True Story

Jessica Part 1 My Best Friend’s Wife

Jess & I, First Time for us
Background: My name is Rich. My wife, Judi & I have been married for 25 years and all our children are grown. Tim & Jessica are close friends of ours. I work for a company whose home office is about 120 miles away. Tim & Jess own a house in a town about half-way between our house and my company’s home office. I have to go to the office for meetings almost every week. A couple of years ago Tim & Jess had some serious problems in their marriage, and they almost split up. We helped them work things out, and the four of us have become very close, in part due to the amount of time and attention Judi & I have devoted to their darling young son.
Jess is 30 years-old, a tiny little brunette, about 5’3” tall, and just over 100 pounds. She has long slim legs, nice firm breasts and a tiny tight butt. She has deep grey-green eyes, fine features, and a beautiful sprinkling of freckles across her shoulders. She recently lost her job and started back to school to finish the education she interrupted when she & Tim married and started their family. Tim is 38, about 6’2”, about 225. He was muscular when he was younger, but a lot of years at a desk have taken their toll. While he’s still in good shape, it’s not as good as it was. He has dark hair and eyes, and is absolutely devoted to his son, and since Jess caught him a couple of years ago, to her. Due to training requirements for his job, Tim often has to be away from home, sometimes for weeks at a time. This past winter was particularly bad, both because Tim was gone quite a bit, and because the weather was awful.
Judi is 58, 5’8”, about 165, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had some health problems when we married, and they have continued to get worse. On the plus side, Judi is very bi, and she’s always been willing to share her girlfriends with me. I’m 5’9”, about 220, with brown hair and blue-grey eyes. I’ve worn a mustache since I was 18. While I’m not in the condition I was 10 years ago, when I worked outside and did a lot of lifting and running, but I’m not in bad shape at all for my age.
Several months before the events detailed in this story Tim and I were talking over a couple of beers while Judi and Jess were shopping. I’d commented a couple of times about how great Jess looked so Tim asked me, “Would you try to fuck my wife while I’m away?”
“Let’s put it this way, Tim,” I said, after thinking about it for a minute, “I think Jess looks terrific, but you’re also one of my best friends, and I’d be hard put to risk that even for a chance at a woman as fantastic as Jess. So I guess, IF Jess were to offer to fuck me, AND promise me that it wouldn’t be a “revenge fuck” to get back at you, but would be because she actually found me attractive, and if she agreed to do whatever I wanted, the way I wanted, and you know my kinks, then, IF she agreed to all that, I’d honestly have a damned hard time telling her “NO.” I’d try, but I can’t promise I’d succeed.”
Tim thought about that for a moment, took a long pull on his beer, then looked at me and said, “That’s an honest answer, and I respect that. I know Jess well enough to know that even any one of those is extremely unlikely, and the chance of more than one is almost nil. So here’s what I’ll tell you; If she ever makes that offer, and agrees to those conditions, then do whatever you want. You’ve got my blessing and permission.” He thought about it for a minute more then added, “Hell, it might even loosen her up a bit with me. God knows she could use it. She’d get one hell of a surprise before you were done, that’s for damned sure.” Then he just grinned at me.
“Deal? Friend?” And he stuck out his hand. I took it.
“Deal. My friend.” I said. “ I can’t imagine she’d ever agree to that, but I wouldn’t lay a hand on her without all three, so I doubt it will ever come to that.”
Boy, was I ever in for a surprise. Several months later the following begins.
Since the bad weather this winter happened to coincide with the days I had to travel to the home office, and since Tim had to be gone so much, Jess invited me to stop and stay with her if the weather was too bad to risk trying to finish the trip home late in the day. The first time I stayed Tim had just left the day before, so I slept on the couch, helped her shovel herself out, and went on home early the following day. The second time was much different, and that’s where this story picks up.
I had been driving since early in the morning, then in meetings all day, and was only half-way home driving in snow and ice when the highway patrol closed the interstate for a major crash down the road. I diverted onto the old back road, which happens to go within a block of Tim & Jess’ house, so I called Judi and stopped for the night. Jess was very glad to see me, as the lights had been flickering from ice on the overhead wires, and she wasn’t comfortable plugging in and starting the back-up generator. We got the little guy fed and played for a couple of hours, until it was finally time for him to go to bed. After he was tucked in for the night, Jess and I watched the news and weather, and the later it got the closer she sat, until she was leaning on my shoulder and holding my hand. Finally she stood up and said she was going to get ready for bed, and when she went upstairs I started to do the same. When I came out of the bathroom she was sitting on the couch waiting for me, but it was what she was wearing that about dropped me in my tracks. Instead of the demur flannel gown she’d worn the last time she was dressed in a tiny and sheer pink baby-doll nighty, with a tiny pink g-string beneath. I stopped dead, but she patted the couch beside her, indicating that I should sit next to her. I’d always known she was beautiful, but when she was nearly naked she was stunning. I sat.
“I know you and Tim are good friends, but I need something from you, if you’re willing.” She started. “I’m okay when he’s home, but these weeks away really get to me.”
It was obvious what she wanted, even without the clothes she wasn’t wearing, her little pink nipples were pulled up into two .30 caliber bullets atop her firm, pert breasts. “Jess,” I started, “I’m not going to be used as a ‘revenge fuck’, especially since Tim and I are friends. If that’s what this is about then I’m going to have to say ‘No’, no matter how much I want not to.”
“No, it’s not that. Well, mostly not that anyway. I’ve been attracted to you from the first time I saw you, but with Judi and I friends, and you and Tim, and all that, I couldn’t do anything. But he’s been gone, and you’re here, and I need a man to hold me, and I really like you, so I’m offering. If you’re interested.”
“Interested?! I’d have to be an idiot and blind to not be interested, but I won’t risk the friendships or the relationships with you and your son for sex.” I said. “Besides, if anything went wrong, Judi would kill me if I drove you guys out of her life.”
“I won’t let that happen. I promise. I just want you to come upstairs and make love to me and make me feel good. I won’t let anything happen to jeopardize our friendships, but I need you. And I want YOU.”
“Jess, I will do this, but there’s going to be one thing you must agree to, since Tim and I have talked a lot, and I know you have some hang-ups about sex, so I’m going to put a condition on this before we start. OK?”
“What condition?” she asked.
“We’ll do what I want and enjoy, the way I want to do it, and the way I enjoy it, and you won’t tell me ‘No.’, because the first time you tell me ‘No, I won’t do that.’ I’m going to get out of your bed and come back down here and sleep alone. I got Judi past those hang-ups years ago, and I’m not going to deal with what Tim does. I don’t have to. We’ll have the sex I enjoy, and I’ll make it memorable for you, too. But I won’t take ‘No.’ for an answer, or I’ll come downstairs. Is that clear and agreed?”
I saw the flash of fear in her eyes, and then she looked down at her hands. When she looked back at me she’d made a decision. “Agreed.”
“Agreed to what?” I asked. I wanted to be sure she understood.
“I agree that I won’t stop you or tell you ‘No.’ even if it’s something I don’t normally do, as long as you don’t hurt me.”
“I won’t hurt you, I promise. Or at least if it hurts for a moment, it’ll be a lot better soon.” I reached across and pulled her close and kissed her mouth. She was so sweet. The second kiss was much longer and more passionate, and our tongues were dancing before we parted. She was nearly out of breath. I slipped my arm beneath her legs and held her close, picked her off the couch, and stood up. She curled her face into my chest. I could feel her heart racing as I held her.
“Let’s go upstairs and continue this.”
When we were in the bedroom I stood her next to the bed. I held her tight and kissed her deeply again. When I pulled back she looked up at me and smiled, “I haven’t even kissed another man since Tim and I have been together. I’d forgotten how exciting it is, the first time with someone new.”
I reached up and untied the baby-doll and slid it off her shoulders. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her deeply, tasting her and drinking in her breath and her sweet scent. I kissed around her face, her nose, eyes, cheeks, and ears. I nibbled down one side of her throat, went across and back up the other side. By the time I got back to her mouth she was panting. I held her arms to her sides until there was a puddle of pink cloth at her feet. I could feel my erection jabbing at her belly, and I knew she could too. She reached down and held my cock and stroked it.
“I’m glad to see you want me.”
“I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you. I’ve just never had a chance to show you how much.” I said. She slid my pants past my erection and they dropped around my ankles. I kicked them out of the way with hers.
I dropped to my knees so that my mouth was level with her breasts and sucked one then the other. Then I slowly slid down, nibbling and licking until my mouth reached her slit. She was intoxicating. I parted her legs and slipped between them far enough to lick the juices that dripped from her pussy lips. My god that woman was sweet! I pushed her back so she fell onto the bed and dove forward to devour her pussy. I alternated between her clit and licking the juices that dripped from her lips. She clearly wanted me to make love to her, but I couldn’t get enough of her juice. I slipped a finger inside to stroke her g-spot, then added another. I trailed a third along her little rosebud pucker behind, but didn’t try to push yet. She was quickly loosing control and I worked to get her over the top.
