True Story

The Admiration

My first story, I’ve taken pains to elimimate names to give you a bit of readers’ POV. All is true, with a few alterations in timing to keep the pace of the story

Seducesd by her leg

I spotted her pattern covered legs as I entered the lower platform from the steps above and sat on the opposite platform from her, on the bench. There was a minimum of 12 feet between us, and no-one else to distract me from my thoughts, on this damp evening.
As I placed my backpack down and reached inside she uncrossed her legs and crossed them again. Looking up I made eye contact briefly and saw her tongue peek just inside her mouth. Her bright lipstick covered mouth in the shape of an O.
I was smitten by this mid 20s blonde haired beauty. I stared as her tongue reached out and licked her top lip slightly, causing my cock to stir in appreciation. Her black jacket buttoned at the waist framed a white shirt, concealing a healthy size of breast.
I watched for several seconds as she again teased me, uncrossing her legs, but to my surprise she then stood upright and reached with her hands and pulled slightly at the skirt in an attempt to cover a little more of her thighs unsuccessfully.
Her black shoes, fastened at the ankle slowly carried her towards me before detouring and heading for the platform edge. The music in my ears had hidden the sound of the train as it slowed at the platform and I was suddenly on my feet and standing looking at the blonde hair 3 feet ahead of me.
I followed the blonde as she entered the first carriage and was taken by surprise as she sat down at the first seat.
Boldly I sat opposite her with a short table between us, and I quickly switched off the music to concentrate on the newspaper I had earlier retrieved from my backpack.
As I carefully stretched out a leg, I inevitably touched the leg opposite and looked up to apologise and found a pair of bright blue eyes staring at me, as her sensuous lips were again lubricated by her tongue. Almost instantly I felt our legs come in contact again under the table, this time the pressure against my leg was intentional, as I watched he tongue outline her upper lip yet again.
Her small hand caught my attention as it reached towards her cleavage and produced a small silver locket, and placed the locket in her mouth. My cock was stirring as this blonde beauty, perhaps 20 years my junior teased me like I had never known.
Her next move was disturbed as a ticket collector appeared at my side. Within seconds the train slowed and the beauty opposite shuffled to the edge of the seat and stood elegantly and again tugged at the front of her skirt.
“C’mon then, your stop” she said in a loud whisper as I watched her hands at the side of her thighs.
I followed her to the door as she reached out and grabbed me with her warm almost child like hand.
Within a minute we were outside the station when we exchanged our names. “Gary”, “Emma”
We walked the 10 feet before our pace quickened and we found a dark corner where we could hide from the rain, and I was holding the lower back of the blonde as she turned sideways and reached her wet lips towards my mouth. Her taste was exquisite as her tongue entered my mouth seeking a partner fight with.
I pulled her closer and reached with my hands and grabbed at her black skirt, revealing her thighs to the wet atmosphere, and forced my leg between her young thighs, grinding into her crotch. My erection was noticeable as her hand grabbed at my zipper, and my cock was now held by her young hand, as I encountered her bare thighs, before reaching her hot pussy.
As I helped her climb aboard my body my cock was still held by her hot wet hand, while I reached for her non existent panties, and forced her backwards against the brick wall, were her weight could be taken from me. My cock was forced towards her hot pussy as I bent my knees and thrust upwards seeking the heat, missing its target, yet still gripped by her warn hand. I thrust twice more, experiencing the pleasure of the juices leaking from this young lady, as our tongues fought in each others mouths.
At last I felt the tight grip on my cock as the head was suddenly enveloped in this beauty. There was plenty of lubrication as I pushed again, yet struggled to enter her further, as I encountered her tight wet pussy, while a deep groan escaped from her beautiful lips.
Gripping her shoulder and forcing her downwards helped as my cock entered another inch or so into her wet pussy as she groaning in my ear. She was tighter than any pussy I had ever known, as I reached under her to grip her delicious bottom. Suddenly there was a release within her as I found my 7 inches completely enveloped and a satisfied groan in my ear.
“Finger my arse” I heard as I felt a wetness cover my balls, as the tightness surrounding my cock moved and started thrusting up and down my cock. My finger struggled to find her anus as she seemed to be possessed, forcing herself on my unbelievably hard cock, while our tongues continued to fight within our mouths. Our passion was frantic, in this dark corner, as we forgot the outside world, and searched for a climax.
Her climax arrived as I finally found her small tight anus coated with her leaking juices, and pushed my middle finger, into the tight hole.
This brought her a new lease of life, and suddenly my finger was entered as deep as possible as she exerted her weigh onto my finger. I struggled to maintain a rhythm with my cock in her pussy and a finger in her arse, but she made the decision easier by reaching below and holding my finger inside her as she yet again thrust onto my hard cock. Suddenly I felt a finger join mine in her dark hole and her screaming mouth moved from my lips and she bit at my clothing.
This was the moment of my release and I thrust several times emptying myself within her hot wet pussy.
We held each other for a minute before I released her and helped her down to her feet. Unsteadily she leaned against me while pulling her skirt down to hide her bare thighs.
Her tongue swept along her lips before she spoke in a gentle voice and thanked me for the fuck of her life, explaining that married life sucked.
I probed her for another meeting, knowing that I would never be satisfied again without a repeat performance. She refused my request, and quickly headed for the train station.
“I just needed release”, “I have to get home”, “and you’re old enough to be my Dad”
I stood listening and realised that I was merely a convenient cock on a train. I changed my routine for several days to catch the same train but never did see that wonderful sexy girl.

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The rise and fall of a boy called Rave part 18

The total destruction of Alyssa
Our school was rough, not only was it feed by the kids of the estate but all the other local council estates. Now the Waz, the Mains and the Hall had nothing on us, the rule of law still existed, but they were not nice places. The school picked its battles over discipline very carefully, a lot of the big thing got push aside, and little things where focused on in a hope of forcing us to conform in some way. While you could sell cigarettes on any playground, the toilets where full of pot smoke and fight where overlook so long as you stopped hitting the other person once they had stop moving they came down heavily on lateness and uniforms.
The uniform was simple a white shirt, grey pants, black shoes, a tie done properly and a blazer. Any deviation was jumped on a punished until it was just easier to do it right. The blazer was a good idea for the pockets, you could always carry something around with you, and the tie was the only thing that made a problem because once you put train tracks in it most people couldn’t afford a replacement so that was given some slack. Girls had a little more choice, they could wear pants or a pleated skirt.
