True Story

A Swim at Bunker Hill

This is a true story written to the best of what I can remember. Name’s haven’t been changed because I do not think it will matter. Comment please and expect more stories in the future.

The Third Time

To be honest, I’m not too certain how much more of this I’ll be able to tell, or recall, but I’ll try for another. This event occurred not too long after the last, I think a week, or two. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and all seemed normal. I had gotten home from school, usually depressed as I had slowly begun to become a bit of a loner. I could always connect with others, but I never truly fit in anywhere, nor with anyone. The friends I may have had all phased out, it’s really actually quite depressing, but I was young and when your parents split, it’s hard to adjust. In the long run, I know it was for the better of myself and my father, as well as the rest of the family, but still at that age there was still a lot of inner turmoil I simply couldn’t comprehend. I was ten, how could I?
My father was usually home around four, which means I would be alone in the apartment for a couple of hours. Just enough time to work on homework, if I chose to that night. Homework was never really the issue, just the desire to not waste time, that, and I always enjoyed when he would help me with it. He would set a small coffee table up by the couch, or sometimes by my bed and we’d sit together and work through it. Math was always the harder of the bunch, but looking back, I can’t see why. However, we all wish we knew what we do now then, things would be different, of course. I think the outcome of my life would have been different had I known a few things then that I do now, but that’s neither here, nor there.
For this day, I had really only any need to read a few chapters of a book for school. There was a lot of interest in reading and my father even let me read some of the books he enjoyed, both as a child and adult, but the adult ones I found harder to get into. None of them were sexual in nature, as I’d like to always stress that my father wasn’t a pervert. The things we did, I think they were done merely out of some sort of connection, need to connect, or just some mutual expression love. I was learning, and to learn from the man I looked up to was at the time almost awe inspiring. He knew things, and did things I simply couldn’t fathom until grew older and thus much more world wise. Still, there was never any sense of perversion in the few times anything did happen, just a father and his son.
When he got home, I guess I didn’t really notice it had been later than usual. The book I was reading, well, let’s say I got through it pretty quickly. The door shut loudly and I remember being jolted by that, he had never been loud. He called to me and set me at the table to talk to me. Mom wanted back in, not so much in the family, but my life. I was her son, but that was saying about as much as someone that collects porcelain dolls saying that they were one of their children, only I’m pretty sure she’d love dolls more than she did me. She wanted to spend weekends. Every weekend. He was against it, and so was I. There was something inside me that wanted to try, because at that age I couldn’t learn that all some people wanted to do was to damage others.
In any case, we had talked about it and decided not to, but knew she would persist. It was something that worried him and after that brief talk, he did what he could to whip up a quick dinner for me then seemed to disappear into his room. It wasn’t a normal evening for us, I was worried too. Around seven, when I should have been readying for bed, I knocked on the door, which just opened as I touched it. I found him in the shower, or well, I could hear the shower going and figured he was in there.
I was in a large shirt, which covered me to my knees, beneath just white little undies all boys my age should have worn. I went across the room to the bathroom door, which was left slight ajar. I’m guessing in his state of dealing with the ex trying to come back into his son’s life after having cast him aside so eagerly that certain details just kind of escaped him. One of them being me entering the bathroom, I wanted to know what was up, because he was supposed to bring me to bed and he would some times read to me, or just tuck me in, I enjoyed it and maybe, I thought, doing that would take his mind off of mom.
The door was fogged, like a shroud of mist had fallen upon it. I’m not sure how he knew, maybe he I made a noise, or probably from opening the door, but he knew I was there. Watching, not for any sexual pleasure, but just there. He said I could join him, that I would need a shower anyway so we may as well share one. It wasn’t like what I had was anything he hadn’t seen before, after all I was part of him. That and when you’ve had your father’s hard cock inside your mouth, even just the few inches I managed to get in, modesty and that little shyness about nudity sort of has no place being an excuse. So I slid out of that large shirt, leaving just my small boyish frame in my little white undies that soon were removed as well. The door opened and I slipped into the moist, warm fog of the shower with my father. I think that’s the first time it ever happened, and not the last, but it was more special the first time. Something new to share with him.
I gazed up at him, though he was turned. His ass to me and his balls between his cheeks, I remember that image being burned into my young mind. Since then I’ve always had a thing for spread thighs with that soft pouch of flesh snug between. I guess this is where that came from, sort of like how my phobia of orcas came from watching Free Willy. Terrifying movie, but that’s beside the point. Water dripped down his flesh, hot and yet still smooth. He was so young then, not to me at that age, but looking back his age really wasn’t what I’d today consider old, especially considering I’ll be reaching that age in time and i’d like to be half as youthful as he was then.
He asked me if my homework was finished, and I just mumbled yes, something about reading. I guess he expected me to shower with him, and head out when finished, using the run off from the shower head. It was detachable, so when his head dipped out of its radius of warm, moist delight he looked back at his young son, wetted and taking the shower head he handed to me. I soaked my hair, closing my eyes as tight as I could because I hated getting water in my eyes, even when swimming. I probably giggled a bit too, I always found it kind of ticklish using the detachable shower head in some places on my body. I don’t know, maybe. I remember there were no smiles that day from him, or even myself. Just heavy thoughts and detachment from the future. Even at my age I remember playing scenarios in my head of what might happen, or what could happen, both good and bad. I guess he did too, but I just figured adults always knew that answer, you know? Like they could tell the future, or something. That was just youthful ignorance talking though. Shame.
He turned, and my eyes immediately moved from the walls and his face to his cock. It was kind of where my eyes were leveled at anyway so it wasn’t difficult to suddenly lock onto cock. It was semi-hard, or soft, I was never certain really, just that it looked like he was peeing with all the water just running down that smooth curvature of tender, brittle flesh. I was distracted by his hand, reaching out to give me the soap, a little lemon bar of soap we used. This was his though, even though I had my own. I liked the lemon scent better than mine, that and mine was so small. I liked the bigger one, seemed more adult.
“Wash up,” he said. I asked if he had, and if maybe I could help him. It elicited the first real flicker of a grin I saw on him that night, but he said yeah.
Eager, and playful I started with his stomach. soaping it up and he’d even help by spreading his hand across his body a little, and using some of it to soap up my chest and shoulders. He was probably nearly finished with his shower when I had come in so this was just a way to get me done so we could get out. He knew I couldn’t reach to much and thus would leave it to him. There was one thing I could reach, and that was his hefty package, and that I did reach. My smaller hands found his heavy sack and cupped it, gently moistening it with the soap and then letting the water run the lemon scent across his flesh as it cleaned him off. I don’t think he expected this and it seemed like he was even going to move my hand up, not to his penis, but just away from that area, but he let me continue. What was the harm, anyway? His tongue had been buried inside of my little asshole once, so I’m sure cleaning his crotch wouldn’t kill anyone.
Perhaps what he was worried about was the fact his dick began to harden. I remember it growing so quickly, like a wilting flower in reverse blossoming into the manly, adult appendage I had tasted and played with before. Somehow glistening in the warm shower water with all of that wetness running down the curves to his balls was beautiful. An odd feeling I felt, I guess, but I just thought it was a beautiful sight. I liked it, his penis.
My hands continues to gently caress his balls as if cleaning them even though the soap was now gone. I probably dazed off and just kept going, but I remember eventually I ended up close enough as the head of his cock was level with my face that I gave the head of it a kiss.
What he asked sank in, because not until then did I really grasp what I was going through. What I’d become. “You really like that, don’t you?” He asked me as if he was seeking for a specific answer. His eyes sort of went through me, but I could just see eyes. I couldn’t grasp the depth then, not like I do now, but now it’s all just memories. Now, I realize he was starting to understand why these things were happening with me. I was gay and in some strange way he was beginning to accept that, not that he was, but I don’t think he grasped that, not until this moment. That’s why it’s so clear to me, that’s when I knew. At the time however, I was just thinking that i did enjoy it and thus parted my little, wet lips and started to suck on the head of my father’s penis. I know he enjoyed that, and I know it would make him happy, at least I thought so. He had been so down that day, and this would be a way to please him, his ten year old son sucking his hard, wet dick.
My hands held his penis out so I could just focus on the head and suck on it. I never could get much of it in my mouth, but what I could, I enjoyed rolling my tongue around underneath and then sliding out and licking that slit. I knew pee came out of there, but so did something else. Something I had begun to associate with pleasure, or at least happiness. I no now it’s more of a pleasure thing than happiness, but I was young.
I remember he stopped me and I felt hurt. Not physically, just hurt that he had pulled me off of his penis. Hurt, I now recall was such a foolish word for that feeling. I remember not much really being said, but asked me to turn around and I guess he lowered himself as that warm massaging feeling overcame my little thighs and butt, his tongue then finding my hole again. This gave me that feeling of happiness, and pleasure that I wanted to give him by sucking him off. It didn’t last long though, I don’t really know how long though, but I think it wasn’t long, maybe a few minutes. I remember ending up leaning over the door with my hands against the glass and his tongue inside me, but then it wasn’t. Instead, his fingers found that little pink opening of mine, opening mine up. It was a feeling I didn’t quite understand, because his fingers, at least two, I think, were bigger than his tongue and less like a soft spear and more like a prodding sausage. He didn’t have fat fingers, but it just felt like something bigger against my little tender puckering flesh.
I know now what he was preparing it for, and soon I felt something softer and wetter slapping my little butt and hole. It was his penis. My father had managed to slip in one finger, which hurt really badly so it took forever for me to adjust to it, and I still don’t think that ever happened. It was like something trying to tear me open, which is partially true, but still, it really hurt at first. Eventually, as his voice soothed me, his words faded with time and I can no longer remember, but I remember becoming numb to it. Just letting myself calm down and begin to adjust, to try and find the joy in it. Probably took forever though, which is saying a lot of about his patience.
If I thought his fingers were a lot to handle, when I looked back, unknowing what it was slapping against my butt, and rubbing it up and down, I saw his penis and it didn’t quite connect with me. I didn’t realize what he was planning, if it was even planned. He asked me if it was all right, to say no when ever I felt it was too much, but I just kept nodding. So his penis then slid into me. Slowly, as if it were a warm, moist snail, only without the mollusk part. Just the speed, or lack thereof. I remember not liking it much, wincing and gasping even. Probably said a few things i shouldn’t have, but I didn’t say no. I was curious. I had never felt this before, nor even thought of it and now here I was with his hard cock sliding into my little asshole, no longer a virgin as of then.
He slid it in about an inch, and left it at that. His cock sticking out, pulsating I bet, cause I could feel it stretching my inner walls even though he hadn’t even begun thrusting. That pulsing pain and yet subliminal pleasure that let you know someone was inside you and you needed them in there, to not only feel that sexual pleasure, or physical connection, but their heart beat too. It was all veins pumping from that vital, yet delicate muscle and it now pumped within me and i could feel it. What made me now inside of me, and that’s when he began to thrust, slow at first, but I remember in time it quickened, but never too fast, nor too deep. He was also so gentle when he was inside me, I remember. I guess I could liken it to that phrase, “making love.”
I cried out for him, his name, which was ‘Daddy’ at the time, I didn’t know his real name, or if I did I never said it much. Most thoughts were gone anyway, that whole thing was just a blur even though I remember his dick inside me so clearly, just not what I was thinking, probably because I wasn’t thinking. He just kept thrusting in and out, even digging another inch, or two inside me until I’d cry out a little harder. His hands found my hips and helped pull me into his lap and away as my hands pressed against the glass door, trying to find something to hold on to beside wet, clear surfaces. I was at his mercy, which fortunately he had some.
I guess he needed that. It probably, looking back, was about ten minutes worth of thrusting and burrowing inside of me when I heard his grunts and moans louder and more muffled and he was saying something. That he was about to do something, but I didn’t really know what it was. I didn’t want him to stop, but I guess if he had to do something then, but then he did it. I could feel the pulsing, that burrowing meat and flesh throbbing within my little channel and even more warmth. He was cumming, spilling his seed into his little boy. He rested there for a while, with me in his lap, the water still over us, or maybe that was just the heat pounding in my chest. Exhaustion and water and the smell of sex, and just everything. I don’t know, but it was a moment I know we shared in unison.
After, he helped clean me up and even took me into bed with him. I remember complaining about still feeling that throbbing ache in by butt until he assured me it was okay, and that he wouldn’t do it again unless I was okay with it. I never replied, only slept. SInce that night, I pretty much slept in his room every night. I’d start in my room and then somehow wake up in the middle of the night and crawl in bed with him. It was nice, and felt safe, like no matter what would happen, everything would still be okay.

