True Story

The Stand

The Stand
I bought a German Sheppard two years ago. A friend had some puppies and offered to sell me one. I had always wanted a dog, never had one and decided why not? He was a great pet. We would go for walks and he would keep me company on nights when I didn’t have my kids staying over. Plus my kids loved him. He listened well and never gave me a hard time. Maybe some unwanted face licking, usually in the morning when he wanted out and I was still asleep. He seemed to know that would immediately wake me up. My children named him George. I know not why. But it actually seemed to fit him.
Living alone and not always having a steady girlfriend (they all hated being second in line behind my kids), I had a habit of finding ways to keep myself entertained. My toy collection grew over the years since my divorce. It wasn’t intentional, it just sort of happened. I’d see a toy online, think it looked cool and buy it. When I received it I’d play with it for a few days or weeks and then put it in my collection. Rarely to be used ever again.
I read about self bondage on the internet and I quickly became a fan. I felt some weird need to try it. Once I tried it I fell in love. The helplessness. The frustration. The horniness that inevitably became part of every scenario I tried. It was all good. I learned quickly that being tied, cuffed or restricted meant I had to keep the bedroom door closed. My dog was a nosy kind of guy and nothing would ruin a good scenario for me than having him try to bound into the room looking to play when all I wanted to do was try to get out of my self inflicted bondage or bask in the glow of being restrained.
About six months ago I saw plans for a locking stand on the internet. I knew as I read about it and saw the pictures that I would have to build one myself. To me it was simple and ingenious. You would be restricted, yet have a possible way to cum while in bondage.
After failing to do anything about building it for about 5 months, I finally constructed my small stand on a piece of plywood approximately 3’ by 5’ to which I could lock myself on. The base was to prevent me from tipping over. I could attach myself in a kneeling position and still rest my torso lengthwise on the two foot high stand. My arms would be locked underneath me with my elbows resting on two small foam pads. My legs would be attached to the backside of the stand with my knees also on two small foam pads. In this position my knees would actually be outside of my elbows. On the back of the stand my penis would be pointed straight down against the back. I attached some leather to the back so that I could grind myself against the stand in hope of achieving orgasm while locked.
My wrists and ankles would be cuffed to the base. Leather straps were attached to hold my knees and elbows down. The knees could be locked down fairly easily. Elbows would come next, with the first elbow easily strapped down. The second elbow would be tricky. My solution was to use a one way ratcheting device which I bought at my local Home Depot. With it I could slide my elbow into the loop and use my teeth to tighten it. At that point closing the handcuffs around the post underneath me would complete the self bondage. My release was an ice timer. Attached to the ceiling would be a ring and a sock full of ice which also held the keys to the handcuffs. When the ice melted the sock would fall through the ring and drop the key right in front of me. I could then unlock my cuffs, undo the strap holding my first elbow in place and proceed to reverse the ratcheting device and free myself.
I was going to do this bondage on a Saturday on my off weekend. I tested it without actually locking my wrists to see how it felt being locked into that position and for that length of time. It was wonderful. I got aroused being in that position knowing that I would soon be locked in that position. My hard on was kept pointed straight down and I rubbed it against the stand as much as possible in an attempt to cum. Although I could get close, I couldn’t get myself over the edge. With my movements restricted to almost zero I knew this devious contraption would frustrate me beyond belief. I could hardly wait to actually lock myself in and go through with this. Afterwards I did some tinkering for comfort. I added some more foam padding for my knees and elbows. If I was going to be locked in this thing for a few hours, I needed to make sure I wouldn’t get sore on the pressure points. And though I could rest my chest and stomach on the small stand, my knees and elbows still bore some of the weight. I also added a strap around the middle which would help keep me even more immobile, if that was even possible.
I tested it 3 more times each time not fully locking myself in. I would cuff my feet, strap down my legs and put my arms in the straps. I would simply not cuff my hands so I was able to end the practice session anytime I wanted. All three of those times I had George right outside the door wanting to get in but unable. All three of those times I could get myself close to cumming, but never over the top. Each time when I could not withstand the frustration I would undo myself from the stand and get myself off immediately.
I decided that Saturday would be the day. I pulled the pieces out of my garage (with kids around I could not leave it in the bedroom) on Friday night. I put the device together and just stared at it once again. I could almost hear it calling my name. I spent a restless night sleeping knowing that I had no responsibilities the following day. I would do my chores in the morning and once completed I was going to lock myself to that stand.
I did my shopping and did some laundry. I laughed at myself for almost running through the store grabbing food as quickly as I could. It wasn’t as if the stand would disintegrate. And I had all day to do a self bondage session. But still I did not want to waste any time. I should have just done the shopping the next day. Oh well. Always a creature of habit.
Once my food was put away, George was fed and my laundry folded I was ready.
I stripped naked and went down to the kitchen to grab my ice. I put the ice into a sock and set up the timer so it would fall right in front of me. I figured with the amount of ice I used I had at least two hours before the key would fall. I was fully erect while setting this up. My excitement was off the scale.