This resulted in being able to tell what type of girl you where talking to by what she was wearing on her legs. They split into roughly four large groups but there where subgroups. The first were the normal girls who wore pants the same style and cut as the boys, these where most of the girls and it was mostly because they were cheap. Then came the popular set, they wore skin tight fitted pants, these cost more and you got some overlap from the first to them as girls rose up and dropped down, these girls were fun to look at but they a bugger to get the pants off so the was little chances of sex with them, real prick teases. Then came skirts, officially they had to be knee length, but that didn’t happen. Geeks and Nerds wore them long, near ankle length, which did nothing for them, and was like wearing a big bully me sign, but did leave you wondering what they had underneath. Lastly they where the sluts, skirts as short as they could get away with, sometimes just covering their arse, but it wasn’t to show off their legs, which was nice enough, but for easy access when I lad wanted to fuck them.
Amy and Charlotte were long skirt girls but being linked to me made real bullying unlikely, Lexi wore whatever she wanted and slapped around anyone that didn’t like it. Alyssa was a long skirt girl but she had no one to look out for her.
Alyssa was a stuck up, posh, southern swat who up until two years ago had everything. Well everything by estate standards, she was upper middle class, and she had lived in a nice big house in a suburb outside London. Her dad was some kind of banker making good money, she had gone to a privet school, and had her own horse. Then things in her life had gone badly wrong. There had been fraud charges, bankruptcy, jail for the father, divorce for the mother, and nasty rumours about photos found in daddy’s things when he was arrested. The money, the house, the school, and the horse where gone. I don’t know what possessed her mother to move up north, just to try and get away from the scandal I guess, but she did and they ended up on our estate. When she had show up on the estate at the start of the school year she was like everyone else then penniless, from a broken home, with an imprisoned father, she should have fitted right in but she didn’t because she didn’t want to and that put a target on her back.
She thought she was better than us and acted it, she made no attempt to fit in with the gang society we lived in and so she was pushed around. Most of the bullying was casual but unlucky for her one girl took a real dislike to her. That girl was Helen the Harpy, but the where few who called her that to her face, she was the highest ranking Dead Head girl still at school and that gave her a real power base, she was a skin tight pants girl all the way, she was a proper Bitch. If Alyssa had been smart she would have took the abuse, taken Helen’s shit for a few weeks and she would have gotten board and moved on to another victim but in Alyssa head she was still in a world that worked. She told on Helen, I remember the first time I heard that I laughed, telling a teacher was one step away from grassing to the police. Life got worse for Alyssa, being a ‘grass’ was not something you wanted to be, and Helen didn’t move on.
The bullying got worse, with lads we just hit you and call you names not that it can’t bad, but teenage girls have a vindictiveness and a nastiness that boy just didn’t have the attention span to achieve. You never got the whole storey but the where rumours about how bad it got. Alyssa got back by telling, not just for the bullying but about anything she could find out on Helen, if Helen cheated or stole or wagged a teacher found out. It was a vicious cycle and I like to watch it, I didn’t like Helen or Alyssa, I could have let it go on forever until Alyssa made one last big mistake. She told on how Helen was hiding her cigarettes.
The cigarette trade was hard, with drugs so long as you held your corner and kept your supply there was little business involved the price was set, but cigarettes changed. Once week you could have gotten hold of cartons, sometimes from shops but most often from a guy someone know that have come in from France or have fallen of the back of a lorry and those weeks the profits where big, hell half the time you had helped them fall of the lorry, but sometimes you had to buy packs you had to keep the price up to make anything and then people went elsewhere. To plan you needed to find a way to keep people coming back to you.
The latest way was Fast Eddy’s idea, I hated the lad but I could see why Bob kept him around, he was smart. There are these felt tip pens/markers that are quite common in British schools they are orange with different coloured tops, well if you ripe the colour out of the middle it is almost the exacted size of a cigarette. Eddy had found this gives you a perfect place to hide them and he was the first to figure this out. The Dead Heads began to sell them set up like this and give money back for refills and this improved our cash flow for several weeks. By the time that Alyssa grassed this in some of the other gangs had begun to catch on and the money was shrinking but she still cost us money. With that she had gone from being Helen’s problem to being a gang problem and that was not a place you wanted to be.
I was given orders to help Helen punish Alyssa for fucking with the gang. Another of Eddy’s bright ideas was to set up a network within the school, though blackmail, intimidation and bribery a small chuck of the school staff did our bidding. I had expanded it somewhat and was now running it, mostly they just look the other way while we did things but we could ask for ‘favours’. Most of the cleaning staff came from the estate and where on nowhere near enough money to mean that slipping them £10 a week was not a small sum. Cliff, the care taker, had a soft spot for a pro on the estate that was the wrong side of 16 and we had found out about it. We knew a Maths teacher who was gay, unlucky his wife and the school had no idea, so he worked for us. Two of the English teachers where having an affair, an RE teacher was sleeping with one of his students and the young female Science teacher and her best friend lab tech had a coke problem which I was feeding. Then there were the teachers who were just plain scared of us.
I was to give Helen access so she could hurt Alyssa. Now I would have responded by breaking a few fingers, that was the tried and tested Dead Head punishment, it is quick, effective, and surprisingly easy to do and wouldn’t mean cashing in any chips, but Helen had other ideas. That is why she found me in the library.
Helen was beautiful, it doesn’t matter how you spun it she was, deep green almond shaped eyes looked out from a perfect face, high cheeks, small nose, pointed chin and these perfect lips, just big enough with just the right kind of pout, her hair was long, strawberry blond and seemed to fall almost automatically into set waves, the small dimple on her left cheek when she grinned was just enough of an imperfection to make the face real, without it you couldn’t believe it. She had the body of a model, really, long and lean and sleek, with swelling in just the right places to make her sexy, her skin looked soft, smooth and faultless and just the right colour to look tanned all year around. She was so attractive it was almost imposable but you still didn’t want to date her because no matter how perfect she was physically she had a truly black soul, as I said she was a proper Bitch.
And following Helen like a faithful dog was a girl call Sam. Sam was not beautiful, the best thing you could say about Sam was that she had a great personality, she was that kind of girl. She was fat which did give her big boobs but didn’t do much else for her, her skin was bad, she had to keep her hair very short or it became completely unmanageable, and even thou her face could be seen as cute and acme scars and bad glasses really did spoil it. But she really did have a great personality. She had been Helen’s best friend forever and no matter how badly the girl treated her she stuck around, after they had hit puberty Helen had begun to make up for Sam physical shortcoming by turning her into a real slut. With Helen’s say Sam had been passed around and used up by most of the gang, she was quite good at sex now, practise does make perfect, and still she was Helen friend. She was nice to talk to and good in bed but really not attractive. Sam was a short skirt girl.
