True Story

7 – Senior Year – Part 4

Note: As per my other stories, the character names are all changed on the off chance that there is someone who recognizes any of the descriptions of living arrangements or furniture. If this is the first story of mine that you are reading, I have stories before this – while the other stories are not necessary to read, they do help to build up some backstory to where I was in my life at the time. Once again, while the verbal interaction may not be accurate, the physical interaction is to the best of my recollection.
The end of semester, and my time at high school overall, was quickly approaching. Alexa and I had managed to keep things relatively under wraps – the only person in our school who knew (as far as we were aware) was my best friend Bill, and he was incredibly trustworthy with the privacy of even the smallest most trivial matters, let alone something like this. We had been privately dating for only six or seven weeks to this point, but it was new, exciting, and definitely special. I was so in love with this girl, and she continued to surprise me in sexual and emotional ways. She could make me feel so happy, just by touching my arm. I thought I was happy with Emily, but it was more likely that I was just content to push on through, satisfied with the sex.
After Alexa, the most important thing was that the last few days of school before finals were near. I couldn’t wait to write my exams and be done with school for ten weeks or so. Before that could happen, though, our school had a tradition that had been going on since the seventies or eighties – no one remembers exactly which graduating class started it, but every class has tried to recreate the magic with their own brand since. That tradition was that the night before the last day of classes, all the grads that were willing to participate went and camped out in a forest that was only five or so minutes away from the school. That way we were off school property, and they had no say over what was going on in the evening.
When my brother had graduated a few years earlier, he told me it was the single craziest night of his life – he claims that one girl blew twelve different guys over the course of the night. I’m not sure I believe him, even to this day, but I have no way of disproving it. Regardless, the legend of these parties seemed to grow every year. The current graduating class always seemed to want to outperform the previous year’s grads, even if legends were just rumors and not actual history.
Bill had a tent brought a tent that could comfortably sleep ten, or so the manufacturer would have you believe. If you really wanted any space to yourself, so you weren’t sleeping on top of someone (which isn’t always a bad thing), you could maybe get six people in there. I decided to bring my own personal tent from when I was in scouts just to be on the safe side. It fit three people comfortably, though it had only ever had me and one other person in it at a time during camping trips – plenty of room for sleeping bags, knapsacks, supplies, and extra room to help keep firewood dry. I decided to set my tent up well away from the crowd, around a hundred feet away so Alexa and I could get some privacy.
The forest in question was not really a forest as you might imagine it – our school was in the middle of a metropolis, so the forest was really just some wooded area that were part of a park system. Fortunately, no one really ever came through there at night. People would bring their dogs in the day, so we would have to clear out early, but it wasn’t a big deal to most of us.
Not everyone graduating decided they wanted to spend a night in the forest – some weren’t into the debauchery that would go on, some just didn’t want to sleep outside, but I would guess about sixty people showed up – it was definitely going to be a memorable night. There were tents pitched everywhere, some people just brought sleeping bags and hoped it wouldn’t rain, and a few people had very carefully brought their cars in off-road so they’d have someplace to sleep that wasn’t outside.
We had music blaring, there was enough alcohol to get all sixty people drunk three or four times over, and everyone who smoked pot had contributed to a fund in an effort to make the biggest blunt we could (it ended up being about eighteen inches long, and took like thirty or forty wraps to roll).
A number of us were known for partying hard since junior high, whether it was through alcohol or pot. Over the course of high school, I had developed a reputation for blacking out pretty regularly. It wasn’t that I enjoyed not remembering anything, or losing complete control and becoming douche-Rob, but I just did it. A lot.
Some Eminem came over someone’s car stereo, as the party raged on. It wasn’t even ten and I was already buzzing pretty hard, having downed a dozen Coronas from the two cases I had managed to split with Seth. I kept trying to find good times to be alone with Alexa, but that wasn’t going to happen. Since it was a grad tradition, Emily’s parents had allowed her to stay out. This was one night she couldn’t miss, and even her parents understood that.
At some point in the evening, the amount of beer I consumed started to outweigh the amount of space my bladder had. I’m sure we’ve all been there – you start having to take a leak every twenty minutes.
I was just returning from tree casualty number ten or fifteen when I walked smack into Emily in the dark.
“I was hoping to get you alone tonight,” she slurred.
“No thanks, Em,” I pushed past her.
“What the fuck, Rob? You dump me out of the blue and now you’re not with anyone. What gives?”
“Just leave me alone, Emily – we don’t need to do this tonight. Let’s just have a good time.”
“That’s what I’m saying, Rob, let’s have a good time,” she said, grabbing my arm.
Breaking free of her grasp, I started to walk back towards the party.
“Why not?”
I spun around, sniping at her, “because I don’t fucking want to. That’s why.”
“None of my girls have seen you hooking up with anyone since you dumped me. What gives?”
“Nothing gives,” I sighed, trying to end the conversation as fast as I could. “I just don’t have time for it right now.”
“Fag,” she laughed, before walking into the woods.
What I would give at that moment to fuck Alexa right in front of her eyes.
I stood rooted to the spot for a few minutes because I was pretty pissed. I could tell if I went back to the party, someone would do something that would make me fly off the handle – I was buzzing, but not at the blackout stage yet.
Before I knew it, Emily had returned, and had grabbed my cock through my pants. Due to my slight inebriation, there was no stirring, thankfully.
Swatting her hand away, I realized I should get back to the group before something stupid happened.
I spent the next twenty or thirty minutes drinking by myself in the dark before I had to go take another leak. Not even bothering to move more than a couple feet, I started to go, assuming no one was near me.
“Who’s there?” I hear suddenly, not at all recognizing the voice.
“Rob?” I questioned the darkness.
“Oh, hey. I didn’t know anyone was over here. Don’t come this way, I’m going to the bathroom,” the voice answered.
“Ok?” I was still lost. “Who is that, anyway?”
“It’s Neseet,” the voice answered again.
Neseet was a little Tamil Indian girl, who was actually decent looking. She wasn’t a hottie by any stretch of the imagination, but I’d given it some thought over the years – not much, but some.
“Alright,” I responded, laughing to myself.