Suddenly her hands were pulling my face into her pussy and her hips were bucking into my face. She was panting and moaning, but not actually saying anything. I just kept licking and sucking, with two fingers deep inside. Then I felt the stream of girl cum down my chest. That was when I was certain I’d been successful. After a little while longer her hands went from pulling my face in to pushing me away. Reluctantly I stopped and removed my fingers. It took an incredible effort of will to stop licking up her juices. She was just so sweet to eat. But finally I managed. I stood up and positioned the head of my cock at her entrance. I slipped just enough in to keep me in place and leaned forward over the top of her until my lips met hers.
“Are you sure you want this?” I asked, giving her one last chance to back away. “Technically you still haven’t cheated on Tim, yet. But if I put this inside you that’s over, and you’re committed, both to cheating on your husband with me, and to doing whatever I want to do. Are you still wanting to continue?”
Jess didn’t answer. She just smiled up at me, wrapped her legs around my hips and drove me forward until I was buried inside her right to my balls. We both gasped, and I dropped down and hugged her tightly while we caught our breath. My God she was tight! I was pretty sure Tim was bigger than me, and if she hadn’t been so wet and wanted me inside her I wasn’t sure I could have gotten my cock inside her. She must almost squeeze Tim’s dick off
“Are you just going to lay there inside me or are you gonna fuck me?” Jess asked. Grinning. After what Tim had said her words shocked me, just a little.
“First lock your legs around me while I climb up onto the bed, then we’ll see. I don’t want to take a chance on missing a second inside you now.” I said. When she had me held tightly I crawled up so I was fully on the bed, then I settled my weight onto her little body. She relaxed her hold on me and I started stroking in and out of her, slowly. “Is that more what you had in mind?”
“Well, you could speed it up a bit.” She said.
“I could, but as far as I know there’s no real hurry. And I intend to take my time and make this as long and as good as possible.” I raised my body to look between us, the sight of my cock in Jess’ pussy was so exciting. She looked at all the fluids on our bodies when I did.
“How did you get so wet?” She asked.
“You squirted when you came earlier, and it got pretty much all over me.” I answered, looking at how her girl cum had matted my body hair.
“I don’t squirt. I don’t think girls even cum like that. Do they?” She asked, a bit surprised.
“Well the fact is, yes, when girls cum really hard, especially from oral sex with a manual assist, they often squirt. Sometimes a little, and sometimes a lot.” I explained, while we continued to look at our bodies.
“I assume that was a lot?” Jess asked. I looked at her as she ducked her head and blushed. I gently took her chin in my hand and brought her face back to look in her eyes.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Jess.” I assured her. “In fact, I have to take it as a compliment if you don’t normally do it. That means that I made you come better than you have before. That makes me feel very good, and even makes me feel better about making love to you tonight. I’m doing something that you’re really enjoying. And besides, you’re delicious! I could hardly bring myself to stop licking up your juices even before you came, and your girl cum is even better than your regular juice.”
“You’re not just saying that. Are you?”
“Taste for yourself.” I moved my face next to hers so she could taste her pussy juice on my cheek. She licked, tentatively at first, then she gave me several good licks. “Delicious, isn’t it?”
“Well, yeah. I do kinda like it.”
I moved up a little and offered her my chest where it was coated in her girl cum. “Now try this.”
She licked that with much more enthusiasm. “Hmmmm! That’s tasty!”
“Maybe you should try going to the source for some of that, someday soon.” I offered.
She looked at me expectantly. Then the sudden realization of what I was suggesting hit her and she looked a little shocked. “I couldn’t do that!”
“Why not?” I asked. “You like the taste, and any man would be delighted to see you eating pussy. I’ll promise you’d know exactly how to do it. And you’d love the way it tastes and feels.”
“I just don’t know.”
“Well for now, let’s just enjoy this.” And I plunged my cock deeply inside her again and started fucking her steadily.
“Oh! That’s nice.”
“I think I’d rather watch for a while.” I said. I spun her over so she was straddling me, still firmly impaled by my erection. “That’s better. This is much easier to watch.”
Those incredible breasts were bouncing with her every movement. She started slowly rocking on my cock, then started speeding up. I grabbed her hips and slowed her down. “It’s not a race Jess.” She looked a little disappointed. “Let’s enjoy the view and the feelings.”
I slipped my hand between her legs and rubbed her clit. She rocked her head back and slowly rocked her hips so that my cock made little strokes in and out of her pussy. She quickly built to another orgasm, panting, then moaning, then a series of little happy squeaks. Not as powerful as the first, but when she came back down and opened her eyes and looked at me it was clear she was happy. “That was nice.” She said.
“I agree.” I’d already decided what I wanted next. “Spin around so you’re facing away from me.”
Jess started to raise off my cock. “No, not that way. Don’t take my cock out of you. Stick your legs up here on my chest.” She pulled each leg out from under and laid them on my chest, my cock driven as far as it could possibly go inside her. The feeling was terrific. I kissed her feet and sucked on her toes. She giggled and squirmed a bit, firmly anchored on my rod which impaled her.
“Now, pick a direction and swing your legs that way in steps. Don’t forget to raise a bit each time so you don’t twist my balls off.” Jess giggled but did as I directed. Taking about one eighth of a turn at a time she ended up straddling my legs again but facing away, my cock still firmly planted inside her.
“OK, now draw your legs back under you so you can fuck me from there.” She tucked one leg then the other under her and raised up until my cock nearly dropped out. She looked back over her shoulder and smiled, and dropped back down driving me fully inside her. The feelings were incredible and I knew she wouldn’t take long to draw my first load of cum, but I also spotted her little pink pucker behind and I knew I’d have to put my cock into it before the night was over. Knowing that Tim said she didn’t allow him up her ass meant I’d have to figure out a way to get her permission. I let Jess set the pace, rocking her hips to move me in and out of her occasionally raising up almost all the way out then slamming back down to drive me deep inside again. This wasn’t always my favorite position, but I wanted to set her up for something else that Tim said she didn’t do.
“Use your hands if you need to.” I directed.
Jess looked back quizzically. “Not on me, silly. Use your hands on yourself. Rub your clit to help get yourself off.”
When I didn’t feel a change I made it more clear. “That wasn’t a request. Rub your clit so you cum with me. I don’t want to be the only one cumming.”
I felt her hands rubbing her slit and occasionally touching my cock and balls so I knew she was following instructions. Her next orgasm seemed to catch her by surprise as she went from a steady rhythm with her hand and body to sudden jerks and moans very quickly. I felt her pussy gripping and squeezing my cock and she nearly made me cum right then, but I managed to concentrate and stop myself while she came back down. I massaged her sweet ass cheeks and back. When she was calmer she settled down onto my cock, driving it fully inside her again.
“That was even better.” She said, looking back over her shoulder. “Now I want your cum. Please.”
“I think I can do that for you.” I grabbed her hips and started rocking her on my cock. Slowly sliding my thumbs until they were pressing against her asshole.
“Hey. Not there.”
“That sounded like a “No”.” I pushed a little more firmly.
“Gently. Please?”
I gently pushed one thumb firmly against Jess’ sphincter and continued rocking her hips on my cock. Our orgasms built together quickly. I felt her hands back on her clit and my balls. She had me boiling quickly.
“Here’s that cum you wanted. Ready?” I asked
“God Yes!” Jess shouted. “Fill me up!”
And that’s exactly what I did. In the midst of the spasms of her muscles, and with the assistance of the lubrication I’d transferred onto my thumb, it slipped inside her anal ring. Jess let out a little yelp but it only seemed to intensify her orgasm as my balls emptied themselves deep inside her pussy. My orgasm was so intense I raised my hips off the bed trying to drive myself deeper inside. I felt a rush of fluid across my balls and down across my ass onto the bed. She squirted again. This was getting pretty good. I finally sagged back down onto the bed, and Jess dropped her head forward onto my legs. She laid that way for several minutes, then pushed herself back up to sit on me again. She looked over her shoulder at me and grinned.
Since she didn’t seem ready to say anything I just asked, “Was that ok?”
“That was way more than ok. Which you already knew.” She told me. “That thumb was a bit of a shock, but I think I like it. Although you’re going to have to take it out so I can get cleaned up. I think you made me squirt again. At least that’s how it tastes.” As she stuck her fingers in her mouth.
“That’s the next thing we’re going to do differently.” I told her. “Let me know when you’re ready to let my cock out of you, unless he decides for himself first, and I’ll tell you how we’re going to handle the clean-up.” My cock was shrinking, but only just a little, and I wasn’t sure whether it would go down on its own or get hard again. Especially if she kept wiggling on it like that.