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Wife’s friends and a red head

This story began about six months ago while my wife and I were attending her best friends stag & doe. We had left our children at home with her parents and drove 2hrs northwest of our place to Stratford. When we arrived in town we went to Jessica’s house (wifes friend) since we were hours early for the party. The pre-party we’ll call it was pretty uneventful. It was basically a bunch of women sitting around talking about college and how much fun it was. The groom-to-be (Bob) and I were the only guys and he was running around getting things ready so I was basically on my own.
Everyone decided to head over to the hall to help with final set up since there really wasn’t much else to do. All the girls went off and left me on my own to basically walk around and check out the draw prizes, etc. After about 5 minutes of this an absolutely beautiful redhead walks through the front door. Skinny jeans, 3inch heels, tight blouse containing her massive boobs (D’s are my guess). She makes the rounds saying hello to everyone she knows.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her perfect 10 ass as she moved around the room. Eventually I struck up a conversation with the bride-to-be and discovered it was her sister. She then carried on with her set up. Then to my surprise the red head came over and introduced herself “Hi! I don’t believe we have met before my name is Elisa” “m-m-my name is Tim” I was already tripping over my words and incredibly embarrassed. We made small talk and she asked how I knew the bride or groom. I said well my wife over there, as I pointed across the room, she went to college with your sister, I said. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you she said, I hope to see you on the dance floor later” and she walked away.
I really didn’t think much of it, but all of my girls noticed the conversation and immediately rushed over. “You know she’s a lesbian right” “Shes out of your league” my wife and her friends joked with me. “We were just talking, relax ladies” I replied.
Later that night
I walked over to the bar to grab another beer when I felt a hand on my lower back. “hey, forget about me?” I turned around to see Elisa standing there. “Hi” I replied. We chatted a bit about this and that and then she dropped the question “want to go outside? Its getting pretty hot in here?” At this point in the night her blouse has opened a bit towards the top.
I look around and see if my wife or her friends are watching and then slip outside to continue my conversation with Elisa.
Elisa: I’m going to be up front. I’m the type of girl who shes something she wants and goes after it. I think you are very cute and I would really like to dance with you.
Tim: uh-uh well I don’t really think that’s going to fly. I won’t dance with my wife so I don’t think I’ll be dancing with you either. Its just not my thing.
Elisa: Worried that you’ll like it?
Tim: I was told you had a girlfriend?
Elisa: No, I have a friend, who is a girl, that I fool around with, which means I am available. Why? Did you like what you see?
Tim: Yes, you are very attractive, but my wife is right inside that door and you are her best friends sister.
Elisa: So what. We are both adults. We can make adult decisions can’t we?
At this point our bodies are almost touching. I decide that I couldn’t hold out and I need to touch her but before I could step forward the door opens and a couple of people come outside for cigarettes.
Elisa: Listen, you give what we talked about some thought, I’m going to grab another drink and dance. Maybe I’ll see you on the dance floor
And with that she disappeared through the door and into the hall. After taking a minute to compose myself I headed back in.
As the night went on we had a few more casual encounters and chit chatted and got to learn a bit more about one another. The more we chatted the more my wife and her friends became suspicious and would go out of their way to make sure I didn’t get to talk to Elisa.
At one point while the girls danced my wife’s friend Shannon was left to babysit me. I’ve always been slightly attracted to Shannon. She is a big girl, BIG ass, BIG thighs, a belly and big boobs… not the typical girl I would like but when we were all in college Shannon and I lived in the same house and learned through 6 months of living together that she is an animal in the bedroom and very vocal. No we didn’t fool around, our rooms were next to each other!
As Shannon and I chatted she mentioned that she thought Elisa was hot. She’d never been with a women but she thought she was hot. I mentioned that I thought she was hot too but I wouldn’t betray my wife. “We’re all adults with needs” she blurted out. I then inquired about her situation, and she told me all about her baby’s daddy and the issues they were having.
Shortly after my conversation ended with Shannon the music shut down and the lights came on. It apparently was 2am. Last call. So I grabbed two more beers and went and sat in the corner while people left and others cleaned up.
When it was time to leave I couldn’t find my wife. Does anyone know where she is? Shannon then mentioned that her and Jess and a few other girls took off to head home but they didn’t have room in their care for Shannon and I. As fate would have it the only person left we knew was Elisa.
Tim: Hey Elisa, how are you getting home? Shannon and I don’t really have a ride do you want to share a cab?
Elisa: My parents are driving me back to Jessica’s house, why don’t you guys come with us.
So Shannon and I hustled outside and jumped into the car. It was a tiny little thing, Chevy Aveo, I believe. I sat in the middle and Shannon and Elisa flanked me on either side. We were all talking when Elisa put her hand on my thigh and started rubbing my leg. I got a booner instantly. A little later in the drive we turned a corner and Shannon came into me with the force of the turn. She put her hand down to brace her self and accidently put it on my rock hard cock. Startled she pulled her hand off and we quickly looked at each other then looked away.
Shannon leaned in and whispered in my ear “sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you there” “its ok, I said. It happens” I was completely embarrassed that my wife’s friend had discovered I had a hard on sitting next to her.
I really didn’t have much time to stew on it because Elisa was moving her hand closer and closer to my cock. I leaned over to her “easy tiger, there are other people in here and if you keep going, its not going to look good when its time to get out”
In hindsight that was probably the worst thing I could’ve said to her because with that her hand was on my pants rubbing my now dripping cock. I put my head back and just tried not to cum right then and there in my pants.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shannon glancing down at my crotch. Oh crap I thought, she can see Elisa’s hand! Shannon leaned in, so close that when she spoke her lips grazed my ear “I know what you’re up to” She whispered. I got goosebumps. “its ok, your secret is safe with me” I leaned into her ear, getting as close as I possibly could “thank you” I said. As I spoke Shannon moved her ear closer, putting it right on my lips.
It was pretty silent for the next few minutes. I was completely wound up with both both girls having touched my cock I decided to be bold. I placed a hand on each girls thigh. Shannon to my left, Elisa to my right. I slowly stroked their thighs. Shannon leaned over and put her head on my shoulder allowing her to use her left hand to rub my stomach underneath my shirt. A minute or two later Elisa put her head on my other shoulder and started rubbing my stomach as well. That is when their hands met. They froze for a moment. Then Elisa took her hand and started caressing Shannon’s hand. We all just sat still for the next few minutes until we arrived at Jessica’s house. As I slowly got out of the car I was incredibly thankful that my hard on had gone down a bit as my wife and her friends were outside having a drink and smoke. Everyone chatted a bit and discussed sleeping arrangements. Since Jessica’s husband-to-be has three children, all of the spare rooms are single beds. Jessica had also set up a queen air mattress in the living room. Jess and Bob were obviously taking their own bedroom. I assumed my wife and I would take the queen and the others would sort out which kids room they would sleep in (the kids were with their grandparents). I went to the washroom and cleaned up and got ready for bed, still pretty drunk, I mused to myself that it would be hot to sneak into Elisa’s room and fool around more once my wife fell asleep.
When I came out of the washroom I discovered my wife and her friend Vanessa were in the queen air mattress. “Sorry hunny” my wife said “Nessa and I haven’t seen each other in ages so were going to sleep her and catch up” “Whatever, no big deal” I said.
Which room am I in? I asked. Jessica then said that Rebecca had already gone to bed in one room, Elisa in the other so Shannon and I would have to sleep in the last bedroom because it has bunk beds.
“Really, I have to sleep with Shannon? What if she tries to take advantage of me?” I said jokingly. “I would never dream of touching you. Gross” Shannon shot back, while all the girls laughed.
I said my goodnights to everyone and headed up the stairs. I climbed into the bottom bunk and tried to sleep.
Now I should preface this part with a description of the upstairs of this house. Two of the bedrooms are at the end of the hall. With a spot to look down on the foyer. Beyond that is a computer nook, but its like a balcony and it connects the two rooms.
I had no idea what room Elisa took. After about 30minutes Shannon came to bed. She never turned on the light, but I when she opened the bedroom door the hall light silhouetted her body. I watched as she took off her clothes and put on her PJ’s, which consisted of shorts and a tank top.
She then closed the door making the room pitch black and felt her way over to the bed. I guess she assumed that I took the top bunk cause she slid right in next to me. When our bodies touched it was electric. I thought she would jump up and that would be the end of it. She slid closer placing her hands on me.
Shannon: What are you doing on my bunk?
Tim: You mean my bunk. I was here first.
Shannon: Well I guess we’re sleeping together then and she rolled over putting her back to me.
I slid up against her and put my arms around her, feeling her belly with my hands. I could hear her breathing change. I moved my hands down and under her top and back up, this time I went straight for her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard and boy were they big. Shannon let out a little moan and then rolled on to her back. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back immediately shoving her tongue into my mouth. I met it with mine.
I’ve never had an aggressive kisser, but Shannon definitely is one of them. She rolled over again, this time facing me as we kept kissing and exploring each others bodies with our hands.
Suddenly the door opened and we both froze. Fuck me we are screwed I thought. I thought for sure it was my wife. I looked at the door and saw nothing. Then I looked to the other end of the room and noticed it was the door to the balcony/computer nook that had opened.
We lay there frozen. Who could it be? Was it Rebecca? Was it Elisa? Shannon slowly shifted onto her back while I moved as far away as possible towards the wall.
I felt the sheets lift a bit. I looked over. Shannon quietly said “Well hello there”
I leaned over and whispered in here ear “who are you talking to?” Shannon moaned again and then guided my head under the covers where I bumped into another head. “there you are cutie” It was Elisa (Thank god). “Looks like I’ve gotten myself into pleasing the wrong person” She said. Then we kissed. It was electric. So passionate. Slow with lots of tongue. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity then the covers lifted off.
Shannon: I’m not a pillow Shannon directed
Sorry we both replied.
I started kissing Shannon’s stomach while Elisa kissed her thick beautiful thighs. Our kisses me just above Shannons pussy. It smelt terrific, I could tell she was super wet. Elisa grabbed my head and forced it into Shannon’s pussy. I started licking. Her pussy was delicious, so incredibly wet. She was completely shaved, which I liked. Elisa joined me licking the pussy again.
As we took turns licking Shannon I could tell she was having trouble keeping quiet. She was moaning and squealing and bucking. I got up and laid on my back and whispered “Shannon, get up on your knees and sit on my face.
She obliged. I thought I was going to suffocate. Her legs were so thick and squeezing my head, plus her belly was there. I had nowhere to go but into her soaking wet pussy. I started going to town. I couldn’t figure out why she was so quiet. I stopped and I could hear Elisa and Shannon kissing. I thought to myself “Whatever keeps this girl quiet” and continued.
After about five minutes I could feel her legs tightening on my head. She was pushing down more then ever. Suddenly she started bouncing on my face and then it hit me. Warm, wetness. She pushed down almost smothering me as she came all over my face.
Shannon collapsed next to me and started to kiss my cheeks, tasting her pussy juices. Elisa then jumped up and nudged Shannon out of the way. “Its my turn. I saw what you did to her. Do it to me!” as she lowed her pussy on to my face.
This one was different. She had hair, and what seemed like a fair bit of it. No matter, I was enjoying it. She was so wet and responsive to my tongue. After two or three minutes Elisa jumped off and mounted Shannon. Elisa is a bit shorter then Shannon so she could only kiss Shannon’s belly while Shannon ate her pussy.
“Get behind me” Elisa instructed. So I got up and positioned myself behind her thinking I was going to get to fuck her. “Lick my ass”… huh? I thought. “Do it, lick my ass”
I wasn’t going to, but I thought this could ruin my night if I don’t, so I dropped to my belly and spread her ass cheeks. Elisa has a 10 booty, In my opinion. It didn’t take long before I was completely into it. I even worked up the courage to gently probe her hole. She was going crazy. Moaning and bucking like crazy. Then they both went limp. Shannon started to laugh/cough. Elisa hoped up and laid next to me. Shannon then laid on the other side. She leaned in, kissed me and pushed some liquid into my mouth. “Taste her” she said as she pulled away.
After that it was probably a matter of minutes before we were all fast asleep. I didn’t even cum… but I sure as hell didn’t care.