Over the last year, Neseet had transformed pretty hardcore – she was always kind of stylish, but she had tried desperately to get a lot of different guys attention as a senior. Before that year, she didn’t show up to parties, she didn’t drink or do anything, and she was pretty rule abiding – what with the strict father and all. Senior year, though she started to break the rules in a big way. She got hammered every weekend, claiming she was at friends’ houses studying, she was trying to give it away like it was going out of style, and she had even smoked pot a few times which was pretty shocking.
“You ok over there?” I asked, hearing nothing for a few seconds.
“Ya, Rob. I’m pretty drunk. Thanks,” she giggled, sauntering over towards me in the dark.
Tripping on a stump, she fell right into my stomach, knocking me over. In the dark, her hands fumbled for something to push herself back upright, and she managed to grab my flaccid cock.
“What the fuck is this?” she wondered aloud, squeezing it.
“That would be my penis, Neseet,” I laughed, the alcohol starting to win over.
“Oh fuck! I’m sorry Rob, so so sorry!” I couldn’t see her face, but I’m sure even her light brown skin was probably a little red right at that moment.
“It’s cool, Nestea,” I laughed, calling her by the nickname she hated.
“That was… different,” she commented.
“I’ve been trying all year to fuck someone, and now I accidentally touch your thing,” she sighed.
“Don’t worry about it – seriously it’s ok.”
“How are you doing anyway, Rob? I know we don’t talk much, but I don’t see you at parties as much lately since you broke up with Emily.”
“Ya, I just don’t feel like being around the parties,” I lied.
“But she’s not even there.”
“Well.. ya, I dunno,” I replied. I didn’t have an answer for that one.
Suddenly, I felt her hand on my pants, finding its way back to my cock.
“Whoa, Neseet,” I backed up a step, “you’re drunk, and I don’t think we should do this.”
“It’s ok, Rob. I’m not that drunk.”
“Well, I still think we should just go back to the party.”
Stepping forward, she found my cock.
“Please, Rob?” she seemed to ask my permission.
“Uhh,” I answered, not sure how to respond that I was spoken for without divulging the secret.
Before I could say anything, she had unzipped my fly and had fished my cock out in the dark. Jerking me slowly between our bodies, I was still mostly flaccid, thanks to the alcohol. Thanks to that same alcohol, though, my inhibitions were waning.
“Do you have a condom?” she eagerly asked me.
“Really want in a forest?” I mumbled incoherently.
“Do you really want to do this in a forest,” I said, enunciating each syllable.
“Well, it’s not like I had hoped, but… Please?” she was begging me now.
Without waiting for an answer, she had bent over, taking me in her mouth. This started to wake me up down below, and I slowly grew as she sucked hard on the tip. She was definitely clumsy around a cock.
“Have you ever… you know?” I asked.
“No, Rob. Please. Please, please do this for me?”
We were near my tent that I had set up to use with Alexa in private. Alexa. The thought quickly entered my mind that this was wrong, but left just as fast as Neseet’s mouth returned to my now hard cock.
“Come with me,” I grabbed her hair and stood her up.
Leading her quietly in the general direction of my tent, we found it after a couple minutes, my cock leading the way.
“Whose tent is this?” she asked.
“It’s mine,” I answered quickly.
“Why isn’t it with all the others?” she asked, before figuring it quickly. “Oh. You were gonna fuck someone tonight, weren’t you?”
“Well…” I thought. “I was hoping I might get to.”
Ducking inside the tent, she fell in beside me.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Neseet?” I asked again. I may have been drunk, but I wasn’t about to rape the poor girl.
“I need to, Rob,” she answered.
I found out a year later that Neseet had married some Indian guy about twelve years older than her. She knew her parents were marrying her off to this man, and I guess she just wanted to live a little before that happened.
I couldn’t bring myself to actually get into what transpired over the next little while.
Ripping her own clothes off in record time, I felt around in the darkness, grabbing her barely B-cup breasts and squeezing them at the same time. I had no illusions that this wasn’t something I would cherish for the rest of my life, so I quickly got undressed myself and got to work.
“Do you finger yourself at all?” I asked her.
“All the time,” she whispered at me, suddenly not being very aggressive.
“Do you have your cherry?”
Reaching down, I could tell she was wet already, but still decided a little more couldn’t hurt. Palming her clit, I took one of her small nipples into my mouth, sucking and chewing it lightly. After a few minutes of this, she was ready.
“Are you on the pill?” I asked, climbing on top of her to take her into womanhood.
“Yes,” she said, the tension easily detectable in her voice.
“Okeydokey,” I answered casually, taking my cock in my hand and finding her opening.
Pushing my cock in, I only managed to get about two thirds of the way in before I hit her cervix.
“OW!” she screamed.
I froze. Even though I was pretty drunk at this point, I was pretty aware that we were still in hearing distance of the others if there was a lull in the music or someone came this way to use a tree.
“Are you ok?” I asked, feigning concern.
“Ya, that just hurt out of nowhere. I wasn’t ready for it.”
“Ok, well I’m gonna start again. Just push on my chest if it hurts, don’t yell,” I told her.
Starting to pump in and out, I was only fucking her with half my cock to ensure I didn’t make her yell again.
This went on for a few minutes, and I could tell I wasn’t going to cum any time soon. I wasn’t about to fuck her for an hour until I actually came, so I figured I would do something I never thought a guy would have to do in his life. Over the next couple minutes, I put my plan in action, starting to breathe heavier, and telling her I was almost there.
Minutes later, I was quietly moaning that I was cumming, and it felt so great.
“Oh my God, Rob, that was wonderful,” she thanked me.
“Ya. Let’s just keep this between us, right?” I asked her, realizing she could tell anyone about this.
“Of course! I know Emily will beat the shit out of me if she finds out.”
Finally, Emily had proved useful again.
Ushering Neseet out of my tent, I realized my problem hadn’t ended. I was still hard as a rock, and didn’t really feel like jerking off in the state I was in.
I hadn’t gotten more than five feet back towards camp, when a voice behind me called out.
“Emily would love to know about this, I bet.”
Why do people keep saying shit from the dark?
“Who’s there?” I asked, slightly panicked. If Emily found out, Alexa would find out.
“Christie,” the new voice answered.
Goddamnit. I had no idea how to get out of this one. Christie was friends with everyone, and was well known to be somewhat of a prude.
“What do you want, Christie?” I asked.
“Nothing, really,” she answered, stepping out before me. “Neseet, though, Rob? Really?” she made her judgment very clear.
“Ya, well… I’m drunk. Things happen. So what can I do for you?”
“I dunno. We can figure something out, I’m sure.”
“Are you gonna hold this over me for a while, or can we figure this out right now?” I asked impatiently.
“Now, now, Rob. There’s no hurry. Let’s go inside and talk,” she motioned to my tent.
Climbing in, she hunched over, so as not to sit down where I was obviously just fucking.
“It’s not gonna kill you to sit, you know,” I told her, laughing to myself.
“I’m fine,” she replied.
“So, seriously, Christie. What the fuck?”
“What can you offer me, Rob?”
“I don’t know… do you want some beer? Pot? You want some money?”
“You know I don’t drink or smoke, and I don’t need money,” she replied snootily.
“Then what is it?”
“You tell me.”
I was getting tired of her little game. I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me.
“What the fuck are you doing, Rob?”
