin was sitting on a plush love seat in the hall. “Done?” “Yea”. We left the house and got in his car. Instead of going back to school we crossed the street and went into the gate of another house. It was smaller than the one before, but still monstrous. “Welcome to my home” he said. “Are your parents home?” “Probably not. My parents work in the company during the day, and are having a white party tonight. No help either, my parents don’t believe in hiring others to do their personal work” he said. I liked them already.
When he parked the car and began to open his door, I reached across his lap and grabbed the handle and shut it. With the wave of triumph I had had with Mr. Thomas, I was suddenly horny. Insanely horny actually. I unbuckled my seat belt and moved on top of his lap. I began to kiss him furiously. Almost instantly I felt his dick harden under me. I was already rock solid. I pulled my shirt over my head and, with some difficulty, took off the mesh shorts that I still hadn’t changed out of from this morning.
When I was naked I pulled his shirt over his head and felt his body while I continued to kiss him. I clumsily undid his pants pulled them down just enough so his cock sprung out. This was all difficulty because we were in the driver’s seat, but we pulled it off. I spit into my hand and rubbed it on my ass, then without even thinking I plunged my ass down on his cock, it slid into my ass and I let out a little scream. It had been awhile and I had tightened up. He loved it though. I was still so horny and began to vigorously bounce up and down on his cock. We were both moaning and began to get sweaty. He began to meet my bounces with thrusts. He was hitting me in just the right place, and the feeling of ecstasy made its way throughout my body. I began to dig my nails into his chest and he began to bite my neck.
“FUCK” I yelled. He was grunting and groaning like crazy. He opened his car door and somehow, it still is a mystery to me, held onto me and got out, made his way up the steps and into the house, walked into the kitchen, and let my back rest onto the granite countertop in the kitchen. That when he really began to pound me. HE leaned forward so his rock hard body was on top of my stomach and shoved his tongue down my throat as he thrusted in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his torso, pulling his cock deeper into me. He thrusted and thrusted and with one final push, began to cum profusely into me. HE bit my neck hard as he released his huge load into me. We lay there panting and our bodies were slick with sweat. He passionately kissed me and climbed out of me. I was still horny and had not came in weeks.
I looked out the window and saw a huge pool and an interesting looking hole on the far side of the pool. “Let’s go swimming” I said. We ran outside and jumped into the pool. I felt the cum seep out of me as I swam to the other side of the pool. The hole I saw was surrounded by rocks, and a water fall poured over the hole. I passed under and swam into what seemed like some sort of cave, I continued to swim until my feet met some steps. I climbed them until I was met by hot water. There was a Jacuzzi in this grotto. I was amazed. I climbed in and waited for my partner to join. When he climbed in I devishly smiled and said “Your turn” he smiled and nodded. He stooped over the side of a rock and gave me easy access. “Jeremy be gentle, I always do the fucking and have never been fucked before, and your cock is so much bigger than mine” he said. It was almost comical. “Ok babe” I said. I began to finger his hairless asshole. I got it wet by licking up and down and shoving my tongue in and out. He was moaning and enjoying every second of it. “FUCK ME” he yelled. I happily obliged. I centered my cock at his asshole and ease my way in. “Just shove it in” he said. I did. He yelped. “FUCK ME NOW”. I began to pound his ass and he met my thrusts with his hips. “Kiss me” he said. I leaned forward and kissed him. I was in ecstasy. I hadn’t done anything sexual in the past two weeks and my penis was enjoying this.
I pounded him hard and fast, going in and out, in and out. I felt my orgasm coming. It caught me off guard when my cum speed out. It was amazing. I felt like it would never end. Eventually it did, and I mindlessly continued fucking him until my dick went soft. I climbed out of him and fell back into the Jacuzzi, too weak to move. He grabbed me and led my over the a seat in the Jacuzzi. HE set me on his lap and kissed me. “Wow” he said.

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David cums onto to his Counsellor

This is Part 2 of one of my earliest stories, “Drunk & Disorderly”. They say that the first rule of counselling is not to get emotionally involved with your client. The second rule is, you don’t go to bed with him! Hmm.


Ali has related many of her sexual experiences to me over the last couple of years. But the one she told me last night was even by her liberated standards – extraordinary.