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One Night Stand Far From Home

When I was twenty years old, I spent my junior year studying in England and the biggest difference I noticed was all of the drinking. I went from a large American University with a dry campus to a school of only 4000 students with four different bars on campus including a dance club two nights a week. Back home I had only been with a few guys and all of them had been long-term relationships, but I decided that during my year in Europe I would be a little more adventurous.
I went out with my friends on one of the dance club nights. We got dressed in our cutest little outfits even though it was freezing outside. I wore a lacy black halter top with no bra, a short black skirt, and heals. I let my blond hair fall down past my shoulders. As the night went on my friends headed back to the dorms one by one; some had class in the morning and some found some to spend the night with. I found myself alone when a cute guy danced up to me on the dance floor. He was tall with dark hair and striking eyes. He put his hands on my waist and slipped on of his legs between mine. We began grinding against one another, and I could feel his hard-on pressing into me. Within a song we were making out even though we had not yet said a word to one another. He kissed my neck, which always drives me crazy, and started massaging my breasts. He took my hand and pulled it down to feel his package. I was amazed at the size of what I felt. People were beginning to stare. It was such a small school, I knew that some of those eyes belonged to people I knew.
“Do you want to come back to my room,” I whispered into his ear. He grabbed my hand and led me toward the door. We weaved our way through the mass of dancing and drinking students and left the club for the cold English night.
“You knock me for six,” he said. I had no idea what this meant and I think he must of realized that from the look on my face. “I just mean that you’re very sexy,” he clarified.
“I’m glad you think so,” I told him, “because I’m ready to have some fun with you.” He smiled and stopped walking, pulling me close and gave me a full passionate kiss. He reached under my skirt and groped my ass. I broke away.
“Come on,” I said, “it’s freezing out here and I live really close.” I led him to my building which was only a two minute walk. The dorms were set up with six single rooms sharing a kitchen. As we came in we passed a few of my suitemates sitting at the dining table, playing a drinking game. They asked us to join them.
“Some other time,” I said, and they gave us a knowing look. We hurried down the hall and into my room. As soon as the door was shut we began to make out furiously and tear each other’s clothes off. I sat down on the bed, but instead of joining me he went over to my computer.
“Does this webcam work?” he asked me.
“Yeah…” I answered, wondering where he was going with this. He logged on to his MSN account and started typing to someone.
“Have you lost interest so quickly?” I teased.
“I’m just talking to a mate of mine. He was out with me earlier, but he wasn’t having much luck with the birds so he went home. I want to give him a little show.” said my companion. “Get on your knees.”
He stood up and positioned the camera toward his raging erection. I dropped down in front of him and began to suck. It was thrilling to look over and watch an image of myself bobbing up and down on top of this huge cock. I tried to look into the lens as I continued to take him further into my mouth. It turned me on to know that someone else could see this image too, but that I had no idea who it was or where they were. I had never taken so much as a naked picture of myself before, and here I was letting someone broadcast me sucking him off.
The guy grabbed the back of my head and forced me further down his cock until my nose was up against his stomach. He fucked the back of my throat as I gasped for breath.
I was ready to get fucked, so I pulled away from him and laid back on the bed. He turned the camera so that showed me laying there, naked and ready to go. Then he was on top of me, kissing me wildly, and pawing at my breasts. He moved down to suck on my nipple and stuck two fingers into my pussy. He pounded them in and out of me while he rubbed my clit with his thumb.
“I’m ready,” I said
“For what?” he asked.
“You know,” answered as I pushed back against his invading figures.
“Tell me,” he said, “beg for it. Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck me,” I urged. “Fuck me now. I’m burning up.” He pulled he fingers out of my dripping cunt and climbed on top of me. He was in me in one swift motion and it felt fantastic. He gabbed my legs and pushed them up next to my head, allowing himself to plunge deeper inside me. It was amazing. I felt my first orgasm building inside of me.
“I’m cumming,” I gasped. That sent him over the edge, and I felt his cock explode inside of me as the walls of my pussy spasmed in ecstasy. He lay down next to me, panting for breath.
“That was awesome,” I sighed.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he said.
“I need some water,” I said, “do you want any”
“Cheers,” he replied, which I took to mean yes. I put on my bath robe and headed for the kitchen, hoping the others had gone. Luckily the kitchen was empty when I got there. I poured two glasses of water and headed back to my room. As I walked down the hall it occurred to me that I didn’t even know this guy’s name.
“Hey sexy, I’m glad you’re back,” he said as I walked into the room. He was sitting at my desk and had put his briefs back on, but nothing else.
“You just have to call me that because you don’t know my name,” I teased.
“Yes I do, Sarah,” he said. I froze in my tracks.
“Well you have me at a disadvantage, what’s yours?” I asked.
“Richard,” he answered.
“So Richard, how did you know my name? Did you go through my wallet while I was gone?”
“No, my friend Sam told me, I guess you have a class together. He’s really been enjoying the show. In fact, he’s on his way here right now.” Richard explained. Sam was a guy in a few of my econ classes. I had always thought he was really cute and we flirted a lot, but it didn’t really go anywhere. I blushed, realizing that he was the one who had watched my scandalous behavior. I knew he lived in the same building, just a few floors up.
Just then we heard a knock on the door. Richard got up to answer it and there was Sam.
“Hi,” I said sheepishly. Sam came in and grinned at me.
“That was quite a show,” Sam said, “I couldn’t help coming down to watch from a little closer.”
“Oh you should do more than watch,” said Richard, “you have to feel her tight little pussy.”
“Is that okay with you, Sarah?” Sam asked me.
“She’ll do what I tell her to,” Richard snapped. “Get naked,” he told me.
I didn’t know what made him think that I would do whatever he said, but I got really turned on by his forcefulness. I had never been with more than one person at once, but I was here for an adventure, so I just went with it. I untied my bathrobe and let it drop to the floor.
“Now blow him,” Richard instructed. I got on my kneed in front Sam and undid the front of his jeans. I reached in and pulled out his throbbing cock. It was beautiful, about seven and a half inches long and rock hard. I started licking the tip while I pumped my hand up and down the shaft. Sam smiled and started playing with my hair while I began to bob up and down. Richard lay on the bed watching, naked. After a minute or two he stopped me.
“Come over here and suck me a little,” Richard said. I got on my hands and knees in front of him on the bed and took his member into my mouth. As I sucked away, Sam took his clothes off and then knelt down behind me. He started playing with my clit and pussy. It felt amazing. Then he leaned in and stuck his tongue inside of me. He licked up and down, circling my clit and pushing his tongue in and out of my sopping cunt. I didn’t think it could feel any better until Sam did something unexpected. He licked up and circled my asshole with his tongue. A rim job was another first for me, and I was surprised by how much I liked it. He kept licking in circles for awhile and then he pushed his fingers into my pussy and his tongue into my ass. I moaned in pleasure; the vibrations in my throat stimulated Richard’s cock.
“Fuck me,” I moaned, but the words were garbled by Richard’s erection pumping in and out of my mouth.
“What?” asked Sam. I pulled my head up for a moment.
“Fuck me!” I screamed. The guys laughed. Richard sat up a bit and told Sam to lie down. I quickly climbed up on top of him and impaled myself on his cock. I bounced up and down in ecstasy. Then I saw Richard digging around in the drawer of my bedside table. He pulled out a bottle of lube and squirted some into his hand. He rubbed some on his cock and then suck a finger into my ass. It was cold, but it didn’t hurt. In fact it just heightened my pleasure. I knew what he was about to do and I couldn’t wait. It had always been a secret fantasy of mine to get double penetrated. I couldn’t believe it was happening.
I slowed down a little as Richard got in place behind me. He pushed the tip of his cock into my ass and I leaned back so that he slid the rest of the way in. Then Sam and Richard started pumping in and out of me. As they built up steam and rhythm, my body felt like it was on fire.
“I’m cumming,” I yelled. My body spasmed from my orgasm, but the guys kept pounding. Richard came first. I felt him shoot his load deep inside me. Then he pulled out of me and got up.
“I want to see you with cum all over your face,” Richard told me. I got off of Sam and he stood up. I looked up at him and he pumped his cock in front of my face. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. It didn’t take him long. Soon Sam shot at me. His cum went all over my face. Some went in my mouth and I swallowed it down greedily. I scooped the rest off of my cheeks and chin and licked it off my fingers.
“Good girl,” said Richard. The guys put their clothes on and left. I took a quick shower and then went to bed, falling asleep easily.

