True Story

My Older Sister—My Sex Educator—My Mistress* Frank and Donna

She put my hand down and stroked me slowly for a minute and then rapidly for less than a minute and I quickly shot my load on my sister’s face and in her hand. She seemed pleased and I was surprised when she licked and sucked the cum off of my young cock, balls, belly and her fingers. She pulled a hankie out of her pocket and wiped her hands and face, raised her finger to her lips and lipped “shhh.”


This story was too long so I’ve broken it into the three days that it took place during.  On Day One:  After five years apart, I was reunited with Belinda and Marcella at a friends wedding.  Belinda had been my high school girlfriend and Marcella was her best friend.  Back in 1999 when we were all nineteen or twenty, the three of us all had sex together a number of times.  In 2001, we reunited for one night of passion despite the fact that Marcella was engaged.  Now it’s five years later and Belinda and I have been broken up for three years.  Belinda is in a relationship with someone else at this point, and Marcella is going through a divorce.  When Marcella and I are finally alone, things heat up dramatically and we end up having sex in the front yard of my parents house in the middle of the night. On Day Two, we went to the wedding and Belinda got into more fights over the phone with her boyfriend Bruce.  After the wedding we went to my fathers house and drank some wine in the hot tub and listened to a crying Belinda worry over Bruce’s fidelity.  As the night wore on and the wine flowed, one thing led to another.  Marcella and I confessed our true feelings and the three of us went on to have another amazing sexual experience.  We talked about Marcella moving to Florida and the possibility of the three of us all living together.  Now it’s day three and I’m in for the biggest surprise of all…

Toy Store Boy: Prologue: Virginity

Prologue: Virginity
I opened the bedroom door. It wasn’t my bedroom but it was the room I was staying in this week. I opened the door and there she was. I didn’t know she was in the room when I had left the pool, but there she was none the less. I was downstairs swimming in the pool when that dumb ass song came on, that stupid dumb ass song. I could feel myself getting worked up as that washed up pop star sang, so I slipped away as fast as possible. I was thinking of Katie and becoming really worked up as I ran up the stairs. I was pissed that at my age this Dumb ass song was still affecting me like I was still 12 years old. I was just going to take care of myself really quickly and return to the pool but there Katie standing in the room.
I opened the door to see her standing there wearing only a pair of pink swim suit bottoms with a daisy on the front. She looked at me as if I had walked in on her intentionally while she was changing. When I opened the door she leaning over to pick up a shirt off the bed.
We stood there for what seemed like an eternity, I couldn’t take my eyes off her nearly naked body. The obsession I had felt for her all these years causing my already worked up body to switch to full power. I jumped into an erection so hard that it hurt, yet I still couldn’t say anything to her or take my eyes off her. She was so beautiful, her still wet body from the pool glistening, her full breasts, nipples hard and pointing from the cold air in the room.
I had dreamed of seeing her naked again and now she was standing there topless and there was no way for me to hide the erection trying to burst through my loose swim shorts. I should say that when I said naked again, that I had still technically only seen her topless I still had never seen her out of her panties. But I really wanted to. Two minutes later I might have.
I wanted to move but was frozen. She too seemed to be in some kind of shock because she was saying nothing or moving herself. I was so worked up that I thought I was going to die of embarrassment until I realized that she wasn’t looking at me but at my shorts.
She had a look on her face that I couldn’t place it slightly resembled the look on her face when she was 14 in the back of the toy store. In the 4 years I had really gotten to know her I thought I understood her, but she was looking at my erection and all I could tell was that it wasn’t a look of embarrassment.
I don’t know what took me over in that moment but I pulled my pants down letting them just hit the floor, but not stepping out of them. I stood there nude and the first real look of embarrassment came across her face, I could see it spread though her cheeks, but she didn’t look away. I was surprised that she was embarrassed because it wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen my penis before, that’s how we met for crying out loud, but this was different. We were older now and things had been indifferent between us since that night when I was 16.
I grew bolder. I worked up all my courage and moved across the room to her. Without a word I leaned in and kissed her neck. My body was pressing against hers and I felt her shutter. I had expected her to push me away and tell me we’d moved past this, years ago. At first she was non responsive I was about to pull away when she moved my face from her neck and kissed me on the mouth. We kissed lightly at first then moving into heavier kisses. I opened her mouth with my tongue and both of ours danced together. It was the most passionate kiss we’d had since the night at the barn.
I couldn’t believe that I was kissing her. It had been three years since we kissed. I’d wanted this for so long and it was so wrong. I didn’t care about right or wrong in that second I was finally getting to kiss her again. I knew that she had, had sex before but I still hadn’t. All I could think about was I could loose my virginity to her right here and now and it was all due to that dumb ass song. That god damn song always worked me up because it reminded me of the first time I met Katie. That dumb ass song was the catalysts to our whole relationship years ago.
We were still standing and kissing hard when my excitement became to much and I came on her. It happened without much warning, she was leaning against me pressing it down against her thigh, when all of a sudden I let loose and I shot myself down her leg. I was embarrassed, and I turned my head away.
“It’s ok, it wouldn’t be us with out you going off early,” she whispered in my ear pulling my face back to hers, “I can’t deny how wrong this is but, your my toy store boy and you’ve always been so……..” she spoke softly right before kissing me again.
“I think I’m in love you,” I told her.
“Don’t make this worse then it is,” she said lightly, kissing me again. She pulled away and lied down on the bed. She took my hand and pulled me to her.
“I don’t know how much time we have,” she whispered in my ear as I lied on top of her. Despite my early release I was still really hard. There was know way I was going soft at this moment with my dreams coming true. She reached down and slid her swim suit off. I moved between her legs looking intently at her beautifully shaved pussy. It was more beautiful then I had ever imagined. I couldn’t believe I was finally seeing it. She took me in hand and brought me to her. I thrust forward not really knowing what I was doing. She moaned and I came again almost right away. She smiled as I came and ran her hand along my cheek. I didn’t stop thrusting.
I was inside her and I was on fire. I’m not sure how long we were together before it was over, but it probably wasn’t as long as it felt. I know it was way to short to cover for the 6 years of yearning behind it. I was lost in a world of my own creating. I’d never felt so good or emotional. I couldn’t get enough of her, I began to kiss her neck again when she told me we needed to stop.
“This is so wonderful, but we should get back to the party before some one notices were both missing,” she said softly. I rolled off of her putting my arms around her, pulling her close, putting my head on her breasts. I could hardly breath from exhaustion and both orgasms.
“No one will suspect that we were up here doing this.”
“No. But we’ve been up here for a while and I don’t want to be found out. It would be…….bad” She paused and started stroking my hair.
She got up off the bed and her hair fell over her face. I didn’t move, she looked at me in a sideway glance her hair covering half her face. I couldn’t see the expression on her face. It was all starting to hit me what just happened. My breathing and thoughts returning to normal. It was then that I started go get scared. What were we going to do now? What if some one found out? Oh god I had cum inside her! She could get pregnant. A mixture of emotions started swirling in my head. Love, fear, happiness, and disappointment our moment was over.
“Katie….. I…..?” I didn’t know what to say. She was putting her shorts on.
“Don’t………. We can talk about this tonight.” She said picking up her shirt off the other bed, “I’m just worried that some one will come up here and over hear, I’ll see you down stairs.”
“Ok.” I kind of croaked. I wanted to hold her and she was leaving. I hopped she wasn’t ashamed of doing it with me. I got off the bed and pulled on my jeans and lied back down on the bed reliving it in my head. It wasn’t so much the fact that I got laid for the first time but the realization that I finally slept with Katie. The bed still had her sent on it. I laid there and drifted off to sleep.