“If you don’t want anything else, I don’t know what else to offer,” I replied, rolling her under me and pulling my still hard cock out.
“Holy shit,” she whispered.
“Like what you see?” I grinned.
“It’s so much bigger…” she trailed off.
“Than my… ya. It’s just bigger,” she answered.
Taking her hand, I wrapped it around my cock; she couldn’t quite get her hand around, as she held it at the base, her mouth agape.
“I take it we have a deal?” I asked her, as I took my shirt off, allowing her to rub her other hand over my lightly toned abs.
“Well, not yet,” she answered, trying to scoot back.
I pulled her back towards me by the legs, so my cock was resting against her stomach. Taking my cock, I started slapping it against her flat tummy, while lightly gripping her throat.
“Rob, I won’t say anything, just… just don’t,” she pleaded with me, still trying to back away.
I lay on top of her, pinning her beneath me, before finding her lips with mine and forcing my tongue into her mouth. After a few seconds, she started to respond, massaging my tongue with hers, her legs instinctively spreading instead of trying to push me away. I reached between us and unbuttoned her jeans, trying to pull them off her without her help. Eventually, her body gave in, and she lifted her hips, as I pulled her pants down to find she didn’t have anything on underneath.
“You’re not gonna fuck me without a condom are you?” she asked through ragged breath.
Without answering, I pushed my cock head into the second virgin pussy in the last half hour. Covering her mouth with my hand, I shoved in hard, smothering the cry that came when I broke her hymen. My fingers could feel the tears rolling from her eyes as she thrashed her head back and forth, her brain trying to fight her body’s desires. Motionless for minutes, I waited for her head to stop moving before removing my hand from her mouth.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
“It really hurts, Rob,” she cried.
“I know, Christie,” I replied, starting to move gently in and out of her.
“Take it out, please,” she wept.
“It’ll stop hurting. Just relax and it’ll feel great soon,” I whispered, stopping again and kissing her delicately on the lips.
We lay unmoving for another five minutes before she finally acknowledged that the pain was leaving.
“Hold on,” I told her, before pushing more of my cock into her.
“Oooh,” she cried, this time in pleasure instead of pain.
Smiling to myself in the dark, I straightened up on my knees and grabbed her hips to me, lifting her ass off the mat in my tent. Fucking in and out, I started to elicit very loud moans from the former virgin. I quickly gained pace, slapping in and out, my scrotum smashing into her taut ass with every thrust.
After ten minutes, I realized the alcohol was definitely not going to let me cum with ease, and for the second time that night, I was beginning to consider faking my own orgasm to end this early.
“Rob?” I heard a voice call out. This time I recognized the voice without a doubt.
“Oh fuck,” I whispered.
“Who is that?” Christie whispered back.
“I don’t know, but unless you want them finding out we’re out here fucking, be quiet,” I instructed her.
I pulled out of her, and looked over to the mesh flap on the back of the tent, peering into the darkness. Feeling Christie’s hand grab my cock and start to stroke it, I smacked her away lightly, and tried to concentrate.
“Rob?” I heard the voice call out again.
“Ok, here’s the plan,” I whispered to Christie. “I’m going to go distract whoever that is – you go about twenty feet wide, and wait there until you don’t hear anything for a minute or two. Then just go back to the rest of the group.”
“Ok?” she whispered, obviously confused.
“Rob?” I heard the voice call out one more time, agitation dripping from the speaker.
“Go,” I whispered to Christina, shoving her out into the woods, as she tried to do up her jeans.
Walking stealthily towards the voice, I waited until I heard the cracking of twigs a few feet in front of me.
“Rob?” I heard for the fourth time, as I stepped out from behind a tree.
“Hey, baby,” I grabbed Alexa from behind, scaring her.
“What the fuck?” she screamed, smacking my arm a few times.
“Sorry, I thought it’d be funny to scare you,” I laughed.
“What are you doing? You’ve been gone for over an hour.”
“Oh. I went to take a leak, then just came over here and have been just getting in touch with myself,” I lied.
“Uh-huh,” she muttered. “Where’s your tent? Do you think we can get in there for a bit before anyone notices we’re gone?”
“Well you already noticed I’m gone,” I pointed out.
“Ya, so did a lot of people, but no one else has been missing long enough to raise any suspicions,” she laughed, pawing at my chest.
“Come on,” I grabbed her hand, and led her the short distance to my tent, pulling a third girl inside in under an hour.
“Ooo, you’re already hard,” she laughed. “Excited to see me?”
“You bet, babe,” I started to pull her pants off.
“I want you in my mouth, first,” she protested, pushing my hands away.
She would definitely taste pussy on my cock. Maybe even blood.
“We don’t have time, Alexa,” I told her, hoping she’d buy it.
“Mmmm. You’re right. Come on,” she told me.
Rolling around in a passionate kiss, we finally got into position with her underneath me, her legs pressed up towards her shoulders, and me lowering myself into her waiting pussy.
“Fuck me, baby,” she encouraged me, reaching up to pinch my nipples.
I pushed in and out, before pulling her entire body up with me, as I knelt back. She was straddling me, with her entire body in the air, her legs wrapping behind me. I lifted her up and down, guiding her along the length of my pole for a few minutes, before my arms started to tire. Lying back, I allowed her to remain on top of me, rocking her ass quickly up and down the bottom of my cock.
I pulled her face to me, biting her lip as she had done to me on so many occasions, before she pushed me back and leaned back, supporting her motions like a she was crab walking. I lay there, allowing the pleasure to flow through me, as her pussy milked my cock.
Sitting upright, she leaned forward onto me, her covered chest pressed against mine, as I started to thrust up into her. For the first time all night, I finally felt the waves of orgasm approaching.
“I’m gonna cum soon, babe,” I informed my girlfriend, thrusting harder and harder to make the climax happen.
Jumping off my cock, Alexa took me in her mouth, bringing me to a much-needed orgasm. Semen filled her mouth to the breaking point, and began to trickle down my cock.
Swallowing, she began to laugh. “You came so much, baby. You needed that one bad?” She teased.
“Oh, so bad,” I confessed.
“Come on, people might start to wonder,” she told me.
As we left the tent, she told me to trail behind her and come in five or ten minutes later.
I watched her disappear into the dark, and started to wonder what exactly had just transpired. In the course of an hour, I had taken two girls’ virginity, faked an orgasm, almost had to fake a second, and fucked my girlfriend.
As I was waiting there, a now familiar voice spoke from the darkness.
“I bet Emily would want to know about that, too,” Christie said, stepping in front of me.
Author Note: I’m having pretty serious surgery next week, so I may not post a story for a while afterwards. I’m already at work on the next one, so I may get one or two more completed and posted before then, but if there’s no story for a while, it’s a safe bet that I’m still in recovery. I do want to try to get the rest of my story told, though, so I promise I will finish at least to where I initially planned when I started writing a couple years ago. The next story will not be continuing the Senior Year title, just as a heads up. The working title so far is “The Graduate”.