I was interrupted by George, who came into the room to join me. I quickly shooed him out and closed the door. I even locked it. With his lack of an opposable thumb I was not sure why locking it made me feel any safer. I could hear him lay down outside the door. I checked the ice timer one more time. It was set up perfectly. I knelt down and started in. I strapped my knees to the base, locked the ankle cuffs on. I added a ball gag for good measure. It always increased my feeling of helplessness. And I loved the fact that drool would eventually work its way out and down my face. I tightened the body strap around my middle. I slipped my arms through the loops in the straps. I tightened down my right arm and put my left arm into the special strap with the ratcheting device. I pulled it tight with my teeth. I was now ready for the cuffs to officially lock me into the stand for the next few hours. I clicked one cuff closed and using the stand for leverage I pushed the other cuff closed. I felt an extreme rush. I always got that same rush whenever I closed up the final cuff. I was now trapped. No escape until the ice melted and my key dropped. I reveled in the helpless feeling. I ground my cock against the leather. I was hoping for some relief, but at the same time I almost didn’t want to cum. Knowing me if I came I would lose all my horniness and desperately want out of this predicament. Yet I continued to try to grind away with my cock. There was a little friction, but there wasn’t enough. All I succeeded in doing was increase my frustration. I decided that the next time I tried this I would attach my magic wand in some way to make me cum early and often. Maybe not often, but definitely early.
My thoughts were interrupted by George. He suddenly decided that he would start whining and clawing at the door. Perhaps my moans caused his reaction. I’ll never know. I told him to stop. Well, I made some noise. I could not form words around the ball gag. He did stop for a few minutes and then started up again. I made some angry muffled noise, but this time he ignored me. I heard him push against the door and I also heard the door give way and swing open. I was facing away from the door, but in came George. Damn. I knew I had closed and locked the door. The damn thing was obviously not closed completely. The bolt must not have fully engaged. Regardless here was George walking around me, checking me out. I muttered angrily, but he sensed that I could not make him leave. He put his face right up in front of mine and licked. I could not get away from him or his tongue. He licked some more and I had to endure it. He tired of that and walked around me. My long awaited self bondage scenario was quickly ruined. He sniffed at me and circled me. His curiosity was beginning to annoy me. He came around and licked my face again. I muttered “Get out.” But even I would have had no idea what I said had I been on the listening end. The voice inflections were there. The articulation was not.
He walked around me and he went behind me. I felt his wet snout touch me on my side. And then I felt him near my ass. It suddenly occurred to me how vulnerable I was. I was locked to this stand for about two more hours. My ass was perfectly positioned and completely exposed. However, George was a virgin. He had no knowledge of sex. So I wasn’t too concerned. And then it happened. He gave me a long lick right above the underside of my balls and over my exposed ass. I stopped struggling against my bonds. My concentration moved to George doing what he wanted and me being unable to do anything about it.
He sniffed some more and licked me again. I had forgotten about my cock for a minute. Now I became very aware of how hard it had again become. The sensation of being licked in that place and the knowledge of my complete inability to get away from it wreaked havoc in my mind. It was pleasurable. It was also bizarre.
Before I had a chance to think about this any more George decided to start a continuous lick. His tongue was on my ass. It was on my balls. He even licked my cock as it pointed downward. It felt really fucking good. I tried to grind my cock against the leather but could not move it very much. George’s licking was phenomenal. When he licked the underside of my cock head I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It threw a wave of pleasure through my body that I had never experienced before. I groaned loudly and it seemed to encourage him to concentrate on that spot. He was relentless in his tongue assault on my cock. The more I moaned the more he licked that spot. And wouldn’t you know, within a minute I felt that familiar feeling in my cock and in my balls. This damn dog was going to make me cum. He was going to make me cum! When I realized he was in complete control of my orgasm I knew I had reached the point of no return. As my cock built towards an orgasm I found that it was a feeling I had never felt before. Instead of top of my cock head getting all the friction and that bringing me off, it was the underside of my cock head, from the tip to my circumcision scar that was bringing on this orgasm. Not only was I feeling it in my balls it was my whole body that felt like it was coming. I shook on the stand grinding my cock against the leather. I pushed forward so I could get the base of my cock to feel more pressure against the back of the stand. I felt a warm rush and it hit me. I was cumming. Hard! I was squirting straight down the end of the stand. I moaned louder than I have ever moaned before. It was incredible! I was shaking and pulling at my bonds. The bonds held tight. However, my loud moans startled George and he suddenly stopped licking. The sudden lack of his tongue sent me into a frenzy. I mumbled for him to keep going.
Whether he was listening to me or not didn’t matter. What mattered was that he went back to his licking. He was lapping up my cum from the base where it had puddled and back up to my cock. I continued moaning and pulling at my bonds to no avail. Within 30 seconds I reached the point all guys reach where the cock is too sensitive to want any more pleasure. We were now working at cross purposes. Poor George wanted nothing more than to get the entire drink I was providing him. I wanted nothing more than to have my cock left alone. I was quickly reminded that I had no control in this situation. George kept licking. My only possible reaction was to pull at my bonds and moan. I also begged him to stop. It had no impact on him. My only job here was to go along for the ride. I was at his mercy. I continued to struggle to get away from George while he continued to lick. I wondered if this was going to drive me insane.
