Desparate Measures

A couple were having financial problems until finally they couldn’t stand it any more. The husband said to his wife that is was necessary for her to make some money through prostitution to get by.
So the husband drove her to the place where she had to do the job and in the evening he picked her up again.
“So, how much have you earned today?” the husband asked.
“Well”, the woman responded, “I’ve made one hundred dollars and fifty cents.”
“That’s strange”, the husband responded, “who gave you the fifty cents?”
Said the woman: “All of them, of course!”

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anonymous readerReport

2012-05-23 03:37:18

anonymous readerReport

2012-05-23 03:34:53

Anonymous readerReport

2009-10-04 06:13:27
yo , all of u are retards cant u just enjoy da joke n get over it . fukin haters

2x DReport

2009-09-01 04:04:19
She had sex with 201 men since you think ur so smart do the math while ur getting angry for no reason

Anonymous readerReport

2009-08-28 19:46:01
no retard, it says all of the guys paid her 50c each. so she did 210 guys. your retarded and wrong, he’s smart and right.