Divine Succession – Chapter 02

The new God awakens.

David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When he’d finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadn’t he died? The last thing he remembered was…fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had all been a dream.

“Oh my God, you’re awake!” David turned to see that his wife Samantha had just walked into the room. She ran over and gave him a big kiss. “We were all so worried about you! We thought you were going to die!”
“Yeah…that’s weird…”
“It’s strange though, because you don’t have any broken bones or anything, just a few bruises. They brought you in here to make sure, but really, it’s a miracle you weren’t hurt more. Someone up there must really like you.”
“Someone…up there…” Who was it he’d met in Heaven? Lumia? Lumiosa? Louisa? No, it was no-one. It had all been a dream.

David was checked over more by the doctors, but really, aside from a few very minor injuries, they couldn’t find anything wrong with him, so he was released from hospital that evening.
“Dad!” His kids shouted, running up to hug him as he walked through the front door.
“Now now, your father’s been through a lot,” Samantha said. “Give him some space.”
“It’s fine Sam, I can handle it,” David smiled. “Hi kids.”


“I can’t believe he’s done this!” Amia exclaimed, sitting down on her bed.
“It can’t be that bad,” Achré said, trying to comfort his wife.
“Oh it is, it really is. Once he discovers those powers, there are two things that could happen. One of them is that he will proceed to have sex with everyone he knows. The other is that he will make himself into the dictator of the universe.”
“He might not,” Achré said, before beginning to stroke his wife’s wings. “You’re always really pessimistic. Maybe this guy will be a good God.”
“He might, once I’m allowed to guide him in his actions. But for now I’m supposed to leave him alone for a few days. To let him adjust to his new powers on his own. But how can I? It’s my job to guide God’s divine hand.”
“And it’s also your job to, like the rest of us, do as God commands. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”
“Well, it’s not his problem anymore. He’s moved on, and this Earth man is now God. We’re in his hands.”


That evening, David took a shower. Samantha had said he should take a bath in order to stay off his feet for a bit, but he’d insisted on showering like he normally did. As he did, he examined his body. He really did seem to have been barely injured at all by that car, with only a few bruises covering his body. It seemed almost impossible, like a miracle.

David reached over for the bottle of shampoo, and tried to squirt some into his hands, but he found that it was empty.
“Oh come on!” He shouted in frustration. Then, to his surprise, a large amount of shampoo squirted out of the bottle, and into his hand, despite him being sure it was empty.

After dinner, David and Samantha returned to their room, where she gave him a passionate kiss.
“You know…I was really worried about you while you were unconscious…” she said seductively. “And it was so lonely sleeping without you…”
“Well don’t worry honey, I’m here now…” David said, kissing her back, and stroking her ass. “I’m not going anywhere.” Samantha pushed him onto the bed playfully.
“You look so hot in all those clothes baby. Why don’t I help you slip into something a little more…naked?” Samantha then unzipped David’s trousers, and pulled them off, along with his shorts. His shirt came next, leaving him completely naked. Samantha just looked at his erection, and grinned. “It looks like David Jr is keen for some action.”
“Big David is too.”
“So let’s have some fun.”

Samantha got down onto her knees, and crawled over to him seductively. She grabbed hold of his cock, and started stroking it.
“Oh God Sam, don’t tease me, just do it,” David begged.
“Do what, baby?” Samantha stroked his tip, and moved her head close to it, breathing on it gently.
“Suck me!”
“Oh, alright then.”

Samantha grinned, and then got to work on sucking his cock. David had dated many girls before marrying Samantha, but he’d decided long ago that no-one in the whole universe gave better head than his wife.
“Oh God honey…that’s amazing…” David moaned. Samantha then proceeded to start humming as she sucked him, sending a series of pleasurable vibrations through his length. “Fuck honey, I’m not gonna last long like that…” Samantha just gave him a sexy look, as though willing him to cum. Less than a minute later, he did indeed cum. David let out a loud groan, as a large load of cum erupted from his penis. Samantha moaned as he came, drawing forth more cum, all of which she swallowed greedily. She pulled off her husband’s cock, and gave him a passionate kiss.
“I love you,” she smiled. “And I want you inside me.”
“I do too, honey.” David could feel that his cock was beginning to soften in the afterglow of his orgasm, so it would be a few minutes before he would be ready for fucking. He just wished he could be ready now…