I was reading with Amy, I was now on real novels and she was really just there to help if I got stuck on the longer words even if I was still slow. I made sure that I finished the page before noticing them, I didn’t care how much clout Helen thought she had I was a chief, she waited for me and I was making damn sure she knew it. I even nodded at Sam first which would have started something nasty if she didn’t need me.
“Alreet, so I have got my orders, why you need me I have no Idea, but what do you want?” I asked.
“I need that bitch alone” she said.
“There are plenty of times when you can get her alone, why do you need me for that?”
“I need to make a statement, she need to see our power” you will be surprised how much our can sound like my “We need to tell her that people do as we said, and anyway I am going to need a lot of time with her in a place where people can watch.”
“Aye people, you are going to get her put on detention, an hour tomorrow should do, so me and the other Dead Head girls can have some fun. They have to all be there.” With that she pulled Sam of Prophet who she was heavily flirting with the lad and headed out.
Detention where not hard to arrange, when someone still followed the rules, half the time we pulled string to get people out of them. You just had to find a teacher who’s lesson she was it that we had some pull over and put in a word, worst comes to worst just make sure they ran into said teacher and get them to do something wrong. This time it was Miss Haze, our science teacher coke addict, who we pull in. It cost me about £20 worth of product a week to keep her on side but it was almost worth it just to see the pretty young thing beg for it when it came to paying up. We set up a near riot in her lesson to give her cover and when it had quietened down we had a girl go ape shit at Alyssa so she put them both on a hour’s detention tomorrow night just as I was told.
Then it was just a matter of waiting for the show to begin, I sat around outside the labs and waited as the Dead Head girls still in school showed. Helen and Sam got there last, making some kind of point about power to the other girls that was lost on me, showing up first gave you the advantage of ground as far as I was concerned.
“Where the fuck is Amy” she whined.
“She did want to come, I said she didn’t have to” I said.
“You fucking retard, I told them they had to come, who do you think you are yo…” she didn’t finish. I slammed her into the far wall, one arm across her throat pinning her head in place, the other was between her legs pressed up against her crotch, lifting her feet off the floor. My face was inches away from hers, I enjoyed the look of panic in her eyes.
“There are a total of 8 people in the world that I let talk to me with disrespect, what makes you think you are one of them slut” I spat the words into her face at a low growl.
“Eddy will kill you” she hissed back.
“Eddy” I laughed “I have been giving him reason to come for me for years and I am still here. Do you really think he is going to make something over the likes for you” I had begun to slowly grind my forearm into her crotch “I could do anything I wanted to you, remember that before you speak to me.”
I dropped her, she almost hit the floor, “Now I said she didn’t have to come, and that goes for anyone else, you can leave now if you want to. Unless anyone has a problem with that” I said over my shoulder at Helen. No one move away, she was mad as hell and while I could protect my own they doubted I could them, that or they wanted to be there, luckily she was about to have Alyssa to take it out on. I walked into the lab.
I ignored the girls and what they were doing and walked straight over to Haze but before I reached her there was a single scream from the other side of the room followed by a smack. Now Miss Haze was a piece of work, you know the teachers, fresh out of school, young, hip, wanting to be the kids friend and to change the world, if she had landed in a nice middle class school I am sure she would have been every child’s favourite. Young enough for the girls to relate to and for the boys to have a crush on, and the was plenty to have a crush on, petite with a sweat little set of curves, short bleach blond spiked hair and a habit of wearing low cut tops. But she hadn’t ended up in a nice place, she had come here, at the time I think she pick it so she could make a differences, showing up at our school with a nasty little choke problem it was only a matter of time until she became someone’s prey.
“I did what you asked Rave” she said, getting excited as I got close to her. I didn’t say anything, let her twist, just moved closer until we where inches apart. She was breathing hard, eyes wide with fear, but it wasn’t fear of me it was the fear that I wasn’t going to give her what she needed and she really needed it.
“Please Rave… you promised… I did just what you said… please…” She was biting her lower lip, tears of panic forming in the corner of her eyes. She pushed her arms together forcing her chest up, her fingers began to trace lines along my chest, it was a clumsy attempt at flirting and if I wasn’t here for something else I would have seen how far I could push her. Addicts, I will tell you they will sell their first born for the next taste. I held out my hand and Lexi passed me a vial, the look of relief and gratitude on Haze’s face as I pushed the product into her grasping hands was almost pitiful.
“Now fuck off unless you feel like watching the show”
“Yes, thank you, thank you, anything you need just let me know, thank you” She said as she more or less ran for the door, I pretty sure she was head for the bathroom not home, she looked damn good from behind and I wonder ideally if next time she needed it I would make her fuck me for it.
“You told me not to play with addicts like that” said Lexi “it make it less likely that you get repeat business.”
“True but where else is she going to go, anyway next time you can give it to her, see what she will do to you for it” Lexi looked at me as if I had just suggested killing kittens with a cheese grater “anyway you can go now if you want”
“No I want to stay and see what the Harpy is going to do” she with an evil glint in her eye.
“What did poor little Alyssa do to you to make you hate her so?” I asked sarcastically.
“She touched my arm once” are well in Lexi book that was a big sin, I stopped making jokes, you did not touch her.
I leant back onto the wall and watched the scene on the other side of the room. Helen had wasted no time in starting to have fun with Alyssa, the beauty had the girl bent over a table, her tiptoes just touching the floor with Sam holding her down on the other side of the table. Alyssa’s long, blonde hair was a mess, her cute face was contorted in fear, tears forming in the corners of her baby blue eyes. I big part of my libido was getting turned on by the girl’s terror. Helen bent down, her perfect arse pulling tight inside her pants, and grabbed the bottom of Alyssa skirt. She rose it slowly, crawling up inch by inch, exposing more and more of Alyssa porcelain white skin and toned legs. Once she reached the top she push the skirt up onto her to girl’s back and then stood back to look at her prize. The white cotton panties that covered Alyssa arse almost match her skin tone perfectly, and what a arse it was, you have to like the backside of girls who are into horses and before her fall from grace Alyssa had been really into horse, toned, firm, a little on the large side it was a real peach of an arse.
Helen grabbed hold of the middle of the panties and pulled them up tight, forcing the white cotton hard between her legs and turning Alyssa’s whimpers into a shriek, she gave a last tug and let go, leaving the panties bunch in Alyssa’s arse crack and leaving more of her backside on view.