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Girlfriend’s Sister

This is a true story from my past and one of many good stories i have experianced . I will continue with what happens next in this story with my next post. please comment all you like or email me if you want to chat.


This is the continuation of my trip to Japan in the mid 90’s. This is a true story, but I will say that I have changed our names to avoid any issues with friends and clients. In Pt.1 I had just arrived at my friend Hiritos’ house and had been given the best bathing experience of my life by his sister.
My Asian Treat Pt.2
Lying on the mat, I did not care that I was still in my robe. The combination of the jet lag and Kaykos’ administrations put the zap on me in a big way. As Kayko disappeared around the corner I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. I was happy, clean, and satisfied.
I’m not sure how long I slept, but I was wakened by the unmistakable sensation of getting a blow job. As I raised my head and blinked my eyes, there was Kayko, kneeling at my side and bobbing her head up and down my stiffened shaft. (Did I mention how much I like Japanese alarm clocks?) Kayko was again wearing her red kimono. But instead of her hair being in a big pony tail, it was now braided and she had most of the braids wrapped around the base of my dick. While her tongue swirled around the head of my dick, her right hand slid the braids up and down my shaft at the same pace as her mouth. Her left hand was in between her legs rubbing her pussy at a furious pace. Again I was receiving one of the most exquisite sexual sensations I had ever experienced in my entire life at the administering of my friends sister.
Kayko must have noticed that I was stirring around a bit because she turned her head to the side a little and looked up into my eyes. I could just barely make out a bit of a smile at the corners of her mouth. With my dick stuck in it her mouth was pretty full. I watched for almost five minutes while Kayko kept up a very steady pace. When I started to feel my orgasm building up in my nuts and my back began to arch in anticipation of things to come, that’s when she started to moan softly. The vibrations, combined with her superior cock sucking, sent me flying over the edge and I blasted a load of cum into her mouth. Kayko stopped bobbing her head and began pumping her hand up and down my shaft at the speed of light. I swear I saw stars and flashes of lights as my dick pumped into her waiting mouth. Kayko would suck hard when I shot then quickly swallow before repeating the process for the next shot. I think she was trying to suck my nuts out through my dick! Kayko stayed with my pace until the spasms from my dick subsided.
As she lifted her head from my groin she looked up at me and smiled. “Good afternoon Mr. Mike,” she said after swallowing one last time. “It’s almost time for dinner.” Pulling her left hand from underneath her kimono, she brought her sticky cum soaked fingers up to her mouth and started to lick and suck them clean
“Thank you Kayko,” I answered while propping myself up on my elbows and continued watching her lick her fingers, “That was great.”
Kayko smiled at me again. “Hy.” she said with a small bow of her head. (That is Japanese for yes or just a general acknowledgement) Kayko pulled the sides of my robe up over my waist, covering my now spent dick. As she started to stand I stopped her.
“Just a minute Kayko,” I said as I brought myself to a seated position next to her.
Kayko had a queried look on her face as I moved in close to her. She was kneeling on a small pillow with her hands folded in her lap, so as I approached her we were face to face. I raised my hands up and gently cradled her soft round face before leaning forward and kissing her. Her soft lips pressed firmly against mine and we kissed deeply for several seconds. I could very clearly taste her sweet pussy juice on her lips as I opened my mouth and darted my tongue into hers. As I pulled back away from her Kayko was absolutely beaming.
“Thank you very much Kayko,” I said while looking into her dark brown eyes, “You are absolutely fantastic.”
A broad smile came across her face before she replied softly, “Hy, Mr. Mike.” with another small bow.
“Please Kayko,” I said as I lowered my hands to her shoulders, “Just Mike.”
Kayko smiled at me again, “Hy.” she said with another small bow. “It’s almost time for dinner. Shall we dress?”
It’s a little strange having help doing something you have done by yourself since you were a kid, but I didn’t really mind when I would gaze at this Asian beauty helping me. Kayko made sure everything was exactly in place before gesturing toward the door with a small bow. After donning my shoes at the door, I walked through the ornate garden toward the back of the main house, Kayko following a few steps behind me. As I stepped up onto the back porch Hirito came to the door and greeted me.
“Good afternoon Mike,” he said with a bow, “Are you rested?”
“Yes, my friend,” I answered as I slid my shoes off my feet, “I feel really good.”
As I turned around to see where Kayko was Hirito suddenly barked out something in Japanese. Kayko stopped dead in her tracks. Hirito barked out something else causing Kayko to bow and quickly head off down the porch away from us and into another door.
“Please forgive my sister,” Hirito stated as he motioned for me to enter the house, “She forgets her place sometimes.”
I suddenly had a streak of panic race through me. Was she supposed to be over in the guest quarters? I decided right then and there not to say a word about what had happened during my bath, and much less about how she woke me up! I followed Hirito into his house. It’s exquisite in every way. It is plainly evident that everything has been placed precisely. From the beautiful woven rugs on the floor to the most delicate statue on a cabinet, everything was absolutely immaculate. Hirito lead me into the dining room which was pretty much as I suspected it would be. It had a long one foot high mahogany table in its center with a vase of cut flowers and sparkling plates and bowls arranged for two. And on the floor it was surrounded by several large flat pillows. Against the interior wall stood a five foot tall mahogany cabinet with two doors and a small Ninja sitting on its top. The opposite wall was a large picture window that overlooked the ornate garden to the rear of the house. Aside from that the room was completely bare. Hirito gestured for me to have a seat at the side of the table while he sat at the head. As we settled in a door in the wall directly across from me slid open and Kayko appeared. She was carrying a small tray with a small bottle and two very short glasses on it. She approached the table and knelt on the pillow between me and Hirito, placing the tray carefully on the table.
“I hope you like Saki,” Hirito stated as Kayko placed a small glass in front of each of us. She then poured Saki into each glass, Hiritos glass first.
“Yes sir,” I answered as Kayko replaced the bottle and stood to leave.
I could not help myself as I watched Kayko. Every move was so graceful and deliberate; her curves so subtle and smooth. As she left the room I did not even notice that Hirito had raise his glass and made a small toast.
“Mike!” Hirito repeated, snapping me out of my short trance. I snapped my head around toward him to see him holding up his glass. I quickly followed suit, holding my glass up next to his.
“To successful business,” he toasted.
“Successful business,” I repeated, and we sipped our Saki.
Dinner was really something, consisting of a shrimp cocktail, oysters on the half shell, (Of which I ate most all of them) and a main course of lobster and rice. Everything was delicious. Throughout the entire meal Kayko would bring the food and sit quietly between us, making sure our glasses were full at all times. A few times during the meal Hirito saw me gazing at Kayko, but he said nothing. When dinner was finished Hirito gave another set of commands to Kayko in Japanese. She bowed, quickly stood and left the room in a different direction, not returning to the kitchen.
“I thought we might enjoy a brandy in the garden,” Hirito said as he gestured toward the door.
“I think that would be the capper for an absolutely delicious meal,” I replied as I slid back into my loafers.
We walked a few yards into the garden to a small bench under a cherry tree where we sat. It was then that Hirito looked at me and said, “You like my sister?”
I was not going to lie to my friend. I had known Hirito since our freshman year at Stanford in 85 and he was always straight up with me, so I was going to stay true to him. “Yes,” I replied while trying to contain my discomfort at a question I was not expecting.
“I hope so,” Hirito replied as he gazed out across the small pond, “I told her to take care of you during your stay. You will inform me if she is neglecting in her duties?”
There was no way I was going to ask if her duties included fucking me in the bath or waking me up with a blow job. “Ok, but so far she has been great,” I replied as Kayko approached from the house carrying another small tray with two half full brandy glasses and a small box.
Kayko stopped in front of us and lowered the tray allowing me and Hirito to pick up our glasses. Hirito also picked up the small box and again said something to Kayko in Japanese. Kayko replied, “Hy,” and bowed to her brother before turning around and hurrying back to the house.
Hirito took a sip of his brandy before turning to me. “This is for you, my friend. A gift,” he said while extending his hand with the small box in it. “If you need something, use this.”
I took the box from him. It didn’t seem very special except for the fact that it looked to be made out of fine carved mahogany. “I don’t know what else I could possibly need,” I stated as I stuck the box in my jacket pocket. “Your hospitality is overwhelming.” And with that I raised my glass. “To you, my friend.”
We sat and talked about my upcoming schedule for almost an hour. By the time our brandy was gone it was getting dark.
“I will have a car for you tomorrow morning, it will take you to your business meeting,” Hirito said as he stood up. Turning to me he bowed and said, “Goodnight,” and headed toward his house.
I just sat there gazing at the pond for several minutes before retiring for the night. I wondered if Kayko would be waiting for me again in my quarters. Fortunately I was wide awake since my body was still on US central time, so I figured I would really be able to show her what a big dick toting American could do in bed. Unfortunately she was not there upon my arrival. As I started to undress and put on some leisure clothes I came across the small box in my pocket. Sitting at the desk I turned on the lamp for a closer examination of the box. What I saw was a little surprising. All sides of the box were covered with very ornate carvings of men and women in various sexual positions. And the top of the box had the most detailed carving of female genetalia I had ever seen. Aside from having a pussy directly in front of me, this was the exact liking of a woman’s pussy with the lips just slightly parted. It was beautiful. I opened the top and found a small remote control inside with a single button and an off/on switch. Holding the remote in my hand I depressed the button. Nothing happened. I looked around the room and depressed the button again. Still nothing. Then I flipped the switch to on and depressed the button again. It seemed like it didn’t work. As I set the remote down I saw Kayko step into the room from the hall. She was breathing a little hard, almost like she had been running.
“Good evening Mr. Mike,” she said with a bow. “How may I service you?” Her red Kimono had now been replaced by a dark blue robe with a white sachet around her waist. And her hair was no longer braided but flowing freely over her shoulders and down her back. Damn she looked good!
“Good evening Kayko,” I answered as I stood up behind the desk. “I’m glad you came by.” Picking the remote up, I stepped around the desk and walked over to her. “I was just trying to figure out how this thing worked. Can you show me?”
Kayko smiled while reaching her hand out to take the remote from my palm. “Hy, Mr. Mike,” she said while bowing slightly. “Whenever you want me for anything you press this button,” and she pointed out the single black button on the remote. “Whenever you want to get me ready you turn this switch to on.” Again she pointed to the remote to indicate the off/on switch which I had left in the on position. “And when you want to excite me you press the button while the switch is in the on position.” At that point she pressed the button and I heard a faint, high pitched buzzing sound for an instant. She then handed the remote back to me.
Get her ready? Excite her? What was she talking about? At this point I didn’t care about the remote anymore, Kayko was here. “Thank you,” I said as I took the remote from her hand and set it down on the desk. “Can you stay for a while? I am wide awake. And please call me Mike when we are not around your brother.”
“Hy,” Kayko replied with a bow.
We stepped into the sleeping room and Kayko immediately rolled out the sleeping mat. As she stood up I stepped up right behind her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I tower over her at 6 feet so it felt like I was holding my kid sister when we would have tickle fights. Kayko leaned back into me and folded her arms over mine, hugging them tightly against her. I was surprised to find that she was still breathing a little hard. “I am ready,” she said while looking over her shoulder and up at me.
I really wasn’t listening. I was looking at the smooth gentle curve of her neck where it met her shoulders and disappeared under the robe. Her skin was so soft and smooth, and I began tracing the subtle outline of her features with my finger. Kayko looked down toward my hand as my fingers reached the V of the two sides of the garment right in between her breasts. She let out a soft sigh as I slid my hand under the robe to find her left breast with its little nipple as hard as a rock. I squeezed her firm little B-cup breast gently, causing a soft moan to escape her lips. Kayko pressed her ass backwards into me against my thighs, my hardening dick finding the crease in the small of her back. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips while pulling out my hand from under the robe to untie the sachet. Her robe opened to reveal a complete naked Kayko underneath. Her smooth caramel skin seemed to glow in the soft light.
I moved my hands up to her shoulders and eased the robe to the sides. Kayko allowed it to slip off her shoulders and fall to the floor before turning around to face me. Describing Kayko as beautiful is an injustice. Her soft gentle curves and slender hips could only be described as one thing. Perfection.
I knelt down in front of her and placed my hands on her hips. With me kneeling Kayko was now taller than me so her breasts were now even with my face. I pulled her toward me and took her left nipple into my mouth. Kaykos’ response was to put her arms around my head and cradle my head against her while I devoured her breast, sucking and swirling my tongue around the hardened nipple. Kaykos breath was coming harder now as I slid my hand up between her legs to cup her trimmed pussy. Kayko spread her feet apart to allow me unimpeded access to her. At the very first touch I found that she was soaking wet. Small droplets of her sweet cum clung to the neatly trimmed patch of silky fine hair. Kayko moaned as I slid my finger over the protruding nub of her clitoris, causing her to shudder slightly. As I moved my mouth over to her right breast I slid my fingers down her slit, searching for that tight wonder hole concealed between those fabulously slim and toned legs. That’s when I felt something odd. It was something harder and thicker than the surrounding hair.
I pulled my mouth away from her breast and looked up at her face. Grasping the hardened thing between my fingers I asked, “What’s this?”
Kayko looked down at me and said one word, “Pull.”
Looking down at her crotch I pulled on the hard strand. It slowly grew longer and longer until a hard plastic egg emerged from inside her pussy, and it was vibrating! Kayko let out a small gasp as the egg came free, a thick trail of her cum followed and dropped to the floor with an audible splat.
I looked up at Kayko, holding the buzzing egg in my hand. “Is this what Hirito sent you to get?” I asked while bringing the egg up to my mouth.
“Hy,” Kayko replied, watching me slip the egg into my mouth to suck it clean. Kayko tasted sweet and wonderful as her cum slid off the egg and onto my tongue like hot butter. “My brother says I am for your service.”
Pulling the egg out of my mouth I wanted to taste her cum from its source. “Lay down,” I said as I stood up. As Kayko stepped onto the sleeping mat I stepped back into the office. Finding the remote on the desk I flipped the switch to off, instantly stopping the egg from vibrating. I picked up the box and returned to the sleeping room with all three items in hand.
Walking back into the sleeping room I found Kayko laying on the mat on the floor. She had her legs pulled up to her chest and spread wide apart. I quickly stripped and knelt down between her legs. Her pussy is beautiful, with delicate inner lips parted slightly and sporting a glossy shine from her cum. I then noticed something. Before lowering my face I picked up the small mahogany box and held it beside her pussy. The carving was an exact match. I looked up at Kayko who just smiled at me.
“Now it’s dinner time,” I said as I lowered my face between her legs.
Kaykos’ sweet scent filled my nose as I opened my mouth and covered her pussy. I could feel the heat from her well before my lips made contact with her soft folds. First a kiss, then a lick, then it was a full out assault on her clit with my tongue. Kayko gasped at the touch of my tongue but held her legs wide open. It was like sticking my tongue into a tub of hot honey, her pussy just seemed to melt in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the hard little nub causing Kayko to jerk and press her pussy into my face. She was breathing hard and moaning while I continued my feast. I licked my way down to her delicious hole. Spreading her lips apart with my fingers I saw the delicate pink interior leading into the dark recess of her. I stuck my tongue in as far as I could causing Kayko to gasp loudly and arch her back. She quickly regained her composure and flattened out her back, bringing her pussy directly in line with my mouth again. Instantly my tongue was coated with her delicious cum. Kayko began squeezing my tongue with the muscles inside her pussy. It felt like her cunt was trying to pull my tongue out of my mouth and deeper into her. I licked and sucked on her sweet gash, sliding my finger inside to finger fuck her while I ate her delicious womanhood. After several minutes Kayko began gasping in quick short breaths. Her pussy clenched down on my finger with amazing strength and she arched her back as a tremendous orgasm ripped through her. I just kept feasting and pumping my finger in and out of her.
Looking up I could see Kaykos head thrashing back and forth as her orgasm continued. Her sweet cum was pouring out of her hole from around my finger as my assault on her sex continued. It almost seemed like she was getting a bit delirious. Words in English and Japanese escaped her mouth, not making any sense at all. Kayko was in extreme bliss. When her pussy began to alternate between gripping and releasing my finger that’s when I made my move. I raised my head from between her legs, scooted forward and lined my cast iron dick up with her hole, pulled out my finger and slammed my dick into her all the way down to the base with a loud squish, impaling her on 8 inches of American beef. It felt like I had just slid into a molten hot vise made of silk. Kaykos head came up off the floor, her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as saucers. Instantly her legs wrapped around my back, locking her ankles together. It was now my turn to return the favor. Placing my hands on either side of her to carry my weight, I began pumping my dick in and out of her with long powerful strokes. I was going to fuck a hole threw her if I had my way, and Kayko did nothing to prevent me from that very task. Kayko grasp at my back, her delicate fingers digging her nails into my skin. That was like having my own cheering section! I hammered away into Kayko without any regard, my lust and passion taking over me. My long deep strokes would bottom out my dick against her womb before returning to the surface for air. Kayko was going crazy, thrashing her head from side to side, clawing at my back, and squeezing the air out of me with those delectable legs. Amongst the pounding I was giving her I was able to distinguish two words between her gasps, “Yes” and “More.” That was all I needed to hear! I switched from long powerful strokes to short rapid ones, slamming into her as fast and as hard as I could. Kayko released her ankles from my back, placed her feet on the floor and pressed her crotch upward against me, spreading her knees wide apart. She was offering her sweet gash up to me without and reservations!
I could feel my dick beginning to swell and a rapidly approaching orgasm building in my nuts. I hammered away into Kayko until my thrusts became erratic and then buried myself into her as deeply as I could go before shooting a huge load inside her. Kayko locked her legs around my back again, pulling me into her. Her pussy began milking my dick again, rippling from the base to the top as my dick pumped my seed into her. She lifted her head up and pulled mine down with her arms and she began kissing me passionately, sliding her tongue in and out of my mouth as my dick filled her up. After what seemed like minutes, and several jerking spasms later, the throbbing in my dick subsided. Kayko released my head and unhooked her ankles, falling limp onto the floor while breathing heavily. I eased my cock out of her and laid down next to her on the mat. I was sweating and breathing hard, but I felt really good. After several minutes I propped myself up on one elbow and looked over at Kayko in all of her naked beauty. She was lying flat on her back with her arms at her sides and her legs still wide apart, a light shine of sweat covered her, accentuating her smooth curves while her chest heaved up and down.
“I think we need a bath,” I said as I placed my hand on her toned, flat stomach.
Kayko looked at me and smiled, “Hy, Mike”, the first time she used my first name.
End Pt2