Finally, since I had stopped squirting any more cum his drink was gone and he mercifully stopped his assault on my cock. I was sweating and still moaning. Only now I moaned for the relief he had granted me. The relief that his assault stopped. I noticed that my hair was wet and my body covered in sweat. I was dribbling around my ball gag. I was still locked tight to my beloved stand. I had no way to get out until those keys dropped. I tried to look up, but I could not lift my head high enough to see what progress the melting ice had made. I knew it was melting though because there was a small wet puddle in front of me.
George came around to my front and started licking my face once again. As disgusting as it was to have him lick my face, I was not repulsed now. Hell, he got me off so fucking much harder than I could have done. Harder than I have ever cum inside a woman. Now his licking made me laugh. His tongue darted around my mouth and the gag cleaning up the spilled drool. It made me feel quite submissive as it was something he wanted to do and I did not do anything to deny him, bound as I was. It was then that I noticed his cock was poking out of his sheath. His lipstick was showing. Not only was it showing it was poking way out and hard as a rock. I felt bad for him. I thought if I could have helped him with his “problem” I would have. No doubt at that moment.
However, he knew for what he was searching. In no time he went around behind me and jumped right up on my back. I am not sure why that thought had not occurred to me previously. It was probably due to knowing he had never had sex before. I didn’t think he would know how. But when he mounted me I became keenly aware of exactly what he wanted. He wanted to cum himself and it was me he wanted to mate. I tried to verbally assert myself. I yelled through my gag for him to get down. He was not going to have any of that. I was helpless to stop him and I am sure he knew it. I felt his claws dig into my sides. His claws were digging hard into my sides. That hurt, but felt good at the same time. The strength I felt from him was powerful. He had a death grip on me. My ass was exposed and I could feel him poking away at me. He missed at least 10 times. He poked my butt cheeks and poked my crack, but nothing too close to going in. I struggled against the bonds and even tried to look up to see the progress of the melting ice. I figured I had only been bound to my stand for maybe a half an hour. I had a long time left at George’s mercy.
I felt some fluid on my crack. I must have been his precum that was leaking down. He tried to thrust his cock into me only to have it slide up my crack towards my back. This went on for a minute until he jumped down. Obviously frustrated I thought he might give up. He circled me twice as if looking for another way to mount me. I meekly mumbled and asked him to go away. I no longer had any influence on him. He was horny. I was restrained. I was his toy. And as I found out, he was going to use his toy to mate and cum.
He again jumped up on my back, grabbed my waist and began thrusting into my ass. It had been lubricated with his juices and he slipped along my crack with his big cock. Then he found a good angle for him and I felt his cock right at my hole. It seemed to surprise him as much as me, because he didn’t shove it in. He just froze right there. I was thinking he was going to give me the fucking of a lifetime. But he just held his cock right at my entrance. He held that cock for maybe five seconds. Then he shoved forward. Hard. I think he got it all the way in in one fell swoop. I am not sure because the pain was immense and I was literally seeing white. He didn’t care. He was inside my ass. Without giving me any time to adjust he began this wild thrusting. It was powerful and it was fast. He was fucking faster than I could have thought possible. Seemingly three full strokes a second.
I would like to tell you I grew to enjoy it, that it felt sensational. The truth is it continued to hurt like hell. My ass felt like it was being ripped apart. It didn’t matter to George. I was just a bitch at that point and in his mind. The lubrication got better as I think he was still shooting precum which helped line the walls of my ass. The pain wasn’t so much as close to tearing, but being stretched much more than an ass was supposed to be stretched. I was full of his cock. And I knew from reading stories about this he was also growing thicker. At least that is what it felt like. Fortunately for me, he slowed after just a few minutes. His cock was definitely thicker, but he did not knot me. I could feel him try to push his knot in, but he never succeeded. What did feel strangely good was when I felt him cum. He stopped completely and I could feel my insides get filled with a hot liquid. I could feel it very distinctly. Though I was not at all horny at this point I felt a tremendous mind fuck. Hell, I had now been fucked by a dog! Hell, I had now been raped by a dog! At least he was kind enough to make me cum before he raped me. Somehow that made it better in my mind. It is funny how your mind can rationalize things sometimes.
He continued to cum in me for a few minutes. I wasn’t sure my insides had much room left for his cum. Despite the size of the cock some of his cum pushed its way out of my ass and down my legs. Even my cock and balls were soaked with his cum. Several minutes after that I could feel him begin to get restless. He was like a typical guy. Once he cums he is done and wants to get away. He started squirming on my back and managed to turn himself around. He was now pointed away from me. His paws back on the floor. He tried pulling away, but he was still firmly entrenched in my ass. I suddenly feared that neither his cock nor my ass would give. Instead what if he managed to pull me and the stand and the base across the room? My keys were set to fall in a certain place right in front of me and within reach of my hands. What if he was strong enough to move the whole contraption? I would be stuck until someone missed me and came over to check on me. What if it were my kids? My head filled up with these thoughts. But George stopped pulling. He seemed to know he was not ready to plop out of me. So he waited patiently occasionally testing the bond between us. After a few minutes he pulled one last time and he did indeed plop out. Plop is the only word that adequately describes that moment. I heard him go into the hall and lay down. I could hear him licking at himself. I am sure he was cleaning his cock. Despite all the stories I have ever read on K9 sex, George did not clean me at all. No licking up the mess he made of my ass. Nothing. Fucker.