“You know” Helen said with an evil grin “I have so much planned for you but I think I will start with something simple. You have been such a bad girl, grassing on me you slut, and bad girls get smack” and with that she brought the flat of her hand down onto the exposed flesh of Alyssa left arse cheek with a loud crack. She didn’t stop at one, she kept swinging, hitting Alyssa arse over and over, each impact coupled with a little moan of pain from the girl getting louder as the skin got more used. When Helen at last stopped raining down blows she was breathing hard, her high checks where flushed and she was shacking the pain out of her hand. Alyssa’s arse cheeks weren’t pail anymore but now an angry looking pink, tears ran freely down her face cutting black tracks with her mascara. Most of the other girls in the room found great amusement in this, but weather it was just because they were not the one Helen was hurting or if they really liked it I can’t say, Lexi was clearly happy with the way things were going.
Then Helen’s eyes found the meter stick, and meter long wooden ruler with enough flex to course some real pain. She picked it up with sadistic glee and gave it an experimental swish though the air, the noise sent a wave of panic though Alyssa but she was held fast. Helen cackled with laughter at the terror of her new play thing and brought her improvised cane down onto the girl backside. It wasn’t a moan of pain of even really a scream but something along the lines of a wail of agony that forced its way passed Alyssa full lips upon the impact. The vivid line left on the flesh of her arse was far from pink, a deep angry red edging towards purple. The long implement wasn’t very accurate and Helen’s second swing went low crashing into the back of Alyssa legs, leaving another viscous red strip along her upper thigh. Helen kept swinging forcing louder and louder screams from Alyssa until she got the one she wanted.
it was on the seventh downward stroke and her scream had descend to rambling and begging that Alyssa said that was her last mistake “Please! Please stop! I will do anything you want, just stop”
Helen let the last blow fall anyway and then stopped, looking at Alyssa in a different way “So you will do anything I want?”
“Yes” Alyssa answered in a small voice.
“I can do anything I want to you?” Helen hand moved gently over her abused arse.
“I… you… Yes”
“So you are now mine?” That got some real hesitation but it stop when Helen began to pull back the stick again.
“Yes! Yes I am yours! I am yours!” Alyssa begged
“Good slut” Helen said as a truly evil smile spread across her face “Now the real fun can begin”
In the normal world that won’t have meant but in the gangs Alyssa had just become Helen’s pet, and while rape was looked down on Helen could now do anything to her. She grabbed the waist band of Alyssa paints and pulled them down, the cotton sticking for a second were it had been forced up between her legs. She left them around her ankles and moved back up to examine the pretty little pussy she had revealed, the little pink slit with a light covering of blonde hair. Helen began to move her fingers over Alyssa’s outer lips, Alyssa body gave an involuntary shiver.
“Please stop” she sobbed
“We can stop anytime you want and I can go back to the stick. Would you like that slut?” Helen asked to which Alyssa shock her head rapidly. Helen went back to working the outside of Alyssa pussy, slowly, gently, almost lovingly, quietly building up the girl’s arousal and the glisten of moister. This continued until Helen slipped her fingers inside at which point her face twisted in disgusted. She moved her fingers out fast and grabbed hold of the flesh at the top of Alyssa cunt twisting it viscously forcing new squeals of pain from the girl.
“How the fuck did you lose you virginity slut, I know no lad around here has touch you, did you put yourself around back when you where someone, do you push shit into you to get off, or was it your dad we all know what they say about him? Come on now slut tell me” with that she gave another savage twist.
“I used to ride horses… one day… well it just happened” Alyssa cried back.
Helen let go throwing back her head to laugh “You mean you gave your cherry to a fucking horse, was it good? Did you cum? Did he call you after?” Helen mocked “Well slut I was hoping I could take it myself but at least this means I don’t have to go slow anymore, you going to love this horse fucker”
Helen walked over to her bag and emptied it onto the table, Alyssa eyes bulged as she took in the contents. From the small pile of toys Helen had brought to her party first she selected a long, thin, metal vibrator. She played with the black, plastic bottom experimentally bringing it up to full speed and then back down again. She placed the cold, hard tip above Alyssa clit and smile down at the exposed girl.
“I am going to make you cum, you should know this isn’t about make you feel good, this about the power I have over you slut, I am going to use you up and FORCE you to cum for me. Just so you know” and with that she twisted the black knob all the way up putting the small but powerful motor inside the toy on full. Alyssa body tensed at the new sensation and an unmistakeable moan of pure pleaser slipped passed her lips before she clapped her mouth closed. Helen moved her hand in small circular motions sliding her toy over the skin around Alyssa’s clit but always keeping the vibrator near her most sensitive spot. If this had been about Alyssa she wouldn’t have, there would have been more build up, it was clearly too sensitive as she desperately tried to move her body away. Uncomfortable or not it was clearly effective, to her credit Alyssa fought it but it was inevitable, it wasn’t long before her body betrayed her. Her checks where flushed, sweet ran down her face, each outward breath was a stifled moan and her body was pushing back trying to increase the pressure of the contacted.
Helen knew she had the girl close, knew just one more push would put her over the edge, and knowing this she pulled back. The noise Alyssa made was a growl of frustration which only made Helen smile at the power she had over her new play thing. She held off for a heart beat more and then pushed the toy back forwards. She wasn’t aiming for Alyssa clit anymore but the middle of her dripping cunt, she drove the vibrator as deep as she could the two fingers she gripped the base with disappearing inside the girl’s body. This sent Alyssa’s body into climax, her screams again filling the air but from a new reason, her muscle tensed so hard that her arms ripped free from Sam grip. But Helen didn’t just want an orgasm, she wanted a big one, she pumped the vibrator in and out of her spasming cunt at speed, her free hand moving in the rub her finger hard across Alyssa clit, sending new waves of pleasure through her body forcing it to stay at its peak for longer.
It had to end and Alyssa crashed back down onto the table breathing hard. Helen pulled back and ran her tongue up one side of the toy tasting the girl’s juices. She walked around the table slowly swapping places with Sam. Alyssa body was near spent and was trying to doze off, Helen put a stop to that with a thunderous slap to the face “We are nowhere near don’t with you slut, now clean up after yourself”
With that she force the wet vibrator into the girl’s mouth making her taste herself, at first she gagged and tried to pull away but soon go the idea that she wouldn’t be allowed to before had done as she was told. It was half heart but she liked and sucked the toy clean of her own cum. All this was a side show however as Sam was now standing behind the girl. She lifted her skirt showing off her round fat arse rapped in a near none existent, blue, lace thong. She slipped the thong down her legs and being the only male in the room threw it in my general direction and picked up something else from the pile of toys.
It was a strap-on, a red rubber dildo longer and much thicker than the vibrator attached to a black leather harness. She slipped it up her legs to replace the thong and adjusted the straps to keep it in place. This coupled with the strong muscles that I knew lay just underneath Sam’s fat meant that Alyssa wouldn’t know what hit her. Even with the resent climax Alyssa was tight and it took some force to stuff the large dildo deep into her. New cries of pain, slightly distorted by the presents of the toy in her mouth, fill the room. Sam went hell of leather, one good thing about having sex with Sam was she always put in full effort, and even with the clear pain it was coursing Alyssa the physical stimulation could not be stopped and soon her body was responding again, moving in time with the downward thrusts.