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I met Beth through she is from England but flew down to Nigeria to visit me, she was a very sexual person recently divorced and wanted to have some fun and looking to regain some of the sexual excitement that existed earlier.
She had always been a very sexual person, often being a willing participant in my wild fantasies. Beth had mentioned she always wanted to get a small tattoo – kind of her adulthood rebellion – so to celebrate the occasion of her coming down, I purchased a gift certificate for a local tattoo parlour. When I did, I had explained to Tim, the artist and African huge guy who had done a great job on mine, exactly what my intentions were. I told Tim, who I always thought was a pretty good looking guy, that whatever happened with Beth when she came in was fair game. I would be there to videotape the occasion, but whatever happened, happened.
Beth set the date for her appointment with the parlour and thought about what and where she was going to get the tattoo. She decided that she wanted something that could be hidden when she needed to, but something both of us could enjoy. I suggested she get it just above her cunt, which I reasoned could be easily hidden by her bikini and in full view when I was eating her out. Beth was a little apprehensive at first, so I helped encourage her with a quick cunt licking. She loves having her pussy chewed on and whenever I want something, it’s usually the best way to convince her to see things my way.
Her intention was to get a small flaming heart to symbolize her love and passion for me. When the day finally arrived, Beth asked me what she should wear. I told her that her best option was to wear one of her short skirts without any panties. This would allow her to simply hike up the hem while the tattoo artist worked away. At first she thought I was joking, but when I demonstrated how things would work – that if she wore pants she would have to remove them completely, leaving her feeling very naked – a skirt was the best option. I also told her that chances were very real I would be so turned on by the event that I would have to eat her out in the car before we got home.
I helped Beth prepare for the event by shaving her pussy clean. This was the first time she had ever taken her pubic hair right off so this in itself was a real tease for her. We went into our bathroom and she got into the tub, filled it with hot water and spread her legs for me. I began by trimming the hair down as short as I could with scissors before I switched to a razor. I took my time around her lips, occasional brushing against them.
This was driving her crazy. By the time I was done, she was dripping with her own juices and her cunt was swollen with excitement. Beth begged me for a quickie before we had to leave for the salon, but time was against us. I finished my job and towel dried the area. I told her to wait before putting on her clothes and grabbed my camera. I snapped a couple of quick pictures for my private photo album before we left.
We arrived at the parlour a little early so Beth could get a good look around. Even though she knew I had one done there, Beth wanted to make sure everything was sanitary. I introduced her to Tim and I could see she was taken with his looks. My plan was coming together nicely. Tim showed Beth to the private salon where he would do the work. It was a room away from the reception area to guarantee privacy. It was pretty basic: a table containing the necessary supplies for tattoos and piercing, a stool for the artist and the chair for the subject.
Tim patted the chair as if to encourage Beth to hop on so he could begin. Beth eased herself into the chair. It resembled something out of the dentist’s office, but with leg holds that swung out sideways to allow the tattooist easier access to his subjects.
It was a little ominous looking, with ankle and wrist straps. Tim casually explained that they were there for people who enjoyed a little rough treatment during some of the procedures. Tim briefly described how the procedure worked and asked if she had any questions before he began. Beth lifted her butt up off the leather chair so she could pull up her skirt to expose the area where Tim would leave his permanent mark. With the exception of the medical staff during her pregnancy, this was the first time since Beth and I had been together that her cunt had been exposed to another man. I could see from the look on her face that she was a little nervous.
It was one thing to be spread eagle during delivery, but this moment was a lot more sexual in nature – after all, a doctor is a medical professional that is used to certain anatomy and a tattooist is, well, an artist. I’m sure she was still a little turned on from my shaving job. Tim paused briefly – obviously taking in the view before him. Beth had what I call a ‘Penthouse Pussy’ – the kind of cunt that should be shown off, or at least photographed. Her lips were delicate and slightly pink…very inviting. They were long and soft to the touch. Her clit was in perfect alignment, covered by a fleshy hood, creating a very welcoming sight. I often complimented her on how it looked and explained that was why I loved to bury my face between her legs as often as possible.
Tim traced the design we had given him on her exposed flesh. Beth tensed slightly at the feeling of his hand and pen so close to her slit. He picked up his ink gun and offered her one last chance to change her mind. Beth said she was fine and told him to go ahead. I zoomed in with the video camera to get a close-up view of the whole process. As he traced around the outside of the tattoo, I could see that he had to rest his hand on the very edge of Beth’s clit.
On occasion, his palm would just lightly brush over it and then move away. I knew that this delicate touching would be driving Beth crazy. Through the lens I could see her cunt was beginning to swell ever so slightly and she was slowly trying to improve the angle of her hips so that Tim’s hand was directly over her clit. Tim could sense what Beth was trying to do and looked back over his shoulder at me. I winked discreetly at him as if to say “Have fun”.
He took his time to trace the outline, stopping frequently to wipe away the excess ink. When he did this, he made sure that he wiped downward so that his hand would wipe the cool alcohol across Beth’s exposed clit. When Tim had finished outlining the design, he asked Beth if she wanted to have a quick look while he refilled his ink well. Beth looked down at her “Flaming Heart” and smiled at me. She lay back as Tim told her he was going to fill in the pattern. He said it would take about 20 minutes and to get comfortable as he began his work again.
He mentioned that in order to get an even pattern he would have to brace his hand against her and apologized in advance. (Of course, I knew all along what was really going to happen). Tim rested his hand directly over Beth cunt. She jumped at first, but after about 5 seconds of this I could see she was loving every second of it.
Tim slowly began to grind his hand against her. Beth’s cunt started to get moist and her pussy lips were slightly parted…as if to invite more touching. Then, without warning, Tim slid a finger into her slit. Beth’s head shot up off the chair at this and looked right at me.
She hadn’t bargained for this and was thinking this teasing game was going a little further than she expected. I think she was waiting for me to say or do something, but I just grinned and kept on filming. I know Beth felt a little vulnerable at the time…after all there she was lying back in a chair with her legs spread wide open and a strange man fingering her cunt right in front of her me. Beth had only had one lover before she gotmarried, so this was a little unusual for her. Her sexual experiences had been fairly limited and although we often fantasized during sex about other partners, it never went further than talk. In fact, she admitted to me that she had never even fooled around with a man before her divorce.
As he worked away with the ink gun, Tim began to move his finger in and out. I could see his finger glistening with her cunt juice. The distinct smell of a woman’s sexual excitement began to fill the small room. As Tim continued, he also brushed against her swelling clit several times; and each time she would jump a little. I could see Beth wasn’t quite sure how to take all this: here she was in front of her me getting extremely turned on and played with by another man. Soon her sexual pleasure overcame her marital nerves and she settled into the chair. Her pussy juice really started to flow. I could feel my own cock swell as I continued to film the moment. My own desire to lick that wet cunt was almost unbearable. I desperately wanted to taste the sweetness of her moist slit. Beth let out a little moan as Tim’s second finger slid into her.
She pushed back against his hand so that his two fingers slid all the way into her slick pussy. Beth began to match his movements, so that as he pushed in with his fingers, her hips drove down to meet them. There was no turning back now.
Tim put down his tattoo gun and started to rub her clit with his free hand. Beth was so absorbed with what was happening to her cunt that she hardly seemed to notice that he had stopped working away on her tattoo. I was getting more and more turned on as I heard Beth starting to moan more clearly. Her hips were swaying as she got more and more turned on by what Tim was doing. I knew that the teasing at home would drive her towards this moment of infidelity, and I made sure I kept the camera focused clearly on her pussy so she would have a constant reminder of the day.
“Lick me, please” Beth pleaded as Tim continued to work away with his fingers. His thumb was making small circles all around her now swollen clit. Tim lowered his head and lightly kissed her pussy. Beth let out a sigh and arched her hips trying to get her gash on his mouth. Lightly he began to lick her and worked his tongue up and down her lips. He occasionally flicked at her clit, stopping a couple of times to give it a really good tongue-lashing. Beth was aching for some immediate attention. He leaned forward and sucked her clit in and out of his mouth. Beth was going crazy with excitement, moaning and wiggling her ass around.
“Lick me…lick me…lick me” she moaned over and over more forcefully. She put her hands between her legs and pulled her cunt lips apart so Tim would have clear access to her hot little button. She spread her pussy wide open. I could see her hole and her juices dripping out and down her crack to the leather chair.