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My Asian Treat Pt.10

My Asian Treat Pt.10
There are few times in a man’s life when everything just quits working. One, for instance, is when your feet slip off the pedals of your bike and you come down hard on that bar in the middle. For most guys that will stop you dead in your tracks. I had the same sort of experience when I saw Hirito standing in front of me. The initial rush of emotions ranged from anger and loss, to extreme outrage and disbelief. Why had Hirito not told me he was the owner of the company? Why the facade? Why didn’t Kayko tell me? Was she a “guarantor” for the contract? What other surprises were in store for me? My mind kept racing as I stood there with my mouth hanging open not sure of how I would respond. And as for his limp ass excuse of pressing business, ‘What a load of shit,’ I thought as I looked past Hirito to see a bow legged Ruu approaching with Hirito’s bag. He must have got carried away fucking her this morning because she looked to be in real discomfort.
“So, how has the game progressed?” Hirito asked while looking at me with a somewhat defensive look.
Luckily for me Ito began briefing him on the mornings score and events. As he spoke to Hirito I turned around to face Kayko. She had a genuine look of worry and concern on her face as I took the few necessary steps to close the distance between us. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my knees wobble a little as I stepped straight up to her.
“So…” I started, still not sure of how I felt about all of this. “Let me take a wild guess that you are the CEO of the company.”
I could visibly see Kayko tense up from the tone of my voice. I am pretty sure she could tell that I was somewhat pissed. Wait, let me change that, I was VERY PISSED! This whole soap opera had the markings of playing me for a chump. I don’t know about the rest of you, but it had the flavor of making me out to be a naive idiot and I didn’t like that too much.
Kayko looked up at me, then over at Hirito, then back to me again before she answered. “Yes. I am the CEO, but Hirito runs the company. It was set up that way by our father.” she replied in a quiet voice with a nod of her head instead of a bow.
“I see.” That was all I could think of to say at that moment. If I had woken up in the morning with a cheese grater stuck up my ass I would not have been more surprised than I was right now. It was all I could do to keep my composure and just not go off on everyone right there and then. It was also at that moment that I realized that I truly felt alone. Not the kind of alone you feel when you are in your room at night and wish you could be doing something, but the kind of alone that you feel when you realize that you have no-one to call, no-where to go, and no-one to talk to that was not affiliated with this whole fucked up situation that you found yourself in the middle of. An isolated kind of alone that leaves your heart out there to be smashed to pieces without mercy and your soul open for devastation. It was during this brief moment of self-evaluation that I noticed Kayko. The look on her face changed to one of fear and regret as I pondered my situation. She could tell that she had made a horrific mistake, but was now at the mercy of the tide. She was going to have to deal with whatever repercussions came of this web she helped to weave, and live with the outcome.
I will say that I was at a huge disadvantage. (Like you guys couldn’t guess it) Here I was, in a foreign country, at a country club in a very public space, and I just had my nuts handed to me on a platter along with a good helping of sucker. At least, that’s how I felt at that moment. What would you do?! It felt like some had just reached into my chest and ripped my heart out! I could not think of a response so I said nothing. I reached into my bag and pulled out my driver without saying a word. As I turned and started to step away I heard a very meek and timid voice from Kayko say one word, “Mike?”
Ito and Hirito were chuckling about the morning’s events when I stepped up to them. I didn’t give a shit anymore and I was going to make them pay for it.
“So who is up first?” Hirito asked with a grin on his face as if he had no idea.
“Have at it,” I replied while leaning against my club.
There is one really fortunate thing about this whole mess. Hirito can’t play golf worth a shit. His tee shot was a worm burner that made it only 100 yards or so down the fairway. Pounding the head of his club against the ground I am sure he was cussing in Japanese. Ito, on the other hand was admonishing him on the well played shot, stating that his second shot would be a perfect approach. I just grinned because I was going to take out my own style of justice.
Ito teed off and sliced into the woods. I knew he had done it on purpose because he had not shanked one all day. Hirito just laughed and pointed, sighting that he would definitely loose the hole over that one. I just smiled thinking, ‘You don’t know how right you are, buddy.’
Then it was my turn. I think I warped my golf ball I hit it so hard, my unleashed anger sent it flying down the fairway like it was shot out of a gun. With the bounce and roll I had an easy chip to the green for an approach. When I turned around I was met with dead silence. Both Hirito and Ito stood there with their mouths hanging open. “Game on boys,” I said with a smirk on my face, fully satisfied with my shot. I gave my club a little twirl as I walked over to my bag to get my wedge. Kayko was standing there with two small trickles of tears running down her cheeks and a look like someone had just shot her dog. “Dry your face and come on,” I said as I turned and started after the duo preceding me.
I played quietly throughout the back nine, speaking only when spoken to. Kayko would display a hopeful look on her face every time I returned to my bag to get another club, but to my discredit I would leave her standing there in silence. I did not want to make a scene out on the open fairways especially while I had all of my emotions swirling around inside me. Even when I got a hole in one on number 12 I said nothing. I just quietly retrieved my ball and stuck it in my pocket.
The back nine, on that hellatious morning, turned out to be the best half round of golf I have ever played. It was a slaughter. I know it was wrong, by culture, to show up the boss like that. But it felt really good to pound them in the fashion that I dished out. Kayko said nothing after the first hole, but just followed quietly with my clubs keeping her gaze toward the ground. I finished the nine holes 10 under par, beating Ito by 12 strokes and Hirito by 20 or more, making me the clear victor of the whole round. Ito bowed to Hirito as we got to the parking lot and spoke Japanese to him. After Hirito replied he turned and faced me with a look of disgust on his face. I could tell he was not happy. He gave a quick bow and said “Good game” before turning abruptly and heading off to his car.
When he was out of ear shot Hirito looked at me and said, “What the fuck was that all about Mike? You were very disrespectful.”
I am glad that I did not punch him dead in the face. It might have made me feel better, but it would not have resolved the situation. “Oh really?!” I replied as I prepared to unload on him. “What about the disrespect you showed me by not telling me you are the owner of the company? And what about Kayko? Don’t you think I should have been told that she was the CEO?”
Hirito looked a little dumbfounded. I don’t think he was expecting me to speak up like I did and I apparently caught him off guard. He was about to say something when he stopped and raised his eyebrow. I could tell his mind was running at a million miles an hour. He barked out something to Ruu in Japanese who immediately scurried towards his car with his golf bag in tow. He finally spoke after Ruu was gone.
“We will talk when you get home.” He said before turning his head to his sister. “Kayko!” he barked before shouting at her in Japanese. I don’t know what it was that he said but it sure turned on the waterworks. Tears poured from her eyes as Hirito turned and stomped off toward his car.
Now came the hard part. What was I going to do? Even with the nine holes to think about the situation I still was unsure of what to say or do. And when I turned and saw my lovely Kayko standing there in the nice outfit I had purchased for her, and the ring on her finger, I found myself in a terrible position. She only glanced up at me as I turned around before returning her gaze to the ground while sniffling and wiping tears from her cheeks. I hated the situation I was in. It is things like this that can piss you off so badly that you can wind up doing things you will regret for the rest of your life. I still felt hollow inside, but the sight of her started to fill the void in my heart and ease my anger.
“Let’s go.” I said as I walk toward her. “We are going to have a talk in the car.”
Kayko said nothing, she only bowed to me. With the golf clubs stored in the trunk we piled into the back of the limo. Once inside I hit the little switch that raised the partition between us and the driver. With the back of the car sealed off from the rest of the world I sat across from her with my back to the driver and said, “Ok…explain. Why didn’t you tell me that you are the CEO of the company?”
“I didn’t want that to influence you or your judgment towards me.” She quickly stated while tears flowed down her cheeks again. “I wanted you to love me for who I am, not because I am the CEO of the company.”
That was a good argument on her part. But it was still deception no matter how you slice it.
“Besides,” she continued as she pulled a tissue out of the passenger door pocket, “I don’t do anything for the company anyway. Hirito has to be in control of everything. I was CEO by title only.”
That actually made sense. Hirito did like his position of authority, and he liked giving orders to those around him. Even if Kayko had been the elder of the two, Hirito would still have been in charge because he was a male. (I will say that I think that philosophy sucks) My anger was starting to ease even more as I listened to her explanation. I think it was about this point in time when I started to crack because I caught myself looking at her legs and the short hem of her skirt. Kayko has legs that are simply stunning, and I just love licking my way up and down them. But I still had issues that I wanted answers for and I was not going to be satisfied until Kayko told me what she knew.
“So why didn’t Hirito tell me that he owned the company?” I asked as I shifted my position to get a better look at those fabulous legs aimed my direction.