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More black cock for wife

This story follows on from wife takes black cock…..
I rolled over the next morning and as I came round realise two things; Firstly that Anon and my wife Hannah were both laying asleep next to me and secondly that I had a uge erection.
Slowly I started to wank my cock whilst imagining all of the images from the night before, Anton fucking her pussy, HAnnah sucking his huge cock, and best of all Anton roughly fucking her ass. My cock got harder and harder as I stroked it and as i started getting really aroused Hannah rolled over to face me and opened her eyes.
Slowly she came too and realised that I was wanking myself off. She reached down under the sheet and took hold of my cock “let me help you witht that baby” she teased as she began to stroke me. she leaned in and kissed me hard, swirling her tongue around my mouth as she wanked me harder and harder. She began kissing down my neck, biting my nipples as she moved down under the sheet. Suddenly I felt my cock disappear down her throat as she began deep throating me vigorously. Anton was still fast asleep and Hannah greedily sucked me off.
Just before I was about to cum she stopped and came up for air. She straddled me and began to rub my cock over her already wet pussy lips. Then she lowered herself right down onto my shaft. Something felt different from normal and then i saw the glint in her eye. She had sat straight down the length of my cock deep into her ass. “i’m still stretched from Anton last night baby. See how easily you wnt into my ass”.
The idea of her gaping as sent me wild and I began forcing my cock up hard into her ass. She began moaning and it wasn’t long before Anton began to stir next to us.
I kept fuckig her as hard as I could and eventually Anton rolled over to face us. He smiled as her saw Hannah riding my cock with her ass and lay watching for a few minutes. He began stroking his cock to life and soon we could both see that he was fully hard. Hannah leaned down and i sucked herd on her hard nipples as i noticed Anton stand up on the bed next to us.
Hannah noticed as well and sat up again whilst still bouncing hard on my throbbing shaft. As she sat upright her face came level with Antons huge member. He held it at the base and began to slap Hannah’s face each time she rose off my cock. He slapped her harder and harder with his cock and then told her to open her mouth. Hannah did as she was told and opened wide, slowing her rhythem on my cock. Anton held her by her hair and pushed is cock deep into her mouth just as he had done the nigght before. as before she gagged immediateley at his size as he filled her throat. As he entered her throat he held her head so that she couldn’t move. Within a few seconds she grew short of breath as he blocked her airway with his huge cock. She began to struggle but he held he there with his strong hands. Her face started to go red as che slowly choked on his throbbing head. He held her before finally letting her go. She gasped for breath and fell onto my chest, my cock still in her ass.
“Remember who is in charge here” he teased as he watched her get her breath back. “sit up again” Hannah obayed and sat up opening her mouth. Again anton forced his ock into her mouth, but this time he started moving it in and out, fucking her face. Spit soon ran from her mouth, down onto her tits. I began to fuck her ass again and she moaned as we used her holes.
After a few minutes Anton stopped and said to me “get into her pussy” I pulled my cock from her ass and moved it straight into her sopping pussy, pulling her down towards me so that I could suck on her hard nipples. Doing this left her ass gaping skyward and Anton didn’t need a second invite. He knelt between my legs and positioned his throbbing head at Hannah’s ass. She gasped but i held her by her waist so that she couldn’t move. I looked into her eyes and could tell the second Anton pushed into her ass making her gasp out loud. Her eyes buldged and i could feel his cock enter her ass theought the wall of her pussy. As he pushed into her his cock spread her ass making her pussy feel even tighter than it already was.
Once he was right in up to his balls we both started rocking back and forth. Fucking Hannah like this, watching her face as a huge black man filled her ass made me even harder and I began to fuck her hard, as did Anton in her ass. She screamed loudly and Anton reached round, putting his hand over her mouth. “shut up slut” he growled as he slapped her ass with his free hand. We continued fucking both of her holed hard and I could tell that she was getting cluse to cumming. With a loud scream she let her orgasm overtake her. Her body shuddered and she squirted her juices all over my stomach. As she came down from her orgasm Anton pulled out of her ass.
He stepped off the bed and walked over to where the curtains were drawn across a huge full length window on one side of the hotel room. With one strong movement he pushed open both curtains revealing a 6 ft wide, floor to ceiling window overlooking the main city square.
He walked back to the bed where i was still vigorously fucking Hannahs pussy. He reached over and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her off my cock and off the bed. She struggled to her feet and he half dragged her across the room to the window. “now the whole city is gonna see what a slut you are”.
He threw her against the window face first. He moved behind her and grabbed both of her wrists forcing her hands up against the window above her head. He the crouched slightly to het his cock lined up with her pussy and with an upward thust impailed Hannah on his cock. He pushed her forward against the window squashing her tits against the window as he bagan to fuck her hard, whilst whispering in her ear “now they can all see what a black cock slut you are baby”. Hannah tried to fight him off but he was way too strong. “stop fighting baby or there will be more punishment” he growled as he lifted her clean off her feet with every upward thrust into her wet hole. I watched from the bed and noticed that her juices were actually flowing down her legs.
After a few minutes he slowed and pulled his cock out of her pussy. He loofed down to the city sruare below “look baby you have quite an audience” he laughed. With that he grabbed her hair again and pushed her down onto her knees. “Now open up and show your audience what a good cock sucker you are” Hannah was now obviously enjoying being the centre of attention and opened her mouth as well as starting to grope his balls. He slapped his cock against her face again before pushing his head forward into her mouth. He fucked her mouth hard, making her gag. Whith her free hand i saw Hannah reach down and begin rubbing her clit. Within a few minutes she came hard again as Anton publicly fucked her throat.
The sight of his white slut cumming whilst sucking his cock sent Anton over the edge. As about 20 people in the square watched the free porn show he pulled his cock out of my wifes mouth and started to wank himself over Hannah’s face. Withing a few seconds his balls tightened and he unleashe 5 or 6 hugh squirts of cum all over her face and hair.
When he had finishe Hannah colapsed to the floor where she knelt. Anton went to the bathroom, got dressed, took my mobile number and, after agreeing that we would all have to meet again, left the room.
I walked over to where Hannah was laying on the floor next to the window. She was laying on her back and I needed to cum. I got down between her legs, lifted them up and plunged into her ass. It only took a few seconds looking down at her covered in a massive cum load for me to fill her ass with my own load.
for the next half hour we both lay on the hotel floor before finally rousing ourselves and getting ready to leave after the best sex filled 12 hours of our lives. We both agreed that Anton would become a regular part of our sexual lives.