Tim pulled his fingers out of her and slid both his hands under Beth’s ass. He lifted her off the chair slightly and licked her clit with more force. I could see his tongue sliding in and out of her now dripping cunt – fucking her like a tiny moist prick. I was jealous of him – not for what he was doing, but because he was tasting her and I was left with a hard-on and the video camera. Beth was pumping her hips up and down as Tim’s tongue found her clit time and time again. He flicked it back and forth, using his tongue like a rock hard cock. Beth’s breathing quickened and I could tell she was close to cumming. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head hard against her cunt. Just as she was about to let loose with an orgasm, Tim stopped.
“Oh my god, don’t stop now.” Beth begged, clutching at Tim’s head trying to draw him back in to her. “Please don’t leave me like this…I’m so close to cumming”
“Listen bitch,” Tim said forcefully pushing her hands away. “You’re going to be left with a permanent reminder of this day.”
Beth was shocked at the change in Tim’s tone. I could see she was now afraid of what was happening. She must have realized that she had gone a little too far.
“By the time I’m finished, you’ll know just what kind of slut you really are,” he barked at her. “Now lie still while I finish what I started.”
Tim unbuckled his jeans and pulled out his dick. It was swollen to an enormous size…much bigger than mine on my best day. Since she was relatively inexperienced when it came to other cocks, she gasped at the site.
Beth looked down as his rock hard member and said with a little fear in her voice that she was not having any more of this. As she tried to sit up, Tim pushed her back into the chair. Beth tried to pull down her skirt to cover her exposed dripping pussy, but Tim grabbed her hands and told her to stop struggling. She continued to fight him, so he grabbed her skirt and tore it off. She was completely exposed now and started to kick at him as she struggled to get out of the chair.
“The more you fight it bitch, the harder I’m going to fuck you,” he warned.
With that I put down the camera. I think Beth thought I was going to help her out. She was shocked when I grabbed her leg as Tim buckled the strap around her ankle. We did this for both legs and then her arms. Finally, he buckled a big strap around her waist that held her motionless. Beth had struggled, calling us bastards, but it was in vein as we had easily overpowered her. She was completely at our mercy. I picked up my camera again and began to film the whole affair.
Beth lay there, cunt spread wide and helpless. Her tattoo was only half-complete and the juices from Tim’s finger fucking had left Beth wet. Tim looked back at me, his pants still around his ankles and cock standing straight out. His dick had to be a good 10 inches. He placed it right against her swollen lips.
“I’m going to fuck your her,” he said to me. I could see that he was serious.
“If you do,” I said with an equal serious tone, and then pausing for dramatics. “You better do it right.”
“Fuck you both” Beth screamed. She struggled against the straps that held her down. “You fucking bastards”
Tim began to slowly rub his hard cock up and down her wet cunt. The head of his swollen prick was getting wet with her juices. He pushed against her a little harder and rubbed it between her lips. Beth’s hole was already stretched open a little from his fingers and now was ready to be filled.
“It seems like you’re still interested in some servicing,” he said. Tim rammed his dick into her with such a force she cried out.
Beth couldn’t do a thing to prevent the assault from between her legs. Her cunt was so wet that he had easily slid into her and now Tim was pounding her for all she was worth. He repeatedly pulled out until just the head of his dick was between her lips and then shoved his full 10 inches back into her. Beth had never experienced such a large cock before. In fact, the biggest thing she had ever had in her apart from my 8″ dick was a wine bottle I fucked her with one night when we were drunk. I moved in close to get every push on tape. After a few minutes of this, Beth seemed to have calmed down and started to enjoy what was happening. I could see her hips lifting against the straps to meet the strange cock that was fucking her.
Gradually, she closed her eyes and starting biting on her bottom lip. This was a sure sign that her pussy was on fire. Little by little, I could hear her start to moan and she tried harder to wiggle her ass to match his thrusts. I caught Tim’s attention to indicate that she was starting to enjoy his fucking and maybe he should try something different to test her limits.
I moved around to the top of the chair so I could film Tim’s face as he fucked Beth. I could see from his expression that he was enjoying it. Her cunt juice was soaking his pubic hair and running down her own ass crack. My own cock was pressing hard against my pants, so I decided to unleash it from its confines. With the way the chair was angled, I could stand right over Beth’s face. With my one free hand I started to stroke my dick. It was inches from her mouth.
Beth stared up at me with a look of pleasure. She licked the bottom of my dick and swirled her tongue around the head to lap up the pre-cum that had started to flow from it. Beth took my entire cock in her mouth and licked at it with a new intensity. I began to pump in and out of her, fucking her mouth like it was a hot pussy. Tim was still driving his prick into her cunt with great intensity. Each time he would slam deep into her, her head would bob up and down on my cock. Her tongue was incredibly hot and she made quick work of my dick. I groaned as my dick tensed. It started to throb uncontrollably and finally released a torrent of cum into her mouth. Beth tried to turn her head away because she didn’t like the taste of sperm, but it was too late. She had a good mouthful and the rest simply dribbled down her cheek.
I zoomed in on Tim’s cock buried deep in Beth as he continued to fuck her cunt. Beth was moaning in pleasure, enjoying the sensation of a good screw. Slowly he pulled out of her one more time. He reached down underneath the chair and twisted a lever that lowered the head of the chair and raised the seat. This changed the angle of Beth’s crotch and she was now lying completely back on a 45-degree angle with her hips sticking straight up. Tim pushed the leg holds even wider to pull her cunt wide open. Her cunt had never been stretched like this before, and her own cum ran down making her tiny asshole wet. Beth was quiet and just stared up at the ceiling, almost knowing what was coming next.
“I’m going to stretch your ass so bad, you won’t sit down for a week.”
And with that he stuck the head of his cock against her anus and pushed it slowly into her. Beth gasped and held her breath as Tim worked his dick into her ass. Her little rosebud hole was incredibly tight and a 10″ prick was forcing it open to the limits. Her hands clutched at the arm rests and I could tell it hurt. Beth didn’t normally go for anal sex, although we had tried it a couple of times. At this point, she was done in from the force of Tim’s cunt fucking. He pumped his rock hard prick in and out of her hole. His dick was covered in her cum, but the lubrication didn’t help loosen her up any. I’m sure her tight ass was a real turn-on for Tim because he only managed a couple of drives before he started to jerk as he filled Beth’s ass with cum. He paused for a moment, leaving his limp cock inside her. He motioned for me to get in close with the video camera as he withdrew. I got a great close-up of his cum slowly dripping out of her sore asshole. He was right, she was stretched out of shape.
Beth lay there, softly whimpering in pain and frustration. I was sure she wasn’t as pissed off about our actions as much as she was about not being able to reach an orgasm. Her cunt was still moist and stretched open. I zoomed in close and could see deep into her vagina. Her asshole was red from his fucking, and his cum continued to drip out of it and down her ass cheeks. Tim pulled up his pants and winked into the camera for me.
“Now we finish what we started,” he said, raising the chair back into position.
Tim picked up his tattoo gun and started to draw directly on Beth’s cunt. This was a complete surprise for her and she quickly came back to life. He extended the flames of the original heart down across her clit and over her swollen lips. Beth screamed as the gun worked away on her. The pain of the needle on her unsatisfied clit must have been excruciating as he filled in the colours. For a half-hour Tim worked away, completing Beth’s new tattoo.
“Now for the topper,” Tim smirked. He put down his tattoo gun and picked up his piercing needle. “This little wild cat needs a leash.”
Tim swabbed Beth’s pussy with alcohol to clean away some of the ink and cum that was on her. She twitched as he did, obviously still sensitive to the touch. He lifted her clit hood with a pair of forceps and then pierced the clit hood, inserting the gold ring. Beth screamed in pain. Tim then reloaded the piercing needle with another loop and moved towards her belly button. Beth begged him not to continue, but he simply laughed and completed his job.
He put down his tools and picked up a length on gold chain from the jewelry box. He ran a length around her tummy and through the loop in her belly button. He connected the one end to the chain and then ran the remaining end down to the ring in her cunt. When he had finally attached the gold chain, Beth had her leash – a gold chain that ran around her waist and to her pussy. It was absolutely delicious.
Tim and I undid the straps while Beth lay motionless with her eyes closed. We left her there for a moment to catch her breath and went out into the hall. I paid Tim for his efforts, promising I would send him a copy of the video.
On the way home, Beth fell asleep in the car. I had to carry her into the house and put her to bed. Her skirt was essentially ruined – torn, covered with Tim’s cum and ink from the tattooing. When I awoke the next morning I found her in our bathroom. She was sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a small mirror in her hand. I stood in the doorway and watched as she examined her new tattoo very closely, along with added pussy ring. I was waiting for her to lay into me, but instead was left speechless when she said:
“Umm, that Tim does really nice work!”
do leave some postive comments.. Beth is back to london and will soon visit me in christmas hols