And then, he was. David felt a rush of blood go to his cock, and in less than a second, he was at full mast again. He was shocked, but very horny.
“My my, looks like someone’s ready for more,” Samantha grinned. David just grabbed her ass, flipped her onto her back, and rammed inside her, eager to make use of this newfound rush of hormones. He grabbed hold of his wife’s boobs, and squeezed them, as they made out, David pistoning his hips as fast as he possibly could. He and Samantha came quickly, her vagina milking his cock as it shot out more jizz. David was surprised that his load was just as big, if not bigger, than his last one, despite the fact that his balls should have been just about empty by now.

They finished cumming, but they were by no means done fucking. Both of them were still incredibly horny, and they wanted more. Fortunately, David found that his cock stayed just as hard as he wanted it, meaning that the two of them could resuming fucking, which they did, all night long. Every few orgasms, they’d switch positions, fucking in every position conceivable. While Samantha rode him, David watched her boobs jiggle. He wished they were bigger, but that train of thought was interrupted by another explosion of pleasure, as he blasted yet another load into her.


“This is an utter outrage!” Shouted the archangel Dorothea. “He cannot do this!”
“He can, and has,” Amia told them bluntly. The archangels had gathered for a meeting, where Amia had broken the news to them all.
“So what, we’re supposed to just sit around and wait?” Gabriel asked.
“No, we’re supposed to continue doing our jobs,” Amia replied. “I’m the only one of us who’s directly affected by this. The rest of you can continue in your normal roles, whilst I prepare to assist the new God in his role when he assumes it properly.”
“This is all a disaster,” Raphael said. “Why couldn’t he just do as he was told for once?”
“He was never good at listening to my advice,” Amia said. “Always thought he knew best. What’s important is that we don’t tell the other angels about this. It would only cause a panic. They need to believe there’s still a God in office.”


David woke up the next morning with a raging erection, which he was often prone to, but this felt like more. It was harder than normal, with a hint of arousal. David rolled over, and realised that Samantha was no longer in bed. He looked around, and saw her, stood naked in front of the mirror. David stared at her back and bottom, which had traces of sweat and cum on them.
“What are you doing, honey?” He asked her.
“Oh, David, you’re awake,” Samantha said. She turned around, and David realised what she’d been looking at. Her boobs had grown. At least an inch, probably two. “I don’t know what happened. I just woke up and they were like this.” David got out of bed, his cock still hard, and he went over to her.

“Are those things real?” He asked. Samantha nodded.
“They look real, they feel real, and they act real,” she said, before putting David’s hands on them. He squeezed them, and agreed that they felt real. “But they can’t be real. Even teenagers’ boobs don’t grow this much overnight.”
“Well, maybe you’re pregnant?”
“No, I’d feel pregnant. Besides, I’ve been on the pill ever since Molly was born. I can’t be pregnant.”
“Well what else could it be?”
“I don’t know. I’m going to make an appointment with the doctor and go after work. I’m just wondering how I’m going to fit these things in my clothes.”

Samantha got out a bra, and attempted to put it in, but the strap was nowhere near fastening.
“I’ll have to go out and get some bigger bras,” she said.
“I could do that for you honey.”
“No no, you’re getting back in bed. Your boss gave you the rest of the week off work so you could rest, not go out buying bras. Besides, I don’t really know what size these are. I’d have to try them on myself.”
“Alright then honey, if you insist.”
“I do. Get back in bed, and just spend today relaxing.”

David did as he was told, and he went to sleep for another couple of hours. He got up just before noon, not realising just how tired he really was. It must be because of all that sex last night, he reasoned. David went for a shower, noticing that his cock was still fully hard, with no signs of softening. A few minutes later, when it was still hard, he was worried.
“Come on, go soft!” He ordered it. To his surprise, it did. He felt the relief as his cock went from hard as diamonds to completely floppy in under a second. “Wow…that was weird.”