“But I always wash up after. Well, you know….” Jess explained. “I suppose Tim already told you that too?”
“Well, yes, he did, but that’s not what we’re doing tonight.” I told her.
“Then what?” She asked.
“Are you ready to find out?”
“I hate to let you take it out of me.” Jess admitted. “But I’d like to know what you think we’re going to do.”
“I know exactly what we’re going to do.” I slipped my thumb out and grabbed Jess’s hips firmly in my hands. I pulled her hips towards my face, shifted my arms, and got her pussy positioned over my mouth. As expected her face fell forward so that my cock almost hit her in the face. “Now. I’m going to clean up after myself, and you’re going to clean me.”
“But.” Jess started to protest. I licked hard on her clit and then continued up the length of her slit, not stopping until my tongue was pressed firmly against her anal ring, where I tickled just a little before shifting and drawing her clit into my mouth. She tentatively licked my cock, then took the head slowly into her mouth. I could feel her tongue swirling around the head. I started lapping up the juices running out of her while she licked around my balls.
“On second thought.” She started, “this isn’t bad at all.”
She went to work licking our juices off me, while I concentrated and licking them out of her cunt. She was delicious, and she was clearly enjoying herself, as every so often she’d twitch and more cum would dribble from her pussy, which I immediately licked up. After a while she started seeming distracted as I was concentrating my attentions on her clit, so I stuck one, then two fingers into her pussy. She started moaning onto my cock, which got me hard again. Then I decided to go for broke. I added a third finger, to get it lubed up. When I was certain my finger was coated in her juice I slipped it out and placed the tip against her asshole. Jess moaned something around my cock, but since I didn’t understand I pushed hard and my finger slipped in. It must have worked because in seconds she was bucking her cunt against my face. Then she pulled her mouth off my cock so she could breathe more deeply and moan. She was cumming again. I kept sucking until I felt her squirt starting. I clamped my mouth on her cunt and sucked all the juice down that she would give me. When she started trying to her pussy away from my face I allowed her a couple of inches, and she caught her breath.
“Oh, my god!” She said. “That was something I’d never considered. I wasn’t going to let you do anything with my ass, but I decided to let you do a finger, and I’m sure glad I did.”
“Now that we’re cleaned up, why don’t you come back up here and snuggle for a few minutes?”
“That’s a good idea, I could use a snuggle.” She curled up with her head on my shoulder, and started teasing my chest hair. She was kissing my chest and neck, and I was relaxing and enjoying the attention. After a few minutes she looked at my face and asked, “Are we going to do more?”
I pulled her mouth to mine and kissed her deeply. “We’re going to do much more, but I wanted to give you a few moments to rest and adjust.” I could feel her tense against me. She knew I meant her new status as a cheating spouse.
Jess blushed and tucked her head back into my chest. “Do you want to use the toilet or freshen up a bit before we do more?” I asked.
“Yeah, good idea.” She said as she slid out of bed. I got up to follow her. “Wait. Where do you think you’re going?”
“To the bathroom with you to use the toilet and wash my hands.”
“I, umm, well…” she stammered.
“I can always go back downstairs. If that’s what you want.” As I went through the bathroom door behind her.
“No. It’s okay. Just not something I’ve ever done before.”
“I thought not.” I said and swatted her ass, lightly. “You first for the toilet, I’ll wash my hands.”
She sat, but it looked like her whole body blushed before I heard the first drops of pee. I dried my hands and watched her finish, then went over to help her up.
“It just seemed odd to have someone watching me while I peed”, she said.
“Get used to it. Wash up while I finish.” And I turned to pee myself. When I was done she was still washing a bit so I just said, “I’ll meet you in bed.”
I’d spotted the bottle of baby oil on the night stand, so I stacked the pillows in the middle of the bed, and grabbed the baby oil so I could massage the tension from her back, and do the next thing on my mental “list”. When she came back in she stopped at the edge of the bed and gave me a quizzical look. “Just climb back up here, facing away from me.”
She did and snuggled her hips back against my crotch. “Now lay down on the pillows with your head on your hands. I’m going to give you a back rub to help get some more of that tension out.”
Since she couldn’t sense my ulterior motives she complied readily. I oiled my hands a squirted a trail of oil down her back, leaned forward and started my best backrub technique. I worked her shoulders, her middle back, then worked lower, adding oil as I went. I worked my way down to those wonderful round ass cheeks and started massaging them too, pooling oil between them, where the head of my nearly fully erect cock now lay. I started rocking my hips to get her crack and my cock fully oiled, even pressing lightly against her asshole with my thumbs. I slipped my cock into her pussy, took a couple of strokes, then pulled out and rubbed it against her clit, lifted slightly and stroked between her butt cheeks. Rub, oil, press and relax her back. Pussy, clit and crack with my cock. Repeat. And again. When she was fully relaxed I leaned back, admired her beautiful body and that sweet ass, leaned forward, placed the head of my cock against her anal ring and pushed gently. Jess’ response was immediate.
I slipped my cock between her butt cheeks, leaned forward and pressed my back to hers, my lips to her ear, pulled her hair away from her face and ear, and asked, “Is that, No, go downstairs, or No, be gentle, I’ve not done that?”
She looked at me from the corner of her eye, I slipped my cock into her pussy, and she gasped. “I don’t..”
“That isn’t the question, nor the choice.” I twitched my cock inside her. “Do I go downstairs, or do I fuck your ass?”
Jess buried her face in the pillow.
“Which is it?” I twitched again for her.
“Stay, and what?”
“Do it.”
“Do what?”
“Do it.”
“Say it.”
“I can’t.”
“I should go downstairs?”
“No. Please.”
“Please what?”
She turned her face into the pillow and said something. I lifted her head and turned her towards me. “What should I do?”
“Stay and do it.”
“Do what?”
Jess bit her lip and blushed. “Do what?” I asked.
“Fuck my ass.”
“Ask me.”
“Please what?”
“Please stay and fuck my ass.”
“Okay. I will. Thank you for asking.” I said. “Give me your hands.”
I pulled her hands behind her back and pressed her forearms together across the small of her back. I dribbled a little more oil down the crack of her ass, and laid my cock in it. “Relax and I will be as gentle as I possibly can.” I rubbed her ass gently. “Just relax.” I placed the head of my cock back against her anal ring and pushed gently, pulling back on her arms to hold her tightly so she couldn’t pull away and hurt herself worse. Stroke. Reassure. Push. Suddenly the head of my cock popped inside her, followed by about an inch of shaft.
“Aww! That hurts!”
“Relax. You’re doing fine. Unclench. Relax. I’m going to wait right here until you adjust. Just relax, the pain will go away.” Stroke. Reassure. Wait. I felt the tension start to ease in her body.
“I’m going to push inside you slowly. A little at a time. Try to stay relaxed. If I feel you tense I’ll pause and wait for you to relax. I don’t want this to hurt you, I want you to learn to enjoy something entirely new.” Push. Pause. Wait, relax, push. My belly met her ass. I was all the way in.
“That’s all of it, babe. You’ve got me now. How are you doing?”
“It doesn’t really hurt, it just feels kind of strange. Not bad strange, just different.”
“Okay. I’m going to start fucking you slowly. Just stay relaxed.” I gave her several strokes, lengthening as I went. Fucking her ass with slow, gentle strokes. I pushed all the way back in and stopped.
“Do you want your arms back?”
“No. Hold them. I like that.”
I laid against her back, trapping her arms between us. One hand went to her pussy and massaged her clit, rubbing and teasing it, one hand stroked her breasts, her face, and her throat. I slowly and gently fucked her ass, building speed and strength in my strokes as I went. Jess responded fiercely after a few minutes and started humping back into my thrusts. “Ohh, oohhh, gawd! Yes! Yes! Uhh! Ohhh! Fuck me! Yes!”
Suddenly Jess tensed back against me and moaned loudly and incoherently, shaking violently. The spasms in her body set me off. “Oh, Gawd! I’m cumming! I’m cumming in your ass, Jess. Feel it!?”
Her ass milked the cum from my cock, drawing it inside her and holding me firmly deep inside. When we were both spent we collapsed in a pile on the pillows. I reached up and tenderly brushed the hair from her cheek and kissed her. “Thank you. That was awesome.”
“Yes. It was. I never thought I could enjoy that. But that was awesome.” She smiled. “We may have to do more of that.”
“I’d like that. A lot.” I said. “Let me know if I should move.”
Jess clenched around my cock and smiled at me. “I think you should stay right there for a while.”
So we did. After a while I felt myself wilting, and Jess started to stir. “I think it’s about time.” She said.
“I think you’re right. I’m going to pull back and out, and you may want to be ready to move quickly when I do.”
Jess gave me a quizzical look. “Why?”
“You’ll understand soon enough.” I said. “Ready?”
Jess nodded and I sat back, plopping my cock from her butt. She lay quietly for a moment, then said, “Oh!” and jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She didn’t close the door, but I gave her a minute of privacy before I went in to wash up.
“I never thought about that.” She said, blushing.
“Yeah. That’s why Judi always calls it a “cum enema” when we do that.”
“I see that.” She said. “It was worth it, but it was a surprise.”
“Still want to do it again?”
“Yes. But maybe not tonight. I think I’m a little tender.”