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I let a stranger fuck my blindfolded wife

I’ve been trying to talk her into allowing another guy to have sex with her but she feels like there’s no one who would be willing to do it and because of that she always says no. But that sort of changed last month.

Happy b’day Rachael 3(a pleasant surprise)

This is in continuation of my series’Happy b’day Rachael’.Its not necessary to read the earlier parts in order to understand this one but it would be better if you read those too.Thank you for all the comments and constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Karen and Mike, and I?

This is a true story, because it’s true it’s not perfect. At the time it happened I felt it was just weird and strange. I liked the sex but it was just too weird a deal for me. Now that I’m more experienced, I understand what was going on. I’ve changed the names because they don’t matter to you but to them it would.

I was his Birthday Gift

I didn’t know that I was to end up being my husband’s birthday gift to his friends. If you want to check me out, go to XNXX Adult Forum and search for ‘maria1’ under Pic & Movie Posts.

Creating My Hot Wife 3

Ashley and I regularly visited the nude beaches along Central Florida’s coastline. We often spent Saturday there, left for dinner and our swing club Saturday evening, played around all night till dawn and then left early enough to get in line for the limited parking spots at the National Park when it opened. Those Sunday’s, sleeping it all off on the beach after having sex all night, were some of the best times of our lives. This is how it all started.

A Horny Friend

This story is about two overtly-heterosexual young men who choose to secretly share their sexuality with one another, in an effort to better-satisfy their pent-up sexual urges.