So I laid there and waited for my keys. I guessed I still had an hour or so to go. But I really couldn’t be sure. I had no clock to look at. I knew I was a fucking mess. Mentally fulfilled, physically in some pain. But in no distress. I felt a fucking smile on my face, like I was the kinkiest person on the planet. Yet this ordeal was not what I wanted. It was what George wanted. Plain and simple. I had been his bitch and I didn’t feel too weird about it. Although weird enough that I have never told anyone until now. But I have the anonymity of the internet to protect me. So I guess I still haven’t told anyone about it.
My pain in my ass gradually subsided to the point where I still felt stretched but empty. As my mind recalled the fucking George had giving me I became aware that my cock was again getting hard. I have almost always been a one and done kind of guy, so this was surprising to say the least. I found myself grinding again at the leather on the back of the stand. I needed to cum again despite having just been taken by my dog. I ground away but only succeeded in frustrating myself. I was hard but I could not cum. Knowing that it was not going to happen and I still had some time before I could unlock myself, I called for George as best I could. Sure, I could have waited and let the frustration build until the keys dropped. I again made a choice. George came walking into the room. I tried to encourage him to lick my poor cock. I am sure he had no clue what I was telling him to do. But he had his own ideas.
He went behind me and again jumped up onto my back. He was going to fuck me again. I heard a noise in front of me and recognized the sound of my keys falling in front of me. I grabbed them easily and started to move the keys around so that I could unlock myself. However, George started grinding his huge cock against my ass. I stopped trying to unlock myself and instead concentrated on relaxing for what I hoped was going to come. He found his mark easily this time and drove himself right into me. He grabbed my sides and basically locked himself onto me. My sides were still very tender from his first fucking. They hurt even more this time. However, my ass didn’t seem to mind his intrusion. He felt powerful and began his second assault on my poor ass. There was some pain, but it did not last. It turned into pressure and I could deal with that. He fucked me furiously and my mind fuck was back and living in my brain. I realized that I was thinking for him to fuck me. Harder. Faster. I wanted him to mate me. It was so fucking naughty. My cock was hard and I was trying to push back on him. He fucked me for what seemed like a long time. I remember thinking that he was again like a typical guy. It was taking him much longer the second go round. He rested his body on top of mine while still fucking me at incredible speeds. He was drooling on my back and it was running down my shoulder and down the side of my face mingling with my own drool. I could feel his cock growing thicker and I could feel his knot right at my ass. But it was just too big to push into me. I felt like I had to pee and realized later that it was the friction he was causing by rubbing against my prostate. I ground as much as I could trying to cum. I wanted to cum with him. I desperately wanted to cum with him. I failed, but it didn’t bother me. Having George fuck me and use me was all the pleasure I really needed. He slowed down again and I could feel his cum shooting into me. It was a great head rush. He was cumming in me and it felt wonderful. I felt full and I did not want it to end. George relaxed and put his full weight on me. My precious stand was now bearing all our weight. George’s cock was buried inside me and was not going anywhere for the moment. I hoped he would just take all the time he needed.
After about 20 minutes he moved off me and plopped out of my ass. He retreated to clean himself again. I stayed on my stand for another 10 minutes or so. I felt weak. I felt used. I felt great. And I knew this was not going to be the last time this happened. I used my keys to unlock the handcuffs. I loosened my right strap, withdrew my arm and then reversed my ratcheting device and removed my other arm. I undid the strap holding my body to the stand. I slowly maneuvered my fingers to loosen the ball gag strap so I could pull it out of my mouth. It took all my remaining strength to push my self up to a kneeling position so that I could undo my legs straps and cuffs. Once done I crawled over to George and sat down next to him. I grabbed a nearby rag and put it under me as my ass was leaking his cum. I rubbed his head and began rubbing my straining cock. As hoped George quit cleaning himself and started licking the head of my cock. Despite already having cum the sensation was too good to not cum again in a matter of a minute. And as I shot George eagerly licked at the head to get as much of my cum as he could. My orgasm was explosive. He kept licking the head of my cock until it no longer felt good. But I let him continue to lick. I was exhausted and I had this submissive need to let him do whatever he wanted. It was as if he owned my cock and if he wanted to lick then so be it. It did not matter if it felt good or it did not. It was his decision.
When he was done and was showing no more interest in me he laid his head down and quickly drifted off to sleep. I managed to get to my feet wobbly as they were and head toward the bathroom. I sat down on the throne. I was going to take a shower, but felt too weak to take one. Instead I managed to get into my bed (with a towel under me) and took probably all of 15 seconds to fall asleep myself.
It was three hours since I first locked myself onto my stand. It was the most memorable three hours of my life.