It was then that Helen called a stop “Sam pull out now, I am in the mood for something else, fuck the sluts arse.” Sam pulled out and began to line up with Alyssa pucked little arse hole. Alyssa panicked.
“Please NO! NO! Not that! It is too big! It will kill me! Please!” Helen slapped her again to stop the rambling.
“You are mine now slut and you are going to be taking it up the arse a lot if I have anything to say about it. You are going to have to get use to cumming that way like a proper slut” and she nodded to Sam who thrust forward. If it was hard to penetrate Alyssa’s cunt her arse was near imposable, Sam had to pull out to re-lube from the juices of Alyssa’s juices again and again each time forcing her way deeper into the girl’s tight arse and getting more cries and sobs to stop. I got punishment but I am no sadist, if it had just been us there I think I would have stopped it but with the number of gang girl there watching I didn’t, my reputation was everything and I would lose face.
It took a long time but in the end Sam got all the way in, she pull back and did it again and again. Soon it became easier and Sam put herself into a steady rhythm pounding the girl’s arse. It felt like an age but it couldn’t have been all that long as Alyssa whimpers of pain began to take on a new edge, much to my surprise the new sound could only be described as a whine of something close to pleasure. There was still a lot of pain mixed in but soon there was no mistaking it, some part of Alyssa was liking it and it kept building and building.
When the orgasm came it was a sudden, brutal and dirty thing forcing it’s way though Alyssa shaking, abused body, the noise she was making as much sob of shame and moans of ecstasy. Sam wasn’t done, the violation of the girl’s body had turned her on. She undid the harness leaving the dildo sticking out of Alyssa arse and flipped her onto her back. Sam climbed onto the table and straggled Alyssa’s face forcing her cunt onto her mouth. It wouldn’t be right to say she made Alyssa eat her cunt, Alyssa had very little to do with it, brutalised and half stunned from what had happened to her she just lay there and took it as Sam fucked her face.
Sam picked up pace riding the girl’s face, head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut and she began to scream about how close she was, I learned forwards to watch the show. Another reason why it was fun to fuck Sam was that when she came she really came, Sam was a squirter. She raised her cunt a few inches of Alyssa face sending her fingers to work rubbing and slapping her clit. She gave out one last scream and came. She sent gush and gush of liquid into Alyssa face, filling her eyes nose and mouth with her cum as her body tensed on top as Sam hit her climax. Sam role off leave Alyssa sputtering and gasping for breath, her face, chest and hair soaked though. Her shirt clung to her body near see though from the liquid. She role on to her side and did the best to roll into a ball.
“You are mine now slut,” Helen said “body, mind, and soul. You ever question that and we can do this again and again and again. You are dirty and I will use you for my pleasure and the pleasure of the gang but if you are a good slut I my make you come now and then and I won’t hurt you when it isn’t fun. We can go over the rule tomorrow.”
With that Helen left the girl quietly crying and walked out, the rest of the girls following her.
“Make sure she makes it home, we could do without her being found like this” I said to Lexi and walked out. Two cleaner stood outside, they would have heard most of it, but they where estate people they knew not to fuck with the gang. I slipped the both a £10 note and told them to wait until the room was empty and clean it. I knew they would do a god job, everyone has a prices it just worries me how little some people is. I walked out, I still had a corner to get too and tomorrow to look forward to.

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A true threesome story – I love getting revenge

This is a true recollection of my first threesome.
I was just barely nineteen years old, and I had been fooling around with one of my guy friends, who we will call Asher, for a little over a year when he started dating a girl we will call Selena. Now Selena, while gorgeous (very slim, tall, blonde, tan, and big fake perky tits) was a true pain in the ass. She was clingy with Asher, always talked behind my back because she knew I had been fooling around with Asher before he got with her, an all around pain in the ass. What she didn’t know is that he and I continued our “relationship”, even though they were together.
Asher was, and still is in fact, very good looking. 6’7, muscular, dark hair and dark eyes with olive skin, Asher had no problems getting a date. The only problem was finding a girl who would go along with his kinky plans, that’s where I came in. I am a sucker for a man with a kinky side, and Asher did not fail me. We hooked up drunk at a party at the beginning of my freshman year of high school, and ever since then we would meet up and fuck like kinky little bunnies. Hell, even into our mid-twenties we’ll still get together once or twice a year and go for a marathon weekend of anything he can think up. It was during one of those weekend get togethers he propositioned me to be in a threesome with his bitch girlfriend, Selena.
Asher had grown bored of her plain vanilla sex, and wanted to try to get her into our kinky plans before he had to end things with her. I agreed on the spot. I was only thinking about the fun we’d have with her, and the bragging rights of the century I’d have. I’d get to tell everyone that I had princess Selena, the girl who talked shit behind my back for several months, on her hands and knees eating me out while her boyfriend fucked her. The thought alone was enough to get my soaking wet.
Over the next month Asher and I continued to see each other on the weekend, and he didn’t bring it up again. Then one weekend in the middle of October he told me he had a plan. He had talked to Selena and told her everything, that he wanted a threesome with her and another girl. I was shocked that he was so blunt with her, and that they were still together. He explained that they fought, because she didn’t want to, but that he kept telling her it’d be fun and nobody would know. He also neglected to tell her I was the other girl. She eventually caved and told him she’d do it.
In the coming weeks I didn’t get to see Asher much because of work, but one day he sent me a text and told me the three some was on for that night. My heart jumped into my throat. I had been with girls before, but never a girl and a guy at the same time. My nervousness soon turned to excitement at the thought of getting a little revenge on Selena though, and by the time I got home and ready to go to Asher’s apartment, I was practically running to my car.
I arrived at Asher’s place and walked in like I always did. My jaw immediately hit the floor as I saw Asher, his entire cock down Selena’s throat. He looked up and saw me and gave me a thumbs up that I returned. He put his hand on Selena’s head and held it down, whispering to her to keep her eyes closed.
“Our guest is here, Selena.. Stay down, I’m going to blindfold you, it’s supposed to be a surprise.”
She groaned a complaint around his cock but kept her head down and her eyes closed while her wrapped a blindfold around her head and tied it. Once she was securely blindfolded, I got beside her and rubbed her large tits through her shirt. She moaned and pulled away, her head dropped backwards in pleasure. I raised an eyebrow at Asher.
“She took some pills to loosen up. I think she’ll do just about anything we say or want.” He told me with a grin.