Water Park love part 7: Belize day 2

Note: This I s a continuation of Water Park love and involves male on male. Don’t let the door hit you on you way out if you don’t like it.
The music pounded and I didn’t know what was happening. I remembered “Stereo Love” pounding in my ears and then a warm breeze hit my face. I was outside. Stumbling and stuttering. The moon bounced off of the ocean and into my eyes, illuminating the various streets and closed shops. I stumbled and tripped. My eyes were becoming heavy, heavier by the second. I couldn’t get up. I was grabbed by the arm and yanked up. Black. My eyes lifted back up to see a window overlooking the ocean. Black. My eyes opened to see the same thing, but this time I was being entered from behind with heavy grunts. Black.
Two days earlier
Day 2
There is something about waking up in a white room, with a beach breeze flowing in, and a God sleeping soundly next to you. There is something indeed.
As I rolled over the next morning, I reflected on my time so far. I had embarked in a trip around the world with the love of my life and was two days in, in the most beautiful beach. I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. I got up slowly and put on the underwear on the floor, not paying attention to who’s it was.
I walked down the hallway and took a right. I opened the two glass doors and was met with a warm sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was a beautiful day and I watched as people played outside of our fence.
I walked into the little kitchen and saw a coffee pot with some coffee sitting next to it. I poured water in it and put the coffee in and switched it on. I listened as the machine cackled to life and began to spew out the warm liquid that was like a savior to me on mornings like these. I walked over to the doors and sat in a chair right on the patio. I took a blanket and curled in it. I looked at the clock inside to see that it read 8:30 am. Perfect. The day was going to be long which meant all the more time with Mark.
“Underwear thief” I heard his voice say behind me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my head. “Good morning sunshine” I said. “Morning” he said. “I am making coffee” I said. “Yah I know” he said as he handed me a mug. “Thank” I said. I sipped and felt the warm liquid go down my throat. I rubbed my eyes with tiredness. “What is on the agenda today Crocodile Dundee” I asked. “Ha-ha. Well I had something excited planned but, if you want to stay here and have…. A little fun, I’m ok with that too” he said with a wink.
“Well as nice as having a little fun with you sounds, I think I want to get out and do whatever you have plans to do” I said grabbing his hand. “Good choice because reservations are already made” he said. He downed the rest of his coffee and kissed me. “I am going to the shower if you care to join” he said. “Be there in a minute”. He walked down the hallway and I sat there for a few extra minutes and finished off my coffee. I walked into the kitchen and took both of our mugs. I went to the sink and put the mugs in. I turned the water on and bent over to drink when I heard a thud. I looked around and saw nothing and then bent back over to drink. I came up and swished my mouth and spit it out. I turned off the water and turned back around.
I jumped and yelled. There in the living room was a tall, tan, muscular Mexican man clad in a tight red Speedo. I walked over to the other side of the counter and said “Um who are you”. “Frisbee?” he said. I pushed my immediate boner into the edge of the counter. His accent was so sexy. “No Frisbee” I said. He walked around the couch and towards me and I reached into the drawer and grabbed a handle. He stopped right in front of the counter and bent over. Fuck, boner just raised again. His ass was so tight. He grabbed a Frisbee and said “Gracias, adios” he waved and walked out.
“Random” I said as I ran over to the doors and closed them, locking them. I walked down the hallway and into the bedroom going into the bathroom. He was in the large glass shower, laying on the granite bench, with the water flowing on him. I walked in, stripped, and opened the door. I danced around because the steam in the shower was on and the floor was very hot. I ran over to the bench and jumped on. “FUCK OW OW OW!” I said. “Calm down” he said as he pulled me to him and held me. Suddenly the pain went away.
We sat there like that and I felt his boner raise into my back. I reached for it and he grabbed my hand. “I’m saving the best for tonight he said”. He then gnawed on my neck and I turned around and kissed him. We made out for a few minutes and I stood up, the steam has turned off.
I grabbed the soap and went over to him. He got up and let me wash his body. I lathered up his stomach and then worked my hands around his whole body. I ran my fingers between his and went down his legs and ass. He washed it up and I kissed his abs. He did the same to me and we stood there and kissed for a couple of minutes.
When we got out he dried off and told me to pack clothes for a night. With no protest I did what he asked. He grabbed our things and headed towards the door. “Come with me to heaven” he said. I followed and grabbed his hand. We walked out the door and walked around the house to the beach. We went right and walked down the beach. I took pictures with my camera and got some really good ones. We walked for what seemed like hours until we came to this tiny dock with a little boat with a cabin under it.
We climbed on. “Who’s boat is this” I asked. “Mine”” he said. His parents had some yacht club membership and he said he had this boat driven here. I went down the stairs and placed our bags onto the floor. I stood up and felt tears come to my eyes. I remembered the last time we were on a boat and the aftermath of the whole trip. I held them back and hoped this boat trip would be better.
I climbed up top and watched as he through the ropes onto the boat. He climbed into the front and turned the little boat on. We began to move out of port and were soon cruising around the island. I watched as we approached a little circle in the water, he went around and went into an entrance of the circle.
I gasped in awe. This “circle” was “The Great Blue Hole” a fascination of mine ever since sixth grade. The hole is a popular diving spot that was formed by sea levels flooding caves and is made of basically limestone. Mark told me he has a special diving license that let us be here. He stopped the boat and took off his clothes and was standing there in his Speedo I had bought him. Fuck I made a good choice.
The Speedo clung to his huge package and his ass. It was just enough to cover him, but not that much. His abs looked bigger and I ripped off my clothes standing in a matching Speedo. He same over to me and kissed me. “Fuck you look hot” he said. “Thanks, you don’t look half bad yourself” he kissed me again. “since you haven’t learned how to Scuba dive, were just gunna go swimming, but anytime you here a boat, swim under, or next to ours and do not be seen!” he said. “Ok”. I took the next few minutes to snap pictures of where we were.
As I was putting away my camera, I walked over to the edge of the boat and looked over into the clear water to find him. “Behind you” he said. I whirled around and he grabbed me, kissed me, and then shoved both himself and me into the water. I fell into the warm water and we separated. I was egg beating in place with him when I felt something on my feet. I looked down startled, only to find a school of fish swimming by. They were bright colored and weaved in and out of each other with perfect synchronization.
After swimming in this amazing place which had captured my attention for so long, we went back aboard the mini-yacht and dried off. After taking in the scenery and the view of the god in front of me, I climbed into his lap as he started to drive the boat away. “Wanna drive the boat little boy?” he said in a babyish voice. “Yes daddy” I said with a wink.