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My Neighbours Daughter

It was early Saturday morning. I had slept in late since my wife and daughters were away visiting her parents for the weekend. I had just got up when the doorbell rang, so down I went to see who it was.
“Are the girls playing out?” cheerfully asked Narelle, from over the road. Narelle was 15, 2 years older than my eldest daughter, tall, with a lovely slim body, firm, round, large breasts for a girl her age, a cute ass & lovely long legs.
“They’re at their grandparents this weekend.”
“Oh, I forgot!” Narelle said, a look of disappointment on her face, “See you later.”
I went back upstairs to grab a shower & no sooner had I climbed out of it, the phone rang.
“I’ve got a problem with the computer”, said Narelle on the other end of the line, “could you come & have a look for me”. “Ok” I replied, “Just let me get dried & dressed first”.
I was over at her house within 10 minutes & went up to her bedroom with her to look at the computer. “I can’t get this new game to work” she said, “The picture’s all funny”. I checked the specs of the game with what the computer had & found that the graphics card wasn’t good enough.
“I think I’ve got a spare at home I can try”, I said, “I’ll take this old one out first & then go & get it”. I removed the old graphics card from the computer & turned towards Narelle, who was sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest. My eyes were immediately drawn to the white knickers I could see beneath her short skirt, though I must have only looked for a second before making eye contact with her. She must have noticed as she was smiling, “I’ll be back in a minute” I said & left as quickly as I could.
I returned a few minutes later with another graphics card & fitted it into the computer. “Let’s see if this makes any difference”, I said, looking around to her. She was sitting in the same position but this time there were no white knickers under her skirt, just a clear view to her pussy. I was having trouble knowing where to look, so turned back to the computer & switched it on, my eyes never leaving the screen while it booted up. Once it had loaded everything, I tried the game & it worked perfectly.
“There you go”, I said, “Give that a try & let me know how it goes”, trying to look at her face all the time. “Do I owe you anything”, she replied, “Not if it doesn’t work properly”, I said. “If you wait for a bit, I’ll play it now & you can see”, she said.
She played the game for about 15 minutes with no problems & then said, “It’s working ok, what do I owe you”. “It’s only about £20”, I replied. “You’ll have to wait till later”, she said, ”dad’s working all day & mum’s gone shopping, so she’ll be gone for hours”. “That’s not a problem, anytime they’re ready”, I replied.
I was just about to walk out of the bedroom when she said, “Did you like my pussy when you looked at it”. I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say & just stood there in silence. “Don’t say that you didn’t see it coz I saw you looking”, she continued & with that she jumped onto the bed, lay down & pulled her skirt up around her waist.
I couldn’t help but look at her pussy now, with its delicate growth of hair. “Does it look better now”, she said, “You can touch it if you want”. I wanted so much to touch it but thought of what would happen if anyone found out, “I can’t, I’m old enough to be your dad” I said. “I’m not going to tell anyone?” she replied, “I’ve thought about this for ages. Anyway, if you don’t touch it then I will tell everyone that you did”. I was left with little choice, though it wasn’t really a difficult decision to make.
I sat on the edge of the bed & placed my semi-shaking hand onto her long slender leg & gently started stroking it, gradually moving my hand up to her pussy. I reached the mound between her legs & started to rub it gently, as I did so she parted her legs slightly & I was able to rub along the edge of her pussy lips. I looked up to her face, her eyes were closed & I could tell she was enjoying the sensation.
My gaze then fell upon her breasts, her nipples poking through her pink vest top & she was now bra-less as well, although with her firm breasts it would have been hard to tell the difference anyway. I started to fondle a breast through her vest top & tweaked a nipple which caused her to take a quick breath after which she sat up a bit & removed her top.
My hand went back to her breast as she lay down, this time she was looking at me with a big smile on her face & I continued to squeeze her nipple gently. Her breathing started to deepen & her eyes closed, my finger had now found the entrance of her pussy & slowly pushed its way inside, the warmth of her wet pussy was a lovely feeling. I began to gently finger her & could feel her getting wetter by the second. I removed my other hand from her breast & replaced it with my mouth, sucking the firmness of it & rolling my tongue around the nipple.
I eased a second finger into her pussy and started to increase the speed of the strokes. There seemed to be no resistance to my inward movements so I asked her if she’d had this done before, to which she replied “yes, a couple of times but it hurt, they weren’t gentle like you though”. “You’re not a virgin either are you”, I commented, “No, but I’ve only done it once”, she said.
My fingers were maintaining an easy rhythm in her pussy as her breathing became shorter, I found her clit with my thumb & this seemed to push her over the edge, the gasps of air increasing all the time. In no time at all she grabbed my arm tightly as her body shook with an orgasm.
I shifted on the bed & started kissing down her stomach towards her pussy when she said “Stop, what are you doing?”, “I’m going to lick your pussy”, I replied. “No, I’m not ready for that yet”, she said, so I returned to kissing her stomach & moving back up to her firm breasts, sucking each nipple in turn & giving them a gentle bite.
By now my cock was straining in my shorts, so I decided to see how far she wanted to take this. I stood up & removed my shirt followed by my shorts, allowing my cock to enjoy its freedom. Her eyes widened as she saw my erect cock for the first time, although I’m no bigger than the average man, it was probably more than she had seen before.
As she continued staring at my cock I said “Are you gonna hold it or not?” & with that, her hand came up & wrapped around my shaft, just about circling it.
She had obviously not been in this situation before as her hand stayed still on my cock, so I placed my hand around hers & started to move it up & down my shaft. After a few strokes I removed my hand & she carried on by herself, getting faster all the time. “Not so fast, make it last”, I said, as she slowed down until she was at the right pace.
Watching this young girl wanking me was getting me very worked up & it was hard to contain myself, I could have easily let go & cum over her but thought that it might finish the situation in an instant. Eventually I could take no more & gave her a choice “I either cum over you or I fuck you now”, she seemed shocked by this & stopped immediately, then gave me a resigned look & said “Ok, but please don’t hurt me”.
I got onto the bed & positioned myself between her legs, opening her pussy with one hand & guiding the head of my cock into it with the other & slowly entering her. Her pussy was tight & I could see her face start to show some pain, so I stopped. “It’s alright”, she said, “I’m not used to something that size”. I managed to push my cock in a little further & then got into a slow rhythm, getting my cock further into her with each stroke until I was completely inside.
I increased the speed slightly but still giving her long strokes, which she seemed to be enjoying, her breathing being the only give-away. I put her quietness down to age & inexperience, this being added to by the fact of her lying perfectly still on the bed. I began to move faster & could feel her pussy tightening around my cock, then she shook with another orgasm & let out a joyful moan of pleasure. I kept my rhythm going & soon I could feel myself getting close to the edge, so I lifted her legs up to my shoulders & thrust into her lovely tight, wet pussy. I only managed a couple of these before unloading my cum deep into her, her body shaking at the same time in what was her third orgasm.
I pulled out & lay down next to her, giving her a cuddle for a couple of minutes & then got off the bed & went to the bathroom to clean myself up, returning to find her sitting up on the bed with a huge smile on her face. “What’s so funny”, I said, “Nothing, it was such a fantastic feeling to be fucked like that”, came the reply as she climbed off the bed & gave me a big hug & a passionate kiss, the first we’d had in fact.
I got dressed & was about to go when she said, “When will we do it again?”.
“We can’t risk getting caught by doing it again”, I replied.
“Well if you don’t fuck me again soon then I’ll tell my dad exactly what happened today & I’m sure he’d love to hear how his mate fucked his under-age daughter”.
Her father was a 6’ 2” rugby playing policeman so I knew I was trapped, but maybe it would be worth the risk…….

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With my Boss

This is a real thing that happened to me and its about a homosexual relationship so if you do not like then don’t read.