“I don’t know,” she replied as she uncrossed her legs. I think she had noticed the direction of my gaze. “I think he wanted to test you.”
“Test me?” I was a bit puzzled. This whole ordeal had clouded my rational thinking a bit so I couldn’t see the answer.
“Yes. He wanted to see if you were as good as the reports about you had stated. So you had to ‘earn’ this account on your own merits.” She said while looking me straight in my eyes.
I could tell that she was giving me an honest answer. Her body language and the tone of her voice all indicated truthfulness. Then it hit me.
“What do you mean by saying you ‘were’ CEO by title only?” I felt a little bit shaky when I asked her this.
Kayko looked down at her lap and then quietly stated, “Hirito just fired me.”
I try not to let my anger get the best of me ever. Even when things are really bad I find some kind of positive in the situation and go with it. But I will tell all of you that the first image that came to mind was of me giving Hirito a golf club enema. The degree of rage that just surged through me was lethal. Kayko could tell that this enraged me.
“Don’t be angry,” she pleaded. “I am glad to be done with that anyway.”
The look on her face told me that this was also a true statement. I let out a long sigh and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling of the car. My world was spinning around and around and I felt like I was just on it for the ride, unable to do anything about my surroundings. As I sat there staring blankly up at the cars roof pondering my next move I felt two small hands begin to undo my pants. I looked down to see Kayko kneeling on the floor of the car as she unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out.
“I am so sorry,” she said as she kissed the end of my dick while gently squeezing it with her soft hand. “Please,” she said as she ran her tongue up the underside and swirled it around the head once, “allow me to make it up to you.”
Her eyes were big and beautiful as she licked her lips waiting for my answer. I now felt like an ass. I had been so mean to her on the golf course and now she was getting ready to service me? I think I really do belong in the asshole hall of fame. I looked into her beautiful face and smiled. That is all it took. Instantly Kayko lowered her head and engulfed every last inch of my growing member in her mouth and began giving me a blowjob that made my morning wake up blows seem like amateur hour. The sensations went from zero to beyond comprehension instantly. My goodness, she really was sincere about trying to make up! I think she pulled every last trick she knew out of her hat because I went from semi hard to titanium steel in a micro second. It seemed very much like she was trying to feed from me rather than give me pleasure. Her head bobbed up and down while she sucked and swallowed my cock deep in her throat. Her hot breath mixed wildly with the cool sensation of her tears streaming down her face that dripped onto my stomach. It remains until this very day as the most outstanding, incredible, mind wrenching blowjob she has ever given me. I only wish I could have lasted longer.
Within just a few minutes I arched my back and began cumming. Kayko did not slow down in the least. She swallowed every last drop and kept sucking to keep me hard. I was starting to get delirious from the intensity of my orgasm and did not even notice Kayko moving until I felt her tight pussy clamp down on my dick. In a flash she had released my dick from her mouth, pushed the two golf balls out of her pussy onto the floor, moved up and straddled my waist, and plunged my dick deep inside her. I grabbed her hips and forced her down onto me as hard as I could until I felt my dick bottom out against her cervix. Holy fuck was she ever tight! As she showered my face and neck with kisses she squeezed her pussy really hard, sending me immediately into a continuation of my first orgasm. I grunted and gasped as I pumped my seed hard against her cervix. Kayko let out a slight little whimper with each hot blast, twitching and grinding herself harder onto me. Her expert pussy was gripping and releasing my cock like she was hanging on for dear life. I was rooted deep inside my sweetie, and she was loving it. As my orgasm finally subsided I leaned back gasping for air and reality. Kayko hugged herself to my torso, doing her best to try and crawl inside my skin with me as we rode out the last sensations of mutual satisfaction.
When I could speak again I said, “My god honey, that was incredible!”
“Thank you,” she replied with her head resting against my chest. “Apology accepted?” she asked as she brought her face up close to mine.
“Only if you will accept mine,” I replied as I wrapped my arms around her.
We kissed very tenderly and softly before falling into a tight embrace. We had managed to deal with the unpleasantries of the morning and came through it closer than we were before. We rode the rest of the way home with Kayko sitting on my dick and our arms wrapped around each other. I felt closer to Kayko now than I ever had, and I was not ever going to let her go. We made plans for the immediate future and agreed on a mutual game plan that would meet both of our needs. Kayko was coming home with me, and that was the end of it. Dealing with Hirito, however, was going to be another story.
As the limo pulled into the driveway Kayko dismounted. I could see Hirito waiting for me at the corner of his back porch so I knew the ‘showdown’ was eminent. As we climbed out of the back of the car I told Kayko to go to my quarters and wait for me. I was going to handle Hirito without any outside variables to influence me. This was going to be just between him and me. As Kayko started towards the guest quarters Hirito barked out something to her in Japanese that made her stop in her tracks. She looked at Hirito then quickly at me for some kind of action.
“It’s ok sweetie,” I said as I gestured for her to continue on. “You do what I told you in the car. I’ll handle this.”
Hirito looked at Kayko as she turned and continued towards my quarters before turning to me with an extremely red face. “What is she doing? I told her what she needs to do. Why isn’t she doing it?!” He was clearly agitated.
“Kayko and I have settled our issues,” I said calmly as I walked up to where he was standing. “As for you…” I paused while I organized my words. “Let’s just say we have a few issues that need to be resolved.”
Hirito stood like a statue as I spelled it all out to him. The fact that Kayko and I are happy together took the spotlight, along with the fact that she was going to be leaving with me. Hirito seemed to frown at this a little but I really didn’t give a shit. He would just have to make do without his live in slave. But the next point I made is the one that gave me the most satisfaction. I pointed out to Hirito that his company was now in breach of contract due to the removal of the CEO from her position. A legal clause stipulates no major personnel changes within the 6 month trial period. He was now clearly in default of the contract parameters making the contract void. He might have tried to hit me in the heart, but instead he hit himself in his wallet. This revelation stopped Hirito dead in his tracks and sent him scrambling for his phone. As I turned to walk away from him I said one last thing to him.
“By the way,” I said as I looked over my shoulder. “In college you could not play golf worth a shit, and as a business owner you still can’t play golf worth a shit.”
As Hirito screamed and hollered at me in Japanese I walked back to the quest quarters. At this point I didn’t really care if I burned this bridge or not, I just wanted my Kayko. She was waiting for me in the office with a look like she was expecting kittens.
“How did it go?” she asked as she walked over to me and put a big bear hug around me.
“We’re out of here sweetie.” I said as I leaned down and kissed her. “Hirito is pretty mad and I don’t feel like sticking around to hear him bitch. Go get whatever things you want to take with you and come back here as quickly as you can. I’ll call a hotel and get us a room. And don’t forget your passport.”
Kayko smiled before she took off out the door and ran across the property. This might not have been the best way to handle things, but in my mind it was the right thing to do. I called the Hilton in the downtown area and secured a room for us. As I was putting the last of my things into my bag Kayko came back in. She had a small bag with her stuff in it and her passport was sticking out of her pocket.
“Is that everything you want?” I queried as I looked at the small bag.
“I don’t need anything else,” she said as she strode up to me and stopped with her hands folded behind her back. “I have you and the few things that matter the most.”
With that she spread her feet apart, squatted down a little and reached between her legs. After just a second or so she brought her hands up. She was holding the long smooth stone her grandfather had carved for her. I smiled as I saw the cum covered stone resting in her hands.
“See,” she said with a huge smile on her face, “I have everything I need for the time being.”
I watched as she re-inserted the stone. “I love you honey.”
We took a cab to the Hotel where we spent my remaining two days fucking. It was a fantastic ending of my trip to Japan. I booked Kayko a seat on my flights back to the US. We joined the mile high club 4 different times while flying over the pacific. It was fantastic.
Kayko and I have been married now for 12 years. As it turns out, the day we were on the golf course and she had held my sperm inside her with the golf balls she got pregnant. Our little girl is 12 now, and our son is 10. Life could not have turned out better for us. As for Hirito, he managed to get over our abrupt departure though he has never been here to visit us. He did, however, see to the packing and shipping of Kaykos’ “exercise” equipment which I have set up in a special building in our back yard. She still uses it daily. As for me, I could not be happier. As I am typing this right now my beautiful sweetie is under my desk, with the stone in her pussy, and my dick down her throat. She has helped me to remember most all of the details of this story and has provided the foundation and encouragement I needed to write this. Now you guys might understand why I call her, “My Asian Treat.”
Thanks for reading and all of the nice comments. My next story is of a series of events that happened 7 years ago. Those events have dramatically affected day to day life for me, but it should be interesting for all of you. Thanks for listening.
The End of My Asian Treat