He instructed me where to go and told me to be aware of the spiratic shallowness of the water and that we would be killing someone’s habitat if the boat scraped the bottom. I saw a sign bobbing in the water and he told me to drive over there. By this time the sun was beginning to set and the sun was blazing orange and red. As I pulled up to the bobbing sign, he slowed the boat down until we were at a complete stop. He said that the sign indicated this was a safe place to anchor. He pulled a lever, and told me the anchor was going down.
I walked over to a bench in the “cockpit” (what I called the driving area) and laid down, taking in the view.
I fell into a sleep and dreamt about the boat and him and I being together forever. Then my dream turned strange. I was running through Belize until I was met with a random Jungle. I went into it, and I saw the sexy guy from my living room, in his red Speedo, sitting there. He takes off his Speedo revealing a gigantic cock. It was at least a foot long and uncut. He took his dick in one hand and began to stroke it, while with the other motioned for me to come over. I walk over and he tells me to sit on his lap. I do and he puts his cock on my face. He them yells at me, grabs my face, and wraps his snake like cock around my neck, I began to feel helpless and pop up out of my dream.
I sit straight up panting, I’m in the same place I fell asleep and scared out of my mind. The moon is high and illuminating the sea. I look around for Mark, but cannot find him. I run around the “cockpit” and down the stairs onto the deck. What I am greeted with astonishes me. There is a table set up with flowers, and candles. Mark is sitting there in a skimpy pair of lace bikini underwear, not my forte, but what the hell.
“How long was I out” I ask groggily. “About an hour” he said. “Remember hat bag I had yesterday when we got into your car that I said I had something for you? Well go downstairs into our room and see what I have, it is dinner attire for tonight” he said with a wink.
I walked downstairs to find a pair of white bikini underwear on the bed. I slipped my Speedo off and slipped the underwear on, there really wasn’t any difference. I admired my body in the mirror, but came to the quick conclusion that I was being narcissistic, and decided to go back upstairs.
When I came up, the table had been arranged with what looked like a food scene from heaven. There was fish over a bed of spinach, topped with flowers. “I made this while you were out” he said. He pulled out my chair, I sat down, and he poured me a glass of champagne. He sat down opposite me. “where’d you get this?” I asked, referring to the alcohol. “Found it in a cupboard” he said. “Cheers to us and this great trip” I said, raising my glass, we clinked glasses and drank.
We then ate our dinner, which tasted exactly how it looked. He slid his hand across the table and grabbed mine. I mouthed “I love you” and he said “Not as much as I love you”. I smiled. When we were done with dinner, he walked it over to a bow and put our dirty dishes away. He walked over and sat back down. The candlelight and moonlight were the only sources of light and I looked at his eyes. He put his hand on my thigh under the table and I said “Trying to make the move on such an occasion I see? Well Mr. Suarez, I think I might have to take you up on that” I said with a wink. He stood up and came over to me. I looked at his dick, seeing how massive it was in his panties.
He took my hand and pulled me up. He took me into a dancing position and turned on some slow music. He pulled me into his chest and I put my head in his shoulder. He took me and we began to sway. “This is so fucking clich?ark, but so fucking cute” I whispered into his sweet smelling skin. “Call me cheesy” he said, placing his chin on my head.
We stayed like this for ten minutes, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed his head in my heads and planted my lips onto his. He took me into his arms and carried me into the cabin. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me passionately. A thought and fantasy came to my head and I flipped him over. I went down to the line of his panties and ripped them off with my teeth. I then stopped and said “Be in the driving seat and ill meet you there in two minutes”. He looked at me stupidly and then shrugged. He walked upstairs in all of his naked glory. The minute he was gone, I looked franticly around the cabin, looking for something I had seen earlier. I opened a cupboard and found what I was looking for, a sailor’s hat. I smiled, grabbed it, and ran up top.
When I was on deck, I looked up the stairs that led to the “cockpit” and took a deep breath and climbed them.
Once I got up, I saw him sitting where he was supposed to, his face away from mine. I came from behind him and placed the cap on his head. I then stripped off my panties and walked around so that he could see me. Both of us were steel hard and he smiled at me. I climbed on him so that I was straddling him, took his face in mine once again, and planted my lips onto his. As we kissed ferociously, our dicks pressed in between our stomachs.
He grabbed both our cocks and began to move his hand up and down, I began to moan. This is where my fantasy came into place. I had this naked guy, with an amazing body whose abs and perfect tan glistened in the moon, wearing nothing but a sailor’s hat and huge cock on a boat. This was some sort of fetish. “Captain, I seem to have gotten lost on the high seas” I said. “Don’t worry traveler, ill help” he said in a naughty tone. He then took my hips, moved them up, placed them over his dick, and lowered my ass down.
He eased his dick into me, while I was straddling him, and began to move in and out of me. He placed my back on the hugs steering wheel and stood up behind me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he leaned over me, grabbing my cock, and pushing his tongue down my throat. He began to thrust in and out of me, while jacking me off.
I was in ecstasy. This was different then the other times we had made love, this was a fantasy, a hot sexual escapade. “Captain, Captain” I moaned. “Fuck me” I yelled. He began to thrust harder, jack harder, and push his lips harder, every now and then grunting how lost a traveler I was.
My back moved on the steering wheel, all the while reminding me what was happening. He grunted and I felt his cock beginning to grow even more. My cock also began to swell. With one more Scream of “CAPTAIN”, my cum flew out of my dick, hitting me in the face. He then began to spurt jet after jet of cum into my ass, and collapsed on me, still kissing me. The horn on the boat began to blow, but he didn’t care.
When he became soft, he climbed out of me and led me to the bench on the boat. He kissed me passionately and we lay down.
The last thing I remember about that day was the warm evening breeze hitting my face and naked body, and the warmth of the man, or “Captain” cradling me.

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Spanking and Sexual Awakening. Judge Cooke Series # 1

This is a true account of spanking that fueled a lifelong desire. This does contain descriptions of events that happened when I was young. If this offends you please do not continue to read this. Remember, that you are an adult, and you have the right to make your own decision to read this. Please let me know if you would like for me to post other events that happened in my friends home between her Father and others. Please feel free to PM me or email [email protected]

Kris and Kat, The Swensen Girls

Now that I’m the only one still alive that would be affected by this story, I will share it with my readers. Basically, this story may be a little different than most, that’s because it is about ninety percent (or more) true. Very little is embellished, but the names and places (although similar to the actual ones) have been changed. In those days, I could pop a nut just about anytime. My personal best was seven times in ten hours…

Depraved housewife

I’ve always fantasized about fucking animals-this was a chance encounter that may possibly lead to more. If you are easily offended or grossed out, please do not read.