I smiled in return and leaned down to Selena, kissing her lips. She eagerly returned the kiss, shoving her tongue in my mouth. We kissed and I straddled her lap, ripping her blouse open roughly as we made put on front of Asher. I pulled her shirt off and threw it away from us, groping her naked tits. I broke the kiss and pulled away from her, standing up I looked to Asher.
“Can I eat her?” I asked him breathlessly, barely able to contain my excitement.
He nodded and started running his dick in his hand, telling Selena to show her pussy to me. She did immediately, hiking up her skirt to reveal her puffy hairless pussy. I groaned and stood up, quickly shedding all my clothes and undergarments before diving into her. I attacked her pussy with my tongue and scratched her inner thighs as I pushed her legs out as far as they’d go. With her slick sweet pussy open to me, I buried my face in it and started tongue fucking her slippery cunt, my nose rubbing her clit hard as I fiercely ate her out.
“Goddamn that’s hot! Don’t stop, mm girls.. Don’t stop.” I heard Asher talking behind me but I didn’t care, I was in heaven. I was so focused on giving Selena her first earth shattering orgasm from the mouth a chick, I didn’t hear Asher get behind me. It was only when I felt his large cock press against my asshole I knew what he was doing. I was no stranger to anal sex, but rarely did it with Asher due to his size, but that night, he was dead set on fucking my ass so I moaned and opened up to him. As he worked his thick cockhead into my tight anal ring, I started suckling Selena’s hard little clit, my fingers working deep into her soaked snatch. She screamed out and started grinding against my fingers, so I added a third and kept fingerfucking her and sucking her clit. Moments after adding a third finger she gasped and her pussy juice exploded onto my chin. I immediately started lapping up her pussy and swallowing every drop that went into my mouth. Suddenly a pain ripped through my body, and I realized Asher must have got impatient not getting any pleasure, and yanked my body backwards, impaling my asshole onto his big fat cock. I screamed and gritted my teeth.
“Fuck you Asher, jesus! You can’t do that with that fucking monster you call a cock!”
Asher laughed and slowly pulled me back and forth on his cock, rubbing my hips as he did. I looked at Selena and rubbed her pussy, and she tensed up, moaning.
“Oh god, it’s you, isn’t it? Jenni, is that you?” She sad as she sat up and took the blindfold off, looking at me on my elbows and knees, face first in her cunt as her previously thought to be devoted boyfriend was balls deep in my asshole. I nodded and kept rubbing her pussy, licking around her clit slowly. She moaned and flopped back, covering her face in embarrassment. I grinned and sucked her clit between my lips, causing her to scream out and moan. Then she did the unthinkable. She sat up, looked down at me licking and sucking her clit, and told me she wanted to taste me.
I stopped in my tracks, my heart skipping a beat again, but I nodded and pushed back against Asher.
“Ash.. She wants to taste me, let me up.”
Asher growled and kept a hold on my hips, thrusting into my ass harder.
“Ow fuck! Just let me sit on the damn thing then, you can put it right back.” He considered the idea then pulled back quickly, yanking his cock from my tight asshole with a pop.
Asher sat on the couch and I stood up, my back facing him as I sat down on his fat knob, his hand guiding it back into my slick asshole. I positioned myself so my feet were on the edge of the couch and my legs spread, and he started pushing up into my asshole, slowly fucking me. I looked down at Selena and beckoned her to me. She crawled on her hands and knees sheepishly, watching her boyfriends cock slide deep into my ass. I smiled as she approached and told her to do what I did to her. She shakily nodded her head and started to lick my dripping pussy from my clit all the way down to Asher’s cock sliding in and out of my asshole. I moaned and leaned back into Asher, pulling Selena’s head into my pussy as she ate me out.
Asher started thrusting harder and faster into my tight hole and Selena was getting the hang of pussy eating quickly, I was in heaven again. With the warm tongue darting in and out of my pussy and Asher’s fat cock violating my ass, I lost it. I ground my pussy into Selena’s face as my girly cum squirted into her mouth and my asshole clamped hard around Asher’s cock. He gasped and pulled me down hard by the hips, moaning as he sprayed his thick cum deep into my bowels. I screamed and went limp against his body, Selena still lapping my juices up hungrily.
After a few minutes I pushed her head away and leaned forward, moaning as Asher’s cock started to slip from my hole. With a wet pop we were separated and I fell down on my knees, moaning as I felt his cum start to leak out of my asshole. Asher sat forward and pushed me over on my hands and knees, forcing three fingers easily into my ass as I screamed in pleasure. He yanked his fingers out and I sighed. I heard I little commotion behind me and suddenly Selena was behind me, leaning down over my asshole that was propped up in the air and she surprised us again. Selena started licking her boyfriend’s cum out of my asshole, paying great attention to make sure she got it all. Asher held her head there and told her to get it all as he forcefully fingered her pussy, making her cum once more as she licked my ass clean.
After that night I hooked up with both of them many more times, and selena even moved in with me now that we were fuck buddies. I still see Asher, and I’ve hooked up with Selena in the last month, but we three haven’t gotten together again. Maybe soon…

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The Day I lost my virginity

Hi there, I am Matt, the one who actually set up this account. A very close friend of mine, Linda, kind of got me started by offering to write a story that I submitted under my pen name, iamscrwd. Thank you Linda…you are so hot!!!
A little about me, I am, now, a married nineteen year old male that did not even lose his virginity until I was sixteen years old. Heck, three and a half years ago, I thought my sex life was going revolve around Rosie Palmer and five sisters, but that all changed when my mother, Kathy, and step father divorced right after my sixteenth birthday, with my mother moving my younger step sister, Katie, and I to a town were her sister lived. It was a whirlwind change as my mother filed a restraining order, got a legal separation, filed for divorce, and negotiated a final settlement, then moved during the course of a couple of months.
Katie, my half-sister, is about a year and a half younger than I and even then at fourteen soon to be fifteen, she had a great looking body. She started blossoming during her twelfth year and over the last couple of years her confidence grew into her being a constant flirt and tease to almost every male from thirteen to forty. Because of her extroverted nature, I pretty much followed her lead as we went through indoctrination at the new High School we both would be attending. Almost immediately, Katie struck up a friendship with an absolutely knockout of a girl named Jen. Jen is a fairly tall girl with a figure that any twenty something would die for. She possessed a rack that was at least a 34 C coupled with a 21” waist on a 5’6” frame and she was only fifteen…holy molly, almost wore out Rosie Palmer and her five sisters dreaming about her. Of course, I had to stay attached to Katie’s hip so my proximity to Jen would be close.