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young poker fun

My parents and I would go out to see my granddad every summer and although I did not know it this one was going to get very special.
Grandad ran a nudist camp in spain near the sea and had done for a long time, we had become friends with a lot of regulars but my favorites were grandads best friends whom were now all late 50s early 60s.
My best times were on their poker nights when I was allowed to stay up late as mum and dad would go off to the local town for the night, they would set up the table in a private room. When I was young I would sit on granddads lap watching and listening as they talked about some new young girl or how so and so was looking, then falling to sleep and waking up in granddads bed.
But when I was 11, one of the guys asked me to fetch him a drink which I did, this became a regular thing for all the guys, on my return from getting a drink one of the guys joked about me sitting on his lap as he was chip leader and so I went straight over and sat on his lap, the chip lead changed and so I changed lap as well, on the third change I got up on the lap but he had a hard-on without thinking I simply reached under my legs pulled it flat and sat back down.
There was a silence, then granddad asked me if I was ok sat as I was, I simply replied I was fine and that mummy had told me it happens to men and it was natural, then I added that it was ok as it made me feel tingly where I could feel it rubbing against my skin. Grandad told me that I was not to tell anyone about this or he would have to stop me coming to the poker nights.
No, no please don’t stop me I promise I wont tell, I don’t want to stop ever.
Again a pause and a couple of coughs and nods of the head, then he said that they had all been noticing how I was growing into a lovely young girl and how they noticed how I was eager to make them happy and so their would be some rules to obey to keep coming to the poker nights.
1. no matter what is said or done in the group, I was never to say it to anyone else.
2. you will fetch drinks and return empty glasses, each time you do you will wait for the gentleman to give you a kiss on the lips as a thankyou.
3. whoever is winning you will sit on their lap with your legs outside of theirs, if they have a hard cock you will move it ready to sit on, if it gets hard whilst your sat down you will place it between your legs.
4. if whoever you are sat upon wishes to stroke your body you will let them.
5. you will be the trophy prize and as such you will accompany the winner to his room and do what he asks.
6. in the morning you will have a shower with the winner and you will wash each other before you leave his room.
Do you understand. He said this looking straight at me but I just replied, of course I love our poker nights.
Well seems our little girl is growing up said the one I was sat on, but what about full.
Granddad stopped him and said there would be no full until I was older. Being innocent I didn’t know what they meant by that at the time.
As the evening wore on I kept moving from person to person and noticed that they all had hard cocks and took great delight in taking my time in holding them in position for me to sit on, I was also getting a good feeling when I would slowly rock backwards and forwards, as I was doing this joe put one of his hands between our legs and lifted the head up alittle and leant back as he did so I let out a gasp as my wet lips parted slowly and moved along the length of his shaft, he then reached round with his other hand and with a finger on my clit told me to put my hands on his legs which he then spread wider, my body weight was now pushing down along the shaft as he worked me up, my breathing becoming quicker until my first ever orgasm hit me.
As I came down I looked up and was greeted by a group of smiling faces which made me start to giggle, joe leant me back against his chest and rubbed his middle finger around then slightly into my pussy and brought it up to my mouth.
Here lick this then suck it into your mouth just like a lolly pop.
Each time I would clean his finger he would put it back into my pussy until someone else took the lead, as I got down he turned me and gave me a full kiss on the lips and squeezed then gently smacked my bum.
I went round to Hubert and got on but when I let go of his cock he told me to keep hold and to lift my knees up, he placed his free hand over mine and gently moved it up and down I watched as the tip of his cock was covered then uncovered, even when he let go I carried on this movement until I saw some liquid at the tip, I stopped and asked him about it and he just laughed and told me its how I could tell that I was making him feel good.
I changed places a few more times each time keeping my hand working on their cocks, one by one they were dropping out of the game until only two were left, granddad told me that rather than keep moving laps I should go under the table and use my hand on whoever was winning, I gave him a smile and disappeared under the table using my knew found game fun, each guy would open his legs nice and wide for me and tell me how to do it or where to put my hands etc until the game finally got won.
I was just about to come out when granddad told me to stay under and use my hands on david and make him really happy until he would leak a lot of stuff over my face, I was unsure of what he meant but I obeyed and david gave me commands of what to do, as I watched the goo on the tip increase he stood up and told me to kneel in front of him, he pumped his cock only inches from my face and I noticed the others gather around to watch as he finally exploded his cum over my face, he wiped it over my lips then told me to suck the end until it was clean.
He stood back and I was told to lean back and the remainder of the guys then pumped themselves and came over my face and body, I cleaned them up with my mouth and remained in that position until granddad told me to get up and go with frank who had won and to be a good girl for him.
I went to wipe my self but frank told me to leave it as I would have more by the morning which they all laughed at and off I went to be taught how to do more stuff.
Hope you enjoyed if good response I will carry on.

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My Story part five party night