David got out of the shower, and dried himself off. He considered getting dressed, but he figured that if he was going to be home alone all day, he may as well stay naked. He walked downstairs, and got himself a beer out the fridge. His wife would probably disapprove of that in his condition, but she wasn’t around. He got the can of beer, and flopped down onto the sofa to watch TV.

He watched some old sitcom repeats that were on, getting through his beer quickly. When he’d drunk it, he put the can down. He wanted to go and get another, but he also didn’t particularly want to get up from the sofa, being as comfy as he was. It was a real dilemma. He just wished the can would come to him…

A few seconds later, it did. David watched in amazement as a can of beer floated out of the kitchen, and into the living room, floating in front of his eyes.
“Oh my God…” he said in amazement. The can then floated right into his hand. He picked it up and analysed it, looking for a string. He found none. “Okay David, just get a grip. You’re dreaming.” David drank the beer, thinking about what had happened. He eventually decided to try it again. He knew there was one more can in the fridge, so he silently willed it to come too. It did. David watched it float out of the kitchen, and into his empty hand.

By this point David was convinced that he’d developed some sort of powers. The lack of strings on the cans had proven to him that he wasn’t on some sort of hidden camera show, which was probably for the best, since he didn’t really feel like appearing on TV whilst naked. Whatever strange abilities he’d acquired, they needed to be tested out. But what on?

David looked over at the TV, and figured it would be a good test subject. He focused his mind on the TV, and pictured the channel changing. In an instant, the TV turned over to a news programme. David tried it again, and a cartoon was playing. Figuring he’d got the hang of it, David flipped through all the different TV channels, and played with the volume with his mind, the TV instantly obeying his mental commands.

David then decided that he wanted a bigger test of his powers. He wanted to test them out on people. But David wasn’t sure exactly what these powers could do, so he didn’t want to test them on himself just yet, so he opted to go out and find people to use as guinea pigs. He was about to go upstairs to get dressed, when he had a better idea. David closed his eyes, and thought about the clothes he wanted to appear on his body. He opened his eyes, and saw that he was dressed in the exact clothes he’d wanted.

David headed out to find people to test his powers on, to see just what the limits of his abilities were. He went to the park, where he saw a group of women, doing yoga. They all bent over, and David stared at their bottoms through their yoga pants. David thought that he would love to see their naked bottoms, so he focuses on their yoga pants. With a thought, they were pulled off of them, as well as their underwear, leaving a dozen or so women naked from the waist down. David grinned as he checked them out, the women screaming and trying to cover themselves as David carried on.

Okay, okay, David thought, he needed to try his powers on some actual people. Not their clothes, but actual people. David looked around, and saw a teenage boy and girl sat on a bench together. They looked about 14, and based on how they were holding hands, David assumed they were a couple. He figured they’d be good test dummies. David looked at the boy, and focused on his groin. He pictured the boy’s penis, sitting there in his pants, all soft and small. He then pictured it standing up and hardening. He opened his eyes, and sure enough, David saw that a bulge was beginning to appear in the boy’s trousers.

But it could just be a coincidence, David thought. He’s a teenage boy next to a pretty girl. An erection is to be expected. He needed something definite. David closed his eyes again, and focused back on the boy’s penis, which was now fully erect. His penis looked to be about 5 or 6 inches, but David thought he’d give the boy a little present. He willed, and the boy’s penis began to grow. The boy looked down at his groin, as did his girlfriend, and they watched in amazement as his bulge grew.

David finally stopped when the boy’s penis had reached 9 inches, and he grinned at what he’d done, but he wasn’t finished yet. David moved his attention to the girl sitting next to him. He pictured her boobs, which were little more than B-cups. He willed, and the girl gasped as she felt her boobs begin to grow. They stopped when they’d reached D-cups, her bra strap about ready to snap. It occurred to David that a similar thing had happened to his wife. He reasoned he’d probably done it by mistake at some point. He’d have to put them back to normal when she got home. Maybe.