My first Master Part 1

My first experience of dominance was shortly after Id moved to Somerset when I was still 19. I had leased a small flat and was busy getting everything sorted out. I needed some furniture and a fridge but I was desperate for the internet so I had to get connected first. I rang BT and they arranged for a line to be installed and activated and informed me that they’d need access on a particular day. Bar work meant that Id be about earlier in the day so it wasn’t a problem and I eagerly awaited the day. BT arrived really early in the morning, just after 8am on the appointed day. I was still in bed after a long shift at work the night before. The doorbell rang and I got up quickly to answer the door, I opened up and there he was, a silver haired guy, a good body shape, with his BT ID in his hand.
He introduced himself and asked me if I was the person he was meant to be visiting, I said yes that’s me as he looked me up and down. It was then that I realised I was only in my jersey shorts and I quickly turned away from him and I invited him in. We walked into the kitchen, as I got there I turned to offer him a cup of tea, once again he was looking elsewhere, this time at my bum in the tight jersey shorts. He looked up quickly, he was smiling, then his eyes flicked down to my crutch again as I stood there, I felt my cock start to stiffen and rise, tenting my jersey shorts out a little. I quickly adjusted my crotch whilst his eyes lingered, he didn’t bother to avert his eyes at all and I was a little embarrassed as my semi hard cock wouldn’t soften.
He asked for a coffee and I reached for the kettle and cups and stuff and made us both a drink whilst he watched me. I turned back to him to ask if he wanted sugar and saw his hand move quickly away from his crotch area, he told me 1 sugar and I turned back to finish the drink. I picked up both mugs and turned again to hand his to him. His hand was rubbing his cock through his trousers as his eyes wandered up and down my body. He asked which one was for him and I offered him a mug, he laughed a little and took it from me.
I felt my cock harden a little more in my shorts as I stood right in front of him. He smiled at me and nodded his head towards my crotch and asked if that was for him too. I looked down, my cock was hard and really pushing my shorts out. I shyly used my hand to cover my hardness. He told me to don’t be shy and show him my pretty cock. I stood there, frozen, here he said, hold my mug and he passed it to me, instinctively I took it, revealing my hardness again. He stepped right up to me and reached for my bulge with his right hand, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing it firmly and pulling my cock around through my shorts.
I moaned as his fingers slipped into the top of the waist band and wrapped themselves around my hard cock. He told me that my cock felt really good and he wanted to see it, he said pull down those shorts for me. My body was tingling and my cock felt so good in his hands. Without thinking I reached out and put the mugs down on the side and slid my hands into the waistband and then pushed my shorts down until my cock has exposed to his gaze. He released his grip of me momentarily and then started to wank me slowly and deeply, I sighed as he stroked my cock, now fully hard, his other hand reached around my hip and grabbed a hand full of my ass cheek.
Part 2
He whispered that he liked smooth boys and that I’d done a good job shaving my cock area, but had I done the same elsewhere. With that his hand that was squeezing my ass cheek moved into the cleft of my bottom and slid down until his fingers touched my asshole. Mmm he said, smooth here too, you are a good little boy. And with that his finger gently pushed at my tight hole and slid into me.
A moan escaped my lips again as his finger slid in and out of me whilst he wanked my rock hard cock, you like that don’t you he said I replied with a whispered yes. He stopped playing with me and said yes what? I looked at him in a bit of a panic, he smiled and said yes sir! I said yes sir I do like it very much, he smiled again and I felt a second finger push into my now tingling hole as he slid both fingers in and out of me.
His other hand moved to my balls and squeezed them and pulled at them, pressing them into my body. It hurt a little but not enough to stop the hungry, horny feeling that was overtaking me. Pre cum was dripping from my hard cock, literally dripping to the floor, my balls were swollen, full of cum, engorged also maybe from the handiwork of the guy, then he stopped! He pulled his fingers from me suddenly, I gasped as he did it, he released his hold on my balls, his hands on his hips he just stood there. He was fully dressed, smiling, in control. I was naked except for the discarded jersey shorts that had made it to my ankles.
My hard cock dripping pre cum on the floor and my shorts, my back bent forward slightly still to accommodate his fingers in my hot tingling ass. Pass me your shorts he said, I bent over and picked them up, gave them to him. He looked at them and touched the wetness from my pre cum. It’s time for you to earn your pleasure now little boy, get down on your knees in front of me and undo my trousers! he said.
I moved to him and lowered myself to my knees, his bulge looked enormous from this angle. Take my trousers off boy he said. I reached up to his belt and undid it, then the button, before pulling down his zipper. The trousers separated as I undid the zip and his white pants bulged out at me. I pulled at the top of his trousers and started to pull them down, all the time watching his white briefs, I think I was holding my breath as his trousers slid down his legs. He stepped out of each leg as I pulled it off his body.
His bulge looked huge in the tight white briefs, the waist band was actually pulled off his skin by the size of the hard cock trapped inside. Do you like the look of that boy? he asked. I nodded, he said what? I said yes Sir. Kiss it through my pants, he said. so I did, I leaned in and started to kiss his hard cock through his pants, I traced his size and shape with my tongue and lips, finding his swollen head and licking it, tasting his own pre cum as it wet his briefs and leaking through the material to my hungry tongue.
His cock was now so hard, it had pushed itself higher in his pants and I licked it more and more, trying to push it higher, moving his head clear of the waistband, exposing his cockhead to my mouth without the briefs in the way. He groaned deeply as I finally wrapped my lips around his exposed uncut head, sucking on the swollen piss slit as his foreskin rolled back a little. He grabbed my head and pulled me away, my mouth popping off his cock. You are a hungry little boy, aren’t you he said. But I didn’t tell you to suck my cock yet. You have to pull down my pants now, slowly pull them down for me. I reached up for his briefs, I slipped a finger into either side of them, and started to slowly pull them down his thighs.
His cockhead was already out of the top of them and so I watched as I slowly exposed more of him as the briefs slipped down. His head looked amazing, big, wet, purple, quite thick, then his foreskin appeared, fleshy, pink and making his shaft look thick too. I pulled his pants lower and more of his hard shaft came into view, and then more, before finally his balls revealed themselves and his hard cock fell forward, handing right in front of my face, his balls hanging below.
His hand appeared and he wrapped it around his shaft, slowly pulling his foreskin back, exposing more of his head. His veiny cock looked magnificent, thick in his hand, and maybe 8 inches long. It was a cock that you are lucky if you ever see for real. Yes id seen bigger on the internet and imagined them in my mouth and buried in my tight asshole but now in reality I knelt there in front of it wondering if I can take it!
please let me know if you like my true story, if i get a good response I will continue x

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Learning To Eat Cum 3

If you have tasted your own cum and want your girlfriend to introduce you to the taste of another man or a woman who gets aroused by watching your man lick another mans cum from you please read on

When I Met Kyle

Even though I’m a girl, Jerry is a close friend of mine (but not too close!) So he told me about his experiences, and I decided to write this story (or better, multiple stories) about his experiences, written from his perspective. So, yeah. Here’s chapter 1:

My Wife, Her Friends, Our Secret

Let me tell you a little about myself and my wife. We both are in our mid thirties, I am 6ft 2in tall 250 lbs. I am the more sexual one of the two.
My wife Beth is 5ft 6in 130 lbs. She has brown hair, brown eyes, a nice thick ass with a pair of decent c cup tits. She has always been a lot of fun in the bedroom, will do pretty much anything I ask her too. We have two children, a girl and a boy. The girl is my stepdaughter, the son is ours. Now for the story.
My Wife, Her Friends, Our Secret
About a month ago my wife and I were talking about how our sex life wasn’t what it used to be. Before our son was born we were more adventurous, we would occasionally bring another person to our bed with us. We have had both men and women to join us and never had any problems. We had began flirting with a dew of our friends and neighbors hoping that someone would have interest, so far it has just been a lot of rubbing and teasing. During our conversation we decided to have a Halloween party the Friday before Halloween, that way we could spend Halloween with the kids. We decided to make it an adult only party so we made arrangements for the kids and started calling everybody we knew. We had two simple rules. 1. No kids 2. Wear a costume Most of the people we called said they would be there including the couple from her work we had been flirting with the most. We were excited, so we started decorating and getting beverages. As the week went by we had a lot of people calling wanting to know if they could bring friends, we accepted. With high hopes of some extra play we picked out costumes that wouldn’t hinder our fun. I decided to go as a scotish man in full dress, kilt and all. She went with the typical naughty teacher in a short skirt and a tight white shirt. Friday was here, made some final touches to the house and started putting on our costumes. As we dressed we talked about the chances of finding us a partner for the night, this led to wondering how many partners we could get. Which turned into a competition. We agreed we could have as many as we could get we just had to stay in the house and find a couple to end the night with. As I buttoned my overalls she was pulling her panties up. With us both dressed we gave each other a hug and kiss. “This is going to be fun!” she said as she walked out the bedroom.
We hadn’t been downstairs long when the doorbell rang, it was our neighbors Mike and Ann. Ann was carrying some snack trays and Mike had a case of beer, Beth took the beer from him and the women went in the kitchen. “Beth sure is going to turn some heads tonight. I could almost see her panties under that skirt.” said Mike. “I’m sure she will show them to you before the night is over, but that means I get to see Ann’s too.” “Your out of luck there, she’s not wearing any tonight.” he answered. That’s when Beth and Ann entered the room and handed us a beer. Ann took her jacket off and hung it on the rack revealing the top of her school girl costume that was stretched across her massive tits plainly seeing her nipples poking at the cloth. “Apparently no bra either!” said Mike.
We continued with our beers as more people started showing up, some with food and some with drinks. I noticed Scott and Missy, Beth’s friends from work entering the house followed by to men dressed in drag. Missy was cat woman while Scott was batman, they both had the perfect bodies for the costumes. When I went to welcome them they introduced me to their friends James and Paul, they were a couple. As I welcomed them in and checked out their costumes I noticed Paul had a huge buldge in the front of his dress, when I raised my eyes from his package he winked at me and said “Some things are hard to hide.” Scott and I went into the kitchen to chill his beer. “Man she makes a good cat woman, you will have a hard time keeping men off her tonight.” “She’s a big girl she can handle herself, besides she cut the crotch out of the costume hoping people would see her pussy. I’m sure she will show you she has became quite a flirt lately. She even told me if I could get lucky tonight do it, I needed some strange. “Good luck, you can probably find someone to teach you something tonight.” I answered referring to Beth’s costume. The house continued to fill with people, pretty soon we had a nice crowd.
Scott was right, Missy did show me her pussy, I went to get another beer and she was mixing her a drink. She simply asked me if I had noticed her costume and put her leg on the counter spreading her legs and asked if I liked it. When I told her it looked tasty she said “It is, but it probably tastes like cum right now. Some guy in a alien costume just filled it full. Don’t tell Scott though, I told him I wouldn’t fuck anybody until he did but the alien took me by surprise.” I told her I would tell if she gave a little too. She called my bluff and bent over right there and told me to take it. I knew we would get caught in the kitchen so I took her hand and led her to the spare bedroom where we wasted no time. She bent over the bed and I dropped my overalls and slid deep in her. Her cum filled pussy gave no resistance to my attempt to go balls deep. We made quick work of our task not finishing till I put her second load of the night in her. After pulling out she wasted no time, leaving the room without cleaning up. I could see cum dripping on her black tights as she opened the door. I shortly followed her back downstairs and rejoined the party.
I still needed my beer so I went back to the kitchen and sat at the table to enjoy my beer. Mike joined me at the table. He asked me if I had seen Ann lately, I told him I hadn’t and told him to check upstairs. Missy entered the kitchen and told me she found Scott upstairs fucking some girl in a nurse costume so now she could fuck anybody she wanted to and grabbed Mike by the hand a took him to the den. By now the crowd had lessened and the ones still here were as drunk as me or more, some had already passed out. When I entered the den I saw Beth talking to Paul and James so I joined them, she introduced them to me as Paul and Jamie. I told her we had met. “they asked if they could stay the night, I told them they could sleep in the spare room.” she then leaned to my ear and told me she thought they would be a good couple to finish the night with and asked if I noticed how big his dick was. Apparently she wasn’t aware they were both guys but I nodded my head and told her they could stay. I saw Beth lead them upstairs so I went to the bathroom to piss. When I opened the bathroom door Ann was on her knees sucking some guys dick, so I shut the door. Then I thought here is my chance, I went back in “Ann, do you care if I join you?” I asked “I would love for you too.” she answered. The guy getting the blowjob just watched as I dropped my overalls and lifted her skirt and got on my knees behind her. Shortly after starting the stranger fill her mouth with his load and left, Ann and I continued. “I was hoping I would get a chance with you tonight, I told Mike I was going to try to fuck you.” I continued driving my dick in her until I was ready to cum. She must have felt me tense up because she told me to pull out, but it was too late I had already released my cum in her. She told me we were probably alright she had only been off her pills for a week. We stood up, I buttoned my straps and we went back to the den where Mike, Paul, James, Missy and a few others were sitting. I sat with them and we decided it was time to call it a night. Mike and Ann said their goodbyes and walked next door. Scott came down the steps to join us as Paul and James went up to the spare room. Scott took me into the kitchen and told me Beth was upstairs in our room changing from her costume and handed me her panties and said “She told me about the bet between you two, you better hope you’ve been busy cause she has.” He told me it was a great party and him and Missy were going home. As I closed the door behind them I realized everyone was gone except for Paul and James and wondered if Beth had figured out they were gay yet.