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My Asian Treat Pt.5

My Asian Treat Pt.5
Dinner Out With Kayko
The smile on Kaykos face said it all. She was smiling from ear to ear and her pussy began massaging my dick again at a nice even pace, sucking me deeply into her. I kissed her again, sliding my tongue into her mouth which she sucked on hungrily. I had the feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was the start of something special. Kayko is absolutely fantastic, and I have enjoyed every second that I’ve spent with her. Hugging her close to me I started walking again. Kayko was resting her chin on my shoulder with her arms and legs around my back as I headed through the garden toward my guests quarters. When I reached the intersection of the path that came from the main house past the pond heading toward the guest house I came across Hirito. He had just arrived home and was stopping by to see how things were going for me. I stopped in the path a few steps from him still holding Kayko with my dick solidly buried up inside her.
“Hello Mike,” he said with a bow. “I see my sister is taking good care of you,” he said with a smile.
I have to admit that my heart was pounding a little hard. Kaykos milking action on my dick was fantastic, making it a little hard for me to concentrate. Kayko looked over her right shoulder at her brother who just stood there with an approving expression on his face.
“Yes she is,” I replied while glancing from him back to her. Turning to face me again, Kayko just smiled and switched back to the rippling effect on my dick. That little minx was torturing me!
Hirito looked us up and down for a moment before he continued, “I have business in the city tonight and will stay at my apartment there.” Then he sharply called out, “Kayko!” causing my sweet Asian doll to snap her head around. The next things he said were in Japanese. Kayko gave a small nod and said “Hy.”
“I will see you later,” Hirito said with a bow before turning and walking back to his own place.
“What did your brother say?” I inquired as I resumed our walk to the guest quarters.
“My brother said we are to have dinner in the city tonight.”
“Do we have to go now?” I asked as I pumped her up and down on my dick a few times.
“No.” she answered with a big smile, “Our reservations are not until 8.”
“Perfect!” I answered as I climbed the stairs to my quarters and kicked my shoes off. It was now time for some serious fucking!
As I walked into the house Kayko began unbuttoning my shirt. She leaned back away from me and pulled my shirt out of the waist of my pants, never once stopping the gripping and releasing of my dick inside her. Then, one arm at a time she pulled my shirt off and dropped it to the floor. I was just about to pull her off my dick to remove my pants when she stopped me.
“I can get it,” she said as she unbuckled my pants just above her crotch. “Hold me tight,” she said as she unlocked her legs from around my back.
With a firm grip on her waist she loosened her legs and allowed my pants to slide down my legs. Stepping out of them I was now completely nude except for my socks. Kayko immediately locked her legs around my waist again before untying the sachet around her waist. When her kimono slipped off her shoulders we were both naked. Kayko hugged herself against my bare chest, her hard nipples pressing against my skin felt like little rocks atop the soft mounds of her firm little breasts. She kissed me deeply as I walked us into the office and sat in the chair behind the desk. Kayko opened her legs, letting them dangle down to the sides of the chair, her feet not even reaching the floor. As soon as I was seated Kayko began her fabulous massage of my dick with her pussy.
“You feel so good deep inside me,” she whispered in between little kisses.
“I like being inside you,” I replied while leaning back in the chair a little and pressing my hips upward into her.
Kaykos full weight was now directly on my crotch. My dick was pressed so deeply into her I would swear I could feel her heart beating. With my hands free I rubbed her little nipples and massaged her breasts. I love the way she changes what she is doing to my dick by the way I rub her tits. It’s almost like playing a video game! A firm squeeze of her breasts leads to firm squeezing of my dick. I twirl her nipples around in my fingers brings about the rippling effect she does with her muscles. (I like that one!) She actually uses her pussy to suck on my dick! Kind of like the ultimate blowjob only with her pussy. But what is really nice is that when I experience a sensation that I like she will keep doing it when I let her breast go free. She is magnificent. I ran my hands all over her flawless skin while I enjoyed the sensations she was giving me. I drank in every curve of her body, the tiny crease at the corner of her mouth when she smiled, the decidedly Asian curve of her eyes, her beautiful black hair. Kayko was absolutely fantastic. Her expert manipulations and sensitivity to my state of arousal kept me hard as steel inside her for the next hour without her having to move up or down even once. (It really was an hour because I could see the clock on the desk) She brought me to a heightened state of arousal without taking me over the edge as we sat in the chair. The whole time Kayko watched me very intently with a look of satisfaction and content on her face. I was in heaven, and so was my dick!
“I love what you do to me,” I said as I pulled her down to give her a kiss. “You are so wonderful.”
Kayko smiled before pressing her lips against mine. When she opened her mouth I took the opportunity to stick my tongue in and search for hers. Kayko switched her manipulations with her pussy as we played tongue tag for just a few moments. Breaking away from our kiss she stopped with her face only inches from mine and looked deep into my eyes.
“You will cum in me now,” she said as she switched her slow massaging of my dick into something that more resembled hyper drive.
Instantly the sensations she was giving me increased by a factor of at least 10. I grasp her hips and held her down firmly as her expert pussy sucked and pulled at my engorged member. I looked up at her and quickly said, “I want you to cum too,” in between gasps for breath. Kayko changed the gripping of my dick a little and began grinding her crotch back and forth on my pelvic bone. Small moans emanated from her lips as she quickly approached an orgasm of her own. I was hanging on for dear life as her pussy sucked me into her. The room was spinning, my heart was pounding, and Kayko was starting to moan really loud. Suddenly she ground her crotch back and forth really fast and hard against my groin. I couldn’t take any more and began blasting cum deep into her. Kayko screamed with delight when the first hot rope hit the back of her pussy and began to fill her up. Her legs began shaking and she started having convulsive spasms as we both accelerated into orgasmic bliss. In a flash we were in a lip lock as our bodies reacted to each other, twitching, grinding, and cumming. I think if we could have climbed into each other’s skin we would have. Kayko clamped her pussy down hard on my dick as I spasmed inside her. The intensity of my orgasm was unequaled by any previous experience I had ever had.
Kayko finally started to grip and release my dick again, indicating that her orgasm was over and the situation was calming down. I hugged her tightly against me, burying my face between her neck and her shoulder. We were both breathing hard and slowly descending from our powerful sexual gift to each other. I don’t think either one of us wanted it to end. After several minutes Kayko sat upright, again putting her full weight on my crotch. She began massaging my dick from bottom to top as she pulled her black mane of hair back and dropped it behind her back. Her massaging was keeping my dick fully hard. She looked down at me with a coy grin on her face. I think she was proud of herself.
“I have something for you,” I said as I spun us around in the chair.
“I think you just gave me something,” she quickly replied with a devilish grin on her face and a little laugh.
“I got you these,” I retorted as I picked up the bundle of flowers and handed them to her.
Instantly Kayko stopped massaging my dick and clamped down hard with her pussy, holding me firmly in place. I don’t think I could have pulled out of her even if I had wanted to because her grip was so strong. The look on Kaykos face was priceless. I could see tears starting to well up in her eyes before they trickled down her cheeks. To see her reaction would make you think she was just named the impress of the world. Kayko brought the flowers up to her nose and took a deep inhale, closing her eyes to savor the flowers sweet aroma. When she reopened her eyes she looked directly at me with a big smile on her face.
“They are so beautiful. Thank you.” And she bowed while sitting on me.
“You definitely deserved something nice,” I responded while pulling her close to me.
Kayko threw her arms around my neck and kissed me long and hard. She ground her lips against mine, sucked on my tongue, and kissed literally every inch of my face. I guess no one had ever given her flowers before. At the same time she switched her talented pussy into hyper drive again. The sucking, milking, and massaging action quickly drove my state of arousal through the roof. Even though I had just had an orgasm a few minutes before, I was quickly blasting another load of cum up into her. As I grunted and groaned with each shot Kayko sat completely upright, throwing her head back and driving my dick as far into her as it would go so she could accept my load deep inside her. Again she clamped down on my dick, not allowing a single drop to escape from inside her. She was definitely sinking her hooks into me, and in being honest with myself I didn’t mind.
Thankfully my orgasm finally subsided. Kayko set her flowers down on the desk before bringing both of her hands down to the pit of her stomach, almost like she was cradling the pool of cum inside her. Leaning forward she touched noses with me.
“I like that,” she said with a shit eating grin on her face.
“Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger,” I replied as I collapsed into the chair.
“The Lone Ranger?” Kayko looked puzzled.
“It’s ok sweetie. I liked it too.” I didn’t feel like explaining the whole Lone Ranger thing right now, I was enjoying Kayko too much.
Picking up her flowers again Kayko said, “I will go prepare our bath.”
I was in no mood to argue, besides, I knew what bath time meant. Kayko couldn’t reach the floor with her feet so I had to literally pick her up off my dick. With a squishy slurp my dick pulled free and plopped down onto my stomach. Not a single drop of cum came out of Kayko. She must have had that thing clamped shut tight. I set her down on the floor and she immediately headed down the hallway, cradling her flowers against her chest. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed a big smile. I am glad I was able to make her so happy. Lord knows, what she does to me is beyond comparison!
Bath time was becoming a rather regular routine. Kayko washed and rinsed me, then I sat in the pool and watched her wash out the inside first, then the outside. It never failed, I was hard again just watching my sweet beauty. After rinsing she waded across the pool and sat down directly on my dick and started her slow and steady dick massage.
“Kayko,” I asked while running my hands all over her, “What else do you do besides make love to me better than anyone else in the world?”
She smiled at me before replying, “I have a degree in business management from Keio University of Tokyo. I also take care of the grounds here and I do all of the cooking.”
“I’m impressed. But how do you find the time to do everything and still get your degree?”
Kayko ran her fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp when she replied, “I rise early in the morning to take care of the grounds. Most of my classes were on-line so I had plenty of time for my daily exercise routine.” (She was referring to her pussy exercises)
Pulling her forward against my chest I gave her a little kiss. “I like what you do to me. You are fantastic.”
Kayko smiled really big and gave my dick several firm squeezes. “I would like to keep you inside me always. You feel so good.”
“I wouldn’t mind that either,” I replied. “But it would be a little difficult for me to give a presentation with your legs wrapped around my waist.”
Kayko laughed then stood up, allowing me to exit her. “Come, we must prepare for dinner.”
After drying me off, Kayko donned her short white kimono. “I must return to my place so I can dress.” Opening the door to the small bar in the wall, Kayko poured some Jack Daniels into a glass. Handing the glass to me she continued, “Wait here and I will help dress you when I return.” She bowed and quickly left the room.
I walked over to the window and watched her cute little ass disappear through the trees of the garden. I don’t know if I mentioned them before but Kayko has some absolutely fantastic legs as well. Within a few moments she was out of sight. I sat in the chair behind the desk and sipped on my whiskey. Kayko was growing on me.