Now that David was sure his powers worked on people, he got more confident. David walked into the park café, got himself a coffee, and sat down at one of the tables. He could control people’s bodies, that much was clear, but what about their minds as well? David looked over at a reasonably-attractive girl, about 18 or 19, who was sat on one of the other tables. David reached out with his mind, and attempted to reach the girl’s. He managed it. All the information in the girl’s head was available to him with ease. Her name was Anna, 19, and she was just about to start college. She was waiting for her boyfriend, who was late. David then decided to try something out. If he could read her mind, maybe he could control it. He decided to start small, willing her to scratch her arm.

She did. The instant David had sent the command, Anna scratched her left arm. But he needed more proof. Something she wouldn’t normally do. So he sent her another command: “Anna, grab your boobs, and squeeze them.” To David’s surprise, Anna immediately grabbed hold of both of her breasts, and squeezed them firmly, before returning to what she was doing. One last test, David thought. He felt a little bit guilty about doing this to her, but he figured she’d enjoy it. He just sent one word to her. One command. “Orgasm.”

Anna immediately dropped her phone, and gasped, before letting out a soft moan, which she tried to stifle, to avoid attention. She clenched her legs together, as her vagina exploded, contracting pleasurably in a sudden and unexpected orgasm. David got up, and left Anna to finish her orgasm in peace.

David went home, gleeful at these discoveries. With these new powers, he could do anything! At least it looked that way. He’d certainly yet to find anything he couldn’t do with them. His mind raced with ideas for what he could do, before his eye caught a photo of him and his family, smiling and looking happy. It was then that he decided that, at least at first, he’d use his new powers to make sure that his family was happy. David sat down, and began to plan…

Jack and Molly were the first home. David was tempted to tell them about what had happened, or possibly play with them using his powers, but he opted to wait for Samantha to get home.
“Honey, I’m home!” Samantha shouted as she walked into the house. David walked up to her, and gave her a passionate kiss, grabbing her ass as he did. “Wow, someone’s happy to see me.”
“I’m always happy to see you, I love you honey,” David smiled, before kissing her again.
“I love you too. I went to the doctor, and he can’t work out what happened to my boobs. It’s like someone just waved a magic wand to make them grow.”
“Something like that…listen honey, how about we go up to our bedroom and I…welcome you home?”
“David, you know I like random sex, but I’ve gotta make dinner. But don’t worry, I’ll rock your world later.”
Samantha grinned, and went off into the kitchen.
“Oh, it’ll be me doing the world rocking tonight, I assure you,” David said to himself confidently, thinking about just what he was going to be doing to her later on.

Dinner went by rather slowly, with boring discussions about everyone’s days. David was tempted to try and see if he could fast-forward time, but he decided against it, figuring he’d save big things until he’d had more practice with his powers, though nothing so far had seemed to suggest he wouldn’t have been able to do it.

When dinner was finally over, and everything was finally cleared up, Samantha and David decided on an early night, as they were both eager to go upstairs and make sweet love to one-another. As soon as their bedroom door was shut, they grabbed hold of each-other, and made-out with a passion that only comes from true lust at first sight. David grabbed his wife’s ass, and he was about to rip her clothes off, before she broke the kiss.
“Just gimme 5 minutes to get myself ready,” she said, before running off into their en-suite bathroom, closing the door behind her.

David didn’t really understand his wife sometimes. He just wanted to fuck, so why she insisted on getting herself dolled up beforehand was beyond him, but it did give him some time to prepare. David snapped his fingers, and the bedroom lights went out, being replaced by a serious of candles scattered around the room, which created romantic mood lighting. He stuck his hands out, and rose petals shot out onto the bed.

David then went over to the mirror, and, with a wave of his hands, his clothes fell to the ground. He looked at his nude form, and decided some improvements were in order. He’d never been the fittest person, so he sucked his belly in, willing it to stay put there. He ran his finger down his stomach like a xylophone, and one-by-one, a six pack developed on him.