“Then tender is how I’ll hold you when you come back to bed.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.” She said as I went back to the bedroom and rearranged the bed for sleeping. We snuggled under the covers with her head on my chest and talked. Jess looked into my eyes and a thought crossed my mind that caused me to laugh out loud. She whacked me and asked, “What’s funny?”
“I looked at your eyes and thought of something.” I admitted.
“What’s that?”
“I thought that I never asked you about birth control, and I realized when I looked into your eyes that we’d have a damned hard time explaining a blue-eyed baby to Tim.”
“Yes, we would. But it isn’t an issue.”
“I thought not.” I said. “Are you ready to sleep?”
A gust of wind rattled a window. “Yes. Even naked I feel safe and warm with you.”
I held her close and we slept. I wasn’t sure if it was the silence of the storm abating that woke me, or the warm, small hand stroking my cock. I opened an eye and looked at Jess, she was watching my face. “Oh good. You’re awake.”
“Very happily, I might add.”
“And very hard, too.” She said, as she squeezed my cock. She rolled onto her back. “Please, just fuck me this morning?”
I rolled between her legs and placed myself at her entrance. She was wet and ready. She rubbed the head of my cock between her pussy lips. “I just want to feel you inside me and on top of me.”
She released my cock as I pushed forward. “Then that’s what you will have.” And I sheathed myself inside my best friend’s wife. I started slowly and gently since we both seemed only partly awake, but it didn’t take long until Jess was humping her hips against me, wrapping her legs around my ass and pounding herself onto me. The orgasm seemed to take both of us by surprise with its speed and ferocity. Suddenly we were both shaking violently against each other, screaming and trying together to jam my cock even deeper inside her while I spurted agonizingly hard. As quickly as we came we were both spent, collapsing in a heap on the bed, still wrapped around each other panting into each other’s faces.
“Wow!” We said together.
Jess looked at me. “I could get used to waking up like that.”
“What would Tim say?”
“He won’t be back for two weeks. We should get one more chance, then I’ll think about what to say.”
“I’m not going to say anything.”
“I am. I want to suck your cock clean.”
I rose up on my elbows and looked between our bodies at Jess’ perfect pink tits and her smooth hard belly, and that little line of dark hair pointing to that sweet, sweet pussy that was still holding my cock in it’s warm embrace. “I love the way you look.” She squeezed my cock with her cunt muscles. “Especially with my cock inside you.” I admitted. She rocked her hips and expelled me.
“Get that cock in my mouth.” She ordered. So I straddled her chest and placed my cockhead against her lips. A gob of cum wet her lower lip, and she stuck her tongue out and caught it. “Umm.” And suddenly my entire cock was in her mouth. I gasped and fell forward against the headboard while Jess gobbled every last drop of our juices from my cock. When I couldn’t stand it any longer I pulled myself from her mouth, lowered myself back until our faces met, and kissed her deeply.
“Now I can skip breakfast.” She said.
“Are you sure?”
“Your cum is the best food there is.”
“I thought it was your cum.”
“Maybe it’s the combination?”
“I’ll accept that.”
“I should get showered and get on the road.”
“That might take a while longer.”
“I hope so.”
Jess pushed me off her and ran to the bathroom. “Get the shower warm, I’ll be right there.” as she sat on the toilet. I opened the shower door and turned on the water and started to adjust the temperature.
“How hot do you like it?”
“Fairly hot.”
I stepped into the shower as Jess came across the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and tested the water. “Just right.”
I grabbed her and held her to me. “Yes, you are.” I pushed her back to wet her hair. “Turn around and I’ll shampoo your hair.”
Jess handed me the shampoo and I put some in my hands and rubbed it to start a lather while she set the bottle on the shelf. I rubbed the shampoo into her hair and massaged it deeply into her scalp. She moaned and leaned back against me while I worked on her head. When I was satisfied and she was relaxed I whispered in her ear, “Time to rinse.”
I leaned back under the water and rinsed her hair, allowing her to remain relaxed against me. When her hair was rinsed I stepped forward and picked up the soap and started washing her body, paying particular attention, of course, to her breasts and pussy. I washed her arms then rinsed her upper body, then gripped her shoulders and turned her to face me. “Time for your back.” I soaped her back and massaged her thoroughly, while her hands found my cock and started rubbing it. “Need the soap?” I asked as I stiffened in her hands, massaging the soap into the cheeks of her ass and down her crack.
“Don’t seem to need any soap.”
“Then I’m going to wash your legs.” I knelt in front of her and started soaping again at her pussy, and down each leg, even between her toes. I leaned back and moved her around to rinse her legs, then put my face into her pussy and gave her a long lick across her lips and sucked her clit into my mouth.
“Just making sure I had you all clean.” I said as she pulled away. She took the soap from my hand and helped me up.
“My turn to wash you.”
I bent down so she could wash my hair, then stood while she soaped my upper body. She moved me around gently to rinse, then held me to her to wash my back. When she got to my ass she soaped it up then played in my crack, slipping a finger slightly into me. My cock was throbbing where it was trapped between us and the finger in my ass only made it pulse harder.
“You like that?”
“I’ll have to remember that.” And Jess smiled up at me. She knelt and washed my legs, and when she rinsed them she pulled my cock into her mouth and sucked hard on it. She smiled up at me with my cock in her mouth and I about came again. She grinned and pulled back. “Just making sure I had you all clean.”
“I’m going to shave while I’m in here.”
“Okay. I’m going to watch.”
I lathered my face, then my balls, so I could smooth there also. I started shaving below, then rinsed and started on my face.
“I never realized you shaved down there.”
“Yes. First because I find it’s more comfortable, second because Judi doesn’t like hair in her mouth any more than I do.” I finished my face and rinsed. Then I picked up the can of shave cream and looked at Jess. “Should I shave yours while I’m here?”
She looked down at the line of pubic hair and thought for a moment. “It needs touched up anyway, why don’t you shave it all.”
I squirted and small amount of shave cream onto my hand and massaged it over her pussy. Then I knelt in front of her and started shaving her. I very gently removed the stubble from the area she normally shaved then went to work removing the line above. When I was finished I checked to be sure I had her pussy completely bald, and when I was satisfied I rinsed her off.
“What do you think?” I asked.
Jess leaned back against the wall and contemplated her naked pussy. “I think I like it.”
“I really like it.” I said, laying the razor aside.
“I thought you would. Should we test it?”
“How would you like to test it?
Jess held her hands above her head against the wall and pushed her hips towards me, sliding her legs slightly apart. At that moment I spotted Tim’s “soap-on-a-rope”. While Jess closed her eyes waiting for me I slipped the rope loop over her hands, then wrapped the soap through to bind her hand together. I pulled them over her head and slightly to the side below the shower head. I lifted slightly with one hand and her hands touched the shower head pipe, pulling her feet off the floor. I put the other between her legs, forcing them apart and manipulating her pussy and clit. I held her there between my hands with two fingers inside and two rubbing outside working her quickly into a frenzy. Her eyes flew open with a look of overpowering lust.
“Fuck me!” Her legs flew out and went around my waist, pulling me into her. I moved my hand, turned slightly, and she twisted and pulled my cock directly into her. She helped me grip the pipe and started humping hard against me, fucking me while suspended off the floor. I grabbed her tits and rubbed them roughly, banging back against her and slamming her into the shower wall. “Oh YES! Fuck me hard. Harder!”
We slammed into each other like we hadn’t just fucked several times until another screaming orgasm overtook us both. I tried to hold us up, but my legs started to buckle, so I slowly slid to the floor and knelt there with Jess still wrapped around me and impaled on my cock, her hands still bound and against the wall.
“I think I really like the shaved better.” Jess smiled.
“You know I do. But I think we’re going to have to start the shower over again.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Neither do I. Stand up and let me lick that for you.”
“Can I have my hands back?”
“Oh. Yeah.” I unwrapped her wrists and helped her stand. I licked across her smooth mound and down along her pussy lips tasty the mix of our juices dripping from her pussy lips. Jess gripped my head.
“If you do any more of that we’ll never get out of the shower. Stand up here and let me wash you, then we’re getting out and getting dressed.”
While she washed me I thought about tying her hands. “You really like that restrained thing, don’t you?”
“Yes. I do. It seems to really get me going.”
“Would you like to experiment with some bondage things sometime?”
“I think I’d like that a lot.” Jess answered. “Maybe when we get a chance you can bring some stuff and we’ll see what happens.”
“I’ll put some things in the car. With the way this winter is going I may end up here again someday.”
“Hopefully on a night when Tim isn’t.” She said.
“Isn’t there enough of you to share?” I asked.
“I guess I never thought about it like that.” Jess admitted. “But I would like at least once more with just you before I decide about trying two of you.”
I finished getting dressed, and Jess slipped into jeans and a t-shirt for a day off. We headed downstairs, and halfway we got a call, “Mommy?”
Over breakfast I thought about what I’d want to pack, and how I wanted to bind Jessica for our first experiment with real restraints. I had a plan in mind by the time I got home, and the weekend to get everything ready. As it turned out, that was just enough time.