While I waited for Kayko to return I turned on the computer. I figured I could at least catch up on the world news and maybe see the stock report. When the startup screen finally disappeared I was welcomed with an ever increasingly familiar sight. The wallpaper photo on the windows desk top was a picture of Kayko on her back, completely naked with her legs spread wide open and her fingers holding her pussy wide open, revealing the silky pink interior. Fuck the news! I sat and looked very intently at my sweet Kayko, feeling the stirrings of another erection. After one minute the computer timed out and the screen saver started to run. I was again treated to pictures of Kayko doing various things. The first photo was of her in the same short white kimono she just had on. She was standing in the garden next to the pond holding the kimono open, revealing her beautiful naked form underneath. The next was a picture of her doing some gardening while completely naked. Her delicious ass was pointing right at the camera. The next photo was of her sitting on the largest phallus on the saw horse in her back yard. She had this sultry wanton look on her face and her finger was pointing to a spot on her belly where the large wooden phallus reached up to. Her nipples were sticking out like spear tips, and her pussy lips were splayed out wide on the horses back. For the next fifteen minutes I watched the pictures change. In every picture she had her pussy on display for me. The last picture is undoubtedly my favorite. It’s a picture of Kayko lounging in a chair completely nude. Her hair is flowing down over her right shoulder, obscuring her right breast and a fair portion of her mid drift before spilling off to her side. She has her knees up on the arm rests with her legs spread wide apart. Her pussy lips are partially open and slick. Directly above her stomach she is holding the large grey 6 inch stone between the index fingers of her hands. It’s not the fact that she was holding the phallus that attracted me to the picture; it’s the look on her face. It’s maybe the warm smile on her lips, or her flawless skin with its even caramel color, or that beautiful raven black hair, I really can’t tell you except for the fact that the picture had me mesmerized. The photo of her was absolutely stunning. I never saw Kayko return to the room until she stepped up beside me and looked over my shoulder.
“I thought you might like a little reminder of me while you were doing your work,” she said right next to my ear.
I spun around in the chair to face her and my jaw dropped. Kayko was wearing a blood red Japanese kimono, the kind that looks like a pajama top with a flap that hangs down in the front and the back to mid-thigh. It was decorated with bright yellow and blue birds, green trees with white flowers and gold trim at the wrists and the hem. The big slits up the sides of the legs reached her hips. She had on black gartered stockings, the lacy tops visible through the slits at the sides, glossy black high heels, red nail polish and blood red lipstick. She had her hair pulled back on the sides and pinned in the back, allowing her black mane to flow freely as she moved. Her gold earrings, bracelet and wrist watch capped off the ensemble. The faintest whiff of perfume drifted past my nose as I sat there like an idiot, unable to speak with my dick sticking up from between the flaps of my robe.
“My god you’re beautiful,” was all I could muster while I gazed upon her from head to toe.
Kayko smiled and bowed slightly. “Thank you,” she replied while reaching onto the desk to pick up the plastic egg. “Would you mind?” she asked while placing the egg in my hand. “My nails are not completely dry yet.”
Positioning the egg in my right hand I lifted the front of her kimono with my left hand. “No panties?” I asked as I looked up at Kayko and smiled.
“I don’t own any,” she replied while taking a step toward me and squatting down a little.
“I like that,” I answered as I pushed the egg up into her, leaving just the black antenna hanging out. I brought my finger to my mouth and sucked her moisture off.
“I stopped wearing them ten years ago when I started my training,” she remarked as she stepped away from me and began to select my clothes.
She picked out my black suit with a white shirt and a tie that matched the color of her kimono. With my best shoes and my gold Rolex we were set. As we started to head out she picked up the remote for the egg and placed it in my hand. She then gave me a light kiss on the lips and whispered, “Turn me on whenever you like.”
The ride to the restaurant in the limo was nice to say the least. Kayko sat next to me with her legs crossed and her kimono riding high up her legs. The lacy garter tops of her hose around her firm slender thighs made my mouth water and my dick hard. She held my hand as we rode into the city, pointing out a few of the buildings on our route. I just couldn’t keep my mind, or my eyes, off those delicious hosed stems of hers. As she pointed out something else I flipped the switch for the egg to the on position. Kayko turned and looked at me with a big smile on her face, squeezing my hand.
Dinner was at an extremely expensive Japanese restaurant. I felt like a million bucks walking in with Kayko on my arm. Her graceful curves in the form fitting kimono combined with her stocking clad legs definitely turned a few heads. I became very aware of just how beautiful Kayko is and how lucky I am. After sitting at our reserved table Kayko ordered for both of us; Japanese steak, lobster, oysters, a really nice salad, and wine. Kayko made sure that I ate all of the oysters. Our conversation was lite and pleasant though I could tell she had many orgasms while sitting next to me. The egg had been on for almost an hour by this time. When it was time to order desert Kayko leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Your desert is ready.”
“Check please.”
As soon as Kayko and I were in the car she spread her legs wide apart. The whole inside portion of the lacy garters of her hose were covered with her sweet cream. In a flash my face was between her legs licking up her sweet juice. She grabbed two hands full of my hair and ground her crotch against my face. I didn’t mind at all because it helped me stick my tongue into her as far as possible. When I started to pull the egg out she stopped me.
“I have a treat for you,” she said as she pick up a short whiskey glass from the minibar in the car and handed it to me. “When I tell you to hold the glass between my legs and pull the egg out.”
“Ok,” I replied, though a little curious.
Kayko hit the button and opened the moon roof of the limo while kicking off her high heels. She also hit the button that closed the privacy screen between us and the driver. When the top was fully open she stood up through the hole and spread her feet apart. Lifting the front of her kimono she said, “Ok Mike.” I placed the glass between her legs directly under her pussy and pulled the egg out. At first nothing happened. Kayko then squeezed with her muscles and a thick steady stream of her cum flowed out of her pink pussy and into the glass, filling it almost half way. A second squeeze produced only a few drops before Kayko dropped the front of her kimono and rejoined me inside the car.
“Wow, that’s a lot,” I remarked as I held the glass up. “Cheers,” I said as I brought the glass to my lips and took a good sip. I smacked my lips and looked at Kayko as I swallowed. “Vintage 1974 Japanese,” I mused.
Kayko giggled while taking the glass from me. With her left hand she started to undo my fly and my belt. I didn’t need any more incentive than that and quickly shucked my pants down to my knees, freeing my blue steel erection. With a sultry look that would have made most men cum in their pants she leaned over and poured a fair amount of her cum onto my dick before enveloping it with her super soft and hot mouth. Not only was she giving me one of her fabulous blow jobs, she was eating her own cum off my dick! I leaned back as far as I could in the limo seat as Kayko bobbed her head up and down. My sweet Asian doll is absolutely fantastic at sucking dick. After a few minutes she pulled her head up and poured the rest of her cum right onto the head of my dick. Again her hot mouth closed down over my hardened dick as she sucked her cream off me. I enjoyed every last second as she took great care not to cause me to have an orgasm. For several minutes she sucked and licked with the utmost care and attention. Then, without saying a word, she raised her head from my groin, straddled my waist with her legs while lifting the front of her kimono, and sat down, taking my dick deep inside her. Her pussy was so wet that I slid all the way in without the slightest bit of resistance. When she was fully seated she clamped down with her muscles and froze in place.
I grabbed her hips and began pumping into her. Kayko gingerly put her finger to my lips and said, “Sshh. Not yet.” She then picked up the inner car phone and dialed the driver. She said something in Japanese before replacing the phone in its cradle. Immediately she started gripping and releasing my dick with her pussy.
“What did you tell the driver?” I asked while thoroughly enjoying what she was doing to me.
“I told him to take the long way home,” she replied before leaning forward and kissing me.
We made slow steady love in the car for the next hour while the driver drove through virtually every street in Tokyo. The dark tinted windows shielded us from anyone on the streets, so our love making was undisturbed. With Kayko seated on me I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. Kayko never brought me to an orgasm, but she did maintain a heightened state of arousal in me with her expert pussy. When the phone rang Kayko answered it. “Konechiwa,” was all she said before hanging up the phone and climbing off my lap. Before I could say a word her head was back in my lap and my dick was back in her mouth. She licked and cleaned all of her juice off me before sitting upright and helping me pull my pants back up.
“End of the ride?” I asked as I straightened out my clothes.
“We’re home,” she replied just as the car came to a stop.
The last thing she did before the car door opened was to stick the egg back into her pussy. As her legs closed the car door opened. I climbed from the back of the car before helping Kayko out. Offering her a hand, she stepped out of the back of the car and spoke to the driver in Japanese. He bowed, closed the door and went back to the driver’s seat. As he drove away Kayko told me he would be back at seven thirty in the morning to take me back into town.
While walking back to the house with Kayko I held her hand. She clung to my hand tightly and wrapped her other arm around mine. I could tell things were starting to get a little bit serious.
“I really enjoyed dinner,” I said as we strolled toward the guest quarters.
“Me too,” she replied.
“I REALLY enjoyed the ride in the car,” I continued, watching a big smile come across her face.
“Me too,” she said again, hugging my arm against her tightly.
I reached into my pocket and turned the remote to the on position again, causing her to squeeze my hand again as the egg began humming inside her.
“I also really enjoy the fact that you don’t wear any panties.”
Kayko looked up at me and replied, “I am always ready for you. You may take me anytime you like.”
“I like that,” I replied as we climbed the steps to my quarters, “Because I feel the need to spend as much time inside you as I can.”
“Good,” was her reply. She had this devilish grin on her face as she stopped just inside the front door. Reaching behind her neck she unsnapped the collar of her kimono and let it fall to the ground. Kayko was completely naked except for her gartered stockings, shoes and jewelry. Stepping out of the garment she turned around and faced me, “because I want you inside me all night.”
Who am I to argue. I stripped off my clothes as we walked in to the sleeping room. As Kayko rolled out the sleeping mat I was just pulling off my last sock. Kayko motioned for me to lie down which I did eagerly. My cock was sticking straight up in anticipation of her hot little box enveloping it. Kayko did not disappoint me either. In one quick motion she threw her stocking clad leg over my waist and sat down firmly on my dick, driving herself down all the way to the base. But I was in for a real shock. The vibrating egg was still inside her! I could feel it pressed against the underside of my dicks head, shooting electric energy down the shaft all the way to my nuts.
“Oh my god!” I hollered as she clamped her muscles around my dick, increasing the sensation by 1000 percent. “I’m not going to be able to handle this for long,” I moaned as my dick began to tighten.
In the blink of an eye Kayko pulled herself off me, allowing my extreme arousal to subside.
“I guess you’re not ready for that,” she stated while digging into her pussy with two fingers to retrieve the egg.
“No,” I replied while watching her pull the slick cum covered egg from her pink hole. “I just want you.”
Kayko lit up like a beam of light had just illuminated her. A big smile came across her face as she looked into my eyes while sitting back down on my now subdued cock. “You want just me?” she asked.
“Yes sweetie,” I replied as she started massaging my cock with her pussy. “I want just you.”
Kayko and I made slow steady love until it was really late at night. Most of the time we let our hands explore each other’s bodies as my dick remained firmly planted inside her and her pussy milked it at a nice even pace. I was truly loving every minute with Kayko. Not just because she is the most outstanding, dynamic, super fantastic fuck of my life, but because her gentle demeanor, her sweet laugh and kind smile had really sunk the hooks into me. I was falling for her and I knew it. At 12:30 in the morning Kayko finally lay down on my chest and closed her eyes. Her sweet tight pussy still wrapped firmly around my dick.
“Goodnight lover,” she sighed as she slowly drifted off to sleep.
There is no way on this earth I could have been happier. I pulled the blanket up to the middle of Kaykos back and stroked her hair as I slowly drifted off to sleep. I was already looking forward to tomorrow.
End Pt.5