Next, he turned his attention to his genitals. He’d never thought he was particularly badly-endowed, but if that random kid in the park could get a boost, so should he. He snapped his fingers, sending his cock to full mast instantly. He then grabbed hold of it, and tugged on it gently. As he did, it grew, until it had doubled in both length and girth, at the same time willing it so it would always fit comfortably inside girls. He then grabbed hold of his balls, and he felt them swell until they’d also doubled in size. He also made sure they would never ever run out of semen, no matter how much or how often he shot it.

“I’ll be out in a minute baby!” Samantha shouted from the bathroom. A minute was too long for David. Now sure, he could have just willed her to come back, but he had a much better strategy in mind. He laid down on the bed, and focused on his wife, viewing her with his mind’s eye. At that moment, she was stood, totally naked, in front of the bathroom mirror, putting on some lipstick. David smirked, and focused on his wife’s vagina.
“Don’t rush yourself honey,” he said, eager for what was about to happen. “Sometimes anticipation can heighten the…pleasure.”
“Oh God!” Samantha moaned out as she felt a bolt of pleasure strike her pussy. Her knees buckled, and she grabbed onto the sink for support, as an intense wave of sexual satisfaction coursed through her groin, leaving almost as suddenly as it had arrived.

David was now just grinning inanely.
“But you know what they say about…pleasure,” He continued, Samantha having to once again catch herself on the sink as she moaned in pleasure. “Sometimes it’s really weak, but sometimes it can be rather quite…PLEASURABLE!” Samantha let out a loud moan, and her legs and arms gave way complete, causing her to fall onto the floor in pleasure. She landed right on her bottom, causing her enlarged boobs to jiggle. She spread her legs, and panted heavily.
“Holy fuck, what’s happening to me?” She asked to no-one in particular. She looked down to her pussy, which was now soaking-wet from her unexplained arousal. She felt like she could cum at any moment.

David, meanwhile, was loving this. He thrust his hands in the direction of the bathroom, sending waves of power towards it.
“Pleasurable pleasurable pleasurable pleasurable…” He began. Samantha cried out in pleasure, as her vagina exploded in the most incredible orgasm of her entire life. She laid back, and moaned loudly, hardly able to comprehend the amazing sensations rushing through her.
“Pleasurable pleasurable pleasurable…” David continued. He’d only originally intended to give his wife a normal-length, albeit EXTREMELY intense orgasm, but it was so hot watching her cum like this, so he just kept on going. Plus he wanted to see just how much she could handle. After about a minute of non-stop cumming, Samantha rolled onto her front, and humped the floor slightly, David enjoying the sight of her wiggling her ass in the air as she came.

As the minutes rolled by, David started to get slightly worried. Surely no-one could handle orgasming for this long? Samantha wasn’t looking too bad though. Her body was covered in sweat, but aside from that, she seemed to be loving it, her face one of sheer ecstasy. David peeked inside her mind, and saw nothing but sex, and how she didn’t want this orgasm to ever end.

Eventually David noticed Samantha starting to crawl slowly towards the door, apparently attempting to reach him. She got to the door, and tried to get onto her knees, in order to reach the door handle. David, feeling kind, made the door swing open with his mind, at the same time stopping his chants of “pleasurable”. When the door opened, he saw his wife, drenched in sweat, on all fours. She moaned softly, as her pussy finally began to stop orgasming. Her face simply gave off one message: “Fuck me.”

David was happy to oblige. He ran over to his wife, and picked her up by her bottom. He slammed her onto the bed, and climbed on top of her, the two of them making-out passionately. Samantha humped him vigorously, trying to get him to fuck her, but David was having none of it. At least, not yet. He was going to tease her a little.

David began kissing and licking his way down her body, starting with her neck, before making his way to her breasts. This was his first opportunity to properly examine the magical boob job he’d accidentally given her, and he had to admit, he’d done a damn fine job. Her boobs were definitely better like this.
“Oh God honey, please just fuck me…” Samantha begged.
“As you wish,” David smiled.

David grabbed hold of his wife once more, and put her on her hands and knees. He got behind her, and grabbed hold of her ass, before sliding inside her. Her pussy felt incredibly warm and wet, more so than ever before, which he attributed to the 5-minute orgasm she’d just had. It felt incredibly tight too, which David figured was because his penis was twice as large as it had previously been.