We were working out in the weight room at the school. It stayed open over break for use of the gym and weight room and other athletic facilities and computer lab.
“Is it weird that we spent all semester complaining about school and wanted to get out, and as soon as it’s out for break we’ve spent like every day here?” Brent asked. He was spotting Randy on the bench press while I was on the mats near them doing sit-ups.
“Sort of, but we always worked out here, it’s just easier. It’s not like we come back to write papers or anything.” I said.
“That’s true.” Brent nodded, “Hey you guys wanna go to a party tonight? “
“Sure, where at?” Randy asked.
“It’s a frat party down by the college.” Brent replied.
“Sounds good to me.” I answered.
“Alright, it’s a frat party so let’s get Chris to drive for us so we can drink then we can stay at Brent’s place tonight?” Randy said as he looked to Brent for confirmation. Brent nodded.
They switched and Randy spotted Brent on the bench while I pulled out my phone and texted Chris if he could drive. “Chris can’t do it tonight, him and Kristin are going out. I can drive, and you guys owe me the next time.”
They agreed and we went to Brent’s to shower and get dressed. The locker room was open, but over break the water heater was really slow to work since it wasn’t used as much.
Brent had already showered and was getting dressed when I got out of the shower and went into his room. Randy went behind me and got in the shower.
“Does this look good?” Brent asked as I dried off and started getting dressed.
“Sure.” I answered.
“Should I wear something else, help me out here. I wanna look good. Maybe I’ll meet someone there.” He whined.
“I don’t know what to tell you, that looks good.” I said.
“Dude, you are the worst gay guy ever. You’re supposed to be good with fashion and stuff. You’re just a straight guy that likes men.” Brent whined again.
“Haha, sorry to disappoint.” I laughed.
A couple minutes later I had already gotten dressed and Brent was still wavering and trying on different shirts. Randy came in. “Dude, you don’t wanna wear that tonight.”
Brent sighed and looked at me as I laughed. “Ok, what do you think I should wear?” Randy grabbed a shirt out of his closet, gave it to him and went over to the bed and got dressed while Brent took of his shirt and changed into the new one. “See Zac, he’s a better gay guy than you” Brent said glaring at me.
“What?” Randy asked with an awkward laugh.
“He’s upset because I’m a gay guy that isn’t into fashion and can’t help him pick out clothes.” I answered.
“Oh, so that makes me a better gay guy?” Randy laughed “Cuz I’m pretty sure I’m not better than Zac at actually gay stuff….unless Zac is really bad in bed haha.”
“Yeah yeah, so how’s this look?” Brent asked.
“Oh yeah that’s hot as hell, I’d totally do you now.” I said as serious as I could.
“You wish. Seriously though, this good?” Brent asked.
“Yeah, you look good.” Randy assured him as he tied his shoes and stood up, “Now are we ready to go?”
We went to the party and met up with some people we knew for a little while as Brent and Randy started drinking some. We eventually started to move around and mingle and were chatting with a group of guys that were in the frat that was hosting. As the crowd got more and more drunk we had more and more people come over to us. All the guys in the group of us talking had been checking out drunk chicks throughout.
Brent was clearly attracted to a girl across the party who was with a group of her friends. He kept asking if he should go over there or wait and see if she notices him.
We kept chatting and a few different girls had come over and while some of the guys would make comments and try hitting on them they all came over and talked to me. I didn’t wait long to tell each of them that I was not interested. Drunk girls aren’t as discreet so I could tell when they were hitting on me.
“Dude, what is up with you? Every girl here seems to go straight to you. How do you do it?” One of the guys asked me.
“It’s cuz I’m not interested in them. They see you guys lookin at them all night and get creeped out. They see me and I’m totally ignoring them.” I answered the best reasoning I could think of.
“Damn, I gotta try that but it’ll be hard ignoring all these chicks.”
“Well I’m not ignoring them to get their attention, I’m ignoring them cuz I’m gay and don’t care.” I explained.
“For real, I never woulda guessed. So send some of em our way man.”
We continued talking and a few guys in the group tried their hardest to ignore all the drunk chicks. It was pretty funny how obvious they were, but they were buzzed so they couldn’t help but look dumb. I talked mostly to the guy next to me who had just been dumped by his girlfriend so he wasn’t as awkward as the others. We had something in common having both come out of relationships.
Our group kind of broke apart and moved around everyone mingling. I was still chatting with the same guy, Randy had wandered over to another group and Brent was with another still looking over at the same girl every so often. I had enough. “Hey I’ll be right back, I gotta do something. Save me a seat.” I said to the guy, Reed was his name or Reid, not sure how he spelled it.
I walked over to the group that Brent had been checking out. I introduced myself to the girl. “Hey, how’s it goin?”
“Good, how are you?”
“Good, I’m Zac.”
“I’m Michele, I guess you’re a designated driver too haha.”
“Yeah, not many people here that aren’t pretty drunk already.”
“So what brought you over here?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not trying to hit on you or anything.”
“Haha, oh I know.” She flipped my necklace, “The drunk girls may not be able to read, but I’m sober”
“Haha, yeah well the reason I came over was cuz my friend Brent over there” I pointed “thinks you are really cute and just hasn’t had the courage to come talk to you because he doesn’t know if you’d be interested in a younger guy. He won’t say that, but he’s not normally this shy so it’s clear he’s just worried about a college girl. He’s 17.”
“Ok, yeah, I’ve noticed him looking over here a little. I’m 19 so it’s no big deal. I hope he’s not too drunk?”
“No, he’s been drinking, but not much. I think he’s afraid to drink to much and look like an idiot in front of you.” I assured. “So would it be ok if I sent him over here to talk to you?”
“Yeah, that’d be fine. Oh, and you’re wasting your time with that guy.”
“The guy you’ve been talking to. He’s straight.”
“I know, I’m just hangin out.”
“Ok, well it was nice meeting you.”
I looked at Brent and motioned him to go talk to her. I he tilted his head a bit and I nodded. He then smiled a little and walked over to her. I then went back over to Reid who had been bumped out of where he was sitting.
“You wanna go upstairs? It’s a little less crowded.”
“Sure” I answered.
We went up stairs and into his room. It was small but probably bigger than the campus dorms. We continued to talk about whatever, sports, music, relationships, etc. He was pretty drunk at this point but he wasn’t a dumb drunk. We were just sitting on his bed away from the loud party but could still hear the noise through the wall and floor.
“So, how long til you think you’ll get over that guy” He asked.
“I don’t know. It’s tough. He left a little over a week ago and we broke up three weeks before that so it’s been a month. It still hurts, but I think I’ll be ok eventually.”
“Man that’s rough, I only got dumped a week ago and I feel like shit. I don’t wanna feel like this after a month.”
“It gets better, just gotta try to move on.” I tried comforting him. It made me feel better to help him.
He took a breath and then before I knew it he had moved over and with one hand on the back of my neck he kissed me. He tasted like beer but made up for it with his soft lips and he knew how to use his tongue.
He pulled back and looked away “I’m sorry, I didn’t….I’m sorry”
My eyes were wide open in shock.
“You just made me feel a lot better and it just happened and holy shit, I’m an idiot.” He started mumbling to himself. “I’m straight, I mean I’m not like trying to. Fuck, I’m an idiot.”
“It’s ok man, it’s no big deal. You’re just vulnerable and it happened.” I said trying to collect my own thoughts. “I know you’re straight, you just needed someone to comfort you about your break up and you got caught up. It’s alright, it doesn’t make you gay or anything.”
“Really? I mean I know I’m not gay, but you aren’t mad or anything?”
“No, it’s fine. I mean, I got to kiss a really cute guy haha” I said jokingly trying to break the tension and make light of the situation. “You’re just vulnerable and you are drunk so you had a little lapse in judgment.”
He lifted his head a bit but didn’t look at me. “Um, I’m not like gay, but that made me feel really good.”
When he said that I was curious as to what he was thinking and I was now looking at him not as a guy I just met at a party, but now I started checking him out. He had dark brown hair, buzzed haircut, brown eyes, around six feet tall and average build. He was wearing jeans and a green t-shirt that showed he was not built but not fat, just average size.
He continued talking “I mean, I don’t want you to think that I’m gay and wanna like date or anything but maybe like do something tonight or something if you wanted to.”
I thought about it for a second and figured one night with this guy might not be so bad. No heartbreak, just have some fun and help each other get over our break ups. “So, you saying you want to have sex just tonight and just to move on?”
“Yeah kinda, I mean, I couldn’t really do much cuz I ‘m not gay or nothing. I can kiss but I couldn’t do much else.” He replied.
“Ok, I understand.”
He looked at me and started kissing me again. He held the back of my neck and guided me down to his bed and took off his shirt. He had a hairy chest that led down to his stomach and narrowed as it went down. His chest and nipples had hair all around them with just a line of hair going down across his belly button down his pants. He reached over and turned off the light so I couldn’t see anything anymore. He then went back down to kissing me.
We kissed for a long time before I turned him on his back and undid his jeans. I kissed down his chest stopping at one nipple licking softly then down his stomach. I pulled his pants down as I licked across his stomach and down to his semi hard cock. I could see better now that my eyes had adjusted. He was uncut and I proceeded to put him in my mouth rolling his foreskin around with my tongue and he got hard in a hurry. I slid my tongue under his foreskin swirling around as he began breathing heavy.
He put his hand on my head and began pushing me down on him. He was around six inches and fit mostly in my mouth. He grunted softly as he proceeded pressing my face down on him further and moving his hips slightly fucking my mouth. He tasted amazing but the smell of his sweat was of beer.
He slowed for a moment “Can I fuck you?”
“Yeah” I got excited. I got up as he sat up. I undid my pants and he pulled them off. He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a condom out.
“Shit” he mumbled. I can’t get it to work.
He was drunk and couldn’t figure out what side to roll it. I grabbed another and put it on him. He turned me on my stomach and lifted my hips up a little. He leaned down and spit in my crack and then used two fingers to rub it in my hole. “Shit you’re smooth” he didn’t take up any more time. He lined his cock up to my ass and pushed inside of me. He didn’t work his way in very well and needed more lube. He seemed to try to move slow at first but he lost his balance and fell on top of my back forcing his cock all the way inside me all at once. I gasped in pain but he didn’t notice.
“Fuck, you’re tight as hell” he began thrusting in and out of me. “Try to keep it quiet, put your face in the pillow” me told me. I buried my face in his pillow as his thrusts made me moan. He got faster and faster and thrust harder and harder. He was too drunk to tell how hard he was pounding me.
He kept going and going forever making my insides raw. He was riding my ass at the same high intensity for what must have been twenty minutes at least. I was in pain to start then pleasure as he got going then I was in pain again from the constant pounding. I still loved the feeling though it hurt so much. I was just glad he wasn’t bigger than six inches or he would really hurt me. I didn’t know how much longer he was going to fuck me but I knew that the feeling was going to force me to cum very soon.
“You gotta slow down or I’m gonna cum” I told him.
“No, go ahead, I’ll wash the sheets later.” He said panting.
He continued fucking me at this pace pounding as hard as he could with every thrust. I couldn’t take it, I lay there face down in his pillow arms spread at my sides over my head, clenched my fists bit the pillow trying to contain my screams as I blasted my load on his sheets. He didn’t slow down, he kept going fucking me, thrusting over and over and over. The alcohol clearly making him last a crazy amount of time. My whole body felt like it was going numb from his thrusts and my orgasm. He went on for ten more minutes pushing me to nearly cum again before he gave three final thrusts that felt like he was trying to push right through me and he grunted as he came inside of the condom and me. The thrusts made me tighten up and cum which only made him continue cumming even harder.
He pulled out of me and collapsed on the bed. I laid there for a minute catching my own breath when I got a text from Brent that he was looking for me and that they were ready to go. I pulled up my pants, “I gotta go, my friends are looking for me.”
“Ok, thanks for talking with me and everything else” he said. He looked like he was ready to pass out. I reached down and pulled the condom off of him and left him in his room.
My shirt was drenched in both of our sweat and some of my cum so I grabbed a random cup of beer and splashed some on my shirt and looked for Brent and Randy.
“Dude, you’re soaked, what happened?” Brent asked. He was still not overly drunk so he must have hit it off with Michele. Randy was totally gone.
“Somebody spilled beer on me” I replied. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah but Randy can’t walk.” Brent said looking at him in a chair.
“Yeah I can you guys” Randy leaned forward in his chair to get up and nearly fell on the floor. I caught him and helped him to his feet.
I put his arm around my shoulder and basically carried him to Brent’s car. Brent couldn’t really help me with Randy since he was drunk to, but he wasn’t that bad so he could walk on his own. We got almost all the way out to the car when Randy puked all over. He was able to avoid puking on me or him for the most part but got a fair amount on us. I got him to the car and leaned him up against the side.
“Well I guess this shirt isn’t salvageable.” I took off my shirt and dropped on the street corner. I did the same with Randy’s shirt but used a dry part of his shirt to wipe off his face. Brent got in the car and I put Randy in next to him “Keep an eye on him and make sure he pukes out the window if he has to.”
We got back to Brent’s house and surprisingly we got inside and down to his room quietly. Brent went into the bathroom to pee. “I got pee too” Randy said.
I brought Randy in the bathroom. “You need help?” I asked.
“No I get it” He answered and stepped up to the toilet. He was standing ok so I thought he’d be ok. Then before I could take one step away he just started peeing. He didn’t undo his jeans or anything. He just stand up to the toilet and let it go. I hurried over and undid his pants helped him pee.
When he was done I got him undressed and tossed his soaked clothes in the corner and got him in the shower. “Stay there for a minute I’ll be right back” Brent had a nice walk in shower that had a bench but I didn’t trust Randy on it so I put him on the floor.
I stepped out to Brent’s room “Randy pissed himself so I gotta get him in the shower. Do you need anything?” I don’t know why I even asked, While I was saying that I saw him trying to get his shoe off but couldn’t figure it out. The alcohol had caught up to him, but he still wasn’t as bad as Randy so that was my priority.
I grabbed a couple towels from the closet and went back into the bathroom. Randy was still sitting in the shower smiling away. “Did you know I’m naked?” he asked.
“Yes Randy you peed your pants” I replied. He just laughed.
I got undressed and turned on the shower. I lifted him up to the bench and let the water run on him. I squirted body wash on him with one hand while I had to keep my other hand on his shoulder to hold him up. “Ok, I’m gonna have to touch you to clean you off, ok?” I don’t even know why I asked because he just smiled like an idiot. I rubbed him down quickly and rinsed him off and got clean myself. I shut off the water and put a towel around my waist. I picked him up and did the same to Randy. At this point he couldn’t even hold himself up to stand. “Screw it” I said as I bent down, put my shoulder to his stomach, put my arm around his legs and picked him up. That didn’t work so I put his arm around my shoulder and held him up by my head and put my other arm under his legs and lifted him that way.
I got him to Brent’s bed and laid him down. Brent was still trying to get his shoe off. I dried off and put on a pair of clean underwear from Brent’s dresser and went down to help Brent get undressed. I got him undressed and on the couch and gave him the TV remote.
I then went back to the dresser and got another pair of underwear for Randy. Brent had turned on Cinemax and at this time of night it was nothing but porn. I would’ve made him change it, but that was the least of my worries. I went over to Randy and dried him off and put the underwear on him. Then I laid him down on Brent’s bed. I sighed in relief that all of that was done.
Right as I was finally able to sit down Brent said “I gotta pee again, but I can’t get up.”
I got back up, helped Brent to his feet and walked him to the bathroom and now I regretted not making him change the channel. He had a hardon from the porn but I hadn’t noticed quite yet. I held him up and he got his boxers down on his own but started peeing on the wall. I quickly held his dick down to the toilet until he was done.
I got him back to the couch and turned the channel. Randy was passed out. I got a couple garbage cans and put one next to each of them in case they had to puke. I didn’t expect either to puke since Brent rarely ever did and Randy had already puked tonight, but I wanted to cover my bases. After all I never expected to have sex with a straight guy, have to give my best friend a shower because he pissed himself, or that I’d have to hold my other best friends hardon to prevent him from peeing on the wall. This whole night was one shock after the other.
I would’ve expected a night that I had had my hands on three cocks would have been more fun. Granted the first was great but the other two were just work and touching friends like that is just not as exciting. I’ll preempt the question that I know many people would ask. Brent hard was probably around 7 inches. First time I had ever gotten a good look, and in this case feel, of one of my friends with an erection. Seen before, yes, but not this much of a look.
I got both of them in bed/couch and all was taken care of so I got in bed and went to sleep.
Please leave comments, but please don’t be an asshole about them especially if you’re a straight guy that just says “GAY”, “SICK”, “GROSS”, ect.