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Siblings Discover True Love

To prelude the story, I’ll start off by saying that it is indeed a 100% true story. Names of all of the people except for my brother and I were omitted to protect their identities. Our last name is also omitted to avoid legal or familial ramifications. This story is written from my point of view. However, it is a collaborative effort that was authored by both my brother and I equally. We mostly did this story as a bit of a recap of just how far we’ve come, and it was originally not meant for other people to read, but then we discovered XNXX and how it hosts stories like this, so we thought we’d give it a shot. There are only hints of erotic content until the very end and lots of backstory to kick things off. If you have any questions, feel free to post in the comments or PM. One of us is sure to answer.

My New Brother Zane 2

This is the second part of the story, so if you are just joining, by all means, read the first so you can follow along. Like most of my stories, it does have some build up to create character and all, so keep that in mind. I hope you enjoy! Looking forward to continuing this story very much!

Mother says it’s alright

My mom and I live in our small cozy home in a village out on the countryside, never met my dad and hardly ever had any family over as far as I can remember. Basically it was just my mother and I, we had no problem with that since we had such a fantastic relationship; she was loving and caring. My mom is in her late forties with a chubby figure and long blonde hair, with a smile which immediatly lit up the room. I’m an average looking guy who is going to school and has always felt a deeper connection to his mother but could never make sense of it. That was until I hit puberty and discovered the joy of masturbation, I was somewhat of a late bloomer in that department, but I never really talked to classmates about it nor did we have sex education yet. Anyway, as most young boys probably thought that they were hiding everything from their mother successfully and keeping their jerk-off sessions an absolute secret – mothers always know what their kids are up to. Mine also figured it out, although things went a bit further than in an average family.
It all began on a saturday morning, a morning like any other. Birds were chirping and the sunlight found its way through a gap in the curtains to wake me. It was very warm, we were in summer. It would get quite hot and my mother and I would start wearing little clothing to fight this warmth. First thing I noticed was my penis and how hard it was, forming a little tent under the sheets. Around 6 inches erect. I awoke horny as usual, I really had to go take care of it so I stood up, put on some cotton briefs and grabbed a fresh towel before heading off to the bathroom. Looking forward to that shower and much needed privacy I thought to myself as I almost bumped into my mother.
“Ohhh look who’s finally up! It’s past twelve already, how did you sleep?”
“Morning, great, I’m just off to take a shower”
“Alrighty then have fun!” my mom replied in a playful tone as she quickly glimped down to my waist and then walked off.
I thought nothing of it until a few seconds later when I closed the bathroom door behind me and realized I was walking around with my erect penis pressing against the briefs. Oh god….but I was not overcome with embarassment, instead I felt kind of turned on by this to my surprise. I immediatly dropped my pants and grabbed my dick, which was as hard as it could possibly be. I pulled the foreskin back slowly and rubbed my precum over the head and massaged it with my fingers. I started to masturbate strongly and ejaculated after only a few seconds, I caught the semen in my left hand, some of it splashed onto my chest and thighs. In that precise moment the door opened and I instinctively turned around as fast as possible, facing the mirror and covering my penis with both hands.
“Oops sorry hun! I was just going to leave you a new towel here since you always forget” she answered as she was poking her head through and looking at me through the mirror.
This time I did get very embarassed and my face turned bright red in shame as I stood there fully exposed with my semen all over my hands and crotch area, dripping down my legs onto the white fluffy rug beneath me.
“I didn’t want to interrupt you, my apologies, i’ll be downstairs making breakfast” she said as she shut the door.
She..saw…everything…in the mirror. I made a complete idiot out of myself, I kept telling myself as I showered and cleaned up. After drying myself off I put fresh white underpants and a thin t-shirt on then walked through the hallway to the kitchen where my mom was standing and making some pancakes. She was wearing a long aquamarine shirt, as far as I could tell without any bra or panties, it’s always been like that since I was young when it was hot in the house. Nothing sexual ever came up and there was no reason to not walk around the house like that. I now suddenly got arroused by the idea of this though, and had to restrain myself from getting hard again. No easy task but the smell of the food cooking threw me off and made me hungry. She walked over with the dishes and handed me my plate as we sat down.
“Darling i’m sorry again about before, I really didn’t mean to walk in there like that when you’re busy wi-
“No no no, it’s fine, seriously I was just getting undressed and you startled me that’s all”
I felt a buldge in my pants again, oh what horrible timing. Hopefully it’s gone by the time we’re done with this awkward conversation. I couldn’t just stand up and leave now. To this day i’m not sure whether or not my mother noticed and this was intentional or just pure coincidence that she made me get up in that precise moment.
“Can you be a help me take this to the sink please, I need to wash up before i’m off to town to buy the groceries” she exclaimed as she stood up with me and handed over a couple of plates. I felt her quick glare at my erection before she faced the other direction. It only made me harder again, my dick was as hard as a rock and I was standing only a couple of feet away from my mother. Not sure what came over me but I felt absolutely no need to hide it and proudly walked over to the sink with her. As she turned around I saw that her nipples were hard, clearly visible through the shirt.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable down there?” my mom asked as she was pointing at my crotch with her index finger. How extremely forward that was I thought to myself, she seemed to have a genuine concerned look on her face when she asked the question. I froze for a second then answered.
“Sorry I…can’t seem to control it, is that bad?”
“Not at all! It’s completely normal for a boy your age, but I think you have to go take care of that before you hurt yourself, looks very stiff. Promise I won’t disturb you this time!” she giggled as she turned her back on me.
I thought i’d ejaculate right there and then after I heard my mother talk so openly about this, without any fear of provoking an awkward situation. I guess it’s not as weird as I belived it to be, she seems really cool about it. I went straight to my room, dropped my pants and sat on the corner of the bed as I grabbed my throbbing cock and began to pull the foreskin back and forth. I was so extremely horny you wouldn’t believe it, after a short few moments I felt the semen wanting to burst out and I was not planning on preventing this from happening. My mother then all of a sudden walked past heading towards her room to get ready, she smiled at me and was out of my line of sight as I came all over myself. I let out a loud sigh of relief as I fell back onto the bed in pure extasis, I covered myself in cum. A million thoughts were flooding my mind all at once now, did my mother just catch me jerking off? Did she smile at me while doing it, did she maybe even like it? It was too much, I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. Without warning, silent as a mouse, my mother was infront of me with a roll of toilet paper.
“Let me clean that semen up for you hunny, unless you want to take another shower?” she said with a concerned look. I was stunned, but gladly accepted what was happening right now without any hesitation, not thinking about it properly.
“That would be fantastic, thank you mom I love you so much” I firmly replied as I covered my eyes with my arm, giving her full access to my body.
“Love you even more, you mean everything in the world to me you know that right” she announced as she tore a few stips off toilet paper off and began wiping the hot jizz off my naked body. I couldn’t watch her do it, even though I was fine with this, I guess it was my subconscious. I felt her bend over, she was wiping the cum off my thighs, legs and chest then around my penis. She lifted my soft cock up with two fingers to clean it and the surroundings, then grabbed it properly and pulled the skin back slowly as far as possible to expose the head completely. She then got another piece of the tissue and proceeded to clean there, but some of the paper dried up quickly and got stuck right under the head. So she gently spat on two of her fingers and was then able to remove it. The touch of my mother’s hands on me…especially my dick, was out of this world. I gasped as I started to get hard again while my mother had my dick in her hand.
“All clean again! I’ll see you later hun, do you want anything from the shops?”
“Uh no thanks mom, bye”
It was all so casual, like if it was the most normal thing in the world. It did not even appear sexual at first, everything was blurry like a dream. I decided to go and sleep on it, to see what happens tonight when she’s back. End of part 1, let me know what you think