The week before school was to start, Jen called and invited Katie over to her house to go swimming in their pool. Of course, I asked if I was invited too, and received the ok. Katie donned a skimpy bikini that my mom gave her (even though I knew it was wrong, I now had a different scenario for Rosie and her sisters) and just threw a t-shirt over it. Not having a swimsuit, I just wore a pair of cotton gym shorts.
Mom drove Katie and I over to Jen’s, who met us in the driveway and led us to the pool as our mom drove off. Approaching the swimming pool, I noticed a woman with short blonde hair laying face down on a towel and from my perspective did not a have any clothes on. Jen walked right up to her and announced “mom, I want to introduce you to my new friends”. Holy shit, the woman just turned over on her back, peeked under her sun glasses and made absolutely no attempt to hid even one inch of the most gorgeous body I had ever seen, not even in magazines. My eyes tried to take in as much as I could; you have to remember that the only real female parts that I have seen were flashes of sister’s (her teasing) and mother’s (me peeping) parts. Laying on her back, her tits pointed straight up defying gravity with quarter size rings going through her nipples and scanning downward she had a pierced navel, a small barbell that held her clit exposed, and two smaller rings on each side of her smooth as a babies butt pussy. She opened her legs slightly and exposed her slit. I must have been gawking, because she had to say excuse me a couple of times while offering her hand to me to help her up. She stood up, faced me (she was at least 5’8” tall) and introduced herself to me as Linda, Jen’s mom and from my expression, that I must be a virgin. With that, she told us she had errands to run and would be back later that evening. She reached down and grabbed my cock through my cotton gym pants, then leaned forward whispering in my ear that it makes her feel good that a young man can have that kind of reaction to an old woman. She stroked my cock through my shorts a couple of times and then her nipple rings made contact with my chest. My cock involuntarily spasmed, as I shot my wad into my shorts. Then she walked away.
Katie looked at me, the wet spot in my shorts, and Linda walking into the house and said “wow”. Then she looked at Jen and started laughing. Jen looked at me with a crooked smile and asked “so, you really are a virgin aren’t you?” They both had a good laugh as they discarded their overshirts and jumped into the pool. Deciding that the pool was the best solution to my embarrassing situation as my cum was now running down my legs, I too jumped in.
As I was swimming, one of the girls swam underneath me and yanked my shorts off. Quickly turning around, there was Katie laughing and throwing my shorts to Jen, who promptly threw them out of the pool and over the fence. So, here I am naked in a pool with my sister and her friend thinking I will have to wait until dark to get out of the pool. Both girls walked out of the pool and without any provocation, took their skimpy swimming suits off with Jen asking if I will have the same reaction with them as I did with her mother. Jen stood directly over me at the edge of the pool and as I looked up, I saw that she had a very light wisps of hair above her pussy with a clit ring at the top of her slit, she had a piercing in her naval and one nipple ring in her left nipple. Katie walked up right next to her and I noticed she did not have a speck of hair anywhere on her body. Her tits were each the size of half a small cantaloupe with large red areolas topped by what looked to be quarter inch erasers.
Katie was really checking out Jen and asked her about her rings. Jen said that they really enhanced the sensitivity during sex (and here I thought that Jen was virgin…and hoped to be the one!) and go ahead feel them. Right above my head, Jen spread her pussy and Katie reached over with her thumb and finger then pulled Jen’s clit ring. Jen looked up into the air and sighed. Jen using her free hand moved it to Katie’s snatch and rubbed her cunt. Standing in the water underneath them, I stood amazed as Katie was getting Jen off and now it looked as though Katie was right with her. As Jen pulled, squeezed, and rolled Katie’s clit, it grew to extend about an inch from her cunt, then all of a sudden, Katie tensed, shook, and her clit looked like it ejaculated…right on my head! With that Jen stiffened, convulsed a few times and moaned loudly. Both looked at each other smiling, then sitting down at the edge of the pool, both wet pussies within inches of my face, they started kissing each other while fondling each other’s tits. This whole time, my cock had grown to its fullest extent, but I dared not touch it, as it would have exploded. Now that the expectation had passed, my cock slowly deflated.
As Jen and Katie regained their composure, their attention reverted to me. Jen asked if I enjoyed the show, of which I responded “yes, but I never would have guessed”.
Jen responded: “well, let us see what you have, or don’t you have balls?”
Katie answered; “I have watched him jerk off a couple of times (my surprise) and it is one of the fattest cocks I have seen (how many has she seen?), but I have never seen his balls”.
After the shock of being caught jerking off, I was now proud of my member and told myself what the hell…since they are lesbians anyways. I climbed out of the pool. Now, not having anything to compare it with, I still thought my cock was special. When completely flaccid, it is about the diameter of a fifty-cent piece and about three inches long, but it is extremely pliable to where my cock head (which is smaller than the shaft) can be pushed into the base of my cock…it looks as though I have a hole where my cock normally is. That, and my balls are real tight to my body. They have a seam that runs between them, but there is not very much separation and my balls do not dangle. When filled and hard they protrude more forward than down, looking like a peach cut in half and attached to my crotch from an inch and a half from my asshole to around my dick. I heard the Doc say once that they just never dropped, whatever that means. When my cock gets hard, it grows quite a bit to where half of it is above my belly button and at least a good seven to eight inches long, and I cannot get my entire hand around it, about the thickness of a beer can. The cool thing too is, when I cum, it unloads with so much pressure, I can jerk off sitting in a chair and hit the ceiling with my spunk!
So, getting out of the pool, my member was just being its normal self. Jen motioned for me to stand between my sister and her. Jen picked up the end of my cock and looked up underneath it, saying, “he doesn’t have any balls!” Katie reached over and grabbed where my balls really are and said, “no, they are right here, I can feel them” as she rolled my testicles back and forth. Jen mentioned, clinically, that she has never seen them like that, but maybe they would fill out more when excited. Well, I was more embarrassed than excited and my cock was trying to hide. Katie, started pushing on the head of my soft dick with her thumb and found out that she could push it inside out. She was mesmerized by its ability and continued playing with it until she had my entire cock shoved up and inside of me. With my cock now gone, she pinched what is the upper part of my scrotum together, completely covering my cock. Katie exclaimed, “ Look he has a pussy!” With that Jen told us to move to lounge chair so they could experiment. I felt like a guinea pig, but this is the first time I can remember female hands working on me, so what ever. Laying face up on the lounge chair, with Katie still squeezing my nuts together so as not to release my dick underneath, Jen stretched my arms over my head. This put Jen’s left tit less than two inches from my face, I could not resist, lifting my head I grabbed here nipple ring with my tongue pulling the ring along with her entire erect nipple and areola into my mouth and sucked. Jen attached restraints to my wrists, and then pulled up saying, “at least you have some instincts, nice tit isn’t it?” Jen’s next move was to secure my legs, tying my ankles together under the lounge chair. The whole time my sister still had a vise grip on my testicles, squeezing them together.