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Twins –And ones a virgin

Twins, and one’s a virgin
The two kids stood by the side of the highway hitching a ride. It’s cold and snowing lightly, and really, my first thought is that I feel sorry for them, they look so cold and forlorn out there all by themselves. I’m on my way back to my apartment early, having completed my work and reached the interstate by 4 pm. So I’m not in any hurry.
I pull over and roll down the window. “Where you guys headed” I ask. “What ever way your agoin mister” they repliy together. I open the door and give it a push. Except for two back-packs, they have no baggage, so they both squeeze into the front seat with me. Even tho they are bundled up, they take off their caps, and I realize with surprise that I have two girls with me! The juices start flowing–and as I drive, I start plotting their downfall! Well, I don’t want to seem too pushy by asking personal questions so we keep the conversation light. I tell them my name is Chris and that I’m headed for Albany, miles on down the Interstate. I’ve never seen two girls that looked so cold, and hungry looking. About a half hour down the road, I tell them I’d planned on stopping for dinner, and if they want, I’ll treat them to dinner as my guest—no strings attached. That makes their faces brighten, tho they try hard not to seem too eager. We pull into a restaurant and yes, they are hungry, and glad to thaw out and relax. In talking to them, I judge them to be about 14 or 15 tho I don’t come right out and ask their ages. I am afraid that would spook them. They tell me they are sisters traveling to their Aunt’s home….somewhere, they don‘t volunteer where. I just nod my head in agreement. I would have agreed to anything they said. They seem to be very well educated. I assume they come from a broken home that literally fell apart, and they took off in a panic. Their names are Sarah, the talkative one and Molly, the shy one. We have spent a good hour and a half in the restaurant, ending up with several cups of coffee, but we are enjoying ourselves, and the girls are obviously in good spirits, talkative, happy to be warm and have their tummies full. By the time we get back out to the car, the snow has increased considerably, and within the hour, it is really coming down, the roads are covering over in spite of the traffic. It’s getting scary!
Finally, I tell them, that the road’s are getting too bad to drive on and I think I had better find a motel for the night. Probably by morning, the State will have the highway cleared, and we can continue. At the next decent looking motel, I pull in and into a parking space. They still have a ’Vacancy’ sign on. The two girls look a bit apprehensive. I just smile and look at them. “Look here girls” I say. “It looks like this snow storm is getting a lot worse, and there’s going to be almost no traffic at all on the interstate tonight. Now if you want to go back out there and try hitching a ride, you can, but you’ll probably freeze to death.” I say, Then with a serious face, I tell them “You guys are welcome to stay at the motel with me tonight–they will have two beds in the room, and you’ll get the rest that you need, warm and sung, In-your-own-bed, I promise“ “So what do you say?“ For a long minute they look at each other, and whisper, even tho it’s a no-brainer, then they nod their heads, say it’s a good idea to stay with me.
I am experienced enough to always be prepared, especially since I spend a lot of my time on the road. So after the girls get out, I open the glove box and take out a tube of Slip lubricant and a little bottle containing those special little ‘blue pills‘. I hurry over thru the snow, and registered myself and two daughters. We hurry into the room and loudly stomp off the snow. The girls start shedding coats, and I mean coats. I think each of them have on two sweaters, two sweat shirts and two coats, but I busy myself elsewhere. The girls walk around examining everything, including the softness of each bed. Since we have eaten about two hours ago, and it’s already getting dark, there seems little to do. We all feel relaxed, or at least Sarah and I do, Molly, is still a bit shy, although she had been talkative in the restaurant, now that we are in the motel room, she will hardly talk at all. I try to break the ice with Sarah, touching her casually, putting my hand on her shoulder as she sits down, taking her hand in mine as we talk and stroking it, things like that. She doesn’t seem to mind, in fact seems to like me. Perhaps she is thinking of their ride tomorrow, I don’t know. Perhaps an hour later, we are standing in the short hall outside the bathroom, talking, Molly is out watching the TV. I finally get up the courage to make my move. “You’re a cute girl, Sarah” I tell her, “It’s all cause of your cute nose” I say, touching my nose to hers. I put a hand on the wall on either side of her head. She looks at me and says nothing. “Do you mind if I kiss you?” I ask. She continues looking at me, and shakes her head ‘no’. So we kiss, a very light kiss–nothing heavy, only a few seconds. Then I smile at her. “You are a delightful girl, Sarah, and you kiss like an angel.” Sarah laughs and presses her head against my chest in embarrassment, putting both her hands on my waist. “Gotcha” I think to myself.
Sarah and I continue kissing, finally I whisper in her ear “Sweetheart, open your mouth when we kiss, OK?” She nods like a school pupil and we kiss again, this time I slip my tongue into her mouth. Sarah’s whole body gives a shudder when she feels this intrusion, her fingers dig into my skin. but then they relax, as she realizes that yes, it feels good, and no, it doesn’t hurt. She kisses me back, hesitantly at first, then a little more bravely, and soon, we are playing tongue tag. It appears this young girl has never been kissed ‘romantically’ before in her whole life. She looks up at me, all bright eyed—and laughs! “I like kissing you Chris, I really do.” “I guess I’ve never really kissed a man before.“ She brings her hand up to the back of my head, runs her fingers through my hair, then presses my head to her, kissing me, opening her mouth to me. I take this as sign for me to slip my hand under her T-shirt. God, Her skin is nice, I hold my hand on her flat tummy—it moves in and out as she breathes. I feel muscles, almost like a boy‘s. But then I move up, feel her breast. Sarah murmurs a long “Mmmmmmmm” as she feels my strong hand on her bare breast. There are few things in this world that are as sweet and captivating as a young girls breast “Oh Sarah, my precious Sarah, you have adorable breasts!” With her help I pull her T-shirt off, over her head. She huddles close to me, as tho she’s afraid someone might see her. Yes, her breast are Immature, not yet filled out, almost cone shaped, they have unusual nipples—sort of puffy, rather than the ‘raspberry’ one usually sees, but they turn me on, son of a gun they do. And God, those breasts. As I cup one in my hand and squeeze that delicate nipple, Sarah turns her head to me, tells me quietly “I know my breasts are only an ‘A’ cup, but my nipples are very sensitive.” And then we quietly kiss. Finally we come up for air, I whisper that she has the breasts of a lover and that I love her, I especially love her ‘A’ cup breasts, and that I want to make love with her. She throws both arms around me, holds me tight. I know she has to feel my erection, as she hugs me, “Sweetheart, do you feel down there–what you do to me?” I whisper in her ear. She buries her face in my chest, without saying a word—but still presses her hips hard against me.
I take her hand and bring it down to the bulge in my pants, but as soon as she realizes it’s my penis, she murmurs “Nooooo” and pulls her hand away. This cat and mouse game continues for several minutes, but my kisses and soft whispers convince her it is all a part of love. I tell her to un-zip me and get my penis out. Again she refuses at first, but finally she looks up at me, and says “Do you really love me Chris?“ “Of course I do, Sarah, Sweetheart” I whisper with a kiss. Sarah almost has to ‘flip’ my cock out, it’s so erect it won’t bend, but finally she holds it, tho she holds it like it was a loaded gun. “Sarah,” I say, inspired. “Let’s take a hot shower, doesn’t that sound great?” She looks at me like I’m crazy. Trouble is, I don’t know how long it has been since these girls have taken a bath. And I like a girl nice and squeeky clean everywhere, you know. So I half lead her, half push her into the bathroom. She’s now holding my penis with both hands. “Chris, How long is your cock?” “Well, Sarah, you must understand that since I teach at the university, it’s a penis, not a cock. As to how long? That is never important. What is important is how good a lover the man is—always remember that.” Sarah just stands there, trying to figure out what I had just told her, I suppose. That’s when a really great idea occurs to me. “Sarah, why don’t both you and Molly take a shower together?” Again it takes only a little persuasion, till she agrees. I zip back up, and we both go out to the bedroom, where Sarah talks to Molly for a few minutes. Molly is bug-eyed to see Sarah without a T-shirt on, her breasts shining proudly, but I casually mention Sarah was getting ready to take a shower. Sarah said “Come on Molly, this is a good chance to take a hot shower, and we don’t have that chance very often, do we?” “So come on, take a shower with me honey.“ Molly is still unconvinced about a shower, why, I don‘t have a clue! Finally, in exasperation to get this show moving, I go over and sat down next to Molly. “Molly, Honey, how long has it been since you have had a bath?” Molly mumbles something about it being “A while”. “Come on” I say pulling her up. “You two girls are getting in the shower right now!” I had instructed Sarah not to lock the door–and she didn‘t. I pulled off the bed spread and the top sheet on both beds, let them fall on the floor. Then I turn up the thermostat in the room to about 80 degrees, warm enough to be very comfortable if we were naked later on !!! I gave the girls a couple of minutes after I hear the water running, I then undress, take a deep breath, and walk naked into the bathroom.
Yes, there are some shrieks when I step into the shower with them–Molly huddles at the end with her back to me. Sarah, gets a kick out of me being in there with them, and gets quite interested in seeing me naked. Right away she is soaping me up, including my penis. Sarah is the frisky one, and we spend the next five minutes washing each other, It’s not difficult to take over the task of washing Sarah, as she seems to like the attention. Like a colt, she is a bit jumpy when I wash between her legs but soon realizes I’m not going to grab her or anything, in fact it feels soothing. While I have my hand down there, it’s no problem to knead her muscles, particularly around her lower abdomen and thighs. It’s like Sarah knows what I want to do, and stands still. I’m able to slide a soapy finger into Sarah’s vagina, between shrieks, far enough to confirm she is no longer a virgin. And far enough to confirm she is almost too tight for my slippery finger. At some point later, Sarah was working up a lather on Molly and when she wasn’t looking, my hands somehow joined in. By the time Molly realized that twenty fingers were busy feeling every part of her soapy body, it was too late to protest, as she was already enjoying it. while I washed her neck, shoulders and back, I ran my hand slowly over her back. I half asked, half whispered “How do you like the shower, my love“, she giggles and admits “Boy, Chris, there is nothing like it, is there?“ It is cozy in there, in fact it’s crowded, and every time I turn around, my erection bumps into Sarah or Molly—can’t be helped. But I manage to turn and kiss Sarah, with my erection pushing up against her tummy. I think that Molly, seeing the two of us having so much fun, desperately wants to join in, despite the ‘erection’ threat. We get to soaping each other up and having a lot of fun even tho we are already clean-clean. I think it gives the girls an excuse to touch each other all over in front of me. I move over next to Molly and sort of put my arm around her back, while with my other hand I lather up her tummy I ask Sarah to help, and we both gave Molly the works, Sarah helping me soap up Molly, till she just naturally accepts having us touch her body everywhere. I am the one that washes her breasts, both of them, tho it is more caressing than washing. Molly never takes her eyes off me as I massage her breasts–she knows what I was doing.
As I stand beside her, holding her close to me, I finish washing her breasts, and her tummy, and turn her around and wash her tight firm buttocks, sliding my fingers between them, washing her good–getting a giggle and wiggle from her in return. Then I turn her, and soap between her legs–the promised land! With my finger, I caressed the slit between her lips, and as I do, Molly clings to me tighter, I lift Molly’s knee, and put her foot up on the top of the tub. It’s now easy for me to slide my finger inside her, at least as far as I’m able. Molly’s a virgin! At first, she gives a start, like she’s stepped on a snake, but she grips me tightly around the waist, looks up at me, and relaxes. Molly’s hymen is very close to the entrance to her vagina, perhaps only an inch inside. Oh but she is so enchanting, so very soft. Molly stands perfectly still as I caress her open labia and vagina–I think she’s holding her breath. I didn’t want to make it a big thing, so I finally gave Molly the soap, and told her it was her turn to soap me up, Molly hesitates–looking down at my penis which is standing up between us, pointing towards her! Well, Sarah teases her until she finally gives in. erection and all, and before you knew it all three of us are laughing together. I think we are as clean as we had ever by the time we get out of the shower. Thank goodness motels never run out of hot water, cause we were in the shower for a long time, hugging, giggling and laughing—and yeah, even washing. We dry each other using all the big white towels, then out into the bedroom we go.