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Patricia part 3

We made our escape and headed down to the swimming hole for a swim to clean up.
No one else was there so we jumped in and swam for a bit as we washed the cum away until Pat pulled herself out and sat on the log with her legs dangling in the water, I stood in the water between her legs then Pat looked me huskily in the eye and slid her fingers in beside her bikini and started running her two fingers up and down her slit and over her clit.
Within a few second she slid her two fingers in to the knuckles and with a low voice pleaded “eat me” as she used her other hand to pull her bikini out of the way then placed her hand on the back of my head and urged my face closer as I was a bit unsure.
Her fingers were really starting to fly in and out as she moaned, “I’m so horny I could fuck a traffic cone right now” keeping up the slight pressure on the back of my head.
I took a tentative lick but couldn’t taste anything but fresh pussy so I sucked in her clit and swirled my tongue around it less than a dozen times before she mashed my lips against her and rubbed her pussy hard on my face as she neared the point of no return.
We heard a car door slam and voices coming down the track but Pat held my head even harder and came right there and then, I kept pulling away and finally freed myself slipping under the water as a couple of heads appeared over the bank.
Pat had shut her bent knees with her arms wrapped them but still had her pussy showing behind her legs, I looked up to see who it was, it was Russ and Jen walking down hand in hand but they quickly let go as they saw us.
I yelled out “are you two an item now?”
Russ sheepishly said yeh and grabbed her hand again saying “well I suppose its out in the open now”
Pat had calmed a bit but her face was still bright red as she twisted her head round a bit and tried to say hello with a croaky voice.
Jen sat down beside Pat and Russ dove into the water swimming quickly across to the other side.
As Russ slowly started swimming back Jen laid back with her legs in the water, Pat still had her knees bent up in front of her tits and her feet on the log she was sitting on with her naked pussy visible behind her ankles.
Russ swam up and laid his arms on Jens legs and started staring at Pats pussy, Pat was looking intently at his face as she noticed where his gaze lay then laid back beside Jen with her legs still in the same place.
I wasn’t sure if Pat knew her pussy was on show so I touched her between her wet lips, she jerked a little bit then allowed her knees to open a little more so I pushed my finger in a bit so she would know for sure there was nothing covering her pussy.
Pat relaxed even more so I turned to Russ and found him grinning back me, I grinned back and pushed my finger right in to the knuckle then pulled it back out, Pat didn’t move so I slid two fingers slowly in and out for a couple of minutes while Russ watched the show.
I was getting a bit too horny so I said out loud “ I’m off to the other side” hoping Pat would follow, I splashed off to the other side but no one else had moved although it looked like Russ had his hand between Pats legs, I couldn’t be sure from this distance but it sure looked like Russ was fingering her.
I slowly swam back and sure enough Russ had two fingers in her but as I splashed closer he removed them.
I grabbed Russ’s right hand and shaped it with two fingers out then pushed it towards Pats Pussy, Russ looked up at Jen in alarm as she wriggled but the girls were on their backs chatting and couldn’t see anything so he relaxed and allowed me to guide his fingers inside Pats soaking wet hole and set up a slow in and out movement.
Russ grinned at me and used his thumb to rub her clit while keeping a sharp watch out on Pat and Jen.
I reached up Pats side away from Jen and slid my right hand under her bikini top then slid my left hand slowly around her thigh and pushed two fingers into Pats cunt along side Russ’s.
She had to now know there were 3 hands playing with her! Then Pat reached down trapping both our hands in her pussy as we felt her cunt contract rhythmically and could see her stomach muscles squeezing as she muffled a groan and came on our four fingers trapped inside her.
Pat leaned up and removed Russ’s fingers and gave a small smile as she shook her head in wonder then removed my hand and covered her self before standing and diving gracefully into the water.
She swam back and stood between us and I could feel her hand pulling my stiff cock out of the top of my speedo’s and started slowly jerking me off.
By the look of fear and pleasure on Russ’s face I gathered Pat had her hand wrapped around his cock as well.
After a few minutes Russ lowered his head on to Jens lap alongside his arms and started inhaling her scent deeply, Jen kept up her conversation with Pat with no knowledge that her new boyfriend was just about to cum in another girls hand while he sniffed her pussy.
Pat swapped hands leaving my cock bobbing freely so I moved in behind her and slipped my cock into her pussy until the water washed the juices away.
Pat was still wanking Russ as I wormed my way into the depths of her cunt, She tilted her pelvis to her liking and pushed back hard as Russ shot his wad into the water.
I came a few seconds later and Pat pushed my cock into her chosen spot and followed suit even though we were not able to slide in and out much.
Russ grinned at us and allowed himself to sink slowly below the water, I was sort of stuck and had to wriggle to start extracting myself, Jen sat up then stood up above us looking for Russ.
As I looked up I could see a wet spot in the crotch of Jens bright yellow bikini and wondered if Russ had drooled or had Jen got horny feeling his hot breath on her inner thighs.
Russ surfaced and Jen dived in then wrapped her legs around him as she hung on to his neck…. Horny would be my guess!
I popped free of Pats pussy and whispered in her ear “I hope she’s not expecting a root right away” Pat laughed and called me a naughty naughty boy as she turned and kissed me driving her tongue into her mouth.
“I better go home“ said Pat, “what time do you want to pick me up in the morning?”
I looked at her blankly for a few seconds … “oh yeh, Bazz” I said, “about 7 do?”
Next morning Pat was all prim and proper as we headed to the jail, they had a fair old argument about Mrs M and his kinky ideas with neither of them seeming to notice I was there, as soon as we got back to the carpark she pulled her knickers off and used one hand to rub her pussy while rubbing my cock through my jeans.
“Get em off” she said so I stripped my jeans and jocks of and sat on the centre console, Pat lowered her self down and pushed her legs through the gap between the seats as she worked to get me hard.
She lowered her pussy down and used my semi hard cock to rub up and down her slit until she was wet enough to impale her cock on her pussy saying “Kinky … I’ll give him Kinky” “put it in second” she said, “what?” I quizzed…. “the gearstick, I always wondered what it would feel like” she said.
When ever I had a full car Pat would always sit on the console with her legs on either side of the hump but had to sit upright to give me enough room to select second or fourth gears as the gearstick was hard up between her legs, I usually went from first to third to save her moving but when we got up a bit of speed I had to use top gear in the four speed manual gearbox.
Pat lifted up and I reached between her legs and pulled it into second, I lifted her dress up and watched as she sat on the shiny black gearknob and smeared the wetness from her slit over the knob until she moved down and it disappeared from sight, “That looks so hot” I croaked “not as good as when we are driving, the vibrations really get me off” she said grinning at me.
“I thought you just had a hard time staying upright … didn’t realise you slid down to touch it on purpose” I laughed.
Pat started to move up and down then swapped back to my cock as I watched … she kept swapping for a while then hovered with her bum over the knob and moved my cock to line up with her pussy, she kept trying but even though the knob looked slippery enough she couldn’t get it to go in.
I suggested that she turn round and try the other way so she pumped back on my cock for a while to get her all juiced up again and squirmed round until she was facing forward … lucky thing to as I was just about to let go.
Pat slipped her slippery pussy over the gearknob and lined my cock up with her arse, it was still too tight so she fucked herself back on my knob then swapped back several times as she slowly got my cock to go in more and more, as the pain eased she was starting to get off and had a nice little orgasm with my cock about in inch in her arse and the gearknob a few inches inside her.
As she relaxed from her orgasm she slid down further until with a sigh she moved all the way down on my cock, I was now firmly embedded all the way up her arse and could feel the gearknob pushing against my cock knob through the thin wall between.
Pat started to raise and lower a small amount as she relaxed even more and said ”hey, this is starting to feel really nice, no wonder Mrs M loves it”
I held her still pleading “don’t move, I’m too close” but Pat laughed and said “don’t worry, I want to feel it” then pumped up and down a couple of times until I shot my cum right up inside her very depths, I had been holding on for so long that it was one of the longest and hardest orgasms I had ever had.
Pat moaned “Oh gawd, I can feel it, I can feel it” and started pumping hard up and down my cock, I softened slightly but the extra lube and the tight feel combined with the gearknob rubbing up and down my shaft kept me reasonably hard and Pat was able to get off a short time later.
By now I was fully hard again so pat moved the gearknob to the “spot” inside her and held still while I pumped up into her arse from beneath.
I was getting close again when Pat noticed two guys watching us from two rows away across the carpark “I think they can see us” she said so I leaned up enough to have a look but Pat leaned back hard driving the gearknob into her spot and came violently taking me over the edge with her.
We grabbed the tissues and cleaned up the mess … Yuk … then drove off, we had to drive past the two guys on the way out and I expected Pat to hide but instead she picked up her knickers and tossed them at the guys as we drove past laughing.
I dropped her at home then headed back to my flat in the city.
Pats turned up Wednesday night again but this time she had another of her older sisters along to drop her off.
I invited them in for a coffee, Pats oldest sister was a real horn bag, great body, big tits and a tiny skirt, she dressed a lot more provocatively than Pat but I could see where Pat got her looks and figure from.
Carol sat on the only chair while I lay on the bed while Pat sat in front of me on the edge of the bed.
Carol crossed her legs to the other side and I’m sure I spotted either a bare shaved pussy or maybe it was nude coloured knickers … I really couldn’t be sure but kept a close watch anyway.
I was trying to look like I was just looking at her face but every time she moved her legs my eyes would dart down involuntarily and I’m pretty sure she sprung me perving.
She finished her coffee and stood up then turned around and bent over to pick up her bag giving me a clear view of her shaved pussy poking between her legs … I groaned a little bit as she turned and said “Don’t get up, I can see myself out” then grinned at me as she crossed to the door.
She looked at my crotch as she closed the door on her smile.
Pat grabbed my stiff cock and laughed “enjoy the show?, she’s such a tease!” and proceeded to unzip me and run her tongue over the head of my cock.
Pretty soon Pat was slowly sliding her lips over the head of my cock again and again with a funny twinkle in her eye as I strained to stop myself shoving my cock down her throat, Pat lifted up and said with a laugh “your dreaming its Carols pussy lips sliding over your knob aren’t you?” as she took me even slower into her mouth.
I groaned and went bright red as I watched her lips slowly but surely part as my cock head slipped between them.
I pictured Carols bare pussy lips in my mind and had a very strong orgasm shooting five or six times into Pats mouth.
Pat moved up and sank her pussy down on my cock then started swallowing the mouthful of cum as she stared at my eyes with a look of pure unadulterated lust.
She sank down, squeezed and moved her pussy up the length of my cock until I was fully hard again and said “Even though you cum a lot quicker than Bazz I love how we can keep going, Bazz just cums and falls asleep” I replied “I can’t help myself with you and that fantastic body of yours around” She laughed and said “Carols shaved muff might have had a bit to do with it as well” “well” I said “that’s something you don’t see everyday, even in playboy”
Pat said “well don’t expect me to do it, its just not normal”
I really loved how open we were with each other so I said to Pat “your really starting to get off on exhibiting yourself aren’t you?” Pat replied “yeh, I have never been like that before but Bazz has started something I don’t want to stop, it feels awesome and that sense of danger really turns me on.
We chatted on while Pat continued riding me then we’d change positions never letting up on the chat until I looked at the clock and it was past midnight, we’d been screwing for over 2 hours straight.
“we should finish up and get some sleep” I said nodding at the clock, Pat looked a bit shocked then laughed “just imagine its Carols pussy sliding down your cock, it sure worked before” I groaned and grabbed her boobs “Carols pussy and your boobs, what a great combination”
I grinned and started shoving up hard into Pat then pushed her off and laid her down on her front and entered her from behind before moving my legs to the outside and sitting up while sliding my cock in and out her very tight pussy.
It was a good position for Pat and she started pushing back as she came softly.
I still hadn’t cum yet but was just about to when pat said “and we can add my sister Margret’s bum to your fantasy girl” just as I crossed the edge and pumped her pussy full of my sperm.
“Geez was that all it took” laughed Pat, “nope” I said “that was a coincidence, I’ve never even seen her shape let alone her bum”
Pat said “you should have seen her before she married Bill, she was a real goer, I’ll show you some pics sometime, you’ll love them” and grinned wickedly.