Satisfied with her confinement of me, Jen stood up and swung a leg over my head giving me a close up view of cunt, which was slightly open to expose her labia, and I could see her clit ring reflecting in the sun. Her slit was moist, with a small driblet running from the bottom of her pussy to her perfect rosebud of an asshole. Jen lowered her cunt to my mouth and told me to now do to her clit what I had done to her nipple just a little while ago. I could not resist, sucking her clit ring and her clit with as much force as I dared. Her pussy enveloped my nose and her asshole was just millimeters from my eyes. As this was happening, Katie, placed her mouth over where my cock was trapped under the folds of my testicles (she was calling it my cock hole) and in one solid movement, sucked the head from it’s prison into her mouth, then using her teeth while still maintaining suction, pulled my cock out like stretching an accordion. She quickly took as much of my cock into her mouth as she could as my cock filled out to it’s maximum size. I could feel both my sister’s hands stroking the sides of dick. Jen had started gyrating her hips and from the amount of liquid running out of her pussy was getting really excited. She said that my cock had to be one of the fattest she had ever seen while telling me to tongue fuck her pussy. I went from sucking her clit to sticking my tongue as far up into her gash as I could, lapping away at her cunt. I thought that I was going to drown from the amount juices that were flowing from her hole. My sister released my now fully expanded cock from her mouth and licked the shaft from my gonads to my pee hole, forcing the tip of her tongue into it. Katie then commented to Jen that she could not believe the size of her brother’s cock, that it was even bigger than that asshole Mr. Wilson’s (our fifty year old neighbor!). With that, MY SISTER, straddled my cock, holding the head against her pussy opening and slowly worked her cunt down around the head. This whole episode was just freaking me out! I was about to lose my virginity…to my little SISTER! Katie moved her cunt slowly down my shaft and even though her cunt was drenched, there was quite a bit of resistance. Finally getting past her pelvic bone, she dropped her entire weight on my cock, taking the entire dick into her vagina with the head of my cock pushing past her cervix. Katie gasped as she told Jen that she thought I was splitting her in two. This excited Jen, as her fluids ran unabated over my tongue and into my mouth so I had to suck and swallow the juices. Jen then slid her cunt over my chin with my tongue sliding from her pussy to her asshole. She then told me to tongue fuck her asshole. Without much resistance, my tongue forced itself past her sphincter and into her shit canal. Jen grabbed my nipples hard while twisting and pulling them while she drove her ass down over my tongue as far as it would go. This whole time, Katie was moving up and down my cock with her vaginal muscles now spasmodically pulling on the body of my dick. I could hear both the girls breathing heavy and gasping for air, while their movements became uncontrolled. Jen announced that she was going to cum and moved her cunt back to my mouth, telling me to open wide as this was going to be a big one. With that she jerked stiff, then moved spasmodically, while her pussy pulsated. With a big release of air, she flooded my mouth with what seemed like a gallon of hot, salty liquid. Simultaneously, electricity ran through my balls and cock, with the pressure building to the point of no return, my cock erupted squirting hard into the womb of my sister. With the first shot of my hot cum hitting deep into my sister, Katie exploded into an uncontrollable gyration with her cunt muscles milking my cock for all that it was worth. My cock let loose multiple strings of pulsating, forceful seed, than paused for a second and then let one more out.
Both Katie and Jen grabbed each other, sucking on each others tongues in a hard embrace. Because of the size of my cock and Katie’s pussy being stretched tight around my base, it felt as though my dick was trapped in a hot water balloon. The sensation of being in a cunt for the first time was so overwhelming that my dick stayed as hard as a rock. Katie mentioned that to Jen and Jen’s response was for her to fuck it next. Katie extracted herself from my cock, holding her pussy closed with her hands, while Jen slid down to my cock. As she swiveled to face me, she grabbed my cock with both hands stroking it. Then she placed the head of my dick at her pussy opening and lowered herself on to it, one inch at a time. She was much tighter than my sister and her cunt felt like it was on fire, but she managed to get the whole thing in right down to resting on my pelvic bone. My sister had by now regained her composure and moved to above my head, stilling holding her hand over her pussy, then said, “Since you are just learning, you might as well learn correctly…clean me out”. With that she straddled my face, pulled her hand away just as a glob of my sperm mixed with her juices landed on my lips. I had just enough time to see her stretched open pussy hole filled with the cream of my cock. She reached behind her ass, pinching my nose causing me to gasp and inhaling the glob of cum on my lips. Immediately she sat her cum soaked cunt right on my mouth and with a slight push from her vaginal muscle gave me a mouthful of my spunk. At first I was revolted, but after a few swallows and differentiating the taste of my cum to her pussy juice, I started giving her the same treatment as I did Jen. Jen by the way, was now bouncing up and down on my even more engorged member. Jen’s vagina had such muscle control that she would tighten up on the up stroke, stretching my cock at least a couple of inches more, then releasing it just quick enough that I would gain another inch or so into her womb. It did not take long for me to feel the charge in my testicles begin to roil. By now Katie’s pussy was spotless, I had sucked the living daylights out of her inch long clit, and she now had me eating out her asshole. Jen was moaning and groaning that she was ready to cum, Katie slipped her cunt back over my mouth, then both of them embraced as they came. That sent a signal to my cock, and for the third time today it unleashed a torrent of cum, this time into the deep recesses of Jen’s womb. Katie lost control, and came so violently that her bladder released, overflowing my mouth and running down the sides of my face. From the taste, I knew now that Jen had don the same thing when I ate her out. They both relaxed, Katie standing up, moving off my face while talking to Jen about what just took place as if I was not even there. Jen pulled my cock out of her pussy and slid her cummy cunt to my mouth nonchalantly telling me to clean her out. This time some of my cum missed my mouth and a goblet ran down the side of my nose and into my eye, both Jen and Katie just giggled. I proceeded to suck, lick, and eat all my seed out of Jen’s pussy while they talked about trying to seduce some older married guys with money. Jen looked down and asked if I had it all clean. I nodded my head the best I could with her cunt lips stretched over my face. She then said that she would rinse my spunk down my throat and this time try not to miss any of her pee. Immediately I felt a steam of hot, salty liquid surge into my mouth, I gulped and gulped feeling the hot liquid wash some of the stringy residue of my cum down my throat and into my stomach.
They both got up and walked away towards the house, completely ignoring me stretched, spread-eagled, and tied down outside by Jen’s family pool.
That is how my first day of loosing my virginity ended.

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