It’s so warm in the bedroom, The girls both say “God it’s hot in here!” I give them a blank look. “I don’t know why.” I say innocently, but it’s about 77 degrees. That means none of us even give a thought to putting any kind of clothes on–it’s just too warm! I mention that it is just nice and comfortable being naked. The girls look at each other, then laugh, agreeing with me. I good naturedly pull both the girls onto the bed, all three of us naked. It’s difficult to jump right into sex, so We talk a little, and then, out of the blue, Molly says: “Gee Chris, I wish you were our daddy, I think you are so wonderful.“ “Wow” I say, “What brought that on” Both the girls just seem to want to unload, to get something off their chest, Sarah continues. “Our father, is from HELL” she blurts out. “We belong to a church, 7th something or other, we don’t believe in dancing, or schools, or television, movies, sports, Christmas, or even birthdays–I mean it’s fucking crazy!“ “And what’s worst, is that we don’t believe in sex either” snorts Molly. Sarah butts in “Chris, I’m a normal girl, I have hormones, I want to fuck boys just like any girl my age does–why doesn’t my father understand that?“ “I know exactly what you mean, Sarah” I agree. Sarah tells me “I’ll tell you, three days ago, We went to our father and asked him if he would explain to us about sex, sexual intercourse, you know, stuff like that, that we should know about.” “Well he went total ape-shit on us.“ “Told us that the lord God Jehovah would smite the tongues from our mouths for such foul words.“ He stripped us and beat us, then made us kneel there without our pajamas in the kitchen all night–told us to pray to the Lord God for forgives for our sins.“ “Bullshit! I say, so we waited and when we had a chance we ran.“ At first I didn’t know what to say, then I pulled both of them to me in a big bear hug and told them they were not animals, they were beautiful human beings, that should be loved and understood and wanted. Then I just held them close. Sarah said “I think I’m in love with you Chris.” “I think we both are.“ put in Molly. I think the girls felt better about me not that I shared there secret and felt their pain. Now it was the perfect time for shared kisses, and just loving caresses. As Sarah lay there, I ran my hand around her neck, down over her breast, across to her abdomen, and down her leg. “You are breathtakingly lovely, did you know that?“ I asked her Of course I kiss Sarah some, and stroke her slim body. I was rewarded with a kiss from a girl who wanted to prove her love for me. Until I gotten them into the shower, I didn’t realize how small they were, they both weigh probably 85 or 90 pounds. Once I got them out of all those sweaters and coats, and scrubbed up good in the shower, they are lovely little angels. Both are slim, no baby fat on them. Each have a face that is very photogenic, and a smile that lights up the room. They have perfect teeth, and as far as I can see, bodies that are free of any blemish. Their breasts might be only starting to develop but they are enticing to behold. I can’t help but notice that Molly and Sarah have identical cone shaped breasts, even the puffy nipples are the same with the two sisters. Both of the girls have a very small patch of pubic hair, it’s extremely fine texture, and about a inch long—but it’s difficult to tell, and it’s a very light, almost blond color. On closer examination, much of the hair grows on the labia, and begs to be explored. They have the trim healthy bodies of a young gymnast, with muscles that already show as they move about. Both of them are absolutely lovely young girls. It was here that they laid a blockbuster on me. Sitting cross-legged, side by side, they both grinned up at me. “Yeah Chris, we know what you’re thinking, and you are right; we’re twins! We’re 13 year old twins! I was floored—couldn’t believe my luck! All I could do was hug them and kiss them both, over and over again. Somehow the three of us finally get into a conversation about kissing, Sarah telling us how many boys she’s kissed, and we look at Molly, as if to say, “How many boys have you kissed?“ Molly sort of says she has, We could see she is too embarrassed to admit she’s never kissed a boy. Sarah doesn’t seem to mind at all that the three of us are naked on the bed, but Molly is just a little put off by all this nudity. I’m thinking, trying to solve this problem of how to overcome Molly‘s shyness of being naked with me. I’ve not yet really kissed Molly on the lips–just on the cheek, forehead, shoulders and places like that, but not yet on the mouth. So I ask her if I can kiss her on the lips, and finally, as usual, urged on by Sarah, she finally consents. I have no idea of what she expects, but it’s nothing like what she gets. I push Molly back on the bed till she laying flat on her back. And as she lays there, completely naked, her arms at her sides, two little puffy nipples poking up at me, and that look, she looks like an angel about to lose her virginity. I lean over her, forgetting whatever I had planned, and kiss her. Her lips are wet, and my tongue slips into her mouth before she can lift a finger. I take her head gently in my hands, and kiss her so deeply. I barely suck, while my tongue pushes hers this way and that, then to the side and towards the back of her throat, only to curl back and around her tongue again. The inside of her cheeks are incredibly soft, and her teeth are so smooth. All the while I caress her hair, her neck, and even her face with my finger tips. For a full minute, perhaps two, we kiss. When we slowly end our kiss, Sarah is anxious to know how she liked it? Molly gives us sort of a soft grin and swallows, but says nothing—like it is private, between us. For the next forty five minutes Molly, Sarah and I lay on the bed, we practice kissing and fondling each other, even Sarah tries kissing Molly. I asked Molly if that feels good, and she just answers Un-huh with a sheepish grin on her face. I am sort of laying over Molly, so I scoot down, and kiss her belly button, that brings on giggles. I can’t resist kissing Sarah nipples, as Molly watches sort of perplexed. So I playfully pull Molly to me, pull her head to Sarah’s other breast and nod for her to take the nipple into her mouth. She gives me the same perplexed look, so I just look at her real sternly. She takes Sara’s nipple into her mouth. I do the same, and Sarah puts a hand on each of our heads and settles back with a broad grin on her face.
Sarah is in heat! She is ready. Sarah, and I had been kissing long sloppy kisses, till her vagina is so wet! I know from the shower together that Sarah is not a virgin, and she’s tight! When I can put it off no longer, I lay Sarah back, and she spreads her legs. She looks up at me and tells me “You may be average size, Chris, but for me you are quite large, I’m only 13 years old, so be gentle.” I kiss her lovingly and tell her “I will gently ease myself into you—it will be just like a deep kiss” I move carefully on top of Sarah, being careful not to lean on her, my arms on either side of her. Molly, wanting a front row seat, sits down cross legged right beside us, her eyes big and wide. “Haven’t you seen anybody fuck before?” I ask her. “Me? No, Golly Chris“ she replies in an awed voice. “Hey, I don’t even know how to fuck” she adds. Sarah promptly has a fit of giggles. Molly looks hurt at that, so I say, “Molly, we need your help.” She perks up at once. “What do you want me to do.” “Well Honey, look down between Sarah’s leg’s.” “Do you see the opening in the center, between her lips, down towards the bottom?” Molly leans down over Sarah, looks, finally she replies “Yeah, I think I found it.” “That’s Sarah’s vagina, and I want you to hold my penis, and guide it into Sarah’s vagina, OK?” Molly looks at me for what seems a full minute as tho thinking this over very carefully. “Yeah Chris, I can do that,” “Great” I say, “I need you to keep holding my penis while I start to fuck Sarah, to make sure it doesn’t fall out, can you do that too?” Molly looks at Sarah, who nods her head excitedly. So, Molly moves over right beside me–she is so close her naked body is touching mine. I feel Molly touch me, then take a firm grip, wrapping her fingers around my erection. I look down at Sarah and grin, then I press downward, and a grim looking Molly carefully guides my penis into Sarah’s slippery vaginal opening. I almost begin shaking as my penis touches the softness, her warmth–it‘s like the first time I kissed her, really special. Her vagina feels like warm ice cream, warm and soft like silk, no not silk, more like when you touch the soft underside of a rabbit, alive and so soft and warm. Inside, her vaginal sheath is not really smooth, it has ripples on the sides, yet it’s slippery! Sarah makes some sounds, sort of a combined words and moans. I suppose she can feel the head of my penis pushing apart the walls to accept me. It almost seems Molly holds onto my penis, because she is so tight. I start some shallow thrusts into her vagina–the moans from Sarah grew louder. She looks up and me, no smile, just a look, I guess of love, and says three words; “Yes Chris, Yes.” The deeper in I go, the tighter she becomes, delicate, yet she is powerful–its awfully difficult to explain the feelings and emotions you experience when you slide your penis in to a beautiful young girl, her cramped and narrow vagina. I try to go slowly, the better to savor every feeling, every incredibly wonderful electrical sensation, that surges from my penis to my brain–through my entire body! Meanwhile, Molly is a real trooper, she has thrown one arm over my back, to keep her balance, and has the other under me, trying to hold onto my slippery erection as I push into Sarah over and over again. It’s become difficult for Molly to hold on, as things by now are quite slippery, but she seems determined, so I think why not let her stay till the end? It’s not long before I am sliding in and out like a machine. Thump-Thump-Thump, but still not really fast. Molly just watches closely everything that is happening–To her this is truly magic! At any other time it might have been embarrassing, but now it’s so very erotic, to hear Sarah moan, to hear her hissing, call out dirty words; it seems Sarah is very vocal. For Molly’s sake, I am determined to keep my thrusting slow, even tho this it is most difficult. My plan is that I want her to see a great sexual act up close, where she is touching us, smelling us, a part of us fucking—the idea is that this will have her begging me to fuck her, virgin or not! I plunge into Sarah, the full length of my penis, then a slow withdrawal, only to slide in again. I can tell this is extremely sexually stimulating for Molly, which is exactly what I want, and I notice that not only does she continually fidget and lick her lips, but finally –Thank God–she takes her arm from around me, because she just can’t resist putting her fingers to her own clit and gently caress it. I stop for a moment, Sarah cries “No, No“ So I slide my hard penis deep into her belly again. ”Then I start fucking really seriously, going as deep into Sarah as I can. She lays beneath me, her mouth wide open, her small breasts shaking with every hard thrust her body takes. As she tries to breathe, It comes in quick gasps as I pound into her. Twice, Sarah shakes underneath me, impaled on my penis—totally out of control, as an orgasm rocks her. But I’m not ready yet, and keep on fucking her. Sarah finally gives out with a powerful, drawn out growl, like a wild animal being mounted, She goes rigid, her teeth clenched and her body just shudders as she experiences a tremendous orgasm. Now I am more than ready, and tho I want to come inside her, I decide to pull out to give Molly a show. I tell Molly to let go, and I quickly pull out, slapping my pulsing erection down on Sarah’s wet pubic mound. I almost bite my lip as I come, but my eyes are on Molly as I shoot 6, 7, 8 pulsing white streams of semen onto Sarah’s tummy and breasts. Molly is flabbergasted! She has never seen anything like this. Her hand darts out and catches a handful of the warm liquid as it spurts strongly from my penis. She looks up at me and laughs, then hugs me. I kiss and stroke Sarah for awhile, until her trembling subsides, then I softly kiss her on the mouth. Then I wash us up a bit and sit down with Molly. “Chris“ Molly says excitedly, “I‘ve got a million questions about fucking I want to ask, OK?” I am still trying to get back to a regular heart beat, but I laugh and nod. I leaned over and tickle Molly, grabbing her by her firm young buttocks. “What did you think of our fucking, did it look like fun?” I ask. “Golly Chris, you both looked like you were having an awfully good time, it must have been hard work, cause you both were sweating!” “I think you pushed your penis awfully far into her, and I don‘t understand how she was able to take you in like that, your so big!” she replies with a grin. “Molly,” I put my arm around her, and softly ask her; “What do you think it feels like to have a man’s penis up inside your vagina?” “Gee Chris,” she hesitates, looking down at my erect penis. “Gee I, I don’t, I guess it uh,” she stammers, “Well, I guess it would feel wonderful Chris, wouldn’t it?” Molly’s cheeks turn red, blushing. I reach over, pull her to me and kiss her. As we kiss, I take her hand and place it on my erection. She holds it and squeezes. I kiss her again, then again. “Molly, sweetheart, let me explain some of the finer points of fucking, OK?” The three of us move over to the other ‘clean’ bed, as a blearily eyed Sarah looks on. It is ideal that both Molly and I are naked. I take girl in my arms and over the next twenty minutes, I’m able to educate her about fucking, with sort of a ‘hands on’ approach. She becomes, shall we say, bosom buddies with my erect penis, and in turn, in the interest of ‘education’ she allows me absolutely free access to her vagina. Needless to say it takes me quite a while to explain fucking ‘properly‘, and you are probably not surprised that I maintain a raging hard-on the whole time.