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A Public Fuck

Arielle just met Jamie, and the tinder date Is about to end. She decides that her need for cock is greater than her need to be discreet. She fucks a reluctant Jamie in his driveway, where any curious person could see them.

Toni. Friends re-unite

Have known Toni for many many years. Was a good friend of my deceased wife and myself. At that time, we weren’t sexual with her, but that changed because of a conference she was in.


The names have been changed to protect the “not so innocent”.
At the age of fourteen, I (Jake) was just coming into my own (My own hand that is). I was good looking I guess. A swimmer, I was long and muscular, and had that blond/straw hair that comes from spending endless hours in the pool. Having received height from my mother, and broad shoulders from my father, at 6’1” 185pounds, and 3.5%body fat, I was larger than most fully grown men but my experience was limited. I had messed around some, but I’d never seen a girl naked, or done much more than get all worked up, only to have to finish myself off later.
My sister Rachel (16 at the time) was very different. She seemed to have gotten my father’s height, and my mother’s build. At 5’2”, she barely came up to my shoulder. She was muscular, but petite (she couldn’t have weighed more than 85-90 pounds)and tan, albeit a fake tan, large green eyes that I always thought made her look elfish, and dirty blond hair about shoulder length although she always had it in a ponytail in one of those scrunchies so I’m mostly guessing on the length.
Although we were two years apart, our birthdays fell in a way that made me one of the youngest in my class, and Rachel one of the oldest in her class. This meant we were only one grade apart in school.
My parents had signed up to host an exchange student, and since they pair up exchange students with families that have children of the same age and sex, I was hoping for a guy I could get along with. I guess I hadn’t considered how much better it could be until we got the info packet from the exchange people. It included, among other things, a picture, and a short bio. It was a girl, and oh my god, she was crazy hot. She (Lidia) was from Italy; 5’9”, black long hair, and crystal blue eyes that made me need to sit down. It also contained an e-mail address, which my sister took to get acquainted with the girl that would be her room-mate for the year.
Our house was located in the suburban sprawl of Atlanta GA. A two story house, Rach and my bedrooms, and a bathroom made up the second floor; giving us privacy. Our parent’s bedroom, an office for our father, living room, and kitchen were on the first floor, and a large family room was in the basement. The front door to our house entered the living room. The back door, in the kitchen, opened onto a patio, and led to the garage in the back yard.
After a few days of finding myself creating fantasy scenarios in my head of ways I could take advantage of the opportunities of having this stunning girl living in my house, I came up with my master plan. We had 3 computers in our house; One in the family room for my parents to use, and a laptop in both my sister’s and my room. With that in mind I snuck in to my sister’s room and loaded a remote accessing program onto her computer, I loaded one on the family computer too. This let me control the other computers in the house from my computer. It worked perfectly. Assuming the computers were on, I could use the other computers just like I was sitting in front of them. I tested the web-cam on Rachel’s computer and vwala, my sister’s bedroom on my computer screen. I went back into her room to see if her computer would show what I was doing. All that gave me away was a tiny icon next to the clock, and a LED light next to the cam along the top edge of the monitor. I took a key and busted the light, praying that Rach would think it had broken in her backpack, turned her computer back off, and went back to my room to begin the 14 day long wait for Lidia to arrive.
After a week of heavy masturbation thinking of Lidia, I began to get worried. Would my plan work? What if Rach left her computer off? What if she turned it away from the good views? What if she noticed the little icon, or the broken LED light, and uncovered my devious plan? ALL THIS ANTICIPATION COULD BE FOR NOTHING!!! It would be like waking up Christmas day, only to realize I’m Jewish. I needed a real test. I decided to try it out and see what I could see.
The next morning while Rach was in the shower, I turned on my remote program and took control of her computer. My worst fears were realized. Her laptop was closed, the screen mostly black, although I could make out a small glow at the top of the screen where light was leaking in from the edge. I was about to chalk it up as a failure to launch when I heard Rach’s door close through the webcam. I hadn’t even thought of sound, so that was a plus, but it hardly made up for being blind. I listened for a minute, and heard her hair drier turn on. It was loud. I quickly turned off my speakers and put on my headset so as not to give away my little spy. Just as I put on my headset the screen came to life. There was my sister, very close. I could see the top of the towel she had wrapped around herself, her shoulders, and neck, and her jaw and lips for brief seconds. She was standing up and moving around a bit, drying her hair I guessed.
I hadn’t ever thought of my sister as a girl before, but weather because I couldn’t see her face so I could forget she was my sis, or because of the voyeur in me, I was instantly hard the way only a 14 year old guy can be. I watched her tan shoulders and graceful neck mesmerized. Several minutes passed, or maybe several seconds, or possibly a month, then the hair dryer turned off and she walked straight away from the computer. The towel she wore wrapped around her was short, just long enough to hide her butt, but short enough to show every inch of her lean, muscular, tan legs. She bounced a little as she walked which just teased me as I watched the towel rise almost high enough to see her ass. I realized she was walking to her closet and knew what I was about to see. The towel dropped. There she was, hair already in a ponytail, tan all the way from the back of her neck, down to…holy shit her ass was perfect (for me anyway); tan, and well defined, with little dimples on the sides where her muscles flexed every time she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet…cute little tan feet. I saw she had ear buds in and realized she was listening to music (which explained the bouncing). She was taking down some clothes to wear.
She turned clothes in hand, and I saw my first real live boobs. They were amazing to me. Round, and perky, they stood proud with no crease underneath, and little dark pink nipples the size of an eraser. Her stomach was flat with a trace of muscle definition, and a tiny bellybutton. And there is my first pussy. Tan of course, with a small triangle of light blond hair. It was much lighter than her ponytail, so I guess she bleached it, but I had no way of knowing if that was normal or not, and I didn’t care. It was perfect.
Now I talk about this as if it lasted forever, it seemed way to short a time for me. I hadn’t even gotten to get my dick out of my boxers before she walked out of the cam’s view. It must have been only a few minutes before she came back into view, fully dressed. I cursed the shortness of it all, turned off my computer, and went to pull on some jeans, tucked my dick into the waistband (a trick I had come up with to hide my anytime hard dick). Something was wrong though, usually this worked fine but either these jeans were low or my dick was bigger than it had ever been, because when I tried to do up my jeans, the entire head was free and clear. Even though it was Saturday, I had swim practice in 25 minutes, so I didn’t have time to pound one out. I had to just put on a long baggy shirt, and hope my dick would go down soon.
I went down to the kitchen to grab some orange juice and a granola bar to eat in the car. My mom was there franticly organizing papers for a house she was showing (she’s a relator). Rachel was there too. Was it me or did she look different somehow. She had on short jean shorts and a shirt that rose up above her bellybutton as she reached up to get a box of cereal from the cupboard. She was on her tippy-toes, and her legs and butt were not making my dick head exposure problem any better. I forced myself to look away, and directed my attention to my mom. ”I’m ready when you are” I said a bit unevenly, boy my sister had me worked up. “Oh my gosh” my mom sputtered as she looked up at me from the table. My momentary panic subsided as I looked down to see I was concealed, and my mom continued “honey, I totally forgot you had practice”.
Now here was something to take my mind off “other things” and hopefully banish the monster in my jeans. The swim team I was on was not a “summer club” fun team. We practiced year round, we practiced 3-4 hours a day, and you had to maintain high attendance or you were not allowed to go to nationals, and, as this was the first year my times would be good enough to qualify, I was not about to miss practice. My brief panic was replaced by a shock, and a renewed buzzing in my head as Rachel popped up between us (I say “popped up” because she is so short and petite that she would continually surprise me by appearing from a seeming nowhere), “I can take him” she said in a sing-song voice.
Brothers and sisters have all kind of relationships, and I suppose ours was normal. We were friendly; more friendly than neighbors who say “hi” as they get the mail, less friendly than best buds who hang out together. We would on occasion give each other a friendly shove. A hip-check when passing in the hall, or a little nudge when the other one is writing, just fun razzing really. So what happened next could easily be explained away, and, would have been no big deal, except for the big deal in my pants. She did a move that I would describe as a hip-check if it had been side on, but this was her butt to my front. Ostensibly to move me out of the way, she banged her ass into me and landed perfectly on either side of my still raging hard-on. There was just no way she could have not felt it. But she acted as if nothing was amiss, so I pretended to smile, and quickly exited the room.
I got in Rach’s jeep (a 16th b-day present) and tried to arrange myself. Now I’m just telling it like it is; my dick as of a week before was 7 ½ inches (I know, because…yes I measured) and very thick (my hands were just big enough to palm a basketball, yet I could just touch my thumb and finger when masturbating), so when my belt tucking wasn’t an option (you can’t really do that sitting down, especially when your cock head is popping out, or you’d decapitate yourself), I put my right leg up on the door-les doorframe and adjusted myself so my dick was smashed to my right leg. I checked it out, and found that barring close scrutiny, it was a good camouflage. I was just starting to wonder what was taking Rach so long, when bouncing out the door she came. She had changed out of her jean shorts. She was now wearing sun-dress style skirt, very loose and very light ending just above her knees. “Sorry” she said as she climbed into the driver’s side, “those shorts were too tight, I had to change”. “It’s O.K.” I managed, as she started up the car and backed out of the drive.
The ride started of uneventfully; the neighborhood streets were deserted this early on a Saturday, although I thought I saw Rach look at my right leg once. The problems started when we hit the first real street. Apparently, while the skirt’s own weight was sufficient to keep it down while going 25mph in our neighborhood, going 45mph in an open jeep was too much for it. Rachel barely caught it in time before it blew up and exposed what I already knew to be a fabulous sight. “Shit” she said as she struggled to hold it down and pull off the street at the same time.
My dick had gone completely beyond my control at that point, and I was surprised to hear my own voice, through the haze of horny and adrenalin that clouded my head, say in a slightly panicked tone “I can’t be late Rach”. She sat silent for a moment as though she were thinking.
“We have 3 choices” she said in her rarely used, older sister tone;”1. We can go back to the house so I can change”. “No way, I’ll be so late, Coach won’t let it count for attendance” I answered immediately. Rachel, again in that tone she used when she was in charge, said “2. I can take us on side streets so we don’t have to drive so fast.” “That’s still gona make me late” I said in a tone I hoped conveyed that I was worried about practice, not trying to get her skirt up. “Well I need both hands to drive” she said, indicating with a point, the manual transmission gear shift. “So the only other option is for you to hold down my skirt” she said in such a calm manner that I was actually embarrassed at my stuttering “what?”
“If you knew how to drive a stick” she said (did she just glance at my right leg again?) “You could shift for me.” “You know I don’t know how yet” I said in such a whine I’m surprised she didn’t make fun of me for it.
“Well I don’t see any other option” she said matter-o-factly. “O.K.” I said, and reached over with my left hand to the edge of her skirt where it met the near edge of her seat. “Are you trying to get a look at me naked” she said, a small grin on her face “you have to hold it down here” she imitated holding the edge of her skirt down to the seat between her legs. “And you have to use your other hand, or I won’t have room to shift”.
It was probably the combination of the panic of not wanting to be late, combined with Rach’s kidding accusation of wanting to see her naked, coupled with a level of hornyness I had never experienced, but, before I knew it I was sitting side-saddle, my left leg between the front two seats so that my left foot was on the floor behind Rach’s seat, my right leg in front of the stick, my right foot inches below her beautiful, outstretched right calf, my left hand on the side of the back of her seat for balance, my right hand as far from her crotch as I could get it, holding her skirt down to the front edge of her seat.
It wasn’t until I was already in position that I realized my problem. Not only was my, at this point ridiculously hard, cock’s bulge in full view, up close and personal, but as she shifted, she would be within inches of it with her right hand. This, of course, did nothing but “enflame” my problem even more. Trying my best to seem casual, and not in danger of my head exploding, I said “let’s go”. We took off like a bat out of hell. The reason seemed plain; I was going to be late, and my good older sister was trying to get me there as fast as possible. I say it “seemed” plain because I couldn’t help but notice the ferocity of her driving had several other effects. One of these was that when she gunned it from a stop, I was thrown back just as she shifted to second, which was forward and right. In other words she was basically punching my dick. The other effect was that she slid around in her seat a lot, causing my hand to continually brush the insides of her legs, and on three separate occasions she slid forward so far, she actually used my hand on her crotch to stop herself.