As I walked up the steps I could hear familiar moan, then the voice of a man. I knew somebody was fucking Beth. As I got closed to our door I could see the light was on, my dick was hardening as I got closer. I always liked watching her get fucked so I was anxious to see it. Right before I entered the room I saw two men with my wife. She was on top of one and the other one was behind her, this wasn’t the first time she had been DP’ed but I was always one of them. “About time, these two have it warmed up for ya. Now get over here and fuck me.” I dropped my bibs to the floor and went straight for the only open hole I could see. She took my cock in her mouth as my balls were only inches from some guys face. While the two men kept pace with her sucking the one behind her filled her ass with his load and came around to join me in her mouth, I knew he had to be Paul because he had a huge swinging dick. Beth motioned for me to take his place so I refilled her gaping hole with my cock, I could tell he was bigger than me by the looseness of her hole. We continued in that fashion until James reached his point and dump his load in her pussy. After a couple position changes I was behind Beth enjoying the sloppy seconds James left me while he was getting his dick cleaned by Beth, Paul was laying on the bed stroking his meat pole back to life. Once Paul was hard he joined James in Beth’s mouth, I watched the her eyes water as he as he forced his length deep in her throat until she couldn’t take any more. James quickly filled in while Paul stroked his cock not giving her a chance to catch her breath.
Beth has no idea I have been with men before, but I could tell he knew what he was doing. I watched as she milked every last drop of cum from his cock. When James was dry Paul replaced his cock in Beth’s mouth only to have James join her. I wanted to join them so bad but I didn’t know how Beth would take it. Watching them take turns on Paul’s huge cock drove me to the edge, I grabbed Beth’s ass cheeks and spread them as I put my load deep in her pussy. Not knowing what to do next, if I should let Beth in on my secret or not I joined Paul in front of my wife. Beth took me in her mouth and James took Paul in his. I guess not getting any attention from us they decided to do their own thing, I watched James stand in front of our dresser bending over grabbing the top drawer as Paul rubbed his cock up and down his crack until he was sliding it in inch by inch until James was taking it all.
Amy’s and my attention was focused on them. We watched Paul dive in James hard and deep filling his ass full with every stroke until he leaned back and put his load deep in him. By now they had noticed we were watching them, Paul slowly pulled his cum covered cock from its depths leaving James bent over the dresser and motioned Beth from the bed, Beth has always been a cum lover but what she did next surprised me. She took to her knees behind James licking the oozing cum from his gaping hole, by the time I looked at Paul standing in front of me stroking his still hard cock and looked back at Beth as she had both hands spreading his cheeks, running her tongue in his ass getting all of Paul’s load out of it. I felt a hand on the back of my head, it was Paul guiding me to his thick cum soaked cock. I decided what the hell Beth would find out some time, I have always been able to take a cock deeper in my throat than Beth could and I wanted to show her. I took Paul in my mouth, gagging a little it must have caught Beth’s attention causing her to turn from James’s gaping hole to look my way. My heart pounded as Beth first saw me taking the thick cock like pro but she didn’t seem to mind, she went right back to her job cleaning James. Not ever having a cock as big as his in me but having used an even bigger dildo of Beth’s I knew I could handle his cock I wanted Beth to see me get fucked so I released his cock from my mouth and joined James on the dresser waiting to receive my fucking.
With my head down I couldn’t see Beth but I could see her hand stroking James as she licked his ass clean, Paul pressed his hard cock against my welcoming hole forcing it past my first muscle, backing out and going past my second one this time. I was wondering what Beth thought about sharing a cock with her husband when I saw James stand up and Beth take his place, she looked me in the eye and I will never forget what she said. “I love you baby, but you fuck like a girl.” I could see her taking a fucking but I didn’t know which hole she was getting it in. Being told I fucked like a girl I started bucking against Paul taking all he had to offer with every thrust until I felt Paul’s cock swell in me, I knew that feeling and he was about to cum so bucked even harder being sure to empty his balls. Leaving his cock in me letting it go soft I could feel his load trying to slip by his cock. I looked at Beth getting her fucking and told her to clean me like she did James. As Paul removed the plug holding his load I felt Beth’s tongue so deep in me, I knew she was sucking up all she could. When I thought she was done I stood to find James laying on the bed with Paul trying to finish what Beth had started by hand so I decided to help him, after all Beth hasn’t got to see me swallow cum yet so I fell to my knees sucking his dick as hard as I could until he count take any more blowing his load in my mouth, not missing any I continued sucking him as I swallowed everything he gave me. Crawling on the bed I squeezed in between Beth and Paul, we were laying on their back give out from our fun. James snuggled up beside Paul.
Hours later we woke in the same position to the sun coming through the windows. As hands started to wander we talked about how great it was, and how we would have to do it again. We watched as they got dressed putting their dresses back on and we walked them back downstairs. As they were leaving Paul hugged Beth and told he would see her Monday.
After they left I asked Amy how she knew him, she told me they worked together. She knew they were gay and she planned the whole thing. “This was the only way I thought you would tell me about you and the other men.” she said. We talked about how she knew I was seeing men occasionally and wanted to be part of it, knowing she didn’t care turned me on enough for me to start getting hard. Seeing my dick growing she grabbed me by the hand and led me to our bedroom which still smelt like butt sex and told me she wanted me to herself now. We had what ended up being the best sex we have had in a long time.
We continued our weekend as planned, occasionally throwing a comment at each other about that night. Monday came as normal, Beth returned from work saying Paul asked about me and bragged on my sucking skills, I haven’t seen them yet but I hope I see them again. Everything is good around the house, Beth even used her dildo on me during sex last night. I hope you enjoyed a tidbit of my life. I hope you enjoyed this turning point in my life. Thankyou

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