Sarah chimes in with “Aren’t you going to explain blow jobs to her?” Well I really hadn’t, but then Molly pipes up; “What’s a blow job?” “Chris, are you going to give me a blow job” she asks, wide eyed. “OK, Molly, hold on.” “It’s just a kiss, a way of making love.” “You love my penis, what’s more natural than for you to kiss it?” “And just as when lovers kiss–in so many different ways, so you can kiss my penis in lots of different ways.” “One favorite of many lovers is to stroke my penis with your hand—and your tongue and mouth at the same time, you don’t really suck, only gently, perhaps.” “Soon I’ll have an orgasm and squirt my semen right down your throat.” “You may swallow it or spit it out, but most girls want to swallow it.” “And that, My lovely Molly, is what is called a ‘Blow Job’ and yes, a boy can give a girl a Blow Job to.“ Then I ventured, “Molly, would you like me to show you how?”
That adorable 13 year old looks up at me with eyes shining, “Oh would you please, Chris, Ohhhhh Pretty Please teach me how to give you a blow job?” “Will you Hunh, I‘ll do everything you tell me to, I promise.” I see there‘s no way out. “Here, sit on the edge of the bed, just spread your legs, and I’ll stand between them, OK.” Molly nods her agreement, and jumps up to sit on the bed. I stand in front of her. Thanks to my little blue pill, I am still hard as a rock. Otherwise I would have been hopeless! My penis is at a level with her lips. “Now honey, hold my penis, and on the head, just kiss it the way you would if you were kissing me on the lips.” Molly licks her lips, looks up at me, gives me ‘sort’ of a smile, and presses her half open lips to my penis. It seems so natural that she opens wide and takes the head into her mouth, I can feel her teeth scrape over it, then her warm tongue exploring. “That’s right Sweetheart, you are doing great” I show her how to stroke my shaft with her hand, a knack she picks up quickly, stroking my penis with a strong hand. “Now Honey, as you stroke, apply a gentle suction, and let your head bob back and forth a little on my penis, that’s right, and you can take more of me into your mouth if you want.”
Before long she is taking three or four inches of me into her throat, as her head bobs back and forth. With her teeth and tongue, she stimulates like an 19 year old co-ed. I am getting close to a climax–and her sucking on my penis was just, I don’t know—just heavenly. As she sits there, with her legs opened, I can see the exciting pink inside her labia, and everything considered, I am holding up OK, until Sarah comes up behind me, pressing her naked body all up against me, and reaches around and cups my balls, gently rolling them around in her hands—or at least it feels that way. Molly looks up at me with those big blue eyes as she sucks on me. I know I’m not going to last long now, I can feel it coming, “Molly, when I come, just swallow, and keep swallowing as fast as you can, OK?” I hear a muffled “Moke lkey” from her as she strokes faithfully, and sucks with hollow cheeks. I rub her nipple with one hand, and hold the back of her head. Twenty seconds later, I am pressing her head to me with both hands as I reach my climax. I guess I am far enough into her mouth that I shoot right down her throat, and tho she chokes at first, not expecting it, she swallows all of it, and has no problem finishing me, sucking me dry, as it were. Molly is so proud of herself. “Sarah, did you see me give Chris a Blow Job?” “I was good, wasn’t I?” I didn’t think Molly would ever let go of my penis! We finally roll back onto the bed laughing, tired and happy—but I’m not done yet!.
We rested for a few minutes, and thoroughly discussed Molly’s Blow Job in every detail, then Sarah leans up to be kissed, so I gave in and press my lips to her nipple. “No you idiot, on the lips” Sarah wails. She opens her mouth to me, and finally she wraps her arms around my back and holds me close while we kiss, sucking on my tongue. For a moment we fall back on the bed and I whisper instructions to Sarah–she nods, grinning from ear to ear.
Molly and I get into a tickle and kissy thing, fondling and touching all over, It’s like you want to crawl inside another person, just get that close to them. It’s nice to be that much at ease with someone when you can rub up against each other naked, to be able to run your hand or lips all over their bodies–their toes, buttocks, arms, breasts, hair, eyes, lips anywhere is open to you! The unforgettable feel of another’s naked body close to you, laughing, wrestling, kissing, tussling with you–there’s nothing like it, and there are no words to adequately describe it. A little boy would understand; It’s like free time in a candy store. But this time when I kissed Molly I pushed back on the bed and her arms high above her head, then I held them there–actually she liked that. Still holding her arms, I finally move down to her breast and nipples, kissing and nibbling them, sucking just a little. I work those incredible puffy nipples, sucking, using my teeth, pulling on them with my lips, rolling them around in my mouth with my tongue as I gently bit them–all this until she gave out with genuine whimpers, then work my way further down, Sarah crawls around above Molly, and takes over holding her hands above her head, as I had asked her to. This gives me the freedom to use both hands on Molly, holding her by her sides, feeling those taut muscles of her abdomen as I run my lips over her tummy and hips. Now that I can use my hands, I try to gently spread Molly’s legs apart, wide apart, and I hold them that way. Molly’s not uncomfortable, but with her arms held above her head, and her legs held apart, she is completely at my mercy. She suddenly realizes what every woman fears–just sort of a natural fear I suppose, and she starts begging to be let go. Her little slit, no more than an inch or two long, is wide open, her labia spread apart, showing a lovely light pink inside. I’ve never in my life seen a pink sunset quite as beautiful. Her precious little vagina lays open like a tender narrow sheath waiting for my entire length to slide inside. I can see her hymen very clearly, with it‘s opening–to me it seems rather large. At the top of her field of pink is her little soldier–her clit. It’s no bigger than a peanut, but I know it has more nerve endings than any place on her entire body!
I gently lick the edge of her labia, and she bucks on the bed, I like the soft pink surrounding the entrance to her vagina. It’s —again I’m at a loss for words To me, to my tongue it feels so ‘whisper soft‘, almost ‘as soft as a kiss’. Safe to say there is nothing in the world as incredibly delicate and soft as what lays between a young girls labia. God, I stroke the soft pink with my tongue, even stick my tongue into her vagina. Ah there are few things in life like the clean aroma of a tender young girl’s vagina. I attack her hymen, push it, force my tongue thru it, It seems tough to me, resilient, I just play with it, as you would with something forbidden. I can hear Molly whimpering and moaning. But now I go up to my main goal; her little nubbin, her clit. She had been a little dry, but with my sloppy kisses, she is now really wet. I catch her clit between my lips and pull at it, then tease it with my tongue. I do every erotic manipulation I can think of to that angelic 13 year old’s clit, I work at it, sucking, nibbling, whipping my tongue back and forth until it has almost tripled in size, and grown hard and erect, sticking right up like the little soldier it is. By now Molly’s crying. I keep up my titillation of her clit, knowing it will bring on an orgasm, probably her first, and we will soon to be rewarded. Molly starts a regulated moan, like a recording, getting louder and louder, She calls out, suddenly squeals in pleasure, flopping and jerking as her orgasm sends powerful electricity backwards through her bones, muscles and brain—-for the very first time in her life. I continue softly licking her labia until her orgasm subsides somewhat and her breathing is no longer ragged. I just hold her tightly to me for awhile, rubbing her legs, her tummy, her hair, until she starts to relax a little. I kiss her on the mouth long and tenderly. She is so overcome I don’t believe she can even talk, but she smiles, as she looks at me, a deep smile of satisfaction!
I told Sarah to keep her grip on Molly‘s wrists, and I climbed over the spread-eagled girl. She looks up at me from her helpless position. In a small voice, she squeaks “You’re going to fuck me, aren’t you Chris?” I nodded my head and kiss her. Molly closes her eyes. Now is the time to uncap and punctured the tube of lubricant. I spread some generously onto Molly’s labia and vagina, then I hold the tube up the opening of her vagina and squeeze the rest of the tube of lubricant into her vagina, throw the empty container into the wastebasket. Molly’s vagina is really wet now. With one hand I guide the head of my penis into the ‘socket’, that opening between her outstretched labia, that just seems to grasp and hold the head of my penis. Molly’s body jerks when she feels my penis slip into her vagina, but there is little she can do, helpless as she is. As I push farther in, Molly moans a loud drawn out “Oh God” I feel I’m entering an enchanted land. This young girl is so bewitchingly tight, soft, and warm. I want it to last forever, so I try to enter her ever so slowly.
I feel, more than hear a ‘plop’, together with a wailing “Eeeeeiiiow” from Molly. I realize that somehow the head of my penis has slipped thru the opening in her hymen, because when I try to pull back, there is a stiff resistance. Thank God for ‘Slip’ lubricant. But as slippery as Molly’s vagina is, it’s difficult to push my penis any farther into her. I even try holding her knees up against her shoulders, but even that’s no help in breaking thru her maidenhead. but this was passion—in desperation I place both my hands under Molly’s buttocks and as I thrust into her, I pull her hips suddenly to me. Something somewhere gives way, My penis sinks into the poor girls vagina till it comes up against her uterus. I automatically start fucking the girl with long measured strokes, withdrawing as far as I can, then plunging all the way back in to the helpless girl. She is still as tight as ever, it’s a bewitching sensation as my penis slides over the ripples in Molly’s vagina. Finally I just start fucking–slowly thrusting into her over and over again, trying to push in deeper with every thrust. Molly is crying now, and she hic-cups with every deep thrust into her. If it was not so erotic it would be funny, Molly’s thrashing around on the bed, totally out of control, I imagine she experienced a sudden orgasm as I plunged deep into her vagina, perhaps my shaft was rubbing against her clitoris. She started bucking with increased intensity. It was amazing to feel the muscles of her vagina squeeze and contract, trying to grip my erection. Amazing that this shy 13 year old, turns me on even more. I can feel my balls boiling, getting a big load ready to deliver. I have only a few minutes, I’m frantic, I want to fuck her more and more and more, forever! I don’t want this to end! I want to get as deep in her as I possibly can. It’s almost too much for me, but I keep plowing into her, my penis now sliding deep into her—every nerve in my penis is shouting as loud as it can—I can feel myself pressing against her cervix, but Molly, being only 13 years old, still has a small vagina, and a good two inches of my erection sticks out. She’s stopped crying now. I can feel all the lubricant inside her vagina, hear it making squishy noises as I thrust into her. I keep fucking slowly now, but deeply. Molly has started to undulate her hips in rhythm to mine, swinging up to meet me. A totally different girl looks up at me as I’m fucking her. “I want it in deeper—a lot deeper.” Molly snarls at me!
I can feel the opening of her cervix, and now I am going to try. I carefully push my penis trying to slip thru her cervix, but the opening is much too small. I tell Sarah to forget her arms, and come around and kiss Molly–just kiss her really deep and sexy. I wait until Sarah gets into position, she also takes Molly’s hand–her fingers, puts it into her own vagina, then she kisses Molly. I have been holding my penis pressed against her cervix, and as Sarah kisses Molly I see that Molly is now fingering Sarah’s vagina, and she seems to be relaxing, I can almost feel Molly’s body sort of going limp—or at least not so rigid. Just thinking about what I am about to do makes my penis as hard as an iron rod, and finally, when I have waited long enough, and when I guess the time is right I give a hard push up into her vagina–into her cervix. Molly gives out with a scream of anguish and a violent jerk—-a spasm, Sarah quickly looks up at me, scared. but I know what has happened; the head of my penis has squeezed into her uterus. I give several more hard thrusts upward, and thanks to all that slippery lubricant, my penis now seems to slide all the way into her, her hips are now tight against my hips, her body gives several involuntary jerks accompanied by a long, ragged, drawn out “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Her breath is coming in big gulps now. “I’m up inside her uterus.” Sarah grins with delight and kisses me, this is more than just a loving kiss, Sarah’s lascivious kiss, together with the unbelievable fierce grip on my penis, caught tightly within Molly’s uterus, is too much for me, I pull out a little for several long strokes, moving my penis. But the tightness to too much for me, almost painful. For me this fucking is now so tight it is unbelievable—yet this is exquisite. But I know it must be painful for Molly, as tears are running down her cheeks. “Kiss me, Chris” she whispers hoarsely. As we kiss, I plunge back into her, as deep into Molly as I possibly can, then I lean back as I feel my load rushing up through my tubes and up to my penis. Molly is completely exhausted, having been ruthlessly fucked for the past half hour, and having experienced three or four screaming orgasms. I begin my own growling moan and tense up as I start to ejaculate in her. Molly lays there looking right into my eyes. Her body begins to shiver uncontrollably as she feels me pumping my full load of hot sperm directly into her uterus.

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Our Story Ch.7 *Final Chapter*

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