By the time I got to practice, I wasn’t sure I could stand, let alone work-out for 3 hours. “Thanks for the ride” I said as I shakily got out of the car. “Make sure somebody’s picking me up at 10:30” I said over my shoulder as I turned toward the natatorium (that’s a pool building). “I’ll just wait for ya” she said as she pulled away to find a parking spot.
To say I was in a weird head-space would be an understatement of epic proportions. I was as horny as it was possible to be. I had just seen my first beautiful naked girl. That beautiful naked girl was my sister. And to top it all off, she was…well I didn’t know what, but there were suspicions forming in the back of my mind that I refused to address.
I somehow managed to get into the locker room, which was both thankfully, and ominously empty, rushed to a stall, and let my horn flagpole fly free. It was the fastest, and strongest cum of my young life. Standing there, I cranked hard 3 or 4 times and it hit me. I had to hold on to the toilet paper dispensers to keep from falling, as rope after blessed rope of cum flew across the stall and streaked the back wall. When I finally finished, I had to sit down or risk passing out. After a good 5 minutes of blissful relief, I looked down. I was still hard, not as rocky solid as before but it would be unmistakable in a competitive swimsuit. I went to my locker, and looked through my suits. I picked the tightest one I had, which was my racing suit (oh well), and over it I put on my baggiest drag suit. It did a pretty good job, but then I was expecting to return to normal shortly after starting practice.
I was making my way out on deck, prepared to grovel at my coach until he relented…”what the hell” escaped my lips as I look over only to see my sister talking to Coach. I quickly approached them hoping to end the embarrassment as soon as possible…”It’s O.K.” my coach said, turning to me, “your sister explained”. I glanced at her, and she smiled her sweetest, most innocent smile, and for a moment I stood stricken. She really is breathtaking I thought…”GET YOUR WARM-UP STARTED” Coach yelped “You’ve missed half of it already”. I quickly got down to business. Warm-up was mind-numbingly boring, which is to say, its warm-up. All freestyle, which for you non swimmers means all flip turns. I mention this because it wasn’t until I finished warm-up that I realized Rach was still there. She had found a spot behind Coach directly in line with my lane two rows up on the bleachers at the end of the pool. She looked up from her book, waved a cute little wave…smiled a cute little smile and looked back down to her book. As she did so I noticed her knees were parted, not enough to see anything…maybe 4 or 5 inches, but I wondered at that just long enough to get yelled at for not paying attention, and to see Rach look up and smile again and…yes, she moved her knees a little farther apart. I still couldn’t see much, but she saw me look, I’m sure of it. I looked back up at her face and she was still smiling…little miss innocent.
Luckily our main set was a distance set, which is to say, relatively short swims punctuated by very short rests. This was lucky because I was enough faster than the others to get my own lane, so whatever I saw, no one else would see. As the set progressed, I found it more and more difficult to concentrate. In my short 10-15 second rests, I could see Rach was gradually, casually, spreading her knees wider and wider. By the time we got to the halfway break, her knees were a good 8 to 10 inches apart, and then the sun broke through a cloud, and the angels sang. The sun lit her hair like honey, and as I looked down between her legs, I saw the sun had turned a dark teasing blur into that pussy I had glimpsed for a moment just 2 hours ago. No panties…I…I don’t know how, even now, to describe the feeling when I looked up a little to see my sister Rachel smiling, seemingly oblivious to the show she was giving.
I went on to finish my set, my head swimming more than I was. Could this be all me; coincidences coupled with my new found preoccupation with Rach’s beautiful body? Or was she purposely teasing me? My lack of experience made it impossible for me to figure it out.
I finally narrowed it down to three possibilities, all of which were, frankly, terrifying. Either I was inexcusably ogling my own sister, while she innocently carried on, oblivious to the desires she was raising in me; which made me feel guilty and ashamed. Or she was trying to get me worked up to have fun at my expense; which again made me feel guilty, but also angry. Or, dare I dream it, she was enjoying turning me on; which was easily the most terrifying.
I got help deciding at the end of the set. I was resting at the wall, waiting for the other lanes to finish so we could start the last set together, willing myself to not even look in Rach’s general direction, when I heard her close to me. “Jack” she almost whispered. I turned, and my internal dialog was burned away in an instant. Rach was sitting on her heels, no more than 3 feet from me, her knees apart, her pussy gleaming in the reflected sunlight from the water. After a glance, too long to pass off as anything but what it was, I looked up to see Rach smiling. “I’ll wait for you in the car k?” she said smiling all the while.
“O.K.” I sputtered. “We’ll be done soon.” With that she bounced away, leaving me in no doubt. She wanted me to see. There was just no way any girl would sit like that in a skirt with no panties and not expect to be seen. So that let me throw out the “innocent sister” option. That left me with teasing; either at my expense, or for both of our enjoyment. I thought through my options as I finished practice. What could I do to figure out what was happening? I had a startling revelation. The best course of action would be to give it back as good as I got it. That would be perfect, either way. If she was just teasing me as a joke, the joke could work both ways. If she liked turning me on, I’d show her just how turned on I was.
My cock was concealable with a strategically placed towel, as I headed for the locker-room. I skipped the shower for obvious reasons and went straight to my locker. I could have gone back to the stall and jacked off again to maybe reduce the size of my cock, for a while anyway, but a big cock is just what I needed for my newly formed plan. Luckily I was alone in my isle of the locker-room. I looked through my locker and found an old pair of supper baggy shorts I’d used for a drag suit last summer. They were pretty short, but very loose. I quickly took off my suits and sighed with relief as my painfully hard cock sprang free. I put on the baggy shorts without boxers, and had to laugh a little at the spectacle. I might as well have camped in there. I was tenting a good 4-5 inches away from my body. I decided against wearing a shirt. My shoulders, chest, and stomach were tanned and muscular, and I could use any bit of help I could get to even the odds at the game I was starting. So with only tented baggy short shorts, and flip-flops, and a towel over my shoulder to temporarily hide my raging hard on, I exited the natatorium to find my sister Rach waiting at the drop-off loop in the passenger’s seat of her jeep.
“I thought I’d help you learn how to use a stick” she said innocently smiling up at me as I approached. ‘That’d be great Rach!” I replied enthusiastically as I ran around to the driver’s side, and, throwing my towel in the back, hopped in, my dick bouncing nicely. I was pleased to see Rach had noticed, and that innocent smile she had so coolly worn, faltered as she stared at my swaying cock for a moment, before looking back up to me, regaining her composure, and her seemingly oblivious smile. It seemed more forced now, and I knew I had thrown her off her game.
“What do I do first” I said, pretending not to notice her momentary loss of composure. Back on her game in a flash, she jumped up on the seat, tuned towards me on her knees, sat on her heals and said “The most important thing is the clutch. You need to push it with your left foot whenever you want to shift.” I pushed it all the way down and waited for her to go on. “Good!“ she said “now grab the stick” and she took my hand and placed it on the gear-shift knob, her hand over mine. Even though I had seen her naked, the warmth of her soft hand on mine sent a thrill through my body, and my dick bounced in response. She tried to hide that she noticed, but I saw it in her face. There was excitement in her eyes she couldn’t quite hide. “Um…O.K…here’s first” she said as she shifted, through my hand. “Now let out the clutch slowly, and give it a little gas.” I did as she instructed, and the car jerked a little, and stalled. “Shit, sorry” I muttered as I let go of the wheel, a little deflated. “That’s O.K.” she beamed, “It’s hard.”; a double meaning if ever there was one, and she glanced at my cock again for the briefest instant.
“I’ve got an idea.” She said, reaching down under my seat. Her shirt hung away from her body as she leaned over, and I saw those amazing boobs hanging away from her chest; perfect half spheres. The driver’s seat slammed to the back as she pulled the seat release, putting me as far from the steering wheel as I could get. With that, she stood up on the passenger’s seat, stepped over to the small part of the driver’s seat between my legs, turned her but into my face, bent over, grabbed the wheel, and hopped/swung herself down onto the set in front of me. This had an unfortunate result. The baggy shorts I had so masterfully chosen to accentuate my “attributes”, were grabbed by her but as she slid into place, pulling my throbbing cock free of confinement, where it bobbed happily between us.
Stunned into paralysis, I sat there as she made herself comfortable, and restarted the jeep. “O.K.” she said, completely back in control of the situation. “Put your feet back on the pedals” she instructed, and grabbing my hand once again “and your hand back on the stick.” Then she slid off her sandals, and put her pretty little feet on top of mine. “Now I’ll drive, and you just feel it O.K.?” I muttered “uhu” as she curled her little toes into the top of my left foot, pushed down, giggled a little, threw it in gear, and let up on my foot, and away we went.
At first she had sat on the very edge of the seat, but every time we shifted, she slid a little closer. My legs were spread wide, and the head of my dick was coming close to the 3 inch gap of flesh between her shirt and skirt. With my hands occupied, there was nothing I could do but watch in horror/anticipation, as she inched closer and closer. We came to a stop. “O.K. I’m going to show you how to pop the clutch” she said, clearly excited. “Push up hard on this foot” she caressed my left foot with her’s, my dick pulsing in response, “when I let up.” The caress turned into a stomp. She threw the stick (and my hand) into first, pushed down hard on my right foot (the gas), giggled, wiggled her toes on my left foot, and as the engine roared, she said “Now!” and both of our left feet came up in unison. I guess I didn’t really know what “popping the clutch” meant, because I was not prepared. As the tires screeched, Rach was thrown back into me with force, my dick slammed between us like a big pipe between to flat boards. I know she felt it. She even wiggled a bit. “Again!” she said as she smashed her feet onto mine, threw the stick into second, wiggled her toes on my left foot again, and “Now!” And again she was thrown against my cock. “Again!”…and we repeated this to fourth gear, my cock threatening to explode. “Hold on to me!” she shouted over the wind and engine. “I took my left arm from the wheel, which wasn’t doing anything there anyway, and looped it around her waist. “Tighter!” she yelled with glee, and I squeezed her into me, my dick throbbing into her back. “Breaks she yelled, and we moved our right feet in unison, and she stomped on my foot with more force than I thought possible. The tires bit into the street, and it was my turn to be thrown into her. With my hand no longer on the wheel, I could do little to stop my forward momentum. It was during the 10 seconds or so that it took us to stop, that I started to cum. My hips thrusting involuntarily, I humped my sister’s back. The car had stopped, but I had not. I couldn’t stop it once it started. I just kept grinding my dick into the top of her butt crack; I must have cum for 30 seconds strait, holding Rachel to me, shooting load after load all over her back, and my chest and stomach.
When I finally started to come down, the reality hit me like a sledge hammer. Teasing each other was one thing, but I had crossed the line. Would Rach yell? Would she cry? Would she tell our parents?
“That was fun Hu?” She said as if nothing had happened. “I…uh…I’m sorry Rach. I don’t” I started to say, she cut me off “No prob, BIG BRO” she said, leaning forward a bit and wiggling her ass up against the base of my now soaking cock. “Took you long enough though” she cooed looking over her shoulder at me, the innocent look gone from her, her smile was wicked.
She climbed off of me, and flopped back into the passenger seat. “I think you can do it now” she said, back to cute innocent Rach in an instant. “I’ll help you with the stick O.K.?” and she put her hand back on mine. I was amazed, but I had actually learned how to drive a stick despite the distraction. I managed to drive to our neighborhood without any problem, and it was nice having Rach’s hand on mine. It was like we were holding hands. Her hand was soft and light, and she moved it slowly as I drove, her fingers sliding up and down mine. We stopped a couple of blocks from the house so I wouldn’t get caught driving, and she drove the last bit, smiling and innocent, like nothing had happened.
When we pulled in to the drive, she turned off the car, got out, and started walking to the house. A sudden fear took me. I didn’t want this new Rach to disappear. What if she went back to the old Rachel? I would be lost. I yelled out to her in a desperate grasp to hold on to something we had shared. “Thanks…” meaning to thank her for teaching me how to drive, but shut myself up when I realized I could be heard inside, and would get both of us in trouble. She turned as she reached the door, “My pleasure Big Bro” she said with a cute wink, and she was gone. I laid back in the jeep, the sun on my shoulders and a contented smile on my face. I didn’t know what would happen next, but one thing was for sure, Rach was not going to disappear, and I would find a way to take control, to win the game. This strange game she had started, would not end now.
Stay tuned for more…

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