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The Beginning of the Agreement

Just to refresh everyone’s memory, my name is Matt and I am continuing the story from the “The Day I lost my virginity” when I was sixteen years old. A short recap has me still bound to a chaise lounge at my sister’s friend’s house after losing my virginity first to my little sister, Katie, and then to her friend Jen. After satisfying their needs, they just left me tied up and walked away. Leaving me bound naked to the lounge chair for all to see. Fortunately dusk was settling in and due to the eventful day, I dozed off into sleep.
What was probably hours later as it was now night, I was awakened by someone both touching my cock and a cough. Opening my eyes, it was Jen’s mom sitting next to me on the lounge chair. This woman is just so, so hot looking (remember she was sun bathing in the nude in the beginning of the last episode) and waking up to her dressed in a thin white, low cut cotton dress which allowed the pool lights to pass through outlining her body underneath. Of course instantly my dick started to rise and she noticed by grabbing my cock while pulling it up right.
At that point, she looked at me and stated; “It appears that the girls had some fun with you, can you tell me what happened?” As she slowly stroked my cock to it’s full dimensions, I gave her the quick run down of what happened almost embarrassingly saying that it was the first time and then especially losing my virginity to my younger sister of all people. She laughed at that and said there could be worse ways than that.
She looked at my cock and asked if it was responding more to the events of the day, or was it because my cock was happy to see her. My response was to explain that I have never seen a woman that turned me on more, either in porno films, magazines, or in person than her. She smiled and said, “thank you, I am glad this is for me” as she squeezed my hard dick. She then asked, “you do know that I am at least twenty years older than you, do you not?” I told her that no one could tell from the way she looked and the thought of her looks, with experience, makes me want to blow my wad right now.
She then asked: “so by mentioning experience, are you looking to be trained?”
Of course my response was that, yes I wanted to learn, especially with someone as hot as her.
With that, she stood up and swung her leg over me, straddling my body, slowly raising her dress while moving her pussy over my upright dick. My anticipation was beyond belief…I was going to be allowed to fuck the most gorgeous woman in the world.
She lowered herself to where I felt the rings from her cunt just start to touch the head of my cock. Then she stopped, leaned forward with hands next to my head, and said; “before we go down this road, let us set the ground rules. First, you are still a boy, with a man’s cock that is probably a top ten percenter and the vast majority of women never have the opportunity to enjoy one like this. Second, to be gifted like this and have the opportunity to train you before you can form bad habits. Third, I could use another toy, so this excites me. Therefore, I will accept the challenge to put you through an apprenticeship so to speak. But, you have to accept 100% direction from me, no questions asked. In essence, I own you for the duration of your education. This means if you have a chance to fuck with some one else, it can only be done with my permission. I will add physical enhancements, including a brand to designate to which you owe your training. Another words, no matter what I tell you to do and no matter how revolting it might be to you, you do it and relish it. I will take your verbal word on this now, but expect you to sign a document stating this later…do you accept?”
I heard the words, but did not have to question anything as those cunt rings hanging from her pussy lips were teasing the hell out of the head of my cock. I said, “I accept…unconditionally!”
With that, she plunged her cunt down on my cock announcing that from now on it is “HER cock” and that I am to always address her as either Mrs. Cash or Ma’am. She worked her way down; the pressure on “her cock” was exquisite, the warmth, the smoothness, and the thought of being embedded into the most beautiful woman I knew in the first sixteen years of my life was too much. In a matter of five to six minutes of her riding up and down, “her cock” exploded in a torrent of sperm filling her vagina and womb. She looked down, smiled and said, “this is why you need training, but it is a start”.
With that she directed her cunt to my face, telling me to do a good job of cleaning it out. I sucked her pussy for all that I could, sucking out huge quantities of jism. Surprisingly it was not all the texture of liquid; some of it was in clumps causing me to chew. She noticed that, and mentioned that she had been at a bar trying to set up my mother (another surprise) but she did not show. So, she fucked both the guys since she was horny, and now I have the pleasure of consuming their coagulated spunk. Then she said, “first test, do you like it?” Even though it was revolting to think, I nodded my head yes.
She worked her cunt back and forth across my mouth, with me licking, sucking, and working my tongue up her pussy as far as I could. She then told me to do the same to her asshole. I complied with a relish. After fifteen minutes or so, she had an orgasm flooding my mouth with her juices. I thought…this is fantastic, it tasted so great, I would eat a mile of her shit just to have her do it again…little did I know.

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