David wasted no time in starting to thrust his hips, moving in and out of his wife as fast as his human body could manage. He alternated between squeezing her ass and squeezing her boobs, both of which felt divine. David willed that the two of them wouldn’t cum, so that he could drag out this experience as long as possible, as well as tease his wife.

David felt himself reach the edge of climax quickly, but his command meant he couldn’t quite go over the edge to orgasm. The two of them fucked for nearly half an hour, before David’s willingness to hold back from orgasm reached its breaking point. He looked over at their bedside clock, which said it was 8:38pm. Lots of time to have fun. David willed their bodies to be filled with stamina, and then he made his command.
“Sam and I will orgasm for the next 8 hours,” he mentally commanded. “Starting in 3…2…1…”

David saw stars. Or rather, he felt them, as his cock practically ascended to Heaven, filling with the most intense pleasure of his entire life. He felt a large load of cum be blasted out of his cock, followed mere milliseconds later by another, which felt indescribably amazing. David felt Samantha’s vagina contract tightly around his penis as she too orgasmed, but he didn’t get to enjoy the feeling for long, because Samantha, in her pleasure, fell forward off her hands and knees, meaning that David’s cock fell out of her pussy. Their orgasms didn’t stop however, so David ending up blasting a giant load onto her back and bottom, which both of them loved.

“This is going to be a long and pleasurable night,” David thought to himself.


Author’s message: Hello there everyone! DragoTime here, with my new story. So there’s a long history behind this one. Several times during “A Boy and his Genie” I mentioned that I had another story I started that I eventually wanted to finish. Well, this isn’t it. The story I planned to write after A Boy and his Genie was one about the Goddess Aphrodite falling in love with a mortal boy, and their sexy adventures. I’d written the first thousand and a half words or so beforehand, which I actually re-wrote after A Boy and his Genie. But as I was doing that, I decided I wanted to write this story, so here we are.

Those of you who followed the links in the final chapter of A Boy and his Genie (Here’s the link: http://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/howlingsnail ) will have realised that this story is heavily inspired by my Interactive Stories. Those stories were about mortals taking over the mantel as God, and this is essentially a non-interactive version of that, which means I can do what I like without another author coming along and ruining my plotline. Don’t get me wrong, there were some amazing contributions to the Interactives, but it’s nice to be able to do your own thing.

This link is also why a lot of the angels share names with some of the genies in A Boy and His Genie. Because they were named after those angels in the stories.

Another big influence of these stories is the film Bruce Almighty, which I’ve wanted to happen to me ever since I first saw it. This is perhaps most obvious in the last sex scene of this chapter, which is obviously based on the “pleasure” scene of Bruce Almighty (Linkage for those who’ve not seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c6pDzrk2lA ), but with a DragoTime twist. Truth me told, most of the sexy stuff in this chapter is based on what I’d actually do with divine powers, because who wouldn’t want the ability to make people orgasm with a single thought?

Now some random stuff. The planets Amia lists in Chapter 01 are all references to things. Can you get them all? Speaking of references, I suppose I should reveal the ones from A Boy and his Genie Chapter 15. Someone correctly guessed one of the Doctor Who ones, with Ribos being a reference to the planet Ribos from The Ribos Operation. The other Doctor Who one was partially guessed. “It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for” were the last words of the Fourth Doctor in “Logopolis”. Someone said it was from The Time of the Doctor, which it could easily have been, since I’ve not seen it since it aired, but if it was, then it was quoting Logopolis. The Super Sentai reference no-one got. Moune is the civilian identity of Gosei Yellow from Tensou Sentai Goseiger. Likewise, Eri from the first chapter of this story is the civilian identity of Gosei Pink. Eri is perhaps more apt, because the Goseigers are angels. Someone guessed the Super Sentai reference as Timeranger, which did impress me because it means they actually knew what Super Sentai is. Or they used Google.

I think that’s it for now. Maybe. Incidentally, if you’re reading this without having read A Boy and his Genie, then please do so. It was my story before this, and I’d very much like you to read it.

Next time: Samantha wants answers.

Edit: Yes, there will be a plot to this.